Connecting Machines and Devices
Connecting Machines and Devices
SUCCESS STORY Echelon Corp. FastObjects Connecting Machines and Devices From the Louvre in Paris, to the New York City subway system – Echelon’s control applications make our lives more comfortable, convenient, and safe. In the core of Echelon’s LonWorks ecosystem: A Versant embedded object-oriented database. “We’re very pleased with the Versant object-oriented database. The database just works and is fully integrated into our application model. Technical Support is not needed much, but when needed, the support team is great. We don’t spend time worrying about mapping objects, or writing low-level object migration code. We have recommended the Versant database to other projects in the past and would enthusiastically do so again.” Jim Von De Bur, Manager of Software Tools, Echelon Corp. Challenge Echelon is a pioneer and world leader in control networks and embedded control networks, which connect machines and other electronic devices. They needed an embedded database compatible with the object-oriented application model. Solution Versant embedded object databases are capable of handling the 70+ application classes, with up to 32,000 device instances on one network, including deep inheritance hierarchies, complex relationships among application objects, and high performance to store and retrieve a persistent network size of several hundred megabytes. Results Echelon created the LonWorks platform, an extremely robust, flexible, and expandable standards-based control networking platform and ecosystem upon which manufacturers can build products and applications with unparalleled reliability, security, operational integrity, flexibility, and bottom-line value. The Versant embedded object-oriented database offers developers more productivity, high performance at runtime, and the economy of a low maintenance database. Embedded Control Networks Echelon is a pioneer and world leader in control networks, which connect machines and other electronic devices, and embedded control networks, which are networks inside machines that connect tiny sensors and actuators that comprise the workings of a machine. SUCCESS STORY Echelon Corp. Echelon created the LonWorks platform, an extremely robust, flexible, and expandable standards-based control networking platform and ecosystem upon which manufacturers can build products and applications with unparalleled reliability, security, operational integrity, flexibility, and bottom-line value. LonWorks is the world’s most widely adopted standard for automating everyday devices and systems. Hundreds of millions of people have experienced a LonWorks based control network. They’re used everywhere – from the Louvre to the New York City subway system to Rhoponghi Hills in Tokyo – to create control applications that make our lives more comfortable, convenient, and safe. OO-Database Required A predecessor of LNS was introduced in 1991, using procedural code and an embedded record oriented/ relational data storage toolkit. As object-oriented programming began to emerge, the team realized that using object-oriented programming was the most productive way to add features and power to the system. At the same time, the team realized that the record oriented storage toolkit was an obstacle to object-oriented development and a big usability problem because it exposed the embedded database structure to their broad OEM programmer community. They needed an embedded database compatible with the object-oriented application model, capable of handling the 70+ application classes, with up to 32,000 device About Actian: Incite Action instances on one deepforinheritance Actian Corporation is the network, first to unveil aincluding Cloud Action Platform building Action Apps. Action Apps are lightweight consumer-style applications that automate business actions hierarchies, complex relationships among application triggered by real-time changes in data. Actian products incite action at more than 10,000 customers worldwide by driving their mission critical workloads and providing objects, and high performance to store/retrieve a rapid action insights to their data. Actian is headquartered in Redwood City, California with offices in New York, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, and Melbourne. persistent network size of several hundred megabytes. In 1994, the first version of LNS was introduced using the power of object-oriented programming in C++ and object-oriented database. The LNS server uses an object-oriented model in memory of the complete network and all of the inter-element (peer-to-peer) relationships of each network element. This model creates the “program” for the network, initializing each network element so that it can perform the desired roles. Such a rich model is ideally suited to the use of the OO-database and its powerful capability to store and query objects. Embedded for Seamless Deployment The database is embedded for seamless deployment, and requires no database tools or administration. The automatic schema modification and data migration capabilities of the Versant database make it easy to enhance and evolve the LNS management system. The Echelon development team has never been constrained by the database in enhancing functionality. When a major release occurs, with new features, capabilities, and new database schema, the built-in tools of the database automatically migrate the installed customer databases, with no database or programming expertise required by the servicing partner, or the customer. The LonWorks ecosystem is an impressive example of creating a highly productive, industry-leading product and ecosystem, based on a powerful and agile objectAbout Actian Vectorwise oriented code base and for andeveloping object-oriented database. Vectorwise is the foundational technology Action Apps on the Cloud Action Platform. An analytic engine that’s strong enough to handle today’s information It offers developers more overload, Vectorwise can power through milesproductivity, of data in seconds, high speedingperformance analysis and delivering instant insight to business users when and where they need it, whether that’s at runtime, and the economy of a low maintenance to a PC in the office or a mobile device in the field. database, with no database administration required. Chances are that you’ve interacted with a LonWorks Actian Corporation Actian Europe Limited Actian Germany GmbH Actian France Australia Pty Ltd Advantage in Time to Market network, managed by the Versant Actian database, embedded in 500 ARGUELLO STREET 217 BATH ROAD OHMSTRASSE 12 Immeuble Gabriel Voisin LEVEL 8, SUITE 1 SUITE 200 estimates that using SLOUGHthe Versant database 63225 LANGEN 79 rue Jean-Jacques 616industrial ST. KILDA ROAD Echelon building controls, transportation, or equipment. REDWOOD CITY BERKSHIRE, SL1 4AA GERMANY Rousseau MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, 3004 resulted 94063 in a six month advantage in time to market, CALIFORNIA UNITED KINGDOM 92150 Suresnes AUSTRALIA PHONE:and +49 (0) 6103.9881.0 USA FRANCE PHONE: +44 (0) 17.5355.9500 PHONE: +61 3.8530.1700 saved several “developer years” while simultaneously Deployed by OEMs Worldwide PHONE: +1.650.587.5500 phone: +33 (0) WEIMARER STR. 1A D-98693 ILMENAU enabling the team to implement more powerful features. The majority of LonWorks devices are deployed by GERMANY PHONE: +49 (0) 3677.6785.0 In addition, there are significant ongoing developer Echelon’s OEMs, many of them world leaders in their productivity gains when enhancing and maintaining own industries, who add domain specific hardware and the code base. software capabilities to the LonWorks platform. ACTIAN.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO: FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT [email protected] ©2012 Actian Corporation. All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Actian, Cloud Action Platform, Ingres, and VectorWise Vectorwise are ©2011 are trademarks trademarks of of Actian Actian Corporation. Corporation. All All other other trademarks, trademarks, trade trade names, names, service service marks, marks, and and logos logos referenced referenced herein herein belong belong to to their their respective respective companies. companies. SUCCESS STORY Echelon Corp. As of 2009, about 50 million intelligent LonWorks network devices have been installed into about 1 million individual networks. Many of these instances are configured using the LNS management system, powered by the Versant database. The branding, promotion, and compatibility testing and certification of this platform is coordinated by the independent trade organization, LonMark International. LonMark has over 400 members using the LonWorks platform. The platform is an international open standard, ISO/IEC 14908-1. Echelon supplies products to original equipment manufacturers, systems integrators, utilities, and value-added resellers from offices in the U.S., U.K., China, Japan, Germany, France, South Korea, and The Netherlands, as well as channel partners throughout the Americas, Asia, and Europe. About Echelon Echelon Corporation (NASDAQ: ELON) is leading the worldwide transformation of the electricity grid into a smart, communicating energy control network, connecting utilities to their customers, enabling networking of everyday devices, and providing customers with energy aware homes and businesses that react to conditions on the grid. The energy control network is profoundly different from communications networks. Where communications networks inform people and move data from the edge to centralized data centers for decision making, energy control networks have smart devices at the edge that use embedded rules to analyze and act, immediately, locally, and with extreme reliability where they are needed most. About Actian: Incite Action About Actian Vectorwise AboutCorporation Actian: Take Action Big Data Actian is the first on to unveil a Cloud Action Platform for building Action Apps. Vectorwise is the foundational technology for developing Action Apps on the Cloud ActianApps Corporation enables consumer-style organizations toapplications transform big data into business value with data management solutions to transact, analyze, Action are lightweight that automate business actions Action Platform. An analytic engine that’s strong enough to handle today’s information and takeby automated across theirActian business operations. 10,000 action on their big through data miles of data in seconds, speeding analysis and triggered real-timeaction changes in data. products incite Actian action helps at more than customers worldwide overload,take Vectorwise can power with Action Apps, worldwide Vectorwiseby thedriving analytical Ingres workloads an independent mission-critical OLTP database, and insight Versanttoobject-oriented 10,000 customers theirdatabase, mission critical and providing delivering instant business users when and where they need it, whether that’s databases. headquartered in California with offices New York, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Melbourne. rapid action Actian insightsis to their data. Actian is headquartered in in Redwood City,London, California to a Hamburg, PC in the office or a mobile device in the field. Stayoffices connected with Actian Corporation on Facebook, Twitter and with in New York, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, andLinkedIn. Melbourne. Actian, Action Apps, Ingres, Vectorwise and Versant are trademarks of Actian Corporation. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Actian Corporation Actian Europe Limited Actian Germany GmbH Actian France Actian Australia Pty Ltd 500 ARGUELLO STREET SUITE Actian 200 Corporation REDWOOD CITY STREET 500 ARGUELLO CALIFORNIA SUITE 200 94063 USA REDWOOD CITY PHONE: +1.650.587.5500 CALIFORNIA 94063 . USA PHONE: +1.650.587.5500 217 BATH ROAD SLOUGH Actian Europe Limited BERKSHIRE, SL1 4AA 217 BATH ROAD UNITED SLOUGHKINGDOM PHONE: +44 (0) 17.5355.9500 BERKSHIRE, SL1 4AA OHMSTRASSE 12 63225 ActianLANGEN Germany GmbH GERMANY OHMSTRASSE 12 PHONE: +49 (0) 6103.9881.0 63225 LANGEN Immeuble Gabriel Voisin 79Actian rue Jean-Jacques France Rousseau Immeuble Gabriel Voisin 92150 Suresnes 79 rue Jean-Jacques FRANCE Rousseau phone: +33 (0) 92150 Suresnes LEVEL 8, SUITE 1 616 ST. KILDA ROAD Actian Australia Pty Ltd MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, 3004 LEVEL 8, SUITE 1 AUSTRALIA 616 ST. KILDA ROAD PHONE: +61 3.8530.1700 MELBOURNE, VICTORIA, 3004 Versant Europe versant gmbh halenreie 42 22359 hamburg germany PHONE: +49 40 60990.0 GERMANY WEIMARER STR. 1A PHONE: +49 (0) 6103.9881.0 D-98693 ILMENAU GERMANY WEIMARER STR. 1A PHONE: +49 (0) 3677.6785.0 D-98693 ILMENAU FRANCE phone: +33 (0) AUSTRALIA PHONE: +61 3.8530.1700 GERMANY PHONE: +49 (0) 3677.6785.0 ACTIAN.COM ACTIAN.COM FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO: FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT [email protected] FOR MORE INFORMATION, GO TO: ©2012Corporation. Vectorwise are trademarks of Actian Corporation. rights reserved. Printed in theActian, U.S.A. Cloud Actian,Action CloudPlatform, Action Platform, Ingres, andand VectorWise are trademarks trademarks of of ©2013 ©2011 Actian All rightsAllreserved. Printed in the U.S.A. Ingres, Vectorwise Versant are Actian Corporation. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. Actian Corporation. Corporation. All All other other trademarks, trademarks, trade trade names, names, service service marks, marks, and and logos logos referenced referenced herein herein belong belong to to their their respective respective companies. companies. Actian SS_021513 UNITED KINGDOM PHONE: +44 (0) 17.5355.9500
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