Garden Map and Plant list - University of Illinois College of
Garden Map and Plant list - University of Illinois College of
UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE Poisonous Plant Garden T he University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Poisonous Plant Garden is student conceived and operated. For over 20 years it has served to educate veterinarians, students (elementary through college), and the general public. The garden is located on the northwest corner of the College of Veterinary Medicine campus (adjacent to St. Mary’s Road). It contains over ninety species of plants native to Illinois or commonly used as ornamentals or house plants. These plants are potentially hazardous to a range of animal species including humans. The garden is managed by 1 or 2 students, selected yearly, and a college faculty advisor. These students provide the planning and labor required for spring planting, garden management through the summer, and fall cleanup. It is the student curators’ energy, dedication and enthusiasm that have been the hallmark and primary force behind the garden’s success. A guided tour for students or other groups may be arranged in advance. Questions, suggestions and requests for additional information should be directed to: Dr. Michael Biehl, Faculty Advisor (217) 244-4649 [email protected] Poisonous Plant Garden Student Curators Founding Student Curator: Paula Bratich 1992–1993 1993–1994 1994–1995 1995–1996 1996–1997 1997–1998 1998–1999 Wendy Grethen David Curbo George Langan Bryan McGoldrick Michael Sanborn Kim Carlson Jamie Kenyon 2000–2001 2001–2002 2002–2003 2003–2004 2004–2005 2005–2006 2006–2007 Maria Cotner Rob Swinger Rebecca Dieter Marianne Krumdick Jill Horton Edward Holub Ashley Elzerman 2007–2008 2008–2009 2009–2010 2010–2011 2011–2012 2012–2013 Richard Hill Kelly Spence Paul Meade Lisa Sebree Jason Kennell Lindsey Preston Anna Stobnicki Important Information DO NOT HANDLE OR CONSUME ANY PARTS OF PLANTS IN THE GARDEN. In order to keep children and pets safe, be sure they remain under adult supervision. If a poisonous plant is consumed by a person or pet you should: 1. Obtain a sample including all parts of the plant. 2. Estimate the quantity eaten. 3. Estimate frequency and duration of exposure, and time of onset and nature of clinical signs. 4. Contact a physician or veterinarian immediately (see Additional Resources). Note: The toxic effects of plants vary with the health status, age, and species of the individual affected. Time of year, humidity, growth conditions, and growth stage, among other factors, influence a plant’s toxicity. Additional Resources To Give Your Support For further information regarding potentially poisonous plants please refer to the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center website at The progress and maintenance of the garden is primarily made possible through donations of money, seeds, plants, equipment, supplies, time and advice. If an animal has been exposed to a poisonous plant, contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center at (888) 426-4435. Please make your contribution in support of the garden by: 1. Donating online at advancement/giving.html by selecting Poisonous Plant Garden Fund for your donation destination, or 2. Sending a check with your contribution to: University of Illinois Foundation Harker Hall 1305 West Green Street Urbana, IL 61801 Please note on the lower left of your check that it is for the UI Poisonous Plant Garden See the list of previous donors in the back of this brochure. Thank You! If the animal is experiencing significant clinical distress call the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine Emergency Room at (217) 333-5300. If a human has been exposed to a poisonous plant, contact the Illinois Poison Control Center at (800) 222-1222. Garden Map S Plot 12 Plot 11 Plot 13 Plot 10 Plot 14 Plot 9 Plot 15 Plot 8 Plot 16 Plot 7 Plot 6 Plot 17 Plot 18 Plot 5 Plot 19 Plot 4 Plot 20 Plot 3 Plot 21 Plot 2 Plot 22 shade houses GARDEN ENTRANCE St Marys Road Plot 1 pasture fence N Plot 1 Plant Red Maple Acer rubrum, Aceraceae Toxic Parts pollen, green or dried leaves Toxic Principle unknown constituents Signs depression, anorexia, methemoglobin hemolytic anemia, dehydration Jack-in-the-Pulpit Arisaema triphyllum, Araceae all parts insoluble calcium oxalate crystals histamine releasers immediate irritation and burning of mouth, tongue, lips, and throat; excessive salivation; difficult breathing Bittersweet Nightshade Solanum dulcamara, Solanaceae foliage and green berries solanine and solanidine anorexia and abdominal pain; drowsiness, dry mouth, labored breathing, nausea, and diarrhea Bloodroot Sanguinaria canadensis, Papaveraceae Mayapple Podophyllum peltatum, Berberidaceae all parts sanguinarine alkaloid severe irritation and extreme stomatitis and gastroenteritis if ingested unripe fruit, leaves, roots podophyllin which arrests cellular mitosis in metaphase laxative effect with severe purging, vomiting, gastroenteritis Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle hyoscyamine, scopolamine, atropine Signs thirst, hyperirritability, disturbed vision, delirium, rapid heart beat, dry mouth, dilated pupils, colic, anorexia all parts atropine, hypocyamine, scopolamine dilated eyes, dry throat, rapid heart beat, excitement roots, berries, stems, leaves solanine and solanidine hypersalivation, anorexia, progressive muscle weakness, seizures, dilated pupils Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle thiaminase (active in nonruminants) Signs unthriftiness, loss of condition, staggering gait, rapid pulse all parts thiaminase (active in nonruminants) unthriftiness, loss of condition, convulsions, staggering gait, rapid pulse fruit, bark, leaves glycoside ligustrin, saponins vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and death in severe cases all parts, esp. roots, shoots, and unripe berries triterpene saponins, mitogens, glycoproteins, asparagine, oxalate initial burning in mouth, severe cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, blurred vision, excessive salivation, weakness, seizures, coma in severe cases Plot 2 Plot 2 Jimsonweed Datura stramonium Solanaceae Belladonna Atropa belladonna Solanaceae Bull Nettle Solanum carolinense Solanaceae Plot 3 Plant Scouring rush Equisetum hyemale Equistaceae Field horsetail Equisetum arvense Equistaceae Privet Ligustrum vulgare, Oleaceae Pokeweed Phytolacca americana Phytolaccacea Plot 4 Plant Corn Cockle Agrostemma githago Caryophyllaceae Bouncing Bet Saponaria officinalis Caryophyllaceae Castor bean Ricinus communis Euphorbiaceae Toxic Part all parts, esp. seeds Toxic Principle githagenein, saponin Signs gastrointestinal upset, “cheesy” discharge in mouth (birds), slow breathing, dizziness, weakness all parts, esp. seeds saponins CNS and cardiac depression, gastrointestinal upset all parts, esp. seeds phytotoxin ricin (one of the most deadly substances known) which inhibits protein synthesis burning of mouth and throat, nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fast weak pulse, muscle twitching, fever, weakness, death Toxic Part all parts, esp. when young Toxic Principle pyrrolizidine alkaloids Signs liver damage, dullness, staggering, abdominal pain, possible hepatogenous photosensitization all parts, esp. roots aconitine, alkaloids restlessness, salivation, nausea, vomiting, death all parts furocoumarins photosensitization, blistering of skin all parts hypericin photosensitization, increased heart and respiration rate, fever, diarrhea Plant Purple Foxglove Digitalis purpurea Scrophalariacea Lupine Lupinus sp. Leguminosae Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle digitoxin, digoxin, gitoxin, and other cardiac glycosides Signs irregular heartbeat, heart block, mental confusion, convulsions, weakness, weight loss, death possible seed pods, foliage vomiting, increased salivation, general distress, birth defects in herbivores Lambsquarters Chenopodium album Chenopodiaceae Sago Palm Cycas revoluta Cycadaceae all parts quinolizidine alkaloids, lupinine, sparteine, anagyrine in cattle (teratogen), ammodendrine (teratogen) nitrate, oxalate Plot 5 Plant Prairie Groundsel Senecio pauperculus Asteraceae Monkshood Aconitum columbianum Ranunculaceae Wild Parsnip Pastinaca sativa, Apiaceae St. Johnswort Hypericum perforatum Hyperiaceae Plot 6 headache, flushing skin, vomiting, dizziness, reduced blood pressure all parts, esp seeds cycasin vomiting, diarrhea, increased thirst, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, bruising, coagulopathy, liver failure, death Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle variety of toxins including saponins, cyanogenic glycosides and tannins Signs diarrhea, vomiting, stomach cramps, nausea, dizziness all parts hydrangin nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea all parts calcium oxalate crystals, proteolytic enzymes which trigger release of kinins, histamine immediate irritating or burning sensation of mouth, tongue, lips, pharyngeal swelling, difficulty breathing Plot 7 Plant Elderberry Sambucus canadensis Caprifoliaceae Hydrangea Hydrabgea macrophylla Hydrangeaceae Dumbcane Dieffenbachia “Exotica” Araceae Plot 8 Plant Brome Bromus rubens, Poaceae Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Solanaceae Toxic Parts seedhead if fungus is present Toxic Principle several alkaloids including ergot alkaloids in fungal elements, nitrate Signs gangrene, decreased milk production leaves, vines, sprouts tomatine and tomatidine hypersalivation, anorexia, depression, diarrhea, drowsiness, atropine-like effects Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle grayanotoxin Signs hypersalivation, nasal discharge, vomiting, nausea, incoordination, weakness, cardiac arrhythmias, coma, death all parts cardiac glycosides: oleandrin, oleandroside, nerioside and neriin (similar to digitoxin) irritation of mouth, abdominal pain, cardiac arrhythmias, fever, vomiting, dilated pupils, tremors followed by progressive paralysis seedhead if fungus is present several alkaloids including ergot alkaloids in fungal element, nitrate muscle trembling, incoordination, convulsions, painful muscle contractions, lameness Plant Schefflera actinophylla Araliaceae Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle calcium oxylate crystals Caladium Caladium bicolor, Araceae Smartweed Polygonum spp. all parts calcium oxylate crystals Signs oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips, tongue, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing. oral irritation, intense burning to mouth, gastrointestinal upset all parts may contain toxic levels of nitrates photosensitization and contact dermatitis Toxic Parts all parts if contact when broken Toxic Principle oily-resin uroshiol Signs itching, burning, and hyperemic skin, blisters, secondary infections may occur leaves, seeds, pods the alkaloid cytisine, which acts like nicotine intense pain, profuse diarrhea, straining, muscle paralysis, depression, convulsions, death all parts calcium oxalate crystals, proteolytic enzymes Oral irritation, intense burning and irritation of the mouth, lips, tongue, excessive drooling, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing. Plant Toxic Parts Toxic Principle Signs Black Walnut Juglans nigra Juglandaceae wood shavings juglone, unknown constituents laminitis, toxic to fish Plot 9 Plant Azalea Rhododendron sp. Ericaceae Oleander Nerium oleander Apocynaceae Ryegrass Lolium perenne, Poaceae Plot 10 Plot 11 Plant Poison Ivy Toxicodendron radicans Anacardiaceae Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioica Leguminosae Philodendron Philodendron sp. Araceae SE Corner Plot 12 Plant English Ivy Hedera helix, Araliaceae Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra Hippocastanaceae Horse Chestnut Aesculus hippocastanum Hippocastanaceae Creeping Charlie Glechoma hederacea, Lamiaceae Toxic Parts all parts, esp. berries Toxic Principle hederagenin which is a saponin Signs diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, convulsions seeds, leaves, flowers the glycosidic saponin, aesculin inflammation of mucous membranes, nervousness, twitching, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea all parts the glycosidic saponin, aesculin and a possible narcotic alkaloid vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, muscle trembling, respiratory paralysis, bloat, death all parts not known, possibly glechomanolide or sapogenin colic, sweating, excess salivation, death Plant Toxic Parts Toxic Principle Signs Wild Mustard Brassica kaber, Cruciferae Cocklebur Xanthium Strumarium Compositae Cabbage Brassica oleracea, Cruciferae all parts, esp. seeds glucosinolates and breakdown products, nitrate vomiting (sometimes bloody), diarrhea, liver and skeletal abnormalities, goiter, anemia seedlings carboxyatractyloside, various sesquiterpene lactones vomiting, weakness, spasms, weak pulse, anorexia, liver damage, hypoglycemia all parts, esp. seeds glucosinolates and breakdown products, nitrate vomiting (sometimes bloody), diarrhea, liver and skeletal abnormalities, goiter, anemia Plant Toxic Parts Toxic Principle Signs Catnip Nepeta cataria, Lamiaceae all parts neptalactone vomiting if large quantity is eaten, malaise Kale Brassica oleracea Cruciferae all parts, esp. seeds S-methyl cysteine sulfoxide, glucosinolates & breakdown products, nitrate vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice, anemia, growth retardation Poison Hemlock Conium maculatum, Apiaceae all parts, esp. seeds the nicotine-like alkaloid coniine, & the teratogen coniceine, cicutoxin burning sensation in mouth, difficulty in swallowing, anorexia, death possibly due to paralysis of muscles of respiration, birth defects Broccoli Brassica oleracea, Cruciferae all parts, esp. seeds glucosinolates & breakdown products vomiting, diarrhea, anemia, jaundice, growth retardation Toxic Parts all parts when moldy or damaged Toxic Principle dicoumarol in damaged hay or forage which interferes with recycling of vitamin K Signs failure of blood to clot, severe hemorrhage and hemorrhage related problems all parts when moldy or damaged dicoumarol in damaged hay or forage which interferes with recycling of vitamin K failure of blood to clot, severe hemorrhage and hemorrhage-related problems all parts unknown nervousness, digestive disorders, liver damage, photodermatitis, diarrhea all parts when moldy slaframine in the fungal elements of Rhizoctonia legumunicola excessive salivation, urination, defecation all parts, esp. seeds glucosinolates and breakdown products gastrointestinal upset, bloody diarrhea, liver and skeletal abnormalities, goiter, anemia leaves contains soluble oxalates Plot 13 Plot 14 Plot 15 Plants White Sweet Clover Melilotus alba Leguminosae Yellow Sweet Clover Melilotus officinalis Leguminosae Alsike Clover Trifolium hybridum, Leguminosae Red Cover Trifolium pratense, Leguminosae Field Pennycress Thlaspi arvense, Cruciferae Oxalis Clover Oxalis pes-caprae Plot 16 Plant Buckthorn Rhamnus cathartica Rhamnaceae Toxic Parts fruit and bark Toxic Principle anthraquinone glycoside (hydroxymethyl- anthraquinone) Signs nausea, emesis and catharsis Toxic Parts leaves, bark, seeds Toxic Principle cyanogenic glycoside Signs rapid respiration soon labored, apprehensive, bright red blood, death bark, twigs, seeds amygdalin which is broken down to cyanide rapid respiration, soon becomes labored, apprehensive, bright red blood, death all parts hemerocallin, unknown constituents kidney failure in cats, incoordination, blindness bulbs and foliage narcissine-like alkaloids severe gastrointestinal upset, vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis bulbs alkaloids such as narcissine, narcipoietin, and lycorin difficulty in swallowing, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, trembling Plant Toxic Parts Toxic Principle Signs Rhubarb Rheum rhaponticum Polygonacea leaves soluble oxalates nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea, excessive salivation, staggering, convulsions, death Toxic Parts foliage and berries Toxic Principle lantanin, lantadene A, hepatogenous photosensitizer Signs constipation, bile stasis, severe gastroenteritis, dilated pupils, liver damage, photosensitization all parts nitrate, protease inhibitors diarrhea, vomiting, tremors, difficult breathing, convulsions all parts nitrate, oxalate and unknown compound(s) weakness, trembling, incoordination, sternal recumbency, perirenal edema, kidney failure seeds, sap, all parts unknown constituents vomiting, diarrhea, dermatitis, possible coma in swine all parts nitrate, possible high selenium, mycotoxins when moldy brown blood, cyanotic mucous membranes, collapse, weak heartbeat, hyperventilation; effects of mycotoxins vary all parts apocynin, glucosides, cardenolides rise in body temperature, sweating, strong pulse, cold extremities, dilated pupils, gastric upset Plot 17 Plant Chokecherry Prunus virginiana Rosaceae Wild Black Cherry Prunus serotina Rosaceae Daylily Hemerocallis fulva Liliaceae Hyacinth Hyacinthus orientalis Liliaceae Daffodil Narcissus sp. Liliaceae Plot 18 Plot 19 Plant Lantana Lantana camara Verbenaceae Soybean Glycine max Leguminosae Red Root Pigweed Amaranthus retroflexus Amaranthaceae Black Eyed Susan Rudbeckia Corn Zea mays Poaceae Prairie Dogbane Apocynum sibiricum Apocynaceae Plot 20 Plant American Holly Ilex opaca Aquifoliaceae Curley Dock Rumex crispus Polygonaceae Broadleaf Milkweed Ascelpias syriaca Asclepidaceae Buttercups Ranunculus sp. Ranunculaceae Toxic Parts fruit, leaves Toxic Principle glycosides, saponins, theobromine in some spp. Signs vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, hemolytic anemia all parts nitrates, photosensitizers, soluble oxalates anorexia, severe ataxia, depression, reduced milk production, abortion, prostration, death all parts, esp. stems and leaves asclepiadin, asclepion, galitoxin intestinal inflammation, fever, difficulty with breathing, anorexia, irregular pulse, dilated pupils, later tetanic seizures, bloat, death all parts esp. irritant sap acrid yellow oil, protoanemonin acute burning in mouth and throat, vision impairment, paralysis, dizziness Plant Wild Chives Allium schoenoprasum Liliaceae Toxic Parts all parts if eaten in quantity Toxic Principle N-propyl disulfide, S-methylcysteine sulfoxide Signs digestive disturbances, hemolytic anemia, reddiscolored urine, weakness, anorexia Ground Cherry Physalis sp. Solanaceae green foliage, unripe fruit solanine and atropine-like alkaloids CNS depression, rapid respiration, nausea, diarrhea, muscle weakness, paralysis Toxic Parts acorns in large quantities, buds, stems Toxic Principle gallotannin Signs constipation, bloody stools, kidney damage, abdominal pain, extreme thirst, frequent urination all parts convallarin, convallamarin, convallatoxin anorexia, irregular heartbeat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, confusion all parts tremetol and toxic metabolites eliminated in milk weakness, sluggishness, stiffness, severe vomiting, tremors, loss of appetite, delirium, acetone smell, death, cardiac failure in horses all parts, esp. roots thiaminase, carcinogenic factors ptaquiloside cyanogenic glycoside weight loss, listlessness, convulsions in horses; bloody urine, tumors of the urinary tract in cattle seeds D-lysergic acid, D-isolysergic acid, ergonovine tremors, incoordination, piloerection, hypersensitivity to touch Toxic Parts all parts Toxic Principle taxine, other alkaloids that depress electro-chemical conduction in heart Signs dizziness and dry mouth, excitement, difficult breathing trembling, diarrhea, cardiac failure, death Plot 21 Plot 22 Plant Red Oak Quercus rubra Fagaceae Lily-of-the-Valley Convallaria majalis Liliaceae White Snakeroot Eupatorium rugosum Asteraceae Bracken Fern Pteridium aquilinum Polypodiaceae Morning Glory Ipomoea tricolor Convolvulaceae North Fence Plant Japanese Yew Taxus cuspidata, Tacaceae Thank You to Our Supporters Monetary Contributions: Dr. Chris Ashworth Dr. Kurt Arnold Dr. Val Beasley Dr. Richard Bevill Dr. Michael Biehl Dr. Dennis J. Blodgett Dr. Paula Bratich Carle Foundation Hospital Covenant Hospital Dr. David C. Dorman . Dr. David Gross Illini FS, Inc. Dept. of Comparative Biosciences Dr. Anita M. Kore Dr. Richard J. Lambert Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Pfizer Foundation Purina Mills, Inc. Dr. Harry Reynolds Ringwood Animal Hospital Sandoz Crop Protection Dr. Walter Stein Union Health Service, Inc. Dr. William Wagner Mrs. Mitsuko Williams Gifts in Kind, Plants, or Supplies Allerton Park Anita Purves Nature Center Dr. Val Beasley Mr. Steve Bialobreski Dr. Michael Biehl Dr. Dennis J. Blodgett Dr. Paula Bratich Dr. & Mrs. Alan Elzerman F & J Seed Services Mrs. Judie Fair Mrs. Rhonda Feree FS Farmtown Store Grieder Sod & Landscaping Dr. Jeffrey Hall Heath’s Outdoor Center Hidden Acres Nursery Hohulin Bros. Fence Co. Mr. George Hornbrook Mr. Daryl Huffstetler Mr. Gary D. Huisinga University of Illinois Sheep Farm Urbana Landscape Recycling Center Illini Fence Master, Inc. Dr. Almut Jones Dr. and Mrs. Ellery Knake Mr. James Kramer Mr. Joe Kunkel Dr. John Masuinas Dr. Marshall McGlamery Ms. Theresa Meers Mr. David Monk Ms. Dawn Nordby Prairie Gardens Dr. Ken Robertson Ropp’s Flower Factory Mr. Jim Schmidt Sunnyfield Greenhouse and Gardens Valley Seed Service Dr. Petra Volmer Dr. David Williams Dr. Herb Whiteley Winston’s Black Dog Treats Designed by the Design Group @ Vet Med • • 6/22/2012 College of Veterinary Medicine UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS