Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 I July 28, 2015 A
Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 I July 28, 2015 A
July 28, 2015 A Regular Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury was held on July 28, 2015 at the Municipal Building located at 1715 Route 46 in Ledgewood, New Jersey at 7:30 PM. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OPEN PUBLIC MEETING STATEMENT Adequate notice of this Meeting of the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury was given as required by the Open Public Meetings Act as follows: On December 16, 2014, notice was faxed to the Daily Record, the Newark Star Ledger, The Roxbury Register and published in the Daily Record; notice shall also remain posted throughout the year on the bulletin board in the main hallway of the Municipal Building. ROLL CALL (Present): Deputy Mayor Gary Behrens Councilman Fred Hall Councilman Martin Schmidt Councilman Richard Zoschak Mayor Jim Rilee Absent: Councilman Mark Crowley Councilman Robert DeFillippo Also Present: Christopher Raths, Township Manager Anthony M. Bucco, Township Attorney Amy Rhead, Township Clerk Staff: Melanie Michetti, Senior Asst. to Township Engineer Paul LaBell, Road Department Supervisor Other: approximately ten (10) members of the St. Therese youth ministry group (departure 7:40 p.m.) Public: approximately nine (9) members of the public were in attendance; Fred Aun, TAPinto reporter PRESENTATIONS, AWARDS, ETC A. Cardboard Box City Project Deacon Bruce Olsen, Reverend Marc Mancini and several members of the St. Therese Youth Group were in attendance. Deacon Olsen gave an overview of some of the volunteer activities the Youth Group has participated in to assist communities in need. Member Jennifer Kobza spoke about the first annual Cardboard City event which will consist of groups of teenagers spending a night sleeping in a cardboard box to raise money and awareness about homelessness. The event will take place on the grounds of Saint Therese from July 31st through August 1st. Proceeds from the event will be donated to Homeless Solutions in Morristown. Each participant has also been asked to contribute a can of food to donate to Roxbury’s Social Service program. B. MSA Update to Council by Melanie Michetti Ms. Michetti provided an overview of Roxbury’s wastewater reserve capacity, usage, and proportional cost responsibilities as detailed in the sewer service contract with the Musconetcong Sewerage Authority (MSA). She reported on MSA’s capital projects, current debt and fund balance. Ms. Michetti advised that Roxbury will be receiving a credit in the amount of $113,931 from the MSA, attributing the one-time credit to recently received FEMA reimbursements from past storm events. She also spoke of efforts that are underway to develop an Asset Management Plan that will complement the MSA’s capital plan. C. Proclamation – Olde Suckasunny Day Mayor Rilee read the following proclamation: Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 I WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury declares that Saturday, September 12, 2015, shall be Olde Suckasunny Day in Roxbury Township; and WHEREAS, the public is invited to join in the fun and festivities that will be held as a Block Party on Main Street in Succasunna; and WHEREAS, all children attending these festivities are ordered to enjoy the games, contests, entertainment and races; and WHEREAS, the Township Council recognizes the efforts of the employees and volunteers associated with the Roxbury Public Library, First Presbyterian Church, and United Methodist Church that make Olde Suckasunny Day possible. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that I, Jim Rilee, Mayor of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby proclaim Saturday, September 12, 2015 as “OLDE SUCKASUNNY DAY” in the Township of Roxbury and that the Township Council joins me in ordering FREE FUN FOR ALL! D. Quarterly Reports – 2nd Quarter Mr. Raths summarized the quarterly revenues and expenses. Mr. Raths and Council Members commended the Tax Collector’s Department for the increase in collection rates noting that the Township has to collect county and school taxes, as well. Mayor Rilee commented on the increase in the number of smoke detectors that are being checked when there is a change in tenancy. A discussion took place regarding the upcoming expiration of the sanitation collection services contract and when the Township should go out to bid. APPROVAL OF MINUTES May 27, 2014 – Regular Meeting Councilman Zoschak made a motion to approve the above-listed minutes. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Behrens – Yes Councilman Schmidt – Yes Mayor Rilee – Abstain Councilman Hall – Abstain Councilman Zoschak – Yes Motion carried 3 to 0 with two abstentions. PUBLIC PORTION (3 Minutes/1 Appearance per Individual) Dennis Wine 4 Holly Drive, Succasunna Mr. Wine asked for additional details on the grant funding referenced in Resolution No. 2015-239, “A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSERTION OF AN ITEM OF REVENUE IN THE 2015 BUDGET FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR A HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE GENERATOR PROJECT AT FIRE CO. #2”. Mr. Raths explained that the funding was awarded to purchase a generator for the firehouse due to the possibility of loss of power being considered a hazard. Mr. Raths credited Mike Kobylarz, Township Engineer, for his efforts in successfully applying for and receiving this grant. Mr. Wine responded favorably, as well. Mr. Wine also asked about check no. 83636 in the amount of $12,208 for “pooled ERI Pension Loan”. Mr. Raths explained that municipalities were assessed additional pension obligations in 2008. Instead of repaying the pension obligation through the government sponsored loan at 12%, the County of Morris obtained a loan at a much lower rate for a consortium of municipalities. Mr. Raths said that the loan should be paid off in about four more years. Mr. Wine referenced a recent newspaper article about the new requirement mandating local governments to report their retiree health benefits on their balance sheets as liabilities and asked if and how this affects Roxbury. General Council discussion occurred regarding the township’s policy on retiree benefits. Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 II Shawn Potillo 54 Laurie Road, Landing Mr. Potillo said Roxbury police were recently on the road near Route 80 turning motorists away from the Lake Hopatcong Park because it was full. He asked whether the Township gets reimbursed for providing this service. Mr. Raths was unaware of the practice and said he will provide a response once he obtains additional information. Mr. Potillo also commended the progress being made on the new Landing Road Recreational Park and said Council should be proud of their efforts in building this amazing facility. Marion Emery 3 Canal Street, Ledgewood Ms. Emery advised Council that recent medical tests determined her heart is healthy. She deduced that the landfill is the cause of her being sick. Ms. Emery said that she has not yet heard back from Mr. Raths with an update on the protocol for alert notification about scrubber shutdowns. Kathy Hart 12 Summit Lane, Succasunna Ms. Hart asked about NJDEP’s promise to perform a water retest that she thought would be conducted in July or August. Mayor Rilee concurred that the stated time frames were proposed and NJDEP did agree to do the testing. (NOTE: At this time, there was a brief disruption when the electricity and lights failed. The meeting resumed once the emergency generator restored power to the building.) Mayor Rilee continued by stating that it is not known when the NJDEP will be able to get the testing scheduled. Ms. Hart asked whether the Township will be testing the water separately from the NJDEP. Mayor Rilee said that decisions about the details have not been finalized. He also reminded Ms. Hart that both the Township’s expert and the NJDEP have agreed that there is no immediate urgency to retest the water. Councilman Hall said that the NJDEP agreed to conduct a retest sometime in the fall and to expand the scope of the testing. Mr. Bucco advised that Mr. Zelley is comfortable with NJDEP’s proposed time frames for retesting. Ms. Hart also asked if there is any new information regarding the legal issues associated with the landfill. Mr. Bucco reported that he found out yesterday that the NJDEP submitted paperwork opposing R.E.A.C.T.’s application for a Motion to Intervene. Ms. Hart asked for the Township’s position on the issue. Mr. Bucco explained that by virtue of the Township not responding, it is expressing neutrality. Patricia Ianco 50 Toby Drive, Succasunna Ms. Ianco asked for an update on the possibility of implementing a reverse 911 notification for certain individuals. Mr. Raths said that there is no anticipated maintenance for the scrubber, but it can be reviewed when a maintenance schedule is provided. Mr. Raths reminded Ms. Ianco that the landfill is capped and the emissions are controlled. He said that mitigation efforts have proven effective noting that elevated levels of H2S and/or SO2 have not been detected even when the scrubber is down. Ms. Ianco asked if a bigger scrubber was recently installed. Mayor Rilee responded that the system was taken offline in order to replace filters. Ms. Ianco referred to the resolution on the agenda extending Mr. Zelley’s consulting contract and asked about the frequency of reports to Council. Mayor Rilee explained that Mr. Zelley’s actions are dependent on the specific situation and correspondence and reports are generally submitting to Council through Mr. Bucco. Bob Peslak 37 Emmans Road, Ledgewood Mr. Peslak referred to the levels of benzene detected in the water near the landfill and expressed concern about the NJDEP’s previous refusal to allow soil samples. He asked if the presence of benzene is attributable to the old landfill or to SEP’s activities. Mayor Rilee did not speculate on the source of the benzene readings. Mr. Peslak Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 III spoke about the criminal background of both the Berger Group and Bernardi. He said that the residents have a right to know what is in the soil and water and that the people who run the NJDEP have a moral obligation to tell the truth. Seeing no further comments, Mayor Rilee closed the Public Portion. REPORTS OF COUNCIL LIAISON REPRESENTATIVES, COUNCIL COMMITTEES AND NEW BUSINESS/OLD BUSINESS A. Reports of Council Liaison Representatives and Council Committees Councilman Schmidt reminded Council of two vacancies on the Historic Advisory Committee and resumes of potential candidates that were previously distributed. Mr. Bucco was asked about the protocol to fill the vacancies. Councilman Schmidt reported that the Main Street Streetscaping Committee plans to hold a Home for the Holidays event on December 5, 2015. He said that the winter carnival will include the annual street lighting, food, vendors, and choir singing. Area churches, the Roxbury Public Library, and the Board of Education’s band & choir will also participate. APPOINTMENTS to the Historic Advisory Committee: Mr. Bucco advised that the Historic Advisory Committee positions are Council appointments. Councilman Schmidt made a motion, seconded by Councilman Hall, to appoint the following individuals to the Historic Advisory Committee for the unexpired terms as shown: Janet Lordi to fill the remainder of the term expiring on December 31, 2015 John Giles to fill the remainder of the term expiring on December 31, 2017 (position vacant due to the resignation of Susan Rawlinson, eff. 06-26-15) (position vacant due to the resignation of Miriam Morris, eff. 07-21-15) Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. APPOINTMENTS to the Landing Gateway and Streetscaping Committee: Councilman Zoschak made a motion, seconded by Councilman Schmidt, to appoint the following individuals to the newly created Landing Gateway and Streetscaping Committee (see Resolution No. 2015-209) for the term extending through December 31, 2015 for the representative positions as follows: 1 of 2 2 of 2 1 of 1 1 of 1 1 of 2 2 of 2 1 of 1 1 of 1 1 of 1 1 of 1 Voice Vote: Member of the Roxbury Township Council: Member of the Roxbury Township Council: Area Business Representative: Resident from the Area: Citizen At- Large: Citizen At-Large: Member of the Historic Advisory Committee: Member of the Lake Hopatcong Foundation: Member of the Township Planning Board: Member of the Lake Hopatcong Commission: Mark Crowley Bob DeFillippo Charles Bautz Christine Houtz Barbara Billia Shawn Potillo Jackie Albrecht Marty Kane Richard Zoschak pending All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Councilman Zoschak explained that the purpose of the Committee is to suggest concept plans for Landing for possible consideration and/or implementation by Council. Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 IV Councilman Zoschak advised members of the Council that he will be forwarding recommendations of nominees to fill the vacant positions on the Lake Musconetcong Regional Planning Board. Councilman Zoschak reported on the recent meeting of the Lake Hopatcong Commission. Problems with the flow of the lake are being investigated. The Lake Hopatcong Foundation received grant money to restore the historical fountain. Water quality testing, lake depth and clarity testing will be taking place over the next few weeks. Blue-green algae is being treated in specific areas of the lake. The final phases of the 319 Grant are being utilized for filtration systems and to repair floating islands in the Jefferson section of the Lake. Lake Musconetcong borrowed the weed harvester to remove water chestnuts. Compared to previous years, less phosphorous is being removed from Lake Hopatcong due to state budget constraints limiting the availability of personnel and machines; thus, hindering the weed harvesting process. Councilman Zoschak reported on a recent meeting of the Morris County Community Development Revenue Sharing Committee (CDBG) in which a vote was approved to transfer excess funds to a housing and rehabilitation project. Councilman Zoschak said that the Lake Hopatcong Foundation recently received a $128,000 grant. He reported that the Foundation will be holding a barbeque fundraiser event this Sunday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. for anyone who would like to attend when the County presents the award. Councilman Zoschak asked Mr. Raths whether he approached the County about paving the Shippenport-Landing ramp. Mr. Raths reported that he only recently discovered that the ramp that goes from Landing Road to Shippenport is actually a municipal roadway, not a County roadway. He said additional research is needed, but the municipality may want to consider trying to get the County to take over the road. Councilman Hall provided an update on the activities of the Mount Arlington/Roxbury Consolidation Committee. Councilman Hall reminded Council that the Public Defender position needs to be filled. Mayor Rilee said that Councilman Schmidt has taken the lead on gathering information. Councilman Hall and Councilman Schmidt agreed to meet tomorrow and discuss further. Mayor Rilee asked the Search Committee to quantify hours of work and remuneration, citing substantial disparities among the public defender positions throughout the county. Councilman Hall reported that the annual Try-Harder Triathlon event that promotes health for kids was again a huge success. He said the event is growing to the point where the course may need to be revised next year. Councilman Hall said that he could not be more pleased with the progress and design of the Landing Road Recreation Facility and asked if safety measures are being implemented to protect the new equipment, materials and supplies. Mr. Raths confirmed that the gates are locked each night and additional police patrols are monitoring the area. Mr. Raths assured Council that he will have the new facility incorporated into the Township’s insurance policy. Councilman Hall advised that the Grand Opening event is being tentatively scheduled for the date of October 1, 2015 with an alternate date of October 8, 2015. Councilman Hall clarified that it will be a soft opening since the sod needs to set. Deputy Mayor Behrens note that he attended the Main Street Streetscaping Committee meeting last night and, as reported by Councilman Schmidt earlier, also expects the December holiday event to be very successful. Deputy Mayor Behrens reported on items discussed at the recent Board of Education meeting which included approval for vehicle usage for transportation to the Swim & Sport Club from local hotels and other parking areas for the Pan American Fistball Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 V games, fall sports opening dates, merit goals implemented to salary compensation, and various staff resignations and appointments. Mayor Rilee said that it has come to his attention that motorists have been attempting to access Horseshoe Lake via an open gate on Mapledale. Mr. Raths said that he will have a sign posted advising that it is not a park access. Mayor Rilee asked Mr. Raths to provide an update on the Pan American Fistball event. Deputy Mayor Behrens reported that the County of Morris will be sponsoring a public informational session on August 12, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. regarding the Landing Road Bridge project. Mayor Rilee acknowledged the severe weather that attributed to the road conditions but assured the public that proactive steps are being taken to implement repairs. Mr. Raths identified areas where the box and sectional paving work will be done over the next few weeks. He also advised that he will be reviewing the Top 50 Roads List when Mr. Blood returns from vacation with the goal of revising the paving plan to accelerate the improvements over the next few years without negatively impacting the budget. Mayor Rilee asked Mr. Raths to identify county and state roads that are in poor condition, as well. Councilman Hall suggested posting information on the website regarding the significant number of pothole and road repairs that have been completed. Paul LaBell, Road Department Supervisor, shared information about the substantial increase in the amount of patching material used this year in comparison to prior years as evidence of the additional efforts that have been implemented to address pot holes and road conditions. Mr. Raths advised Council that there has been some interest in the Philips Samsung building. He said that the potential buyer has been corresponding mainly with the Morris County Economic Development Committee, but recently made an inquiry to the Township Planner about the property. Mr. Raths said that he will have Mr. Stern provide additional details. Mr. Raths advised Council that he will be out of the office next week. Mr. Raths reported that he has been in contact with Debra Hirt of NJDOT about reviewing the traffic light timing at the jughandle on Rt. 46 in Ledgewood. He said that the issue actually involves Rt. 46 and Rt. 10. Paperwork from the NJDOT will be forthcoming and may require Council to adopt a resolution requesting a traffic study to be conducted. B. New Business/Old Business – none MATTERS REQUESTED/REFERRED BY COUNCIL MEMBERS, MANAGER, ATTORNEY OR CLERK A. Block Party – Brookside Road (August 22, 2015) Councilman Zoschak made a motion to approve the request for a block party/road closure listed above. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. B. Gateway into Landing Committee Appointments – discussed earlier Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 VI INTRODUCTION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES 11-15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER II, “ADMINISTRATIVE CODE,” SECTION 2-6, “NONDEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES,” SUBSECTION 2-6.10, “HISTORIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE,” OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY SO AS TO PERMIT ALTERNATE MEMBERS ON THE HISTORIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE Ordinance No. 11-15 was introduced in writing and Mayor Rilee read the ordinance by title; it will be further considered for final passage, after public hearing thereon, at a meeting of the Township Council to be held at its meeting room in the Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46 West, Ledgewood, New Jersey, on August 25, 2015 at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Hall made a motion to approve the introduction of Ordinance No. 11-15. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Behrens – Yes Councilman Schmidt – Yes Mayor Rilee – Yes Councilman Hall – Yes Councilman Zoschak – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. HEARING AND ADOPTION OF ORDINANCES ON SECOND READING 08-15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER XIII, LAND DEVELOPMENT, ARTICLE II, LAND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 13-2.8, VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, SUBSECTION 13-2.802, GENERAL VIOLATIONS, OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY Mayor Rilee explained that this ordinance clarifies language to address violations of repeat offenders. Councilman Hall made a motion to open Ordinance No. 08-15 to the public. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Public Comment: none Councilman Hall made a motion to close Ordinance No. 08-15 to the public. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Councilman Hall made a motion to approve the adoption of Ordinance No. 08-15. Councilman Zoschak seconded the motion. Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Behrens – Yes Councilman Schmidt – Yes Mayor Rilee – Yes Councilman Hall – Yes Councilman Zoschak – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 VII 09-15 CAPITAL ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY, IN THE COUNTY OF MORRIS, NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING THE ROAD RESURFACING IMPROVEMENT OF UNNEBERG AVENUE IN, BY AND FOR THE TOWNSHIP, APPROPRIATING THEREFOR THE SUM OF $195,000 AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH SUM SO APPROPRIATED SHALL BE RAISED FROM A NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT AND FROM THE TOWNSHIP’S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND. Mayor Rilee explained that this item is being addressed separately from other capital projects because the Unneberg Avenue project is being done in conjunction with the award of grant money. Councilman Schmidt made a motion to open Ordinance No. 09-15 to the public. Councilman Hall seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Public Comment: Ralph Nappi, 29 Ford Road, Landing, asked how much money the Township is contributing toward the project. Mr. Raths replied by stating that the Township’s portion is $50,000. Councilman Hall made a motion to close Ordinance No. 09-15 to the public. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Councilman Schmidt made a motion to approve the adoption of Ordinance No. 09-15. Councilman Hall seconded the motion. Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Behrens – Yes Councilman Schmidt – Yes Mayor Rilee – Yes Councilman Hall – Yes Councilman Zoschak – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. 10-15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT CHAPTER II, ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 2-17, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES GENERALLY, OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY, COUNTY OF MORRIS, STATE OF NEW JERSEY Councilman Hall made a motion to open Ordinance No. 10-15 to the public. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Public Comment: Ralph Nappi, 29 Ford Road, Landing, referenced Resolution No. 2015-238 and pointed out that it had been revised to reflect a salary of $59,000 for the position of Zoning Officer, as opposed to the amount of $57,035 shown in the resolution that was distributed with the original agenda. Mayor Rilee explained that this public comment period and vote is for the purpose of adopting the ordinance that establishes salary ranges for employees while the resolution specifies salaries for specific positions. Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 VIII Councilman Hall made a motion to close Ordinance No. 10-15 to the public. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Councilman Hall made a motion to approve the adoption of Ordinance No. 10-15. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Behrens – Yes Councilman Schmidt – Yes Mayor Rilee – Yes Councilman Hall – Yes Councilman Zoschak – Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. INTRODUCTION AND ADOPTION OF RESOLUTIONS 2015-227 A RESOLUTION INCORPORATING BY REFERENCE HEREIN AND APPROVING THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FOR THIS DATE: *NOTE: listing of numbers is out of sequence for the following reason(s): Resolution No. 2015-241 was pulled from the agenda for further review at the request of the township attorney. 2015-228, 2015-233, 2015-238, 2015-244, 2015-229, 2015-234, 2015-239, 2015-245, 2015-230, 2015-235, 2015-240, 2015-246 2015-231, 2015-236, *2015-242, 2015-232, 2015-237, 2015-243, Councilman Schmidt made a motion to adopt Incorporating Resolution No. 2015-227. Councilman Hall seconded the motion. Roll Call: Deputy Mayor Behrens – Yes Councilman Hall – Yes Councilman Schmidt – Yes Councilman Zoschak – Yes Mayor Rilee – Yes, with an abstention on check #83550 in Res.#2015-216 Motion carried 5 to 0 for all with the exception of check number 83550, which was approved with a vote of 4 to 0 with one abstention. 2015-228 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT 2015-229 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AMY RHEAD TOWNSHIP CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 2015-230 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF TAXES 2015-231 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 2015-232 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES POSTED WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY IN CONNECTION WITH WORK PERFORMED AND ACCEPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VARIOUS TOWNSHIP RIGHT-OF-WAY EXCAVATION PERMITS Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 IX 2015-233 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF THE UNUSED ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEE IN CONNECTION WITH WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A TOWNSHIP MINOR SOIL RELOCATION PERMIT FOR 521 MANSEL DRIVE, LANDING, BLOCK 11801, LOT 6 2015-234 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A REFUND OF THE UNUSED ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES TO ANNA DUNAJCHUK FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT 147 EYLAND AVENUE, SUCCASUNNA, BLOCK 3302 LOT 91 2015-235 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT FROM P.M. DESSERTS LLC T/A CLIFF’S DAIRYMAID 2015-236 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT FROM FM GLOBAL 2015-237 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT FROM WALMART, LEDGEWOOD, NJ 2015-238 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALARIES AND COMPENSATION FOR EMPLOYEES FOR THE YEAR 2015 A revised version of Resolution No. 2015-238 reflecting a salary of $59,000 for the position of Zoning Officer, as opposed to the amount of $57,035 shown in the resolution distributed with the original agenda, was provided. Mr. Raths confirmed that the salaries have been verified with amounts discussed during the budget process. 2015-239 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSERTION OF AN ITEM OF REVENUE IN THE 2015 BUDGET FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR A HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE GENERATOR PROJECT AT FIRE CO. #2 2015-240 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPAL SURPLUS PROPERTY 2015-241 PULLED - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HATCH MOTT MACDONALD TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE NJEIFP SEWER UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR SFY 2017 Mr. Bucco requested the resolution be pulled stating that it needs to be adopted as a separate Professional Services award. 2015-242 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO GST CONSTRUCTION, LLC FOR THE MT. ARLINGTON BOULEVARD (MORRIS COUNTY ROUTE 616) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT (REED ROAD TO LAURIE ROAD) 2015-243 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO TONY’S CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. AT ROXBURY FIRE COMPANY NO 2 ANNEX BUILDING Councilman Zoschak stated that he wants to make sure the sidewalks are done properly before payment is made to the contractor. Mr. Raths assured Councilman Zoschak that the work will be inspected by Mr. Blood. 2015-244 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH EMILCOTT, INC, ENVIRONMENTAL, HEALTH AND SAFETY EXPERTS (EMILCOTT), FOR PERIMETER AIR MONITORING SERVICES AROUND THE FENIMORE LANDFILL PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 X 2015-245 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH ROBERT L. ZELLEY, PG, LSRP OF MASER CONSULTING, P.A. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FENIMORE LANDFILL 2015-246 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PAYMENT OF BILLS PERSONNEL CHANGES Memo from Patty Reiche, Deputy CFO, dated July 6, 2015 – noted; no discussion COMMUNICATIONS July 17, 2015 #9 Notice Served to Property Owners Within 200 Ft: Township of Roxbury Zoning Board of Adjustment, re: August 10, 2015 a public hearing regarding the property located at 262 Main Street, Ledgewood, (an expansion of a non-conforming use and allowing more than one principal use), will be held in the Council Chambers at the Municipal Building, 1715 Route 46, Ledgewood, NJ at 7:00PM Mayor Rilee asked for additional information on the above referenced correspondence regarding the expansion of non-conforming use. Mr. Raths said he will look into it and forward the information to Mayor and Council. #6 Correspondence from Bob Feid, Sports Director, Swim & Sport Club, to Fran’s Basket House, dated July 15, 2015, re: Sponsorship opportunities supporting the Pan-American Fistball Games USA 2015 event scheduled for August 27th – August 31st Mr. Raths updated Council on the status of the plans for the Fistball tournament. He also informed Council of preliminary exploration to possibly make a bid to host the 2019 World Championship event expected to take place in the United States. July 24, 2015 #1, Item F. Correspondence from Christopher Raths, Township Manager, to Mayor and Council, dated July 24, 2015, re: Information Update, “Distressed properties” Councilman Zoschak asked Mr. Raths to look into an issue regarding distressed properties that he emailed to him earlier in the day. #1, Item P. Correspondence from Christopher Raths, Township Manager, to Mayor and Council, dated July 24, 2015, re: Information Update, “PanAmerican Games Fistball Host Committee” Mr. Raths again mentioned that there is information regarding hosting the 2019 World Cup games located within the Communications packet listed as #8 Correspondence from Winfried Kronsteiner, IFA Secretary General, International Fistball Association, to Potential Hosts of IFA Fistball World Championships, dated July 17, 2015, re: Announcement and Bid Process for IFA Fistball World Championships 2018/2019 #1, Item T. Correspondence from Christopher Raths, Township Manager, to Mayor and Council, dated July 24, 2015, re: Information Update, “Gateway Signage General Council discussion occurred regarding the concept renderings, created by the Manager’s Office, for possible signage on the Berkshire Valley Road railroad trestle. Mr. Raths said that similar signage could be utilized on the NJ Transit Bridge in Port Morris if approvals are secured. He said the goal to have people first recognize that they are in Roxbury, “six great communities, one fantastic township”. Mr. Raths advised Council that proposals will be included in the 2016 Capital Budget for formal review. Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 XI PUBLIC PORTION (3 M inutes/ I Appearance per Individual Dennis Wine 4 Holly Drive, Succasunna Mr. Wine referenced #1, Item F. Correspondence from Christopher Raths, Township Manager, to Mayor and Council, dated July 24, 2015, re: Information Update, "Distressed properties" and asked if the Township has a distressed property ordinance and what type of infractions designate a property as "distressed". Mr. Raths answered and advised Mr. Wine that the municipality has several ordinances that address specific nuisance violations such as high grass, but not one all-encompassing distressed property ordinance. Mr. Bucco state that he is currently working on a foreclosed and abandoned properties ordinance for Council consideration. Ralph Nappi 29 Ford Road, Landing Mr. Nappi asked for the date of the Main Street event that was discussed earlier. Councilman Schmidt and Mr. Raths confirmed that the event is scheduled for December 5, 2015. Seeing no further comments, Mayor Rilee closed the Public Portion. EXECUTIVE SESSION 2015-247 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY, IN THE COUNTY OF MORRIS, NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING CONFERENCE OF THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED Matter(s) relating to: 1. Contract Negotiations - Union Contracts 2. Attorney Client Privilege - County Concrete 3. Litigation - Fenimore Landfill At 9:10PM, Councilman Zoschak made a motion to adopt Resolution No. 2015-247 for Executive Session. Councilman Schmidt seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor - Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. At 10:05PM, the Council returned to the open session of the meeting. ADJOURNMENT At 10:05PM, Deputy Mayor Behrens made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Hall seconded the motion. Voice Vote: All in Favor - Yes Motion carried unanimously, 5 to 0. Submitted by: Township Clerk Regular Meeting Minutes July 28 , 2015 XrI MINUTES APPROVED BY COUNCIL: August 11, 2015 DATE: ROLL CALL: Deputy Mayor Behrens Councilman Crowley Councilman DeFillippo Councilman Hall Councilman Zoschak Mayor Rilee Regular Meeting Minutes July 28, 2015 - Yes Abstain Abstain Yes Yes Yes XIII ORDINANCE NO. 11 - 15 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND SUPPLEMENTING CHAPTER II, “ADMINISTRATIVE CODE,” SECTION 2-6, “NON-DEPARTMENTAL OFFICERS, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES,” SUBSECTION 2-6.10, “HISTORIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE,” OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY SO AS TO PERMIT ALTERNATE MEMBERS ON THE HISTORIC ADVISORY COMMITTEE BE IT ORDAINED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows: SECTION 1. Chapter II, “Administrative Code,” Section 2-6, “Non-Departmental Officers, Boards and Committees,” Subsection 2-6.10, “Historic Advisory Committee,” is hereby amended and supplemented by the addition of a new subparagraph g. to read as follows: “g. There shall be two alternate members appointed by the Council to the Historic Advisory Committee who shall be designated at the time of their appointment as “Alternative No. 1” and “Alternate No. 2.” The term of office for such alternates shall be for four years, except that of those first appointed, one alternate member shall be appointed for a term of two years and one alternate appointed for a term of four years. Such alternate members shall be citizens of the municipality and hold no other public office except for that of either Planning Board or Zoning Board of Adjustment member. In the absence of any regular Historic Advisory Committee member, such alternate members shall have full entitlement to act as a regular committee member and vote on all matters as may come before the committee.” SECTION 2. This ordinance may be renumbered for codification purposes. SECTION 3. All ordinances of the Township of Roxbury, which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance, are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. SECTION 4. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage, approval and publication as required by law. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the foregoing Ordinance was introduced in writing at a meeting of the Mayor and Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, County of Morris and State of New Jersey, held on the 28th day of July, 2015, introduced and read by title and passed on the first reading and that the said Governing Body will further consider the same for second reading and final passage thereon at a meeting to be held on rtord15-01 the 25 111 day of August, 2015, at 7:30 p.m. , prevailing time, at the Municipal Building in said Township, at which time and place a public hearing will be held thereon by the Governing Body and all persons and citizens in interest shall have an opportunity to be heard concerning same. INTRODUCED: ADOPTED: Attest: EFFECTIVE DATE: rtord15-01 July 28, 2018 ORDINANCE NO. 08-15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER XIII, LAND DEVELOPMENT, ARTICLE II, LAND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION, SECTION 13-2.8, VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES, SUBSECTION 13-2.802, GENERAL VIOLATIONS, OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY WHEREAS, Chapter XIII, Land Development, of the Township Ordinances currently provides for penalties to be assessed for violations of that Chapter; and WHEREAS, the present amendment seeks to clarify the Township’s authority to consider each day of a continuing violation of Chapter XIII to constitute a separate violation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, County of Morris, State of New Jersey, as follows: SECTION 1. The Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Roxbury, Chapter XIII, Land Development, Article II, Land Development Administration, Section 13-2.8, Violations and Penalties, Subsection 13-2.802, General Violations, Paragraph B is amended to read as follows: B. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any provision of this Chapter, or any order, decision, or determination by the Board of Adjustment or Planning Board, shall be subject to a fine of not more than one thousand two hundred fifty ($1,250.00) dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days or a period of community service for not more than ninety (90) days, or any combination thereof. Each and every day in which such a violation exists shall constitute a separate violation without issuance of separate summonses for each day’s offense. Any person who is convicted of violating a provision of this Chapter within one (1) year of the date of a previous violation for the same offense and who was fined for the previous violation shall be sentenced by the Court to an additional fine as a repeat offender. The additional fine imposed by the Court upon a person for a repeated offense shall not exceed one thousand two hundred fifty ($1,250.00) dollars for each repeat violation, and shall be calculated separately from the fine imposed for the violation. (Ord. No. 34-01 §1; Ord. No. 4-06 §3) SECTION 2. The Township Clerk is hereby directed to give notice at least ten (10) days prior to the hearing on the adoption of this amendment to the County Planning Board and to adjoining municipalities and all others entitled thereto pursuant to the provisions of N.J.S.A. 40:55D-15. Upon the adoption of this amendment after public hearing thereon, the Township Clerk is further directed to publish a notice of the passage thereof and to file a copy of this amendment as finally adopted with the Morris County Planning Board as required by N.J.S.A. 40:55D-16. -1- SECTION 3. Upon introduction of this Ordinance by the governing body, a true copy thereof shall be transmitted to the Roxbury Township Planning Board for its report and recommendations thereon, pursuant to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 40:55D-26. SECTION 4. This Ordinance may be renumbered for codification purposes. SECTION 5. All ordinances of the Township of Roxbury which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. SECTION 6. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage, approval and publication as required by law. INTRODUCED: ADOPTED: June 23, 2015 July 28, 2015 Attest: &:~ L Township Clerk EFFECTIVE DATE : - 2- ORDINANCE NO. 09-15 CAPITAL ORDINANCE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY, IN THE COUNTY OF MORRIS, NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING THE ROAD RESURFACING IMPROVEMENT OF UNNEBERG A VENUE IN, BY AND FOR THE T OWNSHIP, APPROPRIATING THEREFOR THE SUM OF $195,000 AND PROVIDING THAT SUCH SUM SO APPROPRIATED SHALL BE RAISED FROM A NEW JERSEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GRANT AND FROM THE TOWNSHIP'S CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND BE IT ORDAINED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, New Jersey, as follows: Section I. The Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, New Jersey (the "Township") is hereby authorized to improve Unneberg Avenue in, by and for the Township. Said improvement shall include all work, materials and appurtenances necessary and suitable therefor. Section 2. The sum of $195,000 is hereby appropriated to the payment of the cost of the improvement authorized and described in Section 1 hereof (hereinafter referred to as "purpose"). Said appropriation shall be raised from a New Jersey Department of Transportation ("NJDOT") grant and from the Township' s Capital Improvement Fund, as hereinafter provided. The sum of $120,000 received or to be received from the NJDOT is hereby appropriated to the payment of the cost of said purpose. The sum of $75,000 is hereby appropriated from the Township 's Capital Improvement Fund to the payment of the cost of said purpose. Section 3. Said improvement is a lawful capital improvement of the Township having a period of usefulness of at least five (5) years . Said improvement shall be made as a general improvement, no part of the cost of which shall be assessed against property specially benefited. Section 4. The capital budget is hereby amended to conform with the provisions of this capital ordinance to the extent of any inconsistency therewith and the resolutions promulgated by the Local Finance Board showing full detail of the amended capital budget and capital program as approved by the Director, Division of Local Government Services, is on file with the Municipal Clerk and is available for public inspection. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect at the time and in the manner provided by law. INTRODUCED: ADOPTED: July July Attest: EFFECTIVE DATE: 14, 28, 20 15 2015 ORDINANCE NO. 10 - 15 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND SUPPLEMENT CHAPTER II, ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SECTION 2-17, OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES GENERALLY, OF THE REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY, COUNTY OF MORRIS, STATE OF NEW JERSEY BE IT ORDAINED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, and State of New Jersey, as follows: SECTION 1.Chapter II, Administrative Code, Section 2-17, Officers and Employees Generally, subsection 2-17.12, Personnel Classification System, paragraph b, is hereby amended and supplemented, to read as follows: "b. The following Personnel Classification Schedule is hereby established for the Township of Roxbury: Pay Grade 3 3 Position Title Building Inspector Administrative Aide 4 4 4 Executive Assistant Recreation Program Director Assistant to the Collector 5 5 5 5 5 5 Deputy Township Clerk 6 6 Tax Collector Assistant Director of Public Works 7 7 7 Sr. Assist. To the Engineer Sr. Registered Environmental Health Specialist Court Administrator 8 8 8 8 Township Clerk Tax Assessor Information Technology Director Construction Official Deputy CFO Assistant to the CFO/Purchasing Agent Land Use Administrator Zoning Officer Executive Assistant to Chief of Police -1- 9 9 9 Township Planner Certified Municipal Finance Officer Recreation Director 10 10 10 Public Works Director Township Engineer/Director of the Div. of Public Utilities Police Chief SECTION 2.Chapter II, Administrative Code, Section 2-17, Officers and Employees Generally, subsection 2-17.13, Pay Plan, paragraph e, is hereby amended and supplemented to read as follows: "e. The pay plan for non-union personnel shall utilize the Personnel Classification Schedule and the following pay plan: Grade Minimum - Maximum 1 $0 - $19,999 2 $0 - $29,999 3 $0 - $42,999 4 $0 - $49,999 5 $0 - $62,400 6 $0 - $74,500 7 $0 - $82,999 8 $0 - $104,000 9 $0 - $112,699 10 $0 - $166,500 SECTION 3.Chapter II, Administrative Code, Section 2-17, Officers and Employees Generally, subsection 2-17.15, Unclassified Schedule, is hereby amended and supplemented to read as follows: "2-17.15 Unclassified Schedule. In addition to the employees governed by the Classification Schedule, there shall be the following schedule of unclassified titles for those positions which have unique responsibilities or work schedules: -2- Title Mayor Council Member Township Manager Township Attorney Municipal Judge Coordinator/Office of Emergency Mgmt. Health HazMat Coordinator Licensing Officer Assessment Search Officer Minimum - Maximum $0 - $6,607 $0 - $6,319 $0 - $158,000 By Contract $0 - $58,700 $0 - $13,325 $0 - $7,182 $2,367 $2,367 SECTION 4.Chapter II, Administrative Code, Section 2-17, Officers and Employees Generally, subsection 2-17.16, Part-Time Employees, is hereby amended and supplemented to read as follows: “2-17.16 Part-Time Employees. For those employees who work part-time/seasonally for the Township and whose job titles are not listed in subsection 2-17.12 above, the following pay plan shall be used: Title Seasonal Laborer Snow Plow Driver Sergeant-At-Arms/Municipal Court Salary $0 - $12.15/hr $0 - $25.00/hr $123.96/session Jan-Feb; $22.89/hr as of 3-1-09 $0 - $11.50/hr Recreation Counselor – Seasonal* Recreation Supervisor – Seasonal* $0 - $20.00/hr Recreation Program Director – Seasonal* $0 - $4,900.00/season Recreation Referee $0 - $20.00/game Recreation Certified Referee $0 - $50.00/game Clerical Assistance (temporary or part-time) $0 - $15.00/hr Crossing Guard $0 - $16.75/hr Fire Official/Safety Officer $0 - $40.00/hr Fire Inspectors $0 - $25.00/hr Engineering Inspector $0 - $25.00/hr Plumbing Subcode Official $0 - $39.00/hr Fire Subcode Official $0 - $42.00/hr Public Health Nurse $0 - $38.00/hr Special Police Officer $0 - $41.00/hr Public Assistance Director $0 - $20.50/hr * Implemented by a seasonal contract SECTION 5.The provisions of this Ordinance shall prevail except when superseded by formal collective bargaining agreements entered into by the Township of Roxbury and a recognized employee negotiating association. -3- SECTION 6.All ordinances of the Township of Roxbury which are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency. SECTION 7.If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance. SECTION 8.This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon final passage, approval and publication as required by law. All salaries noted herein shall be deemed effective January 1, 2014, unless otherwise noted and shall continue in effect until amended. INTRODUCED: ADOPTED: July 14, 2015 July 28, 2015 Attest: EFFECTIVE DATE: PR-Finance -4- RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 227 A RESOLUTION IN CORPORA TING BY REFERENCE HEREIN AND APPROVING THE FOLLOWING NUMBERED RESOLUTIONS LISTED ON THE REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA FOR THIS DATE: 2015-228, 2015-233, 2015-238, 2015-244, 2015-229, 2015-234, 2015-239, 2015-245, 2015-230, 2015-235, 2015-240, 2015-246 2015-231 , 2015-236, *2015-242, 2015-232, 2015-237, 2015-243, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, Morris County, New Jersey that the above numbered resolutions listed on the Regular Council Meeting Agenda for this date, are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth at length and are hereby approved as to each resolution. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: o~c~ 2 Township Clerk *NOTE: listing of numbers is out of sequence for the following reason(s): Resolution No. 20 15-24 1 At the request of the township attorney, Resolution No. 2015-241 was PULLED from the agenda for further review. RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 228 A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE TOWNSHIP FIRE DEPARTMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury that the following Amendment is hereby made to the membership of the Township Fire Department: Fire Co. No. 1: Justin R. Cole Bryan C. Kunze Approval as a Firefighter Approval as a Firefighter and First Aider BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Municipal Clerk shall provide a copy of this Resolution to Kathleen Florio, Administrative Aide; Valarie Wyble, Purchasing Agent; and Patricia Reiche, Deputy CFO. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Cfaf2j~ 1 J\my ~ Rh d Township Clerk -z:J Created by: Township Clerk' s Office, K.Florio RESOLUTION NO. 2015 -229 A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AMY RHEAD TOWNSHIP CLERK OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY WHEREAS, Amy Rhead was first appointed as the Roxbury Township Registered Municipal Clerk on April 11, 2012 for a three (3) year term which is the statutory term for a municipal clerk; and WHEREAS, Ms. Rhead ' s initial term as Township Clerk expired on April 10, 2015 ; and WHEREAS, Amy Rhead has continued in office as a holdover without reappointment since the expiration of her initial three (3) year term; and WHEREAS, the Township Council has determined not to reappoint Ms. Rhead, ending her appointment effective July 28, 2015; and WHEREAS, Ms. Rhead has expressed a desire to be appointed to a new term of office following her break in service and has agreed that her position of Township Clerk will commence on July 29, 2015 for a three year term; and WHEREAS, the Township Council has agreed to appoint Ms. Rhead to a three year term as Township Clerk with the understanding that tenure will not inure due to the fact that she was not reappointed within sixty days after the expiration of her prior term and any new appointment of Ms. Rhead cannot relate back to the expiration of her prior term of office; and WHEREAS, the Township Council now desires to appoint Ms. Rhead to a three year term of office as Township Clerk effective July 29, 2015; and WHEREAS, the appointment of Ms. Rhead as Township C lerk shall be deemed an original appointment and no tenure rights shall accrue from this appointment. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, that Amy Rhead is hereby appointed Township Clerk of the Township of Roxbury for a three year term commencing on July 29, 2015 and expiring on July 28 , 2018 ; and be it further RESOLVED, that this appointment shall be considered the initial appointment to the position of Township Clerk and no tenure rights shall arise from the appointment; and be it further RESOLVED, that the Township Clerk shall be paid an annual salary of $85, 104.00 for the 2015 calendar year. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Received from BUCCO Rtres l 5- l 2B RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 230 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF TAXES WHEAREAS, a tax overpayment had been made to the following account in the amount as noted and as certified by the Tax & Utility Collector. BLOCK LOT MAKE CHECK PAYABLE AND SEND TO AMOUNT 6301 9 $1,634.07 Owner: Prop. Loe: For: Gwendolyn Miller 12 Riggs Avenue Ledgewood, NJ 07852 Miller, Lee E/Gwendolyn 12 Riggs Avenue Refund of duplicate payment by property owner and Fonner mortgage company THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, State of New Jersey, that a refund be made to the individual listed above in the designated amount representing overpayment of taxes. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be provided to the Tax & Utility Collector, Treasurer and Accounts Payable Department for their information and guidance. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: ~421~ L fmy . Rhea Township Clerk C :\Resolutions 20 15 \Res to refund to G. Miller 6301-9 File Created by Mary Ann Albrecht Mary Ann Albrecht Mary Ann Albrecht Tax & Utility Collector .., RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 231 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CANCELLATION OF TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY THE TOWNSIDP OF ROXBURY WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury acquired Block 9202, Lot 4.25 (2 Fox Chase Lane, Ledgewood) on December 29, 2005 from Hunters Ridge Development Company, Inc.; and WHEREAS, taxes in the amount of $2,935.43, remain due on the property and must be cancelled of record. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, and State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. The Tax Collector is hereby authorized to cancel all outstanding taxes on Block 9202, Lot 4.25 (2 Fox Chase Lane) for the years 2003 and 2004 as a result of the acquisition of the property by the Township of Roxbury. 2. The Township Clerk shall forward a copy of this resolution to the Tax Collector. ADOPTED: July 14, 2015 Attest: Marv Ann Albrecht Mary Ann Albrecht Tax & Utility Collector J :\Resolutions 2015 \Res cancelling taxes on 9202-4.25 2 Fox Chase Ln File Created by Ma1y Ann Albrecht nres l3-02 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 232 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES POSTED WITH THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY IN CONNECTION WITH WORK PERFORMED AND ACCEPTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH VARIOUS TOWNSHIP RIGHT-OF-WAY EXCAVATION PERMITS WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 11 of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Roxbury, the within named contractors/residents have posted a performance guarantee with the Township for work performed in accordance with Township Right-of-Way Excavation Permits; and WHEREAS, all necessary requirements for acceptance of the work and release of the bonds, as dictated by Chapter 11 have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, the Engineering Department has inspected the work areas within the Township right-of-way, found no damage to Township property, and hereby recommends full release of the cash bonds as stated below. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, and State of New Jersey that a refund of the following cash performance bonds for the Right-of-Way Excavation Permits in the amounts herein stated, plus any accrued interest as determined by the Chief Financial Officer, be made to the following contractors/residents: Steve Saladino $490.00 PEROl753 R0-04-15-036 (2 Stowe Ct) $842.00 PER01747 R0-11-14-172 (147 Eyland Ave) 2 Stowe Ct. Legewood, NJ 07852 Anna Dunajchuk 6 Davis Ct. Martinsville, NJ 078836 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be provided to the Township Engineer/Director of Utilities and Chief Financial Officer for their information and guidance. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: RESOLUTJONS\BondReleases\20 15\Various_2 Stowe Ct_; 147 Eyland (eng_paj).doc 'V RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 233 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE REFUND OF THE UNUSED ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEE IN CONNECTION WITH WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH A TOWNSHIP MINOR SOIL RELOCATION PERMIT FOR 521 MANSEL DRIVE, LANDING, BLOCK 11801, LOT 6 WHEREAS, an engineering inspection fee was posted with the Township of Roxbury pursuant to the provisions of Chapter XVII of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Roxbury; and WHEREAS, the work has been completed and this Department recommends the refund of the balance of the unused portion of the engineering inspection escrow fee; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Township ordinance, the within named resident/contractor is entitled to a refund of the unused portion of their engineering inspection fee. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey that the balance of the unused portion of the engineering inspection fee deposited for work perfonned within Roxbury Township in the amount herein stated, be made to the following resident/contractor: Larry & Mary Middleton. 521 Mansel Drive. Landing, NJ 07850 $200.00 fNP02393 MinSoil 09-13-021 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be provided to the Township Engineer/Director of Utilities, and Chief Financial Officer for their information and guidance. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: \\ESOLUTIONS\Escrow Releases\20 I 5\52 I Mansel Dr_BI I 801 L6_(eng__paj).doc RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 234 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A REFUND OF THE UNUSED ENGINEERING INSPECTION FEES TO ANNA DUNAJCHUK FOR SITE IMPROVEMENTS LOCATED AT 147 EYLAND AVENUE, SUCCASUNNA, BLOCK 3302 LOT 9 WHEREAS, engineering inspection fees were posted with the Township of Roxbury pursuant to the provisions of Chapter XIII of the Revised General Ordinances of the Township of Roxbury; and WHEREAS, the site improvements have been completed and this Department recommends the refund of the unused portion of the engineering inspection escrow fees; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the Township ordinance, the within named contractor is entitled to a refund of the unused portion of the engineering inspection fees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, that a refund of the balance of the unused portion of the engineering inspection fees deposited for site improvements regarding the referenced project in the amount herein stated, be made to the following contractor: Anna Dunajchuk 6 Davis Ct. Martinsville, NJ 08836 $10.22 INP02422 14 7 Eyland A venue BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be provided to the Township Engineer/Director of Utilities and Chief Financial Officer for their information and guidance. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: / RESOLUTIONS\ Escrow Releases\ 2015\ 14 7 Eyland Ave_B3302L9(eng_paj).doc RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 235 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT FROM P.M. DESSERTS LLC TIA CLIFF'S DAIRYMAID WHEREAS, the following organization has donated the following amount to the Township of Roxbury for Recreation activities: P.M. DESSERTS LLC T/A CLIFF'S DAIRYMAID in the amount of $416.00 WHEREAS, the Township Mayor and Council wish to acknowledge and thank those whose generosity make our community one of the I 00 Best Communities for Young People; and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A: 12-5 and N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29 authorized the acceptance bequests, legacies and gifts; and WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury has duly ordained by Section 2-22.7 of the Township's Revised General Ordinances that the Township Council, upon investigation and report by the Township Manager, may by Resolution, accept certain bequests, legacies and gifts; and WHEREAS, the Township Manager has reported to the Township Council that he has detennined that the donor has satisfied the conditions described in Sections 2-22.7b3, b4 and b5; and the acceptance of these gifts will not expose the Township to any present or future expense or liability; and WHEREAS, the Township Council has considered the contents of the report of the Township Manager and is of the opinion that the acceptance of such gift(s) is in the best interest of the municipality NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury that the above described gift is hereby accepted by the Township of Roxbury and the Municipal Clerk is hereby directed to forward to the donor a letter of thanks in the event that the gifts have been accepted and a letter of explanation in the event that the gifts have been rejected. ADOPTED: Attest: LS/finance July 28, 2015 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 236 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT FROM FM GLOBAL WHEREAS, the following organization has donated the following items to the Township of Roxbury for the Department of Fire Prevention and it' s student programs: J.P. Morgan in the amount of $1,000.00 WHEREAS, the Township Mayor and Council wish to acknowledge and thank those whose generosity make our community one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People; and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:12-5 and N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29 authorized the acceptance bequests, legacies and gifts; and WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury has duly ordained by Section 2-22.7 of the Township' s Revised General Ordinances that the Township Council, upon investigation and report by the Township Manager, may by Resolution, accept certain bequests, legacies and gifts; and WHEREAS, the Township Manager has reported to the Township Council that he has determined that the donor has satisfied the conditions described in Sections 2-22.7b3, b4 and b5; and the acceptance of these gifts will not expose the Township to any present or future expense or liability; and WHEREAS, the Township Council has considered the contents of the report of the Township Manager and is of the opinion that the acceptance of such gift(s) is in the best interest of the municipality NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury that the above described gift is hereby accepted by the Township of Roxbury and the Municipal Clerk is hereby directed to forward to the donor a letter of thanks in the event that the gifts have been accepted and a letter of explanation in the event that the gifts have been rejected. ADOPTED: Attest: LS/finance July 28, 20 I 5 J RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 237 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF A GIFT FROM W ALMART, LEDGEWOOD, NJ WHEREAS, the following organization has donated the following items to the Township of Roxbury for the Police Department: (1) box of Ammunition WHEREAS, the Township Mayor and Council wish to acknowledge and thank those whose generosity make our community one of the 100 Best Communities for Young People; and WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:l2-5 and N.J.S.A. 40A:5-29 authorized the acceptance bequests, legacies and gifts; and WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury has duly ordained by Section 2-22.7 of the Township's Revised General Ordinances that the Township Council, upon investigation and report by the Township Manager, may by Resolution, accept certain bequests, legacies and gifts; and WHEREAS, the Township Manager has reported to the Township Council that he has determined that the donor has satisfied the conditions described in Sections 2-22.7b3 , b4 and b5 ; and the acceptance of these gifts will not expose the Township to any present or future expense or liability; and WHEREAS, the Township Council has considered the contents of the report of the Township Manager and is of the opinion that the acceptance of such gift(s) is in the best interest of the municipality NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury that the above described gift is hereby accepted by the Township of Roxbury and the Municipal Clerk is hereby directed to forward to the donor a letter of than.ks in the event that the gifts have been accepted and a letter of explanation in the event that the gifts have been rejected. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: a~£~ ) yE. ead Township Clerk LS/finance ~ RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 238 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SALARIES AND COMPENSATION FOR EMPLOYEES FOR THE YEAR 2015 BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, County of Morris, and State of New Jersey, that the following salaries be established for the following Township employees for the year 2015 in accordance with Ordinance #10-15. Executive Assistant - Manager's Office Executive Assistant - Clerk' s Office Chief Financial Officer Deputy CFO Assistant to the CFO/Purchasing Agent Township Clerk Executive Assistant Tax Assessor Tax Collector Assistant to the Collector Information Technology Director Court Administrator Judge Township Engineer/Director of the Division of Public Utilities Public Works Director Assistant to the Public Works Director Senior Assistant to the Engineer Township Planner Land Use Administrator Construction Code Official Zoning Officer Emergency Management Coordinator Senior Registered Environmental Health Specialist Recreation Director Recreation Program Director Executive Assistant to the Chief of Police Police Chief Township Manager $44,900 $42,300 $105,476 $60,300 $56,800 $85,104 $43,350 $92,948 $71,680 $46,430 $90,607 $78,601 $54,500 $133,919 $113,377 $74,500 $80,773 $109,557 $60,880 $103,480 $59,000 $13,391 $82,674 $96,100 $49,655 $62,400 $166,392 $158,000 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall take effect after publication and the 20 day statutory time period for the adoption of Ordinance # 10-15. A copy of this Resolution shall be provided to the Township Chief Financial Officer. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Qy@LZc Township Clerk PR-Finance (Resolution No. 20 I 5-2 38: REVISED salary for Zoning Officer amended ji'om amount shown in originally distributed agenda to reflect correct amount of $59, 000 (peremailof07127115@12:02PM from CRJlaei·07-28- 15 RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 239 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSERTION OF AN ITEM OF REVENUE IN THE 2015 BUDGET FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR A HAZARD MITIGATION GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE GENERATOR PROJECT AT FIRE CO. #2 WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-87 provides that the Director of Local Government Services may approve the insertion of any special item of revenue in the budget of any county or municipality when such item shall have been made available and the additional amount thereof was not determined at the time of adoption of the 2015 Budget. WHEREAS, said Director may also approve the insertion of any item of appropriation for equal amount. WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, hereby requests the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to approve the insertion of an item of revenue in the budget of the year 2015 in the sum of $49,350., which item is now available as a revenue from: Miscellaneous Revenue Special Items of General Revenue Anticipated with prior written consent of the Director of Local Government Services Public and Private Revenues Off-Set with Appropriation: State of New Jersey, Department of Law & Public SafetyHazard Mitigation Grant Program NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a like sum of$49,350. and the same is hereby appropriated under the caption: General Appropriation Operations Excluded from "CAPS" Public and Private Programs Off-Set by Revenues: State of New Jersey, Department of Law & Public Safety Hazard Mitigation Grant Program BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be forwarded electronically to Timothy Cunningham, Director of the Division of Local Government Services, P.O. Box 803, Trenton, NJ 08625-0803 by the CFO, Lisa A. Spring with the necessary attachments. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Chapter 159/finance ls RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 240 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF MUNICIPAL SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury is the owner of certain seized surplus property; and WHEREAS, the Township has determined that the seized property should be sold at public sale; and WHEREAS, the sale of said property can be provided by GovDeals through State of New Jersey, Contract A-70967 I T2581; and WHEREAS, the Township wishes to sell said items of surplus property at the GovDeals Internet auction site to the highest bidder pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A: 11-36 and the provisions of Local Finance Notice 2008-9; and WHEREAS, the Township wishes to post an offer to sell said surplus property in an "as is" condition without express or implied warranties; and WHEREAS, any goods listed but not sold at auction will be disposed of in a business like manner. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris, and State of New Jersey that the Roxbury Township Police Department is hereby authorized to post an offer to sell surplus property on GovDeals auction website as follows: 1. The sale of the surplus property shall be conducted through GovDeals pursuant to State Contract A-70967/T2581 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the State Contract. 2. The sale will be conducted online and the address of the auction site is 3. The sale is being conducted pursuant to Local Finance Notice 2008-9. 4. The attached schedule of municipal seized property is hereby declared to be surplus and no longer needed for public purposes. 5. The surplus property as identified shall be sold in an "as-is" condition with no representation as to the condition or use of said property and no warranty, either express or implied, is made by the Township in connection with the sale of said property. 6. The Township reserves the right to accept or reject any bid submitted. 7. The Township Clerk is requested to provide a copy of this resolution to Valarie Wyble, Purchasing Agent, Silvio Valdez and Devin Keller of the Roxbury Police Department. ADOPTED: Attest: VW/ Finance July 28, 2015 2015 SIEZED VEHICLE AUCTION LIST YEAR MAKE 2002 JEEP 1998 HONDA 2000 CHEVY MODEL CHEROKEE ACCORD MALIBU 2003 NISSAN 2007 ACCURA SENT RA TL MILEAGE 259,310 194,507 VIN NUMBER 1J4GW48N32C287785 1HGC1657WA077325 CONDITION POOR POOR 74,950 1G1NE52J3Y6189867 FAIR 154,186 98,458 3N1CB51D83L703362 19UUA66217A025330 POOR FAIR RESOLUTION NO. 2015 – 241 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING HATCH MOTT MACDONALD TO PROVIDE PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE NJEIFP SEWER UTILITY CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR SFY 2017 WHEREAS, The Sewer Utility wishes to utilize Professional Engineering Consulting Services for the design, survey, permitting, specification preparation and NJEIFP loan application assistance for the following Capital Improvement projects for SFY 2017: and Phase IV - Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) Replacements Main Pump Station (Ajax) Improvements Mechanical Bar Screen Installation Highland Manor P.S. Upgrades WHEREAS, The Township previously authorized a Competitive Contract for Professional Engineering Consulting Services to Hatch Mott MacDonald for the Water and Sewer Utilities (Resolution 2014-238); and WHEREAS, Hatch Mott MacDonald has submitted proposals dated May 22, 2015 to provide said professional services in the amounts of $25,000.00 for Phase IV Rotating Biological Contactor RBC Replacements, $137,000.00 for Main Pump Station (Ajax) Improvements, $221,000.00 for Mechanical Bar Screen Installation and $82,000.00 for Highland Manor P.S. Upgrades for a total amount of $495,000.00; and WHEREAS, The Township Engineer/Director of Utilities has reviewed said proposals and recommends authorizing Hatch Mott MacDonald to provide the Professional Engineering Consulting Services for the NJEIFP Sewer Utility Capital Improvements for SFY2017; and WHEREAS, The Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available for this purpose in the Sewer Capital Ordinance Nos. 04-15 and 06-15. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey as follows: 1. The Township Council hereby authorizes Hatch Mott MacDonald to provide Professional Engineering Consulting Services for the NJEIFP Sewer Utility Capital Improvements for SFY 2017. 2. A certified copy of this resolution will be forwarded to Hatch Mott MacDonald by the Purchasing Agent. 3. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. VW/Purchasing BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to provide two (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Purchasing Agent, a copy to the Township Engineer/Director of Utilities and the Chief Financial Officer. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Amy E. Rhead Township Clerk VW/Purchasing RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 242 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO GST CONSTRUCTION, LLC FOR THE MT. ARLINGTON BOULEY ARD (MORRIS COUNTY ROUTE 616) WATER MAIN REPLACEMENT (REED ROAD TO LAURIE ROAD) WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury solicited bids for the Mt. Arlington Boulevard (Morris County Route 616) Water Main Replacement (Reed Road to Laurie Road) project; and WHEREAS, on June 30, 2015, the Township received bids from six (6) contractors for the said Project; and WHEREAS, GST Construction, LLC; Paterson, New Jersey submitted the lowest responsible and responsive bid in the base bid amount of $263,862.00; and WHEREAS, the Purchasing Agent and Engineering Department recommend the award of a contract to GST Construction for the total bid amount of $263,862.00; and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that the funds are available for this purpose in Capital Ordinance Nos. 07-13, 04-14 and 07-15. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council, of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. A contract is hereby awarded to GST Construction, LLC for the Mt. Arlington Boulevard (Morris County Route 616) Water Main Replacement (Reed Road to Laurie Road) project in the amount of $263,862.00. 3. The Mayor and Township Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute the contract with GST Construction, LLC. 4. A certified copy of this resolution, notification of award and the associated contract will be forwarded to GST Construction, LLC., upon adoption of this resolution, by the Purchasing Agent. 5. Any and all municipal officials are hereby authorized and directed to take whatever actions may be necessary to implement the terms of this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to provide (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Purchasing Agent, a copy to the Engineering Department and the Chief Financial Officer. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Township Clerk VW.'Pur~hasing v TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 1715 Route 46 Ledgewood, NJ 07852 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS I, Lisa A. Spring, CFO of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby certify as fo llows: I . I have examined the capital/current accounts of the Township of Roxbury in order to determine if sufficient funds are available for: Mt. Arlington Boulevard (Morris County Route 616) Water Main Replacement (Reed Road to Laurie Road) 2. The projected cost of which is: $263,862.00 3. I have determined that such funds as are necessary are availab le in the fo llowing accounts : Ord.# Description Amount Balance Account W-07-1 3 Mt. Arlington Blvd. Water Main Replace Mt. Arlington Blvd. Water Main Replace Mt. Arlington Blvd. Water Main Replace $ 19 1,075 .23 $19 1,075.23 $25,000.00 $25,000.00 $47,786.77 $75,000.00 W-13-55007-1 02 W-14-55 004-104 W- 15-55007-102 Ch a r~ed W-04- 14 W-07-1 5 4. I have determined that the above-described expenditures may be authorized by the Township Council against the aforesaid accounts in the amounts specified in each. Now therefore, based on the foregoing, I do hereby certify that adequate funds are currentl y available for the purposes and in the line item amounts specified above, further that I shall encumber the same for a period of sixty days from the date of this certification or until an ordinance or resolution authorizing the expenditure described above is enacted, whi chever event shall occur sooner. Date RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 243 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE INSTALLATION OF CURBS AND SIDEWALKS TO TONY'S CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. AT ROXBURY FIRE COMPANY NO 2 ANNEX BUILDING WHEREAS, the Township of Roxbury awarded Tony's Concrete Construction Company, Inc. the contract for the replacement of sidewalks and curb work township wide on April 8, 2014 (Resolution 2014-122); and WHEREAS, the recently renovated Fire Co. No 2 requires the installation of curbs and sidewalks work in order to have full use of the property; and WHEREAS, Tony's Concrete Construction Company, Inc. can complete said work at the unit prices specified in the contract documents dated March 18, 2014 in an amount not to exceed $13 ,600.00; and WHEREAS, the Chief Financial Officer has certified that the funds are available for this purpose in Capi ta! Ordinance 11-1 3; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council, of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows: Tony' s Concrete Construction Company, Inc. is hereby authorized to install curbs and sidewalks at the Roxbury Fire Co. No 2 Annex building. 2. Any and all municipal officials are hereby authorized to take whatever actions may be necessary to implement the terms of this resolution. 3. A certified copy of this resolution and purchase order will be forwarded to Tony' s Concrete Construction Company, Inc. by the Purchasing Agent. 4. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. 1. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Township Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to provide (2) certified copies of this resolution to the Purchasing Agent, a copy to the Director of Public Works and the Chief Financial Officer. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: VW/Purchasing TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 1715 Route 46 Ledgewood, NJ 07852 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS I, Lisa A. Spring, CFO of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby certify as follows: l. I have examined the capital/current accounts of the Township of Roxbury in order to determine if sufficient funds are available for: Curbs and Sidewalk at Roxbury Fire Company No. 2 2. The projected cost of which is: $13,600.00 3. I have determined that such funds as are necessary are available in the fo llowing accounts: Ord.# Description Amount 11-13 Surplus Amount to Fund Co. 2 Annex $ 13,600.00 Balance Account Charged $18,921.69 G- 13-55011-101 4 . l have determined that the above-described expenditures may be authorized by the Township Counci l against the aforesaid accounts in the amounts specified in each. Now therefore, based on the foregoing, I do hereby certify that adequate funds are currently available for the purposes and in the line item amounts specified above, further that I shall encumber the same for a period of sixty days from the date of thi s certification or until an ordinance or resolution authorizing the expenditure described above is enacted, whichever event sha ll occur sooner. 7 - )q- I'S Date RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 244 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE AMOUNT OF A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH EMILCOTT, INC, ENVIRONMENT AL, HEALTH AND SAFETY EXPERTS (EMILCOTT), FOR PERIMETER AIR MONITORING SERVICES AROUND THE FENIMORE LANDFILL PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5 WHEREAS, there continues to exist a need for perimeter air monitoring services around the Fenimore Landfill in the Township of Roxbury; and WHEREAS, the Township wishes to retain the services of Emilcott, Inc. to perform air monitoring services for an amount not to exceed $300,000.00 for the period of July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015; and WHEREAS, the Township has determined to award a professional service contract to Emilcott, Inc. without obtaining competitive bids or quotations pursuant to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5; and WHEREAS, Bruce Groves of Emilcott, Inc. has completed and submitted a Business Entity Disclosure Certification which certifies that neither he nor his finn has made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate committee in the Township of Roxbury for the previous one year, and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract; and WHEREAS, the Township's Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:l 1-1 et seq.) requires that the resolution authorizing the award of a contract for "professional services" without competitive bid and the contract itself must be made available for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. The Township of Roxbury hereby awards and authorizes the Mayor and Township Clerk to execute a professional services contract with Emilcott, Inc., environmental, health and safety experts for perimeter air monitoring services around the Fenimore Landfill. The amount of the contract shall not exceed $300,000.00 for the period of July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 without the prior written approval of the Township Council. 2. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service in accordance with the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law because said services are perfonned by a person authorized by law to practice a recognized profession. Received from Bucco rtresl 5-02 3. The Business Disclosure Entity Certification and the Determination of Value associated with this contract shall be placed on file with this resolution. 4. Notice of this action shall be published once in the Township's official newspaper as required by law. 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: QyE. ead Township Cle k Received from Bucco rtres 15-02 v TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 1715 Route 46 Ledgewood, NJ 07852 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS I, Lisa A. Spring, CFO of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby certify as follows: 1. I have examined the capital/current accounts of the Township of Roxbury in order to determine if sufficient funds are avai lable for: Air Monitoring-Fenimore Landfill 2. The projected cost of which is: $300,000.00 3. I have determined that such funds as are necessary are available in the following accounts: Ord.# Description Amount Balance Account Charged NIA Litigation Fenimore $300,000.00 NIA 5-01-20-155207 4. I have determined that the above-described expenditures may be authorized by the Township Counci l against the aforesaid accounts in the amounts specified in each. Now therefore, based on the foregoing, I do here by certify that adequate funds shall be available for the purposes and in the line item amounts specified above, upon the adoption of the 201 5 Budget, further that I sha ll encumber the same for a period of sixty days from the date of this certification or until an ordinance or resolution authorizing the expenditure described above is enacted, whichever event shall occur sooner. Date RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 245 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CONTRACT WITH ROBERT L. ZELLEY, PG, LSRP OF MASER CONSULTING, P.A. FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FENIMORE LANDFILL WHEREAS, there continues to exist a need for environmental consulting services to be rendered to the Township in connection with the Fenimore Landfill; and WHEREAS, the Township wishes to continue to retain the services of Robert L. Zelley, PG, LSRP of Maser Consulting, P.A. to perform the aforementioned environmental consulting services for an amount not to exceed $90,000.00 for the period of July 1, 2015 through December 31 , 2015; and WHEREAS, the Township has determined to award a professional service contract to Robert L. Zelley, PG, LSRP without obtaining competitive bids or quotations pursuant to the provisions ofN.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.5; and WHEREAS, Robert L. Zelley, PG, LSRP of Maser Consulting, P.A. has completed and submitted a Business Entity Disclosure Certification which certifies that neither he nor his firm has made any reportable contributions to a political or candidate committee in the Township of Roxbury for the previous one year, and that the contract will prohibit them from making any reportable contributions through the term of the contract; and WHEREAS, the Township's Chief Financial Officer has certified that funds are available for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the Local Public Contracts Law (N.J.S.A. 40A:l 1-1 et seq.) requires that the resolution authorizing the award of a contract for "professional services" without competitive bid and the contract itself must be made available for public inspection. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, in the County of Morris and State of New Jersey, as follows: 1. The Township of Roxbury hereby awards and authorizes the Mayor and Township Clerk to execute a professional services contract with Robert L. Zelley, PG, LSRP of Maser Consulting, P.A. for environmental consulting services in connection with the Fenimore Landfill. The amount of the Contract shall not exceed $90,000.00 for the period of July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015 without the prior written approval of the Township Council. Received from BUCCO rtresl 5-03 2. This contract is awarded without competitive bidding as a professional service in accordance with the provisions of the Local Public Contracts Law because said services are performed by a person authorized by law to practice a recognized profession. 3. The Business Disclosure Entity Certification and the Determination of Value associated with this contract shall be placed on file with this resolution. 4. Notice of this action shall be published once in the Township's official newspaper as required by law. 5. This Resolution shall take effect immediately. ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: Received from BUCCO rtres l 5-03 TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY 1715 Route 46 Ledgewood, NJ 07852 CERTIFICATION OF FUNDS I, Lisa A. Spring, CFO of the Township of Roxbury, do hereby certify as fo llows: I . I have examined the capital/current accounts of the Township of Roxbury in order to determine if sufficient funds are available for: Environmental ConsultingFenimore Landfill 2. The projected cost of which is: $90,000.00 3. I have determined that such funds as are necessary are avai lable in the fo llowing accounts: Ord.# Description NIA Litigation Fenimore Amount Balance Account Charged $90,000.00 NIA 5-0 1-20- 155207 4. I have determined that the above-described expenditures may be authorized by the Township Council against the aforesaid accounts in the amounts specified in each. Now therefore, based on the foregoing, I do hereby certify that adequate funds shall be avai lable for the purposes and in the line item amounts specified above, upon the adopti on of the 20 15 Budget, further that I shall encumber the same for a period of sixty days from the date of this certification or until an ordinance or reso lution authorizing the expenditure described above is enacted , whichever event shall occur sooner. Date RESOLUTION NO. 2015- 246 BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, that the following payments be and they are hereby approved as per the listing attached: CURRENT AMOUNT 83482-83659 $6,270, 787.52 I hereby certify check numbers and amounts listed above are true, accurate and complete to the best of my ability and knowledge. ADOPTED: Attest: VW-Finance July 28, 2015 July 23, 2015 11:17 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id Page No: 1 Range of checking Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of check Ids: 83646 to 83659 Report Type: All checks Report Format: Detail check Type: computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description 83646 07/28/15 BLOOl RICHARD BLOOD 15-02061 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83647 07/28/15 DAR03 EUGENE DARCY 15-02071 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83648 07/28/15 DID04 SANDRA DIDOMENICO 15-02060 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83649 07/28/15 HUROl MARK HURST 15-02065 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83650 07/28/15 KAN01 DENNIS KANNALEY 15-02063 2 JAN-JULY 83651 07/28/15 KOB02 MICHAEL A. KOBYLARZ 15-02058 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83652 07/28/15 LAN27 ROBYN LANCE 15-02054 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83653 07/28/15 MAI15 DEBRA MAINES 15-02064 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83654 07/28/15 MCK06 JOSEPH MCKEON 15-02059 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83655 07/28/15 MONOS ABIGAIL M. MONTGOMERY 15-02055 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83656 07/28/15 SCH55 ROD SCHMIDT 15-02062 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83657 07/28/15 SMI35 BRAD SMITH 15-02057 2 JAN-JULY Amount Paid Charge Account 300 .00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Account Type Budget Budget 300.00 5-05-55-502-216 CELL PHONE ON CALL PERSONNEL Reconciled/void Ref Num contract Ref Seq Acct 2169 8 1 2169 14 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 7 1 300.00 5-07-55-502-216 CELL PHONE Budget 2169 12 1 300 .00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 10 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 5 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 1 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 11 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 6 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 2 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 9 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 4 1 July 23, 2015 11:17 AM Township of Roxbury Check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid charge Account 83658 07/28/15 VAN02 TODD VANDERHOOF 15-02066 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT 83659 07/28/15 ZAC01 MATIHEW ZACHOK 15-02056 2 2015 CELL PHONE REIMBURSEMENT Report Totals Paid checks: 14 Direct Deposit: __O Total: -U void 0 __o --0 Page No: 2 Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num contract Ref Seq Acct 300.00 5-07-55-502-216 CELL PHONE Budget 2169 13 1 300.00 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2169 3 1 Amount Paid 4,200.00 0.00 4,200.00 Amount void 0.00 0.00 0.00 Township of Roxbury check Register By check rd July 23, 2015 11:17 AM Page No: 3 Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Total cur rent Fund 5-01 3,300.00 0.00 0.00 3,300.00 5-05 300.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 5-07 600.00 0.00 0.00 600.00 4, 200. 00 0.00 0.00 4,200.00 Total Of All Funds: Township of Roxbury Check Register By Check Id July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Page No: 1 Range of Checki ng Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of Check Ids: 83502 to 83645 Report Type: All checks Report Format: Detail Check Type: computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid charge Account Account Type Reconciled/voi d Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct 83502 07/28/15 ACC02 ACCURATE WASTE REMOVAL SERV. 15-00049 7 2015 SLUDGE REMOVAL 19,879. 00 5-07-55-502-206 SLUDGE HAULING Budget 2168 6 1 83503 07/28/15 ACT02 15-02349 1 CURRENT Budget 2168 181 1 Budget 182 1 Budget 183 1 Budget 144 15-02349 2 WATER 15-02349 SEWER ACTION DATA SERVICES INC 83504 07/ 28/15 ACU01 ACURA OF DENVILLE 15-02202 1 Q6429 I PIPE A/C A&K EQUIPMENT CO INC 83505 07/28/15 AK01 15-00850 1 UTILITY BODY PURCHASE/INTALL 288 .13 5-01-20-130-204 CONTRACTED SERVICES 288 .13 5-05-55-502-228 CONTRACTED SERVICES 288.13 5-07-55-502-261 OFFICE EXPENSE 864.39 2168 75. 22 5-01-26-315-267 MR/ POLICE DEPT Budget 17,255 .00 s-14-55-003-106 REPLACE RX51 2008 UTILITYTRK 1 2168 59 1 Budget 2168 114 1 83507 07/28/15 AME09 AMERICANWATER WORKS ASSOC. 15-02100 1 MELANIE M. MICHETTI RENEWAL 205.00 5-05-55-502- 214 DUES Budget 2168 119 1 83508 07/28/15 AME15 AMERICAN PAPER &SUPPLY CO 15-02027 1 Jani torial Supplies 4,5 74 .95 5-01-26-310-204 JANITORIAL SUPPLIES Budget 2168 109 1 83509 07/28/15 AME51 AMERICAN AQUATIC TESTING INC 15-02093 1 6879 AJAX TESTING 790.00 5-07-55-502-222 BIOSSAY PROGRAMS Budget 2168 115 1 83506 07/28/15 ALL47 ALL WET IRRIGATION 15-02077 1 Sprinkler repair HSL-90 83510 07/28/ 15 AQU02 AQUA-TECH USA 15-01316 1 ALADIN 2040E PARTS WASHER 83511 07/28/15 AQU09 AQUA CHILL PARSIPPANY ONTHLY WATER RENTAL 15-00055 8 2015 M 301. 75 5-01-28-375-208 TURF GRASS MAINTENANCE Budget 9' 308. 50 G-15-55-002 -801 ACQUIS OF VEHICLE LIFT &PARTS WASHER 205. 20 5-01-20-105-219 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 83512 07/ 28/15 ATD01 ATD HIGHWAY PRODUCTS, LLC 4,333.75 5-01-26-290-202 15-02004 1 Cones, barrels &workzone sign TRAFFIC CONTROL/SIGNAGE 2168 68 1 Budget 2168 7 1 Budget 2168 107 1 July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Descripti on Amount Paid Charge Account Page No: 2 Account Type Reconcil ed/voi d Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct 83513 07 /28/ 15 BANOS FRANCIS J. BANISCH ,III,PP/AICP 1,242.50 5-18-56-880-102 15-01921 2 P15-24618 MT LAUREL HOUSING Budget 2168 96 1 83514 07/28/15 BAY08 ELIZABETH BAYLOR 15-02385 1 RES 2015-201 TAX REFUND 562 .45 5-01-55-100-104 TAX REFUNDS Budget 2168 205 1 571. 51 5-01-55-100-104 TAX REFUNDS Budget 2168 204 1 Budget 2168 5 1 484.95 5-01-25-267-203 ADDITIONAL EQUIPM ENT 5-01-25-267-403 119.90 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 269.85 5-01-25-267-403 EQUIP. ,MAINT, REPAIRS 874.70 Budget 2168 66 1 Budget 73 1 Budget 74 1 36 .00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES 36.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES 215.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES 287.00 Budget 2168 46 1 Budget 47 1 Budget 48 1 83515 07/28/15 BEY04 JAYNE C. BEYER 15-02384 1 RES. 2015-214 6201/ 3.1410 83516 07/28/15 BLU09 BLUE DIAMOND DISPOSAL INC 141,000.00 5-01-26-307-202 15-00026 9 2015 CONTRACTED SERVICE CONTRACTED SERVICES BAND RUNIFORM CO. 83517 07/28/15 BR01 15-01196 6 26652/MACKIN 15-01517 15-01517 1 26613/EMBROIDERED BELL HAT 26691 CHIEF/CAPTAIN BADGE 83518 07/28/15 BRA05 BRANDED SCREEN PRINTING 15-00506 25 Invoice 7413-Boys Basketball 15-00506 26 Invoice 7423-Girls Basketball 15-00506 27 Invoice 7426-Lacrosse 83519 07/28/15 BR027 15-02264 1 CURRENT 15-02264 SEWER 15-02264 WATER 83520 07/28/15 BR027 15-02314 1 CURRENT BROADVIEW NETWORKS 2,827 .90 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE 116.85 5-07-55-502-252 ALARMS/PHONES 39.38 5-05-55-502-222 TELEPHONE 2, 984.13 Budget 2168 156 1 Budget 157 1 Budget 158 1 569.80 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE Budget 2168 169 1 BROADVIEW NETWORKS 83521 07/28/ 15 BSN01 BSN SPORTS/COLLEGIATE PACIFIC 239.18 5-01-28-375-210 15-01678 1 2-dbl rim basketbal l nets PLAYGROUND MAINTENANCE 2168 Budget 77 1 July 23, 2015 10:58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Page No: 3 Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Acct Budget 2168 227 1 83523 07/28/15 CAI01 CAIN AND SONS FIRE EQUIP.INC . Budget 138. 00 5-01-25-260-208 15-02094 1 OXYGEN 31618 OXYGEN SUPPLIES AND MAINTENANCE 2168 116 1 83524 07/28/15 CAP02 ROBERT CAPRA 15-02424 1 CAMP CAPRA DIRECTOR 7/6-7/21 83522 07/28/15 CAC02 MARIA CACOPARDO 15-02425 1 TEEN TRAVEL 2 AND 3 REFUND 83525 07/ 28/15 CAS04 CASTLE PRINTING 15-02096 1 INV 9461 PD ENVELOPES 15-02165 1 INV#9545 RECRUITING FLYER 405.00 5-01-55-100-109 RECREATION REFUNDS 2 880' 00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 226 1 88.75 5-01-25-240-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 93.00 5-01-25-240-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 181. 75 Budget 2168 118 1 Budget 130 Budget 2168 202 1 I 83526 07/28/15 CAS30 ESTATE OF LOUIS CASTIGLIA JR, 250.00 5-01-55-100-104 15-02382 1 VETERAN DEDUCTION REFUND TAX REFUNDS 83527 07 /28/15 CDW01 CDW GOVERNMENT 15-02251 1 QUOTE#GHJZ769 SERVER ENCLOSURE 15-02279 1 QUOTE GHPN553 83528 07/ 28/15 CER04 15-01845 1 1937815 Budget 465. 30 5-01-25-240-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES Budget 1,167.40 G-15-55-002-101 NEW COMPUTER HARDWARE,NETWORK INFRA UPGR 1,632.70 83530 07/28/15 CHI03 CHIEF SUPPLY CORP 15-02200 1 INV#299964 BARRICADE TAPE 83531 07/ 28/15 CIN04 CINTAS CORP. LOC 101 15-00196 15 Inv. 101656984, 101660706 15-00197 15 Inv. 101656984, 101660706 15-00198 15 Inv. 101656984, 101660706 15-00200 16 Inv . 101656984, 101660706 2168 155 1 166 1 524' 11 5-07-55-502-201 AJAX PLANT Budget 2168 86 1 80,000.00 5-05-55-520-401 BOND PRINCIPAL Budget 2168 190 1 Budget 2168 142 1 Budget 2168 34 1 Budget 35 1 Budget 36 1 Budget 37 1 CERTIFIED LABORATORIES 83529 07/28/ 15 CHAO? CHASE BANK 15-02361 1 8/1 PRINC PYMT 2,212,000 BONDS 1 180.36 5-01-25-240-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 31.02 5-01-26-315-249 UNIFORMS 24.72 5-01-26-310-249 UNIFORMS 73 .30 5-01-28-375-249 UNIFORMS, BOOTS 98. 96 5-01-26-290-249 UNIFORM SERVICE Township of Roxbury Check Register By Check Id July 23, 2015 10:58 AM check # check Date vendor Item Description PO # 83531 CINTAS CORP. LOC 101 Continued 15-00201 16 Inv. 101656984, 101660706 83532 07/28/15 CON46 15-00001 5 2015-04 Amount Paid charge Account 23.12 5-05-55-502-249 UNIFORMS 251.12 Page No: 4 Account Type Budget CONSERVATION ADVISING SERVICES Budget 675.00 5-15-56-877-101 GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS Reconciled/void Ref Num contract Ref Seq Acct 38 1 2168 4 1 835 33 07 / 28/15 COR30 CORELOGIC REAL ESTATE TAX SVC 2,314.51 5-01-55-100-104 15-02381 1 TAX REFUND 2015-215 TAX REFUNDS Budget 2168 201 1 83534 07/ 28/15 CUROl CURRENT 15-02387 1 PLNG ESCROW EMP TIME CARDS JUN 2,147 .27 5-13-56-852-102 INSPECTIONS 4,461.82 5-13-56-854-104 PLANNING 6,609.09 Budget 2168 207 1 Budget 208 252.62 5-13-56-852-102 INSPECTIONS Budget 2168 198 1 141. 28 5-01-20-121-229 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Budget 2168 153 1 55.68 5-01-20-130-219 MATERIAL &SUPPLIES Budget 2168 197 1 41. 00 5-01-26-310-207 PEST CONTROL 22 5. 00 5-01-26-310-207 PEST CONTROL 12 5'00 5-01-26-310-207 PEST CONTROL 391. 00 Budget 2168 8 1 Budget 9 1 Budget 141 1 588.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 132 1 3.70 5-05-55-502-210 NATURAL GAS 101. 01 5-01-31-430-206 NATURAL GAS 104. 71 Budget 2168 162 1 Budget 163 15-02387 2 PLNG ESCROW EMP TIME CARDS JUN 83535 07/28/15 CUR03 CURRENT ACCOUNT 15-02378 1 DEVEL/ENG INSPEC FEES JUNE 83536 07/28/15 DAI01 DAILY RECORD 15-02247 1 0000548836 83537 07/ 28/15 DAI02 DAILY RECORD-MORRIS 15-02377 1 0000554850 PAYROLL RFP 83538 07/28/ 15 DELOl DELSEA PEST CONTROL 15-00057 7 2015 GENERAL PEST CONTROL 15-00057 8 2015 GENERAL PEST CONTROL 15-02199 1 Bee's nest removal Dog Park 83539 07/ 28/15 DEZ02 DEZINE LINE 15-02169 1 step Pedometer INV 21513 83540 07/28/15 DIR05 DIRECT ENERGY BUSINESS 15-02270 1 ORBEN DRIVE 15-02271 1 CURRENT 1 1 July 23 , 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor Item Description PO # Amount Paid Charge Account 83541 07 /28/15 DOV02 DOVER SPORTS CENTER, INC. 15-00505 14 Ice Packs Invoice 11976 Page No: 5 Account Type Reconciled/void Ref Num Contract Ref seq Acct Budget 2168 45 1 83542 07/28/15 DRA05 DRAEGER SAFETY DIAGNOSTICS INC 307.50 5-02-40-702-302 15-01965 1 91117089 ALCOTEST SUPPLIES DWI O/E Budget 2168 103 1 83543 07/28/15 FAS03 FASTENAL COMPANY 15-01953 1 NJM OU58250 Budget 2168 99 1 15-01953 NJMOU58600 83544 07/28/15 FEDOl FEDERAL EXPRESS 15-02268 1 4639-3324-3, INV 5-085-68016 15-02268 2 4639-3324-3, INV 5-092-75374 144.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES 105.40 5-01-26-315-219 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 204 .83 5-01-26-315-219 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 310' 23 30.23 5-12-56-850-221 POSTAGE 30.23 5-12-56-850-221 POSTAGE 60.46 83545 07/ 28/ 15 FER13 FERRIERO ENGINEERING,INC. 1,368. 75 5-13-56-852-102 15-01103 5 DEVEL/ ENG ESCROW INSPECTIONS INSPECTIONS 6, 088. 77 5-13-56-854-104 15-02388 1 PLNG BO ESCROW ENG INV JUN PLANNING 97. 50 5-01-21-180-204 15-02388 2 PLNGBO ESCROW ENG INVJUN CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,377.75 5-13-56-854-104 15-02389 1 ZONING ESCROW ENG SVC JUN PLANNING 8,932.77 83546 07/28/15 FIB01 FIBAR SYSTEMS, LLC 15-01710 1 KIWANIS PLAYGROUND 15-01710 2 FREIGHT 83547 07/28/15 FIR02 FIRE FIGHTERS EQUIP CO INC 15-00123 13 2015 OXYGEN/ POLICE DEPT 15-00123 14 2015 OXYGEN / POLICE DEPT 83548 07/28/15 FIR49 FIREFIGHTER ONE ,LLC 15-01542 1 100766,100897 15-01542 2 100907 Budget 100 Budget 2168 159 1 Budget 160 Budget 1 1 2168 63 1 Budget 209 1 Budget 210 1 Budget 211 1 Budget 968.00 G-14-55-002 -804 PLAYGRD REPLACE KIWANIS PK Budget 429.00 G-14-55-002-804 PLAYGRD REPLACE KIWANIS PK 1,397.00 2168 79 1 80 1 162.50 5-01-25-240-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 23.75 5-01-25-240-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 186.25 Budget 2168 16 1 Budget 17 2,156.28 5-01-25-267-103 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 2,359.34 5-01-25-267-103 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT Budget 2168 75 1 Budget 76 1 1 July 23, 2015 10:58AM Township of Roxbury check Register By Check Id check # check Date vendor Item Description PO # 83548 FIREFIGHTER ONE,LLC 15-01901 1 INV 100841 Amount Paid charge Account Page No: 6 Account Type Reconciled/void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct Continued Budget 95 1 Budget 140 1 Budget 2168 113 1 83550 07/28/ 15 FOX01 FOX ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN, P.C. Budget 15-02201 1 Lighting 72 Eyland Ave 730.00 G-13-55-005-903 HSL-BATH,CONCESSION,SITE UPGRADES 2168 143 1 15-02184 1 99079 SEWER PLANT 83549 07/28/15 FIS01 FISHER SCIENTIFIC CO LLC 15-02051 1 LAB SUPPLIES 83551 07/28/ 15 FOX06 15-00157 7 1792663 309.60 5-01-25-267-103 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 545.23 5-07-55-502-201 AJAX PLANT 5,370 .45 901. 57 5-07-55-502-201 AJAX PLANT FOX ROTHSCHILD LLP 2,156.00 5-01-20-155-204 LEGAL/PROF. SERVICES Budget 2168 22 1 150.00 5-01-20-155-207 LITIGATION-FENIMORE Budget 2168 65 1 83553 07/28/15 GARll GARDEN ST HIGHWAY PROD INC 9,246.98 5-01-26-290-202 15-01887 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAGE TRAFFIC CONTROL/SIGNAGE Budget 2168 90 1 83554 07/28/15 GEN04 GENERAL SALES ADMINISTRATION 3,130.00 5-01-25-240-205 15-02228 1 EXTENDED WARRANTY FOR 2 ALPRS CONTRACTED SERVICE Budget 2168 148 1 83555 07/28/15 GER02 THOMAS J. GERMINARIO 15-02390 1 PLNG BOARD LEGAL SVCS JUN 840.00 5-01-21-180-204 CONTRACTEDSERVICES 6,635.00 5-13-56-854-104 PLANNING 7,475 .00 Budget 2168 212 1 Budget 213 360.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 178 1 940.04 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 167 1 367 .35 5-05-55-502-206 LINE MAINTENANCE 482.00 5-05-55-502-206 LINE MAINTENANCE Budget 2168 88 1 Budget 89 83552 07/28/15 GAROl GARDEN STATE LAB., INC. 15-01165 2 2015 WATER SAMPLING /FENIMORE 15-02390 2 PLNG BOARD LEGAL SVCS JUN 83556 07/28/15 GROll RICH GROEL 15-02342 1 5/ 31 6/7 6/11 6/14 umpire 83557 07/28/15 HANll HANSON AGGREGATES BMC INC 15-02306 1 white sand INV 2750759 83558 07/28/ 15 HDS01 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD 15-01882 2 LINE MAINTENANCE SUPPLIES 15-01882 LINE MAINT SUPPLIES/ WATER 1 1 July 23, 2015 10:58 AM Page No: 7 Township of Roxbury check Register By Check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid charge Account 83558 HD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD Continued 15-01925 1 E0622454/FIRE HYDRANTS Account Type Budget 22,000.00 W -14-55-004-101 HYDRANT REPLACEMENT (7)+(6) 22, 849 .35 Reconciled/void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct 97 1 41. 51 5-01-26-310-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 25.17 5-01-26-310-219 MATERIALS/SUPPLIES 40.86 5-01-28-375-219 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 78.61 5-01-28-375-219 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 66.79 5-01-26-290-219 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 11.11 5-07-55-502-201 AJf>.Y. PLANT 264.05 Budget 2168 27 1 Budget 28 1 Budget 29 1 Budget 30 1 Budget 31 1 Budget 32 1 132' 60 5-05-55-502-212 REAL ESTATE Tf>.Y. ES Budget 2168 24 1 02 ICMA - INT CITY/CTY MGMT ASSOC 83561 07/28/15 ICM 1 2015 MEMBERSHIP DUES 1,248.00 5-01-20-100-204 15-02360 DUES/ PRO ORGS Budget 2168 189 1 83562 07/28/ 15 ING06 INGERMAN GROUP 15-02123 1 2014 SOLID WASTE REIMB 25,932.32 5-01-26-325-204 RIVER PARK VILLAGE Budget 2168 124 1 16, 102 .32 5-07-55-502-254 ELECTRICITY 5,244.29 5-05-55-502-204 ELECTRICITY 10, 980. 21 5-01-31-430-209 STREETLIGHTING 10,314.14 5-01-31-430-204 ELECTRICITY 42,640.96 Budget 2168 173 1 Budget 174 1 Budget 175 1 Budget 176 1 778.00 5-01-26-315-267 MR/POLICE DEPT Budget 2168 136 1 822.66 5-01-28-375-205 EQUIPMENT RENTAL Budget 2168 49 1 83559 07/ 28/15 HOM01 15-00174 73 9234711 15-00174 74 155048 15-00175 7112498 15-00175 6 2015 PARKS 15-00176 15-00177 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 11 4151572 7 2015 SEWER DEPARTMENT 83560 07/28/15 HOPOl BOROUGH OF HOPATCONG ILTON AVE REAR BLK 10108 L31 15-00169 4 M 83563 07/28/15 JCP03 JCP &L 15-02325 1 SEWER JUN 15-02326 1 WATER JUN 15-02327 1 STREET LIGHTS JUN 15-02328 1 CURRENT JUN 83564 07/28/15 JOH06 15-02176 1 5042333 JOHNSON-DODGE CHRYSLER JEEP 83565 07/28/15 JOH22 JOHNNY ON THE SPOT LLC 15-00522 11 2015 PORTABLE UNITS July 23, 2015 10:58AM Township of Roxbury Check Register By Check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description 83565 JOHNNY ON THE SPOT LLC continued 15-00522 12 2015 COMMUNITY GARDEN 83566 07/28/15 KEM06 CARLETON R. KEMPH, ESQ 15-02380 1 TAX APPEAL REFUND 2015-213 83567 07/28/15 KEN08 KENVIL WELDERY MACHINE 15-01880 1 INSTALL STAINLESS STEEL RAILS 83568 07/28/15 KEY06 KEY GOVERNMENT FINANCE 15-00062 8 2015 LEASE 42681 15-00063 8 2015 LEASE 42130 83569 07/ 28/15 KLE12 KLEEN KAR CORP 15-00618 8 M ISC SUPPLIES Amount Paid charge Account 55.00 5-01-27-375-201 COMMUNITY GARDEN EXPENSES 877' 66 Account Type Budget 44,378.98 5-01-55-100-132 Budget CHG. TO RES. FOR TAX APPEALS Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref seq Acct 50 1 2168 200 1 3,500.00 5-07-55-502-242 PUMP STATION Budget 2168 87 1 4, 901. 30 5-01-25-240-261 VEHICLE PURCHASE/LEASE 3,321.55 5-01-25-240-261 VEHICLE PURCHASE/ LEASE 8, 222. 85 Budget 2168 10 1 Budget 11 Budget 2168 55 1 Budget 2168 131 1 80. 91 5-01-26-315-219 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES 83570 07/28/ 15 LAK04 LAKELAND JUNIOR TRACK-FIELD 325.00 5-01-28-372-202 15-02167 1 2015 Spring Track Fees OPERATING EXPENSES 83571 07 /28/ 15 LAK05 LAKESIDE NURSERIES 15-01709 1 ESTIMATE 507 KIWANIS PARK Page No: 8 4,043.44 G-14-55-002-804 Budget PLAYGRD REPLACE KIWANIS PK 1 2168 78 1 83572 07/28/15 LAN30 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES, INC. 15-00221 6 2015 TRANSLATION SERVICES 85.43 5-01-43-490-206 TRANSLATOR/ PROFESSIONAL Budget 2168 40 1 83573 07/28/15 LAN32 ROBIN LANAGER 15-02351 1 FOOTBALL REFUND 125.00 5-01-55-100-109 RECREATION REFUNDS Budget 2168 185 1 150' 31 4-01-27-375-204 BEE KEEPING PROGRAM Budget 2168 111 1 Budget 2168 33 1 Budget 2168 83 1 83574 07/28/15 LET03 STEVE LETKOWSKI 15-02049 1 REIM. DONALDSON GREEN HOUSE 83575 07/28/15 LIF04 15-00182 8 JULY LIFE INSURANCE CO.OF N.AMERICA 2'181. 40 5-01-23-211-203 OTHER INSURANCE EXPENSES 83576 07 /28/ 15 LOROl LORCO PETROLEUM SERVICES 15-01757 1 cleaning of 2 oil storage tank 761. 50 5-01-26-300-270 RECYCLING COMPOST July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 83577 07 /28/ 15 MAC10 MACMILLAN OIL COMPANY 15-02175 1 9015 /ANTI FREEZE PREMIX 83578 07/28/15 MAC12 HATCH MOTT MACDONALD 14-00831 9 IV00213202 14-00831 10 IV00213203 15-00578 4 DESIGN/ BID GENERATOR AJAX 15-01013 6 IV002138320 15-01014 IV00213201 415.00 5-01-26-315-271 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 3,115.56 4-05-55-502-211 CONSULTING SERVICES 1,453.29 4-05-55-502-211 CONSULTING SERVICES 3,762.30 S-12-55-011-105 AJAX GENERATOR REPLACEMENT 3,183.73 5-07-55-502-235 CONSULTING SERVICE 7,241.02 5-05-55-502-211 CONSULTING SERVICES 18,755 .90 83579 07 /28/15 MAI13 MAIN POOLAND CHEMICAL CO. ,INC 1,364.00 5-07-55-502-205 15-00134 10 SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE CHEMICALS 83580 07/28/15 MAR37 MARIAHS AMAZING PUPPETS 15-02005 1 6 performances July, 2015 83581 07/28/15 MAS18 MASER CONSULTING, PA 15-01323 7 JUNE 287793 83582 07/28/15 MCE02 ROBERT MCENTEE 15-02344 1 softba;; umpire 6/9,22,23 83583 07/28/15 MED14 MEDIC ED.COM INC 15-02139 1 2789 ONLINE TRAINING ACCESS 83584 07/28/15 MET09 15-02323 1 CURRENT 15-02323 2 WATER 15-02323 SEWER 15-02235 2 WATER BILL &ENVELOPES Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct Budget 2168 135 1 Budget 2168 2 1 Budget 3 1 Budget 53 1 Budget 60 1 Budget 61 1 Budget 2168 19 1 Budget 3'033 '00 5-02-40-701-307 CLEAN COMMUNITIES O.E.- 2015 2168 108 1 6,823.75 5-01-20-155-207 LITIGATION-FENIMORE Budget 2168 69 1 270.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 180 1 480.00 5-01-25-260-201 EDUCATION/TRAINING Budget 2168 126 1 Budget 2168 170 1 Budget 171 1 Budget 172 1 Budget 2168 150 1 Budget 151 METROPOLITAN TELECOMMUNICATION 3,306.33 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE 1,177.66 5-05-55-502-222 TELEPHONE 204 .38 5-07-55-502-252 ALARMS/PHONES 4,688.37 83585 07/28/15 MGLOl MGL PRINTING SOLUTIONS 15-02235 1 SEWER BILL &ENVELOPES Page No: 9 1,020.25 5-07-55-502-261 OFFICE EXPENSE 450.75 5-05-55-502-208 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1, 471 .00 1 July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 83586 07/28/15 MIS06 MISSION COMMUNICATIONS, LLC 8, 511. 00 5-07-55-502-252 15-01082 1 ANNUAL SERVICE/WASTEWATER ALARMS/ PHONES 83587 07 /28/15 MON01 MONTAGUE TOOL AND SUPPLY CO.IN 15-02151 1 wheelbarrow 109' 00 5-01-26-290-204 TOOLS AND HARDWARE 15-02151 2 wheelbarrow 109' 00 5-01-28-375-219 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 218.00 83588 07/28/15 MON25 15-02174 1 38282 517.30 5-01-26-315-271 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 83590 07/ 28/15 MORlOl MORRIS CO PUBL SAFETY ACADEMY 15-01889 1 22043 FFl-1502/GRIBBON 225 '00 5-01-25-267-201 EDUCATION/TRAINING 225.00 5-01-25-267-201 15-01889 2 22168 FFl-1501/LOVENBERG EDUCATION/TRAINING BSMT CELLAR FIRES/ 1510941 150.00 5-01-25-267-201 15-01889 EDUCATION/TRAINING 75 .00 5-01-25-267-201 15-02095 1 22111 EM DISPATCH 4/ 7/2015 EDUCATION/TRAINING 675 .00 83591 07/28/15 MUS03 THE MUSIC DEN 15-01991 1 Portable PA Invoice 255505 2 255607/BATTERIES 83592 07 /28/15 NIS01 NISIVOCCIA LLP 15-02203 1 61475 PERIOD ENDING DEC 2014 15-02203 Account Type 61475 PERIOD ENDING DEC 2014 239.99 5-01-28-370-219 MATERIAL SUPPLIES 2.95 5-01-28-370-219 MATERIAL SUPPLIES 242 .94 17,190.00 5-01-20-135-201 AUDIT FEES 30,080.00 5-07-55-502-275 ANNUAL AUDIT FEE 47,270.00 83593 07/28/15 NJE03 NJEIT /US BANK NATL ASSOC 101,723.82 5-07-55-529-407 15-01898 1 NJ ENVIRON INFRA TRUST LOAN NJEIT LOAN P&I Reconciled/void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct Budget 2168 62 1 Budget 2168 127 1 Budget 128 Budget 2168 134 1 Budget 2168 56 1 Budget 57 Budget 2168 91 1 Budget 92 1 Budget 93 1 Budget 117 1 Budget 2168 105 1 Budget 106 Budget 2168 145 1 Budget 146 MONTAGE ENTERPRISES INC 83589 07/ 28/15 MON35 MONTANA CONSTRUCTION CORP. INC 8,505.00 5-20-56-882-102 15-00648 4 DEMO APPLICATION 2 (A) HOUSING ESCROW OLD DPW ENV REM. APPLICATION 2 (B) 203, 521. 00 5-20-56-882-102 15-00648 HOUSING ESCROW OLD DPW 212,026.00 15-01991 Page No: 10 Budget 1 1 1 1 2168 94 1 July 23, 2015 10:58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By Check Id Check # check Date Vendor Item Description PO # 83594 07/28/15 NJS03 NJ STATE LEAGUE OF MUNI 15-01806 1 NJ Goverment Employment List 15-02152 1 Advertisement Amount Paid charge Account 110.00 5-01-21-185-229 LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS 110.00 5-01-43-490-208 PUBLICATIONS 220.00 Page No: 11 Account Type Budget Reconciled/Void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct 2168 85 1 Budget 129 83595 07/ 28/15 NJS06 NEW JERSEY ST. DEPT OF HEALTH 49.20 5-12-56-850-224 15-02356 1 DOG LIC 2311 - 2342 JUN STATE LICENSING FEES Budget 2168 186 1 83596 07/ 28/15 ONE13 ONE CALL CONCEPTS INC ESSAGES 15-00536 6 12-ROX ONE CALL M 174.84 5-07-55-502-273 NJ ONE CALL Budget 2168 51 1 83.57 5-01-25-267-303 ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT 129.85 5-01-25-267-201 EDUCATION/TRAINING 84.90 5-01-20-140-203 EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS 195.86 5-07-55-502-252 ALARMS/PHONES 59.95 5-05-55-502-223 INFORMATION/TECHNOLOGY 554.13 Budget 2168 216 1 Budget 217 1 Budget 218 1 Budget 219 1 Budget 220 1 675.00 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 179 1 60.00 5-01-55-100-107 BLDG PERMIT REFUNDS Budget 2168 199 1 216.66 5-01-20-130-204 CONTRACTED SERVICES 216.66 5-05-55-502-228 CONTRACTED SERVICES 216.68 5-07-55-502-235 CONSULTING SERVICE 650.00 Budget 2168 104 1 Budget 104 Budget 104 400.00 5-01-25-240-205 CONTRACTED SERVICE Budget 2168 39 1 279.04 5-01-20-105-205 POSTAGE/MAIL Budget 2168 25 1 83597 07/28/15 OPT02 OPTIMUM 15-02395 1 506952 FIRE CO 3 15-02395 626169 FIRE CO 2 15-02395 3 505251 - 72 EYLAND AVE 15-02395 4 580494 - SEWER 15-02395 626401 - WATER 83598 07/28/15 PAR05 MICHAEL PARKER 15-02343 1 5/ 31,6/ 7,10,14,17,24 umpire PAXOS ELECTRIC CO LLC 83599 07/28/15 PAX02 15-02379 1 CONSTRUCTION REFUND 83600 07/28/15 PH003 PHOENIX ADVISORS, LLC 15-01984 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15-01984 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 15-01984 1 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 83601 07/28/15 PINO? PINNACLE WIRELESS INC 15-00211 8 2015 MAINT/SVC POLICE DEPT 83602 07/ 28/15 PIT01 PITNEY BOWES 15-00172 8 METERS RENTALS 2015 1 2 July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid charge Account 83603 07/28/15 PIT07 B. DEGRAW/A. PITT 15-02383 1 RES. 2015-214 TAX REFUND 83604 07/28/15 PJS03 PJS SYSTEMS, LLC 15-00173 3 2015 COMPUTER MAINT / POLICE 464.64 5-01-55-100-104 TAX REFUNDS 1,570.00 5-01-25-240-205 CONTRACTED SERVICE 83605 07/28/15 POR10 PORT MORRIS FIREMAN'S ASSOC . 864.78 5-01-25-267-203 15-02048 1 REIM. TRAINING TELEVISION ADDITIONAL EQUIPM ENT 83606 07/28/15 POWOl POWER PLACE 15-01283 1 ESTIMATE 1330092 15-02246 1 527516, 530406 SEWER PLANT 83607 07/28/15 POW07 POW R SAVE INC. 15-00144 8 2015 MONTHLY HVAC/REFRIDGE SVC Page No: 12 Account Type Budget 2168 203 1 Budget 2168 26 1 Budget 2168 110 1 Budget 4,122.30 G-15-55-002-973 PKS/ REC-LEAF VACUUM/ BKV PKFENCE/SUN AWN Budget 649.45 5-07-55-502-245 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS 4,771. 75 I 15-02128 1 Repai r Air cond. Health Dept 408.33 5-01-26-310-263 AIR CONDITIONING/HVAC 720.00 5-01-26-310-263 AIR CONDITIONING/HVAC 1, 128.33 Reconciled/Void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct Budget Budget 2168 67 1 152 1 2168 20 1 125 1 83608 07/28/15 PRE16 PRECISION ELECTRIC MOTOR WORKS 1,317.50 5-07-55-502-201 15-01748 1 SI11326 SIEMANS 3 ELEC. MOTOR AJAX PLANT Budget 2168 82 1 83609 07/28/15 RAM01 RAMSEY OUTDOOR STORES,INC. 15-02334 1 Spincast combo 2634060 95.94 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATINGEXPENSES Budget 2168 177 1 35 .00 5-01-55-100-109 RECREATION REFUNDS Budget 2168 184 1 90.00 5-01-20-121-245 CONTRACTEDSERVICES Budget 2168 58 1 Budget 2168 149 1 83610 07/28/15 REI24 LAURA REID 15-02350 1 MINNOW CLASS REFUND 83611 07/28/15 REN06 RENTACRATE LLC / SHREDX 15-00745 6 Invoice #: 62774 83612 07/28/15 RI002 RIO SUPPLY INC 15-02229 1 PREMIUM SUPPORT PACKAGE R&J CONTROL INC 83613 07 /28/15 RJOl 15-01759 1 Generator start up work 83614 07/28/15 ROC03 ROCKAWAY ANIMAL HOSPITAL 15-01336 9 2015 DOG VET SERVICES 4,500.00 5-05-55-502-227 COMPUTER SUPPORT Budget 2,939.50 G-07-55-008-601 PINE STREET PUBLIC WORKS FACILITY Budget 1,538.00 5-12-56-850-203 ROCKAWAY ANIMAL HOSPITAL- DOG, CAT 2168 84 1 2168 70 1 July 23, 2015 10:58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PD # Item Description continued 83614 ROCKAWAY ANIMAL HOSPITAL 15-01336 10 2015 CAT VET SERVICES Amount Paid Charge Account 1,750.00 5-01-27-330-241 ANIMAL CLINIC COSTS (CAT) 3,288.00 ROXBURY TWP BO OF EDUCATION 83615 07/28/15 ROX05 15-02397 1 FIRST PAYMENT DUE AUG 10 2015 2,151,860.00 5-01-55-100-101 SCHOOL TAX 83616 07/28/15 ROX35 ROXBURY TWP.BO. OF EDUCATION 10,235.93 5-01-31-430-203 15-02375 1 GAS 4805.60 MAY GASOLINE 5,143 .04 5-01-31-430-208 15-02375 DIESEL 2508.80 MAY DIESEL FUEL 11,357.06 5-01-31-430-203 15-02376 1 GAS 5257.90 JUN GASOLINE 5,616.14 5-01-31-430-208 15-02376 2 DIESEL 2794.10 JUN DIESEL FUEL 32,352.17 83617 07/28/15 RSKOl R.S. KNAPP CO. ,INC. 15-00120 10 A/C# 310550 INVOICE IL538120 15-00120 11 INV IL537731 - BLK PRINT HEAD 83618 07/ 28/15 SCL03 DOUGLASS F SCLAR 15-00156 8 PROF SVC CONTRACT/PUBL DEF Budget Reconciled/void Ref Num Contract Ref seq Acct 71 1 Budget 2168 221 1 Budget 2168 193 1 Budget 194 1 Budget 195 1 Budget 196 1 Budget 2168 14 1 Budget 15 415.00 5-14-56-876-001 PUBLIC DEFENDER Budget 2168 21 1 Budget 2168 54 1 Budget 2168 122 1 Budget 123 117. 50 5-01-26-315-271 MR/ ROAD DEPARTMENT Budget 2168 154 1 415.00 5-14-56-876-001 PUBLIC DEFENDER Budget 2168 1 1 Budget 2168 139 1 83620 07/28/15 SER02 SERVICE TIRE TRUCK CENTERS, INC 1,034.00 5-01-26-315-271 15-02113 1 P47323-07 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 5-01-26-315-271 1,254.36 P50110-07 15-02113 2 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 2,288.36 83622 07/28/15 SIM13 BRITI J SIMON 00406310 1 7/9 ACTING PUBL DEFENDER Account Type 95.39 5-01-20-165-219 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 378. 59 5-01-20-165-219 MATERIAL/SUPPLIES 473.98 83619 07/28/15 SEI02 SEIDLER CHEMICAL COMPANY INC 779. 00 5-05-55-502-205 15-00587 3 2015 WATER TREATMENT CHEMICALS PLANT OPERATIONS SHEAFFER SUPPLY, INC. 83621 07/28/15 SHE02 15-02249 1 1470083-0001-01 Page No: 13 83623 07/28/15 SIT02 SITE SPECIFIC DESIGN, INC. 16,123.82 S-13-55-006-102 15-02179 1 EIGHTY (80) El SERIES GRINDER GRINDER REPLACEMENTS 1 1 July 23, 2015 10:58AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description 83623 SITE SPECIFIC DESIGN, INC. continued 15-02179 1 EIGHTY (80) El SERIES GRINDER 15-02179 1 EIGHTY (80) El SERIES GRINDER Amount Paid charge Account 83625 07/28/15 SPR05 SPRINT 15-00072 15 2015 CONN CARD DATA PLAN 16 2015 CONN CARD DATA PLAN 83626 07/ 28/15 STA46 STAPLES ADVANTAGE 15-01963 1 MICRO SC CARD 15-01963 Account Type Budget 30,000.00 S-14-55-003-102 GRINDER REPLACEMENTS Budget 91 ,216.18 S-15-55-004-102 GRINDER PUM P REPLACEMENTS(LANDING AREA) 137, 340.00 83624 07/28/15 SMI02 MICHAEL D. SMITH 15-02050 1 REIM. BASCOM/MANN LAKE 15-00072 Page No: 14 2 SIGHT SAVERS 139 2 139 3 157.89 4-01-27-375-204 BEE KEEPING PROGRAM Budget 2168 112 1 49.99 5-01-25-252-202 OPERATING/EXPENSE 149.97 5-01-20-140-203 EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS 199.96 Budget 2168 12 1 Budget 13 24.59 5-07-55-502-201 AJA:X PLANT 77. 60 5-07-55-502-201 AJA:X PLANT 102.19 Budget 2168 101 1 Budget 102 Budget 2168 168 1 83627 07/28/ 15 STA86 STATEWIDE INSURANCE FUND 191,760.75 5-01-23-211-203 15-02313 1 FUND ASSESSMENT 4TH QTR OTHER INSURANCE EXPENSES 83628 07/28/15 SUS13 SUSSEX COUNTY MUA 15-01388 8 Street sweeping disposal Reconci led/Void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct Budget 142.05 5-01-26-290-214 SWEEPING AND ASPHALT DISPOSAL 1 1 2168 72 1 Budget 2168 23 1 83630 07/28/15 TDBOl TD BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 39,388.94 5-15-56-877-103 15-01929 1 NJ ENVIR TRUST SERIES 2001 LOAN P&I - MARLA TERRACE Budget 2168 98 1 83631 07 /28/15 TJS01 T,J, SPORTWIDE TROPHY,INC. 15-00572 10 Trophies Inv 673755 34.20 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2168 52 1 1, 745. 00 5-01-28-375-208 TURF GRASS MAINTENANCE Budget 2168 81 1 Budget 2168 133 1 83629 07/28/15 TAB01 TAB MICROFILM SERVICES INC 15-00158 6 CONST, ENG, TAJ. COLLECTION 83632 07/28/15 TRU07 TRUGREEN 15-01731 2 Seasonal Turf applications 83633 07/28/15 TUR18 TURNOUT UNIFORMS, INC. 15-02170 1 148238 / NSORGIE 100.40 5-01-20-121-245 CONTRACTED SERVICES 437.40 5-01-25-240-249 UNIFORMS July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury Check Register By Check Id check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description 83634 07/ 28/15 UNI19 UNIVAR USA INC 15-00128 6 SEWER CHEMICAL SODA ASH GR.100 83635 07/28/15 UPS01 UNITED PARCEL SERVICE 15-02272 1 A3719Y275 CLERK 15-02272 A3719Y295 CLERK,FINANCE 83636 07/28/15 USB01 U.S. BANK OPER CENTER 15-02225 1 9/1/15 POOLED ERI LIABILITY 83637 07/ 28/15 VEN04 VENYU 15-00387 25 2015 VAULT SERVICES 15-00387 26 2015 VAULT SERVICES 15-00387 27 2015 VAULT SERVICES 15-00387 28 2015 VAULT SERVICES 83638 07/28/15 VER06 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS 15-02409 1 POLICE LOBBY;COURT JUL 15-02409 2 DWI LINE JUL 15-02410 1 OEM JUL 83639 07/28/15 VERll VERIZON WIRELESS 15-02269 1 382348832-0002 SEWER JUN 15-02357 1 682470568 POLICE ESU JUL 15-02358 1 482352337 FIRE CO 3 15-02411 1 482467823 PARKS &REC JUL 83640 07/28/ 15 VITO? JACQUELINE VITIELLO 15-02362 1 REIMBURSEMENT/BEE MEETING 15-02362 2 REIMBURSEMENT/STREAM CLEANUP Amount Paid charge Account Page No: 15 Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num Contract Ref Seq Acct 8,427.73 5-07-55-502-205 CHEMICALS Budget 2168 18 1 56.19 5-01-20-105-205 POSTAGE/MAIL 26. 29 5-01-20-105-205 POSTAGE/MAIL 82.48 Budget 2168 164 1 Budget 165 Budget 2168 147 1 12,208.00 5-01-45-941-202 POOLED ERI PENSION LOAN 2,503.50 5-01-20-140-203 Budget EQUIPMENT MAINT/CONTRACTS l, 001. 40 5-05-55-502-228 Budget CONTRACTED SERVICES 1,001.40 5-07-55-502-277 Budget COMPUTER AGREEMENT SUPPORT Budget 500.70 5-01-22-195-269 GIS SOFTWARE MAINT/DATA BACKUP VENYU 5,007 .00 83 .84 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE 39. 71 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE 38.90 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE 162.45 27.15 5-07-55-502-252 ALARMS/PHONES 40.01 5-01-25-240-274 CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATION 32.32 5-01-25-267-304 RADIO MAINTENANCE 184.45 5-01-31-430-205 TELEPHONE 283.93 34.48 5-01-27-375-204 BEE KEEPING PROGRAM 56.48 5-01-27-375-202 ENV COMM EXPENSES 90.96 1 2168 41 1 42 1 43 1 44 1 Budget 2168 222 1 Budget 223 1 Budget 224 1 Budget 2168 161 1 Budget 187 1 Budget 188 1 Budget 225 1 Budget 2168 191 1 Budget 192 1 July 23, 2015 10: 58 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check rd check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account 83641 07/ 28/15 WAR17 WARRENCOUNTY SERVICE CENTER 15-02177 1 Hydraulic Pump for Tractor Tl 1,055.21 5-01-26-315-271 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 15-02177 2 UPS SHIPPING 25.00 5-01-26-315-271 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 1,080.21 83642 07/28/15 WAR32 MARY ANN WARD 15-02386 1 RES 2015-214 1605/16 83643 07 /28/ 15 WELOl 15-01130 6 2020660 WELDON ASPHALT 83644 07/28/ 15 WES03 15-02112 1 31340 WEST 10 TIRE CENTER, INC. 15-02112 2 31366 83645 07/28/15 WIE01 LARRY I. WIENER, ESQ. 15-02391 1 VALLEY;MEGURA;PATILLO;LOPEZ 15-02391 Report Totals VALLEY;MEGURA;PATILLO;LOPEZ Paid Checks: 144 Direct Deposit : _ _O Total: --r44 Void 0 __o --0 Page No: 16 Account Type Reconciled/void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct Budget 2168 137 1 Budget 138 378. 73 5-01-55-100-104 TAX REFUNDS Budget 2168 206 1 585.89 5-01-26-290-203 ASPHALT Budget 2168 64 1 79.95 5-01-26-315-271 MR/ROAD DEPARTMENT 671. 80 5-05-55-502-259 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 751. 75 Budget 2168 120 1 Budget 121 472. 50 5-01-21-185-203 CONTRACTED SERVICES 675.00 5-13-56-854-104 PLANNING 1,147.50 Budget 2168 214 1 Budget 215 Amount Paid 3,527,004 .12 0.00 3,527,004.12 Amount void 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1 1 July 23, 2015 10:58 AM Page No: 17 Township of Roxbury check Register By check rd Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Tota1 Revenue Tota1 G/LTota1 Tota1 current Fund 4-01 308. 20 0.00 0.00 308.20 4-05 4,568.85 4,877.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,568.85 4,877.05 5-01 2' 732, 161. 94 0.00 0.00 2,732,161.94 5-02 3,340.50 0.00 0.00 3,340.50 5-05 102,883.81 0.00 0.00 102,883.81 5-07 200,858.30 0.00 0.00 200, 858.30 5-12 1,647.66 0.00 0.00 1,647.66 5-13 23,006 .98 0.00 0.00 23,006.98 5-14 830.00 0.00 0.00 830.00 5-15 40,063.94 0.00 0.00 40,063.94 5-18 1,242 .50 0.00 0.00 1,242.50 5-20 212,026.00 3' 318' 061. 63 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 212,026.00 3, 318,061.63 G-07 2,939.50 0.00 0.00 2,939.50 G-13 730.00 0.00 0.00 730.00 G-14 5,440.44 0.00 0.00 5,440.44 G-15 14, 598.20 23,708.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14, 598.20 23,708.14 S-12 3,762 .30 0.00 0.00 3,762' 30 S-13 16,123.82 0.00 0.00 16,123.82 5-14 47,255.00 0.00 0.00 47,255.00 S-15 91, 216. 18 158,357.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 91, 216 .18 158,357 .30 W-14 22,000.00 0.00 0.00 22,000.00 3,527,004.12 0.00 0.00 3,527,004.12 Year Total: current Fund Year Total : Year Total: Year Total: Total of All Funds: July 20, 2015 11: 18 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check rd Page No: 1 Range of checking Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of Check Ids: 83492 to 83501 Report Type: All checks Report Format: Detail check Type: Computer : Y M anual: Y Di r Deposit: Y check # Check Date vendor PO # Item Descri ption Amount Paid Charge Account 83492 07/20/15 ALL02 GARY ALLEN 15-00003 9 2015 MEDICAL/RX REIMB Account Type Reconciled/Void Ref Num contract Ref seq Acct 2167 2,655 .56 5-01-23-220-204 GROUP INSURANCE Budget 1 1,160.69 5-01-23-220-204 GROUP INSURANCE Budget 2167 2 1 3,492.76 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 7 1,218.09 5-01-23-220-204 GROUP INSURANCE Budget 2167 3 1 83496 07/20/15 JCP02 JERSEY CENTRAL POWER &LIGHT 15-02393 1 LARSON 100083793222 SHUT OFF 100.00 5-25-56-850-103 PUBLIC ASST II Budget 2167 9 1 83497 07/20/15 MOR107 MORRIS COUNTY MUA 15-00457 3 2015 WATER PURCHASE LOAN Budget 5 Budget 2167 8 1 83493 07/20/15 BAK01 DONALD BAKER JR 15-00004 9 2015 MEDICAL / RX REIMB 83494 07/20/15 CAM10 CAMELBEACH WATERPARK 15-02373 1 7/15 &7/24 Teen Travel 83495 07/20/15 FRA01 JOSEPH FRANKLIN 15-00011 9 2015 MEDICAL/ RX REIMB 2167 83499 07/ 20/15 QUI19 QUIET RIOT 15-01688 1 Performance 7/27/15 850.00 4-02-40-701-307 Budget CLEAN COMMUNITIES O.E.- 2014 83500 07/20/15 SCH02 GLENN SCHOEMER 15-00019 9 2015 MEDICAL / RX REIMB 916.58 5-01-23-220-204 GROUP INSURANCE 83501 07/20/15 TRE01 TREASURE-STATE OF N.J. 15-02394 1 151005310/SITE REM.LSRP FEE Paid checks: 10 Direct Deposit: ~~O Total: ---W 1 2167 16,601.35 5-05-55-524-405 LOAN PAYMENTS 83498 07/20/15 NJMJ09 NEW JERSEY MOTOR VEHICLE SVC 15-02392 1 REGISTRATION 1998 HONDA ACCORD 60.00 5-01-26-315-267 M R/POLICE DEPT Report Totals 1 void 0 0 ---a 1,130.00 5-20-56-882-102 HOUSING ESCROW OLD DPW Amount Paid 28,185.03 0.00 28,185.03 Amount void 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 2167 6 1 Budget 2167 4 1 Budget 2167 10 1 July 20, 2015 11: 18 AM Township of Roxbury check Register By check rd Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Total Total 0.00 0.00 850.00 9,503.68 0.00 0.00 9, 503. 68 5-05 16, 601. 35 0.00 0.00 16,601. 35 5-20 1,130.00 0.00 0.00 1,130.00 5-25 Year Total: 100.00 27,335.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 27,335.03 Total of All Funds: 28 ,185.03 0.00 0.00 28,185.03 current Fund Fund Budget Total Revenue Total 4-02 850.00 5-01 Page No: 2 G/ L CHECK# 83490-83491 PAYROLL TRANSFER June 15, 2015 Payroll Date: June 15, 2015 Check# Check # 83490 83491 Batch Total J$549,813.28J $549,588.63 $224.65 DC RP-Payroll Payroll July 9, 2015 04:04 PM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id Page No: 1 Range of checking Accts: 01-CURRENT NEW to 01-CURRENT NEW Range of check Ids : 83482 to 83489 Report Type: All Checks Report Format: Detail Check Type: Computer: Y Manual: Y Dir Deposit: Y check # check Date vendor PO # Item Description Amount Paid Charge Account Account Type Reconciled/void Ref Num Contract Ref seq Acct 83482 07/09/15 DAV18 DAVE AND BUSTER'S ARCADE 1,540.11 5-01-28-372-202 15-02263 1 JUL 17 TEEN TRAVEL OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2166 5 1 83483 07/09/15 KUN03 ROB KUNCKEN 15-02258 1 REIM. WIRES FOR COURT Budget 2166 3 1 72.48 5-01-20-140-219 MATERIALS &SUPPLIES 83484 07/09/15 LOP06 RALPH LOPEZ 15-02266 1 CERT NO 12-00074 11407/13 15-02266 Budget 1,000.00 5-13-56-866-108 TAX, w&s SALE PREMIUM REFUNDS Budget 3,100.00 5-13-56-866-108 TAX, w&s SALE PREMIUM REFUNDS 4,100.00 2 CERT NO. 13-00046 6201/3.1711 2166 8 1 9 1 83485 07/09/15 NJMJ09 NEW JERSEY MOTOR VEHICLE SVC 15-02259 1 OBTAIN DUPLICATE TITLE 60.00 5-01-26-315-267 MR/POLICE DEPT Budget 2166 4 1 83486 07/09/15 ROX05 ROXBURY TWP BD OF EDUCATION 15-02245 1 FIRST PAYMENT DUE JUL 10 2015 2,151,860.00 5-01-55-100-101 SCHOOL TAX Budget 1 83487 07/09/15 ROX22 ROXBURY CIRCLE MOTEL 15-02265 1 KLEBAN 6/1 &6/2 120.00 5-25-56-850-104 PUBLIC ASST. I 50.00 5-25-56-850-104 PUBLIC ASST. I 170.00 Budget 2166 6 1 Budget 7 1,382.50 5-01-28-372-202 OPERATING EXPENSES Budget 2166 2 1 15-02265 2 JUSTNES 6/24 83488 07/09/15 SOM04 SOMERSET PATRIOTS 15-02254 1 7/15 Daycamp 2166 83489 07/09/15 USB12 US BANK CUST/PC 4 FIRSTRUST BK Budget 15-02267 1 CERT NO. 13-00072 11308/20 1,200.00 5-13-56-866-108 TAX, w&s SALE PREMIUM REFUNDS Budget 1,200.00 5-13-56-866-108 15-02267 2 CERT NO. 13-00047 6401/9 TAX, w&s SALE PREMIUM REFUNDS 2,400.00 Report Tota1s Paid checks: 8 Direct Deposit: __o Total: --8 void 0 __o --0 Amount Paid 2,161,585.09 0.00 2,161,585.09 Amount void 0.00 0.00 0.00 1 1 2166 10 1 11 1 July 9, 2015 04:04 PM Township of Roxbury check Register By check Id Page No: 2 Totals by Year-Fund Fund Description Fund Budget Total Revenue Total G/L Total Total current Fund 5-01 2,154,915.09 0.00 0.00 2,154,915.09 5-13 6,500.00 0.00 0.00 6,500.00 5-25 170.00 0.00 0.00 170.00 2,161,585 .09 0.00 0.00 2,161,585 .09 Total of All Funds: RESOLUTION NO. 2015 - 247 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF ROXBURY, IN THE COUNTY OF MORRIS, NEW JERSEY AUTHORIZING CONFERENCE OF THE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL WITH THE PUBLIC EXCLUDED WHEREAS, it is deemed appropriate that the Township Council discuss the matter(s) hereinafter mentioned without the presence of the public in accordance with the provisions ofR.S. 10:4-12b, being Section b of the Open Public Meetings Act, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Township Council of the Township of Roxbury, as follows : Matter(s) relating to: 1. Contract Negotiations - Union Contracts 2. Attorney Client Privilege - County Concrete 3. Litigation - Fenimore Landfill shall be discussed by the Township Council without the presence of the public. It is anticipated that this matter(s) can be disclosed to the public upon resolution of the matter(s). ADOPTED: July 28, 2015 Attest: