May 2009 - The Jewish Center


May 2009 - The Jewish Center
MAY Highlights
Nursery School Openings pg. 8
Adult Library News
Annual Fund Wrap-Up
Riverside Service News
Zayin Museum Photos
pg. 12
pg. 14 - 15
pg. 20
pg. 25
May 2009 • Vol. 59 No. 5
Celebrate a Miraculous Birthday!
At this time of year when we observe two important days on the
Jewish calendar, so much of our focus as Jews is on Israel. The
first is Israel’s 61st birthday observed on Yom HaAtzmaut with a
special celebration at The Jewish Center on May 3. I hope you and
your family will join us as we celebrate the great miracle of the
modern State of Israel. Later in the month we will be observing
Yom Yerushalayim, the newest holiday in the Jewish calendar marking the 42nd anniversary of the unification of Jerusalem in 1967; we will observe it on Friday night, May 22
during our Shabbat service.
I bring these dates to your attention in the hope that you will be with us to celebrate,
and to ask you to join me in making an additional personal commitment to Israel and
values in Israeli society that are important to you and me.
As many of you know, religious life in Israel is different than in America in many ways.
There are fewer choices for Jewish religious observance in Israel and there is not a strong
presence among the Conservative, Reform and Reconstructionist movements including
the programming and resources that we have here. While some positive steps have been
taken in recent years, there is a still a great struggle with the Orthodox religious monopoly in Israel that controls so much of the funding for religious institutions and religious
observance. Every time I am in Israel, I find it so ironic to think (continued on page 2)
The End
Dear Peri, Jacob, and Carmel,
I am composing this, my last
newsletter column, in the same
manner as my first, a letter to
you three.
In my first newsletter column, I wrote to you how, at the first board meeting I attended
twelve years ago, “Everyone was asked to say their name and why they were serving at
The Jewish Center. I said I was doing it for my children to be a good example for them
and to keep our synagogue and Jewish community strong.” And I accepted the nomination to be President two years ago with the same motivation.
Mark Twain said, “Few things are harder to put up with than a good example.” I hope
this quotation is both right and wrong as it relates to the role I have served at The Jewish
Center. Naturally I hope that my serving as the President of TJC was a good example.
But I also hope it was not so hard to put up with.
I certainly missed a lot of quality time with you when I was out at meetings, and even
when I was home but might have been on the phone or emailing, or my mind may have
simply been preoccupied with synagogue matters. You seldom (continued on pg. 4)
Shabbat Worship Schedule
Fridays at 6:30 p.m.
Saturdays at 9:45 a.m.
Library Service
Saturday, May 9, 23, at 10:30 a.m.
Junior Congregation - (Shabbat Layeladim)
Saturday, May 2, 9, 16 at 10:30 a.m.
Mini Minyan - (Shabbat Latze’eerim)
Saturday, May 2, 16 at 11:00 a.m.
Family Service - (Shabbat Lamishpachah)
Saturday, May 9 at 10:30 a.m.
Tot Shabbat - (Shabbat Lataf)
Saturday, May 2, 16 at 11 a.m.
Midweek Minyan Schedule
Sunday at 8:30 a.m.
Wednesday at 7 a.m.
Saturday, May 2
Bar Mitzvah of Adam Knuckey
son of Abby and Keith Knuckey
Saturday, May 9
Bat Mitzvah of Orayah Zinder
daughter of Advah and Joshua Zinder
Bat Mitzvah of Katie Kanter
daughter of Susan and Lawrence Kanter
(5:30 p.m.)
Saturday, May 16
Bar Mitzvah of Sam Weiss
son of Eve Niedergang and Andrew Weiss
Bar Mitzvah of Blake Lieberman
son of Lisa and Lawrence Lieberman (5:30 p.m.)
Saturday, May 23
Bar Mitzvah of Aidan Kaufman
son of Jill and Gregg Kaufman
Sunday, May 24
Bar Mitzvah of Jonathan Lebeau
son of Leora Batnitzky and Robert Lebeau
May 1
May 8
May 15
May 22
May 29
7:35 p.m.
7:42 p.m.
7:49 p.m.
7:56 p.m.
8:02 p.m.
Rabbi’s Message (continued from pg. 1)
that I am much more comfortable being a
Conservative Jew in Princeton than I am in
I recently made a commitment to an
institution that is working to change this
reality and I want you to consider joining
me. When many of us think about Israel,
we think about the Israel we hear about on
the news and the political challenges
Israel faces striving for peace with her
neighbors. The institution I mention here
focuses on other important issues for
Israelis today including their religious
observance, some legal matters and the
role of religion in Israeli society.
For many years, I have been a member of
MERCAZ USA, the Zionist Organization of
the Conservative Movement, representing
Conservative Judaism within the World
Zionist Organization and the Jewish
Agency for Israel. I was recently asked to
serve on the National Board of MERCAZ
USA, and thus I will share with you their
important mission.
MERCAZ USA sees Zionism as an invaluable tool for strengthening Jewish identity
and combating assimilation. It calls for
linking Jewish communities throughout
the Diaspora with Israel through tourism,
Jewish education, Hebrew language study,
“people-to-people” partnerships, short-and
long-term Israel programs and Aliyah.
Conservative/Masorti Judaism was the first
of the modern religious movements to
embrace Zionism and has steadfastly
remained at the forefront of the effort to
Summary of March 29,
2009 Board Meeting
I. President's Report: We are setting
up several listserves to communicate
better with our members and for
members among themselves. If they
are successful, we may add more.
For now if you would like to be added
to one of the following listserves
(Adult Education, Baby Boomers,
Israeli Affairs, JCW, Keruv, Joan
Levin Nursery School, Men’s Club,
Religious Affairs, Singles, and Social
Concerns) you should send your
request by email to Alisa
Odrechowski ([email protected]). It was announced that a
committee was formed to choose the
Congregant of the Year.
promote its values: the centrality of Israel
in the life and consciousness of the Jewish
People and the unity of the Jewish People
wherever they may live.
MERCAZ USA supports The Jerusalem
Program, which defines the Foundations of
Zionism as:
• The unity of the Jewish people, its
bond to its historic homeland Eretz
Yisrael, and the centrality of the State of
Israel and Jerusalem, its capital, in the
life of the nation;
• Aliyah to Israel from all countries and
the effective integration of all immigrants
into Israeli Society;
• Strengthening Israel as a Jewish,
Zionist and democratic state and shaping it
as an exemplary society with a unique
moral and spiritual character, marked by
mutual respect for the multi-faceted
Jewish people rooted in the vision of the
prophets, striving for peace and contributing to the betterment of the world;
• Ensuring the future and the distinctiveness of the Jewish People by furthering
Jewish, Hebrew and Zionist education, fostering spiritual and cultural values and
teaching Hebrew as the national language;
• Nurturing mutual Jewish responsibility,
defending the rights of Jews as individuals
and as a nation, representing the national
Zionist interests of the Jewish people, and
struggling against all manifestations of
MERCAZ USA has helped us at The
Jewish Center in many ways including providing us with educational resources we
use in our Israel Education program in our
schools and that we will use for our Yom
Yerushalayim program later this month. I
encourage you to go to their website
( to learn more about
this important organization and consider
how it can help all of us support the values
and issues that we think are important
issues in Israel.
II. New Business:
A. The Board endorsed allowing a
request for “suggested donations”
for non-members at certain
Jewish Center events. It was
agreed that doing so would identify an additional benefit of membership and help off set increasing pressure on revenues.
The budget will be discussed at the
April meeting and voted on at the
Annual Meeting. The Executive
Committee and Finance Committee
will work the finances in the meantime
to address savings we can make for the
current year and to build in a surplus
to next year's budget to avoid a deficit.
There are many ways we can support
Israel and I encourage everyone to consider additional support this month in honor
of Israel’s birthday. Find a cause that is
important to you and do what you can to
strengthen that cause in Israel. You may
also want to support Israel by taking your
family on a trip this summer. There are
still some spots left on The TJC Israel
Adventure that leaves August 16. Please
contact me if you would like more information about the trip.
I look forward to seeing you soon in shul
and Yom Huledet Sameach – Happy 61st
birthday to the State of Israel!
I look forward to seeing you soon in shul,
Rabbi Adam Feldman
Rabbi Feldman may be reached at [email protected] or
609-921-0100, ext. 203.
B. The Board endorsed amending
the by-laws to add a fifth Vice
President (VP, Programming).
The vote will be held at the
Annual Meeting in May.
III. Focus Topic: The Finance
Committee made the Board aware that
we are looking at a projected deficit for
this year. The Board also discussed the
budget process for the next budget.
The Jewish Center Newsletter is a monthly publication of The Jewish Center, 435 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey, 08540
Cantor Simon
525,600 minutes.
In the musical
Rent, this is how
the group of friends
refers to the passing of a year - broken down into the
small increments of 525,600 minutes.
Measuring time and being aware of the
passage of time is important. Sometimes,
we are so busy and so distracted that we
lose track of the passage of time.
Lag B’omer, the joyous
scholars’ festival with its
bows and arrows and
We have just celebrated the ultimate
spring festival of Passover - and, now, we
begin our “count up” - marking the passage of time in the Jewish calendar known
as the s'firah (the counting) - the 49-day
period of numbering the days from the
second day of Passover until Shavuot “the time of the giving of our Torah.”
Yom HaShoa (Holocaust Memorial Day)
on the 27th of Nisan
In Biblical times, this was the period of
the wandering of a rabble of rebellious
slaves before they became an ordered society governed by God-given laws. This is
the religious and historic aspect of the s’firah period. Later, during the time of the
Holy Temple in Jerusalem, this was the
time that the offering of a bushel of grain
called an “omer” was brought in grateful
gratitude to God. It was the span between
the barley harvest around Passover and
the wheat harvest around Shavuot. Thus,
the agricultural aspect of this period
comes into focus. Also, on day thirtythree of the forty-nine days, we celebrate
These are the important days marking
the special events during the period of
counting known as the s'firah.
What of the present time?
What does this period of a
“week of weeks” mean to
us today? It couches commemorations of some of
the most cataclysmic
events for the Jewish people in the 20th century:
Yom HaZikaron (Day of Remembrance)
of all who fell in Israel’s wars on the 4th
of Iyar
Yom HaAtsma-ut (Israel Independence
Day) on the 5th of Iyar
When Rabbi Feldman blesses someone
on the bimah for their birthday, he likes to
say that “… people may count the days of
their lives, but a person of wisdom makes
every day count.” “Teach us to number
our days that we may get us a heart of wisdom.” Are you counting?
Melodically yours,
Cantor Murray E. Simon
to be honored
by The Academy for
Jewish Religion
Cantor Murray E. Simon will be receiving the P'nei Torah Faculty Award at the
Ordination Ceremony of The Academy
for Jewish Religion (AJR) on Thursday,
May 21 at 4 p.m. This will take place in
Smith Hall on the campus of the College
of Mount St. Vincent, Riverdale, NY
where AJR has been in residence for the
past eight years. Cantor Simon was
elected to this honor by his peers on the
faculty of AJR as being the faculty member who goes above and beyond his normal teaching responsibilities in dealing
with his students in the Cantorial
School. The citation reads: “We honor
you for being a master of your discipline,
a beloved and caring teacher and a professional role model for students and
alumni to emulate.”
The Academy for Jewish Religion is the
oldest independent, pluralistic seminary
in the world. Its community of rabbis,
cantors, scholars and professionals is a
diverse mix of students and faculty who
both support and challenge one another
in a spirit of openness and commitment.
Cantor Simon has served on the faculty
of the Cantorial School at AJR for the
past eight years. If you would like to
know more about the honor and/or
would like to attend the ceremony or
make a contribution in Cantor Simon's
honor to AJR, please contact Cantor
Simon for details.
Yad Squad Awards on Shabbat BEMIDBAR, May 22
About three years ago, a young, precocious Bar Mitzvah student, Eric Falcon, suggested to me after his Bar Mitzvah that we
should have a club of post B’nai Mitzvah kids who would return to chant Torah again and again. We formed the Yad Squad (Eric’s
brainstorm) and drafted by-laws stating that if one leyned Torah at least twice a year after their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, they would be
honored with the gift of a yad along with the grateful appreciation of our congregation.
The Yad Squad currently has over forty members between ages 13 and 18 who have read at least once this past year. On
Shabbat BEMIDBAR (Friday evening, May 22), we will award a yad to those who have fulfilled the requirement of reading at
least twice this past year. They are: Ilana Atwater, Ellis Bloom, Steven Braun, Alex Costin, Frankie and Shelleye Echeverria, Alec
Gershen, Eric Falcon, Reina Gabai, Rebecca Goldman, Jacob Kaufman, Dylan Klein-Denk, Annie Sarnak, Justine Steinberger
and Hadas Zeilberger.
“V’shinantam l’vanecha” - “…you should teach your children diligently” and they have learned diligently. We wish them
all Yashir Ko-ach and we let them know how proud we are of all of them - especially me, their Cantor, tropes teacher, advisor
and friend.
Cantor Murray E. Simon
President’s Message (continued from pg. 1)
complained, not that you had an option or
would have known otherwise since my
involvement with The Jewish Center has
been a factor in your lives since the days
you were born. I am grateful that far from
complaining, you showed your pride in my
volunteer work and that you have a precious connection of your own with your
synagogue. And while Mommy certainly
did even more than her normal phenomenal level to compensate for my Jewish
Center activities, I know you missed out on
time with me, especially in the last two
years. When I accepted the responsibility
of being President, I knew this was
inevitable but I thought it would be worth
it. From my point of view now, it was definitely worth it, and actually even more
meaningful than I expected.
The interaction with so many people
with unique experiences and diverse perspectives has been priceless to me.
There are many things in life that are
bigger than any of us alone, such as our
family, our synagogue, our community,
our Judaism, Israel, and more. It was a
great opportunity for me to take a leading role in our synagogue, which
strengthens all of these other facets.
And I must admit that if Mark Twain
meant that a good example is hard to put
up with not just in the present, but also in
the future as an example you are spurred
to follow, then yes, I do hope my example is
hard to put up with. If you believe in
something, you should give of yourself,
beyond just words or money, to the point
of personal sacrifice. Work hard, and do
the best you can.
themselves. Remember that who is wise is
one who learns from others (Pirkei Avot);
If this sounds like a lot, take a look at the
photo I chose this month of us on an army
tank at Latrun, Israel (the site of a pivotal
battle in securing the State of Israel). It
should remind you that as much as we
may do, it pales in comparison with what
previous generations had to sacrifice and
You should have the essential support of
the professionals of an organization who
contribute their wisdom, experience, dedication, and hard work as I had with so
many people that we are fortunate to have
as the foundation of The Jewish Center;
not to mention the privilege of befriending
and partnering with your rabbis in a
shared vision as I did with Rabbi Feldman
and Rabbi Tucker;
The incredible thing is that, while it is not
the motivation for such service, as much as
you give, you can get so much more in
return. That has certainly been the case
with being President of The Jewish Center.
I've been enriched with new ways to lead,
share ideas with others, communicate,
understand, envision, and celebrate. And I
look forward to having these experiences
positively influence all aspects of my life,
including those that affect you. So I hope
this will be a benefit in which you will
share with me now and in the future, and
one that will far outweigh what you had to
put up with while I was busy trying to be a
good example.
When you choose your own responsibilities and challenges in life, I hope my example will point you towards those like mine
at The Jewish Center where:
You should have the opportunity to join
forces with so many intelligent, insightful,
passionate, caring, talented, hard working
people as I did on the Executive
Committee, the Board of Directors, and all
the others inspired to volunteer and give of
You should have the warmth and support
of handshakes, kisses, smiles, and compliments as I received from a congregation of
remarkable individuals and families including so many long-time friends of our family. And far from Thomas Jefferson’s
description of the presidency of the United
States as a “daily loss of friends,” I've been
blessed with a treasure of new friendships
formed in my time as POTJC.
And you should always have that quintessential Jewish sense of humor to help you
through all of the above.
“Do everything in you; you feel to be
your part.
Dare to lead, with wisdom like a child,
directly from the heart.” (The Grateful
Dead, adapted)
I love you,
Michael Feldstein
TJC President
Cantors Concert Brings Music to Your Ears
and Food to the Needy
“If Music Be the Food Of Love, Play On” will be the theme of a concert at Adath Israel Congregation in Lawrenceville, 4 p.m.
on Sunday, May 31 to benefit the Jewish Family and Children’s Service’s Ohel Avraham Kosher Food Pantry.
Entitled Music for Meals, the performance will feature local cantors and cantorial soloists Stuart Binder of Beth Chaim,
Larry Brandspeigel of Beth El, Adrienne Rubin of Temple Micah, Arthur and Evette Katlin of Adath Israel, Emily Pincus of Har
Sinai, and Murray Simon and Robert Freedman of The Jewish Center, singing music dedicated to charity, healing the world,
and of course, food. There will be songs for all ages, so bring your parents and your children. Ticket prices range from $18 per
adult/$12 for seniors and students to $50 for a family. Patrons who donate $75 or more will receive tickets in reserved seating
and their names will be listed in the program.
To reserve your ticket and find out how you can help sponsor this greatly needed benefit event call Patti at JFCS at 609-987-8100.
(The concert’s theme, by the way, is a quotation from Act 1 of Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare, who loved food and
gave generously of his talents to all.)
Todah Rabbah
The congregation acknowledges with
deep appreciation and gratitude the
following individuals who participated
in our Services during the months of
March and April:
Torah Readers
Randy Hubert, Deborah Shore, Larry
Kanter, Michael Feldstein, Steve Hubert,
Naomi Perlman, Allison Hubert, Ilana
Atwater, Ben Atwater, Bob Weber, Jason
Kay, Bruce Reim, Rebecca Sage, Bruce
Hecht, Sabrina Hecht, Leah Falcon,
Aaron Beim, Alec Gershen, Rafi Isaac,
Larry Epstein, Allie Persky, Justin Will,
Hadas Zeilberger, Rachel Humphrey,
Meryl Klein, Anna Kaplan, Brian Zecher,
Miriam Goldstein, Ben Goldstein, Glenn
Gabai, Fred Appel, Bob Lebeau, Bruce
Afran, Matthew Kestenbaum, Lou
Klimoff, Liana Bloom, Gabriela Bloom,
Ellis Bloom, Jeremy Berman, Rebecca
Goldman, Seth Lapidow, Rachel
Bergman, Richard Kirschner, Seth
Kirschner and Jordan Provorny.
Haftarah Chanters
Allison Hubert, Sabrina Hecht, Justin
Will, Ben Goldstein, Jason Kay, Liana
Bloom, Gabriele Bloom and Seth
Al Klein, Larry Epstein, Rabbi Annie
Tucker, Rabbi Adam Feldman, Rabbi Bob
Freedman, Sher Leiman, Martha
Himmelfarb, Allison Hubert, Jason Kay,
Sabrina Hecht, Adam Scheer, Liana
Bloom, Gabriela Bloom, Jeremy Berman,
Seth Kirschner, Jordan Provorny and Gil
PURIM - Megillat Esther
Rabbi David Wolf Silverman, Robert
Lebeau, Adam Scheer, Michele Alperin,
Jonathan Gross, Sandy Kutin, Eric
Falcon, Samantha Wagner, Jacob
Kaufman, Rabbi Bob Freedman, Jason
Kay and Cantor Murray E. Simon.
Annie Lewis, Gila Levin, Rabbi Bob
Freedman, Larry Epstein, Dan Aronovic,
Gilda Aronovic, Asher Aronovic, Annie
Sarnak, Bruce Reim, Michael Bloom,
Reina Gabai, Cantor Murray E. Simon,
Annette Flisser, Marvin Flisser, Sandy
Kutin, David Spiegel, Frankie
Echeverria, Shellye Echeverria, Naomi
Richman Neumann and Bob Lebeau.
Annie Lewis, Rabbi Bob Freedman,
Larry Epstein, Bob Lebeau and Leslie
Megillat Shir HaShirim (Song of
Jonathan Gross
If you would like to chant a Torah portion or a Haftarah, please contact Cantor
Simon at [email protected]
or his assistant, Larry Epstein at
[email protected].
Torah Readers
Adam Lewis, Deborah Kestenbaum,
Rabbi Annie Tucker, Rebecca Simon,
Save The Date!
The next Baby Boomer Shabbat
dinner and discussion will be on Friday June 12
invitations to follow.
Camp Ramah
in the Poconos
is offering a
special scholarship for
first-time campers
$1,200 for each camper!!
For more information about
this scholarship or
Camp Ramah
in general contact Rabbi
Feldman or go to
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who
support The Jewish Center by remembering
and honoring friends and loved ones through
their generous contributions.
from Andrea Russin
from Margarita Herrmann
In honor of
Justin Will becoming a Bar Mitzvah
from the Berk family
My birthday
from Bruce Reim
Sanford Zeitler’s birthday
from Ken, Marcie, Andrew, Steven and Lauren
Jonathan Lebeau becoming a Bar Mitzvah
from Mara Leveson
Ben Atwater becoming a Bar Mitzvah
from the School Committee
Dr. Edward Soffen
from Jon Shavel
Hazel Stix’s birthday
from Martin and Rebecca Rome
In memory of
Harry and May Cooper
from Marilyn and Josef Silverstein
Edward Hirsch & Louis Rosen
from Betsy and Donald Rosen
Stuart Eigen
from Deborah Lewittes and Edward Eigen
Esther Perlman
from Leonard and Renee Punia
Fred Porter
from Allen and Rhona Porter
Bernice Wishnick
from Ross Wishnick
Millicent Gelzer
from Arnold Gelzer
Steven Silverman
from Donna and David Gabai
Tom Stix
from Hazel Stix
Anna Schwartz
from Carol and Bob Schwartz
Edward Solomon
from Michael and Lori Feldstein, Jill and Gregg
Kaufman, Donna and David Gabai, Nikki and
Leonard Feldman
Rose Abelson
from Fay and Herb Abelson
Aurelia Blau
from Leslie and Stephanie Blau
Etta Punia
from Leonard Punia
Emma Smith, Morris Eisenberg, and Morris
from Matthew and Debra Kestenbaum
Naomi Luzon and Sylvia Leiman
from Sher and Jeanne Leiman
Berl Gelzer and Robin Tannenholz
from Bernie and Arnold Gelzer
Larry Swirsky
from Rita Swirsky
Maurice Samuel
from Eva Rapkin
Magda Laszlo
from Louis Laszlo
Frank Demitrovic
from Rich and Mitzi Seinfeld
Ralph Heymsfeld
from Joel and Susan Heymsfeld
Benjamin Mohr
from Marilyn and Howard Zagorin
Martin Schwartz
from Harriett and Howard Schwartz
Sam Saltzman
from Heidi and David Saltzman
Walter Loeb
from Michael and Lori Feldstein
Murray Reich
from Martin and Rebecca Rome
In memory of
Edward M. Solomon
from the Pankove family
New Chumash
From Claire Resnick in honor of becoming a Bat
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund
In honor of
Allison Hubert becoming a Bat Mitzvah
from Randy, Steven and Allison Hubert
The engagement of Robin and Jeff Persky's son,
Aaron Beim to Alexis Offen
from the Paley family
In memory of
In honor of
Henry Maso
from Eleanor and Francis Pavlovsky
Anna Jacobs and Gertrude Goldstein
from Cynthia and Fred Neufeld
Natek Shegoski
from Marc and Heidi Shegoski
Jerry Kurshan's special birthday
from Martin and Rebecca Rome
The Religious School Fund
Adult Library
In memory of
In memory of
Bud Bronston
from Judy Bronston
Edward Solomon
from the Kutin family
Shabbat Luncheon Fund
Biloxi/Katrina Fund
In honor of
In honor of
Justin Will becoming a Bar Mitzvah
from Gail and Bill Rose
Allison Hubert becoming a Bat Mitzvah and Ben
Atwater becoming a Bar Mitzvah
from the School Committee
Billy Grenis for winning the Scholar Athlete Award
from the National Football Foundation
from the Shechtel family
Cantors Music Fund
In honor of
In memory of
Cantor Simon receiving the JTS Leadership Award
from Helen-Ann and Larry Epstein
Edward Solomon
from Mindy and Corey Langer
Tillye Klaben
from Norma and Phil Papier
Shirley and Fred Sheinberg
from Helaine and Hanan Isaacs
Irving N. Rabinowitz Computer Fund
In memory of
Irving Rabinowitz
from Stanley and Aileen Gluck
Social Concerns
Israeli Affairs Fund
from Madlen Fizicki
LaShir Fund
In honor of
Phyllis and Sy Marchand's 45th wedding
from Barbara and Frank Curran
In honor of
My friends at LaShir
from Harriet Greenblatt
Steven Tenenzapf graduating from Muhlenberg
from Elana and Mark Tenenzapf
In memory of
Margaret Krausz Becker
from Jeffrey Mattes, Amy Becker-Mattes and
Edward Solomon
from Gil and Ellen Gordon, the Paley family
In memory of
Hyman Coopersmith
from Lewis and Lynn Coopersmith
New Siddur
In honor of
My family
from Harriet Greenblatt
Youth and Family Programs
In memory of
Edward M. Solomon
From Dennis and Gail Alba
Spring Luncheon
On April 19 we had the pleasure of welcoming Jean Chatzky, award-winning journalist, best-selling author and motivational
speaker. After we caught up with old
friends and enjoyed a delicious catered
lunch, Jean discussed her new book The
Difference: How Anyone Can Prosper in
Even the Toughest Times.
Thank you to the following local businesses for helping make our Chinese
Auction a huge success. We had a lot of
fun and of course, all proceeds will be
returned to JCW to support our continued
work at The Jewish Center:
• A Touch of Ivy, Princeton
• Amy Karyn Home Collection,
• Angel Paws Dog Grooming Salon,
• Bellies and Booties, Lawrenceville
• Beth Ann Designs, Hopewell
• Brothers Moon Restaurant, Hopewell
• Cosmo Bleu Salon, Princeton
• Elements, Princeton
• The Ferry House, Princeton
• Hamilton Jewelers, Princeton
• Learning Express, Princeton
• L'Oreal USA, New York, NY
• Ma Cherie Boutique, Princeton
• McCaffrey's Market, Princeton
• Metropolis Spa and Salon, Princeton
• Mystique Hair & Skin, Princeton
• Nailzone, Princeton
• Nassau Inn, Princeton
• Pins and Needles, Princeton
• Red, Green, Blue, Princeton
• Ricky's Candy, Cones and Chaos,
o Simon Pearce, Princeton
o Simply Comfortable, Lahaska, PA
o Tips on Trips and Camps
o Zahava Foods
A special thank you to Eric at Jardiniere
Florals in Princeton for supplying our
beautiful centerpieces.
Women’s Retreat
A cross section of women gathered at the
beautiful Pearlstone Retreat Center in the
Maryland countryside for the first ever
women's retreat from TJC - 57 women in
all! This community of women took time
out of their routines to create a different
experience for Shabbat. They shared spiritual and meaningful Friday night and
Shabbat morning services incorporating
music, singing and alternative prayer experiences; Shalom Yoga; massage; early
morning meditation walks; a tour of an
organic farm; plus lots of time for
schmoozing with new friends and old,
good food and drink and time to do
absolutely nothing! Thank you to Helaine
Isaacs and the Women's Retreat Planning
Committee for all of your hard work and
all who attended. This was a real collaborative effort!
Limud - Learn Together
Please join us on May 10 at 11 a.m. in the
Adult Library for our next Sunday morning
study session, our last Limud session for
the 2008-2009 year. Rabbi Tucker will lead
a discussion about Yehuda Amichai, the
influential and beloved Israeli poet. See
the flyer on page 11 for more details. We
thank everyone who participated in our
interesting and educational discussions
and helped make them a success.
Stitch & Kvetch
What better way to spend a beautiful
spring evening than relaxing with friends?
We will continue our monthly gatherings
on May 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the home of
Anne Rutman, 7 Tara Way in Pennington.
All experience levels are welcome, including beginners. Please RSVP to Carole
Braun at [email protected] or Anne
Rutman at 609-730-8166.
Due to your overwhelming interest, we
are pleased to announce that Stitch and
Kvetch will be meeting during the summer. Please check our summer newsletter
and JCW e-mails for details!
Kosher Cooking Class
Please join us for a fun night out with
friends on May 13 at 7 p.m. at the home of
Joel and Gayle Schindler, 20 Sweet Briar
Court, Belle Mead. To celebrate Yon
Ha'atzmaut, Gayle has graciously invited
us into her kitchen to learn how to prepare a variation of the traditional
“Oriental” barbeque served in restaurants
all over Israel. Please see the flyer on
page18 for details.
Please consider joining JCW
JCW has something for everyone.
We organize meaningful religious pro-
grams such as Women's Shabbat, Torah
studies and Limud …We participate in
philanthropic projects in our synagogue
and community …We socialize with
women at TJC at fabulous events like winetasting dinners, food demonstrations,
game nights and city excursions …And we
hope you will become a member for the
2009-2010 year. We are currently working
on filling positions for next year and have
many spots open for event chairs or volunteer opportunities. Please contact Amy
Berk if you are interested at 908-431-4353
or [email protected].
Anne Rutman and Amy Berk
Co-Chairs, Jewish Center Women
Anne Rutman
Amy Berk
Co-Chairs, Jewish Center Women
Sunday, June 7 at 2:30 p.m.
Richardson Auditorium (on the
Princeton University campus)
Songs in Hebrew, Yiddish
and Ladino!
This concert is free and open to the
public - and a wonderful opportunity
to hear this talented choir!
Nursery News
As the Nursery
School gears up
for its last full
school for the
2008-2009 year,
I look back on a
successful year and
yet still look ahead to another four
weeks of excitement.
May finds us:
• celebrating Teacher Appreciation
Day, when we have an opportunity to
say thank to the Nursery School Staff
for creating a warm and encouraging
environment for our young children
to securely grow Jewishly, academically, emotionally and socially. Their
time spent with our students is not
taken for granted;
• taking a class trip with Tourkeys and
Tzahov students to Von Thun's Farm
to see all the new baby animals born
this spring;
• celebrating Lag B'omer with Neil
Wise as we sit around the campfire
reading stories and eating toasted
• sharing Community Day! On May 13,
the lower parking lot will be turned
into a community including an airport, doctor's office, and library, our
synagogue, post office, jewelry store,
a drive-through bike wash and even
an ice cream store! A walk-a-thon to
benefit a local children's hospital and
planting a flower garden will reinforce our tzedakah efforts.
On Tuesday May 5, we will host an
Open House for prospective new students and their families. Please help us
get the word out to anyone with children eligible for nursery school (18
months - 5 years), and encourage them
to join us from 9:30-10:30 a.m. For
more information they can call the
school office at 609-921-7207. There is
still space and time to sign up for
MACHANEYNU, Our Camp, as well.
In between being involved with all of
the above, we will go about our daily
business of sharing good times and getting smarter and smarter each day!
Wishing you a sunny month of May.
Gayle Wagner
Open House
at The Joan Levin
Nursery School
Inviting prospective students (and
their families) to visit our school
Tuesday, May 5
9:30-10:30 a.m.
For more information, please call
the school office at 609-921-7207
Our summer camp program will once
again bring fun and laughter into your
child’s summer.
June 22 - August 7
Registration forms are available in the school office For information contact Gayle Wagner.
Receive a $25 discount off camp tuition when using the
original coupon found in our Silent Auction Booklet
at The Jewish Center
435 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540
Phone: (609) 921-7207 Fax: (609) 921-7531
Email: [email protected]
Gayle Wagner, Director
School news
As we commemorate Yom HaShoah this
year, I would like to especially pay tribute
to Ilse Loeb, who survived the Holocaust
as a “hidden child.” Mrs. Loeb is a familiar face at The Jewish Center. For the past
twelve years, Mrs. Loeb has come to The
Jewish Center each year to tell her story of
survival as part of our Dalet Library unit
on the Holocaust.
In Kitah Dalet, the students read Number
the Stars by Lois Lowry, a book that tells
the story of how the people of Denmark
hid and then transported their Jewish
friends and neighbors across the sea to
Sweden, thus saving them. Mrs. Loeb's
visit has been the culminating activity of
that unit. Her story of leaving Vienna as a
13-year-old, alone, with six dollars in her
pocket, and being sent to the Dutch
underground to be hidden by righteous
gentiles is both chilling and inspirational.
In a Jewish State article written by Janet
Hughes who heard Mrs. Loeb at TJC, Mrs.
Loeb states that hidden children survived
because of the courage of Christians who,
at risk to themselves, were sympathetic
and compassionate. “They identified with
injustice and intolerance and they took
action while millions of others in occupied
Europe did nothing.”
While in the Netherlands, she lived hidden with several foster families, a cousin
and his fiancé and eventually received a
new identity of Yopie Lok, a non-Jewish
girl born in Holland. She recalls this period as terrifying as there were Nazis all
over, all of the time, and any slip of word
or action could mean detection. After the
war and the liberation of Holland, she
learned that her parents had been killed at
the Belzak camp in Poland. She came to
the U.S. and was reunited with her brother through the Hebrew Immigrant Aid
Society. She eventually met and married
Walter Loeb and together they built a life
together with their four children and now
seven grandchildren.
Mrs. Loeb has devoted her life to keeping
the memory of the Holocaust alive. Now
in her mid-eighties, she spends much of
her time speaking to young people at
schools and synagogues so they can attest
to the fact that the Holocaust did happen
and that they met face to face with a survivor. Despite her experiences, she is
always upbeat and believes there is good
in everyone. She does not hold entire populations responsible for what happened.
Her final request to the students was for
them to speak up to Holocaust deniers in
the future when she and other survivors
are long gone, and to tell them that by
meeting her and hearing her story, they
are now witnesses to the Holocaust. She
charged them with “the responsibility to
speak for the victims when people say the
Holocaust never happened.”
As a tribute to all of the tireless work she
has done in Holocaust education, Mrs.
Loeb was the guest of Congressman Rush
Holt at the Congressional Holocaust
Remembrance this year, in the Rotunda of
our nation's capital. Her courage and
commitment are unmatched and we at
the Religious School are privileged to
have her as a friend.
Fran Amir
Religious School News: Dates to
Sunday, May 3
Regular Early and Late Sessions
Yom HaAtzmaut programs during school
Wednesday, May 6
Siyyum Tichon Gesher Parent program
Thursday, May 7
School Committee at 7:45 p.m.
Friday, May 15
Dalet Shabbat: Services and Dinner
Sun.-Thurs., May 17-21
Last Days of Religious School
Friday, May 22
Zayin Graduation and TAG Awards:
Services and Dinner
Thursday, May 28
Siyyum Tichon: Layl Shavuot Service,
Ceremony and Oneg
The Congregation is cordially invited to attend the
Zayin Graduation and
TAG Awards
Friday, May 22 at 6:30 p.m.
and Graduation Ceremony
Dinner following
for the Zayin Families
Come to SHUL!
Children’s Services Schedule
May 2:
• Shabbat Lataf (Tot Shabbat - preschool)
• Shabbat Latze'eerim (Mini Minyan - K-2nd grade)
• Shabbat Layeladim (Jr. Congregation - 3rd-5th
• Vav Shabbaton - 10 a.m.
• Zayin Torah Class
May 9:
• Shabbat Lamishpachah (Family Service for
Preschool-2nd grade)
• Shabbat Layeladim (Day School students invited to
• Zayin Torah Class
Women’s Reading Group
We will meet on Monday, May 18 at 7:30 p.m. in
the Adult Library to discuss The Man in the White
Sharkskin Suit by Lucette Lagnado. The book is
the memoir of an Egyptian Jewish family’s life in cosmopolitan Cairo and painful relocation to the United States, focusing
on the author's father, a dashing man-about-town in Cairo who was
reduced to selling ties on the street in Brooklyn.
All of our books can be ordered online through TJC website at where you can click on the Amazon link to
earn a commission for the synagogue. Multiple copies of our selections
are also available at Borders Bookstore and at the Princeton Public
Library on the “Book Club” table by the entrance. For a list of previous
books or for other information, please contact Louise Sandburg at
[email protected].
May 16:
• Shabbat Lataf
• Shabbat Latze'eerim
• Shabbat Layeladim (Bet students invited to join Jr.
Congregation service)
• Vav Seminar
• Zayin Torah Class
How to Receive Credit for Services:
Religious School and Day School Students (Grades K5, Vav on Shabbat when Vav Seminar is not held)
1. Remove child’s card from index card box in the
front lobby
2. Deposit card in receptacle (Do not write on the
card. Date will be recorded after Shabbat)
3. Email Ellen Pristach at [email protected] with
child's name, grade and Religious School class, and
date of service attended.
Vav: Attendance will be taken at the Vav Seminar.
Zayin: Attendance will be recorded in the Zayin
Torah class.
Mazal Tov to our newest Minyanaires
and Mini-Minyanaires:
Hannah Mitlak, Jeremy Savlov, Talia Zinder, Avishai
Zinder, Gabriel Lebeau, Danielle Gershen, Adam
Gershen, Rachel Costin, Grant Keller, Olivia Tilles,
Joshua Isaacs, Will Feuer, Carly Feldstein, Brooke
Perlman, Matthew Savlov
Limud, which means “to learn” is JCW’s Study Program.
Yehuda Amichai was one of Israel’s most beloved figures. An early immigrant
to Palestine who fought in the war of independence, Amichai is known for his
clever word play, his early adoption of colloquial Hebrew and his choice of
everyday topics for his poems.
Join us as Rabbi Tucker leads discussion about this influential
and beloved Israeli poet.
Please RSVP
Debra Kestenbaum • 609-771-1710 • [email protected]
Judy Kutin • 609-683-4199 • [email protected]
A Program of Jewish Center Women at The Jewish Center of Princeton
for 2 1/2 - 5 year olds
Two, three and five day
per week options
Before and after school care
Fully licensed teachers
Toddler program for ages 1824 months
Summer Camp Program
CALL TODAY for information
and a tour of the school
435 Nassau Street
Phone: 609-921-7207
Princeton, NJ 08540
Fax: 609-921-7531
Gayle Wagner, Director
[email protected]
Under Strict Rabbinical Supervision
PO Box 402 • Hopatcong, NJ 07843
Phone: (973) 770-1330 • Fax: (973) 770-1332
Books for
People of the Book
[Ed. note: Our long-time
member Bob Garber was
kind enough to write this
article to remind all of us
about the wonderful
resource we have in our
Adult Library and its dedicated librarian Jerry
It's our library… and, of
course, there's nothing
quite like a library.
Forget that Google book,
put down the Kindle,
surrender your iPod, and ignore Wikipedia. Eschew, for a while, all
that stuff and enjoy a real book - from the wonderful library at our
Jewish Center. Feel a book's weight in your hand, turn its pages
and learn about people, about the world. Read and gain new
insight into our faith.
Started more than forty years ago, The Center's Adult Library
now has nearly 5,000 items in its collection, reports Jerry
Kurshan, who has volunteered as sole librarian for two decades
and counting. There are videos, recordings and periodicals, too.
The holdings, says Jerry, “are structured to meet the needs of the
membership.” Because most of the books would be clustered narrowly under standard cataloging systems, books here are cataloged within twenty main categories. (It's a simple method devised
by a professional librarian, the wife of our former Rabbi Glatt).
Though not necessarily for scholars, there is a section of reference
volumes including encyclopedias, atlases, dictionaries and classi-
The Library is mostly, but
not only, books. This
month we have
added a program for
learning Hebrew.
It’s on sixteen twosided audiotapes. All
you need is an audio
cassette player and lots of
time and determination.
Recent acquisitions:
Brothers and Strangers by Steven E.
Ascheim. The East European Jew in
German and German Jewish consciousness, 1800-1923.
American Jews & The Separationist
Faith edited by David G. Dalin. Thirtyeight short essays on the separation of
church and state.
cal works. There are some cook books and some excellent fiction;
there's philosophy and biography and lots of history. (Discards and
duplicates may be had for a dollar or two - check the section of the
stacks marked “Books for Sale”).
Operated with a small budget for supplies and maintenance, new
texts are secured entirely with contributions. Gifts of suitable
books also add to the shelves, but must be cleared with the librarian before leaving them in the library. Check librarian Kurshan's
monthly newsletter report for newly added books (and newly
missing books). Recent acquisitions are displayed on the librarian's desk.
The book-lined room also serves as a space for meetings, classes,
and services for The Jewish Center, and is open to all whenever the
building is open. It's self-service: just sign out a book and bring it
back in two weeks. Come in, spend some time, and browse freely.
You will find wisdom, learning, pleasure and, perhaps, authorship
by some of your fellow TJC members.
+ You =
Income for The Jewish Center!
Just a reminder that you can help The Jewish Center while
you order your books, tools, clothing, toys and all the other
things Amazon sells. Just enter the Amazon site through our
special URL and then order as usual - we receive a sales commission on all sales made through that URL, and there is no
additional charge or inconvenience to you.
Please bookmark this site for your Amazon purchases:
When A Jew Celebrates by Harry
Gersh. As the book says, “All Jewish celebrations involve three things: a feast, the
family and ceremonies.” Here's how to
get it right.
Orthodox Stance by Jason Hutt. A
documentary film on DVD telling the
story of Dmitry Salita, a top professional
boxer and a rigorously observant Jew, and
a young man's search for meaning in life.
Gift of Adult Education Committee.
The Beilis Transcripts, by Ezekiel
Leikin. The anti-Semitic trial that shook
the world in the early 1900s, later exposed
as a conspiracy of the leading Russian
ministers of state.
Speak, Read and Think Essential
Hebrew by the Pimsleur System. Sixteen
audiotapes and a manual-what more
could you ask? Gift of Bruce Leslie &
Leslie Gerwin.
The following books are a gift of the family of Gertrude Dubrovsky:
The World of the Bible by Roberta L.
Harris. The compelling story of the Holy
Land brought to life through archaeology
and the testimony of the Bible.
Strangers In Their Midst by Peter I.
Rose. A study of small-town Jews in rural
New York State and their interaction with
their neighbors.
The Testament by Elie Wiesel. A stunning novel of history and imagination that
recreates the story of Russian literary figures executed by Stalin in 1952.
The following item is missing. If you
have it, please return it promptly to the
box on the Library desk:
Commentary for January 2009
Sustainability Corner
Jewish law dictates we cherish the earth. A natural extension of this is to plan eco-friendly simchas
(weddings, B'nai Mitzvah, etc.). Below are some ideas on how to “green” your next event. Many represent cost savings too (also dictated by Jewish law).
• Location: Consider having a portion of your ceremony/celebration outside and keeping it local vs.
“destination” (because 500 lbs of CO2 are created for every thousand miles flown).
• Invitations/Thank you notes: Consider invitations on recycled paper and email (vs. paper) reply cards and thank you
notes. The Jewish National Fund <> can even provide invitations in exchange for donations to plant
• Kippot: Think about using recycled kippot or ones from previous events.
• Decorations: Consider using locally grown flowers instead of conventional ones, which tend to be flown in from
South America (producing CO2) and are sprayed with pesticides. Centerpieces made from reusable materials are also
great. Finally, do without Mylar balloons that do not break down and go directly into landfill.
• Food: Locally grown, organic food tastes great and supports the community. It can be served on/with compostable
plates, cups and utensils. Also, leftovers can be donated to a local food bank.
• Gifts: Check out websites selling sustainable gifts, use recycled or no wrapping paper, and consider registering on
sites where a portion of the gift is donated to charity.
“Acts of kindness
are among those
things that have no
limits.” Mishnah Peah 1
Bikur Cholim
The Bikur Cholim Committee provides a variety of functions
which help our Jewish Center family in need. We are comprised of
a group of people ready to assist when a fellow congregant requires
help due to an illness or disability. The kinds of things we've done
for one another in the past and are planning for the future are:
*sending get well cards to congregants
*driving people to and from hospital procedures
*picking up medicine from the pharmacy
*supermarket shopping
*bringing meals
*visiting people in the hospitals and in the senior care facilities
*organizing a blood drive
*doing errands
*New* *We are able to provide rides to and from Shabbat services.
We ask that if you or a family member are hospitalized that you
call The Jewish Center office and let us know. The Office will then
notify Alison and Margie, Co-chairs of the Bikur Cholim Committee,
and an email will go to the entire committee asking for volunteers
to make a hospital visit or do whatever may be helpful.
Please call Alison Politziner, (609) 924-3066, or Margie Atwater,
(732) 398-9761, for more information.
Annual Fund
Thanks to Those
Who Gave
Times are difficult and Annual Fund contributions reflect those times.
We regret to say that, as of this writing,
the 2008-09 Annual Fund will fall short of
its goal. To date 343 congregants - 48% of
the congregation - contributed $289,186.
That's 6% fewer contributors than last
year, $15,000 less in contributions, and
$29,000 below our goal.
However, we owe a debt of gratitude to
those congregants who did contribute.
Your contributions made it possible for
The Jewish Center to meet most of its
operational expenses. We couldn't have
done it without you.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Also, thank you to those congregants who
put themselves on the line and solicited
during the phonathons, and to those congregants and clergy who made personal
contacts. You put yourselves out there for
TJC. Words cannot express the appreciation you deserve.
If you haven't contributed (or if you
received a bigger tax refund than expected), there's still time before the names are
placed on the Honor Wall in the lobby. Email your pledge to the [email protected], or call it in to 609-9210100.
Todah Rabbah,
The Annual Fund Committee
Stu Axelrod, Co-Chair
Walt Meyer, Co-Chair
Below appears a list of those who gave to
the 2008-09 Annual Fund: as of April 17:
Herbert and Fay Abelson
Barry Ableman and Linda Rosenberg
Bernard and Barbara Abramson
Bernie and Jeanne Adler
Adele Agin
Ira and Susan Akselrad
Dennis and Gail Alba
Jeffrey Albert and Marian Bass
Eyal Alfi and Hillit Meidar-Alfi
Michelle Alperin
Joan Alpert
Assaf and Francine Amir
Eleanor Angoff
Carolyn Angoff
Fredrick Appel and Marilyn Besner
Alec and Diane Arons
Sanford and Gilda Aronovic
David and Carol Atkin
Judith Axelrod
Stuart Axelrod
Neta Bahcall
David and Karen Barmak
Steven and Shelley Barnett
Teddy Bartels
Shirley Becher
Roger and Ann Behar
Dick and Vicky Bergman
David and Amy Berk
Jeremy and Jennifer Black
Haim and Shari Blecher
Arthur and Lauren Blick
Michael and Beatrice Bloom
Michael and Ruth Blumenfeld
Harold Borkan
Scott and Charlene Borsack
Paul and Carole Braun
Peter and Janet Brav
Daniel Brent and Sally Steinberg-Brent
Randall and Deborah Brett
Paul and Dina Brewer
Judith Bronston-Lovitt
Charles and Lee Brunswick
Evan and Jennifer Cadoff
Bernard and Phyllis Caras
Philip and Joann Carchman
Bruce and Susan Carnegie
Ira and Linda Cheifetz
Roland Chen and Sarah Gooen Chen
Joel and Majorie Chernikoff
David and Denise Cheskis
Marc and Marcie Citron
Reuben Cohen
Lew and Lynn Coopersmith
Stephen and Susan Couture
Kevin and Rebecca Crain
Michael Curtis and Judy Brodsky
Robert and Ruth Davidson
Roz Dayan
Mark and Mimi Deitch
Norman and Roz Denard
Rachel Grossman
Paul and Kiu Deutsch
Jack and Robby Devery
James and Judy Diamond
David Dobkin and Suzanne Gespass
Stanley and Arlene Dorfman
Jay and Helen Edelberg
Mark and Patricia Edelstein
Joan Efron
David and Audrey Egger
Edward Eigen and Deborah Lewittes
Jonathan and Terri Epstein
Laurence and Helen-Ann Epstein
Marion Epstein
George Faigen and Naomi Sussman
Michael and Susan Falcon
Stephen and Maxine Farmer
Joseph and Ruth Fath
Craig and Denise Feder
Richard and Sheryl Feinstein
Rabbi Adam Feldman and Sara Bucholtz
Michael and Lori Feldstein
Matthew Feuer and Carol Blum
Sherman and Carol Feuer
Lillian Fishbein
Gary and Jacqueline Fishbone
Richard and Joanne Fishbane
Ed Flax and Dee Silver
Spencer and Louise Forman
Fran Frankel
Howard and Suzanne Franzblau
Barry and Bobbi Freedman
Eliot and Marsha Freeman
Jerry and Anne Freedman
Martha Friedman and Harold Heft
Ronald and Emily Freudenberger
Jonathan and Beth Frieder
Seymour and Dorothy Friedman
Glenn and Beth Frommer
David and Donna Gabai
Glenn and Evelyn Gabai
Lew and Barbara Gantwerk
Bob and Eileen Garber
Antoine and Noemie Gerschel
Jonathan and Ilene Gershen
Steffie Gittleman
Benjamin Glasser and Jacqueline Berger
Saul and Barbara Goldwasser
David Goldfarb
David Goldberg and Wilma Solomon
Ken and Ellen Goldblatt
Kenneth and Michelle Goldman
Michael and Naomi Goldin
Samuel and Irene Goldfarb
Sidney Goldfarb and Naomi Vilko
Larry and Joan Goodman
Alvin and Felice Gordon
Gil and Ellen Gordon
Alex and Judy Gottfried
Andrew Greenberg and Tess Kline
David and Nadivah Greenberg
Michael and Linda Grenis
Jonathan and Susan Gross
Herb and Maxine Gurk
Melissa Hager and Curtis Johnson
Bruce and Gabriella Hecht
Israel and Harriet Heilweil
Brig Henderson and Lori Weir
Joel and Susan Heymsfeld
Herbert and Carol Horowitz
Steven and Randy Hubert
Stephen Hudis and Merrye Shavel
Hanan and Helaine Isaacs
Anne Jaffe
Jewish Center Women
Steven and Sara Just
Steven and Florence Kahn
Robert Karp and Linda Oppenheim
Jeremy and Rakefet Kasdin
Norman and Irene Katz
Gregg and Jill Kaufman
Kenneth and Christine Kaufman
Lawrence and Hilda Kaufman
Jason and Arielle Kay
Lorne and Nina Keller
Martha Kingsley
Richard Kirschner and Deborah Glick
Albert and Rena Klein
George Kleinman
Ruth Klein
Fredric and Cindy Kleinbart
Louis and Judith Klimoff
Keith and Abby Knuckey
Michael and Randi Koss
Peter and Seva Kramer
Mike and Mildred Kranzler
Charles and Anne Kreitzberg
Scott and Debra Krutan
Jerry and Phyllis Kurshan
Corey and Mindy Langer
Cynthia Laskin
Donna Laurie
Brad and Barbara Lawrence
Trish Leader
Amy Lebowitz
Michael and Luanne Lebwohl
Doron Zeilberger and Jane LeGrange
Arthur Lehrhaupt
Rachel Lehr
Marian Leibowitz
Sher and Jeanne Leiman
Michael and Judy Leopold
Bruce Leslie and Leslie Gerwin
Joan Levin
Morty and Sue Levine
Bob and Judy Levine
Neil and Nancy Lewis
Josh Lichtblau and Linda Schwimmer
David and Marci Lieberman
Diane Lieberman
Jack and Bernice Lieberman
Lawrence and Lisa Lieberman
Martha Liebman
James and Roxanne List
Irwin and Barbara Litt
Harold and Susan Loew
George Lovitt and Judith Bronston
Avron and Sally Magram
Mitchell Marder and Mara Feldman
Deborah Marinsky
David and Rosalie Markowitz
Morris and Constance Marks
Jack and Sheila Marrero
Lee and Marjorie Maschler
Joyce Maso
Jeffrey Mattes and Amy Becker-Mattes
Alan Medvin and Harriet Kass
Albert and Marilyn Medwin
Art and Linda Meisel
Cy and Jacqueline Meisel
Leonie Menasche
Mark and Wendy Merkovitz
Walt and Linda Meyer
Arthur and Arlene Miller
Jeffrey and Lisa Miller
Bob Miller
Stanley and Rita Millner
Andrew and Carol Milstein
Josh and Linda Milstein
Warren Mitlak and Tirza Wahrman
Samuel and Debra Morgenstern
Brad and Dana Mumme
Irving Newman
Gerard and Lillian Noble
Nelson Obus and Eve Coulson
Leslie O'Malley
Henry and Arlene Opatut
Steven and Reba Orszag
Simon and Melissa Pankove
Sybil Parnes
Adam and Lauren Pechter
Brian and Lois Perkins
Barry and Naomi Perlman
Eric and Laura Perlman
Jeffrey and Robin Persky
Robert and Mary Pickens
Don and Karen Polakoff
David and Alison Politziner
Lawrence and Nedda Pollack
Mark and Carol Pollard
Allen and Rhona Porter
Andrew and Summer Pramer
George and Ellen Pristach
Joe and Sheryl Punia
Leonard and Renee Punia
Robert and Julie Ramirez
Eva Rapkin
Eric and Anite Rau
Joel and Elizabeth Reichbart
Bruce and Maia Reim
Betty Rimalover
Igor and Wendy Roitburg
Martin and Rogie Rome
Honey Rosenberg
David and Joan Rosenfeld
Donna Rosen
Donald and Betsy Rosen
James Rosenberg
Mik Rosenthal
Norman and Tricia Rosenthal
Sherry Rosen
Stephen and Susan Rosen
William and Gail Rose
Lynne Ross
Marty and Martha Rossman
Phillip and Anne Rutman
Jan and Lois Safer
Jacob and Cynthia Sage
Jeffrey and Evelyn Sasmor
Jonathan and Susan Sasportas
Maurice and Brigitte Sasson
Daniel and Betsy Sauder
Jeffrey Savlov and Monica Blum
Adam and Michal Scheer
Joel and Gayle Schindler
Paulina Schmer
Jay and Ginger Schnitzer
Jeff and Monica Schneider
Ruth Schulman
Steven and Iris Schulman
Alicia Schwarcz
Ken and Ellie Schweber
Mitch and Diane Schwartz
Robert and Carol Schwartz
William and Leigh Segal
Jerry Seid
Robert Seidenstein and Marilyn Riley
Fredrick and Mitzi Seinfeld
Marge Shakun
Harold and Vivian Shapiro
Larry and Carol Shatoff
Douglas and Marcie Shavel
Andrew and Ricky Shechtel
Randall and Corinne Siegel
Leonard Sigal and Barbara Snyder
David and Ziona Silverman
Kenneth and Hillary Silverstein
Cantor Murray and Toby Simon
Ed and Lori Simon
Andrew and Lisa Smukler
Edward and Deborah Soffen
Joyce Sokolic
Ken and Ann Sokoloff
Stephen Solomon and Debbi Dunn Solomon
Fredric and Winifred Spar
Jeremy and Roberta Spector
Cary and Elisa Spiegel
Richard and Helane Staller
Paul and Nancy Steinhardt
Hazel Stix
Joseph Straus and Sally Goldfarb
Beverly Surrey
Rita Swirsky
Erel Tal and Marilyn Marks Tal
Alan and Lisa Tenenbaum
Joel and Leah Tenenbaum
Mark and Elana Tenenzapf
Sheldon Thaler
Elena Taratuta and Ward Titus
Mark and Lisa Tobias
Bruce and Frayda Topolosky
Jesse and Marissa Treu
Martin and Margaret Tuchman
Annie Tucker
Irv and Cindy Urken
David and Roslyn Vanderbilt
David and Barbara Vilkomerson
Kimberly Vine
Paul and Amy Vogel
Daniel Wagner and Meryl Baurmash
Rick and Gayle Wagner
Alan and Robin Wallack
Adam and Ann Warner
Bob and Linda Weber
Harlan and Sally Weisman
Lewis and Mildred Weisblatt
Ron and Kimberly Weiss
Jeffrey and Bonnie Weizman
Bobby Willig and Ginny Mason
Thomas and Stephanie Will
Warren and Anna Willingham
Ned Wingreen and Rachelle Simon
Ross and Lesley Wishnick
Marc and Audrey Wisotsky
Deborah Yaffe and Alastair Bellany
Niar and Beth Yakoby
Jack and Maryann Yarin
Howard and Marilyn Zagorin
Jerome Zeldis and Sharon Stamm
Julian and Nora Zelizer
Joshua and Advah Zinder
Annual Meeting Notice
All congregants are invited and
encouraged to attend our Annual
Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, May 17
in the Social Hall.
At this meeting the following slate of
nominees will be voted upon:
President - Jesse Treu (for a first oneyear term)
Vice President, Membership and
Administration - David Greenberg
(for a first one-year term)
Vice President, Education - Randy
Hubert (for a first one-year term)
Vice President, Religious Affairs Bernard Abramson (for a first oneyear term)
Vice President, Finance - Bruce
Hecht (for a second one-year term)
Recording Secretary - Linda
Schwimmer (for a second one-year
Trustee - Marc Citron (for a two-year
Trustee - Robin Persky (for a twoyear term)
In addition, Helaine Isaacs will
move into her second year as Trustee;
the vacant Trustee position created by
Jesse Treu becoming president will be
filled by the President with the affirmative vote of the majority of the
remaining Directors; and Michael
Feldstein will move into his first year
as Past President.
Also, a vote will be held on a proposed change to our bylaws, to add a
fifth Vice President position - the Vice
President of Programming. Details on
our current and proposed bylaws are
on the TJC web site at This version
includes all of the proposed changes
highlighted for your review, as well as
the relevant portions on the nominations, notice, and elections.
TJC Men’s Club
Poker Tournament
Saturday, May 16, 2009
at 8 pm
in the TJC Youth Lounge
Food - Fun
Poker - Prizes
$18 members
$25 non-members
For more information contact
David Cheskis - [email protected]
Mark Deitch - [email protected]
and get ready for the night
The Men’s Club made Yom
HaShoah candles available to light
for this day. We hope you were able
to pick up your candle in the lobby
during the Sunday school hours
before Yom HaShoah.
playing to defend our championship
title from last year!
As always, the Men’s Club is a place
for men to socialize, learn, and
serve the greater Jewish Center
Community. We welcome new
Coming up we have our annual Texas members and suggestions for proHold ’Em Tournament. It will be grams. Contact co-chairs Lou or
Saturday May 16 at 8 p.m. in the Youth Mark at the email addresses above
Lounge. The entry fee will be $18 for or give us a call.
Men’s Club members and $25 for nonmembers. There will be food, drink, Thank you and we look forward to
and fun while we try our skill (and seeing you at one of our future proluck!) at poker. Contact Lou Klimoff at grams.
[email protected], Mark
Deitch [email protected] or Dave Mark Deitch & Lou Klimoff
Cheskis [email protected] to reg- Co-Chairs, Men's Club
ister or for more information.
Well, a lot has happened since last
month. The Men’s Club held its
annual Shabbat service and it went
very well. Of course there are many
to thank for this including Gila
Levin, Neil Wise, Rabbi Feldman
and Cantor Simon! With all of their
support we were able to enjoy a fantastic service and luncheon. Ed
Simon did a wonderful D'var Torah
and all of our Torah readers and
honorees were impressive too. We
sincerely thank all the men who
have lent a hand for various projects
over the year and we honor all of The area Men’s Clubs are about the
you even if we were unable to offer start this year's softball season.
Good luck to all of you who will be
everyone an Aliyah.
There’s only one important
move left: selecting the right
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Contemporary Kosher
Israeli Barbeque
Kosher is not just gefilte fish and kugel anymore.
To celebrate Yom Ha’atzmaut we will prepare a variation of the traditional “Oriental” barbeque served in restaurants all
over Israel. This is absolutely my favorite summer party menu! We will start with raw tahini (sesame paste), turn it into
“Techina,” then use that to make fresh Hummous.
While we're snacking, we’ll grill some Israeli Beef and Chicken Kabobs, make the ultimate Israeli Salad and
finish with Sweet Couscous with Dried Fruit and Almonds. Expect some surprises.
Like during our last class, your questions will lead us in unexpected directions. We'll learn about equipment,
ingredients and even have a special Israeli Olive Oil Tasting.
Wednesday, May 13
7:00 pm
Home of Joel and Gayle Schindler
20 Sweet Briar Ct., Belle Mead 08502
Class size is limited
Please RSVP Early • Last Class Sold Out
$20 covers the cost of food and materials
For more information contact Gayle Schindler
973.731.8822 [email protected]
A program of Jewish Center Women at The Jewish Center of Princeton
Sign Me Up for Israeli Barbeque
Please RSVP so we know how much food to prepare.
Mail this form or send response to [email protected]
Name(s) _____________________________________________________________
Name(s) _____________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
Please make check for $20 per person payable to Zahava Foods
Mail to: Gayle Schindler, 20 Sweet Briar Ct, Belle Mead, NJ 08502
Adult Education
Spring 2009 / 5769
In addition to ongoing course descriptions that can be found in the
Adult Education brochure in the lobby and on the Jewish Center website, we would like to highlight our new classes in May. The Adult
Education committee is open to hearing suggestions for speakers, classes, and programs for 2009-2010. Please email your ideas to Jane
LeGrange [email protected] or Deborah Marinsky
[email protected]:
This three-part series examines the short stories of S.Y. Agnon, Abraham
Cahan and Grace Paley. Taught by faculty members of Hebrew College's
Me'ah program, the series is designed to look at these diverse writers
through a critical lens. Pre-class reading is available on the Jewish Center
website. The two remaining programs are:
Sunday, May 3 (4 p.m.)
with Dr. Jenna Joselit, Princeton University
Sunday, May 10 (4 p.m.)
with Dr. Alisa Braun, Hebrew College
Torah on Thursdays
with Rabbi Annie Tucker
Thursdays: May 14, 21, and 28*
(7:15 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.)
A special opportunity to pursue the
mitzvah of Torah study in one or two
classes on each of three Thursday
evenings in May:
with Rabbi Annie Tucker
Jews believe in what?!? Angels and
Devils, Heaven and Hell, Sin and
Absolution - while these all may sound
like Christian concepts far removed
from normative Jewish belief, our tradition too is filled with teachings about
Divine beings, the afterlife, and being
cleansed for one's missteps. In this
course we will explore what Judaism
has to say about a variety of surprising
topics, and look at why Jewish tradition
has often shied away from embracing
these ideas as our own.
with Rabbi Adam Feldman
Thursdays: May 14, 21, and 28* (8:30 p.m. - 9:45 p.m.)
Join us for this follow up session to our study group in December. One of the guiding
principles of the Conservative Movement is social justice. According to the Torah, our
purpose is to make the world more just, sacred, and compassionate - in other words,
more closely reflecting the image of God. Judaism guides us in this sacred task by
inspiring us to work to repair the world. The prophetic ideal of social justice found
ample expression and concretization in the corpus of the Halakhah that sought to
create a society concerned with the welfare of the homeless, the impoverished, and
the alien. As modern Jews, we need to reaffirm our commitment to social justice and
freedom for men and women of all faiths and ethnic origin. We will focus on a number of them in the hope that they will inspire us to action - as individuals and as a
community. The challenge will be to read the ancient texts with a modern eye so that
we can bring these ideals to our modern society. Together we can meet this challenge.
* NOTE: The final session of both classes will be held on May 28 to coincide with the
Layl Tikkun Shavuot. On that night, Rabbi Tucker's class will be held from 9:15 p.m.
to 10:15 p.m., and Rabbi Feldman's from 10:15 p.m. to 11:15 p.m.
To Wilma Solomon on the passing of
her beloved father, Edward M. Solomon.
To Adrienne Sirken on the passing of
her beloved father, Irving Sirken.
To Toby Simon on the passing of her
beloved cousin, Jack Golding.
To Jody Nestel on the passing of her
beloved father, Robert Tepper.
Change and Continuity:
High Holiday Services
at Riverside
Second Temple have been a key feature.
Past President Jonathan Gross organized
services and assigned davening and leyning to lay congregants.
After many years of inspiring leadership,
Rabbi David Wolf Silverman is stepping
down from his role during our High
Holiday services at the Riverside School
Classical Service. Beginning with Rosh
Hashanah 5770 this September, Rabbi
Annie Tucker will be taking over the leadership of this service.
We are deeply grateful to Rabbi
Silverman for all his efforts in creating
and leading these service and have been
blessed by his teaching, insights, humor,
and ru’ach (spirit). Please be assured that
this fall we will celebrate Rabbi
Silverman’s special contribution to our
High Holiday services; watch for
The Riverside High Holiday Services
were organized in 1997. For each of the
past twelve years, several hundred congregants have attended part or all of the
Riverside services, as well as parts of the
Sanctuary services. Rabbi David Wolf
Silverman has served as spiritual leader,
and his commentaries on details of the
High Holiday services in days of the
We are also very grateful to Jonathan
Gross for his tireless efforts in organizing
these services and for his personal davening and leyning. Although Jonathan is
retiring from his leadership role we are
pleased that he will continue to play an
active part in the services.
From Rabbi David Wolf
Dear Friends and Fellow Congregants,
“A time is set for everything, a time for
every experience under heaven…a time
for keeping and a time for stopping.”
For twelve High Holyday seasons, it has
been my privilege and pleasure to lead the
Classical Services at the Riverside School.
For all of us it was a warm and welcoming
experience. The services were involving,
participatory and spiritually uplifting.
Leyners and Daveners at
Riverside High Holiday Services
After twelve years of recruiting all the
leyners and daveners for the Riverside
High Holiday Services, I have retired from
that capacity. I will continue to be leyning and davening there, as well as in the
Sanctuary Services, as in past years. For
this fall and for future years, our clergy
will do the recruiting. I would like to
express my deep appreciation to the following congregants who have accepted
principal liturgical roles at Riverside in
recent years:
Sammy Afran
Moshe Budmor
Larry Epstein
Rabbi Bob Freedman
David Gabai
Now that I feel the onset of age-bound
concerns, it is time to step back, it is “a
time for stopping.” My decision is a completely voluntary one.
I thank all the many, many precentors,*
Torah rollers and readers, floor captains
and ushers, the Gabbaim and Shamashim,
the supervisors of seating and appointers
of aliyot - all of you who made the services
the capstone of my rabbinic career and a
genuine complement to the worship in
the Main Sanctuary.
I am especially grateful for the organizational skills, enthusiastic support and dav-
Glenn Gabai
Barbara Gantwerk
Phyllis Kurshan
Sandy Kutin
Mindy Langer
Bob Lebeau
Annie Lewis
Philip O'Driscoll
David Roth
Adam Scheer
Ziona Silverman
Wilma Solomon
Rabbi Annie Tucker
Alan Wallack
Mark Wisotsky
Best wishes to all,
Jonathan Gross
Personal notes from both Rabbi Silverman
and Jonathan Gross appear nearby.
Many other congregants have played
vital roles in establishing and running
these services and the congregation is
grateful to all. We very much hope they
will continue to contribute their time,
energy and experience to ensure the continuing success of the services.
Planning for 5770 has only just begun. If
you would like to help or have suggestions
for us to consider, please contact Rabbi
Tucker ([email protected]) or
either co-chair of the Religious Affairs
Bernard Abramson
([email protected])
Adam Scheer
([email protected])
Co-chairs, Religious Affairs Committee
ening of Jonathan Gross with whom I
worked so closely before, during and after
each Holyday period.
During the forthcoming times of turning
and returning we will look towards and be
uplifted by the style and sermonic grace of
our Associate Rabbi, Annie Tucker. May
the One Above infuse her with strength
and striving to continue our journey as a
People of God.
Rabbi David Wolf Silverman
*[Ed. note: this is not a misspelling; it is
in fact a perfectly appropriate choice of
words, meaning “those who facilitate worship and lead songs or prayers”.]
[TJC member Peter Smith, husband
of Louise Sandburg, was on a sixmonth assignment to Israel where he
lived in Haifa. Here is the next of his
occasional series of Letters from
In the 2004 movie,
The Syrian Bride,
the Israeli official
sent to process the
exit visa for the
bride is asked by his
boss in Jerusalem to
bring back apples
from the Golan. I found myself in the
Druze village of Majdal Shams, the
very place where the movie was shot,
watching tractors bounce down the
streets pulling containers piled full of
red and green apples. There is a huge
cider-making factory next to town.
Orchards spread like patchwork over
the slopes - apple trees thrive in this
mountain climate and the skilled
farmers exploit advanced Israeli agricultural technology.
For the last three years the Israeli
government with UN supervision has
allowed shipments of thousands of
tons of apples to Syria. The Druze
community is relieved by this tensionreducing pragmatism and the boost to
their economy. Druze are neither
Muslim nor Christian. Originally a
branch of Islam, they have evolved
into a separate religion with teachings
based on Gnosticism, reincarnation
and other esoteric and secret elements, and the wearing of fine moustaches by the male elders. Most live in
Syria and Lebanon; there are only a
handful of villages in Israel near Haifa
and in the Golan Heights. The majority of the 20,000 Druze in the Golan
considered themselves Syrian (only
10% are Israeli citizens) even after the
1967 war, when the region became
part of Israel. The movie is an excellent depiction of their situation.
Syria is a stone's throw away; this is
the far northern tip of Israel, where
the mountains are snow-covered in
winter and Mt. Hermon is a playground for Israeli skiers. Or, rather a
shout away: the people of the town
gather weekly on the Shouting Hill
to bullhorn messages to their
friends and families across the line.
Lebanon is a stone's throw away in
the other direction. It's a fragile
tranquility. As recently as 2006 rockets fell on the
Israeli communities, killing many.
A friend who was
brought up on a
kibbutz on what
was then the
Syrian border remembers having to
run to shelters in the middle of the
night as bombs and rockets fell. As a
child he thought this was great fun.
line from Nimrod. It has been contested for centuries. In modern times it
was the focus of many pitched battles
and in 1982 the Israeli Defense Force
captured it. Even as late as 2000 when
the Israelis withdrew, it was being
shelled. Currently it flies a Hezbollah
flag but it is much reduced (no wonder). There is a novel and an Oscarnominated movie both titled Beaufort
that tells the Israeli story.
Why am I here in this remote and
dramatic area? The answer is shoes.
Twenty miles to the southwest of
Nimrod is the kibbutz of NaotMordechai where the world-famous
Naot shoes are manufactured by
dozens of workers in a large singlestory factory building. It's hard to
believe that from this small kibbutz
the shoes are shipped worldwide.
Mountains, fertile valleys, and towering cliffs give this countryside a
fine beauty, but this is enhanced
even more by its history, both recent
and ancient.
The great ruined fortress of Nimrod
sits spectacularly on the conical peak
of its hill, stark in its history of
Crusaders, Mongols and Muslims.
Although finally brought down by an
earthquake in the 19th century many
of the towers are well preserved and
command magnificent views of the
valleys and plains.
The factory outlet store is a singularly unprepossessing shed yet it offers a
wide variety of styles. The significant
feature of these shoes is the high-tech
cork foot bed that molds to the foot so
after a while the shoes fit like gloves.
They are so fine they are worth coming a hundred miles north to the outlet. And I will not forget to buy some
crisp and fresh apples.
There are two other sister castles
along this mountainous border.
Montfort near Nahariya is now a shadow of its former self, but But Beaufort
is dramatically built on a cliff just over
the border into Lebanon and in sight21
May-June Youth & Family Programs
TJC Youth Chess Club
grades 3 through 7
Tuesdays (After Religious School)
6 - 7 p.m.
May 5, 12, 19, 26
Course Fee $44 for four sessions
Beginners and advanced beginners: learn the basics or improve your game! Have fun
while developing problem solving and decision-making skills. You'll be taught by the
best! Alexander Braylovskiy - U.S. certified chess coach - is a champion player who has
been a professional chess instructor for more than twenty years.
For more information or to register, email Neil Wise at [email protected].
This program is sponsored by The Jewish Center Youth Department
Dorney Park & Wildwater Kingdom - Save the Date!
For Kadima and Haverim (Grades 3-7)
Sunday, June 7
More information will follow
May-June Youth Program Calendar
Haverim & Kadima (Grades 3-7)
May 16 Israel Program
June 7 Closing Trip
USY (Grades 8-12)
May 13 USY Elections
May 24 Boardwalk & Seashore Dance
June 5 USY Board Instillation
Silver Circle BBQ - Save the Date!
Sunday, June 14
At The Jewish Center
12-3 p.m.
USY - Grades 8th thru 12th
USY, United Synagogue Youth, provides the highest level of programming
for high school youth from grades 8th
thru 12th. USY challenges our youth to
strengthen their religious, cultural, and
communal commitments, to develop
leadership skills, achieve higher levels of
responsibility, both personally and as a
member of the community and to do it
all while having a great time! In the
process, students form friendships
which last a lifetime and store many
cherished memories. Membership in
USY provides the opportunity to participate in all chapter activities and numerous regional events including several
conventions throughout the year. Our
award winning chapter was recognized
in several areas of programming at last
year’s Regional Spring Convention.
KADIMA - Grades 5th thru 7tth
Kadima offers 5th thru 7th graders
the opportunity to participate with
other Jewish children in an informal
social atmosphere. Participation is sure
to instill positive feelings in your child
about his or her Jewish identity, as well
as open the opportunity for new friendships and a lot of fun. Kadima offers a
varied schedule of social activities, holiday celebration, and community service events. In addition to our program, the Kadima chapter participates
in regional activities. Our youth will
meet other Jewish 5th thru 7th graders
from all over New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
and Delaware.
HAVERIM - Grades 3rd & 4th
Haverim, invites all 3rd and 4th
graders to join together once each
month for an afternoon of fun with
other Jewish children. Haverim is
designed to provide the group with fun
activities while promoting the opportunity for making friendships that will
grow stronger through their youth
group years. Members will participate in
social activities, community service
events and holiday celebrations.
New Neighbors?
New Co-workers?
New Friends?
You can help!
If you know anyone new to the community but not yet connected, contact us. As Membership Committee cochairs, we will reach out to them and let them know about the wonderful TJC experience waiting for them!
Contact: Stephanie Will at 908-874-7089 or [email protected], or Deb Morgenstern at 908-874-8338 or
[email protected] - or just call the TJC office!
Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl Thing!
All meetings will take place at The Jewish Center
* 8th graders will meet from 6 - 7 p.m. followed by dinner from 7 - 7:30 p.m.
* 9th graders will begin with dinner from 7- 7:30 p.m.
followed by the gathering from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday, May 26 (Sivan)
To sign up for Rosh Hodesh: It’s A Girl’s Thing, please watch your mail for more information or contact Rabbi
Tucker, (609-921-0100 ext. 213, [email protected])
Can You Help Honor
Jewish War Veterans?
May is a month to remember our veterans,
and you can help with this important task.
Each year, long-time Jewish Center member and past president Norm Denard gathers some volunteers
to place small flags on the graves of Jewish war veterans in several Trenton cemeteries.
It only takes a little time to do a very big honor to these veterans, and you can arrange
when to do this on a schedule that meets your needs.
Please contact Norm directly at 609-924-1981
or [email protected]
A Farewell from Linda
and Walter Meyer
[Ed. note: As much as we wish
Linda and Walt well as they move to
Virginia, their departure from our
community is not easy to accept.
They have been active, dedicated,
engaged, and engaging members for
almost four decades. Linda, currently serving as Trustee, was given
the honor of preparing the D’var
Torah at her last board meeting on
March 29. She kindly agreed to provide it so it could be shared with the
entire congregation.]
I was president of The Jewish Center
twenty years ago and we held a
Presidents’ Ball. It was a fundraiser to
honor all past presidents of TJC. It
was a most memorable evening, as we
honored those who led before us and
built this Jewish Center.
These were some of my words at
that time:
“As we take time to reflect upon
years past and those individuals who
have given of themselves, we dedi-
cate this evening to all our past presidents, each of whom has left a mark
on our Center and entire Jewish community. Near the end of the book of
Exodus (Exodus 36:13), we are told,
“and it came to pass that the tabernacle was one.” One interpretation of
this says that once people saw how
their own contributions to the service
of the Tabernacle were integrated, and
then they realized how each of them
had depended on the other. Then they
understood how their accomplishments were not by virtue of their
skills alone but how the Holy One had
guided all who had worked together.
They had all joined in completing the
plan so that “it came to pass that the
Tabernacle was one.”
So it has come to pass, l’dor va dor,
our Jewish Center is one. That concept, from generation to generation,
has been key. Look around the room
and you'll see an effort has been made
to include our past presidents on the
board and committees, and I believe
it is critical to a continued vibrant
community to do so. However, TJC is
really a community of leaders, as
exemplified by most of you sitting
around this room. You have made
the commitment to complete our
strategic plan and make “this Jewish
center as one.” It is this balance of
new thinking linked to individuals
with a sense history that will enable
us to succeed.
As Walter and I move from this, our
community for the past 39 years, we
treasure the acquaintances we have
made here, some with whom we have
casual bonds, and those who have
become close friends, are part of our
havurot, and who we consider our
family. This community where our
children were named and became
B’nai Mitzvah; where we have known
rabbis and cantors as friends; and
where we both served on many boards
of directors and committees. This is a
unique community and is truly The
Jewish Center of our lives.
I ask you, as the current and future
leaders of TJC, to please continue to
keep the links among the generations
strong, work together to make the
strategic plan a reality. Keep the
Jewish Center as one, The Jewish
Center of so many lives.
Scenes from the Zayin Museum
Need Kippot?
Kippot for your weddings or Bar/Bat Mitzvah celebrations are available in
a variety of colors and fabrics. Color swatches are available for your review
in the Gift Shop. Prayer benchers are also available in a variety of styles,
and they too are available for you to see in the Gift Shop. Orders take four
weeks to process, so plan ahead and order early! Hours for ordering are BY
APPOINTMENT ONLY! Please call Gail Alba at (609) 275-0469.
An Opportunity to Honor or Remember a Loved One:
New Siddurim
To better accommodate our growing numbers of Shabbat service attendees we
would like to provide more siddurim for our congregants and guests. Please help
us do so by providing for the purchase of one or more siddurim at $35 each. We
will place a dedication bookplate with wording you choose to honor a special
friend, family member, or event, or to remember a loved one.
Please contact Maryann Yarin in the TJC office for details - [email protected] or 609-921-0100 ext. 201.
Papier Photographic
136 Riverside Drive
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone 609.924.0560
[email protected]
Need A Tallis?
Fabulous Selection for Women and Men
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8:30 A.M. MINYAN
8:30 A.M. MINYAN
8:30 A.M. MINYAN
8:30 A.M. MINYAN
8:30 A.M. MINYAN
12:00-1:00 P.M.
11:00 -12:00 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7:45 P.M.
7 P.M.
9 P.M.
8 P.M.
7:12 P.M.
For updates please
calendar on
our web site at
7:30 P.M.
7:30 P.M.
7 8
14 15
21 22
28 29
5 6 7 8
12 13 14 15
19 20 21 22
26 27 28 29
7:49 P.M. (5:30 P.M.)
(5:30 P.M.)
8:02 P.M.
May 2, 16,
May 2, 16
May 2, 9, 16
May 9
7:56 P.M. AIDAN KAUFMAN (5:30 P.M.)
6:30 P.M. DALET
Tot Shabbat - 11:00 A.M.
Mini Minyan - 11:00 A.M.
Jr. Congregation -10:30 A.M.
Family Service - 10:30 A.M.
The Jewish Center is so grateful for the many donations that you give both in
honor of joyous occasions and in memory of beloved family and friends. To make
the logistics easier and the gifting choices clearer, a donor form is printed on the
back of each monthly newsletter. Donor forms are also available in the Main Office.
We thank you for the generosity that goes into each of these donations!
Your name(s) as you would like it to appear in newsletter: __________________________________________________________
Donor’s Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________
❑ In honor of:
Occasion: ❑ In memory of:
Name(s) as you would like it to appear in newsletter: ______________________________________________________________
Send donation acknowledgement card to:
(Please remember, acknowledgment cards are sent for contributions of $18 or more. A listing will be posted as you would like it to appear in the
newsletter for any donated amount.)
Amount Enclosed: ______________________
Please indicate your choice below and mail this form and a check to The Jewish Center, 435 Nassau St., Princeton, NJ 08540. If
you are interested in planned giving opportunities, please call The Jewish Center office, 609-921-0100, ext. 200/201.
Adult Education
Adult Library
Arts & Cultural Affairs
Biloxi/Katrina Fund
Building Development Fund
Cantor’s Music Fund
Children’s Library
College Connection
Confirmation Class Israel Trip Fund
Cy and Jackie Meisel Nursery
Scholarship Fund
Feldstein Israel Travel Scholarship Fund
Goldie and Motel Bass Social Concerns Fund
Gould Nursery Scholarship Fund
Hattie Griffin Fund
Irving N. Rabinowitz Computer Fund
Israeli Affairs Fund
Jess Epstein Lunch-and-Learn Fund
Jewish Center Women
Men’s Club
Neimark Senior Mitzvah Fund
New Siddur ($35) New Chumash ($75)
Nursery School
Nursery Educator’s Enrichment Fund
Nursery Playground Fund
Rabbis’ Discretionary Fund
Religious Affairs
Religious School
Religious School Special Shabbat
Religious School Professional
Development Fund
Ruth Miller School Cultural Fund
Sapoff Art Purchase and Restoration Fund
Shabbat Luncheon Fund
Shabbat Meal for Mourners Fund
Silver Circle Scholarship Fund
Social Concerns
Steven Levine Special Education Fund
Torah Repair Fund
Youth and Family Programs
Wallack Family Fund
Plaques and Remembrances
❑ Memorial Plaque $350
❑ Tree of Life Leaf $216
(to commemorate a simcha)
Giving Opportunities
❑ Adult Ed Lecture or Series $300-$600
❑ Sponsor a Shabbat Kiddush Luncheon
$1,500 or Shabbat Kiddush $400
❑ Donation toward Youth Lounge
recreational equipment
*Now you can donate through our website. Go to and
follow the instructions!
Office:(609) 921-0100 Fax: (609) 921-7531 School: (609) 921-7207
E-Mail: [email protected]
Adam Feldman . . . . . . . . . .Rabbi
Murray E. Simon . . . . . . . . .Cantor
Anne E. Tucker . . . . . . . . . .Rabbi
Dov Peretz Elkins . . . . . . . .Rabbi Emeritus
Fran Amir . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Principal, Religious School
Gayle Z. Wagner . . . . . . . . . .Director, Nursery Program
Gila Levin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ritual Director
Neil Wise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Director, Youth and Family Programs
Michael Feldstein . . . . . . . .President
Gil Gordon . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice President-Administration
Bruce Hecht . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice President-Finance
Susan Falcon . . . . . . . . . . . .Vice President-Education
David Greenberg . . . . . . . . .Vice President-Religious Affairs
Linda Schwimmer . . . . . . . .Recording Secretary
Linda Grenis . . . . . . . . . . . .Past President
Deadline for June Newsletter -- May 15
Non Profit
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