e me ch - Larkin Street Youth Services


e me ch - Larkin Street Youth Services
“Larkin Street helped me to see
what was possible. They provided me
with a strong foundation on which
to rebuild my life.”
Administrative Offices
701 Sutter Street, Suite 2
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel (415) 673.0911
Fax )415) 749.3838
[email protected]
Designed By: Troy Wilderson
Board of Directors
Larkin Street
taught me how to save,
they invested so much in me
so that I have my own apartment,
am paying my bills, working hard
and saving.
Phillip S. Estes, Chair
Anita Feiger, Vice Chair & Treasurer
Chris Brahm, At-Large
Charles Dicke, At-Large
Patricia C. Dunn, At-Large
Mark A. Edmunds, At-Large
Victoria J. Johnson, At-Large
Sherilyn Adams, Ex-Officio
James H. Dignan
Annie Ellicott
Tim Emanuels
Art Fatum
Nina Hatvany
Steve Janowsky
Blake Jorgensen
Jean-Yves Lendormy
John E. Martinez
David J. Nygren, Ph.D.
Laura Powell
Mary M. Prchal
Philip Schlein
Chris Tatum
David A. Thompson
John Underwood
Carla Washington
John Whiting
Charles J. Wibbelsman, M.D
Victoria Willock
Linda Wood
Zach Friedman
Leah Sanchez
Patrick Schneider
Terry Allen-Rouman
Richard Baker-Lehne
Ray Brown
William F. Campbell
James E. Canales, Jr.
Laurence A. Colton
Jay Cuetara
Penelope Douglas
Judy Getto
Vince Hoenigman
Irene Holmes
Debbie Jorgensen
John E. Kalin
Stephen C. Kirmse
Stephen Koch
Mary V. Lester
Elizabeth A. Levy
John L. Martin
Paul R. Mohun
Maria Muzio
David J. Nygren, Ph.D.
Carla B. Oakley
Rev. Jean Richardson
Henry Safrit, M.D.
J. Milton Seropan
Anne B. Stanton
Gregory W. Wendt
David B. Zenoff
Sherilyn Adams, LCSW
Executive Director
Toby Eastman, MSW
Chief of Programs
Ray Fort
Chief Operating Officer
Kathie Lowry
Chief Development Offi cer
Dina Wilderson, PhD
Chief of Research and Evaluation
Ed Melendez
Director of Education and Employment
Ruth Nunez
Director of Residential Programs
Jeff Schoenfeld, LCSW
Director of Clinical and Community Based Services
Lara Tannenbaum, MSW
Director of Health Services
Holly Tedford Hayes, MNA
Director of Development, Grants
Sharla M. Walker, PhD
Director of Human Resources
Larkin Street Youth Services’ mission is
to provide a continuum of services that
inspires homeless and runaway youth to
move beyond the streets.
We will nurture potential, promote dignity
and support bold steps by all.
Dear Friends,
With the paint nearly dry on an admittedly tepid economic recovery,
all of us are certainly thankful that the financial turbulence which affected all of us profoundly over the last couple of years may be waning.
No doubt, all non profits felt the sting of stock market losses causing less
funding to be available from generous individual, foundation, corporate
and civic donors, and the federal, state
and local governments are in new territory
when trying to grapple with unprecedented
budget gaps which trickle down to increased
budget cuts for organizations like ours.
Yes, it would be easy to breathe a bit of a
sigh of relief and to lick our collective wounds
from two years of very bumpy seas.
stood resolutely with us to help those who are most in need. For that and
on behalf of the youth Larkin Street Youth Services serves, we are forever so
grateful for your support.
Key 2009-2010 Results
At Larkin Street, however, we see every day the multiplier effect that the
recent economic malaise has poured on the
plates of the agency’s homeless and runaway youth. Many more youth are being forced to the streets as a result of
financial distress which impacts them, as well as their families and the systems
that support them. For most of us, our experiences over these past few years,
however challenging, pale in comparison to the turbulence our young people
have had to face.
For the twelve months ending in June 2010, Larkin Street engaged over
3,400 homeless and runaway youth in services. We operated 85%
of the housing available to these kids in San Francisco, which kept youth
off the streets for over 86,000 nights.
76% of the youth who completed our comprehensive programs exited
street life. This is consistent with our longstanding historical success rate.
In 2009-10, Larkin Street continued its tradition of carefully stewarding
the funds provided by our donors. We closed the 2009-10 fiscal year
again with a balanced budget and a clean audit, and we sustained our
year over year record of contributing 86 cents of every dollar to
our programs.
Highlights of the Year
In addition to our solid results, some important initiatives enhanced our
success in 2009-10:
A group of bright and accomplished mid-career professionals formed the
Friends of Larkin Street: a fundraising and friend-raising auxiliary that
came together to benefit Larkin Street. In a few short months this remarkable group raised over $10,000 at two events, with a combined attendance of nearly 1,000 donors and guests. Plans for the next event are
currently underway.
To respond, our agency has tightened its belt, has worked extremely hard
to make each dollar go as far as it can and has focused on tweaking the
programs that we offer to make sure they serve as many disaffected youth
as comprehensively as possible. We’ve innovated and creatively solved
new, bigger challenges. We’ve helped more young people over the last two
years than at any other time in the agency’s 26 year history. The staff served
the youth with great love and care, helped them set high expectations and
celebrated enthusiastically their many hard earned achievements. During this
period, our donors, volunteers, mentors and other benefactors like you have
Larkin Street was selected from a number of applicants to receive a
generous 3-year, $600,000 grant through the National Youth Employment
Coalition’s Postsecondary Success Initiative. The Initiative, which is
Secondly, we are aiming to harness technology to better enable us to run the
agency, to better design and measure outcomes, to better report to our
constituents and to better serve the young people we see daily. Finally, we
are focusing rigorously on further developing our long term financial plan
which includes a “leave no stone unturned” look at the portfolio of real
estate and fixed assets that are managed by the agency to see if there are
opportunities to improve services, cut costs or both.
supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Nellie Mae
Education Foundation, funds eight sites nationwide which pilot innovative
strategies to put youth on a path toward post-secondary attainment and,
ultimately, employment. Lessons learned from the pilot will eventually inform
and help shape national public policy.
Larkin Street continued in its local, state, and nationwide advocacy
efforts, by actively fighting for changes in the system to promote sound public
policies that support the ability of homeless youth to reach their full potential.
This year, we contributed to a statewide policy agenda entitled “Too Big
to Ignore: Youth Homelessness in California,” as well as a national agenda
committed to establishing 50,000 new units of housing for youth nationwide.
Locally, we are a part of projects that will bring online more than 60 units of
transitional housing for homeless youth over the next three years.
Larkin Street is grateful and honored to be involved with the many donors,
volunteers, mentors and friends who contribute their time, talent, and financial
support. You have come to us from every segment of the community, including
the public sector, civic and religious groups, and the private sector, to help
our young people overcome the trauma, abuse, and rejection in their lives.
You have helped them open their hearts and minds to the possibility
of achieving their full potential through the services at Larkin Street, and
you have celebrated their many achievements. This spirit of community
involvement is an inspiration to our youth. It matters to them that people
want to help them…while expecting nothing in return. On behalf of them,
thank you again for your support.
And this was, for Larkin Street, a banner year for corporate support. In addition
to the generous grant funding and event sponsorships we received from
the corporate community, this past year, more than ever before, many
corporations sent groups of their able and enthusiastic employees to
refurbish our sites, plant gardens, cook meals, build furniture, and so much
more. We are proud and grateful to have worked with such companies
as: PricewaterhouseCoopers, Levi’s, Starbucks, Macy’s, Bain & Company,
Wells Fargo, Schwab, Gap, Inc., Salesforce, Deloitte, and many more.
In closing, we want to make special mention of our immediate past Board
Chair, Chris Brahm, whose tireless enthusiasm for the agency and unbending
belief in its cause guided us through the challenging economy in the last
couple of years. Thank you, Chris, for a job expertly well done.
Looking Forward
In anticipation of future opportunities and unexpected challenges, the agency
has launched a series of important strategic initiatives that will be our focus
for the immediate future. First, we’ll continue to evaluate opportunities to
expand the agency’s programs to better meet the needs of the agency’s youth.
Programmatic expansion may come in the form of adding to the existing
continuum, may be geographic, may be virtual or may be in another form.
Warmest regards,
Sherilyn Adams
Executive Director
Phil Estes
Chair, Board of Directors
July 2009– June 2010 Program Statistics and Youth Served
Place of
Total unduplicated youth served
Street Outreach contacts
Youth served at the Drop-In Center
Youth served at the Haight Street Referral Center
Total housing nights
Emergency housing, youth served
Transitional housing, youth served
Permanent housing, youth served
Youth accessing Hire Up, Education and Employment Center
Youth employed
Average starting wage per hour
Youth graduated from Job Readiness Class
Youth enrolled in on-site school
Youth participating in GED preparation
Youth obtaining a GED
Youth enrolled in postsecondary education
Youth provided with services from the Medical Clinic
Youth that received HIV prevention services
Number of art program workshops
July 2009 – June 2010 Revenues and Expenses
Sources of Revenue
City, State and Federal
Foundation Grants
Individual & Corporate Contributions
Other Contributions
Special events, net
Interest and investment income
Other Revenue
Total revenue and support
Public Sources
Private Contributions
Allocation of Expenses
Program Services
General & Administrative
Total expenses
Knowledge Leadership
Larkin Street is committed to sharing knowledge with both service providers to influence best practices in service delivery and with policymakers to impact the
development of sound public policy related to homeless youth. This is achieved through various activities including publications, conference and community presentations,
training, technical assistance, and advocacy. The goal is to extend Larkin Street’s impact beyond San Francisco and the youth we serve through program services.
Conferences and Technical Assistance
Last year Larkin Street presented at 16 conferences in 8 states. Topics included housing/homelessness, program evaluation, HIV/
AIDS, LGBTQ youth, nonprofit management, and workforce development. In addition, the agency provided technical assistance
to other services providers through 44 community presentations, trainings, and other technical assistance activities.
Four new publications related to the issues and needs of runaway and homeless youth were added to the agency’s growing
resource library:
Youth Homelessness in San Francisco: 2009 Report on Incidence and Needs, is an annual publication that provides an
overview of the incidence of youth homelessness in San Francisco, the needs of the population, and Larkin Street’s response.
The brief Looking Back: Building a Model of Care for HIV-positive Homeless Youth was published April 2010. The report
looks at the comprehensive model of care for HIV-positive youth that Larkin Street has developed that integrates housing,
intensive case management, and medical care.
A Comprehensive Youth Housing Model, another in the In Brief series, was published October 2009. The brief provides
an overview of the agency’s housing continuum and model of care.
Th e brief Best Practices for Meeting the Needs of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Questioning
Homeless Youth was published July 2009. Th e article discusses strategies that Larkin Street employs to meet these
needs, and best practices for providing services to LGBTQ youth experiencing homelessness .
Selected Advocacy Activities
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH): Larkin Street participated in the development of the first
comprehensive national strategy to address homelessness. Th e final product was Opening Doors: Federal Strategic Plan
to Prevent and End Homelessness, which includes the goal to end homelessness among youth by 2020.
Support for the Transitional Housing Placement Plus Program (THP-Plus): Larkin Street staff and youth testified at the
California Legislature to oppose proposed budget cuts that would have eliminated the program and made 1,400 young adults
across California immediately homeless. THP-Plus, which funds two Larkin Street programs (LEASE and Holloway House) provides
housing and support services to help former foster youth achieve self-sufficiency. Advocacy efforts were successful and the program
was maintained through the final budget process.
Fostering Connections to Success Act: Larkin Street advocated on behalf of AB 12, the Fostering Connections
to Success Act, which allows California to access federal funds to extend foster care from the age of 18 to 21.
Many youth emancipate from foster care into instability and oft en homelessness. Research has shown that
youth who stay longer in care have better outcomes related to education, employment, and housing stability
than youth who age out at 18. Larkin Street believes the legislation, which was signed into law in September, will reduce the
number of youth who emancipate from the foster care system and later become homeless.
Community Involvement
Larkin Street’s programs and youth benefit from tens of thousands of hours donated by
our dedicated volunteer force. From creating a recreation room to helping a young
adult pass his or her GED, volunteers dedicate their time and talents to help youth
reach their potential and exit the streets. On behalf of the entire Larkin Street community, we thank all of our volunteers for their time, talents, dedication and inspiration.
July 2009 – June 2010 Volunteer Support
Program Volunteers
Holiday Volunteers
Group Volunteers
Total Volunteers
Total Volunteer Hours
Community and Corporate Volunteer Groups
We thank the following companies and groups for their time and dedication:
Team Larkin Street
Running and Fundraising Team
July 25, 2010
San Francisco Half Marathon
For the fourth year, Team Larkin Street brought together Larkin Street
staff, board, volunteers and the community to bring awareness and
funding to the youth we serve. There were 8 team members who ran
13.1 miles and raised nearly $20,000.
On behalf of Larkin Street and the youth, thank you and
congratulations to the Team Larkin Street members:
Colin Gardiner
Jim Gibson
Jaclyn Grant
Stephen Koch
Audrey Muntz
Benjamin Nelsen
Sarah Ornellas
Karen Sommerich
BNY Mellon/ Larkin Street Golf Tournament
October 25, 2010
Lake Merced Golf Club
The inaugural Larkin Street Golf Tournament was hosted at the Lake Merced
Golf Club raising $30,000. Eighty players and pros enjoyed a sunny
day of golf, contests, and a cocktail reception. Th e unique tournament
paired the recently remodeled course designed by Rees Jones at
Lake Merced with the opportunity to play with top PGA Professionals.
Special thanks to the following for their support:
Brett Lamb & Fleet Feet Sports San Francisco
Coach Marathon Matt
The 5th Annual Bay Area
CFO of the Year Awards
Paving the Way
March 4, 2010
The Four Seasons, San Francisco
May 26, 2010
The Four Seasons, San Francisco
The 8th Annual Paving the Way Gala,
Paving the Way For Our Youth, was
attended by over 370 community
leaders and Larkin Street supporters
and raised over $500,000. The Gap
Foundation was honored for their commitment to bettering the lives of youth, nationally and internationally, and
for their long term partnership supporting Larkin Street’s
youth. Three Larkin Street youth were presented with
the 2010 “Going the Distance” Larkin Street Youth
Achievement Awards.
The Fifth Annual Bay Area CFO of the
Year Awards celebrated the Lifetime
Achievement honoree and CFO of
the Year finalists and winners. A sold
out crowd of nearly 500 local
business leaders attended the dinner
and awards ceremony. Th e event
raised over $370,000 in support of
Larkin Street.
A special thank you to the 2010 Title Sponsors,
Comerica Bank and Deloitte.
Congratulations to the winners of the 2010 Bay Area CFO of the
Year Awards.
“I thank Larkin Street for this award and for keeping
me on the right path,” said Mahesh, youth award
honoree. “They have been
supportive in helping me
meet my own goals and
my living situation has
greatly improved. I’m away
from the bad influences
from my past now and I
have a positive place to live
and am looking forward to
the future.”
Winner, Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Award
Robert P. Wayman, Hewlett-Packard Company
Retired Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Winners of the 2010 Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards:
Christine A. Tsingos, Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc.
Public Company with revenues above $500MM
Brent Stumme, LoopNet, Inc.
Public Company with revenues up to $500MM
Warren Jenson, Silver Spring Networks
Venture-Backed Company
Matt Roberts, OpenTable
Transformation Agent
Thank you to all of our sponsors, supporters
and guests.
Michael Day, AAA Northern California,
Nevada & Utah
Community Service
A roof over my head, always
somewhere to get food, job skills,
that’s what Larkin Street does
to help me. Having this support
allows me to see a lot more
potential in myself.
Ways to Get Involved
Give a gift to Larkin Street through the annual fund, planned giving, corporate
matching gifts, honor and memorial gifts or gifts of stock. You can also donate
items from our In Kind Donation wish list to support our youth and programs.
Donate now online: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/donate
Attend or sponsor a Larkin Street event.
Paving the Way Gala
March 10, 2011
Bay Area CFO of the Year Awards
June 1, 2011
Visit the events page at: www.larkinstreetyouth.org/events
Join the Larkin Street community as a program volunteer (3 hours a
week for 6 months), group volunteer, help at the holidays or provide
your talents for one-time or on-going projects.
Attend the next orientation: www.larkinstreetyouth.org
Email: [email protected]
Call: (415) 673.9011 ext. 221
Take a tour, attend a youth graduation or come to a breakfast with our Executive
Director to learn more about how we are serving youth and to see our programs
in action.
Take a Tour – at any time
Celebrate at a Youth Graduation – monthly
Attend a Breakfast with the Executive Director – quarterly
Enjoy or host a Wine & Cheese Reception – throughout the year
Email: [email protected]
Call: (415) 673.0911 ext. 301
JULY 2009 – JUNE 2010 DONORS
$100,000 and Greater
Patricia C. Dunn and William W. Jahnke
$25,000 to $99,999
Chris and Jennifer Brahm
Charles A. DeMarzo Trust
Blake Grossman
Heidi Hopper and Jeffrey A. Dean
Debbie and Blake Jorgensen
Helen Steyer
$10,000 to $24,999
Bruce Colman
Grace and James Dignan
Tim and Beth Emanuels
Doris F. Fisher
Linda and Jon Gruber
Julie B. Harkins
Nina Hatvany and Jonathan Kitchen
The Hellman Family Foundation
Hoenigman Family Foundation
Honey and Peter Johnson
Kathryn and Richard Kimball
John E. and Kimberley S. Martinez
James L. and Maureen Miller
Carla Oakley and Kevin McCarthy
Mary M. Prchal
Emmet J. Purcell
Ted and Linda Schlein
William Snider
Gregory Vaughan
Lisa and Greg Wendt
Jeanne and Mike Williams
$5,000 to $9,999
Alexandria J. Albers
Judith Avery
Barbara and Gerson Bakar
Byers Family
Ruth M. Collins Fund
The Crown Family
Jay Cuetara
Mary Lou Dorking
Mark and Michelle Edmunds
Dana and Bob Emery
Guy and Lia Haskin Fernald
Richard and Stephanie Fredericks
Marcia and John Goldman
Alyssa and Jonathan Harris
Daniel Holland and Patrick Printy
Adam H. Holt and Susanna Giles Holt
Gloria Hoppe
Susan E. Hunter
Christina and John Keker
Barbara and Steve Kirmse
Susan and Ed Klar
Kroner Family Foundation
Leslie and Mac McQuown
David J. Nygren, Ph.D.
Philip D. Pitchford
Byron H. Pollitt
Katie and Amnon Rodan
Yvonne and Angelo Sangiacomo Family
Philip Schlein
Charlotte and George Shultz
William K. and Christy Steiner, in memory of
Edwin H. Steiner
Kathleen and Scott Taylor
Gary P. Van Dyk
Sara Wardell-Smith and Tom Delay
John Whiting and Karen Stirling
Diane B. Wilsey
Peggy and Lee Zeigler
$2,500 to $4,999
Sherilyn Adams and Elaine Teoh
Margaret Arent and Timothy O’Shea
Myrtle L. Atkinson Foundation
Jeanne and William Barulich
Judith Binsacca
Garrett and Diana Bouton
Joanna Bueche and Timothy Pueyo
Marilyn and Bill Campbell
Storm Duncan
Nancy and Phil Estes
Art and Barbara Fatum
Anita and George Feiger
Jeffrey C. Freedman and Marie C. Boylan
Michelle and Bob Friend
Kristine and Glenn Gable
Daniel F. Goodman, M.D.
Susan and Sidney Goodwill
Edward G. Harrison
Kelly Hawk and Brian Kusler
Thomas C. Hays and Mary Ann Hays
Family Foundation
Michael and Julie Hennessey
Michael Hope
Patricia A. Hughes
John Hummer
Alex Jacobson
Sarah Jaffe
Emily and Steve Janowsky
Kevin Kachuck
Paul Kaschube
Sy Kaufman
Michael Kossman
Terry and Suzan Kramer
Raymond and Joanne Lin Fund
Karen Long
Loretta and Mark Mullins
Robert Newbold
Laura Powell and Chuck Byce
Lisa and John Pritzker
Anne and Martin Roher
Milt and Judy Seropan
Robin Silva
Elisa Stephens
Mary and Calvin Tilden
John and Amy Underwood
Carla Washington
Debra Wetherby Fund
$1,000 to $2,499
Linda and R. Michael Alexander
Angela Alvarado
Michelle Banks
Richard C. Barker
Ida Baugh and John Harrington
Peter Bausch and Joyce Holland
Mike Beckius
Nick Bell
Jennifer Benson
Barbara and John Boyle
Leona Bridges
Ann and Ray Brown
Pete Bullard and Andrew Ogus
Katherine and T. Robert Burke
John Busby
Ron and Sydney Bushman
Jim Canales and Jim McCann
Ranjini Chandirakanthan
Mr. Leslie Chard and Ms. Tanda Neundorf
Vivian Cheung
Tracy and Ed Church
George Cogan and Fannie Allen
Susan and Peter Colby
Tyler Comann
Nancy and Edward Conner
Adele Corvin
Carson Cox and Deborah Haase
Vicki and Dave Cox
Silvia Damen
William M. Doyle and D. Blake Hallanan
Alice du Bain
Lawrence Dyer and Linda Killiam-Dyer
Jean and Richard Eckert
Susan L. Egan
Francis and Noriko Enderle
Bill Falik and Diana Cohen
Elizabeth and Robert Fisher
Sally and Mike Fitzhugh
Astrid and Jim Flood
Ronald Flynn and Neal Schwartz
Ronald Francies
Abe and Jennifer Friedman
Ellen A. Friedman
Alice and Harold Furst
Suzanne and Bob Garrett
Ernest and Judith Getto
Michael Ginther and Jim O’Donnell
Karen J. Goelz
Robert and Susan Green
Kristin A. Greene
Alicia and Philip Hammarskjold
Robert L. Hanson
Libby and Craig Heimark
Winnifred and Bruce Homer-Smith
The Honorable James Hormel
Jonathan T. Howe
Robert Isackson
Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Isbell
Tim Jones and Fred Lessley
Dan, Rosemary, David, Dan and
Deborah Kaplan
David M. Kelly
Don and Karyn Kintzer
David L. Kirp
Stephen Koch and Kathryn Nyrop
David LaHorgue
Debbie and Chris Lammers
Jean-Yves Lendormy
Chris M. Long and Pamela Dieckman
Kathie and Dexter Lowry
Lydia and Van Maroevich
Susan and Steven Masters
James and Anna McBride
The McCaskill Family Charitable Fund
Rebecca McCray
Denise and Peter Merlone
Paulette Meyer and David Friedman
Michael D. Miller and Ronald Eastman
Patrick Morrin
Robert B. and Cristina O. Morris
Amy Mullen
James D. Nichols
Susan and William Oberndorf
Ross Pasquale
Cara Peck
Dawn S. Pittman
Emily and David Pottruck
Brian Powers
Eric and Suzan Pressler
Chiara and Gianluca Rattazzi
Julie M. Rose
Barbara and Richard Rosenberg
Richard H. Rosenbloom
John Sanger
Amy L. Schioldager
Rachel and Matt Scholl
Pamela and John Sebastian
Beatrix Lazard Seidenberg and
Michael Seidenberg
Michael Shapiro Charitable Fund
Margaret Sheehan
The Sher-Right Fund
Michelle and James Shorin
John Simpson
Dina and Scott Smith
Gary Stolzoff and Suzi Alexander
Robert Suehiro
Gary Sullivan and Timothy Lynn
Roselyne C. Swig
Lance Thomson
Kay and Sandy Walker
James Weir
Julie M. White
Victoria Willock, Willock Partners
Felicity Wohltman
Douglas and Jane Wolf, Wolf Family Fund
Linda Wood and Dave Sutton
David B. Zenoff and Janet N. Hunter
$500 to $999
Arthur Albrecht, Esq.
Paul S. Almy
Thorsten Anderson
Rick and Lucy Arney
Nicole and Fred Aron
Hans Bach
Charles A. Ballard
Andrew and Kathy Barish
Keith Belling
Ms. Cassandra Benjamin
Ed and Pat Berkowitz
Rena Bransten
Linda J. Brodzik
Mary S. Brooks
Shawn and Megan Brown
Dennis Buckley
Sharon and Bob Burke
James Burns
G. Steven and Kelli Burrill
Sheana W. Butler
Jane and Roy Camblin
Conrad J. Camit
Francois Christen
Jean Coblentz
Michael W. Connolly
Craig Copeland
Dana Corvin and Harris Weinberg
Thomas M. Cunningham
Erin and Richard Darwin
Sam Davis and Joanne Cuthbertson
Mary E. De Jong
Charlie and Leslie Dicke
Frances A. Dillingham
Patricia Swig Dinner
Nathaniel Durbin
Pat English and Vicki Ono
Catherine and David Evans
Jim and Catherine Farrell
Sarah Flanagan
Ben Fort and Katie Zack
Raymond Fort, Jr.
Jeffrey Fraenkel and Alan Mark,
Fraenkel Gallery
Shirley and Roy Francies, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Frankel
Katherine Fraser and Steve Larson
Fredric Freund
Jocelyn Friel
Hydeh Ghaffari
Elon Ginzburg
Paige and Mike Graziano
Jennifer and Gary Guerrero
Carmine and Wendy Guerro
Herb Heyneker
Dr. Charles J. Homcy Charitable Foundation
Jane and Herman Howerton
Susan Hunt
Victoria and Tim Johns
Katharine and Douglas Johnson
Simon Johnson
Dan Joraanstad Faith in the Future of
Horizons Foundation
Catharine and John Kalin
Keith Kawashima
Kurt Keadle
Melissa and Scott Kepner
John Kirtland
Nancy Kivelson and Tom Angstadt
Carole and Henry Klyce
Phitsanu J. Kochaphum
Michael S. Kwun and Sigrid Anderson-Kwun
Cheryl La Franchi
Ann Laurenson
Stacey Lawrence
Maribelle and Stephen Leavitt, through the
Simcha Foundation
Darin C. Little
Chris Loker
Margaret Lourenco
John L. Martin
Nestor Matthews and Brent West
Lucy McAllister
Patricia A. McCaffrey
Timothy J. McFee
Peter McKinney
Kevin McLean
Bill McLeod
Kate and Andy Mecca
Barbara J. Meislin
John Mell
Luiz F. Mendes
Lisa Nahmanson and Sandra Steele
Jeff Nanney
Kevin Scott Nishioka
John Osborne
Michelle Pampin
Anne and Michael Parish
Sam Patel
Christopher H. Pederson
John T. Pomeroy
The Powar Family Fund, an advised fund of
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Erik D. Ragatz
Jana Rich
Ernie Ruehl
Kathleen Ryan
Bob Ryker
Dave Saludo
Nathalie and William Schmicker
Michelle and Henry Schmitt, BMW of
San Francisco
L. Gregory Scott and Pamela Otstot
George W. Shardlow
Gerard Sheridan
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen A. Sherwin
Barbara Shipley and Paul Lamoreaux
Bobbi Silten
Doris J. Silva
In Memory of Skye Silverman 1972-2002
Jeffrey Sosnaud and Jean Curran, M.D.
Nancy Steele
Ian Stern
Jan Woodward Stevenson
Michele and Richard Stratton
Daniel F. Sullivan
Joshua Susser
Virginia Swanberg
Myrick Tantiado
Barry R. Taylor
Jennifer Temple
John F. Thistleton
David and Diane Thompson
Michele K. Trausch and Michael Slaughter
Mary and Jerome Vascellaro
Steve Westly
Charles and Francie Wilson
Edward Woiteshek
Cynthia Yeung
Merla Zellerbach and Lee Munson
Mark A. Ziering
T.G. Zimmerman
$250 to $499
Michela O’Connor Abrams
Barbara Ahern
Douglas P. Allen
The Employees of AT&T Services, Inc.
Chris Baer
Tammy and Ken Bagchi
Bonnie and Michael Barr
Alvin H. Baum, Jr.
Ann Bauman
Rocky S. Beach
Marcy J. Bergman
Eve Bernstein and Alex Gersznowicz
Criss Bolstad
Dione Bowers
Joseph A. Brennan
Natalie Brice
William Brockenborough
Valerie A. Brown and Erik A. Stewart
Karen and Anton Bruehl
Julia and Douglas Buckley
Michael A. Bulawit
Jonathan Carpenter
Ryan Chao
Eunice and Donald Chee
Pamela Chuey
Cohen/Bakstad Family Fund
Susan Colman and Jonathan Blanding
Elizabeth L. Colton
Carl Compton
Michele and Matt Cost
David and Carla Crane
Christopher Cunningham
Janet L. and John P. Daly
Donald T. David
Alexander Dean, Jr.
Lara DellaRocca
Scott Dingwell
Lee Dixon
Penelope Douglas and Jack Munson
Lara Dye
Annie Ellicott
The Evind Family of San Francisco
Angela Fijman
Laura and John Fisher
Craige P. Flater and Gregory P. Brorby
Arturo Flores
Cynthia and Bill Floyd
Timothy Ford
Cornelia Foster
Robert Freidenberg
Jonathan D. Frisch, Ph.D.
Kimberly Fullerton and Stephen Johnson
Kevin Genieser
Irene Gianoutsos
Jim Gibson and Christian Jessen
Jonathan and Linda Gologorsky
Hilary Gordon and Michael Blumlein
Kathleen Gorman
Lisa and Andrew Guevara
Carlyn Halde
Katherine Dehart Hale
Dorothy Harkavy
Ann M. Hart
Peter D. and Florence Hart
Heath Hatchett and Matt Moore
Kara Helander
James and Cecilia Herbert
Dana Hermansen
Irene and Oliver Holmes
Ms. Joanne and Richard Horning
Frank W. Horst
Deborah M. House
Michael Hoy
Sky Huber
Clara and Neal Hulkower
George H. and Leslie P. Hume
Stephen D. Hutcheon
James M. Illig and Larry Dotz
Matthew Irwin
Christopher Isidro
Ernest and Suzanne Johnson
Eileen and Ken Jones
Elaine Kawasaki
Clifford Kirtland
Joel Klompus and Mirjana Samardzija
Ross LaJeunesse
William and Patricia Langley
Sherry LaPorte
Elaine B. Larkin
David Lewis
Elaine Li
Donna Linden
Marie and Barry Lipman
John Loschmann and Jeff Sherwood
Rebekah Lowe
Janet Luck and Stephen Kealhofer
Rod MacGregor
Jitu Marwaha
Jennifer Maxwell
Alice and Fraser McAlpine
R. Stuart McIntee
John C. McIntosh
Kirk McKenzie
Ellen McLean and Anthony Imhof, III
Martin McMahon
Paul J. Mele
Jane Miller
Hamid and Tina Moghadam
Alda and Donn Morgan
Milton J. Mosk
Eric Murphy
Naomi Nakashima, M.D.
Michael Neumann
Brendan O’Leary
Dennis Olivas
Andrew Olma
Fred Panici
Parsons Family Fund
Matt Pellegrino
Betsy Penn, Ana Woods, Denyse Penn, and
Beverly Penn
Anne and Richard Petit
Cheryl Polk
Charles Pollnow
Susan Porter
Allen Posey
Ms. Monica Pressley
William Primozic
William Roeschlein
Robert J. Ross
Tanja and William Ross III
George W. and Kate M. Rowe Fund
Michele and John Ruskin
Sharon Ruth
Marianne Sarrazin
Ruth Ann and Lee Seward
Tom Shannon
Judy and Wylie Sheldon
Danan Sherman
Kelly and Edward Simpson
Mary and Will Spence
Scott Spenhoff
Jeanne Stovroff
Joyce and Lawrence Stupski
Sarin Suvarna
Yoshiko and John Takayama
Christine Tam
Chris and Ruthanne Tatum
Janice and Adam Thacher
Mary Thomas
Cheryl Thompson
Mr. Allen R. Thorpe and
Ms. Meghan E. Mackay
Tiffeney Tien
Christopher Tilley
Karl G. Trass
Carol and John Tregenza
Katie Tremper
Karen Trilevsky
Geraldine Uharriet
Debra Viall
Jeanine Walters
Martin Weil
Warren Weiss
Karin Wertz
Dina Wilderson
Wendy Will
Archibald J. Wilson
Paul W. Wong
Ingrid Woods
The Honorable Carol Yaggy and
Ms. Mary Twomey
Sylvia Yee and Brian McCaffrey
David Bruce Young
Mary and Harold Zlot
$100 to $249
Jen Aaker
Dale Allsopp
Keith R. Alward, Ph.D.
Rosemary Ames
Bradley Andrews
Chris Armstrong and Lou Dangles
Janet E. Arnesty, M.D. and
John C. Good, M.D.
Mark Aronica
Gregory Asay and Holly Friel
Eva Auchincloss
Darryl Babbitt
Sandra Bagnatori
Stan and Mary Baker
Peter and Noriko Balint
Clara and Joseph Barbaccia
Amy Barron
Marie Bartie
Cheryl Barth and Tom McCurdie
Melissa, Dave and Zofie Basta
Neal Battersby
Alina Baugh
Michael Baxter
Marta Bayol
George E. Becker, M.D.
Michael Beddoes
Joyce and Joseph Behar
Bruce Bell
Barbara F. Bentley
Prof. R. Joseph Berard
Nina and Michael Berg
Max Bernstein and Karen Robbins
David Bertoni
Alan Billingsley
Thomas E. Bliska, Jr. and Gray Boyce
Nadine Boffi
Julina Bonilla
Rhab Boughn
Steven Braunstein
Michael and Debbie Bregante
A. Breingan and T. White
Carol S. Brooks
Rebecca Brooks
Mollie and Cabot Brown
Vivian B. Brown, Ph.D.
Peter Bull
Edward Burns
Ray Cannon and John Sullivan
G. Cheston Carey, III
Aurele and Paul Carlat
Christopher and Kathleen Carpou
John J. Caruso
Tyler Casselman
Tim Cecchin
Frederick P. Chase
Kevin and Christine Chessen
Maelin and Chau-Chun Chien
Phyllis Chinn
Avery and Jane Chope
Karen Choury
Madeline Chun and John Farnkopf
Mike Clark and Arlene Waksberg
Callie Coburn
Valerie Collett
Al Comolli
Anne and Greg Comolli
Dominic Comolli
Kenneth Conour
Nancy and Tyler Coon
Paula and Dan Copp
Jeanette and James Cottle
Andrea K. Crowley
James Cunniff
Mariano Curat
Mary Daly
Arcelia Damen
Hana and Meir Dan-Cohen
Susanna W. Daniels
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Dantzler
Stephanie and Chris Dauer
David B. DeGraaff
Gretchen and Peter Detre
C. Jane Dettloff
Stefano DeZerega and Jessica Tomlinson
Sharon Dezurick
Mark Dickinson
John A. Doble
Michael Dobo
Julie Doherty
Nancy and Jack Doty
Lillian Douglass
Christopher M. Dowd and Dawn M. Decker
Martin J. Dreyfuss
Tina Drmanac
Shelley Eberle
Diane Ehrensaft, Ph.D.
Joseph Ehrman III
Laurie Eisendrath
Dr. James Emerson
Barbara and Roy Endlich
Jeanne Englehart
Don Eugene
Anne Evans
Neil and Barbara Falconer
Renay and Michael Fanelli
Peter Farmer
Catherine Farrell
Ben and Mary Feinberg
Roland and Lois Feller
Ruth A. Felt
Robyn and Terry Fernsworth
Joyce E. Ferris
Spencer and Calla Fleischer
Francoise G. Fleishhacker
Vicki and David Fleishhacker
Kathilee Fong
Sue and Steve Forstadt
James Fousekis
Chuck and Diane Frankel
Lois and Bruce Friedman
Kathe and Dan Friel
Janet and Verlan Gabrielson
Sally Greer Galway
Colin and Kirsti Gardiner
Jerome Geller
Gregg Gerst
Sherry Geyer
Dr. Josh Gibson
Shirley Gibson and Tim Pori
Carol Goldberg
Gail B. Goldman
Constance and Paul Goldsmith
Janet and William H. Goodson, III
Mary L. Gorman
Catherine Goulet
Kay Sprinkel Grace
Jaclyn Grant
Doris W. Grau
Jennifer Grayzar
Mary and Daniel Gregory
Zane Gresham and Carol J. Robinson
Richard Grotch and Erika Pardo
Meredith J. Groves
Keith Grundy
Leslie R. Guggenheim
Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim
James W. Haas
Vickie and Bill Hagbom
Dick Hague
Jack F. Hamilton
D. E. Hanlin
Gretchen and Lee Hansen
Lisa Hansen
William D. Hardie
Jennifer Hargreaves
Chris Harris and Sally Hand
Michael Harris and Becca Foster
Lori Harrison
Daniel N. Hartdegen
James L. Hatley
Chris Hauswirth and
Lisa Guggenhime Hauswirth
Tom Hehir
Randy J. Heinz
Barbara and Hugh Hempill
John Hendrickson
James Hendriksen and Terisa Chaw
Carolyn and Chip Herman
Judith and Fred Heuser
Thomas J. Higgins
Richard N. Hill and Nancy Lundeen
Elaine A. Hilp
Peter Ho
Bart Hobijn
Deborah and Craig Hoffman
Susan Hogeland
George Holmes
Lorraine and Victor Honig
Andrew J. Howard
Con Howe
Darril Hudson
Brian Hulse
Laurie Hunter and Jonathan MacQuitty
Savannah Hunter
Deborah Huntley and Betsy Nelson
Judy and Robert Huret
Callum Hutchins
Laurie Hutchinson
Kollin Hutchison
Daniel Ignatoff
Maritza Ilario
Dawn and Michael Isaacs
Roean N. Iscoff
Patricia Ito
Scott Jacobs
Barbara and Thomas Job
Tina and Joe Johnson
Kevin L. Jones
Karen Jones-Mason and Daniel Mason
Christina Jong
Judy and Greg Jorgensen
Wilhelm H. Joseph, Jr.
Pamela Jue
Eugene and Rhonda Kadish
Kate and Jonathan Kalstein
Niranjan Karnik
Clare T. Kasemset
Stephen Kaus and Melissa Havilan
Evan Kavanagh
Kathleen M. Keene
Donald E. Kelley, Jr. and Susan Getman
Susan Ketcham and Anne Casscells
Elizabeth W. King
Brian Kliment
Jeremy Koch
Joanne and Richard Koch
Nick Koch and Charlie Koch
Carol and Hal Kohn
Gerald W. Kohr
Jennifer Kopec
Carole Kornblum
Marne S. Krozek
Belle Krumholz
Karen Ku
Viren Kumar
Susan and Charles Lakatos
Michael D. Lampen
Karen L. Landau
Nancy Lawrence
Olson and Nancy Lee
Connie Lemen
William Leone and Linda McSwain
Jonathan Leong
Kirk Leong
David Lerner
Gregory A. Levine
Kent A. Lewandowski
Ernest N. Lewis
Mike Lewis
John Leys
Steve Lichtenberg
Spencer Lipp
Ann Wadsworth Liuzza
Carol and Barry Livingston
Alexander Lloyd
Harold A. Looby
Naomi and Fernan Lopez
Charles M. Louderback
Kathleen Loughnot
Larry Loyd
Neil Ludman
Lorry and Jack Luikart
Sherri Luk
John and Nancy Lyons
Sara Maamouri
Chester and Nancy MacPhee
Siesel and Howard Maibach
Dennis Peter Maio
Victor G. Makras
Rosalie Marcovecchio
Drs. Katherine and Robert Margolin
Clare Martin
Gregory A. Martin and Susan Springborg
Robert T. Matthew
Catherine and Joseph Maurer
Mac McClelland and Nancy Crolius
Mary Louise McDonnell
Adam D. McDonough
Jim McGeever
Derek M. McGreal
John and Melissa McIlwain
Martha D. McKenna
Karen McLaughlin
Stuart McLaughlin
Kathleen McNamara and Richard Keenan
Sunne Wright McPeak
Christopher Meehan and Mary Ann Koory
Annette Mello and Marcus Jager
Tahl Milburn
Roger Miles
Eleanor and Howard Miller
Jonas B. Miller
Judith and Walter Miller
Drs. M. Ronald and Carol A. Miller
Mindful Assets
Mary P. Moffatt
Catherine Molnar
James Moreau
Dorothea and Richard Morefield
Laurence and Jennifer Morgan
Richard Morrison
Anna-Barbara Moscicki, M.D.
Susan Moy
Henry Munson
Robert and Suzanne Murillo
Jesse Myers
Bonnie and Jim Nelson
Bryan Neuberg
Nancy and William Newmeyer, III
Stephanie Ng
Mary Nicholson
Emmanuel Noel
Claire and Abner Nolan
Gloria Northrup
Robert Nurisso
Eric A. Nusinow
James Oakley
Susan T. Obata, M.D.
James Oberhausen
Michael and Karen Obley
Katherine O’Connell
Loren O’Hara and Shaun Webb
Dave Ohmer
Avi and Sheila Okin
Carol and Dick Olrich
Robert Orban
Evan Ortiz
Daniel Ostrow
Timothy Paez
Laurie and Lance Page
Mary and John Palmer
Amy Park
Edward and Judith Parken
William Parkes
Richard H. Pascoe
Alexis and Laurence Pelosi
Mindy Pengel
Pauline Pepin
Thomas and JaMel Perkins
James and Maria Phillips
Kate W. Phillips
Sharon E. Phillips
Jeri Pierson
Brian Pirie
Jaclyn Pitera and William Carey
Earl Pogue
Dorothy Polese
Marta Poore
Jean Port
Diane and Rollin Post
Shannon and David Presson
Jim Price and Nick Martin
George Puffett
Rogeair Purnell
Nancy and Alan Raznick
Jane Reed
Stuart Resnick
Walter Rex
Gregory E. Rice
Lila and Neville Rich
Janice E. Richards
Jeffrey P. Ricker
Hope and Milton Righetti
John J. Riley
Marian Ritchie
Jason Roberts
Margaret J. Robinson
Julie Romano
Helen and Leonard Rosenman
Nancy Rosenzweig
Dawn Ross and Doug Hickey
Nancy and Michael Rowe
Gregory J. Ryken
Ronald Saari
Karin and Henry Safrit
Maria Salvador
Ole Sander
Joel Sarachek
Janet and Victor Schachter
Toby Schadt
Jay Schenirer
Else Marie Schmidt
James C. Schmidt
Leah Schoellkopf
David S. Schor
Janet and Albert Schultz
Zoe and Stephen Schwartz
Tom Seago
Jeanne M. Sears
Carter Seddon
Bruce Seidel
Mary-Ann and Richard Shafer
Raja R. Shah
James and Sarah Shapiro
Neil Sheehan
Fred S. Sherman
Edward F. and Denise K.B. Silicani
Paul C. Silva
Daniel Silverman
David M. Simpson
Angela J. Sisco
Karen Frankel Slater
Mark Slavonia
Christine E. Smith
Colin Smith
Deborah Smith
LaVon Smith
James E. Spear
Willem Spiegel
Clare H. Springs
Peter Stabler
Jeannen D. Stanislas
Leslie Stewart
Karen Stogdill
Susan and Kevin Stone
Tricia Stone and Chapin Koch
David Cameron Strachan
Anne Stranczek
Dennis J. Streveler, Ph.D.
Ruth Stryker
Jaap Suermondt
Sam Suleman
Lucas M. Sweany
Monica L. Sweany
Lynn Swearingen
Rosalee Szabo
Celeste V. Tahamont
Clare Tarushka
Michael Tate
David G. Taylor
Elizabeth and Thomas Terry, III
Richard Theobald
Tolu E. Thomas
Bill and Leslie Thompson
Kathleen and Paul Thompson
Samuel Thoron
Scott Torgan
Margaret Tourje and Jane Krensky
Scott and Charlotte Tracy
Thi Tran
Anna Marie and Edward Tredinnick
Lee and Bruce Tremayne
Dyann Tresenfeld
Carmel Triska
Billy Trolan
Ann and Herman Trutner
Leslie and Erik Trutner
Ellen Matthews Turiel
William Turner
Timothy Tuttle
Sandra Tye
Debra and Michael Varner
Frances W. Varnhagen
Jehan Velji and Eric Cicourel
Tay Via
Sandy and Marc Villers
Sandra I. Vivanco
Thomas Waits and Kathleen Brennan
Dwight Walker
Charlotte R. Wall
James and Charna Walnum
Donna and John Walton
Bill Weeks
Denise Wells and Eileen Hansen
Lynn and Peter Wendell
Paul Wensel
David Werdegar, M.D.
Diana M. Westnedge
James Whelan
Lee and Suzanne White
Charles J. Wibbelsman, M.D.
Sara and Ross Wilson
Ethan Wolferman
Torin Wong
Clinton Young and Margaret Chen
Ingu Yun
Kay Yun and Andre Neumann-Loreck
Julia and Ed Zamora
Marco Zennaro
Christina and Philip Zimbardo
Nancy and William Zinn
Larkin Street Youth Services’ planned
giving society
Marilyn and Bill Campbell
Mildred Campbell
Nancy and Phil Estes
Debbie and Blake Jorgensen
Catharine and John Kalin
Irv Lichtenwald
Gary L. Lomax
Marcus Loy
Carla Oakley and Kevin McCarthy
Rachel Randall-Jones
Victoria Willock, Willock Partners
Mary Lou Wilson
David B. Zenoff and Janet N. Hunter
$100,000 and Greater
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation
The California Wellness Foundation
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
The National Youth Employment Coalition
The San Francisco Foundation
$25,000 to $99,999
The Bank of America Charitable Foundation
The Bayview Community Fund of the Tides
Bothin Foundation
John R. Cahill Fund
College Access Foundation of California
Comerica Bank
Deloitte & Touche USA LLP
The Gap Foundation
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
The Mimi and Peter Haas Fund
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Kaiser Permanente
The Kimball Foundation
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation
Metta Fund
Mount Zion Health Fund
Bob A. Ross Foundation
George H. Sandy Foundation
Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation
Union Bank
$10,000 to $24,999
Adobe Foundation
AT&T Foundation
Bank of America Merrill Lynch
The Capital Group Companies
Contango Capital Advisors
Ernst & Young LLP
Five Bridges Foundation
Gap Inc.
William G. Gilmore Foundation
Richard & Rhoda Goldman Fund
Robert Half International
I & G Charitable Foundation
Levi Strauss Foundation
Morgan, Lewis and Bockius LLP
Morgan Stanley Foundation
Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management
Ross Dress for Less
Spencer Stuart
The Morris Stulsaft Foundation
The Nick Traina Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Zellerbach Family Foundation
$5,000 to $9,999
AvAirPros Services
Bain & Company, Inc.
Robert W. Baird & Co.
BlackRock Matching Gift Program
Catholic Healthcare West
Covenant Aviation Security, LLC
Dodge & Cox
Fenwick & West LLP
Gilead Sciences
Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Walter & Elise Haas Fund
Hewlett-Packard Company
JGE Capital Partners, LLC
Stanley S. Langendorf Foundation
Latham & Watkins
Leapup Marketing Solutions
McKenna Long & Aldridge Foundation
The Joseph R. McMicking Foundation
The Morrison & Foerster Foundation
One Beacon Insurance
Pacific Madrone Capital LLC
The PBSJ Foundation
Perry-Smith LLP
San Francisco AIDS Foundation and
Horizons Foundation
Charles Schwab Foundation
Silver Spring Networks
Wallis Foundation
$1,000 to $4,999
AAA Northern California, Nevada & Utah
Anshen & Allen
Arcot Systems
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Inc.
Bio-Rad Laboratories
California’s Great America
Robin Chiang & Company
The Conifer Group, LLC
Eucalyptus Foundation
The Charles D. and Frances K. Field Fund
Flashpoint Public Relations
Flora Family Foundation
Foodpro Logistics, LLC
GGS Foundation
Grosvenor Americas
Heffernan Foundation
The Hilltop Foundation
Leslie Family Foundation
The Live Oak Fund of the Horizons
LoopNet, Inc.
The Martin Group Executive Search
Merrill Lynch
Moss Adams LLP
Paragon Real Estate Group
Peet’s Coffee & Tea
Plant Construction Company
T. Rowe Price Foundation, Inc.
Reveal Communications
River View Construction Inc.
San Francisco Airport Commission
San Francisco Federal Credit Union
SKS Die Casting & Machining, Inc.
Smith Dawson & Andrews
State Street Foundation
Sutter House Associates, LLC
Sybase, Inc.
Virgin Mobile USA, L.P.
Vodafone Americas Foundation
Wells Fargo Insurance Services USA, Inc.
West Bay Builders
Wetherby Asset Management
The Williams Capital Group, L.P.
WNPC Foundation
Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason LLP
Zonner, Inc.
$500 to $999
ABC7 Television
Action Plus
All Stars Helping Kids
Bank of Alameda
CCG Partners
Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco
Hall Capital Partners LLC
Howard Rice Nemerovski Canady Falk &
Joie de Vivre Hospitality
Lockton Insurance Brokers of
San Francisco, Inc.
Pan-Med Enterprises
Puccini & Pinetti
Waldman Management Group, Inc.
Wilbur-Ellis Company
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati Foundation
$100 to $499
Advent Software, Inc.
Baker Hughes Foundation
Blue Shield of California Foundation
Cornerstone Research
Fleet Feet Sports
Genentech, Inc.
Klein’s Delicatessen and Catering
Kreuzberger Associates
Littler Mendelson
Macy’s Foundation
Microsoft Corporation
Palazzolo & Associates
Press Club
Prudential Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Rainbow Grocery
Reed Smith LLP
RightNow Technologies
Sports Basement
Alice Phelan Sullivan Corporation
Tiffany & Co.
Zurich North America Insurance
Association of Financial Professionals
Bay Street Helping Hands
The Bayview Hunters Point Foundation for
Community Improvement
Bears of San Francisco
Belmont University
California Society of CPAs
Calvary Presbyterian Church
Cars 4 Causes
Community Learning Center at St. James
Community Thrift Store
The Corporation for Supportive Housing
Dominican University of California
First Mennonite Church of San Francisco
Freedom in Christ Evangelical Church
Gay Buddhist Fellowship
ImportantGifts, Inc.
Junior League of San Francisco
Lakeside Presbyterian Church
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Los Altos High School
Lower Polk Neighbors
Old First Presbyterian Church
P.E.O. Sisterhood, Chapter OX
Presbyterian Hunger Program
Presbyterian Women of Livermore
San Francisco Disc Golf Club
The San Francisco Flaggers
San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus
StreetSmart USA
Tenderloin Neighborhood Development
Theta Delta Xi Sorority
The William Jewett Tucker Foundation
United Way of the Bay Area
University of San Francisco
Youth Industry
California Emergency Management Agency
Federal Emergency Management Agency
San Francisco Arts Commission
San Francisco Community Challenge Grant
San Francisco Department of Children, Youth
and Their Families
San Francisco Department of Public Health:
AIDS Office
Community Behavioral Health Services
Housing and Urban Health
San Francisco Human Services Agency
San Francisco Mayor’s Office of Community
San Francisco Office of Economic and
Workforce Development
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
US Department of Health and Human
Administration for Children and Families
Health Resources and Services
US Department of Housing and Urban
Larkin Street Youth Services has made
every effort to list accurately our donors. If
you feel your name has been withheld, or
reported incorrectly, please contact the development office at (415) 673.0911 ext. 301.
Board of Directors
Larkin Street
taught me how to save,
they invested so much in me
so that I have my own apartment,
am paying my bills, working hard
and saving.
Phillip S. Estes, Chair
Anita Feiger, Vice Chair & Treasurer
Chris Brahm, At-Large
Charles Dicke, At-Large
Patricia C. Dunn, At-Large
Mark A. Edmunds, At-Large
Victoria J. Johnson, At-Large
Sherilyn Adams, Ex-Officio
James H. Dignan
Annie Ellicott
Tim Emanuels
Art Fatum
Nina Hatvany
Steve Janowsky
Blake Jorgensen
Jean-Yves Lendormy
John E. Martinez
David J. Nygren, Ph.D.
Laura Powell
Mary M. Prchal
Philip Schlein
Chris Tatum
David A. Thompson
John Underwood
Carla Washington
John Whiting
Charles J. Wibbelsman, M.D
Victoria Willock
Linda Wood
Zach Friedman
Leah Sanchez
Patrick Schneider
Terry Allen-Rouman
Richard Baker-Lehne
Ray Brown
William F. Campbell
James E. Canales, Jr.
Laurence A. Colton
Jay Cuetara
Penelope Douglas
Judy Getto
Vince Hoenigman
Irene Holmes
Debbie Jorgensen
John E. Kalin
Stephen C. Kirmse
Stephen Koch
Mary V. Lester
Elizabeth A. Levy
John L. Martin
Paul R. Mohun
Maria Muzio
Carla B. Oakley
Rev. Jean Richardson
Henry Safrit, M.D.
J. Milton Seropan
Anne B. Stanton
Gregory W. Wendt
David B. Zenoff
Sherilyn Adams, LCSW
Executive Director
Toby Eastman, MSW
Chief of Programs
Ray Fort
Chief Operating Officer
Kathie Lowry
Chief Development Offi cer
Dina Wilderson, PhD
Chief of Research and Evaluation
Ed Melendez
Director of Education and Employment
Ruth Nunez
Director of Residential Programs
Jeff Schoenfeld, LCSW
Director of Clinical and Community Based Services
Lara Tannenbaum, MSW
Director of Health Services
Holly Tedford Hayes, MNA
Director of Development, Grants
Sharla M. Walker, PhD
Director of Human Resources
“Larkin Street helped me to see
what was possible. They provided me
with a strong foundation on which
to rebuild my life.”
Administrative Offices
701 Sutter Street, Suite 2
San Francisco, CA 94109
Tel (415) 673.0911
Fax )415) 749.3838
[email protected]
Designed By: Troy Wilderson