Co-fundedby theEuropeanUnion viaFP7CareerIntegra:onGrant SteMaGE THE "SHY" SIDE OF GALAXIES AS REVEALED BY STEMAGE-CALIFA 3D ANALYSIS RESULTS FROM A SPATIALLY RESOLVED SPECTROPHOTOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF STELLAR MASS IN THE CALIFA SURVEY Stefano Zibetti (INAF-Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri) in collaboration with Anna Gallazzi, Stéphane Charlot, the CALIFA Collaboration GEE4 — DISSECTING GALAXY EVOLUTION UNVEILING GALAXY ASSEMBLY HISTORY WITH SPATIAL AND SPECTRAL HIGH-RESOLUTION OBSERVATIONS 30.11-2.12.2015, Napoli STEMAGE PROJECT - MOTIVATION Stellar mass is a key property/driver of galaxy evolution Need to measure it as accurately as possible: to measure its build-up, distribution in galaxies and in the intergalactic space, over the cosmic time to understand scaling relations and their evolution to quantify dynamical effects inside galaxies Accuracy at 10% level is desirable: is it actually attainable? Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 M* FROM STELLAR POPULATION ANALYSIS: FOCUS PROBLEMS (THERE ARE MANY OTHERS!) Even if we knew stellar evolution and IMF perfectly well (and we don’t!), keep in mind that: Light is not a linear tracer of stellar mass, although light is what we rely on To reliably estimate stellar mass from starlight (VIS-NIR) we need to constrain to some level: the star-formation and chemical enrichment history of a composite stellar population (see e.g. Gallazzi & Bell, 2009) the properties of dust and the relative distribution of dust and stars M/L variations up to 1dex! Galaxies are (often) very inhomogeneous: need to properly weigh different regions (see e.g. Zibetti, Charlot & Rix, 2009 ZCR09) M/L Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 OBJECTIVES Create a benchmark of optimally measured stellar masses on a sample of galaxies that offers: good quality optical spectroscopy to nail down SFH and metallicity multi-band imaging, to constrain dust attenuation spatial resolution (scales ~kpc) not to miss any (dim) component I. Quantify biases arising in larger surveys from: lack of complete information (e.g. no spectroscopy available) lack of spatial resolution (check results from ZCR09)/ limited spatial sampling assumptions in the models (chiefly SF and ChEn Histories, dust) I1. Calibrate “cheaper” M* estimators (e.g. color-M/L relations) Note: Use of resolved regions allows us to test more “extreme” conditions than galaxies as a whole Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 EXPERIMENTAL SETUP Dataset: 332 best quality CALIFA (pre-DR3, Sanchez+12, 16 in prep.) + SDSS: all morphologies, >500,000 spaxels full optical range spectra, ~kpc resolution Models: new Monte Carlo Stellar Population Synthesis libraries with 500,000 models: BC03 SSPs, Chabrier IMF SFH: á la Sandage (1986, Gavazzi et al. 2002), variable age, variable tau, bursts Generalised leaking box model for metal enrichment history (adapted from Erb 2006) 2-component dust á la Charlot & Fall (2000) Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 NGC 0001 SDSS-g full res. METHOD SDSS-g CALIFA res. • CALIFA-SDSS Spaxel-by-spaxel consistently measure: • 5 stellar absorption indices (D4000n, Hβ, Hγ+Hδ, [Mg2Fe], [MgFe]’ as in Gallazzi et al. 2005) AND • 5 broadband photometric fluxes (SDSS ugriz) • Bayesian parameter estimation: compare observables with each model ⟹ likelihood function ⟹ posterior Probability Distribution Function ⟹ marginalisation • Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 ve Adapti ing smooth match: resample & PSF match CALIFA-g synthetic • Adaptive smoothing for optimal SNR>20 [10]/pix: azmooth3C SNR after adaptive • Stellar continuum-nebular line decoupling smoothing (customized GANDALF+pPXF) spaxel by spaxel SDSS-g final res. DOES IT WORK WELL? NGC1056: one of the most difficult cases: distinct SPs, heavy dust SDSS matched to CALIFA M* M/L SDSS original resolution More than words, one example: dust lanes properly “corrected”, smooth mass distribution Ag Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS: IS THE INTEGRATED LIGHT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SUM OF A GALAXY’S PARTS? Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS: IS THE INTEGRATED LIGHT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SUM OF A GALAXY’S PARTS? Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS: IS THE INTEGRATED LIGHT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SUM OF A GALAXY’S PARTS? Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS: IS THE INTEGRATED LIGHT REPRESENTATIVE OF THE SUM OF A GALAXY’S PARTS? Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 WHY RESOLUTION EFFECTS? ARP220 Lig by ht w glo ei ba ght l M ed Lig /L by ht w lo eig ca h l M te /L d M* M/L from integrated light ↓ M/L Ag Low-M/L regions outshine the highM/L regions (obscured by dust) and pull down the global M/L estimate Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 WHY RESOLUTION EFFECTS? M* Lig by ht w glo ei ba ght l M ed /L Lig by ht w lo eig ca h l M te /L d UGC10205 M/L from integrated light ↓ M/L Ag Low-M/L regions outshine the highM/L regions (obscured by dust) and pull down the global M/L estimate Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Catastrophic “failures”: dusty systems Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Catastrophic “failures”: dusty systems Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 WHY RESOLUTION EFFECTS? SDSS original resolution Lig by ht w glo ei ba ght l M ed /L M* M/L Ag Lig by ht w lo eig ca h l M te /L d NGC0932 M/L from integrated light ↓ Low-M/L regions (young stars) outshine the high-M/L regions (old stars) and pull down the global M/L estimate Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Classical effect: young stars outshining old stars Catastrophic “failures”: dusty systems Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Classical effect: young stars outshining old stars Catastrophic “failures”: dusty systems Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 WHY RESOLUTION EFFECTS? SDSS original resolution UGC10043 Lig by ht w glo ei ba ght l M ed /L M* M/L Ag Age Lig by ht w lo eig ca h l M te /L d M/L from integrated light ↓ High-M/L regions (old bulge stars and heavily obscured stars in the centre) dominate the light; moderately high-M/L regions (moderately obscured young stars in the disc) do not compensate Occurs in edge-on discs! Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 RESOLUTION EFFECTS Compare: M* as the sum of M* in each spaxel (resolved estimate) Edge-on discs: combined effect of old stars and obscuration of young stars vs M* as derived from integrated spectrophotometry (unresolved estimate) Classical effect: young stars outshining old stars Catastrophic “failures”: dusty systems Note: within Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 DO WE CARE ABOUT RESOLUTION EFFECTS? Roughly 10% of the Universe’s stellar mass budget (based on 332 galaxies, volume uncorrected CALIFA pre-DR3 sample, 554,698 spaxels) is “LOST” due to resolution effects Note however that we’re limited to the bright regions well within the optical radius! Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015 Filled histogram: mass based on local M/L (“resolved”) Empty histogram: mass based on global M/L (“unresolved”) CONCLUSIONS † Galaxies are complex and measuring their mass can be quite inaccurate if we cannot resolve their subcomponents/structure Neglecting this may lead to errors up to few 0.1 dex worse cases: messy dusty systems and old galaxies with young “frosting”: unresolved estimates are biased low edge-on late-type spirals: unresolved estimates are biased high Typically and on average the blue-stars-outshining-red-stars effect prevails (in agreement with previous claims, ZCR09, Wuyts+12), but in edge-on galaxies the reverse occurs Average effect on stellar mass census is of the order of a few 10% missing if unresolved estimates are used Difficult to provide recipes to correct — account for a “structural” error budget in unresolved M*-estimates of ~20% on average, much more for more inhomogeneous/dusty systems (not all galaxies have the same error!). † #premioGAC Stefano Zibetti - GEE4 - Napoli - 30/11-2/12/2015