Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
Family Historian - Arkansas Genealogical Society
The Arl(ansas Family Historian Volume 14, No.3, July/Aug/Sept 1976 THE ARKAN8.AS FAMILY HISTORIAN . VOLUME XIV Number 3 JULY-AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 1976 "\ PuJ, Quarterly By ARKANSAS GENEAWGiCAL SOCIETY. Inc. 42010 UA·· StrN"1 Lillie Rock. Ar .... n_ 7220,<; OFFICERS DIRECTORS Mrs. Hayle P. Hollis, President Camden, Arkansas Marion S. Craig, Jr., M. D. Vice Pres., Little Rock, AR Mrs. Gerald B. McLane, Treasurer Hot Springs, Arkansas Ms. Margaret Hubbard, Secretary Hot Springs, Arkansas Mrs. Vernoise Chambliss Cor. Sec., Camden, AR Mrs. Larry P. Clark, Historian Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. F. E. McGowen, Herald North Little Rock, Arkansas Russell P. Baker Mablevale, Arkan'I!!IAS Mrs. C. G. Ball North Little Rock, Arkansas Mrs. Carroll C. Cannon Forrest City, Arkansas Mrs. Inez Cline, Hot Springs, AR H. R. Garner, Rison, Arkansas T. o. Hamaker Magnolia, Arkansas James Logan Morgan Newport, Arkansas Dorr W. Powell Batesville, Arkansas ASSOCIATE EDITORS: (Contributors) Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr., 4200 "A" Street, Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 Mrs. Lucile Robinson Johnson, 109 Pleasant Valley Dr. Little Rock, AR Chalman E. & Mae Chinn Green, 108 W. Carter, Batesville, Ark. 72501 Luther Greene, Jr., 1026 Robinwood St., SW., Camden, Arkansas 71701 Mrs. Larry P. Clark, 1211 Biscayne Dr. Little Rock, Ark. 72207 Lewis E. Vaughan, 5446 Varnum St., Bladensburg, Maryland 20710 David L. Kelley, 2511 Micliff, Houston, TX 77068 R. P. Baker, 322 Laurel Street, Mabelvale, Arkansas 72103 CONTENTS: 1976 ANNUAL MEETING - PAGE NOTICE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE ................................................................... '" ••• a138 DR. JAMES S. UPTON'- Obituary (Life Member of Ark. Gen. Society) ••• CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 138 FROM TIlE EDITOR •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 138a BALL FAMILy ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 139 ALLIED FAMILIES: STEWART •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• " • " •••••••••••••••••••••• 151 JACKSON. Ii • • • • • " • • • • • • • ~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 DIL:LAR.D •••••••••\ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• '•••••••••• 152 BALL CEMETERY -Independence County, Arkansas •••••••••••••••••••• 153 CHINN FAMILY CEMETERY, Independence County, Arkansas •••••••••••• 1S4 TIlE .APPLING FAM.ILY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 155 DESCENDANTS OF JESSE WILLIAM APPLING ............................. 1S9 DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE WASHINGTON JOLLY APPLING •••••••••••••••••• 160 WILLIAM HARDCASTLE - North Carolina (DEEOS) •••••••••• ~ •••••••••• 161 Other Members of the HARDCASTLE' FAMILy •••••••••••••••••••••••• 161 JAMES VAUGHN of WASHINGTON County, Arkansas ••••••••••••••••••••• 168 KELI.&EY FAMILY •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 172 ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF WHITE COUNTY TOWNSHIPS ••••••••••••••••••• 18S QUERIES ••• ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 187 Neither the ASsociate Editors, nor the Arkansa. Genealogical Society, Inc., assume any responsibility for information or material given by the contributors. Correspondence concerning any article should be addressed to the authors. (COrrections will be made, as soon as possible, if our office is notified, and proper correction is given). Elaine Cia COPYRIGHT 1976 - ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. 4200 "A" Street Little Rock, Arkan.a. 72205 1976 ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. SATURDAY, 2 OCTOBER 1976 8 AM to 4 PM HOLIDAY INN - NORTH STATE HIGHWAY 5 (NORTH MAIN STREET) AT WEST 27th NORTH LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS 72114 - - - GUEST SPEAKER - - Ms. Cleo Hughes Archivist of Nashville, Tennessee TOPIC: TIME~ 8:00 8:30 9:00 11:30 12: 30 1:00 3:00 4:00 AM AM AM AM PM PM PM PM TENNESSEE ARCHIVES Registration (Pre-Registration Encouraged) Welcome LECTURE - Ms. Hughes Luncheon - HOLIDAY INN BUFFET - (Meal Included) Door Prizes-Short Busine'ss Meeting & Announcements LECTURE - Ms. Hughes Questions & Answers Adjournment FEE: $10.00 Per Person ---------------------------------------------------------------PRE-REGISTRATION for the 14th Annual Meeting of the ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. (2 October, 1976) 4200 nAn Street Little Rock, Arkansas 72205 FEE: $10.00 Per Person - Luncheon Included NAME ____________________________________________ ADDRESS ________________________________________ ~Number ~Phone, in Party_____ _______________ CITY___________________________________________,STATE______________ ZIP CODE,___________ Note: Please mail pre-registration with payment on or before 23 September, 1976 Note: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A MEMBER TO ATTEND THIS MEETING ANYONE INTERESTED IN GENEALOGY IS WELCOME COME AND BRING A FRIEND - THIS IS AN EDUCATIONAL MEETING LIST OTHER SOCIETIES YOU ALSO BELONG,__------------------------------SURNAME YOU ARE RESEARCHING PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE Dear Friends: Has it been a long, hot summer for you, too? Well, relax now for a few days and then begin to make your plans to join the rest of the members of the Arkansas Genealogical Society for the Annual Meeting, October. 2, in North Little Rock. You'll not want to miss hearing Mrs. Cleo A. Hughes, Director of the Tennessee State Archives, as she discusses the materials available in her State for researching our families. Most of of us had ancestors who came thru the Stat~ of Tennessee and this program should be of interest to us all. So - keep this date open. In another section, you will find the details you need for making your.plans. We are very pleased that several new genealogical societies have been formed in our State. One is based in El Dorado and their name is Union County Genealogical Society. They meet on the 4th Tuesday of each month (September is an exception this year) at the Barton Library at 7:00 o'clock. Another is the Ouachita-Calhoun Genealogical Society and these members meet on the 4th Thursday of each month at the CamdenOuachita County Public Lib~ry at 7:00 PM. Both Societies would be glad to welcome anyone interested. For further information, call the library mentioned. May I remind you to send in your family cards for our exchange file? Complete directions were given in the No.2 issue of Vol. XIV (June, 1976). These cards, when properly prepared, will serve to put researchers in touch with others working the same lines. This eervice is not limited to members. When a large number of the cards has been received and filed, the box will be lett with the Arkansas History Commission for the use of researchers using the Archives. This service could help to avoid the duplicztion of research. And, have you sent in your ancestor chart for inclusion in our publications of same? Inclusion of your chart is a· free service to you. Already some 200 of these charts have been published (in three different volumes) and the fourth volume is being prepared. But in the filling out of these charts, i f you do not type, please take time to write clearly the information on the chart and please use our blanks for this. Remember the people who are transcribing your chart are also busy people and we do not have time to figure out your method of drawing up these charts. If you do type, use a new typewriter ribbon and the smaller type permits neater charts. We have reached a membership of about 650 members - counting exchanges with othlu' Societies - and we think this is something to crow about, don't you? We must be doing something right! Our "~itor, Mrs. Cia, is doing a great job of getting out these 650 quarterlies every three months. Let's let her know that we appreciate the job she is She has several dependable persons (members of AGS) who live in the LR area who gather at her house on Tuesday to help. If you are in the area and have a free Tuesday afternoon, go by and offer your services. She'll put you to work!! I'm looking forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting. W/JdLJ 628 Banner Street Camden, Arkansas 71701 - _.. - ~.-- In memORlom 128 • ARKANSAS GAZETTt FricI.y, Aug. 13, 1976. Obituaries J. S. Upton, Qvic Leader, Dr. .limes S. Upton ; 0 . . . . NlWlIII'Ytce i CONWAY - F. . .al for Dr. James Soutlterlaad UploD, apd I., of Teacher Dies who died Th...... do y. ~ w_ at CONWAY J _ Souther• .. be 10 a. m. MoII-. - - -- Be Ud been pastor of MethodIud UpIoD, aced II. of Little ~ cbaacbes at Fort SmIth. EDCol I • g e Rocl, no retired ID May liter 14 reka Sprtap. SUoam SprlDp and ClIapel. Grave- i yean U beaII of the reIIgiQa do- Osceola. He served a year at Ilde service, partmeDt at HeDdrix Collece Conway's First UDited MethodiBt Cbardl aDd beIped orgaDiae Weswill be at 3' here, died Tllllrlday. p.m. MOD day Born at PlaiDview (Yell ley ~I CbardI at eoaway. Be was secretary of the at 0 a k la D d Co••tJ)," atteadeCI Fordyee Cemelery al: RIc/I SdIeeI, J. . Browa CGIJege cbardl's North Arkaasu ADDuaI For dye e by aDd IIaMIrIx CoIIoIt. ftCeIYiDI a Coaf_ lor five yean. dlrecMeN u I t F u. badIeIor'I ...... ID dimity from tor of ill yooth work lrom 1841 to Deral Home. PertlDa School of TlIeololY iD IBM and director of the Arkaasu Dr. Upton, III. and a muter'. decree at IIetbOdIIt StudeDt Movement for who received bIs booorIry doctnr- 8ouI\Iera IlelbodIIt University ID 1. years. Surmors iDclode btl wife, Mrs. ate degree from HendrIa CoUe&e 18U. Be cJId &rIdaate work at ill 1814, bad oerved u bead 01 the Garrett Biblical Institute aDd VirCiDia Townsend UptoD; two religioD deparlllleDt at Hendrll< lIGIta UDI"...lty. Be received an _ , Jack T. and - ' - S. UptoD for 14 years UIItIJ teIIrIDg iD May. IooacIrary doetAnte from BendrIa Jr., botb of Greeley, Co\.; a doupter, Mrs. VIr&IDIa c-ver He bad been pastor of MeIIwdIlII ID 1814. cburcbes at Fort SmIth, Eureka . Be wu preaideDt 01 the ArkIIl- 01 CbarioItesriIIe, Va.; a brother, SpriDp. SIloam Spr\IIp, Osceola i - GIIllJacie'11lGdety ill 1968 Bruce E. UpIIJII of ArkadeIpb1a; a and Conway and bad helped or-, and bad publilbed a lIlIdy, "The sister, Mrs. Joe P. Voorhies of ganize the Wesley Memorial I UpIIJII FID1I\y Gaealoo 01 Up- lIeIItoD, aDd five IIfIIIdc/IlIdre Faaeral will be at 10 a.m. Church at Conway. ~." Be .... a memI ber of tH Arkansas Rlstorical Maeday at the BeadrIl< Colle," Society, the IteDtueky HIstorIcal ClIapeL Graveside aenIce will be Society. SoUl Of tbe Amerie.. III1eday aItenIooD at Foiodyce by RevoJaUolI, AmericaD Academy McNutt Faaeral Home of Condoy at JIeDdrilII I· i V.... I .... 01 ReIJg!oa aDd ReIIP* Ed_ _ AaaoclatiOllBe .... a lwmer )IftIIIdeDt of the Conway Kiwanis Club, Faulkner County Red a- aDd Faulkner c-ty 'labereaIooII AaaoclattoiI aDd a former vice preaIdeDt 01 the Conway MemortaIIIGIrpiIal Board aDd was aellve 10 Boy Scout work here for IIIIIDY years. wI)'. 138 CONSTITUTIONAL REVISION The committee on constitutional study. appointed at the December. 1 <)7 5. lIleet ing of the Board of Directors. will present the following clwnr,es in the constitution and by-laws to the membership at the October annual meeting for consideration. ARTICLE IV--GOVERNMENT (Constitution) [Change.] (b) The Board of Directors shall elect from its membership the following officers to serve for one year or until their successors are elected and qualify: President. Vice-President. Recording Secretary. Corresponding Secretary. Treasurer. Herald. Historian. Parliamentarian. [Add.] (c) The editor shall be an ex-officio m2mber of the Board of Directors and shall have a full voice and vote in its proceedings. ARTICLE IV--MEMBERSHIP (By-Laws) [Change.] (b) Individual. Any individual who subscribes to the purEoses of the Society is eligible for membership. Delete sections (g) and (h) which require formal application and approval of the Board for membership.] ARTICLE V--DUES AND FEES (By-Laws) [Changes.] Ta) The annual dues for individual memberships shall be $6.00. (b) The annual dues for institutional memberships shall be $6.00. (f) Annual dues shall be payable 1 January and delinquent 31 March. (r,) Delinquent members who have been dropped may be reinstated by payment of the current annual dues. ARTICLE VII--MEETINGS (By-Laws) [Change.] (d) The Board shall meet in regular session four times each year on call by the president. ARTICLE IX--DUTIES OF OFFICERS (By-Laws) rChanges.] Tc) The recording secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Board and Society. (d) The cor~esponding secretary shall supervise the circulation and disposition of communications and publications intended for the Society and conduct the general correspondence. (e) The treasurer shall receive all monies of the Society. keep an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, and payout funds only as authorized by the Society. (f) The herald shall issue notices of all meetings of the Society and the Board. (r,) The historian shall compile data and prepare the Society's history. (11) The parliamentarian shall expedite the proceedings of the meetings of the Society and of the Board when questions of procedure Grise. ' (i) The editor is responsible for producing the publications of the Society and shall serve as the chairman of the publications committee. August 1. 1976 ~I k~CA. In~ James Logan Morgan. Chairman FROM THE EDITOR l38a Dear Members & Readers of our ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN Another miracle is due to happen., right after the.! first of September! When you find your AGS Clarterly in your mail box! Few 'of you would believe how much fdaJ.l has come into and gone out from 4200 wA w Street this year. With all the new members, and seems we are always out of something_ If any of you have written for a back issue(or several) and have not received it - please drop us a reminder. The Researchers we' have On the list are all asking for time off, everyone is doing their Family records' needing all sorts of help. If anyone would like to help others (for a fee) please let us know, your area may be just where they need help. We just add your name to the list , you are contacted personally by the person wanting the research done. But do try to be helpful and reasonable with your fee. Along with your name, we need to know the Counties, States, and the records you like to re- search (so the list will be helpful too). Several new books are appearing these days: (Bicentennial Year, is really keeping us busy). BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAIN KINFOLKS, by Larry King. The history of FISHER, GILBERT, HALL, HARTLEY, HILL, KING, KIRBY & LAWSON Families of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Virginia. The geographical area covered is that in which so many pioneer families lived and from where numerous of their descendants migrated and settled in hundreds of communities throughout America. Principal families and members of families OVer a period of up to twelve generations. Some of these families are: ALLEY, ANDERS, ANDERSON, BARTEE, BEDWELL, BYRD, COLE, COMPTON, CORNETT, CORVIN, CROCKETT, DELP, EANES, EVANS, FUNK, GRUBB, HARRINGTON, HASH, HITTLE, HUDDLE, HUFF, JACKSON, JENKINS, JOHNSON, KEITH, KILBOURNE, MARTIN, MATHEWS, MCKINNON, MILLER, OSBORNE, POOLE, PORTER, REYNOLDS, RHUDY, RICHARDSON, SCOTT, SEXTON, SHULER, SNOW, SUTHERLAND, TAYLOR, THOMPSON, TIPTON, VAUGHAN, VAUGHT, WADDELL, WALKER, WILLIAMS, WINGATE & WRIGHT. The index lists the names of more than 7,500 people. 414 photographs, 335 pages. 6"x 9" blue clothbound book. Write Larry King, 1001 Lincoln St., Manchester, TN 37355 $15. per copy Pope county, Arkansas 1880 Census, Hard Cover - $25.00 Write Mrs. Anna Page Fields, Rt. 5 Box 249A, Russellville, AR 72801 (Indexed) "STILLWELL HERITAGE IN ARKANSAS - 1798-1976" Hard Cover. A 75 page Family Histo~y of the descendants of JOSEPH STILLwELL (1752-1822) Rev. War Soldier, the first of the family to come to America. 521 descendants are included with allied families for a complete index of 866 persons. Phone 663-1559 Write: R. W. Dhonau, 4410 Lee, Little Rock, AR 72205 $9.00 HISTORY OF VAN BUREN COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Pre-Pub price $10.50 later $12.50 after Oct. 15, 1976 - Write Eleanor Bowling Ryman, County History Rt. 1, Van Buren Co., Clinton, AR 72031 ARKANSAS PIONEER'S ASSOCIATION MEMBERS & ALLIED FAMILIES, 515 pages, plus index. Hard Cover Pre-Pub price $17.50 Write: Mrs. L. P.• Clark, 1211 Biscayne Drive, Little Rock, AR 72207 ' THE BLEDSOE FAMILY by J. T. Bledsoe. A copy of the original book is in the Little Rock Library for those who desire to see the hard back copy printed by the Perdue Printing Co. of Pine Bluff. It is available now in paper back form from the Xerox University Microfilm, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. 297 pages and the original book had colored Coat of Arms. 6 pages full of photographs of B1etsoe Castle, Parish Church, other pictures of the origin· of the family in England; It traces the history from records. in the Doomes Day Book after William the Conqueror down to present day Bledsoes in America. The book originally sold for $18.75, but has almost doubled in price now to the outrageous price of $34. It can be ordered from Ann Arbor address. Our mail has really been filled with great information, from busy busy people. Let us know when you have information, either in print already or when it is printed. We like to know about everything: (77).w~tf.~.h.)-~fU." ~ 139 BALL Compiled by Lucile Robinson Johnson ~ 1. b. 1730 Prince William City, Loudoun Co., Virginia d. c. 1804-5 Loudoun Co., Virginia Balls Bluff, Loudoun md. 17 S9 Virginia Co., Va. is situated MARY BALL 2} miles from Leesdau of: burg, Va., overlookb. 1733 Princ.e William City, Loudoun Co., Virginia ins the ~otomac River. d. 6 July 1796 Loudoun Co., Virginia hev "'ar: Capt. of Issue: Virginia Militia. *1. Capt. Isaac Ball md. Mary Ball 1780, resided in 2. Farling Ball, Jr. Shelburne Parish. 3. Nathan !:Ia11 md. Mary, removed to Carroll Co •• Ohio Lawyer, Planter. By tradition: cousin of Mary Ball. mother of Pres. George Washington. 2. CAPT. ISAAC BALL: CAPT. FAHIN HALL: Fev. War; Capt. of 4th Regt. of the Virginia Line wi th Col. Stevens. Enlisted Feb. 8, 1776 for 2 years. Planter. 3. JOHN BALL: Planter. Owned a farm in Fairfax Co. and one in Loudoun Co. Virginia. Susannah: 1826, mig. to I ndependence Co., i\rk. wi th her children, her brother (who was he?), the Rawlins family, and others. She est. uBall ~~ar'M", Curia, Indpendence Co., Art<. , !:Iall School, and th" He thodist Churc!l oJ tile b. 1760 Loudoun Co., Virgirxl.a d. 1825 Loudoun Co., Virginia Md. 1782 Virginia MARY BALL dau of: b. 1765 d. 1829 Issue: *1. John Ball md. Susannah 2. Stephen Ball md. 1809 Mary Braden b. 1763 Loudoun Co., Virginia d. 1625 Fairfax Co., Virginia md.c. 1805 Virginia SUSANNAH dau of: b. 1787 Leesburg, Loudoun Co., Virginia d. living 1660 "Ball Farm" Curia, Independence Co., Art<. with her. son Benjamin Franklin Ball. Issue: *1. benjamin Franklin Ball b. 1806 md. Elizabeth Ann Dillard. 2. Maria Jane Ball b. c. 1807 Md. John Adams b. c. 1803 Va. Resided in Barren Township, Independence Co., Arl<. They were· probali1y married in Virgimli •. 3. Daughter Md. OliVer Watson lived near Sulphur Rock, Ark. Area. Her gravesite has not been found, probably due· to the Civil War.Her gr. son, Clinton Monroe Ball, was in Illinois in 1865. She, too, may have gone to·.IHino1a. during or·after the Civil War. M.-.s 1le.,I\ ''\ 1) j";, t...., SO "l loe:r pj'c....sL~-t 41 \~"\ D;.;c LHk 1C"oc:t<, ,412..- 7']..7.- 0 7 140 I.. B}';NJ 'IM] N FIiANKLl N ii,\LL: b. )0 Aug 1806 Loudrun Co., Virginia d. 24 June 1889 "Ball Fam", Curia. Independence Co., Ark •• Mig. 15)6 from Loudoun buried Ball Cemetery, Curia, Independence Co., Ark. Co., Va. to Indapendmd. 1st. 26 Mar 18)3 Independence Co., Ark. Elizabeth Dillard enCe Co., Ark. with md. 2nd, 1853, Mornervia (Musgrove) Baker, widow of Harrison his mother. lJaker. Planter. ELlZABl<:'!'H ANN mLLARD Justice-of-tlle-!'eace. dau of: Thomas and Mary Ann Dillard Owned 1st threshing b. 1811 N. Carolina machine in the area. d. 9 Aug 1851 "Ball Farm" Curia, IndllPendence Co., Ark., Mason buried Ball Cemetery. I~ethodist-l<:piscopal. Issue: Stock raiser. *1. Warren Green Ball b. 1837 md. 1869 Sarah Ann Jackson. Jiepublican 2. Clinton Monroe Ball b. ) June ltl34 d. 4 Dec 1910 md. 1858 Nancy Ann Anderson b. 5 Feb 1835 d. 25 June 1905. Beth A picture of him is owned by Lucile hobburied in Ball Cemetery. He was Metho-];'pis., Republican. inson Johnson. Cpl. f.S.A. Civil war. Evidently, after Baxter's Regiment disbanded in 1864, Ball took or joined his farrdly in IlliHis 2nd wife's son, by nois, where he had a child born in 1865. He had returned her previous marriage, to Ark. by ltl67.' H.C. lJaker was C.S.A., Issue: 8th Ark. Heg. He wrote 1. Mary E. Ball ,. c. 1859 Ark., md. J. B. Bray. a letter, 11 Apr 1862 2. Caledonia Ball b. 12 Oct 1860 Ark., md. John Worth from Corinth, Miss., to Meacham. benjamin F. Ball family Issue: describing the lJattle of 1. Adth Ann Meacham md. 14 Oct 1906 Dr; Cyrus Robert Shiloh. In the letter, Gray son of Rev. ,James Burrow Hines Gray and dusannah he wrote "Warren has Farrar (Wooldridge) Gray. Dr. Gray practiced medibeen sick for some time". cine in Newport, Ark. where he est.' Gray Hospital. Issue: 1. Cally Rubelle Gray b. 15 Oct 1910 Sidney, Ark. md. 13 Apr 1936 George Edward Warner. They reside in Little Rock, Ark. 2. Ivy ArtiJUs Gray b. 20 Oat 19Dtl Sidney, Ark. md. Edgar Pope. They reside in NeWport, Ark. 3. George W. Ball b. 1865 Illinois. 4. Flora B. Ball b. c. 1867 Ark. md. W. T. Ilorne 5. &nma Ball 3. Elbridge Mason Ball b. 1836 Independence Co., Ark. was captured and hunG by the enemy 5 May 1tl64. He was F.S.A. He was hung in the "Skilet", not far from the Ball Farm. 4. Jane Moriah Ball b. 1837 Independence Co., Ark. md. 12 Nov 1857 George Washington Brewer b. c. 1835 Ark. Issue: . 1. Maria Jane Brewer b.c. 1859 Ark. 2. Elizabeth Brewer b. c. 1860 Ark. 3. George Washington Brewer b. c. 1863 Ark. 4. Susan V. Brewer b. c. 1865 Ark. 5. Ulysses G. Brewer b. c. 1867 Ark. 5. Harrigan Wayne Ball b. 15 Dec 1840 Curia, Ark. md. Mildred K. Baker d. 6 Apr 1881, dau of Harrison Baker of Sharp Co., Ark. He was C.S.A. and F.S.A. Justice of the Peace, Mason, MethOdist, RepUblican. Mig. after Civil war to Randolph Co., Ark., ma. 2nd. Miss J. Jones of Sharp Co., Ark. He was Sgt., F.S.A. in Baxtl!lr's Heg. Issue: 1. Ulyases R. Ball 141 2. Dau mel. J. H. Moore 3. Harriet A. Ball 4. 5. James C. Ball funice A. Ball 6. Jo'ranklin H. Ball 7. Callie R. Ball 6. Averella Ball b. 1841 mel. Robert WBnn. 7. Wl.nfield Scott Ball b. 1643 Independence Co., Ark. Issue: 1. Martha ·E. E. Ball b. 1666 Ind. Co., Ark. 6. George Washington Ball b. 15 Apr 1643 d. 27 Sept 1916 Independence Co., Ark. lid. Mary Elizabeth Huddleston . b. 3 Dec 1646 Tenn., d. 23 Dec 1915 Ind. Co., Ark.,. both buried Oakla1i!l Cemetery, Batesville, Ark. F.S.A. Civil War. Issue I 1. Lockie Ball b. 26 Oct 1669 Sharp Co., Ark. d. 1 June 1955 Independence Co., Ark. mel. 17 Dec 1690 Ira Nelse Barnett b. 22 Jan 1666 Sharp Co., Ark. d. 14 Dec 1935 Batemlle, Ark. Both buried Oaklawn Cemetery. Lockie Ball taught school at the Ball School House, teaching her cousin, Agnes (Ball) Gray. She compiled family histories, and was a member of DAR, DAC, Order of the Crown, and Ark. Pioneers Society. Issuel . 1. Charles Waahing1ion Barnett b. 10 Oct 1691 Batesville, Ark. d. 5 Sept 1955 Md. 5 Aug 1913 Mayme Casey b. 13 Jan 1697. Issue I 1. Charlotte Barnett b. 6 Sept 1915 Md. 9 June 1937 Preston W. Graoe b. 2 Sept 1914 Calvert, Texas. Issuel 1. Preston W. Grace, Jr. b. 16 Mar 1938 md. 7 July 1960 Nancy Leonard. Issue I 1. Preston W. Graoe, III, .b. 7 Apr 1961. 2. Charlotte Louise Grace b. 16 Jan 1863. 3·. John Robert Grace b. 9 NQV ~967. 4. Mollie Betty Grace b.6 Nov 1970. . 2. Charles Barnett Grace b. 18 Oct 1944 Md. 25 Dec 1965 Laura McClure. ISSle: 1. Christopher Brian Grace b. l2 Aug 1972 2. Philip Grace b. 6 Nov 1974. 2. Frances Barnett b. 8 Aug 1918 Md. 22 Sept 1940 Wesley J. Ketz b. 12 Feb 1910 Glen Lyon. ISSle: 1. Wesley J. Ketz, Jr. b. 25 Mar 1942 mel. 24 Dec 1970, Virginia Edwarda b. 19 Aug 1951. 2. Charles Frank Ketz b. 29 Aug 1946 Md. 31 July 1971 Elizabeth Ann Sarton. 2. James Franklin Barnett b. 21 Nov 1889 d. 21 July 1900. 3. Ira Nelson Barnett, III, b. 10 Jan 190) Md. 10 Jan 1925 Catherine Robertson b. 23 Feb 1903 WYnne, Ark. Issuel 1. James Franklin Barnett Ir. 28 Feb 1926 lid. 17 July 142 1946 Lois Mae Fallis b. 19 Apr 19?6 Charlotte, Ark. She compiles family history. Issue: 1. James Franklin jJarnett, Jr. b. 25 Mar 1951 md. Elizabeth Ann Dozier b. 9 June 1952. 2. ThomtS Nelson Barnett b. 7 Sept 1953 d. 10 Sept 1953. 2. Carol Barnett b. 17 Dec 1926 md. 31 May 1947 William Joe Robertson b. 12 Jan 1926. Issue: 1. William Joseph Robertson b. 15 Jan 1946 md. 1970 Victoria Gilbert b. "I Sept 1946. Issue: 1. Seth Beard Robertson b. 4 Mar 1974.·' 2. Catherine Robertson b. 14 Dec 1949 Md. Aug 1970 Frank lIhittaker Harrington b. 23 Jun 1943. Issuel 1. Ainsley Harrington b. 1 Sept 1972. 2. Frank WIIi ttaker Harrington, Jr. b. 1 Nov 1974. 3. Ira'Nelson Barnett, IV, b. 11 Oct 1937 Md. 16 Jun 1960 Sandra Slaughter b. 8 Oct 1938. Issue: 1. Lindley Barnett b. 12 Aug 1961. 2. Carol Barnett b. 3 Jan 1966. 4. Charles Robertson Barnett b. 29 Oct 1940 Md. 12 July 1969 Betty Ann Massey b. 7 Aug 1947. Issue: 1. Charles Allen Barnett b. 12 July 1972. 4. Mary Louise Barnett b. 30 Mar 1908 Md. 11 Sept 1929 Dr. Alfred H. Hathcock b. 10 May 1905. They reside in Batesville, Ark. Issuel 1. Alfred Barnett Hathcock b. 25 Dec 1930 Md. Barbara Spicer. Issue: 1. Stephen Allan Hathcock b. 12 Jan 1960. 2. Lisa Ann Hathcock b. 22 June 1962. 2. Charles Nelson Hathcock b. 5 Oct 1933 9. America Annette Ball b. 4 June 1845 d. 20 Apr 1871 Md. J. S. Herring. 10.Elizabeth Serbia Ball b. 1841 Ind. Co., Ark. 11.Gravilla Ball b. 1842 Ind. Co., Ark. 12.Henry C. Ball b. 1843 Indo' Co., Ark. 13.James C. Ball b. 1849 Ind. Co., Art<. 14.John Adams Ball. In 1850 mortality schedule, states, "age 12! mos., unknown cause, d. Hl$O". 15.Franklin Ball, in 1850 mortality schedule, states. "died of unknown cause. sick 4 days. one month of age, August 1850". Issue by 2nd md •• Mornervia (Musgrove) Baker b. 1819 d. 9 Apr 1875 Curia. Independence Co., Ark. rod. 1853. 16. John Franklin Ball b. 1854 Curia, Ark. 17. Mitard F. Ball b. 1856 Curia, Arf. 18. Jerome Bonepart Ball b. 3 Feb 1859 Curia. Ark. d. 30 May 1932 Batesville. Ark., rod. Nettie b. 14 Feb 1859 d. 4 Sept 1920 Batesville, Ark. 143 19. benjamin Jo'ranklin Hall b. 7 Jan 1859 Curia, Independence Co., Ark. d. 3 Jan 1902 md. T. Mariah b. 8 Jl..le 1858 d. 2 Aug 1926. --Issue: 1. Letha Alln Ball b. 12 Oct 1884 Independence Co., 'rk. d. 1959 Little Rook, Ark., md. 1906 Dr. Daniel wesley Oray b. 31 May 1880 Hiokory Valley, Ark. d. 1945 Searcy Ark., son of Hev. James llurrow Hines Gray and Susannah Farrar (Wooldridge) Oray. Dr. Gray praoticed medicine in Searoy, Ark. Orad. Univ. of Tenn. Medical School. Issue I 1. Thelma Noba Gray Md. Lawrenoe Burge. 2. Lavonne Julia (lray Md. Marian Mitchell Curtis. They reside in Little Rock, Ark. . !slUe I 1. Patsy Ann Curtis b. 21 June 1938 Lit u.e Rock, Ark. Md. Donald R. Lee. They reside in Dallas, TeDs. Issuel . 1. Jennifer Renee Lee b. 23 Jan 1970. 2. Melinda Ann Lee b. 9 June 1974. 2. Nelse Ball, resides in Batesville, Ark. 5. IiARREN OREEN I:iALL I b. 6 Oct 1637 "Ball Fam" Curia, Independenoe Co., ,Irk. d. 1 Sept 1916 "Ball Fam" Curia, Independence Co., Ark., "lanter. bur.l.ed Ball Cemetery. Owned Orist Mill, md. 4 Aug 1869 Independence Co., Ark. Cotton gin, Saw. Mills, SARAH ANN JACK OON . (len eral Stor •• dau ofl Benjamin Jo'ranklin and Tabitha Ann (Stewart) Jackson. of Curia b. 4 Aug 1852 Perry Co., Tennessee for many years. d. 30 Apr 1926 "!!Iill Farm" Curia, Independence Co., Ark., Constaple. School buried Ball Cemetery. director 5 years. Issuel Senior warden and *1. Agnes Ball b. 30 Sept 1884 "Ball Farm" Curia, Ark. md. Sec. of Masonic . Dr. Alf'red Oray. Lodge. 2. Tabitha E. Ball b. Dec 1871 Curia, Ark; Md. William Metho d1st-I!,'piscopal. Peter Ford. Republican. Issuel Sarah Ann was an 1. Clara Ford md. Arthur Carpenter. l!:astern Star Member. 2. Fonce Ford Civil Wart 3. Roland ford C.S.A., then F.S.A. 4. Aletha Ford md. John Olin Laman. She is called "Dell". Sgt. in Col. ~lisha 5. Locki Ford Md. Mr. WOoldridge. Ilaxter l s 4th Ark. 6. Roxie Ford Md. Alton Owens of bulphur Rock, Ark. Mounted Infantry of 7. Ransom Ford 8. Thurman jo'ord Volunteers, U.S.A. He was under Lt. (leor 3. 1Vi111am Leondas Hall b. 6 Nov ltl74 "Ball Farm" Curia, Ark. d. 23 Deo 1967 Batesville, Ark. Md. 2 Sept 1894 Rector, Ark. W. Hobertson, Co. B., in which there were Mattie Dell Stone b. )0 Dec 1876 Ind. Co., Ark. d. 1 July 5 Ball brothers I Sgt. 1972 Batesville, Ark., buried Rector, Ark., dau of W.A. Harrison W. Ball, Cpl. and NacyM. (Northern) Stone. r~ll owned a restuarant in Clinton Monroe Hall, BateSVille, Ark. Methodist, Mason, Republican. Pvt. Oeorge washington Issuel ball who lost his 1. mnice Ball b. 6 July 1895 d. 17 Nov 1911, buried equipment and horse May Recter, Ark. Never married. • 2. Nellie Marie Ball b. 25 Dec 1896 Md. 20 July 1919 1864, and Pvt. ~lbridge Rector, Ark., Lawrence 8dward Elsass b. 1 Apr 1895 Mason Ball who was capGeyer City, Okla•• d. 28 Apr 1974 Rector, Ark. Owned tured and hani:ed by the ~lsasl Dairy in Rector, Ark. Methodis t. enemy 5 May 1864, near 144 the l'all Farm. 'lhe hegiment was disbanded due to iJax.ter's election to the l.J .,3. 0ena Lee warren Green ball was discharbed 3 June 1864, and proceeded to st. LOllis, Mo., where he reenlisted as Cpl. 21 June 18611 in Co. C., 2nd Ark. ~eg., Ark. Cav. He was discharged 20 Aug ltl65. He fou,ht in battles of Shiloh and Uettysburgh. Pictures of ooth, Warren Ureen and Sarah Ann (J ackson) ball, are. owned by Lucile Hobinson Johnson Issuel 1. Demetra Louise Elsass b. 24 Sept 1920 Paragould, A Ark. md. 15 July 1944 Rector, Ark., Clovis Schult.z. Issue: 1. Douglas Schultz 2. Terry Schultz 2. William J£dward Elsass b. 17 Oct 1926 hector, Ark. md. 26 Jan 1957 Benton, Ark., Nanette Elizabeth Williams b. 12 Dec 1933 Hope, Ark., dau of Glen Lynn Williams and Sophia Purkins. Navy WW II, Principal of Forrest City Junior High School. Methodist. Issue: 1. Kirk Edward Elaass b. 3 Jan 1%8 ~'orest City, Ark. 2. William Kregg Elsass b. 25 June 1960 Forrest City, Ark. 3. Cecil Fay Ball b. 17 Dec 1898 Independence Co., Ark., Md. 1st, IB Feb 1922 Batesville, Ark., Margaret Gunzel b. 31 Mar 1900 iJatesvil1e, Ark. d. 11 July 1967 N. Little Rock, Ark. buried Oaklawn Cemetery Batesville, Ark., dau of Herman A. and Agnes (Kretscher) Guenze1 of Germany. Md. 2nd, 30 Jan 1971 Mildred Reynolds. Resides in N. Little Rock, Ark. Owned Ball Dry Cleaning Co. Methodist, Mason, Republican. Issue: by 1st wi fe. 1. Cecil Guenzel Ball b. 31 Jan 1.923 BateJvi.lle, Ark. Md. 11 Mar 1953 Little Rock, Ark., Dora Margaret Luten b. 11 Nov 1930 Little Rock Atk., dau of Dr. Joseph Randle and Dora Margaret (Hafendorfer) Luten. Ball was 'pilot in 56th Fighter Group, 8th Air Force in England during WW II. Charter Member Lakewood Methodi3t Church. Mason. Justice of the Peace. Past Lt. Gov. of Kiwanis International. Past Pres. Ark. Numismatic Soc. Past Board member and Charter Member of N. Little Rock Jaycees. Owns Ball and Assoc. Realty Co. Resides in N. Little Rock, Ark. Dora (Luten) ball belongs I.o the Ark. Genealolical So:: iety, DAR, DAC, UDC. Issue: 1. Charles l!:cIward Ball b. 28 Jan 1954 Little Hock, Ark. Attends Univ. of Ark. at Little Hock. 3igma Phi Epsilon Fraternity. Justice-of'-the-l-'eace. 2. David warren iJall b. 14 Aug 1956 Little Rock, Ark. Attends Univ. of AlX. at Little Hock. 4. Benjamin Harrison Ball b. ~ Dec 1900 Indep. Co., Ark. md. 11 June 1927 Susie Iren,e Dorsett, dau of Samuel Newton Dorsett and Elta Johnson. Issue: 1. Venus Leene11 1mll b. 21 Dec 1930 Batesville, Ark. Md. 1st, 17. Nov 1957 Tommy Lawrence Jenkins b. 20 May 1931 Collegeport, Texas d. 13 Mar 1973 San Ygnacio, Paraguary, buried Bay City, Texas, Md. 2nd, Thomas Mayberry Randolph, III, b. 27 Jan 1936 Oklahoma City, Okla. Issue: 1. Susie Irene Jenkins b. 1 June 1961 Bay City, Tex. 2. Cheryl Ranee Jenkins b. ~O Aug 1967 Freeport, Tex. 5. Alvis Dillard Ball b. 1 Apr 1902 Batesville, Ark. md. 145 1st, 21 Oct 1925 Alma MCMillon, dau of Alvin McMillon Md. 2nd, Ethel Tate, )rd, Mary Helen Grimmet. Issue: 1. Jerry Alvis Ball b. 4 Ju. 19)0 Detroit, Michigan. d. 9 Aug 1910 N. Little Eock, Ark., buried Oaklawn Cemetery, Batesville, Ark., Md. 1st, Carol Tate, dau of Victor Tate and Ethel Johnson. 3 children. Md. 2nd, Florene James, no issue. 2. William Grant Ball b. 12 June 1935 Batesville, Ark. Md. 8 Sept 1955 Batesville, Ark. Virginia Lee ~chanan,dau of Charles Preston and Mildred (Leonard) Huchanan. Methodist. Issue: 1. Charles Richard Ball b. 8 Jan 1951 Batesville, Ark. 2. Cynthia Marie Ball b. 9 Apr 1959 Searcy, Ark. 3. Susan Dianne Ball b. 21 Aug 1962 Searcy, Ark. 6. Lena Pauline Ball b. 15 May 1905 Independence Co., Ark. d. 12 July 1931 Independence Co., Ark., buried in Oaklawn Cemetery Batesville, Ark., Md. Edward Chapman Linebarger b •. 8 Mar 1892 Huff, Independence Co., Ark., son of Sidney Slater Linebarger.WWl and W Il, ret. Highway engineer. Issue: 1. Edward Leverle Linebarger b. 6 Oct 1924 Batemlle, Ark., Md. 26 Dec 1946 Joe b:velyn Hickerson, dau of Joe Lee Hickerson .and Ida Bell Mangrum. WWII, Marine Corps. Methodist. Issuel 1. Edwrd Lee Linebargerb. 3 ~'eQ 1955 Little Rock, Ark. (adopted). 2. Marisa Lyn Linebarger b. 10 Sept 1951 Little Rock, Ark. (adopted). 4. Leura Caledonia Ball b. 21 Dec 1816 "Ball Farm" Curia, Independence Co., Alic. d. 1967 Cave Ci ty, Sharp Co., Ark., Md. lat, William Lincoln Stone d. 1900, Md. 2nd. 25 Dec 1910 William I. Simpson b. 6 May ItJ1tl Maxwell, Ark. Issue: by. 1st md •• Stone. 1. Mannie Stone b. 19 Sept 1896 Curia, Ark. md. Arthur Ward. They reside in Cas a Grande, California. 2. Tommie Stone b. 18 Sept 1898 Curia, Ark. md. W. H. 3. William Lincoln Stone, Jr. b. 1 July 1900·d. 30 Apr 1936. . / Issue: by 2nd md.. Simpson. V 4. Grayson Simpson b. 3 Oct 1911 Maxwell, Sharp Co., Ark., md. Berniece Bryant. 5. Warren Green Simpson b. 3 July 1918 6. Woodrow Cornelius Simpson b. 14 May 1914 Maxwell, Sharp Co •• Ark. md. 9 June 1946 Jean Tuck. 7. James Leonidas Simpson b. 23 Feb 1916 d. 22 May 1945 md.21 Dec 1942 Inda Nobb. 8. Paul Wayne Simpson b. 3 July 1918 9. Sarah Laurene Simpson b. ) July 1922 md. 1 May 194) . Huddy Bilote. 5. Julia Ann Ball b. 4 Jan 1880 "Ball Farm" Curia. Ark. d. 1921 Batesville. Ark., buried Oaklawn Celll8tery Batesville. Ark •• rod. William Henry Jones b; 1875 d. 1971 buried Oaklawn Cemetery. Issuel 146 1. Polly Ann Jones 2. Gleotus Jones 3. Hsdley Jones 4. Alfrids Jones 5. Valeria Jonee 6. liracie !!all b. 4 Mar 1866 "!!all Farm", Curia, Ark. md. William Felts. 1hey resided in Rec tor, Ark. Issue: 1. Cornelius Felts 2. 1had Felte 3. Pauline Felte Md. Mr. Grisby. 1. Georgia Ball b. 4 Apr 1893 "Ball Farm", Curia, ArIc., d. 22 Sept 1915 buried Ball Cemetery. 6. DR. ALFRED FREDERICK GRAY: son of Rev. John Worth and Susannah Farrar (Wooldridge) Gray. First attended the b. 14 Aug 18110 Hickory Valley, Independence Go., Ark. Univ. of Tenn. Medical d. 21 Apr 1949 Little Rock, Ark. buried Roselawn Cemetery School, Memphis, Tenn. md. 8 Oct 1902 "Ball Farm" Curia, Independence Co. "ric. Practiced 2~ yrs. in AGNES BALL Greenway, Clay Go., b. 30 Sept 1884 "Ball Farm" Curia, Independence Co., Ark. d. 11 Oct 1911 Little Rock, Ark., buried Roselawn Cemetery, Ark. Attended Vniv. of LittleRock, Ark. Kentucky Medical Scho Issue: School 3 yrs. *1. Zelma Ruby Gray b. 4 Sept 1904 Louisville, Ky., md. Practiced 18 mos. in Judge Samuel Read Dunn Robinson. J'ettigrew, Madison Go., 2. Eula Gray b. 20 Sept 1906 Pettigrew, Ark. Md. 5 Sept Ark. 1922 Robert Smith Daveriport b. 18 Dec 1899, buried Te~ Returned to the Univ. arkana, Tex. She resides in Texarkana, Texas. of Tenn, where he grad_Issue: uated in 1908. He did 1. Eula May Davenport, b. 14 Aug 1923 Little Rock, Ark. post grad work in eyes, Md. 25 Feb 1951 Garland Daniel Hay. She is a registerears, nose, throat, and ed nurse, employed at VA Hospital, Little Rock, .rk. surgery. Issue: After graduating, he 1. William Daniel Hay b. 10 July 1954 Little Rock, Ark. practiced 2 mos in ~ve2. Donald Hay (twin) b. 1957 Little Rock, Ark. ning Shade, removed to 3. Ronald Hay (twin) b. 1951 Little Rock, ArIc. Hardy, Ark. where he 2. Beulah Fay Davenport b. 19 July 1924 Little Rock, Ark. practiced 4 years. Md. 5 Dec 1943 Dr. Robert Lloyd Hardman. They reside In 1912, he and his famin Mt. Pleasant, Texas, where he practices medicine, ily removed to Pulaski grad. Univ. of Ark. School of Medicine. Co., Ark. where he first Issue: settled on a farm on 1. Diane Fay Hardman b. 1 Mar 1941 Little Rock, Ark. Fourche Dam Pike. He 2. Robert Lloyd Hardman, Jr. b. 10 Sept 1950 Little lived there until 1930, Rock, Ark. when he removed to 1505 3. Keith Smith Hardman b. 7 Aug 1953 Mt. Pleasant, Tex. Welch, where he lived 3. Willard Lewis Davenport b. 13 Mar 1926 Little Rock, Ark. until he died, 1949, and Md. July 1950 Betty McCullough. They reside in Pine Agnes (Ball) Gray died Bluff, Ark., where he is a Pharmacist. there in 1971. He had Issue: a general practice, and 1. Star Davenport, b. 11 Aug 1954 Little Rock, Ark. died while on a house 3. Earl Memphis Gray b. 6 Mar 1908 Memphis, Tenn. d. 24 June call visiting a sick 1912 Little Rock, ArIc. buried Roselawn Cemetery, Md. 1934 patient. He practiced Myrtis Watts of Benton, Ark. Issue: • medicine 44 years. WW II, 1948 received a 1. Peggy Joyce Gray b. 21 Feb 1936 Little Rock, Ark. Md. presidential citation lst, June 1956 Dr. Christopher Bartes, IIId. 2nd, Manas from Pres. Franklin D. Millington Tbrcom. Resides in Park Ridge, Illinois. 147 Issue: Roosevelt for ''Home 1. Cynthia Gail baffes b. 26 June 1958 New Orleans, fron t Effort n • Louisiana. I!:st. Gray Memorial Hos2. Laura Lee baffes, b. 6 Oct 1960 New Orleans, Loupital. isiana. j'\ason-Grotto 3. Gregory Chris Baffes b. Itl May 1960 Phoenixville, Hunter Memorial MethoPennsyl vania. dist Church. 4. Dr. Hershell Frederick Gray b. 1914 Little Rock, Ark., Agnes (ball) Gray: d. 31 July 1966 Little Rock, Ark. md. 18 Mar 1933 MarCharter member of garet Bradshear. Capt. in World War II, Air B'orce. Woman's Ci ty Club, Grad. 1939 Univ. of Ark. Medical School. Practiced medCharter Member of Pulicine in Little Rock, Ark. lluried Roselawn Cemetery. aski Co. Medical AuxIssue: illiary; Arkansas 1. Margaret Ann Gray b. 14 Jan 1934 Little Rock, Ark. md. Mother-of-Year, 29 Dec 1955 Dr. Warren Carpenter, grad. Univ. of Ark. !!:astern Star, DAR, DAC, School of Medicine. He is a physician in the U.S. Ark. Pioneers, ''''ember Air Force. of many civic boards, Issue: First Methodist Church., 1. Ann Gray Carpenter b. Apr 1957 Little Rock, Ark. 2. Karen Carpenter Portrait of Dr. Alfred 3. Windy Carpenter Frederick Gray oWned by 2. Dr. Hershell Frederick Gray, Jr. b. 2 June 1943 Little Lucile Robinson Johnson. Rock, Ark. d. 8 June 1973 buried Roselawn Cemetery. Killed in an automobile accident. Grad. Univ. of Tenn.School of Dentistry. md. Linda Lee Mu~ay. 3. Stephen Alfred Gray b. 22 July 1949 Little Rock, Ark. 5. Lula Agnes Gray b., 1916 Little Rock, Ark. md. Apr 1935 Ark. State Senator William Maxwell Howell b. 22 Dec 1915 Lonoke, Ark., son of FlaVius Josephus Howell and Margaret Anthoney Howell. Div. Issue: 1. William Maxwell Howell, Jr. b. Feb 1936 Little Rock, Ark. md. Fern. Resides in Florida. Grad. Univ. of Ark. 2. Patricia Gray Howell b. 23 July 1944 Little Rock, Ark. md. Jon Tate. She is grsd. Univ.of Ark. !:loth teach school. Issue: 1. Jon Tate, Jr. 6. Mable Gray b. 1918 Little Rock, Ark. md. May 1935 Lewis Belin Tobin, Bailiff of Ark. Supreme C,ourt. , Issue: 1. Carolyn Ann Tobin b. 9 Aug 1940 Little Rock, Ark. 2. Linda Sue Tbbin b. 14 Aug 1945 Little Rock, Ark. 3. Lewis Belin ToMn, Jr. b. 19 June 1947 Little Rock, Ark. ' 7. Dollie Dimples Gray b. 1920 Little Rock, Ark. md. 1st, 1935 John NoWlin, md. 2nd, Conley McAllister, md. Jrd Warren Gott. Issue: 1. Dollie Nowlin b. 25 Jan 1937 Little Rock, Ark. md. John McIntire. lhey reside Roland, Ark. 2. Nona Kay McAllister. 6. Fleeta Ann Gray b. 1922 Little Rock, Ark. md. lat, July 1944 FreEl1lont William Bailey, 2nd, Leroy Johnston, 3rd Fox, 4th, Loy NiX. She attended the Univ. of Ark. Issue: • 1. Fred Bailey 2. David Herbert Johnston b. )0 Apr 1947 Little Rock, Ark. 3. Phillip Frederick Johnston b. 24 Mar 1948 Little Rock, Arl<: 4. Sherry Agnes Johnston b. 27 Mar 1950 Little Rock, Ark. 5. Frank wayne Fox b. 15 July 1956 Little Rock, Ark. 148 ·1. JUDGE SAMUEL hEAD DUNN HOIilNSON: son of Henry Clay and Marian Rucks (I).mn) Robin~on b. 21 Mar 1899 Greenville. Miss •• while psrent.s were living will I, Lt., Co. E. on "Deerfield Plantat.ion" Ohicot Co •• Alit. d. living 153 Inf •• 39th Div. Combat in France. md. 7 July 1924 Lit.tle Rock. Ark. Div. Grad. 19<'4 Ark. Law ZELMA RU BY GRA Y SChool. b. 4 Sept. 1904 Louisville. Kentucky. while father in Elect.ed Pulaski Co. medical school. Prosecuting Att.orney d. living. 6 years. Issue: Elect.ed Justice of 1. Lucile Robinson b. 14 Dec 1928 Little Rock. Ark. md. 21 the Supreme Court. Dec 1952 Little Rock. Ark •• Dr. Henry Dawson Johnson 15 years, retired. b. 26 Aug 1927 Li tUe Rock. Ark •• son of JlIIIles Henry and Member of: Frances Irene (Wooten) Johnson of Lit.tle Rock, Alit. He Ark. ilar ASSOC. grad. 1956 from the Univ. of Ark. School of Medicine. Amer. Bar Assoc. Issue: Dir. Amer. I,/Uarter 1. Joy Lucile Japnson b. 30 Oct 1953 Litt.le Rock. Ark. Horse Assoc. Attends LouiSiana Polytechnic University. Amer. Cu t ting Horse 2. Mathews Henry Johnsen b. 26 Sept 1958 Little Rock. Ark. Assoc. Att.ends Little Rock Central High School. Methodist. 2. Samuel Robinson. Jr. b. 22 July 1934 Md. Georgisns Lange. Ruby: Div. 1975. He is in the Real Estate business. Grad. Henderson and I. Lange Lucile Robinson b. 14 Feb 1966 Ft. Worth, Tex. ( adopted) • Brown Academy. and Ark. Polytechnic Univ. "Who's Who of American Women". Hospi tal Administrator. Past Pres. Greater Lit.t.le Rock Hospital Council. Board of Woman's City Club. Member of: DAR, DAC, Ark. Pioneers. Executive Board of First Methodist Church, Ark. Genealogical Soc. 149 Part of a Paper wri t.ter) D7 Locki, Barnet.t.. Re I . , , ,J Susannah Ball "The name lJall has been prominentl,y interwoven wit.h the social and political life of Virginia since the 1700's, throullh Mar)' Ball 'Washington, 'the mother of George Washington. "I-ly great, great grandmother Mar)' Ball vas a first cousin of this distinguished Susan~ah woman., My great grandmother, Ball, vas the vife of John Ball. The family seems cl"nnish, consequently cousins intermarried. "o;usannah Ball was born in 1787 in Le~aburg, Vi' ginis and was married to John Ball of Fairfax County, Virginia in 1806. father. Toihia uluon 1I8S born one son, B. F. Ball, my grand,' After the death of her husband 'she,'b! cCilllpan;y 14th her son, who was' then twelve years of ago, her brother and the families of two friends started on a westwsl'd trek for the benefit of her brother's health. Arter tnveling by _gon train for several weeks ,they landed in the little trading post on White !iiver now known as lJatesville,Arlcansas • ., because of the low, marshy condition of the surroUnding country they decided to continue their ,journey, consequently they followed the .lost tl'aveled rosd leilding. east and found a beauti'tul, clea~, ,running stre.... ~r ..ter, good terUle soil lII. th a beautiful location ) , '" • ~ " ',' ... ' I ' · , • . for a house, so thez'ethl.S g,TOUp decided to .set.tle down" and help develop the undiscovered resources of 'the CdUrit''rj.;'M;y great. si-andmot.her decided to buy two hundred acres ot t.his land in lti28 -- and this tNct of land has ·cont.inued in the Ba.Ll name until now wi t.hout ever being mortgaged for a dollar. 'DIey have al_YII been frugal people, believing in living within one's income. ·l3usannah Ball WaS a Christian woman. She interested her neighbors in organizing a little church where they could come together in'Christian worship and neighborhood fellowship. "She WaS an educated woman and she and her 80n, vi th the aid of the neighbors, built a school house and out of honor to her nlillled it. the "Ball School House." It was my privilege to teach a three months school in this building and my cousin, Agnes l:Iall-Gray, was one of my pupils. "Susannah Ball and her husband, John Ball, owned two parcels at .. ..... 150 BALL REFI>&EllCES 1. ~~~~a~n~d~C~o~~r~e~h=en~s~i~v~e~DeFS~C~ri~~t~i~on~o;f~Lo~ud~oun=-~C_o~un~t~~~~ni~a:£Pub. 1908, Pa ew Press, by James 2. Loudoun Co., Virginia Deed Recorda. !liOraPhica1 and Historical Memoirs of Nortbea.t ArkIllS88, pub. 1889, Goodspeed Pub ishing Co., pp. 371, 372, 6j8. 4. DAR Bible Records, Ark., Gen. Reo. Ca.••. Vol. XI, 1936-37. 5. Arkansas Gazette, "Glimpse!! of Yesterday", JlIIluary 31, 1943. 6. Ball Cemetery, Curia, Independence Co., Ark. 7. Marriage Licenses from Independence Co., Ark .• 8. Arkansas Gazette, "Glimpses of YesterdaY·, AuguR 21, 1938. 9. 1850 u.s. Census, Jefferson Township, Independence Co., Ark. 10. !lall Family Bible, owned by Laura Ball Simpson, 1957. 11. Union Troops Records from Washington, D. C. 12. Family Records of Lois Fallis. Barnett (Mrs. James F.), 1976, llIIt.,.vUls, Ark. 13. Family Records of Dora Luten Ball (Mr•• C.oil G. Ilall), 1975, N. Little Rock, Ark. 14. The Independence County Chronicle, Juq 196~, Vol. II No.4, pp. 51, 52. 15. The Family Records of Agnes (Ball) Gray, 1956. 16. Virginia Volunteers, Vol. 20, p. 430. 17. History of Arkansas, p. 6)8 • .:)Jl. Virkis, Vol. II p. 53. 19. Virginia Militia in the Revolution, by.McAllister, p. 2l0. 20. Historical Register of Virginians In The Revolution, Pub. by Dietz Press, 1938, by John H. Gwatl\iiiey, p. 35. ( 21. Arkansas Gazette, Oct 18, 1971, Obituary of Agnes Ball Gray. 22. Hempsted, Vol. II, p. 1040. 1Sl STEWlR'l' 1. WILLIAM STIi:WAHT: Lived in Perry Co., Tenn., 1850 Census. aon of: b. c. 1807 d. md. ANNE His daughter, dau of: Tabitha Ann Stewart b. c. 1814 Tenn..... mig. 1855 to Indepen- d. dence Co., Ark. as Issuel wife of Benjamin *1. Tabitha Ann Stewart b. 21 Dec 1832 Tenn. d. Feb 1920 Franklin Jackson. "Ball Fam", CUria, Independence Co., Aric:. residing With her daughter.Sarah Ann (Jackson) Ball. She md. priQr His Bon, Thomas H. 1852 Tenn., Berijamin Franklin Jackson b. ltl30 Tenn., Stewart mig. to Inded. 14 June 1906 Cave City, Ark. He wu among the first to pendence Co., Ark. settle in the Cave City area, mgrating there from Perry c. 1855 Co., Tenn. c. 1855. Son'-of Mitchell and l'Iary,' Jac;kson. Issuel 1. Sarah Ann JaCKson •• 4 Aug 11152 Perry Co., Tenn. d. 30 Apr 1926 "Blill Fam" Curia, Independence Co., Ark., md. Warren Green)lall b. 6 Oct 1837 "Ball Farm" Curia, Independence Co., Arit. d. 1 Sept 1918 "Ball Farm" Curia, Arit., both BallCaaetery. 2. Mary A. Jackson b. 1863 Arit. 3. Dr. £iIlrrelJ. oJackllon. resided and practiced veterinarian medicine in Calico Rook, Ark. . 4. Wl.1l1am Mi tohellJacksoil 5. Louiaar C. Jackson 6. Daughter ad. Mr. IIagnOlJS 2. Isaac Ste_rt 3. 'lh_ H. Stewart. md. Louiser J., Illig. 1:.0 Independence Co., Arit. c. 1855. 4. Wl.lliam St4il.rt 5. Sparkman Stewart * JACICSON 1. MITCHELL JACKSON: Lived in Perry Co., Tenn., 1850 Census. eon of: b. c. 1801 ViJ'llin1a d. md. MARY dau of: b. c. 1814 N. Carolina d. Issuel 1. Benjamin Franklin Jackson b. 1830 Tenn., d. 14 June 1906 Cave City, Sharp Co., Ark. ad. Tabitha Ann Stewart. (see above). Mig. to Ark. c. 1855. 2. 81ml Jackson b. c. 1823 3. Wl.llis B. Jackson b. iI.. .. ],833 * ANY AND ALL INFORMATION REGARDING THE AWITELINES WILL BE VERY MUCH APPRECIATED' 152 mLLARD Compiled by Lucile Robinson Johnson 1. THOMAS mLLARDI Lived in Independence CO., Ark. prior to 1829. On the 1830 Census he resided in Black River Twp., Independence Co., Ark. He left s verbal will. eon ofl b. c. 1180 d. 15 Jan 1835 Ruddell Twp., Independence Co., Ark. RId. MARY ANN dau 01'1 b. o. 1711 N.' Carolina d. Uying 1850 Independence Co., Ark. with her daughter, Nancy (Dillard') Bruoe. Issuel'· , d. Elizabeth Ann Dillard b. 18ll N. Carolina d. 9 Aug 1851 "Ball rarm" Curia, Independenoe Co., Ark. buried Bell Cemetert, ~.26Kar 1833iIndependenoe Co.,·~rk.,.Benjamin Franklin Bell b., 30' Aug 1807. Loudoun Co." Virginia, d~ 24 JU!le 1889 "Bell Farm" Curia, Ind, . pendence Co., Ark., buried Bell C. .teZ7, sOn ot John anti Susannah Ball. 2. Wllliam.Dillard b. o. 1806 N. Carolina Md. Clarinda b. 1805 Kenw.oky. In 1860, they lived in Bla,ck River Twp, Independence Co., Ark. Illuel 1. Henry C. Dillard b. 1839 Ark. 2. ,sally H. A. Dillard b. 1842 Ark. 3. Cyrena A. 'Dillard b. 1843 Ark. 4. Wllliam H. Dillard b. 1844 Ark. 5. Louin J. D1.l.lard b. 1847 Ark. Ii" 6. '!hOMS T. ,Di.l.lard b. 1849 Ark. 1. James H. Di.l.lard b. 1852 Ark. 3. '!hOlft&S Dillard, Jr. M. 14 July 1839 Mary Jane Day. 4. Polly Dillard Md. 13 July 1836 Bunion Cation. 5. Nancy Dillard b. 1801 N. Carolina Md. Robert Bruce. Issuel 1. '!hoMS Bruoe b. 1834 Independence Co., Ark. 2. lOenjamin Bruoe b. 1836 Independence Co., Ark. 6. Martlia Dillard ad. 1 Sept 1836 Henl'7 A. blgles, tirlt sheritt ot Independenoe Co. attar Ark. becl... a state. He .. I IlUrderecl. 1. Matilda Dillard Md. 27 July 1837 Ancire,v ~llen. 1 AM NOli IN THE PROCESS OF COO'ILINO THE mLLARD, JACKSCIi, AND STEWART LINES 9101fi HERE. ANY AND ALL HELP WILL B.I!: VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. PLEASE COO TACT, Hrs. HenZ7 D. Johnson, 109 Pleasant Villey Dr., Little Rock, Ark., 72207 ... THANKS& /I \lli0 WlSCi\PT. FAIlLINBALL'S FATHE? /I ALSO NEED INFO CONCERNING WOOLDRIDGE AND CROUCH /I • 153 BALL CEMETERY Independence County, Arkansas Inventoried by Chalman E. and Mae Chinn Green This inventory was prepared on January 12, 1976, by Chalman E. and "Iae Chinn Green, lRO West Carter Street, Batesville, Arkansas 72501. The cemetery is located about 12 rniles northeast of Batesville, near Curia Creek, in Section 14, Twr. 15 N., Ranr,e 5 W. • Lewis I La1andie, b. Oct. 17, 1888, d. May 19, 1956, husband, Ethel, b. Mar. 19, 1896, d. Sent. 25, 1957, wife Ronnie Dean Lewis, b. May 5, 1949, d. Sept. 17, 1967 BallI Cov, b. Apr. 3. 1883, d. Jan. 12, 1952, Verna, b. Sept. 12, 1889, d. Oct. 21, 1972 Billy ',.facie. son of Coy and Verna Ball. b. Nov. 7. 1930. d. Apr. 28, 1938 rerd. Son of Coy and V. E. Ball. b. Oct. 19. 1914, d. Dec. 25. 1914 Clyne. son of Coy and V. E. Ball. b. Sept. 30, 1910, d. Nov. 28. 1911 Lewis I \./. R., b. Jan. 8. 1859. d. Jan. 8. 1933. father; M. C •• b. ~Iay IS, 1863. d. Sept. 6. 1939, mother Carl '.,. (Baby). son of W. N. and O. M. Satterwh1t:e, b. Dec. 18. 1942. d. Jan. R. 1943 America A•• wife of J. S. Herring. b. June 4. 1845, d. Apr. 20. 1876. wife, mother Elizabeth A. Uillard. wife of Bengiman F. Ball, b. 1811. d •. 1851 Ball. Benp,iman f.. b. Aug. 30. 1806. d. June 24. 1889, Minervia N.. wife of Bengiman F .• b. 1819, d. Apr. ' 9. 1875 ' Jones I Ray. b. July 8, 1885. d. Mar. 10. 1967, Ramon. b. Mar. 30. 1882, d. Sept. 9. 1955 Jerome B. Ball. b. Feb. 3. 1859, d. May 30, 1932. father Nettie. wife of J. B. Ball, b. Feb. 14. 1859, d. Sept. 4, 1920 r,uth. dtr. of J. B. and S. A. Ball. b. Aug. 25, 1897. d. Dec. 14, 1912 Elizabeth S. Ball, h. June 3, 1848, d. June 7, 1906, mother son of J. B. and S. A. Ball, b. Nov. 20. 1895, d. Dec. 6, 1896 Emma Ball Lewis. b. Nay 4, 1871. d. Dec. 28, 1945 Clinton Monroe Ball. b. June 13. 1834. d. Dec. 4, 1910 Nancy Ann. wife Of C. M. Ball, b. Feb. 8, 1835, d. June 25, 1905, mother H. A •• son of C. M. and N. A. Ball. b. Aug. 24, 1873, d. Apr. 23, 1888 G. W.• son of C. M. and N. A. Ball, b. July 29, 1865, d. Mar. 3, 1887 Minerva ~tusr.rove, wife of G. 1/. Brewer, b. Jl\Ile 1. 1863, d. Nov. 5. 1881 Beulah. dtr. of Elam F. and Fannie M. Bevens. d. Oct. 12. 1870, .aged 19 days \Yarren G. Ball. b. Oct. 6, 1837, d. Sept. I, 1918. father. Maspnic emblem Sarah A. Ball. b. Aug. 4, 1852, d. Apr. 30, 1926, mother Georgie. wife of IL B. Daugherty, b. Apr. 4. 1893. d. Sept. 22, 1915 Infant son of R. B. and Georgie Daugherty, b. Sept. 2, 1915. d.' Sept. 5, 1915 Infant of Earl and Grace Crow, Nov. 23, 1955 Bobby. son of Ralph and.Bertine Crumley, b. Aug. 7. 1949. d. Aug. 14. 1949 "illiam A .• husband of Opal Dethrow, ,b. Jan. 30. 1902, d. Aug. 6, 1938 Ollie l1ae. dtr. of B. M. and E. Dethrow, b. Nov. 29, 1907, d. Oct. 24; 1912 Lucille. dtr. of F. and M. J. Crow, b. Jan. 29, 1919. d. Sept. 19, 1919 Bertha A., dtr. of H. M. and E. Detherow. b. Mar. 22. 1898, d. Mar. 19, 1920 Hiram Dethrow. b. May 1, 1869, d. Feb. 21, 1934, father, Ella Dethrow, b. Apr. 5, 1872. d. June 12. 1954, mother· Jacob H. Dethrow, b. Aug. 8, 1871, d. Dec. 24, 1936, father, Rachael. Dethrow, b. June 7, 1878 •. d.' Jan. 11, 1958 D. M. "Uncle Miller" Detherow. b. Oct.' 21. 1837, d. May 14, 1929 T. C. Crumley, b. Nay 27, 1855, d. Dec. 26. 1943 Ferly£.. wife of T. C. Crumley, b. Nov. 9, 18,55, d. Feb. 10, 1933 Bertie 1'.. wife of W. A. Brewer. b. Oct. 15. 1880. d. May 21, 1949 W. A. Brewer. b. May 20. 1878. d. Nov. 8, 1955 ~iinerva Lizzie. wife of W. A. Brewer. b. Sept. 19, 1880, d. June 2. 1921 Lee. wife of J. IV. James, b. May 29. 1891. d. Feb. 21. 1957 John W.• husband of Lee James. b. Jan. 29. 1886. d. Jari. 27. 1919 Wesley. SOn of J .• /. and Lee J'ames Hrs. Brickell'. d. Apr. 30, 1974, aged 79 years Coy. son of L. L. and L. A. Breckell, b. Apr. 24, 1916. d. ~~y 6. 1933, aged 12 years. 12 days Geor~e W. Burrow. b. Nov. 23. 1822. d. Aug. 8. 1900 154 Marr-reta Burrow, b, Feb. 23, 1833, d, Feb, 11, 1904, wife Claudie n, Burrow, b. Dec, 26, 1903, d, Dec, 23, 1940 May C, Burrow, b. Mar. 1, 1885, d. Mar. 9, 1969 lienry L. Burrow, b. Aug. 31, 186.5, d. Feb. 6, 1949 Willie Stanford Burrow, b. Julv 11, 1879, d. Feb. 9, 1959 Caldona Estlee Burrow, b. May 7, 1890, d. Oct. 17, 1971 •valter G. Burrow, b. Dec. 5, 1880, d. Nov. 24, 1961 Emma L. Hartford, b. Apr. 3, 1878, d. Hal'. 6, 1948 Patterson, Joseph W., b. July 3, 1880, d. July 17, 19561 Cora B•• b. Sept. 4, 1876, d. Oct. 29, 1972 Donnie Patterson, d. July 3, 1967, aged 56 years JosephIne PatteI'son, d. June 22, 195_, aged 31 years Bengiman B. Ball, b. Jan. 7, 1859, d. Jan. 3, 1908 T. Marih Ball, b. June 8. 1858, d. Aug. 2, 1926 Rawlings' Wash, b. Dec. 3, 1888, d. Dec. 27, 19461 Nolia, b. 'Apr. 27, 1893 H. A. Rawlings, b. July 21, 1879, d. Jan. 2, 1955 Rawlings. H., b. Jan. 6, 1850, d. Mar. 21, 19221 Winfred D., b. Nov. 9, 1857, d. May 18, 1926 Rev. Mason M. Rawlings, b. Dec. 31, 1895, d. July 9, 1918 A. M. Rawlings, b. Nov. 18. 1818, d. Apr. 16, 1906 Rawlings. J. B., b. Jan. 29, 1822, d. Mer. 2, 18981 H. L., wife of J. B. R•• b. Jan. 18, 1834, d. Aug. 25, 1905 W. W. Criswell, b. Aug. 4, 1868, d. Feb. 20, 1949 I,'· _"""'.''':~ ~ •. ~." .. _ _ • CHINN FAMILY CiHEl'ERY Near Chinn'. Spring. on Cave Creek Independence County, Arkan... IIW_toried by Mee C. Green Thi. inventory was prepared in January, 1975'. by Mae C. Green. 460 19th Street, Batesville. Arkanaa. 72501. ,Mr•• Green i. a daushter of Asbury R. Chinn and a granddaughter of John F. and Elizabeth (Byme) Chinn. ' John F. Chinn, b. July 27, 1810, d. Oot. 7, 1875. Elizabeth, wife of John F. Chinn, b. Hay 23, 1814, d. Oct. 12, 1885. Chinn, Jennie, b. Nov. 30, 1858, d. Feb. 10, 19401 Arthur, b. July 3, 1853, d. Nov. 16, 1911. Girtie Chinn"b. Oct. 5, 1887, d. Feb. 3,1894. Chinn. Randolph, b. Dec. 11, 1850, d. Mar. 3, 19381 DoI'acia Allce, b. June 15, 1857, d. Jan. 1, 1941. Sarah J., daughter of W. R. and Sarah E. Comer, died July 2, '1868. aged 9 years, 4 months, 19 day.. ' C. R., husband of Nanoy N. Chinn, d. July 20, 1868, aged 35 year., 5 months, 4 day. I marker erected by John F. Chinn. John R. Kimbrough, b. Sept. 22, 1866, d. Sept. 11, 1943. Kimbrough. Jame. J., husband of Penelope J., b. Oct. 19, 1837, d. Mey 4, 19111 Penelope J., b. Feb. 2, 1837, d. Hay 1, 1911. Ruben Searoy, b. Jan. 23, 1861, d. Aug. 11, 1893. Kimbrough, Hark. 0.0.1', b. Aug. 14, 1900, d. Oct. 29, 19181 Edna Earl, b. Apr. 30, 1913, d. Nov. A, 1918. Kimbrough. Lizzi., b. July 10, 1880, d. Hay 10. 1972, J .... Hark, b. Sept. 22, 1866, d. Sept. 5, 1949. Chinn. William A•• b. July 10,'1878, d. June 16,1967, Kabel, b. Aug. 17, 19001 married Sept. 3, 1918. Virgie SweaI'ingen, b. July 8, 1898, d. Jan. 29, 1957. Swearingen, Charley, husband of 1Baa, b. July 13, 1871, d. Oct. 24, 19451 LaUI'a Elizabeth, wife of C., b. Jan. 11. 1871, d. Nov. 9, 1927. Infant .on of Charlie and Laura Swearingen. John Preston Medley, b. Jan. 3, 1915, d. June 20, 1956. Norma Jean Medley, b. Dec. 8. 1941. d. Jan. 10, 1942. J. H. Medley, b. Oct. 29. 1946, d. Mer. 17, 1958. Chinn, Fannie A.! wife of A••• , b. June 24, 1871, d. Aug. 15. 1904, A. R. (Asbury" b. Jan. 16, 1855, d. Jan. 4, 1941. Roberts, Henry W., b. June 2, 1886, d. Aug. 4, 1965, Pearl A., b. July 9, 1900. • 155 THE APPLING FAMILY (By Luther Greene, Jr.) My mother, Faye" Ramick Greene, was the daughter of Noah S. Ramick and Della Appling Ramick. Della Appling was a direct descendant of this Appling family. (Sources of information are. material received from Mrs. Lavaine Appling Robinson on the deRcendants of Richard Appling (1658-1693/4) from which much of the data was collected by Mrs. S. A. Sullivan (a professional) for a cousin of hersl names from Bible pages sent us by Mrs. Robinson - Bible bought in .Tefferson County, Arkansas, June 14, 1833, price $7. DO, by Seaborn James Appling and brought to Wise County, Texas, by his youngest son, George Washington Jolly Appling, and in possession of George W. J. Appling's daughterl correspondence from Mrs. Floy G. Neeseman on the descendants of Jesse William Appling (1783-1860): censuses, copies of wills, Goodspeed article, and cemetery listings) Tradition says that three Appling brothers came from England to Virginia near the 17th century. They were. Richard - John - Thomas. My line is from Richard APpling Richard Appling (1658-1693/4 in York County, Charles Parish, Virginia) Married Margrett - last name and date not known. From book printed by State Library called Ch~rles Parish, York County, Virginia Histories and Registers, the following items were found. Page 313, Court held March 26th, 1693/4 shows Margrett Appling, relict of Richard Appling, deceased I page 325, Margrett Appling, John Doswell & William Partridge gave bond according to law on March 26, 1694 for a true inventory to be pre.sented at next court, and the said inventory was presented to court, York County, on May 24, 16941 court order book 12, page 215 shows that the orphans of the deceased Richard Appling by name Richard, Thomas, and Joyce be committed into custody and service of Mr. Robert Read of York Parish until of lawful agel court order book, page 537, court held Jan. 24, 1701, shows that the children of Richard Appling bound in court to Mr. Robert Read returned them again to their mother, who in court acknowledged that she fully discharged Mr. Robert Read for same. Mrs. Sullivan stated in her findings that no immediate record was found in York County following the above and assumed that about this time they and their mother must have gone to King and Queen County or some other place. Children of Richard Appling and Margrett Richard, Jr. - born Aug. 18, 1685 Thomas (1687-1743) Joyce - no date Nothing more known of Richard, Jr. or Joyce lhQmAl-ARpling. (1687-1743) born in Charles Parish, Virginia. He moved to King and Queen County, Virginia, some time before 1719, then in 1742 he.moved with his oldest son (Richard by first wife) to Amelia County, Virginia, "where he died in 1743. His will was recorded in Will Book 1, page 24, in Clerk's Office, Amelia County, Virginia, made 4-1)-1743, and presented by his widow to court held for Amelia County on 11-18-1743. (Have copy of this will) Children of Thomas Appling, Sr. by first wife, Ann Jennings Richard (born 1709 - died in Amelia County, Va.) Children of Thomas Appling, Sr. by s,cond wife, Mary Clements Thomas, Jr. ( ? - died 1816) John - no dates William ( ? - died 1??3) Andrew - no dates pqe 1 156 Richard tppling, born 1709 - died in Amelia County, Va.) Premion some question) Married Elizabeth Children of Richard Appling and Elizabeth Premion Thomas (1730-1807 approx.) William - no information Richard, Jr. - no information Thomas Appling, (17)0-1807 approx.) (Have copy of will made in Wilkes County, Georgia March 19, 18001 will was sworn to in open court 7-27-1807 by Thomas Appling, Jr. and James Spratling). Thomas born Charles Parish, York County. Va., died \'ilkes County, Ga. Married Sussannah ? - no dates. They were in Surry County, N. c. before moving to Georgia. 1790 Census, Surry County, N. C. lists as head of families. Thomas, Joel, & David Appling. Joel bought land there in 1782 from Nicholas Baker, sold land there ill 1796 to Rodham Moore. Children of Thomas Appling and Sussannah Joel (1758-1841) Thomas, Jr. David Appling - no date on birth, died 1801 before his father. and left several heirs - known two sons, David and Owen Elizabeth - no date - married ? Lawrence Martha - no date - married? Douglas Mildred - no da te - married Thomas Green . Sussannah - no date - married ? Harris Joel Appling, (1758-1841), born Amelia County, .Virginial died in \1ilkes County, Ga. Married Mary Elizabeth Bonner. (Will in Wilkes County, Georgia - July 17, 183JI July 6, 1841, page 60) Children of Joel Appling and Mary Elizabeth Bonner Thomas (1781-1838). Married Nancy Baker Jesse William (born 5-28-1783, died 1860). First married 10-lJ-1808 to Elizabeth Loyal. Second marriage to Temperance Newton, daughter of Joseph Newton (Rev. War) and Ann (Stephens) Robinette. (More information on the descendants of Jesse William Appling on page 5) Sarah - born about 1780 - married John Baker Joel (born about 1785). 1820 census. Married Delilah Echols. Lived on Clarks Creek Samuel (born about 1787). Married Mary (Polly) Hamner on 10-30-1814, Wilkes County, Ga. (entry on this marriage in book, "Early Records of Georgia," Vol. II, page 325. by Grace Gillam Davidson) Burwell (born 1802, died 11-4-1861 in Texas). First married to Elizabeth Watkins (she died in Georgia), second marriage to Caltha Clementine Perteet on 5-24-1827 (entry on this mar,riage in "Early Records of ·Georgia," Vol. II, page 325). After living in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. several years. he came to Prairie Lee area of Texas. Had large plantation. Many descendants still live in area. A son, Jamea, stayed in Georgia. Watkins - no intormation Lewis (born about 1792). Mary (born about 1795). Married Susannah Bulloch Hamner. Married Jeese Spalding. Page 2 157 John (born about 1797). Married Mary (Polly) McElroy on 2-9-1821, Wilkes County, Georgia (this marriage shown on page 325 of "Early Records of Georgia," Vol. II) Hamner (born S-l-1800, died )-)1-1877). Married Martha A. Moore Susan - married William Favor. (On page 224, "Early Records of Georgia," Vol. II, by Grace Gillam Davidson, there is an article on William Favor's father, John Favor, Sr., who died in 1820, leaving his widow Mary Favor, and children, one of those named was William.) NOTE, The above approximate dates of birth are as shown on LOS Family Group sheets filed in Salt Lake City, Utah) Thomas Appling, born 1781, Amelia County, Va., died 18)8 in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Married Nancy Baker, daughter ,of Obediah and Rachael Baker. Thomas was in the War of 1812, listed by National Archives as in ) Regt. (Few's) Ga •. Mil. He lived in Wilkes County, Georgia, and moved to Alabama in early 1820's. Children of Thomas Appling and Nancy Baker Seaborn James' - born 2-lS-1802 in Wilkes county, Georgia, died 3-29-1874 in Jefferson County, Arkansas. Married'Elizabeth (Betsy) Holloway. Zepporah - born about 1804. Absolem Deason. , Sarah - born about 1806. First married William Poe I 2nd married Married 12-10-1823 to John F. Jolly Joseph Enoch - born about 1810. Nancy Green Appling - born about 1810, married 10-16-1826 to Samuel Clark, in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Nancy is tho'ught to have come to Jefferson County, Arkansas, with brother Seaborn James Appling about 1844. Samuel (1823-1901) John Lowell Seaborn James Appling, born 2-1S-1802 in Wilkes County, Georgia, died 3-29-187 1 in Jefferson County, Arkansas. Married Elizabeth (Betsy) Holloway 12-8-1825 ' (have copy of this marriage certificate recorded in Tuscaloosa County, Alabama). He came to Arkansas in 18114 and settled in Jefferson County. Died at ago 72 years. He was Justice of Peace in Alabama for several years before coming to Arkansas. Elizabeth was born 1-28-1806, died 7-17-1892. Children of Seaborn James Appling and Elizabeth Holloway Thomas Appling, born 11-lS-1826, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, died 1858 in Jefferson County, Arkansas. Married on 9-11-1849 to Elizabeth Williams, daughter of James and Barbara Williams. The children 01: Thomas Appling and Elizabeth Williams were, Dr. Joseph S. Appling (was a practicing physician of Prattsville, Arkansas), Serena Ann Lybrand, Barbara E. Morgan, Jane Berry, Nancy E., Mary F., Ella, Sarah, James J., and John F. James, born 8-16-1828, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, died in Wise County, Texas. First married on 2-6-18S3 to Ann Carline Taylor, 2nd marriage to L. T. Corley on 10-1-1877 (this in Grant County, Arkansas, Marriage book A)I )rd marriage to Ellen Wilson in Arkansas. She died in 1899 in Wise County, Texas. Nancy J., born 8-27-1830, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Cearley (Corley) on 4-21-18S0. Married Elisha T. 8arah (Sally) Appling, born )-22-18)3, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Married JeS88 Pratt 11-lS-1860 in Arkansas. 158 John W., born 9-)0-18)5, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama, died 9-29-1861 in Arkansas. Married Jane Elizabeth Galloway on 12-20-1860. Marthy Elizabeth, born 10-28-18)7, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Died in Crafton, Texas (Wise County). Married Rev. Harvey A. Gregory 9-19-1866. Enoch Franklin. born )-16-1840, Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Died 1-22-1929 in Jefferson County, Arkansas. Married Pamelia H. Galloway in 1865 in Arkansas. Enoch was in the Civil War, Co. P., 11th Ark. Inf. CSA. They are buried in Clements Cemetery, south of Grapevine, Arkansas. Basel Manley, born 6-19-1842, died 8-16-1845, Jefferson County, Arkansas. Willism Favaire Appling, born 8-25-1844. Joel Samuel, ·born· 4-13-1847, died 1-16-1890. Married Rebecca I. Cearley. George Washington Jolly Appling, born 2-14-1850, Jefferson County, Arkansas, died 1920 in Wise County, Texas. Married 1st to Mary E. Gregory on 1-2-1870, 2nd to Martha Victoria Gregory. Mary E. Gregory Applirig dIed 8-16-1874. (More information on George W. J. APpling's family and his descendants on page 6). Joe1~@ml~~E!ing, born. 4-13-1847, Jefferson County, Arkansas, died 1-16-1890. Married Rebecca Isabelle Cearley 12-12-1868. Belle Cearley Appling, born 1-17-1853, dipd 4-10-19)1. Belle's brothers were Jake, Henry, and Tom Cearley. Joel S. was a faI'lnnl", Justice of Peace, and a Postm""tcr at Brook", Arkamlns. Children of Joel S. Appling and Belle Cearley Della (7-12-1884/6-23-19°3). Married Noah S.· Ramick (8-'/-1882/11-4-1849). John Henry Appling (1872/1954). Wife was Pharia (1875/1920). Duried in Grapevine Cemet~ry, Grapevine, Arkansas. John H. Appling's marriage to Pharia Johnsoll 12-17-1899, Book C, Grant County, Arkansas. William Charlie Appling (4-15-1889/)-29-1931). Grapevine, Arkansas Buried Grapevine Cemetery. Jennie ApplinG - married Dee Lybrand Mattie Appling - married John Lybrand Sallie Appling - married? ~ll!...Allllll!'lg, Davis (7-12-1884/6-?3-190). Married Noah S. Ramick(8-7-1882/U-4-1849) Only one ChIId was born to this marriage, Paye Ramick Greene· (10-19-1902/8-4-1974) Della died when Paye was ten months old. Della is buried ln Grapevine Cemetery, Grapevine, Arkansas. . lSg DESCENDANTS OP JESSE WILLIAM APPLING (Son of Joel Appling & Mary Elizabeth Bonner Appling) Jesse Willi,m Appling, born 5-28-178), died between 1844 & 1852 in Williamson County, II. Married 10-1)-1808 to Elizabeth Loyal. Married 2nd to Temperance Newton, daughter of Joseph Newton. (Rev. War) & Ann (Stephens) Robinette Newton. Children. William Appling (son of Elizabeth Loyal & Jesse William Appling) Male ,; name not known Sarah - no information James Appling (1827/9-1-1864). Married Brunette Alliston • .IAlIll!!!-,.Al2lllinR:, born 1827 in Franklin County, Ill., died 9-1-1864, was drowned in the M1SSrssrppi River as he served in the Northern Army during the Civil War. He married 9-11-1844 to Brunette Allis·ton in Williamson County, Ill. (married by James Newton, Baptist Minister, a brother to Temperance Newton). Brunette was born 18)0 in Tennessee. She was t Cherokee. Believe her father, Alli3ton, married a girl whose family name was Osborne or Osburn, and ••• believe this girl's mother wac a full blooded Cherokee. She was a very beautiful woman. After James Appling's death, Brunette married William Cone, and there was a daughter named "Bett" by her 2nd marriage. Children of James Appling and Brunette Alliston George F. Appling (6-22-1846/4-11-1928). Married Martha Jane Skiles. Wilford F. Appling, born 1849 in Pope County, Illinois. Married Lucinda Hamilton. (Marriage book A, Golconda, Pope County, Illinois) Tommy or Tuney, born 1847, died very young. Sarah Jane (Sally) Appling, born 8-23-1854, Pope County, Ill. Married William Skiles, a half-brother to Martha Jane Skiles. (Marriage book D, page 12, Golconda, Illinois). They both died in an epidemic in 1895. They left several children, among them was George Skiles, who was raised by his aunt and uncle, George F. Appling and wife, Martha Jane. James Henry Skiles, born 3-17-1860. No other records. George F.Appling, born 6-22-1846 in Pope County, Ill. Married Martha Jane Skiles, daughter of Joseph Skiles and Mary Cousart. They married 12-27-1863 at the home of a .sister of the bride, Sarah & Camel Dent. George died 4-11-1928 in Golconda, Pope County, Illinois. Martha Jane was born 12-8-1842, died 12-2-1923. Both are buried in Palestine Church Graveyard north of Golconda. Children of George F. Appling and Martha Jane Skiles Sarah (Sally), born 11-11-1864, old Skiles home near Palestine Church. Married 5~24-l89l to Phillip Webb. She died about 1950. James (Jim), born 9-27-1865, Pope County, Illinois, died 3-25-1896. married to Liza Walter, 2nd to Mary Siat1er. 1st Mary M.,born Sept. 1866, died 9-22-1868. Rosa E. (Rosey), born 3-14-1871. Married LeBter Baker 8-24-1898. about 1945. They had five children. Died David F., born.4~5~187J, died 10:18~1884. Minnie Frances, born 11-12-1875, died·.5-22-1962. Married 10-3-1900 at home of bride to.JameB Robert GlaaB, in Pope County, Ill. He died 8-12-1938. Hezikiah, born 12-22-1878, died 11-17-1931, Springfield, Ill. 1st married Nell Wagner 1-26-1900, 2nd married Frances ? • Stella M., born 7-)0-1882. Married Philip Wiarwille, 2nd to J, D. Clemon•• Alice Mae, born 9-2-1885, died 1963 in Calif. Married Roscoe Renahaw 4-1-1903 Page .5 160 DESCENDANTS OP OIORGI WASHINGTON JOLLY APPLINO (Son ot Seaborn Jalles Appling and Eliaabeth Holloway Appling) George ",hington Jol,).' Appling, born 2-14-1850, Jeti'erson County, Arkansas., died 1920 in se County, exas. Married 1st to Mary E. Gregory on 1-2-1810, 2nd to Martha Victoria Gregory. Both were daughters ot Rev. Harvey A. Gregory and his tirst wite, thought to be Marth~ Sanderson. She died during the Civil War. (1810 census-Grant County, Ark. -Family 1157 lists. George Appling-age 20, Mary E•. -2), Seburn-69, Eli zabeth-64). Mary I. died 8-16-1874. George then married Martha Victoria Gregory, who raised her deceased· sister's two children and soven ot her own. George moved to Texas about 1817, back to Arkansas, and to Texas again 1895. Children ot George Washington Jolly Applin, ancI tirst wite, Mary Elizabeth Gregory ~hn Franklin Appling, born 1811 in Arkanaas, died 1941 at the homo ot h1a daughter in Seymour, Texas. Buried in Cratton, Texas. Married May (Dolly) McKinney in Arkansas. Their children. (1) Oaado Lee Appling, who married Clyde WeBley ~Iright in Petrolia, Texn - and their children were Clyde Wesley Wright, Jr., and Wyvon LouVina, (2) Theopa Beatrice Appling, who married Arthur DeMent, and e,) Wyvon Raym(md Appling. I~izabeth Martha (Lizzie) APPliys, born 1812, died in Wise County, Texas. Buried in Cratton, Texas. Marr ed Isaac Moore in Arkans~s. Elizabeth died when her three children were small, the youngest just a emall baby. Their children. (1) Earnest, who II&l'r1ed Namie Capps ill Petrolia, Texas,(2) Ethel, married George Capps in Petrolia, 'exae. Ethel died in Petrolia, TexaB, and () Lava, who II&rried Harvey Bleh. Children ot George waahington Jolly Appling and eecond wit., MArtha Victoria Oregory. Stn.Y' Ad.line Appling' born 1-9-1811 in Wise County, T.xaa, died 1966 in a. County, Texas. uried 1n Cratton, !exaa. N.ver married. Ella Nr~Y Appling, born 1-10-1878 in Wi .. County, 'exas, died 1945 iri"the home 0 or youngest son and wit., in DallaD, Texae. Buried in cratton, Texaa. Married Herbert Knightetep.Their children were (1) Pauatine Knightstep, who married Mr. Upton, (2) J. H.Knightatep, () Ole~ KnigHtatep, who married Juanita ? . ~eota:~ A~!Xans!r ApPll.~g. ~ro a, ay Coun~y, born 12-15-1819 in Park SJlrings, Toxas, died 1941 Texas, ot heart attack. Buried at Petrolia, Texas. Married Mary Ida Pirtle in Port I~orth, Texas. She is buried in p.trolia, Texas. Their children. (1) Lavalne Appling, who married Victor Lee Robinson at Petrolia, Texaa-and their children art Mary Helen Robinaon, who married Harry Ray Fishback, and Richard (Dick) Lowell Robineon, who marriedZ'na Elizabeth (Lil) Sharp, and (2) Rowena Ardelle Appling, who marri.d William Weldon Dillard - and their children are. George Phillip Dillard, who married Donne Whitesidea, David Wayne Dillard, who married ·Pam Murry. John Paul Dillard, and Carol Elaine Dillard. . . n Ann Victoria Appling. married Henry Elmer Oeorge. Their children. (1) . Georgo, who married let Mr. Sutley, and had one eOn, married 2nd Mr. Bell, (2) Opal George, married let to Jack Schulte - on. daughter bythie married, Opal married 2nd to Mr.· Chandler, () Eeta Oeorge, married Bill Hemphill, and had one daughter, (4) Orville Oeorge - rancher in· New Mexico, and (5) Merlin George - ranch.r in N.w Mexico. ~fi2! Applinf' married John Thomae McDonald. Their Children (l)Dsr.etine c ona marr .d Leland W. Oibeon - their children Vena Pern and Mac, (2) K. W. McDonald, married Chryetell Bock - their children John· and Mike, (l) LouVina Orelle McDonald married Kenneth ~ - and c1aUChter Lucia Gay Twyman. a, g:ytr le3LAppl1M, llUTied II)'rUe 1IcKU. Ion GreYer IeI'I7 Appl!nc. Jr • . 0 eona c arover, Jr." wit. are Robin. RickY. Neomt tnRUnf' Mn'ied Frld Riohllond. Children. (1) Fred.. Rlo"--l.lIo1r .. marr e enr etta Oray - their childrell Ibaron 'ina Ri~ an4"11il Richmond, (2) Bobby Joe Ricluaond, married Jerry Jane Johnson - their children Suyanne Rich.ond, Suldft, and SII.ra4'n. ~ . hp 6 161 JOHNSTON COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, DEEDS Bk. Hl, p. 43 (Reel 10) William Hardoastle to John Hardoastle 22 Feb, 1772, William Hardcastle and Mary, his wife, both of N, C., Johnston Co •• in oonsideration or 6 pounds money of Great Britain ... sell 135 aores to John Hardoastle ••• in Johnston County on sis Nuoe River being the land whereon the eaid John Hardcastle now lives. beginning at John Bedingfields oorner a pine !'WlS E 100 P to a pine. S 220 p to • white oak W 100 p to a red oak on his spring branch. down to the first Station ... being part or land granted to William Hardcastle 5 Janu.ry. 1762. Wit I William Bedingfield Robert Adams x Will1&m Hardcastle Mary/) A . ............................... -~ Hardcastle Bk. Hl. p. 41 (Reel 10) Willi&JII Hardoastle to Robert AdQs 18 Janu.ry 1764. Will1&m and Mary Hardcastle, sold to Robert AdNIs for 6 pounds money or G. B•• 100 aores on Nuoe River, sIs. being land whereon Robert Adams now lives, beg1mdng at W1ll1&a Hardcastle's oorner a pine, !'WlS E to a red oak, N to a red oak, W to a post oak, to the first Station, being part of land granted to Will1&m Hardcastle by grant 5 Janu.ry, 1762. Wit I William Bedingfield John Hardcastle William Hardcastle Maryff,(,lHardoastle •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Bk. 1, p. 12 (Reel 8) 2 Nov. 1779. John Hardoastle or Johnston County sold to Richard W1ll1by of _ . for 50 pounds current _ney •••• land in Johnston on branch of Bedingfields Mill Creek beginning at a white oak on a branch, down the branch to the other branch, down the meanders to the first Station. containing 16 acres. part or grant to William Hardcastle by Earl of Granville. and from William Hardcastle conveyed to John Hardcastle. Wit. John Anthony W1lliby Hardoastle l' Charity Hardcastle x (her Mark) proved by Anthony Williby Feb. 1780 (original Deed. is in Historical Commission Bk. I, p. 12, ref. CR 56.401.2). .r (Note in Will of Willia. Hardcastle dated 8 October 1770, proved Johnston Co. May Tam 1777 in open oourt by John Bedingfield. William names wife Mary, Sons John, James. Elisha, Daughters casiah Baucom, Betty Adams.) 162 Will of Ja.. s Hardcastle, Will Book D. ,page 12, W&n.n County, Ky. In the name of God Amen. Know all _n by the,e pre,ents that I JaJIIIS Hardcastle ot the County ot wan.n and state or Kentuoky being old and infirm but in perfeot III1nd and .aery calling to III1nd the certainty ot deeth and unoertainty or lite do alee this IV last w1l1 and testament. First I reoo_nd IV ,oul to God who gave it and IV body to its mqther dust again and ooncerning 'lf1;1 earthly good. I di.pose of them in the following "nner. I will and bequeath unto IV beloved wite Rachel the whole or IV property during her lite or widow-hood at the expiration ot which t1me the land to be .old and equally divided between IV thr.. son. - l y , Shadrach, William and Riley the belanc. of the property to b. equally divided betw.en IV four .ons nauly Shaclrach, John, William and Riley. Shaclrach and William to have the same privi1edg. on the r ••p.otive plaoe. where th.y now liv. a. they have had heretofore or untU the death of IV said wit. Rachel and that -.r said wite Rachel and IV .on William Hardcastl. be EIt.outor. ot IV w1l1. In te,t1llon;y whereot I have s.t -.r hand thi' 14 day ot Novemb.r 1828 in preseno. ot hi. Josiah Whitten Jame. x Hardcastl. _rk Elisha Whitten Josiah Greathous. wan.n County Sot County Court Ileo8lllb.r Term 1828 '!his last Will and T.,tament or J..., Hardcastl. Dec'd. was produced in Court proved by the cath. of 1!:l.isha Whitten and Josiah Greathouse two or the subsoribing wi thereto and ordered to reoord tn..... (Note this James Hardca,tle wa, born about 17,56 probably in Va., he tought in the Revolution trom John.ton County. North Carol1na Ref. North Carolina Revolutiob&ry ArIW Aooount.. Vol. VII, page 112, fo110 3. He reoeived Soldier. Clothing from Sherrit ot Johnston Co.) 1790 CENSUS has only 2 HARDCASTI&S I JOHNSTON CO., N. C. in NORTH CAROLINA 1 _1. 16 up, 4 _lee under 16 JAMES HARDCASTLE 1 fe.l. DUPLIN CO., N. C. WUJJlJI HARDCASTLE 1 _le 16 up, 2 f_l., 163 Probate Record, Searcy, Ark., White County Courthouse Vol. A. page 95 ES'rATE OF WILLIAM HARDCASTLE , D E C . " On this day was presented to the Court here an Inventory of the personal estate of William Hardcastle, deceased amounting to about two hundred dollars and the Court being satisfied from the examination of cOMpetent witnesses that the whole of said deoeased's estate does not amount to three hundred dollilrs. Therefore on motion it is ordered and adjudged that the whole of said estate pass to and be vested absolutely in Sarah Ann Hardcastle, the widow of the said William Hardcastle, deceased. Dated. Tuesday, Febrwr.ry 3rd, A. D. 1852 ••••••••••••••••••••• Record Book A-1 page 95 Copied ~rom Original Marrage Bond in possesion or Mrs. Clint Thomas, 104-6 state St., Bowling Green, KY. 42101 Know all Men by these Presents, lhat we William Hardcastle, Jr., James Howell are held and finaly bound unto the COIIIIIIOnweal th of Kentucky in the penal sum of L50, for the true payiunt 1Ihereor, we bind ourselves, our heir, &c., jointly and severally, finaly by these presents, sealed with our seals,' and dated this 25 day of March 1840. 'lbe condition of this obligation is such, that if there should be no legal cause to obstruct a arriage shortly intended to be solemnised between the said William Hardcastle and Sarah Howell for which a Licence is about to issue, then this obligation to be VOid, else to remain in full force and virtue. ",WIa Hardcastle his JaJl8s x Howell ark '" ,). *~.* I •••***.*••••••••••• Warren County Kentucky 1850 Census, The 2nd District 19th August 1850 Dwelling II 245 Greenberry York age 30m fa1'lll8r born in Kentucky Elizabeth 25f (dau. of Win Sr. & Nancy) John W. 6. Robert 4m Washington W. 1m Dwelling I 246 William Hardcastle 31 m fa1'lll8r (Jr.died White Co. Sarah A. J2 f Arkansas) Emily J. 9f James Wm. 7 m MaryE. 5 f 3 f Nancy J. John R. 1 Thomas E. 1/12 Dwelling If 247 Nancy R. Hardcastle age 51 f widow born in KY. James R. 24 m, John 22 m, lsaphine 17 f, Henry G. 16 m, E)r1ng 14 m, Francis Marion Hardcastle 10 m, all were born in Kentucky (Nancy Renick Hardcastle m. WilliaDi' Hardcastle b. 1789N. C.son of James, Wm. died ~out 1849) 164 Will of &ling Hardcastle , warren County Court HouGe, Bowling Green, Ky. KNCM ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, &ling Hardcastle, of'~arren County, Kentucky, being of sound mind and disposing memory but feeble in body and health _ke and publish this m;y last will and testament revoking all f01'lller wills, if any, by me IIIILde. First I give praise to Almighty God for long life and a reasonable alllOUDt of prosperity. I IIIILke the following disposition of lIlY estat. a~.d desire that this will be carried out in every particular. I give to 11fY nephew, &lcUd Hardcastle, and his wife, Alice M. Hardcastle I1\Y hOlll8place, that is to say all buildings including the storehouse and 100 acres of land on the North East end of I1\Y farm. 'l'his to be the property of Eculid Hardcastle and wife, Alice, share & share alike. I give to lIlY neph_, Wood Hardcastle, '1.'\10 thousand dollars in money. to I1\Y niece, Midie Bates Two thousand in 1IIOney, to /'IV neph_ E. F. Hardcastle, of Welch, Louisiana, $2,000.00 cash, to Bessi. Gai Hardcastle $1,000.00 cash, to Festus J!)dng Hardcastle son of E. F. Hardcastle $600.00, to m;y neph_, Geo. Hardcastle all the notes I hold against him and to Renie Dickerson, wife of Frank Dickerson, $500.00. All of IV estate, except the 100 acres of land given to Euclid Hardcastle and wife, shall be converted into 1IIOney by m;y executor hereinafter named and disposed of as follows I 'ro be divided equally, share and share al1ke, between all IV nieces and neph_s living at the t:ime of IV death, or if any one of these nieces and nephews should be dead batore this will is probated, their children, if there be any, shall have the part of such niece or neph_ as IIIILY be dead. This item includes the nieces and nephews mentioned above to whom I have given a special bequest as well as any others I may have. I _nt all of I1\Y just debts, burial expenses, cost of DIOtlUIII8nt and lot in Fairvi_ Cemetery of $1,000.00 paid before there is any distribution of lIlY estate. I hereby make the following specific statement that any one contesting this will or filing any objections to its probate shall forfeit all the SUIIS or amounts they would receive under the terms of this will and shall have no interest in I1\Y estate of any kind or character. I hereby appoint the Potter Matlock Trust Co. executor of this will wi th full power to sell and convey any and all real estate that I may own at the time of m;y death except the 100 acres above mentioned which I have given to &IcUd Hardcastle and wife. Given under lIlY hand this the 29th day of August, 1921. Wi tn.sses I Mng Hardcastle S. M. Matlock Mildred Lawson Recorded 26 day of September, 1921., H. LIla Kelly Cl.rk By F. Clarke D. C. • 165 Settlement Book ,~ 14, Warren Coun~ Kentucky EWing Hardcastle b. 12-5-1838 d. 9-14-1921 left hi. e.tate to Nieces and nephews. 'lb.e heirs of ,Will1aa Hardcastle who died in 'White County Arkansas 1852 were located in 1926 after IllUch advertiising and the estate was settled· with li.t of 1)0 heirs listed with 14 States named A.ugust 12, 1926.,Texas, Ark. Kansas, Ky. Mo. Ind. Mich. Ala. La. Neb. Okla. Fla. Mont. 11. I"rancis Marion Hardcastle (brother) dec.ea.ed hi. heir. "Fanny" Wood Hardcastle Bowling Green Ky., l!holld Hardca.tle Bowling Green, /b'. Mrs. Madie Bates Alvaton,!\y., E. F. Hardca.tle Welch, La. A. P. Hardcastle (dead) wife living nO,ohildren 5. James Riley "J1lI1" Hardcastle (brother) decea.ed hill heirs Mrs. Fannie Stewart Alvaton, Ky. Hr•• Jennie ~rs Alvaton, /b'. Lute Hardcastle " Anoe Hardcastle " Heber Hardcastle " Mr•• Elisa J. Hudson Bowllng Green, K,y. Robert Hardcastle, dead, un.rr1ed 7. Richal'cl Hardcastle (brother) de_.ed his heir. "Dick" Will Hardcastle Whi teright, Texas, Hr.. Delia Willoughby Bowling Green John Hardcastle Plano, 11)". Charlie Hardcastle Bays Fork, Ky. Marion Hardcastle, dead, wife living no children (Matilda) Alvaton, Ky. 6. John Hardcastle (brother) dec....ed his, heir. Tom (W.T.) Hardcastle Alvat;on, Ky. Porter (P.J.)Hardoa.tle B. G., Ky. George Hardcastle B. G., K,y. Hrs. Sa~ (J .It.) Motl.,. Bowling ~.Ky. Mrs. Florence O'Brien 1440 CatalpaSt., Louisville, K,y. Mrs. Mary Franklin 712 S', C. St., Wellington, knsas 3. Robert Hardcastle (brother) dec.. sed hi. heirs Dave Hardcastie son of Robert d ..d, his heirs E. T. Hardcastle Bowling Green, K,y. Hettle Hardca.tle B. G., K,y. Mrs. Craig (Carrie) Wright 1228 W. 2nd St., OWensboro, /b'. Mrs. D. E. (Lallie) Steffe 2918 English Ave, Louisville, K,y. Mrs. :Lawrence E. (Blanche) Reeve./ Bowling Green, /b'. John H. Hardcastle Rockfield, K,y .. Will Hardca.tle B. G.. K,y. Mrs. John Garrison, dead, her heir. Mrs. Erfie Knoke Huntley, Mcmt., Mrs. Co~ Kelly SUlD\Yaide, K,y. Mrs. Helen Boltz Buch_n, Ml.oh., Claude H. Garrison B. G., /b'. Mrs. Ruby Smith B. G., Ky. Robt. W. Garrison Bowling Green, K,y. Mrs. Jim (Nancy) Carter deceased her heirs Mrs. I.ula (J.H.) Gi*re Scottsville, /b'., Mr•• Bertha (E.E.) Fitzpatrick Scottsville, /b'. Charles W. Carter Bowling Green, 1I';r. J. Whit Carter and Bryant L. Carter both Bowling Green, K,y. Hugh Carter, dead, his heirs Ole.ter Carter oakland, K,y. Mrs. Dana Carter 'lb~s O&kland, /b'. Mrs. Mary 'tIaddle Cartel' (Murrel WaddleGdn) Detroit, Ml.oh. Ml.ldred Carter (Potter Matlock Trust Co. Gdn.) Bowllng Green, K,y. 1.I'Jrs. E).ston (Mary Ann) Claypool deceased her heirs Mrs. Elica Jones oakland, K,y. Hrs. MDrgan F1nnq Three Forks, Ky. Mrs. George Motley oakland K,y., Mrs, To. x.. deceased her heirs 'r. Barclay Iee B. G. K,y., Mrs. Mary Mason, dead, her heir"Harold Mason,ProYidence, Ky Jack Mason (T. B. Lee, Gdn) Bowling Green, Ky. Mrs. E).ston Claypool heirs continued on nut page along with other heirs of EWing Hardcastle .166 Settlement Book If 14 Estate of E)dng Hardcastle (cont.) page 2 1. Heirs of Mrs. ~ston (MaryAnn) Claypool (cont.) Tood Claypool, dead, his heirs, Miss Dora Claypool B. G., Ky Miss lula Claypool B. G. Ky., Mrs. Sid Rector Oakland, Ky. Mrs. George Crowe, dead, her heirs lloyd Crowe, dead, Mrs. lloyd Crowe, adllll". Bowling Green, Ky. Mrs. Georgia Willoughby Bowling Green, Ky. Jim Crowe, dead, his heirs, Mrs. Anna Crowe Walls, Dana, Ind. Mrs. Lois Crowe Smith 629 S. Alabhla St., Indianapolis, Ind. C. O. Crowe B. G., Ky., Y. G. Crowe B. G., Ky. Mrs. Marie Crowe Boggs 714 &lolid St., Indianapolis, Ind. Hebecca and Hazel Crowe minors , Mrs. Jim Crowe Gdn '!'homae Crowe B. G., Ky., Mrs. Jim Rowlett Thomas, Schuyler, Neb. Mrs. Mary Claypool Gibson 2719 7th St., Port Arthur, Texas Mrs. Sallie Neighbors, Deoeased, her heirs Mrs. Pearl Motley, dead, her heirs, Hersohel Motley B. G., Ky. Miss Birdie Motley B. G. Ky., W. Bryant Motley Oakland, Ky. John A. Motley Detroit, Mich., Easton Neighbors,Fann;1n County, Texas, Jim Neighbors, F. Co., Texas Collier Neighbors," ,Pemie Womack, Fannin County, Texas Hettie Witherspoon, Ector, Texas Effie Meeke, dead,· her heirs, Mrs. Cessie Bevers and Mrs. Olivie Call (there is no " marks for plaoe of residenoe but the _y the settl_nt is typed I believe it is meant to be Ector, Texas for those two and the following 13 heirs.) . Mrs. M. L. Witherspoon, dead, her heirs, Mrs. Bessie Annie Nelms, Mrs. Clara alie Hazelwood, Galvin Ray Witherspoon, Alma Agnes Wi therspoon, Aaron Witherspoon, Minor, Oran Witherspoon, Minor . Qua Neighbors, Nannie Campbell, John E. Neighbors, Mollie Gilliam, Falin Neighbors, H. J. Neighbors (Notal Sarah F. "Sallie" Claypool, dau. of Mary Ann Hardcastle Claypool married Nathan Neighbors Dec. 20,1854 in warren Co. Ky. They moved to Texas about 1881 and were the parents of 15 children.) 4.Mrs. Bettie York (Elizabeth) deoeased, her heirs Robert York, Ash Grove, Mo., W. W. York, died Oct. 14,1924, his heirs, H. E. York, Iggalls, Kansas Clifford York, 819 N. Grant, Chanute, Kansas, Mrs. Dottie E. Drisdell, 1101 N. Santa Fe., Kansas Charlie A. York, dead, his heirs, Miss Mamie York, 911 N. 7th st., Kansas City, Mo., Mrs. Dottie MlLllory, Greenfield, Mo. Mrs. Ellen Cantrell, dead, her heirs, H. C. "walter E. "L.· R." . and N. B. Cantrell " J. B. Whitesides _s made power of attomey to wind up their estate. all of Walnut Grove, Mo. H. A. Cantrell , Walnut Grove, Mo., L. E. Cantrell, walnut Grove, Mo. A. H. Carlook & Mrs. Belle Carlook, N. E. Drisdell & Mrs. Nora Drisdell, K. V. Wheeler & Mrs. Katherine Wheeler, all walnut Grove,Mo. Mrs. Nanoy Horton, dead, her heirs, William (W. G. ) Horton, Chanute, Kan. Mrs. John R. Poindexter, Everton, Mo., Joe Horton, Everton, Mo. Mrs. Will (Jessie) Morrisset, Ash,Grove, Mo., Mrs. Elmer (Addie) White, and J. Leslie Horton both of Greenfield, Mo. 167 Settlement Book if 14 Estate of &ring 8. ~rdcastle (cont.) page 3 ~~s. Isophene Gilmore, deceased, her heirs, A. R. Gilmore, Miller , Mo, James D. Gilmore, Everton, Mo., W. M. Gilmore, Everton, Mo. Mrs. Nancy ~Unk, Iantha, Mo., Mrs. Eliza Shimlll1n, Neosho, Mo. Mrs. Katherine Smith, dead, her heirs, W. W. Slllith, E.Verton, Mo. Mrs. Joanna Funk, dead her heirs. Mrs. Delle Friend, dead,Her heirs, Paul R. Friend (Minor)WIn. Friend Gdn., Eureka, Kansas Dorothy R. Friend 2. William ~rdcastle, deceased, his heirs, Mary Elizabeth Dodd ane, Muleshoe, Texas, &nily Jane Hardcastle caruthers,died at Joplin, Mo. Nov. 18,1917 her heirs, Thos. Preston caruthers, 1425 Joplin st., Joplin, Mo. Madge Amanda Bailey, 1927 !brphy st .. Joplin, Mo., and Dora Alice Palmer, 1725 !brphy st., Joplin, Mo. Thomas Euclid Hardcastle, died March 12,1886 Searcy, Ark. his heirs Isiah Monroe Hardcastle, Pangbum, Ark., Phillip ~rdoal5tle, Pangbum Ark., Mrs. Sina Armstrong, Mt. Vemon, Ark., Mrs. Ella !bsser, calVin, Okla., Mrs. Mary King, dead her heirs Gertrude King, calVin, Okla., 'felford King, 2458 Hutton st., Jacksonville, Fla. Chester King, minor no Gdn. James WIn. Hsrdcastle died during Civil War unmarried Nancy Jane Hsrdcastle and husband Clint Fontenberry both dead no children John Robert ~rdcastle died at age 6 years The parents of Ewing Hardcastle were Nancy Renick b. May 31,1798 in stanford, Ky. (dau. of Big William Renick and Anna) •• ca. 1816 to 'N'illiam Hsrdcastle b. 1789 in Johnston Co. N. C., they had 11 children 1. Mary Ann b. 1817 m. Jan. 1,1833 Easton Claypool 2. ililliam Jr. b. 1819 m. March 25,1840 Sarah Ann Howell b. May 18,1818 3. Robert b. May 20,1821 m. Dec. 3,1846 Mary Kirby b. Nov.2,l824 "Aunt Pop" 4. Elizabeth b. 1825 m. June 23,1842 Greensberry B. York 5. J&II1eS Riley b. 1826 m. Susan Sears, Book G. page 139 Warren Co., Ky. 6. John b. 1828 m. Martha Jane Bohanan 7. Richard b. 1830 m. Elizabeth Motley 8. Isaphene b. 1833 m. Anderson R. Gillmore (son of Andrew & Sarah ) 9. Henry b. 1834 m. Oct. 13,1857 Elizabeth Renick 10. Ewing Hardcastle b. Dec. 5, 1838 d. Sept. 14, 1921 navel' married 11. Francis Marion b. Feb. 2,1840 m. Jan. 27,1870 Rebecca men Gilmore b. April 4,1851 (dau. of James Lewis Gillmore & w. Rebecca Haines) (Contributor- Mrs. arry P. Clark (nee Wensil Marsh) 1211 Biscayne Dr. Little Rock, Ark. &2207 - Gilbert Marshall Chapter 6-013-AR, DAR, Genealogical Records Chail'llllln 1974-75-- This is ~ ancestors William Hsrdcastle granted land by Earl of Granville 5 January 1762 I1Y National II for Daughters of the American Colonists 123363 James Hardcastle Rev. War Soldier ~ National II for Daughters of the American Revolution it 560347, These papers are open and my be ordered from National Registrar by your Chapter Registrar. Any woman "ho can prove their line back to these ~rdcastle!, I. when 1mited may .101n9 on this line .) Also Daughters of 1812 on Hardcastle b. !7tI 168 James Vaughn of Washington County. Arkansas and His Descendants The 181,0 census lists James Vaughn in Brush Creek Township of Washington County, Arkansas. His household was made up as follows. M. 1 ) 1 1 5 - 10 10 - 15 15 - 20 1 )0 - 40 1 40 - 50 80 - 90 1 James Vaughn does not appear in the 1850 census of either Washington or adjacent Madison County. The following persons, excluding known descendants of Samuel and Daniel Vaughan, are listed in this census. Madison County William Vaughan, age )), b. Tenn. John Vaughan, age 22, b. Tenn. Martha Vaughan, age 50, b. N. C. Benjamin Vaughan, age )5, b. Tenn. Elijah Vaughan, age 18, b. Tenn. Washington County David Vaughan, age 4», b. Tenn. Of the above group, John, Martha, and Elijah are in age brackets that fit into the framework of James Vaughn's family as reported in 1840. In this connection note that Martha's age, being diVisible by 10, might put her into either the )0 - 40 or 40 - 50 age bracket in 1840, depending upon her birth date and the time of year the census was,taken. Tax lists of the period show that James Vaughn resided continuously in Washington County from at least 18)6 to 184). During 184) Randolph Vaughan also resided in Washington County; he continued to reside there until 1845. On the basis of the 1840 census data one may surmise that Randolph was the son of James who was in the 15 - 20 bracket in 1840. The censuses indicate rather clearly that John and Elijah Vaughan were brothers and that Martha was their mother. In 1850 Martha and Elijah were living together in Huntsville. John was employed as a clerk and was living nearby. In 1860 John and Elijah were both married and were living in adjacent households. Both the census and tax lists of the period indicate that they were merchants in business together. Martha and these two sons would hardly have moved from Tennessee to frontier Arkansas on their own initiative. The obvious conclusion is that when the move occurred the family included a husband and father. Of all the Vaughans known to have been living in the area prior to 1850, the only logical candidate appears to be James Vaughn. One is led to conclude, therefore, that James died or left the area about 1844, and that Martha, John, and Elijah were the remnants of his family. 169 Who was James Vaughn and where did he come from? One possible clue is found in the 1840 census, which shows a woman in the 80 - 90 bracket in his household. This could only be Fereqy Vaughan, widow of William, one of Washington County's pioneer settlers, for we know that she was still living at an advanced age in 1840 and was not included in the census report for any other Vaughan household in Madison or Washington County. The obvious inference then is that James was a son of William and Fereby, for one would hardly expect her to be living with someone of a lesser degree of relationship when she had other sons (Samuel and Daniel Vaughan) living in the area. The principal drawback to this hypothesis is that no James Vaughn who could have been a son of William and Fereqy and who had the same family composition can be located in the 1830 Tennessee census. (James should be in this census, if the suppositions to this point are correct, for his son John was born in Tennessee about 1828 and he himself evidently migrated to Arkansas after 1830.) An alternative hypothesis ,is that James Vaughn was the son of John Vaughan of Hawkins County, Tenn. John Vaughan purchased land adjacent to William about 1806 when the latter too was living in Hawkins County. Among others, John had sons James L., born Oct. 15, 1795, and Beverly, born Jan. 4, 1798. (This, and related family data, is contained in'the pension claim of Nancy Callicot Vaughan based on her husband John's Revolutionary War service •.) The 1820 census for White County, Tenn., contains adjacent listings for Bevley Vaugn, James Vaughn, and Elizabeth Callico. Whether qy coincidence or not, the name Callico is a variant of James' and Beverly's mother's maiden name, and Eli7~beth Callico subsequently migrated to Madison, County and was recorded there in the 1850 census. William Vaughan also appears to have been living in the White County area at this time, though his name was not included in the 1820 census. James subsequently returned to Hawkins County for he was living there adjacent to his father John at the time of the 1830 census. He left again, however, and John's will, dated Dec. 27, 1841, states that "my sons Beverly Vaughan and James L. Vaughan has gone to parts unknown." John's son Benjamin in a deposition dated May 28, 1858, stated that qy the last account he had James was in the State of Texas and Beverly in Arkansas. Beverly was, in fact, in Madison County, Arkansas, in 1840 according to census records although his stay in the area was apparently of short duration. The combination of Beverly and James Vaughan with William during successive periods in Hawkins and White Counties, Tenn., and in northwest Arkansas is sufficiently unusual to lend support to the hypothesis that James' Vaughn of Washington County, Ark., and James Vaughan of Hawkins County, Tenn., were one and the same man. A side-qy-side comparison of the James Vaughan census data for ~820, 1830, and 1840 is helpful in determining whether or not this data is in fact for the same man. 1820 M. 3 Under 10 1 16-25 26-44 ' 1830 F. M. 1 2 2 1 1 1840 F. Under 5 5- 10 10 - 15 30 - 40 1 1 F. M. 1 3 1 1 5 10 15 30 40 80 - 10 15 20 40 50 90 1 1 1 170 Assuming for the moment that the data are all for James Vaughan of Hawkins County and that Martha was his wife, James would have been 24, 34, and 44 at the time of the 1820. 1830, and 1840 censuses, and Martha would have been 20, 30, and 40. The census data all check out for James. Martha falls the test for 1820, but because' s'he is on the borderline between two age brackets the results are inconclusive for 1830 and 1840. It would appear that if all three censuses cover the same man, James either had remarried or the 1820 data were erroneous insofar as Martha is concerned. The three boys under age 10 in 1820 would be 10 - 20 in 1830. Only 1 boy aged 10 - 15 is reported in the 1830 census, so two in the earlier census are un&eoounted for. In comparing the 1830 - 1840 data, the four boys under 10 match up with four boys 10 - 20. and the one g~rl 5 - 10 matches the one girl 15 - 20 -- virtually a perfect match. All in all. the census figures make a reasonably good oase for the hypothesis that James Vaughn of Washington County, Ark., was the son of John Vaughan of Hawkins County, Tenn. The fact that there is no established relationship between Fereb,y and James Vaughn does not necessarily disprove the hypothesis. There appears to have been a long relationship b,y association. Moreover, thers could have been a blood relationship we do not know about. Assuming that James Vaughn's identity has been established as indioated, let us explore the possible implications. I have already mentioned that the 1II&1e in the 15 - 20 bracket in 1840 is most likely Randolph Vaughan. The boy in the 5 - 10 bracket would be Elijah,and one in the 10 - 15 brAcket would be John. Two boys in the 10 - 15 bracket are unaccounted for. They could easily have fallen prey to one of the childhood diseases so prevalent at the time. The girl in this age bracket could have married or shs too may have died. Let ue return now to the three boys under 10 in 1820 that up to this point •• have not specifically accounted for. These three would be 30 - 40 in the 1850 census and at least one of them -- the one included in the 1830 census -- .ould be in the 30 - 35 bracket. The following Vaughane in the 1850 Madison County census (exclusive of Samuel's and Daniel's offspring) are in these age brack.ts. William Vaughan Benjamin Vaughan 33 35 In add1 tion to the above we should add Malborne Vaughan, age 43 in the 1860 census. In 1860 Malborne was living near Benjamin Vaughan in California Township of Madison County. He was born in Tennessee and was evidently residing in Whit. County, Tenn., immediately prior to moving to Arkansas about 184-3. Washington County tax lists shOW Maburn and Randel Vaughan residing in that county in 1845. An obvious inference 1s that Malborne moved to Arkansae at the time of the death or disappearance of his father James. I conclude from the above that two of James' older children are Benjamin and Malborne Vaughan. Malborne is probably the one reported in the 10 - 15 bracket in the 1830 census. Benjamin evidently did not return with James to Hawkine County. The 1829 Sheriff's Census for yashington County reported a boy in Benjamin's age bracket in William Vaughan's hOUsehold, and he may very well have gone to· live with William. 171 The William Vaughan who was 33 in the 1850 census may have been the third of James' older sons. If so, he must have been Malborne's twin. William's name does not appear in the 1860 Madison County census, and is missing from tax lists after 1855. so he evidently left the area. What happened to James? I certainly don't know for certain. Perhaps he died of the same disease that apparently took the lives of two of his sons. But in view of James' brother Benjamin's statement about Texas the following record of a land patent granted by the state of Texas in 1849 is significant: VAUGHAN, JAMES L. Received Bty Wnt 227 for 320 acres from AG on 15 Feb 1847 for service from 17 Oct to 15 Dec 1835. 320 acres in Kinney Cty were ptd to him on 12 July 1849. Pat 386 Vol 5 Abst 590 GLO File Bexar Bty 733 A book published in 1852, ·Abstracts of Land Claims Compiled from the Records of the General Land Office of the State of Texas, lists the following: San Patricio Dist Vaughan, Jas. L. 4605 A. CIs 1 t Nueces Co. Surv 57 Sec 2 On Spring Creek James Vaughn apparently never lived in Kinney or Nueces Counties as he is not recorded in census records of those coudties. Moreover. there is no record of him anywhere in the 1850 census of Texas, which is indexed. It is possible that state or county land records may help identify the James Vaughan specified in the above land claims. As of this writing the fate of James Vaughn of Washington County. Arkansas, is a question ~till to be resolved. NOTE: The writer, who is conducting ongoing research on William and Fereby Vaughan, became interested in James Vaughn during the process of sorting out both lines in Washington and Madison Counties. He would like to hear from others who are knowledgeable on either of these lines. Incidentally, James's descendants are apparently eligible for membership in patriotic societies on the basis of the Re'rolutionary service of John Vaughn of Hawkins County, Tennessee. -- Lewis E. Vaughan 5446 Varnum Street Bladensburg, Maryland 20710 EDITOR'S NOTE: ANYONE WITH ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ABOUT ANY ARTICLE IN OUR ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN IS ENCOURAGED TO WRITE mE PERSON WHO HAS CONTRIBUTED AND SHARED THEIR INFORMATION WITH US. ALSO - WHEN THE CONTRIBUTOR RECEIVES ADDITIONAL MATERIAL .ABOUT THEIR ARTICLE - THEY- ARE ENCOURAGED TO - FIRST GIVE THE VOLUME NUMBER AND YEAR, AND PAGE NUMBER OF THE ORIGINAL ARTICLE THEN - WRITE THE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION , SEND TO YOUR EDITOR. WHEN SPACE IS AVAILABLE THIS VALUABLE MATERIAL WILL BE PRINTED. 172 Thursday June 3, 1976 Arkansas Genealogical Society Mrs. Mario B. Cia, Sr. Editor 4'00 "A" Street Li ttle Rock, Arkansas 7'705 Dear Mrs. Cia, After several hours of concentrated effort and careful compilation, I wish to present this manuscript of the "Kelley Family" for submiuion in "The Arkansas Family Historian". I have checked all the information compiled herein against all the source material I have collected the last three years, and everything is as correct as the preserved knowled~e in Court records, Bibles, family papers, letters, etc., and the personal knowledge of' living descendants as has come into my possession. T have ~rown to love and have a deeper appreciation for my fore bearers as a result of this work. I am particularily and deeply concerned in the preservation and gathering of the history of Pike County, Arkansas and its people. I would that circumstances were such that I could be enabled to devote a fulltime effort in this regard. Perhaps in the future I will be able to do this. lam experienced in micro!ilming court records and have thought that if ever the opportunity, I would derive much satisfaction in gOing even door to door to the descendants of Pike County's early settlers and micrOfilm family Bibles, old letters, Civil War docunents, photographs, etc., so that this inforniation could be preserved and in an organized manner for use of hi!ltorians or people like me who are interested in discovering our family genealogy. I have found through personal interview of many residents o! Pike County that they are highly interested and more than willing to be of any help whatsoever. I have been working on a project to have a detailed history or Pike Co., and its people compiled by Nov. I, 1983 which will mark the county's 150th anniversary. I have just written these thin~s so that you would know where my greatest interest in family history is concerned. Thankyou for your considera tion. I am pleased to have membership in the Arkansas Genealogical Society, and I hope that there will responserrom others interested in the Kelleys of Pike Co., I enjoy corres ndin~ with others who share the same family background. . M~ Sll}9P~.J~rs, /~~~;vDavid L. Kelley '511 M1cUff Houston, Texas 77068 EDITOR'S NOTE: Permi•• ion to p~int this very nice • in~~tiv. letter was',iYen by David L. Kelley/ec KELLHl-AMILY Compiled by David L. Kelley This family were early residents of Arkansas having come to this State in the fall of 1815 from Illinois and settling on Wolf Creek in the present County of Pike. GILES KELLEY b. Virginia, was a resident of the State of Tennessee until 1804 when he moved to St. Clair County, now Madison County, Ill., settling in the Jarvis Township. At this place the family remained until their removal to Arkansas in the fall of 1815 where they settled at Wolf Creek, now Delight, Pike County, Arkansas. The first sermon ever preached in Pike County was by Rev. Giles Kelley, a Baptist minister, the sermon preached in 1815, just south of where the town of Delight now stands. His death occured at this place in the Spring of 1827 and was survived by four Children, viz •• 1. IVILLIAM KELLEY, b. 17 Dec. 1794. Enlisted in the Regiment of the United States Mounted Rangers at Russelville, Ill., the Spring of 1813, and was in Camp Silver Creek, Ill. He was in the companies commanded by Col. liilliam Russell and Capt. Samuel Whitesides during the Indian Wars serving twelve months. On 14 June 1814 md. Rebecca McMahan, dau. of Robt. Sr. and Nancy (Kester) McMahan. William Kelley was commissioned a magistrate of Clark Co., Ark., a county judge of Pike Co., Ark., and by profession a Baptist minister who later changed his views uniting with the Christian (Church of Christ) Church. He was ordained the first Elder of the Church of Christ, Antioch congregation, Wolf Creek, 29 Oct. 1842, and was ordained the first Evangelist of this congregation ?3 Nov. 1851. He was also a practicing physician for many years in Pike Co., an M. D. of the Botonic School of high standing. He died 14 Feb. 1869. His wife, Rebecca McMahan b. 4 May 1800, d. 9 Oct. 1857. They were buried on their homeplace near the present town of Delight, Arkansas. Their children. 1. Elizabeth Keller' b. 27 June 1815, ~~dison Co., Ill. Md. James Hopkins Kirkham 14 Nov. 832. 7. Samuel Kelley, b. 5 May 1817, Clk. Co., Ark. Md. first Rebecca McMahan, dau. of Isaac K. and Catherine McMahan, 4 June 1839. Md. second to Nancy Horton '7 July 1876. Died 10 Aug. 1894 3. Giles Kelley, b. 2 Feb. 1819 4. Robert McMahan Kelley, b. 31 Mar. 1821, md. Sarah 5. Nancy Kelley, b. 20 Jan. 1823, md. Ivilliam G. Dossey. 6. Elijah Iv. Kelley, b. 17 Feb. 1825, md. Elizabeth McDaniel, 14/16 Apr. 1843. Died 2~ Oct. 1877. 7. Margaret A. Kelley, b. 24 Aug. 1827, md. Willis Hopwood Doss, 31 Aug. 1853. Died 13 Dec. 1896. 8. William J. Kelley, b. 20 Dec. 1830, md. Nancy N. Scott, 74 June 1857. 9. George Washington Kelley, b. 1 Jan. 1832 10. Martha Ann Kelley, b. 15 Sept. 183_. ? ELIJAH KELLBY, b. 14 Sept. 1800, Jackson Co., Tenn. He was sent to the State of Alabama. for school and there obeyed the Gospel of Christ ?2 July 1824, and began to preach in 1826. He and his brother Ivilliam were instrumental in the organization of a congregation of the Church of Christ established on the banks ot Wolf Creek on the first Lord's day in April 1833, of which he was ordained a Deacon, 29 Oct. 1842, and subsequently ordained an Elder, 14 Oct. 1847, of which office he held to the 174 day of his dp.sth. He also served as the congregational recorder for the Antioch Congregation thirty-seven years. At the organization of Pike County, 1 Nov. 1833, Elijah Kelley was selected a commissioner to locate the seat of justice, was appointed a commissioner 9 Dec. 1837 to sell lots in the town of Murfreesboro and with the proceeds build a courthouse and jail house for the county, and was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1836 held in Little Rock, Arkansas. He represented Pike County to the General Assembly in 1846 and 1856-57, and served as county judge of Pike Co., 1866-68. He first md. Elizabeth Humphrey (Humphries), widow of John Humphries. Their children. 1. Wesley Kelley, twin, b. 12 Dec. 1820, md. first, Catherine. Second married Jane Patterson, nee ~. 2. ~2ry (Polly), twin, b. 12 Dec. 1820, Alabama. Md. John Crow McLaughlin. Died 27 ~r. 1885. 3. Emily Kelley, md. William Finley McLaughlin. 4. ~rgret Farris Kelley, b. 25 ~r. 1823, md. Milas Bagwell. Died 15 July 1899. 5. Nancy Ke lley, md. And rew J. Ivard'. 6. Elijah Kelley Jr., b. 17 Jan. 187.1, Ivolf Creek, C1k. Co. Md. Priscilla Dickson, 1847. Died 29 Sept. 1883. 7. Abner H. Kelley, md. Mary 8. Amanda Kelley, md. John B. Cloud Jr., 28 Aug. 1856. Died 10 May 1885. Elijah Kelley second married Elizabeth Sherfield. Their children. 1. Giles Newton Kelley, b. 10 Jan. 1843, Ivolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Ann Mariah Mobley, 3 June 1860. Died 10 Sept. 1910. ? James Ashley Kelley, b. 1 Jan. 1845, Ivolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Landon Zenell Ivilson, 8 Feb. 1866. Died 14 Oct. 1926. 3. Lydia M. Kelley, md. Thomas H. Allison. 4. Elias Ivaid Kelley, b. 1850, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Susan Josephine Kelley, dau. of Robt. and Sarah Kelley, 26 Sept. 1869. 5. William Robinson Kelley, b. 22 July 1853, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., died young. 6. Elizabeth (Sissy) Kelley, b. 6 Mar. 1856, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., died young. 7. Sarah Jane Kelley, b. 22 July 1859, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. John A. Lamb, died 22 Feb. 1941. 8. John J. Kelley, b. 10 Feb. 1862, liolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Cordelia Alice Kirkham. Elijah Kelley died at his residence near loJolf Creek, 26 Aug. 1884. His second wife, Elizabeth Sherfield, b. 22 Apr. 1822, died 14 Feb. 1905. 3. SAMPSON KELLEY, son of Giles Kelley. 4. POLLY (MARY) KELLEY, dau. of Giles Kelley, md. a McFadden. 1-1. ELIZABETH KELLEY, dau. of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley, b. 27 June 1815, Mad. Co., Ill. Md. James Hopkins Kirkham, son of Elijah Kirkum, and a native of Whiting Town, Addison Co., Vermont, 14 Nov. 1832. Their children. 1. Elijah M. Kirkham, b. 10 Aug. 1833, NoH Creek, Pike Co., md. Elizabeth Ann Trout. Died 24/28 June 1899. ? Ivi1Uam H. Kirkham, md. Julie Ann Mobley, dau. of David and Barbara (Cryer) Mobley. 175 3. Rebecca Kirkham, md. Joseph Wingfield, son of Charles and Marian (Mariam) Win~field. 4. Mary E. Kirkham 5. James Franklin Kirkham. b. 28 Feb. 1844. Wolf Creek. Pike Co., md. Emily Wesson, widow of Thompson Wingfield. 6. Hiram Kirkham 7. Samuel T. Kirkham, b. 10 Dec. 184_, md. Eliza Trout, dau. of Joseph Q. & Lucinda W. (McNeal) Trout. 8. Henry Kirkham 9. John W. Kirkham 1-? SAMUEL KELLEY, son of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley, b. 5 May 1817, Wolf Creek, Clk. Co., Ark. Moved to Madison Co., Ill. in 1838, 00. Rebecca McMahan, b. 11 Mar. 1818, d. 16 Nov. 1873, dau. of Isaac K. and Catherine McMahan. Md. 4 June 1839. Samuel Kelley died 10 Aug. 1894. To them were born eight chi ldren. only three li ved to maturi ty. viz. I 1. Daniel Webster Kelley. b. 18 Mar. 1841. Madison Co •• Ill., md. Louisa Lynn. dau. of Henry Lynn. 7 Feb. 1860. Second married Nancy M. Franks, 11 Feb. 1900. Died 4 Nov. 1903. 2. Rebecca C. Kelley. b. 24 Feb. 1847. Madison Co •• Ill •• 00. first to John Wagner, son of Andrew and Eve (Anderson) Wagner. Died 5 Jan. 1923. 3. Stephen N. C. Kelley, b. Pike Co •• Ark. Md. 1 1-4. ROBERT McMAHAN KELLEY. son of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley. b. 31 Mar. 1821. t-tl. Sarah Their known children. 1. John W. Kelley ? Margaret E. Kelley 3. Martha Elvira Kelley, b. 11 Jan. '1845. Pike Co., md. Andrew Armstrong Stell. son of Joseph and Isabella Stell. 25 July 1861. Died 20· Jan. 1911. 4. Jefferson Kelley 5. Susan Josephine Kelley, b. 31 Dec. 1850, Pike Co •• Ark., 00. first to Elias \~aid Kelley. 26 Sept. 1869. Md. second to Frank Wisner. Died 12.Feb. 1934. 6. Louvisa Kelley, 00. William Sellers, 1873. 7. Nancy Emoline Kelley. b. 11 Nov. 1858, Pike Co •• Ark •• 00. Joel S. \vingfield. 16 Dec. 1875. Died 1 Feb. 1911. 8. Richard Kelley, 00 Lina 9. Martin Andrew Kelley. 00. Sarah Adaline Mitchell. 8 Apr. 1884. 10. Rena Kelley, b. 6 Aug. 1865. Pike Co •• Ark •• md. Charles W. Elkins. Died 16 May 1922. 1-5. NANCY KELLEY. dau. of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley. b. 20 Jan. 1823, 00. William G. Dossey. Their known children. 1. Rebecc~ I. Dossey, 00. a Howard. 2. h'illiam Dossey 3. Margret Dossey 4. Thomas Franklin Dossey. 00 Eliza McDaniel. 1-6. ELIJAH Iv. KELLEY, son of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley, b. 17 Feb. 1825, Wolf Creek, Pike Co •• md. Elizabeth McDaniel, 14/16 Apr. 1843. Their children I 1. L. B. Kelley, b. 27 Nov. '1845. Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. James E. Griffin. son of James & Rebecca (Brewer) Griffin, 14 Sept. 1865. Died 28 July 1881. 176 ? Giles Augustus Kelley, b. '8 Mar. 1848, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. first to Nancy Elizabeth Hunter East, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Dean) East, 7 Feb. 1869. Md. second to Nettie Burr, 10 Dec. 1896. Md. thirdly to Francis Cornish, nee Jones, 11 Mar. 1900. Died 10 Mar. 1942. . 3. William Henry Kelley, b. 9 Apr. 1851, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. in Hempstead Co., Ark. to qarah Christine McMahan, dau. of Francis (Francess) M. McMahan and Ann Griffin. Md. 21 Sept. 1873. Moved to Madison Co., Texas 1876. Died at North Zulch, Madison Co., Tex. 5 Oct. 1930. I~. Abner Hall Kelley, b. b. 27 Oct. 1853, Wolf Creek, Pike Co •• md. Mary E. Davenport. 19 Oct. 1872. Died Mar. 1937. buried at De· light. Arkansas 25 Mar. 1937. . 5. Rebecca J. Kelley. b. 23 Jan. 1857. Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. Nesbit J. Trout. son of John H. & Ailsey (Owens) Trout. 16 Jan. 1873. Died 21 Sept. 1932. 6. Levi Kelley. b. 11 May 1859. Wolf Creek. Pike Co., Died 13 Oct. 1861. 7. Elijah L. Kelley. b. 25 May 1861/2. Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• died 24 July 1880. 8. Mary Elizabeth Kelley. b. 18 Nov. 1864, Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. Lewis Johnson Lamb Jr •• son of Lewis Johnson Lamb Sr •• and Mary Jane Brown. 24 Mar. 1881. Died 2 July 1945. 9. Samuel Jesse Kelley, b. 10 Sept. 1867, Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• Arkansas. md. Annie Caldone Griffin, dau. of Louis Leonard Griffin & Frances Arabella Lowe. 6 Oct. 1887. Died Hobart. Oklahoma 13 July 1948. 10. Martha Anne Kelley, b. 17 Feb. 1870. Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. Elmore B. Ivingfield. son of John Wesley and Elizabeth Wingfield. Md. 31 Oct. 1889. Died 15 Oct. 1963. 1·7. MARGARET A. KELLEY. dau. of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley. b. 24 Aug. 1827, md. Willis Hopwood Doss, 31 Aug. 1853. Their children. 1. William Brice Doss. b. 8 June 1854. Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. Clk. Co., Ark. to A. Savanah Osborn, 17 July 1873. 2. John R. Doss. b. 1 Feb. 1856. Wolf Creek, Pike Co •• md. Ange 11a Long. 3. Rebecca Jane Doss, b. 9 Nov. 1857, liolf Creek. Pike Co •• IUd. Art Story. 4. Sarah Elizabeth Doss. b. 2 Mar. 1859, Wolf Creek, Pike Co •• md. George \01. Reid. Died 11 Oct. 1905. 5. James Edward Doss, b. 13 June 1861. Wolf Creek. Pike Co. 6. Willis Robert Doss, b. 6 Dec. 1863, liolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. Verner Vatilla Wilson. 13 Aug. 1889. Died 10 Aug. 1947. 7. Margaret Ann Doss, b. 20 Sept. 1866. Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. Noah B. Rogers. 22 July 1886. 1·8. WILLIAM J. KELLEY, son of Wm. & Rebecca Kelley. b. 20 Dec. 1830. md. Nancy N. Scott. 24 June 1852. Their children. 1. Alice L. Kelley 2. Edward B. Ke lley 3. Robert J. Kelley 4. Minnie Ke lley 5. Samuel B. Kelley 177 2-1. IvESLEY KELLEY, son of Elijah & Elizabeth Kelley, b. 12 Dec. 1820, Alabama, md. first to Catherine Their childrena 1. Carrol N. Kelley 2. Elizabeth S. Kelley 3. Nancy E. Kelley Wesley Kelley second married Jane Patterson, widow. Their childrena 1. Margaret M. Kelley, b. 10 Nov. 1858, md. John Clint Craig. 2. Julia Franklin Kelley, md. Zemeriah Franklin Thomas. 3. Milas Richmond Kelley, b. 6 Jan. 1862, Ivolf Creek, Pike Co •• md. Nettie Anna Sarah Jane Pierce. 1890. Died 28 Apr. 1917. 4. Sarah Adaline Kelley. b. 12 Dec. 186_., md. William Allen Barnett. 5. Harriet Kelley. md. a I'lesson. 6. Ann Kelley, twin, b. 17 Nov. 1868. md. Samuel H. Wllliamson. 7. Lydia Kelley, twin, b. 17 Nov. 1868, md. George Washington Barker, 21 Mar. 1883. Died near Paris, Texas Apr. 1900. 8. Elijah Burton Kelley,died at age seven. 2-2. MARY (POLLY) KELLEY, dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth Kelley. b. 12 Dec. 1820, Alabama, md. John Crow McLaughlin, son of Thomas McLaughlin. Their childrena 1. Mary Jane Mclaughlin, lid. John Neland. 2. Mary Tress McLaughlin 3. Elizabeth Ann Mclaughlin, Rd. James Harris. 4. Elijah Mclaughlin 5. Harriet Henrietta Mclaughlin. b. 19- Apr. 1848. md. James Lee Kennedy. 6. Thomas Mclaughlin, lid. Amende Holcombe. 7. Rebecca A. McLaughlin, b. 11 Jan. 1854, md. James P. Higgins, died 14 Apr. 1926. 2-3. EMILY KELLEY, dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth Kelley. lid. William Finley Mclaughlin. Their childrena 1. Francis Laura Mclaughlin 2. John Abner Mclaughlin 3. Elijah B. McLaughlin 4. Mary E. Mclaughlin, never married. 5. Richard 1'1. Mclaughlin, never married. 6. Amanda Jane Mclaughlin. b. 6 Feb. 1854, md. Jackson Wingfield, son of Thomas and Nancy Katherine (Jacobs) Wingfield. M:l. 16 Aug. 1876. Died 20 May 1927. 7. Alice Mclaughlin, md. Matthew Cooper. 8. Nancy Mclaughlin. md. William Jones. 2-4. MARGRET FARRIS KELLEY. dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth Kelley, b. 25 Mar. 1823, Alabama, md. Milas Bagwell, son of Nathaniel Bagwell. Died 15 July 1899. Their childrena 1. Nathaniel Robbins Bagwell, b. 18 Oct. 1840, Pike Co., Ark., md. Sarah Elizabeth Rogers, widow. Died 14 June 1881. 2. Miles Bagwell, b. 6 Dec. 1842, Bagwell, Red River Co •• Tex •• died 14 May 1855. 3. Elizabeth J. Bagwell. b. '18 Mar. 1845, Bagwell, Red River Co., Tex., md. John Baker, 1 Dec, 1870. 4. Abner Kuykendall Bag~ell, b. 26 Nov. 1848, Bagwell. Red River Co., Tex., never married. 178 5. William Young Bap,well, b. 13 Mar. 1851, Bagwell, Red River County, Tex., md. first to Mary Black. 6. Mary A. Bagwell, b. 19 Dec. 1853, Bagwell, Red River County, Texas, md. Nathan Bradley Tabor, 16 July 1868. Died May 1885. 7. Nora Lavinia Bagwell, b. 14 Aug. 1855, twin, Bagwell, Red River County, Texas. Md. J. T. Johnson, 6 Dec. 1877. 8. Melvina Bagwell, b. 14 Aug. 1855, twin, Bagwell, Red River County, Tex., died 10 Oct. 1857. 9. Sarah Viola Bagwell, b. 25 Feb. 1858, Bagwell, Red River Co., Tex. 10. Ellen W. Bagwell, b. 18 Sept. 1860, Bagwell, Red River County, Tex., md. William Arthur Sport, 6 Dec. 1877. 11. Addie Bagwell, b. 12 Dec. 1863; Bagwell, Red River County, Tex., died IS Oct. 1864. 2-5. NANCY KELlEY, dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth Kelley, md. Andrew J. Ward. Their chi ldren, 1. John C. Ward, b. Titus Co., Texas, 1851. 7. Katherine liard, b. Titus Co., Texas. 3. Zachary Ward, b. Beaumont, Jefferson Co., Texas. 4. Texana Ward, b. Beaumont, Jefferson Co., Texas. 5. Louisana liard, b. Beaumont, Jefferson Co., Texas. 6. Kelley Ivard, b. Beaumont, Jefferson Co., Texas. 2-6. ELIJAH KELLEY JR., son of Elijah ~ Elizabeth Kelley, b. 17 Jan. 1827, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Priscilla Dickson, 1847. Their children, 1. John S. Kelley, b. 8 Jan. 1849, Pike Co., md. Amanda L. Davis, 1878, died 3 June 1897. 2. Clement Anderson Kelle Y b. 18 JUlr lS51, Pike Co., md. Laura Jane Hardie, 30 Dec. 1880. Died 7 AUf' 192 • 3. David L. Kelley, b. 14 Oct. 853, Pike Co., md. Emma Harris, ?4 Sept. 1885. Died 18 Apr. 1899. 4. Amanda L. Kelley, b. 15 Jan. 1856, Pike Co., died 17 July 1859. 5. Warren Frances Kelley, b. 22 Apr. 185S t Pike Co., md. Cordelia Mobley, dau. of William & Margaret Jane (Gilmer) Mobley. Md. 1886. Died '3 Apr. 1929. 6. Frances E. Kelley, b. 14 Oct. 1860, Pike Co., died 17 Oct. 1863. 7. Rosetta Kelley, md. Fairwick Fraiser Carter, son of Henry W. & Martha (Hoover) Carter. S. Charles Kelley, b. 3 Mar. 1866, Pike Co., md. Mattie Brewer, dau. of Henry T. & Emily (Carter) Brewer. Md. 18 Nov.· 1903. Died 12 Mar. 19?5. 9. George W. Kelley, b. 186R, Pike Co., never married, died 1938. t 7-S. AMANDA KELLEY, md. John B. Cloud Jr., son of John B. Cloud Sr., and Elizabeth Rutherford. lli. 28 Aug. 1856. Thdr childrenl 1. Daniel E. Cloud 7. Elizabeth L. Cloud 3·. John D. Cloud 4. William T. Cloud 5. Harriet M. Cloud 6. Nannie E. Cloud 7. Beulah E. Cloud 179 '-lA. GILES NEWTON KELLEY, son ot Elijah & Elizabeth (Sherfield) Kelley, b. 10 Jan •.. 1843, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Ann Mariah Mobley, dau. of David & Barbara (Cryer) Mobley. Md. 1 June 1860. Their childrenl 1. William Robert Kelley, b. 5 Oct. 1861, md. first to Letitia (L'.Itl.cia) Jane Wingfield, dau. of John Wesley & Nancy Rebecca (Ward) Wingfield. Md. 17 Jan. 1879. Died 22 Nov. 1941. . 2. David Mobley Kelley, b. 10 Nov. 1863, never married, died 9 Jan. 1887. 3. Elijah Sampson Kelley, b. 1 Apr. 1867, md. Laura Murray. 4. Quincey Lewis Kelley, b. 22 Mar. 1869, md. Leona Jones, 3 July 1890, died 1971. . 5. Ophelia Elizabeth Kelley, b. 5 Dec. 1871, md. Claude Richardson. 6. Carrie Cordelia Kelley, b. 16 Mar. 1874, md. Samuel Bowers. Died 7 June 1944. . 7. John Wesley Kelley, b. 22 Feb. 1876, md' Rosa Lee Jones, 26 Dec. 1897., died 18 Jan. 1943. 8. Elmore Kelley, b. 1 Mar. 1878, md. Roxie Farrar. 9. Robert (Dock) Kelley, b. 24 Jan 1880, Hempstead Co., Ark., md. Etna Sturdivant. 10. Edward Kelley, b. 23 Mar. 1882, md. Julia White. 11. Rufus Kelley, b. 1 Mar. 1885, md. Myrtle Pllkerston. 12. Lillie Ann. Kelley, b. 13 June 1888, md. Clarence Benton. '·'A. JAMES ASHLEY KELLEY, son of Elijah & Elizabeth (Sherfield) Kelley, b. 1 Jan. 1845, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Landon Zenell Wilson, '3 Feb. le66. Their childrenl . 1. A. Young Kelley, b. 2 Dec. 1866, Pike Co., died 20 Jan. 1869 7.. Elijah Kelley, b. 29 Nov. 1868{ Pike Co., md. Mary liorner Davenport, 15 Aug. 1901. Died 26 Nov. 954 • . 3. Lillie Kelley, b. 5 Nov. 1870, Pike Co., md. George Clingan. 4. Mary E. Kelley, b. 6 Sept. 1873, Pike Co., md. Dennis Parsons, died 23 Jan. 1909. 5. John Boyd Kelley, b. 24 Dec. 1882, Pike Co., md. Doshie Owens. 6. William H. Kelley, b. 13 Oct. 1884, md. Crocia Williams. 7. Susie Pearl Kelley, b. 3 Sept. 1887, Pike Co., md. Lantis Ballew. 2·3A. LYDIA M. KELLEY, dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth (Sherfield) Kelley, md. Thomas H. Allison. Their known childrenl 1. Theodosha Allison. 2. Theophllus Allison 3. Christopher Allison. 7·4A. ELIAs WAID KELLEY, son of Elijah & Elizabeth (Sherfield) Kelley, b. 18S0,Wolf Creek, Plke Co., md. Susan Josephine Kelley, dau. of Robert McMahan & Sarah Kelley. Md. 26 Sept. 1869. Their chlldrenl 1. Sarah Elizabeth Kelley, b. 11 June 1870, Pike Co., md. William White Mansell, died 31 Dec.· 1930. 2. Amanda Franklin Kelley, b. 9 Sept. 1871, Pike Co., md. Joseph Ford Lomax, 27 Jan. 1891, died 1966 •. 3. Elijah Sampson Kelley, .b. 13 Dec. 1872, Pike ·Co., md. first to Lydia Gracelder Welch, 14 Jan. '1895. Md. second to Delilah Stafford. 4. Robert Kelley, b. Pike Co., killed as a young man herding cattle. '. , .. 180 ~-7A. SARAH JANE KELLEY. dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth (Sherfield) Kelley. b. '2 July 1859. Wolf Creek. Pike Co •• md. John A. Lamb. son of Lewis Johnson Lamb Sr. and Mary Jane Brown. Their children. 1. Mary. twin. b. 5 June 1881. Pike Co •• md. Horace M. Stell. died n Feb. 1905. ,. Martha. twin. b. 5 June 1882, Pike Co., md. Jake Reeves. died 19 Apr. 1960. 3. Samuel Lamb. b. 28 Mar. 1887, Pike Co •• nd. Annie Langley, died 72 Nov. 1970. 4. Elijah L. Lamb. b. 1890, Pike Co., md. Pearl Hunt. died 1959. 1-2-1. DANIEL WEBSTER KELLEY, son of Samuel & Rebecca (McMahan) Kelley, b. 18 Mar. 1841, Madison Co., Ill., Md. first to Louisa Lynn, dau. of Henry Lynn, 7 Feb. 1860. Their children. 1. Samantha Arminda Kelley, b. 16 Apr. 1868, Pike Co., ad. first to , nd. second to William Henderson Jordan. Died 14 Sept. 1931. . 2. Tifin Genoa (Genoah) Kelley, b. 17 May 1870, Pike Co., Md. Joan (pronounced Jo-Ann) Smith, dau. of John Burton & Martha Virginia (Welch) Smith. Died 8 Apr. 1933. 3. Clinton Vesprudis Kelley, b. 17 May 1872, Pike Co., md. Arena Gertrude Brewer, dau. of John D. & Martha (Mohon) Brewer. Md. 1 Dec. 1897. Died 1929. 4. Zelia Tesoria Kelle Y b. 22 Mar. 1874. Pike Co., ad. John Henry Hignight. Died 18 May i 912. . Daniel Webster Kelley second married Nancy.M. Franks, widow, 11 Feb. 1900. Died 4 Nov. 1903. 1-2-2. REBECCA C. KELLEY, dau. of Samuel and Rebecca (McMahan) Kelley, b. 24 Feb. 1847, Madison Co •• Ill., Md. first to John Wagner. son of Andrew and Eve (Anderson) Wagner. Their children. 1. Bismark Wagner. 2. Grant Wagner. 3. Lilly S. Wagner. 1-2-3. STEPHEN N. C. KELLEY, son of Samuel and Rebecca (McMahan) Kelley, b. Pike Co., Ark.,·nd. 1 Their children. 1. Relda S. Kelley 2. Texella A. Kelley, ad. a Wisener. 3. Rosetta Kelley Samuel Kelley. father of Daniel Webster, Rebecca c.t.and Stephen N. C. Kelley, second married Nancy Horton, b. 10 Apr. 184 , d. 14 July 1891. Md. in Howard Co., Ark. 27 July 1876, and to them was born an infant boy, b. 9 Nov. 1877. 1-4-3. MARTHA ELVIRA KELLEY, dau. of Robert & Sarah Kelley, b. 11 Jan. 1845, Pike cO' Md. Andrew Armstrong Stell, son of Joseph & Isabella Stell. Md. 25 July i 861. Their children. I. Margaret J. Stell, b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 2. Nancy A. Stell. b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 3. Samuel B. Stell, b., Pike Co. 4. Robert William Stell, b. 4 Dec. 18__ , Stelltownt Pike Co •• Md. Mattie Maude Brown, dau. of John H. & carrie (Gentry) Brown, 9 Aug. 1903. . 181 5. Joe T. Stell, b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 6. David A. Stell, b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 7. Charles E. Stell, b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 8. James D. Stell, b. Stelltown. Pike Co. 9. Jake Stell, b. Stelltown. Pike Co. 10. R. H. L. Stell, b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 11. Sarah A. Stell, b. Stelltown, Pike Co. 1-4-5. SUSAN JOSEPHINE KELLEY, dau. of Robert & Sarah Kelley, b. 31 Dec. 1850, d. 12 Feb. 1934, rod. Elias Waid Kelley, 26 Sept. 1869. Their childrenl (See 2-4A. Elias Waid Kelley). Susan Josephine Kelley second married Frank Wisner. Their childrenl 1. Rilza Wi,ner, rod. Charles Hubbard. 2. Nelle IYisner, rod. a Kilpatrick. 3. Noah Wisner 4. Mageline Ivisner, rod. Frank Kendricks. 5. Delie Wisner, rod. Luke Hubbard. brother of Charles. 6. Rena Wisner, rod. a Hankins. 7. ClalXle l¥isner, rod. Amanda Pounds. 1-4-7. NANCY EMOLINE KELLEY, dau. of Robert & Sarah Kelley. b. 11 Nov. 1858. Pike Co •• rod. ·Joel S. Wingfield. 16 Dec. 1875. Their childrenl . 1. Nora Lee Wingfield, b. 23 Sept. 1876, rod. James Edward Kirkham, 8 Aug. 1888, died 20 June 1948. 2. Cora Cornelia Wingfield, b. 11 Aug. 1879, md. Felix Copeland, died 28 Mar. 1920. . 3. Mary Dow Wingfield, b. 20 July 1881, rod. Henry Theodore Mansfield, 5 Oct. 1902. Died 30 Oct. 1963. 4. Lula Wingfield, b. 21 Mar. 1889, rod. Clarence Miller, died 3 July 1909. ' 5 . Charles E. Wingfield, b. 31 July 1894. rod. Beatrice Robertson. 6. Bob Stell Wingfield, b. 26 Oct. 1896. rod. first to Sue Elizabeth McElhannon, 10 Feb. 1918. Md. second to Sallie Ethel Winfield. 7. ClalXle Lesley Wingfield, b. 22 Feb. 1899. md. Kate Butcher. 8. Clyde Wesley l'lingfield, b. 22 Apr. 1901. md. Thelma Bledsoe. Died 2 May 1964. 1-4-9. MARTIN ANDREW KELLEY, son of Robert M. & Sarah Kelley. rod. Sarah Adaline Mitchell, 8 Apr. 1884. Their childrenl 1. Jeffie Kelley. b.2 Sept. 1887, died 1887. 2. Elmo M. Kelley, b. 5 Feb. 1888 3. Charley Kelley. b. 20 Dec. 1889. died 1890. 4. Hattie E. Kelley, b. 29 Nov. 1891. md. a Nelson. 5. Elonzo R. Kelley, b. 9 Jan. 1894, died 1921. 6. William C. Kelley, b. 3 July 1896 7. Zola A. Kelley, b. 16 May 1898, died 1905. 8. Burness V. Kelley. b. 3 Mar. 1902 9. Derris A. Kelley, b. 15 Oct. 1904, died 1906. 1-6-1. L. B. KELLEY, dau. of Elijah W. & Elizabeth (McDaniel) Kelley, b. 27 Nov. 1845. Wolf Creek, Pike Co., rod. James E. Griffin. 14 Sept. 1865. Their childrenl 1. Frances Arbell Griffin. 6. 17 Sept. 1866, Wolf ere'ek, PlIce Co. 2. Rebecca E. Griffin, b. 7 Apr. 1869, Wolf Creek, Pike Co. 3. l¥illiam J. Griffin. b. 3 Sept. 1872, Wolf Creek, Pike Co. 4. Martha J. Griffin, b. 8 Nov. 1874, Wolf Creek. Pike Co. 5. Elijah H. Griffin. b. 22 Aug. 1876. Wolf Creek, Pike Co. 6. James E. Griffin, b. Wolf Creek, Pike Co., Ark. 182 1-6-'. GILES AUGUSTUS KELLEY, son of Elijah W. & Elizabeth (McD~niel) Kelley, b. 28 Mar. 1848, liolf Creek, Pike Co •• md. first to Nancy Elizabeth Hunter East, dau. of Joseph & Elizabeth (Dean) East. Md. 7 Feb. 1869. Their children. 1. Martha Mallie Kelley, b. 16 Dec. 1869, Pike Co., md. William Robert Dossey, died 24 Dec. 1948. ,. George Kelley, b. 3 Jan. 1872, Pike Co., md. Lou Ella Copeland, died 5 June 1918. 3. Susan E. Kelley, b. Pike Co., md. Joe Mike Nash. 4. Elijah Barnett Kelley, b. Pike Co., md. Carrie Blanchard. 5. Samuel Chase Kelley, b. 18 Jan. 1878, Pike Co., md. Exa Phillips, dau. of Henson Estes & Nancy Elinor (Pierce) Phillips. Md. 24 Jan. 1904. 6. Emma J. Kelley. b. 26 Mar. 1880, Pike Co •• md. Newt. J. Slaughter, 8 Oct. 1899. Died 14 July 1973. 7. Mary Kelley, b. Pike Co •• md. George M. Parsons, 16 Feb. 1899. 8. Tildea Kelley, b. '3 May 1884, Pike Co., md. Nathan Lamb. son of Lewis Johnson and Mary Jane (Brown) Lamb. Md. 7 July 1901. died 9 Feb. 1943. 9. Maude C. Kelley, b. 3 Nov. 1886, Pike Co., never married, died 10 Jan. 1961. 10. Giles Augustus Kelley Jr., b. 20 Jan. 1888, Pike Co., never married. 11. Gertrude Kelley, b. Dec. 1891. Pike Co., md. William Elberge McWha, 19 Dec. 1909. Giles Augustus Kelley Sr. second married Nettie Burr, 10 Dec. 1896, no Children, and thirdly married Francis Jones, dau. of Henry Jones, widow of Charley Cornish. Md. 11 Mar. 1900. Their children. 1. Hugh Milburn Kelley, b. 7 Feb. 1901. Pike Co., md. Thelma Bord. 19 Nov. 1925, died 28 Oct. 1968. 2. Macy Kelley, b. 9 Nov •. 190 , Pike Co., md. Claude Robbins. 3. Alvin Kelley, b. 19 Sept. f90_, Pike Co., md. Carrie Carr, 7 May 1923. 4. Arlos Kelley, b. 5 Apr. 190_, Pike Co., never married. 5. Harold Sampson Kelley, b. 4 Mar. 1910. Delight, Pike Co •• md. Erma Mae Hughes, dau. of Curtis Floyd & Nobie Cora (Copeland) Hughes. Md. 29 Sept. 1929, died 20 Sept. 1961. 1-6-3. WILLIAM HENRY KELLEY, 90n of Elijah W. & Elizabeth (McDaniel) Kelley. b. 9 Apr. 1851, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. in Hempstead Co. t Ark. to Sarah Christine McMahan, dau. of Francis M. & Ann (Griffin) McMahan. Md. 21 Sept. 1873, moved to Madison Co., Texas in 1876. their children. 1. Henry Edward Kelley. b. 29 Apr~ 1875, near Prescott, Ark •• md. first to Minnie Belle Bottoms, dau. of thomas & Georgia ~Cogbill) Bottoms. 11 Oct. 1894 • . Md. second to Mary Ethel Woods, dau. of James Nathaniel & Mary Lola (Chaddick) Woods. 3 Aug. 1902. Died 24 Aug. 1963. 2. Lucy Florence Kelley. b. 29 Jan. 1877. near Madisonville. Madison Co., Tex •• md. Robert Emery Coburn, 27 Dec. 1894. died 14 July 1948. . 3. Samuel Jesse Kelley. b. 14 Apr. 1879. Madison Co., Tex., md. Lucy May Smith, dau. of James Thomas & Eugenia (Abercrombie) Smith, md. 27 Dec. 1899. Died 22 Feb. 1943. 4. Roxie Ann Kelley, b.· 13 June 188', Madison Co •• Tex., md. 183 David Kendrich Roberts, ~? Dec. 1898. Died 9 May 1965. 5. William Park Kelley, b. 9 Jan. 1885, North Zulch, Madison County, Texas, md. Fannie Lee Batson, 19 Aug. 1906. Died 2 Muy 1938. . 6. Loula Elizabeth Kelley, b. '6 Feb. 1887, North Zulch, Madison County, Texas, md. Edgar Homer Walton, 4 Nov. 1906. Died 17 Mar. 1961. 7. Infant boy. 8. Elisha Francess Kelley, b. 13 Aug. 1891, North Zulch, Madison County, Texas, md. Bettie Ethel Thomas, 2 July 1910. 9. George Abner (Elbert) Kelley, b. 31 Jan. 1894, North Zulch, Madison County, Texas, md. first to Bessie Corgey. Md. second to Stella Knight, 3 Aug. 1918. Died 15 July 1969. 1-6-4. ABNER HALL KELLEY, son of Elijah & Elizabeth (McDaniel) Kelley, b. n Oct. 1853, \~olf Creek, Pike Co., md. Mary E. Davenport, 19 Oct. 181'. Their children. 1. Nancy E. Kelley. 1-6-5. REBECCA J. KELLEY, dau. of Elijah & Elizabeth (McDaniel) Kelley, b. ~3 Jan. 1857, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Nesbit J. Trout, son of John H. & Ailsey (Owens) Trout, 16 Jan. 1873. Their children. 1. Edna Trout, b. 5 Oct. 1880, Pike Co., md. 1~i1liam Deaton. 2. Samuel Oscar Trout, b. 5 Sept. 1884, Pike Co., md. first to Rosa Speakman, 14 Feb. 190~, md. second to Mary Pliny Woods, 5 Sept. 1903, md. thirdly to Dollie Henderson, 21 Aug. 19'1. Died 19 Jan. 1970. 3. Della Trout, b. 1 Sept. 1890, Pike ·Co., md. John T. Dowling, 2 May 1909. 4. Jesse Mack Trout, b. '4 Jan. 1893, Pike Co., md. first to Blanche Ferguson, 4 Apr. 1912, md. second to Mrs. Viola Trout, nee Lockwood, 15 June 1919. 1-6-8. MARY ELIZABETH KELLEY, dau. of Elijah W. & Elizabeth (McDaniel) Kelley, b. 18 Nov. 1864, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Lewis Johnson Lamb, Jr .• , son of Lewis Johnson Lamb Sr. & Mary Jane Brown. Md. 24 Mar. 1881. Their children, 1. Inlliam Alexander Lamb, b. 13 July 1882, Pike Co., md' Ida Brunsen. 2. Abner Roland Lamb, b. 21 Jan. 18R4, Pike Co., md' first to Maude Barker, md. secondly to Dessel Holloway. 3. Mary Thedocia Lamb, b. 17 Jan. 1886, Pike Co., me!. first to Kirt Mayben, me! secondly to Dr. Balis S. Stokes. 4. Pearly Lamb, b. 10 Jan. 1887, Pike Co., died 2 Apr. 1887. 1-6- 9. SAMUEL JESSE KELLEY, son of Elijah W. & Eltzabeth (McDaniel) Kelley, b. 10 Sept. 1867, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Annie Caldone Griffin, dau. of Louis Leonard & Frances Arabella (Lowe) Griffin. Md. 6 Oct. 1887. Their children. 1. Edgar Levi Kelley, b. 6 Oct. 1888, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., me!. Laura Estella Smith, dau. of Orval Green and Leta Victoria (Smith) Smith. Md. 24 Dec. 1908. ~. Minnie Mae Kelley, b. 11 Dec. 1890, Madisonville, Madison County, Texas, md. William Andrew-Kieth, son of James Andrew and Mary Kieth. Md. 15 Apr. 1906. .. 3. Austin Lewis Kelley, b. 8 Mar. 1893, Sand prairie , Hollis Community, Madison County, Texas, me!. first to Ella Woodring, me!. secondly 184 to Pearl Stout. Died 7.8 Jan. 1975. 4. Jesse Portes Kelley, b. 13 Jan. 1896, Madisonville, Madison County, Texas, md. first to Belle Gould, md. second to Flossie 5. Pearl Neveda Kelley, b. 5 July 1900, Jester, Greer CountYt Oklahoma, md. Buford Eugene Ellis, son of Lass & Cynthia (Atkinson) Ellis. Md. 9 June 1916. 6. Luther McCoy Kelley, b. 4 Aug. 1902, Jester, Greer County, Oklahoma 7. Eva Myrtle Kelley, b. 24 Nov. 1904, Jester, Greer County, Oklahoma, rod. Nick Barrow, md. secondly to Jack Clark. 8. Hubert Emory Kelley, b. 26 May 1908, Wheeler County, Texas 9. Mable Estelle Kelley, b. 17 Aug. 1910, Goodnight, Armstrong County, Texas, rod. first to Waynard Slaughterback 1-1-2. JULIA FRANKLIN KELLEY, dau. of Wesley and Jane D. Kelley, b. Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Zerneriah Franklin Thomas. Their children. 1. Eathel Thomas, b. Antoine, Pike Co., died in infancy. 2. Samuel \"alter Thomas, b. '4 Jan. 1882, Antoine, Pike Co., md. Pearl Kirkham, 1910, died 28 Oct. 1955. 3. Nora Alice Thomas, b. Antoine, Pike Co., md. Rush Dickson 4. Olga Thomas, b. Antoine, Pike Co., md. Fred Johnson 5. Joe Rextor Thomas, b. Antoine, Pike Co., md. Mae Stubblefield, 14 Apr. 1918. 6. Ray Dextor Thomas, b. Antoine, Pike Co., died at the age of six. 2-1-3. MILAS RICHMOND KELLEY, son of Wesley & Jane D. Kelley, b. 6 Jan. 1862, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. Nettie Anna Sarah Jane Pierce, 1890, Their children. 1. Nannie Kelley, b. Sept. 1891, Texarkana, Miller Co., Ark" died 1893. 2. Samuel Wesley Kelley, b. 31 Mar. 1893, Buchannan, Texas, md. Myrtle Died 9 Feb. 1923. 3. Noami Marie Kelley, b. 27 Oct. 1894, Madisonville, Madison Co~y, Texas, md. Price Millard West. died 17 Aug. 1964. 4. Martha Rebecca Kelley, b. 6 Aug. 1896, Madisonville, Madison County, Texas, md. first to Allen Smith in Freestone Co., Tex., md. secondly to James Monroe Luvvorn. and married thirdly to Irwin Hemphill Baldree. 5. Infant, twin, b. Madisonville, Madison County, Texas. 6. Infant, twin, b. Madisonville, Madison County, Texas. 7. Infant, b. Madisonville, Madison County, Texas. 8. Infant, b. Madisonville, Madison County, Texas. 9. J. Allen Kelley, b. 15 Sept. 1901, Madisonville, Madison County, Texas. md. Edith McAlister at Quanah. Texas. . 10. Mary Jane Kelley, b. 8 Mar. 1904. Bryan, Brazos Co., Tex., md. William Marvin Butcher. 11. Emory Franklin Kelley, b. 6 Apr. 1907, Bryan, Brazos Co., Tex., rod. Zilpha Herring at Fort Sill, Okla. '-1-7. LYDIA KELLEY, dau. of Wesley & Jane D. Kelley, b. 17 Nov. 1868, Wolf Creek, Pike Co., md. George Washington Barker, 21 Mar. 1883. Their children I 1. Ether Barker, b. 18 Mar. '188_, Pike Co., md. William Clark. ? Joe Dolphus Barker, b. 9 Oct. 1891, died 2 Nov. 1918. 3. Nellie Belle Barker •. b. 7 June 1894, Pike Co •• md. first • 185 ; 4. Pinkie Mae Barker, b. 25 Feb. 1898, near Paris, Texas, md. Greenvi lle Claude Webb. J-6-J. CLEMENT ANDERSON KELLEY, son of Elijah Jr. & Priscilla (Dickson) Kelley, b. 18 July 1851, Pike Co., md. Laura Jane Hardie at Corinth, Ark., 30 Dec. 1880. Their children. 1. Beulah Benton Kelley, b. 31 Oct. 1881, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., md. Jefferson Davis Owens, 12 June 1902. Died 23 Mar. 1975. 2. \'lillie Pearl Kelley, b. 11 Dec. 1883, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., md. John Connard McNeil, 14 Mar. 1912. Died 18 Oct. 1947. 3. John Bradley Kelley, b. 23 Nov. 1885, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., md. Marion Harland Owens, dau. of Owen B. & Katie (Perkins) Owens. Md. Nov. 1906. Died 31 Mar. 1969. 4. Ruby Precilla Kelley, b. 5 Apr. 1888, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., md. Marvin Evans, 28 Nov. 1906. 5. Clem David Keller' b. 5 Sept. 1890, Murfreesboro, Plke Co., md. Adel Holder, 29 Nov. 914. Died 1971. 6. Samuel Elijah Kelley, b. 6 Dec. 189?, Hurfreesboro, Pike Co., md. Ednah Wllson, 29 Nov. 1914. Died 19 Mar. 1945. 7. James Simpson Kelley, b. 3 July 1896, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., md Myrtle Stell, 8 Nov. 1921. 8. Hazel Jane Kelley, b. 7.2 July 1898, Murfreesboro, Plke Co., md. Watson Clifton Williams, 29 Nov. 1914. 9. Charlie Ellzabeth Kelley, b. 14 Sept. 1900, Murfreesboro, Plke Co., died 26 Aug. 1905. 2-6-5. IvARREN FRANCES KELLEY, son of Elijah Jr. & Priscilla (Dickson) Kelley, b. 22 Apr. 1858, Pike Co .• , md. Cordelia Mobley, dau. of Ivilliam & Margaret Jane (Gilmer) Mobley, 1886. Their children. 1. Rosa May Kelley, b. 29 Nov. 1886, Murfreesboro, Pike Co., never married, died 14 Feb. 1968. ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF WHITE COUNTY TOWNSHIPS Compiled by Eugene Cypert PUblished in the Searcy Daily Citizen August 18. 1924 ALBION - Named for the post-office bearing that name in Old England and still retained in poetry. ANTIOCH - Named for a post-office which had taken its name fro~a church in the vicinity. BALD KNOB - Named for the town which was named for a ledge of rock within the corporate limits of the town. BIG CREEK - Named for a creek which flows through the township. CADRON - Named for Cadron Creek which flows along the border of White and Faulkner Counties. CANE - Named for the creek which flows thrOugh the lower end of the township. CHRISP - Named for Col. R. W. Chrisp of Searcy. CLAY':' N·amed for Henry Clay who was three times a presidential candidate. CROSBY _ Named for the railroad station which bore the name of Dr. Crosby. COFFEY - Named for Dr. Coffey. f~ther of Hugh D. Coffey. CLEVELAND - Named for President Grover Cleveland. COLDWELL - Named for a well .of cold water on the old Gordon place in the township. CYPERT - Named for Judge J. N. Cypert. 186 ORIGIN OF THE NAMES OF WHITE COUNTY TOWNSHIPS (Con't page 2) DENMARK - Named for the post-office on the line between White and Jackson counties. The name of the post-office was for the county in Europe. DES ARC - Named for a creek which flows through the township. DEWEY - Named for Admiral George Dewey, hero of the naval battle of Manila. DOGWOOD - Named for the creek and for the numbers of dogwood trees in the adjacent bottom lands. EL PASO - Named for the town of EI Paso which got its name for a gap in the mountain north of the town. The Spanish words mean "The Pass". FRAN CURE - Named for Francis Francure, a Frenchman who settled there in 1789 ••• the first settler in White County. GRAVEL HILL - Named for the Gravel Hill School in the township which was named for a hill on which the building was formerly located. GRANER - Named for the town, Garner, which was named in honor of an official of the Cairo & Fulton Railroad (now the Missouri Pacific) • GRAY - Named for an early settler of Pulaski County who owned land near Searcy on the south side. From this tract is laid off what is known as "Woodruff Addition". William E. Woodruff was administrator of the estate of Sampson Gray. GUM SPRINGS - Named for a large spring near a church and a school house in the township. GUTHRIE - Named for Samuel Guthrie, first White County Judge. He lived, died and was buried in this township. HARRISON - Named for President William Henry Harrison. HIGGINSON - Named for the town which took its name from one of the stockholders of the Cairo & Fulton Railroad. HARTSELL - Named for Morris Hartswell, an old resident. ~ACKSON - Named for President Andrew Jackson. This is the second oldest township in the county. JEFFERSON - Named for President Thomas Jefferson who acquired this territory from France in 1803. JOY - Named South Cadron originally but was changed to Joy. KENSETT - Named for the town which derived its name from a director of the Cairo and Fulton Railroad. KENTUCKY - Named for the Kentucky Valley, so named because of the number of Kentuckians who settled in this Vicinity at an early date. LIBERTY - Named for a word always popular in America. MARION - Named for General Francis Marion of the Revolutionary War. McRAE - Named for the town which got its name from General Danridge McRae, White County's only Civil War General. MARSHALL - Named for Chief Justice John Marshall. . RED RIVER - Named originally for Little Red River. This is the oldest township in the county for the reason that prior to the creation of the county in 1835 all of that portion, now in White County, was known as Red River Township in PulaSki County. All of the townships south of the river have been created out of this one township of PulaSki. ROYAL - Named for the Royall family who settled in this vicinity at an early date. It was first known as Royall Colony. The spelling has been changed from that of the early family. RUSSELL - Named for the railroad station bearing the name of a stockholder of the Cairo & Fulton Railroad. UNION - Named for Union Church near Stony Point. VELVET RIDGE - Named for the ridge which runs north and south through the township. WALKER - Named for John T. Walker, a resident of the township. G. B. Greer came from Tennessee in 1865 and first extended Banking services to the citizens of White County, the transaotions t taking place in Searcy • ••••••••••• EDITOR'S NOTE: Our thanks to R. P. Baker for sharing this article with Arkansas Family Historian Members . .,........ . aUERIES WORKSHOP OF THE ARKANSAS GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. - MARCH 20, 1976 A petition was signed by 92 people and sent to key members of the House of Representatives requesting passage of House Bill 10686. The follOwing letter was received in response to that petition. Now we need to work for Senate Bill S. 3279. This is not for release of 1900 Census but for all Census to be released after SO years. Write your Congressman. now. -·Mrs. Leister E. Presley Dear Friends: Thank you for your recent communication expressing your concern over the avail abil ity of the informati on accumulated by the Bureau of the Census. I share your cOn corn and understand the importance of this issue. The 1900 Census has been available at the National Archives and tile Regional Record Centers since December 1973. II. R. 10686 will assure researchers that each successive census will be available to them at a certain time in the future. As you may already know, on April 7th the House of Representatives passed this bill by a vote of 376 to 4. The bill is now in the Senate. If th~ Senate approves it, the bill will go to ·th~ President for his approval. If the President signs it. it will then become a law. Genealogists, ilistorians and other researcilers all over the United States have been writing their Senators. and Representatives to state their support of this bill. You might like to join in the effort to assure passage of this legislation in the Senate by writing to your Senators. Each letter i1elps, so the letters you send are important. Thank you again for your views, and be assured that I did everything I could to iJelp Wit;1 this matter in the House. Sincerely, . The Speaker CA/nrh . 94th CCIIGRESS 2d Session S, 3279 IN THE SENA'l.'II: OF '1'IIB UNITED STATES April 8, 1976 Mr. Moss introduced the tollowing bill/ which waa read twice and referred to the Committe.aon Post Ottice and Civil Service, the Judiciary, and ·Government Operations jointly by unanimous oonsent_ A BILL To . .end title 13, United Stat.a Cod., to require that population cenaus recorda be transferred to the National Archives within fifty years after a, and that such records be made available after fifty years to persons conducting research tor qenealogical or other proper purposes. 188 BILL - S. 3279 (Con't page 2) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That subchapter I chapter 1 of title 13, United States Code, relating to general 0 provisions for census arlministration, is amended by inserting immediately after section 9 the following new section: II " 10. Transfer to Archives, availability for genealogical and other purposes -(a) Not later than fifty years after the census date of any census conducted under the authority of subchapter II of chapter 5 of this title, the Secretary shall transfer to the Administrator of General Services for deposit with the National Archives of the United States all schedules and related indexes pertaining to such census which have been determined by the Archivist of the United States to have sufficient historical or other value to warrant their continued preservation. The Administrator shall provide for the preservation of all census material which is deposited with the National Archives. "(b) All schedules and related indexes deposited in the National Archives which pertain to a census cond11cted under the authority of subchapter II of chapter 5 (or similar provisions of prior law) shall be made available fifty years after the census date and thereafter to persons whom the Archivist of the United States determines will utilize access to such material for genealogical or other proper purposes. "(c) In no case shall information furnished under the authority of this section be used to the detriment of the persons to whom such in- formation relates. "(d) Any copy of a schedule or a related index deposited in the National Archives of the United States may be transferred by the Archivist of the United States only upon the condition that access to and use of information contained in such a .schedule or index be subject to limitations approved by the Archivist. The Archivist may not approve limitations under the preceding sentence which are less restrictive than those under which such information is made available by him. "(e) The Secretary of Commerce shall make available all census schedules and related indexes to qualified medical researchers ten years after the census date or transfer said schedules and related indexes to the Administrator of General Services for deposit with the National archives of the United States for dissemination by the Archivist to qualified medical researchers only.". Sec. 2. The table of sections of chapter 1 of title 13, United States Code, is amended by striking out the item relating to section 10 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "10. Transfer to Archives, availability for genealogical and other purpose .... " • IAGAIN - WRITE YOUR CONGRESSMAN - TELL HIM YOU ARE VERY HUCH IN FAVOR! I McDANIEL KELLEY DOSSEY Seeking information concerning Elizabeth McDANIEL, b. PIKE COUNTY HISTORY & FAMILIES Would like to correspond with all who have an interest. in the preserving & gathering of the History of Pike David L. Kelley, 2511 Hicliff, Houston, TX 77068 13 April 1827, Ark. (where?), m. Elijah W. KELLEY, Apr. 1843 in Pike Co., Ark., d. 28 Oct, 1901 at Delight, Ark. Had brothers: William (Bill), Felix Alexander, sister Eliza, who m. Thomas Franklin DOSSEY. Who were their parents? A Thomas McDANIEL, wife Ailsey (Buck), enum. 1860 Pike Co., Ark., census, children: Levi, Elizabeth, Edward, G. W., & Hardy. What relationship to the aforementioned McDANIELS? County, Arkansas and its people. Because the records of this County burned the Spring of 1855 and again in 1895 valuable information of a qenealogical nature from the organization of the County in 1833 thru part of 1895 are lost. 2511 Hicliff, Houston, TX 77068 Write to David L. Kelley, TUCKER Mrs. J. O. Newton, Hampton, AR 71744 - Who .... re parents . of Isidor A. TUCKER, born about 1854, probably in Waverly, LaFayette Co., MO. He came to Calhoun Co., ARk., about 1876. He was my grandfather, and died 5 July 1909 at Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark. Does anyone have a Bible Record of the birth of this man? HULSEY 189 B. C. Hulsey, 12620 southridge Drive, Little Rock, AR 72207 - We are seeking information on parents of Buford W. HULSEY, b. 1813, GA., d. 1889, Indian Territory 1 and Jordon HULSEY b. 1805, GA., d. about 1875, Yell Co., Ark. We believe they were brothers. Both were married by 1840 and living in Florence, Franklin Co., Alabama. By 1850, both moved into McNairy Co., Tenn. By 1860, Buford had moved to Dallas CO., Ark. Jordon had moved to Yell co., Ark., where he remained. Jordon had a large family and 2 sons served in the Confederacy, Lafayette & Walton. Buford's family moved from Dallas Co., Ark., to Scott-Sebastian Counties eventually moved into Indian Territory in January 1880. Buford HULSEY showed in the 1880 Census that his father was born in South CarolinaJ and his mother in North Carolina. We d do not know about Jordon's parents since he died prior to 1880. Any information will be appreciated. Will gladly exchange data accumulated over a-state area of North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma & Texas. BABB HAMILTON MILLS KARNES Mrs. Elizabeth Szlizewski, 520 N. Columbia Street, Union City, Indiana 47390 - I am seeking information on the family of James P. and Narcissa SABB, living in the Natural Dam area of Crawf~rd co., Ark., in 1880. I also need information on the family of Lee HAMILTON of the same area. Lee HAMILTON married Mattie MILLS. Also need information on the family of Andrew and Eliza KARNES of Washington co., Ark. They were living at West Fork, Washington co., Ark., in 1870. HORTON ROBINSON COLBURN Dorthea Horton Naff, 610 Jefferson St., Tallulah, LA 71282 - Jefferson Riley HORTON married Mollie Isabelle COLBURN (he was 22 & she was 24) 5 Dec 1872 at res. of John COLBURN, by W. W. Strickland, MG (Page 309 - Book D, Marriage Records, Pope CO., Ark.) Is this my Grandmother? Any help would be appreciated. What connection .does she have to the ROBINSON Family? WATTS SELF WURTEN TASSELL HARRIS EVENS NEDRY TOLER GILBREATH TAYLOR Darlene Smith, Box 186, Highland, CA 92346 - John WATTS, b. 1730, a whiteman from Virginia, married a full Cherokee sister of WURTEN & OLD TASSELL. They had four children that we know about, possibly more. Margaret, John Jr., b. a.bout 1750, near Tusegee on the Little Tennessee River, (later to become Chief) Thomas, Garrett, b. 8 Jan. 1756, Carolina Co., Virginia & married Anna SELF, 16 July 1788, in Annison Co., North carolina. Garrett, d. 6 Feb. 1838 in Perry co., Alabama. Garrett was in the Rev. War. Thomas may have also served. There were nine children, BLACKARD Nancy marr.ied EVENS, Mal inda I Annis, Soloman, b. 1 Jan. MADDUX l8l~ married Belsy Anna NEDRY (NEDRAY). There were nine MABRAY children by this marriage. Soloman's first wife was NORRID Elizabeth Ann & they had one son Alford J. WATTS. Is PAYNE Soloman buried at Mt. Airy Cemetery near Clarksville, CHERRY Johnson Co., Ark.? or at Lee Cemetery at Muldrow, OKLA., ROBINSON where Elizabeth is buried? Vinson, b. 15 Jan. 1809 died SHACKELFORD near Van Buren, Crawford co., Ark., married Luvicey (Nicey) HARRIS in Obin Co., Tenn, 28 Sept. 1891. Malachi, born 9 Jan. 1793, Georgia, d. 16 Dec 1871, married Susan Matilda TOLER, she was born 4 Jan. 1809, Hayward co., Tenn., died 12 July 1887, Johnson CO., Ark. Malachi marrisd S. M., 21 Nov. 1830 & there were nine children b. to this union, . Fanny b. 23 Oct. l83l married Lambert TAYLOR, Marie Louisa, b. ~7 April 1833, died 1881 & married Wiley TAYLOR, Marion Jasper, b. 23 Jan. 1835, died 1915 married Susan Emily GILBREATH 1 William Jefferson, b. 14 April 1840, Tenn., married 1st Kittie BLACKARD, 2nd marriage to Lelia MADDUX; Susan Matilda married Jacob MABRAY, Susan died 10 April 19121 Martha Ann .. born 20 Feb. 1842 married 1st to William WALTON, they had one child, George. William must have died during the Civil War, as he did not return home. Margaret Ann married Lafayette (Fayte) NORRID & they lived north of Lee"s Chapel, Indian Territory. Martha Leutiaha, b. 26 Feb. 1845 & died 24 June 1914 married Col. James PAYNE, Mahala Jane, b. 14 April 1847 married Jonathan TAYLOR 1 Jesse Malachi, b. 19 Nov. 1849. Marion Jasper WATTS, b. 23 Jan. 1835, Tenn., d. 6 May 1915 buried at Oak cemetery Fort Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark., married Susan Emily GILBRETH, b. 4 Jan. 1809, died 12 July 1887, Ludwig, Johnson CO., Ark. Children: Pinkney A.: Rachel married Cherry,Mildona married Lafayette SHACKELFORD, Maybe11e, b. 10 May 1866, 1 mile west of Mansfield (Scott, Sebastain co., Ark.) died 15 April 1915. Thomas F. WATTS married Maggie 1. Marion Jasper Jr.1 Deller, b. 21 Oct 1874 died 2 Oct 1964 married Melbra ROBINSON. Any information little or big will be appreciated. 190 D. A. Tucker, 7602 Tanager, Houston, TX 77074- Need parents and birthplace of SARAH C. MASON, b. ca 1797, VA. Married EZEKIEL G. CAMPBELL (b. ca 1797, Ky.) on 23 Jan. 1821, in Madison Co., Ala. Their daughter, SUSAN JANE CAMPBELL, b. ca 1824, Ala., married THOMAS W. COATS, JR., b. ca 1821, N.C., in Tipton Co., Tenn., on 26 Aug. 1841. EZEKIEL CAMPBELL & SARAH are in Tipton Co., Tenn., On 1850 Census & EZEKIEL CAMPBELL is living with THOMAS & SUSAN COATS in Perry Co., Ark. on 1860 Census. Where did SARAH CAMPBELL die? EZEKIEL CAMPBELL, THOMAS & SUSAN COATS, died in Casa, Perry Co., Ark., in mid-1860s and are buried in Casa Cemetery. MASON CAMPBELL COATS/COATES FAULKNER/FALKNER FORTNER D. A. Tucker, 7602 Tanager, Houston, TX 77074 - Need information on JOHN FAULKNER (shown as FORTNER on 1860 Yell Co., Ark. Census and FAULKNER on Yell Co., Ark., tax lists) and wife, DIZA? JOHN FAULKNER was born in N. C. ca 1807 and died in Ark., ca 1862. DIZA was born in GA ca 1813 and died in Ark., ca 1865. They had children. SOLOMON W. FAULKNER, b. Ga. ca 1838, NARCISSA FAULKNER, b. Ga. ca 1853, JOHN MARION FAULKNER b. Ga. ca 1850, WARREN S. FAULKNER b. Ga. 7-12-1854. Where did JOHN FAULKNER' DIZA marry and live in Georgia? SOLOMON served in Civil War & returned to Yell Co., Ark. In 1868, he married ALICE KELLING in Yell Co., Ark. In 1871 they sold land in Yell Co., Ark., and I have nO further record. WARREN FAULKNER moved from Yell Co., to Perry Co., Ark., and died in Casa, Perry Co., Ark., in 1928. Buried in Casa Cemetery. PERRY BURNETT SELLERS Mrs. D. A. Tucker, 7602 Tanager, Houston, TX 77074 MARTHA S. PERRY, b. 25 July 1836, Rutherford Co., Tenn. married BROOKING BURNETT, license obtained 13 Dec. 1853, , moved to Hickman Co., Ky. Brooking BURNETT died 15 July 1895. They had one daughter, LOU C. BURNETT who married JAMES W. SELLERS. They had two sons, CLINTON & ALAN and two daughters. LENA , JAFFIE. MARTHA BURNETT died in Bradley Co., Penn. Twp., Ark., 15 Feb. 1928 (91 years of age) and buried in Pine Bluff, Jefferson Co., Ark. Need to know who MARTHA BURNETT was living with in Arkansas, and in which Cemetery she is buried. Any information about MARTHA BURNETT or the JAMES W. SELLERS family will be appreciated. Mrs. Jane McAfee, P. O. Box 6402, Odessa, TX 79762 Would appreciate any information on the following. The parents of ROBERT ·BOB· HARRISON KYE & BUD CHANEY. Bud died during the Civil War, killed by Bushwhackers. Robert in the 1860s and 1880 Censuses of Carroll Co., Ark., d. 1891, in Rule, Carroll Co. , Ark. (b. ca 1827) Harrison Kye, b. 1835, d. 1907 in McLennan Co., TX. He is listed on 18~0 Carroll Co., Ark. Census. Were they related to JAMES C. CHANEY on the lC50 Carroll Co., Census? Also need help on Dr. Jerome Malterverse VAN ZANDT (VAN SANT) of Prairie Co., Ark., b. 1841 Wayne Co., Tenn., to Rev. Thomas T. & Elizabeth (WALLIS) VAN ZANDT. J. M. believed d. in Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark. Some history of hi~ in the "History of Arkansas· p. 733-4. Married 1st. to Lucindy Catherine Keirsey in 1860 in Ozark Co., MO. Served in C.S.A. Lived CHANEY VAN ZANDT VAN SANT KEIRSEY WALLIS YAgER in Calico, Izard Co., Ark., in 1867, Cass Co., Tx., in 1880 Census. Married 2nd to Ida F. YAGER in 1877 in TX. Would like to correspond with any descendant. Possible issue. THOMAS J. b. 1867, Izard Co., Ark. d. 1933 in in DeWitt, Arkansas Co., Ark., married Alice? ROBERT LEE, died Stephens Co., TX., married MOLLY CAIN in Coryell Co., TX. HANNIE M•. ,b;. ca 1880. & HELEN E. VAN ZANDT. SALEM BURING GROUND SALINE COUNTY, ARK. Mrs. H. M. Thomas, 701 N. 13th, Duncan, OK 73533 Where could I get information on the SALEM BURYING GROUND? ·SALEM· was a little log school house and Church. This was taken from a story from my grandmother. Would anyone have any record of the Churches around that part of the COunty? I have not been able to get much information on the HICKMANS & HOOPERS , HUDGENS, so any information would certainly be appreciated. Also would there be any books on saline County, that could be borrowed by our Library? EDITOR'S NOTE. A recently published book. "INDEX TO SOURCES FOR ARKANSAS CEMETERY INSCRIPTIONS· by The Prudence Hall Chapter, D.A.R. lists: Mrs. Bernard Barber, 1119 Scenic way, Benton, AR 72015 (This is a private collection, soon to be published in a DAR volume. Mrs. Barber has knowledge of a number of unmarked graves in Saline County also.) (Write: MrS. Johnny Holt. 5203 Wood St., North Little Rock, AR 72119, and send $5. for the Index.) 191 Mr Luther Greene, Jr., 1026 Robinwood Street sw, Camden, AR 71701 - Anyone having information on the following family, please write. Need names of parents of my great great great grandfather, Caleb GOODMAN, b. in N. C., and died in Arkansas. He is buried in Hot Spring Co., Ark. Stone shows he died 13 Sept. 1872, age 83 yr.. He married Mary ·Polly· CAMMELL. Some of Caleb's children were: William R. (my great great grandfather); Moses; Artemeney; and Caleb L. In 1830, he was in HenderSon Co., Tenn.: in 1840, he was in Tippah Co., Miss.; and came to Arkansas in 1848. GOODMAN GREEN Mr. Luther Greene, Jr., 1026 Robinwcod Street SW, Camden, AR 71701 - Nee parente of great great grandfather Frederick GREEN, b. 15 May 1818 Jackson CO., GA., married Sarah Ellinder GRIGGS, 8 Sept. 1837. Their children: John R. GREEN, married Ophely IlURIlOCK, 7 Aug 1858; William S. GREEN married Elizabeth CAUDLE 3 Feb. 1859 (this record located in Chattooga Co., GA); James A. GREEN (my great grandfather, married Martha JOHNSON 24 June 1860; Henry J. GREEN married Hepsy JAGGERS, 24 May 1868; Elizabeth GREEN, married Stephen JAGGERS, 3 Sept. 1868; Mary F. GREEN married James POWELL; Frederick J. GREEN, married Sarah BARNES 29 Dec. 1874; George K. GREEN, married Laodocia VABIIELL 20 Dec. 1876. (The above information was taken frCIII Bible pages). All of the family were found in 1860 Census of Chattooga CO., GA, except the three oldest sons who were married. Believe they had already left for Arkansas. All the family are shown living near each othar in Arkansas in 1870. Have not been able to locate them in 1850 Georgia Census yet. Tradition is that Frederick had brothers who went north, when he came to Arkansas. Will exchange data. EDMONSON I EI»I~DSON EDMISTON I EI»IONSTON MERIDETH I MEREDITH Mrs. Mary Jane Noell Carter, 5701 E. Glenn '62, Tucson, Arizona 85712 - I am seeking information on the EDMONSON' MERIDETH FAMILIES, who first came into Arkansas about 1830. Listed in Green Co., Ark. In censuses of 1850 '1860. some Families listed as late as 1880. My Great Grandparents listed in 1850 Census as follows: William MERIDITH, 31, b. Tenn. (wife) Nancy MERIDETH, 26, b. Tenn. Children. Mary, 6, b. Ark.; Seauel, 4, b. Ark.; John, 1, b. Ark.; Bave confirmed proof that Nancy wes an EDMONSON before marriage, and the baby John, listed above is my Grandfather. John Riley MERIDETH, who later lived and died in Dunklin Co., Missouri. Known relatives of William MERIDETH, listed in Green CO., Ark., Census were. Brother, Daniel Merideth, 35, b. N.C.; and three siaters, Melinda, 28, b. N.C.; Caroline, 22, b. ICy; and Julia, 20·,. b. KY (Julia later married an EDMONSON , listed in 1880 Green Co., Ark., Census, siater Caroline MERIDETH, listed aa living wit.. her family.) Listed in 1850 Census of Green CO., Ark., is Family of John H. EDMONSON, wife Zesilla A. (or Serilda A.) and children. John B•. Edaonson, 36, b. Tenn.; was brother of Nancy EDMONSON. MERIDETH, and John's wife ZESILLA A.. 34, b. Ky., believed to be sister of William MERIDETH. Can anyone help me get the correct information on these lines of lIlY family? W.ill exchange information. CARLIN BARBOUR NOELl NOELL KNOELL KNOWEL /NOWELL MrS. Mary Jane Noell Carter, 5701 E. Glenn • 62, Tucaon, Arizona 85712 - I am seeking information on the CARLm , BARBOUR FAMILIES. Alao members of the NOELL FAMILY who migrated to Arkansas from Tenn., Ky., Georgia., Virginia, etc. Especially would like to hear from anyone with knowledge about the Family of ZACHAIRAH NOELL, & his wife MARY (POLLY) GRIZZARD NOELL, vho lived and died in Benry CO., Tenn., about 1850. Large Family of children. Jesse Grizzard NOELL, a SOD, is my Grandfather, b. 10 Sept. 1829 - lived in Stoddard Co., MO , vae still alive in 1892, married to Jane CARLIN BARBOUR. They were believed to have mewed to Ark., where Jesse died and Jane Carlin BARBOUR NOELL remarried. She had three children vith laat names of BARBOUR, and she and Jesse had one son, JOHN BAPTIST NOZLL, my father. I have traced one family of NOELLS that are related to Jesse, to Jonesboro, Craighead Co., Ark., but I know there are aore f ....ilies in Ark. Jane CARLIN vas born in Dreaden, Tenn., 1838. Daughter of Lemuel' Charlotte CARLIN, lived in Obion CO., Tenn., and Graves CO., ICY., before moving to Stoddard Co., MO. The trail ends there, but she was believed to have remarried after the death of Jesse.HOELL, and lived in Ark. Will appreciate any help, I receive, regarding these linea of my family. 192 Ray D. Turner, 8694 Warner Drive SE, Salem, OR 97301 - David Younger BRANDON, b. 24 May 1838 place unknown. Had three brothers and one sister. Brothers names are believed to have been Pete; William E.; and Fred. One brother may have been a preacher and another a doctor during Civil BRANDON War. Some confusion exists as to the names of the brothers as one of the sons of David Younger BRANDON thought one of them was named Sam and that the preacher was named Joshua or Elijah. David Younger BRANDON was the youngest of the children. He appears to have been in Co. B of the Jeffers Regiment of the 8th Missouri Cavlry, mustering in at Pocahontas, Randolph Co., Ark., 11 Dec. 1862, enlisting 13 Oct. 1862 at Cape Girardeau, Mo. His brother William E. BRANDON married a woman whose first nama is supposed to have been Amelia, and the sister (name unknown) married a man whose name was HAM (last name). David Younger BRANDON, married 1st wife Ruth, (b. 7 Sept. 1845, place and parents unknown), date unknown but their first child, daughter Martha J. BRANDON, was born 31 Oct. 1862. Other children were William T. BRANDON, born 8 Feb. 18671 Mary Elizabeth BRANDON, born 4 Aug. 18681 Louisa A. BRANDON, born 25 April 1870, Allie W. BRANDON, born 13 Sept. 1877 and Nancy BRANDON, born 24 Dec. 1879. Birth places unknown. Ruth BRANDON, died 11 Oct. 1880 in a typhoid epidemic. David Younger BRANDON married his 2nd wife, Emlie Elzada Coets BRIANT, in Texas on 2 Jan. 1883. From this point on, I have considerable information. What I would like to have, if possible is the name of DAVID YOUNGER BRANDON'S parents, place of birth, wife Ruth's maiden name, date of their marriage. There is some verbal evidence that they may have lived in Dunklin Co., Missouri, during or after the War. THROWER appreciated. Ray D. Turner, 8694 Warner Drive SE, Salem, OR 97301 Any leads regarding the surname THROWER will be greatly Hope someone can help me. Data will be gladly exchanged. ADAMS George H. Adams, Route 4 Box 393, Heber Springs, AR 72543 - I need information on where my grandfather ADAMS is buried. He came to Little Rock and bought lots in Mablevale, Dec. 1881. My father John Quency ADAMS was born in or near Little Rock 29 Mar. 1883. Grandfather died 14 April 1886. My Grandmother later married John B. COLLETT and moved to Poplar Bluff, MO. Any clue leading to recorded information of their stay in Little Rock or Mablevale will be appreciated. SPIKES McNABB HOGAN JOHNSON Harold L. McNabb, 319 North Maple, Mt. Prospect, III 60056 - My son Paul, who recently wrote A.G.S. for information, has started us on our family search. Since he will be overseas for two years, he has' left us with the th~ job of continuing his work. We are particularly interested in settlers in Randolph Co., Ark. - Attica, Pocahontas, Ingram Mills, etc. As you may know, the Shiloh Baptist Church in Randolph Co., has an annual meeting for heirs of settlers. Several of our family are buried in the cemetery there. We drove down for the meeting this year and were amazed at how much more we could find out by being there. You may know too that a History of the Shiloh Cemetery is available. The paper is not complete, being rather a discussion ~f the tombstones and only the ~interesting odd- ones at that. My mother's family are buried at the Thomas Cemetery near Attica. One of our tombstones merely gives the name, the places and dates of birth and death and ·C.S.A. Price's :R;lid-. We preswne he was a member of the party that 'foraged with Price and must have been one of the few who survived. We are particularly interested in these names: McNabb, Hogan, Johnson, and Spikes. We would appreciate any help. Also would like a list of any publications which would be useful about this area, or the people, who lived there. SLAYTON SLAYDEN ALEXANDER TINSLEY POT'l'EIIGER J. R. Pottenger, Milliee Park, 2911 Howard Avenue, Billings, Montana 59102 - I am requesting any information on the following peraons or family linea. Robert M. SLAY'!OII (SLAYDEN) b. 7 Dec. 1863, Ky. d .. 17 June 1929, Jackaon Co., Ark. Garland ALEXANDER, b. 22 Dec. 1871, Jackson Co., Ark., d. 5 Jan. 1950, Senath, MO. Cora Agness TINSLEY, b. 6 May 1877, Jackson Co., Ark., d. 14 Aug. 1909, Jackson Co., Ark. Clark POTTENGER, b. 1867, in Union Co., Ind. moved to Pope Co., Ark., about 1915. ""aId appreciate any information available on these families and would pay copy cost. Also would exchange with others working on any of these lines. 193 HoonR Mrs. Roae M. Thomas, 701 N. 13th, Duncan, OK 73533 Jes.e HOOPSR, b. 1775, GA, lived in Marble Twp. Saline Co., Ark., IUrried 2nd vife, Nancy RADCLIFF in 1846. Found in 1860 CeneuB, vith children. Gao. W.; Isaac M., Lucinda, Ann, Bli.abeth, Adaline, Nancy A., and Minerva. Found in Ark., 'l'Ifp., Saline Co., Ark., in 1850 with James 21, Albert 19, villiam 17, Riley 16, Sarah 13, Louvena 11, Rector 9; Mary 7, Minerva 5, Gao. W. 3, Isaac 2, , lucinda 1. He also had a daughter Lorena, who married Jason W. HICKMAN in 1846. They lived in Ark. Twp., in 1850 Census, had 1 child, John W. 1.' Jason v. HICKMAN vae born in Tenn. Hi. father vas Joeeph Warren HICKMAN , hie wife was Polly. She ie buried in Salem burying ground (whereever it ia) and a Mrs. Marta (Betty) HICKMAN paid taxee on thie ground for years. Certainly will appreciate any information anyone can offer. RADCLIFF HICKMAN GRID MONROE SMITH Mrs. Gladys N. Lae, P. O. Box 453, Dewey, OK 74029 Information wAD,ted concerning GREBN FAMILY - Father, John (Alex) GDD, b. in LA ca 1827, believed to be a Civil War Vet. Married Alice Mary A. (name needed but believed to be SMITH, b. in Ind. '1827., died 7 March 1916, buried in EIRena, OK Cemetery. Where ia John GDD buried?, believed buried in Charle.ton, Franklin Co., Ark. Mary A. Green' husband John GDD lived at Ft. Worth, TX., believed to have moved to Ark., near Ozarks in 1862. Both taught school in and around Ozark, Ark. Names of children. Bud,'Marvin, Milee, Dan 'Willie. Daughter Alice (my Grandmother) Alcie - Alice Green, b. 1851, died 1929 at, OKla. Alice GDD married Aaron MONROE, in Ark., where? lMWed to OKLA, (SalliKaw) probably 1900. Aaron MONROR b. (?) 1846, d. 1902, buried at Han.en, Fleetwood Cemetery, Salliaaw, OK. Mary, John GRID, believed to have lived in LA., IIOved to Ft. Worth, TX, left 'rex. 1852 (?) Dan one eon, was born in TX, came to Ark. by way of Parie, TX owned farm around Ozark or Charleeton. Dan GRBBN, their eon ie buried at BlRena, OL, ae well ae Great Grandmother, Mary A. G1UIIIII. Would lilee to know Aaron MONROE'S father and mother's namee. Be wee originally named Ward, born in PA and fled to Ark. , changed n . . . to MONROB - Aaron MONROE'S father'. place at Charleston, ',Ark., ,owned by Great Great Grandson, Jame. BOIIWBR. A Mr. King own. A. MONROE'S place near Charleston. Will exchange Inf. Mrs,. ,~retta Sharp Chase, 3920 Maryland, Little Rock, AR~2204 - Would lilee any information On ALBERT SIDNEY SHARP, b. 1889, Springfield, NO (or Kan . .s City, MO) d. 16 Aug. 1960, Brinkley, Monroe Co., Aft. Place of birth, place of death, marriage, etc., on hi. parente Neleon F. SHARP' Martha Clark SHARP, who according to obituary of his brother WILL SHARP, indicate. the parente lived in Bentonville, Benton Co., Aft at the time of hi. birth ca. 1886, d. 1951 at Augu.ta, Woodruff Co., Aft, and any information on CLARK faMilies of Willi. . CLARK the explorer from whom Martha Clark SBARP deecended. Albert' Will SHARP were opphaned at an early aga and family hietory is ecant. During their lives they thought their mother, Martha Clark Sharp wae buried at Gregory, Woodruff Co., Aft at age 23, that their father Nelson F. SHARP was buriad at Bunter, Woodruff Co., Aft; but were unable to locate gravea and d,ates were not available. will be happy to exchange data. ' SHARP CLARK MURPBY SPURLOCK Avis Roger., 1104 Citizen St., Jonesboro, Aft 72401 My Great Grandfather, WILLIAM G. MURPBY, b. 23 May 1827, waa Irish deecent, birth was probably in 'l'enn. Before and,during the Civil war, the MURPHY family lived near Boonesville or Corinth, Mie.. Be came from,ippi about 1870, to Sharp County, near Hardy, Aft. Be brought hb family through ,in a wagon, .y Grandllother MURPHY SPUlILOCl{ wae a teenager, born in 18,56. I know she had one eister naaedMollie, that was older 'than abe was and a brother S. P. MURPHY (called 'Pink') and ..... brothers and sistere that were younger than they were. I would lilee'to find out her .other's . . 14en name. A. far a. I know, my Great Grandllother MURPHY was living when they came to Sharp .co., Aft. Great Grandfather WILLIAM G. MURPHY died 20? Jan. 1911, in Sharp Co., Aft. Can anyone help with any information? I .ill be glad to exchange data. MALOCH Ol_naC. Fisher, Rt. 2, Box 229, CaDldan, AR 71701 - Who were parente of Thoma. HALOeH, born 4 February 1822 in North Carolina? Where vas he before marriage on 13 March 1853, in Columbia Co., Ark., to Mary Ann CONDRY (CONDDY)? Thomas HALOeR died 3 May 1883, in Coluahia Co., Ark. Will exchange data. 19' 1Ir•• AlII4 S. Arthur. 37730 1Iod~'" Dri .... Scio. OR 97374 - .Andr... B. PLI!M:ntG. born 4 July 1855. Ark •• d. 30 Oct. 1930. Baker.CO •• OR. "-r.. ied Vi..ginia Belle Jack.on. b. 4 July 1858. Joha~ CO •• Ark •• d. l5 Ap .. il 1927. Baker Co •• OR. And...w bed the. . broth.......d .bte.... Henry. Jia. Wlll. Sarah. Rebecca ...d Suluel R. Pl_iD9. b. 11 Sept. 1847. Ark •• died 13 "-r. 1916. Sal...... Idaho ....... ied "-'"1' Jan. BLACKWELL. Who _re their parents? Andr... ·s death c.rtificate qive. them as J. Pleminq. Ireland and Swapahia?, Ark. (P.S. fro. the Query in Dec. issue I received an an.war on the Jack80na in Johneon 00., Art., that has helped a lot.) FLEMING BLACKlIBLL STANDLEI!l 1Ir•• Nell M. Sch...riok•• 319 Ba.t Cleq.rn Ave •• I!ldmond. OK 73034 - Inforaation i . . .equ..ted on: James Wileen STANDLEE (out of Pike CO •• ?) b. 18 J ... 1837. Tenn •• d. LONG 6 P.b. 1863 - Pri.on... of W.r. Chicago. Ill. (.on· of John P. ' R.arn STANDLI!I!l) Gr...d.on of Abr.ham , Elizabeth (P.rcluun?) STANDLEI!l). Stephen T. STANDLEI!l. (out of Pike Co.?) b. 4 Nov 1839. Tenn •• d. 5 Ap.. il 1863 - Prisoner of war. Chic.qo Ill. broth.r to James Wilson STANDLEI!l. William Pric. STANDLEI!l •••rved as ·Water Boy· for the Confederacy out of Ark.. he had brother. Henry. John. 'Jack. John "-rion LONG (out of Waahington Co.) b. 19,Aug. 1847 Pulaski Co •• MO. d. 1929. COIIanohe Co •• Olt (.on of Sarah LONG. widow of Jackson LDRG . . . .d ••rved as ·W.ter Boy" for the COnfede...oy out of Ark ...... (Cane Rill?) Any infol:llation conce..ning ...y of the above n_d would ba _ . t ... lc.... R.ppy to data. IIEAIII P AIICIIIIAN PARIII!lR CASBY COItl!lR HILL ESms MORGAN oa,,14 R. Mill.. 8053 Linooln St•• ~ Grove. CA 92045 I _ var int..... ted in the PARlJrR. CASI!lY. CODIl. RILL. BS'1'I!lS. , MORGAN P_lli•• f about 1840. Alao would lik. to know whe ... I aight . . . the book "RBMINISCI!lNT HISTORY OP THI!l OZARK REGION" . by Good.pead. Doe. . . .yon. know .her. thie book aay be purch.sed 0.. bor..owed. for a few day. or rented. pl. . . . advi.e. SIMMONS 1Ir •• Harry •• Arebar. 2232 Co •• Libe.. ty. TX 77575 Anxiou. to learn p ....nts ...d .iblings of .1ll1sa ...d Pat.y SIIMONS. who l.ft South carolina to.. Madi.on Co •• GA by 1817. He di.d testate the ... 1821. n_ing .if•• and John • • ld•• t son. Reuben, Cha.. l.s, .illiam, Jame., I!llizabeth Mill.r, Sally Ford, N... cy, Polly, ...d Pat.y. Jame •• b. 1814 died in Arkan.... 1897 Thoaa., McDOWELL Car.. i. I!l. McDowll. 2225 •••• 62nd St •• S. .ttl•• WI. 98107 - THANIt YOU - THANK YOU - It i. hard to fiad wo.. d. to .xpr••• -r .pp..eoi.tion tor the Ark...... P_ily Ri.tori.... Grab Bag•• it cov....d the c-terie. _ r . I wonde..ed a • • ohild. and ba". lovsd burried ...d the 1975 iuue -r Grand p ...ent. Bllis r.cord. , Uncl. , Aunt. n.ic. . . .d children in the Hope caasteri... for Infol:llation. On.' WOODS YANCY YANCI!lY It. _ . . 11 Si••• Plathe.d Ge".aloqical Sooi.ty. P.O. _ 613. ltali.pell. Montana 59901 - Geor~ ".hington WOODS. b. 6 J ..... 1884. Barbe ... Log ... CO •• Ark .. aar.. ied ROGI!lIlS Bertha Lse ROGBIIS. b. 8 .July 1889. They ........rried JOYNER 20 Dec 1903. Sba _ . born ...d aarried in Barber. Hi. parents ...... 0.,,14 Crockett _ . . . .d Molly YANCY (YAMCI!lY) R.r par.nts ...... .,illi_ Henry ROGBIIS aad .inni. Virginia JO!IIBR.· He di.d in PO",t Baith. S.b•• tain Co •• Ark . . . . .d i. buried in Gl.ndal. C-. 17 Aug. 1966. Boone"ill•• Logaa CO •• Ark. Sba di.d 9 Peb. 1970. in Boon."ill•• Log... Co •• Ark. I ba". verific.tion of their deeth•• _ r y thing i ..... sui>.taati.ted. Any . _ . t i o n . a. to how ot further my . .arch? Any balp would be .ppreciated. .ls. GARNI!lR HI!lLTON DOWDY Mr •• Cbarl •• Cbupet. 1365 So. Orang. Dri"•• Lo. Ang.l •• CA '0019 - Thoma. J •• bora 1845. and wife Marg.... t Dowdy G.ra.... b. 1850. c . . . t Hardin Co •• Tenn •• to Ind.~ pendeno. CO •• Ark. Th.y .......hown in the 1870 Christi... Town.hip. with a daught.r. Do.... ag. 1. Children bora afte.. 1870. were H.nry, Mary 1!l.1 John P.rry. born 14 Jun. 1880, and J •••• B•• b. 1882. all in Arkan.... Souad.x for 1880 doe. not. how".r show this GARIII!lR Pamily in Ark.n.... "-,"gu.t GARNBR. di.d on 10 J ..... 1886 in Ark. Th. . . . J. GARNER. d. 1889. Tba two old... boy. went to COllin Co •• TX. (OOr. pn.....ably died) Th. thr. . yo....g ... went to live with Mary Emit. , Zachari.h S. H.lton. .iater , brother-in-l •• of Thoma. GARNER, in Hardin CO., Tenn. There appear. to be no records concerninq thia action in Independenee Co., or in surroWlding counti.s. Doe. any one have know~.dq. a. to where the GARNERS lived after 1870? Where Ma..qaret GARNER di.d? Also her husband di.d? Can anyone HELP? 195 BELDING Herbert C. Belding, P. O. Box 2315, Hot Springs, AR 71901 - If anyone can enlighten me on the "BELDING" Family, I will be greatly appreciated. LUDOVICUS BELDING came to Hot Springs, Garland Co., Ark., when same was still a Territory, from where did he come? (1814) The name is English and I have to assume the BELDINGS are some how connected with the name here, as I I am descendent I was born in Rootstown, Ohio, 1 Sept. 1909. My father was Clayton Belding, b. 26 Sept. 1867, d. 1929. Enclosed is an article from Portage Co., Atlas, dated 1867. ORIGIN OF THE HUBBARD SQUASH "In the fall of 1831 two young lads, one of whom is now Dr. A. Belding, of Ravenna, and the other Dr. N. W. Hubbard, of Fulton City, Ill. took a tour into the southern part of the State, and, having am told there was a RUFUS BELDING in Hot Springs. of the -BELDING- who was a Doctor in Ravenna, Ohio. spent some time in Butler County, returned home carryinq with them some seeds of a squash, which they had found to be of a choice variety. From these seeds Bela Hubbard, father of N. W. Hubbard, raised a crop of splendid squashes. From this incident the Hubbard Squash took its name. " I was born in Portage Co., Ohio, and still have relatives there. In Randolph Twp. Cemetery, Portage Co., Ohio, there are numerpua tomb stones of early BELDING people. I first came to Hot Springs, Ark. 1962, from Randolph, Ohio. There are stillBELDINGS in Hot SpringS and I am told that a George Belding was Mayor of Hot Springs at one time. I would appreciat& finding out any connection i f any. If I can help any of the Arkansas Genealogical Society members in any way, will be glad to do so. I have written to Harper Rowe & McGraw Hill Publishers & they have nothing. HUMPHREY (S) (IES) LLEWELLYN REED PATRICK HOLLABAUGH !RObert L•. H~, • 85 Mountain Trail, Warrior, Al. 35180 - I all IIOrking on, the following Arkans.. Familie.. HllIIPHRI!:Y (S) (US), LLEWELLYN. REED. PATRICK. ud HOLLABAUGH. Would like to hear from uyone on any of tlw... will gladly exchange data. SCOTT Vi~or K. Scott, 8930 Coen Lane, Orangev.le, CA 95662 According to inforaation I have at haRd my GrandfatMr Nathaniel SCOTT, died twice ud wa. buried twice - ot cour .. this can't be true - However, it that Nathaniel Scott, either died in 1895 at Yocum, Carroll Co., Ark., or at Stone CO., Mo. in 1897, and is either buried in Hale Cemetery, oak Grove, Carroll, Co., Ark., or in the Cemetery on the State line .t Blye Eye, Stone Co., Mo. He wa. born in 1837 in IndianA. Request b made for any auggestion as to how one IIOuld determine circum.t,ances *urounding my grandfAther. Any 'information will be appreciated. JACKSON Mrs. John C. JAoIc.on, Jr·., 429 Church St., Tiptonville, Tenn. 38079 - COuld anyone please tell . . what county Gaine.ville, Ark., is in? Editor's Note. Greene Co., Ark. (Mail from ParAgould & Marmaduke) I am looking for Frank JACKSON and wife Evelyn. They were the parents of John Clark JACKSON, SR., born 16 Oct. 1875, other children were. Anna, ~, Ray, and another son (I do not know hi. name) Where would I find Cen.u. recorda of this town and County~ Could anyone help me with this family. Will be happy to exchange dAta. MEADOR/MEADOW E. H. Brown, Certified ~rican Specialiat, 268 Stonewall, Memphi., Tenn 38112 - I am very intere.ted in the article found on 9 , 10 of theAGS 1973 i ••ue of Ark. F~ily Hbtorian, in rel.tion to the Meador/Ma.dow Family by Major Perkin. Nunnally, whom I understand ia deceased. This familY ties in with ay BROWN family in Old Ninety~Six District of South Carol in. l.te 1700. to 1800.. Any information concerning this family will be appreciated. I am • native Arkansan, at the momant "just over the border" from my home state, ao am naturally intere.ted in families of Arkan.a •• and am looking forward to some good Arkanaaa "diggins"; WAISNER Judy C. W.i.ner, Rt. 1, Box 39, Haven, Ku ... , 67543 Wi.hes to know name of the Sexton of Friend.hip ca._ity C_tery of Benton County, Arku.aa and alao n_d. the name of Sexton of the Hickory Creek Cemetery in Ifaahington County, Arkan •••• 196 MT. AIRY CEMeTERY Clarksville, Ark. Darlene Smith, Box 186, Hiqhland, CA 92346 - Has anyone inventoried Mt. Airy Cemetery, Johnson Co., Arkansas or Coop Prairie Cemetery, Mansfielf, ScottSebastian Co., Ark. Or the Oak cemetery at Ft. Smith, Sebastian Co., Ark. (See another Query from Darlene Smith, in this same issue). DODD SCHLQPHFER HOPKINS Elva Pearl Merriott, 2351 Etiwanda Street, San Dieqo, CA 92107 - Melmputh Allen DODD, father of Rudolphus Byrd DODD, (DolphuB as he was called) born in Decatur GA married Aldorah (Dora) HOPKINS. They had one son named Glenn DODD, born in Ark., married AIleen SCHLOPHFER. in San Diego, CA 4414 Long ~anch, Ave. S. 92107 They live Melmouth Allen DODD had four sons: Rudolphus Byrd DODD, born in GA.; George W. DODD; Melmouth DODD, Claude DODD, these DODDS live in Arkansas. Does any one have additional information on any of these ancestors? Write to either Elva Pearl Merriott or to Glenn DODD at either of the above addresses. Elva Pearl Merriott would also like to contact anyone researching in Saline Co., Ark., especially the owensville and Wesley Chapel area. Saline County was where she was born in 1902. Her last viSit was in 1920 to a revival with -Dinner on the Ground- but she remembefs gOing for a swim at noon time while helping her father on the farm land in this area. She attended Church at Wesley's Chapel, but doubts that one could even reach the place at present, but it is an,old landmark back to Civil War days. JANES ARMING JONES Mrs. Chas. T. Holmes, Box 306, Fredericksburq, TX 78604 I am seeking information concerning John JANES, who with his wife Margaret ARMING, came from Virginia (possibly Prince George Co., VA.) to Northeast, Ark., by way of Kentucky, then Missouri, and later settled in Randolph Co., Ark. ca 1809. He died in Randolph Co., Ark. in 1826, and is buried near Nobela, Ark. Accordinq to GOODSPEED'S IIISTORY of Arkansas, paqe 375, John JANES of Virginia was wounded in the battle of York~. Information on the Revolutionary Soldiers Buried in Arkansas, by Clara Eno, states that-on 20 December 1803, John JANES, a claimant of land in the District of St. Genevieve, Missouri had a wife and nine children arid had been in the country upward of 13 years.Possibly the listing is under JONES or not at all. I am trying to establish this line with the Daughters of the American Revolution. I would be most greatful if anyone could help me out. KEESEE Mrs. C. C. (Katharyn Truesdell, 25830 Coombe Hill Drive, Sun City, CA 92381 - Does anyone have information on the KEESEE Family. My,qrandfather was William Fortenberry KEESEE, born 27 Dec 1846 in Hillsboro, Union Co., Ark. I am searching for any information available on my grandfather or his family. He later married Julia Josephine SUDDATH in Natchitoches, LA. I would appreciate very· much hearing from anyone who is working on this line. and will be happy to exchange information, and will thank you for any assistance. NOTICE: The third item on paqe 59 , VOL. XIV No.1 (Jan.-Feb.-Mar.) 1976 - CORRECTION: EASTERIDGE Bernard H. Polk, 911 Highland Drive, Maqnolia, AR 71753 Who were parents of Henry A. EASTRIDGE, b. ca Dec 1844 BRITT Wright Co., Missouri, .or in Tenn. He was in the Confederate Army.186l-65, married Mary Francis BRITT, in Union Co., AR'July 1865. Where did he live before l86l? AppreCiate any information on this man. Jan Ironside, 506 Lawndale, Sprinqdale, AR 72764 Seeking information of SULLIVANS in Arkansas. LITTLE BERRY SULLIVAN, b. 1817, KY., and wife Cecilia LEE, b. 1819, S~C., came to Arkansas about 1850. Their children. John, b. 1846, TN; Putillo H•• b. 1839 TN; Edwin, b. 1853, AR (a Dentist, wife Virqinia P.) Lonzo, b. 1856 (wife Mary); Octavia, b. 1857 (husband, William PRICE, blacksmith); Little Berry, b. 1863. Putillo Harrison SULLIVAN, m., Laurinda SHORT, b. 1839 in AR., an orphan (she and her sister Jane were raised by JOHNSON'S in Lawrence Co., AR). They had the following children I Calpernia, b. 1862, husband, Walter WOODLIFF; John Martin, b. 1866. wife Leona MOBLEY, Arthur B~, b. 1870, AR., wife Mae BECK; Nora, b. 1873, busband Dave ANDERSON, Conrad, b •. 1875, wife Mary PRENTICE, Effie J., b. 1877, husband Ed SHAVER, Everett L. b. 1880, wife Jeffie BACON, Ion, husband Effice ALBRIGHT. SULLIVANS and PRICES played a larqe part in Camp Meetinq around Calamine, Sharp Co., Ark., in the 1890s. They lived in Northeast, Ark, Will gladly exch~ge or receive any information. LEE MOBLEY SHORT SULLIVAN 197 Mrs. William C. Gro ••o, 2501 Cochi~i Ave. Farmington, N. Mex. 87401 - I am looking for any information on my father's family. JEUIE MART SMITH, b. 16 Mar 1901 Pope Co., AR d. 10 Jan 1966, Olney, TX married 16 Nov 1918 ~ SARAH SUSIE ROGERS, b. 25 Dec. 1900, Pope Co., AR d. 7 April 1957, Olney, TX. Their children: lana Estelle Smi~h, b. 16 Feb. 1921, Dardanelle, Yell Co., AR; Hallie Lois Smith, b. 19 Mar 1923, Dardanelle, Yell Co., AR; Eugene Jeuie Smi~h,b. 10 Oc~ 1924, Dardanelle, Yell Co., AR, Paul Truman Sml~, b. 24 Mar 1926, in Ru... llville, Pope Co., AR/ Mary Eullda Sml~h, b. 7 Jan 1929, Allen, OKLA. Jeuie Mar~ sml~h haa .i.~r named Sybil. Sarah SUBie Roger. Smi~ has .i.~er nam.dG.r~. I would appreCiate any information on any o~her bro~her. or of Jeuie M~rt Smith or S.r.h Susie Rog.r. and names of paren~B .nd, w~ll exchange d.~ •• SMITH ROGERS Myrtle Willi... , 9098 ~reon, De. Pl.ines, ILL 60016 - My gre.~ grandfa~e, Mich.el WOOD w•• born in Y.llville, Marion Co., AR 15 Mar 1839, paren~. unknown. He w•• • pp.rently .n orphan, .long wi~h hi. ~vo .i.~er. or half .iater., S.rah, .ge 16, and M.ry Jane, age 14. In 1850 ~ey were living wi~ John & Dicie NAVE in Ozark Co., Mi8aouri. They .u.~ have been de.cendants of ei~er Abraham WOOD(S) or OI:Iadi8h WOOD (or hi.••oa. William, Georg. , Jame.) early ••~~l.r. of ~ .rea. Obadi8h ai.o h.d • child ( ••x unknown) living in "nearby Mi.souri". can anyone help me find ~e n..... of ~ paren~. of Michael WOOD? I will be h.ppy to exch.nge informa~ion. WOOD Mr •• David L. Kelley, 2511 Micliff, Hou.~n, TX 77068 S.eking informa~ion conc.rning France.. (Franci.) M. McMAHAN, b. c. 1825, Madi80n Co., Ill., m. Ann GRIFFIN, dau. of James E. GRIFFIN, c. 1848 in Pike Co., Ark., Enum. 1850, Pike Co., " 1860 H...p.~e.d Co., Ark., When' where did h. die? He was. Minister of ~he Church of Christ (Chris~ian). He .lao had a firs~ cousin, Jess. T. McMAHAN Who:lived a~ camden, Ouachi~a CQ., Ark .. Any information in regard ~o him , hi. family will be Would .ppreciate from ~o.e r ...arching the following families of Pike Co., Ark •• ALFORD, BREWER, BROCK, CARTER, CONWAY, COOLEY, DAVIS, DEAN, DICKSON, DOSS, DOSSEY, EAST, GOIlLD, GRIFFIN, HANCOCK, HASLEY, HENDERSON, JONES, KELLEY, KIlUtIIAM, LAMB, McDANIEL, McLAUGHLIN, McMAHAN, MANSFIELD, REID, STELL, WHITE, WINGFIELD. McMAHAN GRIFFIN SMALLEY KING MILLER MORRISON Mrs. Willme H. N_~on, P. O. Box 41, Hamp~n, AR 71744 1870 cenaus of C....p.gnoll. TWp., Calhoun, Co., AR ahows Dr. Pres~nSMALLEY, 35 m b. MiS •• ; Deedaaa, 25/ Laura, 18/ John, .15; Louisa, 14; Milton~ 12; Pre.~n, 11, Mary ALTFMAN K." h Lewellen, 3, sll born in Ark. Diad8Ul w•• 2nd LETLOW wife. Who was the fir.~? Union Co., Ark., records ahow Dr. SMALLEY ~o Diadema KING, 2 Aug. 1866. She was ~ dau. of Jamea & Nancy KING, si.~r of John C. KING & Juli. KING (who marri.d G. W. MORRISON, 3 March 1859), Rhod. KING (aarri.d, 1st ~ Elia. MILLER, 26 Jan. 1865, 2nd ~ John B. SMALLEY, son· of Dr. Pre.~n SMALLEY, 8 Mar 1876.) 1Ihoda apparently did no~ live long af~r marrying J. B. SMALLEY for he IUrried SOphronia ALTFMAN, 3 July 1777. Waa william KING, who died in 1862 a bro~er? Hi. widow, formerly Nancy LETLOW, marri.d Jame. J. MORRISoN, 1 Aug. 1866. Need informa~ion .on SMALLEY Family for M.dical His~ory of Calhoun County, Arkansas. CAVITT PULLIAM Mrs. L. O. Cavi~~, Hamlin, TX 79520 - Leroy Pope CAVITT (Lee Roy or La Roy) lived in Fay.~~eville, Wa.hington Co., Ark., in ~h. mid 1800.. He lllarried Mary L. PULLIAM (Molly or Mary Ellen) 26 1856. They may married ~ere in Faye~~eville. If so, two or ~hree children may have been born ~ ~... before they came ~ Texas. W. are trying ~ find ou~ when and Leroy CAVITT born. Can anyone help? We will be happy ~ .xchang. data .. ADAMS COLLETT w.. George H. M . . . , R.~. 4 Box 393 Pront S~., B.ber Spring., AR 72543 - I n••d inf_tion on Whe• •y Grandfa~er JOSEPH PHILIP ADAMS ia buried. He c... to Li~~le Rock and bough~ lo~. in Mabl.val., Co., in Dec. 1881. My father JOlIN OVENCY ADAMS .... born in Or Little Rock, 29 Mar. 1883. Grandfath.r died 14 April 1886. Grandmo~r later married JOHN B. COLLETT, and lIIOV.d to Poplar Bluff, Mo. Any clu. leading ~ r.corded information of their .tay in Li~tle Rock or Mahlevale will be appreciated. 198 DORSEY PECK Thoma. J. Caperton, Diractor of New Mexico State Historic Monuments, P. O. Box 2087, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501- At present we are conductinq an in- tensive research project concerning STEPHEN W. DORSEY in conjunc- tion with the restoration of the DORSEY MANSION - a New Mexico State Historic Monument. DORSEY was a U. S. Senator from Arkansas from a about 1873 to 1876 and was involved in the railroad business in your Stete. We are havinq a very difficult time tracinq down his family by mar,riaqe. From early newspaper accounts it appear. that he married one Helen Mary Wack who was from Arkansas in Feb. of 1865. Helen's sister was named Madora and married John M. Peck - another Arkansas politican. Would someone be ao kind as to check the records to see if this information may be substenciated. EDITOR'S NOTE: ·Bioqraphical Directory of the American Conqress 1774-1971· by Kennedy (a copy of this book may be found in the Russellville Publice Library, Pope COunty, Arkansas. Paqe 874: DORSEY, Stephen Wallace, a Senator from Arkansas, born in Benson, Rutland Co., Vt., Feb. 28, 1842, moved to Ohio and settled in Oberlin, attended the public' schools, durinq the Civil War served in the Union Army under General Grant at Shiloh, General Buell at Perryville, General Rcsecrans at Stone River and Chattanooqa, and General Thomas at Missionary Ridqe, was transferrad to the Army of the Potomac in 1864, took part in the Battle of the Wildernas. and Cold Harbor, and served until the close of tha war, returned to Ohio and se,ttled in Sandusky, was ....ployed by tha Sandusky Tool CO. and subsequently bacame its president, elected president of the Arkansas Railway Co., moved to Arkansas and settled in Halena, (Phillips Co.,), chairman of the Republican county committee, elected as a Republican to the, United States Senate and served from March 4, 1873, to March 3, 1879, ws. not a candidate for reelection, chairman of the Republican State executive committee in 1876 and a member of the Republican National Committee in 1880, after his service in the Senate devoted himself to cattle raisinq and mininq in New Mexica and Colorado, and resided i'n Colfax County, N. Mex., and later in Denver, Colo., subsequently moved to Los Anqeles, Calif., and resided there until hi. death on March 20, 1916, interment in Fairmont C~etery, Denver, COlo.W. v. Hicks, 1511 Villanova Dr., Au.tin, TX 78758 - I need any inforalation on the followinq' (1) Jonathan A. HICKS, b. ca 1815 NC, and wife Susan, b. ca 1821, Tenn. lived in carroll Co., Ark., in 1850, Marion Co., Ark., 1860, and Boone Co., Ark., 1870 & 1880, and had issue. William Henry, Mary Jane, James K. P., Nancy E., Hiram P., Matilda B., Terry B., Deborah,Mellissa and Flora S. (2) Joseph E. MOORE, b. ca 1808 SC , wife Francis S., b. ca 1816 Tenn. or Ala., l'ived in Fayette Co., Ala., 1836-1843, Itawamba Co., MiBS., 1843-1855, Scott Co., Ark., 1855-1869, and had iSBue. Sarah, John Richardson, William, Elizabeth, Joseph Edward, Francis, Mary,Martha M., 'Jeremiah. (3) John SHELTON, b. cs 1810, Tenn., and wifa Isabel, b. ca 1811, Tenn., livad in Franklin Co., Ark., in 1870 & had is.ue. Nancy Matilda, amoftq others. (4) Dr. John Roqers VANCE, b. ca 1817, Tenn. , wife Emily A., b. ca 1825, Ala., lived in Conway Co., Ark., in 1845, Perry Co., Ark., in 1847, Carroll Co., Ark., in 1850 and 1860, , Boone Co., Ark., in 1870, and had issue. Morris David, Mary Jane, Louiaa E., Bascomb James, Asberry Johnson, Evalina S., Capress Daniel, William Pierce,'and Cora S. VANCE. Will qladly exchanqe data. HICKS MOORE SHELTON VANCE LADYMAN GAINES Mrs. Donna G. Van Lone, 11555 Hein Rd., 1I1k Grove, CA 95624 - I would like information about the William Hanry LADYMAN Fu:ily who lived in Ark., ca 1860. He & Elizabeth GAINES had a dauqhter Mary Catharine LADYMAN, b. 7 Jan 1859. They may have also had a son? NOTE: I am available for research in the State of California, as I ---- am near Sacramento. MC DONALD Bea Bennett, 2952 Kelly Lane, Reddinq, CA 96001- Doe. anyonehave knowledqe of my Ancestor Wellinqton MC DONALD supposedly born in Ontario, canada and Bettled in POwsskiak Co Iowa about 1864? Family tradition ia that he died and waa buried i~'ArkanBaa This woul,d have been between birth of younqest dauqhter, 1866, and death' of his Widow, 1903. Her obituary stated that she was a widow Does anyone have any knowledqe of him? Does anyone have any advic;? Would appreciate any small clue. 199 Willie Kelt Bilbo, Box 626, Hobbs, New Mex. 88240 Is there a printed record of the Cemeteries in Little Rock, Pulaski Co., Ark.? I would like to buy a copy. Or would someone check for me? We do this for people in our Lea Co., Genealogical SOCiety & I am always glad to help. Joseph BILBO is buried in Little Rock, also his sister-in law Nancy Jane WILSON BILB0 (Mrs. James C. Bilbo) I have nothing to go on but believe this was in the late 1870/71 when these families were on their way west. Will gladly exchange BILBO Family information. BILBO WILSON Mrs. Donald Orason,(Ivanette Harriaon Orason) 1~08 Cable Drive, Borger, TX 79007 - I am trying to get inforastion in regard to 14Y Grandfather, Dr. Robert T. HARRISON. Be CHITWOOD died at Hot Springs, Garland Co., Ark., ca 1895. He had JOHNSON lived at Conway, Faulkner Co., Ark., where he practiced WOMACK medicine. Was firat Poatmaater and had quite a bit of GREGORY property there. He had two deughters by his ..cond m. Etta, who married a aOHN HALL, who waa either Co. Clerk or Deputy Clerk. Florence, who marri.d a CHITWOOD, whos. first name ia unknown to me. Dr. HARRISON ia buried at Hot Sprinqs. This ia all I have on hia history. I would like to know where he came from, parenta, etc. I would also like to find out the same things about my mpther'a father: GEORGE M. JOHNSON, who waa a Judge at Perryville, Perry Co., Ark., , was in the 12th Kentucky Calvery, ia buried at Antioch C~tery, Houston, Perry Co., Ark. He married to RIl'1'II FRANCES ~CK, buried at May Cemetery, Houston, Perry Co., Ark. Dr. HARRISON was married the firat time to MARY WINNIE GREGORY, b. 24 Dec. 1840, died 1899, buried at oak Grove Cemetery, Conway, Faulkner Co., Ark. My father was ROBER'l' IVY HARRISON, b. 22 Oct. 1866, lived moat of his life at Perryville, Perry Co., Ark., died at ElDorado, Union Co., Ark., 31 May 1943 , is buried there. ,Any help will be greatly appreciated, , I will gladly exchange information. HARRISCII HALL ABBOTT Mrs. carson Ho_, Hampton, AR 71744 - Who _re parents of Jordan ABBOTT, born about 1757, and what was maiden name of his wife Mary, born about 1757. Their son Jordan ABBOTT, Jr .. was born 8 October 1777. Who waa his wife Sarah before she married? Would be glad to correspond with anyone who is working on this family. Mrs. Thomas C. Phillips, 9260 Donnybrook Lefte, Dallas, TX 75217 Grandfatherwaa Joeeph Porter MILLER and grandmother was Nancy Margaret RARBISCII of Stephens , Village (Ouachite , Colunbia Coounties)Arkaneaa. My grandfather's mother was a NESBITT. Does anyone have any knowledge of these people? The MILLERS ca.e from South carolina into Mississippi, then into ArkanaaS,and on' into Texes. NESBITT MILLER IlARBISON ABNEY HOOD Mrs. John R. Edwarda, 5010 Terrace Heighte Dr., Yakima, WA 98901 - I .....earching information on the families of my Great grandparents, Benjamin Rochester Abney and Jerusha ERma HOOD. They lived in Robinson, Benton Co., Ark., Ball Twp., prior to 1900. Parents of Benjamin R. ABNEY, J. H. ABNEY, 1840, b. Ill." Elizabeth, b. 1836, III , Benjamin R., b. 8 April 1859, Ill. I believe there waa a dau. but no other children listed on the 1880 Census except Benjamin R. The family was from Ill., and moved to Paria, Logan Co., Ark., prior to moving to RObinson, Benton Co., Ark. Elizabeth may have died in Paria, whi~e visiting her daughter, ca 1900. JERUSHA ROOD'S parents were: Benjamin, 1840, Ga., wife (?), Jerusha, b. 18 July 1863, Ga., Allis B., b. 1863, Ark." Natte N., b. 1868, Ga." Jo.eph M. b. 1876, Ark., Robsrt A. b. 1874. Ark. Mr•• Rood died be~en 1874 , 1880. The family moved from Ga., to Ark., be~en 1863 and 1868 to RobinSOD. The ABNBYS , BOODS _re next door neighbors in Robinson. BenjlUllin married Jerusha, 17 June 1880 in Robinson. Approximately 1897 the ABREYS IIOved to Mayfield, Waahington Co., Ark. Benjamin (sometime called Bud) built a grocery atore and a mill in Mayfield and waa their firat Post Maater. He, was alao Post Maater at War Eagle Mills, Madison/Benton CO.,' Ark., about 1900. The ABNEYS later moved to Bellefonte, soone Co., Ark. and built the ABNEY HOTEL. About 1914 the ABNEYS moved to Roswell, N_ Nexico, then to CAlifornia. Benjamin and Jerusha are buried in La Habra. I hope to find 8IOre information on the HOOD f .... ily. They are related to the f_d Gen. John Bell HOOD of the Civil War Bra. I will gladly exchange information. 200 TOLLE'fT Mrs. Alta Cole, 824 Lillies Lane South, Denison, TX BROWN SORRELS 75020 - Seeking information on the TOLLETT Family of Virginia, Georgia, Bledsoe Co., TN.& Arkansas. The TOLLETTs first arrived in Arkansas in 1830 - some in Washington Co., others in Hempstead Co., Ark. David TOLLETT died in Hempstead Co., in 1852. He was married to Juliet BROWN, believed to be the daughter of Cornelius BROWN. Rebecca TOLLETT married Green Mathew SORRELS, they lived in Ouachita Co., Ark., in 1850. BASHAM CLIMER ATHEY Mrs. Luzine Alimer Athey, Rt. 1 Box 385, Arcadia, Fla. 33821 - I am searching for the namesl BASHAM, CLIMER, & ATHEY in Arkansas. Will exchange with others work- on any of these families. VANDERPOOL C. R. Vanderpool, 3118 N. E. 32 Ave. Portland, OR 97212 - My great grandfather, William VANDERPOOL & his wife Mahala & several members of lfis family were in the 1870 & 1880 census in Jasper, Newton Co., Ark. wm. VANDERPOOL d. 1885 can anyone help me with the birth or death dates of any of the others in his family? I would like to know of any books or microfilm that could be sent to Portland, OR on an inter-library exchange. SMITHEY HANN TOMS LT. ALBERT H. MOLTER, USN, RET., 2601 East Ocean Blvd., 1609, Long Beach, CA 90803 - On 10 July 1889, Texarkana, Miller Co., Ark •• a marriage was performed between Charles L. SMITHEY & Anna D. RANN (Book E, page 307) On 28 Oct 1896, same city, a marriage was performed between Chester W. E. TOMS ¢ ANNA M. HANN (Book H, Page 386) The tradition is as follows: both SMITHEY & TOMS were the same man, but the name was changed (or corrected - we do not know which) and another marriage ceremony was gone through, to get the record straight. The middle initials are different but the ages co-incide. Were two different men involved? We have been unable to find out. Was there issue from the marriage of Anna M. HANN & Chester W. E. TOMS? We know of two sons who were born in 1901 & 1906, which is a little unusual for the time when the first child was usually born within 18 months. This would be 1898. I would. very much appreciate any help or advice. Mr. TOMS have been employed in the City Clerk's office prio to 1900. HOLMES Mrs. Elmer A. Holmes, 15 West Alpine Dr., Oklahoma City OK 73109 - My request in the June 1976 Arkansas Family Historian, asking for help on the HOLMES Family in the Harrison & Bellefonte, Boone Co., Ark. area. Through this QUERY I got a contact the wife of my mother-in-law's cousin, which furnished me with a lot of data I had been looking for, for a long time! I had .the address of this lady before ~ut misplaced it and now a lady in Alpena, Boone Co., Ark., Mrs. Elizabeth M. Isaack, Rt. t I, looked in her phone directory and sent me the name & address. I sure was happy to get her letter. Now another request- I hope someone in that area will be able to survey the HOLMES cemetery for us, this lady tells me it is located five miles south of Bellefonte, and is on high ground & well kept for a Country cemetery. She said Robert HOLMES, b. 27 April 1793, d. 7 ? 1861, came to Ark., from middle Tenn., homesteaded 80 acres and bought up a lot of land in Boone COunty, Ark. He also gave the land for the HOLMES Cemetery, where many many of the HOLMES Family are buried. There is another Cemetery I believe it is called MAPLE or MAPLE HILL. It is in the Harrison area, but not sure of location. I understand many.others are buried there. I hope in time all cemeteries are inventoried. I would especially like data on this HOLMES cemetery as it is a very old cemetery & a lot of the markers are faded so badly. probably all the numbers cannot be copied now. The lady who gave me the information is 85 years old, & no way to get around, to get data from the cemetery. I hope some of the younger ones will be interested enough to get this for us. SUDDUTH Sylvia L. Sudduth, 18321 S. Normandie, Gardena, 'CA 90248 - The past few months I've had the most delightful correspondance with one whose address came from an ANCESTOR CHART. What a great Group of people are in this GENEALOGY HOBBY! Thank the ARKANSAS FAMILY HISTORIAN for making a lot of it possible. Our Charts are enclosed, with what little we have been able to obtain. Editor's Note: See Volume V (now being gathered) Volume IV is being processed for printing, later this fall - 1976.