outlander - Kelly Mitsubishi
outlander - Kelly Mitsubishi
TESTED BY THE BEST TESTED BY THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS Not just tested. Pushed to the absolute limit. Rally championships around the world have become the testing grounds for Mitsubishi production vehicles. And we’ve been doing it for over 40 years. Constantly evolving technology from each and every gruelling challenge, culminating in vehicles of uncompromising durability, reliability and engineering excellence. What’s more, we can’t wait to go back and learn more. DAkAR CHAMPION TWELVE TIMES OVER A9,000kilometreraceoverthemostinhospitable, treacherousterrainintheworld.Thesearingheatofthe Saharadesert,endless,mountainoussanddunes, gruellingconditionsandroadsthroughremoteforests. TheDakarrallyisthepinnacleofoff-roadracing.Evento finishisnomeanfeat. Tobetheundisputedchampiontwelvetimesaltogether, thelastseveninarow,isextraordinary. THE ULTIMATE TESTING GROUNDs Over 40 years of rally championships around the world have become the testing grounds for production of Mitsubishi vehicles. These are the places true off-road vehicles are born. The places we choose to test and develop the advanced 4WD technology and innovative driver confidence systems you’ll find in every Mitsubishi production car. These deliver proven reliability and durability in 4WD innovations. MITSUBISHI 4WD RANGE MITSUBISHI 4WD RANGE The Mitsubishi range of 4WDs has been transformed, based on everything we have learned from Pajero’s Dakar-winning performances. Whatever your lifestyle, the Mitsubishi Pajero, Outlander and Triton can handle it. Their advanced technology and active driver systems deliver the latest and greatest in 4WD technology, style and sophistication. While their proven and unquestionable reliability give you the confidence to go anywhere and take on almost anything. Whether you need a tough workhorse, serious off-roader or stylish and versatile SUV, Mitsubishi really is the home of 4WDs. PAJERO PajerohasbeenpartofAustralia’sgreatestadventures since1983.Theclassicfive-door,long-wheelbase,hasa sophisticatedexterior,moderninterior,andthechoiceof twopowerfulpetrolordieselengines. Eachmemberofthelong-wheelbasePajerorangeis technologicallyadvancedandcomfortable.Butit’salso toughenoughtotacklealmostanythingfromUluruto theBungleBungles,and,moreimportantly,backagain. Whateveryouputinfrontofit,Pajerowillriseto thechallenge. PAJERO 3 DOOR Thepocket-rocketofMitsubishi’s4WDrange.Allof Pajero’sfeaturesand4WDabilityloadedintoaslick three-doorpackage,withstand-outgoodlooksanda shorterwheelbaseforheightenedoff-roadability.Pajero 3dooristheclosestyoucangettotheacclaimedPajero Evolution,the4WDthatwowstheworldintheDakarRally eachyear.Withoutadoubt,Pajero3doorisaserioushigh performance4WD. TRITON Thetough,dependableTritonisanAussieworkhorse, equallyathomeonthefarm,thebuildingsite,inthe outbackandaroundtown.TheTritonrangeoffersthe latesttechnologywithapowerfulturbodieselorpetrol engine,agenerouspayloadandthecomfortofan incrediblyspaciousandquietcabin.You’llfindittoughto outweighthepowerfulcarryingcapacityoftheTriton.It’s anextremelyreliableandhardworkingutethatreallygets thejobdone. Mitsubishi’scommitmenttodriversafetymeansthe OutlanderisfittedwiththeadvancedAllWheelControl system,ActiveStabilityControlandActiveTraction ControlaswellasMultimodeABSandEBDasstandard throughouttherange.Incombination,alltheseelements helpdelivercompletedriverconfidence. Eachofthedifferentmodelscatersfordifferentlifestyle demandswithvaryingdistinguishingfeatures.Choose fromthe2.4litre4-cylinderLS,sportyXLSorthe sophisticationoftheXLSLuxury.Alternatively,goforthe powerandperformanceofthe3.0litreV6VR,premium sportsVRX,ortheultimateVRXLuxury. ACTIVE OUTLANDER ACTIVE OUTL ANDER Mitsubishi Outlander has been designed to complement even the most active of lifestyles. It’sasversatileasyouwantittobe.Optionalthirdrow seatsallowyoutheflexibilityofcarryingupto7people. Whiletheuniqueelectricfold-and-tumblerearseatscan automaticallyprovideacavernouscargoarea.Asplitfold tailgateprovidesalowandflatentrytotherear,making loadingabreeze. Asbigoninnovativefeaturesasitisonstyle,Outlanderis brimmingwithsophisticatedtechnology.Boastingan impressiveSmartKeyentrysystemthatenablesyouto openandstartthevehiclewiththekeystillinyourpocket; RockfordFosgate®650wattaudiosystemwith9speakers anda10-inchsubwoofer;arearentertainmentsystem featuringa9-inch,full-colourwide-screenDVD,while voiceactivatedBluetooth®allowsyoutomakeandanswer yourcallswithouthavingtoaccessyourhandset. Topowerthe4WDsystem,OutlanderhasMIVECengine technology.(MitsubishiInnovativeValvetimingandlift ElectronicControl).Thisresultsingreaterfuelefficiency. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY FOR LIFE Outlander incorporates the latest entertainment technology to enhance the enjoyment of your journey. from the awesome audio system to the auto dusk sensing headlamps there’s a raft of cool technologies to improve your driving experience. Sit back and enjoy. ROCkfORD fOSGATE® PREMIUM AUDIO SYSTEM. Deliveringamassive650wattswith9-surroundsound speakersandintegrated10-inchsubwoofer,Outlander XLSLuxury,VRXandVRXLuxuryhavethesoundto matchtheirlooks.Alsoincludedisa6-discCDplayer compatiblewithMP3CDsandanaudiojackthatallows youtopluginyourMP3player. OVERSEAS MODELSHOWN ROCkfORD fOSGATE® SPEAkER LOCATION MITSUBISHI MULTI COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (MMCS) Outlander has a raft of next generation technology to make your active lifestyle much easier. from the hands free Bluetooth® mobile phone operation, so you can talk without having to pull over, to the Smart key entry system to unlock the doors when you have armfuls of shopping. Plus you have the option of the state-of-the-art Mitsubishi Multi Communication System (MMCS). Whatever life throws at you, throw it back at Outlander. It handles it with style. MMCS is an option on the Luxury models. Boasting a 7-inch in-dash touch screen, it allows you to access all kinds of information and control a variety of features from the driver’s seat. DUSk SENSING HEADLAMPS TheVRXLuxuryandXLSLuxuryhelpyoustayfocusedontheroadatalltimes.Asensoronthewindscreenautomatically sendsasignaltoyourlightsandtheywillturnonwhenitgetsdarkorwhenyou’retravellingthroughatunnel. AUTO RAIN SENSING WIPERS TheXLSLuxuryandVRXLuxurymodelscomeequippedwithpremiumtechnologysuchasrainsensingwipers.Asensor automaticallydetectsmoistureonthewindscreenandaccordingtotheamountofrainpresentthesystemwillactivate thewipersattheappropriatespeed. SMART kEY SmartKeyisMitsubishi’sadvancedsecuritytransmitter, whichmeanscompletelykey-lessoperation.Thanksto SmartKey,Outlandercanrecognisethekeyoccupantwithin a70cmradius.So,youcanlockandunlockthedoors,open thehatchandevenstarttheengine,allwhilsttheSmartKey isstilltuckedinyourpocketorbag.Thedaysofsearching andfumblingforkeysarenolongerinyournewOutlander. REAR ENTERTAINMENT DVD SYSTEM Whyshoulddrivershaveallthefun?Outlanderrearseat passengerscanenjoysophisticatedin-carentertainment withtheirveryown9-inchfullcolourDVDscreen.Games consolecompatible,itincludesonesetofinfrared cordlessheadphones.AsthepassengerswatchaDVD,the restofthecarcanlistentothemusic,orsimplytuneout andtakeinthesurroundingscenery. VOICE ACTIVATED BLUETOOTH® PHONE CONNECTIVITY Outlanderhasthelatesthands-freephonesystem technology,withvoiceactivatedBluetooth®phone connectivity.Thisallowsyoutomakecallswithsimple voicecommandsandreceivethematthetouchofa button.Allthisisintegratedthroughthevehicle’saudio system,allowingyoutostayfocusedontheroad. The system offers advanced navigation functions and integrated communication tools that inform the driver of an array of vehicle information: fuel economy; average driving speed; outboard environmental information; maintenance instructions; air conditioner and audio settings. The system can give you full control of your iPod† and also over the Rear Entertainment DVD and voice activated Bluetooth® phone connectivity. SATELLITE NAVIGATION Witheasytouchscreenfunctionality,satellite navigationgetsyouwhereyouneedtogoingood time.Youcanalsosearchforpointsofinterestlike localrestaurants,hotelsorservicestations. REVERSING CAMERA TheMMCSreversingcamerasupportsthedriver’srear fieldofview,automaticallyappearingonscreenwhen thereversegearisengaged.Itnotonlymakesparking intightspotsabreeze,itofferssafetyandpeaceof mindwhenyou’rebackinginoroutofdriveways. †O ptionaldealeraccessorycablerequiredforiPod integration.iPoddevicenotincluded. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY VERSATILE TECHNOLOGY FOR FLEXIBLE LIFE Outlander fits with your way of life, whether that means carrying a car-full of people, cargo or both. It’s as big on innovations as it is on space. Seats move and fold away effortlessly. The large luggage space means bulky items go in easily and loading up is a breeze. Outlander‘s many clever storage compartments also keep your car clutter free. So whatever you want to fit into your life, Outlander is designed with the flexibility and versatility you need. 7 SEAT CAPACITY Outlanderoffersanoptional7-seatcapacitywithathird rowseat,sothere’sextraroomforeveryone.Andwhen youneedtheluggagespace,thethirdrowcanbe convenientlystowedunderthefloor. AUTOMATIC fOLD AND TUMBLE Flickaswitchandthesecondrowseatsautomatically foldandtumbleforward,givingyouacompletelyflatbed intheback–andamassive1691litresofstoragevolume. PULL THE SWITCH SEATBACk fALLS fORWARD SEAT SLIDES fORWARD SEAT TUMBLES fORWARD Luggage room opening height 930mm Distance of tailgate’s edge from the ground when open 600mm Distance of tailgate’s edge from the ground when closed 830mm THERMO BOX A Hot-Cold Thermo Box offers you the ultimate convenience so you can store your drinks and keep them warm or cool. EASY LOADING REAR TAILGATE Loading up just got a whole lot easier. A strong and convenient fold-down tailgate gives a lower load-in height so bulky items not only fit, but slide in more easily. CLEVER STORAGE COMPARTMENTS ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY ENGINES With a choice of two powerful and extremely fuelefficient engines, Outlander is perfectly equipped for handling your great escapes. And as life gets busier, you demand more from your vehicle, so it’s good to know you’ve got all the power you need. MIVEC ENGINES WithMitsubishi’sMIVECEnginetechnology(Mitsubishi InnovativeValvetimingandliftElectronicControl) Outlanderhasalighterenginewithintelligentvalvetiming technology.Thisdeliversexcellentfuelefficiencyandlower emissions,yetstillprovidesexcellentdrivabilityandtowing power.Itmatchesyourdrivingstyletominimisefuel consumptionatlowerrevs,whileincreasingairflowathigh revsforgreaterpowerandperformance. Thepowerful3.0litreV6MIVECengineboastsanawesome 162kWofpowerand276Nmoftorque. Theefficient2.4litre4cylinderenginehasanimpressive 125kWofpowerand226Nmoftorque.Combinedwiththe ContinuouslyVariableTransmissionthis2.4litreMIVEC enginedeliversunbelievablefueleconomyatonly9.3litres per100kilometres. ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY TRANSMISSIONS Three transmissions are available in the Outlander: a 5 speed manual; a Continuously Variable Transmission (CVT) with INVECS “Smart logic” and 6-speed Sports Mode for the 2.4L models; as well as a 6-speed automatic with INVECS “Smart logic” and paddle shift Sports Mode for the 3.0L V6 models. INVECS ‘SMART LOGIC’ Toprovidesmoothershifting,theINVECS‘SmartLogic’ transmissionsystem’son-boardcomputerlearnsand adaptstoeachdriver’spreferencesbyrecordingengine andfootbrakingdata.Thecontrollogicthenadaptsthe automaticgearshifttimingtosuitthedriver’sstyle,while minimisingtorquefunctionfluctuationforeffortless accelerationandamorepredictableride. ADAPTIVE SHIfT CONTROL DURING ACCELERATION ADAPTIVE SHIfT CONTROL GOING DOWNHILL SPORTS MODE AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION SportsModeAutomaticTransmissiongivesyouthebest ofbothworlds.Yougettheeaseandconvenienceofan automaticorCVT,withthecontrolandflexibilityofa clutchlessmanual.Theadvantageisthatthisclutchfree operationreducesrevandtorquelossusuallyassociated withchanginggears,maintainingpreciousmomentumin off-roadsituations.Combinethiswiththepaddleshifts* andyoucanachievesporty,quickgearchangestomake drivingallthemorefun. *(StandardonallmodelsexceptLS) CONTINUOUSLY VARIABLE TRANSMISSION (CVT) CVT(ContinuouslyVariable Transmission)iselectronically integratedwithMIVECto ensureOutlanderisoperatedin thebestgearratioforoptimum revs.Thisensuresmaximum powerandeconomy.What you’llnoticeisasmootherride withoutjoltygearchanges. COMPARISON Of SHIfT RESPONSE DRIVER CONFIDENCE MATT: MITSUBISHI ALL TERRAIN TECHNOLOGY Mitsubishi brings you the latest safety systems and superior 4WD technology. Outlander boasts Dakar rally proven MATT™ (Mitsubishi All Terrain Technology) across the range for the ultimate in on and off road driver confidence. ACTIVE STABILITY CONTROL (ASC) Maintainsstabilityandpreventslossofcontrol whencornering,automaticallyrecognisingunder steerandoversteerandappliesbrakingtothe diagonalwheeltokeepyouonlinethrough corners.Keepingyouincompletecontrol,evenin thoseunexpectedsituations. ThissophisticatedMATT™package,derivedfrom technologytestedinthebrutalDakarrallyoperatesusing numerousintelligentsensorsconstantlymonitoringyour vehicle’swheelspeeds,lateralandlongitudinalg-forces andyawrates.Theon-boardcomputerthenprocesses thisdataandmatchesittodriverintentionsviasteering wheelandthrottlesensorstoprovideoptimumdriving performance.Whenitcomestogivingyousuperior control,we’veleftnostoneunturned. MATT™incorporatesthefollowingadvancedsystemsto enhanceyourdrivingcontrol: • • • • • • AllWheelControl Multi-ModeAnti-lockBrakingSystem(ABS) ElectronicBrakeforceDistribution(EBD) ActiveStabilityControl(ASC) ActiveTractionControl(ATC) MitsubishiBodyOptimisedSuspension(MBOS) MULTIMODE ANTI-LOCk BRAkING SYSTEM (ABS) Makedrivingonslipperyroadssafer.Outlander’s intelligent4-channel,4-sensorbrakingsystemmonitors differentwheelspeedsandactivatesbrakesto individualwheelswhenrequiredtodeliversuperior control.Thisallowsyoutomanoeuvrearoundobjects underheavybrakingconditions. ALL WHEEL CONTROL Makeinstantchoicesbetween2WDforefficient highwaycruisingand4WDforoff-roadtraction, onthemoveatspeedsupto100km/h.Whenin 4WDmode,theintelligentAllWheelControl systemactivelydistributestorquebetweenthe frontandrearwheelsviatheelectronically controlledcouplingtomaximisetractionand accelerationatalltimes.Orifyouknowthe goingwillberough,youcanselectlockable full-time4WD. ELECTRONIC BRAkEfORCE DISTRIBUTION (EBD) StoppingdistancesarereducedasEBDdetects whenyouarecarryingpassengersorheavierloads andautomaticallyincreasesrear-brakingforce. STOPPING DISTANCE WITHOUT EBD ACTIVE TRACTION CONTROL (ATC) Maintainstractiononthemost slipperyorruggedofsurfaces. Thisintelligentsystem automaticallycontrolsthe engineoutputsodrivingwheels arepreventedfromspinning. Sensinglossoftractionin independentwheelsitapplies brakingforcetothatwheeland sendsextrapowerandtorque tootherwheelswithtractionto keepyoumoving. DRIVER CONFIDENCE TECHNOLOGY DESIGNED TO SAVE LIVES We’re proud of our safety systems because they save lives with Mitsubishi breakthrough technology. RISE SAfETY RISE,Mitsubishi’sReinforcedImpactSafetyEvolutionbody designsystemwithintegratedchassis,isahighlyrigid one-pieceshellthathascomethroughthepunishingups anddownsoftheworld’stoughestrallylikeatruechampion. Thesuperstrengthcabinwillcocoonyourfamilyand provideoutstandingprotectionintheeventofanaccident. SRS AIRBAGS Toprovideultimate protectionintheevent ofafrontalcollision,the Outlanderrangeisfitted withdriverandfront passengerSupplementary RestraintSystem(SRS) airbags,withsideand curtainairbagsavailable acrosstherange. TheRISEbodyintegratesarigidladderframe,sideimpact bars,andcollisionabsorbingjointstokeepyousafe.An aluminiumroofreducesweightandlowersthecentreof gravityforgreaterstabilityandbettercornering,offering asedan-likedrivingexperience. STATE OF THE ART INTERIOR Take a look at the stylish interior design of the Outlander VRX Luxury. The 4WD that’s great for outdoor adventures also has all the technology and luxury you’d expect on the inside, with an interior that incorporates innovative design features to ensure your comfort and entertainment. Premium Rockford Fosgate® Audio system SPORTS INSTRUMENTATION Outlander has high contrast, sporty instrumentation dials with an LED multi function display, including a tripcomputer, fuel consumption and outside temperature functions. You can even configure the display to show exactly the information you want. THERMO BOX autoMATIC air conditioning CARGO BLIND The cargo blind provides added security to keep your valuables hidden away. LEATHER STEERING WHEEL sports instrumentation audio controls Cruise control POWER WINDOWS FRONT AND REAR OUTLANDER VRX V6 OUTL ANDER VRX V6 for sports power and styling, the Outlander VRX V6 is loaded with technology to power you around town or on your weekend escapes. The sporty exterior boasts: 18" alloy wheels; fog lamps; chrome exhaust; dark privacy glass: and HID headlamps with washers. Inside you’ll find both sporty style and safety features such as: side curtain airbags; reversing sensors; and Bluetooth® hands-free phone connectivity. PREMIUM ROCkfORD fOSGATE® AUDIO SYSTEM Deliveringamassive650wattswith9-surroundsound speakersandintegrated10-inchsubwoofer,thesystem includesanMP3compatible6stackerCD.TheVRXandVRX LuxuryV6reallyhavethesoundtomatchtheirlooks. SMART kEY Justtouchthedoorhandle andOutlanderrecognises youandunlocks.Youcan evenstartthecarwithout usingyourkey. HIGH INTENSITY DISCHARGE HEADLAMPS Cleverself-levelling headlamps,sotheyadjust themselves.HIDheadlamps offerbrighterillumination fornighttimedriving.Even better,theyalsoself-wash. OUTLANDER VRX LUXURY V6 OUTL ANDER VRX LUXURY V6 for the ultimate in innovative technology and style, the Outlander VRX Luxury V6 is the premium sports 4WD. In addition to all the features found on the VRX, the interior of the Luxury also includes: a Rear Seat Entertainment System with 9" DVD Player; Leather Seat trim, Heated front Seats and Power Driver Seat. Meanwhile the exterior has luxury additions such as: chrome highlights, unique 18" alloy wheels, electric sunroof, automatic rain sensing windscreen wipers and dusk sensing HID headlamps. OUTLANDER VR V6 OUTL ANDER VR V6 With the added performance of a V6 engine, the VR has the power and safety needed for you and your active life. The VR is sporty, offering 18" alloys and a dual chrome exhaust. You also have the added safety of fog lamps and side and curtain airbags. Plus security is covered with privacy glass and a cargo blind to keep your valuables protected. Ready for your next getaway? More than ready is the answer. PADDLE GEAR SHIfTS InspiredbyMitsubishi’sWorldRallyheritage,paddleson theOutlandersteeringwheelgiveyouultimatecontrolinan automatic,allowingyoutomakelightningquickgearchanges inSportsMode,withoutyourhandsleavingthewheel. CHROME DUAL EXHAUST Tomatchthepowerfulengine,asportychrometipdual exhaustprovidesthefi nishingtouch. OUTLANDER XLS 2.4L OUTL ANDER XLS 2.4L The versatile XLS 2.4L is as sporty as it is efficient. Boasting a VRX-style appearance, it’s at home in the city or on the open road. The 2.4L 4 cylinder engine delivers superb power when you need it with maximum efficiency. You also have the added safety of side and curtain airbags and clever storage with the thermo box to keep food and drinks warm or cool. SIDE AND CURTAIN AIRBAGS Toprovideultimateprotectionintheeventofacollisionthe XLSisalsoequippedwithsideandcurtainairbags. OPTIONAL LEATHER SEATS Luxuriouslyfinishedin durable,softleather, theseseatsarealso poweredandheatedfor ultimatecomfort. *Leatherseatingsurfacesonly, 1stand2ndrowseats. REVERSING SENSORS Outlandernowknows what’sbehindit.Reversing sensorssoundandwarnif you’retooclosetoan objectbehindyou,helping toensureyouneverback intoanything. OUTLANDER XLS LUXURY 2.4L OUTL ANDER XLS LUXURY 2.4L The sporty looks of the XLS Luxury 2.4L are accentuated by its chrome highlights and unique 18" alloy wheels. Add to that: automatic rain sensing wipers; dusk sensing HID headlamps and washers. On the inside it’s all high-end entertainment with: rear seat entertainment system with 9" DVD Player; and a Rockford fosgate® 9 speaker audio system with sub-woofer. Everything you could want for a short trip to the beach or a weekend away. OUTL ANDER LS 2.4L OUTL ANDER LS 2.4L The flexible LS 2.4L enables you to get up and go with ease, whether you’re carrying a car full of passengers or bulky cargo. Adaptable seating configurations give you maximum options and convenience, while features such as automatic climate control air conditioning ensure your driving comfort. Sporting 16" alloy wheels and roof rails, LS is equipped with high levels of safety features including: Active Stability Control; Active Traction Control; driver and passenger front SRS airbags and multi-mode ABS with Electronic Brakeforce Distribution. LEATHER BOUND STEERING WHEEL Withsimpletouseandeasytoreachon-wheelaudioand cruisecontrols. ALL WHEEL CONTROL AllWheelControlhasthreedrivingmodesthatareselectable onthemoveatspeedsupto100km/h.Makeinstantchoices between2WDforfuelefficiency,4WDforaddedtractionand safetyor4WDlockforoff-roaddriving. POWER WINDOWS fRONT AND REAR AUSTRALIA’S BEST MITSUBISHI DIAMOND ADVANTAGE Mitsubishi’s 4WD rally credentials are second to none. You don’t win the world’s most notorious rallies time after time without breakthrough advanced engine technology and superior 4WD technological innovations. EveryMitsubishirallydriverstartsaraceknowingtheyhavea supportsystemtobackthemupthrougheverytorturous, testingkilometre.It’salevelofcommitmenteveryMitsubishi drivercanexpect,andit’swhywe’vecreatedacomprehensive, efficientandsophisticatedsupportsystem. MitsubishiMotorsAustraliaLimitedoffersa 5year/130,000km(whichevercomesfirst)NewVehicle Warranty,a10year/160,000km(whichevercomesfirst) non-transferablePowertrainWarrantyanda5year PerforationCorrosionWarrantyonallMitsubishicars andlightcommercialvehicles.Serviceconditionsapply. Seeyourdealerfordetails. Withanetworkofmorethan200dealers, Mitsubishiisnevertoofaraway. We’reheretohelp,24hoursaday,sevendaysaweek.So justcallMitsubishiMotorsAustraliaCustomerAssistance Centreon1300131211ifyouhaveanyquestions,orforthe locationofyournearestMitsubishiDealer. YourMitsubishiwillbeservicedregularlybyskilled Mitsubishi-trainedtechnicians.OnlygenuineMitsubishi partsarefittedtoyourcarduringscheduledservicing –partsthathavebeenfullytestedandmeetMitsubishi’s stringentqualitycontrol.Allthesepartscarrythe MitsubishiGenuineParts12months/20,000kilometres guarantee(whichevercomesfirst). TaketheburdenoutoffinancingyournewMitsubishi vehiclewithourcompetitiverangeoffinanceproducts, developedbyMitsubishiMotorsAustraliaLimitedand St.GeorgeMotorFinanceLimited. PeaceofmindisguaranteedanywhereinAustraliawith ourfree5year/130,000km(whichevercomesfirst) RoadsideAssist,24hoursaday,365daysayear.Ourfast, comprehensiveroadsideserviceoffersassistance,repairs, towingandstorage.OurPremiumRoadsideAssistclients alsoenjoytheaddedbenefitsofaccommodation,medical andtransportfacilities.Serviceconditionsapply. MitsubishioffersoneofAustralia’sbestserviceintervals of12months/15,000km(whichevercomesfirst).Regular scheduledservicingensuresthelong-termreliabilityand safetyofyourMitsubishiandourScheduledService Programalsohelpsprotectyourcar’sresalevalue. WiththesoundbackingofSwannInsuranceand MitsubishiMotorsAustraliaLimited,Mitsubishiowners canchoosebetweenvehicleandpersonalprotection solutionsincludingmotorvehicle,gapcoverandloan protectioninsuranceaswellasarangeoftailored warrantypolicies. COLOURS AND TRIMS STYLE YOUR OUTL ANDER MYSTICBLUE CHAMPAGNE RED(M) COOLSILVER BLACK(P) MANITOBA(P) DEEPBLUE(M) WHITE LEATHER SPORTSMESH CLOTH LS XLS XLS LUXURY VR VRX VRX LUXURY CLOTH SPORTS MESH LEATHER CLOTH SPORTS MESH LEATHER MYSTICBLUE(M) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ CHAMPAGNE(M) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ RED(M) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ COOLSILVER(M) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ BLACK(P) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ MANITOBA(P) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DEEPBLUE(M) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ WHITE ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ Metallic(M)andpearlescent(P)paintsareoptionalextra. LS Manual 5 Seats LS CVT Auto 5/7 Seats XLS CVT Auto 5 Seats XLS Luxury CVT Auto 7 Seats VR Auto 5/7 Seats VRX Auto 5 Seats LS Manual 5 Seats VRX Luxury Auto 7 Seats LS CVT Auto 5/7 Seats XLS CVT Auto 5 Seats XLS Luxury CVT Auto 7 Seats VR Auto 5/7 Seats Specifications Brakes Engine Front brakes Ventilated discs Type 3.0L V6 SOHC 24-valve MPI MIVEC engine Rear brakes Discs 88 X 97mm 87.6 x 82.9mm Suspension 2359cc 2998cc Front Independent MacPherson strut coil spring with stabiliser bar 9.5:1 Rear Independent multi-link coil spring with stabiliser bar 2.4L DOHC 16-valve MPI MIVEC engine Bore X Stroke Capacity Compression Ratio 10.5:1 System Drive transfer system Electronically controlled multi-point fuel injection Fuel Tank Capacity 60L 9.5 9.3 9.3 9.3 10.9 10.9 10.9 Steering Power-assisted rack and pinion Turning Circle (metres) 10.6 Wheels Battery 55D23L Alternator 120 AMP Performance Power 125kW @ 6000rpm 162kW @ 6250rpm Torque 226Nm @ 4100rpm 276Nm @ 4000rpm Transmission 5-speed manual transmission S - - - – – - CVT with INVECS 'Smart Logic' - S S S - - - 16" x 6.5" JJ 5-spoke Alloy wheels S S - - - - - 18" x 7.0" JJ 5-spoke Alloy wheels - - S - S S - 18" x 7.0" JJ 7-spoke Alloy wheels - - - S - - S Steel space saver spare wheel S S S S S S S 215/70R16 99H tyres S S - - - - - 225/55R18 97H tyres - - S S S S S Spare tyre – T155/90D16 S S S S S S S Tyres* 6 speed automatic transmission with INVECS 'Smart Logic' - 'Sports Mode' - S S S S S S Paddle Shift - A S S S S S - – - S S S Exterior Dimensions Gear ratio first 3.538 2.349 2.349 2.349 4.199 4.199 4.199 second 1.913 1.517 1.517 1.517 2.405 2.405 2.405 third 1.333 1.105 1.105 1.105 1.583 1.583 1.583 fourth 1.028 0.857 0.857 0.857 1.161 1.161 1.161 fifth 0.820 0.680 0.680 0.680 0.855 0.855 0.855 sixth - 0.394 0.394 0.394 0.685 0.685 0.685 3.583 1.750 1.750 1.750 3.457 3.457 3.457 Final Gear Ratio Electronically controlled coupling Steering Engine Electrical reverse VRX Luxury Auto 7 Seats Mechanical Fuel System Fuel Consumption (ADR 81/01) L/100kms VRX Auto 5 Seats 4.562 6.466 6.466 6.466 3.571 3.571 3.571 Overall Height 1720 Overall Length 4640 Overall Width 1800 Track (front) 1540 Track (rear) 1540 Wheelbase 2670 Ground Clearance Ground Clearance 215 Approach angle (degrees) 22 Departure angle (degrees) 21 Ramp break-over angle (degrees) 19 *The tyres fitted to Outlander as standard equipment are designed primarily for use on sealed roads. If your Outlander is to be driven primarily on unsealed roads, please consult your Mitsubishi dealer for advice on suitable tyre choices. LS Manual 5 Seats LS CVT Auto 5/7 Seats XLS CVT Auto 5 Seats XLS Luxury CVT Auto 7 Seats VR Auto 5/7 Seats VRX Auto 5 Seats VRX Luxury Auto 7 Seats Interior Dimensions LS Manual 5 Seats LS CVT Auto 5/7 Seats XLS CVT Auto 5 Seats XLS Luxury CVT Auto 7 Seats VR Auto 5/7 Seats VRX Auto 5 Seats VRX Luxury Auto 7 Seats Cargo Area (kg) Head room – Length – 2nd row seats down 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 1697 973 – Length – 2nd row seats up 983 983 983 983 983 983 983 899 – Height 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 1017 – Width 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 – Front row 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 – 2nd row 973 973 973 973 973 973 – 3rd row - -/899 - 899 -/899 - Leg room – Front row 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 1056 – 2nd row 1007 1007/934 1007 934 1007/934 1007 934 – 2nd row seats down (L) 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 1691 – 3rd row - -/704 - 704 -/704 - 704 – 2nd row seats up (L) 882 882 882 882 882 882 882 – 2nd row seats upright to seatback (L) 589 589 589 589 589 589 589 Shoulder room – Front row 1433 1433 1433 1433 1433 1433 1433 – 2nd row 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 1426 – 3rd row - -/1264 - 1264 -/1264 - 1264 Cargo Capacity S: Standard O: Optional P: OPTION PACK A: dealer fitted accessory –: NOT AVAILABLE Hip room – Front row 1326 1326 1326 1326 1326 1326 1326 – 2nd row 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 – 3rd row - -/993 - 993 -/993 - 993 Capacities Gross vehicle mass 2270 2270 2270 2270 2335 2335 2335 Kerb Mass 1550 1580/1615 1595 1630 1640/1675 1675 1762 720 690/655 675 565 695/660 660 573 Gross Combination Mass Payload * 3620 3620 3620 3620 3775 3775 3775 Maximum Towing Capacity With Trailer Brakes ^ 1500 1500 1500 1500 1600 1600 1600 Maximum Towing Capacity Without Trailer Brakes ^ 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 150 150 150 150 160 160 160 Maximum Front Axle Load Towball Download 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 1090 Maximum Rear Axle Load 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1280 1,720 * Subject to state regulations and towbar design. ^ Payload includes occupants, fuel & fitted options (if any). The weight of these must be deducted from Payload to determine actual load carrying capacity. Front &/or Rear Axle loads must not be exceeded. 215* 1,540 1,800 965 2,670 1,005 1,540 4,640 * Ground Clearance unladen Always consult your authorised Mitsubishi Dealer for the latest details on specifications, options, prices, availability and conditions on New Vehicle Warranty. All product illustrations and specifications referred to herein are believed to be correct at the time of publication approval. Subject to any applicable Federal, State or Territory Laws or ordinances, which may apply from time to time, Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited reserves the right, without notice, or obligation, to discontinue or make changes to designs, specifications, colours and materials of the options and products referred to herein at any time without incurring any liability to any purchaser thereof. © Mitsubishi Motors Australia Limited. ABN 53 007 870 395. OUT0908. MIT2904 †Non-transferable. LS XLS XLS Luxury VR VRX VRX Luxury Features Audio/Media Security coded AM/FM radio/CD/MP3 player 6 speakers (includes 2 tweeters) In-dash 6 CD stacker LS XLS XLS Luxury VR VRX VRX Luxury MATT™ (Mitsubishi All Terrain Technology) S S - S S S S S S S - S S S S All Wheel Control Electronically Controlled 4WD System S S S S S S Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) S S S S S S Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) S S S S S S Audio input jack S S S S S S Power brake booster with Brake Assist (BA) system S S S S S S Rockford Fosgate® premium 650 watt audio - - S - S S Active Stability Control (ASC) S S S S S S S Active Traction Control (ATC) S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S 9 speakers (includes 4 tweeters and 1 sub woofer) - - S - S Steering wheel mounted audio controls S S S S S S Optimised stability body construction (with aluminium roof) Roof mounted antenna S S S S S S Mitsubishi Body Optimised Suspension (MBOS) Rear seat entertainment system A A S A A S Safety – Auxiliary input jack - - S - - S Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) S S S S S S – Headphones (x1) A A S A A S Electronic Brakeforce Distribution (EBD) S S S S S S Multi function display S S S S S S Active Stability Control (ASC) S S S S S S – Trip computer S S S S S S Active Traction Control (ATC) S S S S S S S High intensity discharge headlamps with automatic levelling - - S - S S O Automatic dusk sensing headlamps - - S - - S Headlamp washers - - S - S S Reinforced Impact Safety Evolution (RISE) body S S S S S S Side door impact beams S S S S S S Driver and front passenger dual stage SRS airbags S S S S S S Side SRS airbags for side impact torso protection O S S S S S Curtain SRS airbags for side impact head protection O S S S S S Reverse parking sensors A S S A S S Reversing camera (included in Mitsubishi Multi Communication System)* - - O - - O Driver and front passenger seatbelts with force limiters and pre-tensioners S S S S S S 3 point ELR seat belts (all seating positions) S S S S S S Day/night rear-view mirror S S S S S S Rear window demister S S S S S S Child proof rear door locks S S S S S S - S S - S S Bluetooth® hands free phone operation with audio mute1 Satellite Navigation (included in Mitsubishi Multi Communication System)* A - S - S O A - S - Exterior Styling 16" x 6.5" JJ 5-spoke Alloy wheels 18" x 7.0" JJ 5-spoke Alloy wheels S - S - S S - 18" x 7.0" JJ 7-spoke Alloy wheels - - S - - S Body coloured door mirrors S S S S S S Chrome grille highlight - - S - - S Door handles – silver finish - S - S S - Door handles – chrome - - S - - S Chrome side sill garnish - - S - – S Chrome side window moulding - - S - - S Chrome tail gate garnish - - S - - S Fog lamps A S S S S S Privacy glass - S S S S S Rear roof spoiler with high mount stop lamps S S S S S S Roof rails – silver finish S S S S S S Chrome exhaust extension A S S S S S Dual tail pipe - - - S S S Rear mudflaps S S S S S S Interior Styling Convenience Smart Key (front doors and tailgate) Paddle Shift A S S S S S High contrast illumination instrument cluster S S S S S S Split tail gate S S S S S S Leather bound gearshift knob S S S S S S 2 Leather bound steering wheel with audio/ cruise control switches S S S S S S Chrome interior door handles - S S - S S Scuff plate S S S S S S Matching carpet mats with VRX embroidery - - - - S S *Mitsubishi Multi Communication System includes satellite navigation and reversing camera. When selected, the in-dash 6 CD stacker is deleted and navigation voice recognition commands replace Bluetooth® voice recognition commands . 1Bluetooth® connectivity depends on your phone compatibility. Only available on CVT Auto model. 2 LS XLS XLS Luxury VR VRX VRX Luxury Power windows front and rear with driver auto down function key-off power delay S S S S S S Power door mirrors S S S S S S Cruise Control S S S S S S Windscreen wiper/washer with 2 speeds and speed sensitive variable intermittent function S S S S S S LS XLS XLS Luxury VR VRX VRX Luxury Third row seats Front facing bench seat O - S O - S Folding/stowable function (folds flat into underfloor compartment) O - S O - S Headrests x 2 O - S O - S Floor console box with lid, armrest and cupholders S S S S S S Instrument panel storage box S S S S S S Front cup holder – driver side, instrument panel S S S S S S S S S S S S Storage Tailgate wiper/washer with intermittent function S S S S S S Automatic rain sensing windscreen wipers - - S - - S Automatic dusk sensing headlamps - - S - - S Front room lamp with map reading lamps S S S S S S Rear room lamp S S S S S S Front and rear door trim pockets and bottle holders Cargo room lamp S S S S S S Rear seat cupholder S S S S S S Ignition key illumination with delay timer S - - S - - S S - S S - Warning buzzers for seat belt, door ajar, headlamps on Luggage floor box (not available in 7 seat) S S S S S S Seat back pocket – front passenger seat S S S S S S Tailgate inside grip handle S S S S S S Passenger assist grab handles – retractable S S S S S S Seat back pocket – driver seat - P S - - S Remote fuel filler door release S S S S S S Illuminated and lockable glovebox S S S S S S Ashtray in instrument panel S S S S S S Upper glovebox with lid S S S S S S Digital clock S S S S S S Upper glovebox with warm and cool box - S S - S S Simple tool set (includes jack set) S S S S S S Sunglass pocket (deleted when sunroof installed) - S - - S - Coat hook S S S S S S Seating Fabric seat trim S - - S - - Cargo room hook S S S S S S Sports mesh seat trim with leather look bolster - S - - S - S S S S S S Leather seat trim (1st and 2nd row only) 3rd row fabric trim Accessory socket (cargo area, centre console and instrument panel) - P S - - S Fully trimmed cargo area and tailgate S S S S S S Cargo blind A S S S S S Automatic climate control air conditioning S S S S S S Rear seat heater duct (second row) S S S S S S Pollen filter S S S S S S Electronic sunroof with slide and tilt - - S - - S Tilt adjustment steering column with steering lock S S S S S S Driver's foot rest S S S S S S Sunvisors with vanity mirror and lid with ticket holder – driver and passenger S S S S S S Front seats Slide, recline and height adjuster for driver's seat S S S S S S Power driver seat with 8-way adjustment - P S - - S Slide and recline function for passenger seat Fully flat function (front and second row seats) Height adjustable seatbelt anchors S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S Comfort S S S Height adjustable head rests S S S S S S Heated seats - P S - - S Second row seats 60:40 split folding function S S S S S S Security One-touch roll away seats S S S S S S Alarm S S S S S S Slide and recline function S S S S S S Engine Immobiliser S S S S s S Rear seat centre armrest with cupholder S S S S S S Central door locking with remote keyless entry S S S S S S Height adjustable headrests x 3 S S S S S S Diamond Roadside Assistance – 5 years S - - S - - Child seat anchorage points 3 3 3 3 3 3 Diamond Premium Roadside Assistance – 5 years - S S - S S S: Standard O: Optional P: OPTION PACK A: dealer fitted accessory –: NOT AVAILABLE ACCESSORIES PERSONALISE YOUR OUTL ANDER 8 9 1 BODYKIT 2 NUDGEBAR 3 DRIVINGLIGHTS 11 4 BONNETPROTECTOR 5 HEADLAMPPROTECTORS 6 FOGLAMPPROTECTORS 7 FOGLAMPS 10 8 WATERCRAFTCARRIER 9 BIKECARRIER 10 CHROMEMIRRORCOVERS 11 SUNROOFWINDDEFLECTOR 4 3 2 5 6 7 1 GenuineAccessoriesWarranty.WhenGenuineAccessoriesarefittedtoyournewvehicleatthetimeofdelivery,theyarecoveredbytheMitsubishi3year/130,000km*AccessoryWarranty.Whentheyarefittedafterpurchaseofyournewvehicletheyarecoveredfortheremainder oftheAccessoryWarrantyorfor12months/20,000km,whicheveristhelonger.InthecaseofDiamondSpectrumAccessoriesthewarrantyis12months/20,000km. REAR SEAT ENTERTAINMENT (ADDITIONAL HEADPHONES ALSO AVAILABLE) AUXILIARY INPUT CABLE BLUETOOTH mitsubishi MULTI COMMUNICATION SYSTEM (including satellite navigation & reversing camera) STRUT BRACE Sports gear knob SPORTS GRILLE RALLIART ACCENT PLATE (and handbrake lever) (RED OR SILVER) FRONT MUD FLAPS CARGO NET LUGGAGE ROOM RACK CARGO LINER (CARGO MAT ALSO AVAILABLE) SCUFF PLATES SKI ATTACHMENT NEOPRENE SEAT COVERS CARGO AREA PROTECTOR LUGGAGE CARRIER AND NET CARPET MATS (RUBBER MATS) REAR SEPARATION NET† *Diamond Spectrum Accessories. Pictures are shown for illustration purposes and may not be product-specific. Please check with your Mitsubishi dealer for specific model applications. †Not available with curtain airbags. CARGO BARRIER† 12 ROOF RACKS 13 LUGGAGE POD 14 TOW BAR, TOW BALL AND TOW BALL COVER 15 REAR PARK ASSISTANCE 16 WEATHERSHIELDS 13 17 EXHAUST TIP 18 REAR BUMPER PROTECTION PLATE 19 REAR UNDER MIRROR 20 18" ALLOY WHEELS 19 14 18 17 15 20 12 16
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