Oct / Nov 2013
Oct / Nov 2013
2 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com page 04 SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE is the official news and informa on source of the SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS® which is published six mes per year. MEMBERS: Send change of address to [email protected] or log onto the website at www.sevrar.com. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS®, 1363 South Vineyard, Mesa, Arizona 85210-8932. page 06 The purpose of The SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS® is to serve its members by providing programs, products, services, and ac vies which enhance members’ freedom and ability to conduct their real estate prac ces successfully, with integrity, and competency, and through collecve ac on to promote and protect private property rights. The SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS® assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the ar cles contained herein. The contents of informa on of ar cles are the opinions of the authors alone and do not necessarily represent those of officers, directors, staff, or The SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS®. Adver sements and ar cle submissions contained in the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE should not be construed as an endorsement by the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE staff. The SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS® does not test adver sed products or services, and therefore, cannot ensure their quality, accuracy or reliability. Adver sement content and placement is at the discre on of the SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE editor and/or Board of Directors. All real estate adver sing in this publica on is subject to the Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to adver se “any preference, limita on or discriminaon based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or na onal origin, or an inten on to make any such preference, limita on or discriminaon.” Familial status includes children under the age of eighteen living with parents or legal custodians, pregnant women and people securing custody of children under eighteen. This publica on will not knowingly accept any adver sing for real estate which is in viola on of the law. To complain of discrimina on, call HUD at (800) 669-9777; the hearing impaired call (800) 927-9275. page 11 page 14 www.SEVRAR.com page 04 MEMBER NEWS Board Election Results page 05 EVENT NEWS Oktoberfest & International Tasting The White Party Costco Holiday Shopping Preview 2013 REALTORS® Conference & Expo Diversity Day Brings Many Together “Ouch!!!” - Community Outreach REALTOR® Expo—Where Champions Are Made MEMBER NEWS Why Pink? Welcome New Staff Member Dues Renewal Is Coming AAR Information and Updates New Luxury Tours Add to Schedule Spirit of the Community: Jessica Morel and Mark Poisson 2013 Buddy Pylant Affiliate of the Year Nomination Form Affiliate Spotlight: I Clean Ugly Credit 2013 REALTOR® of the Year Affiliate Spotlight: Homeowners Financial Group Affiliate Spotlight: Arizona Academy of Real Estate page 06 page 10 page 16 page 20 page 25 page 39 page 40 page 08 page 12 page 14 page 17 page 22 page 26 page 27 page 30 page 31 page 32 page 34 REAL MART STORE NEWS 2014 Magnetic Calendars page 09 WCR NEWS WCR Becomes One WCR Installation Luncheon page 21 page 33 EDUCATION NEWS CIPS Designation VA & Military Real Estate Specialist The Evolution of GRI page 02 page 24 page 36 EDUCATION & EVENT NEWS Education & Events Calendar page 41 page 16 ADVERTISERS Want to advertise in the SEVRAR News Magazine? Visit: www.sevrar.com REALTOR® is a registered collec ve membership mark that iden fies , and may be used ONLY by real estate professionals who are members of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict Code of Ethics. Copyright © 2013 by The SouthEast Valley Regional Associa on of REALTORS®, 1363 South Vineyard, Mesa, Arizona 85210-8932. Telephone: (480) 8337510. Fax: (480) 835-1329. Ar cles unassigned in this publica on may be reproduced providing credit is given to SEVRAR NEWS MAGAZINE with a copy mailed to the editor. Reproduc on of ar cles wri en by all others is strictly prohibited without prior wri en permission. PRESIDENT’S NEWS Great Weather, Great Events Coming page 40 ARMLS Arizona Elite Properties Assure Home Inspection First American Home Buyers Protection Legal Shield Liberty Mutual Insurance Meritage Homes PRS Property Management Savage Smiles Dentistry State Farm Insurance Sunset Septic Services Taylor Morrison Title 365 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg pg 19 29 29 22 43 43 07 29 43 14 08 07 21 3 PRESIDENT’S NEWS Great Weather, Great Events Coming REMEMBER YOUR AFFILIATES WHO ARE WORKING HARD FOR YOU! By Doug Adcox, 2013 Board President Has the heat finally broken? As we write this there’s a crispness in the air that reminds us why we live here. The great weather is coming! A few great events are coming soon: Oktoberfest & International Tasting (Oct. 25), REALTOR® Expo (Oct. 30) and the Costco Holiday Shopping Preview (Nov. 14). We have a great Affiliate organization that puts a lot of time, effort and money into making these annual events a huge success. Come out, enjoy the fun and learn about SEVRAR Affiliates. Let’s all be an example and show our appreciation for the hard work that they do for us and our charities. We ALL use Affiliates as part of our businesses. Please help support our Affiliate members by using them! If your favorite is NOT a member of SEVRAR then invite them to join! Congratulations to President Elect Heidi Quigley-Larke (United Brokers Group), Vice President Keri Hoge Means (Shooting Star Realty, Inc.), Director (Designated REALTOR®) Liz Harris (Liz Harris Realty), Director (Designated REALTOR®) Marci Slater (Slater & Co. Realty), Director (REALTOR®) Laurie McDonnell (United Brokers Group), Director (REALTOR®) Craig Peck (RE/MAX New Heights Realty), and Director (Affiliate) Judy Warga (American Financial Network) for winning their respective election races for the SEVRAR Board of Director positions. In addition, Shen-Yi Michelle Chang (Da Fa Realty & Investments) was appointed as the Treasurer and Rick Moody (The Moody Group) appointed to fill the Director (Designated REALTOR®) position. We look forward to working with all of you next year. Also, congratulations to Liz Harris for winning the small Board representative position at ARMLS. Liz will represent small brokerages across the valley at ARMLS. Please let us know how we can help serve you better and thank you for all your contributions to SEVRAR! Thank you, Doug Adcox 2013 Board President P.S. Mark your calendar AND REGISTER TO ATTEND the next General Membership Meeting on Thursday, October 24th @ 11AM. ■■■ 4 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR STAFF OPERATIONS Janet Kane, CAE, CIPS, RCE Chief Executive Officer MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS Wyndi Austin Director of Marketing Communications EDUCATION Tonya Deskins Director of Education PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS Tonya Deskins Professional Standards Administrator Caity James Customer Service Assistant GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS Andy Fegley Director of Government Affairs MEMBERSHIP Elizabeth Litten Director of Membership 2013 Board of Directors. Front row: Pam Frestedt (President Elect), Doug Adcox (President), Janet Kane (CEO), Heidi Quigley (Vice President), Mara Benson (Director). Middle row: Craig Peck (Director), Keri Hoge Means (Treasurer), Shen-Yi Michelle Chang (Director), Mary Ann Shryack (Director. Back row: Todd Menard (Past President), Duane Washkowiak (Director), Jeff Murray (Director), Jim Amdahl (Director) and Mark Lemaire (Affiliate Director). Danette Earnest (Director) not pictured. Board Election Results BOARD OF DIRECTOR WINNERS FOR 2014 BOARD Missy Brammer Membership Services REAL MART STORE Cathy Blake Real Mart Store Manager IT SERVICES Maribel Petrotto Director of Technology President Elect Heidi Quigley-Larke United Brokers Group FINANCE Barbara Danielson Director of Finance Vice President Keri Hoge Means Shooting Star Realty, Inc. Director (Designated REALTOR®) Liz Harris Liz Harris Realty Patsy McManus Accounting Manager Lori Evans Accounting Assistant ADMINISTRATION Barney Thornton Admin. Assistant & Rental Coordinator FACILITIES Michael Carrillo Facilities Manager www.SEVRAR.com Director (REALTOR®) Laurie McDonnell United Brokers Group Director (REALTOR®) Craig Peck RE/MAX New Heights Realty Director (Affiliate) Judy Warga American Financial Network Director (Designated REALTOR®) Marci Slater Slater & Co. Realty SEVRAR is governed by a Board of Directors, elected for two-year terms by the general membership. Board members are veteran REALTORS® (and Affiliate Director) who give freely and generously of their time for the association's benefit. For more information about the Board of Directors please visit: www.sevrar.com/about/ board-of-directors SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 5 6 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com EVENT NEWS Oktoberfest & International Tasting JOIN US AT THE EASTMARK COMMUNITY CENTER FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25TH! By Charlotte Burr, Oktoberfest Event Chair Don’t miss one of SEVRAR’s biggest events - OKTOBERFEST & INTERNATIONAL TASTING! And, that “one time a year” opportunity to wear your Lederhosen (German Shorts with Suspenders) and Loden Hüt (wool hat)! The SEVRAR Affiliate Committee will host the Oktoberfest & International Tasting event for the purpose of raising funds benefitting the SEVRAR Critical Needs program. RESERVE YOUR TICKETS NOW FOR OKTOBERFEST! (Reserve Online, Pay at the Door) $5 per ticket Children 10 yrs and under are FREE! www.sevrar.com/news-events/oktoberfest & AFFILIATES! Just a few booths remain available—get your booth now FREE! www.sevrar.com/news-events/ oktoberfest This is your chance to compete for, Best of Show, Best Team Spirit or Best Costume. ■■■ QUESTIONS? CONTACT: Charlotte Burr AZ Insurance Team Tel: 480-535-5709 NEW LOCATION! Eastmark Visitor & Community Center 10100 E. Ray Rd, Mesa (Just east of the Ray and Ellsworth intersection) Date: Friday, October 25, 2013 Time: 5 PM to 9 PM NEW LOCATION! Eastmark Community Center, 10100 E. Ray Rd, Mesa ALL NEW THIS YEAR! SPLASH PAD WITH NEON LIGHTS— KIDS BRING YOUR SWIMSUIT! BROKER DUNK TANK! LIVE BAND—6 FOOT 6! PLUS! Visit the REALTOR® & Affiliate Booths! Drawings for a variety of door prizes! FREE! Oktoberfest Food & Beer Favorites! International Food Tastings! 50/50 Drawing! CALLING EXHIBITORS! BROKERS, AGENTS www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 7 MEMBER NEWS Why Pink? SEVRAR SUPPORTS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS These days ribbons are worn for many different causes. Red signifies AIDS awareness. A yellow ribbon has long represented support for armed forces. However, one of the most prominent ribbon colors is pink, which aims to raise awareness of and support for breast cancer. Pink is a color that is uniquely feminine, and it also represents a person full of health and vibrancy; think of little babies pink with life. Pink is also a color that seems the complete antithesis of cancer, and thusly inspires hope for renewed health and survival. There is some controversy surrounding the origins of the breast cancer mascot... the pink ribbon. There are also suggestions that the ribbon was intended to be peach and not pink. In 1992, just about every organization started using ribbons to raise awareness. The New York Times actually dubbed 1992 "The Year of the Ribbon." Alexandra Penney, the then-editor of Self magazine, wanted to create a ribbon for the publication's second annual Breast Cancer Awareness Month issue. The previous year she had worked with cosmetics giant Estee Lauder. Evelyn Lauder, the senior corporate vice president, was herself a breast cancer survivor. Penney thought a collaboration between the magazine and Lauder could see a ribbon on cosmetic counters across the nation, and help sell a few magazines in the process. The trouble was Penney had read a story about a 68-year-old woman, Charlotte Haley, who was producing handmade ribbons in her home. Haley had a number of people in her immediate family who had battled breast cancer and her handmade "peach" ribbons intended to raise awareness about the limited government funds being used for breast cancer research. Haley's message was spreading by word of mouth. Penney and Lauder contacted Haley and wanted to further collaborate on the peach ribbon theme. However, Haley didn't want to be involved, saying the effort would be too commercial. She refused to turn over rights to the use of the peach ribbon. As a result, Penney consulted with attorneys 8 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com who said to come up with another color, and pink was eventually chosen. Pink had already been associated with breast cancer in the past. Just a few years earlier, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation had given out pink visors to its "Race for the Cure" participants. It had also created a pink ribbon. The pink ribbon quickly took off by leaps and bounds. Millions were distributed by Estee Lauder. There are many philanthropic and commercial businesses who now use the pink ribbon in their breast cancer marketing plans. Every October, women are urged to don pink for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. One can find the pink ribbon adorning everything from cereal boxes to cans of cleanser. Is YOUR contact information up-to-date with SEVRAR? Many embrace the pink ribbon as a symbol of hope, one that has done its share of work toward spreading the word about the need for more breast cancer awareness and research. CALL SEVRAR ■■■ 480-833-7510 www.SEVRAR.com It’s your responsibility to ensure your information on record with SEVRAR is current! EMAIL | MAILING ADDRESS | PHONE SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 9 EVENT NEWS The White Party 09.19.13 OH WHAT A NIGHT! By Shivani Dallas REALTORS® and Affiliates came together to recognize the importance of the REALTORS® of Arizona Political Action Committee (RAPAC). The venue was mesmerizing and the catering was exquisite with a sea of supporters dressed in "all white"! As 2013 Chair of RAPAC for SEVRAR, I couldn't thank you enough for coming out and supporting OUR Cause. As REALTORS®, we must understand and educate our fellow REALTORS® about the importance of RAPAC. It's our voice! Its advocacy! It's truly the sharpest tool we have to protect our livelihood as Real Estate professionals and it’s intricate to the preservation of home ownership. As one voice, we have the power to protect ourselves from onerous local, state, and federal legislation. If you believe in strong vibrant communities, then you believe in the RAPAC. RAPAC gives the real estate industry a much needed voice. Moreover, RAPAC provides the industry a seat at the table. A bi-partisan seat! We identify and support political candidates who understand and support REALTOR® priorities. You can help make the REALTOR® voice stronger by doing your part and investing in RAPAC today! Our success is directly linked to membership support. I thank each and every member who came out to support our industry and I look forward to many more successful events! Please remember our event sponsors as you conduct your day-to-day business—reach out to them and utilize their expertise. Michael Certo, Certo Team @ Nova Home Loans Lidia Cruz-Whitmoyer, First American Home Buyers Protection James Duajardo, Property Value Central Jenni Erdmann, Cutco Closing Gifts Teri Ferguson, Title 365 Diane Gerdes, The Mortgage Advantage Shawna Hovis-Mayer & Anna Everts, Chicago Title Agency Amber Lecher-Oplinger, Peoples Mortgage Michelle Milliron, V.I.P. Mortgage, Inc. Yvette Myer, Old Republic Home Protection Brandon Smith, Empire West Title Agency Tracy Tucker, Oliver-Whalen Team @ Nova Home Loans Judy Warga, American Financial Network Scott Warga, ACSI ■■■ Contributions are not deductible for income tax purposes. Contributions to RPAC are voluntary and are used for political purposes. You may refuse to contribute without reprisal and the National Association of REALTORS® or any of its state associations or local boards will not favor or disfavor any member because of the amount contributed. 70% of each contribution is used by your state PAC to support state and local political candidates. Until your state PAC reaches its RPAC goal 30% is sent to National RPAC to support federal candidates and is charged against your limits under 2 U.S.C. 441a; after the state PAC reaches its RPAC goal it may elect to retain your entire contribution for use in supporting state and local candidates. EVENT SPONSORS Benjamin Andrus, Primary Residential Mortgage Todd Bookspan, Bookspan Baker Team @ Cobalt Mortgage 10 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 11 MEMBER NEWS Welcome New Staff Member DIRECTOR OF FINANCE SEVRAR is pleased to introduce new Director of Finance, Barbara “Bobbie” Danielson. In her new role with the association, Barbara will have the responsibility for financial management reporting to CEO Janet Kane and working with both the Finance Committee and Board of Directors. Bobbie will focus on ensuring the financial function is aligned with the strategic goals, priorities and needs of the Board of Director’s by integrating the key functions throughout the association such as Membership, Professional Development, marketing and more. “Financial strength is key to any successful organization, and our goal at SEVRAR is to ensure that sound financial practices, along with innovative thinking, continue to excel SEVRAR as a premiere Association,” says Janet Kane, CEO. “We're so excited to have Bobbie joining the organization, as she brings with her a combination of creativity and financial expertise to help SEVRAR reach the goals set before it! We are in the midst of integrating our internal systems, along with improving our communication strategies, to take the membership experience to the next level. Bobbie will play a major role in that endeavor. Prior to joining SEVRAR, Bobbie’s membership and non-profit experiences include: being the CFO of the largest membership wellness programming group in the nation, prior to being purchased by a nationally traded company out of Nashville, Treasurer of the HCD Institute of Active Living, and the President and Founder of the Dream Castle Children’s Foundation. Bobbie has been in the Valley of the Sun since 1995. Bobbie holds an MBA in Finance from North Central in Illinois and received her undergraduate degree from Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. Barbara enjoys a variety of after-hours activities. She enjoys non-profit fundraisers, Teaming Up for Girls Committee for Florence Crittenton, Ambassador for the Chandler Center of the Arts children’s programs, Best Buddies International Program, E-Buddies Program, Latin ballroom dancing and west coast swing, traveling and wine tasting. The next time you visit us at SEVRAR, please feel free to stop by say hello and introduce yourself to Bobbie. ■■■ 12 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 13 MEMBER NEWS Dues Renewal Is Coming NOTICES WILL GO OUT TO MEMBERS VIA EMAIL IN MID-NOVEMBER By Elizabeth Litten, Director of Membership ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES It’s that time of year for the billing of our annual membership dues. Notices will go out to members beginning mid November. As a reminder membership dues invoices are NOT mailed—you will receive a notice via e-mail. Please note… if you have previously unsubscribed from our e-mails you will NOT receive this notice. It will be your responsibility to login and make the payment online. Late payments undoubtedly come with additional fees. Paying on time can save you both time and money. For example, early January will mark the deadline for payment and begin with a $50 late fee. Furthermore, mid January starts with both membership and MLS terminations with $75 to $150 reinstatement fees (exact dates/deadlines will be posted at www.sevrar.com). Full dues payment instructions will also be posted on the SEVRAR website. Mark your calendars now to alert yourself… we looking forward to being your association of choice and servicing all your needs in 2014! DUES RENEWAL FAQ In addition, here is a convenient FAQ regarding renewal of membership dues: When and how will I receive my membership Renewal Dues Statement notice? SEVRAR no longer mails dues statements to members. You will be notified via e-mail that your invoice is available for online payment at www.sevrar.com. I have not received an e-mail with the 2014 Dues Statement payment instructions, what do I do now? Simply visit www.sevrar.com/Dues approximately mid November and follow the online payment instructions. What is the deadline for paying my 2014 Membership Dues? The deadline for Membership dues is January 1, 2014. However, a grace period is granted up to January 15, 2014. As of January 16, 2014 a $50 late fee will be added to your dues statement. After January 30, 2014 a notice will be sent to the delinquent member’s Broker indicating nonpayment of dues and given 15 days to remit the applicable non-member assessment. I can’t pay my dues in full, can I make payments? Unfortunately SEVRAR is not able to accept partial payments; you must pay the full amount. I’m thinking of moving out of real estate to try something new. What should I do? Simply follow these easy steps: 1. Due to a policy adopted by the SEVRAR Board of Directors, if you are NOT CONTINUED ON PAGE 15 14 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com MEMBER NEWS NOTICES WILL GO OUT TO MEMBERS VIA EMAIL IN MID-NOVEMBER renewing your membership for 2014, you MUST notify the Association in writing before January 16, 2014 in order to resign in “good standing”. 2. You will be required to place your real estate license in an inactive status. Contact ADRE at 602-771-7799 or online at https://az.gov/webapp/dre/. 3. Your MLS and Supra key services will be terminated at that time. 4. Contact the SEVRAR Membership department if you have any additional questions about inactivating your membership. DATES TO REMEMBER Mid November: Dues Invoices will be available for online payment. An e-mail will be sent to members with online payment instructions. If you do not receive an email simply visit: www.sevrar.com/Dues. We will also be notifying members via phone and text messaging. I want to pay now to get it taken care of and avoid forgetting. How can I do that? We are NOT able to accept payments until all the member records are updated and statements are readied by our accounting department. Wait to receive the e-mail or visit the webpage dedicated to dues renewal information (both available mid-November), www.sevrar.com/Dues. January 31 – February 14: As of this point unpaid dues will change your members status to a NONMEMBER. A nonmember assessment (re-instatement fee) is due as follows: What if I don’t pay my 2014 Membership Dues by the deadline? Please reference the dates below to avoid additional late and non-member assessment fees. ■■■ January 1: Dues Renewal payments are due. January 16 – January 30: Dues Invoices will now include a $50 late fee. a. b. c. d. e. Designated REALTOR® $75 REALTOR® $75 Affiliate $150 Designated Appraiser $150 Appraiser $150 In addition, a notice will be sent to the delinquent member’s Broker indicating nonpayment of dues and will be given 15 days to remit the applicable nonmember assessment (as stated above). February 15: For those remaining unpaid dues (either by the REALTOR® or the DR), the Designated REALTOR® is TERMINATED and MLS is in jeopardy of suspension for the ENTIRE office. (This means regardless if one or most Agents have paid their dues, just one remaining unpaid Agent (or Broker) can cause the entire office to lose MLS access. The Broker AND all Agents must be paid to avoid interruption prior to February 15, 2014.) www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 15 16 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com MEMBER NEWS Arizona Association of REALTORS® AAR INFORMATION AND UPDATES By Bethany Helvie, AAR Communications Manager AAR Helps Arizona Property Owners Maintain the Right to Use “For Sale” Signs by Scott Drucker The Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) is committed to supporting statutes and legislation that promote Arizona’s housing market, which is vital to the economy of this state. It is this commitment that led AAR to file an amicus curiae brief in support of a homeowner’s right to utilize an industry standard “For Sale” sign regardless of restrictions imposed by a community association. A.R.S. §§ 33-441 and 33-1808(F) render unenforceable any covenant, restriction or condition prohibiting the indoor or outdoor display of a “For Sale” sign and sign rider by a property owner on that person’s property. For various reasons, these statutes have been the frequent target of legal challenges, often by community associations seeking to enforce the community’s covenants, conditions and restrictions (CC&Rs). The most recent challenge was advanced by PC Village Association, Inc., a community association that governs the Pine Canyon subdivision in Flagstaff, Arizona. Robert and Cecilia Hawk are the owners of real property located in Pine Canyon and, on August 16 and August 17, 2011, the Hawks posted on their Pine Canyon property a “For Sale” sign. On both instances, PC Village removed the “For Sale” sign claiming it violated its CC&Rs. It is these facts that give rise to the case of Hawk v. PC Village Association, Inc. and an Arizona Court of Appeals Opinion dated September 3. Understandably, Mr. and Mrs. Hawk desired to reach as many prospective buyers as possible and recognized that perhaps the most valuable and cost effective manner to communicate that their home was available for purchase was through the use of a simple “For Sale” sign. Claiming that “For Sale” signs are visually unappealing, PC Village argued that: (1) the pertinent statutes did not supersede its CC&Rs because the statues were enacted years after PC Village’s CC&Rs were recorded and amended to prohibit property owners in Pine Canyon from displaying any kind of sign visible from neighboring property; and (2) the statutes are unconstitutional because they substantially impair the community association’s contractual rights. If successful, the position asserted by PC Village would have adversely impacted a homeowner’s ability to sell a property for the highest price, as well as a buyer’s ability to secure information as to which properties are available for purchase. Following oral argument, the Arizona Court of Appeals rejected the position advanced by PC Village, finding that the community association “failed to demonstrate a substantial impairment.” The Court’s rationale was based in part on the fact that planned communities and homeowners associations are creatures of statute, their powers being largely defined by legislation. In such a highly regulated industry, the Court determined that PC Village had no reasonable expectation to conclude that its CC&Rs would remain unaffected by future legislation or government directive. In passing A.R.S. §§ 33-441 and 33-1808(F), the Arizona legislature intended to protect the rights of homeowners by permitting a vital form of commercial speech that assists property owners in selling their homes, likely their greatest capital asset. AAR is therefore pleased that the Arizona Court of Appeals upheld these statutes as constitutional, holding that A.R.S. § 33- CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 17 MEMBER NEWS AAR INFORMATION AND UPDATES 441 “plainly invalidates” CC&Rs such as those of Pine Canyon that seek to prohibit “For Sale” signs. tion. Scott oversees AAR’s Risk Management Committee, which includes professional standards administration for 20 of the state’s local REALTOR® associations, and the development of standard real estate AAR would like to thank attorney Tevis Reich for his dedicated representation of Robert and Cecilia Hawk, along with attorney Richard V. Mack who assisted in the preparation of AAR’s amicus curiae brief. ■■■ About the Author: Scott Drucker Scott M. Drucker, Esq. is general counsel to the Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR). He serves as the primary legal advisor to the associa- 18 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 forms. Please note that this post is of a general nature and may not be updated or revised for accuracy as statutes and case law change following the date of first publication. Further, this post reflects only the opinion of the author, is not intended as definitive legal advice, and you should not act upon it without seeking independent legal counsel. he opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 19 20 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com WCR NEWS WCR Becomes One ARIZONA EAST VALLEY CHAPTER OF WCR By Mary Jo Thomas At the joint meeting of Superstition Mountain WCR and South East Valley WCR on September 13, 2013 it became official that on January 1, 2014 there will be only one WCR Chapter and it will be called Arizona East Valley Chapter of WCR. We are all very excited by this change and look forward to positive growth. Fundraiser On October 10, 2013 we will be having a fundraiser at TQLA (1840 S. Val Vista Dr., Mesa AZ) from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm. Join us for an evening of food, drink and friends. Twenty dollars ($20) per person gives you one drink ticket, appetizers and one Door Prize Ticket. Please RSVP to Chris Bastian at [email protected]. We look forward to seeing you there. Business Resource Meeting Our October 11, 2013 Business Resource Meeting will be at the Superstition Springs Golf Club (6542 E. Baseline Rd., Mesa AZ). The time is 8:30 am to 10:30 am and the cost is $15 with reservation and $20 at the door. Please RSVP at www.superstitionWCR.com. The speaker is Karen Scoggins— Karen has always had a love of nature, animals and photography. With Tyler Cat as her daily reminder of the power of perspective and presence she creates a yearly calendar and weekly motivational messages and video which can be found on her YouTube channel www.youtube.com/ inspiredbytylercat. We look forward to having you come and be inspired. Business Resource Meeting The November 1, 2013 Business Resource Meeting will be a Holiday Boutique so come and get your Christmas Shopping done early. Same place and same time as above. ■■■ www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 21 MEMBER NEWS New Luxury Tours Added To Schedule A FREE SERVICE MEMBERS SHOULD BE USING By Wyndi Austin The SEVRAR Marketing Home Tour Committee works diligently to bring association members the opportunity to showcase their listings. The sole purpose is to utilize one another and ultimately get your REALTOR® colleagues to walk through your listing and help get it sold. During their Committee meeting last month, they added a Luxury Tour to several of the current toured cities. Please see the list and schedule on the next page. A typical Marketing Home Tour Meeting includes an opportunity to network with REALTORS® and Affiliates, brief introduction and continues with the moderator relaying neighborhood real estate statistics, any SEVRAR news updates and announcements, introduces a guest speaker (if present) and the sponsor for the meeting, asks for any “needs/wants” or questions, and ends with a review of the homes on the tour and route. Servicing a of variety southeast valley cities and towns—this is a member benefit you don’t want to pass up. Follow these easy instructions to get started: 1. Locate the Tour coordinator for the City you wish to participate in. (Ahwatukee, Apache Junction, Chandler, Gilbert / Higley, Luxury Homes West & East, Mesa, Tempe, San Tan Valley and Queen Creek.) 2. Submit the MLS Buyer Page to the appropriate tour coordinator. The tour coordinator with contact information is listed to the right. 3. From there, the Tour coordinator will contact you within 24‐48 hours with detailed information that includes: Marketing/Home Tour date that your home will be shown Time the Marketing Home Tour Meeting begins Location of Marketing Home Tour meeting Contact information should you have additional questions For more information please visit www.sevrar.com/ committees/home-tours. ■■■ Learn more at: www.sevrar.com 22 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 23 24 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com EVENT NEWS Diversity Day Brings Many Together A PANEL OF EXPERTS WITH A SPECIAL NETWORKING LUNCHEON By Shen-Yi Michelle Chang, SEVRAR Board Director, AAR Board Director, Founding Chairwoman Asian Real Estate Association of America - Arizona Chapter The National Association of His- The Southeast Valley Regional Association of REALTORS® (SEVRAR) and the AZ State Women’s Council of REALTORS® had a successful event packed with over 150 attendees on July 30, 2013 for its inaugural Diversity Day. This joint event was made possible through a generous grant awarded by the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Diversity Committee. Brought together and represented at the event were national organizations and the Arizona Chapters including: The Women’s Council of REALTORS® (WCR) The Asian Real Estate Association of America (AREAA) www.SEVRAR.com panic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) The National Associations of Gay & Lesbian Real Estate Professionals (NAGLREP) The Hispanic Association of Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) The renowned panel of experts from various NAR recognized diversity groups discussed demographics, future population projections, buying habits, advocacy efforts, specialized loan programs and housing opportunities for the many diverse cultures in Arizona. A special networking luncheon allowed for attendees to experience a wonderful international fare. ■■■ SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 25 MEMBER NEWS Spirit of The Community SEVRAR MEMBERS WHO ARE MAKING IMPACTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR COMMUNITIES By Shane Cook and Troy Fjerkenstad The SEVRAR Community Outreach Committee is pleased to bring you the (forth in a series) Spirit of the Community member highlight. With each issue of the SEVRAR News Magazine we will highlight SEVRAR members who are making impactful contributions to the communities that we all serve, as well as, the organizations and events that they work with. Spirit of the Community recommendations can be submitted through the SEVRAR website at www.sevrar.com/community. Through these highlights we hope to share and inspire contributions of time and/or money for the spotlight organizations; as well as inspiring our members to get involved with the community organizations serving needs that matter most to them. Launch Mixer and Orientation for Tucson Community Veterans Association of Real Estate Professional. Jessica Morel Tri Freedom Real Estate Partners By Shane Cooke Jessica Morel is currently serving as the state director of VAREP or Veterans Association of Real Estate Professionals. She has established a local chapter in the Phoenix area and is preparing to assemble a Tucson chapter. She is actively involved in the Veteran and Military community. As a Veteran herself, she is committed to enhancing the lives of the Veteran and Military community through homeownership and economic development. This non-profit, national organization, is committed to being an advocate for the veteran and military community. They focus on a five point plan that includes: homeownership, community outreach, professional membership, Veteran job creation and affordable housing. If you would like to join or help with the launch of VAREP in Phoenix or Tucson, please contact Jessica at 480797-5141. In October (Dates TBD) they will be holding the Phoenix Mark Poisson First American Title Insurance Company By Troy Fjerkenstad Have you ever met someone who has the ability to inspire you? How about someone who knows how to push you to be your best or to encourage you when things get difficult? How about someone that can make you want to try a little harder just by the words that are spoken. It is with distinct privilege that I have this opportunity to share some insight regarding Mark Poisson. Mark is a friend, a co worker and someone that epitomizes what it means to be an American, a leader in the community and a man devoted to helping others. Mark Poisson doesn’t just call himself an American, it’s who he is. CONTINUED ON PAGE 28 26 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 27 MEMBER NEWS SEVRAR MEMBERS WHO ARE MAKING IMPACTFUL CONTRIBUTIONS TO OUR COMMUNITIES Mark spent 6 years enlisted in the US Navy, with the last 2 year as a member of the Drill Corp team, but that’s just the beginning. Mark dedicates his time and energy to his community and his country on many levels every day. Mark became President of the Tempe Exchange club in 2008. An organization devoted to the prevention of child abuse. In 2013, he was recognized by his organization on a national level for his contributions and commitment to the organization. As President, his responsibilities include but are not limited to educating the youth about our country, its history and our community. Additionally, every year, the Tempe Exchange Club heads up a toy drive for those children who are less fortunate. One of the major contributions to the community is his involvement with the Healing Field at Tempe Town SPIRIT OF COMMUNITY AWARD We are looking for SEVRAR members who are doing great things in the community by giving back to local organizations and providing needed community services. Nominate yourself or someone you know doing good things! Lake. A memorial established to remember those that lost their lives on that horrific day on 9-11. Mark possesses the natural ability to rally people together. His enthusiasm for what he believes in is contagious and makes those around him feel a sense of pride. Every year, Mark and his team at the Tempe Exchange club organize the colossal task of gathering volunteers to turn a grassy field into a sea of almost 3000 flags. Each flag representing a human life lost on 9-11. The set up starts early on the 10th and runs several days following. Mark devotes his time and energy every day those flags are in the ground. It is his relentless love for his country and his desire to never forget those that perished. He truly embodies the meaning of being an American. Mark also has a love for our four legged friends. He and his wife Sandra Poisson spend time volunteering and supporting a no kill shelter called the Arizona Animal Welfare League. Both Mark and Sandra volunteer their time at the shelter and also help with the pet adoption program they have established. Mark is a firm believer in empowering those he comes in contact with. Through his commitment to the organizations he is involved with, Mark also enjoys sharing his wealth of knowledge to the real estate professionals in the South East Valley. Mark joined First American Title in June of 2010 and since then, he’s been teaching regularly at his office at First American Title in Ahwatukee as well as SEVRAR on different real estate topics with the hope that he will positively impact those eager to hear what he has to share. If you would like to help with any of Mark’s efforts please contact him at [email protected]. Learn more at: www.SEVRAR.com/community 28 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 ■■■ www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 29 MEMBER NEWS Affiliate Spotlight I CLEAN UGLY CREDIT Debbie Oliver Debbie Oliver is the owner of “I Clean Ugly Credit” and takes great pride in the fact that unlike other credit repair companies, she does not simply dispute items, but instead focuses on teaching intelligent credit management and empowering clients to become fiscally responsible. Debbie is an advocate for each client and provides hope for all who are currently experiencing credit struggles. With honesty and integrity, her emphasis is on financial education and helping clients maximize their credit scores so that they can qualify for home ownership. Most clients do not need credit repair. What they DO need is hope, guidance, direction and a plan! Debbie actually sits with the client (if they are local and by phone if not local), reviews their credit report with them (line by line) and comes up with a written plan of what steps they can take to maximize their credit score by correcting errors, settling with collectors, paying down existing accounts, and opening new trade lines. She charges $79 for an individual consultation and $99 for a couple. It is her intention that when the consultation is done, the client will walk away knowing exactly what is showing on their credit report and what they can do to improve it. If they feel like they would benefit from additional help, or have errors on their credit report “Your Credit Mom” package is available for an additional low monthly fee. Credit is all Debbie does and she is passionate about helping clients re-build their credit lives. Debbie is one of only eight individuals in the State of Arizona who is a Certified FICO Professional and was the 2011 SEVRAR Affiliate of the year. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. Learn more at: www.sevrar.com/membership/blue-ribbonaffiliates 30 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 31 MEMBER NEWS Affiliate Spotlight HOMEOWNERS FINANCIAL GROUP Tracy Elliott “Your Award Winning Mortgage Company” Homeowners Financial Group (HFG) is an award winning, Arizona based Mortgage Banker leading the Valley in Residential Lending. HFG has been ranked as a top 5 “Best Place to Work” the last 7 years in a row and have been ranked as the “5th Largest Mortgage Company in Arizona” by the Phoenix Business Journal as well as many other awards. Tracy Elliott is a new addition to the Homeowners Financial Group team and brings with her over 18 years of sales and marketing experience. Tracy currently works with both builders and REALTORS® throughout the valley. This Arizona native with a family who has worked in the real estate and title businesses Tracy feels that being in the mortgage industry completes the circle of connecting people in the community with the homes they will raise their families in and make those special memories to last a lifetime. When asked why choose HFG, Tracy’s response is “HFG’s commitment to the customer and community. Not only does the level of professionalism and communication to the client stand out above the rest but the level of commitment to community service stands out as a Company”. HFG donates to over 30 charities annually, and hosts their own monthly networking charity happy hours. This is a company that is outstanding in delivering client services not only to the borrowers, sellers, REALTORS® and title reps but they go above and beyond for the community. Tracy shares in the HFG commitment to guarantee their clients satisfaction each step of the way assuring a successful outcome and forging a path to a lifetime of mortgage lending support. Think like a homeowner…think Homeowners Financial Group. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. 32 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 33 MEMBER NEWS Affiliate Spotlight ARIZONA ACADEMY OF REAL ESTATE Monika Hovland Whatever it Takes… Monika has been in the real estate field since 1997 and with Arizona Academy of Real Estate (AARE) since 2010. She has been a Valley resident since 1981. Monika started on the ground floor and helped grow the Commercial Real Estate Institute. During her time with CREI she was the Administrator and General Manager. This included being connected with the Arizona Department of Real Estate and many other Boards and Associations. She developed many working relationships with REALTORS® whether they were instructors or students. AARE was founded in 2005 with one simple philosophy...to do whatever it takes to deliver the real estate industry with prepared real estate agents that will better Arizona real estate. Of course with the economy and, in particular, the Arizona real estate market that philosophy was tested time and time again as the real estate industry was turned upside down. However, AARE continued to develop their curriculum built on the belief that every one of our students deserve the opportunity to enter the real estate or lending industry with the tools and knowledge that will allow them to be successful. AARE recruited a team of professionals with decades of experience in the Arizona real estate and lending industries. Their team sought highly experienced instructors with a wide array of unique skills and knowledge to offer a broad scope of education for our students. Their experience and knowledge along with the flexibility of AARE’s prelicense program is a key difference that separates AARE from other real estate schools. AARE has now grown to one of the largest and fastest growing real estate schools in Arizona with campuses in Mesa, Scottsdale and Peoria. Along with real estate programs, AARE now offers education for the lending industry as well. AARE also offers real estate agencies around Phoenix to join their Career Partner Program. This program gives them the opportunity to have direct contact with new agents they may wish to recruit while providing students a variety of options to start their career. You can find much more information on AARE’s website at: www.AZRealEstateLicense.com or come by the Mesa Campus at 3638 E. Southern Ave #C-101 in Mesa, 85206 to meet with Monika and check out the campus for yourself. ■■■ The opinions expressed in this column are purely personal and may not represent the view or beliefs of SEVRAR in any way. The information contained herein should not be construed as an endorsement or any member. Company, or individual, nor reflect in any way the products and/or services, or advice provided by an organization or individual. 34 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 35 MEMBER NEWS The Evolution of GRI MEMBERS SOUND OFF, AAR LISTENS The Arizona Association of REALTORS® (AAR) surveyed members and found that most wanted more flexibility when earning the GRI designation, especially when it comes to their time. Beginning on January 1, 2014, the GRI designation will offer REALTORS® expanded options to participate in classes online. The integration of REBAC classes, including Marketing Reboot and Generation Buy, to the GRI curriculum will allow for less time away from the office and clients. Many live classes will be condensed down to one day, providing REALTORS® with a succinct learning experience that can be implemented right away. The flexibility of GRI will also be evident in the ability to earn multiple designations and/or certifications at once. Now, those who are earning a designation like the Accredited Buyer Representative® (ABR®), the Seniors Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) or the Seller Representative Specialist (SRS) designation or ePRO or rCRMS certifications can transfer these credits and apply them to a GRI designation. This also allows REALTORS® to be in control of what they want to learn. “You can build your own direction. You really have a lot more choices based on what you want to learn,” said Barb Freestone, Senior Vice President, Professional and Business Development, AAR. Curriculum Focused on Building Skills and Managing Risk The value of earning a designation is reflected in the knowledge you gain by earning it. The re-invented GRI will place more emphasis on building skills to manage even the toughest real estate transaction as well as ways to manage your risk. The curriculum will be split into two sections, Risk Management and Skill Building. The Skill Building courses focus on effective marketing strategies, business planning, transactional technology, financing options for your clients and customer service. The Risk Management courses focus on writing and understanding contracts, disclosure and due diligence, agency and ethical behavior. The new requirements are customizable and give REALTORS® the option to build a GRI that fits a specific niche. Simple Transition for Current Candidates For those members who are currently participating in the GRI program, the transition will be simple and straight forward come January 1. If you need a class that is no longer offered, a corresponding class will be made available. Current GRI candidates should be looking for more updates from AAR as we near the go-live date for the updated GRI. 36 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 Stay tuned for updates about GRI! What AAR Members Are Saying About GRI Kerry Melcher, REALTOR®, The Melcher Agency: “In the interest of full disclosure I do not have my GRI. But, I like the idea of it merging multiple designations within the GRI program. The big one for me is condensing the classes into one day.” Paula Monthofer, GRI, e-PRO, West USA Flagstaff : “As a GRI instructor, I am really looking forward to teaching our new tech class! It is so well tailored and thorough, yet fits almost all tech skill sets. The best part? We really focused on practical tips and tools you can take and use to better your business that day.” Micki Lang, Assistant Association Executive, Scottsdale Association of REALTORS®: “The new GRI program provides the REALTOR® member with improved flexibility in acquiring not only the GRI designation, but the new program will also allow them to utilize other NAR designations and AAR certifications as credit towards the GRI program. Our new GRI program is a well rounded educational platform for REALTORS® who aspire to be real estate professionals.” Karen Kay, REALTOR®, DPR Realty: “As a member of the GRI Oversight Workgroup, I’ve seen first-hand the amount of time and care taken to give the GRI a fresh update. As our profession evolves, it’s great to see a designation evolve as well. I hope that more REALTORS® will consider the GRI.” Holly Mabery, GRI, ABR, CRMS, Keller Williams Check Realty: “I know I’m excited for the changes and the updates GRI has undergone. [GRI] really gives the boots-on -the-ground agents real-world skills to improve their business.” What are your thoughts? ■■■ www.SEVRAR.com www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 37 38 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com MEMBER NEWS Ouch!!! GET YOUR GEAR ON—PAINTBALL TOURNAMENT By Pam Cohen, Community Outreach Committee Chair It pains me (as the Community Outreach Committee Chair and employee of Academy Mortgage), to give huge props to The Lending Company for showing up at our recent “Get Your Gear On” Paintball Tournament and taking FIRST PLACE… and, no prisoners by the way! You go guys! Keep up the good work and I look forward to the competition next time! I think I also need to give my team from Academy Mortgage an “Honorable Mention” for coming in 4th and playing with only seven team members. No excuses, I know! Next time, BEWARE – think Hunger Games… All kidding aside – the reason the Community Outreach Committee (mostly Ian Katzman as the head of the tournament) hosts this event, is to raise funds for all the good work that we do for the communities we live in and serve. If you are not aware, our Committee is an amalgamation of three previous committees; Housing Opportunity, Military Affairs and Critical Needs. If you don’t understand what that entails, just know that we are the community service face of SEVRAR. 1st Place Team: The Lending Company Kudos also go out to Hispanic Association of Real Estate Professionals (HAREP) for coming in 2nd and, to Mark Poisson and his “Posse” from First American Title, for once again participating and taking 3rd Place! Past Committee Chair, Ian Katzman – I may forgive you for your choice of teams, but none the less, you all got in the winner’s circle! We strive to exemplify all the good that we, as REALTORS® and Affiliates do in our communities. The funds raised will help support the elderly and others in our community, military families, and those SEVRAR members in greatest need. Please consider serving on the Committee or, when the need arises to contribute or volunteer for our “outreach” events. One additional way you may participate is by nominating someone who is a member of SEVRAR as a Spirit of the Community award winner. This could be anyone that you know who is “giving back to the community” no matter how large or how small. Please see our feature story (page 26) on these members who walk among us, sometimes unknown by others, and who do big things often times in small ways. Send your nominations by visiting: www.sevrar.com/community. We would love to know who is out there helping. Elizabeth Litten (SEVRAR Committee Staff Liaison—and yes, you all know her), Stacy Neal (Committee Vice Chair) and to the entire committee – HUGE THANKS for making this a successful event for the second year in a row! 2nd Place Team: HAREP www.SEVRAR.com 3rd Place Team: First American Title ■■■ SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 39 40 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 www.SEVRAR.com EVENT & EDUCATION NEWS 41 Event & Education Calendar EVENTS IN RED—EDUCATION IN BLACK Tuesday, October 1 8:00 AM TOUR: Chandler Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Environmental Hazards @ Ahwatukee - Holiday Inn Express 15221 South 50th Street, Phoenix, AZ Wednesday, October 2 8:00 AM TOUR: Mesa LUXURY Tour 8:00 AM TOUR: San Tan Valley Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Arizona Disclosure Obligations @ SEVRAR Conference Center - East Room 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Agency Tales from the Courtroom @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Grievance Committee PANEL 2 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Builder's Liaison Committee Meeting 5:00 PM EVENT: After Hours Networking Thursday, October 3 8:15 AM TOUR: Ahwatukee Marketing Home Tour Monday, October 7 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Code of Ethics and Commissioner's Rules @ SEVRAR Conference Center - (Whole Hall) 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM SEVRAR Orientation SEVRAR Conference Center - (Whole Hall) Tuesday, October 8 8:15 AM TOUR: Luxury Marketing Home Tour ($750k+ homes) 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM Technology Tuesday: Evernote @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Property Management Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 9 8:15 AM TOUR: Gilbert/Higley Marketing Home Tour 8:15 AM TOUR: Tempe Marketing Home Tour 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM FHA & VA Loans Demystified Lunch & Learn @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room Thursday, October 10 www.SEVRAR.com 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Affiliate Certification @ SEVRAR BOD Room 8:15 AM TOUR: Ahwatukee LUXURY Tour 9:00 AM COMMITTEE: Affiliate Committee Meeting 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM New Homes Sales...Resale Agent @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Open for Business: Business Planning @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room Friday, October 11 8:30 AM WCR: Superstition Mtn Chapter Monthly Business Resource Meeting 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Photos Matter: How the Consumer Sees Your Listing Photos Lunch & Learn @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room Monday, October 14 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Flexmls Web Contact @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 10:30 AM COMMITTEE: Marketing Home Tour Committee Meeting 2:00 PM COMMITTEE: Professional Development Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 15 AAR: Leadership Conference 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Broker Connection: Syndication SEVRAR Conference Center West Room 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Successfully Selling HUD Homes @ Tempe - Total Wine & More 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Finance Committee Meeting 3:00 PM COMMITTEE: Community Outreach Committee Meeting Wednesday, October 16 AAR: Leadership Conference 8:00 AM TOUR: Queen Creek Marketing Home Tour 8:00 AM TOUR: Tempe LUXURY Tour 8:15 AM TOUR: Mesa Marketing Home Tour 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Good/Bad/Ugly @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Contract Writing Considerations @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room Thursday, October 17 AAR: Leadership Conference 7:30 AM COMMITTEE: Commercial Committee Meeting 8:15 AM TOUR: Ahwatukee Marketing Home Tour 2:00 PM COMMITTEE: Information Systems (IT) Committee Meeting Friday, October 18 8:00 AM to 9:00 AM CLOSED: SEVRAR Staff Meeting Office Closed 10:45 AM WCR: SE Valley Chapter WCR Business Resource Meeting Monday, October 21 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM Tips & Tricks: Green Panel @ SEVRAR Conference CenterEast Room 12:00 PM COMMITTEE: Government Affairs Committee Meeting Tuesday, October 22 8:15 AM TOUR: Chandler LUXR Tour 8:15 AM TOUR: Luxury Marketing Home Tour ($750k+ homes) 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM FLEXMLS - IDX @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Buying & Selling HUD Homes in Today's Market @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room Wednesday, October 23 8:15 AM TOUR: Tempe Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Inspection Disclosure Illuminated SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Fair Housing Awareness @ SEVRAR Conference Center West Room CONTINUED ON PAGE 46 SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 41 EVENT & EDUCATION NEWS EVENT & EDUCATION CALENDAR Thursday, October 24 11:00 AM EVENT: General Membership Meeting 1:00 PM Board of Directors Meeting Friday, October 25 5:00 PM EVENT: Oktoberfest & International Tasting Tuesday, October 29 8:15 AM TOUR: Luxury Marketing Home Tour ($750k+ homes) Wednesday, October 30 8:00 AM EVENT: REALTOR® Expo 8:00 AM TOUR: Queen Creek Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Agency Law: Post Recession @ SEVRAR Conference Center (Whole Hall) 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Professional Conduct 2 @ Gilbert Total Wine & More Thursday, October 31 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Agency Law @ Apache Junction - Best Western Monday, November 4 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM SEVRAR Orientation @ SEVRAR Conference Center - (Whole Hall) 8:30 AM - 12:00 PM SEVRAR Orientation - Webinar Webinar (via Web/Internet) 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Code of Ethics and Commissioner's Rules @ SEVRAR Conference Center - (Whole Hall) Tuesday, November 5 8:00 AM TOUR: Chandler Mar- 42 keting Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Know what Your Tenant Knows @ Ahwatukee - Holiday Inn Express 15221 South 50th Street, Phoenix, AZ Wednesday, November 6 NAR: Meetings/Conference & Expo 8:00 AM TOUR: Mesa LUXURY Tour 8:00 AM TOUR: San Tan Valley Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Contract Writing Considerations @ SEVRAR Conference CenterEast Room 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Grievance Committee PANEL 1 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Builder's Liaison Committee Meeting 5:00 PM EVENT: After Hours Networking 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Mortgage Basics for REALTORS® @ SEVRAR Conference CenterEast Room Thursday, November 7 NAR: Meetings/Conference & Expo 8:00 AM - 8:50 AM Affiliate Certification @ SEVRAR BOD Room 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM GRI 204 Risk Management SEVRAR Conference Center West Room 8:15 AM TOUR: Ahwatukee Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM *NEW DATE* COMMITTEE: Affiliate Committee Meeting 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Arizona SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 Disclosure Obligations @ Apache Junction - Best Western Friday, November 8 NAR: Meetings/Conference & Expo 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM GRI 204 Risk Management SEVRAR Conference Center West Room 8:30 AM WCR: Superstition Mtn Chapter Monthly Business Resource Meeting Saturday, November 9 NAR: Meetings/Conference & Expo Sunday, November 10 NAR: Meetings/Conference & Expo Monday, November 11 NAR: Meetings/Conference & Expo 10:30 AM COMMITTEE: Marketing Home Tour Committee Meeting 2:00 PM COMMITTEE: Professional Development Committee Meeting 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM Building a Referral Business Through Your Database @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room Tuesday, November 12 8:15 AM TOUR: Luxury Marketing Home Tour ($750k+ homes) 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM Technology Tuesday @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 1:00 PM COMMITTEE: Property Management Committee Meeting 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Agency Case Studies @ Gilbert - Total Wine & More Wednesday, November 13 8:00 AM - 10:45 AM BMC for Property Managers #1 Statutes & Rules @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 8:15 AM TOUR: Gilbert/Higley Marketing Home Tour 8:15 AM TOUR: Tempe Marketing Home Tour 11:00 AM - 1:45 PM BMC for Property Managers #2 Policy in Action @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 2:15 PM - 5:00 PM BMC for Property Managers #3 @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room Thursday, November 14 8:15 AM TOUR: Ahwatukee LUXURY Tour 8:30 AM EVENT: Costco & Blue Ribbon Affiliate Holiday Shopping Preview 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM Open for Business: Social Networking @ SEVRAR Conference Center West Room 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM Arizona Real Estate Legal Issues @ Tempe - Total Wine & More Friday, November 15 8:00 AM CLOSED: SEVRAR Staff Meeting Office Closed 10:45 AM WCR: SE Valley Chapter WCR Business Resource Meeting Monday, November 18 www.SEVRAR.com 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Flexmls Web Listings @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 12:00 PM COMMITTEE: Government Affairs Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 19 *CANCELED* COMMITTEE: Finance Committee Meeting 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM Broker Connection: 2013 Real Tools for the Broker @ SEVRAR Conference Center- East Room 3:00 PM COMMITTEE: Community Outreach Committee Meeting Wednesday, November 20 8:00 AM TOUR: Queen Creek Marketing Home Tour 8:00 AM TOUR: Tempe LUXURY Tour 8:15 AM TOUR: Mesa Marketing Home Tour 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM Inspection Disclosure Illuminated @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM New Home Sales....It's More than Just Registration @ SEVRAR Conference Center - West Room Thursday, November 21 7:30 AM COMMITTEE: Commercial Committee Meeting 8:15 AM TOUR: Ahwatukee Marketing Home Tour 2:00 PM COMMITTEE: Information Systems (IT) Committee Meeting Tuesday, November 26 8:15 AM TOUR: Gilbert/Higley LUXURY Tour 8:15 AM TOUR: Luxury Marketing Home Tour ($750k+ homes) Wednesday, November 27 8:15 AM TOUR: Tempe Marketing Home Tour Thursday, November 28 CLOSED - SEVRAR CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY *CANCELED* Board of Directors Meeting Friday, November 29 CLOSED - SEVRAR CLOSED FOR HOLIDAY ■■■ www.SEVRAR.com SEVRAR News Magazine October - November 2013 43