General Twist Information
General Twist Information
GeneralTwistInformation By DennisLiggett Overview . . . . . Twistwork is spindlework even if you put a twiston a bowl. Twistwork is purelydecorative. All twistworkweakensthe structureof the finishedproduct. I n t w i stw o rksa n d i n gi s a sh apingtool. All Twistwork can be definedby 4 key elements 1. Diameter: The diameteror widthof the object. Not the circumference. Twistsare alwaysa functionof the diameter. 2. Bines: The numberof beadsthat spiraland run the lengthof the twist. 3. Pitch: The distancebetweenthe tops or apexesof the same binein relationto the material.Generallydefinedas the slopeof the line. RibbonEtc. These are factorsthat 4. Other: Graduated,Open,Laminated, affectthe appearanceand strengthof the Twist. N o m e n cl a tu re a n d Gu i d e l i n es . Si n g l eT w i st: H a s o n l yo n e bineand one hollow.Sometimescalleda Bar ley Twistbut not often The TraditionalPitchis 1 to 1lztimes the diameterof the material.The depthof the hollowshouldbe approximately 1/3 of the diameterof the material.This is a weak structure. . DoubleTwist: Usuallycalleda BarleyTwist. lt has two binesand two hollows.The traditionalpitchof a doubletwistis 2 timesthe diameterof the material.The depthof the hollowshouldbe approximately la of the diameter of the material. Tripfe Twist: Has threebinesand threehollows.The traditionalpitchis 2 Yz to 3 time the diameterof the material.The depthof the hollowshouldbe approximately 1/6 of the diameterof the material. Four Start Twist: Has 4 binesand 4 hollows.The traditionalpitchis 4 times the diameterof the material.The hollowsshouldbe between1/6 and 115of the diameterof the material. the CableTwist: 8 to 9 binesand the samenumberof hollows.Traditionally, "V" rope had 8 A twist traditionally shaped. hollowsor troughsshouldbe pitchis 3 to 4 timesthe diameterof binesand a cablehad 9. The traditional t h e ma te ri a l . Layout of the Twist. verticaland diagonallinesto MarkingOut: The processof drawinghorizontal, definethe characterof the twist to be created. Horizontallines (withthe lathe bed)consistof StartLinesand otherlinesto easethe creationof diagonallines. Verlicallinesconsistof Pitchand BineSegmentLines(aroundthe circumference a n d D i a g o n aLl inesconsistofBineApexlines,Cut Linesand o f t h e c yl i n d e r), of Horizontaland Verticallines the BineWidthControlLines. The combination piece paper graph wrappedaroundthe of shouldbe viewedas creatinga spindle.In a full layout,the Diagonallinesare the apex of the bine,(2) widthof the bineand the bottomof the hollow.This requires4 startlinesfor each bine. l n a p a rl i alla yo u t,w h i chi s u su allyused,onlytheapexof the bineand the bottom of the hollow(cut line)are used. The partiallayoutrequires2 startlinesfor each bine. (withthe lathebed)that are usedto start Start Lines: Linesrunninghorizontally the bineapex,binewidth linesand the cut controllines(hollow).The numberof linescreatedcan be more than the numberof binesand hollowsbut it is always a multipleof the numberof bines. Example,for a doubletwisttherewouldbe 4 StartLinesfor a partiallayout,one for eachof the 2 bineapexesand one for eachof the 2 hollows. Pitch Control Lines: Verticallinesrunningaroundthe circumference of the workpiecethat are a multipleof the diameterand are usedto definethe typeof twistbeingcreated. Example: a doubletwistshouldgo aroundone time in twice the diameter.So the PitchControlLineswouldbe at a lengthof twicethe diameter.This space is calledthe PitchControlSegment. Bine SegmentLines: Verticallinesthat are usedto dividethe PitchControl Segmentsintoequalpartto makethe drawingof the diagonallineseasier. Bine Apex Lines: Diagonallinesoriginating at the Startlinefor the top of the bineor beadand drawndiagonallyto reachthe same Startlinewhereit crosses the pitchcontrolline. This linewill be the top of the bineas it worksits way down the will alwaysbe the top of the bine. When cuttingand sandingthe bine,this line is alwaysleft. Bine Width Control Lines: A diagonallinecreatedbetweenthe BineApex Lines andtheCutControl Lines todetermine thewidthoftheBineanddefines the appearanceof the bead. Used in full lay out mode. Cut Control Lines: The diagonal linesthat are marked out from the Starl Line to the intersectionswith the Piich ControlLines that indicatethe bottom of the hollowas it works its way down the cylinder. Otherdefinitions: Open Twist: A single,double,triplesor four-starttwistthat has a holedrilled downthe centerof tne twistis calledopen. Usually,OpenTwistsare stretched to increasestrengthunlessvery strongwood is (thebinesegmentis lengthened) used. The numberof bines,widthof the binesand the stretchof the twist the strength.The thinnerthe binethe morethe bine shouldbe determine for strength.Do not attemptto opena twistuntilall of the finishinghas stretched beendoneon the top of the bines. Thereare no hardand fast rulesfor open twistsbecausethis is mainlya modernapproach.SomeVictorianfurniturehad opentwiststhat were doublesand stretched.Sometimesopen twistsare used and then splitto createvery stretchedsimplertwiststhat would be very hardto p r o d u cesi n g l y. Rulesof thumb for Open Twists that work: o Double Open Twist: For a 1 Tz"diametercylinderof materiala 3/8" hole in recommended,For a 3/S"diametercylinderof materiala 1/8"holeis recommended.Note:thatthe holedrilledin the centerof the cylinderis actuallymuch smallerthan it willappearwhenthe twistis finished. . Triple Open Twist: For a 1 Tr" diametercylinderof material,a 3/8" hole or largeris recommended.The reasonfor the largerhole is that 3 bines providegreaterstrengthand if thinbinesare desired,a Yz"or 5/8" holeor la rg e rca n b e d ri l l e d . . Four Start Open Twist: For a 2" diametercylinderof material,a 5/8"hole i s re co mme n d e d . threebinesand can RibbonTwist: Twistthat has traditionally have2 bineand 2 hollows,but this is very,veryweak and lookslikean old drill bit. The binesshouldbe pointedor slightlyrounded.The roundingdependson the application.For example,a canewill receiveabuseovertime and the bines needto be rounded.A spindleon the otherhandshouldnot receiveabuseand can be pointedor have a slightflat on the bine. The traditionalpitchis 3 times the diameterof the materialwith 3 bines. The BineAoex shouldbe approximately 1/8"wide or less. Actually,cut and sand up to the bineapex line. Thereare no BineWidth ControlLineson a RibbonTwist. This is one of the easiertwiststo hand make. TraditionalTwist: The bineapexalwaysends at the same StartLinethat it starts.This is one of the majormethodsof determining if the twist is madeby h a n dor w i tha ma ch i n e . TaperedTwist: A standardtwist of any descriptioncut on a taperedcolumnor spindle. A truetapermustbea straight edge. GraduatedTwist: The methodis usedto describeand explainthe markingout withthe changingdiameterof of a twistwhichis measuredand cut in accordance the material.A GraduatedTwistis eithera taperor irregularshape. The methodof layingout is to measurethe diameterat the end of each traditional binesegment,layingout onlyone binesegmentat a time. Measurethe new diameterat this point,and lay out a new binesegmentbasedon the new diameter.Continuethis approachuntilthe end of the materialto be twisted. Note: Thiswill not changethe horizontallinesjust the verticalones. The result of this is as the materialgetssmallerin diameterthe twistsget tighter. twist'spitchis a functionof the diameterof the Strengthof a Twist: Traditional material.Reducingthe pitchwill makethe objectlessstrong. Stretching(or the pitchwill makethe twist lengthening the binesegment)the twistor increasing the twist slightlywill strengthen in thin twisting, stretching stronger.Sometimes stretchingthe twistwill the material.Sometimeswhen usingsoftmaterials, the material.Sometimeswith opentwists,the pitchis stretched strengthen dramatically to increasethe strength. Right-handedand Left-handedTwists: Righfhandedtwistsare cut from right to left,lookingare the twist horizontally.When lookingat the twist verticallythe twistgoes from the lower left to the upperright. Left-handedtwistsare cut from leftto right. Differenttwist(rightand left)are usuallyusedon tablelegs,bed posts,mirrorimagesof goblets,candlesticks, or pineappletwists. Also this is usedon staircasesdependingon the visiblesidethat is prominent.In other words,tableswherethe twistspointedtowardeachother,were put on the legs thatwerethoughtto be seenthe most. The otherway the twistswill pointaway fromeachother. On bedswhereflameswere used,the flameswere attached witha dowelso that they couldbe changedto accommodate different placementsin a room, On staircasesthat are againsta wall,the twistswere placedto that they followthe stairsup. This requiresa lefthandedtwistson stairsthat are on the rightand a righthandedtwistfor stairsthat are on the leftof an entryway. Notes: It is important to markthe samestartsideof eachspindlefor placement. When theyareinstalled thewilllookright. Whencuttingwiththetraditional saw,gouge,or rasp,it is extremely important to alwaysrotatethe materialto avoidflat spots. The correctsandingprocedures will even out minorchangesin the depthof the hollows.Sandingin twistwork is a shapingtool. The saw cutsare not for depth. They providea placefor the side materialto breakoff intowhen usinga gouge. Be extremelycarefulat the startand the end of the cut lines. Peopletendto i n s p e ctth e sea re a si n d e ta i l . all twistwork was endedby a cove. Somefactoriesor shops Traditionally, developedtheirown way of endinga twist. Someusedbeadsand somejust taperedthe material.This taperingis extremelydifficultto get even all the way aroundbut can be used successfullvon ribbontwists. to givethe To twista bowlor a finale,the pitchmustbe variedconsiderably the twistwill look likea straight of a variablemovement.Othenruise, appearance broken to vary the pitchradically. the rules must be lines. Sometimeson bowls A Ram'sHornis a graduatedsingletwistthat only has one end attached.The graduatedmethodof layout. otherend finishesin a point. lt usesthe traditional and finaleon staircases on the cornersof clocks. It is usedas an upside-down A Pigtailis a graduatedsingletwistthat onlyhas one end does not graduatedmethod. lt stretchesthe twistas it gets smallerto usethe traditional giveit is used on hollowformsas a finale. The singlepointtwistis a twistwith 2 differenttypesof bines. One is a round overand the otheris a ribbon. On a regularsinglepoint,the layoutis 1.5times the diameter,insteadof 2 timesbecauseof the differencein the binewidths. A doublepointtwistis a roundedoverbineand a binethat has two points,which are usuallycreatedby splittinga binewith a 3 startfile. The layoutis as a double. The bannertwisthas the appearanceof a ribbonthat goes arounda pole. lt is "cutline"and the "bineapex line"with laidout as a double. You cut betweenthe a flat cutterinsteadof on the cut line. Caution:do not cut deeplyon the flats. twists,a cylinderwas gluedover a waste Sometimes to developspectacular materialwith rabbitglue. Rabbitglueis verywatersoluble.A twistis created, thenthe materialis put is waterand the twistedcylinderis removedand glued piece permanently ofwoodcanbe ofwood.Thentheotherpiece toanother howthe twistwas made. if notimpossible to determine twistedandit is difficult to takeverysmall twist,it is important Whendrillinga holefor a laminated hole. amounts andkeepthe drillbittip coolto drilla straight