3rd Qtr. - ufcwlocal88


3rd Qtr. - ufcwlocal88
Third Quarter 2013
Issue Number 61
From The President Steve Straher
Local 88 President Steve Straher.
I recently had the opportunity to represent our local at our
UFCW International Union convention held in Chicago, IL.
Our International Union holds a convention every five years.
Our last convention was held five years ago in Canada. Delegates came from all across the United States and Canada to
participate. It was very inspiring to see thousands of members
gathered in one place that are committed to bettering the lives
of all workers. I enjoyed the opportunity to share with other
locals the common problems that we face and the solutions
that we can work towards.
President Joseph Hansen opened the convention with an
update on the progress that has been made over the last five
years. Our membership numbers have actually increased
slightly due to our commitment to organizing. We have made
strides in Health Care and Immigration Reform, but our work
is not yet done and it must continue. We have rejoined the
A.F.L.-C.I.O., because we must be united as “One Voice” to
stop the escalating war that is being waged on all workers
across our country. We must change the mindset that most
Americans have been fooled into believing. WORKERS ARE
Corporate profits are at an all time high. Worker productivity is at an all time high. Since 1979, the top 1% of wage
earners have received 89% of all income gains. The Wal-Mart
Family’s wealth alone is equal to the wealth of the entire bottom 45% of all Americans. It is not wrong to believe that all
workers should have the opportunity to provide for themselves
and their families and have a job that provides a decent living
wage, affordable health care, and a secure retirement.
The delegate’s next order of business was to elect our
International Union officers for the next five years. President
Hansen and his entire Executive Board were unanimously
re-elected to another term. President Hansen then laid out his
goals and our agenda for the future.
Our Union is committed to passing the “Part-Time Worker
Bill of Rights”. Employer sponsored Health Care should be
for all workers and not just for those who work thirty hours a
week or more. In addition to fixing Health Care, Our Union is
committed to seeing the Federal Minimum Wage raised to a
living wage and permanently tying it to the cost of living.
Our Union is committed to fighting “Right to Work” legislation. We know that R.T.W. actually means LESS RIGHTS AT
WORK! Workers in Wisconsin were wrongly blamed for the
shortfalls in the state budget. Legislators made workers the
scapegoats and passed the anti-worker law. We can not let this
happen to us in Missouri or anywhere else.
Our Union is committed to putting an end to the Voter Suppression laws that are being passed in states all around our
country. These laws are designed to keep lower income workers from voting. We can not and will not step back in time to
the pre-Civil Rights era.
Our Union is committed to making Immigration Reform the
Law of the Land. The bill that passed in the Senate (with bipartisan support), must be passed in the House.
President Hansen pointed out that being the “Voice” for
Union workers also means standing up for non-union workers.
They have no one to speak up for them on their behalf. While
our contracts do not allow for pay discrimination based on
sex, we will stand for all workers and demand Equal Pay for
Equal Work.
Our Union is committed to keeping and strengthening
the National Labor Relations Board. This board protects all
workers and we do not want to see it end as some legislators
Continued on next page.....
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Local 88 Prime News
From Page One...
Our Union is taking the lead in securing rights for the LBGT
(Lesbian, Bi-Sexual, Gay, and Trans-Gender) community.
Sexual orientation should not cause any worker to lose their
job or be denied benefits or rights afforded to only heterosexuals.
Our Union is committed to passing a Federal Ergonomic
Standard. Since the repeal of the ergonomics standard in 2001,
by the Bush Administration, ergonomic inspections have
ground to a halt.
Our Union is committed to helping Wal-Mart Workers obtain a “Voice” at their job. Thru UFCW support, the Organization for Respect at Wal-Mart (OUR WALMART) was formed.
Wal-Mart workers are coming together all around our country
and standing up for change and respect at their workplace.
They have walked off their job to bring public attention to
the deplorable conditions that they work under. Some positive changes have already occurred. Other workers have been
fired. This has made them more determined than ever to fight
for change. They need our help and we can not turn our backs!
Our Union’s commitment to these goals does not come
without a price. The hardest issue for the delegates to decide
was the proposed increase in dues that were needed to keep
Our Union strong. At our last convention, delegates approved a $2.00 monthly dues increase in December 2008, and
another $2.00 monthly increase in December 2010 or later.
Our International Executive Board chose not to implement the
second dues increase, even though they knew it would cause
our International Union to operate in the red (negative). They
knew the struggles that our members were facing at the time
with the down turn in the economy. After a heated debate, the
delegates approved a $3.00 increase in monthly dues effective October 1, 2013, and a second increase effective June1,
2015. Even though the dues have not increased since 2008, no
one was happy about the decision that had to be made. To put
things in perspective, the revenue in one year for the top three
Wal-Mart stores is greater than the revenue in one year for
Our International Union.
Just increasing the dues will not solve the problems that we
face. We can no longer sit idly by and let others do our work.
We must ALL participate in some way if we are to succeed.
We can start with little things like making sure our contracts
are being enforced. We can educate our new members about
their rights and about our union. We can attend meetings. We
all must become active politically. We must energize and empower our younger workers to participate, because it is their
future we are trying to secure. They have the most to gain or
lose. We must change the mindset of some of our members.
Instead of referring to “the union”, members should take ownership and use the term “my union”.
I am grateful to be a member of “my union”, Local 88. I am
proud of the work that we do and our commitment to all our
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Steven C. Straher
OUR Wal-Mart Heats Up
By Jon Byrd
Wal-Mart workers across the country are coming together to speak up and live better. OUR
Wal-Mart (Organization United for Respect) is
well under way and is growing each and every
day. Associates are coming together to have a
voice and to expose what they face as employees
of one of the worlds largest retailer. The group has created a Declaration for
Respect that serves as their basic vision. Some of
them are listed bellow. l Listen to us, the Associates
l Have respect for the individual
l Recognize freedom of association and freedom of speech
l Fix the Open Door policy
l Pay a minimum of $13/hour and make fulltime jobs available for Associates who want
l Create dependable, predictable work schedules
l Provide affordable healthcare
l Provide every Associate with a policy manual, ensure equal enforcement of policy and
no discrimination, and give every Associate
equal opportunity to succeed and advance
in his or her career
l Provide wages and benefits that ensure that
no Associate has to rely on government assistance.
As UFCW members we all have shared responsibilities in assisting these workers in forming
their own organization. If you know of someone
who works at Wal-Mart please connect them with
our organizer Jon Byrd at:
314-644-6328 Ext. 12. [email protected]
For more information
on this movement visit
Visit our website at: www.ufcwlocal88.com
Local 88 Prime News
Page 3
On behalf of Local 88 we would like to congratulate all the recent retirees and wish them good luck in
the future. Any retiree wanting to join the retirees club may contact Jean Thompson at: 314-781-8874.
From left to right Local 88 President Steve Straher, Marvin Troupe, Shop N’ Save St. Ann retiree
Joan Chapman, Union Representative Dan Telle,
Sharon Huber and Leland Wells.
From left to right Local 88 President Steve Straher, Schnucks O’Fallon retiree Debbie Luecke
and Sec. Treas. Butch Simon.
From left to right Local 88 President Steve
Straher, Schnucks Butler Hill retiree
Ken Berend, Bob Cook and Union
Representative Greg Krenski.
From left to right Local 88 President Steve
Straher, Schnucks University City retiree Angie
McGee and Sec. Tres. Butch Simon.
From left to right Local 88 President Steve Straher, Schnucks Collinsville retiree Galen Skelton,
Laura Hartlein, Ryan Sedlacek, Jared Heisner
and Union Representative Katy Ehrhard.
From left to right Don Baker, Union Representative Katy Ehrhard, Dierberg’s Heritage Place
retiree Lloyd Luker, Local 88 President Steve
Straher, Marjorie Sutter and Bill Lee.
Visit our website at: www.ufcwlocal88.com
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Local 88 Prime News
From left to right Local 88 President Steve
Straher, Mark Dicicco, Schnucks Midrivers retiree
Bruce LaCroix, Barb Palermo, Sec. Treas. Butch
Simon and Union Representative Dan Telle.
From left to right Union Representative Greg
Krenski, Debbie Husak, Shop N’ Save High Ridge
retiree Laura Vent, Local 88 President
Steve Straher and Jim Sirtak
Local 88 Staff
Steve Straher
From left to right Trip Straub, Local 88 President
Steve Straher, Sec. Treas. Butch Simon,
Straubs Forsythe retiree Randy Brown, Jack
Straub and Union Representative Greg Krenski.
Butch Simon
Secretary Treasure /
Union Representative
Greg Krenski
Recording Secretary /
Union Representative
Katy Ehrhard
Union Representative
Dan Telle
Union Representative
From left to right Tim Weirich, Linda Wheeler,
Andy Huber, Shop N’ Save Alton retiree
Joe Banks, Local 88 President Steve Straher, Ryan
Balster and Union Representative Katy Ehrhrard
Jon Byrd
Union Organizer
Serving It’s Members
Visit our website at: www.ufcwlocal88.com
Local 88 Prime News
Secretary / Treasurers Report
Page 5
By Butch Simon
Next year at this time Missouri will begin hearing
the names of individuals who want to be elected to a
political office. All of the television and radio ads, the
town hall meetings, the yard signs, banners and bill
boards saying vote for whoever. During their campaign
they will say all kinds of things trying to convince
Missouri voters why they should elect them for their
political office. With all of the ads, meetings and campaign speeches you have never heard “If I get elected I
will work hard for large corporations to get RIGHT TO
WORK passed in our great state.” What you will hear
is about gun control & abortion which have been hot
topics on the campaign trail for many years. As to date
there hasn’t been any legislation passed to take away the
right for any Missourian to own a firearm. To date nothing has been decided one way or another on the very
controversial abortion issue in Missouri. These are very
important issues that impact all Missourians and yet, our
legislators are more concerned about making Missouri a
Our elected officials are what I call being politically strong armed by large corporations that threaten
to cut off political campaign contributions if they don’t
get legislation passed making Missouri a RIGHT TO
WORK state. When politicians stop listening to their
constituents and start doing what the corporations
dictate, I can guarantee the ones who will suffer are the
working men & women of Missouri. Our legislators are
trying to change the RIGHT TO WORK phrase by using
FREEDOM in place of RIGHT. Because America is
built on Freedom they are giving the misconception that
FREEDOM TO WORK is a good thing for all Missourians. RIGHT or FREEDOM TO WORK is legislation
aimed directly at the 11% of Missouri workers who are
union in both the public & private sector. I have to ask,
why corporations are willing to spend large amounts of
money on the 11% of Missouri workers who are union.
Answer: Because unions set the standards for pay and
benefit levels.
SUMMARY: If we let our state become a RIGHT
TO WORK state whether it is a bill passed by our
elected officials or put on the 2014 ballot as a referendum every working man and women will be forced into
a lower standard of living. If you have doubt research
the standard of living in any current RIGHT TO WORK
$7.70 per week
$9.00 or less hourly wage
$9.20 per week
$9.01 - $13.00 hourly wage
$11.70 per week
$13.01 - 17.00 hourly wage
$12.70 per week
$17.01 - and upccccccccccccxxxxxxxc
Visit our website at: www.ufcwlocal88.com
U.F.C.W. Meatcutters’ Local 88
5730 Elizabeth Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110
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Local 88 Prime News
Steve Straher
[email protected]
Butch Simon
Greg Krenski
Dan Telle
Katy Ehrhard
Jon Byrd
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Who was the Secretary Treasure when the
Local 88 Health Institute opened?
A. Nick Blassie
C. Ray Davis
B. Bob Geigel
D. Wayne Thrasher
Be the first to call Butch Simon at
(314) 644-6328 EXT. 14 at the union office with
the correct answer and win a free
week of union dues.
Congratulations to last quarter’s winner Vicki
Brown in the Deli department at Crestwood
Schnuck’s. The correct answer was B. 1978
Please post the following list of phone numbers
in your home and or at your workplace:
Important Phone Numbers
Local 88 Union Office:
* * * * Main Number (314) 644-6328 * * * *
Michelle Steve Straher
Butch Simon
Ext. 10 or 0
Ext. 11 or 0
Ext. 13
Ext. 14
Greg Krenski
Dan Telle
Katy Ehrhard Jon Byrd
Ext. 15
Ext. 16
Ext. 17
Ext. 12
International Pension Fund
(800) 531-2385
Pension Fund (Zenith) (314) 344-8899
Health & Welfare Fund (Zenith)(314) 344-8899
(800) 556-1742
Retirees Club
(314) 781-8874
Medical Benefits (United Healthcare) (877) 548-9897
Dental Benefits (Guardian)
(800) 541-7846
Vision Benefits (V.B.A.)
(800) 432-4966
Short Term Disability (Guardian) (800) 268-2525
Local 88 PRIME NEWS is the official quarterly
publication of UFCW Meatcutters Local 88.
Butch Simon, Editor
Office: 5730 Elizabeth Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63110