June 2008
June 2008
Traffic Software News Issue No. 46 | June 2008 | www.trlsoftware.co.uk PCMOVA, SCOOT and VISSIM © The majority of readers will already be familiar with the world famous adaptive urban traffic signal control system SCOOT (Split Cycle Offset Optimisation Technique) and how its adaptive nature responds automatically to traffic fluctuations, and MOVA (Microprocessor Optimised Vehicle Actuation) which is now a very well established To date more than 1,500 UK junctions have MOVA installed with around 300 further junctions being rolled out every 12 months. SCOOT is extensively used both within the UK and overseas, with around 150 towns and cities benefiting worldwide. TRL has recently produced PCMOVA which allows MOVA to be linked to either S-Paramics or VISSIM. With the increasing use of microsimulation to model wider areas, many models will include junctions that are MOVA controlled. These models have proved unrealistic as they could not factor MOVA installations within the model in the past so PCMOVA was created to provide a solution. Now with PCMOVA, the models can give realistic results, allowing planners to carry out their task effectively. strategy for the control of traffic light signals at isolated junctions i.e. junctions that are uncoordinated with any neighbouring signals. TRL Software is behind the design and development of both products with Peek Traffic Ltd, and Siemens Traffic Controls Ltd making up the other parts of the collaboration. With any errors occurring in the safe haven of the desktop model, ungainly mistakes can be saved from causing impact on street! An important aspect of using PCMOVA is the need to understand MOVA itself. Like many aspects of traffic signal control, full understanding of MOVA may be demanding and is not something that can necessarily be achieved within the timescales of most normal assessment projects. With its detailed knowledge of MOVA, TRL is able to provide help with MOVA design and implementation issues, and can provide validation of both MOVA and the S-Paramics or VISSIM model. Through TRL’s consultancy work we have developed the ability to link SCOOT to VISSIM. Any customers having the requirement to compare MOVA (linked or otherwise) with SCOOT for a particular network, or even individual junctions, can call upon TRL for assistance. Comparisons do not need to include MOVA: SCOOT can also be compared to fixed time or VA within VISSIM as well. PCMOVA also provides the capability to allow engineers and modellers alike to ‘try before you buy’. For complex junctions and linked-MOVA situations, it is now possible to see the potential benefits of using MOVA before installation, thus providing evidence to justify the cost. In simple cases this is not absolutely necessary as going ahead and installing MOVA could cost less than carrying out an assessment. Junction operation and layout can be optimised within the model, both to maximise the benefits of fitting MOVA, and with the additional opportunity to reduce the amount of time spent during on-street validation, can potentially reduce any safety risk at the road side. To be able to model MOVA or SCOOT within a microsimulation model, detailed knowledge is required not only of how to set up the control strategies in the first place, but also what peculiarities need to be taken into account when modelling in microsimulations, as opposed to implementing on street. Not only has TRL developed expertise in MOVA and SCOOT, but also in integrating this modelling within VISSIM and S-Paramics on real world projects, and we are now in a position to provide this service to others. If you are interested in finding out more about how we can help you, please contact Mark Crabtree. Mark Crabtree [email protected] © 2008 PTV AG, Karlsruhe. Creating the future of transport HDM4 In 1996, the World Road Association (PIARC) assumed the responsibility for the management of the HDM project, following on from the World Bank. Following HDM-4 Version 1 a survey of HDM technology users’ needs and an extensive review of the technical models were undertaken. The identified areas for improvements were included in the latest release, HDM-4 Version 2. Major improvements include: HDMGLOBAL companies have now been awarded a five year concession by PIARC for the future management of HDM-4. The consortium partners are the Highway Management Research Group a UK based association of TRL, the University of Birmingham, Atkins and Scott Wilson (UK), ARRB (Australia), ENPC and Scetauroute (France), and ICH (Chile). The Highway Development and Management (HDM-4) system was first released in 2000, following an extensive international study of highway development and management tools. The study extended the scope of HDM-III and resulted in the development of an advanced road investment analysis tool with broad-based applicability in developing and developed countries. More than 1500 licenses of HDM-4 have been sold worldwide. Improved Analysis Models Sensitivity Analysis Budget Scenario Analysis Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) Asset Valuation - Improved Technical Modes - Improved Connectivity - Improved Data Handling & Organisation - Improved Usability & Configuration The scope of HDM-4 Version 2 has been broadened considerably beyond traditional project appraisal to provide an internationally recognised tool for the analysis of road management and investment alternatives. It is used by government road administrations and agencies, transportation consultants, and education and transportation research institutions worldwide. HDM4 is now an internationally recognised software package which provides a harmonized approach to road management with adaptable and user-friendly analysis tools, for investigating road investment choices. The Strategy Analysis module is used to prepare medium to long term planning estimates of funding needs for road network development and maintenance. Estimates of the medium to long term budget requirements for the entire road network together with forecasts of pavement performance and road user effects can be obtained. The impact of different Budget Scenarios can be estimated together with the Asset Value of the network. The Programme Analysis module is used to prepare rolling work programmes in which candidate road sections are identified and assigned maintenance or improvement options. HDM-4 calculates the economic benefits and expenditure requirements of each option. A schedule of optimum pavement maintenance and/or road improvement projects which can be carried out within specified budget constraints are identified. HDM-4 Version 2 provides a powerful system for road management, programming road works, estimating funding requirements, allocating budgets, predicting road network performance, project appraisal and examining the impact of policies. The Project Analysis module can be used to estimate the economic or engineering viability of road investment projects by performing lifecycle analysis of pavement performance, maintenance and/or improvement effects together with estimates of road user costs. The main outputs include: • Annual predictions of pavement performance • Pavement maintenance and road improvement effects • Road user costs and benefits • Estimates of environmental effects • Standard economic indicators such as NPV and EIRR A Sensitivity Analysis module allows the user to investigate the impact of variations in key parameters on the analysis results. Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) provides a means of comparing projects using criteria that cannot easily be assigned an economic cost. For example, environmental, social or political impacts. HDM-4 can be used to examine road sector policy studies including: • Funding policies for competing needs, e.g. feeder versus main roads • Impacts of road transport policy changes on energy consumption • Impact of axle load limits • Pavement maintenance and rehabilitation standards Default data and calibration coefficients can be user defined for any country or region. This allows HDM-4 to be configured to suit the customers’ local conditions and therefore can be applied throughout the world. By exchanging data with a Pavement Management Systems (PMS) or other databases, HDM-4 can utilize existing data to perform an analysis. The output reports can be adapted to individual requirements thereby integrating HDM-4 into an existing road management framework. If you would like more information, please contact Gavin Jackman [email protected] Greg Morosiuk [email protected] Oscady Pro in action OSCADY PRO has recently been used in Italy to dramatically improve the performance of a signalised intersection. Aldo Conti, of Regolazione Controllo Traffico, used OSCADY PRO in drive-on-the-right mode to analyse a busy vehicleactuated four-arm junction in Cantù, near Milan. Aldo writes: “Today we have reprogrammed a junction with the results of OSCADY PRO. I have just come back from a visit of the junction during the peak of traffic and it is behaving very well. The difference is amazing. The junction is actuated and until this morning it was running a cycle of 184 seconds (maximum green). Now the cycle is 105 and it is doing well. I could already see one person amazed by the fact that the intersection is not jammed. The expectation here was that OSCADY PRO would not have produced timings very different from the current ones. I would say that 105 seconds instead of 184 is a big difference. And it can still be improved, as at the moment I am considering only the heaviest traffic I measured.” Thanks to the reduction in queues and delays at the junction, Aldo has estimated that they have saved the equivalent of one car waiting at the traffic light for 13 hours a day with the engine running, which has saved about 62 kg of CO2 per day. Aldo and his colleagues are still experimenting with further options at this and other intersections and we hope to publish further details of his experience with OSCADY PRO soon. TRL is very interested to hear from other partners with similar findings to feature in future editions of TSN and use as case studies. You can now purchase both OSCADY PRO and OSCADY Classic together via our new OSCADY + package. Please see our website or contact the Software Bureau for more details. Graham Burtenshaw [email protected] Alistair Maxwell [email protected] Who’s Who Philip Knight joined the Traffic Group in March 2008 having had over 2 years experience as a Graduate Traffic Control Engineer with Transport for London (TfL) and has knowledge of all aspects of traffic signal installations. Prior to joining TfL, Philip gained a 2:1 in Physical Geography from the University of Sussex. Keen on sports including cycling, running and tennis, he is also a car and motorsport enthusiast and has taken part in the Scumball Rally - a five day long charity event. Paul Emmerson has worked within in the transport modelling field at TRL since 1978. His work has included many aspects of modelling related to traffic appraisal, including traffic generation, distribution, assignment and evaluation. He is experienced in the handling of a wide variety of travel demand data and in travel demand modelling, including the analysis of multi-year data-sets and various forecasting techniques. He has been providing guidance to UK Department of Transport on various aspects of the modelling and appraisal process, including advice on the modelling of travel times using different types of models including microsimulation models; assessing the impact of road schemes on travel behaviour; providing advice on modelling variable demand responses to highway schemes, and for the Highways Agency, providing advice on the impact of such techniques on development control. An expert adviser to the software development team on strategic transport modelling issues, Paul’s specialisations include transport planning methodology, traffic forecasting and land-use/transport interaction. Paul has been responsible for numerous publications, both as sole and joint author. If you would like more information on any of the issues raised in this issue please contact us. email: [email protected] or visit us at web: www.trlsoftware.co.uk User Groups, Workshops & Training 2008 User Group Meetings are held annually for ARCADY, PICADY, OSCADY and TRANSYT users. (Normally these are run over two days, with one day dedicated to TRANSYT and the other to ARCADY, PICADY and OSCADY.) They provide an opportunity for users of the programs to raise a variety of issues, and always result in interesting and sometimes lively discussions! As well as presentations from TRL on current and future developments, we encourage talks or presentations from users. UPGRADE TO TRANSYT 13 17th July 2008 VENUE: The Grange Hotel, Charles Square, Bracknell COST: £275 (Maintenance Holder, £250) TRANSYT Workshop 8th-9th October 2008 VENUE TRL, Crowthorne House COST: £595 (Maintenance Holder, £545) Engineer’s MOVA Workshop 4th-5th November 2008 VENUE TRL, Crowthorne House COST: £595 (Maintenance Holder, £545) OSCADY PRO Training 13th Nov 2008 VENUE TRL, Crowthorne House COST: £495 (Maintenance Holder, £450) UPGRADE TO TRANSYT 13 25th June 2008 VENUE: Edinburgh COST: £275 (Maintenance Holder, £250) ARCADY and PICADY Workshop 1st-2nd October 2008 VENUE TRL, Crowthorne House COST: £595 (Maintenance Holder, £545) SafeNET 2 Training 16th October 2008 VENUE TRL, Crowthorne House COST: £495 (Maintenance Holder, £450) Training courses can be specially tailored for STM, PERS and MAAP users and conducted either at their place of work, whether in UK or elsewhere, or at TRL (Crowthorne House, Wokingham) on dates convenient for users. Please use the web link below for details of any forthcoming events. All prices exclude VAT. All bookings are subject to places being available. Courses priced in Euros will be subject to exchange rate fluctuation. TRL reserve the right to cancel courses if there is insufficient demand. Conference Announcements MOVA User Group The next MOVA user group will be held at Nottingham University Jubilee Campus on the 16th November 2008. For more details, please check the TRL Software web site where you will be directed to the booking form. CURRENTLY AVAILABLE PROGRAM VERSIONS Junction Design ARCADY OSCADY Classic OSCADY PRO PICADY Junction Plus OSCADY + Traffic and Network CONTRAM MOVA MOVA SETUP MOVA COMM MTV PCMOVA SCOOT SISTM v6.0 AD/4 v5.0 AB/2 v1.2 v5.0 AC/3 All current versions Current versions v8.3a3 v5.0 v6.0 v6.02 v2.1 v1.1.7 vMC3 v6.0.008 TRANSYT 12 v12.1 TRANSYT 13 v13.0.1 Strategic Modelling STM v4.4.5 Environment & Security CarShare Online N/A PERS v2.13 Safety MAAP v4.3.5 SafeNET v2.04 Economic Appraisal COBA 11 R7 QUADRO v4.0 R6 Visualisation UC / Win Road N/A TRL Software Bureau Crowthorne House, Nine Mile Ride, Wokingham, Berkshire RG40 3GA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1344 770758 Fax: +44 (0)1344 770864 AF/6
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