Buzz On Medzins - Curve Lake First Nation
Buzz On Medzins - Curve Lake First Nation
“Buzz On Medzins” Youth Session Calling for 6 youth between the ages between 13-23 The Union of Ontario Indians’ Health Secretariat is announcing that the “Buzz on Medzins” Youth Session will take place this summer on July 18-20, 2014 at Curve Lake First Nation. This will include 6 youth between the ages of 13-23 from each of the seven First Nations within the Southeast Region. This informational session will address aspects of emotional well-being, reconnection to the land, creating change and making healthy choices. The gathering will be held on the land and will include medicine walks, team challenges, bonfire socials, introduction to ceremonies and mentorship opportunities. The spirit of the Regional gathering is to ensure that the youth have access to resource people such as Elders with local medicine knowledge, traditional knowledge keepers, and helpers who are not necessarily living in the community but have family ties to the region and who are within reach. Please find attached a registration package which includes important information to be reviewed and clearly understood by all prior to attendance at the gathering. If you have any questions, please contact: Courtney Taylor, Community Youth Worker Curve Lake Health Centre (705) 657-2557 [email protected] “Body, Mind and Spirit” Registration Package FRIDAY July 18 to SUNDAY July 20, 2014 CURVE LAKE FIRST NATION A Gathering coordinated by the Anishinabek Nation Youth Please complete the registration form and RETURN BEFORE JULY 4, 2014. Attn: Laura Liberty, c/o Union of Ontario Indians, P.O. Box 711, North Bay, ON, P1B 8J8 Laura Liberty (705) 497-9127 • Fax: 705-497-9135 •1-877-702-5200 • Email: [email protected] UOI facebook ‘Buzz on Medzins’ The Buzz on MEDZINS - CHAPERONE INFORMATION • • • • IMPORTANT To be officially registered, we must receive your completed registration form by fax, email or mail. This gathering is planned for Anishinabek member First Nations in the Southeast Region. For every five youth under the age of 17, there must be one chaperone. All chaperones must register for the conference, and must be 25 years of age or older. GENERAL OVERVIEW Exploring the theme of “Mind, Body and Spirit”, approximately 50 youth, chaperones, facilitators and elders will participate in the “Buzz on Medzins” gathering, a follow-up to the Buzz on Drugs conference held in Peterbourough 2011. There will be medicine walks, teachings and opportunities to learn through cultural activities. Participants will also have opportunity to participate in team building exercises, exciting energizers and Survivor type challenges with a traditional theme. Rules and Respect: As invited guests to the community, youth and chaperones will be required to represent their respective communities to the best of their abilities and be respectful at all times. Please refer to the Code of Conduct guidelines in the registration package for additional information. What to Expect: Chaperones sleeping accommodations will be in close proximity to the participants tents to monitor night time activities. If bringing a personal tent, only two participants are permitted. Chaperones will be required to conduct RANDOM role calls. Personal Items: • • • • • • • Expect to have fun, connect with other youth, create friendships and experience lots of positive energy! Expect to have great outdoor experiences! • • Responsibility of Chaperones: • • To ensure safe and active participation, the chaperones are required to accompany youth in the medicine walks and challenges. Chaperones are required to remain with their youth on the designated grounds for the duration of the gathering and be responsible for the safety and actions of their youth at all times. Prior to Arrival: We are asking all Chief and Councils together with their chaperones to please speak to their youth before arrival. Please let your youth know what to expect at the gathering, how to behave, how to be respectful, must adhere to curfew, as well as rules and regulations. Thank you for your time and consideration and let’s make the Anishinabek Nation “The Buzz on Medzins” Youth Gathering a successful one! Evening Social: Youth are encouraged to bring their favourite musical instrument and/or hand drums for the Friday and Saturday bonfire social. Door Prizes: Prizes with an outdoor theme will be distributed throughout the weekend for active participation. Bug Spray, Sunscreen Sleeping Bag Pillow Cot, foam, or thermo rest to sleep on Flashlight with fresh batteries Clothes: socks and underwear; pants, long sleeve shirt, warm coat, sweater, shorts, T-shirt, pajamas; hat, bathing suit Footwear: Running shoes; No open toe shoes such as sandals or flip flops (participants will be walking in the bush); Water shoes for swimming in rocky shorelines Rain gear/umbrella Personal hygiene items: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, hair brush; Towel and face cloth, moon time products Water bottle, Feast bundle that include plate, utensils. Optional: Ground sheet or tarp; Wool socks, mitts; Gloves for picking medicines Poison Ivy: There may be poison ivy on the grounds, please ensure youth are properly prepared with long pants, long shirt and socks. Mosquitos, Ticks and Blackflies: There is no way to avoid bugs during an outdoor weekend gathering. Please bring ample protection, such as light colored clothing, long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, hat and plenty of mosquito repellant. Meals: The following meals will be provided: FRIDAY - Dinner; SATURDAY - All meals; SUNDAY - Breakfast and Lunch Workshops: Traditional teachings and information will be provided by knowledgeable facilitators and medicine carriers from the Anishinabek Nation. Medicines discussed are generic in nature and not individual prescriptions. No medicines will be ingested over the course of the weekend. Information about Medicines to aid with toxin release, and cleansing will be shared. In the spirit of healing and strengthening our connection to the land, the gathering will be held exclusively outdoors rain or shine. Please arrive prepared. Camping: ABSOLUTELY NO CO-ED CAMPING Sleeping arrangements strictly enforced ` Prospector tents will be provided for male and female participants. The Buzz on Medzins - Registration Package - Page 2 The Buzz on MEDZINS - CODE OF CONDUCT Conference Code of Conduct: Chaperone(s): By completing your registration form, it is duly accepted that you have read and understood the Code of Conduct and you will be expected to honour these guidelines at the gathering. There must be one chaperone for every five participants ages 17 and under and he/she is: You are a Representative of your Community: Your personal conduct reflects upon your community and it is your responsibility to safeguard the reputation and pride of the Anishinabek Nation. • Responsible for the safety, welfare, and conduct of their youth at all times. • Expected to be a positive role model and set positive examples to all youth. • To assist youth in arriving for sessions on time and prepared. • To assist youth during medicine walks. It’s a Matter of Respect: • You are a guest and you can go a long way towards assuring yourself and the other delegates a warm and memorable welcome through a simple show of respect. • Respect all participants of the gathering. • Respect the social / cultural values of youth from other communities. • To ensure youth remain with the facilitator until the session is complete. • Be in attendance with their youth during Friday and Saturday evening socials. • All Chaperones must be 25 years of age or older. • Be aware of medical conditions of youth • Respect regulations and standards set down by the organizing body and host community. Disciplinary Policies and Procedures: • Respect the host organization (staff, volunteers, guests, presenters, service personnel, etc). THERE WILL BE ABSOLUTELY ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DRUG AND ALCOHOL USE BY YOUTH, CHAPERONES, AND GUESTS. Curfew: Disruptive behaviour impacts the learning of others and will not be tolerated. All participants and chaperones respect the curfew of 11:00 pm and lights out at 11:15 pm. Participants are asked to be at their respective tents by the curfew time. Weapons, ammunition or fireworks brought into the camping sites and/or criminal activity of any kind will not be tolerated. Offenders of the Code of Conduct will have all privileges suspended, along with their group, and will be asked to leave the gathering. ** ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Please leave electronic devices at home. There is no secure place for them at a campsite. The Union of Ontario Indians will not be held responsible for lost or stolen articles. You’re responsible for yourself and your personal belongings! This registration package contains valuable contact information. We recommend you bring it with you when you come to the gathering. The Buzz on Medzins - Registration Package - Page 3 The Buzz on MEDZINS - REGISTRATION FORM PLEASE CHECK ONE: YOUTH (18-23) YOUTH (13-17) CHAPERONE (25 yrs plus) Chaperone Name: LAST NAME: FIRST NAME: GENDER: Male BIRTHDATE: (must be filled in) Female Sweatshirt Size Day/Month/Yr FIRST NATION NAME: (Everyone in a group should have the SAME name in this space) ADDRESS: CITY: PROVINCE: PHONE #: ALTERNATE PHONE: E-MAIL: FAX: POSTAL: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CONTACT NAME: RELATION TO PARTICIPANT: PHONE #: ALTERNATE PHONE: PARTICIPANT MEDICAL NUMBER: ANY ALLERGIES OR ILLNESS THAT WE SHOULD KNOW ABOUT? IF YES, PLEASE LIST (Special Dietary restrictions/Special Diet, EPI Pen, Insulin): We encourage all youth to participate. If you are on a Methadone maintenance program and would like to attend the session, please contact Laura Liberty at 704-497-9127, ext. 2319 for further assistance. CONFIDENTIALITY assured. * * FOR CHAPERONES ONLY * * Name(s) of Youth (13-17) under your supervision 1. 2. 4. 5. 3. Are you the main contact for sending any information regarding registration of this group? ___ YES ___ NO If not, please list the name of the primary contact for the group, and their contact information. If the main contact person is not attending the gathering, please fill out this section for them. This contact information will be used to send the Participant confirmation and any other important information. NAME (if you are NOT the main Contact) _________________________________________________________ Phone: ________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________ The Buzz on Medzins - Registration Package - Page 4 The Buzz on MEDZINS - AT A GLANCE This Agenda is subject to change. If necessary, a revised agenda will be sent out at a later date or distributed at the gathering. FRIDAY - July 18th 3:00 PM Arrival/Registration and Camp Set-up 4:00 pm Opening song - Drum Group Opening Smudge and Prayer - Elders Welcoming by Chief Opening comments by Regional Chief General Overview - MC 5:00 pm Team Challenge #1 - Group tents 6:00 pm Dinner 7:00 pm Group Activity - MC 9:00 pm Bonfire Social - Traditional Teachings SATURDAY - July 19th 7:00 am Daybreak ceremony (Optional) 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Team Challenge #2 - Fire starting/make tea 10:00 am Overview - Assemble personal medicine bags 10:30 am Introduction to Medicines 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Medicine Walk 2:30 pm Tea break 2:45 pm Team Challenge #3 - First Aid Kit with Medzins 5:00 pm Dinner 6:00 pm Team Challenge #4 - Traditional Games 7:00 PM Freetime 9:00 pm Bonfire Social - Corn/Bannock on a stick 11:00 pm Lights out SUNDAY - July 20th 7:00 am Daybreak ceremony (Optional) 8:00 am Breakfast 9:00 am Overview - how what medicines to pick/samples Group Warm-up/Game - MC 9:30 am Medicine Walk 11:00 am Team Challenge #5 - Scavenger Hunt 12:00 pm Lunch 1:00 pm Take down of tents 1:30 pm Group Discussions and Evaluations 1:45 pm Giveaway Prizes 2:00 pm Final Goodbye/Closing The Buzz on Medzins - Registration Package - Page 5 MINOR MEDIA RELEASE FORM I/WE, the undersigned, am/are the parent/parents or guardian of the below named minor child. I/We, the undersigned, being of legal age, do hereby consent and grant to the Union of Ontario Indians Inc., (hereinafter sometimes referred to as “you”), permission to photograph the below named minor child in connection with the right to photograph me and to record my voice, performances, actions and appearances and to use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of his or her physical likeness. I/we hereby grant to the Union of Ontario Indians Inc its successors, assigns and agents the perpetuity rights to use, as you may desire, all still and motion pictures and sound track recordings and records which you may make of his or her voice, and the right to use his or her name or likeness in or in connection with the exhibition, advertising, exploiting and/or publicizing of the picture. I/we further grant the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings including all instrumental, musical, or other sound effects produced by him or her. I/we further agree and warrant that the below named minor child will not disaffirm or disavow said consent and permission on the grounds that he or she was a minor on the date of execution thereof or any similar grounds whatsoever, or endeavor to recover from you personally or through any guardian, any sums. I/we hereby certify and represent that I/we am the parent or legal guardian of the below named minor child, and I/we am/are over 18 years of age and have read the foregoing and fully understand the meaning and effect thereof. NAME OF CHILD: ________AGE:______ NAME OF PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN:______________________ HOME ADDRESS:___________________________________________ TELEPHONE:_______________________________________________ __________________________________________ PARENT OR LEGAL GUARDIAN SIGNATURE Dated this ___________ day of ______, 20__. MEDIA RELEASE FORM I the undersigned hereby grant to the Union of Ontario Indians Inc, the right to photograph me and to record my voice, performances, actions and appearances and to use my picture, photograph, silhouette and other reproductions of my physical likeness. I hereby grant to the Union of Ontario Indians Inc its successors, assigns and agents the perpetuity rights to use, as you may desire, all still and motion pictures and sound track recordings and records which you may make of me or of my voice, and the right to use my name or likeness. I further grant the right to reproduce in any manner whatsoever any recordings including all instrumental, musical, or other sound effects produced by me. I agree that I will not assert or maintain against the Union of Ontario Indians, your successors, assigns and licensees, any claim, action, suit or demand of any kind or nature whatsoever, including but not limited to those grounded upon invasion of privacy, rights of publicity or other civil rights, or for any reason in connection with your authorized use of my physical likeness and sound. I hereby certify that I am 18 years of age or over and have read the forgoing and fully understand the meaning and effect therefore. PRINT NAME_______________________ WITNESS_____________________ Signatures ________________________ ____________________________ Dated this ___________ day of ______, 20__. Address:_____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Phone Number _________________ NGO DWE WAANGIZID ANISHINAABE One Anishinaabe Family Preamble to the Anishinaabe Chi-Naaknigewin as adopted by the Grand Council in June 2011 Debenjiged gii’saan anishinaaben akiing giibi dgwon gaadeni mnidoo waadiziwin. Creator placed the Anishinabe on the earth along with the gift of spirituality. Shkode, nibi, aki, noodin, giibi dgosdoonan wii naagdowendmang maanpii shkagmigaang. Here on mother earth, there were gifts given to the Anishinabe to look after, fire, water, earth and wind. Debenjiged gii miinaan gechtwaa wendaagog Anishinaaben waa naagdoonjin ninda niizhwaaswi kino maadwinan: The Creator also gave the Anishinabe seven sacred gifts to guide them. They are: Zaagidwin, Debwewin, Mnaadendmowin, Nbwaakaawin, Dbaadendiziwin, Gwekwaadziwin miinwa Aakedhewin. Love, Truth, Respect, Wisdom, Humility, Honesty and Bravery. Debenjiged kiimiingona dedbinwe wi naagdowendiwin. Creator gave us sovereignty to govern ourselves. Ka mnaadendanaa gaabi zhiwebag miinwaa nango megwaa ezhwebag, miinwa geyaabi waa ni zhiwebag. We respect and honour the past, present and future.