her character sheet here
her character sheet here
Aylen Adarr / Gloomhawk Character Name Vigilante 1 Character Class/Level Medium Half-Orc Race Size Character Record Sheet ability name ability score ability Temp Temp modifier Adjustment modifier strength STR 10 +0 DEX dexterity 17 +3 +0 INT 14 intelligence +2 WIS Total DR 8 8 Female Gender SPEED 30 land wounds/current hp fly CON 10 constitution wisdom HP hit points – LG / CG Alignment Character Number Deity 6'2" Height Age 6 ft. base speed ft. maneuverability swim sq. Skill Names –1 climb TYPE RANGE ft. Total Bonus +2 Acrobatics Appraise 16 +3 dex misc TOTAL modifier Bluff modifier –4 Climb AC = 10 + +5 + + +3 + + + + 18 armor class Craft natural deflection size misc armor shield dex TOTAL armor bonus bonus modifier modifier modifier modifier Craft modifiers TOUCH FLAT-FOOTED 15 Craft armor class 13 armor class Diplomacy temporary base ability magic misc modifiers SAVING THROWS TOTAL modifier modifier modifier modifier save Disable Device* FORTITUDE 0 = 0 + + + + +0 Disguise (Constitution) –1 Escape Artist REFLEX = 2 + + + + +3 5 (dexterity) –1 Fly WILL = + + + + 1 2 –1 Handle Animal* (wisdom) Heal SPELL +0 BASE ATTACK BONUS +7 RESISTANCE Intimidate modifiers Knowledge (arcana)* = +0 + +0 + +0 CMB Knowledge (dungeoneering)* base attack strength size TOTAL bonus modifier modifier Knowledge (engineering)* = +0 + +0 + +3 + + 10 +3 Knowledge (geography)* CMD base attack strength dexterity size TOTAL Knowledge (history)* modifier bonus modifier modifier +4 Knowledge (local)* WEAPON ATTACK BONUS CRITICAL Knowledge (nature)* +3 Longbow x3 Knowledge (nobility)* AMMUNITION DAMAGE TYPE RANGE Knowledge (planes)* Knowledge (religion)* 40 arrows 1d8 100 ft Piercing Linguistics* WEAPON +2 Perception ATTACK BONUS CRITICAL Perform +0 19-20 x2 Short Sword Perform AMMUNITION DAMAGE TYPE RANGE Profession* — 1d6 — Piercing Profession* –1 Ride WEAPON ATTACK BONUS CRITICAL +1 Sense Motive Sleight of Hand* AMMUNITION DAMAGE TYPE RANGE Spellcraft* –1 Stealth Survival WEAPON Swim ATTACK BONUS CRITICAL Use Magic Device* INITIATIVE +3 modifier AMMUNITION ft. with armor burrow temp modifiers sq. ft. SKILLS nonlethal damage CHA charisma 4 20 ft. Faction Black Gray Hair Eyes 230 lbs. Weight = +3 + Class Skill DAMAGE * Trained Only Ability Mod. =Dex =Int =Cha =Str =Int =Int =Int =Cha =Dex =Cha =Dex =Dex =Cha =Wis =Cha =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Int =Wis =Cha =Cha =Wis =Wis =Dex =Wis =Dex =Int =Dex =Wis =Str =Cha +3 +2 +3 +0 +2 +2 +2 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 +3 –1 +3 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 +2 –1 +3 +3 –1 –1 +3 –1 +3 +2 +3 –1 +0 +3 Misc. Mod. Ranks + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 2 3 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + –4 –4 4 –4 –4 2 2 –4 2 –4 Conditional Modifiers: +20 Disguise (see Seamless Guise, below); +4 Diplomacy (see Social Grace, below) WEAPON TYPE RANGE AMMUNITION ATTACK BONUS CRITICAL DAMAGE © 2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Languages: Common, Orc, Abyssal, Draconic AC ITEMS BONUS +5 Scale Mail TYPE M CHECK PENALTY SPELL FAILUREWEIGHT SPELLS KNOWN 2 5 % – 4 SPELLS PROPERTIES SPELL SAVE DC LEVEL 0 SPELLS PER DAY BONUS SPELLS — 1st 2nd 3rd TOTALS GEAR ITEM 4th 5th FEATS WT. 6th Scale Mail 30 Street Smarts (gain +2 bonus on Knowledge (local) and Short Sword 2 Sense Motive checks). From Ultimate Intrigue. Longbow 3 Courtier's Outfit 6 7th 8th 9th Conditional Modifiers DOMAINS/SPECIALTY SCHOOL 0 1st SPECIAL ABILITIES Social Talent (Social Grace): While Aylen is in her social identity, she receives a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks. At 5th level and every 4 levels thereafter, she can select another Int-, Wis-, or Cha-based skill to gain this bonus. 2nd Seamless Disguise: Should anyone suspect Aylen of being anything other than what she appears to be while in either her social or vigilante identity, she can attempt a Disguise check with a +20 circumstance bonus to appear as her current identity, and not as her other identity. Vigilante Specialization (Stalker): Aylen gains the Hidden Strike ability, 3rd allowing her to deal an extra 1d8 points of precision damage on melee attacks or ranged attacks within 30 feet against foes who are unaware of her presence or who consider her an ally. TOTAL WEIGHT Light Load Lift Over Head Medium Load Lift off Ground Heavy Load Drag or Push 4th 5th 6th 7th MONEY CP EXPERIENCE POINTS SP GP 8 FAME 0 PP © 2013 Paizo Publishing, LLC. Permission granted to photocopy for personal use only. Total Fame Current Prestige 8th 9th Inventory Tracking Sheet – AKA Player Name Pathfinder Society # Character Name Character Chronicle # Item Wands/Ammunition/ Alchemical Items/Other Cost Cost Tracking Sheet # Bought Sold Expended Character Chronicle # Bought Sold Faction Character Chronicle # Item Cost Bought Sold Expended Pathfinder Society Scenario Tracker Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # Name:_____________________________ SEASON 0 Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # 01: Silent Tide (1-5) 02: The Hydra's Fang Incident (1-5) 03: Murder on the Silken Caravan (1-5) 04: The Frozen Fingers of Midnight (1-5) 05: Mists of Mwangi (1-5) 06: Black Waters (1-5) 07: Among the Living (1-7) 08: Slave Pits of Absalom (1-5) 13: The Prince of Augustana (1-5) 14: Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (1-7) 16: To Scale the Dragon (5-9) 17: Perils of the Pirate Pact (1-7) 20: King Xeros of Old Azlant (7-11) 22: Fingerprints of the Fiend (7-11) 23: Tides of Morning (1-5) 24: Decline of Glory (1-7) 26: Lost at Bitter End (7-11) 27: Our Lady of Silver (5-9) 28: Lyrics of Extinction (7-11) Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # Free RPG Day Modules SEASON 2 Year of the Shadow Lodge 01: Before the Dawn I (1-7) 02: Before the Dawn II (1-7) 03: The Rebel's Ransom (5-9) 04: Shadows Fall on Absalom (7-11) 05: Eyes of the Ten III (13) 06: The Heresy of Man I (5-9) 07: The Heresy of Man II (5-9) 08: The Sarkorian Prophecy (7-11) 09: The Heresy of Man III (5-9) 10: Fury of the Fiend (7-11) 11: The Penumbral Accords (1-5) 12: Below the Silver Tarn (7-11) 13: Murder on the Throaty Mermaid (1-5) 14: The Chasm of Screams (7-11) 15: Shades of Ice I (1-5) 16: The Flesh Collector (7-11) 17: Shades of Ice II (1-5) 18: Forbidden Furnance of Forgotten Koor (7-11) 19: Shades of Ice III (1-5) 20: Wrath of the Accursed (7-11) 21: The Dalsine Affair (1-7) 22: Eyes of the Ten IV (13) 23: Shadow's Last Stand I (1-7) 24: Shadow's Last Stand II (1-7) 25: You Only Die Twice (5-9) 26: The Mantis' Prey (7-11) SP: Year of the Shadow Lodge (1-11) SEASON 1 29: Devil We Know I (1-7) 30: Devil We Know II (1-7) 31: Sniper in the Deep (5-9) 32: Drow of the Darkland Pyramid (7-11) 33: Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible (1-5) 34: Encounter at the Drowning Stones (7-11) 35: Voice in the Void (1-7) 36: Echoes of the Everwar I (7-11) 37: The Beggar's Pearl (1-7) 38: No Plunder, No Pay (7-11) 39: The Citadel Flame (1-5) 40: Hall of Drunken Heroes (7-11) 41: Devil We Know III (1-7) 42: Echoes of the Everwar II (7-11) 43: The Pallid Plague (1-7) 44: Echoes of the Everwar III (7-11) 45: Delirium's Tangle (1-5) 46: Eyes of the Ten I (12) 47: The Darkest Vengeance (1-5) 48: Devil We Know IV (1-7) 49: Among the Dead (1-7) 50: Fortune's Blight (5-9) 51: City of Strangers I (1-7) 52: City of Strangers: Part 2 (1-7) 53: Echoes of the Everwar IV (7-11) 54: Eyes of the Ten II (12) 55: The Infernal Vault (1-7) 56: The Jester's Fraud (5-9) We Be Goblins! (1-2) We Be Goblins Too! (2-4) Risen From the Sands (2-4) Dawn of the Scarlet Sun (4-6) Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # PFS ID#:______________ Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # SEASON 3 Year of the Ruby Phoenix 01: Frostfur Captives (1-5) 02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom (3-7) 03: The Ghennet Manor Gauntlet (5-9) 04: The Kortos Envoy (7-11) 05: Tide of Twilight (1-5) 06: Song of the Sea Witch (3-7) 07: Echoes of the Overwatched (1-5) 08: Among the Gods (3-7) 09: Quest for Perfection I (1-5) 10: Immortal Conundrum (5-9) 11: Quest for Perfection II (1-5) 12: Wonders in the Weave I (5-9) 13: Quest for Perfection III (1-5) 14: Wonders in the Weave II (5-9) 15: The Haunting of Hinojai (5-9) 16: The Midnight Mauler (3-7) 17: Red Harvest (7-11) 18: The God's Market Gamble (1-5) 19: The Icebound Outpost (1-5) 20: Rats of Round Mountain I (7-11) 21: The Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment (1-5) 22: Rats of Round Mountain II (7-11) 23: The Goblinblood Dead (1-5) 24: The Golden Serpent (5-9) 25: Storming the Diamond Gate (3-7) 26: Portal of the Sacred Rune (7-11) SP: Blood Under Absalom (1-11) Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # SEASON 4 Year of the Risen Rune Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # 01: Rise of the Goblin Guild (1-5) 02: In Wrath's Shadow (3-7) 03: The Golemworks Incident (5-9) 04: King of the Storval Stairs (7-11) 05: The Sanos Abduction (3-7) 06: The Green Market (5-9) 07: Severing Ties (1-5) 08: The Cultist's Kiss (7-11) 09: The Blakros Matrimony (3-7) 10: Feast of Sigils (7-11) 11: The Disappeared (1-5) 12: The Refuge of Time (7-11) 13: Fortress of the Nail (5-9) 14: My Enemy's Enemy (3-7) 15: The Cyphermage Dilemma (1-5) 16: The Fabric of Reality (5-9) 17: Tower of the Ironwood Watch (5-9) 18: The Veteran's Vault (1-5) 19: The Night March of Kalkamedes (1-5) 20: Words of the Ancients (7-11) 21: Way of the Kirin (3-7) 01: The Glass River Rescue (1-5) 02: The Wardstone Patrol (3-7) 03: The Hellknight's Feast (5-9) 04: The Stolen Heir (1-5) 05: The Elven Entanglement (7-11) 06: You Have What You Hold (3-7) 07: Port Godless (5-9) 08: The Confirmation (1-2) 09: The Traitor's Lodge (3-7) 10: Where Mammoths Dare Not Tread (7-11) 11: Library of the Lion (1-5) 12: Destiny of the Sands Part I (5-9) 13: Weapon in the Rift (5-9) 14: Day of the Demon (3-7) 15: Destiny of the Sands Part II (1-5) 16: Destiny of the Sands Part III (3-7) 17: Fate of the Fiend (7-11) 18: The Stranger Within (5-9) 19: The Horn of Aroden (1-5) 20: The Sealed Gate (7-11) 21: The Merchant's Wake (1-5) 22: Scars of the Third Crusade (1-5) 23: Cairn of Shadows (5-9) 24: Assault on the Wound (3-7) 25: Vengeance at Sundered Crag (7-11) 99: The Paths We Choose (3-7) SP: Siege of the Diamond City (1-15) Ex: Ruins of Bonekeep II (3-7) 22: Glories of the Past I (5-9) 23: Rivalry's End (3-7) 24: Glories of the Past II (5-9) 25: Glories of the Past III (5-9) 26: The Waking Rune (7-11) SP: Race for the Runecarved Key (1-12+) Ex: Ruins of Bonekeep I (3-7) Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # SEASON 6 Year of the Sky Key 01: Trial by Machine (1-5) 02: The Silver Mount Collection (3-7) 03: The Technic Siege (5-9) 04: Beacon Below (7-11) 05: Slave Ships of Absalom (1-5) 06: Hall of the Flesh Eaters (1-5) 07: Valley of the Veiled Flame (5-9) 08: The Segang Expedition (1-5) 09: By Way of Bloodcove (3-7) 10: The Wounded Wisp (1-2) 11: The Slave Master's Mirror (3-7) 12: Scions of the Sky Key I (1-5) 13: Of Kirin and Kraken (7-11) 14: Scions of the Sky Key II (1-5) 15: The Overflow Archives ( 1-5 ) 16: Scions of the Sky Key III (1-5) 17: Fires of Karamoss ( 5-9 ) 18: From Under Ice ( 1-5 ) 19: Test of Tar Kuata ( 3-7 ) 20: Returned to Sky ( 7-11) 21: Tapestry's Toil ( 5-9 ) 22: Out of Anarchy ( 1-5 ) 23: The Darkest Abduction ( 7-11 ) 24: 25: 26: SP: Legacy of the Stonelords (1-11) Ex: Ruins of Bonekeep III (5-9) SEASON 5 Year of the Demon Classic Core PC # GM # PC # GM # SEASON 7 01: 02: 03: 04: 05: 06: 07: 08: 09: 10: 11: 12: 13: 14: 15: 16: 17: 18: 19: 20: 21: 22: 23: 24: 25: 26: SP: Ex: Ruins of Bonekeep IV (5-9)