The official business community newsletter of Tavares
The official business community newsletter of Tavares
The official business community newsletter of Tavares Networking Lunch Tuesday, March 10 Pichy's Cuban Food 10401 US Hwy 441 Leesburg (at the Mall) Noon - 1PM Please RSVP Business After Hours Thursday, March 12 E-Z Nutrition 101 101 West Main Street Downtown Tavares 5:30-7:00PM Please RSVP | March 2015 Tavares Chamber Representing our Business Members at the State Capital TALLAHASSEE – Lake County dominated the halls of the Florida House and Senate as business and community leaders filled the state capital to participate in Lake Legislative Days February 17 and 18. Seven teams were organized during the two-day event to discuss the issues supported by the businesses of the Chambers and Lake County Chamber Alliance. The seven groups and respective discussion topics were Economic Development led by Lake County Economic Development and Tourism Director Robert Chandler. The group spoke to Philip Miller for Senator Latvala, Representatives Ingram, Artiles, Beshears and Detert to support funding for Lake Sumter State College (LSSC) Science Lab Facility. Tavares Chamber President Janet They also requested funding to complete the renovation and Noack - United Southern Bank with expansion of the Center for Advanced Manufacturing at Lake City of Tavares Mayor Kirby Smith at Technical College and support legislation that dedicates to Lake Legislative Days. small businesses state economic development resources emphasizing technical assistance, acContinue on page 6 cess to capital, public infrastructure and urban infill. Dragon Boat Festival Wooton Park Fri-Mar 13 from 5 -9pm Sat-Mar 14 from 9am-3pm Business After Hours Thursday, March 19 Key West Resort on Lake Dora 123 S. Joanna Ave. Downtown Tavares 5:30-7:00PM Please RSVP Business Luncheon Wednesday, March 25 Tavares Civic Center 100 East Caroline Street 11:30 -1:00 PM Please RSVP TAVARES – This year’s Spring Water Festivals in Wooton Park kicks off with the 13th Annual Rotary Club of Lake County Golden Triangle Central Florida Dragon Boat Festival on March 13 and 14. The waterfront park is the venue of events for several weeks. The Dragon Boat Festival will “awaken the dragon” Friday evening, March 13, signifying the start of the festival with the Rotary International (RI) President from Taiwan and the City of Tavares Mayor Kirby Smith. With the RI President, Gary C.K. Huang and Tavares Sister City in Xindian, Taiwan the festival’s Asian theme will come alive. Complete with Chinese performers, fireworks and vendors; this event always has a huge turnout. The Classic Raceboat Association (CRA) is a Florida based organization that was formed to facilitate the exhibition of classic race boats of all types. This year’s Spring Thunder Regatta will be March 20 -22. The following weekend hosts the Sunnyland Antique Boat Festival on March 27 - 29. This is the largest show of its kind, boasting over 250 boats on display. April 18 will feature Planes, Trains & BBQ in and around Wooton Park. This event includes a sanctioned BBQ competition, Air shows and train rides on the Cannonball Express. America’s Seaplane city will have a seaplane fly-in on Saturday, May 2. This event promises to wow the spectators and participants alike. The Tavares Chamber of Commerce will be teaming up with the Rotary Club of Lake County Golden Triangle to raise funds at these events and need volunteers to help. Please contact the Tavares Chamber of Commerce (352) 343-2531 to volunteer. Take Advantage of Marketing Opportunities with the Chamber NEWSLETTER ADVERTISING RATES (All prices are per issue - Deadline for all advertising is the 20th of the month prior to and must be provided and delivered by you). Business Card Ad....................................................................................................................................................................... $35.00 ¼ Page Ad (3.75 X 4.75) ............................................................................................................................................................ $50.00 8 ½ X 11 Insert ((Unfolded; 20lb; 400 quantity)) ......................................................................................................................... $60.00 MEMBER MARKETING Luncheon Sponsor ................................................................................................................................................................... $300.00 Luncheon Placemat Advertising (6 months) ............................................................................................................................... $30.00 Luncheon Showcase Tables (per Chamber Business luncheon) ............................................................................................... $45.00 Chamber Dining/Lodging/Events Guide Business Photo ....................................................... Front page $75/Quarter or $200.00/year Inside page $35/Quarter or ............................................................................................................................... $100.00/year Logo Invoice Advertising ............................................................................................................. (6 months) $75.00 (annual) $125.00 Membership Address Labels ...................................................................................................................................................... $50.00 WEB MARKETING One-Page Webpage On Chamber Website (annual) ............................................................................................................... $108.00 Picture On Membership Listing Page On Web (annual) ............................................................................................................. $60.00 Email Blasts (25 words or less) ....................................................................................................... (1 blasts) $20.00 (2 blasts) $35.00 Add logo/picture extra $10.00 Link to PDF extra $25.00 (Stand Alone) $75.00 Rotating Banner (size in pixels: 360 wide X 46 high) Links directly to your website. Home Page ..................................... 3 months $60.00 6 months $100.00 ............................... annual $150.00 Specialty Page (per page)............... 3 months $40.00 6 months $70.00 ................................... annual $95.00 YouTube Video Link ........................ 3 months $45.00 6 months $75.00 ................................. annual $120.00 Central Florida Lake County FOCUS with Ralph Smith WLBE AM790 Wednesdays 1:00to 2:00 PM Insight Credit Union supports local veterans in Central Florida Over 1,600 items and hundreds of valentines collected during 17th Annual Valentines for Veterans Insight Credit Union donated more than 1,600 items and hundreds of handmade valentines to the Orlando VA Medical Center in time for Valentine’s Day. Each year, Insight members and employees collect soap, toothpaste, combs, razors, socks, puzzles, books and other much needed toiletries for veterans. In addition, Insight partners with local elementary schools to collect hundreds of Valentine’s Day cards and crafts made by students. Insight holds this initiative each year to support the Department of Veterans Affairs’ National Salute to Veteran Patients Program. The purpose of this weeklong program, occurring the week of February 14, is to pay tribute to veterans and increase community awareness of the VA medical center. This marks the 17th year Insight has participated in the program and the seventh year “Our 17th Annual Valentines for Veterans was a success and we’re so thankful to everyone who participated,” said Melissa Boyink, ICU marketing director, “Through this initiative, we are able to give back to our brave veterans and show them how much we value their service and sacrifices.” Insight Credit Union is a state-chartered credit union based in Orlando serving anyone who lives or works in Central Florida. Insight has 16 locations, over 175 employees and serves more than 50,000 members in Citrus, Lake, Marion, Orange, Seminole and Volusia counties to name a few. A not-forprofit, Insight is a full-service financial institution offering banking, loans, mortgages and investments for consumers and businesses throughout Central Florida. For more information visit or find the credit union on Facebook or Twitter. Tavares Chamber of Commerce does not necessarily endorse or support advertising materials distributed through the newsletter. Page 2 Tavares Business Journal Business Spotlight Dave and Michael Winterton have been in the Fire Protection, Low Voltage, and Security business for many years. After the sale of their first successful business, not too much time passed before they were inspired to create a new company, Premier Alarm System Solutions. So, with more than 30 years of experience and dedicated service between the two of them, there is no one more competent to meet your needs in the low voltage, fire protection, and security industries than PASS. We are proudly family -owned and operated, and are expanding at an incredible rate. Our dedicated field technicians are a highly experienced and knowledgeable team, and through their consistency and proven reputation are recognized by clients for their quality work. All of our technicians will make every effort, including over-time, to make sure projects are finished accurately and on time. Our office personnel is just as dedicated and even more charming. Molly, our brilliant account manager, and Chelsee, our proficient office manager, keep this ever-growing business running efficiently. PASS can fulfill all your Low Voltage needs. The types of low voltage systems that we sell and install include voice and data, fiber optics, TV, and sound. We are well-versed in the healthcare industry, providing sales and service for nurse call and wandering systems. Our Security division includes sales and service for CCTV, access control, and intrusion alarm. The Fire Protection division consists of sales and service for fire alarms, extinguishers, and hood systems. PASS not only provides installation and service of these systems, but also provides monitoring and inspection as well. If you Offer Discount Coupons. . . They Will Come On-Line Coupon Program is a member benefit that you may be unaware of. Your membership with the Tavares Chamber of Commerce includes participation in the program. This is another way that your Chamber is promoting your business, but you must provide some information. Chamber staff directs potential customers to its website daily. If you’re not taking advantage of this membership benefit you are missing potential new customers. In these tough economic times, people are doing more coupon clipping. We want to support our community by offering this service and support the member businesses that are taking advantage of this free member benefit. When potential customers browse the web site, they will see Discount Coupon on the menu right below Member Business Director. This will take them to a listing of all the members offering coupons. For each member listing it denotes “CLICK HERE FOR COUPON”, once they find the coupon they wish to use, they can print it and present it to you at time of service. To participate in this program, please email us with a 25 word or less description of your coupon and an expiration date and we will place it on the website as soon as we receive it. On-line coupons can only be changed once per quarter. This is a free service provided to all Tavares Chamber of Commerce members. 2015 Tavares Chamber of Commerce Board Executive Committee: Janet Noack United Southern Bank Cheryl Rumbly Cornerstone Hospice Deborah Cahill Susan Glenn Caddell DDS Kelly Pisciotta Habitat for Humanity Orin Owen Owen Associates Directors Debbie Behlmann Linda J. Bennett Lou Buigas Jacquelyn Coval T.J. Fish Beth Ann Gause Rick Golab Dee Johns Mary Johnson Dr. Joe Morreale Travis Senning Davis Talmage Ted Wicks Ann Yager President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Past President Southern Palms RV Resort Ameriprise Financial Services Hoity Toity Merchantile Individual Member Lake~Sumter MPO Gause and Hargrove Florida Hospital Waterman Directories Ink Grand Rental Station The Chiropractic Center ALS Landing Merrill Insurance Florida Wicks Engineering Services Sun Publications/Triangle Newsleader Tavares Business Journal Page 3 Lake Legislative Days coordinator Kelly Pisciotta Habitat for Humanity with Tavares Chamber Executive Director Colleen McGinley and Mount Dora Mayor Cathy Hoechst. Lake Legislative Days delegation meets for lunch before heading back to the capitol for additional appointments with the Senate and House. Group leaders present a summary of their meetings with representatives and issues they discussed with each. Representative Jennifer Sullivan meets with the Health Care Group. Representative Larry Metz greeted many Lake Legislative Days groups from transportation to Human Services and Local Government. Page 4 Tavares Business Journal February Business Luncheon (l to r) Caterer Ramfis Fuarez with Pressed for Time Café, Esmeralda Batiz - Community Health Center, Zack Ward - Pressed for Time Café, Sponsor Community Health Organization’s John Riordan, Margaret Brennan and Jeff Bowman, Chamber Board President Janet Noack - United Southern Bank, Speaker Jerry Smith - Lake EMT, Chamber Vice President Cheryl Rumbly - Cornerstone Hospice and Board Directors T.J. Fish - Lake~Sumter MPO. National Retailer of the Year Mark’s Floors at 3985 Hwy 19A, Mount Dora host a Business After Hours on February 19, 2015 Tavares Business Journal Page 5 Lake Legislative Days...............................................................................................continued from page 1 The Human Services Group was led by B.E. Thompson from LifeStream Behavioral Center in Leesburg. This groups priorities included funding for LifeStream Behavioral Center for integrated medical services, Forensic Assertive Community Treatment Team and a homeless women’s program at Anthony House. They also addressed other Homeless Programs, Elder Services, the Medicaid Waiver Program, State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP) and Children’s Advocacy Centers. The group met with Senators Hukill and Hays and Senators Garcia and Bean’s aides, Representatives Metz, O'Toole and Hudson. The Education Group (Post-secondary) led by Lake Sumter State College President Dr. Charles Mojock met with legislators to request Scholarship funding for Beacon College, Lake Tech Manufacturing facility and for the Science Lab Facility at LSSC. They had meetings with Senators Stragel, Simmons and Glavano and several Representatives including Fresen and O'Toole. The Education Group (K-12) also met with legislators to discuss accountability system that includes assessments that are valid, fair and reliable. They also presented issues on School Grades, End of Course (EOC) Exams, School Safety, State Assessments and Funding. Eustis City Commissioner Michael Holland worked with the Local Government group in presenting Water Quality and Quantity Issues, Communication Services and Local Business Tax Protection, Funding for Phase II of the South Lake Water Initiative and Municipal Pension Reform to Representatives O'Toole, Baxley, Bileca and Senators Simpson, Ring and Dean. The Transportation Group led by County Commissioner Tim Sullivan focused on transportation funding including the Transportation Disadvantaged Program. They also met with Senators and House Representatives Jennifer Sullivan, Larry Metz and Marlene O'Toole to discussed funding support of the Wekiva Trail, CR 466 A Phase 3 and the Citrus Grove Road Improvement. New this year, the Health Care Group led by United Southern Bank's Greg Lewis and Central Florida Health Alliance representative Don Henderson met with Senators Hays and Bean and Representatives Sullivan, Eisnaugle, Metz and O'Toole. Discussions included a new source of funding for Lake County Days is always an invaluable experience and New Vision the Federal matching funds through the Low Infor Independence is grateful for the opportunity. By attending every come Pool (LIP) program and Reform of the State year, we’ve improved our ability to effectively advocate for our agency Medicaid Program. Information packets were left and those we serve – to give a voice to our neighbors learning to overthat included opposition to the proposed changes come vision loss. We’ve learned about “the process” and how best to in the Certificate of Need law, funding for the Becommunicate our message, as well as made relationships with those havioral Health System, maintaining state general legislators that can articulate our community’s needs in the House and revenue funding for County Health Departments Senate. and County Share Cost for Medicaid Services Chantel Shafer Buck “Lake Legislative Days was well organPresident/CEO ized,” remarked the Chamber Alliance President New Vision for Independence, Inc. Jim Miller “The trip was not only a great opportunity to lobby our legislators, but also to network with fellow attendees." The Chamber would like to give a special thanks to Hannah DuShane, Kelly Pisciotta and Mandy Wettstein for scheduling and organizing this annual event. SAVE THE DATE for the next Lake Legislative Days: November 17 & 18, 2015. Free Quit Tobacco Classes Beginning March 2015 Lake County – The Florida Department of Health in Lake County (DOHLake) in collaboration with the Central Florida Area Health Education Center (AHEC) to offer the following free Quit Tobacco Classes: Weekly on Tuesdays, March 24th to April 28th, 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm Community Health Center, 225 N. First Street, Leesburg, Florida 34748 There is no fee to enroll in the program which includes the following: No charge for materials Free Nicotine Replacement (nicotine patch while supplies last) Covers all forms of tobacco Groups led by trained tobacco cessation specialist Quit Smoking Now workbook and incentive items Registration is required by calling 1-877-252-6094 or to learn more about the Quit Smoking Now Program. The QSN Program is sponsored by the Florida AHEC Network and the Florida Department of Health, Bureau of Tobacco Free Florida. TAVARES CHAMBER Chair, Cheryl Rumbley Cornerstone Hospice Betty Ainslie Rodan & Fields Dermatologists Independent Consultant Debbie Behlmann Southern Palms RV Resort Alan Holden Midway Baptist Church Lisa Johnson EZ Nutrition Linda King AFLAC Judy Stewart Law Offices of Judy Stewart Page 6 Tavares Business Journal Welcome New Members Membership Renewals Integrative Physical Medicine Cierra Jackson (352) 561-2361 A Perfect Gesture Ann Johnson (352) 406-5820 Habitat for Humanity Kelly Pisciotta (352) 267-2118 Out O'Space Storage and Office Park Maryanne Atkins (352) 343-7414 Akers Media Group Doug Akers (352) 787-4112 Orin Owen Owen Associates (352) 516-3072 American Cancer Society Allison Chambers (352) 350-2273 Plaza Cadillac Gregory Yager (352) 787-1323 Bee-Saf-Tee Fire Equipment, Inc. Linda Bomar (352) 343-2707 Reunion Bank Gail Baker (352) 508-1030 Tavares Church of the Nazarene Joel Tooley (352) 343-0577 Shananne Cain Florist, Inc. Shananne Cain (352) 669-5994 Florida Hospital Waterman Center for Medical Imaging Rick Golab (352) 253-3381 Sunnyland Antique & Classic Boat Society Terry Fiest (352) 343-7414 Florida Bail Agents Association Laurie K. Huebsch (352) 253-2253 Trustco Cindy Kilts (352) 323-8147 Home Instead Senior Care Mat Gravat 352 323-6100 Waste Management Inc. of Fl Janie Coleman (352) 473-5704 Premier Alarm System Solutions PASS Michael Winterton (888) 965-7277 Salon Suites by Underwood Kesha Underwood (352) 206-6082 T.N.T Signs and Wraps Wesley Dennis (352) 800-8404 Terri's Eustis Flower Shop Terri Wesenberg (352) 357-2421 Woodchuck's Firewood Company Wesley Dennis (352) 800-8404 Child Advocate Volunteers Sought for Guardian Ad Litem Program OCALA – The Guardian ad Litem (GAL) program is currently seeking volunteers to be a voice for abused, neglected or abandoned children whose cases are in the court system. A GAL is a trained volunteer appointed by the court to advocate on behalf of a child. The GAL becomes familiar with the child’s case and makes recommendations to help ensure a safe, stable and permanent environment for the child. “Around 1,400 children in Lake, Sumter, Marion, Hernando and Citrus counties have been removed from their homes due to abuse, abandonment or neglect. GAL volunteers make a profound difference in the lives of these children by helping judges decide whether a child should be reunited with his or her family, remain in foster care or in the worst of circumstances, placed for adoption,” said Marcia Hilty, Circuit Director of GAL Program for 5th Judicial Circuit. “They make sure important services are provided. Simply put, a GAL volunteer makes sure everyone does what is best for the child.” Research has shown that when a child whose case is being heard in dependency court is assigned to a GAL volunteer, they spend less time in foster care and do better in school. However, there are more children in the system than volunteers to serve them at this time. Eligible volunteers must be 21 years of age and older (adults between 19 and 21 years are also eligible to work alongside a certified volunteer GAL), successfully complete the pre-service training program and be cleared of any serious criminal history via a level II criminal background check. A GAL must complete 30 hours of pre-service training. On average, volunteers should expect to spend five to 10 hours a month on a case, and most cases last 10 months. The volunteer works as part of a team including a volunteer supervisor and program attorney. The next series of GAL volunteer training will be held from 5:30-8:30 p.m. on March 26, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on March 27 and 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. on March 28 at the Ocala Police Department, 402 S. Pine Ave., Ocala. To become a volunteer, contact Sarah Jay at 352-274-5231 or [email protected]. For more information, visit Tavares Business Journal Page 7 Tavares Chamber of Commerce 300 East Main Street Tavares, FL 32778 Health Group meets with Senator Alan Hays at 2015 Lake Legislative Days in Tallahassee.
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