febRuaRY 2012 - The Athletic Club Of Columbus


febRuaRY 2012 - The Athletic Club Of Columbus
Accent Magazine
The Official Publication of the Athletic Club of Columbus | Since 1912
Father Daughter
page 8
From the General Manager’s Desk
e are fresh in to
the New Year, the
traditional time to take
stock of the past and make
resolutions for the year
to come. For the club,
February is the New Year
equivalent. The Club’s
Annual Meeting will be
held on Monday February
20th. For the benefit of our
newer members, the annual
meeting offers a summary of
the year’s activity followed by
Paul Kroll, CCM
the Annual Meeting’s Dinner.
General Manager
We’ll review the successes
and opportunities of our
club’s operations and governance…and feast on delicious
shrimp in the process!
At the meeting we will recognize President Mark Collins, as
he ends his one year term. He will continue to serve on the
Board as Past President , which will allow us continuity for
many of the worthwhile projects that he has instituted. He
has led the Club with great vision, with great compassion,
and with great intelligence. Please join me in thanking him
for his excellent leadership.
We will also bid farewell to two Board members: Jim Vutech
and Past President David Royer. David led the Club through
some tumultuous times, and his steady manner guided
us and brought the Club to more stable conditions. Jim
has dedicated many hours of creative thinking, committee
support and personal commitment to the Club. Both of
these gentlemen took their duties to the Board and to the
Club very seriously and their energies will be missed.
There is plenty to review this year as there has been an
incredible amount of activity around the club. We’re proud
to report a very solid list of positive achievements. Our list
includes maintenance of the club’s facility, introduction of
a ‘Town and Country’ styled alliance with the Columbus
Country Club, placement on the Register of National
Historic Places, and renewing the club’s Strategic Plan, to
name a few. To relay the news of prior months and offer
a glimpse of the coming year, this and subsequent ACCent
magazines will supplement information you might typically
hear at an annual meeting.
“At the Athletic Club of Columbus, we foster friendships,
encourage leadership, and promote healthy living.” These
are things we do every day at our club without a second
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thought; they act as the undercurrent of why we love this
club. Many of you probably don’t realize that this is, in
fact, our mission statement – and we are pleased to see
these sentiments lived everyday by our membership, staff,
member committees and Board.
As we take stock of where the club currently “is,” we can
look to our actions with the confidence that we have been
living the mission. The areas of achievement mentioned
above are strong signs of the club’s ability to continually
develop the fundamentals, take advantage of opportunities
and to be creative, and are all indicators that we are on the
right track.
A theme of this past year would speak to the ‘foundation’
work that is intended to hone the club’s ability to realize
in full fashion and with consistency, the club’s vision
and mission. After an unnerving several years of feeble
economy, we have returned to this fortifying work as can
be witnessed by our focus on staff operations and club
offerings. Committees and Staff are working toward similar
goals of increased new member acquisition and retention of
current members. Our philosophy is that as we will continue
to advance our vision through the continual improvement of
our governance, service, and amenities.
This past year, the management team has made a head start
in the execution of a renewed Strategic Plan. Prior to the
strategic sessions of members in the Fall of last year, the
Club’s most recent formal strategic plan was completed in
2003. The Board of Directors has determined that the House
Committee will formalize this process from November and
December and will ensure that the operating game plan is
gaining the expected ground throughout the year. Finally,
the House Committee will determine when the current
strategic plan is exhausted and a new plan is needed, so as
to perpetually keep the Club’s momentum moving for the
On Thursday, January 12, Vice President Joe Biden visited
the Athletic Club as part of a trip to the Columbus area. He
met briefly with supporters at a private event on the Club’s
second floor.
Elisabeth Hire, daughter of long-time members (since 1967)
Charlie and Andrea Hire, was among the traveling staff, as
she serves as the Director of Operations for Vice President
Biden. While the Vice President visited on the second floor,
she enjoyed a moment with her parents in Carmichaels. She
recalled the ACC fondly, recounting childhood meals when
she enjoyed great shrimp cocktails and she and her sister
Laura would sneak to the second floor to catch a glimpse of
wedding receptions!
his is my last message as your Club President, and I
would like to thank our General Manager Paul Kroll,
Jr., and Board and Committee members for the support
given me during my term. Led by Paul, the ACC Executive
Staff (Sarah, Ashley and Marte) has also been hugely
supportive during my Presidency. The skills and experience
demonstrated by our Committee members, combined with
their heartfelt love of the Club, has allowed us to make some
remarkable advances this year, and I am proud to have been
a part of the action.
Please plan to join us on Monday, February 20th for our
Annual Meeting/Dinner (see page 7.) This is a great time
to get together with your friends from the Club to relive
the past year and to learn about what’s in store for our
Centennial year. As is our tradition, there will be plenty of
shrimp on hand!
Some highlights that marked my Presidency include our
joint three-year venture with Columbus Country Club that
we entered in to on May 1, 2011. This unique agreement
offers members from both Clubs expanded privileges, and
allows us to appeal to prospective members by offering “one
membership” for a full town and country club experience.
It’s an exciting approach that adds member value and
increases recruitment opportunities.
Also in the past year, we were honored by acceptance to
the National Register of Historic Places. This was an arduous
three-year application process, and we will be celebrating
this major achievement in the Spring.
Our application for 501 C 3 Status was approved during my
tenure, too. This special tax-exempt designation from the
IRS allows us to seek donations for specific areas of the Club.
The Red Brick Foundation will help guide the fundraising
efforts, ensuring that the dollars are used specifically for the
earmarked projects.
There has been even more good news on the financial and
membership fronts for the Club. We have most recently
had four months of positive numbers for the first time in
many years, and our cash position has improved over last
year. Plus, we welcomed 34 new members in the month
of December….our largest incoming membership class
since November of 2007! These numbers demonstrate an
increasing interest in all that our Club has to offer, as well
as successful efforts from existing members as they invite
friends and colleagues to join in the camaraderie at the
President’s Message
Overall, the good news is that
our membership numbers
have stabilized, our Private
Events revenues are gaining
ground, our cash position
is favorable, and presently
our only debt is the parking
lot. The coming year will
present several challenges.
We need to address several
larger capital items which
include the basement vault
and sidewalk replacement.
We also hope to upgrade
Mark Collins
the bowling facility,
making it more usable for
our membership and more
appealing as event space for
clients. Your monthly capital assessment dollars are helping
address these needs. With these projects in mind, it is easy
to understand why growth of our membership is vital to the
health of our Club.
Looking ahead, on February 24, Lisa Antolino will officially
take the lead as Club President for our Centennial year. How
fitting that the Club welcomes its first female President
during this special time! We are fortunate to have her guide
us during our Centennial. Lisa is well prepared as she has
served on and chaired many committees over the years, and
is extremely active at the Club on a daily basis.
We have an excellent slate of candidates for the 2012
elections. We are fortunate to have Dave McCurdy
returning for his second three- year term. Dave has been a
tremendous resource for me throughout my term. Also on
the slate is Carla Sokol and Mark Vannatta. Both Carla and
Mark have been very active in our committee system. We
are lucky to add the skill set and experience that these three
members offer to our current Board of Directors. You can
read more about them on pages 6 and 7.
Also in February, we bid farewell to two dedicated Board
members: David Royer and Jim Vutech. Both David and
Jim have logged countless hours in committee and Board
meetings and they have helped guide our Club through
some challenging times. Our recent financial success is
due largely to the vision of David, and there is no more
innovative thinker than Jim. Please join me in thanking
these gentlemen for their years of service to the Club.
It has been my honor to serve as the President of the Club,
and I again thank you for your support.
FEBRUARY 2012 | ACCent Magazine | 3
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4 | ACCent
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New & Returning
Mark M. Belles
Gerry N. Bird
Ann W. Brown
Anthony Chapman
Daniel Creekmur
Matthew J. Cybulski
Robert S. Davis
Jennifer L. Flatter
Jason M. Freeman
Jamie E. Haddow
Rick L. Knight
James E. Laws
Brian D. Long
Tim Mardas
Trent Moyer
David A. Muller
Luke D. Overmeyer
Joseph B. Pizzino
Allen L. Rutz
Harry E. Schmidt III
Anna Schuler
Ashley A. Simon
Shawn E. Sines
Austin W. Snyder
Zachary M. Sugarman
Brian K. Suiter
Douglas J. Swain
H. Douglas Talbott
Collin Thomas
Dennis F. Tinkler
Nicholas E. Vassy
Neil A. Wehneman
Collin M. Wheeler
Charles S. Winslow
Membership Snapshot
as of December 31, 2011
Total Membership as of 12/31/11 - 1463
New and returning members for December - 34
Members Heat Things Up in January
Invite friends and colleagues to enjoy the Club!
The mild winter snapped to the colder side in January, and our members
responded by inviting friends and colleagues to join us here at the ACC!
There is no better time to enjoy the warm, welcoming atmosphere of our
We are offering reduced initiation of just $250 for the winter months, so
that makes the Club even more appealing. Be sure to spread the word to
family and friends!
December was a banner month for us in the membership area, as reported
in our December ACCent, and we are on course for a solid January, too,
thanks to our sponsors.
Please invite your prospective members to one of our fabulous February
events (Endurance Expo, Athletics Open House, Wild Game Dinner) so that
they can get the full Club experience. Stop by and visit our membership
department if you would like to set up a tour for your guest, or to gather all
the latest membership information.
Thank you to our January sponsors:
Kurt Kallmerten
Matthew Borges
Patrick J. McCurdy, Jr.
Mark Collins
Richard Simpson
Shawna Bosse
Dan Binau
Jim Hirst
Leslie Bumgarner
Tim Preece
Matt Curtin
Tommy Freiburger
Victor Hipsley
Be a part of
Celebrate Membership at the Athletic Club of Columbus
during our Centennial year.
New members who join the Club before March 31, 2012 will receive a reduced initiation fee
of only $250. Current member sponsors will receive $100 in Club credits to be
used toward events, merchandise, and services enjoyed at the ACC.
Please visit the 3rd Floor Membership Office for details or contact Marte Dobosh:
614.643.3118, [email protected]
FEBRUARY 2012 | ACCent Magazine | 5
Board of Directors Elections
David M. McCurdy
Mark E. Vannatta
Member Since 1989
Member Since 1987
Current Position:
VP, Kimball Midwest
Current Position:
Partner - Vorys, Sater,
Seymour and Pease, LLP
Dave has been an active member of the Athletic Club since
1992. He has enjoyed the Basketball League, the fitness and
dining facilities and still enjoys the swimming pool on cold
winter days with his children.
“It is a special privilege for me to be asked to be a candidate
for the Board of Directors of the Athletic Club. The Club
has meant a lot to me over the years. Since leaving the
military in 1988, the Athletic Club has served as a wonderful
environment to get away from the workplace experience. I
have participated in a basketball league game one night a
week for many years. During that time, I have developed
many wonderful friendships with teammates and opponents.”
Dave was born and raised in Springfield, Ohio, graduating
from Springfield Catholic High School. He is a graduate of
the United States Naval Academy, Class of 1981, where he
majored in mechanical engineering. Following graduation
from the Naval Academy, Dave was commissioned an Ensign
in the United States Navy and began aviation training. Dave
earned his wings of gold as a Naval Flight Officer in 1983 and
flew aboard the P3 Orion anti-submarine warfare aircraft
from 1983 to 1988. During that time, he served two 6-month
deployments, one to Bermuda (nice) and one to Iceland (not
so nice).
Following his resignation from the United States Navy in
1988, Dave returned to central Ohio and began working with
his brothers at their family-owned business, Kimball Midwest.
He is the Chief Operating Officer at Kimball Midwest, a
distributor of MRO parts to customers in 48 states with
distribution centers located in Columbus, Dallas and Reno.
Dave continues to work closely with all six of his brothers.
They include ACC members Pat, Jon, and Chas.
Dave lives in Upper Arlington with his wife, Elisa. They have
three children- Brendan 27, a sales rep for Kimball Midwest in
North Dakota; Kaitlin, 25, a fourth-year medical student; and
Madison, 9, a fourth-grader at The Columbus School for Girls.
6 | ACCent Magazine
Mark graduated from Bowling Green State University in May,
1984, and from The Ohio State University College of Law in May,
1987. He joined the law firm of Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease
LLP in August, 1987, and became a partner at Vorys in January,
1995. He is a member of the Probate and Tax Group, working in
the areas of estate planning, estate administration, non-profit
corporations and charitable giving.
Mark currently serves on the boards of The Wexner Center
Foundation and I Know I Can. He is a member of The Legal
Advisory Committee of The Columbus Foundation and is a
member of the Editorial Advisory Board of The Probate Law
Journal of Ohio. Mark has previously served on the boards
of a number of other non-profit corporations, including The
Leukemia Society of Central Ohio and Prevent Blindness - Ohio.
Mark initially joined the ACC in December, 1987, and has been
an active member ever since. He is a regular on the athletic
floor over the noon hour, and he has previously served terms on
the Athletic Committee and the most recent General Manager
Search Committee. He is a current member of the House
Mark recognizes the significant role the ACC has played in his
personal and professional development.
“I have been a member of the ACC for as long as I have been
at Vorys. Through the ACC, I have made numerous friendships
and relationships with clients, colleagues, other Columbus
lawyers and other Columbus business people.”
Mark looks forward to becoming a Board member so as to
ensure that “current and future members are able to receive
the same benefits and rewards [he has] received as a member
of the ACC.” He understands that the Club’s future is heavily
dependent upon the efforts of its current membership.
Mark resides in Upper Arlington. His wife, Julie, is a lawyer at
The Ohio State University, performing all of the legal work for
the Department of Athletics. Mark and Julie have two sons:
Eric (18), a freshman at DePauw University, and Kevin (16), a
sophomore at Upper Arlington High School.
Annual Meeting and Dinner
Carla A. Sokol
Member Since 2001
Current Position:
Owner & Race Director,
Events Plus Racing
“While I was growing up, I used to have my birthday parties
at the Athletic Club on Saturday mornings in the pool, but
we had to be out by a certain time before it reverted back to
naked swimming for the men,” Carla recalls.
A native of Upper Arlington, Carla Sokol has been enjoying
the Athletic Club for years. Her father Si Sokol became a
member in 1978 and Carla joined in 2001. After graduating
with a degree in Communications from Denison University,
Carla worked in marketing for ESPN; first in New York and
later in Los Angeles. After years of coaxing by her father and
her brother John, Carla returned to Columbus to work in the
golf industry for The Memorial Tournamnet / HNS Sports
Group, serving as a tournament director and hospitality
After seven years, Carla gave up the golf industry to become
an entrepeneur and she started Events Plus Racing, a
multisport race company organizing duathlons, triathlons,
and kids races. She also serves as the Race Coordinator for
the Nationwide Children’s Hospital Columbus Marathon. For
five years, Carla was a morning spin instructor at the ACC, but
she had to give it up due to a knee injury.
Prior to her injury, Carla competed in endurance events.
She has completed several half marathons, triathlons, the
180 mile Pelotonia course, and an Ironman 70.3 race. She is
the Peloton captain for the ACC’s team in Pelotonia and she
chairs Team ACC. Team ACC is the Club’s swim, bike and run
club, and as the chair, Carla often organizes events, trying
to energize people to participate in club activities and other
races in town.
Carla has served on the Athletics Committee and the House
Committee. You can often spot Carla working out early
in the morning or lingering around trying to market ACC
merchandise to get the brand on the street.
“I am passionate about the Athletic Club and want others to
enjoy it as much as I do. This is my happy place.”
Annual Meeting &
Election Night Dinner
Monday, February 20
Polls are open 11am - 6pm
Voting members (Resident and Privileged Members)
are invited to attend the Annual meeting at 5 pm.
All members (Including spouses and significant
others) are invited for cocktails from 5-6 pm in the
Grill Room followed by a Prime Rib Buffet in the
Ballroom (both complimentary). Reservations are
not required.
Please, no other family members or guests
after 5pm. The restaurants will be closed
for dinner service. Athletics will close at 5pm.
Centennial Corner
A glimpse into our past 100 years.
In 1948…
• William Hoppe, world champion billiard player, gave
an exhibition in our billiard room. He challenged ACC
member Haz Okey in January.
• The new Club president, A.P. Harness, was honored at
the April President’s Ball, a black tie affair. “Mrs. E. W.
Welton wore a black taffeta dress with a diagonal band
of shell pink taffeta across one shoulder…”
• The ACC hosted seven Club bowling leagues: Men’s,
Women’s and Mixed.
• On October 16, 100 new and old members attended a
new function called an “Ice Breaker.” The party opened
with dinner, followed by tours, a band and dancing.
Committee Chairmen gave brief descriptions of each
FEBRUARY 2012 | ACCent Magazine | 7
Upcoming Events
Father Daughter Dance
Friday, February 10 | 6 - 10 PM
Walk the red carpet and enter into a Hollywood evening
with the famous dads and daughters of the ACC!
Buffet Dinner • DJ & Dancing • Photo Booth
$32 dads | $18 daughters | RSVP at the Front Desk or online.
*pricing above does not include tax & gratuity *applies toward minimum *complimentary valet parking
Tuesdays @ 8 PM in Carmichaels
February 21 - March 27
Get your trivia team together for the
first trivia competition at the ACC!
Walk-ins also welcome.
Food & drink specials will be offered.
Send sign ups and questions to Sarah
Favara: [email protected]
endurance sports
Thursday, February 16 | 6 - 8 PM
Join fellow sports enthusiasts in the running, cycling and
swimming community! Meet with top vendors, pick up
race schedules from area race directors and check out
the latest apparel. Enter into a drawing for a new bike
from Performance Bike!
No cost to attend. Open to the public.
hosted by the Women’s Committee
to benefit Fairy Goodmothers
Thursday, March 1 | 6 PM
See fabulous Spring fashion from area boutiques! Different looks
from Big Rock Little Rooster, Damsels in this Dress and more
will be showcased on the runway, followed by a chance to see
the clothes and accessories up close at each “shop” in the Ballroom.
Bring a new or gently used formal dress (prom-appropriate) and/or
formal accessories and shoes to donate to Fairy Goodmothers.
$20 admission, proceeds benefit Fairy Goodmothers
Cash bar. Complimentary hors d’oeuvres. RSVP: online or call 221.3344
8 | ACCent Magazine
Wizard of Oz
Kid’s Night
Friday, March 2
6 - 8 PM
Enter the ACC and follow the yellow
brick road to a family night of fun
with friends from the Wizard of Oz!
A wizard dinner buffet will be
served, along with plenty of games
and crafts for all to enjoy!
Plus, kids should bring pillows
and blankets to stay and watch
the movie while the parents go to
Carmichael’s for dinner and drinks.
6 - 8 PM: Buffet, Games, Crafts
8 - 9:45 PM: Movie
$10 per child
RSVP: Front Desk, 614.221.3344
Club Calendar
First Friday
Rotary Lunch
Scuba Class
Father Daughter
see page 11
Open Gym
see page 12
see page 8
see below
Sports Expo
Wild Game
Trivia begins
Athletics Open
Clinic with
Johnny Clark
see page 8
see page 11
see page 7
see page 8
see page 11
see page 11
View the Club Calendar & sign up for events online at accolumbus.com!
Plus, keep in touch with ACC on Facebook - become a Fan today!
Valentine’s Day Dining Specials
Served for Dinner on Tuesday, February 14
Enjoy these special entrees and dessert, prepared for
two to share. Reservations: 614.221.3344
Rack of Lamb Provencal
Black Current Chutney, White Bean Ragout
Oven Roasted Tomatoes and Brussels Sprouts
Beef Wellington
Herb Roasted Fingerling Potatoes, Creamed Spinach
Warm Chocolate Tart
Orange Cream
Birthday Night
Wednesday, February 15
All members with a February birthday are invited to
celebrate at the Club with friends and family! Those with
a February birthday will receive $25 off their birthday
dinner, plus a complimentary dessert!
Live piano music will accompany the evening.
Please call 614.221.3344 for reservations.
Catch all the March Madness action in Carmichael’s!
Food and drink specials during the games!
Enjoy specials throughout the month of
February featuring the flavors of Cuba.
Jan. 30 - Feb. 4: Cuban tacos - marinated
pulled pork pickled cabbage
Feb. 6 - 11: Cuban sandwich - roast pork
shoulder, ham, Swiss, house made pickles
Feb. 13 - 18: Slow roasted pork shoulder,
guava and apple marmalade,
Caribbean rice
Feb. 20 - 25: Cuban tacos #2 - braised
steak, cilantro and onion chimichuri, fried
FEBRUARY 2012 | ACCent Magazine | 9
member sipc and nyse | www.stifel.com
From time to time, life brings changes
that affect our financial picture: new
jobs, promotions, retirement, births,
deaths, marriage or divorce, etc. Such
life changes make it necessary for us to
periodically review our financial plans to
determine if they are still working toward
our current and future goals.
If you would like a free consultation,
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Steve Jefferis
Senior Vice President/Investments
Ted inbusch
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Dublin, Ohio 43017
Kurt Schlemitz
Senior Vice President/Investments
Colby Crall
Senior Vice President/Investments
David lickovitch
First Vice President/Investments
Richard J. Sheehan, Jr.
10 | ACCent Magazine
Vice President/Investments
(614) 463-9360
21 East State Street, Suite 200
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Dana Johnson
Athletic Director
ur winter programs, classes, and
clubs are in full swing this month!
The “I Lost It At The Club” program
has over 60 members competing
for points & prizes. Our annual Gym
and Swim program has over 100 kids
flooding the Athletics area on Saturday
mornings, and the Basketball and
Squash leagues are deep into the
season and into tournament mode.
We have been delighted to see more
and more of the membership getting involved in our Club
sponsored Athletic activities. To further expand the Club’s
reach, one thing that I would like to highlight this month
is our member-driven small groups. These groups usually
consist of 4-10 members who share a common interest and
many times are looking to add to their ranks. They participate
in activities that are not on our group fitness schedules or
in our Club programming, but are nonetheless an important
part of our Club. A few of the groups that I want to showcase
this month are:
• E’s Club 5:05 –a group spearheaded by longtime ACC
member Eric Niermeyer. They do intense resistance training
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning at 5:05 AM. If
you are willing to get out of bed, they are willing to have you.
• Next up, we have a group of P90X’ers led by 2 ACC Board
Members, Tim D’Angelo and Jim Vutech. This group meets
most weekday mornings at 6 AM in the Group Fitness Studio.
• If you would like to play pickup basketball during the
week we have groups that play at 6:30 AM and 11:30 AM
every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. All age groups are
represented – some of our most “seasoned” players Jim Betts
and Warner Trautman can be spotted battling it out with the
young guys at lunch.
• Outdoor cyclists may be happy to know that in these
winter months, several ACC members ride using indoor
trainers on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings. ACC
member Rob Ferguson is happy to fill you in on the group.
This is just a small sampling of groups within our Club. I
salute these men and women for taking it upon themselves
to create fun and lasting connections!
E’s Club 5:05 (L - R) Nate Coe,
Eric Niermeyer,
Sara Niermeyer,
Chad Hawley, Joel
Steiner, Greg Laws,
Jay Madigan, Mike
Buckingham (front)
4 consecutive Saturdays from 2-6 pm. The final certification
dives will be held in May and will consist of outdoor open
water dives. Limited to 8 participants. For more info or to
signup contact Reggie: [email protected].
$350 per person.
• ENDURANCE SPORTS EXPO: Thurs., February 16 (page 8)
• WILD GAME DINNER: Friday, February 17 (see below)
• ATHLETICS OPEN HOUSE: Thursday, February 23, 6 PM
Representatives from our Clubs within the Club, group fitness,
personal training, pilates, and CCC golf pros will be on hand
to answer any questions you have about programming and to
help familiarize yourself with our offerings. Chef John Wolfe
will also be providing healthy snacks while you tour the club.
Free to attend. RSVP online or call 614.221.3344.
• BASKETBALL CLINIC with Johnny Clark: Sunday, February 26
12 - 1:30 PM; Open to kids grades 4 - 6. Free to attend. Sign up
with Dana: [email protected].
This series of lessons consist of 6 lessons and will be held on
Monday and Wednesdays evenings 6 PM - 6:30 PM.
For more info or to signup contact Reggie:
[email protected].
End of the year tournament and party. This is one of the
highlights of the Winter Season. All are welcome to attend!
To RSVP please contact Jordan Sugarman jsugarman@
accolumbus.com .
• ADULT STROKE CLINIC: March 10 - 31
For adults who want to “tighten up” their freestyle and learn
other strokes. The clinic will consist of 4 consecutive Saturdays
from 1-3 pm. $70 per person. For more info or to signup
contact Reggie: [email protected].
Wild Game Dinner
Friday, February 17 | 5:30 PM, Dinner at 7 PM
Hosted by the ACC Rod & Gun Club, the annual Wild Game
Dinner is filled with friendship and food.
Dinner menu includes Braised Wild Boar Shoulder, Venison
Sausage, Roasted Quail and Duck Confit
Free to Rod & Gun Club members.
Non-Rod & Gun Club members & guests: $55 per person.
RSVP to the Front Desk: 614.221.3344
Questions? Email Athletic Director Dana Johnson: [email protected]
FEBRUARY 2012 | ACCent Magazine | 11
At the Columbus Country Club
All ACC members are invited to the Columbus Country
Club to dine and attend events. Here’s a few great events
coming up at the CCC which you are more than welcome to
attend. Please take advantage of this fantastic partnership
with Columbus Country Club, located just a few miles east
of the ACC on Broad Street!
Please contact Marte Dobosh, Assistant General Manager,
with any questions: [email protected].
Daddy/Daughter Mother/Son
Dance & Buffet
Saturday, February 11 | 6 - 9 PM
Rotary “First Friday” Networking Lunch
Friday, February 3: 12 - 1 PM
Join members of area Rotary clubs, as well as your fellow ACC
members, for a casual networking lunch on the first Friday of
each month. A buffet lunch will be served from 12 - 1 PM.
$12 per person.
Please RSVP to the ACC Front Desk at 614.221.3344 or to Marte
Dobosh, [email protected]. Limit to 40 guests.
Buffet served from 6 - 8 PM
DJ and dancing from 6 - 9 PM
Join us for a fun-filled evening with the entire family!
Adults: $15.95
Ages 12 and under: $8.95
Advanced reservations required: 614.861.0800
Valentine’s Day Brunch
The Big Wine Tasting in
January is an annual favorite amongst all members and guests! This year,
more than 100 members tasted over 60 wines from around the world!
Celebrate Valentine’s Day a couple of days early with a
special Sunday Brunch! All family and friends are also
Adults: $20.95
Ages 4-12: $9.95
Ages 3 and under: free
Advanced reservations required: 614.861.0800
ACC Staff members Carlos
Akers, Tim Harrison,
Steve Glier, Ashley Chaney
and GM Paul Kroll
volunteered their time over
the holidays at the
Homeless Families Foundation.
Sunday, February 12 | 12 - 2 PM
Bubba Gump Shrimp Buffet
Wednesday, February 29 | 6 - 8 PM
Chef John will feature some of your shrimp favorites
along with a few surprises.
Adults: $24.95
Ages 12 and under: $9.95
Advanced reservations required: 614.861.0800
Columbus Country Club
Winter Hours of Operation
Wednesday & Thursday: 5:30 PM - 8 PM
Friday & Saturday: 5:30 PM - 8:45 PM
Sunday: 12 PM - 2 PM for Brunch (see above)
Closed Monday & Tuesday
12 | ACCent Magazine
Professional service and personal attention of the highest caliber.
Money ManageMent | StockS | BondS
Mutual FundS | cdS | tax-Free BondS
annuitieS | iraS | Financial Planning
C. Granger McKinney
Managing Director | Investments
41 S HIGH ST, 23rd FLOOR | COLUMBUS, OH 43215
Blue Jackets Tickets
Tue Feb 7
Sun Feb 12
Sat Feb 18
Fri Feb 24
Tue Feb 28
Tue Mar 20 Wed Mar 28 Palace Theatre
Set in a small town, the
story follows Billy as he stumbles
out of the boxing ring and into a ballet
class, discovering a surprising passion that inspires his
family and his whole community.
Wednesday, March 21 $75 per ticket
Saturday, March 24 $85 per ticket
It’s time to support our local
NHL Blue Jackets team!
The ACC has 4 tickets per game for a half
season. Tickets are $82 each and located
in the lower bowl.
Contact: Ashley Chaney, achaney@
accolumbus.com or 614.545.1351
ACC Ex e c u t i v e St a f f
Paul Kroll, CCM
General Manager
[email protected]
Marte Dobosh
Assistant General Manager and
Membership Director
[email protected]
ACCent Magazine
The Official Publication of the Athletic Club of Columbus
Paul Marazzo
Director of Food & Beverage
[email protected]
Advertisement Rates
Calendar Year 2012
Display Advertisements:
- Ads may run up to six (6) times per calendar year
- Prices listed below are on a per issue basis
Ad size
W (in.)
H (in.)
Full Page
1/2 Page
1/4 Page
1/8 Page
David Clark
[email protected]
3-5 1
$133 $81
Business Directory:
- $200/yr. per listing
- Minimum of one (1) year term per listing
- Limit of 100 words per listing
ACCent Magazine Production & Distribution:
The ACCent Magazine is issued 6 times per calendar
year. We print 300 copies of each issue, which
are placed throughout the ACC for members & guests.
The magazine is uploaded to the ACC website for
continuous viewing throughout the month, as well
as archived on the site for reference.
Please contact Sarah Favara at 614.643.3119
for advertising information.
WWW.ACCOLUMBUS.COM | 614.221.3344
14 | ACCent Magazine
Ashley Chaney
Membership Coordinator
[email protected]
Dana Johnson
Athletics Director
[email protected]
John Wolfe
Interim Executive Chef
[email protected]
Jeff Kohl
Dining Manager
[email protected]
Sarah Favara
Director of Marketing & Programming
[email protected]
Kelly Cuson, CMP
Director of Private Events
[email protected]
Kristin Coburn
Asst. Director of Meetings & Private Events
[email protected]
Robert Lanius
Concierge & Front Desk Manager
[email protected]
The Athletic Club of Columbus
136 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH. 43215
www.accolumbus.com | 614.221.3344
Business Directory
Mortgage Lending
Real Estate, International
Bill Keller, Doug Saxe, Tyler Abbruzzese.
Pritchett, Dlusky, Saxe & Keller, Ltd. Certified
Public Accountants. 1621 W. First Ave, Cols,
43212. 481-8051.
John Igoe, providing residential and
commercial financing across the country
since 1996. First Ohio Home Finance,
Inc., is a highly versatile residential and
commercial mortgage-banking firm
that provides a broad scope of flexible
and innovative financing options for all
residential and commercial property
types. 385 County Line Rd W, Ste 200,
Westerville, OH 43082. Ph 614-8181850 Fax 614-818-1860 or e-mail jigoe@
firstohiohome.com. MB.801145.000
Gary L. Szerszen, Sr. VP, Aberdeen Sterling
Realty Advisors, Inc. 30+ member fullservice brokerage, specializing in industrial
manufacturing, site locating, warehousing,
logistics, investments in the US and Eastern
Europe (Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovakia,
Poland, Romania, Ukraine, and others);
build to suit, site locating, leasing, project
management. 1000 Urlin Ave, Suite 618,
Columbus OH 43212. 614-370-7978,
[email protected].
POS/Cash Register
Kurt McCurdy, CRS, GRI, ABR, HER Real
Living. Selling central Ohio’s most indemand properties since 1975. 614-8187676,
com; www.herrealtors.com/kurt.mccurdy/
**Free, confidential, no-obligation market
analysis available. Find out what your home is
worth in today’s market! Call 614-818-7676.
Banking/Commercial Lending
G. Scott McComb, President & CEO/Tiney
McComb, Chairman, Heartland Bank,
Central Ohio’s Community Bank. Retail and
commercial banking, lending, mortgage
and investment services. Eleven central
Ohio locations to serve you. Log on to
heartlandbank.com or call 614-337-4600.
Contractors, Mechanical
F. Randolf Sleeper, Bruner Corporation, 3637
Lacon Rd., Hilliard, 43026, 334-9000, FAX
334-9001, email [email protected]
or visit our website at www.brunercorp.
Energy Management
Jeff Lyon, Eco Engineering, Inc. Energyrelated services for commercial and
industrial facilities: Energy-efficient lighting
system upgrades: Interior and exterior
lighting maintenance: Comprehensive
energy consulting: Project financing. Ph.
614.457.3549: Fax 614.457.1574: E-mail
[email protected].
Dennis W. Fultz, G.G., President, Winston
Wilson & Co. Full Service Jewelers with
Goldsmith Shop on premises. The Westin
Hotel, 300 S. High St., 464-3030.
Mark Sell, Jamie Bliss. Bliss Cash Registers (BCR) has been serving the Ohio
Market since 1993 by providing tailor made point of sale solutions. From
stand alone to multi-unit locations, BCR
is equipped to handle systems, service
and supplies for all POS needs. BCR also
offers the lowest credit card merchant
rates in Ohio, integrated payment and
free gift card processing. (614) 8735738, www.blisscashregisters.com
Real Estate
Brad Kitchen, Broker, Alterra Real Estate
Advisors. Reduce rent. Build equity. Find
new space. Sell your property. Identify
investment opportunities. We’re On
It. Conveniently located in the Brewery
District at 580 S. High St., Ste 330.
E-mail: [email protected]
Real Estate, Residential
Tours & Tickets
Gregory C. Guy, President, Blue Chip Tickets
specializing in high demand seating for
local/national concerts & sporting events.
Group charters or tickets only, corporate
and individual accounts. We buy unwanted
tickets. Phone 457-1122, FAX 457-3811. 2941
Kenny Rd., #205, Columbus 43221. Visit us on
the web at www.bluechiptickets.com
Paul Trautman, Warner Trautman,
Trautman Real Estate, since 1919.
Full-service Real Estate Brokerage and
Realtor. Cedar Square, 261 E. Livingston
Ave, Suite A, Columbus OH 43215. (614)
FEBRUARY 2012 | ACCent Magazine | 15
The Athletic Club of Columbus
136 E. Broad Street
Columbus, OH 43215-4386
Ride in 45
Spinning Studio
Erin Z.
Spinning Studio
Erin Z.
Spinning Studio
Erin Z.
Spinning Studio
Master Swim
Master Swim
Master Swim
Spinning Studio
Total Body
Fitness Studio
Fifth Floor
Water Aerobics
Total Body
Water Aerobics
Mat Pilates
Fitness Studio
Fitness Studio
Fifth Floor
Power Ride:
Spin & Sculpt!
Power Ride:
Spin & Sculpt!
Power Ride:
Spin & Sculpt!
Power Ride:
Spin & Sculpt!
Power Ride:
Spin & Sculpt!
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
TRX Shred
Cardio Blast
Kirk’s Court
Fitness Studio
Ride in 45
Ride in 45
Ride in 45
Ride in 45
Ride in 45
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Spinning Studio
Fitness Studio
Mat Pilates
Fitness Studio
Fitness Studio
Spinning Studio
Super Sculpt
Tae Kwando
Fitness Studio
Classes in BLUE require an additional fee . Please contact Athletic Director Dana Johnson in the 5th Floor Office for details.
begins 2/4
Group Fitness
View this magazine online at www.accolumbus.com!
Ride in 45
Spinning Studio
Fitness Studio
Youth Group
Basketball Lessons
Kirk’s Court
Monday - Friday
99 AM
-- 1:30
5 PM - 9 PM
12 PM
AM -- 12
Infant Care Hours:
Infant Care
Care Hours:
-- Friday
9 AM—1
AM -- 1:
1: 30
30 PM
99 AM
Arrangements made at the Front Desk.
Arrangements made at the Front Desk.
Arrangements made at the Front Desk.
*Classes and instructors subject to change.