ICRIS 2.0.4 - User Reference Guide - Issue 1.00


ICRIS 2.0.4 - User Reference Guide - Issue 1.00
ICRIS 2.0.4
User Reference Guide
Issue 1.00 – 4 October 2004
Voice Connect © 1997-2004
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 4
What is ICRIS? .............................................................................................................................. 4
Benefits of ICRIS ........................................................................................................................... 4
Who uses ICRIS? .......................................................................................................................... 4
The ICRIS package and System Requirements ............................................................................ 4
What does ICRIS do? .................................................................................................................... 4
Examples of applications of ICRIS ................................................................................................ 5
Example of an ICRIS Voice Form .................................................................................................. 5
What you must know before you read this manual ....................................................................... 5
2 New Features of ICRIS 2.0.4 ................................................................................ 6
3 Installation ............................................................................................................ 7
Dongle............................................................................................................................................ 7
Install Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 7
Install ICRIS ................................................................................................................................... 9
4 How to Implement an ICRIS Voice Form ............................................................ 13
Overview ...................................................................................................................................... 13
Summary of the Entire Process ................................................................................................... 13
Mailbox Number of ICRIS Voice Form ........................................................................................ 13
Directory Structure ....................................................................................................................... 14
How to Record the Voice Prompts .............................................................................................. 15
5 How to run ICRIS ................................................................................................ 16
How to Start ICRIS ...................................................................................................................... 16
How to Open, Save and Create New Voice Forms ..................................................................... 18
How to Exit from ICRIS ................................................................................................................ 18
6 How to Construct an ICRIS Voice Form ............................................................. 19
6.1 Guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 19
6.1.1 Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 19
6.1.2 Flow Diagram ............................................................................................................................ 19
6.1.3 Timescale.................................................................................................................................. 19
6.1.4 Menus ....................................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.5 Information ................................................................................................................................ 20
6.1.6 Growing, Growing, Growing...................................................................................................... 20
6.1.7 Large Voice Forms ................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.8 Endless Loops .......................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.9 Defaults ..................................................................................................................................... 21
6.1.10 Timeouts ................................................................................................................................. 21
6.2 Important ...................................................................................................................................... 21
6.3 Basics .......................................................................................................................................... 22
6.3.1 How to Add a Node ................................................................................................................... 22
6.3.2 Node Popup Menu .................................................................................................................... 26
6.3.3 Properties Window and Tab Views ........................................................................................... 27
6.3.4 How to Link Nodes .................................................................................................................... 29
6.3.5 How to Create a Multi-Line Link ............................................................................................... 31
6.4 The Nodes ................................................................................................................................... 34
6.4.1 Start .......................................................................................................................................... 35
6.4.2 Information ................................................................................................................................ 37
6.4.3 Branch On Digit ........................................................................................................................ 38
6.4.4 Record Voice ............................................................................................................................ 40
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Record Digits ............................................................................................................................ 42
Review ...................................................................................................................................... 46
Password .................................................................................................................................. 52
Select On Timetable ................................................................................................................. 60
Branch On Count ...................................................................................................................... 73
Mailbox Validation ................................................................................................................... 76
State of Destination Check ..................................................................................................... 78
Mailbox.................................................................................................................................... 79
Hangup ................................................................................................................................... 84
Abort ....................................................................................................................................... 85
Pulse Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 86
External Integration ................................................................................................................. 89
List (Playback) ........................................................................................................................ 89
7 An Example of a Simple ICRIS Voice Form ........................................................ 90
8 Edit Menu – Copy, Paste and Delete ................................................................ 101
How to Select Nodes ................................................................................................................. 101
One Node................................................................................................................................ 101
Two or More Nodes ................................................................................................................ 102
Copy........................................................................................................................................... 105
No Nodes Selected, One to Copy .......................................................................................... 105
Copy One or More Selected Nodes ........................................................................................ 105
Paste and Paste With Links ....................................................................................................... 106
Delete......................................................................................................................................... 109
Clear Clipboard .......................................................................................................................... 110
9 Print .................................................................................................................. 111
Layout ........................................................................................................................................ 113
Announcement List .................................................................................................................... 113
10 View Announcements ..................................................................................... 114
11 File Menu – Validation and Generation ........................................................... 116
Validate .................................................................................................................................... 116
Validate Mailboxes ................................................................................................................... 117
Generate .................................................................................................................................. 120
Generate into VF Directory ...................................................................................................... 121
Validate Prompts ..................................................................................................................... 123
Form Validation ........................................................................................................................ 124
12 Configuration .................................................................................................. 125
12.1 Class Of Service ...................................................................................................................... 126
12.1.1 Class of Service for ICRIS Forms ......................................................................................... 127
12.1.2 Class of Service for ICRIS Recording .................................................................................. 129
12.2 Mailboxes ................................................................................................................................. 129
12.2.1 Mailbox for ICRIS Forms ...................................................................................................... 133
12.2.2 Mailbox for ICRIS Recording ................................................................................................ 134
13 Reports ........................................................................................................... 135
Voice Form Node Analysis ...................................................................................................... 138
Voice Form Calls Total ............................................................................................................ 139
Itemised Call Details ................................................................................................................ 140
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What is ICRIS?
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
ICRIS stands for Interactive Call Routing and Information Suite. It is a simple and flexible
application that enables you to specify how you route calls that your organisation receives, so
that you can provide and collect information via telephone, 24 hours a day. ICRIS enables you to
help callers (internal or external) to quickly find the information, person or department that they
Benefits of ICRIS
ICRIS enables your organisation to improve:
Customer service;
It requires little training and is easy to use.
Who uses ICRIS?
ICRIS is one of Voice Connect’s most popular and enduring products. Well over half of our clients
use ICRIS to perform a diverse range of tasks across a wide variety of organisations.
The ICRIS package and System Requirements
The implementation of voice forms consists of two discrete parts:
The ICRIS application, which enables you to design and construct a voice form;
Facilities that Voice Connector provides, which enable you to take an ICRIS voice form
and integrate it into your voicemail system.
You can use ICRIS to design and construct a voice form on a personal desktop p.c. or on the Voice
Connector p.c. The ICRIS package can run under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000 and XP.
What does ICRIS do?
ICRIS enables you to design a voice form that specifies a call route.
The term voice form was chosen because you can make an analogy between the route that a caller
takes through a call, with the route that a person takes through a written (or on-screen) form.
When someone completes a form, the person typically reads instructions, goes to sections that
apply to the individual and skips sections that do not, records alphabetic and numeric
information etc.
You can create voice forms to handle calls to your switchboard, specific departments and
individual extensions. Callers can choose to route themselves to departments, individuals, listen
to pre-recorded information or leave information in response to specific questions. You design
forms to specify the call routing experience that you want to provide to your callers. ICRIS can
enable you to quickly set up an interactive message line in response to an abnormal situation
(e.g. the computer network has gone down) or a regular seasonal event (e.g. student clearing).
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
Examples of applications of ICRIS
ICRIS can provide solutions to many different situations. Some examples follow.
Organisations use ICRIS to help provide information on their frequently asked questions
(FAQs), timetables and product availability etc.
HR departments use ICRIS to collect information on people reporting in sick, job enquiry
information and even the first round of a job interview.
A typical example is of a technical service department that uses ICRIS to answer a direct
line. The caller can be presented with a menu of common technical problems from which
to choose. The caller can choose to listen to a pre-recorded message or to transfer to a
team that can answer their specific technical question. Alternatively, if nobody is
available to answer the caller’s question, they can be directed to leave details of their
query. Once free, a member of the technical team can then listen to the query, investigate
it and call back the customer with an explanation.
Example of an ICRIS Voice Form
The following illustration is an example of a simple ICRIS voice form.
What you must know before you read this manual
This manual assumes that you know the following:
You know how to use the implementation of Windows® under which ICRIS runs;
You know how to use a typical Windows® application, such as one or more Microsoft®
Office® applications.
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
New Features of ICRIS 2.0.4
Version 2.0.4 of ICRIS provides the following enhancements and changes with respect to
Version 2.0.0:
A new Branch On Count node, see Section 6.4.9 (Page 73);
A new Mailbox Validation node, see Section 6.4.10 (Page 76);
A new State of Destination node, see Section 6.4.11 (Page 78);
An altered new node popup menu, see Section 6.3.1 (Page 22).
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To run ICRIS you must do the following.
Attach a dongle. [See Section 3.1 (Page 7).]
Install the Prerequisites. [See Section 3.2 (Page 7).]
Install ICRIS. [See Section 3.3 (Page 9).]
To run ICRIS you must have a copy protection device, known as a dongle, attached to your PC.
This plugs into the parallel printer port and has a socket on the other side, into which you can
plug a parallel printer cable. The dongle does not affect the operation of a printer connected to
the parallel printer port. The dongle requires a software driver to function. The procedure in
Section 3.2 installs the ICRIS 2 Prerequisites, which include the driver.
Install Prerequisites
The Prerequisites consists a collection of software that must be installed in order to run ICRIS 2.
Do the following procedure.
Run the ICRIS 2 Prerequisites installer. After a short delay, it displays the following
Click the Next > button.
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The installer displays the following window.
Click the Next > button.
The installer displays the following window.
Click the Install button.
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The installer installs the prerequisites and displays the following window.
Click the Finish button.
Install ICRIS
Run the ICRIS 2 Installer. After a short delay, it displays the following window.
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Click the Next > button.
The installer displays the following window.
Click the I accept the terms of the license agreement radio button. This enables the
Next > button. Now click the Next > button.
The installer displays a window similar to the following.
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Enter an appropriate User Name and Organization and click the Next > button.
The installer displays the following window.
Click the Next > button.
The installer displays the following window.
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Click the Install button.
The installer installs ICRIS 2 and displays the following window.
Click the Finish button.
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
How to Implement an ICRIS Voice Form
You can construct an ICRIS voice form on your own p.c. or on the Voice Connector p.c. but
you must implement it on the Voice Connector p.c.
If you construct the voice form on your p.c., you can validate it, as Section 11.1 (Page 116)
describes, to check for exit points without links, on your p.c. You must then transfer it to
the Voice Connector p.c.
With the voice form on the Voice Connector p.c., you validate it as Section 11.2 (Page 117)
describes, to check that all mailboxes, extensions and queues that the form uses, are
valid (i.e. in the mailbox editor).
You must then record the voice prompts, as Section 4.5 (Page 15) describes and validate
them as Section 11.5 (Page 123) describes.
You must store each ICRIS voice form [see Section 5.2 (Page 18)] in its own separate
directory [see Section 4.4 (Page 14)], into which you will also save the associated files that
you generate [see Section 11.3 (Page 120) and Section 11.4 (Page 121)].
Summary of the Entire Process
Create the ICRIS voice form.
Validate the exit points of the nodes in the voice form (to check that they are all linked).
If necessary, transfer it to the Voice Connector p.c.
Validate the mailbox numbers in the voice form (to check that they all exist).
Allocate a mailbox number to the voice form.
Create the two or three data files.
Record the voice prompts.
Validate the voice prompts.
Mailbox Number of ICRIS Voice Form
The voice form is a mailbox, to which you assign a mailbox number [see Section 12.2.1
(Page 133)], which has a Voice Form Class Of Service [see Section 12.1.1 (Page 127)].
The mailbox number system operates as follows. The Voice Connector receives a sequence of
digits. If zero selects the operator, this leaves 1 to 9 available as the first digit of a mailbox or
extension etc. For example, if a Voice Connector installation has mailbox numbers 350 to 359 and
a caller selects mailbox number 354, the Voice Connector interprets each key press as follows.
First digit
Second digit
Third digit
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Valid but not a full mailbox number.
Still valid, but not a full mailbox number.
Valid and a complete mailbox.
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
This illustrates that, if you have mailbox numbers 350 to 359, you cannot also have a mailbox
number 3 or 35, as these are part of the larger number.
The following allocation of numbers is an example of a typical implementation of a telephone and
voice mail system. The numbers 1 through 9 identify different ranges of numbers. It is good
practice to specify the ranges of numbers, which the telephone system uses, to eliminate the
possibility of a conflict.
200 series extension numbers
Mailbox numbers
Mailbox numbers
Group distribution mailboxes
Mailbox numbers
Internal menus
Mailbox numbers
The following are three typical examples.
Your company advertises a job in the local paper and ask applicants to ring a direct dial
number, which forwards all calls to the Voice Connector. You assign a Voice Form Class
Of Service to the mailbox of the direct dial number. If the mailbox is 4321, then you store
the ICRIS form in the C:\VCONNECT\VFORMS\00004321.VF directory. You can use
the voice form to screen applicants on their telephone manner, how clear and concise they
sound on the telephone, and how well they follow instructions.
Your Voice Connector answers the main company telephone number. You want your
main greeting to offer a menu of departments. In the opening and closing hours of the
voicemail editor (refer to the Voice Connector System Managers Manual) you assign a
mailbox with a Voice Form Class Of Service as the default mailbox. As the Voice
Connector receives a call, it defaults to the ICRIS voice form and offers the menu (that
you created) to the caller.
You want your main company greeting to state that the caller can press 1 for further
options. You assign Voice Form Class Of Service to Mailbox 1.
As explained previously, if you have a Mailbox 1 you cannot assign any
other mailboxes or extensions etc. with a number that starts with 1.
Directory Structure
After you assign a mailbox number to the voice form and give the mailbox the Voice Form Class
Of Service, you must load the voice prompts and generated data files onto the Voice Connector.
The mailbox number that you assign to the form determines the name of the directory on the
Voice Connector p.c., in which you store the voice prompt files and the two or three data files that
you must generate. [See Section 11.3 (Page 120) and Section 11.4 (Page 121).]
The name of the directory is
where XXXXXXXX.VF is a directory and the name XXXXXXXX is the mailbox number padded
with zeroes to make an eight digit number.
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For example.
Mailbox 1
Mailbox 23
Mailbox 5329 =
ICRIS can create (the entire path of) this directory, when it creates the data files that Voice
Connector uses to implement the voice form, as Section 11.4 (Page 121) describes.
Alternatively, you can manually create the directory with Windows Explorer if you wish.
How to Record the Voice Prompts
Voice Connect can record voice prompts professionally for you, for which Voice Connect levies a
small charge.
Alternatively, you can use the ICRIS management mailbox, to record the Voice Prompts yourself.
Do the following procedure, in which Voice Connector is abbreviated to VC.
Dial the VC internal access number (the number that you dial to access your messages).
When VC responds, press the two keys #1 followed by the ICRIS management mailbox
number. [See Section 12.2.2 (Page 134) and Section 12.1.2 (Page 129).]
When VC requests a password, key in the default password 8888 for a new mailbox, or
the number, to which you have changed it.
Change the password from the default one, to prevent accidental access by
unauthorised users.
When you enter the mailbox, VC instructs you to “Press 1 to record voiceforms”.
Press 1.
VC instructs you to “Enter the Voice Form Number followed by star”.
The Voice Form Number is the mailbox number [see Section 12.2.1
(Page 133)] that you assigned to the ICRIS voice form.
VC instructs you to “Enter the node number followed by star”.
This is the number at the top left hand corner of the node.
Alternatively, if you look at a list of the announcement texts [see Section 9.2 (Page 113)
and Section 10 (Page 114)], it is the latter part of the VFA number. For example for
VFA00004 the node number is 4, for VFA00132 the node number is 132.
VC offers you the option to record or review the prompt.
Press 2 to review the prompt for an existing form, to ensure that it is the correct node.
Press 1 to record the prompt. Press * (star) at the end of the prompt, to finish recording
and (if required) to record another prompt.
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How to run ICRIS
How to Start ICRIS
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
Do either (1) or (2).
Click the Windows Start button. Select Programs, Voice Connect Limited, ICRIS 2.
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Click the Windows Start button. Select ICRIS 2.
ICRIS displays the following view. This is a blank form with just a Start node.
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
How to Open, Save and Create New Voice Forms
ICRIS forms are files with the extension VF.
ICRIS can only open one form at a time.
If you attempt to open a form, ICRIS will close the currently open form. It will first
prompt you to save the form if you have edited it and not saved it.
The menu options, and keyboard shortcuts to, Open, Save and create New forms are
identical to those in Windows WordPad.
When you create a new form, ICRIS assigns the default name VFORM to it. The first time that
you attempt to save the form, (i.e. when you select the menu File, option Save, or press the
keyboard shortcut [Ctrl]+[S]) ICRIS displays the following Save As window to save the form. You
can accept the default file-name VFORM.VF or change it.
How to Exit from ICRIS
This is the same as for any standard Windows application.
When you complete the voice form and save it you must validate it and generate
data files etc. Section 4.2 (Page 13) summarises the entire process.
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How to Construct an ICRIS Voice Form
Observe the following guidelines. They are not unequivocal rules, but they will assist you to
implement a form successfully.
Before you use ICRIS to construct a voice form, write down the objectives that you want
to achieve, e.g. route callers to different departments, route callers to different services,
give information and record information etc.
After you design and construct the form, check it against these objectives, to ensure that
it fulfils them and that it will route calls exactly as you require.
Flow Diagram
After you define the objectives, sketch or draw a flow diagram of the call route(s) that the form
will implement. (You can use PowerPoint to do this.) This graphical representation will do the
Help to clarify your thoughts about the basic logic and design of the form;
Provide a plan for you to follow as you use ICRIS to construct the form;
Minimise the amount of time that you require to use ICRIS to construct the form.
If whilst you modify an existing form, you delete a node and then replace it, the
node number will change. This means that you MUST then change the voice
prompt number.
This is one example in which a well prepared plan for the voice form can save
time and effort.
Like so many things in life, the construction of an ICRIS voice form is often easier said than
done. The form that you initially believe will consist of just a few nodes may become much larger
than you expect, as you design and construct it to implement your objectives, and perhaps think
of alternatives and enhancements as you review it.
Allow sufficient time to undertake the project, and in particular, to plan and check it.
These phases may require, as much, or more, time, than to actually construct the form.
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NOTE Callers rapidly become frustrated if they must select successive options from a long
sequence of menus.
Do NOT use too many options in a menu. A caller will usually wait until the end of the
menu prompt to make a selection. If the menu is too long, the caller may not remember
all the options, and hang up. In general, the MAXIMUM number of options in a menu
should be SIX.
Put the MOST LIKELY or POPULAR options at the START of the menu.
Do NOT construct a form with too many successive menus.
Item (3) partly conflicts with Item (1). However, if you find that you encounter
difficulty reconciling these two Items (1) and (3), then the form may possibly have
become too complex and require a re-think.
See Section 6.4.3 (Page 38).
When you give information, ensure that it is relevant to the caller. This is especially
important if the caller pays for the call.
When you request information from the caller, such as the caller’s name and address,
ensure that the flow is natural to the caller.
You can construct the form so that it saves the information in a different order, to present
it to a person who retrieves data from the system.
For example:
You can construct a form that requests the name, address, and a
postcode from a caller, in that order, because it is natural to the
The form can record it in a different order, such as postcode,
address, and name, if that is more convenient to someone who
retrieves data from the system.
Growing, Growing, Growing
If the design of the form becomes complex, ask yourself if it is necessary and whether the callers
will be able to follow it, when they listen to it on the phone.
Remember the adage, KISS (Keep It Small and Simple). If you do, it is much more likely
that callers will use the form and that it will be successful.
Large Voice Forms
One ICRIS form can route a call to another ICRIS form, through the Mailbox node [see
Section 6.4.12 (Page 79)]. Therefore, you may be able to implement a complex call route
as a set of smaller, interdependent call routes, each of which you can represent with a
small form, rather than create a large form to represent a complex call route.
The main disadvantage is that a node can only link to another node on the same form.
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Endless Loops
A Branch On Digit (menu) node [see Section 6.4.3 (Page 38)] has a default Silence exit point,
labelled S, through which the node exits if the caller does not press any key.
You must NOT link this default Silence exit point back to the entry point of the
Branch On Digit (menu) node. This would generate an infinite loop, which could
tie up a port until the system is reset.
Similarly, if you link this exit point to an Information node [see Section 6.4.2 (Page 37)] to provide
help, by default, to a caller, you must NOT link the exit point of the Information (help) node back
to the entry point of the Branch On Digit (menu) node.
The correct approach is to default to help, only if you link the exit point of the Information
(help) node to the entry point of another Branch On Digit (menu) node. This could replicate
the original Branch On Digit (menu) node.
However, you must not in turn link this replica Branch On Digit (menu) node, back to the
same Information (help) node.
See Section 6.3.5 (Page 31).
The first Branch On Digit node [see Section 6.4.3 (Page 38)] is the most important, because you
must implement the default exit point from this node correctly. The caller may be unable for a
variety of reasons to use the technology or may be intimidated by it. Therefore, it is important to
handle the caller appropriately at this point.
If the form records information from callers then you must provide a simple call route for
such reluctant callers, to provide brief information and then request their details.
The route for other callers can be much more interactive and present them with menus,
to enable the form to provide and record more information.
6.1.10 Timeouts
All nodes that require input from the caller have timeouts, to give the caller sufficient time to
press keys or speak words. The length of these timeouts can be quite critical and can affect the
performance of the form.
If the timeouts are too long, the form can become tedious. If they are too short they can
frustrate a caller because they do not give the caller sufficient time to select options from
menus and to respond to prompts for information.
When you complete the form, you MUST check that all node entry and exit points have links. If
any node entry or exit point does not have a link, you must either link it or remove it as
Every node exit point MUST have a link.
If any node exit point does NOT have a link, the form will NOT run.
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How to Add a Node
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
Do the following procedure.
Right click on a blank area of the ICRIS form window [see Section 5.1 (Page 16)] where
you want to place the node. ICRIS displays the following small popup menu.
Select the option New. ICRIS displays the following popup sub-menu of nodes.
Select a node from this sub-menu.
Section 6.4 (Page 34) describes all of the different nodes that ICRIS
This procedure uses the Mailbox node [see Section 6.4.12 (Page 79)] as a typical example.
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ICRIS displays the following two items:
The node icon;
The properties window for the node, with the default General tab view selected.
ICRIS usually displays the properties window in a position that obscures
the node icon. You can of course move the properties window to reveal the
node icon.
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Key in the Node name.
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
You MUST FIRST key in the Node name. ICRIS does NOT permit you to
click the OK button or select another tab view until the Node name box
contains at least one character.
Key in the Announcement text, if applicable.
If you put text in the Announcement text box, the form requires a voice prompt for
the node, when the form is used on the server. Conversely, if the node does not have
a voice prompt, you must leave the Announcement text box empty.
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Click the Target Mailbox tab.
Select the Maibox Type and key in the Mailbox Number.
The Maibox Type that you select on this tab view only changes the
pictorial representation of the node on the ICRIS voice form. See
Section 6.4.12 (Page 79).
Click the OK button.
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ICRIS closes the properties window and displays the node icon.
The precise form and details of the node icon may vary, according to the details
that you specify in the properties window.
In particular, the icon for the Mailbox node (in this example) can vary
considerably, as Section 6.4.12 (Page 79) describes.
Node Popup Menu
ICRIS provides a small popup menu that enables you to change the properties of a node. It also
enables you to delete and copy the node.
The Start node (see Section 6.4.1) is an exception. Its popup menu does not enable
you to delete or copy it. Every call has one beginning. ICRIS does not enable you
to delete the Start node. In other words, you cannot define a call route without a
beginning. Similarly, ICRIS does not enable you to copy the Start node, so that
you cannot then paste a second copy of the Start node on the form. In other words,
you cannot define a call route with more than one beginning.
Do the following procedure.
Right-click on the node icon. ICRIS displays the following popup menu.
Select Properties from this popup menu.
ICRIS displays the properties window for the node.
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Properties Window and Tab Views
The properties window for the Record Digits node is a typical example. General (tab view)
The properties window for every node has a General tab view, with the first three or all four of
the following boxes.
Node Name
You MUST specify this attribute. ICRIS displays it on the node icon. Each Node Name must be
Announcement Text
Enter the full announcement in the Announcement Text box. When you complete the form, you
can print out all these announcements, to provide a script, from which to record all the
corresponding voice prompts.
* goes to Main Greeting
In general, this check box specifies the following, but some nodes can also use the * key as input.
Selected (Contains a Tick)
If the caller presses the * key, the ICRIS form immediately terminates and the caller
returns to the main greeting of Voice Connector.
Not Selected (Empty)
If the caller presses * during the announcement, the node ends the voice prompt
and continues with any subsequent action of the node. For example: to record a
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If the caller presses * after the announcement, the node terminates and exits to
the next node. For example: if the caller presses * whilst the node records a
response, the node immediately stops recording and exits to the next node.
The properties window of some nodes have a Digit mask tab view, which
enables you to specify one or more of the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, * and #
keys as data input. The properties window of some nodes have other tab
views, which enable you to specify the * key as a terminator.
If you use a tab view such as these to specify the use of the * key, the * key
does NOT function as Item (b) above describes.
Do not flush digits on entry
Several nodes do not include this check box on the General tab.
Selected (Contains a Tick)
Voice Connector discards any buffered key-presses.
Not Selected (Empty)
Voice Connector retains any buffered key-presses. Target nodes
The properties window for every node, except Hangup, Mailbox and Abort, has a Target nodes tab
view. This contains a list of the links FROM the node to other nodes. ICRIS compiles this list
when you link the node to one or more other node(s).
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When you first add a node to a form, ICRIS displays the properties window for
the node, but does NOT display the Target Nodes tab view.
The reason for this is that you must first add the node to the form and specify its
properties. ICRIS subsequently displays the node icon within the form, which you
can then link to one or more other node(s). For example, the Branch On Digit node
provides a menu. You must first specify which keys provide menu options. ICRIS
then displays the node icon with exit points that correspond to these keys. You
can then link these exit points to other nodes.
How to Link Nodes
The following example is typical. A Branch On Digit node is added to a new blank form, to provide
a menu, and then the Start node (titled Start Node) is linked to this Branch On Digit node.
Add a Branch On Digit node to the form, to provide a menu.
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Link the Start node (titled Start Node) to the Branch On Digit node (titled Menu).
Do the following procedure.
Move the mouse pointer over the (small black triangle) exit point of the Start node
(titled Start Node) icon.
The mouse pointer changes shape to an arrow with a slightly thicker stem and a
small cross, like a plus sign [+] above it, as shown below.
Press and hold down the left mouse button.
Drag the mouse pointer across to the entry point of the Branch On Digit node
(titled Menu).
When ICRIS detects the link, it changes the cursor to a tick, as shown below.
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Release the left mouse button. The two nodes are now linked.
How to Create a Multi-Line Link
The following example continues from the example in the previous Section 6.3.4 (Page 29), to
illustrate how to create a link that is represented on the form by multiple, connected lines. The
example is a typical application that uses the Information node, to provide help.
Add an Information node to the form.
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Link the Branch On Digit node (titled Menu) exit point 9, to the Information node (titled
Menu Help).
Link the Information node (titled Menu Help) to the Branch On Digit node (titled Menu).
Right click on this link. ICRIS displays the following popup menu.
Select the menu option Add Handle.
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ICRIS adds a handle to the link. This is a small square.
Do the following procedure.
Place the mouse cursor over the handle. The mouse cursor turns into a small
cross [+] like a plus sign.
Press and hold down the left mouse button.
Drag the handle to a suitable position.
Release the left mouse button.
The link now consists of two (connected) lines.
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Repeat Steps (4), (5) and (6).
The link now consists of three separate lines, which clearly show that the (exit point of the)
Information node (titled Menu Help) is linked to the (entry point of the) Branch On Digit node
(titled Menu).
It is not necessary to edit such a link, so that it consists of separate connected
lines. However, it may make the ICRIS form visually clearer, especially when
there are many nodes.
The Nodes
NOTE the following.
An ICRIS form consists of a network of nodes each with entry and/or exit points, by
which the nodes are linked to each other.
Each node has a unique identification number (located at the top left hand corner of the
node) that references the node throughout the form.
All nodes (except the Start node) have one entry point.
All nodes, except the Hangup, Mailbox and Abort nodes, have one or more exit points. The
number of exit points depends upon the outcome of the node.
The form of the icon that represents a node in a form depends upon its properties that
you specify in the associated properties window. In some cases, this can change
considerably, even with different pictures. The example at the beginning of each of the
following sub-sub-sections, which describe the different nodes, is a typical example.
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When you start ICRIS, it displays a blank form [see Section 5.1 (Page 16)] with just the Start
node (titled Start Node) icon, shown above.
Do the following procedure, to display the Properties for Start Node window.
Right-click on the Start node (titled Start Node) icon. ICRIS displays the following popup
This differs from the popup menu for all other types of node [see Section 6.3.2
(Page 26)] because the Delete and Copy options are always greyed out, so that
the popup menu does not enable you to copy or delete the node.
There must be one and only one Start node, which is the entry point for the form.
Every call has one beginning. ICRIS does not enable you to delete the
Start node. In other words, you cannot define a call route with no
Similarly, ICRIS does not enable you to copy the Start node, so that you
cannot then paste a second copy of the Start node on the form. In other
words, you cannot define a call route with more than one beginning.
Select Properties from this popup menu.
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ICRIS displays the following Properties for Start Node window.
See Section (Page 27).
ICRIS assigns Start Node as the default Node name. You can change it.
The Start node normally does not have a greeting, specified in
Announcement text of the General tab view of the Properties for Start
Node window.
The reason for this is that normally, a caller is first asked to select an
option from a menu of choices, and this node cannot make a decision.
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This node simply speaks an announcement (or piece of information).
NOTE the following.
It has only one exit point, where the speech has finished or the caller has pressed * (star)
to terminate the announcement.
You can use this node to give help on a more complex node. To do this, you link an exit
point from the complex node to the Information node, and then link the exit point of the
Information node back to the entry point of the complex node.
Do not link the S (Silence, i.e. timeout) exit point of a node to an Information
node and link it back to the original node.
This will create a repetitive loop, which can only be broken if the caller
If the caller hangs up, the port is left open in this loop.
Section 6.3.5 (Page 31) illustrates the use of the Information node, to provide help.
The following Node name and Announcement text correspond to the icon shown at the start of
this sub-sub-section.
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Branch On Digit
This node enables a caller to select an option from a menu. It is the most important node in the
form, because you use it to specify all the menu options available, from which the caller selects a
route through the form.
NOTE the following.
The properties windows enables you to specify which keys a caller can press, to select a
menu option. The node icon has exit points that correspond to the available keys. You can
select from the 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, * and # keys.
The icon also has an exit point labelled S that represents a silence timeout. If the caller
does not press any key within a specified interval, the Branch On Digit node exits through
this exit point.
When you design a call route, observe the following guidelines, to minimise the possibility
that the caller becomes confused.
Put the most frequently selected options at the start of the menu where possible,
unless you must order the menu in a specific logical sequence, e.g. numerically or
Do not provide too many options in a menu. Ideally, this should be six or less.
Do not provide too many levels within a menu structure.
There is a natural conflict between guidelines (b) and (c).
If you must implement a menu structure with many possible outcomes,
try to balance these two objectives, to achieve an appropriate compromise.
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See Section (Page 27). Digit mask (tab view)
The Digit mask tab view enables you to specify the keys that a caller can press to select menu
options, and the silence timeout described earlier.
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The timeout period must be sufficient to give the caller time to respond, but not so long that the
form seems unresponsive. The default value is 5 seconds, but 3 seconds may be a better
Record Voice
This node enables you to record a message from a caller. It plays an announcement, records the
message and (temporarily) stores the recording until the end of the call. The form can use
separate instances of this node to record several separate items of information from a caller, such
as Forename, Surname, Address, etc. When the call ends, the form posts the recorded responses
in a specified order to a mailbox.
You specify the mailbox and the sequential order as part of the attributes of each instance of the
node. The order in which the recorded responses are posted to the mailbox, when the call ends, is
independent of the order in which the responses are recorded.
The following tabbed views specify the following attributes. Exit Points
The node has the following three exit points.
The node exits through this exit point if the node successfully
records a message, to post to a mailbox.
S [Silence]
The node exits through this exit point if the node does not detect
the caller’s voice within the period Silence timeout (seconds).
I [Incomplete]
The node exits through this exit point if the caller presses * (star)
to abort at any time after the node plays the announcement.
If the message is incomplete, the caller may require additional
help or may need to transfer to a live operator.
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See Section (Page 27). Termination conditions (tab view)
Silence timeout (seconds)
The node waits for Silence timeout (seconds). If the caller does
NOT begin to speak during this period, the node exits through the
S exit point. [See Section (Page 40).]
Maximum record time
If the caller stops speaking before Maximum record time, the node
continues to record for Silence timeout (seconds) and then stops.
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Minimum record time
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This MUST NOT be less than Silence timeout (seconds). Recording (tab view)
Record to Mailbox
If you un-check this check box (so that it does NOT contain a tick),
the Mailbox Number and Sequence Number boxes are greyed out
and the node does not post a recorded response to a mailbox.
Sequence Number
This specifies the order in which recorded responses are posted to
the Mailbox Number.
Record Digits
This node enables you to record key-presses from a caller, to record a telephone number or any
other numeric data. The node first prompts the caller to enter the number and then records the
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide Exit Points
The node has the following three exit points.
The node exits through this exit point if the node successfully
records a sequence of key-presses to post to a mailbox.
S [Silence]
The node exits through this exit point if the node does not detect a
key-press within the period Silence timeout (seconds).
I [Incomplete]
The node exits through this exit point if the caller enters part of
the number and then waits longer than Silence timeout
(seconds) before he/she presses another key.
It may also exit through this exit point if the caller presses * (star)
to abort at any time after the node plays the announcement and
awaits key-presses.
If the number is incomplete, the caller may require additional
help to enter it or may need to transfer to a live operator. General (tab view)
See Section (Page 27).
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See Section (Page 42). Digit Mask (tab view)
This tab view enables you to specify which keys the caller can press. You normally select the
digits 0 to 9, to record a number such as a telephone number.
Only select * if truly necessary. See Section (Page 27) and Section
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Silence timeout (seconds)
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The node waits for Silence timeout (seconds). If the caller does
NOT press any key during this period, the node exits through the
S exit point. [See Section (Page 43).] Digit Stream Information (tab view)
Termination Style
You can only select one of the following three attributes.
This attribute consists of two parts, a (radio) button on the
left and a box on the right, in which you specify the length
of the number that the caller must enter.
Fixed Length
The box on the right is NOT greyed out if you select either of the other two
alternative attributes, * terminated or Silence terminated.
If you select this attribute, the caller must press the *
(star) key to terminate the number.
* terminated
You MUST include an instruction to the caller, at the end of the
Announcement text (on the General tab view), to press the *
(star) key after the digits of the number.
You MUST NOT select the * (star) check box on the Digit mask
tab view.
Silence terminated
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If you select this attribute, the caller stops and waits after
he/she enters the digits of the number. The node uses the
Silence timeout (seconds) parameter on the Digit mask
tab view. If the caller presses a key and then does not
press another key within this period, the node stops
recording key-presses.
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You MUST include an instruction to the caller, at the end of the
Announcement text (on the General tab view), to stop and wait
after he/she enters the digits of the number.
You MUST specify an appropriate (non-zero) value for Silence
timeout (seconds) on the Digit mask tab view.
The node uses the Maximum number of digits and Minimum
number of digits parameters in conjunction with this attribute.
The node exits through the C exit point if the number of digits
that the caller enters satisfies these two constraints. It exits
through the I exit point if the number of digits that the caller
enters does not satisfy these two constraints. See Section
(Page 43).
Maximum number of digits
Minimum number of digits
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
The node uses these parameters if you select either of the two
attributes, * terminated or Silence terminated. The node does
not use these parameters if you select the Fixed Length
The Maximum number of digits and Minimum number of digits attributes are
NOT greyed out if you select the Fixed Length attribute.
This node enables a caller to listen to both numerical key-press and voice recordings that they
make during the call.
The following example illustrates its use.
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The form asks the caller to make voice recordings of the caller’s name and address and
then to key in the caller’s telephone number.
The form then asks the caller if he/she wishes to review the recordings or continue.
If the caller answers NO, the form plays a confirmation message and ends the
If the caller answers YES, the caller’s recordings are played and the form then
asks the caller if the recordings are correct.
If the caller answers YES the call ends.
If the caller answers NO, the form directs the caller to re-record them. General (tab view)
See Section (Page 27).
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide Review Details (tab view)
The Review Details tab view provides a list of all the recordings that the form enables the caller
to make and enables you to select which recordings the caller reviews. Do the following
When you first select the tab view, it displays a window similar to the following. The list
on the left is the list of the nodes in the form, which record key-presses and make voice
The list on the right is the list of nodes that you select, for the caller to review.
You can do one or more of the following to compile the list on the right.
To copy the entire list on the left, to the list on the right, do the following
Click on the button between the two lists with a double chevron.
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ICRIS copies all the nodes from the list on the left to the list on the right.
To select one node at a time from the list on the left and copy it to the list on the
right, do the following procedure.
Click on the node in the list on the left. ICRIS highlights it.
Click on the button between the two lists with a single chevron.
ICRIS copies the node from the list on the left to the list on the right.
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To move a node in the list on the right, up one or more positions, do the following
Click on the node in the list on the right. ICRIS highlights it.
Click on the button with a circumflex, at the right of the window.
The node moves up one position in the list.
To remove a node from the list on the right, do the following procedure.
Click on the node in the list on the right. ICRIS highlights it.
Click on the button with a single chevron, at the right of the window.
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ICRIS removes the node from the list on the right.
To remove all the nodes from the list on the right, do the following procedure.
Click on the button with a double chevron, at the right of the window.
ICRIS removes all the nodes from the list on the right.
If appropriate, change the Delay Between Nodes. This is the interval between each
recording, which Voice Connector plays to the caller.
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Voice Connector plays every node, which is in the list in the right hand window,
to the caller.
This node enables you to constrain the caller to key in a number to obtain access to all or part of
the call route that the ICRIS form specifies. General (tab view)
See Section (Page 27).
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide Passwords (tab view)
The Passwords tab view enables you to specify one or more access numbers that the caller must
key in, to access a restricted part of the call route.
The name of this node is the Password node. You use the Passwords tab
view to specify the passwords, which you enter in the Password box.
However, you can only specify a numeric access number, you CANNOT
specify an alphanumeric password. If you key in a password that contains
one or more non-numeric characters into the Password box, ICRIS changes
all the characters to zeroes when you click the Add button (see later). For
example, if you key in M1CK, ICRIS changes this to four zeroes, i.e. 0000
when you click the Add button. Consequently, the word password in this
(section of this) document means a numeric access number.
If you want to specify an access number that is easy to remember, you can
specify an alphabetic password by proxy. To do this, you transcribe the
letters of the word to the digits on a telephone keypad. For example,
MOZART is 669278.
The following procedure illustrates how to add passwords to the Password node.
If necessary, change either or both, of Password Length and Timeout Period, at the
bottom left.
The default value of Password Length is 4 digits. You can specify this as any
number from 1 to 9.
The default value of Timeout Period is 5 seconds. You can specify this as any
number from 1 to 9.
Do the following procedure to specify an access number.
Key in an access number into the Password box.
This will create an exit point on the node.
If you know, to which node, that you wish this access number to link, you can key
in the identification number [see Section 6.4 (Page 34), Item (2)] of the node into
the Target Node box.
You can leave the Target Node box blank and manually link the exit point to a
node later. [See Section 6.3.4 (Page 29) and Section 6.3.5 (Page 31).]
Click the Add button.
ICRIS adds the password to the Password - - - - > Target Node list on the right.
At the left of this list is a two-digit counter of the passwords. It begins at 00 and
continues with 01, 02, 03 … etc.
The following two illustrations show two passwords, each specified WITH a Target Node
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Click the OK button.
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ICRIS displays the Password node, titled 10 Access No, with the 1234 exit point linked
to the Information node, titled 3 Info, and the 4321 exit point linked to the Branch On Digit
node, titled 5 Menu, as specified in Step (2) above.
Right click on the Password node, titled 10 Access No, and select Properties. [See
Section 6.3.2 (Page 26).]
Select the Target Nodes tab view. This shows the two links.
Click the Passwords tab view.
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Add another password, specified WITHOUT a Target Node number.
The Target Node number is listed as 0000 in the Password - - - - > Target Node list.
If you now click the Target Nodes tab view, it will still be exactly the
same as in Step (6) above.
Click the OK button.
ICRIS displays the Password node, titled 10 Access No, with the un-linked 9999 exit
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Manually link the 9999 exit point to the Hangup node, titled 2 Hang up. [See
Section 6.3.4 (Page 29) and Section 6.3.5 (Page 31).]
Right click on the Password node, titled 10 Access No, and select Properties. [See
Section 6.3.2 (Page 26).]
Select the Target Nodes tab view. This shows the three links.
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The following procedure illustrates how to change a password.
This ONLY enables you to change the value of Password, NOT of the Target Node.
Right click on the Password node, titled 10 Access No, and select Properties. [See
Section 6.3.2 (Page 26).]
Click the Passwords tab view.
Click on password 4321 in the Password - - - - > Target Node list. ICRIS highlights the
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Click in the Password box and change the password to 5555.
Click the Update button.
ICRIS updates the entry in the Password - - - - > Target Node list.
Click the OK button.
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ICRIS updates the exit point on the Password node icon from 4321 to 5555.
To delete a password, do the following procedure.
Do Section (Page 58), Steps (1), (2) and (3).
Click the Delete button.
Click the OK button.
Select On Timetable
The Select On Timetable node enables you to route a call through different paths that depend
upon the day, date and time of the call.
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The following example illustrates an implementation of this node, for an academic institution, to
route calls throughout the (calendar or academic) year. Exit Points
The Select On Timetable node icon has the following two exit points.
V [Virtual]
The node exits through this exit point to the Target Nodes
specified on the Timetable tab view [see Section (Page 63)].
You NORMALLY link this exit point by the Timetable tab view [see
Section (Page 63)].
You CAN also link this exit node manually as Section (Page 72)
The node exits through this exit point in all other cases.
You link this exit point manually, as Section 6.3.4 (Page 29) and
Section 6.3.5 (Page 31) describe.
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See Section (Page 27).
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The Timetable tab view enables you to specify a set of time and date dependent links, which you
specify as time and date criteria together with associated node numbers.
Week Ends
Good Friday to Easter Monday
May Bank Holiday
Spring Bank Holiday
August Bank Holiday
Xmas to New Year
Monday to Thursday before Good Friday
Tuesday to Friday after Easter Monday
To add a link, do the following procedure.
Specify the node.
Click in the Target Node box.
Clear the number in the box.
Key in the number of the node, to which you wish to link the criterion.
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Specify the day, date, time.
You can specify days without dates and without times.
You can specify days without dates but with times.
You can specify times without days and without dates.
If you specify a range of dates, you MUST also specify one or more
days. The reason why you must do this is so that you specify
which days you include and which days you exclude.
For example, a college might want to route calls differently during
the working days of the summer vacation to enable callers to enrol
by phone. You would specify the start and end dates of the
summer vacation, and select Monday to Friday, but not Saturday
and Sunday.
If you specify a range of dates with a range of times, the start
(from) time applies to the start (from) date and the end (to) time
applies to the end (to) date. The two together, therefore, specify a
specific period.
If you specify a range of dates without times, ICRIS automatically
adds the time 00:00 (midnight) at the beginning of the date range
and 23:59 (one minute before midnight) at the end of the date
range. This qualifies the date range to make it an unambiguously
specific period.
ICRIS does NOT automatically add times to days.
Do the following procedure.
Click in any of the day [Monday – Sunday] check boxes, if appropriate.
Key in a range of dates, if appropriate, in the Date and to boxes.
Key in a range of times, if appropriate, in the 24 hour format, in the Time and to
Click the Add button.
ICRIS adds the entry to the scrollable list.
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The following illustrations show the links for every weekend and for Easter 2004 respectively.
Easter 2004
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ICRIS permits you to specify periods that overlap and conflict.
The two previous illustrations provide an example, where the Easter 2004
Period from Good Friday to Easter Monday includes a Weekend. In this
instance, the Easter 2004 Period would take precedence, i.e. the Select On
Time node would route a call on Saturday over the Easter 2004 period to
Node Number 6 rather than Node Number 5.
The principle that underlies the order of precedence is that a more specific
period takes precedence over a less specific period.
For example:
A short period (e.g. 11am-3pm) takes precedence over a longer period (e.g.
9am-5 pm).
Time only takes precedence over Day only.
Day, Date and Time take precedence over Day and Time;
Day and Time take precedence over Time only.
You can use the Update button to do either of the following.
Use the Delete Link button to remove the target node number and then specify a new
node number with the Update button. Section (Page 69) describes this.
Change the day, date and time specifications of a link, but not the target node number;
For example, to change the link for Christmas 2004 to start an hour earlier, from 11pm
Christmas Eve, do the following procedure.
Click on the link for Christmas 2004. ICRIS highlights the line.
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Change the date in the Date boxes to 24th December 2004 and the start time in the Time
boxes to 11pm.
Click the Update button.
ICRIS updates the entry in the scrollable window.
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To delete a link, do the following procedure.
Click on the link. ICRIS highlights the line.
Click the Delete button.
ICRIS removes the link.
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Delete Link
You use the Delete Link button to remove the Target Node number of a link. You can then specify
another different Target Node number, which you apply with the Update button [see
Section (Page 66)].
The following example illustrates how to change a Target Node number.
Click on the link. ICRIS highlights the line.
Click the Delete Link button.
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ICRIS removes the Target Node Number and changes it to zero.
To specify a new Target Node Number, do the following procedure.
Click on the link. ICRIS highlights the line.
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Key in the new Target Node Number in the Target Node box.
Click the Update button.
ICRIS updates the entry in the scrollable window.
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide How to Manually link the Virtual Exit Point
You can create a link in two stages. Do the following procedure.
Specify a timetable entry as Section (Page 63) and Section (Page 66)
describe but DO NOT specify a Target Node, i.e. leave it blank.
ICRIS then sets it to 0 (zero).
Link the V (Virtual) exit node manually to another node, as Section 6.3.4 (Page 29) and
Section 6.3.5 (Page 31) describe.
ICRIS displays a list of timetable entries, similar to the following.
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Click on the entry with the Target Node set to 0 (zero) and click the OK button.
The Timetable tab view now shows the Target Node number.
You can also use this method to change a valid non-zero Target Node number of
an existing Timetable tab view entry.
Branch On Count
The Branch On Count node enables you to count how many times a caller passes through the node
and to exit to different nodes accordingly.
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The following example shows a caller routed first to a short menu, the Branch On Digit node
labelled 13. Menu, which offers the following options: 1 – Auto Menu, 2 – Help, 9 Operator.
The option 2 – Help exits to the Branch On Count node, labelled 14 Counter. If the caller selects
the option 2 – Help once, twice and three times, the Branch On Count node in turn exits through
its Virtual exit point, labelled V, to the Information nodes labelled 10 Options, 11 Help,
12 More Help respectively. If the caller selects the option a fourth or fifth time, the Branch On
Count node passes the call back to the menu without further help. If the caller selects the option
a sixth time, the maximum allowed, the node passes the caller on to the customer service
department. Exit Points
The Branch On Count node icon has the following three exit points.
V [Virtual]
The node exits through this exit point to the Target Nodes
specified on the Loop Counts tab view [see Section
(Page 76)].
You NORMALLY link this exit point by the Loop Counts tab view [see
Section (Page 76)].
You CAN also link this exit node manually in a similar manner to the
method that Section (Page 72) describes.
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The node exits through this exit point if the caller routes the call
through the node Max Loop Count times, specified on the Loop
Counts tab view [see Section (Page 76)].
You link this exit point manually, as Section 6.3.4 (Page 29) and
Section 6.3.5 (Page 31) describe.
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
The node exits through this exit point in all other cases.
You link this exit point manually, as Section 6.3.4 (Page 29) and
Section 6.3.5 (Page 31) describe. General (tab view)
See Section (Page 27).
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The operation of this tab view is similar to the Passwords tab view, which Section
(Page 53) describes.
6.4.10 Mailbox Validation
NOTE the following.
The Mailbox Validation node checks if a mailbox exists. You use it in conjunction with the
Mailbox node, which Section 6.4.12 (Page 79) describes. If the mailbox exists, you can
route the call to it. If not, you must route the call to another appropriate node.
The Mailbox node icon displays a number at the bottom of the icon. This is the number in
the Mailbox Number box, on the Mailbox tab view, of the Properties for Mailbox
Validation window. Its default value is zero.
This node only functions on implementations based on Microsoft ® SQL Server ®.
Exit Points
The Mailbox Validation node has two exit points.
V [Valid]
If the mailbox exists, the node exits through the V exit point.
I [Invalid]
If the mailbox does not exist, the node exits through the I exit
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General (tab view)
See Section (Page 27).
Mailbox (tab view)
The parameter Mailbox Number on this tab view corresponds to the parameter Mailbox Number
with the Mailbox Type Voice Mail, on the Target Mailbox tab view of the Mailbox Node. See
Section 6.4.12 (Page 79) and Section (Page 80).
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6.4.11 State of Destination Check
The State of Destination Check node interrogates a telephone extension and reports its status.
This node only functions on implementations based on SQL and DPNSS.
Exit Points
The State of Destination Check node has the following six exit points.
NS [Not Supported]
The extension number is not available.
A [Valid, Available]
The extension number exists and is available.
B [Valid, Busy]
The extension number exists but is engaged.
I [Invalid]
The extension number is not available.
OOS [Invalid, Out Of Service] The extension number is not available.
OTH [Other]
The extension number is not available.
General (tab view)
See Section (Page 27).
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Extension (tab view)
The parameter Extension Number on this tab view corresponds to the parameter
Mailbox Number with the Mailbox Type Telephone or Queue, on the Target Mailbox tab view of
the Mailbox Node. See Sections (Page 80), (Page 81) and (Page 82).
6.4.12 Mailbox
NOTE the following.
The Mailbox node terminates an ICRIS form, but does NOT terminate the call [like the
Hangup node, see Section 6.4.13 (Page 84)]. The Mailbox node transfers (or redirects) the
call to a voice mail, a telephone, a queue or another ICRIS form.
The Mailbox node icon displays a number at the bottom of the icon. This is the number in
the Mailbox Number box, on the Target mailbox tab view, of the Properties for Mailbox
window. Its default value is zero.
When Voice Connector runs the form it validates the Mailbox Number. If
it is not valid, Voice Connector does not run the form.
The Mailbox Validation node, which Section 6.4.10 (Page 76) describes, enables you to
check if an extension number is available.
The Properties for Mailbox window does NOT have a Target Nodes tab view, because
there are NO LINKS FROM this node, there are only links TO it.
The Mailbox node icon displays one of four different pictures, each of which correspond to
the different (redirection) Mailbox Type attributes on the Target mailbox tab view. The
following four examples illustrate this.
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Voice Mail
You do not normally specify Announcement Text and associate a voice
prompt with this node if it exits to a Voice Mail Box, because the voice
mail box will itself provide a voice prompt.
The Mailbox Type only REPRESENTS the type of extension, it does NOT
assign properties. You must give the extension a Voice Mail Class Of
Service. Refer to the System Manager manual.
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You may wish to specify an Announcement Text and associate a voice
prompt with this node if it exits to an Extension, to confirm the
extension, to which the ICRIS Form will transfer the caller.
The Mailbox Type only REPRESENTS the type of extension, it does NOT
assign properties. You must give the extension an Extension Class Of
Service. Refer to the System Manager manual.
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You do not normally specify Announcement Text and associate a voice
prompt with this node if it exits to a Queue, because the queue will itself
provide a voice prompt.
The Mailbox Type only REPRESENTS the type of extension, it does NOT
assign properties. You must give the extension a Queue Class Of Service.
Refer to the System Manager manual.
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You do not normally specify Announcement Text and associate a voice
prompt with this node if it exits to an ICRIS Form, because the node is in
effect a link.
The Mailbox Type only REPRESENTS the type of extension, it does NOT
assign properties. You must give the extension an ICRIS Form Class Of
Service. See Section 12.1.1 (Page 127) and the System Manager manual.
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6.4.13 Hangup
This node ends a call route. It hangs up the call.
NOTE the following.
The Hangup node or the Abort node, which Section 6.4.14 (Page 85) describes, can end a
Every ICRIS form must have at least one node that terminates it. This can be the Hangup
node, the Abort node or the Mailbox node, which Section 6.4.12 (Page 79) describes.
A form can have two or more nodes that terminate it, if appropriate.
The Hangup node defines the end of a call. It can give an announcement to the caller and
then hang up.
You can use this node to thank a caller for calling, in a manner that is pertinent to the
call route that the caller has taken.
The Properties for Hangup window only has the one General tab view. It does NOT have
a Target Nodes tab view, because there are NO LINKS FROM this node, there are only
links TO it.
The following Node name and Announcement text correspond to the icon shown at the start of
this sub-sub-section.
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6.4.14 Abort
The Abort node enables you to end a call and to discard any recorded information.
It is identical to the Hangup node, which Section 6.4.13 (Page 84) describes, except that it
discards any information that the form recorded by either the Record Voice [see Section 6.4.4
(Page 40)] or Record Digits [see Section 6.4.5 (Page 42)] nodes.
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6.4.15 Pulse Calibration
The Pulse Calibration node is now rarely used.
The Pulse Calibration node enables you to test if the caller’s phone is a pulse phone, and to route
the call appropriately.
The Pulse Calibration node can ONLY operate if your Voice Connector II
contains an additional card that can detect a pulse phone.
You MUST put this node immediately after the Start node, to detect a
pulse phone at the start of the call.
The Pulse Calibration node may NOT be able to correctly identify if the
caller’s phone is a pulse phone.
You MUST carefully implement this node, so that the caller is unaware if
this node fails to correctly identify the caller’s phone.
You MUST ask the caller to dial EIGHT. The node attempts to detect (a)
if the caller’s phone is a pulse phone and (b) if the caller dials eight.
The Pulse Calibration node has the following five exit points.
Pulse – The node detects that the caller’s phone is a pulse phone and the caller dialled
eight. Therefore, Voice Connector II can detect what the caller dials.
Tone – The node detects that the caller’s phone is a (standard modern) tone phone.
Failed Calibration – The node detects that the caller’s phone is pulse phone but does not
detect that the caller dialled eight. Therefore, it is not possible to detect what number the
caller dials.
No Pulse calibration – The node cannot determine the type of the caller’s phone.
Silence – The caller does not dial a digit and therefore the node is unable to determine
the type of the caller’s phone.
You implement the outcome of the Pulse Calibration node as follows.
The P and T exit points route the call through the ICRIS form.
The FC, NP and S exit points MUST route the call to an operator, extension or a queue.
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The following (start of an ICRIS form) is a typical implementation of the Pulse Calibration node.
The General tab views of the properties windows for the nodes follow below.
Pulse Calibration node, labelled
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2. Pulse Detect
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Branch On Digit node, labelled
Mailbox node, labelled
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3. Options
4. Queue
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6.4.16 External Integration
The External Integration node is for use by Voice Connect personnel.
The External Integration node enables an ICRIS form to invoke an external application to retrieve
information. It is used in conjunction with the List (Playback) node [see Section 6.4.17 (Page 89)].
6.4.17 List (Playback)
The List (Playback) node is for use by Voice Connect personnel.
The List (Playback) node provides controls to enable a caller to listen to a list of information,
accessed by the External Integration node [see Section 6.4.16 (Page 89)].
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An Example of a Simple ICRIS Voice Form
The flow diagram below (drawn with PowerPoint) illustrates an example of a simple call route.
Caller does not press
either [1] or [9] and
call times out.
Press either
[1] Xmas open times
[9] End call
Start Call
Caller presses
[9] to end call.
End Call
Caller presses [1]
to hear Christmas
opening times
Caller hears Xmas
opening times
The following procedure demonstrates how to construct a form that implements this call route.
This example does not explain the operation of each node that it uses. Section 6.4
(Page 34) describes all of the different nodes that ICRIS provides.
Start ICRIS. [See Section 5.1 (Page 16).]
Add the Branch On Digit node. [See Section 6.3.1 (Page 22) and Section 6.4.3 (Page 38).]
This enables you to specify a menu. ICRIS displays the following Properties for Branch
On Digit window. The General tab view is selected by default.
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Key in the Node name and Announcement text.
Select the Digit mask tab view.
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Click in the [1] and [9] check boxes, so that they both contain tick marks.
Click the OK button.
ICRIS adds the Branch On Digit node (titled Offer Times) to the form.
Drag this icon closer to the Start Node icon.
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Add a link [see Section 6.3.4 (Page 29)] from the exit point of the Start Node, to the
Branch On Digit node (titled Offer Times).
Do the following procedure, to see the link stated explicitly.
Right-click on the Start Node icon. ICRIS displays the following popup menu.
Select Properties from this popup menu.
ICRIS displays the following Properties for Start Node window.
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Click the Target nodes tab view, which shows the link to the Branch On Digit
node (titled Offer Times).
Click the OK button.
Add the Information node. [See Section 6.3.1 (Page 22) and Section 6.4.2 (Page 37).] This
enables you to specify an announcement. ICRIS displays the following Properties for
Information window.
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Key in the Node name and Announcement text.
Click the OK button.
ICRIS adds the Information node (titled Xmas Opening) to the form. Move this if
Add a link [see Section 6.3.4 (Page 29)] from the 1 exit point of the Branch On Digit node
(titled Offer Times) to the entry point of the Information node (titled Xmas Opening).
This link signifies that if the caller presses [1] he/she will hear the Christmas opening
times message.
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Add the Hangup node. [See Section 6.3.1 (Page 22) and Section 6.4.13 (Page 84).] This
enables you to specify how the call terminates. ICRIS displays the following Properties
for Hangup window.
Key in the Node name and Announcement text.
Click the OK button.
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ICRIS adds the Hangup node (titled Terminate) to the form. Move this if necessary.
Add a link [see Section 6.3.4 (Page 29)] from the 9 exit point of the Branch On Digit node
(titled Offer Times) to the entry point of the Hangup node (titled Terminate).
This link signifies that, if the caller presses [9], the call will end.
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Add a link [see Section 6.3.4 (Page 29)] from the S exit point of the Branch On Digit node
(titled Offer Times) to the entry point of the Hangup node (titled Terminate).
This link signifies that, if the caller does not press [1] or [9], the call will timeout and end.
Do the following procedure, to see the links from the Branch On Digit node (titled Offer
Times) stated explicitly.
Right-click on the Branch On Digit node (titled Offer Times). ICRIS displays the
following popup menu.
Select Properties from this popup menu.
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ICRIS displays the following Properties for Branch On Digit window.
Click the Target nodes tab view, which shows the links to other nodes.
Click the OK button.
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Add a link [see Section 6.3.4 (Page 29)] from the exit point of the Information node (titled
Xmas Opening) to the entry point of the Hangup node (titled Terminate).
This link signifies that after the caller hears the Christmas opening times, the call will
The form is now complete and defines the call route shown in the flow diagram at the beginning
of this Section 7 (Page 90).
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Edit Menu – Copy, Paste and Delete
ICRIS provides the facilities to copy, paste and delete nodes. You can use the Edit menu and / or
two popup menus to invoke these facilities, which operate in a relatively standard manner. This
section describes aspects of their operation that are specific to ICRIS.
You can use the copy and paste facilities to duplicate nodes within an
ICRIS form. If you do this, the duplicated nodes are identical to the
originals, except for their names. ICRIS amends them to distinguish the
nodes from the originals, because you cannot have two nodes with the
same name.
You can also paste a copy into another Windows application, such as a
Word or PowerPoint. The pasted element is a re-sizeable graphic image.
ICRIS does NOT provide the facility to CUT [Ctrl]+[X] a selection.
How to Select Nodes
Before you can copy, paste or delete nodes you must select them.
One Node
To select one node, do either (A) or (B).
Click on it. This selects the node, as shown below.
If no nodes are selected, you can right click on it. This selects the node, as above, and
displays the following popup menu, with which you can copy or delete the node.
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Two or More Nodes
You can use the following three methods to select two or more nodes. Select Nodes Individually
Do the following procedure.
Click on a node to select it.
Press and hold the [Ctrl] key.
Click on each additional node that you wish to select.
When you press and hold the [Ctrl] key, and click on a node, you toggle its
state of selection. If the node is not selected and you click on it, you select
it. If the node is selected and you click on it, you de-select it.
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Release the [Ctrl] key. Rubber Band
Do the following procedure.
Choose a group of nodes, which all lie within a rectangular area.
Position the mouse cursor at one corner of the rectangular area.
Press and hold down the left mouse button.
Drag the mouse to the opposite corner of the rectangular area.
ICRIS displays a dotted rectangle around the group of nodes.
This method of selection is generally referred to as ‘rubber band selection’
or ‘rubber banding’ because it is like stretching a rubber band around the
elements that you wish to select.
Release the left mouse button.
The nodes are now selected.
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ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide Select All
Do the following procedure.
Select the menu Edit, option Select All.
ICRIS selects all the nodes in the form.
If it is appropriate, you can de-select one or more nodes. You use the same method that
Section (Page 102) describes.
Do the following procedure.
Press and hold the [Ctrl] key.
Click on each node that you wish to de-select.
For example, the Start node.
Release the [Ctrl] key.
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There are three methods to copy selected nodes to the clipboard.
No Nodes Selected, One to Copy
If no nodes are selected and you just want to copy one node, do the following procedure.
Right click on the node. ICRIS displays the following popup menu.
Select Copy.
Copy One or More Selected Nodes
If one or more nodes are selected, do either (A), (B) or (C).
Select the menu Edit, option Copy.
Press [Ctrl]+[C].
Do the following procedure.
Right click on one of the selected nodes. ICRIS displays the following popup
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Select Copy.
Paste and Paste With Links
ICRIS provides two versions of the paste facility, Paste and Paste With Links and there are three
ways to invoke both of these.
Do the following procedure.
Select [see Section 8.1 (Page 101)] and copy [see Section 8.2 (Page 105)] the nodes that
you want to duplicate.
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Right click in a blank area of the form. ICRIS displays the following popup menu.
Select the option Paste With Links or Paste.
This step invokes the right click popup menu to paste the duplicated
nodes. There are two alternative ways to paste the duplicated nodes,
which follow. However, the right click popup menu is the best method,
because, unlike the other two methods, it enables you to control WHERE
you paste the duplicated nodes within the form.
First Alternative Step (2)
Press [Ctrl]+[L] to Paste With Links or press [Ctrl]+[L] to Paste (without links).
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Second Alternative Step (2)
Select the menu Edit, and the option Paste With Links or Paste.
ICRIS pastes duplicates of the nodes onto the form.
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ICRIS forms the names of the duplicates as the names of the
originals with the addition of 001 to the end of each name.
If you select Paste With Links, ICRIS pastes duplicates of the
links between the duplicated nodes, as shown in the preceding
If you select Paste, ICRIS pastes duplicates of the nodes, but
without the links, as shown in the following illustration.
The procedure to delete one or more nodes is virtually the same as to copy one or more nodes that
Section 8.2 (Page 105) describes. The differences are that you select the option Delete instead of
Copy and you press the [Delete] or [Del] key instead of [Ctrl]+[C].
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Clear Clipboard
When you copy one or more selected nodes, as Section 8.2 (Page 105) describes, the copy is stored
in a temporary location called the clipboard.
The menu Edit, option Clear Clipboard, enables you to clear it.
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ICRIS enables you to print out a Voice Form as a graphic image, like a flow diagram and to print
out all the announcement texts (i.e. the voice prompts). However, the manner in which it
provides the facilities differs from most Windows applications.
Do the following procedure.
Right click in the ICRIS window, NOT on a node.
ICRIS displays the following popup menu.
Select Print.
This provides two options, Layout [see Section 9.1 (Page 113)] and Announcement List
[see Section 9.2 (Page 113)]. Both invoke the standard Windows Print window.
If appropriate, click the Properties button to configure the printer.
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Windows displays a properties window for the printer. [It can vary greatly.]
Change any properties as appropriate. You may want to change the Orientation to
Landscape, if you select the option Layout that Section 9.1 (Page 113) describes.
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The Layout option simply prints out the voice form design as a picture, i.e. as ICRIS displays it.
Announcement List
The menu Announcement List option prints out a list similar to the following.
C:\TONI\MANUALS\ICRIS\Forms\Example\EXAMPLE.VF – Announcements
To listen to our Christmas opening times, Press 1. To
end your call, Press 9. If you do not press either 1
or 9, this call will end. Thank you.
We are closed on Christmas Day. We open on Boxing Day
from 11am till 5pm.
Thank you and goodbye.
NOTE This example corresponds to the example in the previous Sub-Section 9.1 (Page 113).
It is a list of all the Announcement Texts of the voice form and provides a script from which you
can record all the voice prompts. It identifies each Announcement Text with a label that consists
of the letters VFA and the number of the node, padded with zeroes, to five digits. For example,
VFA00004 “Thank you and goodbye.” is the announcement text for Node 4. Similarly, on a large
voice form VFA00132 would identify the Announcement Text of Node 132.
You can also view the announcements as Section 10 (Page 114) describes.
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View Announcements
You can do the following procedure, to view a list of the announcements. This is similar to the
printed list of announcements that Section 9.2 (Page 113) describes.
The border on the left consists of a double line. Move the mouse cursor over the inner
line. It changes from an outline arrow-head to a double line, each with a small arrow,
as shown below.
Press and hold down the left mouse button, and drag the inner border to the right.
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Release the left mouse button.
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File Menu – Validation and Generation
11.1 Validate
ICRIS provides a facility to check your voice form for unlinked exit points. To invoke this, select
the menu File, option Validate or press the function key [F2].
If your form contains one or more unlinked exit points, this facility reports the first one that it
detects. You must then link this exit point, invoke the facility again, and repeat the procedure
until it reports that there are no unlinked exit points.
The following procedure is an example.
Select the menu File, option Validate or press the function key [F2].
ICRIS displays the following window.
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Link the unlinked Information node, Number 3, titled Xmas Opening to the Hangup node,
Number 4, titled Terminate.
Select the menu File, option Validate or press [F2], to invoke the check again.
ICRIS displays the following window.
11.2 Validate Mailboxes
ICRIS provides a facility to check that any mailbox numbers, specified by the Mailbox node [see
Section 6.4.12 (Page 79)], exist. To invoke this, select the menu File, option Validate Mailboxes or
press [SHIFT]+[F3].
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This menu option only functions on implementations based on Microsoft ®
SQL Server ®.
ICRIS must be running on the Voice Connector p.c. If you construct the voice
form on your own p.c., you must first transfer it to the Voice Connector p.c.
before you invoke this facility.
Example 1
The following procedure is an example of an ICRIS voice form with no mailboxes, extensions or
Select the menu File, option Validate Mailboxes or press [SHIFT]+[F3].
ICRIS displays the following window.
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Example 2
The following procedure is another example. It contains a queue, specified by the Mailbox node,
Number 4, titled Queue, Extension 246.
Select the menu File, option Validate Mailboxes or press [SHIFT]+[F3].
ICRIS displays a report similar to the following.
If you construct the voice form on your own p.c. and incorrectly invoke
this menu option (on your own p.c.), ICRIS displays a window similar to
the following, which states that it cannot validate the mailboxes.
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11.3 Generate
You MUST save the voice form before you invoke the generate menu options.
After you validate the voice form, you create either two or more data files, which Voice Connector
uses to implement the voice form. ICRIS provides two menu options to do this, Generate, which
creates the files in the directory that contains the saved voice form, and Generate into VF
Directory, which [Section 11.4 (Page 121) describes and] creates the files in the directory that
Section 4.4 (Page 14) specifies.
Select the menu File, option Generate or press [F10].
This creates the following two data files, in the directory that contains the saved voice
If the voice form has a Select On Timetable node this menu option also creates the
following data file, in the directory that contains the saved voice form.
If the voice form has a Branch on Count node this menu option also creates the following
data file, in the directory that contains the saved voice form.
These are the raw data formats that Voice Connector uses to run the voice form.
They must be in the correct directory on the Voice Connector p.c.
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11.4 Generate into VF Directory
This menu option does two things.
It creates the directory that Section 4.4 (Page 14) specifies, if it does not already exist.
It then creates the same data files as the Generate menu option, which Section 11.3
(Page 120) describes, and then places the files in the directory.
Do the following procedure.
Select the menu File, option Generate into VF Directory or press [SHIFT]+[F10].
ICRIS displays the following window.
Key in the mailbox number that you assigned to the voice form. [See Section 4.3
(Page 13).]
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The Save Voice Form design to the new directory as well check box is selected by
default. Do NOT clear it.
NOTE There are TWO GOOD REASONS why ICRIS should copy the voice form to this
You know where a copy of the voice form design file (with the extension VF)
is in the following situations.
You wish to amend the voice form.
You encounter a problem with the voice form that you cannot alone
resolve and have to send it to Voice Connect. It will fit on a diskette.
Alternatively, you can inform Voice Connect of the mailbox number of
the form and an engineer can retrieve it remotely.
After you record the voice prompts, as Section 4.5 (Page 15) describes, you
must validate the voice prompts, as Section 11.5 (Page 123) describes.
The easiest way to do this is to use Windows Explorer to navigate to the
directory and then double click on the design file, to invoke ICRIS from the
directory. ICRIS then associates the voice form to a mailbox number, which it
obtains from the name of the directory.
See Section 11.5 (Page 123).
The only other way in which ICRIS can associate the voice form to its
mailbox number is if you invoke this menu option.
Click the OK button.
ICRIS creates the directory that Section 4.4 (Page 14) specifies. In this example it is as
C:\ VCONNECT \ VFORMS \ 00000123.VF
It then creates the data files that Section 11.3 (Page 120) describes and places them in
the directory.
ICRIS then displays the following confirmation.
Click the OK button.
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If the Save Voice Form design to the new directory as well check box was selected,
ICRIS displays the following confirmation.
Click the OK button.
11.5 Validate Prompts
IMPORTANT Before you can invoke this facility, you must do the following.
You must create the directory that Section 4.4 (Page 14) describes and
generate the data files that Section 11.3 (Page 120) and Section 11.4
(Page 121) describe.
You must invoke this facility immediately after you invoke the menu
option Generate into VF Directory that Section 11.4 (Page 121) describes.
Alternatively you must invoke ICRIS from within the directory that
Section 4.4 (Page 14) describes. Refer to the NOTES in Section 11.4
(Page 121).
ICRIS provides a facility to determine which voice prompts for the voice form exist and which are
missing. [Section 4.5 (Page 15) describes how to record the voice prompts.] To invoke this, select
the menu File, option Validate Prompts or press [SHIFT]+[F2].
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If there are no voice prompts or some are missing, ICRIS displays a window like the following.
If they are all recorded and in the directory, ICRIS displays the following confirmation
A good tip is to test the voice form in a dummy mailbox before you make it
available to all callers. See Section 4.5 (Page 15) and Section 12.2.2 (Page 134).
11.6 Form Validation
Voice Connector II checks a voice form each time a caller tries to access it, to ensure that the
caller can complete the call route. It checks the following:
The directory exists;
All the voice prompts are available;
Any mailboxes referred to exist.
This is a good integrity check of the form, but you must completely check each form as you
implement it, to ensure that it operates exactly as required.
If a form does not pass this validation check then Voice Connector does not
run the form and returns the caller to the main greeting.
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Section 4 (Page 13) provides an overview of how you implement an ICRIS voice form on the Voice
Connector p.c. and describes other procedures you must do after you use ICRIS to construct the
voice form. This section describes how you use the Voice Connector System Manager to setup
classes of service and mailboxes etc., to enable you to implement the voice form on the Voice
Start the Voice Connector System Manager.
Log in to it.
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12.1 Class Of Service
Do the following procedure.
Click on the Class Of Service button.
The System Manager displays a window similar to the following. [The borders have been
cropped from this image to make it more readable.]
To add a new Class Of Service, click in the blank line at the bottom of the list or click on
the Add Record button.
To select an existing Class Of Service, click on the line in the list.
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You can search for a Class Of Service if there are many, as Section 12.2
(Page 129) describes.
Set the options in the General, Autoattendant and Messaging Options tab views.
Click the Apply button.
Restart the Voice Connector, to enable new Class of Service definitions to take effect.
The following sub-sections describe the parameters you must set etc. Refer to the
System Manager Manual for more details.
12.1.1 Class of Service for ICRIS Forms
Set the parameters on the General, Autoattendant and Messaging Options tab views as follows.
Ignore the other tab views.
Set the parameters on the General tab view as follows.
The next available number
Class Of Service Name
Change this from Extension to Mailbox Only
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The default options on the Autoattendant tab view are shown below.
Do the following changes.
Voice Messaging
Clear this check box (so that it is empty).
Voice Form
Select this check box (so that it contains a tick).
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12.1.2 Class of Service for ICRIS Recording
Set the parameters on the General tab view as follows, and ignore all the other tab views.
The next available number
Class Of Service Name
ICRIS Prompt or ICRIS Recording
12.2 Mailboxes
Do the following procedure.
Click on the Mailbox button.
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The System Manager displays a window similar to the following. [The borders have been
cropped from this image to make it more readable.]
To add a new Mailbox, click in the blank line at the bottom of the list or click on the Add
Record button.
To select an existing Mailbox, click on any line in the list at the top half of the window.
To search for a mailbox, click in the Mailbox field and do either (a) or (b).
Do the following procedure.
Click on the FF (Fast Find) button.
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The System Manager displays the following window.
Key in the mailbox number and click the Find button.
If the mailbox exists, the System Manager selects it.
If it does not exist the System Manager displays the following window.
Do the following procedure.
Click on the Find Record button.
ICRIS displays the following window.
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Key in a mailbox number and click the Find Next button.
If the mailbox exists, Voice Connector selects it.
If it does not exist, Voice Connector displays the following window.
Set the options in the General tab view.
Click the Apply button.
Restart the Voice Connector, to enable new Mailbox definitions to take effect.
The following sub-sections describe the parameters you must set etc. Refer to the
System Manager Manual for more details.
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12.2.1 Mailbox for ICRIS Forms
Set the parameters on the General tab view as follows, and ignore all the other tab views.
The mailbox number.
You can leave this blank.
Key in ICRIS Form.
You can select a department or None.
Class Of Service
Select the option for ICRIS forms, e.g. ICRIS Form or
You can leave this blank.
This is initially set to the default value 8888. Change it.
You can leave this blank.
Deliver to
Select the option (none).
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After you click the Apply button [see Section 12.2 (Page 129)], the Voice Connector System
Manager displays the General tab view again with a Reference number at the bottom right, as
shown below.
12.2.2 Mailbox for ICRIS Recording
Set the parameters on the General tab view as the previous Section 12.2.1 (Page 133) describes,
apart from Surname shown below. Ignore all the other tab views.
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Key in ICRIS Prompt.
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Do the following procedure
Start and log in to the Voice Connector System Manager, as Section 12 (Page 125)
Click on the Reports button.
The Voice Connector System Manager displays the following window.
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Click on the Voice Form tab.
Click on one of the three reports:
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
Voice Form Node Analysis;
Voice Form Calls Total;
Itemised Call Details.
Specify the parameters grouped together as Filter Options.
Specify the Start Date and End Date.
Select a Mailbox from the pull-down menu.
You can leave the default Ports values in the From and To boxes, unless you
want to explicitly specify the ports.
Click the Reports Schedule button.
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The Voice Connector System Manager displays the Report Scheduling view.
ICRIS 2.0.4 – User Reference Guide
Refer to the Voice Connector System Manager Manual for details of how
to use the Report Scheduling view.
Click the Apply button.
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13.1 Voice Form Node Analysis
This report shows the number of calls routed through each node.
View this report with a print out of the design layout. Refer to Section 9
(Page 111) and Section 9.1 (Page 113).
Voice Form number
The mailbox number assigned to the voice form. [See Section 4.3
(Page 13), Section 12.1.1 (Page 127) & Section 12.2.1 (Page 133).]
The number of the node. See Section 6.4 (Page 34).
Number of accesses
The number of calls routed through the node.
Last Access
The last occasion that a call was routed through the node.
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13.2 Voice Form Calls Total
This report shows the number of calls processed by a voice form.
ICRIS Number
The mailbox number assigned to the voice form. [See Section 4.3
(Page 13), Section 12.1.1 (Page 127) & Section 12.2.1 (Page 133).]
Number of calls
The number of calls processed by the voice form.
Average call length
This is Duration in seconds divided by Number of calls.
Duration in seconds
The sum of the duration of all calls.
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13.3 Itemised Call Details
This report shows the duration of each call processed by the voice form.
The mailbox number assigned to the voice form. [See Section 4.3
(Page 13), Section 12.1.1 (Page 127) & Section 12.2.1 (Page 133).]
The start time of each call.
Duration in seconds
The length of each call.
If the number is zero, the caller was immediately transferred from
the voice form to an extension or a mailbox.
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