3 - HP Computer Museum


3 - HP Computer Museum
K a r e n Campbell, Editor
Tracy Wester, Praductlon Editor
J u n e Wedding, Circulation
CM( ;/
Computer Marketrng Group
Computer Mvrket~ngGroup/
1-htrdPdrty Progrdm
Application Marketing Division
4 3PP
Get 50% Commission for
Turning Over Leads to OEMs
Cotnptrtrt Support Dlvision
OEM Renewal Process
New Commission Payment
Renewing Software Supplier
Computer Advances for
Computer Support Europe
Conlputer Supplies Operation
~ a j o~r c c o n n t s
System? Re-Mdrkrting Operation
Trchnical Cornputer Group
Data Systems Division
OEM and Software Supplier
Roseville Division
Yokogaws Computer Divisiori
Desktop Colnputer Division
Engineerintl >"stems Division
Computer Marketing
Boeblingen C)rshlop Computer Division
Colvaliis Division
New Application Consulting
New Improved S1S for
Desktop Computers
The VRC Program: Low-Cost,
On-Site Repair
HP Support Sales Center U S Customers Call Toll Free
Personal Computing Dtutcion
GrennobleTechnical Systems Operation
Rusiness Cornptitet Group
Businc~ss~ o m p u t Group'
Application Svsterns
Computer Systems Drvlsion
Resources Operi1tlon
Manufacturing Systerns Operation
Office Systems Pinewood
Kosevillr r e ~ r n i n d Division
Personal Office Cornputer Divisior~
Grenoblr Division
Cornputrr Peripherals Group
rioise Div~siori
Colorado Springs Instrument Group
Disc Mc~mory1)ivision
The Remote Support Prograrn
Makes a Good Start
S v ~ t r l n sO p ~ r a t ~ o n
Boeblingen General Systems Division
cn,elev Division
San Dirgo Division Instrument Group
10 CSO
s e a t Your customers in style
CSO Offers the New 3%-Inch
Micro Flexible Disc
Major Accounts Program
Highlights of 1 9 8 2
Major Accounts Program
Hosts New Executive
Account Protection a t Its Best
GE Headquarters Account
Team Gets Excellence Award
Major Account Manager
ICON Report: J a p a n
18 SRO
Landmark Rentals
SRO/RSE Sales Growth
Technical Computers
19 TCG
Major Ad Campaign Promotes
HP 9000 t o Management and
Technical Audience
2 0 DSD
RTE-IVE Support from
A-Series Introduction Sales
Aid Kit
Errors in WP 1 0 0 0 System
Designer" Guide
21 RVD
A-Series MEC Cards Now
with S F 0 2 Sales Credit
Data Acquisition and Control:
A Bird"-eye View for SRs
Third Parties and the
HP 2 2 5 0
23 DCDT-ublr.lco,
You Can't Break a n HP 98451
Who Owns This 98 1 5 A 3
24 BDD
New ME Software Sales Aids
HP Computer Museum
For research and education purposes only.
Val. 8 , No. 3
Personal Computers
31 IND
25 CVD
HPWORD - The Second
Portable (ComputingPower Anytime, Anywhere
HPWORD Performance
26 PCD
IND Special Offers Expire
Announcing Speech Output
on HP Series 8 0 Personal
Announcing Data Link for
HP Series 8 0
lntroducing ithe HP 2333A
Multipoint Cluster Controller
Applications Software Now
Compatible With A l l
HP Series 2 0 0 Computers
3 0 CSY
High Quiality MPE NOW
Winning Against IBM
Operator's PM on the
HP 2680A
AUTOPL0'1'/2700 Now
Supported by INFORM/3000
Success with the HP 2623A
"ANSI" Terminal
HP 2680/85A Graphics
Configuration Guide
39 GLD
HP 7976A Competitive
4 0 SDD
Selling the HP-GL Plotter
34 RTD
lntroducing the HP 2627A
Color Graphics Terminal
HP 2627A Ordering
Business Computers
A Tale of Two Timings
New HP 2680 SE and TSE
New Sales Center
HP Seriels 2 0 0 Video Tape
Tells A l l l
3 0 BCG
HP 2680A Supports Labels
and Carbonless Paper
What I s "Building on
33 CTG
HP 98627A Color lnterface
Material (Changed
Personal Computation
Seminar Available
38 BSE
Computer Terminals
HP 97033JA Metacompiler t o
Be Discontinued
HP Series 2 0 0 and HP 9 8 4 5
Software Summary Available
T h e H P 2627A combines a high quality
color raster display with fast vector
graphics t o provide a low priced color
graphics terminal that is ideally suited t o
both business and technical display
graphics. S e e articles beginning on
page 34.
32 BGD
27 DCD~ i r s c r o l
HP Series 2 0 0 Programmable
Datacomm Interface
O n the Cover:
New Demo Software for
42 VCD
Sheet Feeder Support for
Customers Who Already Own
an HP 2601A
HP 2627A !sales Aids
'36 POD
Quality Printer Usage
New CP/M (Compatible
Software Catalog
Is Your HP 2671 A Customer
Ready for Graphics?
37 HPG
Limited Time Offer on Free
New Bar Code Firmware
Computer Peripherals
38 CPG
The Pack Is Back
Price Changes
Computer Groups Price
Changes Effective
December 1, 1 9 8 2
Peripheral Group Marketing
Computer News December 1 , 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Marketing
Get 50%Commission
for Turning Over
Leads to OEMs
Rich ShahlCMG
(For North America Only)
When the HP SR generates a lead that
cannot be fulfilled by erther an HP
solution or a software supplier solution, the SR is encouraged to turn the
lead over to the HP O E M SR for
follow through. If a sale is consumated as a result of the lead turnover,
then the HP SR will receive 5 0 % commission o n the order. The HP HQ
O E M SR receives 1 0 0 @quota
commission on the order. If, however,
a remote O E M SR is involved for
post-sale support, then there is a 5 0 /
5 0 split in quota and commission between the two O E M SRs.
T o ensure that the HP SR receives the
5O0/ocommission. the SR must subm i t the Request for commission form
5 9 5 3 - 2 2 6 0 ( 5 0 ) D to the ACM, where
the order transmits, for approval. This
approval then triggers O P to enter the
HEART order as follows.
O r d e r Processing a t the Supporting
Sales O f f i c e
The HEART system source sheet
must be filled out with the following
data by the headquarter O E M supporting office.
The HQOEM SR engineering code
and office code must be entered. A
quota percentage of 0 5 0 must be
entered to denote 50'0 quota and
commission for the H Q O E M SR.
( A blank i n this field defaults to
100C'hquota credit and commission to the H Q O E M SR when no
remote O E M SR is involved for
post sale support.)
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
The remote OEM S R engineering
code and office code must be
entered if the sale involves such a
person. A quota percentage of
0 5 0 must be entered to denote a
50°b split o n the quota and c o m mission for the remote O E M SR.
In order for the end-user SR, who
turned over the sales lead to the
O E M SR, to receive the 50'r commission, a commission percentage
of 0 5 0 must be entered along with
a split type "5" to reflect commission only payment.
A special code of 3 6 must be
Order Processing a t the End-user/
Remote Sales O f f i c e
The entry as detailed above will
cause HEART to generate
message type 2 3 (split copy)
indicating to the sales office(s)
where the remote O E M SR and the
end-user SR are located, that there
is a split to be picked up.
OEM Renewal
Rich ShahlCMG
In general, the O E M renewal process
is intended to provide a snapshot of
the OEM's financial and business
condition. However, to require the
more established OEMs to submit a
complete set of the O E M application
package accompanied by the business plans and cash flow projections.
does not make sense. A l l that CMG
requires for these large OEMs with a
good track record is for the A C M and
the Regional Credit Manager to sign
the O E M Approval Summary ( 5 9 5 3 21 8 8 ) . If the A C M or RCM have
questions or desire detail information.
that is their prerogative.
For start-up OEMs or OEMs with less
financial backing, we do require the
complete set of the O E M Application
Package be submitted. Some of the
key areas that we look for are:
In response, these respective order
processing coordinators enter a
message type 1 6 (split acceptance). The end-user SR then will
receive the 50Uhcommission
One last note - special code 3 6 must
be used for these transactions to allow
tracking systems to be developed. For
more details o n the subject please
refer to the Third Party Field Training
Manual or give us a call at Group.
Has the OEM's payment history
been satisfactory?
Did the O E M meet or substantially
exceed their functional unit
Is the O E M requesting an increase
of credit line?
Is the O E M requesting t o O E M a
new system type?
Has the organization been significantly changed to affect the outcome of the organization?
In other words. HP is simply looking
for any signals of credit
Our intention is to make the renewal
process as painless as possible for the
customer. For some large OEMs that
are less likely t o default o n their payment the renewal becomes a formality. For smaller OEMs we want to
be more careful in extending our
credit and approving the renewal.
This is a judgment call on the part of
the A C M and Regional Credit
Computer Marketing
New Com:mission
Payment Form
Renewing Software
Supplier Agreements
Computer Advances
for Consultants
Ray CeboldlCMG
Flay CeboldlCMG
Lynn GardnerICMG
(For North Amer.ica Only)
F'ollowing the implementation o f the
enhancements to the Third Party Program, all software suppliers will have
to renew their agreements. In the past
the software suppliers were not evaluated as rigorously as OEMs because
there was a clear "arms length" relationship. Now that we are offering
suppliers cash compensation for their
efforts, we need t o make sure each of
the suppliers are able t o meet the
claims they make t o customers.
The first mailing of the Consultant's
Edition o f Computer Advances will be
i n January 1983. T o ensure that consultants i n your local area or field of
expertise receive the newsletter,
please send a TWX to Lynn Gardner,
COMSYS code 5 0 0 0 with the following information by December 1 5 :
name. title, address, and telephone.
One of the new enhancements to the
Third Party Program is the payment
of an extra 50?h :;ales commission i n
the following situations:
A software supplier leverages a
new system sale
A n O E M acting as a software sup
plier leverages a new system sale
A n end-user SR turns a lead
generated i n his territory over to
an SR supporting an O E M and the
lead results in the O E M making a
(For more detailed qualification
guidelines see the HP Third Party Program Field Training Manual Appendix A.)
If one of these situations occurs and
you feel entitled to the extra 50°/0
commission, a nlew form. Request For
Commission Payment (5953.22961,
must be completed i n order to receive
the commission. This form requires
the approval o f tlhe District Manager
from the office where the order is
transmitted. In some cases the Area
Manager's approval may also be
required. Once the approvals have
been given, the form should be turned
over to the order processing coordinator with the rest of the paperwork
from the sale. N o extra commissions
will be paid without this authorization.
The Consultants - Computer
Advances is the first of many
merchandising tools from CMG's
Program. We are
For this initial renewal process a
names of consultants
new Third Party Approval Summary
(5953-2297) will h)ave to be s u h ~ i t t e d from all computer group divisions.
field and marketing personnel. Hurry
ijlong with two copies of the Software
send us your names by
!Supplier Agreement ( 5 9 5 3 - 2 1 73). at
i j minimum. In order to implement
any new incentives, the appropriate
Feel free to call me for any additional
exhibits to the Software Supplier
questions at TELNET 1 - 9 9 6 - 2 4 0 6 .
Agreement will also have to be
included. After checking to ensure the
r;upplier has properly filled out and
signed the forms, the packageshould
t ~ submitted
to the Area Computer
Manager. If the supplier is approved
Rich ShahlCMG
the package will be forwarded to CMG
contracts, who will then sign both
A s a result of the revised field assign!Software Supplier Agreements and
ments, many o f you now have new
[return one to the s ~ ~ p p l i for
e r their
responsibilities for finding and
records. CMG contracts will also
developing OEMs and software supamend each approved supplier's
pliers. Because prospecting should be
agreement with Exhibit TR, Software
one of your top priorities, we have
Supplier/OEM Exhibit for Additional
attempted to compile a list of
Software Training. This exhibit entiprospecting ideas to help you get
lies the supplier who purchases one
week or more of training to one free
week of equal value. Exhibit TR must
T o begin an effective prospecting
be turned i n to HP hen the supplier
campaign, you need to build an
[registers for additional training
accurate list of potential prospects.
offered by the exhibit. Future
T o this end, we have industry lists and
renewals will be handled through a
directories for you to choose from.
soon-to-be-released Third Party
Approval Summar:y.
ICP, Indianapolis, IN
800-428-6 179
OEM and Software
Supplier Prospecting
Sentry Publishing Co., Hudson, M A
6 1 7-562-9308
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Marketing
Data Sources, New York, NY
2 12-725-3500
Dataguide, Technical Publishing
Corp., a D G B company
ICP offers directories o n software suppliers. The main series of publication
is Software Directory. It contains
15,000 software products and is
broken into four volumes.
System Software - lists companies with products on databases,
programming tools and languages
Cross-Industry - a general
application catalog; for example,
word processing. general ledger,
and payroll
Industry Specific - list by industry SIC codes; for example, banking, and manufacturing
Software Products and Service
Suppliers - 2 5 0 0 software vendors listed by system type, company size and contacts.
This costs $ 5 5 0 for the set or $ 1 5 0
each. The Software Reference Series
is still another directory of DEC
installations. It costs $ 6 5 and is
updated once a year.
Sentry Publishing Company
Sentry offers data lists by O E M Computer Products, Systems Houses and
Software Packages. Sentry also publishes Software News, Dataguide (see
below) and a Directory of Systems
Houses. This comprehensive directory lists the company by size and the
system type they carry.
Sentry is not currently loaded at CMG
but we plan t o use it as source data
for the Prospect Management System
i n the near future. Within PMS the
data can be sorted by zip codes and
we will be able to distribute to SRs by
Computer News December I . 1982
Internal use only
r ,
Data Sources
This is a "comprehensive guide of
available data processing/data communications, supplies and services". It
covers integrators and software suppliers. This directory is published
quarterly and costs $ 2 0 per copy.
Spend the time to isolate your
prospects. Look for the real potential
for major businesses. As the year
progresses the Group will be generat
ing more recruitment ideas and we
will pass them o n t o you. If you need
help, give us a call.
This is a catalog and directory of
O E M computer products and
Other lists include Mini-Micro
Systems, Computer Systems News.
Some examples of technical industry
specific lists are Chilton's Instrumentation/Control, IYational Machine
Tool Builders Association. Many
states and metropolitan areas publish
comprehensive lists for all businesses
i n a given area. Contact the Chamber
of Commerce for these names.
Apart from using industry directories
to help you generate prospects, one
area many of us ignore is to seek out
O E M opportunities i n the major
accounts. The large Fortune 1 0 0 0
type companies also happen t o be
some of our best O E M customers.
For example, V W of America OEMs a
dealer package that runs o n an HP
3 0 0 0 to their dealers. Carrier Air will
O E M HP desktops t o their independent operators to run a HVAC
application. TRW and Ford Aerospace OEMs HP technical computers
to the U S Government. A n d the list
goes on. . . What we are suggesting
is to talk with your major account rep
and perhaps some lucrative O E M
opportunity may be waiting for you.
Timesharing companies and major
service bureaus are other sources to
seek out O E M opportunities. For
example, civil engineering time-sharing companies may be ideal candidates to O E M the new desktop units.
These types o f companies are easily
found i n the Yellow Pages o f your
phone book.
New Application
Consulting Numbers
Debbie SzeIAMD
Effective December I.all application
consulting product numbers will use
new suffixes t o designate the type of
application being consulted on.
Currently, we use these non-productline-specific product numbers:
350541'1 Appl. SE Asst/l day
35055N Appl. SE Asst/T&M
Opt. 0 0 1 Off-hours rate
35057N Appl Spec Asst/l day
35058N Appl. Spec Asst/T&M
Opt 0 0 1 Off-hours rate
1 15
For all new orders i n December, the
same four product numbers with the
following suffixes will designate the
appropriate product line:
Product Line
P L 7 9 (Locally Acquired
Software) and General
PL06 (Tech. Applications)
P L 6 0 (Financial Mgt.)
PL85 (Office Systems)
PL88 (Manufacturing
For example, a day of G A / 3 0 0 0 consulting would be quoted as 3 5 0 5 4 C
for Application SEs and 3 5 0 5 7 C f o r
Application Specialists. The prices
remain unchanged.
It's important that you use the right
suffix when you quote application
consulting. Each region and area can
Computer Marketing
then track consulting time to plan
people growth, and A M D can more
accurately measure actual performance against our targets.
What about consulting that covers
more than one product line, though?
You have two choices - 1) use the
"A" suffix so no software product
division gets credit, or 2) use the most
relevant product line so that someone
gets credit. Please consult your manager if you have questions.
New Improved SIS for
Desktop Computers
Judy Hayner/CSI)
Due to popular demand. SIS now has
a new addition: system software
updates. Many SIS products for
desktop computers now include these
updates as a new feature - another
competitive advantage for HP's software support. Initially, this new
feature will apply only to the newer
desktop computt:rs. (See the accompanying list for specific model numbers and support product numbers.)
As mentioned, thie updates included
in SIS are on system software only.
Firmware versions are not included at
this time. Updates for application
software, whose :jupport is bundled
into a system or language SIS, are not
included due to the variety of computer applications used by these programs. Any updates for this software
will be made available separately.
However, a few application programs
are important enough to have their
own separate support products, such
as IMAGE and DGL on the Series
9 0 0 0 (Dawn and Corona) systems.
Updates on these systems will be
included as part of their own SIS
products. The Communicator will
carry notices of all software updates,
whether or not they are included
i n SIS.
In order to help clarify the services,
the descriptive paragraph i n the
SODA file contains the phrase
"Includes software updates" for the
appropriate SIS products. Remember,
too, that a single SIS contract can
cover PlCS calls from multiple
systems, as long as only one PlCS
caller is used.
Also being introduced at this time is
SSS on these same desktop computers. Now our -IJstomers have a full
choice of support products on their
new desktop computers, including
SNS, SSS, and SIS..
A Right-to-Copy Updates product (W
product) is also being added. This is
being done to allow your customers
the right to reproduce the updates
that they receive for use on one additional system. This right-to-copy
updates can be added to either SIS or
SSS, for both services now include
updates. The use of the W product
allows low cost expansion of either
service to multiple systems.
The following table shows the available services and their product numbers for the Series 200. Models 16,
26, and 36.
Software Support Product List for HP 9816A,9826A,and 9836A
Software Supported
Base System Coverage
No software updates
HPL Coverage
lncludes HPL software updates
BASIC Coverage
lncludes BASIC software updates
PASCAL Coverage
lncludes PASCAL software updates
Shared Resource Mgt Coverage
No software updates
1 3 6 0 Graphics coverage
No software updates
lncludes BASIC EXT software updates
Computer News December 1, 1982
For lntemal Use Only
Computer Marketing
F o r each of the SIS products that
include software updates, there are
media options available. One of these
must be selected
when ordering these services. Those customers
who have firm-based languages
should order Option 0 9 6 , which pro-
vides a discount, since they will not
need the software updates.
The new improved sISsupport, as
wellas the new W product, also apply
to the newly introduced gOOO series
of computers (Dawn and Corona), as
shown in the following table:
Software Support Product List for HP 9000 Series (Dawn/Corona)
OP S Y ~
OP S Y ~
FORTRAN-single user
PASCAL-single user
IMAGE-single user
DGL-single user
AGP-single user
HPSPICE-single user
9707 1
981 63
The new improved SIS enables us to
offer a full range of support services
o n these products to meet all your
customers' needs. Support can be a
true sales asset!
The VRC Program:
Low-Cost, On-Site
Barb BishoplCSD
D o you have major customers who:
Demand lower service prices because
of the volume of workstation products they have at one site? Talk about
doing their o w n maintenance or
switching to third party service t o
save money o n these products? Like
the idea of FRC (return-to-HP) prices
but don't want their products to leave
their possession ? Say they're willing
to purchase spares to maintain
uptime, if only HP would provide
lower-cost service agreements?
The Volume On-Site Repair Center
Program (VRC) answers these concerns by providing on-site service at
return-to-HP rates to customers who
qualify and have their expectations
properly set.
Scheduled weekly visits for any
failed unit
FRC rates (FMMC = .5 PMMC)
Warranty service available during
scheduled weekly visit if the product being repaired is added to the
VRC agreement at the time i t is
2 5 workstation products listed at a
single work area or site to qualify
Customers must create a work
space for the CEs to repair products and are responsible for taking
units requiring repair to that area
prior to the CE visit.
Setting Expectations
If workstation users expect next-day
or better service (i.e., no more than 2 4
hours downtime), spares are a must
for such VRC customers. These
customers can swap their spare(s1
Computer News December I . 1982
For Internal use on,,
Computer Marketing
and accumulate malfunctioning products to be repaired at the work area.
Customers with multiple standard
products, (i.e., 5 0 HP 2621 terminals), should obviously buy identical products as spares. Customers
with a range of products (i.e.. a mix of
HP 262Xs, 264x3, and 2 3 8 2 ~ 1 ,
should use the most powerful and
interchangeable units (264Xs) as
spares. It is critical to our customers'
success with this program that they
understand their responsibilities, both
for consolidating units and using
The VRC Exhibit is now available
from the Literature Depot. Look for a
Sales Training Memo which shows
what the cost-effectiveness of keeping spares versus buying PMMC service is at differen.t product volumes,
and how to position this support
product when talking to your
customers. Please discuss this program with your district CE Manager
before presenting it to your
And remember -- customers' MMC
savings can pay back a spare in about
one year. So sell spares and think of
the commission as commission on
one year of service!
HP Support Sales
Center - US
Customers Call
Toll Free
Steve WillenslCSD
Hewlett-Packarcl's growth in the low
end computer and workstation
marketplace has created new opportunities for improved customer service and customer awareness. Computer Support Division is meeting this
challenge with tl?e formation of the
Hewlett-Packard Support Sales
Center. The center, staffed with Support Specialists, provides per-
sonalized, low cost rnarketing and
sales of workstation support to HP
Now those customers purchasing
personal computers, desktop disks,
plotters, printers, desktops and addon terminals may be directed to one
toll free number i n tlhe continental
US: 800-835-HPHF'. Support
Specialists at the celnter are equipped
to assist customers in selecting the
workstation supporit which best meets
their needs. Once the customers have
determined their support requirements, the center will1 take the order
for support right over the phone.
When selling workstation products,
sell the customer or1 support and provide them with the \Norkstation Support Planning Guide (P/IY 59535226). If the custorner would
ordinarily place hisl'her products on
his/her current system agreement,
continue to coordinate this effort with
your local CEO. However, if the
purchaser or end-user is a good candidate for next day maintenance or
return-to-HP service, and must make
the independent decision to purchase
support on his or her workstation
product, direct this customer to contact the Support Sales Center. Or send
the customer's name, phone number,
product number and purchase date to
the address listed below, and we'll
take it from there! \Me really can help
our customers continue i n a satisfied
relationship with HI'.
HP Support Sales Center
-1 9 3 1 0 Pruneridge Avenue
Cupertino, CA 9501 4
Telephone 800-835-HPHP
The Remote Support
Program Makes a
Good Start
Maurice PoizatlCSE
The benefits expected through the
Remote Support Program have
encouraged all countries in Europe to
invest in the resources that will enable
our support organizations to provide
prompt and efficient support to HP
3 0 0 0 customers.
Since June 1, 1982, when the program
was officially introduced i n Europe,
all countries have set up their Remote
Support Centers, and are now ready
to ensure that most, if not all, HP
3000 installations can be supported
The table here shows the total number of sites that areequipped with
Remote Support capabilities.
If all countries are not yet listed, they
will be i n a couple of months when
difficulties regarding modem and
telephone lines availability have been
ironed out.
Remote Support Program
Status in Europe
As of October 1,1982
No. of
United Kingdom
(in Portugal)
Thirty-five percent of these installations are also supported under CSS
with remote access.
Computer News December 1. 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Marketing
The File Transfer Package, a software
utility that can be used to download
files to the customers' systems via a
remote support modem, has been distributed to the European SEO. It will
certainly facilitate even more
customer software support. Its
availability represents another reason
for a customer to buy CSS and get the
optimal support from HP.
Seat Your Customers in Style
Jim KinneylCSO
HP Ergonomic Chairs - two models, three colors. In addition to pneumatically controlled
height and seat back rake adjustments, the chair without arm support features a nine-position vertically adjustable seat back.
Ergonomic chairs are now available
from CSO!
All o f your customers who sit for
extended periods of time - managers, programmers, data entry personnel - can benefit from the
enhanced comfort and convenience
of ergonomic seating.
What i s ergonomic seating?
Adjustability is the key. Two pushbuttons are located o n the underside o f
the chair where they are easily
reached while seated. They control
chair height and seatback rake angle
9 2 2 0 9 ~B,
, C, M. N, P) are featured i n
Daaes 3 8 - 3 9 of the Autumn-Winter
8 5 8 3 Computer Users Catalog (lit
#5953-2450D). customers
order chairs and all other catalog
items by calling:
United States
United Kingdom
West Germany
The Netherlands
408-738-41 3 3
0703 1-667829
0 7 0 3 1 - 2 2 31 3 3
Elsewhere, customers should contact
their local HP sales office.
Computer News December 1, 1982
,or Internal use only
Computer Marketing
CSO Offers the New
3%-Inch ,Micro
Flexible llisc
Mark Manquero:;/CSO
Jerry KlernushinlCMG
CSO now supports HP's "new generation" Micro Flexible Disc Drives! The
3Y2-inch media is available through
CSOasHPP/IY 92191A.a boxof 1 0
discs with 2 5 lalbels (five each of five
colors). Each disc is plastic wrapped
and the box features new HP graphics.
US List Prices are:
1 Box
(2-4 Boxes)
(5- 1 9 Boxes)
(20+ Boxes)
For filing and protective disc storage,
your customer can order the 9 2 19 1F,
a portable fan-type album file, vinyl
covered with velcro fastener. The file
has 20-disc capacity and pages are
color indexed.
US List Prices are:
1 File
2-4 Files
5+ Files
Major Accounts Program Highlights of 1982
The new media and file are i n CSO
stock and now available for shipment.
For ordering inlormation see previous
The Major Accour~tTeams really
excelled i n 1982 i n the four key
Aggressive growth of the established accounts
Developing MF'N Partners for the
Protection of olur investment with
solid support
Shortening the process for
developing neu~accounts.
Worldwide, there are now 1 7 0 companies that have Assigned HQ Teams.
O f these. 129 were in the program
the year before and averaged 30%
growth i n dollars for '82/'81. The
additional 15% growth i n '82
Account Sales carne from the 5 I new
accounts. The goall is to increase the
current percentage from 29% of
worldwide sales to1 50% by 1986.
But dollars and percent of our business are not the only performance
measures in the Major Account Program. They don't give the best picture
of our competitive position or of our
future potential in becoming an
account's MPN or IPN Partner. In
1983, there will be more focus o n
new measures of account development, like: penetrating new application areas and new business "nits,
winning multiple system projects i n
the office, manufacturing, and
engineering environments, and participation in the customer's longerrange productivity plans using computer solutions. To help the HQ District teams i n this 1983 challenge, the
field organization has been
strengthened several ways. By January 1, Major Account Program Managers will be in place i n every sales
region. In addition, six new "MAMs"
are announced: Roger Smith - Shell,
Jurko Krol - Philips, Dave Polley -
Growth of Major Account Sales
NO. of Accounts
Percentage of Worldwide
CMG Sales
Computer News December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Marketing
John Sundry
Scott Fulryk
3M, Steve Ursenbach - Boeing, Bob
Bart - Northern Telecom, and Don
McClure - US Government. And a
number of accounts have grown to a
business level where a district is
totally dedicated to managing one
account's growth. The formation of
the Personal Workstation Salesforce
and Bob Bond's Application Marketing Division will also help our
"Partnership" goals.
E d Oakley
General Electric
Len W ~ s n i e w s k i
Mike Shope
Don McClure
U S Government
Bob Sudkamp
We have excellent momentum going
into 1983 and many new resources to
help out. Take advantage of them in
driving your account to new levels
this year!
Tom Bills
Roy Toth
Dave Polley
D e n n ~ sM c G ~ n n
Kirk Hansen
Rick Ellingel
Steve Ursenbach
Russ Stewart
Lee Blackstone
S h e r ~A
f la~ly
Roy Tolh
B o b Bart
Northern Telecom
John M e t c a f e
M ~ k eDelaney
Louis Guigoz
Southern Region
Peter S ~ p o s
Roger S m ~ t h
Jurko Krol
John M e k a l f e
P h ~ l ~ p pMelard
Northern R e g ~ o n
M a j o r A c c o u n t Management
T a k i n g "Ownership" for
G r o w t h and P a r t n e r s h i p
Computer News December I , 1982
f o r Internal ~ s e ~ n ~ y
-arry Arnsden
New in ' 8 3
Computer Marketing
Major Accounts Program Hosts New
Executive Seminars
Jerry KlemushinlCMG
Why I t Works
Taking a look at the accompanying
sample agenda shows our first team
on the podium - mixing i t up - for
a day and a half. And i t is not product
pitches or canned demos that make
this event work. It's open discussions
on how HP and other large firms are
investing internally to use the new
computing technology! It's how managers at every level can improve the
productivity and quality of their department by having and "owning" the
computing resources. The interactive
tours with on-line manufacturing,
engineering, and financial people i n
our divisions illustrate the acceptance
and ownership of these new solutions.
The personal computer sessions open
their eyes to the simplicity and speed
now available electronically at their
desk for VisiCalc" planning, office to
office communications, and access to
management data. (VisiCaIc is a
registered trademark of VisiCorp.)
The ingredient:; for a well-executed
general manager level seminar have
been developecl after three iterations
on the correct rnix of speakers and
modules. This seminar event has
allowed us to reach new account
levels and to influence people who
need to understand our total
capabilities! Our schedule calls for
one seminar every three months, with
Jan. 27, 28 in Cupertino, ready for
your North American/lCON Candidates and March :1,4 i n Geneva, for
Europe Customer Executives.
The process to get your customer
registered is still tightly controlled to
maintain a very high-level audience
with similar interests. Identify two
General Managers at either their corporate headquarters or at large business units - people we have not had
access to in the past. Give their title
and address to your Region Program
Manager; they will havean invitation
letter sent from John Young and Paul
Computer News
December 1 , 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Marketing
8100 PM
ICE BREAKER: Cocktails & Hors d'oeuvres
Holidav Inn. Palo Alto
HOSTS: Jerry ~ l e m u s h i n / ~ a j oAccounts
Dave By lund/Product Marketing Manager
SEMINAR MANAGER: Robin Leigh/Computer
M a r ~ e t i n gGroup
7:30 A M
8:00 A M
PICK-UP: Holiday Inn Lobby
Hewlett-Packard in the Computer Business
9:30 A M "Travel to the Cupertino Site"
9:45 1 1 :00 FACTORY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Gaylen Larson/Division Mgr, Data Systems
1 1 :00 12:15 COMPUTER AIDED ENGINEERING SYSTEMS Charles House/Director of Engr. Corporate
1 2 : 1 5 1:15 LUNCH
1 : 15 - 2:30 OFFICE AUTOMATION Bob Puette/Division
Mgr. General Systems
2:30 - 2:45"Travel to Corporate"
James Adams/Associate Dean.
School of Engineering, Stanford University
4:00 PM
HP's COMPUTER STRATEGY FOR THE 80's Paul Ely/Executive Vice-President
5: 1 5 PM
6:45 PM
PICK-UP: Holiday Inn Lobby
7:00 PM
DINNER: Ming's of Palo Alto
Seminar Guests and HP Executives
LOCATION: Hewlett-Packard Headquarters
Building 20A Auditorium
Palo Alto. CA
7:30 A M
PICK-UP: Holiday Inn Lobby
8 : 15 A M
General Systems Division
Andre Schwager/lnformation Networks
Division Manager
Distributed Systems, Local Networks
Multi-Vendor Networks
10:45 A M
DUPONT Ray Cairns/Managing Director.
Information Systems Department.
E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co.
12: 15 PM
LUNCH (Corporate Dining Room)
Guest Speaker: Joel BirnbaudDirector of Computer
Research Center, HP Labs
SEMINAR CLOSE - Jerry Klemushin/Major Accounts
I :30 PM
Computer News December I . 1982
For Intern,,
Jerry K/ernvrhin/CMG
Ian Blaby a n d a smart list o f team
members celebrated a n i m p o r t a n t victory i n the U K w i t h the Black &
Decker Company. This Business U n i t
o f the $ 1 . 5 B c o m p a n y is HP's
c o m p u t e r stronghold. W i t h large
c o m ~ a n i e sm o v i n a t o l i m i t vendors
and leverage resources, i t was o n l y
natural for the worldwide Information
Systems Department i n Baltimore,
MD t o push IBM for the expansion
needs o f their divisions i n the U K . B u t
a n incredible effort by Ian's team and
the local customer's data processing
staff made i t crystal clear that H P is
the vendor t o meet the dramaticallv
changing business needs o f Black &
Decker, U K . Currently installed are
four H P 3 0 0 0 s r u n n i n g MM/3000 at
t w o plants. This victory means t w o
additional HP 3 0 0 0 / 6 4 s , m u l t i p l e HP
1 2 5 s for department managers, and
the possibility o f Financial A c c o u n t /
3000. Congratulations, Ian.
Computer Marketing
GE Headquarters Account Team Gets
Excellenlce Award
Major Account
Manager Perspective
Jerry KlemushinlCMG
Ed OakleylGeneral Electric Major
Accounts Manager
TO: General Electric
Headquarters Account Team
DATE: October 18, 1982
Ed Oakley - Major Account Mgr.
Mel Hauck - HQ DSM
Don Kuvalic - DSEM
Bill Ernest DCEM
Ray Opperrnan - Appl. Spec.
Mike Cohn Technical SR
John Wood - Commercial SR
Rick Butterworth - SE
Jerry Schwartz - SE
Jeff LaRue - Staff Asst.
FROM: Major Account Program Management
Your professionalism and results in 1982 for the General Electric Account
did not go unnoticed. Speaking for The Major Account P~rogramTeam
Worldwide. I want to personally congratulate you for exct:llence in executing the full range of account management functions.
Most important, you have worked as a team with each other and with dis
tricts across North America; and you have internalized HP's "MPN"
strategy and made it pay dividends for you in General Electric. At last
count, there were 15 strategic projects with GE, each involving multiple
systems and capable of increasing our "partnership" position.
Congratulations and Good Luck in 1983!
Jerry Klemushin
Worldwide Major Accounts Manager
CMG Headquarters
In 1982 we developed a GE Headquarters Account Team from scratch.
figured out what the Major Account
Manager function should really be,
gained a more global perspective on
how to work within the General
Electric Company and how to integrate the Remote HP Teams, the
Headquarters Account Team. and
Major Account Manager into an
organization that is more productive
than the sum of the parts. We have
learned much over the last year about
what is needed to be successful in a
major account like GE. The "MPN"
Partnership with GE really accelerated this year with 30% growth over
1981,making it one of the largest
accounts for HP worldwide. However,
1982 is behind us and we certainly
have a challenging year ahead of us.
With this in mind. I would like to take
advantage of m y experiences over the
last fourteen months and share with
you what I think we must do in '83 to
continue to develop our competitive
position in GE and other major
The Key t o Account Growth
I believe the following "recipe for success" is generic to the major account
process. The recipe is very simple. It
can be stated in one sentence: Implement good, thorough Account Management with focused responsibilities.
Of course, this key to success is
easier said than done. We all have our
own understanding of what Account
Management involves and the processes are certainly complex. What I
would like to suggest is some specific
areas for improvement where I am
convinced our productivity can be
substantially enhanced.
Computer News
December I , 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Marketing
First of all, there must be time and
incentives for Account Management,
although many (including myself)
will argue that we really cannot afford
not to take the time to do proper
account management. Organizationally, we must provide the right
environment for our SRs. One way to
foster this is to organize such that SRs
with major account responsibility
have only major account responsibility and not a horizontal territory
as well. By definition, major accounts
offer major sales opportunities.
However, these opportunities need to
be developed through continuous,
longer-term efforts. The SR who has a
horizontal territory has short term
incentives that discourage his providing a thorough, continual account
management function.
A second major part of the account
manager function is the Headquarters
District Sales Manager. The DSM is
critical to leading the multiple SR/SE
activities with the "consultants", planners, and business unit people residing at HQ.
Better Leverage of HP Product
Another way to substantially improve
our account management and overall
productivity is to better integrate our
business sytems, technical systems,
and instrument sales efforts. Implementing good account management
certainly includes optimizing our
penetration in all three areas. In far
more cases than not, our strength in a
particular division, at least at GE,
tends to be either business systems or
technical systems or instruments, but
seldom all three. Because each SR is
focused on only one of these areas,
here is an excellent example of how
the District Sales Manager, as
Account Team Leader. must provide
his management perspective and
Computer News December 1 , 1982
Internal use o n l y
Tell the Customer What We're
Another account management function that needs considerable attention
is the area of account reviews. Formal, HP-driven, high level account
reviews can be a tremendous sales
tool for us. We need to plan these
important functions to include major,
positive contributions from sales,
SEO, and CEO. It is important that we
get the highest possible level of
customer management involvement
and take the opportunity to make
very visible our contributions to the
customer's success. Having made
these contributions and successes
visible, we have earned and thus
should ask for the right to go the next
Understand and Involve the
Customer More
A n important part of the account
management responsibility is to fully
understand the customer's organization, including all influence points for
decisions. Also important is to
strongly support our customers who
are HP champions. We can substantially improve this part of our account
management function, thus improve
our productivity, by establishing good
communications with the Headquarters Account Team. This team is a
major, growing resource that can help
you better understand and influence
the many decision-makers typically
found in a major account and can be a
vehicle for rewarding our HP champions through positive visibility at
their corporate headquarters. Communicate with them!
Continued Executive Level
As we continually improve our codestiny relationships with our
customers through good account
management, we will inevitably want
to develop relationships at higher and
higher customer management levels.
In this environment, the Major
Account Manager is a resource that
can provide a more global perspective
on the account/HP relationship and
where that relationship is going.
Utilizing this resource properly can be
an excellent way of influencing the
organization at higher levels. Use
In summary, good Account Management is critical to our success in long
term, major account relationships. It
is fundamental to developing a true
"Working Partnership". Let us make
1983 the year we commit a major
effort to doing the total job.
ICON Report: Japan
Larry AmsdenllCON Major Accounts
FY'82 has been a year of results for
the Major Account Program in Japan.
Building on a strong technical sales
program and utilizing the MPN concept, the major account program
there will end the year with a growth
of over 30°/o over FY'81. The future
looks even brighter for the program in
Japan where 130 of the International
Fortune 5 0 0 companies are
The overall Computer Groups field
organization in Japan includes over
5 0 0 people spread throughout nine
sales and service offices. Computer
Groups sales contribute 43% of the
total YHP business. At the present
time, the major account organization
consists of four dedicated headquarters teams and over 2 0 other SRs participating on remote teams. In FY'83
Japan will implement its first fully
dedicated major account district.
Computer Marketing
YHP's strong technical program is
largely due to the synergy developl-d
by the 0 1 and 0 2 sales organizations.
Throughout Japan, the instrument
sales force and the technical c o m puter sales force have been molded
together, sharing joint account plans,
offices, and i n some cases district
level management. The results speak
for themselves. Japan's sales o f HP
1 0 0 0 systems Y T D exceeds all the
rest o f lntercon combined, and their
desktop sales rank them second o r ~ l y
to Neely worldwide i n orders YTD.
One major account alone has 2 6 HP
1 0 0 0 systems and over 1 5 0 desktops
One of the major competiti\/e problems i n Japan, particularly i n a commercial environment, has been the
lack o f Kanji support i n HP systems.
Kanji is the Chinese character set
most commonly used i n Japan. O f
the approximately 4 0 , 0 0 0 characters
i n the Kanji character set, a list of
about 1 8 0 0 are considered necessary
(compared t o 2 6 i n most Western
alphabets). The competitive problem
should now be greatly diminished
with the introduction of Kanji support
o n the HP 3000. See the A ~ r i l - J u n e
edition of "Intercom" for &ore details.
The theme for the entire YHP
organization this year has been
quality. Quality not only i n our products but in all aspects of our businc.ss
relationship with our customers. YHP
competed this year for the Deming
Award and won this highest honor
awarded i n Japan for overall excel-lence i n quality.
Remember, if your major account has
activity i n Japan, you can count o n an
experienced and professional YHP
major account remote team t o help
you. If you have a Japanese major
account facility located i n your ter-ritory, you'll be hearing from the YHP
headquarters team regarding possible
business opportunities.
Today - 10 Headquartered
Accounts in Japan
There are presently ten Japanese
headquartered major accounts with
one exceeding $ 3 M annually and six
more in the $ 1 M - $ 3 M category.
Several Japanese major accounts are
multinational themselves: Sony,
Nissan (Datsun), Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries, Nikon and Matsushita.
F Y ' 8 2 marked the first year that
Japanese headquartered major
accounts have signed VEU agreements listing international release
points i n the US. In F Y ' 8 3 several
more accounts are expected to follow
this trend.
In addition to the Japanese headquartered major accounts, nine US or
European multinationals have HP
installations i n Japan supported b y
the YHP major account teams. A n
example is Tohnen, a Japanese/
Exxon joint venture. The largest oil
refiner i n Japan, Tohnen has a single
computer network of 37 computer:s
including four HP systems. During a
recent visit t o Japan. Jerry Klemushin
attended the Tohnen account review
and was advised o f three more current
projects and three planned future
projects involving HP systems.
Members o f the computer sales force who helped YHP win the Deming Award
are: Yasuo KarakisawalRSM, Akira SaitohIRCEM. Akihiko UedaIRSEM,
Yoshiaki MikunilASM, and Kyo NakatsukasalACM.
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
-1 7
Computer Marketing
Landmark Rentals
Andy TasnadylSRO
Systems Remarketing Operation
introduces new rental programs for
the HP 3 0 0 0 Series lllR (US only).
This Landmark program provides a
new solution from HP for your
accounts. The targeted markets are:
A n introductory package went to the
U S Sales Force which included an
SRO Rental Field Training Manual, a
Rental rate card, and a Series lllR sales
brochure. A similar package also
went to office Sales Finance
T o put the HP 3 0 0 0 Series lllR rental
program to work for you. call your
SRO Sales Development contact
today at 408-738-8858.
SRO Rental Program
New accounts that want to try HP
before buying
Accounts that cannot buy an
HP 3 0 0 0 system
Accounts currently renting competitive systems.
The Series lllR rental program offers a
choice between a month-to-month or
a 12-month (non-cancelable) term.
The products available are the HP
3 0 0 0 Series lllR along with associated peripherals. In addition, HP
2 6 2 2 A terminals, HP 2 6 0 8 A printers,
and most all HP software products are
available with a Series lllR rental.
This program is structured to
encourage accounts to purchase the
rental system. Purchase option credits
accrue during the first twelve months
toward the purchase price. In addition,
the net price is purchase agreement
discountable and qualifies for functional unit credit.
The Series lllR rental is priced below
comparable configured systems. Of
major competitors. only IBM offers a
month-to-month rental program. Of
Wang, DEC, and Tandem, only Wang
offers yearly rental terms and none
offer month-to-month rentals.
Commission is provided and is based
on the rental stream. Quota credit is
100°/o of net dollars and is provided
upon the purchase of the system.
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
C+3 F k Z A
Hal EubankslSRO
Systems Re-Marketing Operation
(SRO) and Re-Marketing and Supplies Europe (RSE) have just completed FY'82 by having the most successful sales month ever! Sales
curves keep moving "up and to the
right". It is very gratifying to be able
to offer HP customers another effective solution for their data processing
needs and most encouraging to see
such widespread acceptance of the remarketed program.
Several exciting new marketing programs have been announced during
the recent Success '83 tour and
further promoted i n this and the previous September and October issues
of Computer News. With these new
programs we are anticipating doubling our sales volume in FY'83 and
are looking foward to another exciting year.
If you need any information about the
re-marketed program, please contact
SRO Sales Development at 4 0 8 - 7 3 8 8 8 5 8 for US, Canada and ICON or
Walter Stierle (RSE) for Europe.
Technical Computers
Major Ad Campaign
Promotes HP 9000 to
Management and
Technical Audience
These ads are available as reprints.
Contact TCG Marcom in Cupertino,
Ln 1981 Iiewlett-Ihackard
announc2d the world's densest
4 0 8 - 2 5 7 - 7 0 0 0 Ext. 2043, for
Xday. it's thc heart of a 32-bit computer
that$so affordablewur too eneineerscan
Bojana FazarincITCG
Three new ads on the HP 9 0 0 0 reinforce HP's image as a company i n the
forefront of technology. and position
this significant new product as an
attractive alternative to VAX.
The ads are scheduled to begin
appearing during the December/
January timeframe in a variety o f
management and technical
Top Management Ad
This ad is aimed at the top management of Fortune 1 0 0 0 industrial
companies. It promotes HP's technological leadership and encourages
the audience t o have their technical
managers check out the HP 9000
media: Wall Street Journaland Business Week.
In 1981,
lida. il.5 t h hearr
32-hit cmniputcr
thatS so &i&ahlc )wFa,p engineers and scientists
can haw the~rcnvnma~nfrdmr\;.
i m t e d thew I d S
Technical Management Ad
"Your top engineers and scientists
can now have their own mainframes"
is the message o f this ad. Heavier o n
the technical details, this ad is
expected t o generate many qualified
leads from readers of CAE, Scientifi'c
American and Electronics.
OEM/Software Supplier Ad
This ad presents an offer that OEM:;
and software suppliers won't be able
to ignore - a 32-bit mainframe at
one-third the cost of a VAX/780.
ria), this 450,000-lran~istcr
chipis the heart rd'the t 11'9000
full 32-bit pcnvrr..
inventedthe d ' s
densest singlechip
farnil) that ghcs ycu
...in a'20h box
T w o Corona models, as well as the
workstation DAWN, are discussed i n
an attempt t o recruit OEMs and software suppliers. The ad is expected to
build strong preference for the HP
9 0 0 0 and provide direct inquiries to
the local HP sales offices.
Computer News December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Technical Computers
RTE-IVE Support
from RTE-6/VM
Jejf ChamberlainIDSD
The Rev A ' 8 3 (2301 PC01 software
update will allow support of an RTEIVE memory-based system from an
RTE-6/VM development system for
our existing customers. RTE-IVB has
been modified toallow the RTE-IVE
generator to function o n RTE-6/VM,
as well as the utilities t o download
programs to RTE-IVE nodes. These
changes are available i n the Rev C'82
(2226) update shipped i n October.
Additional changes to the libraries in
RTE-IVB to support program
development i n Pascal o n RTE-6/VM
for execution o n RTE-IVB or RTEIVE will be available with Rev A ' 8 3
( 2 3 0 1). Program development i n
FORTRAN 4 X and MACRO/ 1 0 0 0
on RTE-6/VM is supported with the
restrictions o f keeping within the
feature set supported o n RTE-IVB and
using the "0"compiler option to produce old record format and short
The support contract to cover a configuration of RTE-6/VM combined
with either RTE-IVB or RTE-IVE
nodes is structured as follows.
For customers who currently want to
run programs in the RTE-IVE
environment using RTE-6/VM as the
host system and for customers who
want to run RTE-IVB and RTE-6/VM
on the same system while they are
upgrading to RTE-6/VM. CSD has
developed a Special Support Contract. The customer must purchase
both 9 2 0 8 4 T (CSS on RTE-6/VM)
and 9 2 0 6 8 T with Option 0 0 1 (CSS
o n RTE-IVB with a delete option for
RTE-6/VM) for the central system.
Option 0 0 1 is priced at - $ 2 0 0 and
will give our customers with both
RTE-IVB and RTE-6/VM running o n
Computer News December 1 , 1982
F o r Internal Use Only
the same machine, full CSS coverage
without paying the full support price
for these services se~aratelv.Media
options for both 9 2 0 8 4 and
9 2 0 6 8 T must be specified.
Customers who want to support
execute-only nodes of RTE-IVE
through a central RTE-6/VM site
must also purchase 92068V with
Option 0 0 1 (CSS V-product o n RTEIVE) for each RTE-IVE system in the
The purpose of structuring the support contract i n this manner is to provide a way for the customer to receive
software updates and for HP to
reproduce any problems that occur at
an RTE-IVE site. It will not be necessary to load the RTE-IVB system i n
order t o install the software updates
o n the RTE-IVE systems. It will be
possible t o generate the updates o n
the RTE-6/VM system and download
them to the RTE-IVE systems. It may
be necessary. however, to load RTEIVB on the central system if a problem
is encountered at one of the RTE-IVE
sites. It is unlikely that a problem that
occurs at an RTE-IVE site will be
reproducible o n RTE-6/VM, so it is
necessary for thecustomer to maintain one copy of RTE-IVB at the current revision level.
Call your sales development contact
at CSD. 408-996-9383, for information o n qualifying your customers, for
ordering information, and for the
terms and conditions of the Special
Support Contract.
Note that this offering is intended
only for those existing customers that
desire to upgrade RTE- IVB networks
to RTE-6/VM, but have been unable
to upgrade because of the inability to
support an RTE-IVE node from RTE6/VM. If new customers desire a
memory- based node and RTE-6/VM
as the development system, the A Series should be emphasized for the
desired memory-based node.
A-Series Introduction
SaIes Aid Kit
Cindy MartinezlDSD
This A-Series Introduction, detailing
the HP I 0 0 0 Family of Automators,
has now been updated to include HP's
three MIPS super minicomputer the A900.
This 90-minute scripted presentation.
targeted to new as well as existing
customers, is intended as a product
pitch, not a detailed technical
Included i n the presentation is an
overall view of the HP 1000 A-Series
from a brief HP introduction, product
line evolution, operating system. subsystems, HP PLUS, and a detailed
account o f the A600, A 7 0 0 and
A 9 0 0 t o support and applications.
This A-Series Seminar K i t is available
as a total package (SA- 114) at $95.
or update your existing A-Series
Seminar Kit with current slides and
script (SA- 1 14U) for 5 15.
T o order this k i t place a HEART
Override order with the following
information :
Product Line: 6 5
Sales Force: 2 2
Marketing Division: 2 2
Supplying Division: 2 2 0 0
Attention: Cindy Martinez
Technical Computers
Errors in HP 1000
System Designer's
HP 1 2 0 6 1A Expansion Multiplexer
Julie WuIDSL)
HP 1 2 0 6 2 A Digital-To-Analog
There are some errors in the November, 1982 HP 1000 System
Designer's Guide. On page 6.1 - 7, the
+5V(M) memory requirements for
the 12666H and 12699H memory
products should be:
12666H (operating)
12666H (standby)
12699H (operating)
12699H (standby)
Please note these changes i n your
A-Series MGC Cards
Now with SF02 Sales
Alan HouselylRVD
Now when you are selling into an ASeries controlled automation application, you can receive SF02 sales
credit for the A-Series Measuremernt
and Control Cards. Effective Novernber 1, the CPL will be coded to creclit
SF02 with all 12060A. 12061A,
12062A, and 12063A Measurement
and Control card sales. Listed below
are the key specifications for these
cards that provide high performance,
low-cost solutions for measurement
and control applications.
H P 1 2 0 6 0 A Analog-To-Digital
Eight differential inputs
12-bit resolution
Expands the capability of the
12060A ADC to 4 0 differential
input channels
Four voltage output channels
(+/-- 10.24 volts)
12-bit resolution
9OkHz output from mernory
HP 1 2 0 6 3 Isolated Digital Input/
16 optically isolated digital inputs
16 form C relay outputs with 1A
current capacity
Resistor programmed voltage
threshold for AC or DC inputs
All of these cards feature the D M A Per-Card A-Series architecture and
they provide economical solutions for
high throughout data acquisition
problems. Software diagnostics are
available from DSD as product
246 13A.
Listed below are the MGC cards with
their list prices; all of which have an
8-week availability.
U S List Price
Data Acquisition and
Control: A Bird's-eye
View for SRs
Brice ClarklRVD
Many automation applications for
computers require the interfacing of
various sensors and actuators to the
computer system or network. This is
normally accomplished by selecting
from one of the several HP data
acquisition and control products. The
problem is how to choose the right
one for your customer.
A n important first step in selling to an
automation customer is acquiring an
understanding of the application. This
is not always easy since the customer
may not really understand what the
project objectives are. You can help
by recommending that your customer
lay out the schedule and budget considerations, the relationship to other
projects and the division and corporate objectives for automation, what
kind of future expansion and growth
are expected, and finally, who are the
target users.
Understanding the customer's skills
and ability is also important. Without
this knowledge it is difficult to match
the customer to the right HP products.
Automation applications tend to
require a broad range of knowledge.
Your customer will need to understand computer hardware, data
acquisition and control equipment.
sensors and actuators, and applica,tion
software. This is a lot to know and
your customer may need advice or
help i n any or all of these areas.
You can emphasize to your customer
that HP is interested i n producing
results. HP has the widest range of
computers and data acquisition and
control equipment of anyone i n the
business. Performance Data Acquisition and Control products that get
results mean a successful project for
your customer.
For automation customers, who rrlay
be seeing HP for the first time, i t may
be advantageous to share the folloving simple view of our technical cc~mputers before diving into the data
acquisition equipment.
Single User Computers
First timers
Small dedicated jobs
Lots of different jobs over a period
of time
55.000 samples per second
Computer News December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Technical Computers
Examples: HP-85 and 8 7 . HP 9 8 2 6
6940/6942-"EE's Tool Box"
Good Catch Phrases:
and 9836
3497/3054-"Premiere Measurement Capability"
Multi-User, Real-Time Computers
- "Hard-Hat
ment and Control"
Complex, multiple job
Multiple users and programmers
Future expansion and interactive
networks are expected/required
Examples: HP I 0 0 0 real-time computers, boards, boxes and
E x a m p e . ->P 3 3 5 4 D L Data Loggel
I P ~ ~ c
8o m
5 b i n e d with HP 3:97
;Ato ~ c ~ u i s i t i o n / C a n i r ol ll ~ i t ,
E x a r p i e HP 3 0 5 4 A Data A c q ~ i s i t i o r
Control System ( 3 3 9 7 a n d 2 5 3 6
Vo,!nster with a Desktop Computer;
Very complex and interrelated jobs
Multiple levels of supervision and
Examples: HP-DSN. DS/ 1 000-IV,
T o make the first step i n selecting the
appropriate data acquisition and control equipment, Table 1 is useful.
Computer News
I=,, ,nternaI use ."I,
December I . 1982
Example. H z c o r o i n g c o m p o n e n t
t e m p e r a t u r e s ?',)ring 3n e n i i r o n m e n t a l
t e s t of o n '"st-,men!
Example: M a k : i g orecision ternperoture
m e a s u r e m e n i s d u r : ? c i;. chen-icol
e x p e r i m e n t ;sed !o' Pec: balance
Example. HP 1 2 0 6 0 A Analog Input.
' 2 0 6 1 A Analog MUX, 120624 Analog
3 d i p u t 1 2 0 6 3 A Diaital lni/Out f o r
txcrrp e
d P 2250R/N/M
Control ' r o c r s s a r
&: i.
' x a m p l e : Con!ro power supply voltages,
generate c st;r-,;!~s, 2nd digitize t h e
o u t p u t of c c;-c8,it
E x ~ m ~ eHP
. E94GR/6942A
Data Link
In addition to the design center information. Table 2 provides a useful
functional overview.
Interactive Computer Networks
It is important to recognize the limitations of the above simplification.
There is a great deal of product overlap, if you just look at basic specs. A l l
the above products have digital inputs
and outputs, measure voltages, etc.
The thing to remember is they also
have distinct "personalities": in other
words, each has a set of applications
where it is most comfortable, but each
has enough flexibility to extend
beyond the comfort zone and do a
good job in other areas. This overlap
is a big HP plus: there shouldn't be
much business we have to walk away
from. If you use Table 1 as a starting
point with your customer, and later
find you must switch to another of the
products for need of a special feature
or application requirement. you will
simply be turning to another HP
product and not turning your back
o n the customer.
Fxarnple. ' u ~ rrc2:;r:s
'ram o vibration
t r a n s c u c e r 2 - 2 cer:or-r
3 dizcrete Fourier
transfor; 0
. d
d a t a deviates f . 3 ~a s t a r d a r d
) *
t x a r n p c : 3;j!;..,rec z 3 r : r o of a web typc
p r i n t i n g p r c s i ; d o t 9 ~ l s o ~ s l t i oorld
n control
o f u p i c ! c r o i e s s ; 'in0 t e s t o f diesel eng:nes
8; ".-;!i- ;t,.OM:'T!ON
Technical Computers
Third Parties and the:
HP 2250
Paul AccampolRVD
Do third parties have a role in selling
HP 2250s? Of course they do! You
may be familiar with typical third
party relationships if you sell 1000:s
or 3000s, but the 2250 involves
instrumentation and, hence, a
different group of companies. some
of which are not familiar to instrument FEs and computer SRs. Let's
first review some third party basics.
A n OEM is a hardware or software
vendor who does his own marketing,
sells a specialized product to
customers HP does not typically call
on. Because they move a high volurne
of equipment with little HP support,
OEMs increase HP sales without correspondingly increasing in sales
costs. HP will offer volume-based
A software supplier is a company
which sells a software product to typical HP customers enhancing their
ability to use HP hardware. They use
the HP sales force as a channel of distribution for their products, but do not
purchase and resell HP equipment.
Because their products increase the
appeal of ours, HP encourages software suppliers through the HP PLUl3
program. These companies derive a
substantial benefit from HP marketing
resources, without providing marketing savings to us; we therefore do n~ot
allow them to simultaneously use the
HP PLUS program and purchase
equipment at a discount for resale.
A consultant is an individual or company which advises, or directly assis,ts
an HP customer in implementing HP
hardware. Consultants or systems
houses may also offer customized
software "glue", or turnkey installations for customers who purchase hlP
equipment. There is no program at
this time for referrals for consultants,
although they may submit any prod-
ucts they develop to HP PLUS. In
some situations, HP has to sell consultants on our products and solutions to be included on lists of bidders
they recommend.
The 2250 Marketplace
To date, most 2250 systems are sold
to technical end-users with large
internal engineering staffs. These
groups are typically familiar with HP
1OOOs, desktops, or both. and have
the expertise to create a total solution
from hardware and software tools HP
provides. These staffs are often found
in "central engineering" groups in
larger companies, which design and
either recommend or install standard
production solutions in plants around
the country.
Small companies (and those in static
industries, such as foodstuffs. pulp
and paper, glassware, etc.) often have
miniscule engineering staffs whose
main role is maintaining existing production equipment. They go to third
parties for "turnkey" installations of
new systems. In the case of industries
where we are unknown, or do not understand the technology, the only
route may be through OEMs. An
example is canning. Customers have
low expertise, deal with vendors in the
food machinery business, and do not
know HP as a company. Our only
likely opportunity is to sell through
an OEM who knows the market and
In between these extremes are small
and medium companies who have
some expertise, but are not capable of
installing the job themselves. They
are willina to use one or more vendors to install sensors and wiring, program the application, and check out
the installation. These companies
realize that when they put in a turnkey
installation, they lose control of their
own production facilities: they have
to call in the vendor and have him
modify the equipment every time
they want to make changes. If they
participate more in the design of their
system at the outset, they can make
changes themselves to increase efficiency at a much lower cost.
HP needs to increase its ability to sftll
the 2250 to smaller companies and
to use the manufacturing expertise
which OEMs, systems houses, and
software suppliers have. If you need
help locating or working with third
parties, we at Roseville can help; give
us a call.
You Can't Break an
HP 98451
A 1 SperrylDCD
Aside from putting HP products
through standard environmental tests,
including shaking, shocking, dropping, freezing, and saturating them,
Hewlett-Packard does not guarantese
performance after a product is dropped, mashed, or subjected to other
mayhem. But an HP 9 8 4 5 A Desktc~p
Computer, built by DCD around
1979, amazed our repair technicians.
The computer was accidentally dropped from a truck in Golden, Coloraclo,
and then run over with a forklift truck
before being brought to DCD for
repair. Fortunately, the CRT was not
in place, so only the mainframe went
through the smashing incident. Here
Computer News
December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Technical Computers
is how the desktop looked when it
arrived here and a CRT was attached.
Bart BobbittlDCD
According to repair technician Mike
Kidd, "The case parts under the
mother board were all broken, the
printer was bent, the bezel assembly
totally bowed and broken, and both
transports were bent. Who would ever
have believed it would run?"
The QUALITY display seems
appropriate, because the program
producing it ran before repairs commenced. The computer belongs to
Science Applications, a consulting
engineering firm i n Golden, Colorado.
This 9845's stamina, although not
part of our warranty, may make your
customers even a bit more confident
i n the quality of HP products!
Who Owns This
HP 981 5 A 3
In late September, 1982, an HP
9 8 1 5 A Opt. 00 l Desktop Computer
was shipped t o Colorado Springs
Division by its owner, apparently for
repair. Colorado Springs forwarded
this 9 8 15 to DCD. A check i n the
archives did not reveal its original
buyer; the only clue was DCD's warranty records showing it was sold in
May, 1976, by the Rolling Meadows
office. The original shipping papers
aren't available. This 9 8 15 needs
repair, and its owner probably
needs it.
If you know of a customer who sent a
9 8 15 to Colorado Springs Division
for repair, please ask them to call me
at DCD, 303-226-3800, Ext. 2325.
Identification, repair and claim details
can be worked out. All we need to
know is who owns the machine.
New ME Software
Sales Aids Available
Angela SuthurstlBDD
The following literature is now available to help you sell BDD's recentlyannounced mechanical engineering
software packages:
HP-Design ( 2 D Variation design on
the HP 9 0 2 0 0
Sales Training Manual
Technical Description, P/N 5 9 5 3 4334
HP-FE 1/11 (Finite Element analysis
on the HP 9 0 2 0 8 and HP 9836)
Sales Training Manual
Technical Description, P/N 59534330
HP-NC (Numerical Control tape pre
paration on the HP 9 8 3 6 )
Sales Training Manual
Technical Description, P/N 5 9 5 3 431 3 (also available i n German)
Brochure, P/N 5 9 5 3 - 4 3 1 2 (also
available i n German and French)
HP-Draft (Drafting on the HP 9845B:
currently Europe only)
Technical Description, P/N 5 9 5 3 433 1
3 5 m m customer presentation
material for all the above products is
being prepared.
Computer News December I . 1982
,r Internal u s e o n l y
Personal Computers
Portable Computing
Power - Anytime,
Other user-friendly features include a
multiple file structure which provides
users with instant access to their most
commonly used programs. The computer's touch-type keyboard is
typewriter-like for fast data entry. A
"hidden" numeric keypad can be activated for fast and easy entry of
numeric data. Virtually every key on
the HP-75C's keyboard can be
redefined, over 1 9 0 combinations, for
one-button execution of programs,
frequently used commands or recall
of commonly used phrases.
Susan SwehoskyJCVD
* W*
The HP-75C Portable Computer is a
lightweight ( 2 6 02.1 battery-powered
computer that fits easily into a
briefcase. Designed for professionals
on the move, the HP-75C's trim-line
dimensions (1 0" x 5" x 1.25") make
it the ideal traveling companion. But
the capability of the HP-75C isn't
compromised by its small size.
Packed into the computer are the
tools professior~alsneed to collect,
process and transmit information, and
perform compu~tationwhenever and
wherever they go. The HP-75C will
offer uniaue OEM and VEU oooortunities through its small size and
built into the computer a s well, and an
optional 8Kb memory module will
boost user RAM up to 24Kb. In addition, the HP-75C has three module
ports that enable users to plug in up
to 48Kb of applications software
ROM without utilizir~guser memory.
The Essentials Are Built In
A 48Kb ROM operating system is
built in for maximum convenience.
This includes powerful HP BASIC
with 1 4 7 instructions and 4 1 numeric
functions for rrlaximum user efficiency. 16Kb of user memory are
The HP-75C boasts a built-in card
reader for convenient and inexpensive
mass storage. Information and programs can be read from or stored
quickly o n the computer's magnetic
cards. Also built into the HP-75C is
the HP-IL interface This interface,
intended primarily for batterypowered devices, enables the user to
connect u p to 30 peripherals to the
computer. Current HP-lL peripherals
include battery-powered cassette
drives, thermal printer/plotters and
modems. Desktop, AC-powered peripherals include three full-page printers, multimeters, video monitors and
more. There are several HP-IL converter interfaces available for the HP75C a s well: video, GPIO, RS-232,
HP-IB, and an interface that allows
communication between the HP-75C
and Series 80 personal computers.
The Tailor-Made Portable
One real strength of this portable
computer is its ability to be
customized with software. Whether
your OEM or VECl develop their own
software or have a consultant develop
it for them, they have three software
mediums to choose from: magnetic
cards, cassettes, and ROM. If the user
redefines the keyboard for a custom
application, keyboard overlays will
identify new key assignments for easy
reference. The powerful built-in
BASIC language, module ports, card
reader, and redefinable keyboard all
contribute to easy customization for
specific user applications. Custom
software developers can choose to
develop their software using either
BASIC or assembly languages. The
Plug-In Module Simulator (PMS) provides ROM-based software
developers with the ability to develop
and field test software prior to
manufacture of the ROM. The Cross
Development System (CDS),an assembly language programming
system, is currently under development and should be available by late
Spring 1983. CDS will provide a host
environment for writing, testing, and
debugging assembly language
Software Provides Quick Answers
Software currently available for the
HP-75C Portable Computer includes
1 1 solutions books, complete with
magnetic card media and program
listings, covering such topics a s
Finance, Statistics, Real Estate, Math
and Electronics. The highly successful Users' Library will also be
expanded to include programs submitted for the HP-75C. Several ROM
based pacs will be available in 1 9 8 3
providing quick and easy solutions in
the following disciplines: real estate.
finance, data analysis, surveying, and
electrical engineering. Several software pacs currently under development include: electronic spreadsheet,
data management, text editing,
advanced math and data communications. In addition, the HP-75C will
also be supported by the HP PLUS
independent software development
Computer News December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Personal Computers
The Decision-Maker o n the Move
The HP-75C can easily become your
customers' most valued tool. When
purchased for a specific application,
users soon discover that this portable
computer has a thousand uses. As
they turn over more and more of their
problems to an HP-75C portable
computing system, they can take
advantage of its information processing capabilities by making faster,
more informed decisions.
HP-75C Portable Computer
HP 8 2 161 A Cassette Drive
HP 8 2 1 6 2 A Thermal Printer
HP 8 2 1 6 3 A Video lnterface
HP 8 2 1 6 8 A Modem - Available
Spring 1983.
Series 7 0 Solutions Books
3 5 each
HP 8 2 9 0 5 B Opt. 2 4 8 Printer 7 9 5
HP 8 2 9 12 A 9 " Monitor
HP 8 2 9 1 3 A 12" Monitor
HP 8 2 9 3 8 A HP-IL/Series 8 0
Announcing Speech
Output on HP
Series 80 Personal
Tim MackeylPCD
HP Series 8 0 computers can now
"talk your language" - literally! O n
December 1,1982, PCD announced a
Series 8 0 Personal Computers. It is a
"plug-in" module for use i n any of the
four backslots and is packaged i n the
same package as the Series 8 0
modem. Following are a few of its
speech "card" and mess with separate
power supplies and cables, etc. (Note:
Users of 8 5 and 8 7 computers can
use any 8-ohm speaker or
headphones for output.)
Large Vocabulary
With the Speech Synthesis Module your Series 8 0 computer can "do the
talking" o n sales calls!
The Speech Synthesis Module has a
vocabulary of about 1 5 0 0 words/
phrases and sounds.
H i g h Quality Speech
The output o f the Speech Synthesis
Module is very "humanlike" due to
state-of-the-art electronics used in it.
It utilizes the T.I. 5 2 2 0 L.P.C. chip
which "speaks" much more "intelligi
bly" than the popular Votrax TYPEN-TALK.
Speech Software Included
For reviewing, editing and creation o f
needed phrases, a Speech Editor Program is included with the Speech
Synthesis Module. It is provided on
5'h" and 3 h " media (both included).
This software is very easy to use and
features soft-key, menu-driven
Easy Implementation o f Speech
into Your Applications
Also included with the Speech Synthesis Module are the necessary binary drivers that add several new
"keywords" to your Series 8 0 computer - for instance the "SPEAK"
command. This makes implementing
speech output into any BASIC program very easy.
Plug-In Module Packaging
The Speech Synthesis Module draws
its power from the Series 8 0
mainframe, and with the 8 6 can take
advantage of the 86's monitor
speaker for output. The majority o f
our competitors require the user to
takeapart the computer to install a
Computer News December I . 1982
For Internal Ure o n l y
L o w Price!
The 8 2 9 6 7 A . with software and
1 5 0 0 word vocabulary o n 5'14"and
31/zf'discs and users manual is $395.
Announcing Data
Link for HP Series 80
Tim MockeylPCD
December I , 1982, PCD announced a
Data Link lnterface for HP Series 8 0
Personal Computers. Now you can
add Series 8 0 to your list of controllers that will communicate o n
DSIY/DL. Also Series 8 0 will be your
customer's lowest priced "local processing" node that can be connected
to DSN/DL. Here are a few of the
Data Link Interface's features:
HIGH D A T A RATES - 19,200 baud
E M I IMMUNITY - like all HP's data
link products. the 8 2 9 6 6 A is
designed to be "immune" from EM1
caused by machinery i n a factory
8 2 9 6 6 A plug into any of the four
backslots of a Series 8 0 computer
and requires n o assembly.
This product is a further demonstration of HP's commitment to its
customer base o n the MPN strategy.
Almost every computational device
made by HP can be configured onto a
DSN/DL network, now even SERIES
The 8 2 9 6 6 A along with its user
manual is priced at $595.
Personal Computers
HP Series 200
Datacomm Interface
Sue BodohlDCD
HP Series 2 0 0 colnputers now have
the flexibility of a minicomputer.
With the December 1 introduction of
the Programmable Datacomm Interface (PDI), you will be able to sell
Series 2 0 0 computers to highvolume customers who need just a little more flexibility, performance, or
datacomm capability. You now have
the tools to close the deal for a wider
range of applicati~onsthan ever before
The PDI, which is similar to the HP
1000 PSI card, comprises the P/N
9 8 6 9 0 A Development Package and
the P/IY 98691 A Interface Card. The
PDI Development Package
The PDI will allow major account
customers to connect to their local
systems, networks, and/or unique
"black boxes." The VDI will allow the
O E M to create special protocols,
interfaces, and/or gateways for Series
2 0 0 computers.
Pascal System lnternals
The new Pascal System lnternals
Documentation (SID) for HP Series
2 0 0 Computers documents the
Operating System internals of the
Pascal 2.0 Language System and the
hardware internals of HP Series 2 0 0
You can sell the SID to OEMs, VEUs,
or independent software vendors who
need to know about the machine
internals. The customer may have a
specialized application he wants to
run without modifying the operating
system, such as a custom compiler.
Again, he may need to modify the
underlying character of the OS, and
needs to know how to write a driver
for his interface. Or he may want to
write his own operating system for
our machine.
The PDI is a powerful tool to help you
sell solutions to special datacomm
Applications Software Now Compatible With
All HP Series 200 Computers
Bill ArringtonlDCD
Due to the popularity of the applications software on the HP 9826/36
Computers, DCD's Technical
Applications Group (TAG) has
expanded the compatibility of these
packs to the 9 8 1 6A, where we expect
this software to be every bit as useful
and popular. This means the applications software will now run on all HP
Series 2 0 0 Computers. The software
packages involved and their introduction dates are:
Firmware Development Guide
Extender Board
Starter Firmware Disc
Balanced and unbalanced loopback connector
The 9 8 6 9 1A Programmable
Datacomm Interf(acefeatures include:
2-80, Serial I/'O and counter timer
chip set
4Kb or onboa~rdRAM
JEDEC compatible EPROM/ROM
socket (card does not include a
9 8 8 1 5A
98821 A
9 8 8 10 A
988 18A
9 8 8 17 A
Graphics Presentations
Numerical Analysis Library
Waveform Analysis
Digital Filter Design
Statistics Library
Project Management
AC Circuit Analysis
Linear Systems Analysis
1 2/1/82
Async and Sync capability
RS-232, RS-449/422, and RS449-423 capability
Computer News December 1. 1982
For Internal Use Only
Personal Computers
I n addition to compatibility across the
entire Series 2 0 0 product line, we are
adding some features.
First, all applications software is
available i n three software configurations. These are:
Opt. 6 3 0 3 % " microfloppy,
interleave 4
Opt. 6 5 0 5%'' external minifloppy,
interleave 3
Opt. 6 5 5 5'/4" internal minifloppy,
interleave 1
Option 6 5 5 should be ordered for the
9 8 2 6 or 9 8 3 6 , i f it is going to be used
i n the internal drive. Options 6 3 0 and
6 5 0 are primarily being set up for the
9 8 1 6 where the user needs an external floppy drive. This will ensure
optimum performance for each disc
Second, all the software except the
Statistics Library is also being
modified t o work o n the Shared
Resource Manager. Now the user can
have local program storage and
shared data files for multiple users.
These features and compatibility
enhancements should all add u p to
easier and larger sales for you, with
complete hardware/software solutions for your customers' problems.
VisiCalc " i s a registered trademark of
Hp 9 7 0 3 3JA
Metacompiler to Be
HP 9 8 6 2 7 A Color
Interface Material
Scott BayeslDCD
Dave DeanelDCD
The HP 9 7 0 3 3 J A Metacompiler (HP
PLUS Catalog P/N 69.2 1 0 0 1)! an HP
PLUS Distributed Product that is
orderable only i n the US, will come
off the Corporate Price List o n January 1, 1983, and will n o longer be
available as an HP-supplied product.
Starting December 13, the "HP
9 8 6 2 7 A " binary will n o longer be
shipped with the HP 9 8 6 2 7 A Color
lnterface Card. The binary was
intended to give our customers an
interim solution to support the card i n
BASIC until the code could be sold as
part o f a language system. Effective
November 1 , 1982, the binary and
accompanying documentation were
made available i n BASIC Extensions
2.0, which was the original objective.
This software package is sold mainly
to OEMs i n very low volume, and HP
does not typically contribute much i n
the sale, except some discount. DCD
and the supplier, Creative Solutions,
Inc.. have agreed that the supplier will
sell the product independently.
Because all distributed software is
supported solely by the supplier, and
n o shipments o f this package have
been made, we expect n o support
issues to arise. The next updates of
the HP 9 8 4 5 and Series 2 0 0 Software
Pricing Information publication and
the HP PLUS Technical Software
Catalog will reflect this
Consequently. if your customers
purchase a 9 8 6 2 7 A Color lnterface
after December 1 3 and wish t o use it
with BASIC, they need to order
BASIC Extensions 2.0.
HP Series 200 and
HP 9845 Software
Summary Available
Denise PraizlerlDCD
The new DCD Personal Technical
Computer Software Summary (P/N
5 9 5 3 - 4 6 3 9 ) . was printed and distributed to all sales offices i n November. This piece describes application
software for the Series 2 0 0 Models
1 6 , 2 6 , and 36, and the HP 9845.
There are three sections, covering
Mathematics/Statistics, Management, and Engineering, plus a list of
utility packs for the 9 8 4 5 and Series
200. The applications described i n
each section are shown o n the next
Computer News December 1 , 1982
For .tern,,
use only
Personal Computers
Mathematics G Statistics
Statistics Library
Basic Statistics
General Statistics
Regression and Nonlinear
Analysis of Variance
Monte Carlo Simulation
Principal Components and Factor
Numerical An~~lysis
Graphics Presentations
Project Management
Linear Systems Analysis
AC Circuit Analysis
Waveform Analysis
Digital Simulation
Digital Filter Design
The Engineering sections also
includes a brief description of
Engineering Graphics System/45,
HP-FEM I (Finite Elements), and HPNC 3 6 (Numerical Control).
Computation Seminar
HP Series 200 Video
Tape Tells All!
Gretchen TobinlDCD
DCD has distributed to each US area a
video tape that describes the new HP
Series 2 0 0 Desktop Computer
enhancements. The 20-minute tape
gives details on new products that are
being introduced in the next few
months. Some of these are:
"The Right Tool for the Job," a personal computation seminar, is now
available to help you generate leads
for personal computation devices.
The seminar covers several product
series: Series l 0 , 4 0 , 70,80, 100,
and 200. It highlights Models 75,
120. and 16, plus HP low-cost peripherals and the advantages of HP as
a personal computer vendor.
A ten-minute videotape, "HP on Personal Computing", is included with
35mm slides, script, and promotional
materials for merchandising the seminar. The entire seminar will run one
and a half hours, but it is modular.
You can use part or all of the seminar,
depending on your audience.
You can order the slides, script,
videotape, and promotional materials
by contacting Marvel Ross, COMSYS
code 4000. Please include your
name, sales office, division number
(four digits), location code, and the
number of seminars you would like to
order. The cost of the seminar i s
$ 1 5 0 US.
John A begglDCD
Pascal 2.0withmany new
Pascal 2.0 lnternals
BASIC Extensions 2.0 with Matrix
Operations, I/O Transfers, and
Programmable Datacomm Interface for OEMs
Breadboard card for custom interface designs
9888A Bus Expander, allowing
access to 7Mb
The tape includes more. If you are not
able to locate it in your area, you can
purchase it for $35. To order one,
please contact DCD Sales
For each application pack there is
enough information to acquaint the
customer with what the software will
do for him without unnecessary
details. Each section includes a table
showing memory requirements and
supported peripherals that are either
required or optional.
With the information in the Software
Summary, you'll be able to present
your customer a more complete picture of what each software pack does,
and help him make a purchase
December 1. 1982
f i r ,"term, use 0
Computer News
Business Computers
A Tale of Two
Gwen MillerIBCG
A n office i n the South received a letter from a customer recently which
underscores the critical importance of
structuring and tuning benchmarks
correctly. It wasabout a relatively
simple application handed out at a
System/38 seminar, which was described as running i n nine minutes o n
the System/38 and in 1 0 5 minutes
on an HP Series 4 4 ! The customer
tried it "as is" o n their Series Ill running 2 0 users, and it did indeed take
two hours.
However, one o f the customer's
analysts suggested that they change
the buffering scheme slightly with a
simple call to DBCONTROL. Now the
run completed on the same loaded
system i n just over seven minutes. This
is not inconsistent with other results
we have seen, including a recent
benchmark that reduced response
times from 80 seconds to under five
seconds by changing the number of
buffers, the data base capacity, and a
few other minor tuning parameters.
The lesson to be learned is best summarized by the customer: "It does
point out what I feel are two essential
characteristics necessary for a successful benchmark:
The benchmark should be
designed by someone who is not
tied to any specific system o r
Specific benchmark implementations should be done b y people
supportive o f the systems being
Keep these suggestions in mind the
next time you are involved i n a
benchmark, either i n the field or at the
BCG Performance Centers in Cupertino or Boeblingen. The best results
are obtained with a highlyknowledgeable SE - preferably a
Performance Specialist - and
enough time to properly understand
and tune the application for the HP
3 0 0 0 . While miracles can't be
guaranteed i n every case, you may be
jeopardizing your sale by shortcircuiting these guidelines!
High Quality MPE
Now Available
Sam Quezada/CSY
The latest release o f the HP 3 0 0 0
system software, M P E
( M ~ l t i P r o ~ r a m m i nExecutive)
represents a major investment in software quality. With this release,
approximately 80% o f the outstanding Service Requests have been
resolved. O f the 2,070 Service
Requests resolved, 4 6 2 were
classified as Known Problem Reports
(KPRs). In turn, these 4 6 2 KPRs were
fixed and resulted i n reliability and
functionality improvements to the
M P E software.
This software release offers many
benefits t o all users o f HP 3 0 0 0
systems. Users will benefit from the
increased reliability and functionality
offered by this high quality software.
B y providing a solid foundation o f
high quality software, this version o f
MPE will make it easier to develop
and maintain future enhancements.
A s a result, we will be able to carry
this quality through to future releases.
The Service Request process relies
heavily o n user requests for its suc-
Computer News
December 1 , 1982
,nterna, use o n l y
cess. Through these requests, users
supply the necessary information to
improve the quality of our software.
Further efforts to improve the software will continue to depend o n the
success of the Service Request program. The reduction in the Service
Request backlog brought forth by this
software release will allow us to
improve the response to these
This software is available now! Your
account SE can make this software
available for your system
immediately. In addition to the Service Request reduction offered with
this software release, two major
enhancements will also be available:
expanded system directory and
improved STORE facility.
Expanded System Directory
The system directory available with
MPE has been expanded with this
software release. The directory was
expanded from a previous maximum
of 6,000 sectors ( 2 5 6 bytes/sector)
to a maximum allowable 60,000 sectors. This expanded directory could
make a tenfold increase i n the n u m ber o f files that can reside o n the
Improved STORE Facility
With any computer system, file and
system back-up are necessary and
important functions to insure data
security. With this software release!
an improved STORE facility will be
offered. Added functions will be provided to manipulate ranges of files
and thus, ease the back-up process. A
better error recovery procedure will be
supplied with this release. I n the event
that a back-up should fail, users will
no longer have to restart the entire
process; rather, only the failing tape
reel will have t o be redone.
This software release has been distributed to your Field Software Coordinator (FSC). The FSC will have the
software ready t o be installed o n your
customers' systems within days.
Business Computers
Second Release
Lauren WilkinsllND
We are pleased to announce the addition of over 3 0 new enhancements to
HPWORD! These new features put
HPWORD i n a ver.y favorable competitive position with the addition of
Four Function Math with Percentage
Functions, Column Manipulation, and
Double Underline, to name just a few.
The ability to merge text with
graphics now with HPWORD as well
as TDP/3000 gives HP a competitive
advantage unparalleled in the
marketplace toda:y! Based on your
inputs, a variety of new configuration
options have been added giving us an
of flexibility:
added degree
Slaved Printers
Remote Async:hronous Support
Support for VCD's new Dual Bin
Sheet Feeder on the HP 2601 A.
Performance Update
Lauren WilkinsllND
With the new release of HPWORD we
have some new ~erformancedata
available. The ~ k c e r n b e r1 issue of
Support Update features detailed
information regardirig configuration
considerations for HPWORD. As a
general rule of thumb you should limit
the number of HPWORD terminals on
any HP 3000 system to 30. Consult
the HPWORD SE product champion
i n your area for further clarification. In
addition look back to your October
1 5 issue of Computer News for
"HPWORD Performance Hints" which
suggests a number of ways a user can
improve the performance while using
IND Special Offers
Expire Soon
Ann TsellND
To help you i n your sales effort, look
for the new HPWORD brochure P/N
5953-7480 and the new HPWORD
Data Sheet P/IY 5953-7459 in your
office literature room today. A new
Field Training Manual featuring the
enhancements to HPWORD along
with a competitivl- update is on its
way to you right now. In addition, the
HPWORD Seminar Kit will be
updated to includle slides showing the
new features. These updates will be
sent directly to your district sales
This is just a reminder that IND's
special offers for free SE consulting
and credit for upgrading from
COBOL/3000 will expire at the end
of December. These special offers are
briefly reviewed below.
All current HPWORD customers with
CSS or SSS will ble updated at no
charge. The product and support
prices will remain the same.
Buy COBOL 1113000 and
HPToolset and get one-half day of
No Charge SE Consulting
Buy all four RAPID13000 modules,
and get one day of free SE
Buy Pasca113000 and get one-half
day (four hours) of consulting free
of charge
Credit on COBOL/3000 Upgrade
Upgrade from COBOL/3000 to
COBOL 1113000 and HPToolset,
and in addition to the free consulting, your customer will receive
credit for the amount originally
paid for COBOL/3000 - worth
as much as $1725.
The response to these special offers,
which were made through the Productivity Tools Mailing has been
excellent! T o help bring i n even more
leads, we are following u p that first
mailing with a second mailing
emphasizing the limited-time special
offers. It will be mailed to HP 3 0 0 0
installed base during late November;
your customers should have received
it by the first of December. Again, this
mailing will occur i n the US only, and
is part of BCG's Advanced Information Program for Customers (AIPC).
With this second mailing we are trying an experiment with our direct mail
techniques - we are using two
different packages, each sent to onehalf of the data base. Both packages
consist of a letter and a reply card; but
the style of each letter is quite
different. We will not be able to send
both pieces out to every SR this time
around, but we will send copies of
both packages to all sales managers
i n the US.
Remember. December is the last
month of these limited time offers, so
if you have customers who are
interested but have not yet acted, be
sure they do so this month. Also,
please fill out and return the evaluation section of the lead notices you
receive from the AIPC program. This
will help us understand how well this
program is working.
consulting free
We will be bringing you successstories i n future issues and would like to
include yours! Please contact me if
you would like to share your
Computer News
December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Business Computers
Introducing the
HP 2 3 3 3 A Multipoint
Cluster Controller
Donna MerlinoIlND
On the December I. 1982 Corporate
Price List. a new product will appear.
This is the HP 2333A Multipoint
Cluster Controller. This product
works in a multipoint environment.
Multipoint provides users with the
ability to put multiple workstations on
a single line and a high degree of data
integrity. For large local workstation
configurations and for remote configurations, multipoint is cost effective. However, in spite of these
abilities, multipoint was not deemed
optimally eFfective because special
terminal interfaces and pods were
needed to configure a multipoint
With the introduction of the 2333A.
the ability to configure RS-232-C
point-to-point terminals on a multipoint line is now a reality. With one
computer line, the 2333A controls up
to 16 point-to-point RS-232-C terminals either locally or remotely. The
benefits for your customer are: 1) It
provides configuration flexibility and
a cost saving solution for large terminal configurations; and 2) it provides a very high degree of data
Rapid Products. MM, PM, HPMAIL,
and V/3000).
Manufacturing Floor Environment
Double the installed base
For the user who has a need for a
cluster of terminals in an electrically
noisy environment, the 2333A connects directly into the DSN/Data
Link. This solution provides very
good noise immunity and the cabling
convenience of the 2333A.
Position the HP 3000 as an integrated information system
Remote Environment
For the user who would like a remote
site that is ensured a high degree of
data integrity and minimizes line
costs, DSN/MTS and the 2333A with
the HP 3 0 0 0 is an ideal solution. The
2333A can be multidropped to control cluster of terminals at remote
sites. Expansion is easy, cabling is
straightforward and data integrity is
very good.
The 2333A is supported on the HP
3000 with the DSIY/llYP(30020A/B)
and multipoint software (P/N
3 2 193A/R/M). Availability is 8- 12
weeks at the time of the December 1,
1982 Corporate Price List.
For more information on the 2333A
and performance on multipoint, refer
to the H P 2 3 3 3 A Sales Training
Manual (P/N 5953-01 86) and the
DSNIMTS Sales Training Manual (P/N
5953-7472). These manuals should
already be delivered to your office or
will be coming soon.
Some examples of environments
where a user would typically configure an HP 2333A follow:
Office Environment
For the user who has a cluster of terminals performing order processing
and/or text editing, the 2333A can
connect this cluster either locally or
remotely. Only one line is installed to
the office to which a 2333A is connected. The HP262X. 264X, 238X
and 125 can be connected to the
2333A. Most of the application software is supported with the 2333A
and multipoint (e.g.,TDP. HPSLATE,
Computer News December 1 , 1982
For Internal Use Only
"Success 82-83" was designed in
Europe as a program to:
What Is "Building on
Harry AmphlettlBGD
"Building on Success" is the second
stage in the "Success 82-83" sales
Promote the HP 250 as the lowentry HP 3000.
"Building on Success" is coming to
help you. But it goes further. . . .
"Building on Success" is about solutions, and it's for you and your
"Building on Success" is happening
in December. Be prepared!
Winning Against IBM
Harry A mphlettlBGD
The European Sales Center has produced its second audio cassette,
which is available in all European
Following the introductory cassette
on DEC, the second in the "Winning
Against" series, looks at IBM's
Systems 3 4 and 38, systems which
nearly every salesman competes with
at some time.
As with the DEC cassette, this new
sales aid looks at those areas of the
product offering where HP has unique
advantages and suggests methods of
introducing these into a sales case.
The tapes are designed to be played in
the car prior to a sales call. They do
not seek to change a salesman's style.
but to provide useful information to
help handle those awkward objections
that customers like to throw in from
time to time.
Details of how to order the new
cassettes will be given in "Building on
Success" which is coming soon.
Computer Terminals
New Sales Center
Jim CarlsoniCT~G
The former DTlD and GSD Sales
Development Groups have been combined to form a new Sales Center.
Located in Sunnyvale, the new Sales
Center will be part of the Computer
Terminals Group organization.
In pulling together the GSD and DTD
Sales Developrr~entgroups, we tried
to minimize changes from the field
perspective - our objective was to
maintain existing supporting responsibilities wherever possible. The
chanqes that were made are as
By a previous arrangement, Dave
Forter and Christian Graff, Sales
Development M,anager for DTD in
Europe, are exchanging jobs. When
Christian arrives in the US in December, he will manage the Neely Sales
Development team for both terminals
and Personal Office Computers. Each
of the sales engineers in Neely will
maintain their current assignments
but will now support both retail and
direct HP I 0 0 Series sales, as well as
terminals. Tom Kent, who was covering Neely for GSD, will move to the
HP PLUS group in POD, reporting to
Bill Johnson.
Eastern and Southern
Jeff Cox has moved over to manage
Sales Development for Eastern and
Southern regions,. In Eastern, all of
the DTD Sales Development
engineers will maintain their current
area assignments, but will also now
support both retail and direct HP
Series 100 sales, as well as terminal
Mary Etta Port, GSD Sales Development for Eastern will have a new
assignment as the Computer Terminals Group (CT'G) representative in
the Business Computer Group (BCG)
Sales Center in C~~pertino.
CTG will
maintain a "branch office" at BCG to
better represent Personal Office Computers and Terminals in Major
Account visits to Cupertino. Cathy
"Mac" from GSD and Judi Sakowski
of DTD will handle Southern Region
Sales. Cathy will support the eastern
area, and Judy the western area.
Midwest, Canada and ICON
David Garcia will rnanage Sales
Development for the remaining three
regions. Jane Beule from GSD will
handle Midwest-East, with Jerry
Erickson focusing on MidwestCentral and David l3uchanan, Midwest-East. Canada will be covered by
both Personal Office Computers and
Terminals bv Bob tisia, and Eric
Grandjean will continue to support
ICON for all products.
Finally, Sam Boot, who has been handling training for GSD, as well as
managing Neely and Southern, will
take on a new assignment in CTG
Training. He will report to Ron Lange
and manage all training for both Terminals and Personal Office
Secretarial support for the Sales
Center will be provided by three people, one of whom is shared with the
CTG Training group. Gayle will conf and suptinue to report to ~ e fCox
port his new group. Jane Wright will
report to Ron Lange and support
Ron's group, and the Neely team.
Maggie Ramirez will continue to report to J i m Carlson and support
David Garcia's team and Mary Etta
Now Supported by
Mark 1.eelCTG
The current release of INFORM/
3 0 0 0 supports the remote RECALL
DATA feature of AUTOPLOT/2700.
This feature allows the user to print a
report to the terminal screen via
INFORM/3000. and then transfer the
columnar data into an AUTOPLOT/
2700 graphics menu. No typing by
the user is required!
Note that only columnar legends and
data are transferred. Titles and subtitles, even if present in the INFORM/
3 0 0 0 report definition, are not transferred. Titles and subtitles are easily
added, however, in the AUTOPLOT/
2700 graphics menus.
The lNFORM/3000 report must be
formatted for the HP 2700 in order to
use the remote RECALL DATA
feature of AUTOPLOT/2700. The
HP 3000 makes this task simple by:
1 ) recognizing that the user is on an
HP 2700; and 2) asking the user in
the FORMAT OPTION section of
INFORM/3000 if HP 2700 formatting is desired. In addition, HP 2700
formatting can be specified within the
INFORM/3000 report definition
The HP 2700 with AUTOPLOT/
2700 and INFORM/3000 offers
immediate graphics display of
database reports with minimal user
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Terminals
Success with the
HP 2623A "ANSI"
Art DoucetlCTG
The HP 2 6 2 3 A Option F07, ANSI
compatible terminal, is becoming
very popular. DuPont, a DEC
mainframe user has purchased
several F 0 7 terminals already, and
their interest in the terminal isspreading like wildfire. For example, the
Process Research Group of DuPont
has just completed testing a 2 6 2 3 A /
F 0 7 terminal for their needs. They
have run F 0 7 i n conjunction with
their process control applications.
(Normally, retro-graphics VTlOOs
are used for their application.)
The result: DuPont is very impressed
with the performance and operating
features of the 2 6 2 3 A F07. They
have found it a much better solution
to their needs. DuPont likes the
2 6 2 3 A because of the bright
- clear
screen resolution, Tektronics compatibility, and the integral thermal
printer. Currently they run ISSCO's
packages as well as VAX software
such as DecMail and the keypad editor. In fact, they plan on developing
some software applications around
our terminal. Needless t o say, they
also plan to purchase several more
2 6 2 3 A F 0 7 terminals.
Many thanks to the SRs i n the King of
Prussia office for their efforts i n helping to make the 2 6 2 3 A Option F 0 7 a
very successful project. Keep u p the
good work!
Computer News December I , 1982
For Internal US. o n l y
Introducing the HP
2627A Color
Graphics Terminal
Sean KellylRTD
The HP 2 6 2 7 A low priced color
graphics terminal is here!
The 2 6 2 7 A combines a high quality
color display with fast vector graphics
to provide a color graphics terminal
that is ideally suited t o both business
and technical display graphics. Business applications such as management presentations, financial analysis,
and forecasting, as well as technical
applications such as process control.
industrial automation, and data/real
time analysis, are just a few of the
areas where the features o f the
2 6 2 7 A color graphics terminal can
improve productivity.
High Quality Color Graphics
The 2 6 2 7 A combines raster technology, a high contrast screen, and
glare control to provide a clean, crisp
color display.
A graphics resolution of 51 2 X 3 9 0 X
3 color planes provides eight basic
colors which can be selected programmatically t o display graphics
data in the form of vectors, polygon
area fills, and graphics text. The eight
basic colors are red, green, blue, cyan,
magenta, yellow, black and white.
User-Definable Colors
I n addition to the eight basic colors,
the user can programmatically mix
(dither) the eight basic colors and
define additional colors for use with
area fills. T o allow the user to easily
match screen colors and plotter colors, 1 0 of the user-definable colors
have been pre-defined approximate
Hewlett-Packard's plotter pen colors.
Fast Vector Generation
The 2 6 2 7 A is a vector graphics terminal! With multiple line types and
drawing modes to choose from,
graphics can be displayed i n the form
of vectors, polygon area fills, and
graphics text. Its local graphics
features are the perfect complement
to a wide variety of graphics software
and will generate fast vector graphics
while reducing data communications
costs and computer overhead.
Polygon Area Filling
The ability to fill simple or complex
area patterns, by using a simple control sequence, greatly increases drawing speed while reducing data communications and computer overhead.
B y invoking a simple control
sequence, the 2 6 2 7 A can fill simple
or complex area patterns (148
Polygon area filling, combined with
color, greatly enhances theability to
Computer Terminals
present information in a format that
allows for quick and easy perception
of trends and relationships.
Independent Color Alphanumerics
In addition to being a color graphics
terminal, the 2627A has all the
capabilities of a color alphanumeric
Using the eight basic colors, the user
can select foreg~.ound/background
color combinations (color pairs) for
each character cell. At any one time
the user can display up to eight color
pairs from a total of 64. lndependent
graphics and alphanumeric memories
allow the user to interact with the
system in the alphanumeric memory
without disturbing the graphics
Block mode transmission, format
mode, display enhancements, and a
line drawing set are standard features
that give the 26:27A the flexibility for
demanding interactive alphanumeric
It's Easy to Use
User definable function keys (screenlabeled), soft cornfiguration, a
graphics rubberband line, local cursor
control and edit keys, and a detachable typewriter-:style keyboard are
just a few of the many features that
make the 262714 friendly and easy to
use in both graphics and
alphanumeric applications.
Graphics Software Support
The 2627A is designed as an online
graphics terminal for use with a wide
variety of computer based software.
designed specifically for a wide
variety of business applications.
O n HP 1000 computer systems,
Graphics 1000/11 can provide a solution to a wide range of technical display graphics.
In addition to HP software, the 2627A
will operate with Precision Visual's
Dl-3000'" and GRAFMAKER,'"
and TELL-AGRAF,'" and SAS's SAS/GRAPH.'"
Also the TEKTRONIX " 401 0 compatibility mode allows the HP 2627A
to operate with TEKTRONIX Inc.'s
PLOT 108.
National Language Support
National language character sets
(Danish/Norwegian, Finnish/
Swedish, French, Cierman, United
Kingdom and Spanish) are standard
on the 2627A. Appropriate local
keyboards can be ordered as options.
Flexible Data Communications
The 2627A operates in block or
character mode and communicates
asynchronously point-to-point at
rates up to 9 6 0 0 baud. A choice of
RS-232C compatible communications or HP Direct Connect Type 422
is available. Full duplex handwired
and full duplex modem communications are supported.
Optional Video lnterface
It's a Winner
As you can see, at $5975 the 2627A
will be a price/performance leader in
the color graphics terminal market.
Now we can offer our customers a
low priced color graphics terminal as
well as'a totally HP color graphics
The HP 2 6 2 7 A at a Glance
High Quality Color
Eight Color Raster Display
Color for Graphics
User-Definable Colors
Color for Alphanumerics
Fast Vector Graphics
Fast Vector Generation
Polygon Area Fill
Rubberband Line
Graphics Text
Complete Alphanumerics
lndependent Memory
Block Mode Transmission
Forms/Format Mode
Display Enhancements
Easy to Use
User-Definable Function Keys
Flexible Data Communications
Detachable Typewriter-Style
Optional Video lnterface
A n optional video interface (Option
087) provides the ability to interface
to cameras and monitors. It is noninterlaced RGB with a separate SYNC,
has a 24.9 kHz scan rate and uses
standard BNC connectors.
O n HP 3 0 0 0 co~mputersystems,
Decision Support Graphics/3000,
Computer News December 1, 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Terminals
HP 2627A Ordering Information
HP 2627A Sales Aids
Sean KellylRDT
Ron Ty IerlCTG
The HP 2 6 2 7 A is o n the December I ,
1 9 8 2 Corporate Price List with an
availability of 6 - 8 weeks. The ordering information is as follows.
-00 1
- 0 15
- 0 16
Color Graphics Terminal
Finnish/Swedish Key board
Danish/Norwegian Keyboard
French Keyboard
German Keyboard
United Kingdom Keyboard
Spanish Keyboard
240V 5 0 Hz
1OOV 6 0 Hz
220V 5 0 Hz
1OOV 5 0 Hz
Video Interface
Provides non-interlaced RGB video output t o
compatible monitors and camera hardcopy
(Includes cables.)
US Hardwired/Modem Cable
(same as 13 2 2 2 N )
Male ( 5 0 in)/male (25 pin);
5 meters 1 6 feet). For use on Port I .
European Modem Cable
(same as 1 3 2 2 2 M )
Male ( 5 0 in)/male (25 pin);
5 meters P16 feet). For use o n Port I.
RS-232C Datacomm Cable
(same as 13222C)
Male ( 5 0 in)/female (25 pin);
5 meters 6 feet). For use o n Port I.
HP Direct Connect Type 2 3 2 Cable
(same as 13222X)
Male ( 5 0 pin)/male (3 pin); 5 meters ( 1 6 feet).
For use o n Port 1.
EMP Protect Cable (same as 1 3222Y)
Male (50pin)/male (25 pin);
5 meters 1 6 feet). For use o n Port I.
HP Direct Connect Type 4 2 2 Cable
(same as 13222P)
Male ( 5 0 pin)/male ( 5 pin): 5 meters ( 1 6 feet).
For use on Port 1.
U S List Price
N /C
N /C
3 0 0 Baud Modem - Bell 1 0 3 Compatible
Current Loop Interface - 2 0 m A
RS-232C Printer Cable - Male
Male ( 2 5 pin)/male ( 2 5 pin). For use o n Port 2.
RS-232C Printer Cable - Female
Male ( 2 5 pin)/female ( 2 5 pin).
For use o n Port 2.
Computer News December 1. 1982
For ,nterna, use ,,y
You can also have your literature
coordinator order additional copies of
the color brochure, data sheet and
field training manual which were sent
to you i n October:
5 9 5 3 - 8 6 0 5 Color Brochure "The
HP 2 6 2 7 A Color
Graphics Terminal"
5 9 5 3 - 8 6 0 2 Data Sheet
5 9 5 7 - 3 4 5 7 Field Training Manual
New CP/M
Compatible Software
Mary Etta PortlPOD
Peripheral Cables
By the time you read this, an updated
version o f the computer terminals
BASIC/3000 demonstration programs will be i n your office, sent via
COMSYS. This new version includes
programs that show off the best
capabilities of the 2627A.
We think that the new HP 2 6 2 7 A
color graphics terminal is such a great
product that it will sell itself!
But. . . just to help you sell even more
2627As, the Computer Terminals
Group has developed some very useful sales aids.
A brand new guide to CP/M Software
has been published by Digital
Research. Entitled The CP/M Compatible Software Catalog, it lists a
variety of compatible application software products produced by independent vendors. Expanded to over 1 0 0
pages, the new catalog is better
indexed and more comprehensive
than its predecessor.
Computer Terminals
The catalog is divided into three
Domestic and International Vendors (listed alphabetically)
11. Languages
Limited Time Offer on Free New Bar Code
Ill. Specific Application Programs
Jim TayloriHPG
Although the index does not include
all of the thousands of independent
software vendors who write CP/M
compatible software, it is a representative sample. Products are described
i n detail, and ven~dornames, addresses
and phone numbers are included.
A n article in the October 1, 1 9 8 2
issues of Computer News detailed an
offer to supply a free set of new bar
code firmware to customers who
desired the new improved reading
Ordering Information
T o obtain copies of the catalog (costing $ 1 0 domestically, $ 2 0 internationally), contact DRl's Customer Service Department i n Pacific Grove, CA,
at 408-649-3896. You may also
send a $ 1 0 check to:
The article should have mentioned
that this was a limited time offer.
After February 1, 1983, interested
customers will have to purchase the
new firmware, P/N 0 3 0 7 5 - 8 0 1 43, at
a cost o f approximz~tely$50.
When requesting the new firmware
we would like to receive the serial
numbers of the units as old date code
units require an additional
microprocessor chip. We would also
like the old firmware t o be returned to
HP Grenoble. Installation of the firmware will need to be covered at the
customer's expense.
We encourage you to take advantage
of this opportunity to increase your
customers' satisfaction and your
future sales.
Customer Service Department
Digital Research, Inc.
P.O. Box 5 7 9
Pacific Grove, CA 9 3 9 5 0
Add 6% sales tax if ordered i n
Software suppliers or HP 125 OEMs
who have written CP/M programs
should contact Nan Bomberger at the
above phone number for inclusion i n
the catalog.
T o obtain catalogs i n Europe,
Paul Bailey
Vrijbuiterhof 1 3
2 1 3 2 T L Hoofddrop
The Netherlands
Phone: 3 1 (2503) 1 0 3 6 5
Although many o f the packages listed
in the catalog run o n the HP 125, it is
best to check with the vendor before
purchasing t o verify. In particular, the
HP 125 screen cur:jor addressing
escape sequences differ from some
CP/M application packages. The new
Owner's Manual or1 the HP 1 0 0
Series lists these caveats, as well as an
article in the recent Communicator.
Cornputer News December I . 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Peripherals
There seems to be a great need for
pressure sensitive labels i n today's
Peripheral Group
Marketing Center
Various sizes of labels can be
purchased from form vendors to meet
your customers' needs. Detailed
specifications are being forwarded in
the updated paper specification guide.
Bill MurphylCPG
New HP 2680 S E and
TSE Newsletter
DeLona Lang BellIBSE
Chuck Uljers
Thad Webster
HP 2 6 8 0 A Supports
Labels and
Carbonless Paper
T o m OldIBSE
The Peripheral Group has established
a Marketing Center in Cupertino to
complement the Centers i n Boeblingen and Japan.
Under the direction of Chuck Ulfers i n
Cupertino, Thad Webster i n Boeblingen and Hideki Gushima in Japan,
the CPG Marketing Centers will work
very closely with the System Group
Sales Centers ensuring you top-notch
total systems support. They will be
available for customer presentations
focusing on the total CPG product
line or individual peripheral products
as required. We also intend to have
the Centers handle Big Deals involving products from multiple divisions.
Plans on utilizing the Marketing Centers for your customer visits. More
details o n each organization will be
Computer News December I . 1982
For Intern, use only
For a number o f months Boise has
been working o n support o f pressure
sensitive labels and carbonless paper
for the HP 2 6 8 0 A . Now both of these
products have HP support, and are
features that will help you sell the
Laser Printer as a line printer plus!
Here is an overview of our new
Carbonless Paper
Why carbonless paper? Because
there is a market need! First, look
around your sales office and then
your customers' offices and see how
many purchased carbonless forms are
present. There are many customers
who want their output on carbonless
paper. Large distribution operations
(such as invoicing) are a good example. Look around, and you will see
new sales leads for this feature. If the
purchase volume is less than 5 0 0
forms/purchase, the 2 6 8 0 A can produce them at a savings!
The "Laser Beam," a newly
introduced newsletter designed for HP
2 6 8 0 SEs and TSEs, IS now being
distributed from Boise Division.
The purpose o f the newsletter is to
provide specific 2 6 8 0 application and
software information to the SEO on a
quarterly basis. Printed, of course, on
the laser printer, the "Laser Beam" is
sent via HP Mails t o all SE managers
and commercial SEs and SRs on the
Roster data base, as well as printer
TSEs and those who have had 2 6 8 0
training. It you don't receive your free
copy, contact Rich Kaylor at Boise
Operator's PM on the
HP 2 6 8 0 A
Customers can realize a significant
savings i n cost of ownership for the
HP 2 6 8 0 A Laser Printer by electing to
perform their o w n preventive maintenance. The steps required to do this
are described i n the 2 6 8 0 A Operator's Handbook (P/N 0 2 6 8 2 - 9 0 9 1 2).
The following example illustrates the
financial benefits realized b y the
customer when performing his or her
own preventive maintenance.
Computer Peripherals
A customer desiring SMMC coverage
of 250,000 drum rotations per month
with HP performing preventive maintenance would be charged $2,235.
2 6 8 0 A SMMC
Opt U 0 3 SMMC
Opt U 2 3 SMMC
If the customer chooses t o do the preventive maintenance, the charges for
the U 2 3 options are deleted, resulting
i n a total monthly rnaintenance
charge o f $1,350.
Even after subtracting the price of
drum and developer, the net savings
would be approximately $ 6 2 0 per
HP 2680jf85A Graphics Configuration Guide
Larry HoleylBSE
This configuration guide illustrates
the hardware and software required to
output graphics to the HP 2 6 8 0 A
(laser printer) and HP 2 6 8 5 A (print
station) from HPDRAW, DSG/3000,
Graphics firmware
Same as 36583A (below)
One megabyte memory (minimum recommended)
Additional megabyte memory
2680f85A graphics (Interface software)
One megabyte memory upgrade kit
Graphlcs firmware upgrade kit
mlnlmum recommended memory
optlonal memory
maxlmum of two may be ~nstalled
Qrdered from lnforrnatlon Networks Dlv~slon
may be ordered as 36584A, w h ~ c hIncludes IFS/:3000 and IDS/3000
HP 7976A
Competitive Position
Sallie EwinglBSE
In conjunction with the new special
pricing programs now i n effect for the
HP 7 9 7 6 A high speed tape drive, it is
appropriate t o point out our price/
performance position relative to other
system vendors.
In the first graph (master drives), you
will note that the HP 7 9 7 6 A is about
mid-point in the range with Wang,
IBM, and D.G. - all priced slightly
higher. The points to the right o f HP
represent 125 ips drives. When taking
into consideration our command
queuing advantage (which allows
streaming), we are actually on par
with these higher speed, non-stream
ing tape drives.
Some confusion has persisted lately
over whether IBM and DEC really
have a 6 2 5 0 bpi drive for $20K. The
special element to note here is that
both I B M and DEC have expensive
controllers o n these models which
must be purchased with the drive. An
example is the I B M 3 4 2 0 Model 4.
The price for the drive itself with dual
density 1600/6250 bpi and 7 5 ips is
$ 2 1,925. The 3 8 0 3 Model 2 Control
Unit is priced at $ 3 4 , 4 3 0 and, when
combined with the tape drive price,
brings the total purchase price for
tape drive and controller to $56.355.
In the 7976A, the controller is
integral t o the tape unit and included
i n the price.
In the second graph, the HP dual
master "Twin-Pak" (recently
announced) priced at $90,000 factory base price, is shown in comparison t o other system vendor
master/slave combinations. As you
know, HP does not offer a high speed
slave drive. Since the announced support of two 7 9 7 6 A drives o n HP
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Peripherals
Data Declslons 7/82
3 0 0 0 Series 40/44/64, the demand
for a two-drive price solution has
been increasing and feedback from
the field has served to further substan
tiate this requirement.
Along with the hardware redundancy
advantages of a twomaster drive
package, there is another benefit that
makes the twin masters a superior
solution t o the master-slave combina
tion. In multiple HP 3000 installations, the switchbox ( 2 6 0 7 5 A ) can
be used on each 7 9 7 6 A . and thereby
gain substantial flexibility in sharing
the drives between systems. lmportantly. the drives can be shared in
tandem or switched t o one drive per
system for single drive uses. A
master-slave/combination does not
allow the freedom of splitting the
drives up for use by separate systems
(wherever the master goes, the slave
Sell with confidence that the 7 9 7 6 A
is price/performance competitive.
Should you need further information,
call Greeley Sales Development.
Master i Slave
Master / Master
Selling the HP-GL
Plotter Family
Cheryl RudolphlSDD
Many customers need a family o f
plotters for their applications. With
HP.your customers have a selection
which spans from the inexpensive HP
7 4 7 0 A two-pen plotter to the
sophisticated HP 7 5 8 0 A and HP
7 5 8 5 A drafting plotters. When you
sell a family o f plotters, remember
that there are differences between
plotters that a customer should be
aware of, especially when upgrading
from older plotters to newer ones.
B u r s t R a t e IKbisecl
Data D e c i s i o n s 7/82
Computer Nen's December 1 . 1982
For Internal ye o n l k
Computer Peripherals
The first difference is the plotters' HPG L instruction sets. All HP-GL plotters understand a core of the s a k e
instructions. The 7 5 8 0 A and 7 5 8 5 A
have the largest instruction set, but
not all instructions understood by the
7 5 8 0 A and 7 5 8 5 A are also understood by the 7 4 7 0 A or the HP
9872C/T and HF' 7220C/T. SDD has
a list of instruction comparisons if
you or your customer would like to
see it.
New Demo Software for Plotters
Bryan ButlerlSDD
SDD has three new demo software
pacs which highligh~tHP's superior
graphics capability. Now you can
demonstrate the HP 7 4 7 0 A two-pen
plotter from the HP-86 personal computer; the HP 7580.4 and HP 7 5 8 5 A
drafting plotters from the HP 9 8 2 6
and HP 9 8 3 6 desktop computers;
Another difference between plotters is
the physical 1ocal:ion of the X- and Yaxes on paper. The orientation o f the
axes varies among the plotter product
lines. Knowing thisahead of time
allows your customers to make programs flexible enough to support
each plotter.
These two differences are most
important to cust.omers that write
software, but they indirectly affect
customers that u:se packaged software. If your customer intends to buy
software, determine beforehand
whether the plotter or plotters are
supported. Just because one HP-GL
plotter is supported on a software
package does not guarantee that
others will work perfectly. Most of the
time you'll have no problem, but
always verify for your sake as well as
your customer's.
and the HP 9872C/T plotters from
the HP-86and HP-87 personal computers. The table shown here is an upto-date list of demos for SDD plotters
and the HP 9 1 1 1 A GraphicsTablet. If
the demo software you need is not
available i n your sales office, you can
order it by part number from SDD.
Demonstration Software for SDD Plotters and Graphics Tablet
0 7 2 2 0 ~14003
(9 Trk. 1600 BPI
0 7 2 2 0 14003
(9 Trk. 1600 BPI
Maq Tape)
0 7 2 4 5 ~18002
09872- 18012
0 7 4 7 0 180 13'
0 7 5 8 0 ~18007' 07580 18003
98458 (Opt
100) T w o Tape
07580 18004
(458 Opts 200
250 2701
(45C 411 Opts
Two Tapes
0 7 5 8 0 ~18007'
0911 1 18001
(Two Tapes)
Keep selling the MP-GL family of
plotters. And remember - there are
certain differences i n the HP-GL product line. If you helve any questions,
please call your San Diego RSE or
0911 lL18002
(Two Tapes)
0 9 8 7 2 ~18003
0 9 8 7 2 ~18006
(458 Opt.
New demo
News December 1 , 1982
For Internal Use Only
Computer Peripherals
Sheet Feeder Support
for Customers Who
Already Own an
Mike PolanskylVCD
Hewlett-Packard's dual bin sheet
feeder (260 1OD) for the HP 2 6 0 1A
became a part of the corporate price
list on November I . 1982. 260 1 As
with a serial number prefix of
2236Axxxxx, or below, do not have
the control electronics required for
the sheet feeder.
If your customer has one of the earlier
model 2 6 0 1As, he needs to order a
2601 OD with Option 0 1 0 to add a
sheet feeder. The 260 1OD is the
product number for the sheet feeder,
and the Option 0 10 is the sheet
feeder control electronics upgrade kit.
The 2 6 0 1OD costs $ 2 2 9 0 (including
freight). Option 0 I 0 adds $ 6 5 0 and
includes installation by a customer
engineer within HP service zones 1
through 6, generally within 3 0 0 miles
of a major HP service center.
Quality Printer Usage
Gary PrcklVCD
Let's explore printer usage. These
hints can help you match the HP
2602A and HP 2 6 0 1 A to applications. Generally speaking. the 2601 A
should provide fourfold the output of
the 2602A (1 0 0 pages per day vs.
25). This does not equate to saying
the daily usage for each of these products must be limited to this number of
pages per day. If, for instance, heat
build-up was such that it precluded
more usage than this, then this page
Computer News December 1, 1982
For ,nterna, use 0.y
per day limitation would have to be
enforced. Both printers can be run
continuously without any significant
degradation of the MTBF. The units
were designed assuming the above
average pages per day output, and
service contracts were priced accordingly. The 2 6 0 1A and the 2 6 0 2 A
should, therefore, be sold into
applications whose average usage will
match these recommended times.
Any given day can vary from the
The 2602A's usage will fit word processing applications with HP Series
100. HP Series 200, HP 250. HP
2647F, and HP Series 80. The
2601 A, with dual bin sheet feeder
(26010D). should be sold when
multiple word processing terminals
will be accessing a single word processing print station, as in an HP
3 0 0 0 word processing application.
This is just a guideline. A thorough
understanding of the customer's
application matched against these
hints will yield the correct choice.
Setting customer expectations, taking
the above into consideration, should
result in achievement of the
customer's satisfaction and full
utilization of the expanded opportunities available through our
expanded word processing printer
Word Processing Marketplace
By the end of 1 9 8 1 , HP had moved
into sixth position in the rankings of
suppliers to this marketplace:
These rankings are per the Gartner
Group estimates for 1981 ( $ =
With the gains made in FY '82, and
the new offerings available at the start
of FY'83. the progress in this area
should stand us very proud. VCD is
pleased to offer these important word
processing printers.
Is Your HP 267 1 A
Customer Ready for
Harold FastlVCD
If your customer has an HP 267 1 A
Alpha thermal printer and now has a
need to print graphics, there is a field
upgrade kit that can be used to
change it to an HP 267 1G. It is the
267 10G. The option specified is
determined by the desired interface.
The interface can be the same type as
the customer already has on his
267 1A, or it can be a different interface that the customer would like to
convert to at the same time that he
The options are as follows:
26710G (Standard)
Option 0 4 0 - RS232C
Option 0 4 2 - Centronics lnterface
Option 0 4 4
HP Parallel lnterface
The price for any of these interfaces is
$295. Availability is currently six
To really do this upgrade right, you
should overlay a 267 1 G label on top
of your 2671A label on the front of
the printer. If your customer orders
this upgrade kit and you would like a
267 1G label, it is available from your
VCD Sales Development contact for
the asking. Our COMSYS code is
5400. our phone number is 206254-81 10, and the TELNET num-
Computer Peripherals
bers and support names are as
- Bob Weis,
Harold Fast, 254-2202
Neely/lCON - Mike Polansky,
For other areas of the world, contact
any one of us.
The Pack Is Back
Erin GreenelVCD
The VCD Marketing Team has a new
game plan for HP customers. It's been
dubbed the 2631 P System Expander
Pack and kick-off time is December
1. The rules are simple and a sure
winner for both you and your
customer. If your customer orders
seven or more HP' 263 1Bs (a "pack").
we will discount the 263 1 Bsapproximately 17O/o for 21unit cost of $3286.
Your customer's 141, A5, or A 6 discount can be applied to the unit
"pack" price. For Europe this means
that A l , A5, or A 6 discounts are
applied on top of the 263 1P factory
base price of $22,510.
The 2631 B is one tough taskmaster
for all sorts of applications. It easily
generates fast copies of easy-to-read
text, tabular reports, and multi-part
forms. And the 263 l B i s so versatile
and mobile, it can be moved from one
location to another.
Here's what your customer will get:
Big cost savings
Seven, or more, workstation printers fully integrated for maximum
convenience and efficiency
Fast hard copy output
A proven product (6300 hours
Paper handling versatility
Application flexibility
Rugged reliability, and the new pricing strategy make the 2631 B number
one. So, get that ball and run!
A 2631 P order m~ustmeet the following requirements:
All printers must be one
They must be shipped to one
They must all ship at the same
Only one CE installation visit is
Computer News December 1 . 1982
For Internal Use Only
R E I N H A R O T , t+EL'IUT
F?&rdKFUHT ( H E G J O Y HQ)
Price Changes ,,;, ,,,,
Computer Groups Price Changes Effective December 1, 1982
These prices, effective December 1,1982, will appear o n
the Corporate Price List o n that date, available in your office. Prices are US List unless otherwise noted. Orders at
old ~ r i c e swill be honored at the factories for 30 davs (or
60 days i n the case o f government quotes, see exception,
Ill. GSA) after the effective date o f an increase. A l l quotations, either verbal or written, shall be madeat the new
prices upon the effective date of the new price list. The
customer should be notified that his order will be honored
at the lower price if i t is received within the 30-day grace
period. Price decreases are effective imrnediately and inhouse orders shipped 5 working days prior to the
announced decrease date will be billed at the new lower
Linear Systems Analysis
Waveform Analysis
Digital Filter Design
9702 1JA
PDS 45/Pascal
PDS 35/Pascal
IEM Macro Assembler
Add Pascal to PDS
Note: Shaded area indicates price decrease.
9826/36 Multiforth
Desktop Computer Division
9703 1JA
9826/36 Multiuser
9826/36 Forth Data
9826/36 Metacompiler
Upgrade on A600 Systems
Use on M/E/F/A700
Upgrade on M/E/F/A700
Engineering Graphics
EGS/45 Right to Reproduce
W/O Sub.
98301 A
Information Networks Division
9 1 750R
Opt. 300
Use on L-Series Systems
9 1 750R
EGS/45 Right to Reproduce
EGS/45 General Drawing
EGS/45 Schematic Module
EGS/45 PC Module
Opt. 301
91 750R
Opt. 600
91 750R
Opt. 601
91 750R
Opt. 700
Graphics Presentations
Computer Aided
9 1750R
Opt. 70 1
CAP/45 Right to Reproduce
W/O Sub.
Upgrade on L-Series
Use on A600 Systems
CAP/45 Right to Reproduce
Project Management
Stat Library
Stat Library PI
Stat Library PI1
98821 A
Numerical Analysis
AC Circuit Analysis
Hewlett-PackardComputer Marketing Group,
19320 Pruneridge Avenue, Cupert~no.CA 9 5 0 14 USA. 4 0 8 - 9 9 6 - 9 8 0 0 COMSYS CODE: 5 0 15