Sustainability in Manufactured Home Communities
Sustainability in Manufactured Home Communities
2012 Sustainability in Manufactured Home Communities Cost-Effective Energy, Water and Community Infrastructure Strategies to Maximize Long-Term Value Primary Authors: CTG Energetics, Inc. Malcolm Lewis, Jon Roberts, Adam Rohloff, Joyce Lin, Heather Rosenberg, Craig Wheeler, AIA Hewlett-Packard Company Disclaimer: The work that provided the basis for this publication was supported by funding under an award with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. The substance and findings of the work are dedicated to the public. The author and publisher are solely responsible for the accuracy of the statements and interpretations contained in this publication. Such interpretations do not necessarily reflect the views of HUD. Sustainability in Manufactured Home Communities Click on the bullet point to read the full text. Key Findings of the Report Manufactured homes (“MH”) possess certain natural sustainability advantages over site-built homes: They are smaller in size, generally one-story, the factory-built process substantially reduces construction waste and manufactured home communities (“MHC”) are often the most dense affordable housing communities in their local markets; and, MH have significantly lower environmental impacts than site-built single-family homes and condominium townhomes. The Report’s Recommendations Weatherizing/retrofitting MH is cost effective with payback periods ranging from a few months to seven years, with investments in energy and waterefficiency measures totaling $2,500 or less; Replacing pre- and early HUD Code homes in poor condition with new EnergyStar rated manufactured homes has a payback period of less than 20 years. Replacing pre-HUD Code (mobile homes built before June 15, 1976) and early HUD Code homes in poor condition in all climate zones with new EnergyStar rated MH is cost effective, with energy savings paying back the initial investment in less than 20 years. It is also cost effective to replace older MH in northern climates heated with propane or fuel oil which are in good condition but which have not been weatherized since originally placed; The replacement of refrigerators that are more than 10 years-old with EnergyStar rated new models is a major energy saver for homeowners; Sub-metering MHC with public water service can reduce water consumption and costs as much as 18% to 39%; MHC also have great potential for reducing storm water run-off through recapture and re-use of rain water for landscaping, narrower roadways, low impact swales to manage storm water, rain gardens and other measures; and, Replacing older site lighting with LED lighting fixtures and photo sensors, timers and/or motion detectors substantially reduces electrical costs in MHC. Contents Executive Summary ........................................................................................................................................................i Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................i Purpose ..................................................................................................................................................................i Report Organization...............................................................................................................................................i Key ...................................................................................................................................................................... ii Manufactured Home Characteristics, Demographics and Context Data .............................................................. ii Sustainability Benefits of Manufactured Homes ..................................................................................................... iii Housing Level Sustainability Opportunities .............................................................................................................iv Mitigating Mold and Moisture Problems ..............................................................................................................v Energy and Water Conservation Opportunities Replacement of Existing Manufactured Homes with EnergyStar® Homes ...................................................... vii Community Level Sustainability Opportunities .......................................................................................................ix Homeowner Sustainability Education ...................................................................................................................x Water ....................................................................................................................................................................x Energy ................................................................................................................................................................ xii Solid Waste ....................................................................................................................................................... xiii Policy Opportunities .............................................................................................................................................. xiii 1. Introduction and Background ............................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 History of Standards and Regulations ..........................................................................................................2 1.2 EnergyStar Manufactured Homes ................................................................................................................4 1.3 Fire Risk ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Titling ........................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.5 History of Weatherization Efforts ................................................................................................................5 1.5.1 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) ............................................................................................ 6 1.5.2 Weatherization Research ......................................................................................................................... 7 1.5.3 Weatherization Assistant and the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) .....................................7 1.6 Financing and Funding .................................................................................................................................8 1.6.1 Weatherization Funding ........................................................................................................................... 8 1.6.2 Fannie Mae ..............................................................................................................................................9 1.6.3 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Development Program .............................................. 10 1.6.4 Other Loan, Financing and Funding Programs ...................................................................................... 11 1.6.5 Utility Rebate and Incentive Programs .................................................................................................. 12 2. Manufactured Home Characteristics, Demographics and Context ..................................................................... 13 2.1 Manufactured Homes are a Significant Portion of the Housing Stock ....................................................... 13 2.2 Manufactured Homes are a Primary Source of Affordable Housing ......................................................... 15 2.3 High Housing and Energy Costs are Significant Challenges for Low-Income Households ...................... 17 2.4 There are a Significant Number of Older, Inefficient Manufactured Homes ............................................. 18 2.5 Regional Trends in Expensive Primary Heating Fuel Use ......................................................................... 21 2.6 Utility Prices Vary Significantly by Region and are Rising Rapidly ......................................................... 22 3. Sustainability Benefits of Manufactured Homes ................................................................................................ 23 3.1 Summary of Key Sustainability Benefits ................................................................................................... 23 3.2 Case Study: Comparison of Key Sustainability Performance Indicators between Housing Types ............ 25 3.2.1 Analysis Background ............................................................................................................................. 25 3.2.2 Analysis Details ..................................................................................................................................... 28 4. Opportunities for Improved Sustainability and Affordability in Manufactured Homes ..................................... 29 4.1 Housing Level Sustainability Opportunities .............................................................................................. 29 4.1.1 Analysis Overview................................................................................................................................. 30 4.1.2 Overall Variability in Energy Use and Savings Potential ...................................................................... 31 4.1.3 Variability in Energy Use and Savings Potential for Specific End-Uses by Heating Fuel .................... 32 4.1.4 Mitigating Mold and Moisture-Related Problems ................................................................................. 34 4.1.5 Energy and Water Conservation Opportunities ..................................................................................... 37 4.1.6 Case Studies and Examples ................................................................................................................... 46 4.1.7 Replacement of Existing Manufactured Homes with EnergyStar Homes ............................................. 48 4.2 Community Level Sustainability Opportunities ......................................................................................... 53 4.2.1 Homeowner Sustainability Education .................................................................................................... 53 4.2.2 Wastewater ............................................................................................................................................ 58 4.2.3 Road Infrastructure and Stormwater Infrastructure ............................................................................... 59 4.2.4 Energy .................................................................................................................................................... 61 4.2.5 Solid Waste ............................................................................................................................................ 63 5. Policy Needs and Opportunities.......................................................................................................................... 64 6. References & Bibliography ................................................................................................................................ 67 Appendix A: Analysis Details ..................................................................................................................................... 70 Overview ................................................................................................................................................................. 70 HUD Climate Zones and Representative Locations ................................................................................................ 70 Prototype Models .................................................................................................................................................... 72 Analysis Notes......................................................................................................................................................... 74 Duct Sealing ....................................................................................................................................................... 75 Air-Conditioning................................................................................................................................................. 75 Lighting .............................................................................................................................................................. 75 Plug and Miscellaneous Loads ........................................................................................................................... 75 Water and Water Heating ................................................................................................................................... 76 Refrigerators ....................................................................................................................................................... 76 Results ..................................................................................................................................................................... 78 Prototypical Manufactured Home Energy Consumption Summary.................................................................... 78 Energy and Water Conservation Measure Analysis............................................................................................ 81 EnergyStar Replacement Home Analysis Details ............................................................................................... 90 Appendix B: Survey of Manufactured Home Characteristics and Demographics ....................................................... 92 DOE’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Statistics ....................................................................... 92 California Residential Appliance Saturation Study (RASS) ................................................................................. 101 Market Data ........................................................................................................................................................... 105 American Communities Survey and U.S. Census Data ......................................................................................... 106 Appendix C: Utility and Municipal Loan and Financing Programs .......................................................................... 109 Appendix D: Utility Costs ......................................................................................................................................... 111 Figures Figure 1: Manufactured home stock age ....................................................................................................................... ii Figure 2: Summary of key sustainability benefits ....................................................................................................... iii Figure 3: Comparison of sustainability impacts between housing types ......................................................................iv Figure 4: Range of manufactured home annual energy use by HUD Zone ...................................................................v Figure 5: Current HUD zone map for manufactured homes .......................................................................................... 3 Figure 6. Energy cost savings for ENERGYSTAR qualified manufactured homes ...................................................... 5 Figure 7: Percentage of weatherized households by building type ................................................................................6 Figure 8: Mobile homes as a percent of total housing stock, by county ...................................................................... 14 Figure 9: Mobile homes as a percent of total housing units, by state .......................................................................... 15 Figure 10: Manufactured hone household income and percent of food stamp recipients ............................................ 16 Figure 11: Income status of ROC USA Communities ................................................................................................. 17 Figure 12: Percent of low income households experiencing housing problems (2009)............................................... 18 Figure 13: Manufactured home stock age .................................................................................................................... 19 Figure 14: Number of manufactured homes by state and by vintage .......................................................................... 19 Figure 15: States with the largest percentage of pre-1976 HUD Code manufactured homes ...................................... 20 Figure 16: Manufactured home stock as a percent of total housing stock built to HUD Code .................................... 21 Figure 17: Manufactured home heating fuel type by state ........................................................................................... 22 Figure 18: Summary of key sustainability benefits ..................................................................................................... 24 Figure 19: Case-study communities ............................................................................................................................ 26 Figure 20: Summary of case-study community sustainability impacts ....................................................................... 27 Figure 21: Range of manufactured home annual energy use by HUD Zone ............................................................... 31 Figure 22: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = natural gas ............................................ 32 Figure 23: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = fuel oil .................................................. 33 Figure 24: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = propane ................................................ 33 Figure 25: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = electricity ............................................. 34 Figure 26: Moisture problem risk map ........................................................................................................................ 35 Figure 26: EnergyStar Replacement Analysis Summary ............................................................................................. 52 Figure 41: Example 24-hour property pressure readings shows significant water pressure variation ......................... 55 Figure 42: Typical water submeter .............................................................................................................................. 56 Figure 43: Apparently “small” leaks such as this can waste thousands of gallons per year ........................................ 57 Figure 44: Daily measured water consumption for two properties (gallons per hour) ................................................ 57 Figure 32: Permeable concrete paving......................................................................................................................... 60 Figure 33: Permeable inter-locking pavers .................................................................................................................. 60 Figure 34: grassed swale .............................................................................................................................................. 61 Figure 35: A bioretention area133 ................................................................................................................................. 61 Figure 36: 1976 – 1994 HUD climate zone map ......................................................................................................... 70 Figure 37: Current (1994+) HUD climate zone map ................................................................................................... 71 Figure 38: EnergyStar climate zone map ..................................................................................................................... 71 Figure 52: Refrigerator energy use vs. vintage and type (typical 18 ft 3 refrigerator) ................................................. 78 Figure 40: Analysis results for design, best, and worst-case scenarios ....................................................................... 78 Figure 41: Energy and water conservation measure performance, climate zone 1, by heating fuel type .................... 87 Figure 42: Energy and water conservation measure performance, climate zone 2, by heating fuel type .................... 88 Figure 43: Energy and water conservation measure performance, climate zone 3, by heating fuel type .................... 89 Figure 44: California manufactured home vintage (RASS) ....................................................................................... 102 Figure 45: California manufactured home square footage of mobile homes (RASS) ............................................... 103 Figure 46: California manufactured home square footage vs. vintage (RASS) ......................................................... 103 Figure 47: California unit energy consumption (UEC) for electric end uses in manufactured homes (RASS) ......... 104 Figure 48: California unit energy consumption (UEC) for gas end uses in manufactured homes (RASS) ............... 104 Figure 49: Square footage vs. vintage ( ............................................................................................ 105 Figure 50: Price vs. vintage ( ........................................................................................................... 105 Figure 51: Price vs square footage (1,000s) ( ................................................................................... 106 Figure 52: Percentage of single and double wide homes vs. vintage ( ............................................. 106 Figure 53: Residential natural gas prices by state (2009, $/thousand cubic feet) ...................................................... 111 Figure 54: Residential natural gas prices by state, sorted by price ............................................................................ 111 Figure 55: Residential propane prices (2010) ............................................................................................................ 112 Figure 56: Residential propane prices historical increase (1993-2010) ..................................................................... 112 Figure 57: Residential Fuel Oil Prices (2001 – 2011) ............................................................................................... 113 Figure 58: Residential electricity prices by state (2011)............................................................................................ 113 Figure 59: Typical water prices for various cities (2010) .......................................................................................... 114 Tables Table 1: Typical energy savings versus Table 2: Low and no-cost conservation measures Table 3: Typical cost-effective energy and water conservation measures .................................................................. vii Table 4: Typical utility costs for 2011 ......................................................................................................................... 23 Table 5: Case study analysis details ............................................................................................................................ 28 Table 6: Summary of prototypical models analyzed ................................................................................................... 30 Table 7: Summary of energy and water conservation measures analyzed ................................................................... 38 Table 8: Cost effective conservation measure details for climate zone 1 .................................................................... 41 Table 9: Cost effective conservation measure details for climate zone 2 .................................................................... 43 Table 10: Cost effective conservation measure details for climate zone 3 .................................................................. 44 Table 11: Low and no-cost conservation measures ..................................................................................................... 45 Table 12: Typical Washington State weatherization measures and costs103 ................................................................ 46 Table 13: Conditions where EnergyStar manufactured home replacements are cost effective ................................... 51 Table 14: Prototype model assumptions ...................................................................................................................... 73 Table 16: Typical A.C. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios (SEER) vs. vintage......................................................... 75 Table 16: Primary electric plug and miscellaneous loads for manufactured homes .................................................... 75 Table 17: Primary fuel plug and miscellaneous loads for manufactured homes ......................................................... 76 Table 18: Shipment Weighted Energy Factors (EF) for Refrigerators ........................................................................ 77 Table 19: Summary table for Figure 31 ....................................................................................................................... 81 Table 20: Detailed analysis results for individual energy and water conservation measures. ..................................... 82 Table 21: EnergyStar Home Replacement Results ...................................................................................................... 91 Table 22: RECS Housing Characteristics for Manufactured Homes (Table HC2.1) ................................................... 92 Table 23: RECS space heating characteristics for manufactured homes (Table HC2.4) ............................................. 93 Table 24: RECS A/C details for manufactured homes ................................................................................................ 94 Table 25: RECS window/wall unit A/C details ........................................................................................................... 94 Table 26: RECS central A/C details ............................................................................................................................ 94 Table 27: RECS at-home behavior impacting central A/C use.................................................................................... 95 Table 28: RECS Manufactured Home Characteristics Affecting Central A/C Usage ................................................. 95 Table 29: Thermostat details for manufactured homes with central A/C .................................................................... 96 Table 30: RECS manufactured home appliance data................................................................................................... 97 Table 31: RECS electronic characteristics for manufactured homes ........................................................................... 99 Table 32: RECS average household energy end use consumption ............................................................................ 100 Table 33: 2009 RASS electric UECs (kWh/home/year) by residence type ............................................................... 101 Table 34: 2009 RASS Gas UECs (Therms/home/year) by Residence Type, for all Households and for Homes w/Gas Account Data ............................................................................................................................................................. 102 Table 35: Manufactured home counts by state and vintage (2009 American Communities Survey) ........................ 106 Table 36: Manufactured Home Heating Fuel Use by State (2009 American Communities Survey) ........................ 107 Table 37: Utility and municipal loan and financing programs .................................................................................. 109 Executive Summary Introduction Manufactured homes provide an important housing option for nearly 7 million American families. This represents approximately 6% of the total U.S. housing stock. While it is often overlooked, it comprises the largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing in the U.S. It is inexpensive to build and easy to deploy. It provides an important route to home ownership and equity building. Manufactured homes have a number of sustainability advantages. They are manufactured in tightly controlled factory environments, enabling efficient use of building materials, reduced construction waste and high quality construction. EnergyStar® qualified homes in particular must meet high standards for manufacturing plant quality control, home design, and HVAC performance. House size is generally smaller, which has numerous ripple effects including reduced building material use, reduced energy use and denser land use. “Resident owned communities” (manufactured home parks which have been purchased by and managed by the residents) can provide additional benefits and opportunities for increased efficiency and sustainability at the community level, as well as opportunities for residents to build equity and wealth in their home. There are, of course, challenges facing manufactured homes and communities. A high percentage of existing mobile homes are not EnergyStar homes. In fact, there are approximately 2.2 million homes that were built before federal regulation of energy performance or efficiency. Many of these homes are in poor condition, and have inefficient HVAC equipment, moisture intrusion, minimal insulation, and other thermal and environmental quality issues. High utility costs are often the result, particularly in more extreme climates. Financing for upgrades is scarce. Many older manufactured communities have aging infrastructure. Manufactured homes and communities have often not garnered the same resources from public agencies as other affordable housing types, suffer from inaccurate negative stereotypes, and can face more stringent local regulation. Purpose The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sustainability benefits of manufactured homes and manufactured home communities, identify opportunities to improve sustainability and reduce utility costs, and to provide clear and targeted recommendations that appropriately address on-the-ground conditions to guide residents, policy makers, funders and non-profits in making smart decisions for their communities. This paper identifies when it is appropriate to retrofit or replace a manufactured home, and describes how take advantage of community resources when approaching the challenges and opportunities surrounding affordable sustainability. Report Organization This paper is organized as follows: The Executive Summary provides a summary of major findings, with a focus on what can be done at both the manufactured home level and community level to improve sustainability. Section 1 provides general background and contextual information on current activities and initiatives addressing energy efficiency and sustainability in manufactured homes. Section 2 provides detailed characteristics and demographics of manufactured homes and manufactured home communities. This data provides a critical set of contextual data for understanding the energy and sustainability issues facing manufactured homes, and was used to guide and inform this paper. This contextual data may be valuable to the larger affordable housing community as its members shape policy that affects sustainability in manufactured homes. Section 3 summarizes the key sustainability benefits of manufactured homes and communities. Section 4 describes opportunities for improving sustainability and affordability in manufactured homes at the household level and the community level. Section 5 provides an outline of significant needs and opportunities for policy that affects manufactured homes. Section 6 provides a list of references and bibliography. Appendix A provides details regarding the analyses conducted for this paper. Appendix B provides additional details regarding manufactured home characteristics. Appendix C includes information about loan and financing programs, and Appendix D provides more details regarding utility costs. i Key Manufactured Home Characteristics, Demographics and Context Data There is significant variation in manufactured homes characteristics, demographics, and related contextual data throughout the U.S. It is important to recognize the implications of this variation. Relying on national average data (e.g., average energy costs, typical heating fuel, etc.) can significantly underestimate savings for atypical areas and mask or distort measure savings and effectiveness. Recommendations applicable in one context are not necessarily the best set of measures for another. This study conducted a detailed review of the existing statistical data on manufactured home characteristics and demographics, and related contextual data such as variation in utility costs, escalation, etc. This data was used to inform and guide the analysis and recommendations, and answer questions such as what is the distribution of manufactured home vintages, which regions rely on expensive heating fuels, etc. Manufactured homes represent ~6% of the total U.S. housing stock (6.99 million manufactured homes out of 115 million total occupied housing units), up to 18% of the total housing stock in some states, and nearly 60% in some counties. Manufactured homes are the largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing in the U.S., and provide an important route for home ownership and wealth creation for low income households. These households face a variety of housing challenges, including high cost burdens (households where more than 30% of gross income goes toward housing costs, including utilities). Improving home energy efficiency and community infrastructure can help reduce this cost burden. Home ownership is higher in manufactured homes (83%) compared to the total U.S. housing stock (70%)1. The 1976 and 1994 HUD codes for manufactured homes were designed to improve the quality and efficiency of manufactured homes. Figure 1 shows the nationwide manufactured home stock age distribution. 26% of manufactured homes predate the 1976 HUD code and are inefficient; 43% date to the original 1976-1994 HUD code; 31% are built to the newer 1994 HUD code update, and less than 1% are built to the EnergyStar standard2. While improvements to the code and standards such as EnergyStar help improve the performance of new mobile homes, they do not impact the majority of homes, which were built prior to 1994. Therefore, additional strategies are needed to address these older mobile homes. Strategies to improve this older housing stock at the housing level and at the community level are discussed in detail in this report (See Sections 1.5, 1.6, 5.1, and 5.2). Pre 1976, 2,221,692 , 26% Energy Star, 42,425 , 0% 1994+, 2,603,444 , 31% 1976-1994, 3,667,769 , 43% Figure 1: Manufactured home stock age3 1 U.S. Department of Energy, Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), survey data tables, 2 42,425 homes were reported to meet ENERGYSTAR standards as of the second quarter of 2011. 3 Figures based on data from the American Communities Survey, 2009. Note that there is some variation between numbers estimated by the 2009 American Communities Survey and the 2010 Census. ii In many regions, manufactured homes use expensive heating fuels (fuel oil, propane and electricity). Manufactured homes in New England and northern Atlantic states rely heavily on fuel oil, with nearly 75% of homes in Maine served by fuel oil. Over 50% of manufactured homes in 12 states have electric heating, primarily in the South and Northwest. Expensive fuels combined with poor efficiency exacerbate high energy costs and high home cost burdens. Utility prices are highly variable across the U.S., with prices varying by up to a factor of four. It is important to recognize these regional variations in assessing energy and sustainability improvement opportunities. Savings based on nationwide average costs will significantly underestimate savings potential and mask the fact that many measures are highly cost effective in locations with high utility prices. Programmatic and policy efforts to reduce utility costs should focus on areas with high utility costs or homes with expensive fuels. Utility cost escalation is a related concern. Water prices increased by nearly 10% last year and are projected to continue rising faster than general inflation. Natural gas prices doubled in 10 years between 1999 and 2008, propane prices have doubled between 2000 and 2010, and fuel oil prices increased by a factor of four during a six year period between 2002 and 2008. Current fuel oil prices are still more than three times higher than they were in 2002. Rapidly rising utility costs disproportionately impact low income and manufactured home residents, who are already facing significant housing cost burdens. Aging infrastructure, increasing stress on water supplies, and related factors will continue to drive water prices up and are an important sustainability issue for manufactured homes and communities. Sustainability Benefits of Manufactured Homes Manufactured homes can be a surprisingly sustainable housing option, and provides a number of sustainability benefits compared to site-built housing. Figure 2 illustrates these benefits from a triple bottom line perspective. Affordable housing Home ownership Equity & wealth development Housing security Community Environmental Social Energy use Water use Construction waste Efficient resource utilization Stormwater management Land use and density Greenhouse gas emissions Economic Affordable housing Equity & wealth building Potential for low utility bills Figure 2: Summary of key sustainability benefits A case study was developed to understand and quantify the sustainability performance of manufactured homes versus site-built housing. A search was conducted to identify a representative manufactured home community in close proximity to other types of site-built housing. A location was identified in Pomona, California (Los Angeles area) which had four back-to-back communities, each containing different housing types: a manufactured home community, single family neighborhood, a condominium/townhome complex, and an apartment complex. Each of the communities was analyzed and a set of key sustainability indicators were developed, including energy use, water use, stormwater generation, housing density, greenhouse gas generation, affordability (monthly mortgage/rent plus and utility costs). A summary of results is shown below, with more detailed analysis outlined in Section 4.2 of this report. iii 100% Overall Impacts 90% Normalized Impact 80% Energy Use Water Use Stormwater Construction Waste GHG's Affordability 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Single Family Condos Manuf. Home Apartments Figure 3: Comparison of sustainability impacts between housing types The analysis shows that on a per dwelling unit (DU) basis, manufactured homes have significantly lower environmental impacts and are more sustainable across a range of key sustainability indicators than either single family homes or the condominium/town home units. Apartments have lower impacts in many areas due to their small size and density; however, they are not as affordable and do not provide home ownership benefits. While these benefits will vary by location, community age, density and other factors, this case study is representative of the types of benefits manufactured homes provide. Housing Level Sustainability Opportunities Manufactured home energy savings opportunities depend upon many factors, including climate, vintage of home, home condition, heating fuel used, local fuel costs, and other factors discussed in Section 2. There is dramatic variability in manufactured home energy and water use, as detailed in Section 4.1.2. One of the purposes of this study is to understand how energy use varies with these parameters and analyze savings opportunities. The study examined twelve different prototype manufactured home models. Each prototype was evaluated in each of three locations with different climates and different heating fuel types. In addition, each prototype home was evaluated assuming, best, average and worst case physical conditions. Details on how the analysis was performed are available in section 5 of this report. One of the most dramatic, although not unexpected, results of the analysis is the extremely wide variation in energy use for homes in the same location. Energy use can vary by a factor of five in Zone 1 to nearly ten in Zone 3. Figure 4 shows the range of energy use for each HUD zone. For each zone, the highest, lowest, and average manufactured home energy use is shown. The home worst-performing home is a pre-HUD home in very bad condition, with poor insulation, large air leakage, single pane aluminum framed windows, old inefficient HVAC equipment that has not been tuned or properly maintained, inefficient plumbing heaters, etc. and using the most expensive heating fuel. The best-performing home is an EnergyStar home that has efficient equipment, efficient plumbing fixtures, is sheltered from the wind, and has applied all potential conservation measures and using the least expensive fuel. The “average” represents the average of all the scenarios run, and does not necessarily represent the actual average manufactured home energy costs for a particular region (this would be impacted by the vintage distribution (Figure 14), heating fuel prevalence (Figure 17), and other factors). It should be noted that the modeling assumes that typical temperature setpoint conditions are maintained and that the homes have air-conditioning. Low-income homes that are in very poor condition and have extremely high utility bills would likely change the setpoints to be much colder in winter, find alternate heating means, not use A/C, and make other behavior modifications to compensate. While these are the extremes, it does dramatize the large potential variation and highlights the need to find and address very inefficient homes. iv $9,000 Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 2 $8,000 $7,000 Water Plug & Misc. Electric Refrigerator $6,000 Cooling Plug & Misc. Fuel $5,000 DHW Heating $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 Zone3-Min Zone3-Avg Zone3-max Zone2-Min Zone2-Avg Zone2-max Zone1-Min Zone1-Avg Zone1-max $0 Figure 4: Range of manufactured home annual energy use by HUD Zone Other findings resulting from the analysis of energy use in manufactured homes indicate that code updates have significantly reduced heating and cooling energy demand. Additionally, as expected, cooling is the largest energy cost in Zone 1 and should be focused on, whereas heating is the largest energy user in Zone 3 and merits attention. For areas with expensive heating fuels, heating costs dwarf other energy costs and must be addressed. It is important note, however, that heating is a significant energy consumer in all climate zones, and there are significant opportunities to improve energy efficiency related to heating in nearly all climates. Two other results are significant. First, refrigerator energy use is substantial and, the amount of energy used by the refrigerator varies widely based on the age of the refrigerator; therefore, targeting refrigerator replacements can have significant savings. Second, there are substantial savings opportunities related to water heating, particularly for homes with inefficient plumbing fixtures, which can usually be replaced inexpensively. Mitigating Mold and Moisture Problems Manufactured homes are built to effectively deal with moisture—roofs and walls keep rain out of the home and prevent water from penetrating into the walls, insulation and construction materials; moisture generating appliances such as dryers are vented outdoors; exhaust fans get rid of moisture from the kitchen and bathroom; furnaces and other combustion equipment are vented to the outside, and the site is graded to slope away from the home and prevent water from collecting. However, plumbing leaks, roof leaks, failure of gutter and flashing details, deteriorating caulk and sealants, air infiltration, improper site grading, landscaping changes, equipment failure, occupant activities and many other factors can lead to moisture problems. Older homes (especially those predating the HUD code) are particularly susceptible to moisture problems. Poor maintenance can also exacerbate the potential for moisture related problems. Moisture can create significant problems and damage once it gets into a home. Repeated or constant wetting of wood and other building materials can lead to decay and structural damage. Rotted floorboards and walls can jeopardize the structural integrity of a home. Furthermore, prolonged moisture leads to the development of mold. Mold can cause bad odors, lead to allergic reactions, trigger asthma, and irritate the eyes, skin, nose and throat. Furthermore, mold exposure can sometimes cause serious infections, such as Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (similar v to bacterial pneumonia) and various infections in those with weakened immune systems 4. Certain regions of the country are more likely to experience moisture related problems due to hot, moist summers (i.e., the South), abundant rain and moisture (e.g., the Pacific Northwest), and areas with cold winters which can condense humidity from inside the home onto window frames and surfaces, as well as inside walls and other building assemblies. A systematic approach to identifying moisture problems and providing assistance to correct these problems would be highly effective. For example, ROC USA and other manufactured home associations may want to consider developing a checklist to identify and mitigate moisture/mold problems that could be provided to their communities. Many of the common moisture related problems found in manufactured homes can be easily corrected by homeowners with a little education and guidance. The key to preventing mold in manufactured homes is to (1) prevent moisture intrusion into the home from the outside, (2) reduce air leakage which can cause water vapor to condense inside walls and insulation, (3) use storm windows to prevent warm moist air inside the home from condensing on cold window frames and other cold surfaces, and (4) control sources of internal humidity. Energy and Water Conservation Opportunities Analysis was performed to identify the cost effectiveness of typical energy and water conservation measures. A complete list of analyzed measures and their costs is provided in Section 4. The analysis of cost effective energy and water conservation measures shows that there is significant variation in the total savings potential and the costs required to achieve these savings, depending on the specific home needs and condition. Table 1 summarizes typical savings for various investment levels. These savings are based on the most cost effective measures identified through the analysis in Section 5 for older homes in moderate to poor condition. The actual dollar savings varies significantly depending on the heating fuel used in the home. Category No and Low-Cost Measures Table 1: Typical energy savings versus investment Measure/ Package Cost Typical Annual Utility Savings $0 - $150 / measure ~ 5-7% total savings potential (refer to Table 8 through Table 10 for specific savings details in each climate zone) Small Investment Moderate investment Larger investment ~$1,000/home ~$2,500/home ~ $5,000 -$6,000 /home ~ 12% ~ 20% ~ 30% Table 2 summarizes the low and no-cost measures that can improve energy and water efficiency. Table 2: Low and no-cost conservation measures Measure Clean the condenser coils. Check air-conditioning coil in furnace/fan unit for dirt and dust and clean as needed. Use interior blinds or shades to reduce unwanted solar gains and insulate windows. Inspect and clean ductwork through registers, and seal junctions where the register boots screw into the trunk with silver backed tape. Check to make sure that the dryer flexible vent line is not crushed, which will reduce airflow and increase drying time. Ensure ventilation registers can open fully and are not obstructed or damaged. Check & replace furnace filters annually. Clean or replace the air filter Install aerators on bathroom sinks. Install dual flow aerators on kitchen sinks. Install low-flow showerheads. Insulate hot water pipe. 4 Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $4 $12 $17 $20 EPA. “Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, Appendix B-Introduction to Molds”. Webpage. Accessed 11/2011. vi Install a water heater insulation wrap. Upgrade incandescent bulbs to CFL. Shade the AC condenser. Perform seasonal maintenance on the AC unit to keep it tuned and correctly charged. Effective landscape shading to reduce solar heat gains in summer but not winter Shade exterior windows. Roof shading from landscape Furnace tune-up & safety inspection Shield the home from wind $23 $29 $40 $100 $100 $100 $100 $135 $150 Table 3 shows the typical cost effective conservation measures. These vary depending on climate zone, house vintage and other factors; refer to Section 4.1.4 for detailed lists of cost effective measures for each climate zone. Table 3: Typical cost-effective energy and water conservation measures Utility Simple Monthly Home Cost Savings Payback Savings $/mo Name $/yr Costs years (Svgs - Financed Cost) A/C Tune EnergyStar Refrigerator (40 yrs old) Seal Duct Leaks Summer Landscape Shading Blinds/Shades CFLs Wind Shielding Exterior Window Shading Low-Flow Showerhead Dual Flow Kitchen Sink EnergyStar Refrigerator (30 yrs old) A/C Filter Dryer Vent DHW Pipe Insulation Roof Shading Shade A/C Condenser Water Heater Wrap High Efficiency Toilet Furnace Filter Open Registers $179 $209 $134 $99 $62 $62 $66 $59 $45 $25 $101 $20 $17 $16 $25 $12 $9 $30 $1.7 $0 $100 $630 $245 $100 $0 $29 $150 $100 $17 $12 $630 $1 $0 $20 $100 $40 $23 $222 $1 $0 0.6 3.0 1.8 1.0 0.0 0.5 2.3 1.7 0.4 0.5 6.2 0.1 0.0 1.3 3.9 3.4 2.5 7.3 0.5 0.0 $14 $11 $9 $7 $5 $5 $4 $4 $4 $2 $2 $2 $1 $1 $1 $1 $1 $0 $0 $0 Replacement of Existing Manufactured Homes with EnergyStar Homes There is significant discussion in the manufactured home community regarding when it no longer makes sense to undertake efforts to reduce the energy and water use and/or weatherize a house (also known as “walking away” from weatherization because a house is in such poor condition that it does not merit further costs to attempt to improve it), and when it is more cost effective to replace a home with a new EnergyStar home. These are two important and related questions this white paper addresses. The first question is, when does it make sense to “walk away” from weatherization and other energy and water conservation measures? There are generally no strict “Walk Away” criteria required by the DOE or state weatherization assistance programs, aside from income and ownership issues not related to the technical condition of homes. There are exclusions that limit weatherization activities where there are significant safety concerns (e.g., presence of asbestos), or require necessary structural repairs be made, but these do not preclude weatherization as long as the weatherization activities are cost effective (e.g., 5, 6, 7, and 8). Manufactured home stock data (e.g., Figure 12 5 Washington State Department of Commerce. “Weatherization Manual for Managing Low-Income Weatherization Program.” 2010 Revision. D=6512&MId=870&wversion=Staging vii through Figure 17) shows that there are many more manufactured homes, including many older ones that are likely very inefficient, than there are funds to replace these with new units. Therefore, it generally does not make sense to simply walk away from cost effective weatherization efforts and do nothing simply because these are “too inefficient to start with,” as these homes will likely continue to be used. Since it generally does not make sense to simply walk away from cost effective weatherization, the next question is, when is it cost effective to replace an older manufactured home with a newer EnergyStar rated unit? A review of available literature did not find significant data on this topic, although some analysis has been done for the EnergyStar Manufactured Home program9, which found that replacing an older home with a newer EnergyStar manufacture home does not pay back from energy savings alone. While this is generally true, there is significant variation in manufactured home energy costs depending on age, condition, climate zone and heating fuel type (refer to Figure 22 through Figure 27). This paper conducted a detailed analysis to determine the specific set of conditions where it is most cost effective upgrade to an EnergyStar home. Note that this analysis is intended to identify, holding all things equal, where the most cost effective opportunities for EnergyStar home replacements lie. There are many factors that can influence these results: occupants responding to high energy bills by reducing heating or using alternative heating sources; access to affordable financing, etc. These results should not be used as the final basis for justifying an EnergyStar Home replacement, but as a starting point for focusing programmatic efforts. The costs and savings for replacing each of the manufactured home prototypical models described in Table 6 (models for each climate zone, heating fuel, vintage and condition) with a new EnergyStar manufactured home was analyzed. The analysis assumes that each home is replaced by an equivalent sized EnergyStar rated manufactured home of ~900 ft2 using the same heating fuel (i.e., assuming no heating fuel switch). Typical replacement costs of $33,732 are assumed (based on a review of the literature with $35.73/ ft2 costs for a typical new manufactured home plus a $1.75/ ft2 adder for the EnergyStar features totaling $37.48/ft2). A 30 year analysis period with a 4% mortgage rate is assumed10, resulting in a monthly mortgage payment of $160.51. Utility cost savings, the net change in monthly housing costs (mortgage costs minus utility savings), and simple payback period were calculated for each scenario. Detailed analysis assumptions and results are shown in Table 21 in the Appendix. The results show that while EnergyStar home upgrades do not make financial sense based on energy savings alone for most situations, there are a number of key scenarios where EnergyStar replacement homes are potentially cost effective from energy savings. For the following three situations, the payback from energy savings is under 20 years and the utility savings are greater than the new mortgage payment. In other words, total monthly housing costs go down. 1. Older pre-HUD Code or early HUD code homes in the “poor” condition (e.g., leaky, poorly insulated, older low-efficiency HVAC equipment, etc.) in Zones 2 and 3 using expensive heating fuels (electricity, propane or fuel oil), 6 Maine State Housing Authority, “Maine Weatherization Standards.” 2005. 7 Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, “Program Operations Manual”. 8 Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center. “Field Standards and Guides.” Webpage, accessed 11/20100. 9 These studies were not published or released publically, and could not be obtained for this project. 10 It should be noted that there is wide variability in financing rates. Some states treat manufactured homes as real property, while others treat them as chattel. Fannie Mae only finances manufactured homes that are titled as real property on permanent foundations. Mortgage rates for real property do not apply to chattel; chattel financing runs about 250 basis points above conventional mortgage rates. Mortgage rates vary considerably depending on the borrower’s credit rating, and whether the borrow qualifies for any of the lower interest financing programs discussed in Section 1. Affordable housing programs also have access to lower than market interest rates and other funding which can effectively buy down the rate. We believe the mortgage rate used here is representative of what can be expected for a programmatic approach to ENERGYSTAR manufactured home replacements in the affordable housing context, but this is clearly variable and dependent upon many factors. The reader should exercise care when using these numbers. A more detailed financial analysis would be required for any specific program. viii 2. 3. Older electrically heated homes in zone 1 in “poor” condition, and Older pre-HUD Code homes in zone 3 heated with propane or fuel oil in “design” condition (e.g. homes that are in good, original condition but have not been weatherized). Furthermore, there are additional conditions where upgrading to a new EnergyStar manufactured home pays back over a 30 year house lifetime, but where monthly housing costs go up (i.e., utility savings do not outweigh mortgage costs, and monthly homeowner costs will increase). These also are generally homes in poor condition with expensive heating fuels. Refer to Table 13 for details. These results are significant because they show a large, well-defined class of homes where it is cost effective to replace older homes with newer EnergyStar homes. There are opportunities for manufactured homes and affordable housing stakeholders to explore programmatic approaches to making these change-outs happen, such as the development of special financing mechanisms, revolving loan funds, approaches similar to Next Step (see case study below), and so on. Further investigation of the savings potential is also required in order to identify how significant occupant behavior will affect these results (e.g., how likely low income residents are likely to turn down or off heating and air-conditioning rather than pay large utility bills). It should be noted that one of the barriers to EnergyStar manufactured home replacements is the fact that many, and possibly most owners of older manufactured homes do not have mortgages. The decision to buy a new EnergyStar manufactured home engenders taking on debt, which can be a tough sell for many low income homeowners who see their home as a significant source of security. Taking on debt would affect this security, which creates a resistance to upgrade in spite of overall reduced monthly costs and other quality of live improvements associated with home replacement. CASE-STUDY: Next Step EnergyStar Replacement Manufactured Home Program Next Step is a nonprofit organization with a mission to build a national distribution system to deliver high quality, energy efficient factory homes at scale. It is working to replace ~2 million inefficient pre-1976, pre-HUD Code mobile homes in the US with energy-efficient manufactured homes by 2030, and to find homeowners responsible financing on fair terms. Next Step is developing the “Next Step Network” of certified and trained nonprofits to market affordable green manufactured homes, find and prepare homebuyers, sell the homes, and then order these homes from approved manufacturing facilities. Next Step has a strategic alliance with Clayton Homes to design and produce high quality EnergyStar factory built homes that meet specific requirements, and has plans to aggregate home orders to generate volume discounts and provide homes at wholesale prices to its members. It also monitors ordering, assists members in preparing for delivery, and coordinates home warranty issues. Next Step provides an important model for implementing manufactured housing retrofits and upgrades. Community Level Sustainability Opportunities The single largest contribution a community organization can make to its constituents is to provide information about sustainability efforts that help residents save utility costs and lead healthier lives. Searching for and taking advantage of incentives and financing programs can be complex, and although energy and water savings can begin with straightforward strategies, it can be difficult to determine which strategies are the most useful under a specific ix set of circumstances. By encouraging and informing residents about these issues, community organizations play a critical role in helping residents maintain an efficient, affordable, and healthy home. Second to education is the scale on which community actions take place; individual actions multiplied dozens or hundreds of times can have enormous impact, and community groups themselves also have an interest in maintaining their own infrastructure in the most efficient, affordable, and healthy ways possible. Conversely, community inaction can lead to years of lost utility savings, environmental and infrastructure degradation, or unrealized/unmitigated health risks. There are many opportunities to improve sustainability at the community-level that are not available or not as effective at the individual household level. This section summarizes key sustainability opportunities at the community level. These opportunities are discussed in greater detail in Section 5. Homeowner Sustainability Education Many of the sustainability and efficiency measures outlined throughout this report are well suited to direct homeowner action, and require little or no costs to implement. There are a number of significant opportunities for homeowner education that can provide them with the necessary guidance to make these changes on their own. These include opportunities for education in moisture and mold prevention and mitigation, indoor environmental quality, energy and water conservation, landscaping, as well as financing and funding opportunities. Homeowner education is discussed in more detail in Section 5. Water Significant opportunities to reduce water use and stormwater runoff can be approached at the community level, and can substantially reduce the overall environmental footprint of any manufactured home community. Additionally, sustainability issues related to water take on special significance for rural manufactured home communities that are not served by a public water supply, but provide and treat their own water. These communities have a particular need to ensure that they are using water efficiently, minimizing infrastructure costs and maintenance, and maintaining a safe, cost-effective water supply. Most communities and facilities never examine their historical water consumption. “Creeping” water consumption trends often go unnoticed, and even large increases or spikes in water use often go unnoticed or only noticed after long periods of time. The community’s water consumption should be analyzed to identify changes in consumption patterns, anomalies that may be indicative of problems, and to benchmark performance. At a minimum, communities should calculate their total water use per home and compare this to consumption in previous months and years. Significant changes can be identified and addressed. This data can also be shared through monthly newsletters or similar methods to educate residents and track water efficiency efforts. Similarly, communities should ensure that proper water pressure is being maintained throughout the site and in homes. A simple $15 pressure gauge from a building supply store can be used to measure water pressure on hose bibs, faucets, and irrigation lines. Water pressure should be approximately 50 PSI. Higher pressures can significantly increase water use, increase water lost through leaks, and lead to excessive wear on pipes, burst pipes, and damaged irrigation equipment. Significant daily pressure variations are quite typical and municipal water supply pressures can vary dramatically. One property measured water pressure variation from roughly 60 PSI during the day to over 120 PSI at night. This high pressure led to burst pipes (particularly PVC irrigation pipes, damaged irrigation equipment, and other problems. Therefore, it is important to measure the pressure throughout the day and night (most pressure gauges can simply be left on overnight and have an indicator that reads maximum pressure recorded). Reducing water pressure from 60 to 50 psi, for example, could lower the total water consumption of a property by 5 to 10%. Properties typically have pressure regulating valves that can be adjusted to the desired pressure. If they have stopped working and are no longer able to regulate pressure, or there are no pressure regulating valves, new valves should be installed. Costs are around $500 to $700 for a 3-inch pressure reducing valve. Water utilities often have a variety of incentives related to improving water efficiency. These include toilet swaps, efficient showerhead giveaways, water audits, leak detector kits, incentives for smart irrigation controllers, and other measures. The community should work with their local water utility to identify all relevant incentives and opportunities, and promote these within the community. It may even be possible to arrange special events, such as a community-wide toilet replacement, or community-wide showerhead exchange program. Utilities are often very supportive of community efforts to conserve water and will often work together to leverage existing programs or develop custom programs at the community level. x Irrigation Water Use The first and most important opportunity related to water is to ensure water is being used efficiently. Site irrigation (i.e., watering of medians, open-space, parks and other community landscaping) is typically the largest source of water consumption controlled at the community level. Potential water savings can be quite large, depending on the amount of irrigated area and current practices. There is large variation in the square footage of irrigated land in manufactured home communities, so it is difficult to generalize regarding total irrigation water use. Some communities have minimal or no irrigated yards or common areas (e.g., the community used in the case study in Figure 19) and will have nearly zero irrigation water use. However, some communities may have landscaping and yards similar in area to typical single-family site-built neighborhoods, where landscape irrigation can account for 50% to 70% of total community water use. Refer to Section 5 for recommended strategies to reduce irrigation water use, including installation of irrigation submeters and routine inspections for leaks. Resident Water Use Resident water consumption is typically the largest single source of water consumption in a manufactured home community, but is not directly controlled at the community level. However, there are a number of actions that can be taken at the community level to help reduce resident water consumption and promote water efficiency. Communities can educate residents about water efficiency and promote efficiency through newsletters, community meetings and special events. They can also purchase water conservation equipment (e.g., faucet aerators) to give away or water auditing tools to loan to residents. A water auditing program could also be developed at the community level to determine the most effective water conservation measures specific to a given manufactured home community. Submetering of resident water use can also result in savings of 18 – 39%11. More information regarding reductions in resident water use can be found in Section 5. Aside from the quantity of water used by manufactured home communities, the quality of the water is also an important factor in overall environmental quality. For communities that have their own wells, it is important to protect the water source from contamination and other water quality problems. Water quality is also largely dependent on regional water quality issues that are often outside of the community’s control. It is easy for a well field to be contaminated through septic system malfunctions, illegal dumping, and poor land use. This can be very costly for a community, and could require additional water treatment, well relocation, or in some cases loss of water supply. A few key issues that should be considered include: Test water to ensure that contaminants are below EPA limits. Evaluate whether water treatment is required. Ensure septic systems are not leaking or misplaced. Manage Stormwater to prevent well contamination. Watch for illegal dumping of oil and other wastes. Monitor off-property sources of damage/contamination Wastewater Management Managing wastewater is particularly important for communities which have their own wastewater systems (e.g., septic systems). Increasing water efficiency (e.g., efficient toilets and plumbing fixtures) will significantly reduce wastewater generation. This can reduce wastewater treatment costs and prolong system operation. Specific measures related to reducing wastewater generation are outlined in Section 5 and include ensuring proper operation of wastewater systems, reusing “gray water” for irrigation or other purposes, and alternative wastewater treatment systems. Stormwater Management Management of stormwater requires that best practices be undertaken for both stormwater infrastructure and road infrastructure. Stormwater infrastructure and road infrastructure are closely related at the community level: streets and other paving are significant sources of runoff generation, and curbs and gutters are central to stormwater management infrastructure. This report groups stormwater and road infrastructure practices together. A set of best management practices for roads/stormwater is referred to as “low impact development”, which uses alternate construction methods to manage stormwater and promote on-site infiltration rather than runoff. This reduces the size and cost of the required stormwater infrastructure, reduces stormwater generation and flows, and improves pollution 11 Base on a study conducted by the National Multi-Housing Council and the National Apartment Association, xi removal. Reducing street widths can significantly reduce the amount of material required, reduce runoff, and lower long term maintenance costs. Likewise, minimizing other impervious areas such as parking lots and hardscape (or replacing impervious materials with permeable pavers, permeable concrete, or permeable asphalt) can reduce runoff. These measures need to be coordinated with local fire marshals to ensure appropriate fire truck access, as well as consideration of other local code requirements. In many cases, local jurisdictions are amenable to working with communities on these issues and issuing variances where needed. Other measures to infiltrate water into the ground, such as swales, rain gardens and other bioretention systems, and dry wells, may also be appropriate. Energy Similar to water, community electricity consumption should be tracked and monitored to identify changing consumption patterns and spot increases and problems in a timely manner. Many utilities are now providing online utility bill tracking and analysis that can be utilized. Otherwise, a simple spreadsheet can be used to track electricity use. Data should be graphed and compared to the previous month’s consumption, and comparisons of year-over-year energy use should also be determined. Electricity use can be calculated on a per home basis to aid in interpretation. For communities where residences do not have individually metered or submetered electricity, electricity submeters should be installed. This will benefit both the community and residents. It provides a means for residents to lower total household costs by making them aware of their electricity use and enabling them to save money by being more efficient, rather than penalizing them for inefficient use by others. There are a number of companies that provide submetering for manufactured home communities 12 that can assist with meter infrastructure and installation, billing setup, and legal issues. Make sure to consult local and state regulations governing utility submetering. Energy utilities often have a variety of incentives to encourage energy efficiency. These include lamp giveaways, programmable thermostats, incentives for upgrading to more efficient furnaces, swamp coolers, increasing insulation, energy audits, and many other measures. Incentives change regularly and vary from utility to utility. Available incentives can be identified and communicated to the community through monthly newsletters, fliers, bulletin boards, etc. Utilities are often very supportive of community efforts to conserve energy and will often work together to leverage existing programs or develop custom programs at the community level. Community-Scale Weatherization Efforts Weatherization is typically done on a home-by-home basis. However, there are opportunities to increase costeffectiveness by targeting weatherization activities on a community level. A community could explore opportunities to reduce the costs of energy audits, weatherization, and related activities by pursuing these efforts at the community level rather than at the household level. Scaling these activities up to the community level may allow service providers to reduce the cost of these activities for each household. Landscaping Strategies to Reduce Heating and Cooling Costs Site landscaping can be used to block or reduce prevailing winds that increase energy use. This reduces the air infiltration in the homes throughout the community. Typically, it is desirable to block cold winter winds, while not blocking summer winds that can reduce air conditioning use or facilitate natural ventilation. Careful site and wind analysis should guide community tree planting and landscaping. Landscaping can also provide effective shading to reduce solar heat gain in summer and reduce local air temperatures (typically by 3-5 degrees F) as a result of cooling due to evapotranspiration. Well-designed landscaping can achieve these goals while at the same time allowing for solar heat gain during the winter. Selecting deciduous trees and providing thoughtful tree/landscape placement can minimize winter shading. Studies have shown that effective use of community tree plantings can reduce summer air-conditioning energy use by up to 25%. Furthermore, property with many mature trees typically increases desirability and aesthetic value. Efficient Site Lighting Communities should ensure that energy use related to site lighting is minimized without sacrificing security concerns of residents. Specifically, the following actions should be taken: 12 One example is the National Exemption Service, xii Replace older mercury vapor lamps Replace Incandescent lamps Install LED street lighting Reduce Light Levels and Light Pollution Install Photo-sensors, Astronomical Timers, and Motions Sensors on Site Lighting Homeowner Education and Energy Auditing Support The community can support homeowner education initiatives in a variety of ways. This can include reminders in monthly newsletters to set back thermostats, install storm windows, and take other energy saving actions, providing homeowners with detailed energy auditing and conservation guides 13, and supporting residents who conduct inhome energy audits. Community organizations may wish to encourage in-home energy audits by purchasing a set of tools that can be loaned to homeowners, such as a “Kill-a-Watt” meter to measure electricity plug loads 14, mirrors to inspect ducts for damage, and so on. Community organizations might also consider providing common low-cost materials or coordinating the availability of such materials for common energy-related repairs and upgrades, such as water heater wraps, foil-backed tape for taping leaky ducts, etc. Solid Waste The most significant step a community can take to improve solid waste management is to provide appropriate recycling and waste collection services. Specifically, a community should ensure that appropriate recycling services are available, educate residents about proper hazardous waste disposal, and coordinate opportunities to collect hazardous waste. This can include working with local waste agencies to host hazardous waste collection roundups for the community, providing hazardous waste collection bins for batteries, light bulbs, electronics, used motor oil, and other hazardous waste. Policy Opportunities The primary intention of this paper is to lay the groundwork for the manufactured home community to develop effective policy and programs targeting improved sustainability in manufactured homes and communities. This paper does not attempt to define specific policies and programs. However, a few specific policy opportunities that were identified through the development of this paper are outlined below. Communicate the sustainability benefits of manufactured homes and communities, Define “Walk-Away” conditions, Target EnergyStar replacement home replacement programs, Develop community-level sustainability programs, Aggregate disparate rebates, incentives and related initiatives into cohesive programs that communities and homeowners can participate in, Lobbying support for manufactured homeowners and communities, and Maximize use of existing financial resources. Refer to section 5 for additional information on these policy opportunities. 13 e.g., U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 14 xiii 1. Introduction and Background Manufactured homes provide an important housing option for nearly 7 million American families. This represents approximately 6% of the total U.S. housing stock. While it is often overlooked, it comprises largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing in the U.S. because it is inexpensive to build and easy to deploy. Thus it provides a route to home ownership and equity building for people who might not otherwise have access. From a sustainability perspective, manufactured homes can have a number of advantages. They are manufactured in tightly controlled factory environments, enabling more efficient use of building materials and the generation of less construction waste. EnergyStar qualified homes, in particular, must meet high standards for manufacturing plant quality control, home design, and HVAC performance. House size is generally smaller too, which has numerous ripple effects including reduced building material use, reduced energy use and denser land use. “Resident owned communities” (manufactured home parks which have been purchased by and managed by the residents) can provide additional benefits and opportunities for increased efficiency and sustainability at the community level. Click here to return to Key Points. There are, of course, challenges facing manufactured homes and communities. A high percentage of existing mobile homes are not EnergyStar homes. In fact, there are approximately 2.2 million homes that were built before any federal regulation, and were therefore not built to any standard regarding energy performance or efficiency. Many of these homes are in poor condition, with inefficient HVAC systems, moisture intrusion, minimal insulation, and other thermal and air quality issues. High utility costs are often the result, particularly in more extreme climates. Financing to fund upgrades is scarce. Many older manufactured communities have aging infrastructure. Manufactured homes and communities are often viewed negatively by both the surrounding community and by public agencies, which may make retrofit funding more difficult to obtain. The performance of individual mobile home units varies greatly depending on several factors, including: The type of manufactured home Size Age Climate where the unit is located Heating fuel type Each of these attributes plays a role in how much energy is needed for heating and cooling, how much that energy will cost, and which types of retrofits will be most cost-effective. While much information exists on the “average” performance of manufactured homes and potential improvement measures, it is the housing that performs below this average that provides the greatest opportunity for improvement and deserves the greatest attention, especially given limited funding sources for retrofit or replacement. Determining the housing that requires the most attention helps identify specific programs and strategies appropriate to particular housing types, locations and fuel sources. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the sustainability benefits of manufactured homes and manufactured home communities, identify opportunities to improve sustainability and reduce utility costs, and to provide clear and targeted recommendations that appropriately address on-the-ground conditions to guide residents, policy makers, funders and non-profits in making smart decisions for their communities. This paper identifies when it is appropriate to retrofit or replace a manufactured home, and describes how take advantage of community resources when approaching the challenges and opportunities surrounding affordable sustainability. This paper has been prepared for ROC USA and funded by Enterprise Green Communities. It is hoped that the analysis will also benefit the wider manufactured home community. ROC USA ( is a non-profit organization with a mission to make quality, resident-ownership of manufactured home communities viable nationwide. ROC USA helps residents buy their manufactured home communities or “mobile home parks” from private community owners. Enterprise Green Communities ( provides funds and expertise to enable developers to build and rehabilitate homes that are healthier, more energy efficient and better for the environment -- without compromising affordability. Green Communities also assists state and local governments to ensure their housing and economic development policies are smart and sustainable. 1 1.1 History of Standards and Regulations Mobile homes became popular in the 1930’s and 1940’s as a form of recreational housing, housing for families with mobile lifestyles or work, and for temporary housing. Housing shortages after World War II increased the use of mobile homes for permanent housing. Although there were some voluntary standards, mobile homes were weakly regulated until the 1976 adoption of the “HUD Code.” Early mobile home standards date to the 1940 adoption of the National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA)’s “Standards for Fire Prevention and Fire Protection in Trailer Coaches and Trailer Courts.” This standard was modified in 1952 and split into two parts in 1960 (one part for trailer coaches and one for trailer courts). Subsequent revisions occurred in 1961, 1963, and 1964. In the early 1960’s, the Mobile Homes Manufacturers Association and the Trailer Coach Association prepared the “American Standard Installations of Plumbing, Heating and Electrical System in Mobile Homes (A119.3-1963). Efforts to consolidate these two standards started in the early 1960’s, and resulted in the creation of the combined “Standard for Mobile Homes,” which was approved by the United States of America Standards Institute in 1969. Several updates occurred in 1971 and 1972, and in 1973, the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) adopted the Standard for Mobile Homes as ANSI Standard A119.1. This includes requirements for body and frame design and construction, and installation of plumbing, heating and electrical systems. Federal regulation of manufactured home construction began in 1974 with passage of the National Manufactured Housing Construction and Safety Standards Act. This led to the development and implementation of the Federal Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards in 1976, commonly known as the “HUD Code 15”, regulated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. This is a federal building code for manufactured homes and preempts state law and building standards. These standards were amended in 1994 to include more stringent thermal performance requirements, an updated climate zone map, and other factors. The current code is not as stringent as some state’s site-built energy codes, including California’s Title 24 Building Energy Code, Washington State’s Energy Code, the Oregon Energy Code, and the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC). In 2008, Congress requested the DOE to update the standards, with a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR) due in 2011. There are proposals to improve energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and durability 16. The HUD Code regulates design, construction, strength, durability, transportability, fire resistance, energy efficiency, and quality control of manufactured homes. It also sets performance standards for heating, plumbing, airconditioning, thermal, and electrical systems. No manufactured home section can be shipped from the factory unless it complies with the HUD Code and receives a certification label (HUD Tag)17 from an independent 3rd party inspector. HUD also has regulations on the minimum installation standards and dispute resolution process that states can expand upon18. The HUD Code has specific requirements pertaining to energy in Subpart F (Thermal Protection), Sections 3280.501 –3280.51119. This subpart sets requirements for condensation control 20, air infiltration21, thermal insulation22 and certification for heating and comfort cooling. Maximum heat loss/gain is regulated by an overall coefficient of heat transmission Uo between the home interior and ambient, which varies by climate zone as shown in Figure 5. Note that the climate zone map was updated during the 1994 code revisions. Heating equipment must be 15 Title 24--Housing And Urban Development, Chapter XX--Office Of Assistant Secretary For Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Department Of Housing And Urban Development, Part 3280--Manufactured Home Construction And Safety Standards. 16 Lubliner, M., and Kunkle, R. “Mobile Home Retrofit Lost Opportunity.” Presentation to the 2011 ACI Annual Conference. 17 18 Next Step, “Preparing To Do Business with Manufactured Housing: Overview of the Regulatory Environment”, September 30, 2011, 19 20 21 22 2 able to maintain an interior temperature of 70 degrees F at a specified outdoor air temperature. Section 3285.503 23 requires site installed air-conditioners to be sized according to the 1997 ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamental or ACCA Manual J. Figure 5: Current HUD zone map for manufactured homes 24 The Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 200025 requires each state to have an installation program and dispute resolution program. States can either use programs established by HUD or develop their own programs which exceed HUD standards26. The installation program regulations require all state programs to train and license installers working in each state, and to administer an installation inspection program meeting the federal requirements. In states not choosing to administer their own manufactured home installation program, HUD will ensure that manufactured home installers are trained and licensed, and will administer an inspection program. In these states HUD has the authority to enforce all of the regulations outlined in 24 CFR Part 3286. Federal law allows states to regulate sales, zoning, installation and dispute resolution. As discussed above, The Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 200027 requires each state to either regulate manufacture home installation or follow HUD regulations in 24 CFR Part 3286. States also regulate transportation of manufactured homes, which impacts maximum lengths and widths. Local regulations govern land use, zoning, and related issues. In many cases, local regulations are prejudicial against manufactured homes and may be written to limit the placement of manufactured homes. These limitations may include minimum house square-footage (which may preclude single-wide homes), minimum lot size (in many cases lots in manufactured home parks do not meet current minimum lot size requirements, making replacement of a mobile home difficult or impossible), more inspections and permitting fees than required for site-built homes, and so on. Harvard University’s Joint Center for Housing Studies notes that concerns regarding adverse impacts of manufactured homes and other affordable housing on neighboring properties may be over-stated28, and points to 23 This zone map is for the current HUD code effective in 1994, and is different from the original 1976 HUD Code zone map. Maximum heat loss factures, U-values, are shown in BTU/hr-sqft-F) 25 26 Manufactured Home Installation Program Regulations, 24 CFR, part 3286, 27 28 Vermeer, K., and Louie, J. “The Future of Manufactured Housing.” January 1997: Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University., page 7. 24 3 studies which have shown no impact on sales prices of neighboring properties 29, 30. Prejudicial and unbalanced local regulations have significant impacts on manufactured home owners and communities. There is a need to further document and publicize the fact that many of the adverse impacts that are often associated with manufactured homes are not true, and to promote the benefits of manufactured homes, including its sustainability benefits. 1.2 EnergyStar Manufactured Homes In December 1997, the EnergyStar program, jointly managed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), expanded its EnergyStar Qualified Homes program to include manufactured homes, and registration of EnergyStar qualified manufactured homes began in 2000. Since then, 42,425 homes are reported to meet ENERGYSTAR standards (as of the second quarter of 2011). Over 4,200 homes were reported in 2010, and over 4,600 homes were reported in 2009.31 Some requirements include: maximum duct loss, minimum heating/cooling/hot water equipment efficiency, maximum U0-value, maximum solar heat gain coefficient, and limits on whole house leakage.32 The energy cost savings for EnergyStar rated homes are shown in Figure 6. Key EnergyStar Program links are summarized below. “Getting Started with ENERGYSTAR Qualified Manufactured Homes”, o "ENERGYSTAR Qualified Manufactured Homes: Design, Manufacturing, Installation, and Certification Procedures", o Guide for retailers o Cooling equipment sizing guidelines o pdf List of ENERGYSTAR qualified plants o 29 Nutt-Powell, T., Hoaglin, H., and Layzer, J. “Residential Property Value and Mobile/Manufactured Homes: A Case Study of Belmont, New Hampshire,” Working Paper 86-1. 1986: Joint Center for Housing Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University 30 Warner. K., and Scheuer, J. “Manufactured Housing Impacts on Adjacent Property Values,” Manufactured Housing Research Project, Report 4. 1993: University of Michigan. 31 Correspondence between Brian Ng, EnergyStar Residential Branch, and Joyce Lin, CTG Energetics 1 August 2011. 32 "ENERGYSTAR Qualified Manufactured Homes: Design, Manufacturing, Installation, and Certification Procedures", 4 ENERGY STAR Home $4,000 Annaul Energy Cost ($) $3,500 Non-ENERGY STAR Home Annual Savings: $471 Monthly Savings: $39 Annual Savings: $729 Monthly Savings: $61 Annual Savings: $799 Monthly Savings: $67 Kansas City, MO Lubbock, TX Binghamton, NY $3,000 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,000 $500 $0 Figure 6: Energy cost savings for ENERGYSTAR qualified manufactured home33 1.3 Fire Risk There is a popular misconception that manufactured homes present a greater fire hazard than site-built homes. A recent report34 and testimony by the National Fire Protection Agency shows that manufactured homes present no greater fire hazard than site-built homes, and that manufactured homes are built to more stringent fire safety standards than site-built homes. Life safety is a fundamental element of sustainability, and this report addresses important safety/sustainability concerns of manufactured homes. 1.4 Titling Manufactured homes have traditionally been titled as personal property (i.e., chattels), rather than real property. This impacts access to financing (e.g., Fannie Mae only underwrites manufactured home loans that are titled as real property and installed on a permanent foundation). It can also make selling or moving a manufactured home challenging. There is some movement in states to allow titling of manufactured homes as real property. Titling requirements vary from state to state, and can be complex for lenders, home sellers and home buyers alike. Sallie Mae works with lenders to help understand the unique manufactured home titling requirements and issues, and maintains a list of statewide titling issues35. There are opportunities to work with states that title manufactured homes as personal property to move towards titling these homes as real property. 1.5 History of Weatherization Efforts Weatherization is commonly considered to include low-cost energy efficiency improvements such as adding weather stripping to doors and windows to save energy. However, as defined by the Weatherization Assistance Program, weatherization encompasses a more comprehensive series of energy efficiency measures that are based on sophisticated analyses of individual homes. These analyses take a whole-house approach, which maximizes energy and dollar savings. In recent years, weatherization providers in many states have begun to combine resources from other programs to address other needs of low income homeowners. 33 Systems Building Research Alliance. ENERGYSTAR for Retailers and Installers. 1 August 2011 <>. 34 National Fire Protection Association “Manufacture Home Fires.” July 2011. omes,-Hall%202011.pdf 35 5 1.5.1 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) The Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) was created under Title IV of the Energy Conservation and Production Act of 1976. The program was intended to save imported oil and cut heating bills for low-income households in the wake of the 1973 oil crisis36. The WAP provides technical assistance and formula grants to state and local weatherization agencies throughout the country. A network of approximately 970 local agencies provide trained crews to perform weatherization services for eligible low-income households in single-family homes, multifamily dwellings, and mobile homes. Weatherized homes receive a comprehensive energy audit and computerized analysis of a home’s energy use and relevant energy conservation measures. Once the most effective energy efficiency measures are determined, these measures are then implemented.37 Approximately 100,000 homes are weatherized each year. The focus of these programs has been on weatherizing single family homes, and nearly 65% of eligible single family homes have been weatherized. In contrast, only 20% of eligible manufactured homes have been weatherized (see Figure 7). Key links to weatherization-related programs are provided below: WAP homepage, with links to program details o Strategy report by Millennium Weatherization Committee (1999) o Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center (WAPTAC) o Weatherization Plus o Weatherization Assistance Grants o % of Weatherized Households 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Single Family Mobile Home Multi Family Figure 7: Percentage of weatherized households by building type 36 37 “History of the Weatherization Assistance Program”, Weatherization Assistance Grants, 6 1.5.2 Weatherization Research Extensive research in the late 1980s and early 1990s38, 39 led the way to more effective weatherization approaches specific to manufactured homes. Blower-door-directed air sealing and duct repair, furnace tune-ups, interior storm windows, belly insulation and roof insulation were identified as the most cost effective retrofit measures for preHUD code homes (pre-1976), with cost effective energy savings of up to 33% possible. Much research has been conducted since then, and the Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center (WAPTAC) has links40 to many of the best practices41, weatherization field guides42, tools, training, and related weatherization data targeting weatherization practitioners. Research into further improvements in new and existing manufactured homes continues to undertaken by the U.S. DOE Building America Industrialized Housing Partnership (BAIHP)43, the Systems Building Research Alliance44, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, the Partnership of Advanced Technology in Housing (PATH)45, the Bonneville Power Authority46, Washington State University Cooperative Extension Program47, 48, the Florida Solar Energy Center 49, and others. One resource that is particularly helpful is the document “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy, Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes.”50 This document provides an excellent resource for homeowners and manufactured home communities and contains detailed descriptions and information on a comprehensive range of energy efficiency upgrades. It should also be noted that the quality of home installation, including proper grading, foundation, and home placement, is the root cause of many future home energy and quality problems. There is a general programmatic focus on manufactured home installation. For example, Fannie Mae only underwrites manufactured home loans that are titled as real property and installed on a permanent foundation, EnergyStar manufactured homes include quality installation requirements, and the NextStep program requires permanent foundations as part of its program. 1.5.3 Weatherization Assistant and the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) The “Weatherization Assistant51” is an energy audit software tool developed for the DOE Weatherization Assistance 38 Judkoff, R., Hanckock, Franconi, E., Hanger, R., and Weiger, J. “Mobile Home Weatherization Measures: A Study of Their Effectiveness.” December, 1988. Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI). 39 Judkoff, R., Hancock, E., and Franconi, E. “Testing the Effectiveness of Mobile Home Weatherization Measures in a Controlled Environment: The SERI CMFERT Project.” March 1990: Solar Energy Research Institute. 40 Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center (WAPTAC). “Best Practices” webpage with links to various state and regional weatherization resources and best practices. 41 e.g., U.S. Department of Energy, “Midwest Weatherization Best Practices Field Guide.” May 2007. 42 e.g., Maine State Housing Authority. Maine Weatherization Standards. January 2005. 43 44, formerly the Manufactured Housing Research Alliance. 45 46 Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). “Zero Energy Manufactured Home Demonstration Project.” 47 Lubliner, M., and Kunckle, R. “Mobile Home Retrofit: Lost Opportunity.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. 48 Lucas, R., Fairey, P., Garcia, R. and Lubliner, M. “Energy Modeling Research: National Energy Savings Potential in HUD-Code.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. 49 50 Manufactured Housing Research Alliance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Partnership of Advanced Technology in Housing. “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 51 “Weatherization Assistant,” 7 Program by the National Renewable Energy Lab and Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This tool contains the National Energy Audit Tool (NEAT) for site-built single-family houses and the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) for mobile homes. The MHEA predicts manufactured home energy consumption and recommends weatherization retrofit measures based on detailed inputs on manufactured home construction, heating equipment, cooling equipment appliances, water heating, lighting, miscellaneous loads and climatic data. 52, 53 The MHEA tool has been validated and reviewed for accuracy54, is used by many weatherization providers, and was used for analysis in this white paper. 1.6 Financing and Funding Manufactured home financing is more limited and restrictive than financing for site-built homes. Eligibility and underwriting requirements are stricter, there are fewer lenders, and interest rates are often higher. There is less ability to take out second mortgages to finance home improvements and related repairs. Upgrading to new EnergyStar qualified homes, weatherizing existing homes and performing other sustainability improvements can be expensive. The low penetration of EnergyStar rated manufactured homes into the new manufactured home market outside of the Pacific Northwest is due to incremental cost increases beyond what most purchasers are willing to pay55. The costs to weatherize a manufactured home vary, but average around $8,00056. Upgrading to high efficiency condensing furnaces, heat pumps and other more expensive efficiency upgrades is also costly. Identifying and/or developing appropriate financing to enable more manufactured home owners to implement efficiency and sustainability upgrades is important. One unexpected constraint on financing is that many older manufactured homes do not have a mortgage, and some people are unwilling to take on debt and a mortgage payment. Manufactured homeowners may also be reticent to borrow or take out additional loans on their homes for similar reasons. One reason for this reticence to borrow is the fact that home ownership represents an important source of security for many home owners, particularly for lowincome homeowners. This leads some to an unwillingness to borrow against or increase the amount owed on their home or otherwise “encumber” the security of their homes. Finding alternative financing methods, such as on-bill financing, may be more effective than more traditional financing mechanisms. The following sections provide a brief overview of some of the loan and grant assistance programs currently available to homeowners and potentially to manufactured home communities (i.e., resident owned communities). 1.6.1 Weatherization Funding Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers (SERC) Grants The Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers (SERC) Grants 57, 58 provide funding for local weatherization agencies to install weatherization materials and technologies that cannot currently be installed under the traditional Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Grants are intended to install and test the effectiveness of a variety of technologies including solar electricity, wind energy generation, various hot water heating technologies, in-home energy monitors, heat pumps, cool roofs, etc.59 Grants were first issued in August 2010 through funding from the 52 For additional information refer to the Weatherization Assistant program overview 53 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) Users Manual.” Version 7. August, 2003. 54 Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “Validation of the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA).” November 2007. 55 Hales, D. “HUD Code Manufactured Homes.” Presentation to the April 2009 ACI Conference. 56 Lucas, R., Fairey, P., Garcia, R. and Lubiner, M. “Energy Modeling Research: National Energy Savings Potential in HUD-Code.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. 57 “Sustainable Energy Resources for Consumers (SERC) Grants”, 58 SERC program overview 59 A complete list of SERC projects is online at 8 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI’s) CDFI’s are organizations that provide financial services to populations lacking access to traditional financing and capital. CDFI’s can include banks, credit unions, companies and loan funds. Congress created a CDFI Fund60 in 1994 to fund and support local CDFI’s. The Treasury’s CDFI Fund enables locally based organizations to further economic development, affordable housing, and community development financial services through a variety of programs, including funding and tax credits to help promote access to capital and local economic growth in lowincome communities. There are approximately 850 certified CDFI’s throughout the nation. CASE-STUDY: New Hampshire Community Loan Fund An excellent example of a CFDI is the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund ( It collaborates with a wide range of stakeholders to provide financing and support for affordable housing. It is one of the earliest CDFI’s in operation, and has strong support for manufactured housing and manufactured housing communities. One of the New Hampshire Community Loan Fund’s oldest and most well known programs is ROC-NH™, which helps manufactured housing park residents buy the buy the parks and turn them into cooperatives owned and governed by their residents. They have helped over a hundred resident-owned communities and 5,600 families in New Hampshire. ROC-NH helps homeowners assess park purchases, organize co-ops, provides lending and/or helping arrange loans and grants for the co-op’s predevelopment work, and provides ongoing technical support and training. Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program (WIPP) The Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program (WIPP) 61 is a new grant program started in 2010 designed to increase innovation in whole-house weatherization for low-income families. WIPP projects include new and nontraditional partners and weatherization service providers, leverage significant non-federal financial resources in addition to federal funds, and aim to improve the effectiveness of low-income weatherization through the use of new materials, technologies, behavior-change models, and processes. There are 16 initial grantees with projects exploring ways to improve weatherization for financial tools, green and healthy homes, new technologies and techniques, and workforce development and volunteers. 62 1.6.2 Fannie Mae Fannie Mae Manufactured Home Underwriting Part of Fannie Mae’s mission is to expand affordable housing. One of the ways it accomplishes this mission is to purchase manufactured home mortgages that are titled as real property (versus those titled as personal property) and that are installed on permanent foundations through a network of approved lenders. Fannie Mae works with lenders to understand the unique titling process of manufactured homes. While this is not a direct consumer lending program, it is nonetheless very important in making home loans available and affordable for manufactured homes. Fannie Mae MH Select Initiative Fannie Mae’s MH Select initiative63 recognizes that new, quality built manufactured homes are built to high design 60 “Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program”, 62 A list of current WIPP projects is available online 63; 61 9 standards and that appreciation is projected to be on par with site-built homes. It offers manufactured home financing on more favorable terms than standard manufactured home financing for homes built by manufacturers and dealers/retailers committed to specific design and service standards. Participation in this program requires that manufactured homes be installed on FHA Title II permanent foundations. Financing is available for up to 30 years on an adjustable or fixed rate basis. Fair Mortgage Collaborative The Fair Mortgage Collaborative64 is a non-profit educational, research and consumer information organization focused on helping consumers obtain fair and safe mortgages. They have been involved in helping energy performance be considered in the manufactured home appraisal process. 1.6.3 U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Rural Development Program The USDA offers a wide variety of different funding programs that can assist manufactured homeowners and communities. USDA Rural Housing Direct Loan Program The USDA Rural Development Program’s Rural Housing Direct Loans65 (commonly referred to as Section 502 Direct Loans) are directly funded by the Government to the home buyer and are provide an opportunity for low- and very low-income households to pursue home ownership. Applicants may obtain 100% financing to purchase an existing dwelling, purchase a site and construct a dwelling, or purchase newly constructed dwellings located in rural areas, including manufactured homes. Loans are for up to 30 years for manufactured homes. The promissory note interest rate is set by HCFP based on the Government’s cost of money. However, that interest rate is modified by payment assistance subsidy66. Under the Section 502 program, housing must be modest in size, design, and cost. Manufactured homes must be permanently installed and meet the HUD Code requirements and HCFP thermal and site standards. USDA Rural Housing Guaranteed Housing Loans The Guaranteed Housing Loans67 provide loan guarantees for other lenders to provide home loans for up to 30 years at lender-set interest rates and require no down payment. Applicants can have an income of up to 115% of the area median income, be without adequate housing but be able to afford the mortgage payments, and have reasonable credit histories. New manufactured home qualifies for loans but must be permanently installed and meet the HUD Code and HCFP thermal and site standards. Existing manufactured homes will not be guaranteed unless it is already financed with an HCFP direct or guaranteed loan. USDA Housing and Community Facilities Programs The USDA Rural Development’s Housing and Community Facilities Program (HCFP) provides loans and grants for housing and community facilities to communities and individuals. Funding is provided for single family homes, apartments for low-income persons or the elderly, housing for farm laborers, childcare centers, fire and police stations, hospitals, libraries, nursing homes, schools, and other projects. The HCFP works with local, state and federal agencies, non-profits, Indian tribes and others to create a technical assistance program and provide loan and grant funds.68 USDA Rural Repair and Rehabilitation Loans and Grants The Very Low-Income Housing Repair program provides loans up to $20,000 for up to 20 years at 1% interest, and grants up to $7,500 to very low-income (below 50% AMI) homeowners over 62 years old to repair, improve, or modernize their dwellings or to remove health and safety hazards 69. Many manufactured home community residents fit the eligibility requirements and this may be a useful source of funding. 65 64 66 0Lending%20Resources 67 68 More details can be found at 69 10 USDA Rural Rental Housing Loans Rural Rental Housing Loans program70 makes loans to operators of affordable housing (e.g., individuals, associations, partnerships, public agencies, consumer cooperatives, nonprofit corporations, etc.) who are unable to obtain credit elsewhere. The loans must go towards very low-, low-, and moderate-income families; the elderly; and persons with disabilities. This is primarily a direct mortgage program, but funds can also be used to buy and improve land and to provide necessary facilities such as water and waste disposal systems. These loans may be beneficial to manufactured home communities, including resident owned communities, to provide funding for infrastructure and other programs. USDA Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loans and Grants This program71 provides loans and grants to public bodies, non-profit corporations and Indian tribes to develop water and waste disposal systems in rural areas and towns with a population not in excess of 10,000. Funds can be used for construction, land acquisition, legal fees, engineering fees, capitalized interest, equipment, initial operation and maintenance costs, project contingencies, and other costs deemed necessary. This program could potentially benefit manufactured home communities and resident owned communities needing to upgrade water or waste water infrastructure. Other USDA Rural Development Programs In addition to the USDA financing programs described above, the USDA Rural Development program provides a variety of other financing, grant and assistance programs72 which may be relevant, particularly for community-level projects. 1.6.4 Other Loan, Financing and Funding Programs On-Bill Financing There is a growing movement among states and utilities to develop on-bill financing programs which allow energy efficiency, renewable energy and other sustainability-related home retrofits to be financed and paid for on monthly utility bills. New York State, for example, recently passed an on-bill finance program to fund energy and green building retrofits for moderate income homeowners. This provides homeowners an easy way to access financing, which is paid back as a line item on their utility bills. The financing is arranged so that the monthly finance charge is less than or equal to the energy savings so that the total utility bill (including the on-bill financing) stays the same or goes down73. On-bill financing programs may be a good financing mechanism for many manufactured home owners. ROC USA and other organizations may wish to explore ways to leverage and promote applicable programs within their communities. This may also be a useful financing tool to incorporate during a community purchase, to promote community-wide investment in efficiency that has little or no impact on monthly operating costs, and could be used to reduce infrastructure improvement costs. Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Programs PACE programs are innovative financing mechanisms that allow property owners to finance energy efficiency and other sustainability measures through an additional assessment on their property tax bills. The loan is attached to the property, rather than the homeowner. Homeowners avoid upfront installation cost and eliminate concerns that they will sell the property before recovering the investment from utility bill savings. The assessment would continue on the next purchaser’s tax bill until the investment is paid off. PACE programs originated in California with Assembly Bill 811 which enables local jurisdictions to create PACE programs. There are now PACE programs in 28 states74. Unfortunately, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac refused to back mortgages on properties with PACE liens in 70 72 73 Livingston, D. “New York Passes Historic Green Jobs Financing Law,” 6/23/2011. 74 Details on all programs can be found here: and here:§or=Residential&searchtype=Lo an&sh=1 71 11 2010, which has complicated PACE programs. While these issues will take some time to work out, PACE and related programs provide an innovative way to finance efficiency and sustainability projects. Manufactured homeowners and communities may be able to participate in existing programs. Furthermore, there is interesting potential to create special assessment districts at the manufactured home community level where state law permits. There may also be opportunities to create PACE-style assessments at the manufactured home community level that are not direct property tax assessments, but rather are part of the lot rent. Revolving Loan Funds Revolving loan funds can provide opportunities for manufactured home residents and communities to fund efficiency and sustainability projects. There is a number of existing revolving loan funds which communities may be able to access, shown below: Alabama: AlabamaSAVES Revolving Loan Program Colorado: Direct Lending Revolving Loan Program Georgia: Athens-Clarke County - Green Business Revolving Loan Fund Iowa: Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program Kansas: Efficiency Kansas Revolving Loan Program Michigan: Energy Revolving Loan Fund - Passive Solar Missouri : Energy Revolving Fund Loans Montana: Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program South Dakota: Energy Efficiency Revolving Loan Program Texas: LoanSTAR Revolving Loan Program Virgin Islands: U.S. Virgin Islands - Solar Thermal Revolving Loan There is also potential to develop new revolving loan funds specifically targeting manufactured home efficiency and sustainability projects. Microcredit and Microfinance There may be interesting opportunities to explore the development of small scale microcredit/microfinance within resident owned communities, or at a higher organization level that would support energy efficiency and sustainability initiatives. Utility and Municipal Loan and Financing Programs Utilities and municipalities offer a wide variety of loan program targeting energy efficiency, renewable energy and related programs. There are a wide range of programs, summarized in Appendix C (Table 37). ROC USA and its partners may wish to explore the details of relevant programs in each area and leverage these programs in their communities to the greatest extent possible. Many of the loans are targeted towards specific markets or end uses. Some of the programs can fund larger infrastructure projects (e.g., onsite renewable energy), while others target smaller projects for homeowners. Tribal Energy Program Grants The U.S. Department of Energy Tribal Energy Program75 provides a variety of grants and technical assistance for energy efficiency, renewable energy, training and technical assistance. This includes funding for furnaces, air conditioners, programmable thermostats, caulking, weather-stripping, duct air sealing, insulation, windows, doors, siding, roofs, and other energy efficiency improvements. 1.6.5 Utility Rebate and Incentive Programs There are a large number of utility incentives and rebate programs that can help reduce the cost of many different types of energy efficiency and renewable energy programs. The Database for State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency (DSIRE)76 provides a comprehensive list of these programs. The Systems Building Research Alliance 75 , and 76 12 also maintains a list of rebates and incentives for factory built EnergyStar homes77. There may be opportunities for ROC USA and its local partners to incorporate some of these rebates into existing programs, or build new programs around them. 2. Manufactured Home Characteristics, Demographics and Context There is significant variation in manufactured home characteristics, demographics, and related contextual data throughout the U.S., and it is important to recognize the implications of this variation. Relying on national average data (e.g., average energy costs, typical heating fuel, etc.) can significantly underestimate savings for atypical areas and mask or distort measure savings and effectiveness. Recommendations applicable in one context do not necessarily apply to another. This study conducted a detailed review of the existing statistical data on manufactured home haracteristics and demographics, as well as related contextual data such as variation in utility costs, escalation, etc. This data was used to inform and guide the analysis and recommendations, and answer questions such as what is the distribution of manufactured home vintages, which regions rely on expensive heating fuels, etc. Existing data sources reviewed include the 2010 U.S. Census Data, the American Communities Survey Data 78, the U.S. DOE’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), California’s Residential Appliance Saturation Survey, and other energy end use studies. Furthermore, statistics were assembled for manufactured homes and communities on typical used home sale prices, etc. to help inform the economics and answer questions such as when it is better to “walk away” from trying to retrofit an old home and simply replace it. While much of this data is publicly available, significant effort was required to extract and process this information. Therefore, the critical components of the data are presented in this section to help program developers and policy makers understand their local context and make appropriate decisions. Additional data is provided in Appendix B. 2.1 Manufactured Homes are a Significant Portion of the Housing Stock Manufactured homes represent roughly 6% of the total U.S. housing stock (6.99 million manufactured homes out of 115 million total occupied housing units), up to 18% of the total housing stock in some states, and nearly 60% in some counties, as illustrated in Figure 8 and Figure 9. 77 78 This is a statistical sample (versus a census) of U.S households conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau between censuses that obtains more detailed information on household characteristics and demographics than obtained during the Census and is extrapolated via statistical means to the country. 13 Figure 8: Mobile homes as a percent of total housing stock, by county79 79 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, CT2501: Percent of total housing units that are mobile homes|b=50|l=en|t=5309|zf=0.0|ms=thm_def|dw=3.6088338929917247|dh=2.0189589501028733||if=gif|cx=72.757843|cy=41.517948000000004|zl=7|pz=7|bo=|bl=|ft=350:349:335:389:388:332:331|fl=403:381:204:380:369:379:368|g=04000US09|ds=ACS_2009_5YR_G00_| sb=49|tud=false|db=050|mn=0.4|mx=4.8|cc=1|cm=1|cn=5|cb=|um=Percent|pr=1|th=ACS_2009_5YR_G00_M00213|sf=N|sg=&-CONTEXT=tm&-tree_id=5309&redoLog=false&-_caller=geoselect&-geo_id=01000US&-format=&-_lang=en 14 Figure 9: Mobile homes as a percent of total housing units, by state80 2.2 Manufactured Homes are a Primary Source of Affordable Housing Manufactured homes are the largest source of unsubsidized affordable housing in the U.S. Figure 10 shows the average household income for manufactured home residents and the portion of these residents who receive food stamps. The average household income for manufactured home residents is significantly below the federal poverty line for a family of four81 in most states. Due to its lower costs, manufactured homes provide an important entry point to home ownership for people with low incomes that might otherwise be unable to own a home. Home ownership is higher in manufactured homes (83%) compared to the total U.S. housing stock (70%) 82. 80 2005-2009 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, CT2501: Percent of total housing units that are mobile homes 81 Federal poverty level for a family of 4 in the contiguous U.S. is an income of $22,350/year ( 82 U.S. Department of Energy, Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS), survey data tables, 15 $40,000 35% Household Income 30% % Food Stamp Recipients 25% $25,000 20% $20,000 15% $15,000 10% $10,000 5% $5,000 $- 0% Figure 10: Manufactured home household income and percent of food stamp recipients ROC USA community members fit into this demographic of low-income and very low-income households. Figure 11 shows the income status of ROC USA communities, compared to the area median income (AMI). The center yellow point indicates the average for all of ROC USA communities for which data is available, and error bars show the range between communities. For example, across all of ROC USA’s communities, 82% of residents are low income (below 80% AMI). However, there is variation between communities. The community with the highest penetration has 97% of its residents classified as low-income, while the community with the lowest penetration has only 70% of its residents classified as low-income. ROC USA seeks to address many of the housing related problems faced by low income households by supporting home ownership in manufactured home communities and identifying opportunities to reduce utility costs. 16 % Food Stamp Recipients $30,000 Federal Poverty Level Alaska Wyoming Washington Oregon California Connecticut Kansas Nevada New Jersey Vermont New Hampshire Maryland Texas Louisiana North Dakota Rhode Island New York New Mexico Massachusetts Colorado Illinois Pennsylvania Maine Montana Utah Arkansas Oklahoma Mississippi Ohio Iowa Virginia Idaho Indiana Minnesota North Carolina West Virginia Tennessee South Carolina Georgia Alabama Michigan South Dakota Kentucky Missouri Nebraska Florida Arizona Wisconsin Delaware Household Income ($/year) $35,000 100% 97% 88% 82% Percent of Community 75% 74% 70% 50% 46% 25% 38% 39% Community with highest penetration 35% Avg for all communities Community with lowest penetration 0% Low-Income (Below 80% AMI) Below 60% AMI Very Low-Income (Below 50% AMI) Figure 11: Income status of ROC USA Communities 2.3 High Housing and Energy Costs are Significant Challenges for Low-Income Households Low income households are defined by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as households making less than 50% of the median income. These households face a variety of housing challenges, including lack of available housing, substandard housing, overcrowding, and cost burdens (households where more than 30% of gross income goes toward housing costs, including utilities). 90% of these problems are high cost burdens. Figure 12 shows the percent of low-income homes experiencing housing problems (primarily high housing costs) at the county level.83 There is significant regional variation. Improving home energy efficiency can help reduce this cost burden. 83 Complete low income housing problem data on a county level can be found at 17 Housing Problems Map Legend Data N/A 30 – 44% 45 – 59% 60 – 74% 75 – 90% Figure 12: Percent of low income households experiencing housing problems (2009) 84 2.4 There are a Significant Number of Older, Inefficient Manufactured Homes The 1976 and 1994 HUD codes for manufactured homes were designed to improve the quality and efficiency of manufactured homes. Figure 13 shows the distribution of manufactured home stock age nationwide. 26%, of manufactured homes predate the 1976 HUD code and are inefficient; 43% date to the original 1976-1994 HUD code; 31%, are built to the newer 1994 HUD code update, and less than 1% (42,425 homes) are built to the EnergyStar standard85. While improvements to the code and standards such as EnergyStar help improve the performance of new mobile homes, they do not impact the majority of homes, which were built prior to 1994. Therefore, additional strategies are needed to address older mobile homes. Strategies to improve this older housing stock at the housing level and at the community level are discussed in detail in this report (See Sections 5.1, and 5.2). 84 85 Data and map from 42,425 homes were reported to meet ENERGYSTAR standards as of the second quarter of 2011. 18 Pre 1976, 2,221,692 , 26% Energy Star, 42,425 , 0% 1994+, 2,603,444 , 31% 1976-1994, 3,667,769 , 43% Figure 13: Manufactured home stock age86 Figure 14 shows the total count of manufactured homes by state and by vintage. Figure 15 shows the states with the largest percentage of pre-1976 (i.e., pre-HUD Code) manufactured homes. Figure 16 shows the percent of housing stock by state that is manufactured homes, as well as which states have large fractions of pre-HUD Code homes. All three of these graphs provide context for where these older, inefficient homes are located and may be useful in targeting areas most in need of programs and policies to update these homes. Note that north-eastern Atlantic states in particular have large percentages of older homes, and are served by expensive heating fuels. 1976-1994 1994+ 800,000 700,000 600,000 500,000 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 Florida Texas North Carolina California Georgia South Carolina Alabama Arizona Tennessee Louisiana Michigan Kentucky Pennsylvania Ohio Washington Virginia Mississippi New York Missouri Arkansas Indiana Oklahoma Illinois Oregon New Mexico West Virginia Colorado Wisconsin Minnesota Nevada Maine Idaho Kansas Iowa Montana Maryland Utah Delaware New Hampshire New Jersey Wyoming South Dakota Nebraska North Dakota Massachusetts Vermont Alaska Connecticut Rhode Island Hawaii % of Manufactured Homes Pre 1976 900,000 Figure 14: Number of manufactured homes by state and by vintage 86 Figures based on data from the American Communities Survey, 2009. Note that there is some variation between numbers estimated by the 2009 American Communities Survey and the 2010 Census. 19 Alaska Hawaii Connecticut Massachusetts California Montana Rhode Island New Jersey North Dakota Nebraska Colorado Idaho Wyoming Vermont Oregon Nevada Utah Minnesota New Hampshire Wisconsin West Virginia Washington Maryland Pennsylvania Ohio Illinois Iowa South Dakota Maine New York Arizona Michigan Florida Kansas Indiana New Mexico Virginia Missouri Delaware Arkansas Kentucky Oklahoma Texas Georgia Tennessee North Carolina Mississippi Louisiana South Carolina Alabama % of Manufactured Homes 100% Pre 1976 Circle Size Percent of manufactured homes to total housing stock 1976-1994 20 1994+ 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Figure 15: States with the largest percentage of pre-1976 HUD Code manufactured homes Key Circle Color Percent of homes built after 1976 to HUD Code (red indicates a high percent of pre-HUD code homes) % Homes built after 1976 Figure 16: Manufactured home stock as a percent of total housing stock built to HUD Code 2.5 Regional Trends in Expensive Primary Heating Fuel Use In many regions, manufactured homes use expensive heating fuels (fuel oil, propane and electricity). Manufactured homes in New England and northern Atlantic states rely heavily on fuel oil. For example, nearly 75% of homes in Maine are served by fuel oil. Over 50% of manufactured homes in 12 states have electric heating, primarily in the South and Northwest. Expensive fuels combined with poor efficiency exacerbate high energy costs and high home cost burdens. Figure 17 shows the States that are most reliant on each fuel type. 21 South Carolina Tennessee Louisiana Washington Oregon Florida North Carolina Kentucky Virginia Texas Alabama Georgia Mississippi Idaho West Virginia Arkansas Missouri Oklahoma Arizona Indiana Ohio Maryland Hawaii Nevada Illinois California Montana Kansas Pennsylvania Iowa New Mexico Utah Delaware Nebraska Colorado Wyoming Massachusetts Alaska North Dakota South Dakota Rhode Island New Jersey Michigan Connecticut Wisconsin Minnesota New York Maine New Hampshire Vermont South Dakota Delaware North Dakota Minnesota Connecticut Wisconsin New Mexico Mississippi New York Oklahoma Maryland Wyoming Missouri Vermont Michigan Nebraska Iowa Montana Ohio Arkansas Massachusetts Kansas Alabama Colorado Pennsylvania Indiana Georgia New Hampshire Illinois Nevada New Jersey Texas Utah California Arizona Rhode Island Kentucky North Carolina Virginia Idaho South Carolina Louisiana West Virginia Washington Tennessee Florida Maine Oregon Alaska Hawaii 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Maine Rhode Island New Hampshire Vermont Connecticut Massachusetts Pennsylvania New York Alaska New Jersey Maryland Delaware Virginia North Carolina West Virginia Ohio Minnesota South Carolina Tennessee Oregon Michigan Kentucky Idaho Montana Nevada California Indiana North Dakota Wisconsin Georgia Illinois Washington Utah Alabama Mississippi Arkansas Missouri Nebraska Colorado Texas Florida Oklahoma Louisiana South Dakota Kansas New Mexico Wyoming Iowa Arizona Hawaii Fuel Oil & Kerosene 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Electricity Propane Kansas Wyoming Utah California Colorado Michigan Iowa Illinois Nebraska Alaska Nevada North Dakota New Mexico Minnesota Wisconsin Montana New Jersey South Dakota Indiana Ohio Arizona Massachusetts New York Oklahoma Idaho Pennsylvania Connecticut West Virginia Arkansas Missouri Texas Delaware Louisiana Rhode Island Mississippi Maryland Georgia Kentucky Alabama Oregon Tennessee Washington South Carolina Florida Virginia New Hampshire North Carolina Vermont Hawaii Maine Natural Gas 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% Figure 17: Manufactured home heating fuel type by state 2.6 Utility Prices Vary Significantly by Region and are Rising Rapidly Utility prices are highly variable across the U.S., with prices varying by up to a factor of four. It is important to recognize these regional variations in assessing energy and sustainability improvement opportunities. Savings based 22 on nationwide average costs will significantly underestimate savings potential and mask the fact that many measures are highly cost effective in locations with high utility prices. Programmatic and policy efforts to reduce utility costs should focus on areas with high utility costs or homes with expensive fuels. Figure 53through Figure 59 illustrate this regional variation and provide context and guidance for assessing savings opportunities. Utility prices are also rising rapidly. Water prices increased by nearly 10% last year and are projected to continue rising faster than general inflation. Natural gas prices doubled in 10 years between 1999 and 2008, propane prices have doubled between 2000 and 2010, and fuel oil prices increased by a factor of 4 during a six year period between 2002 and 2008. Current fuel oil prices are still more than three times higher than they were in 2002. Rapidly rising utility costs disproportionately impact low income and manufactured home residents, who are already facing significant housing cost burdens. For general analysis purposes in this report, we used the utility costs shown in Table 4. This table shows the costs in typical fuel units as well as on a per million BTU (MMBTU) basis to compare the relative costs between fuels for the same amount of delivered energy. The regional variation discussed above should be considered when interpreting this data. Regional and historical utility price variation are presented in the following series of figures to provide context and understanding of which areas manufactured homes face the largest utility price pressures, and to potentially direct efforts towards areas and fuels with the highest costs. For detailed information regarding Energy and Water costs, refer to Appendix D. Utility Natural Gas $1.05 Table 4: Typical utility costs for 2011 Fuel Cost Compared to Cost Natural Gas /Therm $10.50 /MMBTU 100% Heating Oil $3.71 /Gallon 26.75 /MMBTU 255% Propane $2.500 /Gallon 27.37 /MMBTU 261% Electricity $0.115 /kWh 33.7 /MMBTU 321% Water $ 3.77 /1000 Gallons n/a Source EIA Winter 2011-2012 87 forecast Circle of Blue 88 3. Sustainability Benefits of Manufactured Homes This section provides a summary of sustainability benefits of manufactured homes and presents a case study comparing key sustainability performance indicators for a location with four different housing types back to back. 3.1 Summary of Key Sustainability Benefits Manufactured homes should not be underestimated as a sustainable housing option, and provides a number of sustainability benefits relative to site-built housing. Figure 18 illustrates these benefits from a triple bottom line perspective, and the key sustainability benefits of manufactured homes are discussed below. 87 U.S. Energy Information Agency, "U.S. Average Residential Heating Fuel Prices". 88 Refer to Figure 59 23 Affordable housing Home ownership Equity & wealth development Housing security Community Enviromental Social Energy use Water use Construction waste Efficient resource utilization Stormwater management Land use and density Greenhouse gas emissions Economic Affordable housing Equity & wealth building Potential for low utility bills Figure 18: Summary of key sustainability benefits Affordability: Manufactured homes are an important source of affordable housing. As discussed in Section 2.2, manufactured homes provide housing for significant numbers of low-income families. Home Ownership: Manufactured homes provide opportunities for home ownership to many low income families that would otherwise be unable to own a home. Equity and Wealth Development: Home ownership enables families to build equity in their home over time. Housing Security: Home ownership provides significant housing security and reduces stress related to rent increases, moving, relocating children to new schools, and many other factors. The importance of this security was strongly expressed at a stakeholder charrette, to the extent that many homeowners are reluctant to upgrade to a new EnergyStar home or take on additional debt secured by the home for energy upgrades, even if it is shown that total monthly housing costs (mortgage + utilities) are lower. Land Use and Density: Compared to typical low-density residential development, manufactured homes, and specifically manufactured home communities, take up less land for the same number of units. Efficient Resource Use and Reduced Construction Waste: The factory construction process allows for significantly improved resource utilization with less waste—30% less waste compared to site-built singlefamily homes.89 Construction waste is approximately 4.38 lb/sqft for a single-family home and 3.89 lb/sqft for a multi-family home.90 A typical single family home generates 8,000 pounds of construction waste, while a manufactured home generates under 3,000 pounds. Energy: Smaller house sizes use less energy. Well-engineered, EnergyStar qualified manufactured homes, coupled with rigorous quality control and testing during construction, result in high performing, energy efficient homes. Water: Manufactured homes typically have less yard area requiring irrigation and generally have reduced irrigation costs. However, many of the homes in manufactured home communities are not individually metered, so there is no pricing signal, feedback or other incentive to conserve the water that is used for irrigation. Stormwater: Many manufactured home communities provide great opportunities to implement a variety of 89 Manufactured Housing Institute. “Energy Efficiency / Green Building”, 90 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. “Characterization of Building-Related Construction and Demolition Debris in the United States”, (Page 2-3) 24 “low impact development” practices to manage stormwater, such as swales, rain gardens, and other strategies that can help reduce stormwater infrastructure, increase stormwater infiltration, and improve management of stormwater runoff. Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Reduced energy use, water use, building material use, construction waste generation and other factors all contribute to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. 3.2 Case Study: Comparison of Key Sustainability Performance Indicators between Housing Types Click here to return to Key Points. A case study was developed to evaluate and quantify the sustainability performance of manufactured homes in comparison to various site-built housing types. A search was conducted to identify a representative manufactured home community in close proximity to other types of site-built housing. 3.2.1 Analysis Background A location was identified in Pomona, California (Los Angeles area) which had four back-to-back communities, each containing different housing types: a manufactured home community, single family neighborhood, a condominium/townhome complex, and an apartment complex. Each of the communities was analyzed and a set of key sustainability indicators were developed, including energy use, water use, stormwater generation, housing density, greenhouse gas generation, affordability (monthly mortgage/rent plus and utility costs). Figure 19 shows the four communities, and Figure 20 compares key sustainability performance indicators on a per dwelling unit (DU) basis. While the results of this case study cannot be directly extrapolated to housing type sustainability across the country, it nevertheless provides insight into the sustainability performance of these four housing types. 25 Condominium 1,497 SF 2,640 SF lot 12 homes/acre 890 SF road/home Condo Mort. $1,812/mo Single Family 1,818 SF 10,000 SF lot 4 homes/acre 1,215 SF road/home Single Family Mort. $2,181/mo Apartments 627 SF 1,063 SF lot 28 homes/acre 475 SF road/home Apartments Rent $750/mo Manufactured Home 940 SF 2,337 SF lot 15 homes/acre Manufactured Housing 665 SF road/home Mort + lot rent $1,008/mo Figure 19: Case-study communities91 91 Images from 26 9,000 Affordability Construction Waste 8,000 $2,500 7,000 Waste (lbs) Water $2,000 Energy $1,500 Rent/Mortg. $1,000 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 $500 1,000 0 $0 Single Family 70 Condos Manuf. Home Single Family Apartments 6,000 Energy Gas 50 Electricity 40 Condos Mobile Apartments Homes Greenhouse Gas Emissions 5,000 lbs/year MMBTU/year 60 4,000 3,000 30 2,000 20 1,000 10 0 0 Single Family Condos 400 Manuf. Home Single Family Apartments Gallons/year Indoor Outdoor 200 150 100 Manuf. Apartments Home Stormwater 6,000 300 250 Condos 7,000 Water 350 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 50 0 0 Single Family Condos Mobile Apartments Homes 100% Single Family Condos Manuf. Apartments Home Overall Impacts 90% 80% Normalized Impact 1000 Gallons/year Monthly Housing & Utility Costs $3,000 Energy Use Water Use Stormwater Construction Waste GHG's Affordability 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Single Family Condos Manuf. Home Apartments Figure 20: Summary of case-study community sustainability impacts per dwelling unit 27 The analysis shows that on a per dwelling unit (DU) basis, manufactured homes have significantly lower environmental impact and are more sustainable across a range of key sustainability indicators than either single family homes or the condominium/town home units. These benefits will vary depending on community location, age of community, climate, community density, yard size and size of irrigated common areas, and other factors. However, this case study is illustrative of the typical sustainability benefits of manufactured homes and communities. Apartments have lower impacts in many areas due to their small size and density; however, they are not as affordable and do not provide home ownership benefits (assuming the apartments are rented; occupant-owned apartments would obviously provide significant ownership and sustainability benefit). Not included in this case study are issues relating to indoor environment, and particularly air quality. These impacts are highly variable depending on the age and condition of homes, condition of the HVAC system, moisture or mold problems, occupant activities (e.g., smoking, use of exhaust fans) and other factors. Refer to sections 4.1.4, and for additional discussion on indoor environmental quality. 3.2.2 Analysis Details Table 5 summarizes the case-study analysis details, and a more detailed discussion of the assumptions and analysis methodology follows below. Table 5: Case study analysis details Lot Size (sqft) House Size (sqft Vintage Prorated Road Area (sqft/home) Driveway/Hardscape Area (sqft) Landscape Area (sqft) Density (Units/acre) House Value Monthly Mortgage Monthly Rent or Lot Rent Yearly Housing Cost ($) Energy Cost ($/year) Water Cost ($/year) Total Cost ($/year) Total Cost ($/month) Electricity Intensity (MBTU/SF/year) Electricity Use (MMBTU/year) Gas Intensity (MBTU/SF/year) Gas Use (MMBTU/year) Total Energy (MMBtu/year) Indoor Water Use (Gal/year) Outdoor Water Use (Gal/year) Total Water Use (Gal/year) Construction Waste Generation Rate (lb/sf) Construction Waste (lb) Electric GHG Emissions Gas GHG Emissions Total Emission (lb) Site Imperviousness Runoff Single Family Condos Housing Characteristics 10,044 2,640 1,818 1,497 1962 1983 1215 890 834 318 7,392 825 4 12 Affordability $372,600 $243,000 $2,181 $1,812 n/a n/a $26,172 $21,744 $1,382 $1,228 $944 $210 $28,498 $23,181 $2,375 $1,932 Resource Use 13.8 12.3 25.1 18.4 22.4 19.3 40.7 28.9 65.8 47.3 41,525 41,525 299,241 34,126 340,766 75,651 4.4 3.9 7,963 5,823 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 11,176 8,188 5,291 3,761 16,467 11,948 Stormwater Generation 0.3 0.7 5,748 1,511 28 Manufactured Homes Apartments 2,337 940 varied 665 554 843 15 1,063 627 1986 475 0 436 28 $89,900 $483 $525 (lot rent) $12,091 $1,335 $208 $13,634 $1,136 n/a n/a $750 $9,000 $777 $164 $9,941 $828 14.5 13.6 25.8 24.2 37.8 41,525 33,397 74,923 3.1 2,886 13.8 8.7 16.3 10.2 18.9 41,525 17,650 59,175 3.9 2,439 6,065 3,151 9,216 3,860 1,326 5,186 0.6 1,337 0.6 608 Normalized Impacts (Compared to Single Family) Energy Use 100% 72% Water Use 100% 22% GHGs 100% 73% Stormwater 100% 26% Solid Waste 100% 73% Affordability 100% 83% 58% 22% 56% 23% 36% 26% 29% 17% 31% 11% 31% 35% Housing characteristics, including typical house sizes, value and apartment rental rates were obtained from online parcel data on Lot size was obtained from online parcel data for single family homes, and through measurements from aerial imagery for the other home types. Driveway area (to estimate impervious surface area) was taken from aerial imagery. The amount of street and public parking lot area for each neighborhood was prorated on a per home basis. The amount of public and semi-public street and paved area varies per neighborhood type and impacts stormwater generation, material use, urban heat island impacts, etc. This analysis only quantified the stormwater runoff impacts. The density was calculated by dividing the total neighborhood area by the total number of dwelling units. Energy consumption data by building type are available in the California Statewide Residential Appliance Saturation Study (RASS) by the California Energy Commission, as well as the Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) by the US Energy Information Administration. Electricity and natural gas consumption data from these two surveys were normalized by square footage and used to determine the energy use for a typical unit in each of the four communities. The energy costs are based on the unit costs, $0.15/kWh for electricity and $0.92/therm for natural gas.92 Internal water use was estimated on a per-fixture basis using the same methodology and usage assumptions as required by the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED Rating Systems. Water use is based on 2.2 people per dwelling unit. External water use was estimated using standard landscape water use calculations93 and is a function of landscape area, planting density, and equipment type. Assuming the same planting density and equipment type between the four communities, external use is primarily influenced by the landscape area. The water unit cost is $3.77 per 1,000 gallons. Storm-water runoff is the amount of rainwater that is not retained by the site. It is a function of rainfall, lot area, and imperviousness of the site. The factory construction process for manufactured homes allow for 30% less waste compared to those generated by single-family homes.94 Construction waste for a multi-family home (3.89 lb/sqft) is 11% lower than the waste generated for a single-family home (4.38 lb/sqft).95 In order to compare all metrics, the data is normalized by the values for the single-family home. 4. Opportunities for Improved Sustainability and Affordability in Manufactured Homes 4.1 Housing Level Sustainability Opportunities Manufactured home energy and water savings opportunities depend on many factors, including climate, vintage of home, home condition, heating fuel used, local fuel costs, and other factors discussed in Section 2. There is dramatic variability in manufactured home energy and water use, as detailed in Section 4.1.2. One of the purposes of this study is to understand how energy use varies with these parameters and analyze energy savings opportunities. 92 US Environmental Protection Agency., 93 University of California Cooperative Extension, and the California Department of Water Resources. “A Guide to Estimating Irrigation Water Needs of Landscape Plantings in California.” August 2000. 94 Manufactured Housing Institute. “Energy Efficiency / Green Building”, 95 US Environmental Protection Agency. “Characterization of Building-Related Construction and Demolition Debris in the United States”, (Page 2-3) 29 There is a significant amount of research and data on various energy conservation and weatherization opportunities in manufactured homes (see Section 1.5.2). In particular, the document “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy, Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”96 provides a comprehensive list of energy efficiency and weatherization measures targeted to homeowners. This study seeks to supplement and build upon these studies. 4.1.1 Analysis Overview A detailed analysis of manufactured home energy and water use was conducted to determine the range of energy use for different locations, heating fuels, home vintages, building code, and house conditions, and to identify savings opportunities. The Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) tool (see section 1.5.3) was used as the primary tool for analyzing energy use and assessing energy conservation opportunities. The MHEA was developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Lab to analyze manufactured home energy use and weatherization retrofits. This was supplemented with engineering and spreadsheet calculations for water use, lighting, refrigeration, and other end uses, which incorporated statistical consumption data for manufactured homes from the American Communities Survey, the DOE’s Residential Energy Consumption Study (RECS) and other sources. Twelve different prototype manufactured home models were developed, representing the requirements of the HUD Code, EnergyStar for Manufactured Home, and pre-HUD code construction practice. The HUD code and EnergyStar have different thermal performance requirements for different climate zones, as shown in Figure 36 through Figure 38. Prototypes were developed representing the construction requirements for each Code/Standard (Pre-HUD/ANSI119.1, original 1976 HUD code, 1994 HUD Code, and EnergyStar). Representative cities for each of the three current HUD zones were selected: Macon, GA for zone 1; Louisville, KT for Zone 2; and Bangor, ME for Zone 3. These cities were selected to be representative of locations with large percentages of manufactured homes (Figure 8), areas with significant use of expensive heating fuels (Figure 17), and to align with each of the different climate zone maps. Code/Standard Pre-HUD (ANSI Standard A119.1) 1976 HUD Code 1994 HUD Update EnergyStar Code Table 6: Summary of prototypical models analyzed Representative City Zone Macon, GA Corresponds to 1976 HUD zone 1 Louisville, KY Corresponds to 1976 HUD zone 2 Bangor, ME Corresponds to 1976 HUD zone 3 Macon, GA Zone 1 Louisville, KY Zone 2 Bangor, ME Zone 3 Macon, GA Zone 1 Louisville, KY Zone 2 Bangor, ME Zone 3 Macon, GA Region 4 Louisville, KY Region 2 Bangor, ME Region 1 Model ID PreHUD_Z1 PreHUD_Z2 PreHUD_Z3 76HUD_Z1 76HUD_Z2 76HUD_Z3 94HUD_Z1 94HUD_Z2 94HUD_Z3 EnergyStar_Z1 EnergyStar_Z2 EnergyStar_Z3 Each of the above prototype models were run using the MHEA for three different conditions: The home as designed, assuming all code/standards were in place and assuming leakage parameters typical for new construction at its time. 96 Manufactured Housing Research Alliance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Partnership of Advanced Technology in Housing. “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energysaving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 30 The “worst-case” condition, assuming significant deterioration, high air-leakage, poorly insulated walls, belly and roof, missing storm windows, etc. The “best-case” condition, assuming that all potential retrofit measures were implemented (e.g., weatherization to reduce air leakage, repaired underbelly, enhanced insulation for older homes, etc.). Running these three conditions effectively “brackets” the range of likely energy use, and the potential savings opportunity for each model. This informs how much energy improvement is possible for a range of home conditions in each of the HUD Zones, for each of the different code requirements. This data also informs the decision about whether it is more cost effective to “walk away” from older manufactured homes and simply purchase a new EnergyStar home. The cost implications for each of these homes using different heating fuels (natural gas, propane, fuel oil and electricity) was also examined. 4.1.2 Overall Variability in Energy Use and Savings Potential One of the most dramatic, although not unexpected, results of the analysis is the extremely wide variation in energy use for homes in the same location. Energy use can vary by a factor of five in Zone 1 to nearly ten in Zone 3. Figure 21 shows the range of energy use for each HUD zone. For each zone, the highest, lowest, and average manufactured home energy use is shown. The home worst-performing home is a pre-HUD home in very bad condition, with poor insulation, large air leakage, single pane aluminum framed windows, old inefficient HVAC equipment that has not been tuned or properly maintained, inefficient plumbing heaters, etc. and using the most expensive heating fuel. The best-performing home is an EnergyStar home that has efficient equipment, efficient plumbing fixtures, is sheltered from the wind, and has applied all potential conservation measures and using the least expensive fuel. The “average” represents the average of all the scenarios run, and does not necessarily represent the actual average manufactured home energy costs for a particular region (this would be impacted by the vintage distribution (Figure 14), heating fuel prevalence (Figure 17), and other factors). It should be noted that the modeling assumes that typical temperature setpoint conditions are maintained and that the homes have air-conditioning. Low-income homes that are in very poor condition and have extremely high utility bills would likely change the setpoints to be much colder in winter, find alternate heating means, not use A/C, and make other behavior modifications to compensate. While these are the extremes, it does dramatize the large potential variation and highlights the need to find and address very inefficient homes. $9,000 Zone 1 Zone 3 Zone 2 $8,000 $7,000 Water Plug & Misc. Electric Refrigerator $6,000 Cooling Plug & Misc. Fuel $5,000 DHW Heating $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 Figure 21: Range of manufactured home annual energy use by HUD Zone 31 Zone3-Min Zone3-Avg Zone3-max Zone2-Min Zone2-Avg Zone2-max Zone1-Min Zone1-Avg Zone1-max $0 4.1.3 Variability in Energy Use and Savings Potential for Specific End-Uses by Heating Fuel The following four graphs depict the details of the energy use analysis and refine the understanding of how energy use varies in each of the twelve prototypes. The graphs show how energy and water costs for different end uses (e.g., heating, cooling, DHW, etc.) vary by home vintage, condition, location and fuel type. For each of these graphs, the central point (yellow diamond with red outline) shows the “design” energy use, assuming that the home meets the relevant code/standard design requirements and infiltration rates, etc. The error bars show the “worst-case” conditions and “best-case” conditions. This brackets the range of potential energy use for each end-use, and provides insight into where savings lie, their potential magnitude and how energy use is affected by factors such as home vintage, location and so on. One graph is provided for each heating fuel type (note the change in y-axis values). Findings from the analysis of energy use in manufactured homes indicate that code updates have significantly reduced heating and cooling energy demand. Additionally, as expected, cooling is the largest energy cost in Zone 1 and should be focused on, whereas heating is the largest energy user in Zone 3 and merits attention. For areas with expensive heating fuels, heating costs dwarf other energy costs and must be addressed. It is important note, however, that heating is a significant energy consumer in all climate zones, and there are significant opportunities to improve energy efficiency related to heating in nearly all climates. Two other results are significant. First, refrigerator energy use is substantial and the amount of energy used by the refrigerator varies widely based on the age of the refrigerator; therefore, targeting refrigerator replacements can have significant savings. Second, there are substantial savings opportunities related to water heating, particularly for homes with inefficient plumbing fixtures, which can usually be replaced inexpensively. $1,800 Other Cooling HEATING (Natural Gas) $1,600 Annual Energy Costs $1,400 $1,200 Worst Case Zone 2 (Kentucky) $1,000 Best Case Zone 1 (Macon) Design $800 $600 Zone 2 (Kentucky) Zone 1 (Macon) Zone 3 (Maine) $400 $200 Zone 3 (Maine) $0 Water Plug & Misc. Gas Plug & Misc. Electric Refrigerator 32 DHW Clg-Energy Star-Bangor Clg-1994 HUD-Bangor Clg-1976 HUD-Bangor Clg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Clg-Energy Star-Louisville Clg-1994 HUD-Louisville Clg-1976 HUD-Louisville Clg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Clg-Energy Star-Macon Clg-1994 HUD-Macon Clg-1976 HUD-Macon Clg-Pre-HUD-Macon Htg-Energy Star-Bangor Htg-1994 HUD-Bangor Htg-1976 HUD-Bangor Htg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Htg-Energy Star-Louisville Htg-1994 HUD-Louisville Htg-1976 HUD-Louisville Htg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Htg-Energy Star-Macon Htg-1994 HUD-Macon Htg-1976 HUD-Macon Htg-Pre-HUD-Macon Figure 22: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = natural gas Design Zone 2 (Kentucky) Zone 1 (Macon) Annual Energy Costs $2,000 $1,000 Water Plug & Misc. Gas Plug & Misc. Electric Design $2,500 Refrigerator DHW Water Plug & Misc. Gas Plug & Misc. Electric Refrigerator DHW Clg-Energy Star-Bangor Clg-1994 HUD-Bangor Clg-1976 HUD-Bangor Clg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Clg-Energy Star-Louisville Clg-1994 HUD-Louisville Clg-1976 HUD-Louisville Clg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Clg-Energy Star-Macon Figure 24: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = propane Clg-Energy Star-Bangor Zone 3 (Maine) Clg-1994 HUD-Bangor $1,000 Clg-1976 HUD-Bangor Clg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Clg-Energy Star-Louisville Clg-1994 HUD-Louisville Clg-1976 HUD-Louisville Clg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Clg-Energy Star-Macon Clg-1994 HUD-Macon Clg-1976 HUD-Macon Clg-Pre-HUD-Macon Htg-Energy Star-Bangor Htg-1994 HUD-Bangor Htg-1976 HUD-Bangor Htg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Htg-Energy Star-Louisville Htg-1994 HUD-Louisville Htg-1976 HUD-Louisville Htg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Htg-Energy Star-Macon Htg-1994 HUD-Macon Htg-1976 HUD-Macon Htg-Pre-HUD-Macon 33 Clg-1994 HUD-Macon $2,000 Clg-1976 HUD-Macon Clg-Pre-HUD-Macon Htg-Energy Star-Bangor Htg-1994 HUD-Bangor Zone 3 (Maine) $500 Htg-1976 HUD-Bangor Htg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Htg-Energy Star-Louisville Htg-1994 HUD-Louisville Htg-1976 HUD-Louisville $4,500 Zone 3 (Maine) Zone 3 (Maine) $500 Other Cooling HEATING (Propane) $5,000 Best Case $2,500 Htg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Htg-Energy Star-Macon Htg-1994 HUD-Macon Htg-1976 HUD-Macon Htg-Pre-HUD-Macon Zone 1 (Macon) Zone 2 (Kentucky) Zone 1 (Macon) $1,500 Zone 1 (Macon) $1,500 Worst Case Best Case Zone 2 (Kentucky) $3,000 Annual Energy Costs $4,000 Worst Case Zone 2 (Kentucky) $3,000 Other Cooling HEATING (Fuel Oil) $4,500 $3,500 $0 Figure 23: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = fuel oil $4,000 $3,500 $0 $6,000 Other Cooling HEATING (Electricity) Annual Energy Costs $5,000 $4,000 Worst Case Zone 2 (Kentucky) Best Case Design $3,000 Zone 1 (Macon) Zone 1 (Macon) $2,000 Zone 2 (Kentucky) Zone 3 (Maine) $1,000 Zone 3 (Maine) $0 Certain regions of the country are more likely to experience moisture related problems due to hot, moist summers (i.e., the South), abundant rain and moisture (e.g., the Pacific Northwest), and areas with cold winters which can condense humidity from inside the home onto window frames and surfaces, as well as inside walls and other building assemblies. Figure 26 shows how moisture risk varies across the country. There is a significant overlap between areas of the country with a high risk for moisture related problems and significant penetrations of older manufactured homes (see Figure 8 and Figure 14). 97 EPA. “Mold Remediation in Schools and Commercial Buildings, Appendix B-Introduction to Molds”. Webpage. Accessed 11/2011. 34 Water Moisture can create significant problems and damage once it gets into a home. Repeated or constant wetting of wood and other building materials can lead to decay and structural damage. Rotted floorboards and walls can jeopardize the structural integrity of a home. Furthermore, prolonged moisture leads to the development of mold. Mold can cause bad odors, lead to allergic reactions, trigger asthma, and irritate the eyes, skin, nose and throat. Furthermore, mold exposure can sometimes cause serious infections, such as Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (similar to bacterial pneumonia) and various infections in those with weakened immune systems 97. Plug & Misc. Gas 4.1.4 Mitigating Mold and Moisture-Related Problems Manufactured homes are built to effectively deal with moisture—roofs and walls keep rain out of the home and prevent water from penetrating into the walls, insulation and construction materials; moisture generating appliances such as dryers are vented outdoors; exhaust fans get rid of moisture from the kitchen and bathroom; furnaces and other combustion equipment are vented to the outside, and the site is graded to slope away from the home and prevent water from collecting. However, plumbing leaks, roof leaks, failure of gutter and flashing details, deteriorating caulk and sealants, air infiltration, improper site grading, landscaping changes, equipment failure, occupant activities and many other factors can lead to moisture problems. Older homes (especially those predating the HUD code) are particularly susceptible to moisture problems. Poor maintenance can also exacerbate the potential for moisture related problems. Plug & Misc. Electric Refrigerator DHW Clg-Energy Star-Bangor Clg-1994 HUD-Bangor Clg-1976 HUD-Bangor Clg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Clg-Energy Star-Louisville Clg-1994 HUD-Louisville Clg-1976 HUD-Louisville Clg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Clg-Energy Star-Macon Clg-1994 HUD-Macon Clg-1976 HUD-Macon Clg-Pre-HUD-Macon Htg-Energy Star-Bangor Htg-1994 HUD-Bangor Htg-1976 HUD-Bangor Htg-Pre-HUD-Bangor Htg-Energy Star-Louisville Htg-1994 HUD-Louisville Htg-1976 HUD-Louisville Htg-Pre-HUD-Louisville Htg-Energy Star-Macon Htg-1994 HUD-Macon Htg-1976 HUD-Macon Htg-Pre-HUD-Macon Figure 25: Range of MH energy and water costs by end-use, heating fuel = electricity Figure 26: Moisture problem risk map98 While a precise number of manufactured homes experiencing moisture related problems was not identified, anecdotal feedback from weatherization providers and others in the industry indicate that moisture problems are a problem affecting a significant portion of the manufactured home stock, particularly for older homes serving low income residents. A systematic approach to identifying moisture problems and providing assistance to correct these problems would be highly effective. For example, ROC USA and other manufactured home associations may want to consider developing a checklist to identify and mitigate moisture/mold problems that could be provided to their communities. Many of the common moisture related problems found in manufactured homes can be easily corrected by homeowners with a little education and guidance. The key to preventing mold in manufactured homes is to (1) prevent moisture intrusion into the home from the outside, (2) reduce air leakage which can cause water vapor to condense inside walls and insulation, (3) use storm windows to prevent warm moist air inside the home from condensing on cold window frames and other cold surfaces, and (4) control sources of internal humidity. There are several excellent resources that provide a detailed description of moisture problems and mitigation strategies. The most relevant is the Manufactured Housing Research Alliance’s “Moisture Problems in Manufactured Homes: Understanding Their Causes and Finding Solutions 99”. This provides detailed guidance and descriptions specific to manufactured homes targeting moisture prevention tactics for manufacturers, builders, and residents. The following list summarizes key moisture control and mold mitigation strategies that manufactured home residents and communities can address. Inspect the site for drainage and moisture problems. o Ensure that there is proper drainage away from the home. The site should be graded so that the ground slopes away from the home. If it is not sloped, the homeowner should explore ways to create the necessary drainage to prevent water from flowing or collecting under the home. The homeowner may be able to provide the necessary slope, dig a drainage ditch to channel water away from the home, or otherwise address site drainage issues. 98 Map from: Manufactured Housing Research Alliance. “Moisture Problems in Manufactured Homes: Understanding Their Causes and Finding Solutions.” 2000. 99 35 o Check to make sure that water is not pooling under the home. Identify why the water is pooling (e.g., water draining in from rain, plumbing leaks, condensation, etc.). Correct the problem. Fill any low spots or depressions to prevent standing water. o Check to make sure that homeowner landscaping and gardening activities have not altered the slope or adversely changed drainage patterns. If so, correct these so that water drains away from the home. o Make sure the overall site is well drained. Install drainage lines, ditches, etc. to keep moisture from the home o Install properly vented skirt to keep rain and snow from blowing and accumulating under the trailer. o Do not allow snow to accumulate and stand against the trailer. o Ensure that landscape irrigation activities are not creating moisture problems Make sure that sprinklers are not spraying the home or under the trailer. Make sure that watering and irrigation water does not run off under the trailer. Inspect under the home for leaks, moisture and damage o Look for signs of moisture on the bottom board. Likely places for water damage to occur is under the bathroom and kitchen areas, under the water heater, and under the air handling equipment in the summer when the air conditioning has been running. Look for low spots or bulges in the bottom board which might indicate pooling of water above. Drain any pooled water that is inside the bottom board, identify the source of water, and repair the leak or water source. o Look for tears or gaps in the bottom board and seal them tightly to help prevent humid air from flowing into the floor cavity. o In multiple section homes in the summer, look for kinks or sags in the crossover flexible ducts which might indicate pooling of condensate. o Look for signs of water under the locations where the crossover ducts connect to the main floor ducts. Any exposed metal here may cause condensation to occur. o In areas of the country where mold and moisture are serious problems, a ground cover should be installed under the home to block soil moisture from entering the home. Vapor coming from moist soil can often be one of the most significant sources of moisture in a manufactured home. Inspect the home exterior for leaks, moisture and damage o Inspect the roof for leaks and damage that may cause leaks. Repair. o Make sure all roof penetrations (e.g., plumbing vents) are sealed. Roof caulking is available at most building supply stores. o Make sure that water is not blowing or leaking into bathroom and kitchen exhausts. Exhausts should have some type of rain cap that prevents excessive amounts of rain and snow from entering. Also make sure the vent penetration through the roof is sealed. o Make sure that there are no pipes, boards, and other materials laying on the roof in such a way that allows rain to pool o Make sure that gutters are cleaned and drain well. Ensure that gutters drain away from the home, and do not drain under the home. o Thoroughly patch and seal any access openings or tears in the bottom board under the home o Make sure that multiple section manufactured homes are sealed at the marriage line with a gasket and air infiltration barrier. Inspect inside the home for potential leaks, moisture and damage o Floor bumps may be caused by moist air that is leaking into the floor cavity and condensing on cold ducts in the summer. The floor sheathing near duct may be absorbing moisture which causes the floor to swell. o Dark stains in the floor covering under windows can indicate that cold air from the face of the windows is falling to the floor to become trapped behind draperies and causing high levels of humidity and thus mold. If drapes are not allowed to hang all the way to the floor, better air circulation will occur which will help to reduce this problem. o A moldy smell when the air conditioner is running may be an indication of water intrusion into the ductwork. This is especially common when an outside package air conditioning unit is used with ducts lying on the ground which connect the unit to the home’s main duct system. After heavy rains, water may puddle around the air handler and work its way into the duct. o Look for signs of roof leakage such as discolored spots on the ceiling. Seal and repair any leaks. 36 o Ensure that there is adequate tub and shower drainage, and that there is not excessive water pooling or leaking during bathing. Promptly clean up splashed water from floors to ensure it doesn’t leak down into the floor cavity. Make sure there are no plumbing or sewer leaks o Inspect all faucets, toilets, sinks and showers to make sure there are no leaks. Promptly repair leaks. o Check to make sure there are no leaks in the toilet ring seal where the toilet mounts to the floor. These leaks can sometimes be hard to detect, as leaks may go unnoticed and go directly into the floor. o Make sure shower heads do not leak or spray water onto the walls or ceiling. o Make sure showers and tubs are properly caulked or grouted. Ensure proper dryer venting o Make certain that the dryer vent is vented to the exterior of the home, and not vented inside or under the home. o Make sure the dryer vent tube is supported correctly at a slope and without sags. o Make sure the dryer vent is connected at the dryer. o Make sure the dryer vent is not compressed or kinked. It is common for the dryer to pushed up against the flexible vent line, compressing or kinking it. This reduces flow, increases the potential for leaks and increases drying time. o Clean the dryer vent if needed. Air Conditioning Condensate o Check to ensure that air conditioning condensate is properly drained, and not collecting in the airconditioner, ducts, under the home, or other locations. o Make sure that condensate lines are installed on a slight slope and without sags to prevent water buildup. o Check that condensate lines are not plugged, blocked, crimped or disconnected. Incorporate the following into routine practice or checks o Check cooling equipment filters monthly. Clogged filters reduce the unit’s ability to remove moisture from the air. o Keep the thermostat set at above 75 degrees (F) in the summer in hot and humid climates. This will help to eliminate condensation forming in the exterior walls. o If rooms of the home are closed off in the winter with their heating registers closed, condensation followed by mold may collect in those rooms due to the cooler interior temperature. This is a difficult trade-off between saving energy and preventing mold. o Closets that back up to an exterior wall should be kept ventilated in the winter. By leaving the closet door open it will keep the closet warmer and reduce the chance of condensation. Also ensure that clothes or other materials are not stacked up next to the exterior wall to promote better air circulation to keep the wall warm. o Don’t leave standing water in bath tubs. o Cover cooking pots when possible and use the kitchen hood ventilator. o Use bathroom ventilators when bathing or showering and let them run for several minutes after showering. o Do not maintain large numbers of indoor plants that require watering. o Avoid the use of unvented space heaters. These emit as much as one gallon of water for each gallon of fuel they burn. o Try to maintain the interior humidity below 50%. Use a humidity gauge and remove excess moisture with a dehumidifier or ventilation. o If moisture is seen on windows, walls or pipes dry the surface and find the source of the problem. 4.1.5 Energy and Water Conservation Opportunities Click here to return to Key Points. Analysis was performed to identify the cost effectiveness of typical energy and water conservation measures. A total of 58 conservation measures were analyzed, as shown in Table 4. These measures align with the energy conservation measures detailed in “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy, Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes” 100, which provides detailed measure 100 Manufactured Housing Research Alliance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the 37 descriptions and guidance for implementing the measures described here. These measures have been supplemented with a number of additions for water conservation, water heating, appliances, and landscaping. There is generally a wide range in implementation cost for each measure, depending on who is doing the installation (e.g., homeowner vs. a weatherization professional implementing many measures vs. a contractor hired to implement an individual measure), the extent of work required for each measure (e.g., the time to locate and fix air leaks is highly variable), the specific details of a given home, and many other factors. This analysis interpolated between numerous data sources (e.g. reported manufactured home weatherization costs 101, 102, 103, calls to manufactured home weatherization agencies, vendors serving the manufactured home market 104, general vendor data105, cost estimating databases106, and other sources) to estimate typical implementation costs. Click here to return to Key Points. Partnership of Advanced Technology in Housing. “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energysaving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 101 Lucas, R., Fairey, P., Garcia, R. and Lubiner, M. “Energy Modeling Research: National Energy Savings Potential in HUD-Code.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. 102 Hannigan, E., “Focus on Energy Mobile Home Duct Sealing Pilot: Results from 2008-2009.” January 31, 2011. Focus on Energy/Wisconsin Utilities. ummaryreport.pdf 103 Robinson, D., and West, A. “Manufactured Home Duct Sealing Pilot ProgramDraft Impact Evaluation. March 2004. Energy Trust of Oregon. 104 105 e.g., plumbing fixture data from , Lowes, Home Depot, Grainger, etc. 106 R.S. Means 38 # Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 Table 7: Summary of energy and water conservation measures analyzed Measure Open Registers Furnace Filter Furnace Tune-up E-Star Furnace vs. Standard (Std) E-Star Furnace (Typ) Std Furnace vs. Old 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 A/C Filter Clean Cond. Coils Clean A/C Coil Shade A/C Cond. A/C Tune E-Star A/C (poor) E-Star A/C (vs. old) 14 Seal Duct Leaks 15 Clean Registers 16 17 Air Seal (Severe) Air Seal (Typ) 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ins. Wall (Poor) Ins. Wall (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Floors (Typ) Ins. Ducts 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Ins. Door Storm Door Cool Roof Storm Windows Dbl Pane Windows Blinds/Shades Ext Window Shading 32 CFLs 33 34 Sink Aerator (Typ) Hi-E Toilet LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Washer (Typ) Sink Aerator (Poor) Hi-E Toilet (Poor) LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 Improve Heating System Performance Ensure ventilation registers can open fully and are not obstructed or damaged. Check & replace furnace filters annually. Furnace tune-up & safety inspection Replace Existing Std. Efficiency Furnace with Efficient EnergyStar Furnace Replace Old, Deteriorated Furnace with Efficient EnergyStar Furnace Replace Old, Deteriorated Furnace with Standard Furnace Improve Cooling System Performance Clean or replace the air filter Clean the condenser coils Check air-conditioning coil in furnace/fan unit for dirt and dust. Clean as needed. Shade AC Condenser Tune, seasonal maintenance, correct charge a/c unit Replace Old Poorly Tuned A/C with New EnergyStar A/C Replace Old A/C with New EnergyStar A/C Eliminate Leaks in Ducts Seal Duct Leaks Inspect ductwork through registers. Vacuum & clean. Take silver backed tape and tape off junctions where the register boots screw into the trunk. Reduce Air Infiltration Reduce Air Leakage (Severe Leakage) Reduce Air Leakage (Typical Leakage) Insulation Insulate Poorly Insulated Wall Add Additional Insulation to Typical Older Walls Insulate Poorly Insulated Ceiling Add Additional Insulation to Ceilings Insulate Floors with No or Minimal Insulation Add Additional Insulation to Floors Insulate Uninsulated Ducts Doors, Windows & Roof Upgrade to Insulated Steel Doors Use a Storm Door Reflective Roof Coating Install Storm Windows on the Inside of Single Pane Double Pane Windows Effective Use of Interior Blinds or Shades Exterior Window Shading Lighting Upgrade Incandescent Bulbs to CFL Water (Interior) Aerators on Bathroom sink (Typical) Replace very old toilet with high efficiency toilet (Typical) Low-flow showerhead (Typical) Dual flow kitchen sink (Typical) EnergyStar Dish Washer (Typical) EnergyStar Clothes Washer (Typical) Aerators on Bathroom sink (Inefficient Fixtures) Replace very old toilet with high efficiency toilet (Inefficient Fixtures) Low-flow showerhead (Inefficient Fixtures) 39 Cost $0 $1 $135 $1,969 $1,969 $1,669 $1 TBD $0 $40 $100 $4,950 $4,950 $245 $0 $949 $658 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $1,700 $300 $350 $350 $456 $1,078 $5,715 $0 $100 $29 $4 $222 $17 $12 $315 $735 $4 $222 $17 # Name Measure Dual flow kitchen sink (Inefficient Fixtures) 43 44 Kitchen Sink (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Washer (Poor) 45 46 Water Htr Wrap DHW Pipe Ins 47 New DHW Tank 48 Tankless DHW 49 Heat Pump DHW 50 51 52 53 E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) 54 Dryer Vent 55 Wind Block (Poor) 56 Wind Block (Typ) 57 Smart Landscape Shading 42 58 59* Roof Shading Adapted and Native Landscaping 60* Use a weatherbased Sprinkler Controller 61* Regularly adjust sprinkler timers 62* Use drip and other efficient irrigation equipment Cost EnergyStar Dish Washer (Inefficient Fixtures) EnergyStar Clothes Washer (Inefficient Fixtures) DHW Water Heater Wrap Water Heater Pipe Insulation Upgrade from a standard efficiency gas storage tank (with an energy factor (EF) of 0.59) to a high efficiency gas Storage (EF 0.62) Upgrade from a standard efficiency gas storage tank (EF 0.59) to an instantaneous gas water heater heater (EF 0.83) Upgrade from standard tank-type electric resistance water heater (EF 0.90) to a heat pump water heater (EF 3.1) Appliances Click here to return to Key Points. Upgrade to a new EnergyStar refrigerator (Replacing 10 year old refrigerator). Refrigerator energy efficiency has dramatically improved over time (see the Appendix, Section 0 for details). Replacing old refrigerators can save significant energy. Upgrade to a New EnergyStar Refrigerator (Replacing 20 year old Refrigerator) Upgrade to a New EnergyStar Refrigerator (Replacing 30 year old Refrigerator) Upgrade to a New EnergyStar Refrigerator (Replacing 40 year old Refrigerator) Check to make sure that the dryer flexible vent line is not crushed between the dryer and wall. A crushed line will reduce airflow and increase dryer operation time, and can be a fire hazard. Landscape Improve Wind Shielding from exposed to well shielded. Landscaping and exterior can be used to block, or reduce winds. This reduces the air infiltration in a manufactured home. This measure assumes that the home was originally unshielded from wind and in a very exposed location. Improve Wind Shielding from “typical” conditions to well shielded. This measure assumes that the home is moderately shielded from wind, as would be typical in many manufactured home communities where neighboring houses and existing landscaping provide some protection from the wind. Utilize the landscaping to provide effective shading to reduce solar heat gains in summer o and slightly reduced local air temperatures (typically a 3 – 5 F) from evapotranspiration cooling, while at the same time minimizing shading during the winter. Selecting deciduous trees and thoughtful tree/landscape placement can minimize winter shading. Costs are based on several trees/plants and ancillary supplies purchased from a local home supply store and resident labor. This measure analyzes the specific energy impacts of shading the roof from trees and other landscaping elements. Costs are based on several trees/plants and ancillary supplies purchased from a local home supply store and resident labor. Use native and adapted landscape plantings that require minimal irrigation. Irrigation water requirements can be reduced by 50% or more through proper plant selection. Typical timer based sprinkler controllers provide significantly more water than plants need for a large percentage of the time. New “smart controllers” or “weather-based” sprinkler controls sense key weather variables (wind, solar radiation, etc.) and automatically adjust the sprinkler timing to provide just the amount of water the plants need. These can typically cut water use by 20% to 30%. If a weather-based sprinkler controller is not used, then regularly adjust the sprinkler timing. At a minimum, the sprinkler timers should be adjusted on a seasonal basis. Studies show that sprinkler timers are rarely adjusted to meet changing seasonal water needs. Use drip irrigation and other efficient irrigation equipment. Drip irrigation can be 80%90% efficient, versus only 50% efficient for typical spray heads which waste water through evaporation, wind-drift, uneven watering and over-spray. New rotor and rotator sprinkler heads are more efficient (~70%) than older spray heads. When using drip 40 $12 $315 $735 $23 $20 $823 $1,400 $1,158 $630 $630 $630 $630 $0 $150 $150 $100 $100 Minimal $100+ $0 Variable # 63* Name Measure Minimize irrigation runoff irrigation, care must be taken to ensure that proper pressure regulators are used, that the drip lines are not placed in areas prone to damage from walking, and that they are regularly maintained Make sure that sprinklers and irrigation does not create runoff, spray on or under the home, or saturate the water under the home. Make sure that water drains away from the home and that plant beds and landscaping activities have not inadvertently changes the slope and allow water to drain under the home. Cost * Savings for these landscaping measures have not been calculated because savings are highly variable depending on location and yard size, and landscaped area and irrigation use for individual manufactured homes in typical communities is generally small. The energy and water savings were analyzed for each measure, based on a prototypical pre-HUD code manufactured home for each of the three climate zones, and for each of the four primary heating fuels (natural gas, propane, fuel oil and electricity). Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning savings were analyzed using the Manufactured Home Energy Audit Tool (see Section 4.1.1). Supplemental engineering analysis was performed to analyze the savings for water and DHW measures and appliances (see the appendix, Section 0, for supporting details). 41 $0 Table 8 through Table 10 provide utility savings, cost and financial performance details for each of the cost effective measures in each of the three climate zones. Data is provided based on ‘expensive’ heating fuels typical of each climate zone (electricity for climate zones 1 and 2, and fuel oil for climate zone 3). Savings are less for natural gas heated homes, but the same set of measures is generally still cost effective. The ranking of measures varies by climate zone. Detailed measure results for all fuel types and all measures are provide in the Appendix, 42 Table 20. For separate analysis of each heating fuel in each zone, see the Appendix, Section 8.4. 43 Table 8: Cost effective conservation measure details for climate zone 1 Monthly Cost Savings (Svgs - Financed Cost) Ai r Sea l (Severe) Payback (years) LowFl ow Shwrhd (Poor) Costs Sea l Duct Lea ks Utility Savings $/yr Upgra de to a New Energy Sta r Refri gera tor (40 yea r ol d Ref.) Sea l Duct Lea ks Water (gal) E-Sta r Refri g (40 yrs ) Other (MMBTU) Tune, s ea s ona l ma i ntena nce, correct cha rge a /c uni t Other (kWh) A/C Tune DHW (MMBTU) Measure Upgra de from s ta nda rd El ectri c wa ter hea ter (EF 0.90) to Hea t New DHW Hea t Pump Pump Wa ter Hea ter (EF 3.1) Cooling (kWh) Name Financial Performance Heating (MMBTU) Utility Savings 0.0 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.0 0 $345 $1,158 3.4 $16 0.0 1,555.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $179 $100 0.6 $14 0.0 0.0 1,818.5 0.0 0 $209 $630 3.0 $11 0.7 1,098.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $146 $245 1.7 $10 Low-fl ow s howerha d (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 4,015 $111 $17 0.2 $9 7.8 -6.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $208 $949 4.6 $7 Smr La nds ca pe Sha di ng Reduce Ai r Lea ka ge (Severe Lea ka ge) Effecti ve La nds ca pe Sha di ng to Reduce Sol a r Hea t Ga i ns i n Summer but not Wi nter 0.0 858.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $99 $100 1.0 $7 Ext Wi ndow Sha di ng Exteri or Wi ndow Sha di ng 1.6 366.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $85 $100 1.2 $6 Bl i nds /Sha des Effecti ve Us e of Interi or Bl i nds or Sha des 0.4 500.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $68 $0 0.0 $6 Ki tchen Si nk (Typ) Dua l fl ow ki tchen s i nk (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,248 $62 $12 0.2 $5 Ki tchen Si nk (Poor) Dua l fl ow ki tchen s i nk (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,248 $62 $12 0.2 $5 CFLs Upgra de Inca ndes cent Bul bs to CFL 0.0 0.0 0.0 540.0 0.0 0 $62 $29 0.5 $5 LowFl ow Shwrhd (Typ) Low-fl ow s howerha d (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 2,008 $55 $17 0.3 $4 E-Sta r Wa s her (Typ) Energy Sta r Cl othes Wa s her (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 7,056 $144 $735 5.1 $4 E-Sta r Wa s her (Poor) Energy Sta r Cl othes Wa s her (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 7,056 $144 $735 5.1 $4 DHW Pi pe Ins Wa ter Hea ter Pi pe Ins ul a ti on 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0 $50 $20 0.4 $4 Si nk Aera tor (Poor) Aera tors on Ba throom s i nk (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 1,205 $33 $4 0.1 $3 Wa ter Htr Wra p Wa ter Hea ter Wra p 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0 $30 $23 0.8 $2 Ins . Cei l i ng (Poor) Ins ul a te Poorl y Ins ul a ted Cei l i ng 5.3 858.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $241 $1,700 7.1 $2 E-Sta r Refri g (30 yrs ) Upgra de to a New Energy Sta r Refri gera tor (30 yea r ol d Ref.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 881.2 0.0 0 $101 $630 6.2 $2 A/C Fi l ter Cl ea n or repl a ce the a i r fi l ter 0.0 171.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $20 $1 0.1 $2 Dryer Vent Check to ma ke s ure tha t the dryer fl exi bl e vent l i ne i s not crus hed. A0.0 crus hed0.0 l i ne wi0.0 l l reduce 148.3a i rfl ow 0.0a nd i ncrea 0 s e$17 dryer opera $0ti on ti me. 0.0 $1 0.0 Si nk Aera tor (Typ) Aera tors on Ba throom s i nk (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 402 $11 $4 0.4 $1 Roof Sha di ng Roof Sha di ng from La nds ca pe -0.3 248.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $21 $100 4.9 $1 Sha de A/C Cond. Sha de AC Condens er 0.0 103.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $12 $40 3.4 $1 Wi nd Bl ock (Poor) Improve Wi nd Shi el di ng from Expos ed to Wel l Shi el ded -2.7 823.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $22 $150 6.7 $0 Hi -E Toi l et Repl (Poor) a ce very ol d toi l et wi th hi gh effi ci ency toi l et (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,030 $30 $222 7.3 $0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.9 0.0 0 $1.7 $1 0.5 $0 Open Regi s ters Check & repl a ce furna ce fi l ters a nnua l l y. Ens ure venti l a ti on regi s ters ca n open ful l y a nd a re not obs tructed or da ma ged. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $0 $0 0.0 $0 E-Sta r Di s hws hr (Typ) Energy Sta r Di s h Wa s her (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 860 $32 $315 9.9 ($1) E-Sta r Di s hws hr (Poor) Energy Sta r Di s h Wa s her (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 860 $32 $315 9.9 ($1) Furna ce Fi l ter 44 Table 9: Cost effective conservation measure details for climate zone 2 DHW (MMBTU) Other (kWh) Other (MMBTU) Water (gal) Utility Savings $/yr Costs Payback (years) Monthly Cost Savings (Svgs - Financed Cost) Measure Reduce Ai r Lea ka ge (Severe Lea ka ge) Upgra de from s ta nda rd El ectri c wa ter hea ter (EF 0.90) to Hea t New DHW Hea t Pump Pump Wa ter Hea ter (EF 3.1) Cooling (kWh) Name Ai r Sea l (Severe) Financial Performance Heating (MMBTU) Utility Savings 19.2 -9.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $514 $949 1.8 $33 0.0 0.0 10.2 0.0 0.0 0 $345 $1,158 3.4 $16 Ins . Cei l i ng (Poor) Ins ul a te Poorl y Ins ul a ted Cei l i ng 10.8 587.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $357 $1,700 4.8 $12 E-Sta r Refri g (40 yrs ) Upgra de to a New Energy Sta r Refri gera tor (40 yea r ol d Ref.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,818.5 0.0 0 $209 $630 3.0 $11 Ext Wi ndow Sha di ng Exteri or Wi ndow Sha di ng 3.5 310.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $130 $100 0.8 $10 A/C Tune Tune, s ea s ona l ma i ntena nce, correct cha rge a /c uni t 0.0 1,063.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $122 $100 0.8 $9 LowFl ow Shwrhd (Poor) Low-fl ow s howerha d (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 4,015 $111 $17 0.2 $9 Sea l Duct Lea ks Sea l Duct Lea ks 1.7 749.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $132 $245 1.9 $8 Storm Wi ndows Ins ta l l Storm Wi ndows on the Ins i de of Si ngl e Pa ne 9.3 -193.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $227 $1,078 4.7 $8 Roof Sha di ng Roof Sha di ng from La nds ca pe 173.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $87 $100 1.2 $6 Bl i nds /Sha des 0.8 407.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $68 $0 0.0 $6 E-Sta r Furna ce (Typ) Effecti ve Us e of Interi or Bl i nds or Sha des Repl a ce Ol d, Deteri ora ted Furna ce wi th Effi ci enct Energy Sta r Furna ce 11.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $311 $1,969 6.3 $5 Ki tchen Si nk (Typ) Dua l fl ow ki tchen s i nk (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,248 $62 $12 0.2 $5 Ki tchen Si nk (Poor) Dua l fl ow ki tchen s i nk (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,248 $62 $12 0.2 $5 CFLs Upgra de Inca ndes cent Bul bs to CFL 0.0 0.0 0.0 540.0 0.0 0 $62 $29 0.5 $5 LowFl ow Shwrhd (Typ) Low-fl ow s howerha d (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 2,008 $55 $17 0.3 $4 E-Sta r Wa s her (Typ) Energy Sta r Cl othes Wa s her (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 7,056 $144 $735 5.1 $4 E-Sta r Wa s her (Poor) Energy Sta r Cl othes Wa s her (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 7,056 $144 $735 5.1 $4 DHW Pi pe Ins Wa ter Hea ter Pi pe Ins ul a ti on 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0 $50 $20 0.4 $4 Ai r Sea l (Typ) Reduce Ai r Lea ka ge (Typi ca l Lea ka ge) 4.4 -3.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $118 $658 5.6 $3 Si nk Aera tor (Poor) Aera tors on Ba throom s i nk (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 1,205 $33 $4 0.1 $3 Wa ter Htr Wra p Wa ter Hea ter Wra p 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0 $30 $23 0.8 $2 Ins . Wa l l (Poor) Ins ul a te Poorl y Ins ul a ted Wa l l 8.7 82.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $243 $1,700 7.0 $2 E-Sta r Refri g (30 yrs ) Upgra de to a New Energy Sta r Refri gera tor (30 yea r ol d Ref.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 881.2 0.0 0 $101 $630 6.2 $2 Dryer Vent Check to ma ke s ure tha t the dryer fl exi bl e vent l i ne i s not crus hed. A0.0 crus hed0.0 l i ne wi0.0 l l reduce 148.3a i rfl ow 0.0a nd i ncrea 0 s e$17 dryer opera $0ti on ti me. 0.0 $1 Ins . Fl oor (None) Ins ul a te Fl oors wi th No or Mi ni ma l Ins ul a ti on 8.7 -5.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $233 $1,700 7.3 $1 A/C Fi l ter Cl ea n or repl a ce the a i r fi l ter 0.0 117.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $13 $1 0.1 $1 Si nk Aera tor (Typ) Aera tors on Ba throom s i nk (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 402 $11 $4 0.4 $1 Furna ce Tune-up Furna ce tune-up & s a ftey i ns pecti on 0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $23 $135 5.8 $1 Sha de A/C Cond. Sha de AC Condens er 0.0 70.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $8 $40 4.9 $0 Hi -E Toi l et Repl (Poor) a ce very ol d toi l et wi th hi gh effi ci ency toi l et (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,030 $30 $222 7.3 $0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.9 0.0 0 $2 $1 0.5 $0 Open Regi s ters Check & repl a ce furna ce fi l ters a nnua l l y. Ens ure venti l a ti on regi s ters ca n open ful l y a nd a re not obs tructed or da ma ged. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $0 $0 0.0 $0 E-Sta r Di s hws hr (Typ) Energy Sta r Di s h Wa s her (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 860 $32 $315 9.9 ($1) E-Sta r Di s hws hr (Poor) Energy Sta r Di s h Wa s her (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 860 $32 $315 9.9 ($1) s td Furna ce vs . ol d Repl a ce Ol d, Deteri ora ted Furna ce wi th Sta nda rd Furnce $177 $1,669 9.4 ($3) Furna ce Fi l ter 45 6.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 Table 10: Cost effective conservation measure details for climate zone 3 Other (kWh) Other (MMBTU) Water (gal) Utility Savings $/yr Costs Payback (years) Monthly Cost Savings (Svgs - Financed Cost) 33.2 -228.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $862 $949 1.1 $62 25.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $693 $1,969 2.8 $37 19.3 -2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $515 $1,700 3.3 $25 Ins ul a te Poorl y Ins ul a ted Cei l i ng 16.9 253.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $481 $1,700 3.5 $22 Ins . Wa l l (Poor) Ins ul a te Poorl y Ins ul a ted Wa l l 17.2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $460 $1,700 3.7 $20 Storm Wi ndows Ins ta l l Storm Wi ndows on the Ins i de of Si ngl e Pa ne 13.2 -52.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $347 $1,078 3.1 $17 Ext Wi ndow Sha di ng Exteri or Wi ndow Sha di ng 8.5 -211.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $203 $100 0.5 $16 s td Furna ce vs . ol d Repl a ce Ol d, Deteri ora ted Furna ce wi th Sta nda rd Furnce 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $391 $1,669 4.3 $15 Ai r Sea l (Typ) Reduce Ai r Lea ka ge (Typi ca l Lea ka ge) 9.1 -171.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $224 $658 2.9 $12 E-Sta r Refri g (40 yrs ) Upgra de to a New Energy Sta r Refri gera tor (40 yea r ol d Ref.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,818.5 0.0 0 $209 $630 3.0 $11 Sea l Duct Lea ks Sea l Duct Lea ks 3.8 321.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $138 $245 1.8 $9 LowFl ow Shwrhd (Poor) Low-fl ow s howerha d (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 2.8 0.0 0.0 4,015 $91 $17 0.2 $7 CFLs 0.0 0.0 0.0 540.0 0.0 0 $62 $29 0.5 $5 E-Sta r Furna ce vs . Std Upgra de Inca ndes cent Bul bs to CFL Repl a ce Exi s ti ng Std. Effi cei ncy Furna ce wi th Effi ci enct Energy Sta r Furna ce 11.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $302 $1,969 6.5 $4 Ki tchen Si nk (Poor) Dua l fl ow ki tchen s i nk (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,248 $51 $12 0.2 $4 Ki tchen Si nk (Typ) Dua l fl ow ki tchen s i nk (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 1.6 0.0 0.0 2,248 $51 $12 0.2 $4 LowFl ow Shwrhd (Typ) Low-fl ow s howerha d (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 2,008 $45 $17 0.4 $4 A/C Tune Tune, s ea s ona l ma i ntena nce, correct cha rge a /c uni t 0.0 457.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $53 $100 1.9 $3 DHW Pi pe Ins Wa ter Hea ter Pi pe Ins ul a ti on 0.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0 $40 $20 0.5 $3 Furna ce Tune-up Furna ce tune-up & s a ftey i ns pecti on 1.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $52 $135 2.6 $3 Ins . Wa l l (Typ) Add Addi ti ona l Ins ul a ti on to Typi ca l Ol der Wa l l s 9.2 -1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $246 $1,700 6.9 $2 Si nk Aera tor (Poor) Aera tors on Ba throom s i nk (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 1,205 $27 $4 0.2 $2 E-Sta r Wa s her (Poor) Energy Sta r Cl othes Wa s her (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 7,056 $120 $735 6.1 $2 E-Sta r Wa s her (Typ) Energy Sta r Cl othes Wa s her (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 3.5 0.0 0.0 7,056 $120 $735 6.1 $2 E-Sta r Refri g (30 yrs ) Upgra de to a New Energy Sta r Refri gera tor (30 yea r ol d Ref.) 0.0 0.0 0.0 881.2 0.0 0 $101 $630 6.2 $2 Wa ter Htr Wra p Wa ter Hea ter Wra p 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 0.0 0 $24 $23 1.0 $2 Dryer Vent Check to ma ke s ure tha t the dryer fl exi bl e vent l i ne i s not crus hed. A0.0 crus hed0.0 l i ne wi0.0 l l reduce 148.3a i rfl ow 0.0a nd i ncrea 0 s e$17 dryer opera $0ti on ti me. 0.0 Effecti ve La nds ca pe Sha di ng to Reduce Sol a r Hea t Ga i ns i n Smr La nds ca pe Sha di ng Summer but not Wi nter $100 0.0 251.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $29 3.5 $1 Name Measure Ai r Sea l (Severe) E-Sta r Furna ce (Typ) Reduce Ai r Lea ka ge (Severe Lea ka ge) Repl a ce Ol d, Deteri ora ted Furna ce wi th Effi ci enct Energy Sta r Furna ce Ins . Fl oor (None) Ins ul a te Fl oors wi th No or Mi ni ma l Ins ul a ti on Ins . Cei l i ng (Poor) Heating (MMBTU) DHW (MMBTU) Financial Performance Cooling (kWh) Utility Savings 14.6 $1 Si nk Aera tor (Typ) Aera tors on Ba throom s i nk (Typi ca l ) 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 402 $9 $4 0.5 $1 A/C Fi l ter Cl ea n or repl a ce the a i r fi l ter 0.0 50.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $6 $1 0.2 $0 Hi -E Toi l et Repl (Poor) a ce very ol d toi l et wi th hi gh effi ci ency toi l et (Ineffi ci ent Fi xtures ) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,030 $30 $222 7.3 $0 Ins . Ducts Ins ul a te Uni ns ul a ted Ducts 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $40 $300 7.5 $0 Furna ce Fi l ter 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.9 0.0 0 $1.7 $1 0.5 $0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $0 $0 0.0 $0 Ta nkl es s DHW Check & repl a ce furna ce fi l ters a nnua l l y. Ens ure venti l a ti on regi s ters ca n open ful l y a nd a re not obs tructed or da ma ged. Upgra de from s ta nda rd effi ci ncy ga s s tora g ta nk (EF 0.59) to i ns ta nta neous ga s hea ter (EF 0.83) 0.0 0.0 6.4 0.0 0.0 0 $172 $1,400 8.1 ($0) Bl i nds /Sha des Effecti ve Us e of Interi or Bl i nds or Sha des -1.3 45.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 -$30 $0 0.0 ($2) Ins . Fl oors (Typ) Add Addi ti ona l Ins ul a ti on to Fl oors 6.6 -0.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 $178 $1,700 9.6 ($3) Open Regi s ters 46 The following table summarizes the low and no-cost measures from above. Table 11: Low and no-cost conservation measures Name Clean Cond. Coils Clean A/C Coil Blinds/Shades Clean Registers Dryer Vent Open Registers Furnace Filter A/C Filter Sink Aerator (Poor) Sink Aerator (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) DHW Pipe Ins Water Htr Wrap CFLs Shade A/C Cond. A/C Tune Smr Landscape Shading Ext Window Shading Roof Shading Furnace Tune-up Wind Block (Poor) Wind Block (Typ) Measure Clean the condenser coils Check air-conditioning coil in furnace/fan unit for dirt and dust. Clean as needed. Effective Use of Interior Blinds or Shades Inspect ductwork through registers. Vacuum & clean. Take silver backed tape and tape off junctions where the register boots screw into the trunk. Check to make sure that the dryer flexible vent line is not crushed. A crushed line will reduce airflow and increase dryer operation time. Ensure ventilation registers can open fully and are not obstructed or damaged. Check & replace furnace filters annually. Clean or replace the air filter Aerators on Bathroom sink (Inefficient Fixtures) Aerators on Bathroom sink (Typical) Dual flow kitchen sink (Typical) Dual flow kitchen sink (Inefficient Fixtures) Low-flow showerhead (Inefficient Fixtures) Low-flow showerhead (Typical) Water Heater Pipe Insulation Water Heater Wrap Upgrade Incandescent Bulbs to CFL Shade AC Condenser Tune, seasonal maintenance, correct charge a/c unit Effective Landscape Shading to Reduce Solar Heat Gains in Summer but not Winter Exterior Window Shading Roof Shading from Landscape Furnace tune-up & safety inspection Improve Wind Shielding from Exposed to Well Shielded Improve Wind Shielding from Typical to Well Shielded 47 Cost $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1 $1 $4 $4 $12 $12 $17 $17 $20 $23 $29 $40 $100 $100 $100 $100 $135 $150 $150 4.1.6 Case Studies and Examples Several case studies and examples of actual energy savings realized from manufactured home energy conservation and weatherization retrofits are presented below. These provide examples of actual savings being achieved in the field and implementation costs. Each of the case-studies illustrates different per-home spending and savings ranges. Washington State The State of Washington has an ambitious weatherization program. Their average per-home costs for low-income manufactured home weatherization are $7,600, but weatherization costs range significantly depending on home size and the measures implemented. The most common weatherization measures and their associated costs are shown in 48 Table 12 below. If all measures were implemented, total weatherization costs would be $7,019 for a single wide and $13,005 for a double wide. However, not all homes require all measures. The average cost, weighted by the percentage of homes that need each measure, is $3,083 and $5,213 for a single and double wide, respectively. Typical savings for electrically heated homes are 427 kWh for non-heating related savings and 2,714 kWh for heating savings, for a total cost savings of $241/year. For gas heated homes, the typical savings are 306 kWh for non-heating related savings and 149 Therms for heating, for a total cost savings of $232/year. 107 107 Lubliner, M., and Kunckle, R. “Mobile Home Retrofit “Lost Opportunity.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. 49 Table 12: Typical Washington State weatherization measures and costs107 Wisconsin The state of Wisconsin has a very active weatherization assistance program with more than twenty agencies working throughout the state. In 2007 Wisconsin had $48,000,000 in public benefit funds to be used for weatherization, making it the largest weatherization program in the country. The 2011 report of the Wisconsin Department of Administration, Division of Energy Services shows 703 manufactured homes using gas space heating were weatherized with an average annual savings of 139 therms/year. 733 electrically heated manufactured homes were also improved with an average savings of 1,054 kWh/year. West CAP, one of Wisconsin’s weatherization agencies cited an average weatherization cost of $5,600 per home in 2007. The most effective measures for the gas space heating homes in Wisconsin include: Measure Belly Insulation Furnace Replacement Air Leakage Reduction Door Repair Water Heater Replacement Average Savings (therms/yr) 69 99 22 34 44 Other measures that were taken in Wisconsin with manufactured homes to reduce electricity consumption included: Average Savings (kWh/yr) Measure 50 Compact Fluorescent Bulbs Refrigerator Replacement 634 789 Case Study: Nebraska In Nebraska, a 1996 report from the Low Income Weatherization Assistance Program of the Nebraska Energy Office shows that a total of 595 manufactured homes were weatherized in the years 1993 through 1995. 13 of those homes were carefully analyzed to determine the benefits gained and showed an 11.1% energy savings at an average weatherization cost of $1,754. 4.1.7 EnergyStar Manufacture Home Replacements Click here to return to Key Points. There is significant discussion in the manufactured home community regarding when it no longer makes sense to undertake efforts to reduce the energy and water use and/or weatherize a house (also known as “walking away” from weatherization because a house is in such poor condition that it does not merit further costs to attempt to improve it), and when it is more cost effective to replace a home with a new EnergyStar home. These are two important and related questions this white paper addresses. The first question is, when does it make sense to “walk away” from weatherization and other energy and water conservation measures? There are generally no strict “Walk Away” criteria required by the DOE or state weatherization assistance programs, aside from income and ownership issues not related to the technical condition of homes. There are exclusions that limit weatherization activities where there are significant safety concerns (e.g., presence of asbestos), or require necessary structural repairs be made, but these do not preclude weatherization as long as the weatherization activities are cost effective (e.g., 108, 109, 110, and 111). Manufactured home stock data (e.g., Figure 12 through Figure 16) shows that there are many more manufactured homes, including many older ones that are likely very inefficient, than there are funds to replace these with new units. Therefore, it generally does not make sense to simply walk away from cost effective weatherization efforts and do nothing simply because these are “too inefficient to start with,” as these homes will likely continue to be used. Since it generally does not make sense to simply walk away from cost effective weatherization, the next question is, when is it cost effective to replace an older manufactured home with a newer EnergyStar rated unit? A review of available literature did not find significant data on this topic. The System Building Research Alliance notes that this analysis has been done for the EnergyStar Manufactured Home program112 and that replacing an older home with a newer EnergyStar manufacture home does not pay back from energy savings alone. While this is generally true, there is significant variation in manufactured home energy costs depending on age, condition, climate zone and heating fuel type (refer to Figure 22 through Figure 27). This paper conducted a detailed analysis to determine the specific set of conditions where it is most cost effective upgrade to an EnergyStar home. The costs and savings for replacing each of the manufactured home prototypical models described in Table 6 (models for each climate zone, heating fuel, vintage and condition) with a new EnergyStar manufactured home was analyzed. The analysis assumes that each home is replaced by an equivalent sized EnergyStar rated manufactured home of ~900 ft2 using the same heating fuel (i.e., assuming no heating fuel switch). Typical replacement costs of $33,732 are assumed (based on a review of the literature with $35.73/ ft2 costs for a typical new manufactured home plus a $1.75/ ft2 adder for the EnergyStar features totaling $37.48/ft2). A 30 year analysis period with a 4% mortgage 108 Washington State Department of Commerce. “Weatherization Manual for Managing Low-Income Weatherization Program.” 2010 Revision. D=6512&MId=870&wversion=Staging 109 Maine State Housing Authority, “Maine Weatherization Standards.” 2005. 110 Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, “Program Operations Manual”. 111 Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center. “Field Standards and Guides.” Webpage, accessed 11/20100. 112 These studies were not published or released publically, and could not be obtained for this project. 51 rate is assumed113, resulting in a monthly mortgage payment of $160.51. Utility cost savings, the net change in monthly housing costs (mortgage costs minus utility savings), and simple payback period were calculated for each scenario. Detailed analysis assumptions and results are shown in Table 21 in the Appendix. Note that there may be a variety of other costs associated with replacing older, dilapidated homes with a new EnergyStar homes that may exceed the estimated EnergyStar home costs used in this analysis. This includes site improvements, additional disposal and recycling costs, temporary housing during the demolition and installation process (potentially several months), etc. Furthermore, care should be noted that the analysis is based on modeled energy costs assuming that spaces are maintained at normal temperatures. It is likely that low-income residents living in old, inefficient homes will take other actions to mitigate high energy bills—e.g., reduce heating in winter; not use the air-conditioner, use alternate (and sometimes dangerous) heating equipment, etc. Table 13 and Figure 27 summarize the analysis results. Figure 27 plots the payback for replacing existing homes with EnergyStar homes for all scenarios analyzed (a wide range of house location, vintage, condition and heating fuel). Table 13 provides more detailed data on the scenarios where EnergyStar replacement homes are cost effective. Note that this analysis is intended to identify, holding all things equal, where the most cost effective opportunities for EnergyStar home replacements lie. There are many factors that can influence these results: occupants responding to high energy bills by reducing heating or using alternative heating sources; access to affordable financing, etc. These results should not be used as the final basis for justifying an EnergyStar Home replacement, but a starting point for focusing programmatic efforts. The data is sorted by payback, with the green shaded lines representing conditions where the payback from energy savings is under 30 years and the utility savings are greater than the new mortgage payment. In other words, homes where the total monthly housing costs go down. These are conditions where an EnergyStar replacement home makes the most financial sense. The results show that while EnergyStar home upgrades do not make financial sense based on energy savings alone for most situations, there are a number of key scenarios where EnergyStar replacement homes are potentially cost effective from energy savings. For the following three situations, the payback from energy savings is under 20 years and the utility savings are greater than the new mortgage payment. In other words, total monthly housing costs go down. 1. Older pre-HUD Code or early HUD code homes in the “poor” condition (e.g., leaky, poorly insulated, older low-efficiency HVAC equipment, etc.) in Zones 2 and 3 using expensive heating fuels (electricity, propane or fuel oil), 2. Older electrically heated homes in zone 1 in “poor” condition, and 3. Older pre-HUD Code homes in zone 3 heated with propane or fuel oil in “design” condition (e.g. homes that are in good, original condition but have not been weatherized). Furthermore, there are additional conditions where upgrading to a new EnergyStar manufactured home pays back over a 30 year house lifetime, but where monthly housing costs go up (i.e., utility savings do not outweigh mortgage costs, and monthly homeowner costs will increase). These conditions are represented by the blue shaded scenarios. These also are generally homes in poor condition with expensive heating fuels. Refer to Table 13 for details. The red shaded scenarios represent conditions where EnergyStar home upgrades do not make financial sense based on energy cost savings alone. Click here to return to Key Points. These results are significant because they show a large, well-defined class of homes where it is potentially cost 113 It should be noted that there is wide variability in financing rates. Some states treat manufactured homes as real property, while others treat them as chattel. Fannie Mae only finances manufactured homes that are titled as real property on permanent foundations. Mortgage rates for real property do not apply to chattel; chattel financing runs about 250 basis points above conventional mortgage rates. Mortgage rates vary considerably depending on the borrower’s credit rating, and whether the borrow qualifies for any of the lower interest financing programs discussed in Section 1. Affordable housing programs also have access to lower than market interest rates and other funding which can effectively buy down the rate. We believe the mortgage rate used here is representative of what can be expected for a programmatic approach to ENERGYSTAR manufactured home replacements in the affordable housing context, but this is clearly variable and dependent upon many factors. The reader should exercise care when using these numbers. A more detailed financial analysis would be required for any specific program. 52 effective to replace older homes with newer EnergyStar homes. There are opportunities for manufactured home and affordable housing stakeholders to explore programmatic approaches to making these change-outs happen, such as the development of special financing mechanisms, revolving loan funds, approaches similar to Next Step (see case study in Section 1), and so on. Further investigation of the savings potential is also required in order to identify how significant occupant behavior will affect these results (e.g., how likely low income residents are likely to turn down or off heating and air-conditioning rather than pay large utility bills). Click here to return to Key Points. 53 New EnergyStar Manufactured Home Utility Costs ($/Year) Mortgage Cost ($/month) $7,214 $7,068 $6,022 $5,905 $5,901 $5,787 $5,264 $5,170 $4,419 $4,414 $4,345 $4,331 $4,269 $3,713 $3,707 $3,688 $3,631 $3,635 $3,629 $3,485 $2,844 $2,791 $3,314 $3,271 $3,480 $3,265 $3,221 $3,208 $3,190 $3,130 $3,126 $3,077 $2,417 $3,030 $2,805 $2,766 $2,147 $2,138 $2,151 $1,718 $1,718 $1,687 $1,660 $1,687 $1,660 $1,718 $1,665 $1,669 $1,687 $1,645 $1,660 $1,665 $1,530 $1,687 $1,669 $1,645 $1,660 $1,665 $1,530 $944 $944 $1,505 $1,487 $1,718 $1,505 $1,487 $1,530 $1,687 $1,660 $1,669 $1,645 $998 $1,718 $1,505 $1,487 $944 $998 $1,016 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 $161 54 Net Cost (Mortgage - Utility Savings) ($/year) ($3,570) ($3,424) ($2,409) ($2,319) ($2,288) ($2,201) ($1,620) ($1,579) ($824) ($801) ($775) ($745) ($679) ($257) ($94) ($93) ($60) ($50) ($38) ($29) $26 $80 $117 $142 $164 $166 $192 $248 $423 $456 $469 $494 $507 $614 $626 $648 $723 $786 $792 Payback (yr) $458 $446 $361 $354 $351 $344 $296 $292 $229 $227 $225 $223 $217 $182 $168 $168 $166 $165 $164 $163 $158 $154 $151 $149 $147 $147 $144 $140 $125 $123 $121 $119 $118 $109 $108 $107 $100 $95 $95 Net Cost = Mortgage - Utility Savings(Neg. = savings, $/month) $5,496 $5,350 $4,335 $4,245 $4,214 $4,127 $3,547 $3,505 $2,750 $2,727 $2,701 $2,671 $2,605 $2,184 $2,020 $2,019 $1,986 $1,976 $1,964 $1,956 $1,900 $1,846 $1,809 $1,784 $1,762 $1,760 $1,734 $1,678 $1,503 $1,470 $1,457 $1,432 $1,419 $1,312 $1,300 $1,279 $1,203 $1,140 $1,134 Utility Cost Savings ($/month) EnergyStar Upgrade Savings Utility Cost Savings ($/year) Scenario (Climate Zone/Heating Fuel/House Condition/Vintage) Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Existing Manufactured Home Utility Costs ($/Year) Table 13: Conditions where EnergyStar manufactured home replacements are cost effective ($298) ($285) ($201) ($193) ($191) ($183) ($135) ($132) ($69) ($67) ($65) ($62) ($57) ($21) ($8) ($8) ($5) ($4) ($3) ($2) $2 $7 $10 $12 $14 $14 $16 $21 $35 $38 $39 $41 $42 $51 $52 $54 $60 $65 $66 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 22 23 23 24 24 26 26 26 28 30 30 383 Zn1-NG-Design-94HUD Zn2-NG-Design-94HUD Zn1-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn3-NG-Design-94HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn1-NG-Design-preHUD Zn1-NG-Design-76HUD Zn2-NG-Design-76HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn2-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn1-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn1-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn2-NG-Design-preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn3-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn1-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn2-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn3-NG-Design-76HUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn2-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-NG-Design-preHUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD 284 283 211 208 188 169 162 162 158 140 138 123 123 94 94 94 93 92 92 90 84 82 74 72 56 55 47 46 45 43 42 32 30 30 28 26 26 26 24 24 23 23 22 20 19 19 19 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 17 17 17 15 13 13 12 12 12 Payback > 30 Years 10 10 8 8 8 8 Payback < 30 Years, AND Monthly House Cost INCREASE Payback < 30 Years, AND Monthly House Cost SAVINGS 6 6 1 10 Payback (years) 100 Figure 27: EnergyStar Replacement Analysis Summary 55 1,000 4.2 Community Level Sustainability Opportunities The single largest contribution a community organization can make to its constituents is to provide information about sustainability efforts that help residents save utility costs and lead healthier lives. Searching for and taking advantage of incentives and financing programs can be complex, and although energy and water savings can begin with straightforward strategies, it can be difficult to determine which strategies are the most useful under a specific set of circumstances. By encouraging and informing residents about these issues, community organizations play a critical role in helping residents maintain an efficient, affordable, and healthy home. Second to education is the scale on which community actions take place; individual actions multiplied dozens or hundreds of times can have enormous impact, and community groups themselves also have an interest in maintaining their own infrastructure in the most efficient, affordable, and healthy ways possible. Conversely, community inaction can lead to years of lost utility savings, environmental degradation, or unrealized/unmitigated health risks. There are many opportunities to improve sustainability at the communitylevel, as well as improve the effectiveness of individual household level sustainability measures. This section reviews key sustainability opportunities at the community level. 4.2.1 Homeowner Sustainability Education Many sustainability and efficiency measures are well suited to direct homeowner action, and require little or no costs to implement. There are a number of significant opportunities for homeowner education that would provide them with information to make these changes on their own and provide the necessary guidance. Moisture and Mold Moisture problems described in Section 4.1.4 are a significant cause of physical damage, energy loss and health problems. Identifying and correcting moisture problems is often best done by homeowners. The Manufactured Housing Research Alliance’s “Moisture Problems in Manufactured Homes: Understanding Their Causes and Finding Solutions114” provides an excellent resource that could be provided directly to homeowners or communities to provides detailed guidance on preventing and mitigating moisture problems. This information could also be condensed and summarized in brochures and related materials more appropriate to widespread distribution. Indoor Environmental Quality Many indoor environmental quality factors are addressed under moisture and mold, but it may be useful to expand this to include other factors, such as indoor tobacco smoke, urea-formaldehyde in particle board, volatile organic compounds in adhesives, sealants, and paints, outside air delivery rate, and daylighting. Energy and Water Conservation There are many low cost energy and water conservation measures that homeowners can implement. Section 4.1.4 summarizes the low and no-cost measures, along with the most cost effective measures by climate zone. An education and outreach program can be built around these findings and the detailed descriptions and guidance outlined “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy, Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes” 115. Landscaping Homeowner and community landscaping and related activities have significant impacts on water use, drainage and moisture problems, as well as home heating and cooling. Education can be provided to help homeowners select plants that use less water, learn how to effectively shade their homes using landscaping to reduce summer heat gains, provide evaporative cooling, and minimize unwanted winter shading, and how to make sure landscaping promotes drainage and reduces water and moisture problems. Financing and Funding Opportunities There are a vast number of financing and incentive programs for energy efficiency, renewable energy, water 114 Manufactured Housing Research Alliance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Partnership of Advanced Technology in Housing. “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energysaving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 115 56 efficiency and other sustainability measures. These include direct grants, low-interest loans and other innovative funding, rebates, and other incentives. It is likely that many residents are unaware of all the different incentives. There are opportunities to develop summary sheets on a community-by-community basis that summarize key incentives available to residents. Due to the highly local nature of many of the incentives (utilities and local municipalities often have their own programs), ROC USA could develop a template for how to research and present local funding opportunities to guide communities or partners in developing a comprehensive list of opportunities and facilitating community-wide participation. Water Supply Significant opportunities to reduce water use and stormwater runoff can be approached at the community level, and can substantially reduce the overall environmental footprint of any manufactured home community. Additionally, sustainability issues related to water take on special significance for rural manufactured home communities that are not served by a public water supply, but provide and treat their own water. These communities have a particular need to ensure that they are using water efficiently, minimizing infrastructure costs and maintenance, and maintaining a safe, cost-effective water supply. Specific measures that properties should consider are described below. Reduce Site Irrigation Water Use The first and most important opportunity related to water is to ensure water is being used efficiently. Site irrigation (i.e., watering of medians, open-space, parks and other community landscaping) is typically the largest source of water consumption controlled at the community level. Potential water savings can be quite large, depending on the amount of irrigated area and current practices. There is large variation in the square footage of irrigated land in manufactured home communities, so it is difficult to generalize regarding total irrigation water use. Some communities have minimal or no irrigated yards or common areas (e.g., the community used in the case study in Figure 19) and will have nearly zero irrigation water use. However, some communities may have landscaping and yards similar in area to typical single-family site-built neighborhoods, where landscape irrigation can account for 50% to 70% of total community water use. The following measures provide specific guidance to reduce irrigation water use. Conduct an Irrigation Audit A key starting point to reducing irrigation water use is to conduct an irrigation audit. All irrigation systems break down over time: heads get misaligned, broken, or damaged; valves stick; leaks develop; the schedule gets changed; etc. An irrigation audit will identify and correct these problems, and can potentially save large amounts of water. While an irrigation audit can vary in complexity and detail, it consists of the following key elements: a detailed inspection of the irrigation equipment, testing the system, and scheduling. There are certified irrigation auditors that can conduct an audit 116. However, an irrigation audit could also be conducted using community personnel with a little training. There are a number of online irrigation auditing guidelines and forms117. Develop a Landscape Irrigation Maintenance Program It is important to develop a regular irrigation maintenance program that ensures the irrigation system functions properly, that problems are identified in a timely manner, and that issues are corrected promptly. In the absence of a regular maintenance program, minor operation and performance problems can continue for months resulting in excessive water use and poor efficiency. Plant Native, Drought Tolerant and Low Water Consuming Plants Use native and adapted landscape plantings that require minimal irrigation. Irrigation water requirements can be reduced by 50% or more through proper plant selection. 116 The Irrigation Association has a Landscape Irrigation Auditor certification program (, with a searchable database of irrigation auditors ( 117 e.g.,, and 57 Use a Weather-Based Sprinkler Controller Typical, timer-based sprinkler controllers provide significantly more water than plants need for a large percentage of the time. New “smart” or “weather-based” sprinkler controls sense key weather variables (wind, solar radiation, rain, etc.) and automatically adjust the sprinkler timing to provide just the amount of water the plants need. These can typically cut water use by 20% to 30%. Regularly adjust sprinkler timers If a weather-based sprinkler controller is not used, then regularly adjust the sprinkler timing. At a minimum, the sprinkler timers should be adjusted on a seasonal basis. Studies show that sprinkler timers are rarely adjusted to meet changing seasonal water needs. Use drip and other efficient irrigation equipment Use drip irrigation and other efficient irrigation equipment. Drip irrigation can be 80%-90% efficient, versus only 50% efficient for typical spray heads, which waste water through evaporation, wind-drift, uneven watering and over-spray. New rotor and rotator sprinkler heads are more efficient (~70%) than older spray heads. When using drip irrigation, care must be taken to ensure that proper pressure regulators are used, that the drip lines are not placed in areas prone to damage from walking, and that they are regularly maintained. Minimize irrigation runoff Make sure that sprinklers and irrigation do not create runoff, spray on or under the home, or saturate the water under the home. Make sure that water drains away from the home and that plant beds and landscaping activities have not inadvertently changed the slope to allow water to drain under the home. Measure Water Pressure throughout the Community and Ensure Appropriate Pressure Regulation Measure the water pressure throughout a site. A simple $15 pressure gauge from a building supply store can be used to measure water pressure on hose bibs, faucets, and irrigation lines. Water pressure should be approximately 50 PSI. Higher pressures can significantly increase water use, increase water lost through leaks, and lead to excessive wear on pipes, burst pipes, and damaged irrigation equipment. Significant daily pressure variations are quite typical and municipal water supply pressures can vary dramatically. One property measured water pressure variation from roughly 60 PSI during the day to over 120 PSI at night. This high pressure led to burst pipes (particularly PVC irrigation pipes, damaged irrigation equipment, and other problems. Therefore, it is important to measure the pressure throughout the day and night (most pressure gauges can simply be left on overnight and have an indicator that reads maximum pressure recorded). 140 Water Pressure, PSI 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0:00 23:00 22:00 21:00 20:00 19:00 18:00 17:00 16:00 15:00 14:00 13:00 12:00 11:00 10:00 9:00 8:00 7:00 6:00 5:00 4:00 3:00 2:00 1:00 Figure 28: Example 24-hour property pressure readings shows significant water pressure variation Reducing water pressure from 60 to 50 psi, for example, could lower the total water consumption of a property by 5 58 to 10%. Properties typically have pressure regulating valves that can be adjusted to the desired pressure. If they have stopped working and are no longer able to regulate pressure, or there are no pressure regulating valves, new valves should be installed. Costs are around $500 to $700 for a 3-inch pressure reducing valve. Install Water Submeters Click here to return to Key Points. Many communities have a single water meter for the entire community, and residents pay for their water as part of their monthly rent (either as a flat rate independent of actual use, or based on total community water use prorated on a per house basis). There is no feedback to residents regarding how much water they are using, and no incentive to conserve. Installing water submeters for each home benefits both the community and residents. It provides a means for residents to lower total household costs by making them aware of their water use and enabling them to save money by being more efficient and repairing leaks, rather than penalizing them for inefficient use by others. It can also lower total community water consumption. Studies have shown that submetering results in savings of 18 – 39%118. Typical residential submeters cost around $100, excluding installation. There are a number of companies that specialize in submetering. Local and state regulations regarding utility submetering and tenant billing should be consulted prior to implementing submetering. Metering accuracy and other requirements exist but vary by jurisdiction. Figure 29: Typical water submeter Submeter Irrigation Water Communities that have large landscapes with significant irrigation should consider submetering the irrigation lines. This will aid in identifying leaks and tracking consumption. Furthermore, many water/wastewater utilities charge for wastewater based on water purchases. In some cases, wastewater charges can be reduced by installing submeters (or installing separate utility meters) on irrigation water supply lines. Charge for Water on a “Conservation Pricing” Basis Once submeters are installed, the water should be charged on a “conservation pricing” basis, if permitted by local and state regulation. Water utilities throughout the nation are moving towards this practice, which typically involves charging for water on a tiered basis. The lower tier represents the typical amount of water consumed by a home to meet basic needs. Additional water use falls into tiers with higher prices; excessive or wasteful water use is penalized. This sends a price signal to residents to conserve water. Promote Resident Water Efficiency Resident water consumption is typically the largest single source of water consumption in a manufactured home community, but is not directly controlled at the community level. However, there are a number of things that can be done at the community level to help reduce resident water consumption and promote water efficiency. Communities can educate residents about water efficiency and promote efficiency through newsletters, community meetings and special events. They can also purchase water conservation equipment (e.g., faucet aerators) to give away or water auditing tools to loan to residents. A water auditing program could be developed at the community level. Leverage Utility Water Conservation Incentives Water utilities often have a variety of incentives for water efficiency. These include toilet swaps, efficient showerhead giveaways, water audits, leak detector kits, incentives for smart irrigation controllers, and other measures. The community should work with their local water utility to identify all relevant incentives and 118 Base on a study conducted by the National Multi-Housing Council and the National Apartment Association, 59 opportunities, and promote these within the community. It may even be possible to arrange special events, such as a community-wide toilet replacement, or a community-wide showerhead exchange program. Utilities are often very supportive of community efforts to conserve water and will often work together to leverage existing programs or develop custom programs at the community level. Routinely Check for Leaks It is important to routinely check for leaks, ideally on a monthly basis, but at least annually. Leak detection includes a physical inspection of irrigation equipment, pipes, fittings and other equipment. Even apparently “small” leaks can waste significant water on an annual basis. Another important indicator of a significant leak is a persistent patch of wet or soggy ground, which indicates that an underground pipe may be leaking and saturating the ground around it. Note however, that a leaking underground pipe may not be apparent in sandy or well drained soils. Figure 30: Apparently “small” leaks such as this can waste thousands of gallons per year Another important method for determining leaks is to measure hourly water consumption for a 24 hour period (i.e., read the main water meter on each hour for a day). Make sure the sprinklers are not running throughout the night when this is done. Typical water consumption should be very low, close to zero during the late night and early morning hours. Significant early-morning water consumption is most likely due to leaks. Figure 31 illustrates hourly water consumption readings for two different properties. The graph on the left shows water consumption for a property which does not drop significantly at night; this property had significant underground water leaks that were not identified until an hourly reading was taken. This property was wasting approximately 2 million gallons and nearly $15,000 of water per year. The graph on the right is for a different property, where early morning consumption drops significantly to around 100 gallons per hour. While this is significantly better than the graph on the left, one would expect actual property water use to be closer to zero in these periods (assuming irrigation is off). It is likely that this 100 – 200 gallons per hour is due to leaks, which could be wasting up to 73,000 gallons/year. Additional investigation can confirm this. If the property is submetered, the submeters could also be measured to 24-hour water consumption curve - Sandals Inn identify24-hour households large leaks. waterwith consumption - 350-room hotel 100 10:00 PM 8:00 PM 22:00 20:00 18:00 16:00 14:00 12:00 10:00 8:00 6:00 4:00 2:00 0 0:00 200 6:00 PM 1,000 300 4:00 PM 2,000 400 2:00 PM 3,000 500 12:00 PM 4,000 600 10:00 AM 5,000 700 8:00 AM 6,000 800 6:00 AM 7,000 900 4:00 AM 8,000 1,000 2:00 AM Hourly water use (IG / hour) 9,000 Midnight Hourly water consumption (IG / hour) . 10,000 Figure 31: DailyTime measured water consumption for two properties (gallons per hour) Trend and Benchmark Community Water Consumption Most communities and facilities never examine their historical water consumption. “Creeping” water consumption 60 trends often go unnoticed, and even large increases or spikes in water use often go unnoticed or only noticed after long periods of time. Community water consumption should be analyzed to identify changes in consumption patterns, anomalies that may be indicative of problems, and to benchmark performance. At a minimum, communities should calculate their total water use per home and compare this to consumption in previous months and years. Significant changes can be identified and addressed. This data can be shared through monthly newsletters or similar methods to educate residents and track water efficiency efforts. Protect Well Fields For communities that have their own wells, it is important to protect the water source from contamination and other water quality problems. Water quality is also largely dependent on regional water quality issues that are often outside of the community’s control. It is easy for a well field to be contaminated through septic system malfunctions, illegal dumping, and poor land use. This can be very costly for a community, and could require additional water treatment, well relocation, or in some cases loss of water supply. A few key issues that should be considered include: Ensure septic systems are not leaking or misplaced. Improperly functioning septic systems can leak and contaminate groundwater supplies and contaminate streams and other surface water. Septic systems should be regularly maintained and inspected; leaking or damaged septic systems should also be repaired. Leach fields can become clogged over time and may need to be repaired or relocated. Also, the community should ensure that septic system leach fields are not in close proximity to the pump. Consult local health department requirements to determine the necessary setbacks. Manage Stormwater to prevent well contamination. Make sure that stormwater does not drain in such a way that may cause polluted stormwater from contaminating the well or groundwater. It is possible for improperly controlled stormwater to wash contaminants from leaking septic fields into the well area. Watch for illegal dumping of oil and other wastes. Make sure that motor oil and other pollutants are not being dumped on the ground or washing in from offsite. Promotion of proper oil and waste disposal practices can help reduce the potential of improper disposal. Promptly clean up oil spills and other contamination sources. Monitor off-property sources of contamination. A community’s groundwater can be easily contaminated from off-site sources. This can range from improperly functioning septic systems from nearby properties, illegal dumping that gets into the groundwater, and other issues. A community should be vigilant in protecting its water supply. Test drinking water. Test water to ensure that contaminants are below EPA limits. Evaluate whether water treatment is required. 4.2.2 Wastewater Managing wastewater is particularly important for communities that have their own wastewater systems (e.g., septic systems). Increasing water efficiency (e.g., efficient toilets and plumbing fixtures) will significantly reduce wastewater generation. This can reduce wastewater treatment costs and prolong system operation. Water efficiency can also reduce the size of a wastewater system replacement or upgrade. The following measures provide additional measures to improve a community’s wastewater system. Ensure wastewater supply systems are properly operating and not leaking It is not uncommon for wastewater systems to leak, break down or otherwise function improperly. Septic systems can often be damaged by someone driving heavy equipment or trucks over the leach field, can become clogged or leaky, and experience other problems. Problems often go unnoticed or have a low priority for repair. It is important that these systems be properly monitored and maintained. Utilize Gray Water Wastewater from showers, bathroom sinks and clothes washers is referred to as gray water and can be legally used 61 in many states119 for a variety of applications, most prominently “gray water” irrigation. Gray water irrigation uses subsurface irrigation methods. Microbes in the soil provide effective treatment. Depending on the site layout and slope, there are a number of different gray water systems that may be appropriate. Gray water reuse for landscaping can significantly reduce freshwater consumption, reduce loads on onsite wastewater treatment systems, lower overall wastewater treatment costs, and provide a cost effective irrigation source for arid areas 120. For example, gray water could irrigate a row of trees that provides community shading. Alternate Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems If a new onsite wastewater treatment system is required or an existing system is not operating effectively, there are a number of alternate technologies that can be used, which can potentially reduce operating costs and/or reduce potential for ground and surface water contamination. These range from mechanical systems such as “living machines” and other “packaged systems” to a range of more natural treatment options. A complete discussion is beyond the scope of this paper, but a number of resources are available online121, 122. Consider water conservation, gray water reuse, and other measures to reduce the required system size. 4.2.3 Road Infrastructure and Stormwater Infrastructure Click here to return to Key Points. Management of stormwater requires that best practices be undertaken for both stormwater infrastructure and road infrastructure. Stormwater infrastructure and road infrastructure are closely related at the community level: streets and other paving are significant sources of runoff generation, and curbs and gutters are central to stormwater management infrastructure. This report groups stormwater and road infrastructure practices together. A set of best management practices for roads/stormwater is referred to as “low impact development”, which uses alternate construction methods to manage stormwater and promote on-site infiltration rather than runoff. This reduces the size and cost of the required stormwater infrastructure, reduces stormwater generation and flows, and improves pollution removal. Reduce Street Widths and other Impervious Area Reducing street widths can significantly reduce the amount of material required, reduce runoff, and lower long term maintenance costs. Likewise, minimizing other impervious areas such as parking lots and hardscape (or replacing impervious materials with permeable pavers, permeable concrete, or permeable asphalt) can reduce runoff. These measures need to be coordinated with local fire marshals to ensure appropriate fire truck access, as well as consideration of other local code requirements. In many cases, local jurisdictions are amenable to working with communities on these issues and issuing variances where needed. Other measures to infiltrate water into the ground, such as swales, rain gardens and other bioretention systems, and dry wells, may also be appropriate. Permeable Paving and Interlocking Concrete Paving Traditional paving materials seal out rainwater and generate stormwater runoff. A wide class of permeable paving materials exists that allow water to infiltrate into the soil. This includes permeable pavers, permeable concrete, permeable asphalt, and “grass-pave123” materials that allow grass to grow but provide a structural base that can support fire trucks and other vehicle traffic. Permeable concrete and asphalt are standard concrete/asphalt except they have no fine grain sand, which allows water to percolate through voids. Permeable pavers have coarse sand between pavers which also allows water to infiltrate rather than running off. Permeable paving should be considered when paving and resurfacing streets or installing new streets or parking. In many situations, interlocking concrete pavers are less costly than standard paving. 119 Refer to Oasis Design’s Gray Water Policy Center, A good source for additional gray water design, costs, treatment effectiveness and related data is found at Oasis Design’s website ( and 121 EPA, :Wastewater Treatment: Alternatives to Septic Systems.” June 1996 122 University of Rhode Island. “Choosing a Wastewater Treatment System”. 123 120 62 Figure 32: Permeable concrete paving Figure 33: Permeable inter-locking pavers Swales A swale is a simple vegetated channel used for stormwater drainage in place of traditional curbs, gutters and pipes. Swales are specifically designed to remove pollutants in stormwater through natural treatment in the soil/vegetation and infiltration of stormwater. Swales can be a particularly effective stormwater management technique for communities without any stormwater management infrastructure that has drainage problems, and should be considered when roads are being repaved or replaced. 63 Figure 34: grassed swale124 Rain Gardens and Bioretention Bioretention is the intentional use of landscaping to hold and infiltrate stormwater. A bioretention zone looks like a nicely landscaped area, but has been specifically designed to capture rainwater coming from a bioswale, street, or other source and to remove pollutants while infiltrating the water. Plants are selected for their ability to trap and treat pollutants in stormwater, including petroleum, metals, etc. This is an effective, simple way to manage stormwater and improve site aesthetics. Figure 35: A bioretention area124 Dry Wells Dry wells are small pits filled with gravel or stone. They allow runoff from rooftops to drain and infiltrate into the ground, rather than runoff. These may be useful for reducing roof runoff. 4.2.4 Energy Community energy use is typically related primarily to street-lighting, but may also be used by other community 124 EPA. “Low-Impact Development Design Strategies: An Integrated Design Approach.” June 1999. 64 resources. Community infrastructure such as onsite water or wastewater treatment and community clubhouses and other buildings can be significant energy consumers. Below are key community-level energy conservation opportunities. Maximize Community Building Efficiency Communities with club houses and other community buildings should make sure energy is being used efficiently. This includes using programmable thermostats to minimize heating and air-conditioning when the building is not in use, keeping equipment in good working order, and making appropriate energy efficient upgrades where necessary. Install Electricity Submeters For communities where residences do not have individually metered or submetered electricity, electricity submeters should be installed. This will benefit both the community and residents. It provides a means for residents to lower total household costs by making them aware of their electricity use and enabling them to save money by being more efficient, rather than penalizing them for inefficient use by others. There are a number of companies that provide submetering for manufactured home communities 125 that can assist with meter infrastructure and installation, billing setup, and legal issues. Make sure to consult local and state regulations governing utility submetering. Efficient Site Lighting Click here to return to Key Points. Communities should replace older, inefficient site lighting with more efficient lights. Specifically, the following actions should be taken: Replace older mercury vapor lamps. Mercury vapor lamps are less efficient than newer lamps such as metal halide, high pressure sodium, and LEDs. Furthermore, they do not burn out as typical lamps do, but their light output slowly decreases over time, emitting approximately 50% less light every five years while using the same amount of energy. These should be replaced with newer metal halide, high pressure sodium, or LED lamps. Check to make sure that the new lamps are compatible with the fixture and ballast. Replace incandescent lamps. Incandescent lamps are inefficient and have short lives. They have high energy and maintenance costs. Incandescent bulbs should be replaced with CFLs, LED lamps, metal halide lamps, or high pressure sodium lamps. In some cases, a new fixture may be required to accommodate the lamp ballast. Install LED streetlighing. LED streetlights are now available and are significantly more efficient than current lighting, with 40% energy savings possible. LED replacement modules are available for some types of streetlights, and there are a variety of new fixtures. Newer fixtures often include additional energy conservation features, such as integrated daylight sensors, hi/low dimming based on motion detectors, and so on. Reduce light levels and light pollution. Where light levels are excessive or greater than required, lower wattage lamps should be installed. Also, make sure that fixtures are not shining light up into the air to create light pollution and waste energy. Where necessary, new fixtures can better direct light to where it is needed and provide the same amount of usable light where needed for less energy. Install Photo-Sensors, Astronomical Timers, and Motion Sensors on Site Lighting Controls should be installed and calibrated to keep lights off during the day and when not needed. Make sure that existing timers and controls are properly calibrated and adjusted. Astronomical timers automatically adjust light on/off times based on actual sunrise and sunset times, and can be programmed to turn lights on at sunset, off at sunrise, or on/off at a different specified time. Standard timers, particularly mechanical timers, do not save as much energy because they are seldom adjusted for changing daylight hours and their time setting often creeps. Motion sensors should be used for locations where lighting is needed for security but isn’t needed constantly. Also consider dual light-level fixtures, which provide a minimum amount of light all the time for security, but extra light when motion is detected. 125 One example is the National Exemption Service, 65 Track and review energy use on a regular basis Similar to water, community electricity consumption should be tracked and monitored to identify changing consumption patterns and spot increases and problems in a timely manner. Many utilities are now providing online utility bill tracking and analysis that can be utilized. Otherwise, a simple spreadsheet can be used to track electricity use. Data should be graphed and compared to the previous month’s consumption, and comparisons of year-over-year energy use should also be determined. Electricity use can be calculated on a per home basis to aid in interpretation. Promote Community-Scale Weatherization Efforts Weatherization is typically done on a home-by-home basis. However, there are opportunities to increase costeffectiveness by targeting weatherization activities on a community level. Explore opportunities to target weatherization activities, energy audits, and related activities for the community. Leverage Utility Energy Conservation Incentives Energy utilities often have a variety of incentives to encourage energy efficiency. These include lamp giveaways, programmable thermostats, incentives for upgrading to more efficient furnaces, swamp coolers, increasing insulation, energy audits, and many other measures. Incentives change regularly and vary from utility to utility. Available incentives can be identified and communicated to the community through monthly newsletters, fliers, bulletin boards, etc. Utilities are often very supportive of community efforts to conserve energy and will often work together to leverage existing programs or develop custom programs at the community level. Homeowner Education and Energy Auditing Support The community can support homeowner education initiatives in a variety of ways. This can include reminders in monthly newsletters or bills to setback thermostats, install storm windows, and take other energy saving actions, providing homeowners with detailed energy auditing and conservation guides 126, and encouraging residents to conduct in-home energy audits. This can include purchasing a set of tools that can be loaned to homeowners, such as a “Kill-a-Watt” meter to measure electricity plug loads 127, mirrors to inspect ducts for damage, etc. It could also include providing common low-cost materials, or coordinating the availability of such materials for common energy-related repairs and upgrades, such as water heater wraps, foil-backed tape for taping leaky ducts, etc. Use landscaping to Reduce Community Wind Exposure Site landscaping can be used to block or reduce prevailing winds that increase energy use. This reduces the air infiltration in the homes throughout the community. Typically, it is desirable to block cold winter winds, while not blocking summer winds that can reduce air conditioning use or facilitate natural ventilation. Careful site and wind analysis should guide community tree planting and landscaping. Use Landscaping to Reduce Community Air-Conditioning Costs Trees and landscaping can have significant impacts on summer temperatures and air-conditioning energy use. Landscaping can also provide effective shading to reduce solar heat gain in summer and reduce local air temperatures (typically by 3-5 degrees F) as a result of cooling due to evapotranspiration. Well-designed landscaping can achieve these goals while at the same time allowing for solar heat gain during the winter. Selecting deciduous trees and providing thoughtful tree/landscape placement can minimize winter shading. Studies have shown that effective use of community tree plantings can reduce summer air-conditioning energy use by up to 25%. Furthermore, property with many mature trees typically increases desirability and aesthetic value. 4.2.5 Solid Waste The most significant step a community can take to improve solid waste management is to provide appropriate recycling and waste collection services. Specifically, a community should ensure that appropriate recycling services are available, educate residents about proper hazardous waste disposal, and coordinate opportunities to collect 126 E.g., U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 127 66 hazardous waste. This can include working with local waste agencies to host hazardous waste collection roundups for the community, providing hazardous waste collection bins for batteries, lightbulbs, electronics, used motor oil, and other hazardous waste. A community can also compost greenwaste from landscape maintenance onsite. 5. Policy Needs and Opportunities Changes in federal, state, and local policies could help make manufactured home and manufactured home communities more environmentally sustainable and economically stable. This section outlines existing policies that are counterproductive and need to be changed. This section also shows how advocates of manufactured homes have succeeded in a variety of policy arenas. Success is possible because policy makers with an interest in sustainability can easily see that manufactured homes and manufactured home communities offer advantages over conventional housing: Density: one of the goals of “smart growth” is to increase the density of housing units, reducing sprawl and the loss of open space while enabling opportunities for mass transit, more efficient school bus routes, etc. Efficient production: building homes in a factory is inherently more energy-efficient than stick-built, and the potential for building energy efficiency into new homes is easily assured. Innovative energy solutions: the density of MH communities should make it possible to develop distributed heating systems and possibly electricity generating systems. Community: where residents own their community or have long-term leases, strong communities can develop and be particularly helpful to seniors who can “age in place.” While specific policy opportunities are outlined below, promoting the sustainability features intrinsic to manufactured homes detailed in this report would benefit any specific policy effort. Explaining the factory-built process, high density nature of manufactured home communities and the small footprint of homes helps make the case for policy reform. The cooperative management structure of resident owned communities also provides a great opportunity for innovation with sustainability measures. In these communities, the opportunity exists to structure new financial investments in community infrastructure with volunteer initiatives. Listed below are policy needs and opportunities to support more sustainable manufactured homes for manufactured homeowners, communities and new homes. 5.1 For Manufactured Homeowners USDA Section 504 Direct Loans: Rural Housing Repair and Rehabilitation Loans are funded directly by the Federal Government. These funds are available to very low income residents living in non-metropolitan areas. The objective of the program is to help very low income owners of modest single family homes repair those homes. Loan and grant funds are available to improve or modernize a home, make it safer or more sanitary or remove health and safety hazards. Action: Work with USDA to highlight its use in resident-owned communities and educate all users of the program on those energy-efficiency and water-saving improvements detailed in this report. Weatherization Assistance Program: This program was created in 1976 to assist low income families reduce energy consumption and costs. Action: Many local and regional practitioners have used this grant program to retrofit manufactured homes. The most cost-effective strategies detailed in this report for retrofitting manufactured homes in different climate zones and with different heating fuel sources might be incorporated in the Program’s guidance to encourage the most effective use of scarce grant resources. An effort is underway in New Hampshire to demonstrate that change some of the assumptions about weatherization of manufactured homes. That effort is described in the “community” section that follows. 67 Utility and Municipality Financing Programs: There are a wide variety of funding programs targeted at energy efficiency, renewable energy and related programs sponsored by local utility companies, including rural electric cooperatives, in areas where manufactured homes are prevalent. Action: Promote manufactured homes as an essential affordable housing resource that should be included in such programs, and conduct outreach to major program sponsors to share the findings of this report. Renewal of Tax Credit for EnergyStar Appliance purchase: The federal government offered federal tax credits for the purchase of EnergyStar appliances which have expired. Action: Conduct public education around the value of such federal tax credits for the purchase of EnergyStar appliances. 5.2 For Manufactured Home Communities FHA Section 213 Mortgage Insurance for Cooperative Housing: This program insures mortgage loans to facilitate the construction, substantial rehabilitation, and purchase of cooperative housing projects. Action: Streamline the process for using Section 213 and conduct public education to ensure that cooperatively owned manufactured home communities are eligible. Conduct public education around the construction and rehabilitation features of the program, including the following recommendations in this report: sub-metering of water, energy-efficient site lighting, pervious paving, capture and re-use of rain water and use of drought-resistant landscaping. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG): This program provides communities with resources to address a wide range of unique community development needs, including affordable housing development. The CDBG program provides annual grants on a formula basis to 1,209 general units of local government and states. Action: Conduct public education around the CDBG regulations to highlight the use of CDBG funding to purchase and preserve manufactured home communities by enabling residents, nonprofits, and government agencies to acquire the land. Conduct public education around the use of CDBG funds for community infrastructure improvement in cooperative owned manufactured home communities which incorporate sub-metering of water, energy-efficient site lighting, pervious paving, capture and re-use of rain water and use of drought-resistant landscaping. HOME Investment Partnerships Program: HOME provides grants to states and localities that communities use— often in partnership with local nonprofit groups—to fund a wide range of activities that build, buy, and /or rehabilitate affordable housing for rent or homeownership or provide direct rental assistance to low-income people. Action: Conduct public education on the HOME Program regulations to how program definitions identify residentowned manufactured home communities as homeownership projects and provide information on the use of HOME funds to support infrastructure improvements in such communities which incorporate sub-metering of water, energyefficient site lighting, pervious paving, capture and re-use of rain water and use of drought–resistant landscaping. USDA Water and Environmental Program (WEP): These programs provide loans, grants, and loan guarantees for drinking water, water, sanitary sewer, solid waste and storm drainage facilities in rural areas and cities and towns of 10,000 or less. Public bodies, nonprofit organizations and recognized Indian tribes may qualify for assistance. WEP also makes grants to nonprofit organizations to provide technical assistance and training to assist rural communities with their water, wastewater, and solid waste problems. Action: Conduct public education around the value of sub-metering of water and the capture and re-use of rain water as potential features of this program to support manufactured home communities. 68 Weatherization Innovation Pilot Program: The U.S. Department of Energy has made grants available to organizations attempting to improve the cost-effectiveness and impact of the federal Weatherization Assistance Program. The New Hampshire Community Loan Fund received a grant to test the assumption that weatherizing numerous homes in dense manufactured home communities would be more cost-effective than the traditional scattered approach to weatherization. The effort is being evaluated by DOE to see if it should be applied more broadly. Action: If, as expected, the results of the pilot show that investing weatherization money in manufactured home communities is a particularly good investment, educate local weatherization providers on the value of investing such funds in manufactured housing communities. Also, conduct public education to demonstrate how federal and state agencies might deliver weatherization resources more effectively in manufactured home communities. The most cost-effective strategies detailed in this report for retrofitting manufactured homes in different climate zones and with different heating fuel sources might be incorporated in the Program’s guidance and shared with current grantees to encourage ongoing innovation and the most cost-effective application of grant resources. State and Local Storm water Management Requirements: State and local governments will require the management of storm water displaced as a result of new development. Many of these requirements rely on traditional storm water management techniques such as storm water management ponds fed by a system of collector pipes and do not permit innovative new ideas like Rain Gardens. Action: Work with state and local regulators to encourage inclusion of innovative storm water management techniques into state and local regulations, including capture and re-use of rainwater on site for irrigation of landscapes and other purposes. State and Local Street and Roadway Requirements: State and local departments of transportation set standards for road construction that specify required road widths and materials. There has been growing concern that many residential roadways are constructed too wide, increasing impervious surface area and encouraging speeding. In addition, pervious paving materials that decrease runoff are often not permitted. Action: Work with state and local regulators to encourage inclusion of innovative street and roadway requirements to allow narrower roadways and paving materials that create less impervious areas. State and Local Housing Finance Agencies: Many state HFAs are active in financing manufactured homes and manufactured home communities. To the extent HFA financing is used for community improvements, prioritize sub-metering of water, capture and re-use of rainwater, energy-efficient site lighting, pervious paving and droughtresistant landscaping. 5.3 For New Manufactured Homes Low Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): This program assists low-income households, particularly those with the low income households, particularly those with the lowest income that pay a high proportion of household income for home energy, primarily in meeting their immediate home energy needs. Action: Conduct public education around how LIHEAP funds might be used for replacement of Pre-1976 manufactured homes. State Level Tax Credit for the Purchase of EnergyStar Manufactured Homes. Some states have enacted tax credits for the purchase of EnergyStar manufactured homes. Reauthorization of Federal Tax Credit for Builders of Energy Efficient New Homes: This tax incentive expired at the end of 2011. Action: Conduct public education around the potential value of this tax credit. Federal Legislation to Replace Manufactured Homes built before the 1976 HUD Code with EnergyStar rated 69 New Homes: This initiative was supported in federal Energy and Jobs legislation in 2010, which would have provided between $10,000 and $17,000 to eligible homeowners to replace inefficient older homes, which cost lower-income homeowners excessive amounts in monthly utility bills, with EnergyStar rated new manufactured homes. Despite significant Congressional support, this initiative was not adopted in final legislation. Action: Conduct public education around the value of this potential legislation. Energy-Efficiency Updates to HUD Manufactured Home Code: In 2010, Congress provided authority to the U.S. Department of Energy to update and strengthen the energy-efficiency elements of the HUD Code for manufactured homes. The Energy Department has developed a draft of this updated energy-efficiency component of the HUD Code. Action: Conduct public education around the value of these energy-efficiency updates to the HUD Code, including but not limited to conducting information sessions with the U.S. Energy Department, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and other key industry stakeholders. 6. References & Bibliography Circle of Blue. “The Price of Water: A comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 US Cities.” April 26, 2010. Accessed online 10/24, Circle of Blue. “The Price of Water 2011: Prices Rise an Average of 9% in Major U.S. Cities.” May 5, 2010. Downing, C. “Air Change Rate Tests of Aura Vent.” November 1996: Georgia Institute of Technology, Economic Development Institute. Fairey, P., Parker, D., Wilcox, B. and Lombardi, M. "Climate Impacts on Heating Seasonal Performance Factor (HSPF) and Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio (SEER) for Air Source Heat Pumps." ASHRAE Transactions, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., Atlanta, GA, June 2004. Hales, D. “HUD Code Manufactured Homes.” Presentation to the April 2009 ACI Conference. Hannigan, E., “Focus on Energy Mobile Home Duct Sealing Pilot: Results from 2008-2009.” January 31, 2011. Focus on Energy/Wisconsin Utilities. pilot_summaryreport.pdf0 Judkoff, R., Hanckock, . Franconi, E., Hanger, R., and Weiger, J. “Mobile Home Weatherization Measures: A Study of Their Effectiveness.” December, 1988. Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI). Lublinr, M., and Kunckle, R. “Mobile Home Retrofit “Lost Opportunity.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. Lucas, R., Fairey, P., Garcia, R. and Lubiner, M. “Energy Modeling Research: National Energy Savings Potential in HUD-Code.” 2011 ACI Annual Conference, San Francisco. Maine State Housing Authority, “Maine Weatherization Standards.” 2005. Manufactured Housing Research Alliance (MHRA), “Moisture Problems In Manufactured Homes Understanding Their Causes And Finding Solutions.” 2000. 70 Manufactured Housing Research Alliance (MHRA), and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Whole House Ventilation Stratgies.” January 2003. Manufactured Housing Research Alliance, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the Partnership of Advanced Technology in Housing. “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development, “Program Operations Manual”. Meier, A. “Infiltration: Just ACH50 Divided by 20?”. Home Energy Magazine, January/February 1994. Moyer, N. “Moisture Problems in Manufactured Housing.” Home Energy, December 2005. National Fire Protection Association “Manufacture Home Fires.” July 2011. %20Homes,-Hall%202011.pdf National Rural Electric ooperative Association, Manufactured Housing Resarch Alliance, U.S. EPA., and Tennessee Valley Authority. “Manufactured Home Cooling Equipment Sizing Guidelines.” Nutt-Powell, T., Hoaglin, H., and Layzer, J. “Residential Property Value and Mobile/Manufactured Homes: A Case Study of Belmont, New Hampshire,” Working Paper 86-1. 1986: Joint Center for Housing Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) Users Manual.” Version 7. August, 2003. Oak Ridge National Laboratory. “Validation of the Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA).” November 2007. Robinson, D., and West, A. “Manufactured Home Duct Sealing Pilot ProgramDraft Impact Evaluation. March 2004. Energy Trust of Oregon. Scott, B. and Bartges, L. “Weatherizing Mobile Homes Case Study.” December 2005. Home Energy. Steiner, C. and Van der Veer, B. “Mobil Homes: Mechanical Ventilation, Pressures and Moisture.” Presented at the DOE Midwest Regional Conference, August 2006. U.S. Census Bureau. American Communities Survey. Online data accessed 10/2011:, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). “2005 Residential Energy Consumption Survey.” U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Housing Problems of Low Income Households”. Online Interactive Thematic Maps. Accessed 10/1/2011. . Underlying data available online U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Manufactured Home Consumer’s Guide”. Accessed 10/1/2011. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). “Manufactured Homes: Saving Money by Saving Energy,Energy-saving tips, techniques and recommendations for owners of manufactured (mobile) homes”. August 2005. 71 U.S. Energy Information Agency. “Average Retail Price of Electricity to Ultimate Customers by End-Use Sector, by State, Year-to-Date through May 2011 and 2010”. Accessed online 10/2011: . U.S. Energy Information Agency. “U.S. Average Residential Heating Fuel Prices for Winters 2010-2011 and 20112012”. Accessed online 10/2011: U.S. Energy Information Agency. “U.S. Propane Residential Price by All Sellers”. Accessed online 10/2011: Vermeer, K., and Louie, J. “The Future of Manufactured Housing.” January 1997: Joint Center for Housing Studies, Harvard University. Warner. K., and Scheuer, J. “Manufactured Housing Impacts on Adjacent Property Values,” Manufactured Housing Research Project, Report 4. 1993: University of Michigan. Washington State Department of Commerce. “Weatherization Manual for Managing Low-Income Weatherization Program.” 2010 Revision. &ItemID=6512&MId=870&wversion=Staging Weatherization Assistance Program Technical Assistance Center. “Field Standards and Guides.” Webpage, accessed 11/20100. 72 Appendix A: Analysis Details Overview The Manufactured Home Energy Audit (MHEA) tool was used as the primary analysis tool for analyzing energy use and assessing energy conservation opportunities in manufactured homes. The MHEA was developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. It predicts manufactured home energy consumption and recommends weatherization retrofit measures and is designed to address issues specific to manufactured homes. This was supplemented with engineering and spreadsheet calculations for water use, lighting, refrigeration, and other end uses, which incorporated statistical consumption data for manufactured homes. Details are described below. A series of prototype manufactured home models were developed that met the HUD Code requirements for each of the current HUD Code zones in Figure 37. Corresponding models were developed to meet the original HUD Code requirements, pre-HUD code requirements (designed to A119.1), and the current EnergyStar requirements. The models were analyzed using the MHEA, supplemental load data for water, DHW, lighting, plug loads, etc. Utility costs for a variety of different heating fuels (natural gas propane, fuel oil and electricity) were analyzed. HUD Climate Zones and Representative Locations The HUD code has different thermal performance requirements for different climate zones. The original 1976 HUD Code contained three climate zones, as shown in Figure 36. The updated 1994 HUD code changed the climate zones, as shown in Figure 37. The EnergyStar program has a different set of climate zones, as shown in Figure 38. Prototypes were developed and analyzed representative cities in each of the three current HUD climate zones: Macon, GA for zone 1; Louisville, KT for Zone 2; and Bangor, ME for Zone 3. These cities were selected to be representative of locations with large percentages of manufactured homes (Figure 8), areas with significant use of expensive heating fuels, and to align with each of the different climate zone maps. Figure 36: 1976 – 1994 HUD climate zone map 73 Figure 37: Current (1994+) HUD climate zone map Figure 38: EnergyStar climate zone map 74 Prototype Models Each of the prototype models were developed to meet the applicable requirements or each code and zone, following typical industry design practice128. It is assumed that pre-HUD code homes are built to ANSI Standard A119.1 requirements. All prototypes are the same size (14 ft x64 ft, ~ 900 ft 2) to facilitate comparisons between codes. The specific design criteria for each prototype are shown in the following table. Standard assumptions for all models are that the floor wing insulation is attached under the joists, the floor belly cavity configuration is “rounded” with the insulation draped below the joists. 128 Note that there is significant variation in industry design practices, particularly for pre-HUD code homes. Typical design practice is based on the author’s manufactured home design experience. 75 Table 14: Prototype model assumptions Code Climate Zone Representative City Macon, GA Heating Design Temp. Cooling Design Temp Floor Length (ft) Floor Width (ft) Ceiling Height (ft) Roof: U-Value Walls: Description U-Value Floor: U-Value Doors: U-Value Glazing: Front Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Left Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Back Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Right Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Front Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Left Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Back Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Right Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Floor Area (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Gross Exterior Wall Area (sf) Net Front Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Net Left Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Net Rear Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Net Right Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Roof Area (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Envelope Totals (sq, ft) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Home Perimeter (ft) Infiltration (BTU/hr) Furnace Capacity (Input) (BTU/hr) Furnace Efficiency Furnace Output (BTU/hr) A119.1 1 A119.1 2 Louisville, KY 21 96 64 14 8 A119.1 3 Bangor, ME 5 95 64 14 8 HUD76 1 Macon, GA -11 86 64 14 8 HUD76 2 Louisville, KY 21 96 64 14 8 HUD76 3 Bangor, ME 5 95 64 14 8 -11 86 64 14 8 Wood Truss w/ Wood Truss w/ Wood Truss w/ Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Metal Roofing, R19 Metal Roofing, R19 Metal Roofing, R19 Metal Roofing, R19 Metal Roofing, R19 Metal Roofing, R19 Insul. And .5" fiber Insul. And .5" fiber Insul. And .5" fiber Insul. And 1/2" Insul. And 1/2" Insul. And 1/2" ceiling board Ceiling ceiling board Ceiling ceiling board Ceiling Fiberboard Ceiling Fiberboard Ceiling Fiberboard Ceiling 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 0.059 2x4 Wall w/ 2x4 Wall w/ 2x4 Wall w/ Aluminum Siding, R- Aluminum Siding, R- Aluminum Siding, R- 2x4 Wall w/ 2x4 Wall w/ 2x4 Wall w/ 7 Insulation and 1/4" 7 Insulation and 1/4" 7 Insulation and 1/4" Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, RLauan Plywood Lauan Plywood Lauan Plywood 11 Insulation and 11 Insulation and 11 Insulation and Interior Interior Interior 1/4" Lauan Interior 1/4" Lauan Interior 1/4" Lauan Interior 0.130 0.130 0.130 0.089 0.089 0.089 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ R-11 Insulation R-11 Insulation R-11 Insulation R-4 Insulation R-7 Insulation R-7 Insulation 0.065 0.065 0.065 0.121 0.091 0.091 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 0.582 0.582 0.582 0.582 0.582 0.582 Single Glazing + Single Glazing Single Glazing Storms Single Glazing Dual Glazing Dual Glazing 60 60 60 40 40 40 48 48 20.58 44 23.2 23.2 20 20 20 20 20 20 16 16 6.86 22 11.6 11.6 58 58 58 78 78 78 46.4 46.4 19.894 85.8 45.24 45.24 20 20 20 20 20 20 16 16 6.86 22 11.6 11.6 20 20 20 20 20 20 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 17 17 9.894 9.894 9.894 9.894 9.894 9.894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 896 896 896 896 896 896 58.561 58.561 58.561 108.773 81.400 81.400 1248 1248 1248 1248 1248 1248 432 432 432 452 452 452 56.305 56.305 56.305 40.271 40.271 40.271 92 92 92 92 92 92 11.991 11.991 11.991 8.197 8.197 8.197 437 437 437 417 417 417 56.957 56.957 56.957 37.152 37.152 37.152 92 92 92 92 92 92 11.991 11.991 11.991 8.197 8.197 8.197 896 896 896 896 896 896 53.131 53.131 53.131 53.131 53.131 53.131 3,040 3,040 3,040 3,214 3,214 3,214 396.870 396.870 324.664 494.554 385.021 385.021 156 156 156 156 156 156 5,351 7,098 8,845 5,351 7,098 7,098 36,000 44,000 48,000 40,000 44,000 44,000 76% 0.76 76% 0.76 0.76 0.76 27,360 33,440 36,480 30,400 33,440 33,440 76 Energy Star Package Energy Star Package Energy Star Package Code HUD94 HUD94 HUD94 1-5 2-3 3-3 Climate Zone 1 2 3 1 2 3 Representative City Macon, GA Louisville, KY Bangor, ME Bangor, ME Louisville, KY Macon, GA Heating Design Temp. 21 5 -11 -11 5 21 Cooling Design Temp 96 95 86 86 95 96 Floor Length (ft) 64 64 64 64 64 64 Floor Width (ft) 14 14 14 14 14 14 Ceiling Height (ft) 8 8 8 8 8 8 Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Wood Trusses w/ Composition Shingle Composition Shingle Composition Shingle Composition Shingle Composition Shingle Composition Shingle Roofing, R30 Insul. Roofing, R30 Insul. Roofing, R30 Insul. Roofing, R38 Insul. Roofing, R38 Insul. Roofing, R19 Insul. And 1/2" Drywall And 1/2" Drywall And 1/2" Drywall And 1/2" Drywall And 1/2" Drywall And 1/2" Drywall Roof: Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling Ceiling U-Value 0.048 0.048 0.048 0.042 0.042 0.061 Walls: Description U-Value Floor: U-Value Doors: U-Value Glazing: Front Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Left Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Back Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Right Glazing (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Front Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Left Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Back Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Right Doors (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Floor Area (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Gross Exterior Wall Area (sf) Net Front Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Net Left Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Net Rear Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Net Right Wall (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Roof Area (sf) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Envelope Totals (sq, ft) U-Value (BTU/hr-F) Home Perimeter (ft) Infiltration (BTU/hr) Furnace Capacity (Input) (BTU/hr) Furnace Efficiency Furnace Output (BTU/hr) 2x4 Wall w/ 2x6 Wall w/ 2x6 Wall w/ 2x6 Wall w/ 2x6 Wall w/ 2x4 Wall w/ Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, R- Hardboard Siding, R11 Insulation and 19 Insulation and 19 Insulation and 21 Insulation and 21 Insulation and 13 Insulation and 1/2" Drywall Interior 1/2" Drywall Interior 1/2" Drywall Interior 1/2" Drywall Interior 1/2" Drywall Interior 1/2" Drywall Interior 0.088 0.057 0.060 0.053 0.053 0.079 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ 2x6 Floor Framing w/ R-11 Insulation R-11 Insulation R-19 Insulation R-30 Insulation R-19 Insulation R-21 Insulation 0.069 0.069 0.048 0.036 0.048 0.045 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 1-3/4" Wood 0.582 0.582 0.582 0.582 0.582 0.582 Dual Glazing + Dual Glazing + Dual Glazing + Dual Glazing + Dual Glazing Dual Glazing Storms Storms Storms Storms 40 40 29 29 29 29 23.2 23.2 7.772 7.772 7.772 7.772 20 0 0 0 0 0 11.6 0 0 0 0 0 78 58 49 49 49 89 45.24 33.64 13.132 13.132 13.132 23.852 20 20 20 20 20 20 11.6 11.6 5.36 5.36 5.36 5.36 20 20 20 20 20 20 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 11.64 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 17 17 17 17 17 17 9.894 9.894 9.894 9.894 9.894 9.894 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 896 896 896 896 896 896 61.912 61.912 43.254 31.928 43.254 40.454 1248 1248 1248 1248 1248 1248 452 452 463 463 463 463 39.724 25.712 27.793 24.727 24.731 36.688 92 112 112 112 112 112 8.085 6.371 6.723 5.981 5.983 8.875 417 437 446 446 446 406 36.648 24.859 26.773 23.819 23.823 32.171 92 92 92 92 92 92 8.085 5.233 5.523 4.913 4.914 7.290 896 896 896 896 896 896 42.759 42.759 42.759 37.991 37.991 54.978 3,214 3,214 3,214 3,214 3,214 3,214 353.889 300.321 244.124 198.908 210.245 268.031 156 156 156 0.61 0.61 0.61 5,351 7,098 8,845 6,375 5,116 3,857 36,000 36,000 40,000 28,000 24,000 24,000 0.76 0.76 0.76 0.9 0.8 0.8 27,360 27,360 30,400 25,200 19,200 19,200 Analysis Notes The Manufactured Home Energy Audit Tool was used as the primary analysis tool. Analysis was supplemented with various engineering calculations and other study data were needed, as described below. 77 Duct Sealing Duct sealing can be evaluated in the MHEA, but it requires actual duct leakage test data, since duct sealing savings are highly variable. Two different duct sealing studies in manufactured homes both show similar savings of 3.9% of natural gas heating energy129, 130. Air-conditioning energy is reported to be 220 kWh, or approximately 3.2%. Testing and repair costs for the Oregon program were $125/home for testing only (e.g., no sealing needed), $250 for testing and standard repairs, and $450 for homes requiring extensive or difficult repairs, such as homes with belly returns or exterior closets. This is in line with duct sealing costs reported from the Washington State weatherization efforts of $254 for single wide and\ $382 for double wide homes. Air-Conditioning Air-conditioning efficiency has improved significantly over the years. Replacing older air-conditioners with new EnergyStar rated units can save significant energy. The following table summarizes typical Seasonal Energy Efficiency (SEER) ratings compared to the vintage of the air conditioners used in this analysis. The SEER is calculated by dividing the typical cooling-season cooling output in BTUs by the total electric energy input in Watthours. Higher SEER ratings are more efficient. Table 15: Typical A.C. Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratios (SEER) vs. vintage Vintage SEER Pre 1980 <= 6 1980-1985 <=7 1986 – 1991 <=8 1991-2005 10-12 2006-2008 13 EnergyStar 14.5 Lighting The U.S. DOE’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) provides the best data on manufactured home lighting patterns. Manufactured home residents average 13.7 hours of lighting per night (total for all light bulbs, average of summer and winter usage), and on average 33% of total lighting is with energy efficient CFL lighting. This analysis assumes that 100 W incandescent lamps are replaced with 26-Watt CFLs. This results in ~378 kWh/year for current average lighting, 130 kWh/year for homes that upgrade all lamps to CFL, and 500 kWh/year for homes with no CFLs. Plug and Miscellaneous Loads Both the DOE’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) and California’s Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS) provide details on plug loads and other miscellaneous energy use in manufactured homes. Upon review of the data, RASS’s unit energy consumption data, in kWh/year and Therms/year, was selected for use. This data was processed in readily useable form and is representative of typical nationwide patterns. Plug load energy use is shown below. Table 16: Primary electric plug and miscellaneous loads for manufactured homes131 Load kWh/year Saturation Rate Television 697 100% Microwave 109 88% 7 81% Clothes Washer 129 Hannigan, E., “Focus on Energy Mobile Home Duct Sealing Pilot: Results from 2008-2009.” January 31, 2011. Focus on Energy/Wisconsin Utilities. ummaryreport.pdf 130 Robinson, D., and West, A. “Manufactured Home Duct Sealing Pilot ProgramDraft Impact Evaluation. March 2004. Energy Trust of Oregon. 131 Data from 2009 California Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS), 78 Personal Computer 437 72% Furnace Fan 157 66% Outdoor Lighting 204 65% Dish Washer 52 56% Table 17: Primary fuel plug and miscellaneous loads for manufactured homes 132 Homes w/Gas Data Load Therms/year Saturation Rate Dryer 20 48% Range/Oven 23 87% Water and Water Heating DHW heating was calculated on a fixture-by-fixture basis using the same typical flow rate and residential usage assumptions as used by the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) guidelines. Engineering analysis was used to determine water heating energy and typical water heating losses for various systems. Refrigerators Refrigerator energy consumption is based on methodology develop by the Lawrence Berkeley National Lab for the Home Energy Saver program133. The primary factors impacting refrigeration energy use are vintage, size, type, and whether it is EnergyStar rated. The unit energy consumption is calculated as follows: Where: UECrefrigerator = unit energy consumption (kWh/year) AV = adjusted volume (ft3) EF = Energy Factor (ft3∙day/kWh), per Table 18, which is a lookup table factoring in refrigerator type and year of manufacture EnergyStar = 0.8 if the refrigerator is EnergyStar rated or 1 of not or unknown134 And the adjusted volume is defined as: Where: size = "Nominal" refrigerator/freezer volume (ft3), and for the survey is grouped into the following categories and average size bins: Compact (Less than 10 ft3), average = 5 ft3 Small (10 - 19 ft3), average = 17 ft3 Standard/Regular (20 - 28 ft3), average = 24 ft3 Large (29 + ft3), typical = 30 ft3 132 Data from 2009 California Residential Appliance Saturation Survey (RASS), 133 Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Home Energy Saver: Engineering Documentation. Refrigerator Energy Consumption”, (accessed 8/19/11) 134 EnergyStar refrigerators use 20% less energy than a new non-EnergyStar qualified model. See the EnergyStar website for more information, 79 frac = Fraction of refrigerator volume devoted to fresh-food storage (0 ≤ frac ≤ 1). For side-by-side refrigerators, a fresh-food fraction of 0.6 is used, while all other configurations use a fraction of 0.66. Table 18: Shipment Weighted Energy Factors (EF) for Refrigerators135 Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 General 3.84 4.03 4.22 4.41 4.60 4.79 4.96 5.27 5.59 6.09 6.12 6.39 6.57 6.72 6.83 7.45 7.60 7.78 8.15 8.44 8.80 11.13 11.19 11.22 11.22 10.63 10.5 10.4 11.11 13.58 15.17 15.30 15.70 16.09 16.49 16.89 17.28 17.68 18.07 18.47 Automatic defrost Side-by-Side Top Freezer 3.57 3.56 3.81 3.81 4.05 4.06 4.29 4.31 4.53 4.56 4.77 4.81 5.02 4.75 5.32 5.21 5.62 5.67 5.93 6.12 6.02 6.30 6.10 6.47 6.12 6.75 6.36 6.89 6.49 6.95 7.28 7.66 7.45 7.83 7.68 8.06 7.78 8.51 8.26 8.91 8.69 9.36 12.18 11.39 12.45 11.37 12.41 11.47 12.08 11.48 11.44 10.88 11.30 10.74 11.20 10.64 11.96 11.37 14.62 13.89 16.33 15.52 16.47 15.65 16.89 16.06 17.32 16.46 17.74 16.87 18.17 17.27 18.59 17.68 19.02 18.08 19.45 18.49 19.87 18.89 135 Manual Defrost 6.69 6.77 6.85 6.93 7.01 7.09 7.18 7.25 7.32 7.39 7.69 7.98 8.19 5.85 6.14 5.45 5.09 4.55 4.84 4.32 3.50 3.89 4.13 3.75 4.21 3.99 3.94 3.90 4.17 5.10 5.69 5.74 5.88 6.03 6.18 6.32 6.47 6.62 6.77 6.92 Table data for years through 2003 is from Table 14 in “The Home Energy Saver: Documentation of Calculation Methodology, Input Data, and Infrastructure”. 2011 data was taken from the ENERGYSTAR energy savings calculator xls (accessed 6/27/11), and linearly interpolated between 2003. The Home Energy Saver weighting factor methodology was used to develop EF data for different door styles.. 80 The following figure provides a graphic summary of the EF variation with time and equipment type: 2,500 kWh/year 2,000 1,500 General Side-by-Side 1,000 Top Freezer 500 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996 1999 2002 2005 2008 2011 - Figure 39: Refrigerator energy use vs. vintage and type (typical 18 ft3 refrigerator) Note that refrigerator energy use is based on typical indoor temperature conditions. Refrigerators that are operated outside or in semi-conditioned space (e.g., an unheated garage) may use significantly more energy, even in cold weather (not intuitive but refrigerator designs results in poor operation in very cold temperatures). Results Key analysis details are provided below. Prototypical Manufactured Home Energy Consumption Summary The following table summarizes the results of the energy modeling analysis 81 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $800 $174 $395 $800 $174 $395 $800 $174 $395 $800 $174 $395 $545 $111 $270 $545 $111 Total $405 $104 $202 $1,033 $265 $514 $1,056 $271 $526 $1,035 $105 $338 $927 $236 $458 $2,362 $602 Water Zn1-NG-Worst -preHUD Zn1-NG-Best -preHUD Zn1-NG-Design-preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst -preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Best -preHUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn1-Propane-Worst -preHUD Zn1-Propane-Best -preHUD Zn1-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn1-Elec-Worst -preHUD Zn1-Elec-Best -preHUD Zn1-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn2-NG-Worst -preHUD Zn2-NG-Best -preHUD Zn2-NG-Design-preHUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst -preHUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Best -preHUD Plug & Misc. Electric Name Refrigerator Code preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD Cooling Scenario Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Plug & Misc. Fuel Fuel NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil DHW Zone 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 Heating Figure 40: Analysis results for design, best, and worst-case scenarios $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $2,151 $733 $1,225 $3,271 $1,122 $1,847 $3,314 $1,136 $1,871 $3,485 $1,060 $1,804 $2,417 $802 $1,355 $4,345 $1,395 82 $270 $545 $111 $270 $545 $111 $270 $240 $65 $116 $240 $65 $116 $240 $65 $116 $240 $65 $116 $702 $174 $395 $702 $174 $395 $702 $174 $395 $702 $174 $395 $547 $109 $208 $547 $109 $208 $547 $109 $208 $547 $109 $208 $228 $41 $113 $228 $41 $113 $228 $41 $113 $228 $41 Total $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 Water $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 Plug & Misc. Electric $1,166 $2,417 $616 $1,193 $2,976 $302 $929 $1,659 $405 $1,013 $4,227 $1,033 $2,581 $4,324 $1,056 $2,641 $5,325 $591 $2,293 $424 $104 $202 $1,081 $265 $514 $1,106 $271 $526 $1,361 $105 $338 $646 $255 $375 $1,645 $650 $955 $1,683 $665 $977 $2,073 $326 $761 $1,617 $410 $816 $4,120 $1,043 $2,078 $4,215 $1,067 $2,127 $5,190 $597 Refrigerator Name Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn2-Propane-Worst -preHUD Zn2-Propane-Best -preHUD Zn2-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn2-Elec-Worst -preHUD Zn2-Elec-Best -preHUD Zn2-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn3-NG-Worst -preHUD Zn3-NG-Best -preHUD Zn3-NG-Design-preHUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst -preHUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Best -preHUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn3-Propane-Worst -preHUD Zn3-Propane-Best -preHUD Zn3-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Worst -preHUD Zn3-Elec-Best -preHUD Zn3-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn1-NG-Worst -76HUD Zn1-NG-Best -76HUD Zn1-NG-Design-76HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst -76HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Best -76HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn1-Propane-Worst -76HUD Zn1-Propane-Best -76HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn1-Elec-Worst -76HUD Zn1-Elec-Best -76HUD Zn1-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn2-NG-Worst -76HUD Zn2-NG-Best -76HUD Zn2-NG-Design-76HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst -76HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Best -76HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn2-Propane-Worst -76HUD Zn2-Propane-Best -76HUD Zn2-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn2-Elec-Worst -76HUD Zn2-Elec-Best -76HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn3-NG-Worst -76HUD Zn3-NG-Best -76HUD Zn3-NG-Design-76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst -76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Best -76HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Worst -76HUD Zn3-Propane-Best -76HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn3-Elec-Worst -76HUD Zn3-Elec-Best -76HUD Cooling Code preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD preHUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD 76HUD Plug & Misc. Fuel Scenario Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best DHW Fuel Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Heating Zone 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $2,374 $4,419 $1,418 $2,413 $5,170 $1,193 $2,270 $2,844 $925 $1,757 $5,905 $1,780 $3,635 $6,022 $1,812 $3,707 $7,214 $1,436 $3,480 $2,071 $733 $1,225 $3,221 $1,122 $1,847 $3,265 $1,136 $1,871 $3,713 $1,060 $1,804 $2,138 $819 $1,211 $3,631 $1,442 $2,101 $3,688 $1,465 $2,135 $4,269 $1,215 $2,040 $2,791 $904 $1,557 $5,787 $1,766 $3,130 $5,901 $1,799 $3,190 $7,068 $1,418 1 1 Propane Propane Worst Best EnrgyStar EnrgyStar 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar 83 Total EnrgyStar Water Design Plug & Misc. Electric Fuel Oil Refrigerator 1 Name Zn3-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn1-NG-Worst -94HUD Zn1-NG-Best -94HUD Zn1-NG-Design-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst -94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Best -94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn1-Propane-Worst -94HUD Zn1-Propane-Best -94HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn1-Elec-Worst -94HUD Zn1-Elec-Best -94HUD Zn1-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn2-NG-Worst -94HUD Zn2-NG-Best -94HUD Zn2-NG-Design-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst -94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Best -94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn2-Propane-Worst -94HUD Zn2-Propane-Best -94HUD Zn2-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn2-Elec-Worst -94HUD Zn2-Elec-Best -94HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn3-NG-Worst -94HUD Zn3-NG-Best -94HUD Zn3-NG-Design-94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst -94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Best -94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn3-Propane-Worst -94HUD Zn3-Propane-Best -94HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn3-Elec-Worst -94HUD Zn3-Elec-Best -94HUD Zn3-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn1-NG-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn1-NG-Best -EnrgyStar Zn1-NG-Design-EnrgyStar Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn1-Fuel Oil-Best -EnrgyStar Zn1-Fuel Oil-DesignEnrgyStar Zn1-Propane-Worst EnrgyStar Zn1-Propane-Best -EnrgyStar Zn1-Propane-DesignEnrgyStar Zn1-Elec-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn1-Elec-Best -EnrgyStar Zn1-Elec-Design-EnrgyStar Zn2-NG-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn2-NG-Best -EnrgyStar Zn2-NG-Design-EnrgyStar $1,846 $349 $102 $150 $888 $259 $383 $909 $265 $391 $1,119 $103 $252 $516 $219 $296 $1,313 $559 $754 $1,344 $572 $772 $1,655 $281 $601 $1,092 $321 $405 $2,782 $819 $1,033 $2,846 $838 $1,056 $3,505 $468 $917 $104 $104 $104 $265 $265 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $396 $713 $266 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $115 $118 $118 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $113 $439 $203 $326 $439 $203 $326 $439 $203 $326 $439 $203 $326 $325 $110 $192 $325 $110 $192 $325 $110 $192 $325 $110 $192 $110 $29 $91 $110 $29 $91 $110 $29 $91 $110 $29 $91 $284 $284 $284 $284 $284 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $3,030 $1,733 $759 $1,104 $2,766 $1,145 $1,647 $2,805 $1,159 $1,668 $3,208 $1,086 $1,649 $1,786 $783 $1,117 $3,077 $1,351 $1,885 $3,126 $1,373 $1,915 $3,629 $1,170 $1,865 $2,147 $805 $1,124 $4,331 $1,530 $2,062 $4,414 $1,558 $2,097 $5,264 $1,277 $2,079 $1,333 $842 $1,016 $1,988 $1,231 $265 $396 $115 $284 $103 $168 $157 $1,487 $271 $271 $713 $266 $118 $118 $284 $284 $258 $39 $168 $168 $201 $100 $2,013 $1,246 $271 $334 $105 $174 $217 $217 $217 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $284 $284 $284 $284 $152 $152 $152 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $1,505 $2,267 $1,169 $1,530 $1,315 $824 $998 Cooling Code 76HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD 94HUD EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar Plug & Misc. Fuel Scenario Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best DHW Fuel Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Propane Propane Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Heating Zone 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 Propane Propane Worst Best EnrgyStar EnrgyStar 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 Propane Elec Elec Elec NG NG NG Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Design Worst Best Design Worst Best Design Worst Best EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar 3 Fuel Oil Design EnrgyStar 3 3 Propane Propane Worst Best EnrgyStar EnrgyStar 3 3 3 3 Propane Elec Elec Elec Design Worst Best Design EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar EnrgyStar Total EnrgyStar Water Design Plug & Misc. Electric Fuel Oil Refrigerator 2 Name Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn2-Fuel Oil-Best -EnrgyStar Zn2-Fuel Oil-DesignEnrgyStar Zn2-Propane-Worst EnrgyStar Zn2-Propane-Best -EnrgyStar Zn2-Propane-DesignEnrgyStar Zn2-Elec-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn2-Elec-Best -EnrgyStar Zn2-Elec-Design-EnrgyStar Zn3-NG-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn3-NG-Best -EnrgyStar Zn3-NG-Design-EnrgyStar Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn3-Fuel Oil-Best -EnrgyStar Zn3-Fuel Oil-DesignEnrgyStar Zn3-Propane-Worst EnrgyStar Zn3-Propane-Best -EnrgyStar Zn3-Propane-DesignEnrgyStar Zn3-Elec-Worst -EnrgyStar Zn3-Elec-Best -EnrgyStar Zn3-Elec-Design-EnrgyStar $554 $554 $697 $260 $115 $115 $152 $152 $258 $39 $168 $168 $201 $100 $2,145 $1,388 $554 $396 $115 $152 $103 $168 $157 $1,645 $567 $567 $713 $266 $118 $118 $152 $152 $258 $39 $168 $168 $201 $100 $2,176 $1,410 $567 $698 $278 $441 $261 $261 $261 $666 $666 $405 $878 $328 $499 $274 $102 $155 $697 $260 $118 $145 $145 $145 $45 $45 $45 $115 $115 $152 $152 $152 $152 $55 $55 $55 $55 $55 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $103 $258 $39 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $157 $201 $100 $1,669 $2,500 $1,210 $1,665 $1,262 $771 $944 $2,160 $1,403 $666 $396 $115 $55 $103 $168 $157 $1,660 $682 $682 $713 $266 $118 $118 $55 $55 $258 $39 $168 $168 $201 $100 $2,194 $1,427 $682 $839 $381 $592 $405 $878 $328 $499 $118 $145 $145 $145 $55 $55 $55 $55 $103 $258 $39 $103 $168 $168 $168 $168 $157 $201 $100 $157 $1,687 $2,544 $1,216 $1,718 Cooling Code EnrgyStar EnrgyStar Plug & Misc. Fuel Scenario Worst Best DHW Fuel Fuel Oil Fuel Oil Heating Zone 2 2 Table 19: Summary table for Figure 21 scenario max Avg Min max Avg Min max Avg Min Zone Zone1-max Zone1-Avg Zone1-Min Zone2-max Zone2-Avg Zone2-Min Zone3-max Zone3-Avg Zone3-Min Heating $1,361 $414 $102 $2,976 $823 $217 $5,325 $933 $102 DHW $878 $415 $102 $878 $415 $102 $878 $415 $102 Plug & Misc. Fuel $145 $106 $45 $145 $106 $45 $145 $106 $45 Cooling $800 $372 $174 $547 $240 $109 $800 $237 $29 Refrigerator $258 $133 $39 $258 $133 $39 $258 $133 $39 Plug & Misc. Electric $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 Water $201 $152 $100 $201 $152 $100 $201 $152 $100 Total $3,713 $1,759 $733 $5,170 $2,036 $783 $7,214 $2,144 $733 Energy and Water Conservation Measure Analysis The details of the individual conservation measure analysis are shown in the following table. Results are provided for each climate zone and heating fuel type. 84 Table 20: Detailed analysis results for individual energy and water conservation measures. 85 86 87 88 The results are also summarized graphically in the following three figures (Figure 41 provides data for climate zone 1, Figure 42 for climate zone 2, and Figure 43 for climate zone 3). Each figure provides separate data for each of the four primary heating fuels. Each graph provides two different metrics for assessing each measure: the payback period in years, and the homeowner’s monthly cost increase or savings for each measure (assuming that the measure costs are financed or amortized over a 10 year period at a 5% interest/discount rate). It is calculated by subtracting the monthly energy savings from the monthly amortized measure costs. This represents the typical monthly cost increase or savings a homeowner would experience assuming that some type of on-bill financing, revolving loan fund, or similar financing mechanism is used to implement the measure. These costs are represented by the green and red columns, with green representing measures where the savings are greater than the costs and therefore reduced net monthly homeowner costs, and the red bars measures where the monthly homeowner costs are higher during the amortization period. The payback period for each measure is represented by the black diamond and read from the right axis. Note that the payback scale is logarithmic. Measures that are the most effective are measures that have positive homeowner cash flow impacts and low payback periods (i.e., the left side of the graphs). 89 CFLs E-Star Washer (Typ) 90 Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Floors (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Wall (Typ) std Furnace vs. old E-Star Furnace (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Wall (Poor) E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Storm Windows Storm Door Ins.d Door Cool Roof Air Seal (Typ) Ins. Ducts E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet Wind Block (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) Furnace Tune-up Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Wind Block (Poor) Shade A/C Cond. Roof Shading Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Floors (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Wall (Typ) std Furnace vs. old E-Star Furnace (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Wall (Poor) New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Storm Windows Storm Door Ins.d Door Cool Roof Air Seal (Typ) Ins. Ducts E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) Wind Block (Typ) Furnace Tune-up Tankless DHW Open Registers Furnace Filter Wind Block (Poor) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Floors (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Wall (Typ) std Furnace vs. old E-Star Furnace (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Wall (Poor) New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Storm Windows Storm Door Ins.d Door Cool Roof Air Seal (Typ) Ins. Ducts E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) Wind Block (Typ) Furnace Tune-up Tankless DHW Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) 10.0 $30 $20 1.0 $10 $0 CZ1, Fuel Oil $40 $30 10.0 $20 1.0 $10 $0 CZ1, Propane $40 $30 10.0 $20 1.0 $10 $0 CZ1, Electricity $40 $30 10.0 $20 1.0 $10 0.1 $0 0.0 Figure 41: Energy and water conservation measure performance, climate zone 1, by heating fuel type Payback (years) $40 Payback (years) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Floors (Typ) E-Star Furnace (Typ) Ins. Wall (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) std Furnace vs. old Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Wall (Poor) Tankless DHW Storm Windows New DHW Tank Air Seal (Typ) E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Storm Door Ins.d Door Air Seal (Severe) Ins. Ducts Cool Roof E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet Furnace Tune-up Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) $50 Payback (years) Roof Shading Shade A/C Cond. Wind Block (Poor) Sink Aerator (Typ) Water Htr Wrap Shade A/C Cond. Wind Block (Typ) Roof Shading Sink Aerator (Poor) DHW Pipe Ins Dryer Vent A/C Filter LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Kitchen Sink (Poor) Kitchen Sink (Typ) LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) Ext Window Shading Wind Block (Poor) CFLs Blinds/Shades CZ1, Natural Gas Payback (years) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Shade A/C Cond. Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Sink Aerator (Typ) Dryer Vent A/C Filter Water Htr Wrap E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) Sink Aerator (Poor) DHW Pipe Ins LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Roof Shading Sink Aerator (Typ) Dryer Vent A/C Filter E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Water Htr Wrap Sink Aerator (Poor) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) DHW Pipe Ins LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) CFLs Blinds/Shades Kitchen Sink (Typ) Seal Duct Leaks Smr Landscape Shading Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Sink Aerator (Typ) Dryer Vent A/C Filter E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Water Htr Wrap Sink Aerator (Poor) DHW Pipe Ins E-Star Washer (Poor) LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) $50 Kitchen Sink (Typ) $60 Kitchen Sink (Poor) CFLs $50 Blinds/Shades $60 Ext Window Shading Kitchen Sink (Typ) Air Seal (Severe) Smr Landscape Shading $50 Ext Window Shading Smr Landscape Shading LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) Seal Duct Leaks LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) A/C Tune E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Monthly Housing Cost Change Blinds/Shades Seal Duct Leaks Air Seal (Severe) A/C Tune E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Monthly Housing Cost Change $60 Ext Window Shading A/C Tune E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Monthly Housing Cost Change $60 Smr Landscape Shading Air Seal (Severe) LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) Seal Duct Leaks E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) A/C Tune New DHW Heat Pump Monthly Housing Cost Change $70 1,000.0 100.0 0.1 0.0 1,000.0 100.0 0.1 0.0 1,000.0 100.0 0.1 0.0 1,000.0 100.0 Air Seal (Severe) 91 E-Star A/C (vs. old) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (poor) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Wall (Typ) E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Cool Roof Storm Door Ins.d Door std Furnace vs. old E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Wind Block (Typ) Wind Block (Poor) Ins. Ducts Hi-E Toilet Smr Landscape Shading E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Shade A/C Cond. Furnace Tune-up Sink Aerator (Typ) A/C Filter Ins. Floor (None) Dryer Vent E-Star A/C (vs. old) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (poor) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) Wind Block (Poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Wall (Typ) New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Wind Block (Typ) Cool Roof Storm Door Ins.d Door std Furnace vs. old E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet Ins. Ducts E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) Roof Shading Tankless DHW Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Shade A/C Cond. Furnace Tune-up Sink Aerator (Typ) A/C Filter Dryer Vent Ins. Floor (None) E-Star A/C (vs. old) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (poor) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) Wind Block (Poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Wall (Typ) New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Wind Block (Typ) Cool Roof Storm Door Ins.d Door std Furnace vs. old E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Ins. Ducts Hi-E Toilet E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) Roof Shading Tankless DHW Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Shade A/C Cond. Furnace Tune-up Sink Aerator (Typ) A/C Filter E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Floors (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Wall (Typ) std Furnace vs. old E-Star Furnace (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Wall (Poor) Tankless DHW New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Storm Windows Cool Roof Storm Door Ins.d Door Air Seal (Typ) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Ins. Ducts E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet Wind Block (Typ) Furnace Tune-up Wind Block (Poor) Roof Shading Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Shade A/C Cond. Sink Aerator (Typ) Water Htr Wrap Sink Aerator (Poor) DHW Pipe Ins A/C Filter Dryer Vent LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) 10.0 $20 1.0 $10 $0 CZ2, Fuel Oil $35 $30 $25 10.0 $20 $15 1.0 $10 $0 CZ2, Propane $35 $30 $25 10.0 $20 $15 1.0 $10 $0 CZ2, Electricity $35 $30 $25 10.0 $20 $15 1.0 $10 $5 0.1 $0 0.0 Figure 42: Energy and water conservation measure performance, climate zone 2, by heating fuel type Payback (years) $30 Payback (years) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) $40 Payback (years) Dryer Vent Ins. Floor (None) Smr Landscape Shading LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) CZ2, Natural Gas Payback (years) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Water Htr Wrap E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Ins. Wall (Poor) E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) Sink Aerator (Poor) Air Seal (Typ) DHW Pipe Ins LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Smr Landscape Shading CFLs Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Water Htr Wrap Sink Aerator (Poor) E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) Ins. Wall (Poor) Air Seal (Typ) DHW Pipe Ins LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Smr Landscape Shading CFLs E-Star Furnace (Typ) Blinds/Shades LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) Blinds/Shades CFLs Ext Window Shading Seal Duct Leaks Air Seal (Severe) A/C Tune E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Monthly Housing Cost Change Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Ins. Wall (Poor) Water Htr Wrap Sink Aerator (Poor) Air Seal (Typ) DHW Pipe Ins E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) CFLs Kitchen Sink (Poor) $40 Kitchen Sink (Typ) $45 E-Star Furnace (Typ) $50 Roof Shading $40 Blinds/Shades $45 Blinds/Shades E-Star Furnace (Typ) $50 LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) $40 Seal Duct Leaks $45 Storm Windows Seal Duct Leaks A/C Tune Ext Window Shading E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) $50 Storm Windows Seal Duct Leaks A/C Tune Ext Window Shading E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Air Seal (Severe) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Monthly Housing Cost Change Storm Windows Air Seal (Severe) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Monthly Housing Cost Change $50 LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) A/C Tune Ext Window Shading E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) New DHW Heat Pump Monthly Housing Cost Change $60 1,000.0 100.0 0.1 0.0 1,000.0 100.0 $5 0.1 0.0 1,000.0 100.0 $5 0.1 0.0 1,000.0 100.0 Air Seal (Severe) Seal Duct Leaks Ins. Wall (Typ) 92 E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) Dbl Pane Windows Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Wind Block (Poor) Cool Roof E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Wind Block (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) Roof Shading Blinds/Shades Storm Door E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet Ins.d Door E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) Shade A/C Cond. Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Ins. Ducts A/C Filter Sink Aerator (Typ) Smr Landscape Shading Dryer Vent E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) Dbl Pane Windows Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Wind Block (Poor) Cool Roof New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Wind Block (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) Roof Shading Blinds/Shades E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Storm Door Hi-E Toilet Ins.d Door E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) Tankless DHW Shade A/C Cond. Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Ins. Ducts A/C Filter Sink Aerator (Typ) Smr Landscape Shading Dryer Vent $30 100.0 $20 10.0 $10 1.0 $0 0.1 CZ3, Fuel Oil $50 100.0 $40 $30 10.0 $20 1.0 $0 CZ3, Propane $50 100.0 $40 $30 10.0 $20 1.0 $0 CZ3, Propane $50 100.0 $40 $30 10.0 $20 $10 1.0 $0 0.1 Figure 43: Energy and water conservation measure performance, climate zone 3, by heating fuel type Payback (years) 1,000.0 Payback (years) E-Star A/C (vs. old) Dbl Pane Windows E-Star A/C (poor) Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) E-Star Furnace vs. Std Ins. Wall (Typ) Tankless DHW New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) std Furnace vs. old Cool Roof Storm Door Ins. Wall (Poor) Ins.d Door E-Star Washer (Typ) E-Star Washer (Poor) Wind Block (Poor) E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Ins. Ducts Hi-E Toilet Wind Block (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Roof Shading Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Blinds/Shades Air Seal (Typ) Storm Windows Shade A/C Cond. Open Registers Furnace Filter Hi-E Toilet (Poor) Furnace Tune-up Sink Aerator (Typ) A/C Filter Water Htr Wrap Sink Aerator (Poor) DHW Pipe Ins Smr Landscape Shading Dryer Vent LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) E-Star Furnace (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) A/C Tune LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) $40 Payback (years) E-Star A/C (vs. old) E-Star A/C (poor) Dbl Pane Windows Ins. Ceiling (Typ) Wind Block (Poor) Cool Roof New DHW Tank E-Star Refrig (10 yrs) Wind Block (Typ) Ins. Floors (Typ) Roof Shading Blinds/Shades Storm Door E-Star Refrig (20 yrs) Hi-E Toilet Ins.d Door E-Star Dishwshr (Typ) E-Star Dishwshr (Poor) Tankless DHW Shade A/C Cond. Open Registers Furnace Filter Ins. Ducts Hi-E Toilet (Poor) A/C Filter Sink Aerator (Typ) Smr Landscape Shading Dryer Vent Water Htr Wrap E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) E-Star Washer (Typ) E-Star Washer (Poor) Sink Aerator (Poor) Ins. Wall (Typ) Furnace Tune-up DHW Pipe Ins A/C Tune LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std CFLs CFLs Seal Duct Leaks Ext Window Shading CZ3, Natural Gas Payback (years) Water Htr Wrap E-Star Refrig (30 yrs) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Sink Aerator (Poor) E-Star Washer (Typ) E-Star Washer (Poor) Ins. Wall (Typ) Furnace Tune-up DHW Pipe Ins A/C Tune LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) CFLs Seal Duct Leaks LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Water Htr Wrap Seal Duct Leaks E-Star Furnace vs. Std LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) Air Seal (Typ) E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Air Seal (Severe) E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Monthly Housing Cost Change Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Sink Aerator (Poor) Monthly Cost Svgs Monthly Cost Increase Payback Furnace Tune-up A/C Tune DHW Pipe Ins E-Star Washer (Typ) E-Star Washer (Poor) E-Star Furnace vs. Std LowFlow Shwrhd (Typ) CFLs Kitchen Sink (Typ) Kitchen Sink (Poor) E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) Air Seal (Typ) $60 std Furnace vs. old Ext Window Shading Storm Windows Ins. Wall (Poor) E-Star Refrig (40 yrs) $70 std Furnace vs. old Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) $60 LowFlow Shwrhd (Poor) $60 Ext Window Shading Storm Windows Ins. Wall (Poor) $70 Air Seal (Typ) Ins. Floor (None) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Air Seal (Severe) E-Star Furnace (Typ) Monthly Housing Cost Change std Furnace vs. old Air Seal (Severe) E-Star Furnace (Typ) Monthly Housing Cost Change $50 Ext Window Shading $70 New DHW Heat Pump Storm Windows Ins. Wall (Poor) Ins. Ceiling (Poor) Ins. Floor (None) E-Star Furnace (Typ) Monthly Housing Cost Change $60 100,000.0 10,000.0 1,000.0 $10 0.1 1,000.0 $10 0.1 1,000.0 EnergyStar Replacement Home Analysis Details The details of the EnergyStar replacement home analysis are provided in the following table. 93 Table 21: EnergyStar Home Replacement Results Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD $2,078 Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD $1,344 Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD $1,313 Zn2-NG-Worst Case-preHUD $927 Zn3-Elec-Design-76HUD $1,846 Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-preHUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-76HUD Zn3-NG-Design-preHUD Zn2-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn2-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn1-NG-Worst Case-94HUD Zn3-NG-Design-76HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn2-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn3-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn2-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-76HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-preHUD Zn3-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-76HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD Zn2-NG-Design-preHUD Zn1-Elec-Design-76HUD Zn1-Elec-Design-preHUD Zn2-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn2-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn2-NG-Design-76HUD Zn1-NG-Design-76HUD Zn1-NG-Design-preHUD Zn2-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn3-NG-Design-94HUD Zn1-Propane-Design-94HUD Zn1-Fuel Oil-Design-94HUD Zn1-Elec-Design-94HUD Zn2-NG-Design-94HUD Zn1-NG-Design-94HUD $909 $888 $1,092 $646 $405 $424 $1,013 $516 $1,193 $1,166 $349 $816 $929 $977 $955 $1,056 $1,033 $761 $526 $526 $917 $514 $514 $458 $338 $338 $772 $754 $375 $202 $202 $601 $405 $391 $383 $252 $296 $150 Payback (yr) Zn3-Propane-Design-76HUD $2,127 Net Cost (Mortgage - Utility Savings) ($/month) Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD $1,119 Net Cost (Mortgage - Utility Savings) ($/year) Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD $1,081 Utility Cost Savings ($/month) Zn3-Elec-Design-preHUD $2,293 Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD $1,106 Utility Cost Savings ($/yearly) Zn1-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD $1,033 Mortgage Cost ($/month) Zn3-NG-Worst Case-76HUD $1,617 Zn1-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD $1,056 Total-Energy Only Zn3-NG-Worst Case-preHUD $1,659 Total Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD $1,035 Water Zn3-Fuel Oil-Design-preHUD $2,581 Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD $1,655 Plug & Misc. Electric Zn3-Propane-Design-preHUD $2,641 Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD $1,645 Refrigerator Zn1-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD $1,361 Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD $1,683 Cooling Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD $2,073 Plug & Misc. Fuel Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-94HUD $2,782 DHW Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-94HUD $2,846 Zn2-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD $2,362 Heating Zn2-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD $2,417 Total-Energy Only Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-94HUD $3,505 Zn2-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD $2,976 Total Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-76HUD $4,120 Water Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-76HUD $4,215 Plug & Misc. Electric Zn3-Fuel Oil-Worst Case-preHUD $4,227 Refrigerator Zn3-Propane-Worst Case-preHUD $4,324 Cooling Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-76HUD $5,190 Energy Star Upgrade Savings Plug & Misc. Fuel Zn3-Elec-Worst Case-preHUD $5,325 New Energy Star Manufactured Home Utility Costs ($/Year) DHW Heating Scenario Name (Zone/Heating Fuel/Scenario/Code) Existing Manufactured Home Utility Costs ($/Year $878 $878 $713 $697 $713 $697 $878 $878 $713 $713 $697 $697 $878 $878 $405 $713 $697 $396 $878 $878 $274 $274 $713 $697 $499 $713 $697 $878 $405 $396 $713 $697 $274 $499 $713 $697 $274 $274 $274 $274 $155 $274 $405 $396 $274 $155 $499 $405 $396 $405 $396 $499 $405 $405 $499 $396 $396 $155 $499 $499 $405 $396 $155 $155 $155 $499 $155 $405 $396 $499 $155 $155 $145 $145 $118 $115 $118 $115 $145 $145 $118 $118 $115 $115 $145 $145 $118 $118 $115 $115 $145 $145 $45 $45 $118 $115 $145 $118 $115 $145 $118 $115 $118 $115 $45 $145 $118 $115 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $45 $118 $115 $45 $45 $145 $118 $115 $118 $115 $145 $118 $118 $145 $115 $115 $45 $145 $145 $118 $115 $45 $45 $45 $145 $45 $118 $115 $145 $45 $45 $240 $228 $240 $240 $228 $228 $110 $545 $545 $110 $545 $110 $547 $702 $116 $547 $547 $116 $325 $800 $240 $228 $800 $800 $116 $702 $702 $439 $113 $113 $325 $325 $545 $113 $439 $439 $110 $547 $800 $702 $116 $325 $270 $270 $439 $113 $270 $208 $208 $91 $91 $208 $395 $395 $91 $395 $395 $270 $395 $395 $192 $192 $208 $395 $395 $192 $91 $326 $326 $326 $192 $326 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $103 $258 $258 $103 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $103 $258 $258 $258 $103 $103 $258 $258 $258 $103 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $258 $103 $258 $103 $103 $258 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $103 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $168 $201 $201 $201 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($745) ($679) ($257) ($94) ($93) ($60) ($50) ($38) ($29) $26 $80 $117 $142 $164 $166 $192 $248 $423 $456 $469 $494 $507 $614 $626 $648 $723 $786 $792 $871 $1,114 $1,138 $1,182 $1,196 $1,209 $1,314 $1,321 $1,460 $1,469 $1,516 $1,524 $1,551 $1,561 $1,561 $1,565 $1,566 $1,566 $1,568 $1,652 $1,652 $1,681 $1,685 $1,713 $1,718 $1,718 $1,726 $1,747 $1,764 $1,767 $1,807 $1,807 $1,838 ($298) ($285) ($201) ($193) ($191) ($183) ($135) ($132) ($69) ($67) ($65) ($62) ($57) ($21) ($8) ($8) ($5) ($4) ($3) ($2) $2 $7 $10 $12 $14 $14 $16 $21 $35 $38 $39 $41 $42 $51 $52 $54 $60 $65 $66 $73 $93 $95 $99 $100 $101 $109 $110 $122 $122 $126 $127 $129 $130 $130 $130 $131 $131 $131 $138 $138 $140 $140 $143 $143 $143 $144 $146 $147 $147 $151 $151 $153 6 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 15 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 20 22 23 23 24 24 26 26 26 28 30 30 32 42 43 45 46 47 55 56 72 74 82 84 90 92 92 93 94 94 94 123 123 138 140 158 162 162 169 188 208 211 283 284 383 94 Appendix B: Survey of Manufactured Home Characteristics and Demographics A detailed review of existing housing stock data and related demographics was performed to guide and inform the study. Key data is summarized in this appendix. DOE’s Residential Energy Consumption Survey (RECS) Statistics The DOE’s Energy Information Administration (EIA) conducts a residential building energy end use survey to determine housing energy use characteristics for homes throughout the U.S. This survey includes data on manufactured homes, and provides data useful for understanding manufactured home physical characteristics, demographics and energy consumption data. The first RECS survey was conducted in 1978, and the latest (13 th) survey was conducted in 2009. The data for 2009 survey is currently being processed, and the EIA anticipates a first release of these data in early 2012. The 2005 survey data is the latest survey data available 136 and is summarized below. RECS uses a multi-stage area probability design to survey homes throughout the U.S.: 1. 2. 3. 4. 430 Counties were randomly selected; 3000 segments/5420 Census Blocs were randomly selected; ~19,000 homes selected for interviews, of these only ~15,300 were occupied primary residences and eligible; Of these 12,100 responded to the survey, with a response rate of ~ 79%. The survey is conducted by specially trained interviewers who collect energy characteristics on the housing unit, usage patterns, and household demographics. This information is combined with data from energy suppliers to these homes to estimate energy costs and usage for heating, cooling, appliances and other end uses. Non-linear statistical models are applied to data from the Household and Energy Supplier Surveys, which disaggregates total energy consumption into end-use components. Results are extrapolated back to the entire U.S. housing stock. Additional details are available from the RECS website, Key survey results for manufactured homes are summarized below. Table 22: RECS Housing Characteristics for Manufactured Homes (Table HC2.1) Housing Unit Characteristics Housing Units (millions) 111.1 Manufactured Homes (millions) 6.9 20.6 5.5 15.1 25.6 17.7 7.9 40.7 21.7 6.9 12.1 24.2 7.6 16.6 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.8 0.4 0.3 3.8 2.0 0.7 1.1 2.0 0.9 1.0 6% 3% 4% 11% 6% 4% 54% 29% 10% 16% 29% 13% 14% 2% 4% 2% 3% 2% 4% 9% 9% 10% 9% 8% 12% 6% 47.1 19.0 22.7 22.3 1.9 0.8 0.6 3.7 27% 11% 9% 53% 4% 4% 3% 17% 10.9 0.7 10% 6% Total Census Region and Division Northeast New England Middle Atlantic Midwest East North Central West North Central South South Atlantic East South Central West South Central West Mountain Pacific Urban/Rural Location (as Self-Reported) City Town Suburbs Rural Climate Zone Less than 2,000 CDD and-Greater than 7,000 HDD 136 % of Manufactured Homes RECS survey data tables, 95 % of All Homes 6% Housing Unit Characteristics Housing Units (millions) 26.1 27.3 24.0 5,500 to 7,000 HDD 4,000 to 5,499 HDD Less than 4,000 HDD 2000 CDD or More and-Less than 4,000 HDD 22.8 Ownership of Housing Unit Owned 78.1 Rented 33.0 Year of Construction 1960 to 1969 12.5 1970 to 1979 18.9 1980 to 1989 18.6 1990 to 1999 17.3 2000 to 2005 9.2 Major Outside Wall Construction Siding (Aluminum, Vinyl, Steel) 35.3 Wood 20.0 Fuels Used for Any Use (more than one may apply) (more than one may apply) Electricity 111.1 Natural Gas 69.5 Wood 14.4 Fuel Oil 8.4 LPG 12.6 Kerosene 1.7 Solar 0.2 Main Heating Fuel Natural Gas 58.2 Electricity 33.7 Fuel Oil 7.7 LPG 6.0 Wood 2.9 Kerosene 0.7 Solar Q Other Q None 1.3 Natural Gas Available in Neighborhood Yes 80.5 Actually Use Natural Gas 69.5 Do Not Use Natural Gas 11.1 No 30.6 Manufactured Homes (millions) 1.2 1.3 1.8 % of Manufactured Homes 17% 19% 26% 2.0 29% 9% 5.7 1.2 83% 17% 7% 4% 0.4 2.0 1.9 1.9 0.5 6% 30% 28% 28% 7% 3% 11% 10% 11% 5% 6.0 0.8 88% 12% 17% 4% 6.9 2.1 0.7 0.2 1.9 0.4 N 100% 30% 10% 3% 28% 6% 6% 3% 5% 2% 15% 24% N 1.9 2.9 0.2 1.3 0.3 0.3 N N Q 28% 42% 3% 19% 4% 4% 3% 9% 3% 22% 10% 43% N N Q 2.6 2.1 0.4 4.4 27% 22% 4% 46% 3% 3% 4% 14% % of All Homes 5% 5% 8% Table 23: RECS space heating characteristics for manufactured homes (Table HC2.4) Space Heating Characteristics Total Have Main Space Heating Equipment Use Main Space Heating Equipment Main Heating Fuel and Equipment Natural Gas Central Warm-Air Furnace Electricity Central Warm-Air Furnace Heat Pump Portable Electric Heater Fuel Oil Central Warm-Air Furnace Wood Propane/LPG Central Warm-Air Furnace Other Equipment Kerosene 96 Housing Units (millions) 111.1 109.8 109.1 Manufactured Homes (millions) 6.9 6.8 6.7 % of Manufactured Homes 6% 99% 97% 58.2 44.7 33.7 16.0 9.2 1.6 7.7 2.8 2.9 6.0 4.1 1.0 0.7 1.9 1.6 2.9 1.9 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 1.3 0.9 0.2 0.3 28% 84% 42% 66% 17% 10% 3% 100% 4% 19% 69% 15% 4% Age of Main Heating Equipment Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 Years or More Don't Know Proportion of Heat Provided by Main Heating Equipment All or Almost All About Three-Fourths Closer to One-Half Do Not Use Main Heating Equipment 11.7 13.8 20.6 24.8 21.5 8.6 0.8 1.2 1.7 1.7 0.9 0.6 12% 17% 25% 25% 13% 9% 98.9 5.8 4.3 2.0 6.2 0.4 Q 0.3 90% 6% Q 4% Table 24: RECS A/C details for manufactured homes Housing Units (Million) 6.9 1.2 5.8 5.5 Q Air Conditioning Characteristics % of Manufactured Homes 100% 17% 84% 80% Total Manufactured Homes Do Not Have Cooling Equipment Have Cooling Equipment Use Cooling Equipment Have Equipment But Do Not Use it Air-Conditioning Equipment Central System 3.7 54% Without a Heat Pump 3.1 45% With a Heat Pump 0.6 9% Window/Wall Units 2.1 30% 1 Unit 1.2 17% 2 Units 0.6 9% 3 or More Units 0.3 4% Use a Swam Cooler (only asked in Arid Areas) Yes 0.9 13% No 3.2 46% Not Asked 2.9 42% Dehumidification Do not use a dehumidifier 6.9 100% Table 25: RECS window/wall unit A/C details Housing Units (Million) 2.1 Air Conditioning Characteristics Window/Wall Unit Air-Conditioning Frequency Most-Used Unit Used Never Only a Few Times When Needed Quite a Bit All Summer Age of Most-Used Unit Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years other/unknown EnergyStar Wall/Window (Most-Used) Unit Yes No Don't Know Unit is More than 4 Years Old Household Pays for Electricity for Window/Wall Yes No % of Manufactured Homes with Window A/C Q 0.6 0.6 0.9 0% 29% 29% 43% 0.3 0.9 0.4 0.3 Q 14% 43% 19% 14% 10% 0.5 0.4 0.2 1.0 Air-Conditioners 1.9 Q Table 26: RECS central A/C details 97 100% 24% 19% 10% 48% 90% 10% Housing Units (Million) 3.7 Central Air-Conditioning Details % of Manufactured Homes with Central A/C Central Air-Conditioning Usage Air-Conditioned Floorspace (Square Feet) 1 to 499 0.5 500 to 999 1.5 1,000 to 1,499 1.3 Number of Rooms Centrally Air-Conditioned in Summer 2005 None Q 1 Q 2. 0.2 3. 0.4 4 1.0 5 or More 1.9 Other/Unknown 0.2 Proportion of Rooms Air-Conditioned None 0.2 Some, But Not all of the Rooms 0.4 All of the Rooms 3.1 Frequency of Central Air-Conditioner Use Never Q Only a Few Times When Needed 0.5 Quite a Bit 0.7 All Summer 2.3 Age of Central Air-Conditioner Less than 2 Years 0.3 2 to 4 Years 0.7 5 to 9 Years 1.1 10 to 19 Years 1.0 20 Years or More 0.2 Don't Know 0.4 Household Pays for Electricity for Central A/C Yes 3.6 No Q 100% 14% 41% 35% ? ? 5% 11% 27% 51% 5% 5% 11% 84% 5% 14% 19% 62% 8% 19% 30% 27% 5% 11% 97% 3% Table 27: RECS at-home behavior impacting central A/C use Housing Units (Million) 3.7 Central Air-Conditioning Details Central Air-Conditioning Usage Home Used for Business Yes No Someone Home All Day Yes No % of Manufactured Homes with Central A/C 100% 0.2 3.5 5% 95% 1.7 2.0 46% 54% Table 28: RECS Manufactured Home Characteristics Affecting Central A/C Usage Housing Units (Million) 3.7 Central Air-Conditioning Details Central Air-Conditioning Usage Large Tree(s) that Shade the Home Yes No Adequacy of Insulation Well Insulated Adequately Insulated Poorly Insulated 98 % of Manufactured Homes with Central A/C 100% 1.4 2.3 38% 62% 1.2 1.6 0.8 32% 43% 22% No Insulation/ Don't Know Home Is Too Drafty During the Winter Never Some of the Time Other Type of Glass in Windows Single-pane Glass Double-pane Glass Without Low-e Coating With Low-e Coating Triple-pane Glass Proportion of Windows Replaced All Some None Unknown 0.1 3% 2.2 1.0 0.5 59% 27% 14% 2.5 1.2 1.2 Q 0.0 68% 32% 32% 0% 0% Q 0.4 3.0 0.3 ? 11% 81% 8% Table 29: Thermostat details for manufactured homes with central A/C Central Air-Conditioning Details Central Air-Conditioning Usage Thermostat Available During Summer Yes No Use a Programmable Thermostat Yes No Use of Programmable Thermostats Reduces Temperature During Day Yes No Reduces Temperature at Night Yes No Summer 2005 Temperature Settings Higher Temperature Settings Daytime When No One is Home Yes No Unknown At Night During Sleeping Hours Yes No Unknown Daytime Setting When Someone is Home Air Conditioner Turned On 69 Degrees or Less 70 Degrees 71 to 73 Degrees 74 to 76 Degrees 77 to 79 Degrees 80 Degrees or More Daytime Setting When No One is at Home Air Conditioner Turned On 69 Degrees or Less 70 Degrees 71 to 73 Degrees 74 to 76 Degrees 77 to 79 Degrees 80 Degrees or More Setting During Sleeping Hours Air Conditioner Turned On 69 Degrees or Less 70 Degrees 71 to 73 Degrees 99 Housing Units (Million) 3.7 % of Manufactured Homes with Central A/C 100% 3.6 Q 97% 3% 0.6 3.0 16% 81% 0.4 0.3 67% 50% 0.4 0.2 67% 33% Q 2.9 0.8 78% 22% 0.5 2.5 0.8 14% 68% 22% 2.9 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.9 0.6 Q 78% 8% 11% 14% 24% 16% 0% 2.9 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.9 0.6 0.6 78% 5% 8% 8% 24% 16% 16% 2.9 0.4 0.5 0.5 78% 11% 14% 14% 74 to 76 Degrees 77 to 79 Degrees 80 Degrees or More 0.8 0.4 0.3 22% 11% 8% Table 30: RECS manufactured home appliance data Home Appliances Characteristics Total Cooking Appliances Conventional Ovens Use an Oven 1. 2 or More Do Not Use an Oven Most-Used Oven Fuel Electric Natural Gas Propane/LPG Self-Cleaning Oven Use a Self-Cleaning Oven Continuous Manual Start Do Not Use a Self-Cleaning Oven Cooking Ranges Use a Cooking Range 1. 2 or More Do Not Use a Cooking Range Most-Used Cooking Range Fuel Electric Natural Gas Propane/LPG Built-in/Stove-top Grills Use a Built-in/Stove-top Grill Do Not Use a Built-in/Stove-top Grill Refrigerators Use a Refrigerator 1 2 or More Most-Used Refrigerator Defrost Method Frost-Free Manual Type of Most-Used Refrigerator 2-Doors (top and bottom) 2-Doors (side-by-side) Full-Size (single door) Half-Size/Other Age of Most-Used Refrigerator Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 Years or More Don't Know Size of Most-Used Refrigerator Very Small (Less than 11 cf) Small (11-14 cf) Medium (15-18 cf) Large (19-22 cf) Very Large (More than 22 cf) Through-the-Door Ice and Water Service Yes No 100 Housing Units (Million) 6.9 % of Manufactured Homes 100% 6.8 6.7 Q Q 99% 97% 3.7 1.8 1.3 54% 26% 19% 2.1 Q 1.9 4.7 30% 6.7 6.7 Q Q 97% 97% 3.6 1.8 1.3 52% 26% 19% Q 6.8 99% 6.9 6.4 0.5 100% 93% 7% 6.1 0.7 88% 10% 5.0 1.1 0.8 Q 72% 16% 12% 0.9 1.2 2.1 1.8 0.3 0.6 13% 17% 30% 26% 4% 9% Q 0.3 4.1 2.4 Q 4% 59% 35% 1.0 5.9 14% 86% 28% 68% Second Refrigerator Use a Second Refrigerator Do Not Use a Second Refrigerator Size of Second Refrigerator Medium (15-18 cf) Not Reported Separate Freezers Do Not Use a Separate Freezer Use a Separate Freezer 1. 2 or More Most-Used Freezer Defrost Method Frost-Free Manual Type of Most-Used Freezer Upright Chest Age of Most-Used Freezer Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 Years or More Don't Know Size of Most-Used Freezer Very Small (Less than 11 cf) Small (11-14 cf) Medium (15-18 cf) Large (19-22 cf) Very Large (More than 22 cf) Other Kitchen Appliances Dishwasher Yes No Age of Dishwasher Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 Years or More Don't Know Electric Coffee Maker Yes No Electric Toaster Oven Yes No Microwave Oven Yes No Other Appliances Clothes Washer Do Not Use a Clothes Washer Use a Clothes Washer Top Loading Front Loading Age of Clothes Washer Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 Years or More Don't Know Clothes Dryer Do Not Use a Clothes Dryer Use a Clothes Dryer 101 0.5 6.4 7% 93% 0.3 0.2 60% 40% 4.7 2.3 2.2 0.1 68% 33% 32% 1% 1.2 1.1 52% 48% 0.9 1.4 39% 61% Q 0.6 0.4 0.7 0.3 Q 26% 17% 30% 13% 13% 0.3 0.8 0.7 0.3 Q 13% 35% 30% 13% 2.7 4.3 39% 62% 0.4 0.6 0.9 0.6 Q Q 15% 22% 33% 22% 4.0 2.9 58% 42% 2.0 5.0 29% 72% 6.2 0.7 90% 10% 1.0 6.0 5.8 Q 14% 87% 97% 1.0 1.4 1.8 1.2 0.2 0.4 17% 23% 30% 20% 3% 7% 1.4 5.5 20% 80% Electric Natural Gas Propane/LPG Age of Clothes Dryer Less than 2 Years 2 to 4 Years 5 to 9 Years 10 to 19 Years 20 Years or More Don't Know Other Appliances Use Ceiling Fans 1. 2. 3 4 or More Auto Block/Engine/Battery Heater Electric Dehumidifier Electric Humidifier Evaporative/Swamp Cooler Filter Systems in Swimming Pools Heated Aquarium Outdoor Gas Light Rechargeable Tools/Appliances Well Water Pumps 4.9 0.5 Q 89% 9% 0.9 1.2 1.8 1.0 0.2 0.4 16% 22% 33% 18% 4% 7% 4.8 2.0 1.4 0.8 0.6 Q Q 0.5 0.9 N Q N 3.3 1.6 70% 29% 20% 12% 9% 7% 13% 48% 23% Table 31: RECS electronic characteristics for manufactured homes Electronics Characteristics Total Computers Do Not Use a Personal Computer Use a Personal Computer Number of Desktop PCs 1. 2. 3 or More Number of Laptop PCs 1. 2. 3 or More Type of Monitor Used on Most-Used PC Desk-top CRT (Standard Monitor) Flat-panel LCD Laptop (Flat-panel LCD) Have Access to Internet Yes Dial-up (phone) DSL Cable No PC Printer With Built-in Fax/Copier Without Built-in Fax/Copier Televisions Color Television Sets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5 or More Large Screen Television Sets 1. 2. 102 Housing Units (Million) 6.9 % of Manufactured Homes 100% 3.6 3.4 52% 49% 2.7 0.5 Q 39% 7% 0.6 Q Q 9% 2.4 0.5 0.5 35% 7% 7% 2.6 1.8 0.4 0.4 0.7 2.6 0.9 1.7 38% 26% 6% 6% 10% 38% 13% 25% 6.8 1.5 2.9 1.7 0.5 Q 1.3 1.2 Q 99% 22% 42% 25% 7% 19% 17% 3 or More Plasma Television Sets 1. 2 or More Television Accessories Cable/Satellite Dish Antennas Cable Network Satellite Dish Antenna Both Video Cassette Recorders (VCR) 1. 2. 3 or More Digital Video Disc Players (DVD) 1. 2. 3 or More Combination VCR/DVD 1. 2. 3 or More TV-Based Game Systems Yes No Stereo Equipment (More than One May Apply) Portable/Boom Box Compact Stereo System Component Stereo System Other Type of System Telephone and Office Equipment Cell/Mobile Telephone Cordless Telephone Separate Facsimile Machine Separate Photocopier Telephone Answering Machine N Q Q Q 4.9 2.5 2.4 N 6.0 3.5 1.6 0.8 5.3 3.7 1.1 0.5 2.1 2.0 Q Q 71% 36% 35% 2.4 4.4 5.3 35% 64% 77% 1.7 2.3 2.1 Q 25% 33% 30% 4.5 4.8 0.4 0.4 3.2 65% 70% 6% 6% 46% 87% 51% 23% 12% 77% 54% 16% 7% 30% 29% Table 32: RECS average household energy end use consumption 103 Water Heating Refrigerators Other Appliances and Lighting 43% 37% 36% 42% 20% 19% 18% 23% 5% 6% 6% 6% 26% 30% 31% 28% 10% 13% 13% 12% 6 5 24.7 21.4 21.8 19.6 Air-Conditioning 5 4 4 4 4 Other Appliances and Lighting 10 9 9 8 6 40.5 26.1 25.5 29.2 5 94.9 70.4 70.5 70 Air-Conditioning Space Heating (Major Fuels) Households (millions) 111.1 6.9 5.7 1.2 All End Uses Home Type All Homes Manufactured Homes Manufactured Homes, Owned Manufactured Homes, Rented Energy End Uses (% consumption per household) Space Heating (Major Fuels) Refrigerators 19 13 13 16 4 Water Heating Energy End Uses (million BTU of consumption per household) California Residential Appliance Saturation Study (RASS) The California Energy Commission funded and administered a Residential Appliance Saturation Study for the state of California in 2009 that collected information on appliances, equipment, and general consumption patterns. The study developed end‐use saturations for 24,464 individually metered and 1,257 master‐metered households, including 1,703 manufactured homes. Summary results for mobile homes are shown in the graphs below. 137 Table 33: 2009 RASS electric UECs (kWh/home/year) by residence type138 Single Family UEC Sat. All Households Primary Conventional Space Heating Primary Heat Pump Space Heating Auxiliary Space Heating Furnace Fan Attic Fan Central AC Room AC Evaporative Cooling Water Heating Solar Water Heating Dryer Clothes Washer Dish Washer First Refrigerator Additional Refrigerator Freezer Pool Pump Spa Outdoor Lighting Range/Oven Television Spa Electric Heat Microwave Home Office Equipment Personal Computer Well Pump Miscellaneous Town Home UEC Sat. 2-4 Unit Apt UEC Sat. 5+ Unit Apt UEC Sat. Mobile Home UEC Sat. 7,605 15,354 homes 4,561 1,990 homes 3,821 2,018 homes 3,709 4,236 homes 5,580 858 homes 1,171 0.01 501 0.04 552 0.06 570 0.11 739 0.07 994 0.01 320 0.01 324 0.01 522 0.03 504 0.02 382 0.01 86 0.00 62 0.02 99 0.02 342 0.01 216 96 894 293 0.73 0.19 0.56 0.13 91 217 483 126 0.61 0.08 0.41 0.11 80 286 494 104 0.42 0.08 0.33 0.19 64 304 324 81 0.40 0.06 0.36 0.24 157 280 876 423 0.66 0.11 0.48 0.16 650 0.06 359 0.02 383 0.04 266 0.02 552 0.28 3,169 0.05 2,190 0.06 1,301 0.09 1,543 0.11 2,575 0.16 1,877 0.00 2,075 0.00 . 0.00 . 0.00 . 0.00 719 121 83 827 0.33 0.96 0.74 1.00 508 66 62 731 0.36 0.79 0.68 1.00 540 60 60 643 0.21 0.46 0.49 1.00 480 26 50 660 0.21 0.36 0.58 1.00 489 7 52 740 0.37 0.81 0.56 1.00 1,286 0.33 665 0.14 695 0.10 635 0.05 1,123 0.18 968 3,502 293 388 310 738 1,013 133 0.23 0.16 0.14 0.78 0.42 1.00 0.07 0.94 877 . 134 210 234 646 764 111 0.14 0.00 0.02 0.65 0.43 1.00 0.02 0.93 846 . . 168 218 574 . 109 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.42 0.43 1.00 0.00 0.88 742 . . 196 165 611 . 99 0.06 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.55 1.00 0.00 0.89 802 . 264 204 224 697 981 109 0.27 0.00 0.03 0.65 0.30 1.00 0.03 0.88 89 0.23 71 0.20 51 0.17 62 0.16 132 0.08 673 0.88 495 0.84 479 0.77 498 0.80 437 0.72 562 2,177 0.06 511 1,441 0.02 614 1,233 0.01 561 1,141 0.01 447 1,510 0.20 137 Details can be found on the RASS homepage, A searchable online database providing customized data queries is also available at 138 RASS database query, 104 Table 34: 2009 RASS Gas UECs (Therms/home/year) by Residence Type, for all Households and for Homes w/Gas Account Data Mobile Home Homes w/Gas Data All Homes UEC All UEC Household Primary Heat Auxiliary Heat Conv. Gas Water Heat Solar Water Heat w/Gas Backup Dryer Range/Oven Pool Heat Spa Heat Miscellaneous UEC Sat. 352 457 homes 143 90 Sat. 858 home s 0.56 0.00 146 70 0.97 0.01 193 0.54 193 0.91 153 0.00 147 0.00 21 24 44 34 41 0.29 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.06 20 23 5 29 66 0.48 0.87 0.00 0.00 0.05 339 180,000 160,000 140,000 # of Homes 120,000 100,000 80,000 60,000 40,000 20,000 0 Figure 44: California manufactured home vintage (RASS) 105 90,000 80,000 # of Homes 70,000 60,000 50,000 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 0 Figure 45: California manufactured home square footage of mobile homes (RASS) Average square Footage (sqf) 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 Before 1975 1975-1977 1978-1982 1983-1992 1993-1997 1998-2000 2001-2008 Figure 46: California manufactured home square footage vs. vintage (RASS) 106 UEC (therms/year) 107 Miscellaneous Well Pump Personal Computer Home Office Equipment Microwave Spa Electric Heat Television Range/Oven Outdoor Lighting Spa Pool Pump Freezer Additional Refrigerator First Refrigerator Dish Washer Clothes Washer Dryer Solar Water Heating Water Heating Evaporative Cooling Room AC Central AC Attic Fan Furnace Fan Auxiliary Space Heating Primary Heat Pump Space Heating Primary Conventional Space Heating UEC (kWh/year) 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Figure 47: California unit energy consumption (UEC) for electric end uses in manufactured homes (RASS) 250 200 150 100 50 0 Figure 48: California unit energy consumption (UEC) for gas end uses in manufactured homes (RASS) Market Data A broader review of the manufactured home market was made to identify relevant statistics and data to inform the study. One significant source of current market data on the community is MHVillage. is an active website for buying and selling manufactured homes. The site provides a database of manufactured homes for sale, along with details of vintage, square footage, and other home features. An internal search engine allows users to locate homes based on factors such as city, price, community type, and number of bedrooms and bathrooms. The data shown in the figures below are taken from 174 mobile home listings on These homes were chosen from 10 cities in different states that host communities in the ROC network. Square Footage (1,000 sqf) 2500 2000 Sqft (1,000's) 1500 Linear (Sqft (1,000's)) 1000 500 0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Figure 49: Square footage vs. vintage ( $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 Price ($) $140,000 Price $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 Figure 50: Price vs. vintage ( 108 2000 2010 $200,000 $180,000 Price $160,000 Linear (Price) Price ($) $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 $40,000 $20,000 $0 - 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 Figure 51: Price vs. square footage (1,000s) ( Figure 52: Percentage of single and double wide homes vs. vintage ( American Communities Survey and U.S. Census Data Table 35: Manufactured home counts by state and vintage (2009 American Communities Survey) State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Pre 1976 48,154 10,603 86,895 36,764 240,478 38,111 5,928 19761994 143,773 6,991 131,954 71,008 184,614 37,679 3,652 1994+ 124,170 856 80,229 63,291 90,024 22,356 2,236 Total Manufactured Homes 316,097 18,450 299,078 171,063 515,116 98,146 11,815 109 % of Total Housing Stock 14% 6% 11% 13% 4% 5% 1% Pre 1976 15% 57% 29% 21% 47% 39% 50% 19761994 45% 38% 44% 42% 36% 38% 31% 1994+ 39% 5% 27% 37% 17% 23% 19% State Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming U.S. Pre 1976 8,198 238,202 69,508 282 24,030 46,229 40,478 17,011 16,682 51,258 42,991 19,012 14,135 10,593 70,285 30,179 32,299 42,221 22,651 12,795 22,327 12,006 15,017 33,824 55,348 100,624 9,550 62,328 31,003 48,176 75,497 2,174 60,215 10,061 50,038 138,843 13,061 7,771 46,388 63,614 43,573 32,087 12,197 2,221,692 19761994 18,174 388,027 181,218 99 25,212 59,272 65,656 20,314 25,898 104,676 106,445 26,524 17,520 8,403 102,070 36,348 81,172 77,207 19,310 13,176 28,561 15,189 12,012 63,045 86,934 273,264 8,954 82,534 68,037 54,915 101,115 1,832 171,416 12,709 121,669 307,102 16,159 9,919 84,248 86,656 53,724 38,160 13,226 3,667,769 1994+ 10,627 210,018 126,797 149 13,342 41,142 45,341 17,856 17,683 85,610 113,927 17,390 12,028 3,419 73,386 23,798 79,328 60,128 9,896 5,916 15,256 8,990 8,338 41,762 47,244 213,112 5,260 51,711 50,218 36,662 57,555 1,023 138,450 10,142 107,781 264,851 9,483 4,395 62,704 46,238 35,610 26,737 8,980 2,603,444 Total Manufactured Homes 36,999 836,247 377,523 530 62,584 146,642 151,475 55,181 60,263 241,544 263,364 62,926 43,683 22,414 245,741 90,324 192,799 179,556 51,857 31,886 66,144 36,185 35,366 138,632 189,526 587,000 23,764 196,573 149,258 139,752 234,167 5,029 370,081 32,912 279,488 710,796 38,702 22,085 193,340 196,508 132,907 96,984 34,403 8,492,905 % of Total Housing Stock 9% 9% 9% 0% 10% 3% 5% 4% 5% 12% 13% 9% 2% 1% 5% 4% 15% 7% 12% 4% 6% 6% 1% 16% 2% 14% 8% 4% 9% 9% 4% 1% 18% 9% 10% 7% 4% 7% 6% 7% 15% 4% 14% Pre 1976 22% 28% 18% 53% 38% 32% 27% 31% 28% 21% 16% 30% 32% 47% 29% 33% 17% 24% 44% 40% 34% 33% 42% 24% 29% 17% 40% 32% 21% 34% 32% 43% 16% 31% 18% 20% 34% 35% 24% 32% 33% 33% 35% 26% 19761994 49% 46% 48% 19% 40% 40% 43% 37% 43% 43% 40% 42% 40% 37% 42% 40% 42% 43% 37% 41% 43% 42% 34% 45% 46% 47% 38% 42% 46% 39% 43% 36% 46% 39% 44% 43% 42% 45% 44% 44% 40% 39% 38% 43% 1994+ 29% 25% 34% 28% 21% 28% 30% 32% 29% 35% 43% 28% 28% 15% 30% 26% 41% 33% 19% 19% 23% 25% 24% 30% 25% 36% 22% 26% 34% 26% 25% 20% 37% 31% 39% 37% 25% 20% 32% 24% 27% 28% 26% 31% Table 36: Manufactured home Heating Fuel Use by State (2009 American Communities Survey) State Alabama Alaska Arizona Natural Gas 5.6% 45.4% 27.4% Propane 14.5% 1.3% 9.0% Electricity 57.2% 6.0% 31.0% Fuel Oil 0.5% 27.0% 0.0% 110 Wood 1.0% 6.3% 2.6% Solar Energy 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Other Fuel 0.0% 0.0% 0.8% No Fuel Used 0.5% 0.0% 1.8% State Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon -Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Natural Gas 14.2% 54.0% 53.0% 15.0% 10.4% 1.4% 6.9% 0.0% 16.9% 48.9% 35.6% 51.5% 55.9% 6.5% 8.7% 0.0% 7.1% 18.4% 52.1% 42.1% 7.7% 11.8% 40.4% 46.6% 45.2% 1.1% 39.3% 42.2% 18.1% 1.0% 43.2% 31.8% 17.4% 5.5% 16.5% 7.7% 2.8% 38.6% 5.0% 10.6% 55.2% 0.7% 1.3% 5.0% 14.4% 42.0% 55.6% Propane 15.2% 9.9% 14.2% 23.5% 28.8% 3.6% 13.7% 0.0% 5.4% 13.3% 13.9% 16.1% 14.9% 8.2% 4.6% 3.6% 20.6% 15.1% 16.5% 26.1% 22.0% 18.3% 15.7% 16.3% 13.3% 13.6% 12.5% 22.8% 20.9% 6.3% 26.5% 15.7% 20.7% 2.0% 13.9% 8.7% 4.6% 31.3% 4.1% 10.7% 10.7% 17.4% 5.6% 4.4% 4.4% 23.4% 18.3% Electricity 45.6% 14.5% 7.3% 3.0% 8.6% 66.5% 55.6% 22.3% 49.1% 19.3% 29.4% 11.1% 12.6% 61.4% 67.2% 1.4% 23.0% 6.0% 3.9% 3.0% 50.8% 42.7% 13.0% 7.9% 19.5% 0.9% 4.2% 9.6% 2.7% 65.6% 5.8% 28.1% 33.2% 67.0% 11.2% 4.4% 68.8% 4.5% 68.0% 57.7% 9.6% 0.1% 59.4% 67.1% 48.8% 3.0% 7.1% Fuel Oil 0.4% 0.9% 0.3% 45.3% 19.1% 0.2% 0.7% 0.0% 1.2% 0.7% 0.9% 0.0% 0.1% 1.2% 0.1% 73.5% 22.5% 43.4% 1.6% 3.0% 0.4% 0.3% 1.2% 0.3% 1.0% 60.1% 25.4% 0.0% 31.6% 5.8% 0.8% 5.1% 0.1% 1.8% 35.1% 62.3% 2.5% 0.1% 2.0% 0.2% 0.6% 58.4% 10.1% 0.6% 5.1% 0.8% 0.0% 111 Wood 3.9% 3.9% 4.7% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 2.1% 0.0% 9.8% 1.2% 1.8% 1.5% 1.8% 2.1% 0.5% 4.0% 2.7% 1.0% 4.4% 2.1% 1.7% 5.0% 10.8% 2.5% 4.6% 3.9% 0.2% 6.4% 5.1% 1.8% 0.5% 3.1% 3.9% 12.4% 3.2% 0.0% 0.6% 1.1% 2.8% 0.6% 2.8% 9.0% 3.7% 9.8% 5.9% 5.1% 5.0% Solar Energy 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% Other Fuel 0.4% 1.0% 1.0% 0.8% 1.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.0% 0.2% 0.4% 0.4% 0.5% 0.5% 0.2% 0.1% 0.5% 2.0% 0.0% 1.1% 0.7% 0.1% 0.2% 0.9% 2.2% 1.0% 0.7% 3.3% 0.9% 1.4% 0.0% 0.1% 0.5% 2.9% 0.9% 1.5% 1.5% 0.1% 0.0% 0.1% 0.5% 0.0% 0.4% 0.1% 0.8% 0.7% 0.3% 1.2% No Fuel Used 0.2% 2.2% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 1.2% 0.3% 27.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.1% 0.3% 0.5% 0.1% 0.4% 0.0% 0.1% 0.7% 0.9% 0.1% 0.0% 0.5% 0.0% 0.4% 0.2% 0.1% 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.3% 0.6% 0.6% 0.0% 0.3% 0.3% 0.0% 0.2% 0.2% Appendix C: Utility and Municipal Loan and Financing Programs Table 37: Utility and municipal loan and financing programs 139 Alabama Alabama Power - Residential Heat Pump and Weatherization Loan Programs Cherokee Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Programs Louisiana Oregon City of Shreveport – Shreveport Energy Efficiency Program (SEED) Ashland Electric Utility - Bright Way to Heat Water Loan Home Energy Loan Program Ashland Electric Utility - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Cullman Electric Cooperative - Energy Conservation Loan Program Maine Clean Energy Works Oregon Dixie Electric Cooperative - Residential Heat Pump Loan Program Seacoast Energy Initiative - Energy Efficiency Loan Program Douglas Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Loans South Alabama Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Maryland EPUD - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Programs TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program DHCD - Be SMART Home Efficiency Loan Program EPUD - Solar Water Heater Loan Alaska DHCD - Be SMART Multi-Family Efficiency Loan Program EWEB (Gas & Electric) - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Programs Association Loan Program Maryland Clean Energy Center - Home Energy Loan Program EWEB - Residential Solar Water Heating Loan Program Energy Efficiency Interest Rate Reduction Program Massachusetts Second Mortgage Program for Energy Conservation GreenStreet Lending Program Lane Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Holyoke Gas & Electric - Commercial Energy Efficiency Loan Program Programs Small Building Material Loan Holyoke Gas & Electric - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program McMinnville Water & Light - Conservation Service Loan Program Arizona MassSAVE - Financing for Business Program Salem Electric - Low-Interest Loan Program Sulphur Springs Valley EC - Member Loan Program MassSAVE - HEAT Loan Program Small-Scale Energy Loan Program Sulphur Springs Valley EC - SunWatts Loan Program Michigan Springfield Utility Board - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Arkansas City of Detroit - SmartBuildings Detroit Green Fund Loan Tillamook County PUD - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program First Electric Cooperative - Home Improvement Loans Michigan Saves - Home Energy Loan Program Pennsylvania North Arkansas Electric Cooperative, Inc - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Minnesota Adams Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficiency Loan Program OGE - Geothermal Heat Pump Program Ozarks Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program City of Duluth - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program DCED - Alternative and Clean Energy Program Home Energy Loan Program DCED - High Performance Buildings Incentive Program California Anaheim Public Utilities - Low-Interest Energy Efficiency Loan Program Modesto Irrigation District - Residential High Efficiency Air Conditioning Loan Program MHFA Fix-Up Fund DCED - Wind and Geothermal Incentives Program SCE - Non-Residential On-Bill Financing Program NEC Minnesota Energy Loan Program Pennsylvania Green Energy Loan Fund SDG&E - Non-Residential On-Bill Financing Program Otter Tail Power Company - DollarSmart Energy Efficiency Loan Program Rhode Island SMUD - Commercial Energy Efficiency Loan Program Rental Energy Loan Fund RIEDC - Renewable Energy Fund Loans SMUD - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Stearns Electric Association - Energy Efficiency Loan Program South Carolina SMUD - Residential Solar Loan Program Mississippi Berkeley Electric Cooperative - HomeAdvantage Efficiency Loan Program SoCalGas - Non-Residential On-Bill Financing Program Mississippi Power (Electric) - EarthCents Financing Program SoCalGas - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program Blue Ridge Electric Cooperative - Heat Pump Loan Program Pee Dee Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficient Home Improvement Loan Program Colorado Boulder County - EnergySmart Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Missouri Santee Cooper - Renewable Energy Resource Loans Columbia Water & Light - Commercial Super Saver Loans Santee Cooper - Smart Energy Loan Program Fort Collins Utilities - ZILCH (Zero Interest Loans for Conservation Help) Program Columbia Water & Light - Residential Super Saver Loans South Dakota Connecticut Laclede Gas Company - Loan Programs for Energy Efficiency Otter Tail Power Company - Dollar Smart Financing Program CHIF - Energy Conservation Loan St. Louis County - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Southeastern Electric - Electric Equipment Loan Program MHFA Rental Rehabilitation Loan Program Keystone HELP - Energy Efficiency Loan Program Minnesota Valley Electric Cooperative -Residential Energy Resource Conservation Loan Program Keystone HELP - EnergyWorks Efficiency Loan Program DPUC - Low-Interest Loans for Customer-Side Distributed Resources Montana Energy Efficiency Fund (Electric and Gas) - Residential Energy Efficiency Financing Alternative Energy Revolving Loan Program Delaware Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU) - Home Performance with Energy Star Loans Tennessee Bristol Tennessee Electric Service - Energy Savings Loan Program Nebraska Gibson Electric Membership Corporation - Residential Energy Efficient Water Heater Loan Program Dollar and Energy Savings Loans TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program 139 Details on all programs can be found here: and here:§or=Residential&searchtype=Lo an&sh=1 112 Florida Nevada Texas City of Tallahassee Utilities - Efficiency Loans Valley Electric Association - Solar Water Heating Program Austin Energy - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program City of Tallahassee Utilities - Solar Loans Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc - Energy Conservation Loans New Hampshire New Hampshire Electric Co-Op - SmartSTART Energy Efficiency Loan Program Bryan Texas Utilities - Energy Efficiency Loan Program Guadalupe Valley Electric Cooperative - Conservation Plan 7 Loan Program Clay Electric Cooperative, Inc - Solar Thermal Loans Unitil (Electric) - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Vermont Gainesville Regional Utilities- Low-Interest Energy Efficiency Loan Program New Jersey JEA - ShopSmart Financial Assistance Home Performance with Energy Star Program Clean Energy Development Fund (CEDF) Loan Program Vermont Gas - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan and Rebate Program Orlando Utilities Commission - Residential Solar Loan Program New Jersey Natural Gas - SAVEGREEN On-Bill Financing Program Virginia Sarasota County - Get Energy Smart Retrofit Loan Program New York TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program St. Lucie County - Solar and Energy Loan Fund (SELF) NYSERDA - Green Jobs-Green New York Financing Program Washington Georgia NYSERDA - Residential Loan Fund Clallam County PUD - Residential and Small Business Efficiency Loan Program Amicalola EMC - Energy Resource Conservation (ERC) Loan North Carolina Clallam County PUD - Residential and Small Business Solar Loan Program Coweta-Fayette EMC - Energy Advantage Loan Program Clark Public Utilities - Residential Heat Pump Loan Program Habersham EMC - Energy Efficient Loan Program Four-County EMC - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Haywood EMC - Residential Heat Pump and Weatherization Loan Program Local Option - Financing Program for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program Lumbee River EMC - Residential Weatherization Loan Program Ferry County PUD #1 - Off-Grid Solar PV Financial Assistance Walton EMC - Prime PowerLoan Program Lumbee River EMC - Solar Water Heating Loan Program Grant County PUD - Residential Loan Program Hawaii Piedmont EMC - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Grays Harbor PUD - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Honolulu - Solar Roofs Initiative Loan Program Piedmont EMC - Residential Solar Loan Program Grays Harbor PUD - Solar Water Heater Loan KIUC - Solar Water Heating Loan Program Tideland EMC - Weatherization Loan Program Klickitat PUD - Solar PV Loan Program Maui County - Solar Roofs Initiative Loan Program TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program Okanogan PUD - Conservation Loan Program Idaho Union Power Cooperative - Residential Energy Efficient Heat Pump Loan Program Port Angeles Public Works & Utilities - Solar Energy Loan Program Flint Energies - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Idaho Falls Power - Energy Efficient Heat Pump Loan Program Idaho Falls Power - Residential Weatherization Loan Program North Dakota Cass County Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy-Efficiency Loan Program Northern Plains EC - Residential and Commercial Energy Efficiency Loan Program Low-Interest Energy Loan Programs Otter Tail Power Company - Dollar Smart Financing Program Indiana Ohio Butler Rural Electric Cooperative - Energy Efficiency Improvement Loan Program Idaho Falls Power - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program City of Indianapolis - EcoHouse Project South Central Indiana REMC - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Clark Public Utilities - Residential Weatherization Loan Program Clark Public Utilities - Solar Energy Equipment Loan Richland Energy Services - Residential Energy Conservation & Solar Loan Program Snohomish County PUD No 1 - Residential Weatherization & Heating Program Snohomish County PUD No 1 - Solar Express Loan Program Wisconsin Barron Electric Cooperative - Residential Energy Resource Conservation Loan Program City of Madison - Green Madison Revolving Loan Program Columbia Gas of Ohio - Home Performance Solutions Loan Program City of Milwaukee - Energy Efficiency (Me2) Revolving Loan Program Iowa Alliant Energy Interstate Power and Light - Low Interest Energy Efficiency Loan Program Energy Conservation for Ohioans (ECO-Link) Program Hamilton County - Home Improvement Program City of Milwaukee - Milwaukee Shines Solar Financing Focus on Energy - Home Performance & Efficient Heating and Cooling Loan Program Alternate Energy Revolving Loan Program Oklahoma Focus on Energy - Home Performance with Energy Star Loan Program (WPS Customers Only) MidAmerican Energy - Residential EnergyAdvantage Loan Program OG&E - Geothermal Heat Pump Program Wyoming Kansas Powder River Energy Corporation - Conservation Loan Program Efficiency Kansas Revolving Loan Program Oklahoma City - Residential Energy Efficiency Loan Program Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority - WISE Energy Efficiency Loan Program Midwest Energy - How$mart Energy Efficiency Finance Program Red River Valley REA - Heat Pump Loan Program Wyoming Energy Savers Loan Kentucky Kentucky - Energy Efficient Home Improvements Program Mountain Association for Community Economic Development How$martKY On Bill Financing Energy Efficiency Program Mountain Association for Community Economic Development - Solar Water Heater Loan Program TVA Partner Utilities - energy right Heat Pump Program 113 Powder River Energy Corporation - Renewable Energy Loan Program Appendix D: Utility Costs The following figures provide more detail regarding regional energy and water costs. Figure 53 and Figure 54 presents residential natural gas prices by state. Key mountain producer states and California have the most inexpensive gas, paying under $10 per thousand cubic feet (MCF). Eastern states and Arizona pay up to 2.4 times more, between $15-$20/MCF. Many of the ROC-USA communities are in states with high natural gas costs. Average natural gas prices have doubled between 1999 and 2008 140. 40 36.37 Figure 53: Residential natural gas prices by state (2009, $/thousand cubic feet)141 30 25 20 15 10 20.18 18.12 17.79 17.65 17.29 17.06 16.43 16.3 15.33 15.05 14.91 14.85 14.81 14.75 14.74 14.54 14.52 14.25 13.95 13.92 13.83 13.73 13.39 13.18 13.15 12.68 12.61 12.16 12.14 11.96 11.39 11.27 11.22 11.19 11.1 10.81 10.76 10.54 10.23 9.83 9.53 9.5 9.43 9.39 9.34 9.14 8.99 8.98 8.95 8.8 8.46 $/thousand cubic feet 35 5 HI FL AL DE AZ VT RI ME GA NH NY SC MA CT WV PA NJ OR NC WA DC VA MD AR NV LA OH MO TN US KY OK MI MS TX KS IN WI ID AK IA NM MT CA WY NE SD MN IL UT CO ND 0 Figure 54: Residential natural gas prices by state, sorted by price 140 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Natural Gas Prices.” 141 U.S. Energy Information Administration, “Natural Gas Monthly, Table 18, September 2010. Map from 114 Propane costs vary by a factor of 1.5 across the country, as shown in Figure 55. The East Coast has the highest propane prices, and the Midwest with the lowest prices. Propane costs have more than doubled between 2000 and 2010, as shown in Figure 56. $3.00 U.S. Average $2.22/gallon $2.00 $1.85 $1.99 $2.34 $2.50 $2.58 $1.00 $2.64 $1.50 $2.67 $2.72 $/gallon $2.50 $0.50 $- Figure 55: Residential propane prices (2010) $3.00 $/gallon $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 Apr-2010 May-2009 Jul-2007 Jun-2008 Aug-2006 Sep-2005 Oct-2004 Dec-2002 Nov-2003 Jan-2002 Feb-2001 Mar-2000 Apr-1999 May-1998 Jun-1997 Jul-1996 Aug-1995 Sep-1994 Oct-1993 $- Figure 56: Residential propane prices historical increase (1993-2010)142 Fuel oil is subject to significant cost increases, as shown in Figure 57. Prices increased by a factor of 4 during a six year period between 2002 and 2008. Current prices are still more than three times higher than they were in 2002. Fuel oil is a predominant heating source for many manufactured homes in the northeast, and is highly vulnerable to increasing fuel oil costs. Energy conservation efforts will be particularly important in this region. 142 Based on data from the U.S. Energy Information Agency, 115 $5.00 $4.50 $4.00 $/gallon $3.50 $3.00 $2.50 $2.00 $1.50 $1.00 $0.50 1/2001 5/2001 9/2001 1/2002 5/2002 9/2002 1/2003 5/2003 9/2003 1/2004 5/2004 9/2004 1/2005 5/2005 9/2005 1/2006 5/2006 9/2006 1/2007 5/2007 9/2007 1/2008 5/2008 9/2008 1/2009 5/2009 9/2009 1/2010 5/2010 9/2010 1/2011 5/2011 9/2011 $0.00 Figure 57: Residential Fuel Oil Prices (2001 – 2011)143 $0.35 $0.30 $0.20 $0.15 Average = $0.115/kWH $0.10 $0.05 Idaho Figure 58: Residential electricity prices by state (2011)144 The following figure shows water prices (dollars per thousand gallons) for 30 U.S. Cities. Water prices vary by a factor of 4. This will significantly impact the economic benefit of water conservation. However, water prices are rising faster than the general rate of inflation, and will likely continue rising fast. 2010 rates increased by 9%145. Aging infrastructure, increasing stress on water supplies, and related factors will continue to drive water prices up and are an important sustainability issue for manufactured homes and communities. 143 Data from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Average price data for #2 Fuel Oil, U.S. City Average.” Accessed online, 144 Based on data from U.S. Energy Information Agency, 145 Circle of Blue. “The Price of Water 2011: Prices Rise an Average of 9% in Major U.S. Cities.” May 5, 2010. 116 North Dakota Nebraska Washington Utah Arkansas Louisiana South Dakota Missouri Wyoming Kentucky Oklahoma Oregon West Virginia Montana Tennessee Iowa Indiana Kansas North Carolina Virginia Mississippi New Mexico Arizona Georgia Minnesota Ohio Colorado Alabama Texas South Carolina Illinois Florida Nevada Michigan Wisconsin Delaware Pennsylvania Maryland Massachusetts District of Columbia Maine California Vermont Rhode Island New Jersey Alaska New Hampshire New York Connecticut $Hawaii $/kWh $0.25 $2.04 $2.36 $2.67 $2.41 $2.68 $1.84 $2.00 $2.67 $2.69 $2.69 $2.86 $3.04 $2.91 $3.20 $3.26 $2.70 $3.00 Average = $3.77 $3.21 $3.66 $3.48 $3.99 $4.21 $4.09 $4.56 $5.10 $7.21 $7.02 $3.70 $4.00 $4.53 $5.00 $5.64 $6.00 $5.31 $7.00 $7.34 Average Water Cost ($/1000 gallons) $8.00 $1.00 San Diego Santa Fe Seattle Atlanta Boston San Francisco Philadelphia Los Angeles Indianapolis San Jose Columbus Fort Worth Houston New York Jacksonville Baltimore Austin Denver Tucson Las Vegas Detroit Dallas Milwaukie Chicago Memphis Fresno Salt Lake City Charlotte San Antonio Phoenix $- Figure 59: Typical water prices for various cities (2010)146 146 Data derived from: Circle of Blue. “The Price of Water: A comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 US Cities.” April 26, 2010. Accessed online 10/24, Data presented above is based on typical costs for low tier water usage of 50 gallons/person/day, typical of manufactured home owners without large irrigation use. Higher tiered water usage costs vary depending on tariff structure. 117