(2 MiB) - Queensland Government
(2 MiB) - Queensland Government
Queensland Government Gazette PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 17 April 2015 (&/&3"-(";&55&/05*$&4 !LLSUBMISSIONSTOTHE'ENERAL'AZETTEMUSTBERECEIVEDCFGPSFOPPOPO8FEOFTEBZT &OREXAMPLE $EPARTMENTAL.OTICES $ISPOSALOF5NCLAIMED'OODS ,AND3ALES2ESUMPTIONOF,AND -EETING.OTICES $ISSOLUTIONOF0ARTNERSHIP.OTICES 5NCLAIMED-ONIES %MAILYOURSUBMISSIONIN8PSEOR1%'FORMATTO HB[FUUF!IQXRMEHPWBV !LLSUBMISSIONSWILLNOWHAVEAPROOFANDQUOTEPREPAREDANDEMAILEDBACKTOYOUFOR PAYMENTBEFOREPUBLISHING 0AYMENTISONLYBYCREDITCARD 0AYMENTWHICHISFINALAPPROVALTOPUBLISHMUSTBERECEIVEDBEFORECLOSEOFBUSINESSON 7EDNESDAYTOBEINCLUDEDIN&RIDAYSGAZETTE 4HEWEEKS#OMBINED'AZETTEISPLACEDONLINE&RIDAYMORNINGANDCANBEDOWNLOADEDORVIEWEDAT XXXRMEHPWBVQVCMJDBUJPOT [653] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 10 April 2015 Public Service Act 2008 REPEAL OF DIRECTIVES ISSUED UNDER THE PUBLIC SERVICE ACT 2008 Pursuant to sections 48 and 53 of the Public Service Act 2008, the following directives are repealed, effective from the date of gazettal. • Directive 07/12: Protection of Personal Employee Information • Directive 08/12: Industrial Instruments: Employment Security and Contracting Out Provisions ROBERT SETTER COMMISSION CHIEF EXECUTIVE (ACTING) PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 10 April 2015 [No. 73 654 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 73 This page has been left blank intentionally [10 April 2015 [655] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] ISSN 0155-9370 Sunday 12 April 2015 Queensland Constitution of Queensland 2001 PROCLAMATION I, TIMOTHY FRANCIS CARMODY, Chief Justice of Queensland, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001 , having previously taken the prescribed oaths, have today assumed the administration of the Government of the State as Acting Governor because His Excellency the Honourable Paul de Jersey AC, Governor, is absent from the State. [L.S.] TIMOTHY CARMODY Acting Governor Signed and sealed on 12 April 2015. By Command Annastacia Palaszczuk God Save the Queen ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. Made by the Acting Governor on 12 April 2015. Published in an Extraordinary Government Gazette on 12 April 2015. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 12 April 2015 [No. 74 656 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 74 This page has been left blank intentionally [12 April 2015 [657] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary Vol. 368] PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Wednesday 15 April 2015 [No. 75 Queensland Constitution of Queensland 2001 PROCLAMATION I, PAUL de JERSEY AC, Governor, acting under section 41 of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, have today resumed the administration of the Government of the State. [L.S.] PAUL de JERSEY Governor Signed and sealed on 15 April 2015. By Command Annastacia Palaszczuk God Save the Queen ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. Made by the Governor on 15 April 2015. Published in an Extraordinary Government Gazette on 15 April 2015. The administering agency is the Department of the Premier and Cabinet. © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 15 April 2015 658 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 75 This page has been left blank intentionally [15 April 2015 [659] Queensland Government Gazette Extraordinary PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] ISSN 0155-9370 Thursday 16 April 2015 NOTICE Premier’s Office Brisbane, 16 April 2015 His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified that, acting under the provisions of the Constitution of Queensland 2001, he has appointed the Honourable Anthony Joseph Lynham MP, Minister for State Development and Minister for Natural Resources and Mines to act as, and to perform all of the functions and exercise all of the powers of, Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and Minister for Sport and Racing from 16 April 2015 until the Honourable William Stephen Byrne MP returns to Queensland. ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR THE ARTS © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 16 April 2015 [No. 76 660 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 76 This page has been left blank intentionally [16 April 2015 [661] Queensland Government Gazette Natural Resources and Mines PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] Friday 17 April 2015 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No 02) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No 02) 2015. Land taken [s.9(6) of the Act] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken by Brisbane City Council for park purposes and vests in Brisbane City Council for an estate in fee simple on and from 17 April 2015. SCHEDULE 6RXWK5HJLRQ%ULVEDQH2I¿FH Land Taken Lots 31 and 32 on RP11147, area 474 m2 each, whole of Title Reference 17152156, parish of South Brisbane. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ENDNOTES Made by the Governor in Council on 16 April 2015. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. File Reference - 079/0000590 Land Act 1994 REOPENING OF TEMPORARILY CLOSED ROAD NOTICE (No 08) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Reopening of Temporarily Closed Road Notice (No 08) 2015. Reopening temporarily closed road [s.107 of the Act] 2. It is declared that the area of land comprised in the former Road Licence mentioned in the Schedule is reopened as road. SCHEDULE &HQWUDO5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH An area of about 1.72 ha adjoining the south west boundary of Lot 5 on SP132695 and shown as Lot B on AP7895, being the land contained within former Road Licence No. 0/220632, (parish of Hampden). (2014/008353) 1. 2. 3. ENDNOTES Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. ISSN 0155-9370 [No. 77 Land Act 1994 OBJECTIONS TO PROPOSED ROAD CLOSURE NOTICE (No 15) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Objections to Proposed Road Closure Notice (No 15) 2015. Application for road closure [s.100 of the Act] 2. Applications have been made for the permanent and temporary closure of the roads mentioned in the Schedule. Objections 3.(1) An objection (in writing) to a proposed road closure mentioned in the Schedule may be lodged with the Executive Director, Department of Natural Resources and Mines, at the UHJLRQDORI¿FHIRUWKHUHJLRQLQZKLFKWKHURDGLVVLWXDWHG (2) Latest day for lodgement of objections is 28 May 2015. (3) Any objections received may be viewed by other parties interested in the proposed road closure under the provisions of the Right to Information Act 2009. If you lodge an objection, please include in your objection letter whether you would like to be consulted if this issue becomes the subject of an access request under the Right to Information Act 2009. Plans 4. Inspection of the plans of the proposed road closures may be made atD WKH'HSDUWPHQWRI1DWXUDO5HVRXUFHVDQG0LQHV2I¿FHVDW Mackay, Cairns, Bundaberg, Nambour, Toowoomba and Innisfail; and E WKH/RFDO*RYHUQPHQW2I¿FHVRI:KLWVXQGD\5HJLRQDO Cairns Regional, Bundaberg Regional, Sunshine Coast Regional, Toowoomba Regional and Cassowary Coast Regional; for a particular plan in that district or that local government area. SCHEDULE PERMANENT CLOSURE &HQWUDO5HJLRQ0DFND\2I¿FH 1 An area of about 3070 m2 being part of the road adjoining the southern boundary of Lot 102 on SP225395 (parish of Conway, locality of Airlie Beach) and shown as plan of proposed road to be permanently closed on Drawing 13/541B/CEN. (2014/000078) 1RUWK5HJLRQ&DLUQV2I¿FH 2 An area of 632 m2 being part of Mann Street and Mount Peter Road adjoining Lot 50 on RP706775 (parish of Grafton, locality of Edmonton) and shown as Lot A, plan of proposed permanent road closure on Drawing 15/048. (2014/003928) 662 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 77 [17 April 2015 6RXWK5HJLRQ%XQGDEHUJ2I¿FH 3 $QDUHDRIDERXWKDEHLQJSDUWRI:HEEHUV5RDGVHSDUDWLQJ Lot 36 on CK1560 from Lot 46 on CK1192 (parish of Bingera, locality of Elliott) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 15/054. (2014/008198) 6RXWK5HJLRQ1DPERXU2I¿FH 4 An area of about 246 m2 abutting the southern boundary of Lot 602 on RP79899 (parish of Bribie, locality of Golden Beach) and shown as road proposed to be permanently closed on Drawing 15/084. (2015/002007) 6RXWK5HJLRQ7RRZRRPED2I¿FH 5 An area of about 89 m2 being part of Conloi Street abutting the north western corner of Lot 23 on SP180300 (parish of Drayton, locality of Toowoomba City) and shown as permanent road closure on Drawing DD2015/021. (2015/001035) TEMPORARY CLOSURE 1RUWK5HJLRQ,QQLVIDLO2I¿FH 6 An area of about 2.38 ha being part of the unnamed road intersecting Lot 6 on SP229045 (parish of Rockingham, locality of Silky Oak) and shown as plan of Lot A, proposed temp road closure on Drawing CNS15/028P. (2015/002050) 1. 2. 3. ENDNOTES Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Natural Resources and Mines. © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 17 April 2015 [663] Queensland Government Gazette Transport and Main Roads PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] Friday 17 April 2015 ISSN 0155-9370 [No. 78 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 2784) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2784) 2015. Land to be taken [s.9(6) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes, as from 17 April 2015, and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple. SCHEDULE Land Taken County of Waldegrave, Parish of Roma - an area of about 1259 square metres being part of Lot 5 on RP77153 contained in Title Reference: 13066249. As shown approximately on Plan R211-19 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. Maranoa Region Carnarvon Highway (Roma – Injune) 495/7345 ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 April 2015. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 2787) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2787) 2015. Land to be taken [s.9(6) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 664 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 78 [17 April 2015 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes, as from 17 April 2015, and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple. SCHEDULE Land Taken County of Aubigny, Parish of Drayton - an area of about 10.97 square metres being part of Lot 11 on SP255697 contained in Title Reference: 50909160. As shown approximately on Plan R3-694 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. Toowoomba Region Warrego Highway (Toowoomba – Dalby) Gore Highway (Toowoomba – Millmerran) Intersection 495/7253 ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 April 2015. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 2793) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2793) 2015. Land to be taken [s.9(6) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes, as from 17 April 2015, and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple. SCHEDULE Land Taken County of Ward, Parish of Albert - an area of about 873.2 square metres (exclusive of 4199 square metres being a reservation for road) being part of Lot 319 on Crown Plan WD803813 contained in Title Reference: 18271204. As shown approximately on Plan R1-1764 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. Gold Coast City Stapylton – Jacobs Well Road 495/7378; 7380 ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 April 2015. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 TAKING OF EASEMENT INTERESTS IN LAND NOTICE (No. 2794) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Easement Interests in Land Notice (No. 2794) 2015. Easement Interests in Land to be taken [s.9(6) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. The easement interests in land described in the Schedule are taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes, as from 17 April 2015, and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland. 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 78 665 SCHEDULE Easement Interests in Land Taken County of Ward, Parish of Albert - an area of about 151.9 square metres being part of Easement A on SP101606 being over Lot 468 on Crown Plan WD4860 contained in Title Reference: 49013887. As shown approximately on Plan R1-1763(B) held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. Gold Coast City Stapylton – Jacobs Well Road 495/7378; 7379 ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 April 2015. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 2844) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 2844) 2015. Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) and s. 11(3) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2775) 2014 dated 6 November 2014 and published in the Gazette of 13 November 2014, at page 261, relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2775) 2014 dated 6 November 2014 and published in the Gazette of 13 November 2014, at page 261, relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows Omit - “County of Churchill, Parish of Taylor - an area of about 5304 square metres being part of Lot 374 on Crown Plan CC675 contained in Title Reference: 14338133. As shown approximately on Plan R3-695 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. Lockyer Valley Region Warrego Highway (Ipswich – Toowoomba) Toowoomba Second Range Crossing 495/5421; 7338” Insert - “County of Churchill, Parish of Taylor - an area of 5607 square metres being Lot 3 on SP272172 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 14338133. Lockyer Valley Region Warrego Highway (Ipswich – Toowoomba) Toowoomba Second Range Crossing 495/5421; 7338” ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by Acting Director (Property Acquisitions and Disposals) on 9 April 2015, pursuant to delegation for Minister for Transport and Main Roads under section 51 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. 666 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 78 [17 April 2015 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 2845) 2015 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 2845) 2015. Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) and s. 11(3) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2780) 2014 dated 20 November 2014 and published in the Gazette of 28 November 2014, at page 407, relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 2780) 2014 dated 20 November 2014 and published in the Gazette of 28 November 2014, at page 407, relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows Omit - “County of March, Parish of Tinana - an area of about 38.5 square metres being part of Lot 1 on SP147122 contained in Title Reference: 15415205. As shown approximately on Plan R412-636 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Transport and Main Roads, Brisbane. Fraser Coast Region Maryborough – Hervey Bay Road Woongool Road Intersection Upgrade 495/7310; 7311” Insert - “County of March, Parish of Tinana - an area of 39 square metres being Lot 2 on SP276898 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 15415205. Fraser Coast Region Maryborough – Hervey Bay Road Woongool Road Intersection Upgrade 495/7310; 7311” ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. 4. Made by Acting Director (Property Acquisitions and Disposals) on 9 April 2015, pursuant to delegation for Minister for Transport and Main Roads under section 51 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 NOTIFICATION OF DECLARATION AND REVOCATION OF A STATE-CONTROLLED ROAD AND DECLARATION OF A MOTORWAY Notice is hereby given under sections 24, 25 and 27 of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, that the road or route, or part of the road or route described in the schedule is hereby declared or revoked as a State-controlled road and motorway, as the case may be. As required by the abovementioned sections of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994, the relevant local government has been notified and the declaration described in the schedule below is consistent with the department’s transport infrastructure strategies. Mark Craig Bailey Minister for Main Roads, Road Safety and Ports and Minister for Energy and Water Supply THE SCHEDULE That on and from 17 April 2015, the declaration of the State-controlled road specified in Appendix I hereto, be revoked, and in lieu thereof, the area of road as described in Appendix II hereto, be declared a State-controlled road and motorway, respectively, under and for the purposes of the Transport Infrastructure Act 1994. 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 78 667 APPENDIX I Name of Statecontrolled Road No. U16 Cunningham Arterial Road (Ipswich Motorway) Urban Arterial Road Brisbane City Date of Declaration Relevant to Road 1 July 1995 APPENDIX II No. U16 CUNNINGHAM ARTERIAL ROAD (Ipswich Motorway) BRISBANE CITY COUNCIL Motorway From its intersection with Griffith Arterial Road (Granard Road) in Rocklea, to its intersection with Cunningham Highway (Ipswich Motorway) at the Ipswich City Council boundary in Gailes, by the areas shown on the approved plans held by the Director-General, Department of Transport and Main Roads, and identified by the registration numbers RDU16-(1-3)-J, RDU16-(4-5)-F and RDU16-(6-7)-A. Length ... 11.23 kilometres (approximately) This motorway declaration on Cunningham Arterial Road (Ipswich Motorway) supersedes previous motorway declaration as notified in Queensland Government Gazette No. 100, pages 1715 and 1716, on Friday 28 July 1995. ENDNOTES 1. 2. 3. Published in the Gazette on 17 April 2015. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. The administering agency is the Department of Transport and Main Roads. © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 17 April 2015 668 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 78 This page has been left blank intentionally [17 April 2015 [669] Queensland Government Gazette General PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Vol. 368] ISSN 0155-9370 Friday 17 April 2015 [No. 79 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Ian Beresford ALLCROFT Geoffrey Brian Paul ALLEN Tanya Kay ANDERSON Ella BAISDEN Michael David BINNEY Kathleen Mary BRAND Denise Susan CLINCKETT Scott Morris COLLINS Michael Leonard COLWELL Michael John CONSIDINE Christina Vanessa CROSTHWAITE Luke James CURTIS Ian McLean DAWSON Geoffrey Martin DEVENCORN Jeffrey Allan DITTMANN Rhonda Joyce DORE Jodie Anne DRAFFIN Alison Gay DUNN John Douglas FINLAYSON Allan James FORSYTH Norman Laurie FOX Rosina Mildred FRIEND Keith Robert GAMBLING Edward GORDON Kenneth Norman HAMPTON Sandra Fay HARVEY Renee Ann HAY Spencer Henry HILL Michael Andrew JOHNSON Denise Lyndia JONES Catherine Margaret KUNKEL Alexander KURSCHINSKY Carol Ann LAING George Arthur LEWRY Robert Graham MASON Mark MCDONALD John MCLEISH Barry John Alexander MOORE Dermot Joseph MORGAN Christine Ella MORRIS Alan John NEILAN Matthew Robert NEILL John William NOLAN Richard Francis NORRIS Clifford Wayne PARKER Wayne James PATON Giuseppe Venero PETRALIA Leesa June PICKERING Angela POLLE Anthony Mark QUINN Charles Peter ROBINO Robin Daniel ROOTS Kirsten Fiona RUSSELL Laila Rose SHELDRAKE James Fawthrop SHEPHERD Andrew James SHEPPARD Gary Francis STONIER Michelle THOMSON Russel Robert VICKERS Gregory Peter WALLEN David John WALLS Carolyn Doreen WARD Russell John WATERHOUSE Patrick Bryan WYATT David Sing YUEN Gwenda Ann ZANATTA Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Lionel Patrick FACER Richard Patrick NORRISH Patricia Joan PATON Pauline Mary THOMPSON 670 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 24(1) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been revoked as a Commissioner for Declarations. Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Ross Andrew EDGERTON Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Justice of the Peace (Commissioner for Declarations). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Beverley Jean BENNETT Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Justice of the Peace (Magistrates Court). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Lillian Jean GRAY Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 21(5) of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has been appointed and is registered as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Sami-Rose Eileen BARTHOLOMAI Samuel BENZ Rodney Phillip BRADY Sarah Jane CAMPBELL Susan Noelle CHELEPY Natalie Louise COKER Karen Joy FOSTER Penelope Marilyn Margaret GADSBY Trevor George GILLILAND Kaedy Anne GREEN Jodie Christine HANDLEY Tiffany Danni-Elle HUMPHREYS Brendon John LEWIS Katrina Mary MULLER Eileen Maree OWENS Jai RAM Amy Vivienne ROBSON Christine Anne SHEPHERD Nicole Marie SMITH Malcolm Joseph SONDERGELD Heather Maree WHITE Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 15 April 2015 It is notified that, pursuant to Section 23 of the Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act 1991 , each of the persons whose name appears in the schedule hereunder has resigned as a Justice of the Peace (Qualified). Damien Mealey Registrar and Manager Justices of the Peace Branch THE SCHEDULE Juan BAZAN Roslyn Eleanor CRONAU James Robert TORKINGTON 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 671 Department of Justice and Attorney-General Brisbane, 16 April 2015 Public Service Commission Brisbane, 16 April 2015 His Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council and under the Magistrates Act 1991 , has approved that- His Excellency the Governor, acting by and with the advice of the Executive Council, under the provisions of Section 109 of the Public Service Act 2008 , has approved the fixing of the number and levels of Senior Executives as specified in the Schedule below. (a) each of the undermentioned persons be appointed to act as a magistrate during the periods shownName Term on and from to and including Ainslie Anne Kirkegaard 17 April 2015 1 May 2016 Robert Richard Ward Walker 17 April 2015 1 May 2016 (b) each of the undermentioned persons be appointed to act as judicial registrars of the Magistrates Court during the periods shownName FIXING OF NUMBER AND LEVELS OF SENIOR EXECUTIVES LEVEL TO BE INCREASED ON A PERMANENT BASIS Designation Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Deputy Director-General Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Brisbane. SES Level Designation Number SES4 DCCSDS1501 Term on and from to and including Gary John Finger 17 April 2015 16 April 2017 Ainslie Anne Kirkegaard 17 April 2015 16 April 2017 Scott David Luxton 17 April 2015 16 April 2017 Maryanne May 17 April 2015 16 April 2017 Jason Robert Vivian Schubert 17 April 2015 16 April 2017 Robert Richard Ward Walker 17 April 2015 16 April 2017 (c) each of the persons mentioned in paragraph (b) receive remuneration and allowances equivalent to an officer at SO1 level in the Queensland Public Service (as varied from time to time) when acting as a judicial registrar of the Magistrates Court. YVETTE D’ATH MP LEVEL TO BE DECREASED ON A PERMANENT BASIS Designation Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services Executive Director Child Safety, Families and Individual Support Programs and Partnerships Communities, Child Safety and Families Brisbane. Executive Director Policy and Performance Communities, Child Safety and Families Brisbane. SES Level Designation Number SES2 32005153 SES2 32005164 ANNASTACIA PALASZCZUK MP PREMIER AND MINISTER FOR THE ARTS 672 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF ADVERTISED VACANCIES The following appointments to various positions have been made in accordance with the provisions of the Public Service Act 2008 . NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF APPOINTMENTS PART I A public service officer, tenured general employee or a tenured public sector employee of a public sector unit listed in schedule 1 of Public Service Regulation 2008 who wishes to appeal against a promotion listed in Part 1 must give a written Appeal Notice within 21 days following gazettal of the promotion to – Industrial Registrar Industrial Registry Email: [email protected] Web Address: www.qirc.qld.gov.au for Appeal Notice For general enquiries prior to lodgement of an appeal: Contact PSC Advisory Service 1300 038 472 or email [email protected] APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) Department of Agriculture and Fisheries * 161739/15 Executive Support Officer, Directorate Date of duty Day, Karen Regions and Industry Development, Agriculture, Brisbane (AO6) Senior Project Officer, Strategy and Coordination, Strategic Policy and Planning, Brisbane (AO5) * Advertised as Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry. Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services 161484/15 Customer Services Officer, Service Centre, Technical Operations, Information Services, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Driver, Glen 163881/15 Service Advisor, Townsville Disability Date of duty Wood, Tammy Service Centre, Disability and Community Services, Region – North Queensland, Townsville (AO5) Child Safety Support Officer, Thuringowa Child Safety Service Centre, Townsville (AO3) 162260/15 Senior Service Advisor, Cairns Disability Service Centre, Disability and Community Services, Region – Far North Queensland, Cairns (AO6) Service Advisor, Cairns Disability Service Centre, Disability and Community Services, Region – Far North Queensland, Cairns (AO5) Date of duty Saleem, Rahat Support Officer, Service Centre, Technical Operations, Information Services, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO3) Department of Education and Training MER 7041/15 Head of Department – English, Kenmore State High School, Metropolitan Region (HOD2) 20-04-2015 Bell, Rosaria Teacher, Kenmore State High School, Metropolitan Region (A0401) MER 7040/15 Head of Department – Business and Design Technology, Kenmore State High School, Metropolitan Region (HOD2) 20-04-2015 Graham, Sarah Joy Teacher, Kenmore State High School, Metropolitan Region (C0302) MER 6709/15 Head of Department – Junior Secondary, Yeronga State High School, Metropolitan Region (HOD2) 20-04-2015 Petersen, Matthew John Teacher, Yeronga State High School, Metropolitan Region (A0401) SER 6710/15 Deputy Principal, Elanora State School, South East Region (DSL2) 20-04-2015 Diaz, Robyn Maree Teacher, Elanora State School, South East Region (A2304) 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 673 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) SER 6713/15 Head of Department – Curriculum (Enterprise and Technology Infrastructure), Benowa State High School, South East Region (HOD2) 20-04-2015 Hinton, Justin Lennon Teacher, Windaroo Valley State High School, South East Region (C0304) DSR 6635/15 Principal, Severnlea State School, Darling Downs South West Region (SL1) 20-04-2015 Roberts, Alun Mark Teacher, Warwick West State School, Darling Downs South West Region (C0301) CO 20065/15 Senior Human Resource Services Officer, Payroll Services Unit, Human Resources Branch, Corporate Services Division, Cairns (AO4) 30-03-2015 Russell, Jennifer Human Resource Services Officer, Payroll Services Unit, Human Resources Branch, Corporate Services Division, Cairns (AO3) CO 20083/15 Manager, Performance Information, Performance Monitoring and Reporting Unit, Strategy and Performance Branch, Policy, Performance and Planning Division, Brisbane (AO8) 07-04-2015 Webb, Kenneth Principal Information Officer, Performance Monitoring and Reporting Unit, Strategy and Performance Branch, Policy, Performance and Planning Division, Brisbane (AO7) CQR 20314/14 Principal Advisor, Education Services, 31-07-2015 McCulloch, Joanne Rockhampton Office, Central Queensland Region, State Schools Division, Rockhampton (AO8) Senior Teacher, Berserker Street State School, Central Queensland Region, State Schools Division, Rockhampton (TCH ST2) CO 20023/15 Corporate Services Officer, Infrastructure Operations Unit, Infrastructure Services Branch, Corporate Services Division, Coorparoo (AO3) 02-03-2015 Kershaw, Gail Administrative Officer, eLearning, State Schools – Performance, State Schools Division, Coorparoo (AO2) CO 20126L/15 Financial Analyst, Financial Advisory Services Unit, Finance Branch, Corporate Services Division, Brisbane (AO4) 01-04-2015 Chadda, Kush Finance Officer, Financial Advisory Services Unit, Finance Branch, Corporate Services Division, Brisbane (AO3) CO 20028/15 Principal Advisor, Therapies, State Schools – Operations, State Schools Division, Brisbane (PO6) 20-04-2015 Dixon, Gaenor Speech Language Pathologies, Metropolitan Region, State Schools Division, Nundah (PO4) Department of Housing and Public Works 151920/14 Client Service Manager, Contract and Date of duty Sullivan, Julie Delivery Management, Operations, Kathleen Housing Services, Toowoomba (AO5) Housing Officer, Toowoomba Housing Service Centre, Operations, Housing Services, Toowoomba (AO3) 165714/15 Senior Client Service Manager, Contract and Delivery Management, Operations, Housing Services, Inala (AO6) Client Service Manager, Inala Housing Service Centre 1, Inala Housing Service Centre 3, Inala Housing Service Centre, Operations, Housing Services, Inala (AO5) Date of duty Benesch, Laura Jane Department of Justice and Attorney-General 156645/15 Senior Business Support Officer Date of duty Duncan, Audra (Systems), State-wide Operations, Office of Fair Trading, Liquor, Gaming and Fair Trading, Brisbane (AO6) Compliance Services Officer, Statewide Operations, Office of Fair Trading, Liquor Gaming and Fair Trading, Brisbane (AO5) 162337/15 Probation and Parole Supervisor, South Date of duty Kurz, Timothy Coast Region, Queensland Corrective Services, Burleigh Heads (AO6) Senior Case Manager, Probation and Parole, Queensland Corrective Services, Burleigh Heads (PO3) 674 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) 158293/15 Executive Support Officer, Office of the Assistant Director-General Corporate Services, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Siek, Anita Administrative Officer, Office of the Assistant Director-General Corporate Service, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO2) 162042/15 Senior Registrar, Queensland Courts Services, Justice Services, Caboolture (AO7) Date of duty Schubert, Aaron Registrar (Relieving), Queensland Courts Services, Justice Services, Toowoomba (AO5) 161824/15 Service Development Coordinator, State-wide Operations, Office of Fair Trading, Liquor, Gaming and Fair Trading, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Denning, Melissa Senior Service Delivery Officer, Statewide Operations, Office of Fair Trading, Liquor, Gaming and Fair Trading, Brisbane (AO5) 163899/15 Business Services Team Leader, Business Services, Office of Fair Trading, Liquor, Gaming and Fair Trading, Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Walker, Emily Business Services Officer, Business Services, Office of Fair Trading, Liquor, Gaming and Fair Trading, Brisbane (AO3) 153212/14 Court Services Officer, Magistrates Courts Service, Queensland Courts Service, Justice Services, Brisbane (AO3) Date of duty Watts, Samuel Joseph Court Services Officer, Registry Operations (Brisbane Magistrates), Magistrates Courts Service, Queensland Courts Service, Justice Services, Brisbane (AO2) 162043/15 Manager Business Assistance – Date of duty O’Sullivan, Fiona Agriculture, Business Assistance Victoria Unit, Compliance and Business Engagement, Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland, Bowen Hills (AO8) Principal Inspector (Rural), Inspectorate, Central Queensland Region, Regional WHSQ Compliance Services, Compliance and Business Engagement, Office of Fair and Safe Work Queensland, Mackay (AO6) Department of Natural Resources and Mines 157634/15 Executive Officer, Office of the Date of duty Marshall, Evan Executive Director, Mining and Petroleum Operations, Brisbane (AO6) Project Officer, Office, of Groundwater Impact Assessment, Policy and Program Support, Brisbane (AO5) Office of the Inspector General Emergency Management 155602/14 Senior Program Officer, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Campbell, Lorraine Policy Advisor, Corporate Services, Head Office, Queensland Ambulance Service, Kedron (AO5) Date of duty Tait, Rebecca Lauren Administrative Officer, Telecommunication Interception and Technology Services, Covert and Specialist Operations, Intelligence, Counter-Terrorism and Major Events Command, Brisbane (AO2) Queensland Police Service 157150/15 Records Retention and Destructions Officer, Telecommunication Interception and Technology Services, Covert and Specialist Operations, Intelligence, CounterTerrorism and Major Events Command, Brisbane (AO3) 158613/15 Support Services Coordinator, Date of duty Casey, Belinda Jayne Team Leader, Policelink, Policelink Policelink and Programs, Community and Programs, Community Contact Contact Command, Brisbane (AO6) Command, Brisbane (AO5) 155006/14 Administration Officer, Moreton District South Patrol Group, Moreton District, Southern Region, Deception Bay (AO3) Date of duty Thompson, Treena Robyn Administrative Officer, Moreton District, Southern Region, Caboolture (AO2) 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 675 APPOINTMENT PART I - APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Previous Position and Classification (Unless otherwise indicated) Department of Science, Information Technology and Innovation # 166095/15 Senior Consultant, Performance and Reporting, Performance and Reporting, Strategic Transformation and Performance, Change and Operations, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Drew, Tracey Executive Officer, Planning and Performance Management, Governance, Strategy and Perform, Corporate Services, Department of Housing and Public Works, Brisbane (AO3) # 161590/15 Senior Business Analyst, Business Services, Chief Information Office, Change and Operations, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Pinto, Nisha Mary Business Analyst, Integration Services, Client Services-Solutions, Business Strategy and Engagement, CITEC ICT Services, Brisbane (AO5) # This was advertised as Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts. NOTIFICATION OF THE FILLING OF APPOINTMENTS PART II Appointments have been approved to the undermentioned vacancies. Appeals do not lie against these appointments. APPOINTMENTS PART II - NON-APPEALABLE Reference Number Vacancy Date of Appointment Name of Appointee Information Officer, Document and Information Resources Services, Arts Business Services, Arts Business Performance and Infrastructure, Brisbane (AO3) 27-04-2015 Hoff, Shardee Lorraine Arts Queensland AQ 502/15 Department of Education and Training MER 6702/15 Principal, Graceville State School, Metropolitan Region (SL5) 20-04-2015 Smith, Zoe Margaret MER 6701/15 Principal, Indooroopilly State School, Metropolitan Region (SL6) 20-04-2015 Warwick, Keith William SER 6634/15 Principal, Wellington Point State High School, South East Region (SL6) 20-04-2015 Dalton, Susan Jane SER 6723/15 Principal, Browns Plains State School, South East Region (SL5) 20-04-2015 Beattie, Andrew Thomas DSR 7039/15 Principal, Wheatvale State School, Darling Downs South West Region (SL2) 20-04-2015 Turkington, Sharon Kay NQR 6697/15 Principal, Charters Towers Central State School, North Queensland Region (SL3) 20-04-2015 Barath, Troy Andrew Residential Tenancies Authority * RTA 05/15 Team Leader Dispute Resolution, Client Services, Brisbane (AO6) Date of duty Pengelly, Sam # RTA 06/15 Executive Support Officer, Corporate Services, Brisbane (AO4) Date of duty Cuthbert, Helen * Temporary appointment. # Temporary to permanent appointment. 676 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Government and Public Notices In the Gazettes as from 1 July 2013 includes 2.4% CPI increase New Price GST Total Extraordinary Gazette - Full Page Text Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) per page $ 227.77 $ 22.78 $ 250.55 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) 0-50 pages $ 135.52 $ 13.55 $ 149.07 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) 51+ pages $ 115.42 $ 11.54 $ 126.96 Professional Register and Lists Gazettes Environment and Resource Management Gazette AND Transport and Main Roads Gazette Formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) per page $ 143.79 $ 14.38 $ 158.17 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (must be compatible) Full page text $ 227.77 $ 22.78 $ 250.55 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (that require formatting to make compatible) Full page text $ 264.06 $ 26.41 $ 290.47 Single column, all copy to set $ 2.42 $ 0.24 $ 2.66 Double column, all to set $ 4.90 $ 0.49 $ 5.39 Single column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 0.88 $ 0.09 $ 0.97 Double column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 1.78 $ 0.18 $ 1.96 Local Government Gazette Vacancies Gazette is no longer published - Appointment Notices now appear within the General Gazette General Gazette - Full Page Text Formatted electronic files or E-mail (must be compatible) $ 227.77 $ 22.78 $ 250.55 Formatted electronic files or E-mail (that require formatting to make compatible) $ 264.06 $ 26.41 $ 290.47 General Gazette - Per MM text Single column, all copy to set $ 2.42 $ 0.24 $ 2.66 Double column, all to set $ 4.90 $ 0.49 $ 5.39 Single column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 0.88 $ 0.09 $ 0.97 Double column, formatted electronic files or E-mail (check for compatibility) $ 1.78 $ 0.18 $ 1.96 General Gazette - Appointment Notices Part I (Appealable) and Part II (Non-Appealable) Appointments - Part I & Part II 2 lines $ 44.28 $ 4.43 $ 48.71 3 lines $ 61.99 $ 6.20 $ 68.19 87.67 4 lines $ 79.70 $ 7.97 $ 5 lines $ 92.98 $ 9.30 $ 102.28 6 lines $ 110.69 $ 11.07 $ 121.76 7 lines $ 123.97 $ 12.40 $ 136.37 8 lines $ 137.25 $ 13.73 $ 150.98 9 lines $ 150.54 $ 15.05 $ 165.59 Submission Deadlines: Departmental Appointment Submissions - Part I & Part II before 12 noon on Tuesday General Gazette Submissions before 12 noon on Wednesday Local Government Gazette Submissions before 12 noon on Wednesday Extraordinary Gazette Submissions any day of the week For more information regarding Gazette notices, please email [email protected] Prices are GST inclusive unless otherwise stated. 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 677 Queensland Treasury Brisbane, 7 April 2015 Queensland Treasury Brisbane, 7 April 2015 Holidays Act 1983 Holidays Act 1983 NOTIFICATION I, the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships in pursuance of the provisions of the Holidays Act 1983 , hereby appoint the day specified in Column 1 of the Schedule, hereto as a holiday within the District set opposite that day in Column 2 of the schedule, being a holiday in respect of the annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show set opposite that day in Column 3. NOTIFICATION I, the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships in pursuance of the provisions of the Holidays Act 1983 , hereby appoint the day specified in Column 1 of the Schedule, hereto as a holiday within the District set opposite that day in Column 2 of the schedule, being a holiday in respect of the event set opposite that day in Column 3. Column 1 Column 2 Date of Holiday District 2015 27 May Isaac Regional Council – Moranbah, Clermont, Middlemount, Dysart, Kilcummin and rural areas 12 June Isaac Regional Council – St Lawrence, south of Clairview and rural areas 25 June Isaac Regional Council – Nebo, Glenden, Coppabella, Coastal Region, Clairview and Clairview North 11 June Shire of Livingstone 17 July 18 September Shire of Mapoon Shire of Pormpuraaw 17 July Shire of Yarrabah Column 3 Name of Show Clermont Show Day Rockhampton Show Day Mackay Show Day Rockhamtpon Show Day Cairns Annual Show Pormpuraaw Show Day Cairns Annual Show CURTIS PITT Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Queensland Treasury Brisbane, 7 April 2015 Holidays Act 1983 NOTIFICATION I, the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships in pursuance of the provisions of the Holidays Act 1983 , hereby appoint the day specified in Column 1 of the Schedule, hereto as a holiday within the District set opposite that day in Column 2 of the schedule, being a holiday in respect of the event set opposite that day in Column 3. Note 1: The following holidays are special holidays pursuant to Section 4 of the Holidays Act 1983 and are bank holidays not public holidays. Note 2: Pursuant to a directive issued under the Public Service Act 2008 , they are holidays for public service employees unless otherwise determined by a chief executive. Column 1 Column 2 Date of Holiday District 2015 3 November Shire of Burke 22 May 10 July Shire of Pormpuraaw Shire of Pormpuraaw 17 June 10 July Shire of Yarrabah Shire of Yarrabah Column 3 Name of Event Melbourne Cup Festivities National Sorry Day Pormpuraaw Fishing Day Foundation Day NAIDOC Day CURTIS PITT Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Note 1: The following holidays are special holidays pursuant to Section 4 of the Holidays Act 1983 and are bank holidays not public holidays. Note 2: Pursuant to a directive issued under the Public Service Act 2008 , they are holidays for public service employees unless otherwise determined by a chief executive. Column 1 Column 2 Date of Holiday District 2015 30 October Northern Peninsula Area IN LIEU of Region 13 November Column 3 Name of Event NPA Carnival CURTIS PITT Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships Queensland Treasury Brisbane, 7 April 2015 Holidays Act 1983 NOTIFICATION I, the Honourable Curtis Pitt MP, Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships in pursuance of the provisions of the Holidays Act 1983 , hereby appoint the day specified in Column 1 of the Schedule, hereto as a holiday within the District set opposite that day in Column 2 of the schedule, being a holiday in respect of the annual agricultural, horticultural or industrial show set opposite that day in Column 3. Column 1 Column 2 Date of Holiday District 2015 8 July Shire of Mareeba - That part IN LIEU of of the Mareeba Shire 7 July included within the Parishes of Irvinebank, Myosotis and Western. 7 August Northern Peninsula Area IN LIEU of Region 10 August Column 3 Name of Show Atherton Annual Show Northern Peninsula Area Show CURTIS PITT Treasurer, Minister for Employment and Industrial Relations and Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships 678 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 NOTICE OF A MINISTERIAL DESIGNATION OF LAND FOR COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE UNDER THE SUSTAINABLE PLANNING ACT 2009 A Ministerial designation has been made I, Hon Kate Jones MP, Minister for Education and Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games, give notice that under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 , chapter 5, part 2, I made a Ministerial designation of land for community infrastructure. Description of the land to which the designation applies The Ministerial designation applies to land at Macquarie and Dover Streets, Boonah. NOTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION Maritime Safety Queensland Brisbane, 14 April 2015 I, James Huggett, Acting General Manager, pursuant to section 18A of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 , exempt all persons operating ships in the events detailed in the Schedule from section 206A of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 and section 127 of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 . SCHEDULE The land is described as Lot 239 on SP150718. Type of proposed community infrastructure for which the land has been designated The land has been designated for the Boonah State High School. The community infrastructure is described under Schedule 2, Part 2 of the Sustainable Planning Regulation 2009 as follows: 4 community and cultural facilities, including facilities where an education and care service under the Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) is operated or a QEC approved service under the Education and Care Services Act 2013 is operated, community centres, meeting halls, galleries and libraries. 6 education facilities 8 facilities for parks and recreation 12 sporting facilities 15 storage and works depots and the like including administrative facilities associated with the provision or maintenance of the community infrastructure mentioned in this part Hon Kate Jones MP Minister for Education and Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games Event consisting of closed course water ski racing to be conducted by the organisers, Southern Cross Water Ski Club Inc. between the hours of 8:00am to 3:00pm on 18 April 2015 over the waters of Cleveland Bay, as shown in red on the course map prepared by Maritime Safety Queensland, designated plan “A1-361”, and held at the Regional Harbour Master’s Office in Townsville. JAMES HUGGETT Acting General Manager Maritime Safety Queensland NOTIFICATION OF APPROVAL OF FORMS UNDER THE LEGAL PROFESSION ACT 2007 1. Commencement The following form was approved on 13 April 2015 by the General Counsel of the Queensland Law Society Incorporated, pursuant to a delegation from the Council on 9 December 2005, to take effect from date of gazettal. 2. Forms Approved - Forms required by, and made for the purposes of, the Legal Profession Act 2007 : QLS Form 1 (LPA): Application for grant of a practising certificate - Version 11 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 QLS Form 2 (LPA): Application for renewal of practising certificate – Version 9 NOTIFICATION OF EXEMPTION Maritime Safety Queensland Brisbane, 14 April 2015 I, James Huggett, Acting General Manager, pursuant to section 18A of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 , exempt all persons operating ships in the events detailed in the Schedule from section 206A of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act 1994 and section 127A and 127B of the Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Regulation 2004 . SCHEDULE Events consisting of closed course jet ski racing to be conducted by the organisers, North Queensland Personal Watercraft Club Inc, between the hours of 9:00am to 3:00pm on Sunday, 19 April 2015, Sunday 17 May 2015 and Sunday 14 June 2015 on the waters of Black Weir, Ross River Townsville known as Zone ‘A’ under Townsville City Council’s ‘Management of Recreational Use Plan 2012-2015’. JAMES HUGGETT Acting General Manager Maritime Safety Queensland [17 April 2015 3. Form Approved - Form required by, and made for the purposes of, the Legal Profession (Society) Rules 2007 : QLS Form 2 (SR): 4. Application for renewal of membership – Version 9 Availability of Forms These forms are available from: a) Law Society House 179 Ann Street Brisbane Q 4000 b) the Queensland Law Society website at www.qls.com.au M J Hinton General Counsel 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED FORM UNDER THE SUSTAINABLE PLANNING ACT 2009 1. 2. 3. 679 Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1967 (Qld) NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL GOODS Approval The following form has been approved by the Chief Executive, Department of Housing and Public Works on 27 March 2015, under section 762 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 , to take effect from April 2015. Commencement The following form has been approved and will commence from April 2015 Form No. Title Version No. 17 Statutory declaration 4.0 Availability of forms The forms will be available from the Department of Housing and Public Works website at www.hpw.qld.gov.au Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act 1995 NOTIFICATION OF APPROVED GUIDELINE Reference This notice may be referred to as the Vehicle Standards (Approval of Guideline) Notice (No. 1) 2015 . Approval The following forms are approved: • Guideline for revolving or flashing warning lamps in Queensland – Form 34 – Version 1 • Guideline for – Form 38 – Version 1 Authorising Law The laws under which these Guidelines are approved for use are: (a) Statutory Instruments Act 1992 ; and (b) Transport Operations (Road Use Management – Vehicle Standards and Safety) Regulation 2010 . Commencement These Guidelines were approved for use by the Manager, Vehicle Standards, Department of Transport and Main Roads, as delegate of the Chief Executive Officer of that department for commencement from 17 April 2015. Availability of Guideline These Guidelines are available from the Department of Transport and Main Roads’ web site at www.tmr.qld.gov.au then follow the links to Safety – Vehicle Standards and Modifications – Vehicle Standards – Guidelines and type permits. Notice is hereby given that in accordance with the Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act 1967 , TeamMoto Honda Springwood intends to sell the below goods to recoup costs of repair and storage. If the Vehicles remains uncollected, it will be sold after 28 days from gazettal of this notice: VEHICLE: COLOUR: REGISTRATION: VIN #: ENGINE: 2004 Yamaha YZ450F Blue N/A JYA0J05CJ4A002784 J318E-002783 Cristy Spoor Accounts Receivable Department TeamMoto Yamaha Nerang 68 Moss Street SPRINGWOOD QLD 4127 GAZ00302/15 680 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Gazette Back Issues 2003-$VSSFOU To view previous years of all Gazettes, please visit website at: www.qld.gov.au/publications 1. Click on Categories 2. Click on the appropriate year from the list of Gazette categories 3. Click on the montH required 4. Click on the week required 5. On the download page for the week required, press Download 6. Should you have any problems opening the PDF, please contact GAZETTE HPWQLDGOVAU www.qld.gov.au/publications 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 TAKING OF EASEMENT NOTICE EAS 0334 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Easement Notice EAS 0334 (2015) Easement taken [ss.6 and 15 (d) of the Act] 2. The easement described in Schedule 2 is taken by Northern SEQ Distributor-Retailer Authority for works for reticulation of wastewater purposes and vests in Northern SEQ Distributor-Retailer Authority on and from 17 April 2015. Rights and obligations 3. That the rights and obligations conferred and imposed by the Easement include the matters set out in Schedule 1. SCHEDULE 1 DEFINITIONS AND INTERPRETATION 1. 1.1 Definitions In this Easement unless the context or subject matter require otherwise: (a) Easement Land means that part of the land over which this easement is taken; (b) Matter means buildings, structures or other materials or things erected, placed, found or installed upon the Easement Land and includes trees and plants within the Easement Land; (c) Owner means any person who has an estate, interest, right, power or privilege in, over, or in relation to the land subject to the Easement Land and that person’s administrators, assignees and successors; and (d) Relevant Works means: (i) where the purpose of this Easement is “Sewerage”: sewer(s) and/or pipeline(s) for the purpose of conveying sewerage and all kinds of waste through, across or under the Easement Land together with manholes, stopcocks and all other usual or necessary fittings and attachments (including pumps and/or pump stations where required) as well as works for the protection and/or support of such things; and (ii) where the purpose of this Easement is “Water Supply”: water reticulation mains and/or pipelines for the purpose of conveying water supplied by Unitywater through, across or under the Easement Land together with manholes, stopcocks, meters, pressure control devices, pumps and/or pump stations, water reservoirs, and all other usual or necessary fittings and attachments as well as works for the protection and/or support of all such things; and (e) Unitywater means: (i) The Northern SEQ Distributor-Retailer Authority (trading as Unitywater) established under section 8 of the SouthEast Queensland Water (Distribution and Retail Restructuring) Act 2009 and its assignees and successors; and (ii) If the context permits, Authorised Persons. 1.2 Interpretation In this Easement: (a) a reference to a statute includes Orders in Council, Proclamations, Regulations, Rules, Local Laws and Ordinances made under the statute and any statute amending, consolidation or replacing the statute; (b) 681 headings have been included for ease of reference and guidance and this Easement is to be construed without reference to them; (c) the singular number includes the plural and vice versa; (d) words importing a masculine gender includes all other genders; and (e) words importing persons include companies and corporations and vice versa; (f) if a covenant contained in this Easement is or becomes invalid or unenforceable, the remaining covenants contained in this Easement remain in full force and effect; and (g) If a party to this Easement comprises two or more legal entities, the covenants contained in this Easement bind each of them jointly and severally. 2. RIGHTS OF UNITYWATER 2.1 Access Where the purpose of this Easement includes Access, the following will apply: The Owner grants to Unity water the full and free right and liberty at all times, after the date of this Easement, to enter upon and remain, pass and repass on and over the Easement Land at will and as often as the occasion requires, with employees, agents and contractors and other persons authorised by Unitywater and with or without vehicles, plant and equipment of any description whatsoever. Where the purpose of this Easement includes Sewerage or Water Supply or both the following will apply: 2.2 Sewerage or Water Supply or Both The Owner grants Unitywater the full and free right and liberty at all times, after the date of this Easement, to enter upon the Easement Land for the purposes of constructing and thereafter forever using and maintaining the Relevant Works as it shall from time to time think fit and in so doing, Unitywater by its employees, agents and other persons authorised by Unitywater has the right to: (a) construct, install, extend, deepen, widen, cleanse, add to, remove, inspect, maintain and repair the Relevant Works and when and where thought fit by Unitywater to remove and replace the Relevant Works with new Relevant Works (whether of a similar nature to those replaced or not); (b) to change the size and number of any pipes which form part of the Relevant Works; (c) dig into, sink shafts in, and erect scaffolding upon the Easement Land and to open and break up the soil of the Easement Land or any part of the Easement Land including its sub-surface; (d) remove and dispose of spoil created as a consequence of exercising its rights hereunder; (e) clear and keep clear the Easement Land by any means or method and to cut and remove timber, trees and undergrowth from the Easement Land and to burn off such timber, trees and undergrowth; (f) construct and maintain on the Easement Land such access tracks, gates and appurtenant works as it considers necessary; (g) enter upon and remain, pass and repass on and over the Easement Land for all or any of the purposes aforesaid with or without vehicles, plant and equipment of any description whatsoever; (h) enter and exit to and from the Easement Land over such part or parts of the Owner’s land adjoining or adjacent to the Easement Land as is reasonably required by Unitywater and Unitywater shall consider most convenient or necessary for the purpose of passing between the Easement Land and the most convenient point of entry to or exit from the Owner’s land (whether adjoining a constructed road or not); 682 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 (i) 3. 4. 4.1 4.2 5. 6. do such other works and things through, across, in or under the Easement Land as are incidental to the proper exercise of the rights granted to Unitywater under this Easement; and (j) use such part or parts of the Owner’s land immediately adjacent to or adjoining either side of the Easement Land as may be reasonably required by Unitywater for the proper exercise of the rights granted to Unitywater under this Easement. PROPERTY IN RELEVANT WORKS The Relevant Works are and remain the property of Unitywater notwithstanding any actual or apparent affixing to the Easement Land. Unitywater shall be solely responsible, for the operation and maintenance of all Relevant Works. FENCING Removal For the purpose of gaining access to the Easement Land, Unitywater may demolish or break open any fencing on or adjacent to the Easement Land. However, if livestock are contained within the fenced area, Unitywater must give reasonable notice to the Owner to enable the Owner to secure the livestock. Reinstatement Unitywater must either: (a) reinstate all fences (other than a fence erected in contravention of Clause 5) damaged by Unitywater in the exercise and performance of any of the rights and liberties granted to Unitywater under this Easement; or (b) if the fences are not reinstated, install a gate using materials and employing workmanship which is not less than the quality of the materials and workmanship in the existing fence. The gate installed pursuant to this subclause becomes the property of the owner of the fence in which the gate is installed and after installation shall be maintained by the owner. NO STRUCTURES ON THE EASEMENT LAND The Owner must not at any time without the express written permission of Unitywater (which must not be unreasonably withheld): (a) erect any buildings or structures (other than fences) upon the Easement Land or any part of it; (b) permit the Easement Land or any part of it to be used in such a way as to obstruct or interfere with the Relevant Works and/or the proper and effective use of the Relevant Works by Unitywater; (c) install concrete, bitumen or other pavement or driveways (except residential driveways) on the Easement Land or gardens or landscaping involving concrete, brick or other permanent materials; or (d) remove or stockpile or permit the removal or stockpiling of any soil, sand, gravel or other substance or material on the Easement Land or construct any roads, dam walls or other earthworks on the Easement Land which would in any way obstruct or interfere with the Relevant Works and/or the proper and effective use of the Relevant Works by Unitywater. DAMAGE TO STRUCTURES (a) Unitywater acting reasonably at all times and complying with all relevant laws, will determine how and in what manner the rights granted to Unitywater under this Easement are exercised. (b) Unitywater must not wilfully damage or destroy any Matter to any extent greater than is reasonably 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. [17 April 2015 necessary in order to exercise its rights under this Easement but: (i) Unitywater is not otherwise responsible for any damage to or destruction of any Matter in the course of the exercise by Unitywater of its rights under this Easement; and (ii) subject to Clause 4, Unitywater is not under any obligation to reinstate or repair any Matter damaged or destroyed in consequence of the exercise by Unitywater of its rights under this Easement and its only obligation where such Matter has been so damaged or destroyed is to leave the Easement Land in as clean and tidy state as practicable having regard to the nature of the Matter which has been damaged or destroyed and the work which it has done; and (iii) Unitywater is not in any event responsible for any inconvenience or disturbance to the Owner or occupiers of the Easement Land arising out of the exercise by Unitywater of its rights under this Easement. REMOVAL OF UNAUTHORISED STRUCTURES If a Matter is erected, placed, found or installed upon the Easement Land in contravention of Clause 5, Unitywater may, in addition to any other remedies and after having first given the Owner reasonable notice of its intention to invoke this clause, enter upon the Easement Land and remove or demolish the Matter and, if it does so: (a) it may dispose of the Matter or any resultant demolition materials in such manner as it sees fit without being liable to account to the Owner therefore (except as provided in subclause (b) of this clause); and (b) it may recover, in any Court of competent jurisdiction, costs actually incurred by it in taking that action (including internal wage and salary costs) less any moneys actually received by it as a result of disposing of the Matter or any resultant demolition materials. PROTECTION OF RELEVANT WORKS The Owner will not do any act or make any omission which will jeopardise or prejudicially affect the safety or reliable working of any Relevant Works. RATES AND CHARGES The Owner is responsible for all local authority rates and assessments and lawful charges in relation to the Easement Land. FURTHER ASSURANCES The benefit and burden of this Easement shall pass with and bind the Easement Land so as to enure to and bind all persons deriving title thereto from and under the Owner and Unitywater respectively and the Owner, whenever required by Unitywater or the person or persons for the time being entitled to the benefit of this Easement, must do all such things and give all such assurances as are reasonably required for the proper and effective carrying into effect of the rights conferred under this Easement but not so as to render the Owner liable to be called upon to contribute towards the maintenance and upkeep of the Relevant Works. SPECIAL COVENANTS FOR STATE RESERVE LAND (a) The following clauses are in addition to or replace where noted those set out above and will form part of the covenants of this Easement when any land is designated as a “Reserve” in accordance with 17 April 2015] (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 the Land Act 1994 (as amended from time to time). In this clause: “Minister” means the Minister administering the Land Act 1994 (as amended from time to time); and “Trustee” means the relevant Trustee of the State Reserved Land. Reinstatement of fencing Clause 4.2 of this Easement is deleted and replaced with the following: Unitywater must either: (a) Reinstate all fences damaged by it in the exercise of any of its rights granted herein; and (b) In lieu of reinstating any such fence, install a gate the quality and materials of workmanship of which must be not less than the quality and materials of workmanship of the existing fence. Removal of Unauthorised structures etc Clause 7 of this Easement is omitted and replaced with the following: If anything is erected, placed, found or installed upon the Easement Land in contravention of Clause 5, Unitywater may, in addition to any other remedies, and having given the Owner reasonable notice of its intention to invoke this clause, enter Easement Land and remove or demolish the Matter. If it does so it may dispose of the Matter or any resultant demolition materials in such manner as it sees fit without being liable. Removal of Trees Unitywater must not cut or remove timber or tress from the Easement Land without first giving reasonable notice to the Owner and obtaining all necessary permits. Such notice will not be required under this clause in the event that there is an actual or potential danger to persons or property or there is any interference or jeopardy to the supply of the Relevant Works. Removal of Assets upon termination of easement Under the Land Act 1994, an easement over a reserve ends when the dedication of reserve is revoked unless a written approval is provided by the Minister that the easement may continue over unallocated State Land when the dedication of reserve is revoked. Upon termination of the Easement, Unitywater (i.) must ensure that the Easement Land is left in a safe and stable condition to the satisfaction of the Minister; and (ii.) will unless directed by the Minister otherwise, at its own cost and expense, remove all of the Relevant Works from the Easement Land; and (iii.) will remove, at its own cost and expense, all of the Relevant Works from the Easement Land that may cause contamination or environmental harm to the Easement Land as defined by the Environmental Protection Act 1994 or similar legislation. Indemnity and Risk The following clauses will apply for the duration of the Easement and will continue to apply during the periods of rehabilitation and any removal of the Relevant Works under clause 11 (f): (i.) 683 Indemnity a. Unitywater indemnifies and agrees to keep indemnified the Minister, the State of Queensland, Trustee and Owner (the “indemnified parties”) against all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs, losses, damages and expenses (“Claims”) arising out of or in any way connected to or resulting from the granting of this Easement to Unitywater or which is connected to or resulting from Unitywater’s use and occupation of the Easement Land (all of which are referred to as “the indemnified acts or omissions”) save to the extent that the claim arises as a result of any negligent act or omission of the indemnified parties, however, any negligent act or omission or one of the indemnified parties does not negate the indemnity to any other indemnified parties. b. Unitywater hereby releases and discharges the indemnified parties from any Claim relating to the indemnified acts or omissions which may be made against the indemnified parties, save to the extent that the Claim arises as a result of any negligent act or omission of the indemnified parties, however, any negligent act or omission of one of the indemnified parties does not negate the release and discharge in favour of any of the other indemnified parties. (ii.) Public Risk a. Unitywater must effect a public liability insurance policy with an insurer authorised under the Insurance Act 1973 (Commonwealth) or, in any other case, to the satisfaction of the Minister naming Unitywater as the insured covering legal liability for any loss of, or damage to any property and for the injury (including death) to any person arising out of anything done or omitted on or about the easement land or any improvements thereon and against all claims, demands, proceedings, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect thereof subject to the terms and conditions of the insurance policy. b. Such policy must: (a) be for an amount not less than $20,000,000.00 (Twenty Million dollars) in respect of all claims arising out of a single event or such higher amounts as the Minister may reasonably require; and (b) be effected on a “claims occurring” basis so that any claim made by Unitywater under the policy after expiration of the period of policy cover but relating to an event occurring during the currency of the 684 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 policy will be covered by the policy subject to the claim meeting the policy’s other terms and conditions; and (c) be maintained at all times during the currency of the Easement, and upon receipt of any Notice of Cancellation, Unitywater must immediately effect another public liability insurance policy in accordance with the provisions of this Clause 11(g) (ii.). c. Unitywater must also provide a certificate of currency within 14 days of a request by the Owner who may only make such request once a year. d. Unitywater must, as soon as practicable, inform the Minister and Owner in writing, of the occurrence of any event that Unitywater considers is likely to give rise to a claim under the policy of insurance effected and must ensure that the Minter and Owner are kept fully informed of subsequent actions and developments concerning the claim. (h) Power of Attorney Whilst the Easement Land remains unallocated State Land or is dedicated as a Reserve pursuant to the Land Act 1994 as amended from time to time or is registered solely in the name of the State of Queensland, Unitywater irrevocably appoints in so far as it is legally able to the State of Queensland the true and lawful attorney of Unitywater enabling the attorney to do all such things as the attorney may consider necessary or desirable to effect a surrender of this easement upon the default by Unitywater of any condition, covenant or clause of this easement provided however that the State of Queensland may only exercise its right to surrender the easement under this clause if: (i.) Unitywater has breached a condition, covenant or clause of this easement; and (ii.) the State of Queensland has given written notice to the breach of Unitywater; and (iii.) the State of Queensland has allowed Unitywater 90 days from the date of receipt of the notice to remedy the breach; and (iv.) Unitywater has not remedied the breach by the expiration of that 90 days. SCHEDULE 2 Easement Taken Easement E in Lot 900 on SP245886 on SP272335 (to be registered in the Land Registry), area 958 m2, part of Title Reference 50906116, parish of Mooloolah. [17 April 2015 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 685 686 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by ALLIANCE AVIATION SERVICES LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Joady Anne Graham and David Leigh Ellis, Shop 12, 170 Patricks Road, Ferny Hills, QLD 4055 931674 576.00 8/04/2013 LYREBIRD INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, 9a Longwood, 5-11 Thornton Street, Darling Point, NSW 2027 931701 1,584.00 8/04/2013 Michael Richard Porter and Patricia Mary Porter, 208 Ritchies Road, Streatham, VIC 3351 936377 TOTAL 532.00 10/10/2013 $2,692.00 GAZ00277/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by BLUE SKY ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable AURELIA PROJECTS PTY LTD, 19 Wighton Street, Margate, QLD 4019 1212560454 600.00 27/09/2013 BJGR PTY LTD, Level 13, 23 Hunter Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 1212560873 1,074.00 27/09/2013 ENVIROTECH HOMES PTY LTD, Po Box 300, Cannonvale, QLD 4802 1212560566 600.00 27/09/2013 G R ROHRSHEIM PTY LTD, 13 Greenhill Road, Wayville, SA 5034 1212560864 1,071.42 27/09/2013 GREELISH HOLDINGS PTY LTD, Po Box 286, Balwyn, VIC 3103 1212560301 1,200.00 27/09/2013 HUNTLEY GROUP INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, Po Box 99, Cremorne Junction, NSW 2090 1212560334 3,660.00 27/09/2013 KINGHORN HOLDINGS PTY LIMITED, 59 Sunrise Crescent, Templestone Lower, VIC 3107 1193219465 1,881.48 27/09/2013 MANSFIELD JAMES INVESTMENT PTY LTD, 70 Villiers Street, New Farm, QLD 4005 1193219355 668.52 27/09/2013 PHAMP PTY LIMITED, 1 Reculver Street, Robertson, QLD 4109 1212560370 600.00 27/09/2013 RETAIL BIDS LTD, C/-Ewm Group, Po Box 2128, Fortitude Valley Bc, QLD 4006 ZASK PTY LTD, 801 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn, VIC 3122 935727 1193219314 TOTAL 15,000.00 27/09/2013 900.00 24/09/2012 $27,255.42 GAZ00278/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by CAPILANO HONEY LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Aaron Mccann and Kylie Mccann, 92 Eagle Terrace, Sandgate, QLD 4017 Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner 932714 TOTAL Date Payable 720.00 19/08/2013 $720.00 GAZ00281/15 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 687 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by CELLNET GROUP LIMITED Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Stan Baker, P O Box 10 012, The Terrace Wellington 6036, New Zealand 1187420928 Date Payable 1,000.00 29/06/2012 BYWATER INVESTMENTS LIMITED, C/- David Young, Young Business Rit Pty Ltd, Gpo Box 3385, Sydney, NSW 2001 923388 213,980.00 29/06/2012 CHEMICAL TRUSTEE LTD, C/- Australian Taxation Office, Attn Aris Zafiriou, Gpo Box 9977, Melbourne, VIC 3001 923389 182,000.00 29/06/2012 RICHARDSON & CONNORS PTY LTD, Po Box 286, Grafton, NSW 2460 1187420578 Rachael Lee Roy, 14 Bellflower Road, Sippy Downs, QLD 4556 500.00 29/06/2012 923317 1,000.00 29/06/2012 Sam Savvas, Po Box 5493, West End, QLD 4101 1187421448 3,250.00 29/06/2012 Charlie Woodward, 12/41 Griffith Street, New Farm, QLD 4005 1187420635 750.00 29/06/2012 TOTAL $402,480.00 GAZ00279/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by CITY OF GOLD COAST Name of Owner(s) Last Known Address Council’s Reference Unknown Unknown Infringement Number: 952064283 Original amount Net amount being held unclaimed paid to PTO $592.90 $592.90 Date amount became payable or unclaimed 20/04/2011 GAZ00304/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by CROMWELL PROPERTY GROUP Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable James Bryant, 3/65 Mandolong Road, Balmoral, NSW 2088 927838 810.24 14/11/2012 Justin Fletcher, 7 Farnham House, Union Street, London Se1 Old, United Kingdom 932735 869.87 13/11/2013 Rita Frauenfelder, 35 Unwin Street, Templestowe, VIC 3106 921264 1,780.28 15/02/2012 TOTAL $3,460.39 GAZ00280/15 688 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by DATA#3 LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address BUI HOLDINGS PTY LTD, 4 Glen Street, Glenroy, VIC 3046 Anne Fiona Campbell, 7/9 Arawa Road, Hataitai, Wellington, New Zealand Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable 936151 1,260.00 30/03/2012 1194331911 2,549.42 28/03/2013 Peter John Greenham and Susan Annabel Greenham, Po Box 2266, Ivanhoe East, VIC 3079 99368 700.00 28/09/2012 Robert Hayman Hall, 13 Isabel Avenue, Ringwood East, VIC 3135 926635 5,692.40 28/03/2013 Bernard Luton, 30 Robinson St, Coorparoo, QLD 4151 1194331908 1,131.20 28/03/2013 Amanda Page, 2/81 Elizabeth Street, Paddington, QLD 4064 1194335229 1,286.62 28/03/2013 Karen Anne Saunders, 1/17 Martha St, Paddington, QLD 4064 1194331946 1,400.00 28/03/2013 Ian Harry Schonfelder, 9 Zamia Street, Holloways Beach, QLD 4878 926710 560.00 28/03/2013 Nicola Rae Solomon, 11 A Thomson Street, Palmerston North 5301, New Zealand 1194331979 674.80 28/03/2013 Carolyn Maree Troughton and Nicholas David Troughton, 91/1230 Creek Road, Carindale, QLD 4152 1194331882 2,986.22 28/03/2013 926695 7,000.00 28/03/2013 Vere Phillip Wilkinson, 33a Hurley Road, Paraparaumu, Kapiti 6450, New Zealand ZENITH BUILDINGS LIMITED, Po Box 45004, Lower Hutt, New Zealand 1194331968 TOTAL 679.02 28/03/2013 $25,919.68 GAZ00282/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by DOMINO'S PIZZA ENTERPRISES LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Veronika Angerer and Clifford Angerer, 43 Mclachlan Drive, Avenell Heights, QLD 4670 D W N DISTRIBUTORS PTY LTD, C/- Korda Mentha, Gpo Box 518, Adelaide, SA 5001 Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner 304938 611.86 Date Payable 5/11/2013 1196563039 2,238.76 12/03/2013 Melanie Farcot-Gigon, 24 Bd Tour Maubourg, 75007 Paris, France 305544 2,310.00 13/09/2013 Alexander William Hanson, 19 Brinkin Terrace, Brinkin, NT 0810 305040 702.40 5/11/2013 Kellie-Anne Holding, Unit 26, 113 Castle Hill Drive, Murrumea Downs, QLD 4503 1196561846 557.06 12/03/2013 Ker Loong Lim, Unit 412a, 640 Swanston Street, Carlton, VIC 3053 1196562178 1,100.73 12/03/2013 David Geoffrey Martin, 29 Smith Street, North Ipswich, QLD 4305 304958 Darren Ramm, 143 Helendale Drive, Helidon Spa, QLD 4344 Frank Douglas Stanfield, 151 Cherbon Street, Burbank, QLD 4156 Josh Szeps, Po Box 502, Leichhardt, NSW 2040 1196561838 304970 1205280820 TOTAL 1,008.00 5/11/2013 1,784.06 12/03/2013 2,752.00 8/02/2013 1,814.40 12/03/2013 $14,879.27 GAZ00299/15 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 689 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by ECHO ENTERTAINMENT GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable BARRIJAG PTY LTD, Level 30, 126-130 Phillip Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 1201859097 8,000.00 27/03/2013 Bernard John Beatie, 46 Stanley Street, Richmond, VIC 3121 1211863856 1,000.00 27/03/2013 Hong Mei Xiao and Wei Xiang Chen, 73 Newington Boulevard, Newington, NSW 2127 1211783600 600.00 Sara Chrapot, 1-3 Powderham Road, Caulfield North, VIC 3161 1201835129 936.80 27/03/2013 Jennifer Lee Crouch and Peter Coney and Deborah Donnay Coney, Po Box 570, Subiaco, WA 6008 1211780356 1,400.00 9/10/2013 9/10/2013 Mary-Anne Duncan, 56 Hopetoun Avenue, Mosman, NSW 2088 1201810825 892.96 27/03/2013 Panayiotis Efthymiou, 35 Shenandoah Dr, Coronet Bay, VIC 3984 1211770922 583.60 FIOCATHALA NOMINEES PTY LTD, 217 Mill Street, Ballarat, VIC 3350 1213303825 820.62 15/11/2013 HCB SUPERANNUATION PTY LTD, 113 West Coast Drive, North Beach, WA 6020 1201865044 537.52 27/03/2013 Antonio Iezzi and Michelina Iezzi, 7 Ware Street, Annerley, QLD 4103 1183506553 577.76 28/03/2012 John Thomas Redmond, Level 4, 80 Pyrmont Street, Pyrmont, NSW 2009 1211807436 3,000.00 SHELWOOD PTY LTD, 11 Franklin Street, Highgate Hill, QLD 4101 1211780264 3,238.56 27/03/2013 Mina Wai-Man Tsang, Po Box 3160, Birkdale, QLD 4159 1201854014 500.36 27/03/2013 VANAS PTY LTD, 9 Valda Place, Baulkham Hills, NSW 2153 1201828986 592.72 27/03/2013 WOOLAMBA PTY LTD, Woolamba, Deepwater, NSW 2371 1201923996 842.20 27/03/2013 TOTAL 9/10/2013 9/10/2013 $23,523.10 GAZ00283/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by ENERGY DEVELOPMENTS LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner ARTECH PROPERTIES PTY LTD, 37 King William, Kent Town, SA 5067 1211047946 Herbert Beauchamp, 21 Pengilly Street, Lane Cove, NSW 2066 1211045601 Date Payable 745.58 20/09/2013 553.63 20/09/2013 Jeffrey Ian Bride, 72 River Gum Drive, Diddillibah, QLD 4559 99985 2,840.64 26/09/2013 Justin C Bristow, Po Box 462, Beaconsfield, VIC 3807 933682 717.86 20/09/2013 1211045515 763.00 20/09/2013 933705 664.00 20/09/2013 John Levi and Robyn Levi, Gpo Box 2975, Melbourne, VIC 3001 1211045581 616.33 20/09/2013 Kathleen Gwen Mayer-Ford, Po Box 1969, West Perth, WA 6872 1211046963 550.00 20/09/2013 Yvonne Scanlan, 20 Stuart Street, Bulimba, QLD 4171 1211045567 501.82 20/09/2013 SYNERGY YACHTS AUSTRALIA PTY LTD, 44 Dumfries Avenue, Mount Ousley, NSW 2519 99940 763.00 26/09/2013 Hao Li and Li Yi, 17 Halliday Street, Mount Waverley, VIC 3149 934046 770.00 20/09/2013 Vivien Margaret Caprioglio, 4 Stawell Street, Kew, VIC 3101 K D H POWER SYSTEMS PTY LTD, 74 Campbell Road, Canning Vale, WA 6155 TOTAL $9,485.86 GAZ00284/15 690 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by ERM POWER LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Victoria Ann Hancock, 14 High Street, Milton, QLD 4064 Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner 1194459888 Date Payable 1,900.00 30/03/2012 David Alan Harland and Kim Harland, 410 Queen Street, Brisbane City, QLD 4000 932292 928.35 26/04/2013 James Mahood and Carolyn Ann Mahood, 14 Krystal Place, Kuraby, QLD 4112 927100 1,285.70 16/10/2012 Thomas Richard Hall Maxwell, Gpo Box 1428, Brisbane, QLD 4001 936469 3,625.00 30/03/2012 Peter Fusea and Ian Morrison, C/- Vic Estate Management, Level 1/401 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000 99389 2,272.00 10/05/2012 1212730631 1,925.00 17/10/2013 NARRAMA PTY LTD, Po Box 534, Deniliquin, NSW 2710 Alexander John Watson, 44 Clark Street, South Toowoomba, QLD 4350 927160 TOTAL 625.10 30/03/2012 $12,561.15 GAZ00285/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by FSA GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Nadia Addario, 9/24 Colin Street, Cammeray, NSW 2062 1194354572 720.00 20/03/2013 Andrew Aravanis, 45 Albyn Road, Strathfield, NSW 2135 935766 1,300.00 27/09/2013 ARROWHEAD MEDIA SALES PTY LTD, 2 Jackson Street, Toorak, VIC 3142 926931 720.00 20/03/2013 AUSCAP MANAGEMENT PTY LTD, C/- Prospex Interactive, Level 2, 146 Bundall Road, Bundall, QLD 4217 1194353944 1,800.00 20/03/2013 Scott Barclay, 9/24 Colin Street, Cammeray, NSW 2062 1194354120 720.00 20/03/2013 Heidi Louise Martin and Christopher Iain Becker, 33 Maroochy Springs Drive, Dulong, QLD 4560 926772 1,580.00 20/03/2012 Noel Bitossi, 12 Sugargilder Lane, Mudgeeraba, QLD 4213 927001 720.00 20/03/2013 Gary Booth, 9 Northland Road, Bellevue Hill, NSW 2023 926909 720.00 20/03/2013 1194353956 760.54 20/03/2013 926979 720.00 20/03/2013 CYPRUS INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, 13 Culloden Street, Brunswick West, VIC 3055 1194354068 720.00 20/03/2013 Gordon De Cean, 11 Rio Vista Bvde, Broadbeach Waters, QLD 4218 1194354069 720.00 20/03/2013 Gerard Brooks Draper, Po Box 673, Woollahra, NSW 1350 1194354279 720.00 20/03/2013 Bianca Duncan, Po Box 4, Wauchope, NSW 2446 1194354071 720.00 20/03/2013 BUSQUIZ PTY LTD, Po Box 7066, Riverside Centre, Brisbane, QLD 4001 Kelly Cutajar, 2 Taylors Court, Caroline Springs, VIC 3023 Rory Dunlevy, 87 Osborne Avenue, Mount Waverley, VIC 3149 922110 1,105.00 20/03/2012 FAIR CHOICE LIMITED, Room 1201, 20 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 1194354072 720.00 20/03/2013 Carole Frances Gamble, 78 Amy Street, Hawthorne, QLD 4171 1194354115 720.00 20/03/2013 Evee Gemenis, C/- Caslla and Kelso Solicitors, Level 4, 34 Hunter St, Sydney, NSW 2000 1194354073 720.00 20/03/2013 Winston William Gray and Mary Gray, 14 Takahanga Terrace, Kaikoura, New Zealand 1212561894 1,000.00 20/03/2013 HADLEY CASTLE PTY LTD, 20 Tristania Drive, Bardon, QLD 4065 1194354876 5,199.99 20/03/2013 HARRINGTON GROUP LIMITED, Level 4, 301 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 1194354075 720.00 20/03/2013 INVEST WITH INTERGRITY PTY LTD, 134 Johnson Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066 1194354081 720.00 20/03/2013 IQ FIRST PTY LTD, Po Box 133, Parkville, VIC 3052 1194354082 720.00 20/03/2013 926865 720.00 20/03/2013 IQ SPORTS PTY LTD, 134 Johnson Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066 1194354084 720.00 20/03/2013 JEMAIR INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, 52 Nebo Road, Mackay, QLD 4740 1194354607 1,200.03 20/03/2013 JESSELTON LIMITED, Po Box 27007, Nicosia 1194353963 1,200.03 20/03/2013 IQ HOLDINGS PTY LTD, 205 Johnson Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Gurvendeer Kaur, 3 Acara Court, Heathridge, WA 6027 KAVFLEX PTY LTD, 12b Moreton Bay Avenue, Spring Farm, NSW 2567 Matthew Keats, 13 Culloden St, Brunswick West, Melbourne, VIC 3055 691 Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner 926794 1194354085 Date Payable 1,200.03 20/03/2013 720.00 20/03/2013 926754 720.00 20/03/2013 Rajeshni Maharaj, 32 Orange Grove Road, Cabramatta, NSW 2166 1194354088 720.00 20/03/2013 Jean-Pierre Maupin and Brigid Maupin, 17 Elm Street, Colo Vale, NSW 2575 1194354466 892.01 20/03/2013 926922 720.00 20/03/2013 1194353968 720.00 20/03/2013 Tony Mizzi, 402/57 Morehead St, Redfern, NSW 2016 MOORE CONSULTING SERVICES PTY LTD, Po Box 549, Cottesloe, WA 6911 Robert Moroney, 19 Carlisle Street, Tamarama, NSW 2026 926771 1,051.20 20/03/2013 MULTICENTRE AUSTRALIA PTY LTD, 2 Jackson Street, Toorak, VIC 3142 926932 720.00 20/03/2013 Scott Robert Paterson, 19 Quayside Mews, Hillarys, WA 6025 1194354007 599.97 20/03/2013 Scott Robert Paterson, 19 Quayside Mews, Hillarys, WA 6025 1194354125 2,340.00 20/03/2013 Jennifer Picton, 25 Spofforth Street, Mosman, NSW 2088 1194353972 959.97 20/03/2013 Stephen Picton, 7/3 Milson Road, Cremorne Point, NSW 2090 1194353973 526.65 20/03/2013 Bradley Prior, 99 John Tebbutt Place, Richmond, NSW 2753 1194354093 720.00 20/03/2013 QSUPA PTY LTD, 20 Tristania Drive, Bardon, QLD 4065 1194354905 10,872.00 20/03/2013 RAYJADE PTY LIMITED, Po Box 673, Woollahra, NSW 1350 1194354404 720.00 20/03/2013 Eric Redesco, 30 Elm Street, Burwood Heights, NSW 2136 926872 576.00 20/03/2013 1194354472 599.97 20/03/2013 Harry Rosenberg, 1059 Malvern Road, Toorak, VIC 3142 935883 541.68 27/09/2013 Tom Schofield, 83 Ridge Road, Rd 4 Tuakau, New Zealand 927038 720.00 20/03/2013 Kai Shi, Unit 10, 10-12 Park Avenue, Burwood, NSW 2134 926941 1,440.00 20/03/2013 ROBO PTY LTD, Att- Peter Robenstone, Level 1, St Kilda, VIC 3182 SHINEWIN NOMINEES LIMITED, Room 1201, Golden Star Building, 20 Lockhart Road, Hong Kong 1194354101 720.00 20/03/2013 Alison Clare Short, 21 Serissa Street, Bellbowrie, QLD 4070 1194353994 959.97 20/03/2013 Antonio Silver, 82 Victoria Road, Belevue Hill, NSW 2023 1194354102 720.00 20/03/2013 Michael Silver, 22 Victoria Road, Belevue Hill, NSW 2023 1194354103 720.00 20/03/2013 Bobby Singh, Gpo Box 1698, Sydney, NSW 2000 1194354123 720.00 20/03/2013 Shane Smollen, 33/93 Elizabeth Bay Road, Elizabeth Bay, NSW 2011 935777 6,461.99 20/03/2012 SRAMAX TRADING LIMITED, Po Box 27007, Nicosia, Cyp 1194353998 722.37 20/03/2013 Samantha Stines, 20 Mars Street, Coorparoo, QLD 4151 926948 959.97 20/03/2013 THE CORPORATE ASSISTANCE GROUP PTY LTD, Level 15, 9 Hunter Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 1194354066 720.00 20/03/2013 TOONCAKE PTY LTD, Po Box 1191, Crows Nest, NSW 2065 1194354014 720.00 20/03/2013 Steven James Tostevin, 39/26 Cranbrook Avenue, Cremorne, NSW 2090 1194354318 1,319.97 20/03/2013 926879 1,188.00 20/03/2013 Marcus Joshua Verkerk and Michelle Verkerk, 49 Ashburton Street, Bentley, WA 6102 Rebecca Yarrow, 369 Riley St, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 1194354113 Vincent Yu, Room 1201, 20 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 1194354114 TOTAL 720.00 20/03/2013 720.00 20/03/2013 $73,557.34 GAZ00286/15 692 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by GBST HOLDINGS LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Dave Allen, 95 Redmont Road, Watchung, New Jersey Nj07069, Usa 927832 1,539.98 26/04/2013 DARING INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, 41 Spencer Street, Rose Bay, NSW 2029 927759 1,032.01 26/04/2013 Graeme Robert Gillies, 2 Wuruma Place, Albany Creek, QLD 4035 1195154861 689.54 26/04/2013 Olivia Kai-Chiao Kwan, 27/15-27 Hutchinson Street, Surry Hills, NSW 2010 1195154806 920.00 26/04/2013 RESULTANCY PTY LIMITED, 14a Dilkera Close, Hornsby, NSW 2077 927764 1,812.50 24/10/2012 Claire Sheffield, 116 Louisville Road, London, Sw17 8ru, Uk 923228 3,939.58 27/04/2012 Andrew James Walker and Tracey Anne Walker, Po Box 3542, Joondalup, WA 6027 1195154888 TOTAL 575.00 26/04/2013 $10,508.61 GAZ00287/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by LASALLE AUSTRALIA CORE PLUS FUND Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Nancy Anne Maynard, 75 Beaupark Drive, Burdell, QLD 4818 Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner 913361 TOTAL Date Payable 4,879.14 23/03/2011 $4,879.14 GAZ00293/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by LINC ENERGY LTD Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Stephen Eric Greenall, 3-16-7 Hiroo, Shibuya-Ku, Tokyo 150-0012, Japan 93000 Azhar Shah, 9 Powell Drive, Hoppers Crossing, VIC 3029 1603 TOTAL Date Payable 7,750.00 31/05/2011 675.00 7/05/2013 $8,425.00 GAZ00288/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by MASTERMYNE GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable DERROUGH PTY LTD, L 10, 10 Spring Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 98639 1,035.00 GOTROCKS INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, Suite 76, 12 Tenth Avenue, Maylands, WA 6051 98636 1,026.00 13/11/2013 Darren William Hamblin, "Strathdale", 690 Blue Mountain Road, Sarina, QLD 4737 98600 1,692.00 13/11/2013 Paul Scott Jones, 8 Norland Street, Cheltenham, VIC 3192 99570 877.50 8/05/2013 8/05/2013 Michael Richard Porter and Patricia Mary Porter, 208 Ritchies Road, Streatham, VIC 3351 1212903985 612.00 16/10/2013 Stanislav Ana Rassokha, Po Box 3216, South Brisbane, QLD 4101 927430 819.00 Michael George Watson, C/O Prosperity Partners Ltd, P O Box 31263, Milford, North Shore City 0741 936572 727.20 16/10/2013 TOTAL 5/04/2013 $6,788.70 GAZ00289/15 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 693 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by PTB GROUP LIMITED Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Date Payable Fiona Brady, 18 Mornington Street, Red Hill, QLD 4059 932574 510.00 28/06/2013 Michael Gerard Brady, 18 Mornington Street, Red Hill, QLD 4059 932575 510.00 28/06/2013 Anthony John Fitzpatrick, Po Box 1003, New Farm, QLD 4005 932561 1,530.00 28/06/2013 LAGU INTERNATIONAL PTY LTD, 1 Myamyn Street, Armadale, VIC 3143 932571 561.00 28/06/2013 TOTAL $3,111.00 GAZ00290/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by QUEENSLAND TREASURY CORPORATION Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Date Payable Mr Matthew Stirling Young and Ms Patricia Young, Unit 3/2G James Street Toowoomba QLD 4350 70,000.00 31/03/2012 Mr Philippe Pierre Andre Delamare, PO Box 2530 Taren Point NSW 2229 61,602.12 15/02/2012 Mrs Mette Priscilla White and Mrs Helen Cleone Kerr, 44/60 Church Road Mitchelton QLD 4053 25,360.00 Ms I-Ling Yang and Mr Ping-Wen Hsu, 43 Furorie Street Sunnybank Hills QLD 4109 1/11/2013 772,241.50 17/03/2012 TOTAL $929,203.62 GAZ00301/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by REEF CASINO TRUST Name of Owner(s) Last Known Address Last Known Suburb Last Last Last Accountable Original Known known known Persons Amount State Postcode Country Reference held No unclaimed ARROYO PTY LIMITED C/- SHOP 222 CASTLE CASTLE HILL TOWERS NSW 2154 AUS DIVIDEND 1500.00 Net amount Date amount being paid became to PTO payable or unclaimed 1500.00 20/09/2012 GAZ00164/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by RETAIL FOOD GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner(s) Last Known Address Last Known Suburb Last Last Last Accountable Original Known known known Persons Amount State Postcode Country Reference held No unclaimed Net amount Date amount being paid became to PTO payable or unclaimed ACV KAKAVAS PTY LTD 32 BELFORT STREET <KAKAVAS SUPER FUND> STAFFORD HEIGHTS QLD 4053 AUS DIVIDEND 990.00 990.00 11/10/2012 BRECOT NO 1 PTY LTD <BRECOT NO 1> MERMAID BEACH QLD 4218 AUS DIVIDEND 19199.70 19199.70 11/10/2012 DAWN MOWER'S 412 CANTERBURY (SURREY HILLS) PTY LTD ROAD SURREY HILLS VIC 3127 AUS DIVIDEND 3406.90 3406.90 11/10/2012 EZY42 PTY LTD <LSM> PO BOX 40 DYSART QLD 4745 AUS DIVIDEND 2048.38 2048.38 11/10/2012 MR YI QIN FENG UNIT 288 83-93 DALMENY AVENUE ROSEBERY NSW 2018 AUS DIVIDEND 824.78 824.78 11/10/2012 MR THOMAS ALLAN GILMORE + MRS GAIL LYDIA GILMORE 72 DOBIE STREET GRAFTON NSW 2460 AUS DIVIDEND 1429.75 1429.75 11/10/2012 HATHORN HOLDINGS PTY LTD <BENGER SUPER FUND> 25 KING EDWARD STREET PYMBLE NSW 2073 AUS DIVIDEND 954.13 VIC 3051 AUS DIVIDEND 1656.55 PO BOX 650 JOHN ROY PTY LTD <ROY C/-FOWLERS VACOLA NORTH FAMILY SUPER FUND> AUST P/L 23-25 MELBOURNE RACECOURSE ROAD 954.13 4/04/2012 1656.55 11/10/2012 694 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Name of Owner(s) Last Known Address Last Known Suburb MR THOMAS WILLIAM LANE 24/44 DALMAN PARKWAY WAGGA WAGGA NSW 2650 AUS DIVIDEND 875.00 875.00 11/10/2012 MR ALEXANDER MC PO BOX 1533 KNIGHT MC CORMICK + MRS MARY MC CORMICK <MC CORMICK FAMILY S/F> TOWNSVILLE QLD 4810 AUS DIVIDEND 875.00 875.00 11/10/2012 MRS NONNA MILMEISTER 103 CLARENCE STREET CAULFIELD SOUTH VIC 3162 AUS DIVIDEND 513.98 513.98 11/10/2012 MRS JANICE DENISE NIXON 5 CENTRAL SOUTHPORT 100 COTLEW STREET QLD 4215 AUS DIVIDEND 1056.63 1056.63 11/10/2012 DR NATHANIEL POPP 165 HAROLD STREET THORNBURY VIC 3071 AUS DIVIDEND 1050.00 1050.00 11/10/2012 MR JOSEPH JOHN REFALO + MS JULIE ROSINA REFALO 16 BELLS ROAD PO BOX 3126 GROSEVALE NSW 2753 AUS DIVIDEND 1483.48 1483.48 11/10/2012 MR JOSEPH JOHN REFALO 16 BELLS ROAD PO BOX 3126 GROSE VALE NSW 2753 AUS DIVIDEND 879.20 879.20 11/10/2012 MR PETER SMITHSON 6 MAYBURY STREET HIGHFIELDS NSW 2289 AUS DIVIDEND 525.00 525.00 11/10/2012 SUTHERLAND FAMILY COMPANY PTY LTD 496 GLENFERRIE ROAD HAWTHORN VIC 3122 AUS DIVIDEND 1099.18 1099.18 11/10/2012 MR JAMES SUTHERLAND 43 BOSCOMBE + MRS CATHERINE AVENUE SUTHERLAND <DOLPHIN FAMILY> CITY BEACH WA 6015 AUS DIVIDEND 1054.20 1054.20 11/10/2012 MR JAMES CONRAN 43 BOSCOMBE SUTHERLAND + MRS AVENUE CATHERINE SUTHERLAND <THE DOLPHIN FAMILY> CITY BEACH WA 6015 AUS DIVIDEND 3038.35 3038.35 11/10/2012 MR STEPHAN TJANDRA 24 EUCLA CRESCENT MALABAR <TARA ROBYN TJANDRA> NSW 2036 AUS DIVIDEND 2197.65 2197.65 11/10/2012 MR GARRY WALKER QLD 4218 AUS DIVIDEND 6445.95 6445.95 11/10/2012 10 BEVERLEY CRESCENT Last Last Last Accountable Original Known known known Persons Amount State Postcode Country Reference held No unclaimed BROADBEACH WATERS Net amount Date amount being paid became to PTO payable or unclaimed MR LUKE WHITTLE 28 PINDARI CRESENT O MALLEY ACT 2606 AUS DIVIDEND 1843.63 1843.63 11/10/2012 MR OLIVER YOUNG 60 GIPPS STREET NSW 2021 AUS DIVIDEND 988.58 988.58 11/10/2012 MR NING ZHANG 22/28 PORT HACKING SYLVANIA ROAD NSW 2224 AUS DIVIDEND 989.28 989.28 11/10/2012 PADDINGTON GAZ00165/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by SEDGMAN LIMITED Name of Owner(s) Last Known Address Last Known Suburb Last Last Last Accountable Original Known known known Persons Amount State Postcode Country Reference held No unclaimed Net amount Date amount being paid became to PTO payable or unclaimed MS NICOLE M HOLLOWS + 30 BUNYA LAKE MR MICHAEL J HOLLOWS COURT BUNYA QLD 4055 AUS DIVIDEND 1100.00 1100.00 20/09/2012 MR MICHAEL POHLMANN 1 MONTYS PLACE MACKAY QLD 4740 AUS DIVIDEND 850.00 850.00 29/03/2012 SEDGMAN LIMITED LEVEL 2 2 GARDNER CLOSE MILTON QLD 4064 AUS DIVIDEND 3430.42 3430.42 20/09/2012 MR CRAIG STOCKILL 20 8TH AVENUE PARKTOWN NORTH GAU 2193 ZAF DIVIDEND 550.00 550.00 20/09/2012 MR JOHAN HENDRIK VAN BARNEVELD 22/25 TENNYSON STREET TE ARO WELLINGTON 6011 NZL DIVIDEND 2684.50 2684.50 20/09/2012 PAUL VAN BARNEVELD 22/25 TENNYSON STREET TE ARO WELLINGTON 6011 NZL DIVIDEND 1366.76 1366.76 20/09/2012 GAZ00167/15 17 April 2015] QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 695 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by SUNLAND GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Riaz David Alai, C/- Katherine Brady, 2 Woodview Street, Samford, QLD 4520 934998 520.00 22/03/2013 CASUARINA INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED, 11a Calvert Avenue, Killara, NSW 2071 930463 1,000.00 22/03/2013 CASUARINA INVESTMENTS PTY LIMITED, 11a Calvert Avenue, Killara, NSW 2071 930464 1,123.60 22/03/2013 CASUARINA INVESTMENTS PTY LTD, 11a Calvert Avenue, Killara, NSW 2071 930465 800.00 22/03/2013 Brenda Jean Little, 7 Tallerack Street, Carramar, WA 6031 Alison Barbara Mclean, Po Box 346, Lyndoch, SA 5351 1202378964 934662 Wayne Anthony Milgate and Toni-Maree Milgate, 16 Marlborough Street, Planlands, Mackay, QLD 4740 1212342594 Glenn Arthur Russell, 13b Wilga Road, Caringbah, NSW 2229 934654 TOTAL 1,200.00 22/03/2013 800.00 22/03/2013 800.00 22/03/2013 3,800.00 22/03/2013 $10,043.60 GAZ00291/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by SUPER RETAIL GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Sharon Ann Chung, Po Box 362, Epping, NSW 1710 926082 700.00 3/04/2013 DANNAT PTY LTD, Po Box 617, Ashgrove, QLD 4060 926018 1,225.00 3/04/2013 ELSID PTY LTD, Po Box 1276, Dee Why, NSW 2099 1211139980 536.05 3/04/2013 2,131.92 2/10/2013 David James Horton and Jessie Kristen Horton, Unit 1 35 Mummery Street, Mount Waverley, VIC 3149 1192610983 1,710.00 3/04/2013 Wayne Laurie Tozer and Robyn Ann Tozer, 9 Elizabeth Batts Crt, Banksia Beach, QLD 4507 1,166.20 3/04/2013 David William Hendrickson, Unit 22/8 Dunmore Terrence, Auchenflower, QLD 4066 934144 925877 TOTAL $7,469.17 GAZ00292/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by TECHNOLOGY ONE LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Muriel Abraham, 1/70 Kitchener Road, Milford Auckland 0620, New Zealand 1214517081 651.10 19/12/2013 Charles Lindsay Hoyt, Box 1020, Aitkinson, New Hampshire, Usa 1214516925 672.00 21/06/2013 I-SYSTEMS PTY LTD, Po Box 582, Kyneton, VIC 3444 1214517847 1,399.00 21/06/2013 Gareth Pye, 12 Ballesteros Street, North Lakes, QLD 4509 1214520822 1,915.00 19/12/2013 Jaya Rani Subramanian, 10 Fayette Court, Wheelers Hill, VIC 3150 1214517020 560.00 21/06/2013 TOTAL $5,197.10 GAZ00300/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by THE VILLAGE ON THE DOWNS LTD Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable MDA CAPITAL PTY LTD, Po Box 7146, Riverside Centre, QLD 4001 97885 5,350.00 30/10/2013 ROBPHARM PTY LTD, 15 Sawtell Drive, Currumbin Waters, QLD 4223 97914 2,675.00 30/10/2013 TOTAL $8,025.00 GAZ00296/15 696 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by TITAN ENERGY SERVICES LIMITED Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Tobias James Bucks, 86 Hewlett Street, Bronte, NSW 2024 932920 TOTAL 1,422.50 Date Payable 4/03/2013 $1,422.50 GAZ00294/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by TWC GROUP INVESTMENTS LIMITED Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Date Payable A & R WALKER HOLDINGS PTY LTD, 2 Niclins Road, Mangrove Mountain, NSW 2250 97272 3,223.25 19/10/2012 Trevor Mcdougall Coomber, Unit 45, 410 Stanley Street, South Brisbane, QLD 4101 97614 3,000.00 5/04/2013 Antony Fuller, 20 Silcock Street, Clontarf, QLD 4019 97304 690.00 5/04/2013 Richard Lennon, 5 Jeannette Court, Lenah Valley, TAS 7008 934508 600.00 4/10/2013 NEW DAWN MOODIE PTY LTD, C/- Rbs Morgans Wealthplus, Gpo Box 582, Brisbane, NT 4001 97290 1,400.00 10/04/2012 TOTAL $8,913.25 GAZ00295/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by VILLAGE ROADSHOW LIMITED Name of Owner(s) Last Known Address Last Known Suburb MR MICHAEL JAMES CAMPBELL 266 CRESTWOOD DRIVE PORT MACQUARIE WILLIAM KILPATRICK CAMPBELL C/-GEORGE CONOMOS BRISBANE PO BOX 7838 WATERFRONT PLACE Last Last Last Accountable Original Known known known Persons Amount State Postcode Country Reference held No unclaimed Net amount Date amount being paid became to PTO payable or unclaimed NSW 2444 AUS DIVIDEND 600.60 600.60 4/10/2012 QLD 4001 AUS DIVIDEND 681.78 681.78 4/10/2012 CLASSIC VIDEO PTY LTD P O BOX 39 SANDY BAY TAS 7006 AUS DIVIDEND 1100.00 1100.00 4/10/2012 MR LEO FRANCIS DINGLEY FRASER ACT 2615 AUS DIVIDEND 550.00 550.00 4/10/2012 FYNWAND PTY LIMITED 51 NEWTON ROAD STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 AUS DIVIDEND 1232.00 1232.00 4/10/2012 FYNWARD PTY LIMITED 51 NEWTON ROAD STRATHFIELD NSW 2135 MISS YING YING HUI 18F ROYAL COURT 9M WANCHAI KENNEDY ROAD MYRON KARLIN C/- JOYCE KARLIN PO BOX 833 MANHATTAN BEACH CALIFORNIA MR GRANT DOUGLAS LEE 1/18 SEAVIEW AVENUE NEWPORT BEACH LINZ PTY LTD UNIT 5 3 HENRY STREET MR PAUL LIST 38 MACKAY STREET 186 TILLYARD DRIVE AUS DIVIDEND 897.60 897.60 4/10/2012 HKG DIVIDEND 572.00 572.00 4/10/2012 90267 USA DIVIDEND 2717.84 2717.84 6/10/2011 NSW 2106 AUS DIVIDEND 660.00 660.00 4/10/2012 HAWTHORN VIC 3122 AUS DIVIDEND 780.78 780.78 4/10/2012 PRAHRAN VIC 3181 AUS DIVIDEND 1540.00 1540.00 4/10/2012 MISS SUZANNE RUTH LITTLE 99 PRINCESS STREET BRISBANE PETRIE TERRACE QLD 4000 AUS DIVIDEND 1086.80 1086.80 4/10/2012 MS JACQUELINE SARA LOWY 709 WALDEN DRIVE 90210 USA DIVIDEND 660.00 660.00 4/10/2012 BEVERLY HILLS CA MR ROBERT MACOLINO 32 CHARTERIS DRIVE EAST IVANHOE VIC 3079 AUS DIVIDEND 504.00 504.00 27/03/2012 MS JANE ELIZABETH SHERNING VIC 3001 AUS DIVIDEND 589.00 589.00 C/-CORPORATE REGISTRY SERVICES SERVICES PTY LTD GPO BOX 505H MELBOURNE 4/10/2012 17 April 2015] Name of Owner(s) QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 Last Known Address Last Known Suburb 697 Last Last Last Accountable Original Known known known Persons Amount State Postcode Country Reference held No unclaimed Net amount Date amount being paid became to PTO payable or unclaimed MISS HARRIET SINCLAIR U 7 1 RIVERSIDE QUAY SOUTHBANK VIC 3006 AUS DIVIDEND 682.00 682.00 4/10/2012 MS ELIZABETH STEWART 174 EGLINTON STREET KEW VIC 3101 AUS DIVIDEND 550.00 550.00 4/10/2012 DAVID NIGEL WRIGHT SDF MWTC HMNZ AUCKLAND NAVAL BASE PRIVATE BAG 32901 NZL DIVIDEND 2200.00 2200.00 4/10/2012 DAVID NIGEL WRIGHT SDF MWTC HMNZ AUCKLAND NAVAL BASE PRIVATE BAG 32901 NZL DIVIDEND 5500.00 5500.00 4/10/2012 1020 GAZ00171/15 Public Trustee Act 1978 - Unclaimed Moneys Register of Unclaimed Moneys held by ZICOM GROUP LIMITED Name of Owner of Books and Last Known Address Cheque No./ Total Amount Ref No. Due to Owner Date Payable Andrei Judzewitsch, 30 Wolseley Road, Point Piper, NSW 2027 928540 800.00 28/03/2013 Bradley John Kealy, 21 Kerferd Street, Malvern East, VIC 3145 928588 725.00 28/03/2013 1196195541 500.00 28/03/2013 928490 536.00 30/03/2012 David Christopher Kemp, 1/212 Katoomba Street, Katoomba, NSW 2780 George Stamas, Level 1, 135 Cromwell Street, Collingwood, VIC 3066 TOTAL $2,561.00 GAZ00297/15 698 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE No. 79 [17 April 2015 CONTENTS (Gazettes No. 73-79—pp. 653-698) Page APPOINTMENTS .................................................................669-675 Justices of the Peace and Commissioners for Declarations Act Magistrates Act Public Service Act NOTICES / BYLAWS / DECLARATIONS / STATUTES...................................................................677-678 Holidays Act Public Service Act Sustainable Planning Act Transport Operations (Marine Safety) Act NOTIFICATION OF FORMS ...................................................678-679 Legal Profession Act Sustainable Planning Act Transport Operations (Road Use Management) Act Bills Assented to.......................................................NIL THIS WEEK ADVERTISEMENTS..............................................................679-697 Acquisition of Land Act Disposal of Uncollected Goods Act Public Trustee Act Extraordinary Gazette (Other).............................................653-654 Extraordinary Gazette (Premier and Cabinet)......................655-656 Extraordinary Gazette (Premier and Cabinet)......................657-658 Extraordinary Gazette (Premier and Cabinet)......................659-660 Natural Resources and Mines Gazette................................661-662 Transport / Main Roads Gazette.........................................663-668 Local Government Gazette ........................................NIL THIS WEEK General Gazette .................................................................669-697 © The State of Queensland 2015 Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without prior written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to: Gazette Advertising, GPO Box 2457, Brisbane QLD 4001. _____________________________ BRISBANE 17 April 2015