JoqlunN osueerl sro^uc alPls Ipe4 elqrsuodseg aleo X :AIUVd 'poJapuoi socr^ros ro1 lueuled rol e;qrsuodser ure 1 'e6e;enoc ocuernsur =IIEISNOdS:IU go sse;p.reOer '1eq1 aer6e I IO SUNIVNCIS S'O'O 'rezlruaoy qog ol ,(licelp :SNOIIVZIUOHINV'IVICNVN J I :euoqdelel :lunoccv Jol elqlsuodsou uos.rad 'lunmce iol elqrsuodsei uosred 'olot.u lo Toge lo aleJ lPll e oq uEc saal uo[calloc 'iunocce srql lo uor]colloc lca#a o] pollncut saal Aeurolle olqeuosear puE slsoc uortcolloc i(ue qlrm raqtaOol'anp ocupleq oql uo lsoralur le6al lue led ol esruord 1 1ueu,{ed 1o llnelop lo ospc oLl} ul 'ocue -teq s,qluour ISpl aql ol pelddB ZBt to fJ-VH jgvlNlOUf d tVnNNV uE sr qclqm (gg'7919 ropun acupleq e ro1 gg'79 1o a6reqc unururu e ro) qluou-r red %9 t Jo olpl crpouad e oq llfil f 9UVHO lCNVNll e 'e1ep 6ur;pq llqluoru or.ll lo slep 06 ulLllr^ ecueleq /ilou elrlue aq1 i(ed 1ou op I ll f oUVHC f CNVNII () aprslnOluetuled- '6urcueurg 'luor.ululoddP qcPo le ;;n; ur :0urnnol;o; aql lo auo lcaLlc oseald .IN:I tAIAVd J O reqlg O plrtC O asnodg Q JteS C) :palnsul OO o1 HI3 t,\I drqsuorle;ag ;.re^oldluf lo etlEN :Iueduo3 aouernsul leluo6 :# dnoJe :# Iluncas lercos :olep Llu!g :parnsul lo atueN uollpruJolu I ocueJnsul reqlo O p1'.lC O esnodg Q JteS O ^Jepuocas :pornsul ol dtqsuotleleg :rololdruf lo or.uPN :g dnotg :{uedLuo3 oouernsul leluoc :# Iluncas lErcos :alEp qur8 :paJnsul lo oueN NOrrvfluoJNt 3cNVunsNr 'uolleuJolullllouag puB ruJoJ ocuEJnsul palalduoc apl^oJd ol poou sluolted poJnsul 'rornsu! rno^ Io uolllsod eql Jo ssalpJe6o.r '/(ed ol uolleollqo Jno^ llulnl pup puplsrapun lsnu no^ 'soo!ruos rno roJ luoru^ed Euynces filncg;p alqeuoseoJun ralunocuo o/n plnoqs 'll!q leluop Jno^ roJ otqlsuodsor oJE no^ lo^a^ oH 'smNnc -IvINSo uno^ cNlsstcoud HIIM no^ Istssv oI AddvH 3uv 3M :ocuernsul leluoc :rar{o;du3 :# Auncos lErcos :alPp LlurE :auoqdalal :ssorppv :EUJPN (esnodg ro luarPd) N :Joquinu euoqd 7 auipu lslluap lauJo3 rno ol no^ ouure;er rol luEtll em r{eu uotlM eacuo seg aacr$o Jno ur polParl uaaq r{lruue; rnol 1o raquou oceld :(looqcs ro) lueu{o1duf ^ue }o :lrsr^ lsPl lo elBo :g flunceg lercog iloc auo;1 :auoqde;e1 IJOM 'lxol/lreu-a er^ socuopuodsarroc o^le3ar o1 e1r1 plnom I OllVI'i|U O J N I A-l I ulVJ f; :lrPru-f :ssarppv JApuoe pe/f\optM pacronr6 Q a16urg :alPp r.lur8 Q Q paleredeS pourefl o Q:snlegg :oUeN 1e1rrey1 'lelluapuuoc porop!suoc oq lluvr pue spJocoJ rno pue qilBaq Jno^ rol fuessocau s! uolleurolu! sll.ll I,I|UOJ NOtIVl'uUOl NI INf tM OfU=MSNV 3E ISNH SNOIIS] NO'I]V MEDICAL HISTORY PATIENT NAME Birth Date Although dental personnel primarily treat the area in and around your mouth, your mouth is a part of your entire body. Health problems that you may have, or medication that you may be taking, could have an important intenelationship with the dentistry you will receive. Thank you for answering the following questions. now? Yes _ No ) Yes [)' No Have you ever had a serious head or neck injury? ,.- Yes , No Are you taking any medications, pills, or drugs? Yes , t No Do you take, or have you taken, Phen-Fen or Redux? _ Yes - No Have you ever taken Fosamax, Boniva, Actonel, Zometa or anv .- \, .r .. t.- No other medications containing bisphosphonates? ; Yes Are you under a physician's care Have you ever been hospitalized or had a major operation?( Are you on a special diet? (-_) Yes Do you use tobacco? (_) Yes Do you use controlled substances? Yes Women: Are you Pregnant/Trying to get pregnant? Yes - lf yes, please explain: lf yes, please explain: lf yes, please explain: lf yes, please explain: No No No Taking oral contraceptivesZ No ( ) Yes ( ) Nursing? (. No .r Yes I . No Are you allergic to any of the following? , Aspirin [] Penicillin '- Other lf yes, please explain: I Codeine fl Local Anesthetics - I i- Acrylic Do you have, or have you had, any of the following? AIDS/HIV Positive (l Ves l.-,1 tto Disease (._) ves (- -; tto Alzheimer's Anaphylaxis ..- Yes t.-l No Anemia [-] ves i-l tto Angina l-) Yes t-) No Arthritis/Gout r'-, Yes l-t No Artificial Heart Valve C) yes () tto Artificial Joint Asthma Blood Disease Blood Transfusion l.-) Ves (-r t'lo i, ,l Ves ves i-) ves ( ) ves (_) ves fr tto f) No O tto Problem t) ruo Bruise Easily 3 ruo (-r Yes Q tto cancer Chemotherapy C) Yes (--l - t'to Yes No Chest Pains Cold SoresiFever Blisters - Yest- No Yes No Congenital Heart Disorder Convulsions O Yes (,r t"to Breathing Cortisone Medicine Diabetes Drug Addiction l_) Ves fj No Hemophilia (-) ves I No Hepatitis A Hepatitis B or i_, ves ,]) (-_t tto t]r tto Emphysema | .) No Epilepsyorseizures (-) Yes !i tto Excessive Bleeding i.-) Yes l-r No Excessive Thirst r-) Ves (-) tlo Fainting Spells/Dizziness Yes No FrequentCough ;'l ves (-r tto Frequent Diarrhea Ves ., flo Frequent Headaches (J Ves 3 Uo Genital Herpes f; ves ! ruo l-, ves Q ruo Glaucoma Hay Fever f) ves ij ruo Heart Attack/Failure Yes No Heart Murmur O ves () uo () Yes Cr No Heart Pacemaker Heart Trouble/Disease O Ves O No Easily Winded Have you ever had any serious illness not listed ves L. ,l ves above?,1 Yes f-' Q C -r Metal ves '' No -t ruo ves Q i, ruo [l ves i-l ruo High Blood Pressure [l ves I tto High Cholesterol (-) Ves ,,\ flo Hives or Rash l-r) Ves L--r t'lo Herpes i-1, Yes O ves f) ruo O ves Q - Xo Kidney Problems Yes No Hypoglycemia lrregular Heartbeat Yes l._) No r_) Yes (- No .-) Leukemia Liver Disease !) ves Q no Disease . Yes No Mitral ValveProlapseQ Yes Q No Low Blood Pressure Lung Osteoporosis Pain in Jaw Joints Ll l] Q Yes Ves i-) [) t] Care (.] Ves !) Parathyroid Disease Psychiatric Yes No No No tto - r Latex Sulfa drugs (- Radiation Treatments i Recent Weight Loss Renal Dialysis I -) Yes r. -) No i.,l Yes No Rheumatic Fever Rheumatism i_1 ves Scarlet Fever Shingles Sickle Cell Disease Sinus Trouble Spina Bifida Stomach/lntestinal Stroke Swelling of Limbs Thyroid Disease Tonsillitis Tuberculosis Tumors or GroMhs Ulcers Venereal Disease Yellow Jaundice .r Yes i-r r.l ves .-) tto i.-) ves l--r trto ves ruo (-. Yes (--l xo ,-) ves [,) t'to !-r ves ] ruo [] ir Disease Yes i) Yes i_l GUARDIAN No ves i't tto rl_,r ves (_, tto i_)r Yes I i,'r Yes l. -) r-.) Yes r.-' l. [] i) Yes (i-) Yes il i_^l ves No DATE No O To the best of my knowledge, the questions on this form have been accurately answered. I understand that providing incorrect information can be dangerous to my (or patient's) health. lt is my responsibility to inform the dental office of any changes in medical status. oT ruo l-, Comments: SIGNATURE OF PATIENT, PARENT, No No No No No No No
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