ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS - SFS 4429 standard Interchangeable with other camlocks A - male Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. ALA020 ALA025 ALA032 ALA040 ALA050 ALA065 ALA080 ALA100 ALA125 ALA150 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 7,50 7,40 9,35 9,35 9,35 17,50 17,50 28,00 56,60 73,10 Brass PRA013 PRA025 PRA032 PRA040 PRA050 PRA065 PRA080 PRA100 1/2" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" MS MS MS MS MS MS MS MS 10,80 12,80 17,30 22,10 24,10 47,30 46,30 70,00 Polyprop. PPA025 PPA050 PPA080 1" 2" 3" PP PP PP 7,30 14,30 23,50 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSA013 SSA020 SSA025 SSA032 SSA040 SSA050 SSA065 SSA080 SSA100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 18,00 18,00 21,90 31,60 32,10 37,30 68,40 76,10 123,10 1 VAT 0% EURO/pc ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS B - female Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. ALB020 ALB025 ALB032 ALB040 ALB050 ALB065 ALB080 ALB100 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 16,30 16,30 19,00 18,40 20,10 29,80 32,80 45,20 Brass PRB050 PRB080 PRB100 2" 3" 4" MS MS MS 38,10 69,70 94,70 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSB013 SSB020 SSB025 SSB032 SSB040 SSB050 SSB065 SSB080 SSB100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 24,20 26,80 36,70 45,60 51,80 65,30 94,70 113,50 171,00 Stainless steel safety locking SSBL025 SSBL040 SSBL050 SSBL080 SSBL100 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS 52,50 68,00 77,00 131,00 183,00 2 VAT 0% EURO/pc ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS C - female Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc Aluminium ALC020 ALC025 ALC032 ALC040 ALC050 ALC065 ALC080 ALC100 ALC125 ALC150 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 14,20 14,50 19,00 18,00 19,70 28,20 29,70 45,80 87,50 152,80 Vapour recovery coupling with opening rod ALCT080 ALCT100 3" 4" AL AL 68,40 95,20 Aluminium with safety collar for clamps ALCCL050 2" ALCCL080 3" ALCCL100 4" AL AL AL 19,70 29,80 45,10 Brass PRC020 PRC025 PRC032 PRC040 PRC050 PRC080 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" MS MS MS MS MS MS 16,50 22,10 29,80 33,10 40,60 73,00 Polyprop. PPC025 PPC050 PPC080 1" 2" 3" PP PP PP 17,50 31,50 48,00 3 Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc Stainless steel AISI 316 SSC013 SSC020 SSC025 SSC032 SSC040 SSC050 SSC065 SSC080 SSC100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 22,10 25,70 34,00 44,50 51,90 68,00 83,00 128,00 180,50 Stainless steel with safety collar for clamps DIN EN 14420-7 SSC025KB SSC032KB SSC050KB SSC080KB 1" 1 1/4" 2" 3" SS SS SS SS 42,00 58,10 82,00 145,00 Stainless steel safety locking SSCL025 SSCL040 SSCL050 SSCL080 SSCL100 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS 50,00 72,00 93,00 138,50 192,50 LEVER + PIN + RING Lever stainless steel, L = with locking Code Diameter VAT 0% EURO/pc AK050 AK080 AKL040 AKL050 AKL080 1 1/4" – 2 1/2" 3" – 4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 11,00 17,00 14,00 14,00 20,00 4 ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS D - female Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc ALD020 ALD025 ALD032 ALD040 ALD050 ALD065 ALD080 ALD100 ALD125 ALD150 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 16,10 16,10 17,50 19,00 22,60 28,80 34,00 48,40 91,60 149,30 Vapour recovery coupling with opening rod ALDT080 ALDT100 3" 4" AL AL 97,50 126,50 Brass PRD013 PRD025 PRD050 PRD080 PRD100 1/2" 1" 2" 3" 4" MS MS MS MS MS 12,80 25,60 36,00 73,00 102,40 Polyprop. PPD050 PPD080 2" 3" PP PP 31,80 52,50 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSD013 SSD020 SSD025 SSD032 SSD040 SSD050 SSD065 SSD080 SSD100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 30,90 29,90 40,30 49,80 60,90 71,60 103,30 124,90 177,40 Stainless steel safety locking SSDL025 SSDL040 SSDL050 SSDL080 SSDL100 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS 54,60 75,50 83,00 135,40 185,80 5 ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS E - male Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc ALE020 ALE025 ALE032 ALE040 ALE050 ALE065 ALE080 ALE100 ALE125 ALE150 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 9,00 8,60 8,60 9,40 11,10 19,10 21,00 37,20 72,10 118,40 Aluminium with safety collar for clamps ALECL050 2" ALECL080 3" ALECL100 4" AL AL AL 11,40 21,00 37,20 Brass PRE020 PRE050 PRE080 3/4" 2" 3" MS MS MS 13,30 26,20 49,40 Polyprop. PPE050 PPE080 2" 3" PP PP 12,10 26,50 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSE013 SSE020 SSE025 SSE032 SSE040 SSE050 SSE065 SSE080 SSE100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2” 3” 4” SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 16,80 16,80 24,60 33,00 36,80 51,00 78,00 97,50 164,00 6 ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS F - male Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc ALF020 ALF025 ALF032 ALF040 ALF050 ALF065 ALF080 ALF100 ALF125 ALF150 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 8,60 8,80 11,10 12,00 13,30 21,80 22,80 34,00 66,40 105,10 Brass PRF013 PRF020 PRF025 PRF040 PRF050 PRF080 PRF100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" MS MS MS MS MS MS MS 11,80 14,30 17,50 23,50 29,80 54,50 80,30 Polyprop. PPF025 PPF040 PPF050 PPF080 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" PP PP PP PP 11,90 13,30 14,70 29,40 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSF013 SSF020 SSF025 SSF032 SSF040 SSF050 SSF065 SSF080 SSF100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2” 3” 4” SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 17,50 19,90 26,30 38,60 47,30 55,40 88,70 102,70 160,60 7 ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS DC - cap Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc ALDC020 ALDC025 ALDC032 ALDC040 ALDC050 ALDC065 ALDC080 ALDC100 ALDC125 ALDC150 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5" 6" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 12,80 14,20 16,70 18,20 18,40 24,60 28,40 40,10 76,70 96,80 Aluminium, locking ALDCL050 2" ALDCL080 3" ALDCL100 4" AL AL AL 31,70 47,80 62,90 Brass PRDC025 PRDC050 PRDC080 PRDC100 1" 2" 3" 4" MS MS MS MS 19,50 26,40 41,90 55,60 Polyprop. PPDC025 PPDC050 PPDC080 1" 2" 3" PP PP PP 19,35 32,80 48,10 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSDC013 SSDC020 SSDC025 SSDC032 SSDC040 SSDC050 SSDC065 SSDC080 SSDC100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS SS 24,50 24,30 28,40 40,20 46,70 57,00 79,40 96,20 141,80 Stainless steel safety locking SSDCL025 SSDCL040 SSDCL050 SSDCL080 SSDCL100 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS 50,40 63,50 73,50 112,00 159,60 8 ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS DP - plug Aluminium Code Diameter Mater. VAT 0% EURO/pc ALDP020 ALDP025 ALDP032 ALDP040 ALDP050 ALDP065 ALDP080 ALDP100 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" AL AL AL AL AL AL AL AL 7,30 7,40 8,00 8,00 9,20 13,40 14,90 21,10 Aluminium, with handle ALDPK080 3" ALDPK100 4" AL AL 36,20 43,40 Brass PRDP050 PRDP080 2" 3" MS MS 21,60 29,80 Polyprop. PPDP050 PPDP080 2" 3" PP PP 13,10 21,70 Stainless steel AISI 316 SSDP025 SSDP032 SSDP040 SSDP050 SSDP080 SSDP100 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" SS SS SS SS SS SS 16,50 28,30 27,10 33,30 60,80 101,00 9 ARESLOC CAMLOCK COUPLINGS SEALS Code Diameter Color VAT 0% EURO/pc Nitril ATN013 ATN020 ATN025 ATN032 ATN040 ATN050 ATN065 ATN080 ATN100 ATN150 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 6" black black black black black black black black black black 2,00 2,00 2,20 2,30 2,50 2,80 3,60 4,00 5,20 13,00 Viton ATV025 ATV040 ATV050 ATV065 ATV080 ATV100 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" green green green black black black 12,00 15,00 19,00 36,00 45,00 58,00 Hypalon ATH040 ATH050 ATH080 ATH100 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" blue blue black black 5,00 6,50 10,60 13,95 EPDM food quality ATE013 ATE020 ATE025 ATE040 ATE050 ATE080 ATE100 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 3" 4" yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow black black 2,50 2,50 3,20 4,50 4,05 5,90 7,80 Teflon PTFE / EPDM ATT020 ATT025 ATT050 ATT080 3/4" 1" 2" 3" Code Diameter ATNU025 ATNU050 ATNU080 ATNU100 ATEU025 ATEU032 ATEU050 1" 2" 3" 4" 1" 1 1/4" 2" 20,50 22,00 34,00 54,00 GROOVE SEALINGS Nitril (ATNU) EPDM (ATEU) VAT 0% EURO/pc 5,00 6,10 6,40 8,50 5,00 6,00 7,80 10 ARESLOC REDUCING CAMLOCK COUPLINGS A - A reducer, aluminium Code Diameter VAT 0% EURO/pc ALAA040 ALAA050 ALAA080 1 1/2" 2" 3" 28,80 28,80 44,80 ALA050x080 ALA080x050 ALA080x100 ALA100x080 A2"x3" A3"x2" A3"x4" A4"x3" 23,10 26,20 46,30 46,30 ALAA050x080 ALAA080x100 A2"xA3" A3"xA4" 29,30 52,00 C - A reducer , aluminium Code Diameter ALCA080 ALCA100 C3"xA2" C4"xA3" VAT 0% EURO/pc 70,00 96,30 C reducer , aluminium Code Diameter ALC080x050 ALC080x100 ALC100x080 C3"x2" C3"x4" C4"x3" VAT 0% EURO/pc 51,00 56,60 66,90 D reducer , aluminium Code Diameter ALD080x050 ALD100x080 A3"xD2" A4"xD3" ALV 0% EURO/pc 56,60 69,00 11 12 TYKOFLEX M42 QUICK COUPLING SFS 4428 KMS – female coupling with hose connection, galvanized steel Code KMS048 KMS076/050 KMS076 KMS102/080 KMS102/090 KMS102 KMS133 KMS152 KMS204 Hose connection L mm (O.d.) mm 48 48 76 76 90 100 125 150 200 210 220 260 260 270 270 320 330 340 VAT 0% EURO/pc 95,30 125,50 118,00 162,40 162,40 149,70 234,50 306,10 747,70 KMS – female coupling with hose connection, stainless steel SS2343 Code Hose connection L mm (O.d.) mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KMSSS076 KMSSS102 KMSSS133 KMSSS152 76 100 125 148 376,30 491,60 680,70 889,30 260 270 320 330 KVS – male coupling with hose connection, galvanized steel Code KVS048 KVS076/050 KVS076 KVS102/080 KVS102/090 KVS102 KVS133 KVS152 KVS204 Hose connection L mm (O.d.) mm 48 48 76 76 90 100 125 148 198 130 210 170 255 175 175 200 200 250 VAT 0% EURO/pc 30,70 49,40 41,10 68,20 68,20 62,50 91,30 105,80 257,80 13 KVS – male coupling with hose connection, stainless steel SS2343 Code Hose connection L mm (O.d.) mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KVSSS076 KVSSS102 KVSSS133 KVSSS152 76 100 125 148 148,00 203,50 257,60 303,10 170 175 200 200 KMG – female coupling with male thread BSP, galvanized steel Code KMG048 KMG076/050 KMG076 KMG102/080 KMG102 KMG133 KMG152 Thread inch 2" 2" 3" 3" 4" 5" 6" L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 260 305 305 320 320 375 375 107,70 146,50 139,90 188,80 180,70 282,90 354,15 KMG – female coupling with male thread BSP, stainless steel SS2343 Code KMGSS076 KMGSS102 Thread inch 3" 4" L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 305 320 550,40 655,10 KVG – male coupling with male thread BSP, galvanized steel Code KVG048 KVG076/050 KVG076/065 KVG076 KVG102/080 KVG102 KVG133 KVG152 Thread inch L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3" 4" 5" 6" 100 125 105 105 135 125 155 175 37,90 58,90 58,90 56,80 77,10 74,00 121,50 184,00 14 KVG – male coupling with male thread BSP, stainless steel SS2343 Code KVGSS076 KVGSS102 Thread inch 3" 4" L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 105 125 295,60 369,50 KKM – female coupling for welding, galvanized steel Code KKM048 KKM076 KKM102 KKM102/114 KKM133 KKM152 Pipe connection L mm (O.d.) mm 51 76 102 114 133 152 145 165 175 175 215 245 VAT 0% EURO/pc 93,60 113,50 135,20 139,60 204,90 285,50 KKM – female coupling for welding, stainless steel SS2343 Code Pipe connection L mm (O.d.) mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KKMSS076 KKMSS102 KKMSS102/114 KKMSS133 KKMSS152 76 102 114 133 152 353,00 431,00 473,20 620,00 845,10 165 175 175 215 245 KKV – male coupling for welding, galvanized steel Code KKV048 KKV076 KKV076/089 KKV102 KKV102/114 KKV133 KKV152 Pipe connection L mm (O.d.) mm 51 76 89 102 114 133 152 70 80 129 158 158 179 200 VAT 0% EURO/pc 29,50 39,90 46,00 48,30 53,90 74,00 90,10 15 KKV – male coupling for welding, stainless steel SS2343 Code Pipe connection L mm (O.d.) mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KKVSS076 KKVSS076/089 KKVSS102 KKVSS102/114 KKVSS133 KKVSS152 76 89 102 114 133 152 131,80 165,00 153,90 198,60 214,00 262,80 80 129 158 158 179 200 KKV – male coupling for welding , not galvanized "black" carbon steel Code Pipe connection L mm (O.d.) mm KKVM076 76 KKVM102 102 KKVM102/114 114 KKVM133 133 VAT 0% EURO/pc 38,10 45,60 51,10 68,30 80 85 85 100 KXM – blind female coupling, galvanized steel Code Diameter mm L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KXM048 KXM076 KXM102 KXM133 KXM152 48 76 102 133 152 80 90 95 120 130 89,50 107,00 130,70 204,80 265,30 KXM – blind female coupling, stainless steel SS2343 Code Diameter mm L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KXMSS076 KXMSS102 KXMSS133 KXMSS152 76 102 133 152 90 95 120 130 339,40 413,60 608,40 778,10 16 KXV – blind male coupling, galvanized steel Code Diameter mm KXV048 KXV076 KXV102 KXV133 KXV152 48 76 102 133 152 L mm 37 50 45 50 65 VAT 0% EURO/pc 14,30 21,30 24,90 40,70 46,70 KXV – blind male coupling, stainless steel SS2343 Code Diameter mm KXVSS076 KXVSS102 KXVSS133 KXVSS152 76 102 133 152 L mm 50 45 50 65 VAT 0% EURO/pc 74,30 84,80 117,20 137,80 KRKB45 – elbow male/female 45º , galvanized steel Code Diameter mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KRKB45076 KRKB45102 76 102 192,60 242,40 KRKB90 – elbow male/female 90º , galvanized steel Code Diameter mm L1 / L 2 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KRKB076 KRKB102 76 102 175 / 175 225 / 215 202,80 255,10 KK2M – twin female intermediate coupling, galvanized steel Code Diameter mm L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KK2M076 KK2M102 KK2M133 KK2M152 76 102 133 152 370 380 550 500 244,10 301,60 460,00 619,30 17 KK2V – twin male intermediate coupling, galvanized steel Code Diameter mm L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KK2V076 KK2V102 KK2V133 KK2V152 76 102 133 152 170 180 190 230 76,70 99,30 145,00 183,80 KFV – enlarger male x female, galvanized steel Code Diameter mm male -> female L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KFV076x102 KFV102x133 76x102 102x133 340 450 242,40 408,20 KFK – reducer male x female, galvanized steel Code Diameter mm male -> female L mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KFK102x076 KFK152X102 102x76 152x102 340 465 182,00 285,90 KKG – EPDM rubber seal - grey Code Diameter mm I.d. x O.d. mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KKG048 KKG076 KKG102 KKG133 KKG152 48 76 102 133 152 72X100 100x130 126x162 145x189 171x215 8,50 10,10 16,20 33,30 33,30 KKGN – nitrile rubber seal, oil resistant - black Code Diameter mm I.d. x O.d. mm VAT 0% EURO/pc KKGN076 KKGN102 76 102 100x130 126x162 10,10 16,90 On request viton/FPM and silicone seals 18 STORZ – HOSE COUPLINGS - Aluminium White nitrile rubber seal *) 3-claws On request : stainless steel or brass couplings SUCTION HOSE COUPLING ADAPTERS WITH FEMALE THREAD ADAPTERS WITH MALE THREAD BLIND CAP with chain SPANNER Code Size mm Lug mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 2/C 2/B 2/B-65 2/B-76 2/100 2/A-100 2/A-102 2/150 *) 52 75 65 76 100 100 102 150 66 89 89 89 115 133 133 160 15,60 23,40 27,50 30,30 48,40 52,30 57,10 117,80 Code Thread inch Lug mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 3/C 3/B-65 3/B-76 3/A-100 3/150 *) 2" 2,5" 3" 4" 6" 66 89 89 133 160 14,80 21,30 21,10 51,60 117,80 4/C-50 4/B-65 4/B-76 4/A-100 2" 2,5" 3" 4" 66 89 89 133 15,60 24,60 24,60 59,30 8/C 8/65 8/B 8/A 8/150 *) 8/205 - 66 81 89 133 160 220 16,70 24,30 23,40 54,80 124,00 465,50 Code Diameter inch 19 VAT 0% EURO/pc STORZ – HOSE COUPLINGS SVIVEL HEAD WITH FEMALE THREAD Code Thread inch Lug mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 03/B065 03/B-76 03/A-100 2 1/2" 3" 4" 89 89 133 42,40 70,10 110,70 SVIVEL HEAD 04/B065 WITH MALE THREAD 2 1/2" 89 42,40 REDUCER COUPLINGS Code Lug mm 7/B-C 7/A-B 89/66 133/89 Code Size mm Lug mm 2/CV 2/BV 50 75 66 89 Code Size mm STL075 STL100 STL150 75 100 150 37,60 43,90 61,50 ST050 ST065 ST075 ST100 ST150 ST200 50 65 75 100 150 200 2,15 4,80 3,15 6,40 18,15 36,40 STS050 STS075 STS100 STS150 50 75 100 150 5,80 9,55 18,15 32,60 SUCTION HOSE COUPLING WITH SAFETY COLLAR SAFETY CLAMPS NITRILE SEALS FOR SUCTION White SILICONE SEALS FOR SUCTION VAT 0% EURO/pc 44,10 88,40 VAT 0% EURO/pc 20 VAT 0% EURO/pc 21,40 32,20 FIRE COUPLINGS Lug distance : 2" – 67,5mm 3" – 104,5mm 4" – 142,5mm Code Size inch VAT 0% EURO/pc HOSE COUPLING Aluminium PLKA050x020 PLKA050x025 PLKA050x032 PLKA050x038 PLKA050x050 PLKA080x065 PLKA080x080 PLKA100x100 2" x 3/4" 2" x 1" 2" x 1 1/4" 2" x 1 1/2" 2" x 2" 3" x 2 1/2" 3" x 3" 4" x 4" 16,20 16,20 16,20 16,20 16,20 48,80 43,10 80,00 HOSE COUPLING Brass PLKM050x025 PLKM050x050 PLKM080x080 2"x 1" 2" x 2" 3" x 3" 38,80 38,80 97,10 FEMALE THREAD PLSA050x025 Aluminium PLSA050x032 PLSA050x038 PLSA050x050 PLSA080x065 PLSA080x080 PLSA100x100 2" x 1" 2" x 1 1/4" 2" x 1 1/2" 2" x 2" 3"x 2 1/2" 3" x 3" 4" x 4" 25,60 25,60 25,60 24,20 43,00 42,00 80,90 FEMALE THREAD PLSM050x050 Brass PLSM080x080 2" x 2" 3" x 3" MALE THREAD Aluminium PLUA050x025 PLUA050x032 PLUA050x038 PLUA050x050 PLUA080x065 PLUA080x080 PLUA100x100 2" x 1" 2" x 1 1/4" 2"x 1 1/2" 2" x 2" 3" x 2 1/2" 3" x 3" 4" x 4" 25,60 25,60 25,60 24,30 45,90 46,00 83,10 BLIND CAP Aluminium PLHA050 PLHA080 PLHA100 2" 3" 4" 26,00 43,50 81,80 21 41,10 123,20 FIRE COUPLINGS Code Size inch VAT 0% EURO/pc MALE THREAD Brass PLUM050x050 PLUM080x080 2" x 2" 3" x 3" 45,90 123,30 REDUCER COUPLING Aluminium PLMA080x050 PLMA100x080 3" x 2" 4" x 3" 74,00 142,80 SEALS For Al-couplings PLTU050 PLTU080 2" 3" 2,75 4,10 SEALS PLT050 For Brass-couplings PLT080 2" 3" 3,35 5,90 LOCKING RING Brass 2" 3" 2,45 3,45 PLKM050 PLKM080 22 PESU BRANCHPIPE Material : Remarks : Plastic/brass According to EN671 Code Hose tail mm Bore mm PESU019 PESU025 19 25 6 6 VAT 0% EURO/pc 24,00 24,00 MP BRANCHPIPE Material : Remarks : Light metal/plastic According to DIN 14365 Code Hose tail mm MPS019 MPS025 19 25 VAT 0% EURO/pc 38,00 38,00 MF SPRAY BRANCHPIPE Material : Remarks : Brass Long version Code Thread inch Delivery VAT 0% EURO/pc MF10L025 MF16L025 R 1" male R 1" male 10 L/s 16 L/s 121,00 121,00 Adapter MFM050025 R 2" male – R 1" female 24,50 MF SPRAY BRANCHPIPE Material : Remarks : Brass Short version Code Hose tail mm Delivery MF10S025 25 16 L/s VAT 0% EURO/pc 97,00 23 POLYURETHANE SPIRAL HOSES Application : Material : Color : Features : Working pressure : Temperature : Manufacturer : Couplings : Compressed air Polyurethane Blue Very flexible, abrasion and wear resistant. Perfect elasticity and bend stability. Recycable. Max 15 bar -40º - +85ºC Lüdecke Both ends swivelling screwings assembled Code Hose i.D. x o.D. Thread inch DVK583 DVK586 DVK8123 DVK8126 5 x 8 mm 5 x 8 mm 8 x 12 mm 8 x 12 mm R 1/4" R 1/4" R 3/8" R 3/8" Hose length Outer m spiral 3 6 3 6 42 mm 42 mm 65 mm 65 mm BLOW-OFF GUN APKO Material : Plastic/steel Color : Red Nozzle: steel zinc plated Coupling : 1/4" female Manufacturer: Lüdecke Code Nozzle mm Nozzle bore APKO 100 3 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 10,50 DOSING BLOW-OFF GUN APND Material : Aluminium Delivery : 6 bar = 225 l/min Coupling : 1/4" female (APND) Manufacturer: Lüdecke Code Nozzle bore APND 1,3 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 17,80 24 VAT 0% EURO/pc 66,50 75,70 86,40 105,30 LÜDECKE QUICK DISCONNECT COUPLINGS DN 7,4 Interchangeable with CEJN 320 , RECTUS 25,26 ja TEMA 1600 Working pressure : max. 35 bar, flow capasity 1800 l/min. Temperature : -20º - +100ºC. According to : ISO 228 , DIN 2999 Material : MS 58 , nickel plated Application : Air tools, pneumatic Packing : 10 pcs BODY Code Body Hose i.D/thread VAT 0% EURO/pc ESI6T ESI8T ESI10T ESI13T Hose stem Hose stem Hose stem Hose stem 6mm 8mm 10mm 13mm 12,70 12,70 12,70 13,00 ESI14A ESI38A ESI12A Male Male Male 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 12,70 12,70 13,00 ESI14I ESI38I ESI12I Female Female Female 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 13,00 13,00 13,30 Code Body Hose i.D/thread VAT 0% EURO/pc ESI6SS ESI8SS ESI10SS ESI13SS Hose stem Hose stem Hose stem Hose stem 6mm 8mm 10mm 13mm 2,65 2,65 3,20 4,00 ESI14NAS ESI38NAS ESI12NAS Male Male Male 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 2,35 2,35 3,10 ESI14NIS ESI38NIS ESI12NIS Female Female Female 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 2,35 2,35 3,30 PLUG 25 LÜDECKE QIUCK DISCONNECT COUPLINGS DN 7,2 Interchangeable with CEJN 320 , RECTUS 25,26 and TEMA 1600 Working pressure : max. 35 bar, flow capasity 1100 l/min. Temperature : -20º - +100ºC. According to : ISO 228 , DIN 2999 Material : MS 58 Packing : 10 pcs BODY Code Body Hose i.D/thread VAT 0% EURO/pc ES6T ES10T ES13T Hose stem Hose stem Hose stem 6mm 10mm 13mm 4,80 4,80 4,80 ES14A ES38A ES12A Male Male Male 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 4,55 4,55 4,95 ES14I ES38I ES12I Female Female Female 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 5,00 5,00 5,05 Code Body Hose i.D/thread VAT 0% EURO/pc ES6S ES10S ES13S Hose stem Hose stem Hose stem 6mm 10mm 13mm 0,80 0,90 1,30 ES14NA ES38NA ES12NA Male Male Male 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 1,20 1,50 2,50 ES14NI ES38NI ES12NI Female Female Female 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 1,20 1,50 2,50 PLUG Y – CONNECTOR Code Body Thread VF20412 Female x 3 1/2" VAT 0% EURO/pc 8,10 26 LÜDECKE CLAW COUPLINGS, STANDARD - Claw distance 42 mm Rubber ring : NBR Temperature -40º - +95ºC Malleable iron DIN 3489 HOSE CLAW COUPLINGS Weight g/pc 10 13 15 19 25 32 63 63 63 63 63 63 76 69 69 69 70 90 150 141 142 155 476 244 VAT 0% EURO/pc 5,75 540 5,50 5,00 6,15 8,65 b à à h mm h à b mm à SKG010 SKG013 SKG015 SKG019 SKG025 SKG032 Hose i.D. mm à Code b à à HOSE CLAW COUPLINGS WITH SAFETY COLLAR Code Hose i.D. mm b mm h mm Weight g/pc SKB013 SKB019 SKB025 13 19 25 63 63 63 75 75 75 174 182 240 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,80 5,40 8,00 h à FEMALE CLAW COUPLINGS h mm Weight g/pc KIG006 KIG010 KIG013 KIG019 KIG025 KIG032 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 63 63 63 63 63 63 36 36 38 40 40 55 138 135 150 155 184 297 27 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,50 6,50 6,75 5,45 6,45 12,45 à b mm à Thread inch h à Code b à MALE CLAW COUPLINGS b mm h mm Weight g/pc VAT 0% EURO/pc à Thread inch à Code h 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 63 63 63 63 63 52 47 50 47 52 VKO BLIND CAP (fits to all sizes) 170 162 175 174 230 7,30 7,00 6,40 7,30 16,40 5,25 LÜDECKE HOSE CLAMPS - DIN 20039A Two parts with loose saddles *) no loose saddles SL022 Code Tightening range mm Weight g/pc SL022 SL029 SL034 SL040 SL049 SL060 SL072 SL076 SL094 SL101 SL115 SL127 SL145 SL155 SL175 SL195 SL225 SL250 17 – 22 *) 22 – 29 28 – 34 32 – 40 39 – 49 48 – 60 56 – 72 60 – 76 77 – 94 89 – 101 94 – 115 113 – 127 115 – 145 135 – 155 155 – 175 175 – 195 210 – 225 227 – 250 95 128 134 188 244 297 340 405 556 665 739 890 1046 984 1130 1445 2163 2610 VAT 0% EURO/pc 2,80 3,15 3,15 4,25 5,65 6,70 8,45 8,75 12,95 18,90 16,50 24,00 27,40 28,50 28,50 36,80 57,80 68,40 LÜDECKE HOSE CLAPMS WITH SAFETY CLAWS , DIN 20039B Code SK029 SK032 SK042 Tightening range mm 22 – 29 28 – 32 35 – 42 Hose i.D. mm Weight g/pc 13 19 25 142 220 272 VAT 0% EURO/pc 4,65 4,80 6,20 28 à KAG010 KAG013 KAG019 KAG025 KAG032 b à LÜDECKE THREE-WAY CONNECTORS , DIN 2999 - With claw couplings Code Size mm DWSG34 DWSG10 Weight g/pc 20 25 VAT 0% EURO/pc 41,90 48,90 640 807 ORIGINAL RUBBER RINGS FOR STANDARD CLAW COUPLINGS Code Application Temperature GOER GDOR air-water-oil (NBR) steam (Ohasil) -40º - +95ºC -40º - +200º VAT 0% EURO/pc 0,55 2,40 LÜDECKE SANDBLAST COUPLINGS - Malleable iron Claw distance 58 mm HOSE COUPLING Code For hose mm Weight g/pc SS25T SS32T SS38T 25 x 7 32 x 8 38 x 9 481 570 784 VAT 0% EURO/pc 13,00 13,70 21,80 FEMALE THREAD Code Thread mm SK38T SK38/15T 32 38 VAT 0% EURO/pc 17,30 19,30 ORIGINAL RUBBER RING FOR SANDBLAST COUPLING Code VAT 0% EURO/pc SKD 2,35 29 LÜDECKE MODY – SCREWING CLAW COUPLINGS - Claw distance 42 mm Rubber ring : NBR Temperature : -40º - +95ºC Malleable iron Secured against accidental opening, just screw ring after coupling DIN 3238 MODY – HOSE CLAW COUPLINGS à b à à - SSG019KSM for steam hose = SSG019 + brass safety clamp Code Hose i.D. mm b mm h mm Weight g/pc 63 63 63 63 63 110 110 112 112 113 309 316 319 346 830 VAT 0% EURO/pc h 13 15 19 25 19 18,20 18,20 18,20 18,20 43,50 à SSG013 SSG015 SSG019 SSG025 SSG019KSM MODY - FEMALE COUPLINGS à à à b Code b mm h mm Weight g/pc 1/2" 3/4" 1" 63 63 63 70 93 95 317 419 516 VAT 0% EURO/pc 22,70 25,60 26,60 h à SSGI013 SSGI019 SSGI025 Thread inch MODY - MALE COUPLINGS à b mm h mm Weight g/pc SSGA013 SSGA019 SSGA025 1/2" 3/4" 1" 63 63 63 73 73 85 321 324 401 VAT 0% EURO/pc 23,70 23,70 27,70 ORIGINAL MODY – RUBBER RING Code Application Temperature VAT 0% EURO/pc SGORN SDORN air-water-oil (NBR) steam (Ohasil) -40º - +95ºC -40º - +200ºC 0,50 2,50 30 à Thread inch h à Code b à LÜDECKE CLAW COUPLINGS OF STAINLESS STEEL - Claw distance 42 mm Rubber ring : Viton Temperature -40º - +95ºC DIN 3489 HOSE CLAW COUPLINGS b mm h mm Weight g/pc EKT013 EKT019 EKT025 1/2" 3/4" 1" 63 63 63 65 65 65 129 142 165 VAT 0% EURO/pc 57,80 57,80 57,80 b à à Hose i.D. inch à Code h à FEMALE CLAW COUPLINGS b mm h mm Weight g/pc 1/2" 3/4" 1" 63 63 63 41,5 41,5 41,5 180 158 160 VAT 0% EURO/pc 56,60 56,60 56,60 b à à EKI013 EKI019 EKI025 Thread inch à Code h à MALE CLAW COUPLINGS b mm h mm Weight g/pc 1/2" 3/4" 1" 63 63 63 39 41,5 41,5 125 155 180 VAT 0% EURO/pc 56,60 56,60 56,60 b à à EKA013 EKA019 EKA025 Thread inch à Code h à LÜDECKE BLIND CAP (fits to all sizes) h mm Weight g/pc 63 42 132 VAT 0% EURO/pc à b mm à Code EKOV 51,30 h à ORIGINAL LÜDECKE RUBBER RING (VITON) Code Application Temperature GVOR chemicals VAT 0% EURO/pc 5,10 -40º - +95ºC 31 b à GEKA, LÜDECKE CLAW COUPLINGS OF BRASS - Claw distance 40 mm Rubber ring : NBR Temperature : -30º - +95ºC GEKA - HOSE CLAW COUPLINGS h mm Weight g/pc 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 50 50 54 54 60 70 93 94 102 102 123 176 VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,50 3,40 3,80 3,50 4,20 5,40 b à à 10 13 16 19 25 32 b mm h à GSK010 GSK013 GSK016 GSK019 GSK025 GSK032 Hose i.D. mm à Code GEKA – FEMALE CLAW COUPLING Code Thread inch b mm h mm Weight g/pc 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 31 32 33 38 94 96 100 114 VAT 0% EURO/pc à à à 3,40 3,40 3,55 4,60 h à GKI013 GKI019 GKI025 GKI032 b GEKA – MALE CLAW COUPLING h mm Weight g/pc GKA010 GKA013 GKA019 GKA025 GKA032 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 53,5 32 32 32 32 36 83 88 90 92 101 VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,40 3,45 3,45 3,45 4,50 3,30 RUBBER RING FOR GEKA COUPLINGS, NBR Code Size inch GKOR-N 1/2" – 1 1/4" à à 1/2" – 1 1/4" VAT 0% EURO/pc h à GKO Size inch VAT 0% EURO/pc 0,55 32 à h GEKA BLIND CAP (fits for all sizes) Code b à b mm à Thread inch à Code b à LÜDECKE THROTTLE VALVES - PN 10 bar Temperature : -15 - +80ºC Malleable iron For compressors, air tools etc Self sealing THROTTLE VALVES with lever stop and exhaust, DIN 3486 Code Inlet thread inch Outlet thread inch EH34 EH10 3/4" 1" 3/4" 3/4" Weight g/pc 668 565 VAT 0% EURO/pc 39,90 39,90 DOUBLE VALVES with lever stop and exhaust, DIN 3487 Code Inlet thread inch Outlet thread inch Weight g/pc DH34 DH10 3/4" 1" 2 x 3/4" 2 x 3/4" 1146 1100 VAT 0% EURO/pc 72,50 72,50 STRAIGHT WAY VALVES without lever stop, without exhaust Code Inlet thread inch Outlet thread inch DU34 DUL10 3/4" 1" 3/4" 1" Weight g/pc 820 770 33 VAT 0% EURO/pc 44,50 43,00 LÜDECKE THREAD STEMS, BRASS, NICKEL PLATED, MALE Code Thread inch Hose i.D. VPG26186 VPG26146 VPG26149 VPG26389 VPG263814 VPG261214 VPG263420 1/8" male 1/4" male 1/4" male 3/8" male 3/8" male 1/2" male 3/4" male 6 mm 6 mm 9 mm 9 mm 14 mm 14 mm 20 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,10 1,25 1,25 1,75 1,75 2,75 5,40 THREAD STEMS, BRASS, NICKEL PLATED, FEMALE Code Thread inch Hose i.D. VPG25146 VPG25389 VPG251213 1/4" female 3/8" female 1/2" female 6 mm 9 mm 13 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 2,65 3,55 4,40 THREAD STEMS, BRASS, MALE Code Thread inch Hose i.D. T146M T149M T1411M T1413M T386M T126M 1/4" male 1/4" male 1/4" male 1/4" male 3/8" male 1/2" male 6 mm 9 mm 11 mm 13 mm 6 mm 6 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,50 1,50 2,35 1,70 1,70 2,75 THREAD STEMS, STEEL, ZINC PLATED, MALE Code Thread inch Hose i.D. G1215T G1219T G3415T G3419T G3425T 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 3/4" 3/4" 15 mm 19 mm 15 mm 19 mm 25 mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 5,20 4,70 6,20 5,80 6,20 34 HOSE MENDERS, STEEL, ZINC PLATED *) Brass Code Hose i.D. mm VAT 0% EURO/pc JK006 *) JK008 *) JK010 JK013 JK016 *) JK019 JK025 JK032 JK038 JK050 JK075 JK100 JK125 JK150 JK200 6 8 10 13 16 19 25 32 38 50 75 100 125 150 200 3,70 3,80 2,40 2,60 3,90 3,90 4,10 6,20 8,00 11,30 21,90 34,30 56,80 86,50 154,50 HOSE MENDERS, ALUMINIUM Code Hose i.D. mm ALJK050 ALJK076 ALJK102 ALJK127 ALJK150 50 76 102 127 150 VAT 0% EURO/pc 11,60 14,30 20,20 35,70 37,70 THREAD STEMS, ALUMINIUM - female Code Hose i.D. VAT 0% EURO/pc R-thread LKA045 LKA050 LKA100 32,30 32,80 52,50 45mm x 2" female 50mm x 2" female 100mm x 4" female ALIMENTARY COUPLING Code Size Mater. SMSM050 SMSK050 2" (nut) 2" (stem) AISI 304 AISI 316 VAT 0% EURO/pc 30,80 98,00 35 TW – COUPLINGS, DIN 28450 TW-COUPLINGS MALE WITH FEMALE THREAD Code Dimension Material VAT 0% EURO/pc VKPR050 VKPR080 VKPR100 VKSS050 VKSS080 VKSS100 50 (R2") 80 (R3") 100 (R4") 50 (R2") 80 (R3") 100 (R4") brass brass brass AISI 316 AISI 316 AISI 316 19,70 34,90 73,10 40,60 66,70 167,50 TW-COUPLING FEMALE WITH FEMALE THREAD Code Dimension Material VAT 0% EURO/pc MKPR050 MKPR080 MKPR100 MKSS050 MKSS080 MKSS100 50 (R2") 80 (R3") 100 (R4") 50 (R2") 80 (R3") 100 (R4") brass brass brass AISI 316 AISI 316 AISI 316 66,80 100,60 233,00 110,50 156,00 409,50 MB – DUST CAP for VK – couplings Code Dimension Material VAT 0% EURO/pc MBAL050 MBAL080 MBAL100 MBSS080 MBSS100 50 (2") 80 (3") 100 (4") 80 (3") 100 (4") aluminium aluminium aluminium AISI 316 AISI 316 26,50 44,40 93,20 67,70 167,00 VB – DUST PLUG for MK-couplings Code Dimension Material VAT 0% EURO/pc VBAL050 VBAL080 VBAL100 VBSS080 VBSS100 50 (2") 80 (3") 100 (4") 80 (3") 100 (4") aluminium aluminium aluminium AISI 316 AISI 316 19,00 30,60 53,00 63,90 160,90 VAT 0% EURO/pc TWK 300E – CHAIN Code Length mm Material KET300 300 brass 5,00 36 RS – REDUCERS, BRASS Code Dimension inch VAT 0% EURO/pc RS5075 RS7550 RS75100 RS10075 2"female - 3"male 3"female - 2"male 3"female - 4"male 4"female - 3"male 39,20 48,40 73,80 83,20 SEALS FOR TW – COUPLINGS Code Dimension mm Material VAT 0% EURO/pc GSD050 GSD080 TWO100 TWD080BIT GSD050HY GSD080HY TWO100HY VD60/49 VD77/88 VD114/100 50 80 100 80 50 80 100 60x49x2 77x88x3 114x100x3 NBR NBR NBR vamac (+200ºC) hypalon (CSM) hypalon (CSM) hypalon (CSM) polyurethane (PU) polyurethane (PU) polyurethane (PU) 3,70 3,85 6,30 22,40 6,10 6,30 9,20 1,10 1,90 4,60 LÜDECKE - KLEMMBACKEN , FORGED SAFETY CLAMPS, ALUMINIUM Easy, safe and removable, incl. screws and nuts Code Tightening range, mm KB050 KB065 KB075 KB100 63 – 67 78 – 82 88 – 94 114 – 119 VAT 0% EURO/pc 22,90 30,70 33,20 77,20 LÜDECKE – THREAD STEMS DIN 2817 Brass, with safety collar for clamps Code Dimension x R-thread VAT 0% EURO/pc GTA025 GTA038 GTA050 GTA075 GTA100 25mm x 1" 38mm x 1 1/2" 50mm x 2" 75mm x 3" 100mm x 4" 18,90 30,40 39,90 69,90 161,00 37 MAXIFLOW – FUELLING NOZZLE ZH 35 , 50 Code Dimension inch Flow cap. max. VAT 0% EURO/pc ZH35 ZH50 MVTS 1 1/2" 2" seal set 450 L/min 750 L/min 399,00 436,50 36,00 SWIVEL FOR MAXIFLOW ZH50, brass Code Dimension inch VAT 0% EURO/pc SVI050 SVIU050 SVI050x038 2" female x 2" male 2" female x 2" male 2" female x 1 1/2" male 94,30 89,90 106,50 HOSE STEM, BRASS, MC, ELAFLEX - Female thread, inc. Klemmbacken aluminium clamp Code Hose i.D. mm Thread inch VAT 0% EURO/pc MC032x050 MC038x050 MC045x050 MC050x050 32 38 45 50 2" 2" 2" 2" 67,40 67,40 87,00 67,80 HOSE STEM, BRASS, VC, ELAFLEX - Male thread, inc. Klemmbacken aluminium clamp Code Hose i.D. mm Thread inch VAT 0% EURO/pc VC032x038 VC038x038 VC045x050 VC050x050 32 38 45 50 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 53,30 54,50 117,50 59,00 38 ELAFLEX RUBBER EXPANSION JOINTS EXPANSION JOINTS TO TANK TRUCKS (TW) PN 10 Application : Flange : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : On request : Flexible expansion joint to tank trucks. Aluminium, DIN 28460 NBR Nylon CR Max +90ºC Yellow band For chemicals and acids with PTFE-tube (on request) Dimensions 50 – 200 mm Code Dimension inch ERVG080TW ERVG100TW 3" 4" Length mm Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc 130 130 1,35 1,65 168,50 183,50 EXPANSION JOINTS FOR INDUSTRY (ERV) PN 16 Application : Flange : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : On request : Flexible expansion joint between the pipe lines in industry Carbon steel, zink plated NBR, Hypalon (CSM), EPDM, White NBR (food quality) Nylon CR, Hypalon, EPDM NBR and EPDM +90ºC, Hypalon, White NBR +80ºC ERV-G: Yellow band NBR (tube), CR (cover) ERV-GR: Green band Hypalon (tube), Hypalon (cover) ERV-R: Red band EPDM/Butyl (tube), EPDM (cover) ERV-W: White band NBR (tube), CR (cover) Stock items below Dimensions 25 – 600 mm Code Dimension inch Length mm Weight kg ERVG080 ERVG100 3" 4" 130 130 5,50 7,00 240,50 279,50 ERVR050 ERVR080 ERVR100 ERVR125 ERVR150 2" 3" 4" 5" 6" 130 130 130 130 130 4,00 5,50 7,00 8,50 11,00 210,75 239,50 265,00 305,00 344,00 39 VAT 0% EURO/pc PIPE FITTINGS AISI 316 HOSE NIPPLE Code Diameter inch VAT 0% EURO/pc LKH006 LKH010 LKH013 LKH020 LKH025 LKH032 LKH040 LKH050 LKH065 LKH076 LKH102 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 7,70 8,95 11,60 15,50 19,85 25,70 33,40 46,30 80,80 112,50 173,80 FULL COUPLING FEMALE THREAD Code Diameter inch SMH006 SMH010 SMH013 SMH020 SMH025 SMH032 SMH040 SMH050 SMH065 SMH076 SMH100 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,20 3,20 4,15 5,55 8,15 11,55 13,70 21,20 33,80 44,80 79,00 ELBOW 90º FEMALE THREAD Code Diameter inch VAT 0% EURO/pc KUHSS006 KUHSS010 KUHSS013 KUHSS019 KUHSS025 KUHSS032 KUHSS040 KUHSS050 KUHSS065 KUHSS076 KUHSS102 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 5,55 5,75 6,95 9,05 12,60 18,30 24,00 36,60 70,40 106,00 156,20 40 PIPE FITTINGS AISI 316 WELDING NIPPLE MALE THREAD Code Diameter inch HNH006 HNH010 HNH013 HNH019 HNH025 HNH032 HNH040 HNH050 HNH065 HNH076 HNH100 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" VAT 0% EURO/pc 2,50 2,70 3,25 4,15 5,30 7,60 8,25 11,40 21,30 30,05 52,60 HEXAGON NIPPLE MALE THREAD Code Diameter inch KNH006 KNH010 KNH013 KNH019 KNH025 KNH032 KNH040 KNH050 KNH065 KNH076 KNH102 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,95 4,45 5,60 7,45 11,80 15,20 18,30 27,60 38,80 49,30 82,70 TEE FEMALE - FEMALE THREAD Code Diameter inch TYH006 TYH010 TYH013 TYH019 TYH025 TYH032 TYH040 TYH050 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" VAT 0% EURO/pc 7,60 8,20 9,85 13,80 19,25 29,20 36,50 48,40 41 PIPE FITTINGS AISI 316 ELBOW 90º FEMALE - MALE THREAD Code Diameter inch VAT 0% EURO/pc KUHSU006 KUHSU010 KUHSU013 KUHSU020 KUHSU025 KUHSU032 KUHSU040 KUHSU050 KUHSU065 KUHSU076 KUHSU102 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 6,85 7,40 11,20 16,40 21,50 32,55 38,30 43,70 73,50 90,70 152,55 HEXAGON PLUG Code Diameter inch 6KH006 6KH010 6KH013 6KH020 6KH025 6KH032 6KH040 6KH050 6KH065 6KH076 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,95 3,95 4,70 5,70 8,75 11,45 16,60 28,60 34,80 69,10 SQUARE PLUG Code Diameter inch 4KH006 4KH010 4KH013 4KH020 4KH025 4KH032 4KH040 4KH050 4KH076 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,55 3,55 4,70 5,50 8,50 12,80 14,35 17,35 47,00 42 PIPE FITTINGS AISI 316 ELBOW 45º FEMALE – FEMALE THREAD Code Diameter inch VAT 0% EURO/pc KU45H050 KU45H076 KU45H102 2" 3" 4" 37,10 79,50 147,70 REDUCING NIPPLE MALE – FEMALE THREAD Code Diam. male inch Diam. female inch SNH010x006 SNH013x006 SNH013x010 SNH020x013 SNH025x013 SNH025x020 SNH032x025 SNH040x025 SNH040x032 SNH050x025 SHN050x032 SNH050x040 SNH065x050 SNH076x050 SNH076x065 SNH102x076 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3" 4" 1/4" 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1" 1 1/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 3,45 4,25 4,35 5,80 9,25 9,55 17,10 20,30 22,05 31,70 31,70 31,70 51,50 59,80 80,40 98,30 REDUCING NIPPLE MALE – MALE THREAD Code Diameter inch SKNH010x006 SKNH013x006 SKNH013x010 SKNH020x013 SKNH025x013 SKNH025x020 SKNH032x025 SKNH040x025 SKNH040x032 SKNH050x025 SKNH050x032 SKNH050x040 SKNH065x050 SKNH076x050 SKNH076x065 3/8" x 1/ 4" 1/2" x 1/4" 1/2" x 3/8" 3/4" x 1/2" 1" x 1/ 2" 1" x 3/4" 1 1/4"x 1" 1 1/2" x 1" 1 1/2" x 1 1/4" 2" x 1" 2" x 1 1/4" 2" x 1 1/2" 2 1/2" x 2" 3" x 2" 3" x 2 1/2" VAT 0% EURO/pc VAT 0% EURO/pc 4,25 5,00 5,10 9,70 14,10 14,10 26,00 29,90 30,70 53,00 53,00 53,00 56,70 78,80 78,80 43 PIPE FITTINGS AISI 316 REDUCING COUPLING FEMALE – FEMALE THREAD Code Diameter inch SUMH010x006 SUMH013x006 SUMH013x010 SUMH020x013 SUMH025x013 SUMH025x020 SUMH032x025 SUMH040x025 SUMH040x032 SUMH050x025 SUMH050x032 SUMH050x040 SUMH065x050 SUMH076x050 3/8" x 1/4" 1/2" x 1/4" 1/2" x 3/8" 3/4" x 1/2" 1" x 1/2" 1" x 3/4" 1 1/4" x 1" 1 1/2" x 1" 1 1/2" x 1 1/4" 2" x 1" 2" x 1 1/4" 2" x 1 1/2" 2 1/2" x 2" 3" x 2" VAT 0% EURO/pc 4,70 6,10 6,10 9,60 12,80 12,80 18,70 26,50 26,50 45,50 45,50 45,50 55,60 76,10 BARREL NIPPLE MALE – MALE THREAD Code Diameter inch PNH006 PNH010 PNH013 PNH020 PNH025 PNH032 PNH040 PNH050 PNH065 PNH076 PNH102 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,00 3,20 3,90 5,00 6,40 9,35 10,20 14,35 26,50 37,95 68,30 ROUND CAP Code Diameter inch HH006 HH010 HH013 HH020 HH025 HH032 HH040 HH050 HH076 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 3" VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,00 3,00 4,05 5,40 7,45 11,40 14,00 18,60 47,40 44 ARES BALL VALVES ART 54 ZODIACO, LEVER HANDLE, F/F THREAD - Full bore, female thread, lever handle PVC – coated handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +110ºC UNI ISO 228/1 Nominal pressure 25 bar Code Dimension inch Dim. mm S F H L Ch Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc PH54006 PH54010 PH54013 PH54020 PH54025 PH54032 PH54040 PH54050 PH54065 PH54080 PH54100 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 6 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 46 46 50 60 70 80 92 106 134 148 180 10 10 10 12 14 16 17 18 24 27 29 32 32 34 39 48 54 63 70 95 105 133 80 80 80 80 92 115 115 150 240 240 260 21 21 25 31 38 47 54 66 84 96 123 0,13 0,13 0,18 0,28 0,50 0,71 1,06 1,55 3,00 3,84 6,25 6,50 6,50 6,20 9,20 14,10 22,50 32,90 51,50 108,70 162,20 282,90 VAT 0% EURO/pc ART 54/A ZODIACO, T-HANDLE, F/F THREAD - Full bore, female thread, T-handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +110ºC Nominal pressure 25 bar Code PH54A006 PH54A010 PH54A013 PH54A020 PH54A025 Dimension inch 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" Dim. mm S F H L Ch Weight kg 06 10 15 20 25 46 46 50 60 70 10 10 10 12 14 32 32 36 39 48 52 52 52 52 62 21 21 25 31 38 0,13 0,13 0,18 0,28 0,50 45 6,50 6,50 6,20 9,20 14,10 ART 45 EXPORT, LEVER HANDLE, F/F THREAD - Full bore, female thread, lever handle PVC – coated steel handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -20º - +150ºC UNI ISO 228/1 Nominal pressure 40 bar Code Dimension inch Dim. mm PH45013 PH45020 PH45025 PH45032 PH45040 PH45050 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 15 20 25 32 40 50 S 63 71 83 92 104 126 F H L Ch Weight kg 15 16,3 19,1 21,4 22,4 25,7 42 45 54 59 70 78 92 92 115 115 150 150 26 31 38 48 55 68 0,26 0,35 0,58 0,81 1,33 2,02 VAT 0% EURO/pc 8,75 11,80 18,40 27,50 42,00 62,10 ART 56 ZODIACO, LEVER HANDLE, F/M THREAD - Full bore, female/male thread, lever handle PVC – coated steel handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +110ºC Nominal pressure 25 bar Code Dimension inch Dim. mm S F H L Ch Weight kg PH56013 PH56020 PH56025 PH56040 PH56050 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 15 20 25 40 50 50 60 70 92 106 10 12 14 17 18 36 39 48 63 70 80 80 92 115 150 25 31 38 54 66 0,18 0,28 0,50 1,01 1,51 46 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,60 9,50 14,90 35,60 54,30 ART 46/A , 56/A ZODIACO, T-HANDLE, F/M THREAD - Full bore, female/male thread, T-handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +110ºC Nominal pressure 25 bar Code Dimension inch PH46A006 PH46A010 PH56A013 PH56A020 PH56A025 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" Dim. mm S F H L Ch Weight kg 6 10 15 20 25 42 54 50 60 70 10 10 10 12 14 41 41 36 39 48 52 52 52 52 62 21 21 25 31 38 0,15 0,17 0,18 0,28 0,49 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,60 6,60 6,60 9,50 14,90 ART 68 SPURGO, DRAIN VALVE - Reduced bore, female thread, lever handle PVC – coated steel handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +110ºC Working pressure 16 bar Code Dimension inch Bore S mm mm F mm H mm L mm Ch mm B mm PH68013 PH68020 PH68025 1/2" 3/4" 1" 14 18 23 9 10 13 43 46 60 80 90 90 25 31 38 48 51 54 49 58 67 VAT 0% EURO/pc 12,30 15,35 21,40 ART 966 IDRETTO, BALL BIBCOCK with hose tail - Female / hose tail Steel lever handle Body : nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +150ºC Working pressure 16 bar Code Dimension inch Dim. mm S F PH966013 PH966020 1/2" 3/4" 15 20 100 12 115 14 H h L A Weight kg 41 46 49 58 80 92 14 23 0,24 0,39 47 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,00 8,80 ART 993 CLAPET CHECK VALVE, F/F THREAD - Full bore, female thread Body : brass Disc : brass Metal seat Temperature 0º - +90ºC Working pressure 16 bar Code Dimension inch Bore mm S mm F mm H mm PH993013 PH993020 PH993025 PH993032 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 15 20 23 33 47 53 63 70 8 8 10 10 46 51 61 73 ART 999 JA 98 - Temperature -10º - +150ºC Nominal pressure 1/4" - 1" 16 bar, 1 1/2" – 2 1/2" 8 bar Body: nickel plated brass Filter AISI 302 ART 999 CHECK VALVE, flat seat, F/F THREAD Code Dimension inch A H Weight kg PH999013 PH999020 PH999025 PH999038 PH999050 PH999065 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 29 37 45 63 78 103 48 52 59 70 78 93 0,10 0,15 0,24 0,43 0,75 1,04 VAT 0% EURO/pc 5,75 7,05 8,90 18,25 26,20 52,70 ART 98 STAINLESS STEEL MESH FILTER Code Dimension inch h Weight kg PH98013 PH98020 PH98025 PH98038 PH98050 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/2" 2" 34 36 40 56 64 0,06 0,09 0,15 0,22 0,43 VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,95 5,20 6,30 8,60 11,50 48 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,20 7,50 11,25 16,30 ART 924 RITEGNO INLINE FILTER, F/F THREAD - Female thread Body : brass Filter : Aisi 304 Temperature 0º - +100ºC Working pressure 16 bar Code Dimensione Bore inch mm PH924010 PH924013 PH924020 PH924025 PH924032 PH924040 PH924050 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 S mm F mm H mm 55 58 70 87 96 106 126 11 13 14 18 19 20 21 40 40 50 60 68 75 90 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,90 6,90 9,00 12,90 21,00 27,90 42,80 ART 600 SARACINESCHE GATE VALVE F/F THREAD - Reduced bore, female thread Body : brass Stem : brass Temperature -10º - +80ºC Working pressure 10 bar Code PH600013 PH600020 PH600025 PH600032 PH600040 PH600050 Dimension inch 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" Bore mm S mm F mm H mm V mm 13 15 20 26 33 44 37 41 44 49 53 58 10 11 12 13 14 14 64 66 77 89 94 119 50 50 50 60 60 70 49 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,10 6,50 8,20 12,20 15,80 23,50 ATLANTIS B101 WAFER-TYPE VALVE - Body in cast iron (ASTM A 126-B) Disc in stainless steel ( AISI 304) Handle steel Seals EPDM , ATLN = NBR On request Viton seals BS 5155 – MSS SP67 – API609 – DIN 3202/3K1 face to face dimensions Temperature -20º - +90ºC (peaks 100ºC) Pressure rate PN16 ATL050-150 lever handle operation device ATL200 - 350 manual reduction gear Code Dimension mm ID mm L mm B mm C mm D mm E mm P mm Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc ATL050 ATL080 ATL100 ATL125 ATL150 ATL200 ATL300 ATL350 50 80 100 125 150 200 300 350 50 77 100 125 147 198 298 337 43 46 52 56 56 60 78 78 64 85 95 110 123 168 242 290 130 156 170 185 203 238 310 330 194 241 265 295 326 406 552 620 92 122 150 179 206 257 370 410 11 11 11 12 12 13 15 15 2,9 4,4 4,7 6,3 7,9 12,3 30,5 41,0 152,20 178,30 214,30 258,10 285,50 449,70 1060,00 1477,00 ATLN080 ATLN100 80 100 77 100 46 52 85 95 156 170 241 265 122 150 11 11 4,4 4,7 171,50 206,10 COMET, BALL VALVE, F/F THREAD - Full bore, female thread Steel lever handle, PVC-coated Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -15º - +100ºC Nominal pressure max.32 bar (1/2" – 3/4") ja 25 bar (1") Code Dimension inch Dim. mm A mm B mm C mm D mm COM020 COM025 3/4" 1" 19 25 105 105 53 57 38 46 20 25 50 VAT 0% EURO/pc 11,60 16,20 DELTA - Full bore, 3-way, female thread, L-bore Polyurethane coated aluminium lever handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -20º - +150ºC Code Dimension inch Dim. mm A B DEL006 DEL010 DEL013 DEL020 DEL025 DEL032 DEL040 DEL050 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 6 10 13 20 25 32 38 50 100 61 100 61 100 64 120 76 120 80 150 98 150 104 175 119 C E L Paino kg VAT 0% EURO/pc 29 29 36 45 54 65 79 96 26 27 33 38 46 54 61 73 52 54 69 77 89 103 114 134 0,29 0,27 0,41 0,68 0,98 1,74 2,49 4,02 28,50 28,50 31,60 39,90 59,30 79,10 126,80 176,00 TRIFLUX - Full bore, 3-way, female thread, T-bore Polyurethane coated aluminium lever handle, positioning 360º Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -20º - +120ºC Code Dimension inch A B min B C max E F L Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc TRI013 TRI019 TRI025 TRI032 TRI040 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 130 160 160 195 195 77 89 93 110 115 85 98 102 121 125 21 26 31 34 40 61 74 88 99 114 80 96 113 130 147 0,61 1,10 1,67 2,66 3,64 62,10 74,80 105,90 139,20 184,90 38 48 58 67 78 51 MINIBALL 1501 , 1502 - Reduced bore, female/female thread (1501) female/male thread (1502) Nylon lever handle Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +90ºC Working pressure 10 bar max. Code Dimension Dim. inch mm Bore mm A B L Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc MINIBALL 1501 MINI01006 MINI01010 MINI01013 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" 6 10 13 5,5 8,0 10,0 19 19 22 19 21 25 36 41 48 0,07 0,09 0,14 5,10 5,70 6,40 MINIBALL 1502 MINI02006 1/4" MINI02010 3/8" MINI02013 1/2" 6 10 13 5,5 8,0 10,0 19 19 22 19 21 25 36 41 48 0,07 0,08 0,13 5,10 5,70 6,40 Bore mm A B L Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc 6 10 13 5,5 8,0 10,0 19 19 22 19 21 25 36 41 48 0,07 0,08 0,13 5,10 5,70 6,40 10 13 8,0 10,0 19 22 21 25 41 48 0,08 0,13 5,70 6,40 MINIBALL 1511 , 1512 - Reduced bore female/female thread (1511) female/male thread (1512) Driving screw Body: nickel plated brass Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -10º - +90ºC Working pressure 10 bar max. Code Dimension Dim. Inch mm MINIBALL1511 MINI11006 MINI11010 MINI11013 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" MINIBALL1512 MINI12010 MINI12013 3/8" 1/2" 52 ISIS, BALL VALVE, F/F THREAD - Full bore, female thread PVC-coated steel lever handle Body, brass with DZR copper allow Ball : chrome plated brass Seals PTFE Temperature -20º - +120ºC Max. pressure 25 bar Code Dimension inch Dim. mm ISIS013 ISIS020 ISIS025 1/2" 3/4" 1" 13 20 25 A B C L Paino kg 85 105 105 40 48 52 31 39 48 61 70 84 0,25 0,41 0,64 VAT 0% EURO/pc 10,80 15,40 22,10 ART 303 PRESSURE REDUCING VALVE, F/F THREAD - Pressure reducing valve for water, compressed air and oil Body : brass, female thread Seat stainless steel Seals PTFE Temperature -20º - +80ºC Code Dimension inch Dim. mm L LI H Ch VAT 0% EURO/pc PH303013 PH303020 PH303025 PH303032 PH303040 PH303050 1/2" 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 13 20 25 32 38 50 112 135 140 170 175 200 75 88 93 110 110 130 120 160 166 220 220 250 37 46 54 73 73 90 90,30 145,20 161,40 346,40 360,30 556,50 53 BALL VALVES, STAINLESS STEEL Application : Body, ball : Seals : Handle : Temperature : Nominal pressure : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Stainless steel ball valve with locking device for solvents, acids, chemicals, paints, oils ,lacquers etc. ASTM A351 – CF8M (AISI 316) Teflon PTFE AISI 304 -35º - +150ºC 57 bar Haitima According to DIN 2999, BS21, ISO 228/1 1/4", 3/8", 1/2" with reduced bore 3/4", 1", 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 2", 2 1/2", 3" full bore Dimension d inch PHH006 PHH010 PHH013 1/4" 3/8" 1/2" PHHT020 PHHT025 PHHT032 PHHT040 PHHT050 PHHT065 PHHT080 3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 5 7 9 20 25 32 38 50 65 80 L 39 44 56.4 78 90 100 120 138 166 195 H W VAT 0% EURO/pc 33 35 42 67 75 89 19,80 22,00 23,60 55 69 77 84 90 145 145 130 155 155 185 190 250 250 40,40 57,40 80,80 107,10 159,60 325,50 467,20 BALL VALVES 3–PIECE, STAINLESS STEEL, FULL BORE Application : Body,ball : Cap : Stem : Seals : Bolt, spring washer: Bolt nut, handle : Screw : Temperature : Nominal pressure : Manufacturer : Code PHH13050 PHH13065 PHH13080 PHH13100 Stainless steel 3-piece ball valve with locking device for solvents, acids, chemicals, paints, oils etc. ASTM A351 - CF8M, (AISI 316) ASTM A351 - CF8M (AISI 316) AISI 316 Teflon PTFE AISI 304 AISI 304 BSP -35º - +150ºC 63 bar Haitima Dimension d inch mm 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 51 65 80 100 L mm H mm W mm Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc 151 185 212 270 85 139 150 173 178 250 250 280 4,3 8,4 14,5 26,2 197,40 441,00 656,20 1008,00 54 BALL VALVES, STAINLESS STEEL WITH BUTT WELD ENDS Application : Body, ball : Ends : Stem : Seals : Bolt, washer spring: Bolt nut, handle : Temperature : Nominal pressure : Manufacturer : Stainless steel ball valve, full bore, 3-pice, with locking device. For acids, solvents, chemicals, paints, oils, lacquers etc. ASTM A351 – CF8M (AISI 316) ASTM A351 - CF8M (AISI 316) AISI 316 Teflon PTFE AISI 316 AISI 316 -35º - +180ºC 63 bar Haitima Code Dimension d inch mm L mm PHH12L040 PHH12L050 PHH12L065 PHH12L080 PHH12L100 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 260 275 334 354 365 38 50 65 80 100 H mm 77 85 139 150 175 W mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 178 178 250 250 280 153,30 219,40 425,80 594,80 1019,00 BALL VALVES 3-WAY, STAINLESS STEEL, FULL BORE Application : Body, ball : Stem : Seals : Screw : Temperature : Nominal pressure : Manufacturer : Code PHH57010 PHH57013 PHH57020 PHH57025 Stainless steel ball valve, 3-way, with locking device. For acids, solvents, chemicals, paints, lacquers etc. ASTM A351 - CF8M, (AISI 316) AISI 306 Teflon PTFE BSP/DIN -35º - +180ºC 63 bar Haitima Dimension d inch mm 3/8" 1/2" 3/4" 1" 9,5 12 15 20 L mm 79 79 88 108 H mm W mm Weight kg VAT 0% EURO/pc 63 63 75 82 158 158 158 185 0,78 0,78 1,18 1,70 100,60 104,40 129,70 175,50 55 JOUKA – BALL VALVES Materials: - body aluminium, ball aluminium, flange steel - o-rings PTFE - max. temperature +120ºC with 25 bar pressure - lever handle : PVC- coated steel Code Dimension inch VAT 0% EURO/pc J050AVR J065AVR J080AVR J100AVR 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 91,50 129,30 165,10 324,50 J2A050 J2A065 J2A080 J2A100 1" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 23,20 26,10 34,20 62,60 FEMALE THREAD FLANGE WITH CHROMED STEEL BALL J100KVR 4" 371,40 CHROMED STEEL BALL J2K100 4" 168,40 WITHOUT FLANGES J050AVO J065AVO J080AVO J100AVO 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 74,80 118,10 149,10 266,70 - chromed steel ball J100KVO 4" 368,00 SET OF SEALS JTS050 JTS065 JTS080 JTS100 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" 59,60 73,80 79,00 125,50 FEMALE THREAD FLANGE WITH ALUMINIUM BALL ALUMINIUM BALL - aluminium ball WITHOUT FLANGES O-RINGS: PTFE BALL SEALS: TEFLON 56 PIPE CLAMPS M8 Material : Application : Packing : Galvanized steel , screw M8 Exhaust pipes, traffic signs etc. 10 pcs Code Diameter mm PK025 PK028 PK032 PK035 PK038 PK042 PK045 PK048 PK051 PK054 PK057 PK060 PK063 PK067 PK070 PK073 PK076 PK083 PK089 PK095 PK102 25 28 32 35 38 42 45 48 51 54 57 60 63 67 70 73 76 83 89 95 102 VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,15 1,15 1,15 1,25 1,25 1,30 1,30 1,35 1,35 1,40 1,40 1,65 1,65 1,75 1,85 1,90 2,05 2,90 2,90 2,90 3,05 ZOS – EAR CLIPS Material : Packing : Manufacturer : Other : Chrome plated steel 100 pcs Lüdecke Sales only in boxes (100 pcs/box) Code Diameter mm ZOS007 ZOS009 ZOS011 ZOS013 ZOS015 ZOS017 ZOS018 ZOS020 ZOS023 ZOS025 ZOS027 ZOS031 ZOSZ –tool 5–7 7–9 9 – 11 11 – 13 13 – 15 14 – 17 15 – 18 17 – 20 20 – 23 22 – 25 23 – 27 27 – 31 VAT 0% EURO/pc 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,60 0,70 0,90 1,00 1,00 1,20 39,50 65 ABA – RETAINING CLAMPS Application : Structure : Band : Designed to secure and to hang hoses, pipes, tubes, cables ALUZINK – steel with EPDM rubber profile (prevent vibration) Band 12.7 mm with the hole 6,8 x 8,0 mm Code Diameter mm Packing pcs SIDE006 SIDE008 SIDE010 SIDE011 SIDE013 SIDE014 SIDE016 SIDE018 SIDE019 SIDE022 SIDE025 SIDE027 SIDE029 SIDE030 SIDE032 SIDE035 SIDE038 SIDE042 SIDE045 SIDE051 SIDE054 SIDE060 SIDE063 SIDE065 SIDE072 SIDE074 6 8 10 11 13 14 16 18 19 22 25 27 29 30 32 35 38 42 45 51 54 60 63 65 72 74 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 125 125 125 125 125 VAT 0% EURO/pc 0,43 0,48 0,55 0,60 0,65 0,70 0,72 0,77 0,83 0,92 1,03 1,13 1,18 1,25 1,96 2,06 2,11 2,16 2,48 2,76 2,91 3,03 3,14 3,30 3,55 3,55 66 ABA – RETAINING CLAMPS, DIN 3016 Application : Structure : Delivery : Vehicle industry, machine industry ALUZINK – steel with CR rubber profile Upon request, delivery time 4 – 6 weeks TYPE D12 ; band width 12 mm , hole 5,3 mm Code Diameter mm Packing pcs ASD612 ASD812 ASD1012 ASD1212 ASD1312 ASD1512 ASD1812 ASD2012 ASD2212 ASD2512 6 8 10 12 13 15 18 20 22 25 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 VAT 0% EURO/pc 0,70 0,70 0,76 0,98 0,98 0,98 1,03 1,03 1,08 1,18 TYPE D15 ; band width 15 mm , hole 6,4 mm Code Diameter mm Packing pcs ASD615 ASD815 ASD1015 ASD1215 ASD1315 ASD1515 ASD1615 ASD1815 ASD2015 ASD2215 ASD2415 ASD2515 ASD2815 ASD3015 ASD3215 ASD3515 ASD3815 ASD4015 ASD4515 6 8 10 12 13 15 16 18 20 22 24 25 28 30 32 35 38 40 45 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 VAT 0% EURO/pc 0,87 0,92 0,92 0,98 1,03 1,03 1,13 1,13 1,18 1,24 1,34 1,34 1,40 1,40 1,45 1,56 1,61 1,67 2,19 67 TYPE D20 ; band width 20 mm , hole 8,4 mm Code Diameter mm Packing pcs ASD1220 ASD1520 ASD1820 ASD2020 ASD2220 ASD2520 ASD2820 ASD3020 ASD3220 ASD3520 ASD3820 ASD4020 ASD4220 ASD4520 ASD4820 ASD5020 ASD6020 12 15 18 20 22 25 28 30 32 35 38 40 42 45 48 50 60 500 500 500 500 500 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,34 1,46 1,56 1,66 1,72 1,83 1,94 1,99 2,11 2,26 2,31 2,41 2,49 2,59 2,85 2,95 3,53 DIN – retaining clamps upon request, delivery time 4 – 6 weeks 68 BANDIMEX BAND + BUCKLES Application : Material : Packing sizes : Remarks : Easy way to make different sizes of clamps for clamping hoses, pipes, traffic signs etc. Used in industry, agriculture, lorries etc. Stainless steel, thickness 0,7 mm, AISI 304 Buckles 100 pcs/box, band 30,5 m/coil, tool per pc The own tool is required, fits all sizes BAND Code Width mm Weight/30,5m/kg VAT 0% EURO/coil BAND010 BAND013 BAND016 BAND019 10 13 16 19 1,500 2,300 2,900 3,400 Code Width mm Weight/box/kg BUCK010 BUCK013 BUCK016 BUCK019 10 13 16 19 0,400 1,000 1,100 1,700 43,80 60,30 74,30 84,40 BUCKLES 27,40 31,60 41,70 48,50 CLAMPING TOOL Code VAT 0% EURO/pc DAMT 156,00 ALV 0% EURO/box 69 GAS SPRINGS Application : Remarks : Gas springs for cars, wagons, trucks, buses, Standard ends mounting : - Cylinder end A8 mm fixed loop - Arm end male thread Code Arm/ body mm Length (A) mm Power (N) Cylinderlength (C) KJ450/300 KJ450/500 KJ450/700 KJ450/900 KJ475/300 KJ475/500 KJ475/700 KJ495/300 KJ495/400 KJ495/500 KJ495/700 KJ495/900 KJ600/200 KJ600/300 KJ600/500 KJ600/750 KJ600/1000 KJ650/500 KJ650/700 KJ650/900 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 8/19 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 10/22 450 450 450 450 475 475 475 495 495 495 495 495 600 600 600 600 600 650 650 650 300 500 700 900 300 500 700 300 400 500 700 900 200 300 500 750 1000 500 700 900 160 160 160 160 180 180 180 195 195 195 195 195 250 250 250 250 250 275 275 275 70 VAT 0% EURO/pc 30,30 30,30 30,30 30,30 30,30 30,30 30,30 32,40 32,40 32,40 32,40 32,40 38,10 33,60 33,60 33,60 46,30 34,60 34,60 34,60 GAS SPRING MOUNTING ENDS WG 90º JOINT A LOOP G LINK KG 180º JOINT Code Thread Ø VAT 0% EURO/pc WG008 WG08/10 WG009 WG010 M8/M8 M8/M10 M10/M8 M10/M10 Code Thread / diameter A008 A010/8 A010 M8/8,2mm M10/8,2mm M10/10,2mm Code Thread / diameter G008 G010 M8/8,2mm M10/10,2mm Code Thread Ø VAT 0% EURO/pc KG008 KG010 M8/M8 M10/M8 5,35 8,55 71 5,85 7,00 8,55 8,55 VAT 0% EURO/pc 3,80 4,80 4,80 VAT 0% EURO/pc 5,35 7,55 CARBUR 10 FUEL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suitable to delivery of fuels, or for lubrication and greasing in different services. Suitable to convey fuel and oils with aromatic content up to 50 %. Black, seamless NBR, conductive High strength synthetic fabrics Black, seamless PVC/NBR, fuel, oil and weather resistant -20º - +80ºC "IVG RUBBER HOSE CARBUR 10 50% AROMATICO – size Made in Italy + production number" IVG According to ISO 1307/92 . Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m CAR005 CAR006 CAR008 CAR010 CAR013 CAR015 CAR019 CAR025 5x12 6x13 8x15 10x17 13x20 15x23 19x27 25x35 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 0,12 0,14 0,16 0,19 0,23 0,30 0,37 0,60 100 100 100 100 60 60 60 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 2,95 3,00 3,30 3,50 4,40 5,95 6,95 10,80 MALMÖ OIL HOSE 10 BAR Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Suction and discharge hose, specially designed to convey oil with aromatic content up to 30 % in hydraulic systems. Black, smooth, NBR High strength synthetic cord, steel helix wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish) , SBR -20º - +70ºC Yellow brand OIL – LOGO – 10 BAR 150 PSI Made in Italy (S.F.3:1) IVG 2000 IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Va-cuum bar Weight kg/m MAL025 MAL032 MAL038 MAL051 MAL063 MAL076 MAL090 MAL102 MAL127 MAL203 25x35 32x43 38x49,5 51x63 63,5x77 76x89 90x105 100x116 127x147 203x232 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 105 135 165 230 290 360 440 515 680 1200 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,79 1,03 1,33 1,83 2,78 2,98 3,92 4,83 7,26 19,70 72 Coil m 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 12 VAT 0% EURO/m 19,90 20,95 25,00 30,65 43,35 54,70 62,20 73,20 138,70 473,00 AUSTRALIA FUEL AND OIL HOSE 10 BAR Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code AUS032 AUS038 AUS051 AUS058 AUS063 AUS076 AUS090 AUS102 AUS114 Designed to delivery and transfer of a wide range of petroleum products with aromatic content up to 30%. Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord plus antistatic copper wires Black, smooth (wrapped finish) CR -20º - +70ºC Red brand OIL – LOGO – 10 BAR 150 PSI Made in Italy (S.F.3:1) – IVG 2000 IVG Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m 32x42 38x47 51x61 58x69 63x74 76x89 90x104 102x115,5 114x128 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 0,51 0,77 1,11 1,30 1,62 2,06 2,41 2,96 4,20 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 23,90 25,50 34,45 53,50 49,25 61,80 88,00 89,10 119,80 AUSTRALIA EN 1360 REEL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : W E N Specially designed reel hose for tank trucks up to 50 % aromatic content. Black. smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord, antistatic copper wires Black, smooth (wrapped finish), NBR/PVC -25º - +70ºC Yellow brand OIL AUSTRALIA EN 1360 - type 1 – size – 16 bar According to EN 1360 Code Diameter mm W.P./B.P. bar Weight kg/m AUSEN045 AUSEN050 45x59 50x64 16/48 16/48 1,50 1,60 Coil m 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 33,00 34,55 CART REEL HOSE Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m CART045 CART050 45x59 50x64 18/54 18/54 450 500 1,52 1,67 73 Coil m 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 33,00 34,55 IVALO FUEL AND OIL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Very flexible hose to convey fuel and oil products with aromatic content up to 30%, hose suitable to suction (vacuum 0,5 bar) and delivery. Suitable to unclassified gas exhaust hose in pleasure boats. Also to hydraulic systems. Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord plus embedded helix wire Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) CR -40º - +100ºC Red brand OIL – LOGO - IVALO 5 BAR S.F. 3 : 1 - IVG 2000 + size marking IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Vacuum bar Weight kg/m IVA013 IVA016 IVA019 IVA022 IVA025 IVA028 IVA032 IVA035 IVA038 IVA042 IVA045 IVA051 IVA058 IVA063 IVA070 IVA076 13x22 16x24 19x27 22x31 25x34 28x36 32x41 35x43 38x46 42x50 45x53 51x60 58x66 63x72 70x79 76x85 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 30 42 50 55 60 68 75 80 90 104 108 120 136 155 175 185 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,34 0,35 0,40 0,45 0,50 0,55 0,60 0,67 0,70 0,77 0,83 1,00 1,20 1,30 1,60 1,85 RAPRO FUEL HOSE IN BOBINS Application : Tube/Cover : Reinforcement : Temperature : Remarks : Fuel hose for cars, motorbikes etc. NBR/NBR Synthetic fabrics -35º - +125ºC According to SAE J30 R7, DIN 73379 Code Diameter mm RAP003 RAP004 RAP005 RAP006 RAP008 RAP010 RAP012 3,2 x 7 4 x 10 5 x 11 6 x 12 8 x 14 10 x 16 12 x 19 Bobin length VAT 0% EURO/m 25 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 15 m 2,75 2,80 2,85 3,15 3,80 4,40 6,25 74 Coil m 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 Vat 0% EURO/m 17,15 18,40 19,25 21,50 21,50 25,20 25,20 29,45 30,10 33,50 34,30 36,05 43,70 48,80 63,50 64,15 TAMPA FUEL AND OIL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Flexible and strong fuel and oil hose with aromatic content up to 20 %. Suitable also to unclassified gas exhaust hose in pleasure boats. Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord, double helix wire, antistatic copper wires Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) CR -35º - +100ºC Blue brand - IVG IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m TAM016 TAM019 TAM025 TAM032 TAM038 TAM051 16x28 19x30 25x35 32x43 38x49 51x63 10/30 8/25 8/24 6/20 6/18 4/12 32 40 50 96 114 150 0,45 0,52 0,68 0,83 1,22 1,56 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 22,15 23,85 26,00 32,85 34,95 42,00 HELIXOIL / NEW FUEL AND OIL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Suction- and pressure hose for oil and fuel in demanding applications with up to 30% aromatic contents. Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord with embedded steel helix wire, antistatic copper wires Black, smooth (wrapped finish) CR -30º - +100ºC Red brand OIL – LOGO – 10 BAR 150 PSI Made in Italy S.F.3:1 – IVG 2000+ HELIXOIL/NEW – production time IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m HEL025 HEL032 HEL040 HEL050 HEL063 HEL076 25x37 32x44 40x52 50x63 63x82 76x95 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 105 155 175 230 330 400 0,95 1,20 1,46 1,85 3,49 4,14 75 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 32,00 34,75 44,90 53,95 76,35 90,90 FENNIA TANK TRUCK HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code Diameter mm FEN051 FEN076 51x63 76x89 Light weight tank truck hose for fuel and diesel Black, smooth NBR/PVC High strength synthetic cord, double helix wire, 2 x antistatic copper wires Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) CR -30º - +80ºC Blue brand - IVG IVG W.P./ B.P. var Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 6/18 6/18 0,8 0,8 250 300 1,54 2,48 Coil m 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 42,00 65,00 CARACAS COLD TANK TRUCK HOSE -50°C Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code COLD051 COLD076 Diameter mm 51x63 76x89 Light weight tank truck hose for fuel, oil and diesel with aromatic content up to 50%. Designed to use in very cold (up to –50 C) conditions. Black, smooth, high quality NBR High strength synthetic cord, very flexible double helix wire and antistatic copper wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish) CR -50º - +70ºC Yellow brand - IVG IVG W.P./ B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 6/18 6/18 0,8 0,8 127 190 1,62 2,24 76 Coil m 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 45,15 63,00 MARINOIL GAS EXHAUST HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer: Vacuum : Flexible hose designed to gas exhaust hose (unclassified) in pleasure boats etc. Black. smooth CR High strength synthetic cord, steel helix wire Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) CR - 30° - + 100°C Red brand - IVG IVG 30 % Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m MAR016 MAR019 MAR025 MAR032 MAR038 MAR051 MAR076 16x24 19x27 25x33 32x41 38x48 51x61 76x86 10/30 7/25 7/21 6/18 5/15 4/12 2/6 70 76 102 127 152 178 254 0,33 0,38 0,48 0,59 0,67 0,98 1,34 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 22,10 23,35 28,65 34,60 39,25 46,60 58,45 GASFLEX OIL SUCTION HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Designed to suction and transfer oil products. Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord, steel helix wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish) CR - 30° - + 80° Blue brand - IVG IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar GAS152 152x172 3/9 Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 900 10,45 20 209,50 77 VESUVIO MARINE EXHAUST GAS HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Specification : Hardwall rubber hose for wet exhaustgas used in pleasure boats Black, smooth, synthetic rubber compound High strength synthetic cord plus embedded helix wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish), synthetic rubber compound, flame retardant - 30° - + 100°C Red brand, IVG - BOAT VESUVIO MARINE WET EXHAUST – DNV – SAE J 2006:95 R2 IVG ISO 13363:04 2A, SAE J 2006:95 R2, DNV S-4377 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m VES032 VES038 VES045 VES051 VES058 VES060 VES076 VES090 VES102 VES127 VES152 32x41 38x47 45x55 51x61 58x68 60x70 76x86 90x100 102x112 127x139 152x165 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 130 150 170 180 190 190 250 330 410 510 600 0,79 0,91 1,05 1,30 1,46 1,52 1,77 2,10 2,50 3,05 4,00 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29,40 31,80 34,40 39,20 42,00 44,00 48,50 62,50 72,50 89,20 112,00 BOAT POSEIDON / LL ISO 7840 A1 CE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Specifications : Hardwall hose suitable for conveying fuel in pleasure boats. Manufactured according to ISO 7840 A1 CE Black, smooth, synthetic High strength synthetic cord, steel helix wire Black, smooth (wrapped finis), self-extinguishing CR -30° - +100°C CE – ISO 7840 A1 IVG IVG ISO 7840:04 A1 CE, RINA, SAE J 1527:04 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m BOAT038 38x50 10/30 195 1,29 78 Coil m 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 39,35 POSEIDON /EX FUEL HOSE A1 ISO 7840, CE - CERTIFICATE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Approvals : Hose suitable for conveying petrol and diesel at low pressure, fire resistant according to ISO 7840 for installed inboard engines. Black, smooth PVC/NBR High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth PVC-NBR/CR fire resistant - 25° - + 90°C IVG POSEIDON/EXTR ISO 7840 A1 CE USCG SAE J 1527 – size mm- Made in Italy – Year – production number IVG CE-certificate, USCG (US COAST GUARD) approval ISO 7840, SAE J 1527 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m POS008 POS010 POS013 POS016 8 x 18 10 x 21 13 x 24 16 x 27 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 40 50 60 80 0,26 0,33 0,42 0,42 100 60 60 60 5,95 7,00 8,30 8,90 CM6 FUEL HOSE A1, ISO 7840, CE - CERTIFICATE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Hose suitable to convey petrol and diesel oil in pleasure boats. According to ISO 7840-A1 . Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth, fire retardant -20° - +100°C HUTCHINSON CM6 ISO 7840 A1- YearFabrique en France Hutchinson Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m CM6008 CM6010 CM6015 8x16 10x18 15x23 3.4/10 3.4/10 3.4/10 35 45 70 0,20 0,24 0,33 40 40 40 79 VAT 0% EURO/m 5,60 6,25 7,60 MULTI – OIL BLUE Application : Multi-Oil Blue hoses are designed for conveying hydrocarbons, solvents, aromatics, etc. Suitable for e.g. oil, fuel, diesel oil. For tank truck and railcar loading and unloading Multi-Oil Blue 10 bar: Standard duty for fuel, oil and diesel, in tank truck, railcar and in plant transfer Multi-Oil Blue 14 bar: Heavy duty oil products in marine operations and barge loading and unloading Inner wire : Lining : Safe tube : Cover: Outer wire : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Other sizes : Aluminium (A) or Galvanized steel (G) Polypropylene Polyethene (R) Blue Polyester-PVC (MO), Red (MOR) Aluminium (A) or Galvanized steel (G) -30 -+100°C MAX W.P. 10,5 BAR 150 PSI Gutteling According to EN 13765 and DNV/EC-PED standard On request up to 300 mm Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m MO050GRG MO080ARA MO100ARA MO100GRG 50 80 100 100 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 180 270 380 380 1,30 2,00 3,10 4,40 20 20 20 20 30,90 60,90 93,50 79,00 MOR080ARG 80 10,5/50 270 2,35 20 67,20 MO14050GG MO14080GG MO14100GG 14/70 14/70 14/70 210 300 400 1,80 4,50 7,90 20 20 20 65,00 90,30 144,90 50 80 100 80 Max coil m VAT 0% EURO/m MULTI – CHEM BLACK Application : Multi-Chem Black hoses are designed for those chemicals and solvents which do not affect the polypropylene lining and the polypropylene coated steel inner wire. Inner wire : Polypropylene coated steel (P) Lining : Polypropylene Safe tube : Polyethene (R) Cover : Black Polyester-PVC Outer wire : Stainless steel AISI 316 (S) or Galvanized steel (G) Temperature : -30 - +100°C Branding : MAX W.P. 10,5 BAR 150 PSI Manufacturer : Gutteling Remarks : According to EN 13765 and DNV/EC-PED standard Other sizes : On request up to 300 mm Code MCB040PS MCB050PRS MCB080PRS MCB065PG Diameter mm 40 50 80 65 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 140 180 270 200 1,55 1,75 3,00 2,50 Max coil m 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 49,50 61,50 86,80 72,00 MULTI – CHEM GREEN Application : Multi-Chem Green hoses are designed for those chemicals which do not affect the polypropylene lining and the stainless steel inner wire. Inner wire : Stainless steel AISI 316 (S) Lining : Polypropylene Safe tube : Polyethene (R) Cover : Green Polyester-PVC Outer wire : Stainless steel AISI 316 (S) Temperature : -30 - +100°C Branding : MAX W.P. 10,5 BAR 150 PSI Manufacturer : Gutteling Remarks : According to EN 13765 and DNV/EC-PED standard Other sizes : On request up to 300 mm Code MCG080SRS Diameter mm 80 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 10,5/50 270 3,50 81 Max coil m 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 148,50 MULTI – CHEM RED Application: Multi-Chem Red hoses are designed for those chemicals and acids which do not affect. the PTFE lining and the stainless steel inner wire. Inner wire : Stainless steel AISI 316 (S) Inner lining : PTFE (Teflon) Lining : Polypropylene Safe tube : Polyethene (R) Cover : Red Polyester-PVC Outer wire : Stainless steel AISI 316 (S) or Galvanized steel (G) Temperature : -30 - +100°C Branding : MAX W.P. 10,5 BAR 150 PSI Manufacturer : Gutteling Remarks : According to EN 13765 and DNV/EC-PED standard Other sizes : On request up to 300 mm Code MCR025SS MCR040SG MCR050SRS MCR080SRS MCR100SRS Diameter mm 25 40 50 80 100 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 10,5/50 120 130 180 270 380 0,95 1,15 1,80 3,50 5,50 Max coil m 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 87,50 81,50 114,40 155,40 215,00 FOLLOWING HOSES ON REQUEST: MULTI – VAPOR YELLOW - Designed for fume and gas collection in tank truck and ship - Sizes : 50 – 300 m MULTI-L.P.G. WHITE - Designed for refrigerated conveyants down to –50 C on ship, barges and marine terminals (e.g. ammonia, butane, ethyl chloride, propane, methyl, propylene, vinyl chloride) - Temperature -50 - +50 - Sizes : 38 – 300 mm COMPOSITE HOSE COUPLING INSTALLATION AND TEST CERTIFICATE Code Description VAT 0% EURO/pc MUTYÖ MUKOE Include installation + epoxy / hose end Pressure test + certificate 82 15,00 15,00 COUPLINGS FOR COMPOSITE HOSES SWAGED MALE THREAD COUPLINGS Code Thread inch Material tail/barrel VAT 0% EURO/pc MUAL050 MUAL080 MUAL100 2" 3" 4" Aluminium/SS Aluminium/Galv.steel Aluminium/SS MUSS025 MUSS040 MUSS050 MUSS065 MUSS080 MUSS100 1" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" SS/SS welded SS/SS welded SS/SS welded SS/SS welded SS/SS welded SS/SS welded 73,00 99,50 102,50 169,00 198,50 253,00 MUM080 MUM100 3" 4" Steel/Steel welded Steel/Steel welded 103,20 160,50 MUPR040 MUPR050 MUPR080 1 1/2" 2" 3" PR/SS welded PR/SS welded PR/SS welded 69,00 76,10 109,70 FOLLOWING HOSE CONNECTIONS FOR COMPOSITE HOSES ON REQUEST: FIXED FLANGES - ASA, DIN, TTMA - Steel or Stainless Steel (SISI 316) - Sizes : 1" - 12" FLOATING FLANGES - ASA, DIN, TTMA - Steel or Stainless Steel (AISI 316) - Sizes : 1" - 12" FEMALE THREAD - BSP tai NPT - Steel or Stainless Steel (AISI 316) - Sizes : 1" - 4" 83 41,50 58,40 82,10 TW – FUEL HOSE, EN 1361 Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufactured : Remarks : Suction and discharge hose for oil and fuel, also for heavy fuel oil. Black, smooth NBR 2 Rayon high strength synthetic cord plus steel helix wire Black, smooth, conductive CR (R < 10 Ohm) - 30° - + 100°C Germany According to EN1361, EN 12115 For air craft refuelling : ELAFLEX HD Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m TW050 TW063 TW075 TW100 50 x 64 63 x 79 75 x 90 100 x 116 16/63 16/63 16/63 16/63 150 180 200 300 2,10 2,80 3,30 4,80 40 40 40 40 116,40 150,70 172,40 261,70 SEVEN (HB) HOT BITUMEN HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Couplings : Hose for loading and unloading hot bitumen Black, smooth, polyacrylic Plies of steel wire cord plus helix wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish) special NBR compound, weather and oil resistant - 15° - + 185°C Yellow brand OIL – LOGO – 10 BAR 150 PSI – Made in Italy (S.F. 3:1) IVG 2000 IVG Please look TW-couplings Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m HB050 SEV076 50 x 65 76 x 96 6/15 10/40 160 300 2,30 4,95 40 40 147,50 161,20 84 EVEREST CHEMICAL HOSE 10 BAR Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code EVE013 EVE019 EVE025 EVE032 EVE051 EVE063 EVE076 EVE102 Diameter mm 13x27 19x32 25x38 32x46,5 51x64 63x79 76x91 102x121 Hardwall suction and disharge hose, designed to handle a wide range of chemical products, acids and bases. Suitable for hydrochlorid, sulphuric, nitric and phosphor acids etc. Black, smooth EPR High strength synthetic cord plus embedded steel helix wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish) EPR - 40° - + 100°C Violet brand CHEM – LOGO – 10 BAR 150 PSI Made in Italy – IVG 2000 IVG W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 57 85 115 145 245 305 390 555 0,58 0,67 0,85 1,29 1,80 2,35 3,09 4,72 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 32,60 38,25 43,60 50,55 73,70 108,35 133,10 161,15 ARARAT CHEMICAL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Flexible hose designed to convey acids and chemicals. Suitable to a wide range of medium aggressive acids and chemicals. Black, smooth high quality EPDM High strength synthetic cord plus embedded steel helix wire. Corrugated, wrapped finish EPDM -40º - +100ºC Violet brand CHEM 10 BAR 150 PSI Made in Italy- IVG 2000 IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m ARA051 ARA076 51x66 76x92 10/30 10/30 150 300 1,50 2,30 85 Coil m 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 56,05 76,65 SUPERTOP CHEMICAL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Softwall hose, with cross-linked polyethylene tube, for handling a wide range chemicals, acids, solvents, petroleum products and oils. Suitable for acetone, bentsene, phenole, turpentine etc. Black, smooth crosslinked-polyethylene (XLPE) High strength synthetic cord, anti-static copper wire Green, smooth (wrapped finish) EPDM - 20° - + 70°C Blue-white brand CHEM- LOGO - XLPE 10 BAR 150 PSI (S.F.4:1) Made in Italy - IVG 2000 IVG Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m SUPER013 SUPER016 SUPER019 SUPER025 SUPER032 SUPER038 13x22 16x26 19x30 25x37 32x44 38x52 78 95 115 155 205 250 0,29 0,40 0,53 0,70 0,85 1,24 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 10/40 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 23,45 26,40 30,25 33,30 38,10 50,85 SUPERTOP / LL EN 12115 UHMWPE CHEMICAL HOSE, FOOD QUALITY, FDA Application : Hardwall hose with high molecular weight cross-linked polyethylene tube, for handling a wide range chemicals, food, petroleum products and oils. Used in chemical and petrochemistry industry. Tube : White, smooth, UHMWPE, according to FDA Reinforcement : High strength synthetic cord, steel helix, antistatic copper wire Cover : Green, smooth EPDM Temperature : -20º - +100ºC Branding : Blue-white brand IVG – EN12115 – UPE – SD – ID – 16 BAR - YEAR Manufacturer : IVG Code Diameter mm SUPUH019 SUPUH025 SUPUH032 SUPUH051 19x31 25x37 32x44 51x65 W.P./ B.P. bar 16/64 16/64 16/64 16/64 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 115 155 205 350 0,81 0,99 1,19 1,98 86 Coil m 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 48,60 54,20 61,85 86,90 UTS CHEMICAL HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code UTS025 UTS032 UTS038 UTS050 UTS075 UTS100 Universal hose designed for almost all liquid and pasty chemical and petroleum based products and solvents. White, smooth, UPE, with conductive OHM spiral stripe 2 x textile braids, galvanised steel helix Black, smooth EPDM, UV resistant, electrically conductive - 30° - + 100°C, steam cleaning and sterilisation +130°C max. 30 min. Blue brand UTS ∅ EN 12115 UPE SD UNIVERSAL R < 106OHM TrbF OHM PN 16 BAR , manufacturing date Elaflex According to EN 12115 and TRbF 131 standard and FDA, BGA requirements. Delivery time 1-2 weeks (19-100 mm). Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar 25x37 32x44 38x51 50x66 75x91 100x116 16/63 16/63 16/63 16/63 16/63 16/63 Vacuum bar Bend. rad./mm Weight kg/m 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,8 100 125 150 200 300 400 0,80 1,00 1,20 2,10 2,60 4,20 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 80,85 94,65 104,55 127,20 196,20 296,10 ELAFLON PLUS FEP CHEMICAL/ACID HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Intermed. : Cover : Tempereture: Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code FEP025 FEP038 FEP050 FEP075 FEP100 Universal hose designed for almost all standard chemicals, acids, and liquids. Suitable for both suction and delivery. For barrels, containers, rail tankers and fixed installations. Seamless, transparent, smooth Teflon FEP 2 x textile braids, galvanized steel helix, copper wire Black, electrically conductive EPDM Black (10-50 mm), grey (63-100mm) UV and abrasion resistant EPDM - 30° - + 100°C, steam cleaning and sterilisation +150°C max. 30 min. Blue-white-red-brand, FEP ∅ ELAFLON PLUS SD PN 16 100C R<106OHM TrbF EN 12115 FEP , Manufacturing date Elaflex According to EN 12115 and TRbF standard and FDA requirements. Delivery time 1-2 weeks (19-100 mm). Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar 25x37 38x51 50x66 75x91 100x116 16/63 16/63 16/63 16/63 16/63 Vacuum bar Bend. rad./mm Weight kg/m 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,8 100 150 200 300 400 1,0 1,5 2,3 3,1 4,6 87 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 147,80 198,25 232,25 325,00 524,80 RED WELDING HOSE EN559 Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Color : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suitable for acetylene in welding gas equipment in engineering, automotive and building industries. Also for ship yards. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Seamless EPDM, ozone, ageing and weather resistant. -25° - + 80°C EN559-2MPa (20 bar)- ∅ - IVG Red IVG According to EN 559 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m ASE006 ASE008 ASE010 6,3x13,0 8,0x15,0 10,0x17,0 20/60 20/60 20/60 40 40 50 0,14 0,17 0,20 100 100 100 2,70 2,80 3,45 BLUE WELDING HOSE EN 559 Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Color : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suitable for oxygen in welding gas equipments in engineering industrie. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Seamless EPDM, ozone, ageing and weather resistant. - 25° - + 80°C EN559-2Mpa(20 bar) - ∅ - IVG Blue IVG According to EN 559 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m HAP006 HAP008 HAP010 6,3x13,0 8,0x15,0 10,0x17,0 20/60 20/60 20/60 40 40 50 0,14 0,17 0,20 100 100 100 2,70 2,80 3,45 88 PROGAS LPG HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed to convey LPG in caravans, camper vans, LPG - barbecues (10 mm) and in industry (6 mm) Black, smooth NBR High strength synthetic fabrics Orange, smooth, synthetic rubber, weather resistant - 30° - + 70°C HUTCHINSON – NESTEKAASU - FLYTGAS – diam. mm – 2 MPa (20 bar) -30º - +70 ºC EN 559 - production year Hutchinson According to EN 559 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m PRO006 PRO010 6,3x11,5 10x17 20/60 20/60 0,13 0,24 50 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 3,40 4,40 ARGON, HOSE FOR INERT GASES Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Color : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed to convey inert gases, like argon, for welding applications in industry, ship yards, car repair and construction sites. Black, smooth, synthetic rubber High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth synthetic rubber, weather and abrasion resistant. - 30° - + 70 °C SUOJAKAASULETKU EN 559 2 MPa (20 BAR) diam mm – HUTCHINSON - production year - Fabrique en France Black Hutchinson According to EN559 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m ARG006 ARG008 6,3x11,2 8,0x15,0 20/60 20/60 40 40 0,15 0,17 100 100 2,70 3,20 89 TWIN WELDING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks: Code KAKS006 KAKS008 KAKS010 Diameter mm 6,3x13,0 8,0x15,0 10,0x17,0 Twin welding hose designed to convey oxygen and acetylene for gas welding equipments. Black, smooth synthetic rubber High strength synthetic fabrics For acetylene, smooth, red For oxygen, smooth, blue - 20° - + 70°C HAPPI/ASETYLEENILETKU EN 559 – 2 MPa (20 bar) – 6,3mm – Hutchinson – production year – Fabrique en France According to EN 559 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 20/60 20/60 20/60 40 40 40 0,32 0,41 0,45 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 50 50 40 4,95 6,05 8,95 LPG / OXYGEN TWIN HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks: Code Diameter mm KAKH006 6,3x13,3 KAKH010 10,0x17,0 A special twin welding hose designed to flame cutting when LPG is used instead of acetylene. LPG, NBR Oxygen, synthetic rubber High strength synthetic fabrics LPG, smooth, orange Oxygen, smooth, blue - 20° - + 70°C EN 559 – 2MPa (20 bar) – 6,3 mm – Hutchinson – production year – Fabrique en France According to EN 559 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m 20/60 20/60 40 50 0,32 0,45 50 50 90 VAT 0% EURO/m 7,90 10,05 AIR-WATER 10 BAR Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed to convey water, non aggressive fluids and compressed air in various industrial and agriculture Applications. Ozone and weathering resistant. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth EPDM -20° - + 80°C IVG RUBBER HOSE AIR – WATER 10- diam.Made in Italy IVG According to EN ISO 1307/92 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m AW008 AW010 AW012 AW015 AW019 AW022 AW025 8x15 10x15 12x17 15x21 19x26 22x30 25x33 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 50 60 70 90 110 130 150 0,15 0,11 0,13 0,20 0,30 0,49 0,58 100 100 100 60 60 60 40 2,20 2,25 2,35 3,15 3,95 6,25 5,95 AIR-WATER 20 BAR Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed for compressed air, to convay water and non aggressive fluids in various industrial applications. Ozone and weather resistant. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth EPDM - 20° - + 80°C IVG RUBBER HOSE AIR – WATER 20- diam.Made in Italy IVG According to EN ISO 1307/92 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m AW20006 AW20008 AW20010 AW20013 AW20016 AW20019 AW20025 6x14 8x17 10x19 13x23 16x26 19x30 25x37 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 60 65 80 105 130 150 200 0,15 0,22 0,25 0,34 0,40 0,51 0,90 100 100 100 60 60 60 40 2,20 2,65 3,15 4,05 5,00 6,20 9,60 91 VEPA AIR-WATER HOSE 15 BAR Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed to convey water and compressed air in various industrial and agriculture applications. Ozone and weather resistant. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth EPDM - 20° - + 80°C IVG – VEPA – PAINELETKU – 15 bar – diam.production number IVG According to EN ISO 1307/92 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m VEPA008 VEPA010 VEPA013 VEPA016 VEPA019 VEPA025 8x15 10x17 13x20 16x24 19x27 25x34 15/45 15/45 15/45 15/45 15/45 15/45 55 70 90 110 130 180 0,19 0,20 0,29 0,34 0,44 0,65 100 100 60 60 60 40 2,35 2,80 3,20 4,35 4,60 7,05 MONTREAL 10 AIR-WATER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Discharge hose for water, compressed air and non corrosive fluids. Widely used in industry, construction sites, agriculture etc. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish) EPDM, weather and abrasion resistant - 35° - + 70°C Green brand WATER AIR 10 BAR 150 PSI- Made in Italy- (S.F.3:1) IVG 2000 IVG According to ISO 1403:86 type 1 Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Weight kg/m MON032 MON038 MON051 MON063 MON076 MON102 32x41 38x48 51x61 63x75,5 76x89 102x120 0,76 0,87 1,14 1,75 2,15 4,16 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 Coil m 40 40 40 30 30 30 92 VAT 0% EURO/m 11,55 14,30 18,15 29,90 33,80 71,90 MONTREAL 20 AIR-WATER HOSE Application : Strong and high quality water and compressed air hose for construction sites, industry, mine working and agriculture etc. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish) EPDM, weather and abrasion resistant - 35° - + 70° C Green brand WATER AIR 20 BAR 300 PSIMade in Italy-(S.F.3:1) IVG 2000 IVG According to ISO 1403:86 type 2 Tube : Reinforcement : Tube : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MON20019 MON20025 MON20032 MON20038 MON20051 MON20076 19x29 25x34 32x42 38x48 51x65 76x92,5 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 0,48 0,60 0,85 0,98 1,60 2,73 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 10,55 11,65 15,30 17,40 27,15 43,90 MONTREAL 27 AIR-WATER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Käyttölämpötila : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Very strong and high quality water and compressed air hose for construction sites, industry, mine working etc. to hard conditions. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish) EPDM, weather and abrasion resistant -35º - +70º C Green brand WATER AIR 27 BAR 400 PSI- Made in Italy-(S.F.3:1) IVG According to ISO 1403:86 type 3 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MON27025 MON27032 MON27038 MON27051 25x37 32x44,5 38x51 51x63,5 27/81 27/81 27/81 27/81 0,75 0,96 1,21 1,60 Coil m 40 40 40 40 93 VAT 0% EURO/m 15,15 19,75 24,10 30,65 BREATHAIR CORD (FDA) Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufacturer : Hose for breath air in extreme demanding applications, fire fighting trucks etc. Manufactured according to FDA and BGW specifications White, smooth, odourless and tasteless butyl rubber 4 x high strength synthetic cord Green 10 mm, black 8 mm, smooth (wrapped finish) CR - 25° - + 80°C IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m BRE008 BRE010 8,0x18,5 10,0x20,5 15/45 15/45 0,30 0,33 40 40/120 VAT 0% EURO/m 26,70 28,95 CABLE PROTECTION HOSE Application : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufacturer : Protection hose for cables used in any industry and for welding machines High strength rubberized synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish) SBR - 35° - + 100°C IVG Code Diameter mm Weight kg/m KAA020 KAA025 KAA032 20,0x23,0 25,0x28,5 32,0x36,0 0,11 0,16 0,26 Coil m 40 40 40 94 VAT 0% EURO/m 7,65 8,05 12,10 FLEXITEX EXTRA Application : Structure : Reinforcement : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Compressed air and water hose for e.g. drilling machines, mines, quarries, submersible pumps, ships, sport fields, parks, for irrigation and industry applications. The hose goes to a small coil; it is easy to handle, stock and use. Cover ribbed, blend of PVC and nitrile rubber compressed through polyester reinforcement, flat, oil resistant High strength synthetic cord - 30° - + 75°C MANDALS FLEXITEX EXTRA- diam.- manufacturing date Mandals AS Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m FLE020 FLE025 FLE038 FLE051 FLE065 FLE076 FLE102 FLE150 20 25 38 51 65 76 102 150 25/100 20/90 15/60 15/60 12/50 12/50 10/38 5/20 0,16 0,23 0,39 0,55 0,75 0,85 1,30 1,50 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 ALV 0% EURO/m 9,85 11,50 14,45 18,35 24,70 27,50 44,45 60,95 GETEX FIRE HOSE Application : Structure : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Lightweight fully synthetic polyester fire hose for general applications. The hose is light and easy to coil. Circular woven polyester with EPDM inner lining - 40° - + 90°C xx mm GETEX, manufacturing date Mandals AS Sold only in coils Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m GET052 GET076 GET102 GET110 52 76 102 110 12/50 11/45 9/35 7/28 0,27 0,40 0,65 0,75 40 40 40 40 95 VAT 0% EURO/m 9,20 13,05 19,55 20,20 GUARDMAN FIRE HOSE DIN 14811 Application : High quality fire hose for general use. The hose is tested in accordance DIN 14811, SS2840, Norsk Standard 4016-4018. Used in shipping, offshore oil rigs etc. Structure : Fully extruded hose where the rubber blend has been extruded through the circular woven polyester jacket. Outside ribbed, NBR/PVC compound, red color, oil and weather resistant Reinforcement : High strength polyester Temperature : -30° - +70°C Manufacturer : Mandals AS Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m GUA025 GUA038 GUA051 GUA076 GUA102 25 38 51 76 102 20/70 15/55 15/50 15/45 9/35 0,24 0,30 0,38 0,65 1,05 60 60 60 60 60 VAT 0% EURO/m 11,00 14,15 16,25 26,25 37,70 MANTEX HP AIR HOSE Application : Structure : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Compressed air hose for well drilling equipment. For heavy duty use, easy to handle. Inside black polyurethane, In the middle white polyester jacket, Cover orange polyurethane. -50º - + 100º C 51 mm Mantex HP – manufacturing date Mandals AS Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MANTHP051 51x59 28/140 0,70 Coil m 40 96 VAT 0% EUR/m 43,80 JAR AIR BRAKE HOSE SAE J 1402-A DIN 74310 Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Diameter mm Used as flexible joint in automotive air brake systems Black, smooth EPDM. High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth EPDM, weather and abrasion resistant - 40° - + 70°C IVG AIR BRAKE SAE J 1402-size-production dateproduction number IVG According to SAE J 1402-A, JAR013 according to DIN 74310 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m SAE J 1402-A JAR009 9,5x19,0 JAR012 12,5x22,5 JAR014 14,5x24,5 20/60 20/60 20/60 90 100 110 0,30 0,37 0,41 100 50 50 5,35 6,75 7,45 DIN 74310 JAR013 13,0x25,0 10/25 100 0,47 60 8,65 CONFLAIGLE AIR HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code CON006 CON008 CON010 CON012 Diameter mm 6,0x12,0 8,0x15,0 10,0x18,0 12,0x20,0 Antistatic, very flexible compressed air hose designed for compressed air tools in industry, building sites, service stations. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Blue, smooth EPDM, weather and ozone resistant - 30° - + 100°C (with the peaks 120ºC) HUTCHINSON CONFLAIGLE ANTISTATIQUE – R<10? ohm/mFabrique en France Hutchinson For hose reels we recommend: Conflaigle Plus – hose (on request) W.P. B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 35 45 60 75 0,14 0,19 0,22 0,29 97 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 40 40 40 40 3,60 4,10 5,25 5,95 INLET WASHING MACHINE HOSE + 60ºC Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufacturer : Water hose for washing machines Black, smooth NR/synthetic rubber High strength synthetic fabrics Grey, smooth, synthetic rubber -20º - +60ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P bar Weight kg/m INL010 10x16 20/60 0,17 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 2,15 100 REDPRESS RED WATER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature: Branding : Designed to convey water and compressed air. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic fabrics Red, smooth SBR/EPDM -30º - +80º C Rubber Hose Press 12 bar Made in Italy Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m REDP013 REDP016 REDP019 REDP025 13x19 16x23 19x26 25x33 12/36 12/36 12/36 12/36 80 100 110 150 0,24 0,34 0,40 0,58 WINDSCREEN WASHER HOSE IN BOBIN Application : Hose designed e.g. for windscreen washer equipments in cars EPDM, no insert Sold in bobins Features : Remarks : Code Diameter mm PLL004 4x7 Length m/reel VAT 0% EURO/m 50 1,65 98 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 40 40 40 40 2,35 3,00 3,35 5,10 W E N ARIANNA TA BRAIDED PVC HOSE Application : Food quality PVC hose. Compressed air, water and alimentary liquids. Flexible PVC hose with braided polyester threads reinforcement. Resistant to atmospherical agents - 10° - + 60°C Working/bursting pressure + 20°C temperature I.P.L ARIANNA T.A. Made in Italy Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Meets the european directive 90/128/CEE class A,B and C. Features : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m ARIEX004 ARIEX006 ARIEX008 ARIEX010 ARIEX013 ARIEX016 ARIEX019 ARIEX025 ARIEX032 ARIEX038 ARIEX050 4x10 6x11 8x13 10x15 13x18 16x21 19x25 25x32 32x42 38x48 50x62 18/54 18/54 15/45 15/45 12/36 10/30 10/30 8/24 8/24 6/18 4/12 0,060 0,085 0,100 0,120 0,150 0,180 0,255 0,385 0,730 0,860 1,002 100 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 PVC HOSE WITHOUT REINFORCMENT Application : Features : Temperature : PVC delivery hose for water and liquids. Soft wall PVC, not braided - 10° - + 50°C Code Diameter mm CRI005 CRI006 CRI008 CRI010 CRI012 CRI016 CRI020 5x8,2 6x9,6 8x11,6 11x14,8 12x15,5 16x20,2 19x23,6 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 0,55 0,55 1,10 1,35 1,90 2,80 3,90 99 VAT 0% EURO/m 1,30 1,20 1,35 1,55 1,90 2,25 3,00 4,40 9,10 10,50 20,35 ARIANNA 20 BAR Application : Features : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Pressure hose of fungicide solutions in agriculture. Also recommended for compressed air tools. Resistant to weather agents Flexible PVC hose with braided polyester threads reinforcement. The hose does not smear surrounding. Outside haze-brown, inside black - 10° - + 60°C IPL Arianna 20 bar Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m ARI008 ARI010 ARI013 ARI016 ARI019 ARI025 8x13 10x15 13x19 16x23 19x26,5 25x33,5 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/55 20/50 0,11 0,13 0,19 0,28 0,34 0,50 100 100 100 50 50 50 1,75 1,95 2,95 4,50 5,20 7,15 ARIANNA SUPER AIR Application : Features : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Compressed air tools, pneumatic implements, spraying painting etc. Flexible hose with polyurethane compound, braided polyester reinforcement Inside and outside light blue - 25° - + 60°C IPL Arianna Super Air 20 bar Industrie Plastiche Lombarde 6-10mm ; hose delivered in cardboard bobins 13mm ; hose delivered in coils Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m AS006 AS008 AS010 AS013 6x10 8x12 10x14,5 13x19 20/70 20/70 20/70 20/66 0,06 0,08 0,11 0,18 200 150 100 100 1,70 2,00 2,70 4,40 NE 100 W JASMIN RED WATER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufacturer : Rubber water hose, very flexible also in cold conditions used in industry and agriculture. Weather and ozone resistant. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Red, ribbed EPDM -30º - +100ºC Hutchinson Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m JAS012 JAS015 JAS019 JAS025 12x18 15x21,5 19x26 25x33 10/25 10/25 10/25 10/25 0,13 0,30 0,44 0,55 Coil m 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 3,80 4,70 6,10 7,80 JUMBO HOT WATER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : Quality hot water hose designed to demanding applications. Suitable also for hose reels. Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic fabrics Black, EPDM with red cross-directional stripe -40° - + 120°C JUMBO Wasserschlauch 20 bar – Size mm – MAX 120°C MADE IN ITALY According to ISO 1307/92 . Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m JUM013 JUM016 JUM019 JUM025 13x19 15x22 19x27 25x34 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 75 90 110 150 0,21 0,28 0,40 0,57 101 Coil m 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 4,65 5,55 6,70 10,00 MANGUSTA MULTIFORM AIR – WATER HOSE 20 BAR Application : Tube : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Multipurpose hose suitable to convey air, cold and hot water, and non aggressive chemicals. The cover of the hose is yellow, non-staining. Black, smooth, antistatic EPDM, high strength synthetic fabrics Yellow, non-staining EPDM, smooth (10-25mm), wrapped finish (32-65mm) -40º - +120ºC "IVG RUBBER HOSE MULTIFORM 20 WP -yellowsize-MADE IN ITALY-production number" (sizes 10-25mm) Green brand "WATER – LOGO – 20 BAR 300 PSI Made in Italy (S.F.3:1) IVG 2000" (sizes 32-65mm) IVG According to ISO 1307/92 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MANG010 MANG013 MANG016 MANG019 MANG025 MANG032 MANG038 MANG050 MANG065 10x20 13x23 16x26 19x30 25x35 32x44 38x53 50x65 65x80 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 20/60 0,26 0,32 0,41 0,47 0,53 0,81 1,20 1,53 1,75 Coil m 60 60 60 60 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 6,10 7,10 9,20 10,10 14,05 20,90 28,35 36,55 52,00 MERCURIO A DISCHARGE PVC HOSE Application: Features: Color: Temperature: Branding: Manufacturer: Light weight, flat PVC-hose designed to discharge and irrigation. Plasticized PVC hose with polyester reinforcement Light blue, inside black -10 - +60ºC IPL Mercurio A made in Italy Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MERA052 MERA076 MERA102 52 76 102 4,5/13,5 3,5/10,5 3/9 0,28 0,41 0,55 Coil m 100 100 100 102 VAT 0% EURO/m 3,25 5,00 7,55 MERCURIO L DISCHARGE PVC HOSE Application : Features : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Light weight, flat PVC-hose designed to discharge and irrigation, suitable also for submersible pumps. Plasticized PVC hose with polyester reinforcement, abrasion and weather resistant. Resistant to most chemicals. Yellow - 10° - + 60°C IPL Mercurio L Made in Italy Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P bar Weight kg/m MERL038 MERL052 MERL063 MERL076 MERL102 MERL153 38 52 63 76 102 153 5/15 5/15 4/12 4/12 4/12 3/9 0,22 0,28 0,36 0,45 0,65 1,30 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 2,80 3,45 4,80 5,80 8,45 18,55 MERCURIO M DISCHARGE PVC HOSE Application : Features : Color : Temperature: Branding : Manufacturer : Heavy weight, flat PVC-hose designed to discharge and irrigation. Suitable for submersible pumps in building sites and industry. Plasticized PVC hose with polyester reinforcement, abrasion and weather resistant. Resistant to most chemicals. Blue - 10° - + 60°C IPL Mercurio M Made in Italy Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MERM025 MERM032 MERM038 MERM052 MERM063 MERM076 MERM102 MERM127 MERM153 MERM203 25 32 38 52 63 76 102 127 153 203 10/30 9/27 8/24 8/24 8/24 7/21 7/21 6/18 4/12 3/8 0,19 0,24 0,30 0,41 0,56 0,68 1,00 1,35 1,60 2,30 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 103 VAT 0% EURO/m 3,45 3,75 4,55 5,40 7,60 9,10 13,70 18,45 23,10 36,30 OSLO WATER DISCHARGE HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Softwall lightweigth hose, used for industrial and waste waters which is specially suitable for submersible pumps, movable irrigation, systems, sewer cleaning, abrasion resistant. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish), EPDM, weather and ozone resistant -40º - +100ºC Green brand WATER – LOGO – OSLO 5 BAR Made in Italy – IVG 2000 IVG According to ISO 1307/92 . Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m OSL038 OSL051 OSL063 OSL076 OSL102 OSL127 OSL152 OSL203 38x44 51x57 63x70 76x81 102x108 127x133 152x158 203x211 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 0,40 0,53 0,80 0,78 1,16 1,45 1,68 2,47 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 11,90 13,10 17,10 17,10 23,40 36,30 45,10 102,70 ROMA WATER DISCHARGE HOSE (RED) Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Medium-duty water hose for industry, agriculture, mines, construction sites, street flushing etc. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Red, smooth (wrapped finis) SBR, abrasion, weather resistant -35º - +70C Green brand - IVG IVG Code Diameter mm W.P. B.P. bar Weight kg/m ROO032 ROO051 ROO055 ROO090 ROO114 ROO127 32x42 51x61 55x66 90x104 114x130 127x142 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 0,80 1,22 1,47 2,94 4,28 4,52 Coil m 40 40 40 30 30 30 104 VAT 0% EURO/m 13,95 20,80 29,30 54,40 78,85 97,10 CAR HEATER RADIATOR HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Designed to convey hot water and anti-freeze (glycols) in cooling systems. Black, smooth EPDM ; resistant to hot water and glycols High strength synthetic fabrics Black, smooth EPDM -30º - + 100ºC IVG RUBBER HOSE-CAR HEATER HOSE – 1,0 MPA – size- production number IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m CH013 CH016 CH019 13x20 16x23 19x27 10/30 10/30 10/30 100 120 140 0,23 0,28 0,38 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 60 60 60 3,55 4,35 5,60 COOLER RADIATOR HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Designed to convey hot water and anti-freeze (glycols) in cooling systems. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish) EPDM -30º - +100ºC In white Cooler + size IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m COO016 COO019 COO022 COO025 COO028 COO032 COO035 COO038 16x23 19x26 22x30 25x33 28x36 32x40 35x43 38x47 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 5/15 5/15 5/15 0,24 0,26 0,36 0,45 0,50 0,57 0,61 0,73 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 105 VAT 0% EURO/m 9,20 9,90 10,10 11,40 12,50 13,75 14,25 16,85 COOLER RADIATOR HOSE IN 1 M LENGTH Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Designed to convey hot water and anti-freeze in cooling systems. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish) EPDM -30º - +100ºC In white Cooler - size IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m COO019x1 COO022x1 COO025x1 COO028x1 COO030x1 COO032x1 COO035x1 COO038x1 COO040x1 COO042x1 COO045x1 COO048x1 COO051x1 COO055x1 COO058x1 COO060x1 COO063x1 COO070x1 COO076x1 COO080x1 19x26 22x30 25x33 28x36 30x38 32x40 35x43 38x47 40x48 42x52 45x55 48x58 51x61 55x65 58x68 60x70 63x74 70x78 76x86 80x90 6/20 6/20 6/20 6/20 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 4/12 4/12 4/12 4/12 3/9 3/9 3/9 3/9 4/12 4/12 4/12 0,26 0,36 0,45 0,50 0,52 0,57 0,61 0,73 0,87 0,91 0,96 1,02 1,08 1,16 1,20 1,25 1,33 1,45 1,57 1,65 Length m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VAT 0% EUROm 11,00 11,40 12,75 13,85 14,60 14,95 15,75 18,15 19,65 20,15 20,75 22,45 23,45 24,15 24,55 25,30 28,50 29,00 31,25 33,30 MAX HOT WATER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Hot water hose for demanding applications Black, smooth EPDM, slightly acid resistant High strength synthetic cord Black, smoot (wrapped finish) EPDM, weather resistant -40º - +120ºC Green brand HOT – LOGO - 10 BAR 150PSI Made in Italy (S.F. 3:1) IVG 200 IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MAX014 MAX022 MAX035 14x22 22x31 35x45 10/30 10/30 10/30 0,250 0,450 0,770 Coil m 40 40 40 106 VAT 0% EURO/m 12,75 16,90 23,45 NYRO RADIATOR HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : W.P./B.P. : Manufacturer : Flexible hose designed to cooling systems in vehicles Black EPDM Synthetic cord Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) EPDM -40º - +100ºC e.g.. N22.180 1/3 bar Reka Code Diameter mm N22.210 N22.260 N22.300 N22.350 N25.120 N25.180 N25.210 N25.260 N25.360 N25.450 N25.485 N25.650 N26.300 N26.570 N28.160 N28.180 N28.210 N28.270 N28.310 N28.360 N28.450 N28.510 N30.150 N30.200 N30.270 N30.310 N30.350 N30.450 N30.510 25 26 28 30 Length mm VAT 0% EURO/pc 10,60 12,55 13,10 17,75 7,55 9,35 10,60 11,90 13,90 18,25 19,35 30,90 15,60 26,40 9,30 10,10 10,60 14,45 16,30 18,25 21,25 24,50 10,60 12,00 13,10 15,05 16,90 19,35 21,25 210 260 300 350 120 180 210 260 360 450 485 650 300 570 160 180 210 270 310 360 450 510 150 200 270 310 350 450 510 107 NYRO RADIATOR HOSE Code Diameter mm Length mm N32.080 N32.120 N32.187 N32.250 N32.290 N32.375 N32.400 N32.450 N32.530 N32.660 N35.220 N35.285 N35.375 N35.450 N35.510 N35.660 N38.146 N38.190 N38.220 N38.273 N38.311 N38.350 N38.400 N38.438 N38.450 N38.510 N38.620 N38.660 N40.350 N44.438 N45.156 N45.286 N45.311 N45.337 N45.359 N45.420 N45.450 N45.476 N45.597 N50.440 N50.550 N50.600 32 80 120 187 250 290 375 400 450 530 660 220 285 375 450 510 660 146 190 220 273 311 350 400 438 450 510 620 660 350 438 156 286 311 337 359 420 450 476 597 440 550 600 35 38 40 44 45 50 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,75 10,05 10,60 12,45 13,85 17,50 18,25 20,65 24,50 30,10 11,95 13,10 19,35 20,65 25,05 32,60 10,60 11,95 12,55 13,90 15,85 16,30 17,40 19,35 21,20 26,45 30,80 32,60 17,40 21,80 12,55 17,45 18,25 19,35 20,15 21,80 22,60 23,70 26,95 31,35 37,05 39,55 108 NYRO RADIATOR HOSE Code Diameter mm Length mm N51.120 N51.156 N51.180 N51.229 N51.311 N51.359 N51.450 N51.501 N51.580 N55.530 N55.550 N55.570 N55.600 N55.700 N55.750 N57.359 N57.400 N57.502 N57.520 N57.540 N57.550 N57.600 N57.620 N63.250 N63.300 51 120 156 180 229 311 359 450 501 580 530 550 570 600 700 750 359 400 502 520 540 550 600 620 250 300 55 57 63 VAT 0% EURO/pc 13,10 15,05 16,30 18,25 19,35 21,25 31,35 34,35 39,50 35,50 40,05 41,40 45,75 56,95 58,30 29,40 35,10 45,85 48,20 49,55 50,70 52,10 52,45 34,35 35,70 109 NYRO REDUCER RADIATOR HOSE Code I.D./I.D. diameter mm Length mm N28/32.158 N28/32.300 N32/38.400 N32/38.450 N34/38.600 N34/39.300 N34/39.350 N40/44.260 N40/44.370 N40/44.440 N45/51.300 N45/51.350 N45/51.420 N45/51.450 N45/55.350 N45/55.390 N45/55.440 N45/55.500 N45/55.550 N50/57.310 N50/57.540 N50/57.575 N50/57.675 N57/65.500 28/32 28/32 32/38 32/38 34/38 34/39 34/39 40/44 40/44 40/44 45/51 45/51 45/51 45/51 45/55 45/55 45/55 45/55 45/55 50/57 50/57 50/57 50/57 57/65 158 300 400 450 600 300 350 260 370 440 300 350 420 450 350 390 440 500 550 310 540 575 675 500 VAT 0% EURO/pc 7,50 18,75 19,35 20,65 30,80 15,00 17,45 15,00 20,10 23,70 20,05 21,20 23,70 24,40 23,20 23,70 25,65 33,85 39,50 27,60 40,70 42,50 49,55 41,10 NYRO RADIATOR HOSE FOR SCANIA Code NSC45.085 NSC45.240 NSC45.270 NSC45.290 NSC45.330 NSC45.370 NSC45.410 NSC45.530 NSC45.630 NSC55.250 NSC55.360 NSC57.310 Diameter mm 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 55 55 57 Length mm 85 240 270 290 330 370 410 530 630 250 360 310 VAT 0% EURO/pc 10,60 23,70 25,65 27,50 28,85 29,45 31,90 51,50 55,05 24,45 36,20 28,10 110 NYRO RADIATOR HOSE FOR SCANIA Code Diameter mm Length mm VAT 0% EURO/pc NSC57.1200 NSC63.550 NSC45/48.370 NSC45/55.290 NSC45/55.370 NSC45/55.930 57 63 45/48 45/55 45/55 45/55 1200 550 370 290 370 930 124,10 65,10 32,60 28,80 31,80 83,40 RADIATOR HOSE FOR SCANIA Code VAT 0% EURO/pc NSC2.278474 NSC2.290862 NSC2.297395 NSC2.298823 NSC2.298829 NSC2.301783 NSC2.301789 NSC2.318350 NSC2.349346 27,00 11,40 34,35 20,70 23,70 23,70 30,90 38,10 27,50 RADIATOR HOSE FOR SISU Code Code SI4010 SI7000 SI7040 SI7010 0916464010 0916457000 0916457040 0916457010 VAT 0% EURO/pc 34,30 40,40 40,40 40,40 111 NYRO ELBOWS NYRO ELBOWS (WITH SYNTHETIC CORD)) Code Diameter mm NKU131 NKU161 NKU191 NKU132 NKU162 NKU192 NKU133 NKU163 NKU193 13 16 19 13 16 19 13 16 19 Quantity of angles (pc) 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 VAT 0% EURO/pc 6,25 6,25 6,25 7,50 7,50 7,50 8,20 8,20 8,20 NYRO ELBOWS 90 DEGREE (WITH SYNTHETIC CORD) Code NKU10.150150 NKU13.150150 NKU15.150150 NKU16.150150 NKU19.150150 NKU22.150150 NKU25.150150 NKU28.150150 NKU30.150150 NKU32.150150 NKU35.150150 NKU38.150150 NKU40.130220 NKU42.150150 NKU45.100130 NKU45.150150 NKU45.140220 NKU51.090090 NKU51.150150 NKU51.140250 NKU51.140410 NKU55.150150 NKU55.160300 NKU57.150150 NKU57.200200 NKU63.150150 NKU63.160300 NKU70.150150 NKU76.200200 Diameter mm 10 13 15 16 19 22 25 28 30 32 35 38 40 42 45 45 45 51 51 51 51 55 55 57 57 63 63 70 76 Length mm 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 130x220 150x150 100x130 150x150 140x220 90x90 150x150 140x250 140x410 150x150 160x300 150x150 200x200 150x150 160x300 150x150 200x200 112 VAT 0% EURO/pc 8,60 10,95 14,75 11,75 13,65 13,50 14,15 16,00 16,60 17,10 18,40 19,00 23,25 23,25 23,25 26,45 29,40 19,75 26,95 29,40 38,80 27,70 38,90 24,40 28,30 37,40 36,85 46,90 39,30 NYRO ELBOWS AND REDUCERS NYRO U – ELBOWS Code Diameter mm Length mm NUK013 NUK016 NUK019 NUK022 NUK025 NUK028 NUK032 NUK035 NUK038 NUK042 NUK051 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 51 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 VAT 0% EURO/pc 11,95 12,50 13,25 15,00 17,70 20,00 22,00 22,55 23,70 26,90 35,10 NYRO REDUCERS Code Diameter mm Length mm NKA15/20.500 NKA18/22.450 NKA22/28.150 NKA32/40.200 NKA45/55.095 NKA50/70.100 15/20 18/22 22/28 32/40 45/55 50/70 500 450 150 200 95 100 10,00 10,00 5,70 10,00 12,50 15,15 RUBBER HELICAL SPRING Code KJKUMI VAT 0% EURO/pc VAT 0% EURO/pc 19,50 113 W E N TECHNO SILFOOD BRAIDED SILICONE HOSE Application : Structure : Silicone hose for food and pharmaceutical industry Translucent/clear silicone hose with braided polyester cord Shore 60° +/- 5 - 55° - + 200°C Working/Bursting pressure + 20°C temperature Venair Technosil, size, silicone FDA – BGVV Conform Venair Food quality, according to FDA 21 CFR 177.2600 and BGA Class XV Steam sterilisation: +135qC, max. 1h 30min, max. 3.5bar pressure Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code SILF006 SILF008 SILF010 SILF013 SILF016 SILF019 SILF025 Diameter mm 6x13 8x15 10x17 13x20 16x25 19x28 26x35 W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 9/28 7.5/23 7/23 5/17 4/13 3.5/11 3/9 40 45 55 70 85 95 135 0,12 0,15 0,17 0,23 0,33 0,39 0,51 114 Coil m 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 VAT 0% EURO/m 19,40 22,50 23,60 29,70 47,40 55,50 73,50 SILICON HOSES Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : Technical features : Long life hose for cooling and heating systems. Specially designed for buses and trucks, machinery industry, tractors etc.. Silicon, blue 3 or 4 polyester plies Silicon, blue -50º - +180ºC, with the peaks +200ºC ” Diameter mm ” According to ISO 1402 Diameter Wall thickness W.P./B.P. (bar) mm mm water +20ºC 10 25 50 100 4,2 (+1,0 – 0,5) 4,2 (+1,0 – 0,5) 4,2 (+1,0 – 0,5) 4,2 (+1,0 – 0,5) SILICON HOSE 1 M LENGTH Code Diameter mm Coil m SIL006 SIL008 SIL010 SIL013 SIL016 SIL019 SIL022 SIL025 SIL028 SIL030 SIL032 SIL035 SIL038 SIL040 SIL042 SIL045 SIL048 SIL050 SIL055 SIL057 SIL060 SIL063 SIL070 SIL076 SIL080 SIL090 SIL100 6x15 8x17 10x19 13x22 16x25 19x28 22x31 25x34 28x37 30x39 32x41 35x44 38x47 40x50 42x52 45x55 48x58 50x60 55x65 57x67 60x70 63x73 70x80 76x86 80x90 90x100 100x110 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 VAT 0% EURO/m 37,80 39,55 41,45 44,10 48,30 51,70 54,40 57,45 64,95 67,65 72,05 75,45 81,10 82,50 84,25 90,05 91,90 99,05 103,50 108,00 110,60 117,10 124,25 160,30 175,60 198,10 222,70 115 10/30 6,5/18 4,5/13 1,5/4,5 SILICON HOSE 4 M LENGTH Code Diameter mm SIL008x4 SIL010x4 SIL013x4 SIL016x4 SIL019x4 SIL025x4 8x17 10x19 13x22 16x25 19x28 25x34 Coil m 4 4 4 4 4 4 VAT 0% EURO/length 158,30 165,85 173,40 193,10 206,80 229,90 SILICON HOSES SILICON ELBOWS ( 90 DEGREE ) Code Diameter mm Side length mm SKU13.150150 SKU16.150150 SKU19.150150 SKU22.150150 SKU25.150150 SKU28.150150 SKU32.150150 SKU35.150150 SKU38.150150 SKU42.150150 SKU45.150150 SKU51.150150 SKU55.150150 SKU57.150150 SKU63.150150 SKU76.150150 13 16 19 22 25 28 32 35 38 42 45 51 55 57 63 76 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 150x150 SILICON INTER TRAILER HOSE Code Diameter mm Lenght mm VAT 0% EURO/pc SKO165.420 165 420 354,90 116 VAT 0% EURO/pc 33,20 35,00 36,70 38,20 38,70 40,50 42,10 43,70 46,50 48,60 52,05 59,10 64,75 68,40 71,70 80,15 MANITOBA STEAM HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed for saturated steam at max. working pressure of 8 bar. Black, smooth EPDM resistant to saturated steam High strength synthetic cord Black, wrapped finish EPDM, weather and abrasion resistant. -40º - +170ºC Red brand + size marking: IVG-STEAM MANITOBA 170°C 338°F 8 ATM 120 PSI DRAIN AFTER USE IVG For longer life time drain after use ! According to ISO 6134-92 Class 1 type 1/2 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m MAN019 MAN025 MAN032 MAN038 MAN051 19x31 25x37 32x47 38x54 51x68 8/80 8/80 8/80 8/80 8/80 0,50 0,58 0,91 1,16 1,63 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 14,80 17,35 31,70 42,45 49,85 VICTORIA STEAM HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed for saturated steam at max. working pressure of 18 bar. Black, smooth EPDM resistant to saturated steam Plies of steel wire cord Black/red wrapped finish EPDM, weather and abrasion resistant. -40º - +210ºC , with the peaks 232ºC Red brand + size marking: IVG STEAM VICTORIA 210°C 410°F 18 BAR 265 PSI DRAIN AFTER USE IVG For longer life time drain after use !. According to ISO 6134 Class 1 type 4 and BS 5342 type 2 A VICE019, VICE025 with extruded tube Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m VIC013 VIC019 VIC025 VIC032 VIC038 VIC051 VIC063 13x25 19x31 25x37 32x46 38x54 51x67 63x84 18/180 18/180 18/180 18/180 18/180 18/180 18/180 0,53 0,68 0,90 1,30 1,60 2,20 3,80 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 17,05 16,00 18,40 26,00 47,00 65,30 106,90 VICE019 VICE025 19x31 25x37 18/180 18/180 0,68 0,90 60 60 16,00 18,40 117 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m AMBURGO WATER SUCTION HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code AMB038 AMB051 AMB063 AMB076 AMB083 AMB090 AMB102 AMB114 AMB127 AMB152 AMB203 Corrugated, flexible water suction and discharge hose for industry, building, tank trucks and agriculture. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord and helix wire Black, wrapped, weather resistant SBR -35º - +70ºC Green brand WATER – LOGO – AMBURGO/1 Made in Italy IVG 2000 IVG Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar 38x50 51x61 63x74 76x87 83x97 90x102 102x115 114x128 127x141 152x167 203x218 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 125 175 225 275 300 335 400 450 530 690 1010 1,00 1,29 1,70 2,00 2,75 2,97 3,32 4,29 4,75 6,83 9,70 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 VAT 0% EURO/m 20,90 22,65 25,65 28,65 44,10 46,25 37,30 58,50 47,90 81,25 143,10 SUPERIOR WATER SUCTION HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Ligthweight hose used in industrial and waste waters for delivery and suction. Good weather resistant. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire Black, smooth SBR -35º - +70ºC Green brand - IVG IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m SUP063 63 3/9 200 1,56 118 Coil m 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 28,00 APOLLO SE SUCTION PVC HOSE Application : Features : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Irrigation, waste water suction hose for sewage trucks. Flexible PVC hose with super elastic material, with anti-shock rigid PVC spiral. Resistant to most chemicals. Light blue with red stripe -25º - +60ºC IPL APOLLO SE Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Other sizes upon request (20 – 300 mm). Code Diam. mm W.P./ B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m APO025 APO032 APO038 APO052 APO063 APO076 APO090 APO102 APO127 APO150 25x33 32x40 38x47 52x62 63x73 76x87 90x103 102x115 127x142 150x168 7/21 7/21 6/18 5/15 5/15 4/12 3,5/10 3/9 2,5/7,5 2/6 1 1 1 1 0,9 0,9 0,9 0,85 0,8 0,8 100 130 150 200 260 310 360 410 510 610 0,31 0,60 0,70 1,00 1,40 1,70 2,15 2,70 3,60 5,00 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 30/50 30 30 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 5,85 7,95 9,05 12,60 17,70 19,20 26,45 30,30 45,35 63,00 APOLLO SUPERFLEX SUCTION PVC HOSE Application : Features : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarkst : Code Diam. mm APOSF052 52x62 APOSF076 76x87 APOSF090 90x103 APOSF102 102x115 APOSF127 127x142 APOSF150 150x168 Irrigation, sewage trucks, where a Superior flexibility and handling is required. Ideal for general applications on extreme low temperature. Also in ships, silos etc. Flexible PVC hose for low temperature, with anti-shock rigid PVC spiral. Resistant to most chemicals. Brick red with blue stripe -35º - +50ºC IPL APOLLO SUPERFLEX Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Other sizes upon request (25 – 200 mm). W.P./ B.P. bar Va-cuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 2/10 1,8/9 1,5/7,5 1,3/7 1,1/5,5 0,9/4,5 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,6 160 250 300 330 410 500 1,00 1,70 2,15 2,70 3,60 5,00 119 Coil m 50 50 50 30 30 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 13,85 21,40 27,60 33,25 47,45 61,10 APOLLO S2 PVC/NBR SUCTION HOSE Application : Features : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Code To be used for the cleaning and purging of septic tanks and cesspools. It can also be used in more general applications where great flexibility is required, tank trucks, ships etc. PVC/NBR material ensures greater flexibility and easy to handle in extreme low temperatures. PVC/NBR material with shock-proof PVC-spiral. The hose is slightly corrugated to improve abrasive resistance Black with grey spiral -40º - +60ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar APOS2052 52x62 APOS2063 63x74 APOS2076 76x88 APOS2090 90x103 APOS2102 102x116 APOS2127 127x143 2/6 2/6 2/6 1,5/5 1,3/4 1,1/3,3 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,6 0,6 160 200 250 300 335 410 1,00 1,40 1,70 2,15 2,70 3,60 120 Coil m 50 50 50 50 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 13,85 19,40 22,55 28,35 35,50 47,75 URANO PU SUCTION HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Manufacturer : Designed for suction and delivery of abrasive materials ; mud, sand, clay, cement (dry) PU/PVC-hose with the spiral. The tube is red, smooth POLYURETHANE. The cover is grey, smooth PVC. - 25° - + 60° C Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m URA076 URA102 URA127 URA152 76x87 102x116 127x142 152x170 0,9 0,85 0,8 0,8 310 410 510 610 1,70 2,70 3,60 5,00 30 30 30 20 4/12 3,0/9,5 2,5/7,5 2/6 VAT 0% EURO/m 26,70 40,70 53,20 72,20 URANO HD SUCTION HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Manufacturer : Designed for suction and delivery of extremely abrasive materials. Suitable for food quality applications e.g. sugar, grain, seed. Food quality branding in the hose. PU/PVC-hose with the spiral. The tube is red, smooth polyurethane. The cover is blue smooth PVC. -25º - + 60ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m URAHD102 URAHD127 URAHD152 102x118 127x144 152x173 0,9 0,9 0,9 600 750 900 3,30 4,20 6,30 30 30 20 57,90 72,70 101,20 5/15 4/12 3/9 121 SATURNO L SE PVC HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Branding: Manufacturer : Remarkst : Light PVC-hose for suction and delivery of fluids, fertilizer, water etc. Hose is clear with the blue PVC-spiral. Tube is smooth, the cover is slightly corrugated. Hose is abrasion and weather resistant. -25º - +60ºC I.P.L. SATURNO L ATOSSICO – Made in Italy + manufacturing date Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Upon request other sizes and with antistatic copper wire Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m SAT019 SAT025 SAT032 SAT038 SAT045 SAT052 SAT063 SAT076 19x24 25x30 32x38 38x44 45x52 52x59 63x70 76x84 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 0,6 110 140 180 210 250 270 350 500 0,21 0,27 0,35 0,47 0,58 0,70 0,90 1,15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 4/12 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 3,25 3,80 4,85 6,20 7,70 9,10 11,70 14,55 NETTUNO SE PVC HOSE, FOOD QUALITY Application : Features : Temperature: Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed for suction and delivery of fluids (food based) e.g. water, juices, vine, alcohols to 25% . Hose is clear with the beige PVC- spiral. Tube is smooth. Hose is abrasion and weather resistant. Food quality branding in the hose. -25º - +60ºC I.P.L. NETTUNO S.E. FOOD QUALITY 90/128/CEE Made in Italy + manufacturing date Industrie Plastiche Lombarde According to EU-directive 90/128/CEE class A,B,C Upon request other sizes 120-300 mm and with antistatic copper wire Code Diameter W.P./B.P. Vacuum mm bar bar Bend. rad. mm Weight kg/m NET019 NET025 NET032 NET038 NET040 NET045 NET052 NET063 NET076 19x25 25x31 32x38 38x45 40x47 45x53 52x60 63x71 76x86 110 130 155 180 195 220 235 290 340 0,24 0,30 0,39 0,52 0,55 0,67 0,80 1,04 1,38 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 5/15 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 0,7 122 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 4,45 5,10 6,90 7,70 8,40 9,90 11,00 14,45 18,05 PLUTONE A PVC HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Food quality, flexible hose designed for suction and delivery of fluids, fertilizers, water etc. Clear PVC-hose with the steel spiral. The tube and the cover is smooth. Hose is most chemicals, solvents and weather resistant. -10º - +60ºC PLUTONE A 90/128/CEE Made in Italy + manufacturing date Industrie Plastiche Lombarde According to EU-directive 90/128/CEE class A,B,C Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m PLU008 PLU010 PLU012 PLU016 PLU020 PLU025 PLU032 PLU038 PLU040 PLU050 PLU060 PLU063 PLU076 PLU090 PLU102 8x14 10x15 12x17 16x22 20x27 25x33 32x41 38x47 40x49 50x60 60x72 63x75 76x90 90x105 102x115 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,85 0,80 0,80 0,70 0,70 0,70 16 18 23 30 34 42 53 63 66 82 130 138 164 192 215 0,13 0,16 0,18 0,25 0,35 0,50 0,65 0,80 0,87 1,25 1,70 1,80 2,20 2,90 3,35 7/35 7/35 6/30 6/30 5/25 5/25 4/20 4/20 4/20 4/20 3,6/18 3,6/18 3,6/18 3/15 2,4/12 Coil m 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 3,55 3,40 3,40 3,80 5,35 7,00 10,65 12,70 14,25 19,50 28,95 28,10 35,80 48,50 48,90 SATURNO IDRO PVC SANITATION HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Branding: Manufacturer : WC/sanitation hose for pleasure boats, cabbies etc. Anti smell quality PVC-P-hose with PVC-U-spiral. The tube is smooth, the cover slightly corrugated. Hose is most chemicals, solvents and weather resistant. -10º - +60ºC SANITATION HOSE IPL MADE IN ITALY Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m IDRO038 38 0,7 180 0,63 5/15 123 Coil m 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 10,70 SANITATION HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Hose designed for sanitation purposes in pleasure boats Black, smooth, butyl rubber, non penetrating smell quality High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire White, wrapped finish EPDM, weather resistant -40º - +100ºC Red brand - SANITARY EN ISO 8099 IVG According to EN ISO 8099 Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m SAN019 SAN025 SAN038 19x30 25x36 38x49 3/9 3/9 3/9 0,65 0,85 1,39 Coil m 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 24,50 26,10 35,05 CLEVELAND COOLANT HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Hose designed for cooling water in furnace doors coolant, specially for service in steel mills, glassworks and all operations where a hose resistant to heat radiation is required Black, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic cord White, EPDM, covered with vulcanized nomex fabric, resistant to heat radiation Tube : -40º - +130ºC Cover : +300ºC IVG Other sizes on request. With glass fibre cover (cover +530ºC) hose Essen Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m CLE025 CLE032 CLE038 CLE051 25x37 32x44 38x52 51x65 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 0,68 0,84 1,15 1,46 Coil m 40 40 40 40 124 VAT 0% EURO/m 32,10 35,70 47,35 59,00 FOODFLEX FOOD AND MILK HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Manufacturer : Branding : Remarks: Light-weight suction and delivery hose suitable for conveying milk and liquid food. Hose is extremely flexible and easy to handle. White, smooth, NR, food quality High strength synthetic cord plus 3 x helix wire Blue, smooth, wrapped finish NR, is abrasion and weather resistant. The cover does not dirty. -25º - +80ºC. Hot water disinfection (100ºC) for few minutes. IVG Red-white brand, FOOD – LOGO - FOODFLEX FDA TITLE 21 BgVV XXI KAT 2-Made in Italy- IVG 2000 According to FDA Title 21and BgVV XXI Cat. 2 Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m FOOD025 FOOD040 FOOD051 FOOD063 FOOD076 FOOD102 25x36 40x51,5 51x62,5 63,5x76,5 76x89,5 102x116 0,7 0,6 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,4 55 88 110 140 170 225 0,68 1,16 1,44 2,06 2,53 3,04 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 6/18 125 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 34,20 40,10 46,80 59,30 76,65 111,30 ALIVAP FOOD HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Very flexible and light, food quality, suction and pressure hose. Suitable for milk, vine, juices and alcohols in high temperatures Also for oily and fatty foods. White, smooth, food quality NBR High strength synthetic cord, double helix wire Blue, smooth NR -30º - +110ºC Hutchinson ALIVAP PMS 10 bar MAXI 110CFabrique en France Hutchinson IANESCO nro 3153-approval Code Diameter mm W.P/ B.P bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m ALIV050 ALIV076 51x62 76x89 10/30 10/30 0,80 0,80 70 200 1,60 2,50 Coil m 40 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 56,80 94,70 ALISTAR MILK HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Very flexible and light, food quality, milk suction and pressure hose. Suitable for milk collection. Suitable also for alcohols up to 95%. White, smooth, food quality NR High strength synthetic cord, douple helix wire Blue, smooth NR -30º - +80ºC ALISTAR - Alcool 95º PMS 6 bar- Fabrique en Francedate Hutchinson IANESCO nro 3153-approval Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m ALI040 ALI051 ALI063 40x51 51x62 63x75 6/18 6/18 6/18 0,80 0,80 0,80 45 65 100 1,10 1,50 1,95 126 Coil m 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 42,80 49,30 59,80 NETWASH HOT WATER AND STEAM HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer: Hose designed for hot water and steam cleaning at temperatures up to 160 C in food and agriculture industry. According to IANESCO nr 1690 for food quality. White, smooth EPDM High strength synthetic cord Blue, smooth, synthetic non staining cover -30º - +160ºC White, HUTCHINSON NETWASH PMS 10 BAR / WP Psi 147 MAXI 160ºC FABRIQUE EN FRANCE Hutchinson Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m Bend. radius mm NETW013 NETW016 NETW019 NETW025 13x23 16x26 19x29 25x35 10/30 10/30 10/30 8/25 0,37 0,43 0,55 0,60 95 110 140 200 Coil m 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 10,20 12,80 13,75 17,00 DRINKPRESS FOOD HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : Hose designed for liquid based foods like milk, wine, juices etc. Suitable also for fatty (both animal and vegetarian based) foods. Suitable for hot water cleaning hose in food industry. Used also in drink water applications. White, smooth, synthetic rubber, food quality High strength synthetic cord Blue, smooth, oil, fatty foods and weather resistant synthetic rubber -20º - +95ºC Rubber Hose DRINKPRESS D.M. 21-03-73 Made in Italy According to D.M. 21.3.1973 and CEE-directives. The hose is possible to wash and sterilize with steam max. 120ºC , 10 min. Code Diameter mm W.P. B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m DRI010 DRI013 DRI019 DRI025 10x19 13x23 19x31 25x39 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 80 105 150 200 0,31 0,42 0,71 1,05 127 Coil m 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 7,90 8,75 13,70 21,60 TS – 16 VENTILATION HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Very flexible rubber hose designed for ventilation, smoke gases, wooden splinters, dust etc. Black, smooth SBR High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire Black, wrapped finish, corrugated SBR -40º - +80ºC Blue brand - IVG IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend.rad. mm Weight kg/m TS030 TS051 TS063 TS070 TS076 TS083 TS090 TS102 TS110 TS114 TS127 TS152 TS160 30x36 51x57 63x70 70x76 76x82 83x89 90x98 102x110 110x118 114x122 127x135 152x158 160x172 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 1/3 60 102 127 140 152 166 180 204 215 228 254 304 320 0,28 0,47 0,59 0,63 0,69 0,75 0,81 0,92 1,08 1,16 1,29 1,76 1,85 128 Coil m 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 10,5 VAT 0% EURO/m 22,55 28,45 31,80 37,15 40,40 79,80 84,70 89,35 92,50 94,25 99,75 110,35 158,70 P2 GEN VENTILATION HOSE Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Designed for suction of air, fumes and dust Light weight and very flexible, with good compressibility. PVC-hose with spring steel wire. Black 0º - +70ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Technical data are based on +20ºC. Other sizes on request (20-500mm). On request P2CCAI antistatic (R< 108 Ohm) Code Diameter W.P./Vamm cuum bar Bend. Weight rad. mm kg/m P2GEN051 P2GEN063 P2GEN076 P2GEN102 P2GEN127 P2GEN160 51 63 76 102 127 160 35 45 53 70 88 115 0,35/0,15 0,30/0,12 0,30/0,10 0,20/0,08 0,15/0,06 0,07/0,04 0,28 0,34 0,42 0,58 0,72 0,91 Coil m 10 10 10 10 10 10 VAT 0% EURO/m 10,95 12,50 13,95 15,65 19,35 24,75 P2 A 1000 VENTILATION HOSE Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Hose designed for suction of air and welding fumes, domestic appliances. According to DIN 4102 flame retardant. Light weight and flexible PVC-coated polyester fabric with spring steel wire. Grey -30º - +100ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Technical data are based +20ºC. On request other sizes. Single sold length 10 m., 102mm and up compressed to 1,2 m length. Code Diameter W.P./Va- Bend. mm cuum bar rad. mm Weight kg/m P2A045 P2A051 P2A063 P2A065 P2A076 P2A083 P2A090 P2A102 P2A115 P2A127 P2A152 P2A160 P2A205 P2A254 P2A305 P2A406 P2A508 45 51 63 65 76 83 90 102 115 127 152 160 205 254 305 406 508 0,12 0,13 0,16 0,17 0,22 0,24 0,27 0,30 0,34 0,38 0,45 0,51 0,72 0,90 1,08 1,45 1,82 0,80/0,20 0,80/0,20 0,80/0,16 0,80/0,16 0,60/0,10 0,60/0,10 0,50/0,09 0,50/0,09 0,50/0,08 0,50/0,08 0,20/0,06 0,20/0,06 0,20/0,05 0,10/0,04 0,06/0,03 0,04/0,02 0,02/0,01 32 35 42 44 53 57 63 70 82 88 105 115 140 175 210 280 352 129 Coil m 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 VAT 0% EURO/m 5,35 5,35 5,80 6,20 7,40 8,80 9,05 9,05 9,70 10,75 13,20 13,75 18,20 22,60 28,60 40,80 48,80 FLEXADUX HYPALON CL Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of hot and cold fumes, gases and dust. Hypalon coated polyester fabric, external helix and internal wire External black, internal green -40º - +175ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Other sizes on request (51 – 305 mm). Single length 3 or 6 metres. Flame retardant. Excellent chemical resistant. DELIVER TO ORDER Code Diameter W.P. mm bar Bend. rad. Vacuum mm bar Weight kg/m VAT 0% EURO/m FLEHY076 FLEHY102 FLEHY127 FLEHY152 FLEHY160 FLEHY203 FLEHY254 76 102 127 152 160 203 254 45 60 75 90 96 120 175 0,60 0,65 0,80 0,90 0,94 1,21 1,70 42,60 56,55 70,65 83,60 87,40 107,30 132,50 0,60 0,50 0,32 0,22 0,21 0,15 0,10 0,17 0,10 0,06 0,04 0,04 0,02 0,01 FLEXADUX TEFLON CL Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of aggressive chemical fumes and gases in industry. PTFE coated glass fabric, external helix and internal wire Brown -150º - +250ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff On request sizes 50– 508 mm. Single length 3 or 6 metres. DELIVER TO ORDER Code Diameter W.P. mm bar Bend.rad. mm Vacuum bar Weight kg/m VAT 0% EURO/m FLETE076 FLETE102 FLETE127 FLETE152 FLETE160 FLETE203 76 102 127 152 160 203 45 60 75 90 96 120 0,14 0,08 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,60 0,65 0,80 0,90 0,94 1,21 71,80 96,70 120,50 132,90 140,50 177,70 0,47 0,30 0,21 0,16 0,14 0,10 130 FLEXADUX SILICON CL Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of hot fumes, gases and dust in industry. Silicone coated glass fabric, external helix and internal wire. Silver-grey -60º - +300ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff On request sizes 51-305 mm. Single length 3 metres. On request single length of 6 metres. Flame retardant. Not suitable for diesel gases ! STOCK SIZES 76-203 mm. Code Diameter W.P. mm bar Bend.rad. mm Vacuum bar Weight kg/m VAT 0% EURO/m FLESI076 FLESI102 FLESI127 FLESI152 FLESI160 FLESI203 76 102 127 152 160 203 45 60 75 90 96 120 0,14 0,08 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,02 0,60 0,65 0,80 0,90 0,94 1,21 65,10 78,90 97,50 107,50 109,70 143,70 0,47 0,30 0,21 0,16 0,14 0,10 FLEXADUX PS – YELLOW Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of air, dust and solvent fumes, air conditioning and ventilation, heating. PVC-coated polyester fabric, spring steel wire Yellow - black -40º - +80ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff On request other sizes. Single length 5 m, 7,5 m and 10 metres Spiral free cuffs, flame retardant, good compressibility DELIVER TO ORDER Code Diameter W.P. mm bar Bend.rad. mm Vacuum bar Weight kg/m PSL200 PSL300 PSL400 PSL500 200 300 400 500 140 210 280 350 0,04 0,03 0,03 0,03 0,68 1,00 1,60 2,00 0,30 0,18 0,14 0,10 131 VAT 0% EURO/m 50,50 58,90 69,00 76,80 P4E Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of air and gases in paper processing, plastic industry etc. Maintains flexibility in low temperatures. Silicone-coated glass fabric, single ply, steel wire Red-brown -85º - +300ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff On request sizes 19 – 305 mm. Single length 4 metres. STOCK SIZES 76-203 mm. Code Diameter mm W.P. bar Bend.rad. mm Vacuum bar Weight kg/m VAT 0% EURO/m P4E076 P4E102 P4E127 P4E152 P4E160 P4E203 76 102 127 152 160 203 1,1 1,0 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,5 70 95 118 127 145 170 0,39 0,30 0,20 0,14 0,12 0,07 0,52 0,72 0,88 0,99 1,10 1,32 40,50 49,90 61,60 73,80 81,90 102,70 P4Z Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of air and gases in paper processing, plastic industry and vehicle construction. Maintains flexibility in low temperatures. Silicone-coated glass fabric, double ply, steel wire Red-brown -85º - +300ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkuststoff On request sizes 19-305 mm. Single length 4 metres DELIVER TO ORDER Code Diameter mm W.P. bar Bend.rad mm Vacuum bar Weight kg/m VAT 0% EURO/m P4Z076 P4Z102 P4Z127 P4Z152 P4Z160 P4Z203 P4Z254 76 102 127 152 160 203 254 1,70 1,40 1,28 1,20 1,10 0,70 0,50 76 102 127 152 160 203 254 0,40 0,30 0,23 0,17 0,16 0,10 0,07 0,53 0,71 1,01 1,21 1,28 1,66 2,10 68,80 81,00 103,40 119,60 127,50 158,10 206,00 132 VULCANO TPSI Application : Hose designed for conveying hot air in vehicles, machines, ventilation equipments etc. Resistant to hydrolysis and chemical fumes. TPE-silicon hose, steel helix wire Red -50º - +150ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes (38-305 mm) Features : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Diameter mm Vacuum bar Bend.rad. mm Weight kg/m VUL038 VUL051 VUL076 VUL102 VUL127 VUL152 38 51 76 102 127 152 0,50 0,50 0,35 0,30 0,20 0,15 60 80 110 150 190 230 0,29 0,38 0,72 1,06 1,48 1,75 Coil m 20 20 20 15 15 15 VAT 0% EURO/m 16,50 21,90 35,80 52,50 73,80 87,50 EOLO A.F (UL 94 – VO) PVC HOSE Application : Hose designed for conveying fumes, gases, dust, air etc. Flame retardant according to UL 94 – VO. Green, flexible PVC-hose with the PVC spiral, according to VO-classification. The tube is smooth, the cover is corrugated. -10º - +50ºC CL – UL94 VO Industrie Plastiche Lombarde Features : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code EOLOAFV038 EOLOAFV050 Diameter mm 38 50 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,40 0,40 45 60 0,31 0,50 133 Coil m 50 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 7,85 9,60 EOLO SL PVC HOSE Application : Very light weight and flexible hose for conveying air, smoke and fumes in ventilation applications. Blue PVC-hose with the PVC spiral -10º - +50ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes Features : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Diameter mm EOLOSL025 25 EOLOSL032 32 EOLOSL038 38 EOLOSL045 45 EOLOSL052 52 EOLOSL063 63 EOLOSL076 76 EOLOSL102 102 EOLOSL127 127 EOLOSL150 150 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,08 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,07 0,06 0,05 0,04 0,03 0,03 40 40 50 80 90 100 110 160 230 280 0,14 0,16 0,19 0,24 0,29 0,46 0,55 0,75 1,11 1,50 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 2,80 3,75 4,35 5,10 5,65 8,80 10,15 13,40 20,35 25,40 EOLO NL 1 PVC HOSE Application : Features : Hose designed for conveying of fumes, dust, air, smoke etc. Dark grey, light weight PVC-hose with the PVC spiral. The EOLO NL 1 is more flexible and lighter than the hoses EOLO ja EOLO SE. -10º - +50ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code EOLONL025 EOLONL032 EOLONL038 EOLONL052 EOLONL076 EOLONL102 Diameter Vamm cuum bar 25 32 38 52 76 102 0,25 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,15 0,13 Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 30 35 45 60 100 140 0,15 0,20 0,26 0,43 0,64 0,97 134 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 VAT 0% EURO/m 2,90 4,40 5,55 7,45 9,65 15,40 EOLO PVC HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Hose designed for suction and conveying of fumes, dust, air, etc. Grey, flexible, light weight PVC-hose with PVC spiral. The tube is smooth and the cover is corrugated. -10º - +50ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes Code Diameter mm Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m EOLO020 EOLO025 EOLO032 EOLO038 EOLO045 EOLO052 EOLO063 EOLO076 EOLO090 EOLO102 EOLO150 EOLO200 20 25 32 38 45 52 63 76 90 102 150 200 0,4 0,4 0,35 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,25 0,25 0,25 0,20 0,15 26 32 40 45 50 60 70 100 150 155 200 240 0,12 0,16 0,24 0,31 0,41 0,50 0,62 0,78 1,05 1,25 2,00 2,70 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 2,95 3,80 5,60 7,00 8,40 9,20 11,10 13,00 16,90 21,80 31,80 41,80 EOLO SE PVC HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code Hose designed for suction and conveying of dust, powders etc. Used in vacuum cleaners, wood working plants etc. Orange, flexible PVC-hose with the PVC spiral The tube is smooth and the cover is corrugated -25º - +50ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes Diameter Vamm cuum bar EOLOSE032 32 EOLOSE038 38 EOLOSE045 45 EOLOSE052 52 EOLOSE063 63 EOLOSE076 76 EOLOSE102 102 EOLOSE127 127 0,6 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,45 0,45 Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 110 130 160 175 220 270 400 500 0,28 0,35 0,45 0,55 0,92 1,10 1,50 2,20 135 Coil m 50 50 50 50 50 50 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 6,50 8,15 9,50 10,60 17,60 20,80 28,45 39,05 RECOMFLEX INDUSTRIAL VACUUM CLEANER HOSE Application : Hose designed for vacuum cleaners and for suction of fumes, gases, sawings etc. The hose is crush proof. Grey, light weight, flexible EVA-plastic hose. The tube is smooth and the cover is corrugated. -40º - +60ºC EU Features : Temperature : Manufactured : Code REC032 REC 038 REC 045 REC 050 REC 063 REC 076 Diameter Vamm cuum bar 32 38 45 50 63 76 0,8 0,8 0,7 0,7 0,4 0,2 Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 72 85 100 115 140 170 0,26 0,35 0,41 0,50 0,62 0,90 CUFFS AND CONNECTORS / RECOMFLEX Code Description Diameter mm VAT 0% EURO/pc RECM032 Cuff RECM038 Cuff RECM050 Cuff RECM038x050 Cuff 32 38 50 38/50 5,70 6,15 6,15 8,55 RECJK038x032 Connector RECJK050x038 Connector 38/32 50/38 11,00 11,00 CUFFS / CONDIFLEX/ ANTISTATIC Code Description Diameter mm CONDM032 CONDM038 CONDM050 Cuff Cuff Cuff 32 38 50 VAT 0% EURO/pc 8,30 8,90 11,00 136 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 7,10 9,20 11,00 11,00 21,20 29,00 CONDIFLEX ANTISTATIC INDUSTRIAL VACUUM CLEANER HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Color : Manufactured : Remarks : Code COND032 COND038 COND050 COND063 COND076 Diameter mm 32 38 50 63 76 Hose designed for industrial vacuum cleaners when the antistatic hose is required e.g. dangerous and high explosive applications. Crush proof. Black, light weight, flexible, antistatic EVA-plastic hose. The tube is smooth and the cover is corrugated. -10º - +55ºC Black EU The hose is antistatic max. R<106ohm Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 82 93 122 158 190 0,27 0,35 0,49 0,64 0,72 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 10,05 19,75 22,80 43,70 52,35 ASTAFLEX INDUSTRIAL VACUUM CLEANER HOSE Application : Features : Temperature : Color : Manufactured : Remarks : Code ASTA038 ASTA050 Diameter mm 38 50 Hose designed for industrial vacuum cleaners in dusty application when semi antistatic features is required. Crush proof. Black, light weight, flexible antistatic EVA-plastic hose. The tube is smooth and the cover is corrugated. -10º - +55ºC Black EU The hose is semi antistatic R< 1010 - 1011 Ohm Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,5 0,5 88 188 0,35 0,50 137 Coil m 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 12,90 16,15 EOLO PU SUCTION HOSE Application : Structure : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Code EOLOPU032 EOLOPU038 EOLOPU040 EOLOPU052 EOLOPU076 EOLOPU102 Suction and disharge of powders, fumes, shavings vapours, dust etc. Transparent polyurethane hose with rigid ivory PVC-spiral, inside surface perfectly smooth, outside corrugated. Very light and flexible hose with the high resistance against abrasion and weather. -20º - +80ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes (19-300 mm) According to EU-directive 90/128/CEE Diameter mm 32 38 40 52 76 102 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,5 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 35 50 60 70 100 140 0,15 0,19 0,20 0,29 0,55 0,75 Coil m 20 20 20 20 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 6,85 8,00 8,60 11,40 20,60 27,65 EOLO PUA SUCTION HOSE Application : Structure : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarkst : Code EOLOPUA038 EOLOPUA040 EOLOPUA045 EOLOPUA052 EOLOPUA063 EOLOPUA076 EOLOPUA102 Please look at : EOLO PU Please look at : EOLO PU + with antistatic copper wire. Earth connection from the both ends. -20º - +80ºC Industrie Plastiche Lombarde On request other sizes. According to EU-directive 90/128/CEE Diameter mm 38 40 45 52 63 76 102 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 0,4 50 50 65 70 80 100 140 0,19 0,20 0,24 0,29 0,46 0,55 0,75 138 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 9,30 10,30 12,00 13,55 21,00 24,80 33,55 PURFLEX P2 PU Application : Structure : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : On request : Wall thickness : Suction of air, dust and fumes in wood, food and pharmaceutical industry. Transparent, light weight, very flexible polyester-polyurethane hose with spring steel wire. Good compressibility and good abrasion resistance. Excellent resistance to oil- and petrol fumes. -40º - +100ºC "PURFLEX P2PU XXX mm" Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Technical data are based +20ºC Compressed into the net : 102-500 mm. Other sizes P2PU-AE resistant to hydrolysis and microbes, P2PU-AS antistatic (R< 108 Ohm) P1LPU SEA flame retardant according to DIN 4102 B1 for wood industry. 0,4 mm Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P2PU032 P2PU038 P2PU051 P2PU060 P2PU063 P2PU076 P2PU080 P2PU090 P2PU102 P2PU115 P2PU120 P2PU127 P2PU130 P2PU140 P2PU152 P2PU160 P2PU180 P2PU203 P2PU254 P2PU305 P2PU354 P2PU400 P2PU500 32 38 51 60 63 76 80 90 102 115 120 127 130 140 152 160 180 203 254 305 354 400 500 0,50/0,25 0,50/0,25 0,40/0,20 0,40/0,20 0,40/0,16 0,30/0,10 0,27/0,10 0,24/0,10 0,20/0,09 0,20/0,09 0,20/0,09 0,20/0,08 0,18/0,08 0,15/0,07 0,10/0,06 0,10/0,06 0,09/0,05 0,08/0,05 0,05/0,04 0,03/0,03 0,02/0,02 0,02/0,02 0,01/0,01 25 28 35 40 42 53 56 63 70 76 81 88 94 99 105 117 124 140 175 210 245 280 350 0,20 0,22 0,29 0,32 0,34 0,42 0,45 0,46 0,51 0,54 0,64 0,64 0,66 0,76 0,77 0,78 0,90 1,02 1,28 1,54 1,79 2,04 2,56 139 Coil m 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 VAT 0% EURO/m 11,40 12,40 13,60 14,85 15,15 17,55 19,95 20,20 20,70 24,50 25,85 26,90 26,90 29,65 31,05 33,45 38,20 42,35 52,00 65,50 73,25 85,50 113,80 PURFLEX P3 PU Application : Structure : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : On request : Suction of abrasive materials, transport of granulates in wood, metal and plastic industry. Excellent abrasion resistance, good oil resistance. Also for working hose in centralized vacuum cleaning systems. Transparent, medium weight, flexible and with PVC-coated spring steel wire equipped polyester-polyurethane hose Smooth bore. -40º - +100ºC "PURFLEX P3 PU XXX mm" Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff P3 PU is more resistant to abrasion than P2 PU Technical data are based +20ºC. P3PU-AE resistant to hydrolysis and microbes Wall thickness : Diameter 38mm 51-80mm 90-130mm 140-203mm 254-400mm Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P3PU032 P3PU038 P3PU051 P3PU063 P3PU076 P3PU080 P3PU090 P3PU102 P3PU115 P3PU120 P3PU127 P3PU130 P3PU140 P3PU152 P3PU160 P3PU170 P3PU180 P3PU203 P3PU254 P3PU305 P3PU350 P3PU400 P3PU500 32 38 51 63 76 80 90 102 115 120 127 130 140 152 160 170 180 203 254 305 350 400 500 2,10/0,50 2,00/0,45 1,80/0,40 1,60/0,35 1,40/0,35 1,20/0,30 1,00/0,30 1,00/0,30 0,75/0,25 0,75/0,25 0,75/0,25 0,70/0,25 0,65/0,20 0,50/0,20 0,50/0,20 0,45/0,15 0,45/0,15 0,35/0,12 0,25/0,10 0,20/0,09 0,15/0,09 0,10/0,08 0,05/0,04 45 60 75 96 110 120 135 150 170 178 185 190 210 225 250 260 265 300 375 450 525 600 750 0,25 0,35 0,44 0,53 0,66 0,67 0,85 1,02 1,15 1,20 1,28 1,31 1,38 1,45 1,68 1,70 1,72 1,94 3,15 3,78 4,41 5,04 7,20 Thickness 0,8mm 0,9mm 1,0mm 1,2mm 1,3mm 140 Coil m 15 15 10/15 10/15 15 15 15 15 15 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 7 5 VAT 0% EURO/m 15,10 18,15 19,70 24,90 26,50 29,10 33,75 37,25 42,40 44,50 46,75 48,65 49,55 51,80 56,80 60,60 62,35 72,75 97,90 142,90 158,50 179,00 246,00 PURFLEX P3 PU AS ANTISTATIC Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : On request : Suction hose for abrasive materials, suitable for working hose in industrial vacuum cleaners. Resistant to abrasion, oil and greases. Antistatic, transparent, medium weight, flexible with PVC-coated spring steel wire equipped polyester-polyurethane hose. Smooth bore. Transparent -40° - +100°C "PURFLEX P3 PU XXX mm antistatic" Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff P3PU AS on antistatic R< 108 ohm Other sizes on request. P3PU SAM antistatic (R < 104 ohm) Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P3PUAS038 P3PUAS051 P3PUAS063 P3PUAS076 P3PUAS102 P3PUAS127 P3PUAS152 P3PUAS160 38 51 63 76 102 127 152 160 2,00/0,45 1,80/0,40 1,60/0,35 1,40/0,35 1,00/0,30 0,75/0,25 0,50/0,20 0,50/0,20 60 75 96 110 150 185 225 250 0,35 0,44 0,53 0,66 1,02 1,28 1,45 1,68 141 Coil m 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 VAT 0% EURO/m 21,80 23,70 29,85 31,80 44,70 56,15 62,10 68,20 P7 L PU Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction and conveying of abrasive particles and granulates Transparent, flexible polyurethane hose with the spring steel wire Transparent -40º -+100ºC "P7 L PU XXX mm" Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff On request other sizes Wall thickness 0.7 mm Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P7L051 P7L076 P7L090 P7L102 P7L127 51 76 90 102 127 1,0/0,25 0,8/0,20 0,7/0,20 0,6/0,18 0,5/0,15 51 76 90 102 127 0,45 0,65 0,75 0,84 0,98 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 16,90 24,50 26,50 30,60 37,90 P7 L PU AS ANTISTATIC Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction and conveying of abrasive particles, granulates and gases. Suitable e.g. gas collection hose for tank trucks. Antistatic, transparent, flexible polyurethane hose the with spring steel wire Transparent -40º - +100ºC "P 7 L PU XXX mm antistatic" Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Antistatic (R < 108 ohm) Wall thickness 0,7 mm Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P7LAS076 P7LAS102 76 102 0,8/0,2 0,6/0,18 76 102 0,65 0,84 142 Coil m 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 27,80 37,30 P7 N PU Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : On request : Wall thickness : Suction and disharging of abrasive materials. The hose has excellent resistance to abrasion. Non toxic and halogen free. Transparent, flexible polyurethane hose with the spring steel wire. Very smooth bore. Transparent -40º - +100ºC "P 7 N PU XXX mm" Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff P7 N PU is more resistant to abrasion than P3 PU. Technical data are based +20ºC. P7N PU-AE Resistant to hydrolysis and microbes, food quality P7N PU-AS antistatic (R< 108 ohm). Other sizes max. 300mm 1,4 mm Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P7N032 P7N038 P7N040 P7N051 P7N063 P7N076 P7N090 P7N102 P7N127 P7N140 P7N152 P7N160 P7N203 P7N300 32 38 40 51 63 76 90 102 127 140 152 160 203 300 3,00/0,90 2,40/0,75 2,30/0,70 1,90/0,60 1,80/0,55 1,20/0,50 1,10/0,45 1,10/0,40 0,80/0,25 0,70/0,20 0,70/0,20 0,60/0,20 0,50/0,15 0,30/0,10 48 57 60 75 97 113 135 150 188 210 225 240 300 450 0,38 0,52 0,56 0,67 0,80 0,98 1,23 1,36 1,64 1,76 1,82 2,15 2,92 4,31 143 Coil m 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 VAT 0% EURO/m 22,20 22,50 23,20 27,55 33,20 41,55 49,90 55,40 69,30 77,20 82,80 92,80 124,00 148,00 P3 SPU Application : Structure : Branding : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : On request : Suction and conveying of extremely abrasive materials. The hose is designed for the high vacuum suction trucks. Resistant to high vacuum (almost full vacuum). Transparent, flexible polyurethane hose with hard spring steel wire. ”P3 SPU – XXX mm” Transparent - 40º - +100ºC Schauenburg Other sizes 30 – 200 mm Code Diameter mm Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m P3S076 P3S102 P3S127 P3S152 76 102 127 152 0,95 0,90 0,90 0,85 300 400 500 600 1,64 2,19 2,74 4,05 Coil m 15 15 15 15 VAT 0% EURO/m 81,00 107,50 135,00 176,50 GENESIS MK II Application : Structure : Color : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction and transportation of fumes, gases and airborne Particles, especially for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, food processing, asbestos removal, insulation blowing equipment. Halogen-free, food quality. Light weight, very flexible PE ducting with cap profile Translucent -40º - +60ºC Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Technical data are based on +20ºC Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m GEN076 GEN102 76 102 0,50/0,30 0,30/0,20 120 160 0,60 0,80 144 Coil m 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 15,20 20,30 ALUPAP VENTILATION HOSES (PAP , AA , APK) Application : Structure : Temperature : Manufacturer : Black, flexible ventilation hose with corrugated cover for vehicles and pleasure boats. Resistant to heat, vibration and moist environment. Paper – aluminium – paper = PAP Aluminium – aluminium = AA Aluminium – paper – PVC = APK PAP : -40º - +130ºC AA : -40º - +200ºC APK : -20º - +90ºC Svenska Westaflex Paper – aluminium – paper Code Diameter mm Bend. rad. mm Weight kg/m PAP029 PAP032 PAP035 PAP040 PAP045 PAP050 PAP055 PAP060 PAP065 PAP070 PAP075 PAP080 PAP085 PAP090 PAP100 PAP120 29 32 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 100 120 43 48 52 60 67 75 82 90 97 105 112 120 128 135 150 180 0,22 0,25 0,27 0,29 0,31 0,32 0,38 0,44 0,47 0,50 0,54 0,58 0,62 0,65 0,72 0,82 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 5,75 5,95 6,50 7,20 8,15 8,95 9,80 12,05 12,20 12,70 14,20 14,70 15,95 16,75 20,95 26,45 Aluminium – paper – PVC Code Diameter mm Bend.rad mm Weight kg/m APK055 APK060 APK065 APK070 APK075 APK080 APK090 APK100 55 60 65 70 75 80 90 100 82 90 98 105 113 120 135 150 0,38 0,44 0,47 0,50 0,54 0,58 0,65 0,72 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 145 VAT 0% EURO/m 15,35 17,80 19,45 21,10 21,90 23,55 24,75 30,70 Aluminium - aluminium Code Diameter mm Bend. rad. mm Weight kg/m AA040 AA045 AA050 AA055 AA060 AA065 AA070 AA080 AA100 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 80 100 60 67 75 83 90 97 105 120 150 0,29 0,31 0,32 0,34 0,43 0,47 0,50 0,58 0,72 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/m 12,90 15,05 16,15 17,70 19,00 21,20 22,10 24,40 32,40 INOX VENTILATION PIPE AISI 316L Application : Structure : Temperature : On request : Bending radius : Coil : Manufacturer : Code INO025 INO028 INO030 INO038 INO045 INO050 INO063 INO070 INO090 Diameter mm 25 28 30 38 45 50 63 70 90 Flexible pipe, to help installation in winding ducts and narrow places. For gas exhaust pipe in pleasure boats and vehicles. Light weight, flexible, single layer stainless steel hose, cutting with e.g. saw. Stainless steel AISI 316L +850ºC 22 – 356 mm 2 – 5 x inside diameter 10 m Svenska Westaflex Weight kg/m 0,17 0,19 0,20 0,25 0,30 0,34 0,42 0,47 0,57 VAT 0% EURO/m 24,50 27,10 29,55 33,00 37,95 39,10 45,15 49,10 57,95 146 P 2 PGEX 1 EXHAUST GAS HOSE Application : Structure : Temperature : Manufacturer : Remarks : Suction of exhaust gases in over-floor applications with reel systems or suction channels. Excellent chemical resistance, expecially against oil and petrol fumes. Crush recoverable. Black, light weight, very flexible TPE-coated-polyester fabric hose with the PA 6.6 heat-stabilizied helix.. -40º - +150ºC (short time +170ºC) Schauenburg Ruhrkunststoff Please use with the exhaust fan !! On request other sizes. Clamp PGEXK. Code Diameter mm Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m PGEX052 PGEX076 PGEX102 PGEX127 PGEX152 52 76 102 127 152 0,170 0,150 0,100 0,075 0,060 78 115 150 190 225 0,50 0,69 0,86 1,20 1,44 PGEX – CLAMP PGEXK076 PGEXK102 PGEXK127 PGEXK152 Coil m 20 20 20 20 20 VAT 0% EURO/pc 10,95 11,75 12,35 12,80 POTGAS EXHAUST HOSE Application : Tube : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Gas exhaust suction hose for garages. Non crushable construction for the floor use. Black, corrugated, synthetic, fuel and diesel fumes resistant. Black, corrugated, synthetic Max. +120ºC Red brand - IVG IVG Supplied with the soft ends, non cutting hose. Code Diameter mm Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m POT051 POT063 POT076 POT102 51 63 76 102 120 150 180 220 1,30 1,50 1,90 2,50 Coil m 6 6 6 6 147 VAT 0% EURO/m 98,75 108,90 119,80 148,20 VAT 0% EURO/m 38,20 44,50 50,80 62,50 75,70 SHANNON 80 CONCRETE HOSE Application : Steel cord hose used for placement of concrete at casting locations. It is used at the end of the pumps to distribute the concrete. Usually supplied with swaged on fittings "VICTAULIC FULL FLOW". The hose resists to suction during the cleaning process. Tube : Black, smooth NR/SBR rubber compound, abrasion resistant. Abrasion loss of the tube 50 mm3 (DIN 53516) Reinforcement : Plies of steel wire cord Cover : Black, smooth NR/SBR, abrasion and weather resistant Temperature : - 40º - +70ºC Branding : Red brand, ABR – LOGO – SHANNON 80 BAR – Made in Italy Manufacturer : IVG Fittings : VICTAULIC FULL FLOW 2 1/2" , 3" , 4" , 4 1/2" , 5" , 5 1/2" Remarks : Suitable for : Putzmeister, Cifa, Schwing, Wibau etc concrete pumps. DELIVER TO ORDER Code Diameter mm W.P./B.P bar Bend. rad. mm Weight kg/m VAT 0% EURO/m SHA065 SHA076 SHA100 SHA125 65x89 76x104 100x128 125x153 80/200 80/200 80/200 80/200 400 400 550 700 4,84 6,21 7,85 9,67 77,00 110,50 135,80 165,10 ORINOCO 2000 SAND BLAST HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Remarks : High quality sand blast hose used for the delivery of sand, cast steel etc. Black, smooth, antistatic, abrasion resistant SBR/NR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish), antistatic, abrasion resistant SBR/NR -40º - +70ºC Red brand "ABR –Logo – 12 BAR 175 PSI Made in Italy (S.F. 3:1) IVG 2000 Sand blast couplings (page 29) Abrasion lost of the tube 50 mm3 (DIN 53516) Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m ORI2000019 ORI2000025 ORI2000032 ORI2000080 19x33 25x40 32x48 80x100 12/36 12/36 12/36 12/36 0,62 0,83 1,08 2,93 148 Coil m 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 17,20 17,20 19,30 79,50 ORINOCO SAND BLAST HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Sand blast hose for delivery of sand, cast steel in paintshop, ship yards etc. Black, smooth, antistatic, abrasive resistant SBR/NR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish), antistatic, abrasion resistant SBR/NR -40º - +70ºC Red brand, ABR 10 bar 150 PSI – Made in Italy – (S.F.3:1) – IVG 2000 IVG Sand blast couplings (page 29) Abrasion lost of the tube 70 mm3 (DIN 53516) Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m ORI013 ORI019 ORI025 ORI032 ORI038 13x27 19x33 25x39 32x48 38x56 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 10/30 0,47 0,62 0,83 1,08 1,45 Coil m 40 40 40 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 13,40 15,10 15,10 17,20 29,70 NIAGARA PLASTER HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Tube : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Hose designed for the spraying of plaster, grout, gypsum and concrete. Black, smooth SBR/NR, abrasion resistant High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth (wrapped finish), antistatic SBR/NR -40º - +70ºC Red brand, ABR 40 bar 600 PSI- Made in Italy- (S.F.3:1) – IVG 2000 IVG On request other sizes. Abrasion lost of the tube 70 mm3 (DIN 53516) Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m NIA025 NIA035 25x37 35x49 40/120 40/120 0,72 1,08 149 Coil m 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 21,90 31,10 DON MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Softwall bulk material handling hose, used to convey sand, cement, gravel, silica, grain and other dry abrasive materials. Black, smooth, antistatic NR/SBR High strength synthetic cord, copper wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish), antistatic NR/SBR -40º - +70ºC Red brand, TRUCK – LOGO – 6 BAR – Made in Italy IVG Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m DON076 DON102 76x90 102x119 6/18 6/18 2,01 3,20 Coil m 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 47,40 68,30 DON PARA MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacurer : Remarks : Softwall bulk material handling hose, used to convey sand, cement, gravel, silica, powder, grain and other dry abrasive materials. Brown, smooth Para-rubber High strength synthetic cord, 2 x copper wire Black, smooth (wrapped finish) NR/SBR -40º - +70ºC Red brand, TRUCK – LOGO – 6 BAR – Made in Italy IVG Grounding from the both copper wires ! Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m DONP076 DONP102 76x90 102x118 6/18 6/18 1,93 2,88 150 Coil m 40 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 46,00 66,10 DON 2000/B MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : High quality, softwall bulk materials handling hose, used to convey sand, cement, gravel, grain and other dry abrasives. Black, smooth, antistatic, abrasive resistant NR/SBR High strength synthetic cord Black EPDM -40º - +70ºC Red brand TRUCK – LOGO – 6 bar – Made in Italy IVG Abrasion lost of the tube 50 mm3 (DIN 53516) Code Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m DON2B102 102x128 6/18 5,90 Coil m 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 92,40 DON BN FOOD MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE (FDA) Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Branding : Remarks : Code Diameter mm DONBN102 102x118 High quality hose designed for delivery of grain and corn. White tube according to FDA requirements. White NR/SBR High strength synthetic cord Black, smooth NR/SBR -40º - +70ºC White-red brand, with drinking glass-fork marking IVG According to FDA regulations W.P./ B.P. bar Weight kg/m 10/30 3,19 Coil m 40 151 VAT 0% EURO/m 106,60 PARAFLEX MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Hose designed for suction of abrasive bulk materials. Suitable for vacuum cleaning systems in stone quarries and steel industry. Not for pressure use. Light weight. Brown, smooth para rubber High strength synthetic cord, helix wire, copper wire Black. corrugated (wrapped finish) SBR -40º - +70ºC Yellow brand, ABR – LOGO – PARAFLEX – Made in Italy – IVG 2000 IVG Code Diameter mm Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m PARA040 PARA051 PARA063 PARA076 PARA102 PARA114 40x49 51x60 63x74 76x85 102x116 114x125 120 150 190 230 310 350 0,60 0,74 0,90 1,07 1,93 2,24 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 28,45 31,25 40,40 46,40 61,80 75,90 PIPPURN MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code PIP051 PIP063 PIP076 PIP090 PIP102 PIP110 PIP114 PIP127 PIP140 PIP152 PIP160 PIP203 Heavy duty hose designed for suction and convey of abrasive materials e.g. sand, cement, gravel, grain, crushed stone. For suction and pressure. Suitable for centralized vacuum cleaning systems as a frame hose between the pipe lines. Brown, smooth para rubber High strength synthetic cord, helix wire, copper wire (earth connection) Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) SBR resistant to weather -40º - +70ºC Yellow brand, TRUCK – LOGO – PIPPURN-Made in Italy- IVG 2000 IVG Diameter mm W.P./ B.P. bar Bend. radius mm 51x66 63x78 76x91 90x107 102x119 110x128 114x132 127x146 140x161 152x174 160x182 203x227 5/18 4/14 4/12 3/9 3/9 3/9 3/9 2/7 2/7 2/7 2/7 1,5/4,5 170 210 270 330 385 430 480 520 600 670 720 910 Weight kg/m 1,60 2,18 2,56 3,12 3,50 4,11 4,23 4,80 6,36 6,87 7,24 9,70 152 Coil m 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 12 VAT 0% EURO/m 42,75 51,10 55,00 69,55 70,20 84,30 84,90 85,50 113,90 106,60 225,00 257,00 REHUX HEAVY DUTY SUCTION HOSE FOR GRAIN Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Heavy duty hose designed for suction and delivery of grains, feed, sand, mud and other abrasive materials. Brown, smooth, para rubber (6mm) High strength synthetic cord plus helix wire, 2 x copper wires Black, wrapped finish, corrugated SBR, weather resistant. -25º - +70ºC White brand - IVG IVG Code Diameter W.P./ mm B.P. bar Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m REH076 REH102 76x98 102x125 0,7 0,7 228 408 3,50 4,65 3/9 3/9 153 Coil m 30 30 VAT 0% EURO/m 59,60 75,00 AURA MATERIAL HANDLING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Code AURA102 AURA108 AURA127 AURA152 Hose designed for suction of abrasive materials e.g. sand, grains, crushed stone. Very flexible hose for working. Brown, NR compound High strength synthetic cord, helix wire, 2 x copper wire Black, corrugated, abrasion resistant SBR -40º - +70ºC Red brand – TRUCK – logo – AURA – Made in Italy IVG Diameter mm 102x120 108x124 127x140 152x165 Vacuum bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m 0,8 0,8 0,8 0,8 280 300 330 380 2,92 3,18 3,58 4,24 VAT 0% EURO/m 64,20 74,00 77,80 83,30 ISTRIA SWEEPING MACHINE HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Very flexible hose designed for street sweeper machines. Dark, corrugated, abrasion resistant para rubber High strength synthetic cord, helix wire. Black, corrugated (wrapped finish) SBR -40º - +60ºC Yellow brand - IVG IVG The hose is delivered in fixed length and with soft ends. No cutting. On request other sizes and lengths. Code Diameter Lenght mm m Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m VAT 0% EURO/pc IST203x1,10 IST203x3,60 IST254x1,60 203 203 254 300 300 380 6,93 6,93 8,31 1,10 3,60 1,60 570,50 1.803,00 901,00 1,10 3,60 1,60 154 KANAL SEWER PIPE OPENING – AND FLUSHING HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Hose designed for sewer pipe opening and flushing Black SBR 2 x high strength synthetic cord Black EPDM - 20° - + 80°C "WG-KAN-25-200 bar- manufacturing date" + ring every 5 metres HUTCHINSON The hose is fixed length of 120 metres with the installed squeezed female/male couplings and with the manufacturer certificate. The max. manufacturing length 240 m. The hose is tested by the manufacturer in 250 bar test pressure for 5 min. On request also size 32 mm, with working pressure of 150 bar and bursting pressure of 300 bar. Code Diameter W.P mm B.P bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m Coil m KANAL019 KANAL025 19x32 25x39 150 150 0,65 0,85 120 120 200/500 200/500 VAT 0% EURO/m 28,50 37,80 SAHARA LL 180ºC HOT AIR HOSE Application : Tube : Reinforcement : Cover : Temperature : Branding : Manufacturer : Remarks : Flexible hose designed for delivery of hot air from compressor to tank truck. White, smooth, hot air resistant EPR High strength synthetic cord, helix wire Blue, smooth (wrapped finish), abrasion and weather resistant EPDM -40º - +180ºC Red brand - IVG IVG The tube according to FDA Code Diameter mm W.P. B.P. bar Bend. radius mm Weight kg/m SAH076 76x89 10/30 270 2,74 155 Coil m 40 VAT 0% EURO/m 86,80 NR/SBR RUBBER SHEET NR70150, NR 70151, NR70152 Commercial quality for general use. Suitable for water, salt solutions, non aggressive acids and chemicals. NR70150 = no insert NR70151 = 1 insert NR70152 = 2 inserts Color : Density : Hardness : Tensile strength : Elongation : Temperature : Finish : Manufacturer : Black 1,5 g/cm³ 70 Shore A +/-5 (DIN 53519) 35 kg/cm2 (DIN 53504) 250 % (DIN 53504) -30º - +70ºC Smooth Zenith Code Thickness mm NR7015001 NR7015002 NR7015003 NR7015004 NR7015005 NR7015006 NR7015008 NR7015010 NR7015012 NR7015015 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 12 15 NR7015102 NR7015103 NR7015104 NR7015105 NR7015205 NR7015206 NR7015210 Insert Format mxm Weight kg/m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 5 1,4 x 5 1,4 x 5 1,5 3,0 4,5 6,0 7,5 9,0 12,0 15,0 18,0 22,5 6,55 11,65 16,50 22,05 27,15 32,65 43,00 53,50 75,70 80,60 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 3,0 4,5 6,0 7,5 13,10 17,90 23,30 29,60 5 6 10 2 2 2 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 5 7,5 9,0 15,0 36,20 44,00 72,10 156 VAT 0% EURO/m² NITRILE RUBBER SHEET NB 70140, NB 70141 Multipurpose rubber sheet resistant to mineral oil, petrol (max. 20% aromatics), liquified gases, animal fats etc. Not suitable for unleaded fuel. NB 70140 = no insert, NB 70141 = 1 insert Color : Density : Hardness : Tensile strength : Elongation : Temperature : Finish : Manufacturer : Black 1,45 g/cm³ 70 Shore A +/-5 (DIN 53519) 50 kg/cm2 (DIN 53504) 300 % (DIN 53504) -30º - +90ºC Smooth Zenith Code Thickness mm NB7014001 NB7014002 NB7014003 NB7014004 NB7014005 NB7014006 NB7014008 NB7014010 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 NB7014102 NB7014103 NB7014104 NB7014105 2 3 4 5 Insert Format mxm Weight kg/m² VAT 0% EURO/m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 5 1,4 x 5 1,45 2,90 4,35 5,80 7,25 8,70 11,60 14,50 10,85 18,70 25,10 33,40 40,60 48,70 63,85 79,75 1 1 1 1 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 14 x 10 1,4 x 10 2,90 4,35 5,80 7,25 20,25 26,50 35,15 43,05 ABRASION RESISTANT RUBBER SHEET AB 60110 Abrasion resistant rubber sheet for demanding applications. Good resistance to mechanical abrasion and weather. Color : Density : Hardness : Tensile strength : Elongation : Temperature : Finish : Manufacturer : Black 1,15 g/ cm³ (DIN 53519) Shore 60 150 kg/ cm2 (DIN 53504) 50 % (DIN 53504) -25º - +70ºC Smooth Zenith Code Thickness mm AB6011006 AB6011010 6 10 Insert Format mxm Weight kg/m2 0 0 1,4 x 5 1,4 x 5 6,90 11,50 157 VAT 0% EURO/ m2 55,80 90,85 EPDM - RUBBER SHEET EP 65130 Good resistance to weather and ozone. Good resistance to mechanical abrasion, chemicals and acids. Color : Density : Hardness : Tensile strength : Elongation : Temperature : Finish : Manufacturer : Code EP6513002 EP6513003 EP6513004 EP6513005 Black 1,35 g/cm³ 65 Shore A +/-5 (DIN 53519) 60 kg/cm2 (DIN 53504) 250 % (DIN 53504) -30º - +100ºC Smooth Zenith Thickness mm 2 3 4 5 Insert 0 0 0 0 Format mxm Weight kg/m² 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 2,7 4,1 5,4 6,7 VAT 0% EURO/m² 20,45 26,80 35,70 44,70 TAN GUM RUBBER SHEET PA 40100 Elastic and soft natural rubber quality (tan gun rubber). Good resistance to acids, chemicals, weather, ozone. Good mechanical properties. . Color : Beige Density : 1,02 g/cm³ Hardness : 40 Shore A +/-5 (DIN 53519) Tensile strength : 150 kg/ cm2 (DIN53504) Elongation : 600 % (DIN 53504) Temperature : -40º - +80ºC Finish : Smooth Manufacturer : Zenith Code PA4010002 PA4010003 PA4010004 PA4010005 PA4010006 PA4010008 Thickness mm 2 3 4 5 6 8 Insert 0 0 0 0 0 0 Format mxm 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 5 158 Weight kg/m² 2,0 3,0 4,1 5,1 6,1 8,2 VAT 0% EURO/m² 28,40 40,95 54,60 68,20 81,80 106,20 CHLOROPRENE (NE) RUBBER SHEET NE 70140, NE 70141 Good resistance to weather and mechanical properties. Medium resistance to oils, greases, acids, etc NE 70140 = no insert, NE 70141 = 1 insert Color : Density : Hardness : Tensile strength : Elongation : Temperature : Finish : Manufacturer : Black 1,45 g/cm³ 70 Shore A +/-5 (DIN 53519) 40 kg/cm2 (DIN 53504) 300 % (DIN 53504) -20º - +90ºC Smooth Zenith Code Thickness mm NE7014001 NE7014002 NE7014003 NE7014004 NE7014005 NE7014006 NE7014008 NE7014010 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 NE7014103 NE7014104 NE7014105 3 4 5 Insert Format mxm Weight kg/m² VAT 0% EURO/m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 5 1,4 x 5 1,5 2,9 4,3 5,8 7,2 8,7 11,6 14,5 9,70 17,30 24,00 32,00 40,10 48,00 61,40 76,80 1 1 1 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 1,4 x 10 4,3 5,8 7,2 26,40 35,20 43,90 SILICON RUBBER SHEET, TRANSPARENT Flexible and elastic in low temperatures. Good resistance to heat, chemicals, acids, weather and ozone. Odourless and tasteless food quality. According to DIN 53504/53505. Color : Density : Hardness : Tensile strength : Temperature : Finish : Manufactured : Code ASI001 ASI002 ASI003 ASI004 ASI005 Transparent 1,16 g/cm³ 60 Shore A 35 % in 22 hours / 70ºC -70 - +200ºC Smooth EU Thickness mm 1 2 3 4 5 Insert 0 0 0 0 0 Format mxm 1,2 x 10 1,2 x 10 1,2 x 10 1,2 x 10 1,2 x 10 159 Weight kg/m² 1,2 2,4 3,5 4,7 5,9 VAT 0% EURO/m² 73,50 123,90 183,60 234,10 293,70 FINE RIBBED RUBBER MAT Application : For coating and upholstering workbenches, floors and walls etc. Material : NR/SBR Color : Musta Density: 1,45 g/cm3 Hardness : 65 Shore A +/- 5 (DIN 53505) Tensile strength : 60 kg/cm2 (DIN 3504) Elongation : 250 % (DIN 53504) Temperature : -30º - +70ºC Finish : Ribbed/fabric Insert : No Manufacturer : Floormaster/Zenith Code R1200 R1800 Thickness mm 3 3 Color Format mxm Weight kg/m² black black 1,2 x 10 1,8 x 10 3,5 3,8 VAT 0% EURO/m² 15,70 22,20 FLAT RIBBED RUBBER MAT Application : For upholstery and protection in van, station wagons and lorries. Protection mat in industry. Material : NR/SBR Color : Black Density : 1,45 g/ cm3 Hardness : 65 Shore A +/- 5 (DIN 53505) Tensile strength : 60 kg/ cm2 (DIN 53504) Elongation : 250 % (DIN 53504) Temperature : -30º - +70ºC Finish : Rifled/fabric Insert : No Manufacturer : Zenith Code LS65 Thickness mm 3 Color Format mxm Weight kg/m² black 1,2 x 10 3,4 160 VAT 0% EURO/m² 17,20 CS 80 BUTTON RUBBER MAT Application : Color: Hardness : Temperature : Finish : Insert : Manufacturer : Code CS80 CSH80 For floor covering, for protection in industry, corridor. Black, grey 70 Shore A -20º- +70ºC Button figure 0,5 mm / Smooth No Zenith Thickness mm 3,0 3,2 Color Format mxm Weight kg/m² black grey 1,2 x 10 1,2 x 10 3,6 3,6 VAT 0% EURO/m² 27,60 34,50 DIAMOND PROFILE RUBBER MAT Application : For protection and upholstering in floors, wall, workbench etc. in industry. Color : Black Material : SBR Hardness : 70 Shore A Tensile strength : 50 kg/cm2 Elongation : 300 % Finish : Tear profile/Smooth (fabric) Insert : No Manufactured : EU Code K1500 Thickness mm 3 Color Format mxm Weight kg/m³ black 1,5 x 10 3,20 161 VAT 0% EURO/m² 27,80 FLAT FLUTED RUBBER MAT Application : Color : Material : Density : Hardness : Finish : Manufactured : Designed to floor coating. Also excellent protection rubber mat for vans, lorries, cars etc. Black SBR 1,6 g/cm³ 70 Shore A Flat fluted / Fabrics EU Code Insert Format mxm Coil kg/m² 0 0 1 1,2 x 10 1,8 x 10 1,8 x 10 6,2 6,6 6,6 S1200 S1800 S1800V Thickness mm 5 4,5 4,5 VAT 0% EURO/m² 33,40 43,20 47,70 BULK RUBBER SHEET Application : General purpose rubber sheet, for protection and coating. Used also as a mud flap rubber. Black 70 Shorea A 1,7 g/cm³ Color : Hardness : Density : Code Thickness mm RLK005 RLK006 5,0 6,0 Insert 1 1 Format mm x m 600 x 10 600 x 10 162 Weight kg/coil 50,0 60,0 VAT 0% EURO/m 16,20 19,30 HONEY COMB RUBBER MAT Application : Color : Material : Weight : Hardness : Remarks : Rubber mat for entrance, hall, work post etc. Black SBR 12,7 kg/m² 70 Shore A Sold in peaces. Joint peace (RENL) Code Thickness mm REN 23 Format mm x mm 1000 x 1500 Weight kg/m² VAT 0% EURO/pc 93,00 12,7 RENL 2,30 RUBBER CAR MATS Application : Rubber car mat for cars, vans, lories. Resistant to abrasion and weather. Material : Natural rubber (honey comb type) Square size 1 x 1 cm. Color : Black and grey Code Format mm Color VAT 0% EURO/pc KMM370 KMM430 KMM500 KMH370 KMH430 KMH500 370 x 520 430 x 600 500 x 700 370 x 520 430 x 600 500 x 700 black black black grey grey grey 4,80 5,85 7,05 5,30 6,55 8,15 163 RUBBER CAR MAT SET (4 MATS) Application : Material : Color : Rubber car mat set (2 x front mat and 2 x backseat mat), Suitable for the most car models after cutting. Natural rubber Black, grey Code Color MSM MSH black grey VAT 0% EURO/set 31,60 33,10 TEXTILE MAT SET ( 4 MATS) Application : Material : Color : Remarks : Textile mat set (2 x front mat and 2 x back seat mat) for cars, Universal set, 3 different sets. Suitable for the most common models. Textile + rubber granulate basic Anthracite grey Ask for suitable set in different models. In packing model declaration. Code Color KM1 KM2 KM3 grey grey grey VAT 0% EURO/set 12,50 12,50 12,50 164 IPLEX EXTRUDED PROFILES WITH METAL INSERT Application : Material : Color : Manufacturer : Remarks : High quality rubber/PVC profiles for cars, lorries, wagons, forklifts, pleasure boats etc. EPDM, rubber seal, PVC, flexible steel insert Black Iplex Sold in full coils. Code High Width Truck Length mm mm mm m VAT 0% EURO/m RSL0036 9,5 6,5 1-2 50 1,85 RSL0037 14,0 10,0 1-3 50 2,10 RSL0031 17,0 10,5 1-3 50 3,00 RSL1112 32,0 14,5 1-4 50 3,50 RSL0803 13,0 22,0 1-4 50 3,75 165 RUBBER PROFILES DOOR SEALS Remarks : Sold in full coils Code Application KP4108 seal for solid cars, coil 25 m 7,45 KP4109 seal for solid cars, coil 30 m 10,95 KP4165 tailgate seal coil 25 m 9,60 PLTKK620 tailgate rail lenght 2,6 m 4,50 VAT 0% EURO/m RUBBER PROFILE BAND FOR FUEL TANKS Code Width mm KPTP045 KPTP056 45 56 Coil m VAT 0% EURO/m 4,05 4,40 25 25 166 PSA MUD FLAPS Application : Material : Temperature : Remarks : Mudflaps for profile fitting. (code marking QS) Resistant to weather, oil and greases. LD–polyethene Min. -30ºC Embossed logo. Customer logo produced to order (min. 100 pcs) Logo tool for extra charge. Ask for quotation. Code Wide x high mm Text RL450QS RL500QS RL500MBQS RL500SCQS Rl500VOQS RL650QS RL650DAQS RL650IVEQS RL650MAQS RL650MBQS RL650REQS RL650SCQS RL650VOQS 450 x 400 500 x 300 500 x 300 500 x 300 500 x 300 650 x 400 650 x 400 650 x 400 650 x 400 650 x 400 650 x 400 650 x 400 650 x 400 — — MERCEDES SCANIA VOLVO — DAF IVECO MAN MERCEDES RENAULT SCANIA VOLVO VAT 0% EURO/pc 12,80 13,45 15,00 15,00 15,00 14,10 18,40 18,40 18,40 18,40 18,40 18,40 18,40 MUD FLAP WITH SIDE GROOVES Mud flap with side grooves. Flap can be trimmed to your exact required width between 400 – 650 mm. Customer logo produced to order (min. 100 pcs) Logo tool for extra charge. Ask for quotation. Code Wide x high mm Text VAT 0% EURO/pc RLL650QS 650 x 400 — 15,75 167 ANTISPRAY MUD FLAPS Antispray mud flaps for spray absorption. THE ANTISPRAY MUD FLAP IS ACCORDING TO EU- DIRECTIVE 91/226/EEC TÜV APPROVED. Delivered according to customer dimensions. Available also with customer logo produced to order. Logo tool for extra charge. Logo color white. Special fittings for antispray flaps. BUMBER FLAP Customer logo produced to order (min. 50 pcs) Logo tool for extra charge. Remarks : Type 1 = RL2401 Type 3 = RL2403 Code Wide x high mm RL2401 RL2403 2400 x 380 2400 x 380 VAT 0% EURO/pc 65,70 78,30 168 MOUNTINGPROFILES FOR MUD FLAPS PLASTIC MOUNTINGPROFILE Material : Remarks : Code ROKI400 ROKI450 ROKI500 ROKI600 ROKI650 Black, weather resistant plastic Inc. profile, bolts, nuts, washers Length mm 400 450 500 600 650 VAT 0% EURO/pc 8,90 9,95 10,15 11,20 12,15 ALUMINIUM MOUNTINGPROFILE Material : Remarks : Clear, weather resistant aluminium Inc. profile, bolts, nuts, washers Code Length mm VAT 0% EURO/pc ROKIAL400 ROKIAL450 ROKIAL500 ROKIAL600 ROKIAL650 400 450 500 600 650 8,70 8,80 9,10 10,90 11,30 MOUNTING SET TO MUD-GUARD Code Description VAT 0% EURO/pc JLK4000 JLK4500 JLK4560 JLK4570 JLK4580 JLK4590 PK045 Mudguars installation bar Mudguars installation bar Washer Mounting barrel, welded Plastic plug Mounting barrel, screwed Pipe clamp M8, 45 mm 13,50 12,55 2,80 8,40 0,60 12,90 1,30 JLK4600 JLK4650 ADR-plate 300 x 300 mm, Aisi ADR-plate 300 x 400 mm, Aisi 38,60 45,80 169 BUMPER Application : Bumper for trucks, tractors and other vehicles Code Size mm LxWxH Type TKP TKH 196 x 90 x 71 190 x 82 x 71 bolt mounted welded VAT 0% EURO/pc 14,30 17,80 BAFFLE PLATE Application : Baffle plate for heavy vehicles. Code Size mm Description VAT 0% EURO/pc VAS42029 VAS42029H 250 x 60 250 x 60 baffle bolt mounted baffle welded 19,50 19,50 TARPAULIN RUBBER Application : Rubber fastener for tarpaulin in trucks Material : EPDM Code Length mm PKU280 PKU370 PN931 280 370 VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,55 1,70 0,45 RUBBER HOOK Application : Rubber hook for extra locking in vehicles. Inc. metal parts Remarks : Code Length mm KHAK060 KHAK120 60 120 VAT 0% EURO/pc 2,70 4,30 170 D – FENDER WITH D – BORE Application : Material : Hardness : Durable protection for light goods like vehicles, wagons, loading bays and pillars. Weather and see water resistant. SBR/NR 75º ShA Code (B) mm (H) mm Weight kg/m Bore mm Coil m DKP080 DKP100 DKP114 80 100 114 50 95 95 3,1 7,0 7,2 40x25 60x55 57x51 10 5,2 5,2 VAT 0% EURO/m 43,70 61,20 66,20 EXTRUDED FENDERS Application : Protective, durable, hard wearing fenders for ships and harbours. Counry of Origin :UK Remarks : Prices according the offer. We do not stock dock fenders. CYLINDRICAL FENDER Code Outside diameter Inside diameter MHC100 MHC125 MHC150 MHC200 MHC250 MHC300 MHC400 MHC450 MHC500 MHC600 MHC1000 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 450 500 600 1000 50 62 75 100 125 150 200 225 250 300 500 Weight kg/m 7,5 11,5 16,5 29,5 46,0 66,0 118,0 149,0 184,0 265,0 707,0 171 SOLID SQUARE FENDER Code Height mm Width mm Weight kg/m MSS100 MSS125 MSS150 MSS200 MSS250 MSS300 MSS400 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 100 125 150 200 250 300 400 13,0 20,0 29,0 52,0 78,0 113,0 200,0 SOLID RECTANGULAR FENDER Code Height mm Width mm Weight kg/m MSR050 MSR100 MSR125 MSR200 MSR225 MSR225/150 50 100 125 200 225 225 100 150 150 150 100 150 6,5 20,0 25,0 39,0 30,0 44,0 HOLLOW SQUARE FENDER Code Height mm Width mm Bore mm Weight kg/m MHS100 MHS125 MHS150 MHS200 MHS250 MHS300 MHS350 MHS400 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 100 125 150 200 250 300 350 400 50 50 75 75 100 130 175 200 10,0 17,0 23,0 45,0 69,0 96,0 123,0 161,0 HOLLOW RECTANGULAR FENDER Code Height mm Width mm Bore mm Weight kg/m MHR050 MHR100 MHR125 MHR150 MHR225 MHR225/150 MHR250 MHR250/200 MHR300 50 100 125 150 225 225 250 250 300 100 150 150 200 100 150 150 200 250 25 50 50 75 50 75 75 75 100 6,0 16,0 21,0 32,0 26,0 37,0 41,0 57,0 84,0 172 D – PROFILE FENDER Code (B) mm (H) mm Bore mm Weight kg/m MDH150 MDH200 MDH200/200 MDH250 MDH250/125 MDH250/250 MDH300 MDH300/300 MDH350 MDH400 150 200 200 250 250 250 300 300 350 400 150 150 200 200 125 250 150 300 350 400 75x75 100x75 100x100 125x100 125x62 125x125 150x75 150x150 175x175 200x200 19,0 24,0 34,0 40,0 23,0 53,0 33,0 75,0 103,0 134,0 ROLL CONTAINER RUBBER BAND Application : Rubber band for roll containers. Structure : Rubber band with metal fittings. Code Size Free mm KONT 600 VAT 0% EURO/pc 4,15 ISOLATING SLEEVE PE 30 Application : For protection and isolation of the hoses and pipes in pleasure boats, trucks, wagons etc. Structure : Grey, Thermo – PVC coated glass wool Isolation 30 mm thick. Coil : 4m Branding : PE 30 mm Manufacturer : Svenska Westaflex Code Diameter mm ERI30060 ERI30080 ERI130100 50 – 60 65 – 80 90 – 100 VAT 0% EURO/m 13,30 16,25 22,70 173 VIBRATION DAMPERS TYPE E MALE-MALE THREAD Application : Vibration and voice dampers for vehicles and machines. Hardness : 55 Shore Code D H d h TVE1515 TVE2020 TVE2510 TVE2515 TVE2520 TVE3020 TVE3030 TVE4030 TVE5030 TVE5040 TVE5050 TVE7540 TVE7550 15 20 25 25 25 30 30 40 50 50 50 75 75 15 20 10 15 20 20 30 30 30 40 50 40 50 M4 M6 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M8 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 10,0 13,5 18,5 18,5 18,5 23,0 23,0 28,0 28,0 28,0 28,0 38,0 38,0 VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,75 1,75 1,75 1,75 2,25 2,25 2,85 3,95 5,65 5,65 6,15 13,00 13,70 TYPE EI MALE – FEMALE THREAD Code D H d h TVEI2520 TVEI3030 TVEI4030 TVEI5040 TVEI7550 25 30 40 50 75 20 30 30 40 50 M6 M8 M8 M10 M12 18,5 23,0 28,0 28,0 38,0 VAT 0% EURO/pc 2,25 3,40 3,40 5,65 13,70 174 VIBRATION DAMPERS TYPE I FEMALE – FEMALE THREAD Code D H d TVI2025 TVI2030 TVI3030 TVI4030 TVI5030 TVI5040 TVI7540 TVI7550 20 20 30 40 50 50 75 75 25 30 30 30 30 40 40 50 M6 M6 M8 M8 M10 M10 M12 M12 VAT 0% EURO/pc 2,25 2,25 3,40 3,95 5,65 5,65 13,05 17,50 TYPE P MALE THREAD Code D H d h KPP1515 KPP2015 KPP2510 KPP2520 KPP3030 KPP4030 KPP5050 15 20 25 25 30 40 50 15 15 10 20 30 30 50 M4 M6 M6 M6 M8 M8 M10 10,0 13,5 18,5 18,5 28,0 28,0 28,0 VAT 0% EURO/pc 1,75 1,75 1,75 1,75 2,90 3,40 6,15 175 ARES – RUBBER BANDS STOCKING SIZES : Code Diameter (round) mm Length (flat) mm Width mm Thickness mm Color KR1020 KR1025 KR1030 KR1040 KR1050 KR1060 KR1075 KR1100 20 25 30 40 50 60 75 100 30 40 50 60 80 100 115 160 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown KR3030 KR3040 KR3050 KR3060 KR3075 KR3100 KR3150 KR3200 30 40 50 60 75 100 150 200 50 60 80 100 115 160 200 300 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 3,0 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 1,3 brown brown brown brown brown brown brown brown KR5060 KR6040 KR8060 60 40 60 100 60 100 5,0 6,0 8,0 1,3 1,3 1,3 brown brown brown PACKING : 1 Kg plastic bag 20 Kg sack (basic packing unit) VAT 0% / all sizes : 12,80 EURO/kg 176
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