- Civil Aviation Safety Authority
- Civil Aviation Safety Authority
C I V I L AV I AT I O N S A F E T Y A U T H O R I T Y Q U A R T E R LY J O U R N A L SPRING 1996 •The trouble with GPS •Repair of ageing aircraft •Pilot fade out – hypoxia, fatigue, CO, CO2 VOL 1 NO 4 STORM WARNING ★ NEW AIRWORTHINESS SECTION ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ For For $300 $300 worth worth of of charts charts and and publications, publications, tell tell us us ... ... What’s your story? Share an experience you’ve had for publication in Flight Safety Australia’s What Went Wrong pages. The best entry* wins a $300 gift voucher for charts and aviation publications, and will be published – along with an analysis by CASA specialists – in the Summer issue of the magazine. The runner-up will receive a $150 gift voucher. Send entries by 9 December 1996 to the editor, Flight Safety Australia, GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601. *Authors’ names may be withheld from publication by request. Civil Aviation Safety Authority staff and their families are ineligible for entry in this competition. Entries will be assessed by a panel of CASA specialist staff; the panel’s decision is final, and no further correspondence will be entered into. Aftera Multi-engine Endorsement? NEW CAAP 5.23–1(0) Syllabus of Training Initial issue of a multi-engine aeroplane type endorsement (rating) The syllabus gives the preferred method for complying with the Civil Aviation Regulations. Suggested titles for covering ground and flight elements of the multi-engine course: Mechanics of Flight by AC Kermode (10th Ed.) $42, The Jet Engine by Rolls Royce $69, Flying Training Multi-engine Rating by RD Campbell and The Aircraft Performance Requirements Manual by RV Davies $45. Order Form Name/Company _________________________________________________________ Address _________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Postcode _______________ Contact Tel. No. (b.h.)____________________________ (a.h.) __________________ Pilot Licence No. or ARN _________________________ Date of Birth ____________ Product Qty CAAP 5.23-1(0) Syllabus of training $ 3.15 Flying Training Multi–engine Rating by RD Campbell 37.25 The Jet Engine by Rolls Royce 69.00 Mechanics of Flight by AC Kermode 42.00 The Aircraft Performance Requirements Manual by RV Davies 45.00 Postage $8.00 Total Payment .25 $37 $37.25 $49 $49 now now The recommended reference: Flying Training Multi-engine Rating by R D Campbell Please tick payment option. If ordering from overseas, payment must be by credit card or as a bank draft in Australian dollars. Enclosed is my ■ Cheque ■ Money Order Or charge my ■ Bankcard ■ MasterCard Credit Card Number ■ VisaCard ■ American Express ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ Cardholder’s signature ______________ Expiry Date _________ Amount $_________ Send to: Airservices Australia Publications Centre. PO Box 1986 Carlton South VIC 3063 or Call 1800 331 676 or Fax (03) 9347 4407 Flight Safety PUBLISHER Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australia EXECUTIVE EDITOR Bob Dodd EDITOR Mark Wolff DISTRIBUTION Quarterly to 70,000 aviation licence holders in Australia and its territories. CONTRIBUTIONS Contributions are welcome.Authors should submit manuscripts typed double spaced and retain a copy. Correspondence to: The Editor Flight Safety Australia GPO Box 2005 Canberra ACT 2601 Ph: (06) 268 4463, or 1800 676 063 Fax: (06) 268 4015 Internet address: [email protected] WARNING This educational publication does not replace ERSA,AIP or NOTAMs. Operational information in this publication should only be used in conjunction with current operational documents. The information contained herein is subject to change. The views expressed in this journal are the views of the authors, and do not necessarily represent the views of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. A AU U SS T TR RA A LL II A A e have had a gratifying response to the reader sur vey and competition in the Winter issue of Flight Safety Australia. Nearly 1500 readers filled out the survey card. Readers have made ver y useful suggestions on how to improve the magazine, some of which are reflected in this issue. We introduce a new airworthiness section to reflect the interests of the many maintenance engineers who receive the magazine.There is also more emphasis on analysing actual incidents to highlight safety issues. Many of your suggestions for stories will be followed up over the next few issues. There were dozens of entries to our $300 “What Went Wrong” competition. While we have only been able to publish the winning entry this issue, in future issues we will also be publishing the runner-up. The advertisement opposite gives details of the next competition. Your stories – and your feedback and suggestions – are vital for the development of Flight Safety Australia. – Editor W COVER STORY Storm warning 17 It’s thunderstorm season again Geoff Smith FEATURES What went wrong? Outback rescue 10 Competition winner Fade out 14 The effects of hypoxia, fatigue, CO and CO2 Rob Liddell Trouble with GPS 20 Watch out for the traps Allister Polkinghorne Low flying near power lines 22 All power lines are potential killers John Freeman Damage tolerant repairs New procedures to prevent “unzipping” 25 Steve Swift • The drum on fuel, p. 21 • Maintenance management, p. 24 • Electrical system failure, p. 28 • Regulation p. 30 OUR COVER: It’s thunderstorm season again. A Bureau of meteorology photo of a cumulonimbus cloud, phtographed from above Point Lookout, Queensland. DEPARTMENTS Follow up • 4 Briefs ★ Airworthiness • 24 • 4 Sport aviation • 32 Trendlines • 8 Airworthiness Directives • 33 Viewpoint • 9 Safety Check • 35 James Kimpton on CASA reviews Four pages of safety quizzes Colour separations and printing by Wilke Color, 37-39 Browns Road, Clayton,Victoria. © Copyright, Civil Aviation Safety Authority, Australia; unless copyright is indicated, reproduction for educational purposes is permitted by the publisher, providing Flight Safety Australia is acknowledged as the source. Registered printpost number: 381677-00644. ISSN 1325-5002. FOLLOW-UP Safety saves money I am in full agreement with Mr Huntzinger’s ideas (Flight Safety Australia, Winter 1996). But I was surprised that he didn’t discuss the role of flight data recorders in improving safety (and economy), especially since Boeing strongly support monitoring. Besides speed, altitude etc., digital flight data recorders (DFDR) can record such things as when autopilot changes algorithm, the angle of attack, as well as the pitch angle, engine vibration, and even smoke in the toilet. The DFDR is an excellent source of information that can improve safety and economy at the same time. Some pilots have a fear of being watched by “big brother”. However, experience has shown that after a very short time, the pilots become very involved, and are pleased that their system is there to safeguard them, and to provide them with useful feedback. – C. Carter, London, UK. Dismay over regs rewrite Those whose working lives are governed by the current Civil Aviation Regulations must be dismayed to learn (Flight Safety Australia, Winter 1996) that instead of correcting the errors and anomalies of the rules we operate under now, our CASA legal resources have been diverted into a rewrite. Worse still, there will be no time for proper industry consultation, because we will not see the fruits of these labours until early 1997, a few months before the new rules become law. Have we learned nothing from the mistakes of the BRIEFS past? Because of a lack of industry consultation last time the rules were rewritten (when the ANRs became CARs) we are, eight years later, still trying to get them right. Contrary to the article, stage one will be more than just a realignment of paragraphs. The temptation to make changes in policy will again be irresistible. We should therefore follow the example of the software industry and release a beta version of the proposals, and delay the implementation of stage one until this can be completed. This would give the industry the maximum opportunity to detect the errors and the inevitable “sleight of hand”, and give CASA an opportunity to prepare a proper industry education program. To do otherwise would be to invite a rerun of the last debacle. – Dick Gower, Vic. With more industry involvement this time around, we can look forward to progress . – Editor. Errata: synthetic trainers The article on the use of synthetic trainers for instrument recency in the Winter issue of Flight Safety Australia applied to all synthetic trainers, not just training for pilots with single-engine instrument ratings, as stated. Omitted from the article was the fact that “solo” operations are specifically excluded from meeting recency requirements. This is not widely understood. For further information, contact a flying operations inspector at your nearest CASA district office. Letters to the editor of less than 250 words are preferred for publication. 4 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 Current airspace classifications Class B FL200 Class C Class G MBZ GAAP An update on airspace changes which occurred on 20 June this year. Note that the proposed Class D airspace will not be introduced. Class B airspace • IFR and VFR flights. • Clearance required. • VHF radio required. • Transponder required in radar coverage. • All flights separated from each other. • VMC criteria – visibility 8km, clear of cloud. Class C airspace • Clearance required. • VHF radio required. • Transponder required in radar coverage. • IFR flights separated from all other flights. • Special VFR flights separated from other Special VFR flights. • VFR flights receive traffic information on other VFR flights. • VMC criteria – visibility 8km above A100, 5000m below A100, distance from cloud 1500m horizontal, 1000ft vertical. • Speed restriction for VFR flights – 250kts below A100 (not applicable to military). Class G airspace • No clearance required. • VFR radio required for IFR. • VHF radio required for VFR ≥ A050 or in MBZs or when using reduced VMC CTAF criteria (see AIC RAC-28). • IFR flights receive traffic information on other IFR flights. • VFR flights can access flight information on request. • RAS in designated areas. • VMC visibility 8kms above A100, 5000m below A100; distance from cloud 1500m horizontally, 1000ft vertically. • Speed restriction for VFR flights – 250kts below A100 (not applicable to military). GAAP airspace • Clearance required – takeoff, circuit entry or transit instruction. • Radio required. • Runway separation service provided for all flights. • In IMC IFR flights separated from all other flights. • In VMC IFR flights receive services applicable to VFR flights. • VMC criteria – clear of cloud, visibility 5000m. • Speed restriction for VFR flights – 250kts below A100 (not applicable to military). GPS approaches GPS endorsement for instrument ratings, which will permit the holder to conduct GPS non-precision approaches, is expected to be approved by CASA by January 1997. The endorsement will require completion of the enroute approval course and a flight test. BRIEFS Hose maintenance ADs cancelled A A safety clearance of three metres between aircraft and fuelling equipment is advisable. Taxiing too close for comfort I ncreasing airport congestion and tighter schedules have led to 14 serious incidents involving aircraft and fuelling equipment over the past 18 months. At one airport three near misses were reported over two days. Most of the incidents were a result of lack of concentration while taxiing. The incidents include: • A King Air aeroplane which collided with a fueller, severing about one metre of the aircraft’s port wing. • A fueller in a parking area, which was struck by the starboard wing of an aircraft taxiing past. • An aircraft propeller hit a fuelling hose, cutting it in two places. The hose had been left unwound, with an upstanding loop. • A Dash 8 started its engines, and its prop wash blew directly towards a dispenser fuelling an aircraft. • An aircraft taxied into the electrical switch panel for a hydrant pump, damaging the aircraft and equipment. • An aircraft started its engines immediately after fuelling, while the airport operator was completing the invoice only a few metres away. Fire, serious injury, and death can result from hitting a fueller or hydrant while taxiing. A safety clearance of three metres between aircraft and refuelling equipment is advisable. When in doubt, you should go around, or wait until the way is clear. Aviation information lines irworthiness Directives AD/Hose/2 (airframe hoses) and AD/Hose/3 (engine hoses) were cancelled in October 1996. This does not mean that hoses no longer need to be inspected and replaced. It means that general ADs are no longer seen as appropriate for maintenance tasks which are already specified by the aircraft or aircraft component manufacturer, including hose manufacturers. Under these two ADs, many hoses were “hard lifed” and were required to be replaced regardless of condition. Hose life no longer needs to be tracked, unless specified by the aircraft or equipment manufacturer. The emphasis is now on “on-condition” inspection. The LAME will assess hose condition during the inspection. LAMEs are not only accountable under law for their actions, but they have a duty of care to exercise when dealing with aircraft and aircraft components. CAR 2A sets out what is approved maintenance data for an aircraft. Maintenance must be carried out in accordance with the applicable approved maintenance data. Aircraft and hose manufacturers issue comprehensive information on hose inspection and replacement. These are the set of approved maintenance data for hose maintenance, and should be used in conjunction with the aircraft’s approved system of maintenance (class A aircraft) or maintenance schedule (class B aircraft). If the aircraft manufacturer specifies different maintenance data to the equipment manufacturer, then the aircraft manufacturer’s data takes precedence. If there is insufficient manufacturers’ information in the Certficate of Registration Holder’s (C of R) approved system of maintenance or maintenance schedule about hose maintenance, then the C of R holder must ensure that suitable data is incorporated into the system or schedule of maintenance (CAR 40 and CAR 42 refer). Recommended Reading: CAA (UK) I&P Part 5 Leaflet 5-5. Safety Education Products Safety Seminars/Forums GNSS/GPS/FANS Carriers’ Liability Insurance 1800 676 063 1800 062 485 1800 679 910 1800 069 735 BRIEFS Safety system assessments Twelve passenger carrying operators and their support organisations have been assessed by a specialist CASA team as part of a trial program focussing on system safety. The Safety System Assessment of Commercial Operators (SSAPCO) project began in April of this year. CASA staff worked with industry representatives nominated by the Australian Aviation Industry Association to design the assessment process. Field assessments started in June this year, and lasted three months. They concentrated on assessing system safety, risk and safety management and accident prevention. Concern about helicopter parts T he Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) has expressed concern about the possible use of suspected unapproved and potentially dangerous parts in helicopters. In a letter to helicopter Certificate of Registration holders, CASA advised: “It is possible that Australian organisations may be dealing in aircraft components that have been misrepresented as either having been overhauled or having some life remaining, when in fact their service life has expired.” The letter said the use of such parts would represent “a real and significant hazard to all persons involved in the operation of helicopters in which such parts were installed.” Acting on advice from the New Zealand Civil Aviation Authority, CASA has issued two Airworthiness Directives dealing with main and tail rotor blades on Robinson R22 helicopters. CASA recommends that Certificate of Registration holders arrange an audit of all time-lifed components and components with a specified overhaul time. Civil Aviation Regulation 42W sets out the requirements for the installation and use of aircraft components in maintenance, including requirements for appropriate documentation. Record in redesign of departure and approach plates ATPL study both the procedure design and materials ver the past 12 months, O CASA’s terminal area procedure design section has amended or redesigned over 1,560 procedures into Australian aerodromes. This record number of redesigns is due in part to the decommissioning of DME-A, the introduction of GPS arrivals, the introduction of Standard Arrival Routes (STARs) into Sydney, Melbourne and Perth, and the redesign of procedures from the old standard to the new PANSOPS standard. Amendments occur because of changes in information related to aerodromes such as: • Introduction of new procedures as a result of reviews of airspace management practices. • Changes in information on plates, such as frequency amendments, lighting changes and alterations to obstacle data and aerodrome information such as apron and taxiway changes. Under the former Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the Aeronautical Information Service functions rested with the CAA’s Directorate of Aviation Safety. After the split of CAA into Airservices Australia and CASA, terminal area procedure design remained with CASA’s flying operations branch, while the Aeronautical Information Service – responsible for publishing charts – moved to Airservices Australia. Agreement has been reached to transfer the procedure design function from CASA to Airservices Australia over the next 18 months. Ultimately CASA will only be responsible for procedure design standards and the monitoring of quality assurance processes. Design and production will become the responsibility of Airservices Australia. Over the past three years, production has moved from a manual system to an automated production system using Computer Assisted Design (CAD). 6 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 To ensure that no errors appear in the plates, information is checked at all production stages by at least three independent experts. If pilots believe that any element of a new plate is unclear or possibly in error, they should immediately contact the Aeronautical Information Service. The contact officer for further information is Drew McDonald on (06) 268 4069. CASA is making available relevant extracts from the B767-300ER operations manual for use as study material for the Air Transport Pilot (Aeroplane) Licence. While ATPL exams generally do not test to a particular book, exceptions are made when a generic book on a syllabus subject is unavailable, inadequate or impractical. The use of the B767-300ER operations manual for aircraft general knowledge is one example. To order relevant extracts from the manual, contact Diane Shelback, CASA, PO Box 2005, Canberra City, ACT 2601, ph: (06) 268 4114. An Australian publishing company is due to publish an ATPL aircraft general knowledge textbook by January 1997. Candidates are encouraged to read this text in conjunction with the B767-300ER operations manual extract. BRIEFS INTERNATIONAL New requirements for portable and fixed ELTs • Single seat aircraft. • Turbojet-powered aircraft. • Flights associated with the manufacture, preparation and delivery of new aircraft. • Flights that take place within 50 miles of the departure aerodrome. • Balloons, airships and gliders. • Aircraft flying to a place where “... approved an ELT can be Exemptions fitted, repaired portable or Exemptions or overhauled. fixed ELTs are include: Aircraft that • Aircraft engaged to be carried in have had an in agricultural ELT removed for flight from 31 operations. maintenance or • Aircraft flying in July 1997.” replacement accordance with have 90 days CASA permission to reinstall the unit. under Civil Aviation ELTs and beacons – and Regulation 134. lithium batteries, if these are • High capacity charter and used – must meet specified Regular Public Transport standards outlined in Civil aircraft. Aviation Regulation 252A. An automatically activated TSO C-91 ELT fitted to an aircraft meets the requirement only if it was fitted before 5 December 1996. These ELTs will meet the regulatory requirements, and will be acceptable until they become unserviceable. The new regulation only prohibits beginning a flight in an aircraft that does not have a functioning ELT. It does not require an aircraft to land if its ELT stops functioning during a flight. O perators will in future have a choice of carrying an approved portable ELT or installing a fixed ELT in their aircraft. The revised Civil Aviation Regulation 252A specifies that approved portable or fixed ELTs are to be carried in flight from 31 July 1997. 1997 schedule for Air Transport Pilot Licence exams Aeroplane Helicopter Closing date 11-12 February 13 February 15 January 15-16 April 17 April 15 April 10-11 June 12 June 15 May 12-13 August 14 August 15 July 14-15 October 16 October 15 September 9-10 December 11 December 15 November Assessments of regulators Forty-seven countries have requested International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) assessments under ICAO’s safety oversight program. The program audits regulatory authorities to ensure international standards are being met. The audits identify deficiencies, and offer advice and assistance in flight operations, personnel licensing and airworthiness. Initial assessment of 33 States will be completed by the end of this year. Single market with NZ The governments of Australia and New Zealand have moved quickly towards the establishment of a single aviation market which will permit Australian and New Zealand carriers to operate in both countries. The Minister for Transport and Regional Development, the Hon. John Sharp, and his New Zealand counterpart have signed an arrangement which became effective on 1 November 1996. Discussions have been held between officers of the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority and New Zealand’s Civil Aviation Authority to determine the regulatory arrangements which will apply under the single aviation market regime. Both Authorities are working closely to ensure a smooth transition to the new arrangements. A memorandum of cooperation has been developed which sets the framework for future cooperation. The memorandum is expected to be signed shortly. While some of the details are still being finalised in relation to domestic operations in Australia by New Zealand carriers, and vice versa, international operations beyond Australia and New Zealand will remain the responsibility of the operator’s State of registry. The ultimate objective is to establish aviation standards in Australia and New Zealand that will be recognised by both countries. Regional discussions Aviation safety is expected to be enhanced throughout the Asia and Pacific Region through ICAO sponsored projects which are designed to increase the capacity of States to regulate operations of their national carriers. The projects for South East Asia and the Pacific were discussed during the 32nd meeting of the Directors General of Civil Aviation, Asia and Pacific, held in Jakarta in June. To help States meet their obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation, ICAO is proposing a cooperative approach which will enable participants to draw on a central pool of resources to meet their operational safety and continuing airworthiness surveillance needs. The meeting was also advised of CASA’s plans to conduct inspections of foreign aircraft in Australia. — Jim Weber, Manager, Corporate Relations, CASA. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 7 BRIEFS Exam cheating by proxy Do you realise that there are regulations regarding cheating in examinations, and that they apply to everyone, not just to candidates? The provisions which address cheating can be found in Civil Aviation Regulations 298A through to 298E. CASA is currently conducting an investigation into a number of possible breaches of these regulations by candidates, would-be-candidates and theory lecturers. If a person other than a candidate is convicted of either giving or receiving information about the contents of an examination, that person may be fined up to $5000. The penalty for a candidate is that any pass is declared invalid, and the candidate is barred from sitting the examination for a period of 12 months. Multi-engine training package • Description of training sequences – aim, content, standard etc. • Sequence plan and minimum number of hours per sequence. • Minimum experience, training and standards for initial multi-engine endorsements. • Additional experience requirements where the trainee holds a Night Visual Flight Rules Rating and/or a Command Instrument Rating. • Type endorsement questionnaire. • The opportunity to provide feedback on the training system. While the prime aim of the package is to enhance flight safety by raising the standard of multi-engine aeroplane training, the flow-on effect will be to provide a structured and standardised system that is readily available and easy to use. For details on how to get the training package, see the advertisement and order form on the inside cover. A multi-engine aeroplane training package has been prepared as the syllabus of training for the initial issue of a multi-engine aeroplane type endorsement. The syllabus gives the preferred method for complying with the Civil Aviation Regulations. The package has been released in the form of a Civil Aviation Advisory Publication (CAAP 5.23-1(0)). Complementing present legislation, the package provides a comprehensive and structured system to lead both the instructor and the student through the process of multi-engine training. Features of the newly issued CAAP include: • Syllabus covering both ground and air training. The flight crew training advisory panel, a group of industry specialists who provide flight crew training advice to CASA, is seeking input from industry on training issues. The advisory panel meets twice a year, with minutes circulated within six weeks, usually in a CASA mailout of documents or publications. Copies of minutes can be obtained from Diane Shelback, ph: (06) 268 4114. Training issues can be raised with the advisory panel by contacting: John Chesterfield, PO Box 765, Coolangatta, Queensland 4225, ph: (07) 5536 9322; fax: (07) 5536 9334. The establishment of the advisory panel originated out of concerns about the introduction of the examfax system ending review panels that were held after each examination. The big ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 ,000 8 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 Training input Details of accident trends in Australia over the past eight years, and their contributing factors. I n 1994 there were a total of 212 accidents involving Australian civil aircraft, giving an overall accident rate of 8.24 accidents per 100,000 hours flown. The fact that this is the lowest accident rate recorded during the 1986-1994 period is illustrated in the accompanying figure. The length of the bar represents the hours flown and each symbol represents 10 accidents. It is clear that the density of accidents within each bar is lowest for the 1994 period. This figure however conceals the large differences in safety between the various sectors of the industry. The high capacity Regular Public Transport (RPT) sector consistently records the lowest accident rate and in 1994 was only .32 accidents VIEWPOINT A chance to get things right By James Kimpton I accepted the invitation from the Transport Minister, John Sharp, to chair the program advisory panel which will oversee CASA review programs because of the importance of improving the levels of safety achieved by the industry, and the need for the relationship between CASA and the industry to improve. The review programs are designed to maximise industry participation – alongside CASA personnel – in reviewing how the highest standards of safety are to be achieved in an efficient and effective manner. There will also be representation from the consumer point of view. The aim is to relatively quickly review how CASA undertakes its regulatory functions, a job that will be assisted by an advisory committee chaired by David Wiltshire. A complementary review of the regulatory framework, supported by an advisory committee chaired by Bill Hamilton, aims to make sure the regulations are readily accessible, clear and straightforward. The review programs will also seek to bring our regulatory framework into line with that of major aviation nations, unless there are sound reasons for difference. When inaugurating the CASA review programs, the Minister indicated that he was looking for substantive recommendations which could be implemented in 1998; although this timetable should not prevent earlier introduction of sound and reasonable change. picture per 100,000 hours flown. The low capacity RPT sector has the second best rate, with a figure of 1.67 accidents per 100,000 hours flown recorded in 1994. Although the general aviation (GA) sector has a higher accident rate than RPT operations, there are still large differences between the GA groups. Private/business flights and agricultural work typically have the highest accident rates. In 1994 there were around 18 accidents per 100,000 hours flown for both categories. It should be noted, however, that very few accidents result in fatalities. Over the 1986-1994 period, the proportion of fatal crashes has averaged about 10 per cent. Not surprisingly, this figure has also varied between industry sectors. About 6 per cent of accidents in the low capacity RPT sector resulted in a fatality over the 9-year period, and there were no fatalities at all resulting from high capacity RPT flights during these years. PROGRAM ADVISORY PANEL The review process will provide an unprecedented opportunity for industry to be involved. Industry personnel with experience or ideas to offer should not hesitate to come forward when requests are made for participation in technical committees or project teams. Not only will such participation lead to a better outcome, but should also improve relations between industry and CASA. That, of itself, will be important in ensuring that each of us understands the other better, and that together we can efficiently and effectively play our part in obtaining the high standards of safety which are vital if the industry is to be accorded the respect by government and the community to which it is entitled. James Kimpton is manager of aviation policy, Ansett Australia, and chair of the CASA review program advisory panel. For GA over the 1986 to 1994 period fatal accidents as a percentage of the total were highest in the “other aerial work” category (11.7 per cent) and lowest for flying training (6.3 per cent). The main types of accident occurrences according to a 1991 analysis by the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation have been: • Collision with ground, trees, wires (22 per cent). • Engine failure, malfunction, incorrect handling, fuel starvation/exhaustion (19 per cent). • Wheels-up landing (12 per cent). • Gear collapsed (10 per cent). • Ground/water loop (10 per cent). • Hard landings (9 per cent). • Loss of control (6 per cent). • Other (12 per cent). For fixed wing aircraft, most occurrences happened during the landing phase of flight. A total of 54 per cent of occurrences were related to approach, level off/touch down, roll or go around. Twenty-four per cent occurred during flight, while climbing, cruising, descending, low flying or engaging in aerobatics or agricultural work. Fifteen per cent Chair • James Kimpton, Manager,Aviation policy,Ansett Australia. Chair, regulatory role advisory sub-committee • David Wiltshire, Chairman,Aviation Industry Council of Australia. Chair, regulatory framework advisory sub-committee • Bill Hamilton,Technical Director, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association. Members • Max Hazelton, Deputy Chairman, Hazelton Airlines. • John Laverick, consumer advocate. • Rick Leeds, Federal Secretary, Australian Licensed Aircraft Engineers’ Association. • Ken Lewis, General Manager, Safety and Environment, Qantas. • Dafydd Llewellyn, Chairman, Queensland Aircraft Manufacturers Association. • Bill Pike, President,Australian and International Pilots Association. • Frank Young, Managing Director, Navair. • Leroy A. Keith, Director of Aviation Safety, Civil Aviation Safety Authority. occurred during take-off, with 5 per cent occurring while taxiing (including to take-off and from landing). Two per cent of occurrences were on the ground, while engines were not operating, while starting engines and while engines were operating. For accidents in fixed wing aircraft, the pilots in command accounted for the greatest percentage of fatal and serious injuries (51 per cent), followed by passengers (43 per cent) and flight crew (6 per cent). The picture for rotary wing aircraft has been entirely different. Most occurrences happened during flight (52 per cent), followed by take-off (24 per cent), landing (20 per cent), ground (2 per cent) and while taxiing (2 per cent). Twenty-nine per cent of fatal and serious injuries were experienced by the pilot in command, compared to 71 per cent for passengers. TRENDLINES – Source: Bureau of Air Safety Investigation. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 9 WHAT WENT WRONG? OUTBACK RESCUE T he task was to go from Orange to Charleville to visit an engineering workshop to check some parts and also to demonstrate the aeroplane, which was for sale. The aircraft was a Cessna 172M which I had flown several times before. I have also flown this particular trip a number of times, but normally in my PA 34 Seneca light twin. I estimated that the flight would take about four-and-a-half hours, and because I wanted to return the same day, I planned to depart at 5am. I completed the flight plan the night before using the computer flight planning system that I have at home. The planned route was Orange-Dubbo-Coonamble-WalgettBollan-Charleville and return. After a good night’s sleep, I woke up at about 4.30am, left a copy of the flight plan on the kitchen table, and left for the airport. When I arrived there was a very thick frost which covered the aeroplane, which took at least an hour to clean off. I checked the weather on Avfax – it was suitable for the flight with a wind of 110/10kts. I then moved some gear from my own aeroplane into the Cessna 172. This consisted of some tools, two large bottles of water and a first aid kit. I thought that the aircraft also had an ELT fitted as 10 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 ER M P $300 NN ETIT I IO N W CO Suddenly the pilot blacked out. He came to just before his Cessna 172M veered towards the ground in outback Queensland... “All I can remember then is suddenly seeing the windscreen full of an olive green colour and I was thinking it was a range of hills.” there was an external aerial fitted. I normally don’t carry food on this trip, but on this occasion I put some leftovers and some bread into an esky for the day. I also put my mobile phone in the flight bag. Prior to departure I ran the aircraft up for about 15 minutes and called taxiing on Orange CTAF. Departure time was 6.20am. After becoming airborne, I changed to FIS frequency and maintained a cruising altitude of 6500ft. As I was VFR I did not make a call but heard the QNH from flight service talking to bankrun aircraft arriving at Bathurst. The weather was fine and sunny, but very cold – so I pulled the heater control on full. The flight proceeded smoothly with the weather remaining fine. I remember changing frequency to Dubbo MBZ and calling as I entered the zone. At about 10nm from Dubbo an RPT Dash 8 called taxiing at Dubbo for Sydney and I gave him my position. I also talked to another RPT Saab when it was overhead. This was the last transmission I can recall making. I remember then changing frequency to Sydney FIS 127.1 Mhz and hearing the QNH being broadcast as there was quite a bit of radio traffic. I recall being two minutes ahead of flight plan at Coonamble and again at Walgett. I then recall passing abeam Lightning Ridge and saw Goodooga over to the left. I was feeling good, and although the outside temperature was close to zero, it was comfortable and warm inside. I then passed over Bollon and was three minutes early. Here I had to change track 17 degrees to the left and switch to Brisbane frequency. I also tuned into Charleville NDB and the needle immediately swung around and pointed ahead. Everything seemed to be progressing nicely. I remember the Charleville VOR coming in and getting a fix at Boatman Station which is about 60nm from Charleville. By now about 3/8ths of scattered low cloud was starting to appear up ahead, but this did not concern me. I also remember passing a good ALA some 25-30nm from Charleville and making a mental note that I could land there if the weather deteriorated at Charleville. I then started thinking about the descent. I felt warmer now and recollect thinking about turning the heat down. This is the last I can positively remember before coming to. All I can remember then is suddenly seeing the windscreen full of an olive green colour and I was thinking it was a range of hills. I glanced at the VSI and it WHAT WENT WRONG? was showing around a 1000ft per minute I still had a headache and reCharleville rate of descent and the altimeter read membered I had some Codral 1000ft. Also the radio squelch was tablets in my coat pocket. I took squealing and this was irritating me. these, but they didn’t work. After a while, My first reaction was to pull back on the I realised I had to find out where I was – stick; then I saw the horizon coming into but I couldn’t recognise any of my view. This must have jolted my instincts surroundings. to take over. I put my left foot back on I looked at the WAC map and tried to the rudder pedals and instinctively banked identify the range of hills that was close hard left. Then the engine coughed. My by. I noticed the ADF needle pointing to immediate reaction was to try and get the aeroplane on Estimated position by Pilot from NDB’s the ground. Then, as if by a miracle, GPS position appearing ahead of on rescue me was what looked like a very long airstrip with green marker lines either side of it. I must have been low because I saw trees out of the left window just before touching down. I 20 40 Kilometres think I touched Charleville down fast, nosewheel first and rather heavily. I remember rolling through almost the left and I thought it might still work. to the end of the strip and steering off to I turned the power back on, but the the right to avoid a small shrub on the needle didn’t move. After hitting the test button, the needle swung and pointed in strip. My head was aching and I felt nau- the same direction. The radio was still seous. I must have shut the engine down squealing, so I turned it off, and was able and turned the master off. I was shaking to identify Charleville faintly on the and feeling very cold. I just sat there ADF ident. From the bearing off this I shivering for about 45 minutes with my realised that I was north-west of Charleville. head aching badly. I then tried tuning into Blackall. This At that stage I didn’t really know what Orange time the ident came in very strongly and had happened, and was trying to get my the needle swung positively around. bearings. That’s when I noticed my folder bet- From the two position lines, I drew a fix ween the seats. I looked at the flight plan on the map which placed me 154 nm and realised I had been heading for north-west of Charleville. But this still didn’t seem quite right in relation to the Charleville. I worked out that my ETA By now it was getting towards evening, hills I could see. By now it was about for Charleville had been 11.00am, and three hours after landing, and I began to and I began to think about how I was going this didn’t look like Charleville country. to spend the night. get concerned about the battery. My watch showed it was 12.30pm. I gathered up some wood and scouted So I started to make MAYDAY calls I then tried calling on the radio on FIS with a bearing and distance from around the area. In the region were emus, frequency to Brisbane or any other aircraft, Charleville on the radio on 121.5 Mhz. kangaroos and about a mile away, a stockbut the radio was still squealing so I turned There was no response and the radio was yard and a full watering hole for stock. the master switch off. I decided to use still making a noise. From then on I made By this time the sun was going down, the ELT, and got out of the aircraft and a call on the hour. and I went back to the aeroplane and lit a opened the luggage door to look for it. I was now starting to think more clearly, fire with a newspaper from the aircraft, The cover for the ELT was located on the and realised that I had to conserve battery some aircraft fuel and matches I always upper right hand corner of the luggage power. The first thing I did was disconnect carry in the flight bag. Getting the fuel compartment, but when I removed the the turn and balance power lead and turn prompted me to check the tanks and I cover there was no ELT in there – just a off the rotating beacon. I tried using the found they were almost empty. A wind had sprung up so I tied the aircraft down, mobile phone, but it showed no signal. loose aerial lead and a mounting bracket. ✈ ✈ Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 11 WHAT WENT WRONG? pulled the seat out, and sat by the fire to gather my thoughts. I started to think about survival and went over what I had done so far. I then realised I hadn’t allowed for variation when plotting out my position from the ADF. I thought also that the ADF signals may be better later at night, so I took more bearings and re-plotted my position. I also used two extra NDBs – Windora and Longreach, which confirmed my position. This was also verified by tuning into the Longreach ABC. There was no mention on the news of me being missing, and the penny dropped that my wife hadn’t raised the alarm yet. I thought that she would not do this until later that night. There would not be any search until morning. This time the position fitted the local terrain and I noticed that there was a road nearby on the map and a station 20nm south and one 30 nm to the north. There were water bores on the map that could help in any navigation by foot. I started to bed myself down for the night in the Exhaust aircraft and read from the survival section cylinders in the ERSA. This information made me think more about staying with the aircraft and gave me some better ideas. I used a small transistor radio in the flight bag to tune into the ABC at Longreach and listen for any reports, but there were none about me. After a sleepless night, dawn eventually broke. The first thing I thought about was the battery power. Then I had some breakfast and decided to try and start the engine to charge the battery. The battery wouldn’t even throw the starter. After much deliberation I thought it might start by hand swinging. The prospect of injuring myself was worrying, but I realised it may mean my only chance of survival. 12 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 I gave a couple of pumps on the throttle, set it to start, left the mags off and wound the prop in reverse twice. Then I set it on the compression position, gave it another pump on the throttle, turned the mags on and made sure the hand brake was on. I swung the prop from the bottom and it started first pull. I ran the engine up until the fuel ran out – about six minutes. It did put some more charge back into the battery. After this I made MAYDAY calls on all nearby FIS frequencies and 121.5 Mhz with my callsign and estimated position only. After that I decided to try and find the road I had seen on the map. So I took the compass out of the aircraft, noting followed it north to see if I could locate one of the water bores I had noticed on the map. I must have walked for about another hour at a brisk pace, and I was starting to sweat. I followed the instructions in the ERSA about keeping clothes on, but had to drink more water than I expected. Soon I began to pace myself better. I began to have doubts about the track I was following, and decided it was time to get back to the aircraft. On the way back I stopped at the stock watering hole to cool off, and listen to the midday news which reported that there were 24 aeroplanes and two helicopters looking for me in south-east Queensland either side of my How CO leaked into the cabin. Inset: detail track. of the aircraft’s exhaust system. They were looking in the wrong place. When I got Exhaust out back to the aircraft, the first thing I did was to stoke up the fire to try and make some smoke. I made another radio call but began to ask myself why there was no Hot air around cylinder response? This extracted to cockpit inspired me to thoroughly check the radio out. I removed the radio and discovered a loose wire CO inside near the volume control. With tweezers Exhaust from the first aid Large hole kit I was able to inside flange reconnect the wire and carefully rethe compass heading on the ADF installed the set. This time the squelch was indicator. OK, but I did not get any answers to my Next I assembled food, water, some call. After a while, I realised that there was equipment and my transistor and set off no carrier wave and the mike wasn’t after leaving a note in the aircraft saying working. where I had gone. Before I left I laid out I decided to walk out next day to a distress signal with some rocks and rags Budgerigar Station, roughly 20nm west and dustcoats from the aircraft. Soon of my estimated position. As I was after leaving I came across some wheel thinking about this, I suddenly noticed tracks which travelled in the same through the open aircraft door, a loose direction I had planned. I started to white object on the floor behind the follow them, and after walking for about rudder pedals – it was a microphone relay. an hour, I saw some trees and a dry creek I was able to refit the relay, and tried and eventually came to the road I had the radio again. The first call I made was expected – but it was just a track. I on 121.5 Mhz and to my surprise I got ANALYSIS: WHAT WENT WRONG? an answer from Malaysian 136 reading back my position and telling me that he would advise Brisbane. After some conversation I lost radio contact and began to wonder whether the message had really got through. By this stage it was 5.00pm and the battery was very low. I decided to reserve power “There were 24 aeroplanes and two helicopters looking for me in south-east Queensland either side of my track. They were looking in the wrong place.” until I really needed it. I was elated. After another hour, I was about to make another call when I heard a search plane calling me. After some communication and with the assistance of a relay from a QANTAS aircraft which was flying overhead, I saw the search aircraft lights at the same time he saw my fire. Some 40 minutes later the search helicopter arrived and I was able to guide him down with my small mag torch. An hour and a half later I was in Charleville, safe and sound. I have learned a lot from this experience. For a start, next time I leave a plan, I will make sure that my intentions are clearly known by everyone. I will also be better prepared for any contingency. I cannot emphasise more the importance of an ELT. Had I had an ELT on board I am sure I would have been found well before I was actually reported missing. As it was, I could easily have died. It also would have saved a great deal of effort on the search, and prevented a lot of stress on my family and friends. Lastly I am most grateful to the SAR organisation, the Charleville police and ambulance staff for their professional and dedicated performance in effecting my search and rescue. ✈ The author of this winning entry to the “What Went Wrong?” competition will receive a $300 gift voucher for charts and publications. Outback rescue – an analysis T HERE IS LITTLE DOUBT THAT THIS resourceful pilot suffered carbon monoxide poisoning. Inspection of the aircraft revealed a leak in the exhaust system that would have allowed carbon monoxide from the heater system into the cockpit (see diagram opposite). The long duration of the flight, combined with the fact all other air vents were closed, would have caused the loss of full consciousness and memory which the pilot experienced for one-and-a-half hours. His sudden arousal just before he was about to crash could have resulted from the slight increase in oxygen from the descent, and the noise of the radio squelch. Carbon monoxide can kill without any warning. That’s why many pilots carry a visual indicator in the cockpit which turns black when carbon monoxide is present (see story, page 14). The pilot was also demanding quite a lot of himself by proceeding alone on a business trip for what was to be at least nine hours of flying without autopilot. This trip might have been acceptable if he had planned to overnight at Charleville allowing for more sleep and a much later start to the trip. The pilot has stated that in future he will ensure that everyone knows clearly what his intentions are. Why not put a plan into Flight Service, and get them to keep Sarwatch for your arrival? This is a 24-hour a day free service. The Search and Rescue (SAR) organisation has found that partners are very reluctant to call them for help, even if they are extremely worried. If you do leave a flight note with someone, make sure that person understands it, knows what their responsibility is, and who to contact, and when. The SAR freecall number is 1800 815257. I agree with the pilot’s remarks about Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELT) – if he had one he would have been rescued earlier. Yes, he did effect his own rescue without one, but he could also very easily have died. ELTs are essential equipment in the Australian environment; with constant satellite monitoring, ELTs make it so much easier for the SAR organisation to get to you quickly. Whether an approved hand-held model, or a fixed ELT, the main thing is that the ELT is serviceable and carried. Remember that it is your life that is on the line, so it is important that you check all life-saving equipment before you depart. The pilot had every right to go VFR on this trip without calling flight service. But this did make it very difficult for the SAR organisation, leaving it with a search area which virtually stretched between Orange and Charleville. Even if you do not want Flight Service to keep SARWATCH, there is nothing stopping you making periodic calls. It doesn’t matter what you say. You can update QNH or even give your position. This call will go onto tape, which can be used to narrow down any subsequent search, as well as provide information for any nearby traffic. The pilot did do many things right. He ensured he had equipment, food, water and matches. Without these it is doubtful he would have been rescued so early, if at all. He landed the aircraft safely. He used the information provided in the emergency section of AIP. He worked out his position, and plotted it on maps he carried which covered an area way beyond his destination. He used his knowledge and initiative to repair his radio and keep his battery charged. He kept his head when it would have been so easy to panic and give up. This incident illustrates that the worst can happen to you when you least expect it. It is a matter of being prepared all of the time. When you go flying, remember that there is a huge support system to help you – use that system, and help the system to help you. ✈ John McQueen is a flying operations inspector at CASA’s Bankstown district office. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 13 MEDICAL MATTERS T he pilot in the story, “Outback rescue” (page 10), appeared to be affected by carbon monoxide. But there are several other problems that can lead to a pilot losing consciousness. Consider this short description of the experience of another pilot: “The flight was conducted at 9,500ft, and because of the relatively cool outside air temperature, I did not open the remaining airvent. “During the flight, both myself and my accompanying passenger experienced difficulty breathing, and were overcome by tiredness. “The flight was terminated short of the destination when I realised that my performance was below par. I was having difficulty monitoring the progress of the flight, and performing the necessary navigation and control area clearance requirements.” The symptoms experienced by this pilot could have been caused by hypoxia from too little oxygen in the inspired air, carbon monoxide poisoning, carbon dioxide narcosis, or even from fatigue. With some understanding, the pilot with these or similar symptoms can determine the possible cause. H Y P OX I A O xygen comprises one-fifth of the total gas in the atmosphere. Because atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, the concentration of oxygen in the inspired air also drops. At 18,000ft, the atmospheric pressure is half of that at sea level. At 10,000ft the atmospheric pressure is one-third less than sea level, and so the partial pressure of oxygen is also one-third less than sea level. Above 8,000 or 9,000ft, problems of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) begin to appear. Individuals who have a medical condition which may interfere with the absorption, carriage and supply of oxygen to the tissues may experience the effects of hypoxia at altitudes as low as 5-6,000ft. This could result in symptoms of tiredness, mental confusion, difficulty in focusing and a degree of air hunger. 14 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 When you feel yourself fading out, it’s time to take stock. Rob Liddell looks at the causes and effects of hypoxia, carbon monoxide poisoning, carbon dioxide narcosis and fatigue. FADE - At 10,000ft, the blood of a person who is exposed to outside air can still carry oxygen at 90 per cent of its capacity. At this altitude, the performance of a healthy pilot may be impaired. In smokers it will be worse, and some may find themselves a little less dextrous than usual at tuning radios, slower at working navigational problems, and less able to sustain concentration. At 14,000ft, the pilot may become appreciably handicapped – forgetting to switch tanks, flying off course, or disregarding hazardous situations. Upwards of 18,000ft, exposure to environmental air will cause collapse and inability to control the aircraft. The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood deteriorates much more than one would expect at heights above 14,000ft. This is not a linear relationship, and lowered levels of oxygen quickly become dangerously low levels with only minor increases in altitude. If you choose to fly unpressurised at high altitudes, you must use oxygen. You have a choice, then, between pressurising the cabin, or breathing a mixture with more oxygen in it. Unfortunately, the nature of hypoxia makes you the poorest judge of when you are its victim. The first symptoms of oxygen deficiency are misleadingly pleasant, resembling mild intoxication from alcohol. Because oxygen starvation strikes first at the brain, your higher faculties are dulled. Normal self-critical ability is lost. Your mind no longer functions properly; your hands and feet become clumsy without you being aware of it; you may feel drowsy, languid, and nonchalant; you may have a false sense of security. The last thing in the world you think you need is oxygen. As the hypoxia gets worse, you may become dizzy, or feel a tingling of the skin. You might have a dull headache, but you would be only half aware of it. Oxygen starvation gets worse the longer you remain at a given altitude, or if you climb higher. Your heart races, your lips and the skin under your fingernails begin to turn blue, your field of vision narrows, and the instruments start to look fuzzy. But hypoxia, by its nature a grim deceiver, makes you feel confident that you are doing a better job of flying than you have ever done before. You are in about the same condition as the person who insists on driving a car home from a New Year’s Eve party when hardly able to walk. Regardless of acclimatisation, endurance or other attributes, every pilot will suffer the consequences of hypoxia when exposed to inadequate oxygen pressure. So if you intend to fly high, what can you do about it? Firstly, carry oxygen – and use it before you start to become hypoxic. Secondly, don’t gauge your “oxygen hunger” by how you feel. Gauge it by the altimeter. 0UT Here are some general suggestions which apply to healthy pilots: • Carry oxygen in your aircraft or don’t fly above 10,000ft. If bad weather lies ahead, go around it if you can’t get over it. • Use oxygen on every flight above 10,000ft. • Use oxygen on protracted flights near 10,000ft. It won’t hurt you and you’ll be a lot sharper. • Breathe normally when using oxygen. Rapid or extra deep breathing can cause its own problems. CARBON MONOXIDE C arbon monoxide is a product of i n c o m p l e t e combustion, and is present in the exhaust gases of all internal combustion engines. This gas is especially dangerous for two reasons: firstly it is colourless and odourless; and secondly, its lethal effect on the body can be insidious with confusion and then unconsciousness occurring before the victim realises that carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible. Because carbon monoxide has a stronger affinity for the oxygen carrying component of the blood than does oxygen, the victim asphyxiates in an oxygen rich environment. The likely sources of carbon monoxide are the engine exhaust path and fuel fired cabin heaters. The exhaust path can allow carbon monoxide into the cabin via a leak in a heating manifold or through a leak in an exhaust pipe which allows exhaust gases to enter the cabin air stream. Badly maintained fuel fired cabin heaters with leaks in their manifolds can also allow carbon monoxide into the cabin. The location of the doors on some aircraft permits exhaust gas to swirl back into the cabin should the door be opened in flight. The effects of carbon monoxide are similar to the effects of hypoxia as there is a reduced capacity for the blood to carry oxygen to the tissues. An individual may experience symptoms similar to hypoxia at any cabin altitude whenever an internal combustion engine is operating and the potential exists for exhaust fumes to enter the cockpit. Visual signs of carbon monoxide poisoning may include a cherry red appearance to the lips and finger nail beds, headache becoming severe, nausea, confusion and then unconsciousness. If you suspect carbon monoxide poisoning, shut off all heating that may be in use. Change the cabin air source if possible; for example, close cabin air shut-off vents, and open the window if permissible. Breathe pure oxygen if it is available. Declare an emergency and land at the nearest suitable location. Prevention is better than cure. Before operating with a window or door removed or open, consult your flight manual – there could be a safety limitation. Ensure regular inspection and maintenance of heaters and exhaust gas paths. Some aircraft manufacturers recommend that exhaust and heater systems be inspected as often as every 25 hours of flight time. Early warning devices such as “dead stop” patches are excellent insurance. These small (3cm square) pieces of cardboard contain a disc which changes in colour in a carbon monoxide rich environment. They are an inexpensive ($8) form of insurance. CARBON DIOXIDE O xygen enters into the metabolic pathways in the body cells via the lungs, and is converted to carbon dioxide and energy. Carbon dioxide therefore is the gas present in expired air. In an enclosed environment with minimal airflow, the concentration of carbon dioxide as a result of expired air can build up to significant levels over a period of time. Increased levels of carbon dioxide in the air that is breathed can cause a condition known as carbon dioxide narcosis which results in mental confusion, extreme tiredness, headaches and eventually unconsciousness. There are no skin signs of carbon dioxide narcosis. Any possibility of carbon dioxide narcosis being responsible for symptoms can immediately be dealt with by ensuring an airflow in the cabin. Particular care should be taken with tightly sealed fibreglass cockpits. Unless there is vented air, carbon dioxide can build up quickly. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 15 ✔ ✔✔ ✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ ✔✔ FIT✔ ✔ ✔✔✔ FOR ✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔ ✔ F✔✔✔ LYING ✔✔✔✔ ✔✔✔✔✔✔✔ Blood sugar and the brain A s a pilot, you should be aware of the effects of eating habits on performance. There are numerous accidents which have been directly and indirectly linked to diet. One pilot lined up his Cessna 150 to land on the wrong runway.The tower controllers alerted him to the situation, and then cleared him to land on the runway. At about 200–300ft, he became dizzy, and then lost consciousness. The aircraft crashed inverted; fortunately, the pilot was uninjured. Investigations determined that he was suffering from reactive or functional hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar level) which can result from eating a high carbohydrate diet, consisting of too much refined sugar and white flour. In these cases. the pancreas secretes excessive amounts of insulin, a hormone that causes the body to burn sugar. After a number of hours, the level of glucose in the blood drops dangerously low. The brain and central nervous system are unable to store glucose and therefore need constant refuelling. This makes the brain very sensitive to drops in blood sugar levels. The body’s response to lack of glucose (hypoglycaemia) includes fatigue, mental confusion, faintness, headaches, forgetfulness, dizziness, blurred vision, coldness, low blood pressure, nervousness, depression and extreme hunger. Caffeine, alcohol and nicotine also adversely affect sugar metabolism. Perhaps a strong cup of sugared coffee on an empty stomach just prior to flying is not such a good idea. What you should eat before flying is a balanced diet. For example, carbohydrates can come from fruit, instead of doughnuts or chocolate bars. Many pilots have heard of the preflight acronym I’M SAFE.This is used to remind pilots to check their physical condition before flying. Is there any risk that they are impaired by Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue or Eating? Keep in mind that illness and fatigue can both be caused by an improper diet. You do a preflight check on your aircraft, so why not preflight yourself as well? Eating sensibly is essential to safe flying. – Ian Dix, CASA safety education officer. 16 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 MEDICAL MATTERS will lower performance even more. Pilots should also be aware of the phenomenon of “sleep deficit”. The amount of sleep people need varies, but intensive flying operations frequently cause sleep disturbance, to the point that “sleep deficit” occurs. As a guide, if less than eight hours of quality sleep is obtained in any 24 hour period, sleep loss begins to accumulate. The nature of flying operations is such that rest periods can become fragmented, lying requires skill, alertness and with sleep often being scheduled for coordination, sometimes under unusual hours. adverse conditions. In these circumstances, a pilot’s sleep It is often necessary to complete the deficit is likely to accumulate to a point most important and demanding part of a where fatigue becomes important. task at the end of a long and difficult day. Once an individual suffers from sleep Fatigue can result in an inability to perdeficit, considerable time off is needed to form effectively. A fatigued person may restore the body to its normal state. not be aware that judgement has been Studies have shown that, following impaired. duty times of 12-20 hours, fatigue may The symptoms, however, are apparent exist for more than one or two days. to the rested observer and include: There are a multitude of other factors • Poor concentration. which contribute to aircrew fatigue. Some • A low frustration of these are age, experience threshold. level, cockpit temperature, “Studies have • Degraded coordination. humidity, cabin altitude • Slowness in response. shown that and physical fitness, • Carelessness. including the effects of • Acceptance of low following duty caffeine, some medicastandards of accuracy. times of 12-20 tions, alcohol and smoking. How many of us have There are a few irreexperienced errors such as hours, fatigue futable facts worth keepwrongly set altimeters, ing in mind: may exist for missed altitude calls, infit individcorrect headings, and poor more than one •ualsPhysically have more mental approaches followed by alertness and stamina, and or two days.” dicey landings after a long are less affected by fatigue. and difficult day? • Studies show that Fortunately, such errors smokers are more prone to fatigue, and are usually countered by our ability to suffer a definite reduction in altitude draw on reserve energy to “psych up” and tolerance. handle a stressful situation. The human body functions on a 24- • Alcohol causes significant impairment hour biological clock, and any disruption of flying skills. This impairment can last of the body’s rhythms will increase up to 72 hours. • Proper sustenance before and during fatigue and stress. Studies show that our poorest per- flight will assist in combating fatigue. Too much coffee during and after formance occurs at the low point in our flight might impair adequate rest and circadian rhythm – the time we would contribute to unnecessary fatigue on the normally be sleeping. Hence the worst next day’s flight. period is from about 0300 to 0600. Recognising and managing fatigue is If you are trying to land between essential to flight safety. ✈ 0300-0600 after a long duty period, F AT I G U E F don’t expect your judgement and skills to be at their best. Matters such as inadequate crew rest and crossing time zones Dr R. W. Liddell is director of aviation medicine for CASA. COVER STORY STORM WARNING Thunderstorms are the single most hazardous weather phenomenon a pilot can encounter, write Geoff Smith and Gil Moore. E very kind of aviation hazard is packed into a thunderstorm: reduced visibility, low cloud, severe icing, turbulence, hail, heavy precipitation, lightning, wind shear, and even the possibility of a tornado, or a water spout. The effects can be alarming, as this pilot attests: "All went to plan until, on this very dark moonless night, I realised that I had entered cloud. No problem – no return on the radar and nothing dramatic forecast. “Just after leaving FL230 on descent, everything turned sour. The aircraft was seized and shaken like the proverbial ‘rat’. Ice built up on the airframe breathtakingly quickly. There was a blinding flash., and the whole world turned an iridescent green. Rain was now deafening and the aircraft was uncontrollable. “If the seat belt had let go, I would have lost the whole aircraft. Gear down, power off; aircraft climbing at over 2000ft per minute, and then plunging at a similar rate. A sharp crack, and everything in the aircraft went black. We had been hit by lightning. “Severe turbulence. Little by little, light and radios came back. I seemed to have been wrestling for hours and was feeling desperately tired. I was now down below 5000ft descending rapidly in spite of gear up and full power. Now down to 800ft descending rapidly, resigned to dying and trying to get out a Mayday call, when the aircraft was abruptly spat out of the side into clear air with Esperance directly ahead.” Surviving a wild thunderstorm can make for a great story, but it's an experience you are better off without. Certainly for most aircraft in general aviation, the rule is to keep clear. Almost any thunderstorm can spell disaster for the wrong combination of aircraft and pilot. A non-instrument rated pilot on a VFR flight must avoid thunderstorms at all costs – and by as Hail damage. 0–5 days 5–10 days 10–15 days 15–20 days 20–30 days 30–40 days 40–50 days 50–60 days 60–80 days over 80 days Thunderstorm frequency. wide a margin as possible. Instrument rated pilots should also stay clear of thunderstorms wherever possible. Of the 15 million thunderstorms which occur each year world-wide, most will take place in the steamy heat of the equatorial regions. Over the next few months, some areas in the north of Australia will experience up to 80 thunderstorm days. Down in south-eastern Tasmania, they will experience only five thunderstorm days over the Summer season. Only in the coastal south-western part of Western Australia and the western coast of Tasmania do more thunderstorms occur in winter rather than summer. Even though tropical storms are higher and more frequent, sub-tropical cells pack the same amount of violent energy into a smaller volume. Thunderstorms occur when cumulonimbus clouds reach a critical energy level. For a thunderstorm to form, there must be a great deal of moisture in the lower levels of the atmosphere, plus enough unstable air above to cause strong updraughts. The ascent of huge volumes of air in thunderstorms is rapid – up to 10m/s over a relatively small area. A thunderstorm which has been declared severe will involve hail two centimetres or more in diameter; wind gusts reaching 48 knots or more measured at ground level; rainfall producing flash flooding Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 17 COVER STORY which exceeds the one-in-five year occurrence; and can even incorporate tornadoes. Pilots must know and retain certain facts about thunderstorms to make proper operational decisions. Thunderstorms can be generated as frontal, heat, orographic, cold stream, nocturnal, equatorial and convergence thunderstorms. Frontal storms Confined to the front, they can be crossed quickly if you don’t plan to fly parallel to the front. A prognostic chart should suggest which end of the front will have the least activity. Be careful though, these charts don't give the whole picture. There may be thunderstorm build-up along the prefrontal troughs. This is not always indicated on the chart. (TAF) – allowing you to avoid the frontal storm by selecting the time and direction you choose to fly. While there may be gaps between cumulonimbus clouds, a word of caution to general aviation operators: very turbulent air may be present. Although cumulonimbus clouds will sometimes reach the tropopause, turbine aircraft can often cruise at altitudes where the gaps between clouds are wider. Again a word of caution: most aircraft cannot outclimb a developing cumulonimbus cloud and severe turbulence may occur in the clear air above a developing large cumulous or cumulonimbus cloud. Heat storms Get out of bed early and don’t fly after midday. Select routes over water where practical. In the Kimberley region, flying over Lake Argyle may be an option. Around coastal regions, follow the sea breeze coastal convergence zone, that is, the area where coastal sea breezes are predominant. Alternatively, fly in the late evening and before sunrise when heat storms will be in the dissipating stage. During their development, they will be separated and gaps can be found. However, the number of gaps will decrease as the day wears on. They will invariably reach the tropopause. When conditions are very unstable, they will outclimb even turbine aircraft. Options for cruising on top can therefore Schematic illustration of a thunderstorm. be very limited. Anvils or their dissipated remThese pre-frontal and frontal storms nants make airborne radar a prerequisite may also speed up or lag behind the front for a smooth ride at pressurised cruising line indicated in the chart as they move levels. though your region due to topographic interference. This is especially the case in Orographic storms Orographic storms are determined by south-eastern Australia. Frontal movement can usually be accu- topography, and are therefore confined to rately predicted by studying the latest the land. On the east coast of Australia, area forecast and Terminal Area Forecast keep away from the Great Divide when storms are developing. If you are in IMC 18 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 and in that area, turn on the radar and you will usually find a gap. Cold stream storms Unlike frontal storms which pass through as a line, these tend to be scattered and occur more frequently, although they are short lived. They often continue at 20–30 minute intervals, resulting in “INTER” operational requirements. They occur mainly in Winter in the south-west of western Australia and along the southern regions of the continent. They are usually well separated and can be “embedded”, and difficult to detect for unpressurised non radar equipped aircraft. Although they can exist over land and water, orographic influences can accentuate and localise their effect. These storms may not reach the tropopause, and have shallow wind gusts and soft hail. Nocturnal storms Generally confined to the tropics, and over water, their greatest asset is the accompanying lightning, which helps to identify and avoid the worst areas. As they are most mature at dawn and dissipate soon afterwards, route selection and timing can be used to minimise their effect. Convergence storms The characteristics of convergence storms vary according to the cause of the convergence. Generally they are localised or slow moving which allows circumnavigation. The exception is the development of the supercell, which is a very intense, fast moving storm which can leave a swathe of destruction in its path. It is common in our Summer months for a line of convergence storms to form along the Great Divide in the early afternoon, and move over the coastal plains towards late afternoon. Hail Hail is produced by cumulonimbus and large cumulus clouds. It is usually encountered in those areas of the cloud where the updrafts or downdrafts are the strongest. Avoid flying under the anvil, where there is an increased chance of hail. The photograph on page 17 shows what a short 20 second encounter with hail can do to an aircraft. The aeroplane was in the clear, 10nm away from the storm when it encountered hail. Give yourself an ample buffer, or fly upwind of the storm if practical. The airframe components most likely to suffer from hail damage are the COVER STORY leading edges, lifting surfaces, pitots, aerials, intakes and first stages of compressors. The noise can be alarming. Conventional airframe icing will always be present in cumulonimbus cloud above the freezing level. Airframe icing can be more of a problem than hail, particularly in cold stream, frontal and orographic storms. It presents the same problems you can encounter when operating in strataform clouds. Lightning Lightning is an electrical discharge within a cloud, between clouds and between the clouds and the ground. Its main practical effect is to degrade performance of navigational and communications equipment. As you enter a cumulonimbus cloud, radio static may be a precursor of lightning ahead. Just as we take precautions on the ground to avoid lightning strikes, so must the pilot protect the aircraft from strikes in in flight. Many aircraft strikes occur without the pilot's knowledge. A burning or ozone smell might be noticed in unpressurised (lowly ventilated) aircraft. Electrostatic phenomena (St Elmo's fire, impact discharge) often occur. In an incident last year at Sydney airport, Microburst. Gust front outflow from a thunderstorm. the heat generated from a lightning strike on a small turboprop commuter aircraft shattered the composite material of a baggage locker, and the debris passed dangerously close to propellers and engine intake areas. Lightning can cause: • Pilot disorientation Thunderstorm showing the wind increasing with height. and possibly temporary Sloping warm inflow is conducive for the formation of large hail. blindness. Some stones may make many trips collecting a fresh layer of ice • Instrument failure. on each circuit. Eventually they become too heavy for the updraft • Flight control failure. to support, and can enter the adjacent downdraft hurtling to the • Fuel tank burnout ground with increased velocity. and possible explosion. where the strongest winds occur. • Engine flameout with electrical failure. As the ring vortex moves outwards • Failure of non metallic components. from the centre, it tends to stretch until a • Deformation and burning of holes in limit is reached and the vortex disintethe skin. grates into several pieces or roll vortices. • Acoustic shock and magnetic forces. • Possible failure of non metallic heli- These bands can continue to supply high winds lasting two to three minutes. copter blades. Microbursts can occur with or without rain – hence the terms wet or dry microDowndrafts Windshear is probably the greatest chal- burst. Visual indications of severe wind shear lenge for the pilot. While aircraft have broken up from vertical shear during cumu- and downbursts include: lonimbus encounters, design criteria ensure • Thick precipitation curtains falling from that certificated aircraft will survive pro- a cumulonimbus or large cumulus showvided correct operational procedure is ing a marked fanning or distinctive foot shape at the surface. employed. Downdrafts occur in the mature stage • Areas of raised dust and debris in a of the thunderstorm, and spread out in circular pattern under virga or cumuloall directions on impact with the ground. nimbus and cumulus. They are often called gust fronts, and the • Formation of roll clouds, shelf clouds horizontal velocities of the wind may or ragged scud near the gust front indireach 80–100 knots and last for 10–30 cating signs of rapid rotation or very strong winds at the surface. minutes. Recent studies have revealed that these • Wind socks pointing in opposite gust fronts and microbursts present a directions. One in fifteen thunderstorms produces very real danger to aircraft in the landing or take-off phase. A downburst is a a microburst, but it does not require a strong downdraft which induces an thunderstorm to produce a microburst. Typically, a penetration of a microburst outburst of damaging winds on or near to area will take no more than 30 seconds. the ground. The sizes of downbursts vary The time available for recognition and from less than one kilometre to tens of appropriate action is usually no more kilometres. An intense microburst can than 5–15 seconds. In any microburst bring very damaging winds with encounter, the flight path must be conhorizontal speeds as high as 150 knots. trolled with pitch attitude and not airspeed Microbursts tend to have a relatively control. Indicated airspeed will increase short life – generally less than 10 very rapidly, immediately followed by a minutes, and often only between 3–5 rapid decrease. minutes. A reduced airspeed (above the safe stall In a microburst, a strong spear of cold margin) may have to be accepted to ensure air flows downward to strike the ground flight path control. Potential energy must and spread out. The danger area with a be converted to kinetic energy, and this microburst is the horizontal vortex ring translates to maintaining pitch attitude close to the touchdown point. This is control, regardless of airspeed. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 19 FLYING OPERATIONS The basics • If thunderstorms are forecast, plan an alternate route before becoming airborne. Planning will be far more rational when not confronted by the problem. • Be prepared to divert before the thunderstorms become unavoidable. • Avoid by at least 30km any thunderstorm identified as severe or giving an intense radar echo. • Avoid the entire area if it has five oktas or more thunderstorm activity. • Remember that vivid and frequent lightning indicates the probability of a severe thunderstorm. • Consider any localised convective cell over approximately 15,000ft high as a thunderstorm, whether there is thunder or not. • Don’t land or take-off in the face of an approaching thunderstorm. A sudden gust front or low-level turbulence could cause loss of control. • Don’t try to fly under a thunderstorm – even if you can see through to the other side. Don’t fly into a cloud mass containing isolated thunderstorms without airborne weather radar. Thunderstorms not embedded usually can be visually avoided. • Don’t trust appearance as a reliable indicator of turbulence inside a thunderstorm. When faced with no other option, the penetration of thunderstorms by a properly rated pilot flying an IFR-equipped aircraft should be carried out with extreme caution and due attention. Before entering a storm, general aviation pilots should: • Tighten seat belts and secure all loose objects. • Plan and hold your heading to take you through the storm in the minimum possible time. • To avoid the most critical icing, establish a penetration altitude below the freezing level or above the level of minus 15 degrees celsius. • Turn pitot heat on, and select carburettor heat or turbine-engine anti-ice. • Configure your aircraft for turbulence penetration using power settings and airspeed recommended in your aircraft flight manual. • Turn up the cockpit lights to the highest intensity to lessen temporary blindness from lightning. Lowering your seat as far as possible can also help by keeping your eye-level below the top of the glareshield. • Disengage the autopilot. The automatic 20 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 altitude and attitude hold controls on most GA autopilots will cause the aircraft to overreact, thus increasing the likelihood of structural stress. • If using airborne radar, tilt the antenna up and down occasionally. This will help you detect other thunderstorm activity at altitudes other than the one being flown. • During thunderstorm penetration keep your eyes on your instruments. Looking outside can increase the danger of temporary blindness from lightning, and cause spatial disorientation. • Don’t change power settings; maintain the power settings for the recommended turbulence penetration airspeed. • Strive to maintain a constant attitude. • Do not try to maintain a constant altitude or airspeed, as the control inputs can significantly increase the stress on the aircraft. • In severe hail the windscreen may shatter, causing serious injury. If hail is encountered, lower your head below windscreen level until the hail eases. • Don’t try to turn back once you are in the thunderstorm. A straight course through the storm usually will get you out of the hazards in the shortest time. In addition, turning manoeuvres increase stress on the aircraft. High end ops Even aircraft which have the capability to avoid build-ups throughout the cruise can confront the thunderstorm problem during arrivals and departures. The following points are relevant to success for the “high end”: • Radar. Understand the manufacturer's handbook on the equipment's capabilities and limitations, particularly the gain controls. Radar is very useful when looking up or down for determining core tops. The higher the cell, the greater the energy. This fact is useful when deciding on a climb out or descent path. Heavy rain can badly attenuate antenna performance making the radar next to useless when you need it most. • Turbulence penetration. Structural aspects and stall margins aside, you should get a better ride if you are close to MAUW. Aircraft inertia will also be greater thereby minimising flight path deviations. Unswept wings with a high co-efficient of lift will give a less comfortable ride. Configure and operate according to the aircraft manufacturer’s recommendation. Be prepared to accept speed and altitude variations. Most reasonably modern autopilots will cope better with these conditions than some pilots. While some have a “turbulence” setting, they will chase vertical “sub modes”, for example, altitude, air speed and vertical speed. Therefore, unless the pilot notes say differently, or you think you can do better, keep primary pitch and roll attitude modes engaged, disengage lateral sub modes if they are likely to wander (eg VOR) or revert to Heading hold, and disengage the vertical sub modes. Before entering turbulence, secure the cockpit and cabin, and configure the fuel system – select the fullest or additional tanks, boost pumps on if applicable, and so on. Engine handling All turbine engines at or near maximum power have their compressor operating lines close to the surge or stall line. Engine accelerations, such as throttle increases, and intake flow distortions – for example, from turbulence, hail, ice and heavy rain – move the operating line towards the stall line. At constant rpm, bleeding air from the compressor has the opposite effect. Therefore whether climbing, cruising or descending, having any compressor bleed air system on should be advantageous. In the climb in gusty, torrential rain with bleed air off, there is greater potential for engine stall. Despite the sophisticated fuel control systems which are sometimes fitted, smooth symmetric and slow throttle movement (particularly increases) are preferable. In the descent, power settings above idle are more desirable (to provide bleed air for systems) and sustain mass flows to ensure continued combustion. This often requires early air brake selection or configuring early in the approach to carry more power. It should be no surprise that most engine manufacturers require selection of continuous ignition in these conditions, even if their engines are fitted with automatic systems. Geoff Smith is the regional and defence manager (NSW) for the Bureau of Meteorology. Gil Moore is Melbourne based aviation consultant. Additional research by Kenn Batt, severe weather section for the Bureau of Meteorology, NSW; and Mike Adams, flying operations inspector, CASA. Information also adapted from Aviation Safety Digest, 108 and the 1993 aviation weather seminar held in Fremantle, WA. FLYING OPERATIONS T he Global Positioning System (GPS) is influencing the way pilots think about navigation. Installations of TSO approved units in IFR aircraft are common. GPS is in everyday use in VFR operations. Incidents of pilots being “uncertain” of their position is almost a thing of the past. Why? The widespread use of GPS, of course. How much formal training do VFR pilots have in the use of GPS? How many know the significance of RAIM? More importantly, how many can still revert to accurate visual or Dead Reckoning navigation when their GPS system fails? To the pilot of an aircraft inbound to Charleville, your position relative to Charleville is important, not your position relative Narrabri or Longreach. You should be monitoring your position relative to aerodromes and way points along the track, not just the departure and destination points. Good situational awareness is a must missing filtering. The problem manifests itself as either RAIM or navigation capability loss. Another well documented problem is the GPS system failing to give position information while the pilot is transmitting on VHF. One of the possible causes of this is an unsatisfactory electromagnetic compatibility between the GPS equipment installation and other onboard equipment. The explanation is that By Allister Polkinghorne harmonic interference from some VHF transmissions may adversely affect reception of GPS signals if sufficient attenuation of harmonics is not provided. A minimum separation of 1.1 metres, centre to centre between a GPS antenna and a transmitting antenna is recommended to minimise interference. Trouble with GPS Integrity The integrity of GPS information can only be verified by an integrity monitoring system, such as Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring (RAIM). This means that hand-held units, which don’t have an integrity monitoring capability, may give false information. In VFR conditions, you will have the ability to see any conflicting terrain; however, the same cannot hand-held units and be said for control zone All some panel-mounted GPS boundaries or other traffic. units do not have RAIM Many issues surrounding capability and may give the use of GPS in VFR false information. operations have been raised including use of the GO TO function for all operations. Using the GO TO and the integrity of the navigation function, it is easy to sit back, enjoy the solution. ride – and become Providing navisituationally dull. gation information Reported GPS unit between two points “Using the GO TO failures are very rare. 500nm or 5,000nm However, there have apart presents no function, it is easy to been numerous probproblem to any GPS sit back, enjoy the ride lems with “temunit. You should porary installations”, recognise that when – and become or where pilots have you are navigating a yoke or cockpitlong track using situationally dull.” combing mounted GPS, say, Longreach units without an to Narrabri and you external aerial. The are 14nm abeam Charleville, the result is “system” failures which can be information you have visible on the GPS traced to reduced capability of the receiver is that you are 210 nm from Longreach due to poor installation and incorrect or or 311nm to Narrabri. Installation Airworthiness Advisory Circular (AAC) number 6-26 sets out the requirements for the installation of GPS equipment. In summary, a proper installation will assist GPS equipment reliability, and enhance the availability of navigation information. At present there are no requirements in the private pilot training syllabus for GPS knowledge – but the facts are that GPS is in widespread use, and is a useful aid to navigation. You can minimise the risk of incident due to false GPS information by having equipment well installed, and staying situationally aware. Pilots should retain well developed DR and visual navigation skills and cross-check the GPS solution regularly during flight. If there is some doubt about the GPS solution, you should revert to traditional navigation techniques. ✈ Allister Polkinghorne is a CASA safety education officer, and an education advisor to Australia’s global navigation satellite system implementation team. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 21 FLYING OPERATIONS All power lines are potential killers. John Freeman describes how to locate and avoid them. Low flying near power lines P requires heavy, tall poles spaced close likely to find the wire before it finds you. together, while thin, low-voltage line Terrain requires small, low poles some distance The terrain poses different problems apart. relating to power lines. For example, it is Another indicator is the insulator possible for thick timber in forested areas which protects the wire from the poles. to obscure the view of a building, The direction of the insulator points to meaning it is even less likely you will see the direction of the wire. The tension in the power lines. the wire run can be determined The combination of hilly or according to whether the insulator is mountainous terrain with power line horizontal or drooping. runs has been the An indicator of cause of many acciheavy, high voltage dents. Valleys, large “There have been wire runs, is a cleared undulations and so on firebreak. A firebreak many instances mean that the power can easily be seen from when aircraft have authorities construct above or alongside, but large networks of not when approaching struck wires even wires, often many at right angles. when the poles hundreds of feet above A good way to note ground. variations in wires and were clearly These wires will be wire systems is from visible.” of heavy gauge so that the ground. Driving, they can span the disfor instance, provides tance. With increased an excellent opportunity to notice wire thickness, there is little chance of the features of wire systems. When carrying aircraft being able to cut through the out a low flying exercise it is very wire, and little chance of surviving the important to inspect the area the air resulting collision with the ground. beforehand (above 300ft) and make a When flying in hilly or mountainous mental note of the location of all areas, always survey the area first to locate powerlines. wires. Flight should not be conducted at The secret is to be constantly alert, and a level below the terrain on either side of remember this sequence: building, pole, the aircraft. insulator, and finally the wire itself. In Rivers, reservoirs and the like often following this sequence, you will be more have long wire spans across them. Unless ower lines are arguably the greatest hazard for low flying aircraft. In the past decade there has been an average of four fatal accidents per year involving collision with power lines. Surprisingly, only about a quarter of these were agriculture related. Power lines can be very difficult to see. It is easy for a wire to be hidden from view by background camouflage, glare, a pilot’s blind spot, or poor light. Look for the indications of the wire’s position before locating the actual wire. Power lines come in many configurations – from big grids carried on large lattice-type towers, to the Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) systems, with long spans and hidden poles. All power lines are potential killers, and there is no guarantee that they won’t be found near aircraft landing areas. Big grids will kill you if contacted, and the single-wire earth line can deflect the aircraft so close to the ground that it is impossible to recover. Location indicators There are many signs which should alert the pilot to think power lines. It must be assumed that all buildings have power connected, and thus, the first warning is settlement. A second indicator is the poles themselves. These will vary considerably in spacing. Thick, high-voltage wire 22 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 N O SI VI F O E N 70˚ at o visi on N OF V I S I O RA si vi of LD G ld IE cr ar n io it os aft arcr tp af n at 2 pos E N G OF V I S I O N LD 70˚ RA IE O F VI SI O N n1 itio aircraft position 2 ▲ • Slow down when low flying in bad weather to give yourself more time to locate the wires. fie • Keep your windscreen as clean as possible.. e • To minimise the visual illusions, make it a habit to move your head around. e of ang • Be aware of the factors which add to the possibility of not seeing a wire. At low levels it only takes a small or momentary distraction to cause a strike. sid • Once a wire has been located, it is essential to keep its location at the forefront of your mind. of r • Before low flying, always survey the area to locate the wires or their clues. aircraft track ut Only a quarter of accidents involving power lines are agriculture related. Power lines are a hazard to all pilots. John Freeman is the author of “Flight at lower levels”, published by Wakefield Press in 1991. Out SOME HARD EARNED ADVICE In some cases, extra clearance is necessary. Guy wires, which are used to correct sideways force on a pole where the wire run changes direction, are an example. These wires are only found at a bend in the wire run or at a junction and they can sometimes be connected to a supplementary pole, which is often found some distance from the wire run. Danger exists because guy wires are seldom attached with insulators. The result is a wire that is difficult to see and which is found some distance from the main run. At low levels it is possible, in windgradient or gusty conditions, to lose height before adequate correction can be made. For this reason, extra vertical clearance above wires should be considered whenever flying at low levels, particularly when taking off or landing. O There have been many instances where aircraft have struck wires due to the poles being camouflaged or hidden by the terrain. The most likely explanation is related to limits of the field of vision. The field of vision is the angle you can see when looking straight ahead. In Extra clearance F Visual effects levels, the smallest distraction – such as checking the fuel gauge, or responding to a radio call – can be enough to cause a pilot not to see a wire. F confirmed to be completely wire free, the location of all wires must be known when low flying in such an area. In rural areas, electrical supply is usually laid out in the form of major arteries which then feed smaller and smaller systems. When flying in a familiar area, maybe near home base or on an operation over a period of time, it is best to accustom yourself to the major arterial supply, which will then help you to locate and remember the minor systems. humans this is approximately 70 degrees, not including peripheral vision. The range of vision refers to the distance that can be seen. The diagram (right) shows that it is quite easy for a wire or the clue to a wire to be within the field of vision, but outside the range of vision. Likewise, when in the range of vision, the wire or its indication can easily fall outside the field of vision. In such cases, it may be impossible to see the wire by looking straight ahead. Your field of vision can be increased by moving your head from side to side. This should be made standard practice when flying at low levels. However, the only way to be certain of avoiding a collision is to know where the wires are before descending to their level. Optical illusions can be blamed for many power line related accidents. An example of a common situation is when there are two power lines running parallel with a small lateral separation, say, on either side of a road. The wire that is highest often looks to be the the furthest away when viewed from right angles, irrespective of which side the wires are viewed from. This illusion is very marked until about 100m from the wire. In cases where the high wire is closest, it appears to change places with the low wire and then move to its true position. The human eye has great difficulty judging the position of a long, thin object against a bland background. It is all too easy for the pole or wire to be disguised by the surroundings. When operating in areas where the wire grids are carried on lattice-type towers, note that the towers also carry a much thinner earth wire attached to the top of the towers. This can be very difficult to see, as the grey coloured towers easily blend with the background in dull or misty conditions. Remember that the wires in a power line run are easily seen from an “up-sun” position, but will be quite invisible from a “down-sun” position. This applies irrespective of the wires’ thickness. There have been many instances in which aircraft have struck wires when previously located even when the poles were clearly visible. When flying at low Power line poles can fall outside the field of vision when they are within the range of vision. aircraft position 1 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 23 AIRWORTHINESS The problem of documentation opt in and out of different approved maintenance programs which use f you buy an aircraft, you will need its alternative documents to the log book, total maintenance history for a such as workcards or computer based certificate of airworthiness. systems. Certificate of Registration (C of R) An approved maintenance program holders are responsible for retaining all using alternative means to record an documents relating to the maintenance aircraft’s maintenance history will require of their aircraft and its components. that data be retained by the C of R This means that C of R holders need holder, so that the maintenance can be to make arrangements to retain all reviewed from time to time. maintenance documents which have Without documented evidence, there been referred to in the aircraft log book. is no way the C of R holder can confirm This includes worksheets, test reports, that the required non-destructive maintenance was testing reports, W & “A complete actually performed, B reports, airworand that parts fitted thiness tag/release maintenance history during maintenance notes for parts and is priceless whenever are actually authentic any other mainteand serviceable. nance documents an application is A complete mainsupplied with parts made to vary the tenance history is that have been fitted priceless whenever an maintenance to the aircraft. application is made Invoices or ship- system.” to vary the mainping notes for all tenance system, and approved standard or provides invaluable commercial parts data to support the should also be kept. engineering justiThese can be used as fication for adjustproof of the maintement of maintenance nance history and task periods. used for traceability Don’t wait for the of parts fitted during Civil Aviation Safety any maintenance Authority (CASA) to performed on the audit your docuaircraft or aircraft mentation. If any components. evidence is found The maintenance missing, then the organisation has no Authority may obligation under the issue, under CAR civil aviation rules to 38, a maintenance retain copies of the direction to have maintenance maintenance documents for any longer than 12 performed. CASA may also months after the completion of order a part to be replaced because there maintenance. is no certification for it, or there is no The aircraft logbook, or its approved reference to it in the aircraft logbook, or alternative, is primarily used to record there are no release notes or equivalent facts or events that will be important to documents to support the fitting of the the future airworthiness control of the part. aircraft (or the engine in the case of an It is the responsibility of the C of R engine logbook). holder to keep his or her maintenance The logbook records information on records up to date – not the maintenance the completion of maintenance tasks, but organisation, not CASA, just the not all details. Certificate of Registration holder. The total maintenance history of the aircraft and its components can also be a Ken Cannane is manager of CASA’s continuing problem for those C of R holders who airworthiness section. LEVELS OF RELIABILITY By Ken Cannane I 24 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 W hy should a Certificate of Registration (C of R) holder read and consider manufacturer’s maintenance instructions, such as service alerts, service letters and service bulletins? The rules require the achievement of a level of maintenance which will ensure that the aircraft remains safe. However, this does not guarantee that the reliability of the aircraft will meet the expectations of the C of R holder. Many aircraft are being maintained to basic maintenance schedules, without utilising the more economical maintenance program that can be approved under Civil Aviation Regulation 42M. This allows for an approved maintenance program that will satisfy the rules. It also enables the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance periods to be varied, depending on the reliability of the aircraft or the aircraft part. For example, a Piper PA31-350 maintenance schedule requires engine shock mounts to be changed every 500hrs. Evidence shows that these mounts can remain safely in service for longer periods; so with justification the replacement period can be extended. The periodic inspection period of 100hrs can also be extended with appropriate justification backed by reliability reports and a good maintenance history. There are three levels of maintenance a C of R holder can opt for: • The resale level. Maximum maintenance for maximum resale value (exceeds recommended maintenance). • Operator’s reliability level. Maintained to a level of reliability suitable for the operation. (Exceeds the minimum safe level, but less than “resale level”.) • Minimum safe level. Used as a basis to develop operator’s programs. CASA regulates a minimum safe level of maintenance, leaving the C of R holder to determine the level maintenance to be achieved above this minimum safe level. Assistance is available from your maintenance organisation, a professional engineer, or your nearest CASA district office (listed on page 39). – Ken Cannane AIRWORTHINESS How skin joints can fail ▲ A rivetted skin joint showing small fatigue cracks (red) which have started to grow after thousands of fuselage pressurisations.These are hard to detect, even with modern inspection methods. ▲ Once the fatigue cracks grow, it is not long before the shrinking areas of skin between the rivets cannot carry the load, and let go in rapid succession, like a zipper. Aloha Airlines Boeing 737, 1988: the skin of the fuselage “unzipped” due to skin joint failure (see inset). Fuselage fatigue has been a problem for jet airliners since the Comet. Repairs can fail unless they are damage tolerant. Steve Swift reports. Damage tolerant repairs I n a discussion paper intended for release soon, CASA will be inviting public comment on a proposal to change the rules governing the design and subsequent maintenance of aircraft structural repairs. Good repair design has never been simple, but it will no longer be good enough to just “stick a patch on it”. New repairs will sprout “fingers”. Old repairs will be put under the microscope of new technology. All this is part of an international move to require structural repairs (and modifications) to be “damage tolerant”. Fail-safe failed For the origins of this change, we need to go back to Africa nearly 20 years ago, to 14 May 1977. The crew of Boeing 707 G-BEBP, weary from a long overnight flight from London, lowered flaps for landing on approach to Lusaka, Zambia. Six seconds later they heard a loud bang as the tailplane broke off. There was nothing they could do. Observers at the airfield watched the helpless aircraft pitch down and spear into the ground. All six on board the cargo flight were killed instantly. Investigators found that a fatigue crack, which had been growing in the top part of the rear spar for hundreds of flights, had finally ruptured the tailplane. But that should not have been dangerous. The Boeing 707 had been designed as “fail-safe”: if one part fails, there is supposed to be a back up. In fact, the rear spar did have an extra “The crew of Boeing 707 G-BEBP, weary from a long overnight flight from London, lowered flaps for landing. Six seconds later, they heard a loud bang as the tailplane broke off.” “fail-safe” member. But it didn’t work – the crack went straight through it. Fail-safe failed. It failed because the crack in the top part was far from obvious and there were no inspections. And it failed because the strength of a cracked tailplane had not been tested: the fail-safe member was not strong enough. So in December 1978, the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) changed the fatigue rules for large aircraft (Amendment 45 to FAR 25). “Fail-safe” was out. “Damage tolerance” was in. Since damage from fatigue and corrosion is inevitable in old aircraft, there is a need for a genuine ability to fly safely with damage until it is detected and repaired. Damage tolerance is what fail-safe tried to be. While still valuing structural redundancy, damage tolerance emphasises testing: • Fatigue testing so we know where, when and how to look for cracks. • Residual strength testing to confirm that the cracked structure is strong enough. There must be specific, directed inspections. It is no longer good enough to hope that damage will be obvious. Damage tolerance also calls for consideration that the back up structure might itself be cracked. But in 1978 the new rules only applied to new aircraft — the ones with the least urgent need. So in May 1981, the US FAA took the bold step of requiring a damage tolerance assessment of old Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 25 AIRWORTHINESS inside, or using clever aircraft (Advisory Circular 91inspection methods to look 56). Such retrospectivity is INITIAL TARGET AIRCRAFT through the doubler. Two such unusual. Normally the lower • Airbus A300 • Boeing 747 methods are X-ray and low safety level of superseded rules is • Boeing 727 • Douglas DC-9/MD-80 frequency eddy current. constant and tolerable. But • Boeing 737 • Fokker F28 The diagram on page 27 also fatigue is different. With shows two ideas on how repairs inadequate rules the risk just can be made more damage keeps rising until it eventually tolerant in future. becomes intolerable. A damage tolerance assessA damage tolerance assessment involves asking: ment of a fail-safe aircraft • Where will it crack? almost always results in extra • When will it crack? inspections: the now familiar • How fast will cracks grow? Supplemental Structural • How well can we find the Inspection Document (SSID). cracks? SSIDs have been developed for ▲ Initially, the damage tolerant repair assessment • When will things become most large jet airliners. is proposed for the pressurised fuselage only. Other unsafe? But during the flurry of For repairs, the process is set activity which followed the aircraft, and other parts of the aircraft, are proposed out in the table below. The Aloha Airlines Boeing 737 to be added over time. result, like the SSID for the accident in 1988, it was standard airframe, will be extra recognised that something had been and stay hidden under the doubler. Such inspections. Uninspectable repairs will overlooked: SSIDs cover the standard a repair caused a Fokker F28 to make an have to be upgraded. aircraft, but aircraft do not stay that way emergency descent in Papua New Guinea If adopted, implementation would be for long. They need improvements, so after a hole blew in its rear pressure progressive, starting with the pressurised they get modified; they get damaged, so bulkhead. Similarly, a Lockheed L-188 fuselages of the oldest jet airliners. To they get repaired. These alterations must Electra on an Australian domestic flight help with the assessment, aircraft also be damage tolerant to ensure a barely made it to its destination after a manufacturers will be producing consistent level of safety throughout the repaired wing plank ruptured, spewing simplified manuals. Specialist engineers airframe. The safety chain is only as fuel over the countryside. The tanks were empty by the time the aircraft landed. will probably be able to do it just as strong as its weakest link. A damage tolerance assessment would easily from first principles – if they can The diagram on page 27 shows a get enough design information. typical old-style repair. The problem is have shown that such repairs can only be Designers of new repairs will have to that cracks start in the underlying skin kept safe by looking regularly from the ▲ Damage tolerance assessment of an aircraft’s repairs involves three simple steps. Manufacturers will be producing simplified manuals to help engineers categorise repairs and determine structural maintenance requirements. Specialists in damage tolerance will probably be able to do it just as easily from first principles – if they can get enough design information. 26 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 . AIRWORTHINESS Pictorial View showing section through critical row of rivets Top View Aircraft skin Aircraft skin Internal repair doubler AACs ADs Airworthiness Advisory Circulars Aircraft skin Airworthiness Directives. ‘finger’ Damage tolerant repair design concepts from a paper by Tom Swift, United States Federal Aviation Administration consider not just strength, but stiffness and inspectability. We now know, for example, that “you can go wrong if it’s big and strong”, contrary to what engineers were once taught. And so we keep on learning. If there is one thing we can be sure about in the ageing aircraft business, it is that we are not finished yet. Inquiries can be directed to the project manager, AW 96/6, Airworthiness Branch, CASA, GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601. Phone (06) 268 4456; fax (06) 268 4906; e-mail [email protected] and CAAPs Civil Aviation Advisory Publications ON THE INTERNET FROM EARLY 1997 http://www.casa.gov.au Steve Swift is CASA’s principal engineer, fatigue evaluation. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 27 AIRWORTHINESS Electrical system failure When your electrical generation system fails all you’ve got left is your battery. Some questions for pilots to consider. T here are many components in any aircraft electrical system whose failure could result in loss of generated power. In single-engine aircraft, the failure of only one item can have that effect. Some twin-engine aircraft, despite having two generating systems, are in the same position. Typically, electrical generating system failures result from such mundane causes as a broken V belt, loose or broken wire to the generator/alternator or voltage regulator, voltage regulator failure or even bearing failures in alternators/generators. While one failure may cause a loss of generated electrical power, that does not imply a total loss of electrical power. All being well, there remains a battery with a capacity to supply some power for some period of time. Day VFR is the least troublesome operation when there is a loss of electrical power. Before writing off this situation as “not a problem”, give some thought to a typical operation. What systems would you have left – flaps, undercarriage extension, communications? What compensating actions would be required, and how would you ensure you were not going to be a hazard to someone else? In night VMC operations there is more reliance on the aircraft’s electrical system – for instrument lighting, if nothing else. The rules require you carry a torch, so that if all electrical power is lost there is no good reason why a safe landing would not be possible. Don’t dismiss this situation too lightly though. Ever tried landing at night with only a torch stuck in your mouth for instrument lighting? No landing lights either, perhaps no flaps, and possibly with the undercarriage having to be extended manually (was it 50 turns of the handle?), but hopefully landing at your intended destination and hopefully with runway lights (if you can turn them on). In IFR operation, loss of electrical power leaves you with a torch and a standby compass. Yes, you might say, but I always have the aircraft battery as an emergency backup. True. But for how long? How long is 28 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 it going to take you to reduce the electrical loads on the battery to a minimum? How do you reduce the electrical loads to a minimum without switching off the systems you need? Just what are the minimum loads you should retain? What compensating actions are necessary when loads are reduced to a minimum? Is the undercarriage driven by an electrically-operated hydraulic pump? Will you have flaps? Is the electrical fuel pump really necessary? If answers don’t spring to mind, there is always the flight manual you carry in the aircraft. That should have the answers. Checked it lately? One thing is sure, you do not have any energy that can be extracted from a battery is dependent on the rate at which the energy is extracted. For example, a 15 amp hour battery may be able to supply a current of 3 amps for 5 hours. The same battery will only provide about 8 amp hours at 15 amps discharge rate (32 minutes), 6 amp hours at 30 amps (12 minutes) and 5.25 amp hours at 40 amps 8 minutes). To illustrate this, let’s take a common single-engine IFR approved type, and make the following assumptions: • The aircraft has a generating system failure warning light that gives immediate warning of a failure. • A generating system failure occurs soon after take-off at night, in IMC. • It takes you two minutes to shed all non-essential loads. • The aircraft has a serviceable 15.5 amp hour lead acid battery which is fully charged before engine start. • You spend five minutes on the ground A quick battery test for pilots All it takes is to add an accurate voltmeter to your panel. The best type is an expanded scale, analog meter. These will have a lower reading of 7-8 volts and upper end of 15-16 volts, with 8-16 being the optimum. The voltmeter should get its power from as close to the battery as possible. An in-line fuse right at the battery contractor is best; go right to the bus if running the wire is too difficult. A simple test of your battery’s capacity is to look at the voltmeter while starting the engine. In warm weather, the needle shouldn’t drop below 8.5-9 volts during cranking. In cold weather 8-8.5 volts is the minimum. Double these values for 28-volt systems. If the voltmeter falls below these levels, you should have the battery’s capacity checked by your maintenance organisation. time to spare after the generating system fails if you are going to successfully manage the situation. Detailed knowledge of the aircraft electrical system is an essential requirement of all who fly IFR. Knowing that non-essential electrical loads should be shed as soon as possible after a generating system failure is not enough. Knowing how and what loads to shed is essential. It is desirable to have some idea of the likely time available before battery power is depleted. Whatever battery power is left after a generating system failure should be conserved for essential systems. There is a peculiarity in battery characteristics that makes the time element critical. The peculiarity being that the amount of after starting for taxiing and run-up, pretake-off checks etc. • The aircraft has an emergency load of 11 amps and a normal load (at night) of 40 amps excluding landing lights. You start off with a fully charged, serviceable battery with at least 80 per cent of original capacity. Battery capacity is 12.4 amp hours. Assume two 10second attempts at engine start. Because of the high current drain, the battery capacity will typically be reduced by 3.3 amp hours. You now have 9.1 amp hours remaining. After engine start, you apply the normal load of 40 amps by switching on such things as radios, navigation lights, taxi light and landing light, anti-collision beacon etc. The alternator now provides AIRWORTHINESS some power, however, we are at idle rpm and even alternators don’t provide full output at idle. Let’s assume the alternator provided 50 per cent of its output at 1,000 rpm (a not unusual case) and is a 50 amp alternator. The alternator therefore provides 25 amps and the battery must supply the remainder of the 40 amp load, that is, 15 amps, for the five-minute taxi etc. At this rate of discharge, the battery will typically lose a further 2.25 amp hours capacity. Remaining battery capacity is therefore 9.1 - 2.25 = 6.85 amp hours. Soon after take-off, the generating system fails. You know because of the failure warning light. You now have a 40 amp load for two minutes to collect your thoughts, control the aircraft in IMC, and reduce the load to the emergency figure of 11 amps. During this two minutes you will have consumed around 3.4 amp hours of the battery’s capacity. You now have 6.85 - 3.40 = 3.45 amp hours left. With the emergency load of 11 amps, the battery will typically only provide 0.7 of its capacity. You therefore have: 0.7 x 3.45 hours remaining = 2.15 amp hours 2.15 x 60 = 129 amp minutes 129 amp minutes = 11.7 minutes of battery power at 11 amps That’s right – about 12 minutes. Remember the assumptions: a fully charged, serviceable battery; a warning light that alerted you immediately to the failure; and sufficient knowledge of the systems in the aircraft to be able to shed non-essential loads in only two minutes. Let’s look at a significant assumption in the example – a serviceable, fully charged battery. Is it? Does it ever get a capacity check? When is it replaced? How many times have you had to do a jump start with an external power source? How many times has the engine on your aircraft been obstinate at starting, and how much power would have been left in the battery after it finally started? Finally, how many times have you written up the maintenance release for problems with a less than serviceable battery? Maintenance staff are not going to fix a problem they don’t know about. ✈ Updated from an Aviation Safety Digest article, 132, Autumn 1987. How to get an exemption from an Airworthiness Directive T here used to be a charge for processing a request for an exemption or variation to an Airworthiness Directive. Since the charge was dropped, applications have jumped three-fold. Prior to June 95, CASA technical specialists processed approximately 35 exemption and variation requests per month. Since charging for these ceased, the number has risen to around 100 per month. Airworthiness Directives (ADs) are issued only after carefully considering whether there is a real safety risk with particular aircraft, components or equipment. Generally the times allocated for compliance with an Airworthiness Directive are those considered to be the maximum that could be allowed under the circumstances. Owners and operators have a right to seek to delay or vary the compliance. However, hardship, inconvenience, expediency, lack of parts or an operator’s cost-saving measures or maintenance planning requirements are not grounds for ignoring the safety risk. If you seek an exemption or variation for a period, or permanently, the first step is to consider what technical justification you can provide to CASA to show that your proposed course of action will ensure an equivalent level of safety to that required by the AD. Justification could include: • Confirmation that the original manufacturer supports the proposal, or at least has no technical objection to it. • Service or inspection reports that support your reasoning. • Nomination of operational restrictions – for example, reduced Maximum Take-off Weight (MTOW), or speed reductions. • A statement that no other airworthiness limitations will be exceeded during the period of the exemption – for example, the time in service will not exceed the manufacturer's limits. • That the safety risk is balanced, for example, by back-up systems or redundancy. To apply for an exemption or variation, you should contact your local CASA district office (listed on page 39), where copies of the new standard application form (AWB/AW/057) can be obtained. The form has been developed to ensure that all the information required by CASA to assess the application is provided. Once your application is filled out and submitted to a CASA district office, it will be processed. You will need to allow a minimum of five working days to receive advice of the result. Applications made without using the new standardised CASA form may take longer to assess, particularly if the information required is incomplete. Requests for exemptions and variations are not considered critical to safety of flight; the safety risk is addressed by the AD. CASA airworthiness staff will try to process the application in a timely, accurate and consistent manner; however, if CASA staff have urgent safety-of-flight issues to address, these will receive priority over requests for exemption or variation to an AD. CASA does consider the economic impact of ADs, and is sympathetic to genuine difficulties facing industry, but adequate management of the safety risk will always take precedence. Good maintenance planning ought to avoid the need to make unnecessary requests. ✈ – Ralph Murphy, airworthiness branch, CASA. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 29 REGULATION SPORT AVIATION Club attitude Safety indicators for clubs By Ben Firkins O ne of the great benefits of operating in a club environment is the sharing of wisdom – not to mention yarns – with your peers. Safety is one of those areas where everyone can participate and have some impact within their sphere of influence. How can you assess the safety of your club’s operation? Are you in an environment where there is an accident waiting to happen, or are you consciously on the path to identifying potential hazards, and limiting the opportunities for accidents? While the following safety indicators for clubs are not exhaustive, it should provide some guidance in your quest for safety. Financial Are you only repairing parts which are critical, or deferring work to the next annual inspection? The usual trend is that daily inspectors start accepting a creeping regression in airworthiness standards, until there is an accident or an incident, after which there is much “navel gazing” before standards are raised again. Workload distribution Is all the work being done by a small core of the membership? Are they getting burnt out so that in a couple of years time all the experience walks out of the door, leaving the club with inexperienced staffers who take over on a trial and error basis ? Is there a group of inexperienced members performing critical activities without being monitored, such as performing annual inspections, or training students? Do you have a structured training and supervision program? 30 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 Environmental indicators A change in environment is a big risk indicator. Moving to a new location involves all kinds of problems – different airspace, micrometeorology, different runway lengths and widths (operating for the first time on a wider strip usually results in students flaring higher) and different forced landing options, to name just a few. Another risk indicator is having another group move into your patch. This can produce subtle changes in the environment without a location change. Is there friction and antagonism polarising the members, with a reluctance to help adversaries to the detriment of airfield safety? An enthusiastic, go-getting clique is an indicator that things may slip unnoticed or result in a “near enough is good enough” attitude. Have you noticed pilots taking off too close to last light in order to land back at the hangar to save walking the aircraft back to the hangar. Are members unlikely to report an incident because they are afraid of the chief flying instructor’s authoritarian action? Is each case considered on its own merits? Is there a person or committee looking for trends in club incidents, and devising methods to prevent the incidents turning into accidents? How to improve safety levels Communication. Does your club have a safety committee to which other members can bring safety-related concerns anonymously? Are the committee’s deliberations circulated? Do you liaise with other airspace users and organisations in your area? Consensus. Does the club operate in a manner so that everyone can speak? Are all concerns considered by the club’s Club profile executive or safety and maintenance An ageing fleet is prone to fatigue. An committees? instructor or maintenance staffing pool External Review. As well as the annual with members close to retirement will visit from your Federation’s operations require planning – and manager, consider perhaps training – for “An enthusiastic, gohaving someone take replacement workers. an informal and If you have recently getting clique is an objective look at your acquired high perfor- indicator that things organisation for mance aircraft, when may slip by unnoticed.” possible danger areas. all other club aircraft For example, ask a are older and slower, nearby ballooning you should ask yourself a couple of key group to look over your hang-gliding questions: is there progression training; club. While they are not experts in hanghow is the new aircraft to be maintained? gliding, they can observe impartially. You Is one person always doing the same could then return the favour by activity without being checked – such as conducting a similar informal review for maintaining one particular glider, or them. Alternatives are to set up a safety taking students from ab-initio to post committee to review your operations on solo? Is there an increased chance that a regular basis, or have a safety review on this one person will miss a slowly the agenda for the instructors and deteriorating item or part of the training maintenance panel. syllabus (or teach it incorrectly)? Finally, if all this seems esoteric, and Is there follow-up supervision and you wonder if you can afford the time to training for post-solo pilots, or are they take a reflective look, ask yourself whether left to generate bad habits with only an your club can afford an accident. ✈ annual checkride? Similarly, what is the level of flying proficiency? Are you Ben Firkins is the CASA sport aviation inspector for avoiding check flights because you doubt the west region. that you’ll pass? REGULATION & THE LAW In order to alleviate the impact of the constant stream of bills all light aircraft owners know only too well, many owners make their aircraft available for others to fly. Tony Pyne discusses the legal obligations, and describes a simple hire agreement which will protect owners. Aircraft for hire A ircraft hire can vary from occasional rentals of the aircraft to friends who are also pilots, to having the aircraft “on line” with a flying organisation which, in turn, makes the aircraft available to its students and licensed pilots. Most such arrangements have traditionally been informal, word of mouth deals done by a handshake with little thought being given to the legal position and liabilities of either party if something goes wrong and the aircraft is damaged. It is too late after the event to assign responsibilities – that is the province of lawyers and insurers. This article will concentrate principally on simple arrangements directly between the owner and the hiring pilot. However, you should appreciate that in circumstances where the owner makes the aircraft available to a flying school or an aero club which then hires it to pilots who may not be known to the owner, the problems can be exacerbated. Even more care should be taken with contractual arrangements. The liability of the hirer/pilot under private hire arrangement for loss or damage to the aircraft is governed by the common law, unless modified in terms of the contract of hire. Unless so modified, the hirer will be liable to the owner for damage caused by the hirer intentionally (that is, on least negligent. Accident without fault is not enough, purpose), recklessly (not caring whether the damage occurs or not) or negligently for example where the damage was due (where the hirer does not act in to the failure of the owner to adequately accordance with the standard of care maintain the aircraft. ordinarily expected of a reasonable pilot Any hire agreement should be kept of ordinary skill). simple. In addition to basic matters such As the aircraft is given over to the as description of the aircraft, price per hirer’s, custody, control hour, responsibility for and possession purfuel costs and landing suant to the agreement, “Most arrangements fees, consideration should the hirer becomes have traditionally be given to including the bailee of the aircraft following in any such and may, as such, be been informal, wordagreement: liable to the owner or of-mouth deals done • A requirement that the organisation who hired by a handshake with hirer return the aircraft in it for failure to return little thought being the same condition as the aircraft (for provided to him or her, given to the legal example, due to an reasonable wear and tear accident) or to return it position and excepted, and provisions in the same condition liabilities of either for unscheduled mainas it was in when tenance. party if something released for hire. • An undertaking that goes wrong and the Of course, if failure only the hiring pilot will to return the aircraft aircraft is damaged.” fly the aircraft. was due to a third • An undertaking that party, the hirer can usually recover from that third party the the pilot will comply with Civil Aviation amount for which he or she is liable to Regulations, and that in the unlikely event that the owner’s cover under the the owner. In order to succeed in a claim, the relevant insurance policy is lost as a result owner must prove that the pilot was at of non-compliance, the owner will then Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 31 REGULATION & THE LAW have a contractual right of action to recover the amount of the loss. Such a provision should be in respect of the owner’s policy excess in any event. • A requirement to use only licensed aerodromes or other places meeting the requirements of CAR 92. • An undertaking that the pilot will not engage in hazardous operations and similar matters. • A provision preventing the hirer from using the aircraft for commercial operations or cross hiring it. While it may appear appropriate for any hire agreement to include a warranty that the aircraft is covered under a policy of insurance, perhaps even specifying the amount of cover, it is not practical to set out the circumstances in which cover can be lost. Pilots should read the policy relating to the aircraft, and owners should make this policy available for this purpose. It would be prudent for a hiring pilot to take out a non-ownership liability policy to cover situations where the aircraft privately hired is for any reason uninsured or under-insured, or to cover any excess for which the pilot is liable. However, if the pilot’s own actions are such as to cause cover under any aircraft policy to be lost or to justify subrogation proceedings against the pilot, it is likely that cover would not be available under the non-ownership policy. As indicated above, the agreement should state who is to pay any excess for claims on the aircraft policy and the amount of such excess. Sadly, in today’s increasing litigious society, word-of-mouth arrangements can lead to problems when something goes wrong – even between friends. Owners should give consideration to protecting themselves by way of a simple hire agreement signed by all those who use their aircraft. A little forethought can pay significant dividends – and protect your aircraft. Note that owners of aircraft hired to another party which use them for charter or regular public transport should be aware of new legislation in relation to compulsory liability insurance of passengers in such operations. Tony Pyne is a consultant in aviation law in the Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney offices of Minter Ellison, Solicitors. © Tony Pyne 1996. 32 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES Airworthiness Directives (ADs) advise Certificate of Registration (C of R) holders of additional maintenance requirements. AIRCRAFT – ENGINES There are no amendments to this issue. AIRCRAFT – EQUIPMENT 1. Propellers - Variable Pitch – Hamilton Standard AD/PHS/20 Amdt 2 - Propeller Blade Shanks JUNE 1996 JULY 1996 Approved for 20 June 1996 HELICOPTERS 1. Eurocopter AS 332 (Super Puma) Series Helicopters AD/S-PUMA/20 Amdt 2 - CANCELLED AD/S-PUMA/21 Amdt 1 - Tail Rotor Pitch Change Spiders AD/S-PUMA/22 - Tail Rotor Shaft 2. Eurocopter SA 330 (Puma) Series Helicopters AD/PUMA/35 Amdt 3 - Tail Rotor Flapping Hinge AD/PUMA/36 Amdt 1 - Tail Rotor Pitch Change Spiders AD/PUMA/37 - Inclined Drive Shaft Fairing AIRCRAFT - NOT GREATER THAN 5700KG 1. Swearingen SA 226 & SA 227 Series A’planes AD/SWSA 226/73 Amdt 1 - Current Limiter Protection AD/SWSA 226/78 - Landing Gear Struts 2. Twin Commander (Gulfstream/Rockwell/ Aerocommander 500, 600 & 700) Series Aeroplanes AD/AC/96 - Nose Landing Gear Bolt AIRCRAFT - GREATER THAN 5700KG 1. Airbus Industrie A320 Series Aeroplanes AD/A320/68 - Flight Warning Computer 2. AMD Fan Jet Falcon (Falcon 20 Mystere Falcon 200) Series Aeroplanes AD/AMD 20/25 - Wing to Fuselage Upper Fairings 3. AMD Falcon 50 and 900 Series Aeroplanes AD/AMD 50/10 Amdt 1 - Overhead Panel Wiring Harness 4. Boeing 747 Series Aeroplanes AD/B747/157 Amdt 1 - P&W JT9D Aft Engine Mount Tangential Link AD/B747/159 - STILL TO BE ISSUED AD/B747/160 - STILL TO BE ISSUED AD/B747/161 - Triple Channel Autoland Autopilots AD/B747/162 - Overhead Stowage Bin 5. Boeing 757 Series Aeroplanes AD/B757/13 Amdt 1 - Nacelle Strut Midspar Fuse Pins AD/B757/30 – Spoiler Actuators 6. Boeing 767 Series Aeroplanes AD/B767/85 Amdt 2 - MLG Outer Cylinder Aft Trunnion 7. Douglas DC9 Series Aeroplanes AD/DC9/96 – Overhead Switch Panel Wiring 8. Embraer EMB 120 (Brasilia) Series A’planes AD/EMB 120/12 Amdt 1 – Aileron Upper Channel Fairings 9. Fokker F50 (F27 Mk 50) Series Aeroplanes AD/F50/70 – LH Elevator Drainage AIRCRAFT – LIGHTER THAN AIR There are no amendments this issue. Approved for 18 July 1996 HELICOPTERS 1. McDonnell Douglas (Hughes) & Kawasaki 369 Series Helicopters AD/HU 369/89 - Main Blade Root End AD/HU 369/91 - Flight Trials Hardpoints 2. Robinson R22 Series Helicopters AD/R22/42 - Main Rotor Blades AIRCRAFT – NOT GREATER THAN 5700KG 1. GAF N22 and N24 Series Aeroplanes AD/GAF N22/58 Amdt 5 - Horizontal Stabiliser AD/GAF N22/75 - Horizontal Stabiliser Access Panel Intercostal Angles and Upper and Lower Skins 2. Mitsubishi MU-2 Series Aeroplanes AD/MU-2/58 - Wing Tip Tank Attachment 3. Piper PA-11 (Cub) & J3 Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-11/5 Amdt 6 - Wing Lift Struts 4. Piper PA-20 (Pacer) Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-20/17 Amdt 6 - Wing Lift Struts 5. Piper PA-22 (Tri-Pacer and Colt) Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-22/33 Amdt 6 – Wing Lift Struts 6. Piper PA-25 (Pawnee) Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-25/40 Amdt 7 - Wing Lift Struts 7. Piper PA-28 Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-28/92 – Landing Light Seal 8. Pitts S-1 and S-2 Series Aeroplanes AD/PITTS S-2/16 – Upper Fuselage Longerons AIRCRAFT – GREATER THAN 5700KG 1. Airbus Industrie A300 & A310 Series A’planes AD/AB3/73 Amdt 1 - Ram Air Turbine Uplock Pin 2. Airbus Industrie A320 Series Aeroplanes AD/A320/69 - Passenger Door Emergency Door Actuator Striker Mechanism 3. AMD Falcon 50 and 900 Series Aeroplanes AD/AMD 50/12 - Right Hand Electrical Cabinet Wiring Harness 4. Boeing 727 Series Aeroplanes AD/B727/100 Amdt 3 - Elevator Rear Spar 5. Boeing 737 Series Aeroplanes AD/B737/95 - Electrical/Electronics Equipment Bay Wire Chafing 6. Boeing 747 Series Aeroplanes AD/B747/41 Amdt 1 - Fuselage Section 41, Stringer 6 - Stations 340 to 400 AD/B747/46 Amdt 5 – Forward Fuselage Pressure Shell AD/B747/159 – Forward Pressure Bulkhead AD/B747/160 – Fuselage Skin Above Main Entry Doors – 2 7. Boeing 757 Series Aeroplanes AD/B757/30 Amdt 1 - Spoiler Actuators AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 8. Boeing 767 Series Aeroplanes AD/B767/63 Amdt 3 - Thrust Reverser Control System AD/B767/89 - Thrust Reverser Control System Operational Checks 9. British Aerospace BAe 4100 (Jetstream) Series Aeroplanes AD/J41/10 - CANCELLED AD/J41/19 – Attachment Bracket for Door Restraint Cable 10. Fokker F50 (F27 Mk 50) Series Aeroplanes AD/F50/71 - Wings - Bottom Skin Access Covers AIRCRAFT – LIGHTER THAN AIR There are no amendments this issue. AIRCRAFT – ENGINES There are no amendments to this issue. AIRCRAFT – EQUIPMENT 1. Propellers – Variable Pitch - Hamilton Standard AD/PHS/21 Amdt 1 - Blade Spar Taper Bore AUGUST 1996 Approved for 15 August 1996 AIRCRAFT – HELICOPTERS 1. Bell 206 & Agusta Bell 206 Series Helicopters AD/BELL 206/137 – Fuel Drain Tubes 2. Bell 222 Series Helicopters AD/BELL 222/19 – Retrofit of Engine Overspeed Controller 3. Bell UH-1 Series Helicopters AD/UH-1/1 – Tail Rotor Blades 4. Eurocopter BK117 Series Helicopters AD/GBK 117/7 – Retrofit of Engine Overspeed Controller 5. Kawasaki BK117 Series Helicopters AD/JBK 117/9 – Retrofit of Engine Overspeed Controller 6. Robinson R22 Series Helicopters AD/R22/44 – V Belt Upper Sheave 7. Robinson R44 Series Helicopters AD/R44/5 – Low RPM Warning Unit 8. Eurocopter AS332 (Super Puma) Series Helicopters AD/S-PUMA/23 – Main Rotor Spindles and Flapping Hinge Pins AIRCRAFT – NOT GREATER THAN 5700KG 1. Aircraft – General AD/GENERAL/4 Amdt 3 – Aircraft Exits 2. Aerospatiale (Socata) TB9 & TB10 (Tobago) Series Aeroplanes AD/TB10/26 Amdt 2 – Main Landing Gear Support Ribs 3. Beechcraft 35 (Bonanza) Series Aeroplanes AD/BEECH 35/66 Amdt 1 – Engine Fuel Metering Unit 4. Beechcraft 36 Series Aeroplanes AD/BEECH 36/42 Amdt 1 – Engine Fuel Metering Unit 5. DHC-6 (Twin Otter) Series Aeroplanes AD/DHC-6/62 Amdt 5 – Elevator Quadrant Control Column and Elevator/Rudder Pulley Brackets 6. Maule M-4 Series Aeroplanes AD/ML-M4/17 – Gascolator and Electric Fuel Pump – Proximity to Dual Exhaust System 7. Mitsubishi Mu-2 Series Aeroplanes AD/MU-2/59 – Propeller Feathering Valve and Linkage 8. Piper PA-28 Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-28/93 – Flap Handle Attach Bolt 9. Piper PA-31 Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-31/106 Amdt 2 – Fuselage Station 332.0 Bulkhead AD/PA-31/114 Amdt 3 – Main Landing Gear Forward Side Brace 10. Piper PA-32 (Cherokee Six) Series A’planes AD/PA-32/80 - Flap Handle Attach Bolt 11. Piper PA-34 (Seneca) Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-34/48 - Flap Handle Attach Bolt 12. Piper PA-44 (Seminole) Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-44/17 - Flap Handle Attach Bolt 13. Pitts S-1 and S-2 Series Aeroplanes AD/PITTS S-2/17 - Rear Lower Fuselage Wing Fittings AIRCRAFT – ENGINES 1. AlliedSignal (Lycoming) Turbine Engines LTS101 Series AD/LTS/9 Amdt 2 – Number 3 and 4 Bearing Monitoring AD/LTS/13 - Improved Power Turbine Retention AIRCRAFT – EQUIPMENT 1. Emergency Equipment AD/EMY/31 - Aerazur Life Raft Type 606 2. Fuel Supply and Metering Equipment AD/FSM/25 Amdt 2 - Lear Romec Fuel Pumps 3. Propellers - General AD/PROP/1 - Propellers – Overhaul 4. Propellers - Fixed Pitch AD/PFP/7 Amdt 3 - Sensenich Propellers Operating Limitation AD/PFP/8 Amdt 3 - Sensenich Propellers Blade Modification AD/PFP/7 Amdt 3 - Sensenich Propellers Operating Limitation SEPTEMBER 1996 Approved for 12 September 1996. AIRCRAFT – GREATER THAN 5700KGS 1. Aircraft - General AD/GENERAL/4 Amdt 3 - Aircraft Exits 2. Airbus Industrie A300 & A310 Series A’planes AD/AB3/9 Amdt 5 - Fuselage Debonding and Lap Joint Cracking 3. Airtractor 800 Series Aeroplanes AD/AT 800/2 - Airframe Life Limits 4. Boeing 737 Series Aeroplanes AD/B737/96 - TO BE ISSUED LATER AD/B737/97 - Fwd Galley Service Door Lower Gate Hinge 5. Boeing 767 Series Aeroplanes AD/B767/90 - Aileron Cable/Generator Power Feeder Cable Chafing 6. British Aerospace BAe 125 Series Aeroplanes AD/HS 125/154 - Engine Pylon Firewall 7. British Aerospace BAe 4100 (Jetstream) Series Aeroplanes AD/J41/20 - Flap Nacelle Fairing Attachment 8. CASA 212 Series Aeroplanes AD/CASA/18 - Power Quadrant Slots AD/CASA/19 - False Spar, Flap Housing Area AD/CASA/20 - Corrosion of Rudder Torsion Tube AD/CASA/21 - Corrosion Prevention and Control Programme (CPCP) AD/CASA/22 - Inner Flap Fittings AD/CASA/23 - Aileron Control Rod Movable Joint 9. Douglas DC9 Series Aeroplanes AD/DC9/69 Amdt 1 - Structural Modification AD/DC9/97 - Slant Pressure Panel Water Exclusion AD/DC9/98 - Cockpit Fuselage Upper Nose Skin 10. Fokker F50 (F27 Mk 50) Series Aeroplanes AD/F50/69 Amdt 2 - In Wing Aileron Control Cables 11. Gates Learjet 35 & 36 Series Aeroplanes AD/LEARJET 35/34 - Auxiliary Cabin Heater Wiring AIRCRAFT – LIGHTER THAN AIR There are no amendments this issue. HELICOPTERS 1. Bell 206 and Agusta Bell 206 Series Helicopters AD/BELL 206/109 Amdt 3 – Tail Boom Skin 2. Bell 222 Series Helicopters AD/BELL 222/18 Amdt 2 – Tail Rotor Blades 3. Eurocopter SA 360 & SA 365 (Dauphin) Series Helicopters AD/DAUPHIN/43 – Main Rotor Head Frequency Adapter AIRCRAFT – NOT GREATER THAN 5700 KGS 1. Aerospatiale (Socata) TB9 & TB10 (Tobago) Series Aeroplanes AD/TB10/25 Amdt 2 – Wing Rear Attachment Fittings 2. Aerospatiale (Socata) TBM 700 Series Aeroplanes AD/TBM 700/13 Amdt 1 – Oil Cooler Interference 3. Cessna 150, F150, 152 & F152 Series Aeroplanes AD/CESSNA 150/45 – STOL Conversion Wing Stall Fence 4. Pilatus Britten Norman BN-2 Series Aeroplanes AD/BN-2/57 Amdt 1 – Engine Air Intake Hose 5. Piper PA-31 Series Aeroplanes AD/PA-31/94 Amdt 2 – Fuselage Bulkhead at STA.317.5 6. Weatherly 620 Series Aeroplanes AD/W620/2 – Wing Hinge Pins AIRCRAFT – GREATER THAN 5700 KGS 1. Airbus Industrie A300 & A310 Series Aeroplanes AD/AB3/64 Amdt 2 – Thrust Reverser Lever 2. Beechcraft 1900 Series Aeroplanes AD/BEECH 1900/14 – Pilot’s and Co-Pilot’s Windshields 3. Boeing 737 Series Aeroplanes AD/B737/96 – Fin Aft Terminal Support Fitting Bolts 4. Boeing 747 Series Aeroplanes AD/B747/163 – Fuselage Internal Structure Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 33 AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVES 5. British Aerospace (Hawker Siddeley) BAe 125 Series Aeroplanes AD/BAe 125/155 – Fuselage Fluid Drainage AD/BAe 125/156 – Control Cable Assemblies at Keel Subframe 15A 6. British Aerospace BAe 146 Series Aeroplanes AD/BAe 146/16 Amdt 4 – Rear Spar Root Joint Attach Fittings Wing Rib 2 AD/BAe 146/61 – Top Wing Skin Stress Corrosion Cracking AD/BAe 146/62 – TO BE ISSUED AT A LATER DATE AD/BAe 146/63 – Pitot-Static System – True Airspeed Computer No 1 AD/BAe 146/64 – Pitot-Static System – True Airspeed Computer No 2 7. British Aerospace BAe 4100 (Jetstream) Series Aeroplanes AD/J41/21 – Rear Pressure Bulkhead Modification AD/J41/22 – Flight Controls – Yaw Damper Servo AD/J41/23 – Flight Control Computer Overheat AD/J41/24 – Tailplane to Fin Sealing 8. British Aerospace (Hawker Siddeley) HS 748 Series Aeroplanes AD/HS 748/21 – Corrosion Prevention and Control Program 9. Douglas DC9 Series Aeroplanes AD/DC9/59 Amdt 2 – Supplemental Inspections for Ageing Aircraft AIRCRAFT – LIGHTER THAN AIR CASA PRODUCTS AD/R22/45 – Throttle Governor and Low RPM Warning AIRCRAFT – NOT GREATER THAN 5700 KGS 1. Aerospatiale (Socata) TB9 & TB10 (Tobago) Series Aeroplanes AD/TB10/28 – Upper Attachment of Front Seat Belts 2. Aerospatiale (Socata) TB20 Trinidad Series Aeroplanes AD/TB20/33 – Upper Attachment of Front Seat Belts 3. Aerospatiale (Socata) TBM 700 Series Aeroplanes AD/TBM 700/17 – Elevator Trim Tab Fitting 4. Avions Pierre Robin Series Aeroplanes AD/ROBIN/29 – Hydraulic Lines 5. Morovan Zlin Z 526 Series Aeroplanes AD/Z 526/2 – Main Wing Spar Corrosion 6. Pitts S-1 and S-2 Series Aeroplanes AD/PITTS S-2/16 Amdt 1 – Upper Fuselage Longerons 7. Short SC7 (Skyvan) Series Aeroplanes AD/SC7/26 – Wing Attachment Bushes in Fuselage Front and Rear Spar Frames AIRCRAFT – GREATER THAN 5700 KGS 1. Hot Air Balloons AD/BAL/16 – Thunder and Colt Suspension Cables 1. Airbus Industrie A300 & A310 Series Aeroplanes AD/AB3/77 – Stress Corrosion Aft Door Frames AIRCRAFT – ENGINES 2. Boeing 747 Series Aeroplanes AD/B747/164 – Door 5 Escape Slide/Raft 1. Continental Piston Engines AD/CON/47 Amdt 4 – Cancelled AD/CON/66 Amdt 2 – Fuel Pump Drive Coupling AD/CON/75 – Magneto Timing AD/CON/76 – Superior Pistons 2. Lycoming Piston Engines AD/LYC/85 Amdt 1 – Exhaust Assembly 3. AlliedSignal (Lycoming) Turbine Engines – LTS 101 Series AD/LTS/14 – Power Turbine Rotor AD/LTS/15 – Gas Generator Rotor 4. Pratt and Whitney Canada Turbine Engines – PT6A Series AD/PT6A/11 – CANCELLED AIRCRAFT – EQUIPMENT 1. Air Induction Systems AD/AIRIND/2 Amdt 1 – Brackett Air Filter Gasket OCTOBER 1996 Approved for 10 October 1996. HELICOPTERS 1. Eurocopter AS 350 (Ecureuil) Series Helicopters AD/ECUREUIL/55 – MGB Suspension BiDirectional Cross Beam 2. Eurocopter AS 355 (Twin Ecureuil) Series Helicopters AD/AS 355/47 – MGB Suspension Bi-Directional Cross Beam 3. Robinson R22 Series Helicopters AD/R22/14 – CANCELLED 34 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 3. Boeing 767 Series Aeroplanes AD/B767/28 Amdt 3 – Wing Leading Edge Slat Control Rod 4. British Aerospace BAe 3100 (Jetstream) Series Aeroplanes AD/JETSTREAM/27 Amdt 1 – Shear Angles at Wing Rib 36 5. Fokker F28 Series Aeroplanes AD/F28/78 – Lap Joint at Stringer 16/17 and 58/59 To order the following products contact CASA on 1800 676 063 (free call): Airspace – General ● Airborne Collision Avoidance System in Australia. Discussion Paper: Ref. BO9601BB. Dangerous Goods ● Dangerous Goods (aircrew version). Flyer: Ref. FN0005BB. ● Dangerous Goods (company version). Flyer: Ref. FN0006BB. Maintenance Aircraft Maintenance, A Pilot’s Guide. Booklet: Ref. BN0001DW. ● The Maintenance Release. Flyer: Ref. IN0001DW. ● CASA Internal Procedure Manuals The following manuals are available by sending a cheque or money order to the Manager, Manuals Distribution Service, CASA, GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601. Prices include postage. ● Aviation Safety Surveillance Program, $50 ● Flight Crew Licensing Procedures, $50 ● AME Licensing Procedures, $50 ● Compliance and Enforcement Manual, $30 ● Aviation Safety Occurrence Manual, $30 ● Manual of Operational Standards, $30 ● Aircraft Register Procedures, $30 ● Manual of Aerodromes Procedures, $30 ● Industry Education Manual, $30 ● Certificate of Airworthiness Procedures, $30 ● Exemptions and Variations Procedures, $30 ● Major Defect Reporting Procedures, $30 ● Certificate of Approval Procedures, $30 ● Air Operator Certification (HiCap RPT) $50 To order the following products contact Airservices’ Publications Centre on 1800 331 676 (free call): Airspace – General 6. Israel Aircraft Industries 1123 & 1124 (Westwind) Series Aeroplanes AD/IAI-W/17 Amdt 1 – Aileron Push Pull Tube and Guide Rollers ● Australia’s Airspace Based on ICAO Class. Pilot Aid: 20/6/96. Poster: 20/6/96 ● Transponder Codes. Sticker: Ref. STK0001BB. AIRCRAFT – LIGHTER THAN AIR ● The GPS and Australian Aviation Navigation. Instructor Pack: Ref. IP0005BB, $76. Booklet: Ref. BN0004DW, $5. Video: Ref. VN0002GD, $8.20 (prices include postage). ● GPS Primary Means Enroute IFR Navigation. Pilot Aid: Ref. PAN016DW. 1. There are no amendments to the Aircraft – Lighter Than Air series this issue. AIRCRAFT – ENGINES 1. Continental Piston Engines (Including models manufactured by Rolls Royce) AD/CON/45 Amdt 3 – Camshaft Oil Transfer Holes 2. Pratt & Whitney Piston Engines AD/PW-P/18 – R1340 PMA Crankshaft 3. Rotax 912 Series Piston Engines AD/ROTAX/5 – Carburettor Contamination 4. Rolls Royce Turbine Engines – RB211 Series AD/RB211/20 – Fuel Flow Governor AIRCRAFT – EQUIPMENT 1. Propellers – Variable Pitch – Hartzell AD/PHZL/67 – Propeller Blade Cracking Airspace – Pilot Navigation Airspace – Terminal ● Joining the Circuit at Uncontrolled Aerodromes in VMC. Pilot Aid: Ref. PAN0006DW. Poster: Ref. PN0002DW. ● Entry into Controlled Airspace. Pilot Aid: Ref. PAN0012BB. ● Victor 1, Sydney Coastal. Pilot Aid: Ref. PAN0013BB. Poster: Ref. PN0003BB. ● Independent Visual Approaches, Sydney Airport. Pilot Aid: Ref. PAN014DW. Poster: Ref. PN0005DW. Video: Ref.VD0001DW. Pilot Briefing ● Domestic Flight Plan Form – A Guide for Pilots. Pamphlet: Ref. PAMN0003BB. Safety check TEST YOUR AVIATION UNDERSTANDING How well do you know the rules? 12 9 3 FLASH BACK 6 50 years ago 9/9/1946: The first Trans Australia Airlines (TAA) flight was made by a DC3 from Melbourne to Sydney. TAA carried its first fare-paying passengers on 10 October 1946. 3/11/1946: The US Navy airship XM-1 landed in Georgia, USA after a record flight of 170hrs. This was the longest “unrefuelled” flight until the nine day round-theworld gruel by Dick Rutan and Jeana Yeager in 1986. 25 years ago Q If CASA requests the holder of a flight crew licence to produce his or her licence, personal log book or medical certificate, must the holder do so without delay? A If CASA makes such a request, the holder must produce the relevant document without delay or, if the holder does not have immediate access to the document at the time of the request, produce it at the place specified by CASA not more than 7 days after the day of the request (CAR 5.56 refers). Q Can an exemption under CAR 82(3) exempt a pilot from the requirement to carry a radio in a Mandatory Broadcast Zone under CAR 99A? systems. The fact that it is impossible to broadcast without carrying radiocommunication systems, does not mean that an exemption from carry ing radiocommunication systems is an exemption from broadcasting. A person who is exempt from carrying a radio under CAR 82 will not be able to enter a MBZ because he/she can not broadcast. Q An operator with aircraft carrying passengers and cargo in commercial operations has a policy of not carrying dangerous goods. Does an employee of the operator who loads and unloads air cargo need dangerous goods training? A A 2/11/1971: The first production Jaguar 2-seat version was flown by Bernard Witt at Tolouse-Blagnac. The flight lasted about 1 hour. An exemption under CAR 82(3) will not be effective in respect to CAR 99A. An exemption under CAR 82 (3) only provides an exemption from the requirements of CAR 82, that is to be equipped with radiocommunication If the operator’s employee handles, or is involved in handling, any cargo carried, or to be carried, on an aircraft engaged in a commercial operation, the employee must undertake dangerous goods training. This is so whether or not the cargo concerned is dangerous goods (section 23B of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 and CAR 262P refer). “Safety check” crossword no. 1 Clues across Clues down 1 A permanently installed system. 5 Radio frequencies between 300 and 3000 MHz (Abbreviation). 7 A movable airfoil on the leading edge of the wing. 9 The ratio of the speed of an aeroplane to the speed of sound in the same aeronautical conditions. 11 A type of construction in which most of the strength is provided by the skin. 14 In the air. 15 Oxidation of iron. 17 An unexpected malfunction. 20 Exerting a strong attractive power or force. 22 Without instruments (Acronym). 1 Fog (Abbreviation). 2 A force acting parallel & opposite to the wind. 3 Smoke (French abbreviation.). 4 Engagement of gears. 6 A manoeuvre reducing speed before landing. 7 The outer cover of an aircraft. 8 A reference for many aerodynamic measurements in aircraft operations & designs. 10 A type of icing. 12 One of the basic elements. 13 A device which prevents lift by disrupting airflow. 16 To pull. 18 Base unit of current (colloquialism). 19 Issues clearances. 21 A category of aviation. 4/9/1971: The Concorde (pictured above), made its inaugural crossing of the Atlantic from Tolouse, France to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 19 21 22 Send your completed crossword to the Editor,PO Box 2005,Canberra ACT 2601 for a chance to win $50 worth of aviation publications.Answers will be published in the Summer issue of the magazine. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 35 SAFETY CHECK Twin-jet Regular Public Transport departure from Cairns The take-off, climb and departure are busy phases of flight for the crew of any aircraft. Add to this poor weather or difficult terrain, and the work of the crew can be made even more difficult. You are the pilot of a twin-jet RPT (above 5,700 kg MTOW) flight about to depart Cairns. Use the chart on page 38 to answer the questions below. TRUE OR FALSE? 1 At the departure weight, your aircraft is capable of achieving a gross climb gradient of 3.3 per cent, all engines operating. Which runways can be used for departure, assuming nil wind conditions? a RWY 15 and 33. Answer True or False to the following statements: b RWY 15 only. 2 A child’s car seat that complies with Australian Standard AS1754 may be used in a sideways facing seat. reduced. 2 The standard radar departure accounts for an aircraft suffering an engine failure following achievement of V1. a True. b False. 3 Prior to accepting radar vectors to track 315 from the VOR the aircraft must be above: a 3,800ft. b 5,400ft. c 3,600ft. 3 The holder of an Air Operators Certificate must maintain a reference library. 4 Over-wing refuelling is permitted in certain hangars. 5 The signal area for a primary wind direction indicator may be white, provided the wind indicator sleeve is black. Check your answers on page 39. a Yes, but only if the 030 track is flown. b No – specific SID chart must be used. c Yes, with no limitations. 6 An aircraft is issued with a departure clearance including the words “...15 RADAR EIGHT DEPARTURE...”. Can the chart on page 38 be used for this departure? a Yes. b No — chart may have been superseded. c No — ATC may have issued wrong clearance. d b) and c). c RWY 33 only. d No runway – weight must be 1 A company operating aeroplanes expands into the helicopter business and employs an experienced and current helicopter pilot, but the company’s Chief Pilot is not helicopter qualified. The company can lawfully carry out helicopter operations. departure maintain 5000...”. Can the chart shown on page 38 be used for the departure? d Enroute LSALT. 4 Reported wind for take-off on runway 33 is 040 at 30 knots. At 120 knots initial climb speed, the best heading to fly the initial track of the SRD is: a 345 magnetic. b 330 magnetic. c 315 magnetic. d Initial assigned ATC heading. 5 The aircraft is issued with a departure clearance including the words “...15 BIBOOHRA 7 The aircraft commences takeoff on runway 33, cleared by ATC to fly the SRD procedure. At 100ft after take-off, the aircraft suffers an engine failure and can no longer maintain a climb gradient of 4.6 per cent. Which would be the most correct course of action? a Advise ATC. Continue to fly the SRD procedure. b Advise ATC. Fly company specific procedure to ensure terrain clearance. c Climb as steeply as possible to 2000ft and monitor radar altimeter. 8 A non-DME equipped aircraft is cleared by ATC for a standard radar departure off runway 33. Assuming nil wind and an initial climb speed of 120 knots: a Procedure cannot be flown without DME. b Turn should be commenced as soon as aircraft is safely airborne. c Turn should be commenced 70 seconds after passing the far end of the runway. d ATC should be asked for radar distance to commence turn. Check your answers on page 39. Compiled by John McGhie, flying operations inspector, CASA. 36 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 SAFETY CHECK Avionic and mechanical quiz: do you measure up? Mechanics 1 A severe condition of chafing or fretting, in which a transfer of metal from one part to another occurs, is called: Avionics 1 The best extinguishing agent for an electrical fire is: a Water. b Carbon tetrachloride. c Carbon dioxide. 2 Which of the following should be checked when inspecting engine ball bearings? 2 The stationary field strength in a direct current generator is varied: a By the reverse current relay. b Because of generator speed. c According to the load requirements. 3 What does the output frequency of an a.c. generator (alternator) depend on? a The speed of rotation and the strength of the field. b The strength of the field and the number of field poles. c The speed of rotation and the number of field poles. 4 If the generator is malfunctioning, its voltage can be reduced to residual by actuating the: a Gouging. b Erosion. c Galling. a Metal dissimilation. b Bearing out of balance. c Flaking or pitting of races. 3 What is the purpose of a power check on a reciprocating engine? a To check magneto drop. b To determine satisfactory performance. c To determine if the fuel/air mixture is correct. “ 4 At what speed must a crankshaft turn if each cylinder of a four stroke cycle engine is to be fired 200 times a minute? a 200 rpm. b 400 rpm. c 800 rpm. 5 In a gas turbine engine, combustion occurs at a constant: a Pressure. b Velocity. c Density. 6 On a carburettor without an automatic mixture control, as you ascend the mixture will be: a Enriched. b Leaned. c Unaffected. Check your answers on page 39. W H AT ’ S T H E M E S S AG E ? PHOTO COURTESY AIRCLAIMS AUSTRALIA A specially designed quiz for AMEs and LAMEs. a Master solenoid. b Overvoltage circuit breaker. c Master switch. 5 How many hours will a 140 ampere-hour battery deliver 15 amps? a 15.0 hours. b 1.40 hours. c 9.33 hours. 6 Which of the following aircraft circuits does not contain a circuit protection device? a Generator circuit. b Exterior lighting circuit. c Starter circuit. ” In 25 words or less, tell us what you think is the safety message in this photo. The most creative and concise caption will be published in a future edition of Flight Safety Australia. The creator of the best entry will win their choice of safety education products (see list on page 34) to the value of $50. Send your entries to the Editor, Flight Safety Australia, GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601, by 10 December 1996. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 37 THIS CHART IS NOT FOR OPERATIONAL USE DUE TO BE SUPERSEDED ON 5 DECEMBER 1996 38 Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 SAFETY CHECK ANSWERS How did you rate? True or False False. CAO82.0 paras. 4.2 and 4.3 preclude such operations under IFR unless the chief pilot holds the appropriate instrument rating (para 4.2): or under VFR where the chief pilot does not hold appropriate endorsement or rating without the approval in writing CASA (para 4.3). False. CAO 20.16.3 para. 13.5. True. Section 28BH of the Civil Aviation Act 1988 sets out the requirements for a reference library. False. CAO 20.9 para (b) False. The fabric for the sleeve must be white and the signal area black (CAO 92.2). 1 2 3 4 5 Cairns Standard Radar Departure RWY 15 only. False. 3,600ft. 345 magnetic. No – specific SID chart must be used. 6 d Both b) and c). 1 2 3 4 5 b b c a b 7 b Advise ATC. Fly company specific procedure to ensure terrain clearance. 8 c Turn should be commenced 70 seconds after passing the far end of the runway. Avionic and Mechanical quiz: do you measure up? Avionics 1 c Carbon dioxide. 2 c According to the load requirements. 3 c The speed of rotation and the number of field poles. 4 c Master switch. 5 c 9.33 hours. 6 c Starter circuit. Mechanics 1 c Galling. 2 c Flaking or pitting of races. 3 b To determine satisfactory performance. 4 b 400 rpm. 5 a Pressure. 6 a Be enriched. CAPTION WINNER SCUD RUNNER COMES HOME TO ROOST The winner of the Winter issue safety caption contest, who remains anonymous, receives $50 worth of aviation publications. Thanks to all who entered. C I V I L AV I AT I O N SAF E T Y A U T H O R I T Y A U S T RA L I A CENTRAL OFFICE Austrade Building, Cnr Barry Drive & Northbourne Ave, Canberra. Postal address: GPO Box 2005, Canberra ACT 2601. Ph 06 222 2111, fax 06 222 2444. NORTH-EAST REGION Regional Manager: PO Box 10556, Brisbane QLD 4000. Ph 07 3833 6390, fax 07 3832 6964. Archerfield District: PO Box 13, Archerfield QLD 4108. Flying Operations: ph 07 3275 8237, fax 07 3274 5806; Airworthiness: ph 07 3275 8218, fax 07 3275 3162. Brisbane District: PO Box 791, Hamilton Central QLD 4007. Ph 07 3866 3701, fax 07 3866 3474. Cairns District: PO Box 280N, Cairns North QLD 4870. Ph 070 505 376, fax 070 505 396. Townsville District: PO Box 7740, Garbutt QLD 4814. Ph 077 273 900, fax 070 273 901. SOUTH-EAST REGION Regional Manager: PO Box 409, Mascot, NSW 2020. Ph 02 9556 6812, fax 02 9556 6800. Bankstown District: PO Box CP57, Condell Park NSW 2200. Ph 02 9795 6000. Flying Operations: fax 02 9795 6900; Airworthiness: fax 02 795 6901. Coffs Harbour District: PO Box 1442, Coffs Harbour NSW 2450. Ph 066 511 199, fax 066 528 280. Melbourne District: Building 178, Melbourne Jet Base, South Centre Rd, Tullamarine VIC 3043. Ph 03 9339 2823, fax 03 9339 2867. Moorabbin District: PO Box 20, Cheltenham VIC 3192. Ph 03 9586 6179, fax 03 9586 6186. Sydney District: PO Box 409, Mascot NSW 2020. Ph 02 9556 6838, fax 02 9556 6840. Tamworth District: PO Box 895, Tamworth NSW 2340. Ph 067 615 420, fax 067 615 421. Wagga District: PO Box 1024, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650. Airworthiness: ph 069 218 121. Flying Operations: ph 069 218 158, fax 069 218 557. WEST REGION Regional Manager: GPO Box 1082, Cloverdale WA 6105. Ph 09 476 8777, fax 09 476 8954. Adelaide District: PO Box 126, Export Park SA 5950. Ph 08 238 7790, fax 08 234 4043. Darwin District: PO Box 41196, Casuarina NT 0801. Ph 08 8920 7333, fax 08 89451 899. Jandakot District: 23 Eagle Drive, Jandakot Airport WA 6164. Ph 09 417 6138, fax 09 417 2623. Parafield District: Control Tower Building, Parafield Airport SA. Ph 08 282 3048, fax 08 282 3010. Perth District: GPO Box 1082, Cloverdale WA 6105. Ph 09 476 8777, fax 09 476 8985. Flight Safety Australia, Spring 1996 39 Free seminars for all aviators Presented by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority in conjunction with Airservices Australia, the Bureau of Air Safety Investigation and the Bureau of Meteorology. FLIGHT SAFETY FORUM Held on Saturday 26 October SYDNEY THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Held on Sunday 17 November PERTH THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Sunday 24 November ADELAIDE CONVENTION CENTRE, NORTH TERRACE Saturday 8 March 97 BRISBANE CONVENTION CENTRE, SOUTH BANK Saturday 22 March 97 MELBOURNE WORLD CONGRESS CENTRE, MELBOURNE For further information please call the Flight Safety Forum hotline on 1800 062 485 Bureau of Air Safety Investigation