Food Fundraisers
Food Fundraisers
Request for Fundraiser School Year: 2015-2016 1 Date of Fundraiser: ____M_a_rc_h_-_A...:..p_ri_l2_0_1_6_ __ Description of Fundraiser: Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? D No JBI Yes 6 Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Ice Cream, pop, candy, cups, popcorn I $ 300 Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? 6 If yes, where: TAKE II I $ soo 0Yes 6 If this fund raiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fundraiser a raffle? 6 0Yes 6 If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B .1 for guidelines for raffles . FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ONLY Date Received by Business Office .___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ········~:~t.~t.~di~u~l~·1m1Dim•1mlr~lt~5Di~[.~]~········· Date Received by Supt Office ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Superintendent : _Approved Denied _Approved Denied Date: Superintendent Signature I Oth" Board Signature ••••••••••·!NCTnm!n~k!~ ; !}~.:~, ~".1~ ~-h·~u~-••••••••••' 8 list in detail the food items you are proposing 1 Take II L.;;;.!SwiMffi.!J #fflffilih- Ice Cream , pop, candy, cups, popcorn Please review and select which option below describes your food fundraiser D OPTION 1 My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] ~ ..........m . .-....... . My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the sch~ld/' 4p.m~ ~!Iff, t~is opt~n s~te~~lc~'t?;t~ol If thrs option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. fhf}) Will cd P~ I is is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator tool: http://healthymea ls. nal. artsn acks D D OPTION 3 My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.] OPTION4 My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Option1 ~Option 2 I furt~er agree to abide by the federal regulations within my 0CMA£JJ f3~ Sponsor D Option 3 D Option 4 Fundraiser Exemption School Site: Take II Fundraiser approved for Exemption: Popcorn Dates of Fundraiser: April 4-8, Principal Signature: 2016 ~~ Date Approved: __ of 30 Fall 2015 Fundraiser Exemption School Site: Take II Fundraiser approved for Exemption: Root Beer Floats Dates of Fundraiser: March 9-10 , 2016 Sponsor Signature: Principal Signature: Date Approved: __ of 30 Fall 2015 Fundraiser Exemption School Site: Take II Fundraiser approved for Exemption: Candy and Pop for Walk-A-Thon Dates of Fundraiser: March 11, 2016 Sponsor Signature: Principal Signature: Date Approved: __ of 30 Fall 2015 Request for Fund raiser School Year: 2015-2016 Date of Fundraiser: _ _ _ _0_9_10_9_1_20_1_5_ _ __ Transportation fees . students & teachers incentives, field trips , pe equipment, playground equipment, classroom supplies, Alan Jonnson, covered walkway Indian Teritory Foods , Inc Description of Fundraiser: Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? D No :0 Yes !:::. Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses I $200.00 Estimated PROFIT Is this fund raiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? !:::. If yes, where: I $10,000 Ovest:::. If this fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Ovest:::. Is this fund raiser a raffle? !:::. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.l for guidelines for raffles. FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ONLY Date Received by Business Office Superintendent: _Approved Denied _Approved Date Received by Supt Office Denied Date: Superintendent Signature I Othec Board Signature Will Rogers Elementary Otis Spunkmeyer Cookie Dough Brochure items List in detail the food items you are proposing: Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a .m. to 4 p.m .] D If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is require d to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test ap proval an d a co py of t he food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal fo r their app roval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fu ndraiser. Ca lculator tool : D 0 My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m . to 4 p.m .] My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no cal culato r tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Option! D Option 2 D Option 3 I further agree to abide by the federal regulations within my chosen option. ~~~ Sponsor I• \ c=L-,v Prin'V~ IV I Option 4 Request for Fundraiser School Year: __2_0_15_-2_0_16__ Date of Fundraiser: _____s_e;_pt_1_-_16_ _ _ __ 833 1 1 wa;;.m .11 M!ffli.l§ w Description of Fundraiser: sell blue and gold products , such as sausage, chicken strips, and bacon Is this fund raiser request to sell a food item? D No E ves 6 Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell , etc ... ] Estimated Expenses Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser . Cost of product $ 1600 I$ Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? 6 If yes, where : I $ 600 ~No Oves6 If th is fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, plea se contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs th at may be incurred with usage (580-221 -3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fund raiser a raffle? Oves6 6 If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being subm itted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG -B. Also see Admin istrative Procedwe FG -B.1 for guidelines for raffles . Sponsor's Name Principal/ Admin Name FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ONLY Date Received by Supt Offi ce Superintendent : _ L___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____J Approved Den ied _ Approved Denied Date : Superintendent Signature I Oth" Board Signature ~&!·l'~lil!m·IJ J Sausage, bacon and chicken strips (All raw products) List in detail the food items you are proposing: Please review and select which option below describes your food fundraiser ~ D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m .] If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator tool : http://healthymeals.nal.usda .gov/smartsnacks D D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m .] My fundraiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. D D D " . - . -••Ifo.rt~e: ·~:~~ t: •b;de the fede.•l .egulot;on• w;th~ii~ IV' I My signature below affirms my choice of: * -- Option 1 Option 2 by Principal Option 3 Option 4 Request for Fundraiser School Year: __2_0_15_-2_0_1_6 _ I Date of Fundraiser: _ _ _ _ _ se....;.p_t_1-_1_ 6 _ _ __ sell blue and gold products , such as sausage, chicken strips , and bacon (raw products) Is this fund raiser request to sell a food item? 0 E No ves Proceed with Page 1 On ly 6 If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describ e w hat exp endit ures yo u would have wit h thi s fun d raiser? [Cost to purch ase th e produ ct , cost to m ake the produ ct t o se ll , et c ... ] Estimated Expenses Cost of product $ 1600 I $ 1600 Estimated PROF IT Is this fund raiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? I $ 600 ~No Oves 6 6 If yes, w here: If this fundraiser is an even t or activity that wi ll be he ld on school pro perty, pl ease co ntact t he Busi ness Office t o inquire about fa cility usage costs t hat may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All appl icatio ns for faci lity usage must be subm itt ed at least 30 days prior t o event. Is this fund raiser a raffle? Oves 6 6 If yes, you must su bmit a request to the Board of Education asking fo r yo ur specific raffle items to be approved prior t o t his bei ng subm itted to t he BOE for approval as re qu ired in Board Po licy FG -B. Al so see Administ rative Proce dure FG -B. 1 for guidelines fo r raffl es. Sponsor's Name Principal/Admin Name FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ONLY Date Received by Business Office L------------········~:l~·i!·i~;!~·i~·~lil!!i•milmtlt!·~Si~l·~l~~•••••••• Date Received by Supt Office L-----------~ Superintendent: _ Approved Denied _App rove d Denied Date: Su perintendent Signature Board Sig natu re ~,;,;,....-..J ~ 5 - List in detail the food items you are proposing: Sausage, bacon and chicken strips (All raw products) Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser ~ My food items ARE NOT ready to con sume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] D If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator tool : http://healthymea is.nal.usda .gov/smartsnacks D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.] D My fund ra iser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: Ivi option 1 D Option 2 D Option 3 D Option 4 I further agree to abide by the federal regulations within my chosen option_ ' 7' ' ww•~ ~-~~rL r v w- Principal ~~~G~lMloM - . Request for Fund raiser School Year: __2_o_1s_-_16_ _ Date of Fund raiser: September 4-14 --------~------------- Description of Fund raiser: Misc. catalog items Is this fund raiser request to sell a food item? D m No Proceed with Page 1 Only Yes D. If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fundraiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses None I $o Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? I $ 3000.00 Oves D. D. If yes, where : If this fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Oves D. Is this fund raiser a raffle? D. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor' s Name Princ1pai/Admin Name Date Received by Supt Office Superintendent: L __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _Approved _ _ _ _ ____, Denied _Approved Denied Date: L __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, Superintendent Signature I Oth" Board Signature 'ti" "'11'111 ..~1.h. :.,. See attached catalogs. ~ Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] D My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them du ring the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food itern(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. If this option is selected, no calculator too! is necessary. Calculator tool : martsnacks D [{] My fundraiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Optionl I further agree to abide by the federal regulatio ~~/ l&11- QAk ~ - ~--....-~------- Sponsor - Ooption3 Request for Fundraiser School Year: _2_0_1_5-_2_0_16_ I Date of Fundraiser: ____ N_ov_e_m_b_e_r_2_01_5_ __ Equipment, Meals, and etc. Will sell smoked hams to community at Thanksgiving time. Is this fundra iser request to sell a food item? D No JZI Yes Proceed with Page 1 Only t::::. If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fund raiser. Describe what expenditures you would have .with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses Cost of product I $2,000 Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an eve nt or act ivity that will be held at a specific location? t::::. If yes, where: I $4,000 _0ves6 Ard more Baseball Field If this fund raiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Ovest::::. Is this fundraise r a raffle? C::. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name IQII.IYI®J/@ri!UIM!rrli IQI!riQIM!iU!iJ1!§.@iii!ii Josh Newbv FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADM INISTRATION O NLY Date Received by Business Office _'6_../_..l_..l_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ._I Date Received by Supt Office L - -- - - - - - - - - - - ' Superintendent: _Approved Denied l ••••••••:~f·!fi~iiD!.Ii•~IJi~im•]mlt!!~ti~il~·l~~········· Denied _Approved Date : Superintendent Signature I Otho" Board Signature • ~:;.g,g~}. ii!~.~--.J ~ 1 6 . Hams Please review and select which option below describes your food fundraiser My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] D My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved . Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fund raiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. If this option is selected, no calcu lator tool is necessary. Calculator tool: ~ My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] D My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. Q~ ;a_og·o My signature below affirms my choice of: ~ ~ D Optionl D Option 2 It1' IOption 3 D Option 4 by the ...... , .... ,..,._n_s_w-it_h._m_m_y_c_h_o-se_n_o_p_t-io_n_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ P•indpal Request for Fundraiser School Year: _ _1_5_-1_6_ _ Date of Fundraiser: _ _s_e..:..p_t_9,'-1_8..:..,_2_5_o_c_t_9,'-2_3_ _ Raise Funds for the Class of 2017 Worlds Finest Chocolate bars to be sold at football games along side the beef jerky Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? D No Eves 6 Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fundraiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses cost of the chocolate 15 cases to be ordered I $500 Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? I $300 ~No Oves6 6 If yes, where : If this fund raiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fundraiser a raffle? 0ves6 6 If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG -B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Principal/Admin Name Date Received by Supt Office ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Superintendent: _Approved Denied _ Approved Denied Date: '--------------~ Superintendent Signature Other: Board Signature ~ 8 - assorted chocolate bars Please review and select which option below describes your food fundraiser My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be so ld du ri ng t he school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] D My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tooL If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fund raiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fund raiser. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. Calculator tool: D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.) My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. 7Z w~"··· <= Sponsor . ,.. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Optionl D to ab;de by the ••••, •• •egulatlon Option 2 - D Option 3 D :'·=··~ Option 4 ~~~--------------------~~-------------- Request for Fundraiser School Year: _ _1_5_-1_6_ _ Date of Fundra iser: _ _s_e...;..p_t_9,_1_8_,_2_5_o_c_t_9,_2_3__ Raise Funds for the Class of 2017 Description of Fundraiser: Beef Jerky from Country Meats to be sold along side the Chocolate Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? 0 No Eves t:::. Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses cost of the Jerkey 12 cases to be ordered I $1000 Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? I $500 ~No Ovest::J. t:::. If yes, where : If this fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage {580-221-3001 Ext 220) . All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. 0vest::J. Is this fund raiser a raffle? C:::. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG -B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG -B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Principal/Admin Name FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATIO Date Received by Business Office 1'-------------········II:Di•~fi~i;D!tii•DIIi]#•DIDII!i;!Smil~·l~~········ _Approved Date Received by Supt Office Superintendent: _Approved Denied Denied Date: Superintendent Signature Other: Board Signature List in detail the food items you are proposing: assorted prepackaged beef jerkey Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.) D If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.) If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator t ool : ~ D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] My fundraiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Optionl D Option 2 I further agree to abide by the federal regulations within Sponsor IV I Option 3 D Option 4 Request for Fundraiser School Year: _ _1_5_-1_6_ _ I Date of Fundraiser: _____s_e'-pt_1_-_16_ _ __ Description of Fund raiser: Sell sausage, bacon, and chicken B ~ No ~~ Yes6 Is this fundraiser request to sell a food ite' - Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses cost of the sasuage, bacon, and chicken I $3000.00 Estimated PROFIT Is this fund raiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? D. I $1800.00 ~No Oves6 If yes, where: If this fund raiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fundraiser a raffle? 0ves6 D. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Pnncipai/Admin Name FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION 0 Date Received by Supt Office Superintendent: c___ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ , _Approved Denied _Approved Denied Date: c___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____, Superintendent Signature Other: Board Signature . List in detail the food items you are proposing: .. Raw sausage, bacon, and chicken Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser ~ D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.) If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator tool: D D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: /ZJIJ~ Sponsor lv I option 1 D I further agree to abide by the federal regulations Option 2 D Option 3 y chosen option. D Option 4 Request for Fund raiser School Year: _ _1_5_-1_6_ _ I Date of Fundraiser: _____ N_ov_16_-_2_7_ _ __ Description of Fund raiser: Sell sausage, bacon, and chicken Is this fund raiser request to sell a food item L ~No '7J:fi Yes Proceed with Page 1 Only 6 Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc .. .] Estimated Expenses If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. cost of the sasuage, bacon, and chicken I $1500 Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? I $900 ~No Oves6 6 If yes, where : If this fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220) . All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fund raiser a raffle? 0ves 6 6 If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Pnnc1pai/Admin Name Robert McGehee .... Jake Falvev FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ONL Date Received by Supt Office '----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Superintendent: _Approved Denied _Approve d Denied Date: L - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Superintendent Signature Other: Board Signature ~:~,2--.J List in detail the food items you are proposing: Raw sausage, bacon , and chicken Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m . to 4 p.m .] My food items ARE ready to be consume -type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calcu lator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. Calculator tool: D D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] My fund ra iser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. ? My signature below affirms my choice of: Ill' I D Option 2 &_~~rthe< ••••• to •bide by the fede"l <egul•tlon• wlf . ~~~,Sponsor option 1 D Option 3 D Option 4 chosen option. dJ _ ..-c. ~ Request for Fund raiser School Year: _ _1_5_-1_6_ _ I Date of Fundraiser: _ _ _ _M_a_rc_h_2_1_-_31_ _ __ Description of Fundraiser: Sell sausage, bacon, and chicken Is this fund raiser request to sell a food item'?\. _ ~No ~ Vest:::. Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this cost of the sasuage, bacon, and chicken fundraiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses I $2000 Estimated PROFIT Is this fund raiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? I $1000 ~No Ovest:::. t:::. if yes, where : If this fund raiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220) . All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fund raiser a raffle? 0ves6 C::. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG -B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG -B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Principal/Admin Name FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Date Received by Supt Office '------------___.J Superintendent : _Approved Denied _Approved Denied Date: ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' Superintendent Signature Other: Board Signature List in detail the food items you are proposing: Raw sausage, bacon, and chicken Please review and select which option below describes your food fundraiser ~ D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator tool : http://healthymeals.nal.usda .gov/smartsnacks D D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] My fundraiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: ;;:::>// ~ S~~- IV IOption 1 D Option 2 D Option 3 D Option 4 11"rthe' ag'ee to abide by the 1 ~e,alre~ ~ chosen option. Request for Fundraiser School Year: _ _1_5_-1_6_ _ I Date of Fundraiser: _ _ se""""p_t_1-'1,_1_8'-,2_5_0_c_t_9'-,2_3__ Tailgate for Football Description of Fundraiser: Sell hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, dessert, and drinks before the games Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? D No Eves 6 Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fund raiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fund raiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc .. .] Estimated Expenses Cost of items required for each tailgate . udgeted for $200 per game asking for donations I $1000 Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? 6 If yes, where : Football I $1000 0.ves 6 Field ParkinQ Lot If this fund raiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220}. All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Is this fundraiser a raffle? 0ves6 6 If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Principal/ Admin Name FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION Date Received by Business Office IL____________ ••••••••[:tri!e~f·~m!:•ill•!l:IJI4!!•!l!ll!l!f!!l·SI]i~!t!!lN!II······· Date Received by Supt Office L - - - - - -- - - - --' Superintendent : _Approved Denied _Approved Denied Date : Superintendent Signature Board Signature ~~i£~ List in detail the food items you are proposing: I ssg ~:~,~----..J I ~ Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, desserts, drinks Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser D My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m .] D My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. If this option is selected, the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. If your items pass the calculator test, please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fundraiser request and submit to your principal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If your food item(s) do not pass the calculator test, then you will not be able to have the fundraiser. Calculator tool : ~ D My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.] My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If this option is selected, no calculator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Optionl D Option 2 Ill' I Option 3 D Option 4 I further agree to abide by the federal regulatio.,IB withil\my chosen option~ ~c::~ ""--- -~ Sponsor ~~ Request for Fund raiser Date of Fundraiser: ___s_ch_o_o_ly'-e_a_r_20_1_5_-2_0_1_6_ __ School Year: __2_0_15_-2_0_1_6_ sgs 1 1 Wtq§.!II,II~Mfti.I§M To sell food products from Fundrai that meet the healthy food guidelines and to sell pencils and bottled water. To provide funds for the ACS Elementary Music at each elementary site Description of Fundraiser: The music directors at each school will sell healthy food snacks, pencils and bottled water during the school day for the year Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? D No IZi ves Proceed with Page 1 Only C::. If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fundraiser. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fundraiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ... ] Estimated Expenses Pencils will sell for .25 each (profit = .11) Bottled water $1 (profit .80) Beef Jerky $2 (profit .4 7) I $ o.oo Estimated PROFIT Is this fundraiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? C::. if yes, where : I $ 6000.oo 0ves C::. at each elementary site If this fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on sc hool property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3 001 Ext 220). All applications for f acility usage must be submitted at lea st 30 days prior to event. Oves C::. Is this fundraiser a raffle? C::. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG -B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG -B.1 for guidelines for raffles . IQiu!§I!WunuiMJu!l FOR CENTRAL OFFICE ADMINISTRATION ONLY Date Received by Business Office ...-r.raJ(~~ _Approved Date Received by Supt Office Superintendent: _Approved BOARD OF EDUCATION Denied Denied Date: Superintendent Signature Other: Board Signature ACS Elementary Music Charles Evans, Lincoln , Jefferson ·f#iMJMii.ti!,li~@J.,i- list in detail the food items you are proposing: Jack Links beef Jerky, bottled water Please review and select which option below describes your food fundraiser D OPTION2 OPTION 1 My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the schoo l day. [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] If th1s option is selec.ted, no caitulator tool J.S necessarv. It ltus oplion ~~ ~e!e c. ted, the calculator tool is required to determme if yo ur f ood it erns can be approved. Please rornplete the calculator tool. If your Jtems pass the calculator test, ple~s\~ attach a copv of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to this fu ndrais e r rt•qut:~t and submi t to your pr1nc.ipal for their approval and then to the Business Office. If w•\1 not be able t o ha ve the v0ur food 11t.•m1:.) dn not pass the calr.ulator test, then you Calculator t ool: b.!!QJLhea lt hymea ls. nal .usda.govJsm art sn acks D D OPTION 3 My food items ARE ready t o consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the schoo l day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] OPTION4 My fundrai ser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to stud ents until th e end of th e scho ol day. If thi'i option is selected, no co!culator tool is necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Optionl [{]Option 2 .. Pnncopa D Option 3 D Option 4 ,~ Fundraiser Exemption ~· n ~ Signature: ~\ ll ~ U Sponsor Principal Date D I\ (, \L · UMJI\~ .-t_ ~ e ku,-x=<. Signature: n3j fO} } Approved: l_ of 14 30 Spring 2015 1 ~ii:Al11-iiE1t U, GENERI\TIO~ • 't Smart Snacks Product Calculator Results Nutrition Facts Serving Size 0.85 oz (about 24.10 g) 0 Brand: Jack Link's Product Name: Original Beef Jerky Serving Size: 24.10 g First Ingredient: Beef Amount Per Serving Calories from Fat 10 Calories 70 Total Fat (g) 1 Saturated Fat (g) 0 Trans Fat (g) 0 Sodium (mg) 200 Carbohydrates Sugars (g) 6 • Your protein food meets all nutrient standards. ol Vitamin D (%) NA Potassium (%) NA Calcium (%) NA Dietary Fiber(%) NA '"- I FADING THE WAY FOR CHI! OREN'S HEAlTH FOIINDED BY· f'/1. V Aonerican I feert ,..... . . ... ~ .. ~- I : ; · ·~ ! I ; , \,:: II J! '', j'' ': r ,; AssociatiOn, n 1/22/2015 1 Hi:Ai:f,:tii:1i GENERATION 1 Smart Snacks I Product Calculator Results t Brand: Jack Link's I ' -·· Nutrition Facts Serving Size 0.85 oz (about 24.10 g) 0 Product Name: Teriyaki Beef Jerky Serving Size: 24.10 g First Ingredient: Beef Amount Per Serving Calories 90 Calories from Fat 10 Total Fat (g) 1 Saturated Fat (g) 0 Trans Fat (g) 0 Sodium (mg) 200 Carbohydrates Sugars (g) 6 • Your protein food meets all nutrient standards. Vitamin D (%) NA Potassium (%) NA Calcium (%) NA Dietary Fiber(%} NA 0 () 1122/2015 1 . L) Q .SMi\W SNI\C"";KS tm I'I~OUIJU CALCULMOf? Smart Snacks Product Calculator Results Nutrition Facts Serving Size 0.85 oz (about 24.10 g) 0 Brand: Jack Link's Product Name: Peppered Beef Jerky Serving Size: . 24.10 g First Ingredient:. Beef · · Amount Per Serving Calories 70 Calories from Fat 10 Total Fat (g)1 Satu~ated Fat (g) 0 Trans Fat (g) 0 Sodium ("'g) 190 . Carbohydrates Sugars (g) 6 • Your protein food meets all nutrient standards. Vitamin D (%) NA Potassium (%) NA Calcium (%) NA Dietary Fiber (%) NA 0\ I FADING THE WAY FOR CHI! OREN'S HEAl IH ff/ FOI!NDFO BY· V _ American tieert _... --· ... .. ;:- 1, I li~. I')', 1111 • 'f,\ jf ,. As6 celation· () 1122/2015 v · J1ACK LI.NK'S BEEF" .JERKY Orjgjnal INGREDIENTS: BEEF, SUGAR, WATER, LESS THAN 2% SALT, FLAVORING, YEAST EXTRACT, CITRIC ACID. .85oz Beef Jerky Peppered INGREDIENTS: BEEF, SUGAR, WATER, LESS THAN 2% SALT, FLAVORING, DRIED SOY SAUCE [(WHEAT, SOYBEANS, SALT), MALTODEXTRIN], YEAST EXTRACT, CITRIC ACID. CONTAINS: WHEAT AND SOY INGREDIENTS: BEEF, SUGAR, WATER, LESS THAN 2% BLACK PEPPER, SALT, FLAVORING, YEAST EXTRACT, CITRIC ACID. ·· fin~ lOg Protein ·l'!llwfiil Ut1l 10000007721 .85 oz. Original Beef Jerky 10000007717 .85 oz. Teriyaki Beef Jerky 10000007719 .85 oz. Peppered Beef Jerky Open Stock Case: 48 units per case lg Total Fat Request for Fund raiser School Year: _ _20_1_5_11_6_ _ Date of Fundraiser: ____N_o_ve_m_b_e_r_2_01_5_ _ __ AHS Forensics Booster Club li!.jjhllli!iill·J Description of Fund raiser: Smoked Ham and Turkeys Is this fundraiser request to sell a food item? D No IZI Yes D. Describe what expenditures you would have with this fundraiser? [Cost to purchase the product, cost to make the product to sell, etc ...] Estimated Expenses Proceed with Page 1 Only If yes, please complete this page & page two to determine eligibility for food fund raiser. Pre-sell Smoked Hams and Turkeys for delivery for Thanksgiving. I $120o.oo Estimated PROFIT Is this fund raiser an event or activity that will be held at a specific location? D. If yes, where : I $ 350o.oo Oves D. If this fundraiser is an event or activity that will be held on school property, please contact the Business Office to inquire about facility usage costs that may be incurred with usage (580-221-3001 Ext 220). All applications for facility usage must be submitted at least 30 days prior to event. Oves D. Is this fund raiser a raffle? D. If yes, you must submit a request to the Board of Education asking for your specific raffle items to be approved prior to this being submitted to the BOE for approval as required in Board Policy FG-B. Also see Administrative Procedure FG-B.1 for guidelines for raffles. Sponsor's Name Pnnc1pai/Adm1n Name Date Received by Supt Office Superintendent: _ _Approved Approved Denied Denied Date: Superintendent Signature Board Signature ······A·H·S·IFioll~leB£m~~i~.f~;:~.!l l~ ~f~ ?~u:~~-tle.r1c.l1u·b······' '•·Miii.!i~!lf il.l§ list in detail the food 1tems you are proposing AHS School Site Purchase Hams and Turkeys and smoke them to fill orders. Deliver before Thanksgiving. Please review and select which option below describes your food fund raiser D OPTION 1 My food items ARE NOT ready to consume-type items and can be sold during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] D OPTION 2 My food items ARE ready to be consume-type AND I want to sell them during the school day. [12 a.m . to 4 p.m.] If tt11s option is selected. the calculator tool is required to determine if your food items can If ttus option is selected. no calculator tool1s necessary. be approved. Please complete the calculator tool. It your items pass the calculator test. please attach a copy of the test approval and a copy of the food label(s) to thiS fundraiser reque~t and submit to your principal for the1r approval and then to the Bus mess Off1ce. If your food item(s} do not pa.o;s the calculator test. then you will not be able to have the fund raiser. Calculator tool: http://hea IthymeaIs. naI. usda .gov/smartsnacks D OPTION 3 OPTION4 My food items ARE ready to consume-type items, however, I will not be selling them during the school day [12 a.m. to 4 p.m.] My fund raiser is a brochure or catalog and my items will not be released to students until the end of the school day. If th1!i option is selected, no calculator tool1s necessary. My signature below affirms my choice of: D Option 1 D Opti n 2 -~ I further agree to abide by the federal regulations with {()( [l] Optlon4