Listado de revistas indexadas en ISI para Ciencias Sociales
Listado de revistas indexadas en ISI para Ciencias Sociales
UNIVERSIDAD DE LA FRONTERA Facultad de Educación y Humanidades. Listado de revistas indexadas en ISI para Ciencias Sociales Diego Aliro Sandoval Gatica. Alumno en práctica profesional en Psicología Educacional. Dirección de Postgrado e Investigación. Facultad de Educación y Humanidades. 2 Índice 1. Introducción..……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…5 2. Cuadro Resumen.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..6 3. Listado de Revistas Indexadas en ISI para Ciencias Sociales……….…………………………………..8 3.1. Abuso de Sustancias……………………………………………………………………………..……………..8 3.2. Administración…………………………………………………………………………………………………….8 3.3. Administración Pública………………………………………………………………………………………11 3.4. Antropología……………………………………………………………………………………………………..12 3.5. Asuntos Sociales…………………………………………………………………………………................14 3.6. Ciencias de la Información y Bibliotecología………………………………………………………15 3.7. Ciencias Políticas………………………………………………………………………………………………..16 3.8. Ciencias Sociales………………………………………………………………………………………………..19 3.8.1. Ciencias Sociales Biomédicas………………………………………………………………………19 3.8.2. Ciencias Sociales, General…………………………………………………………………………..20 3.8.3. Ciencias Sociales, Métodos Matemáticos……………………………………………………22 3.9. Comunicación…………………………………………………………………………………………………….23 3.10. Criminología…………………………………………………………………………………………………….24 3.11. Cuidados (Nursing)…………………………………………………………………………………………..25 3.12. Demografía………………………………………………………………………………………................27 3.13. Economía………………………………………………………………………………………………………...28 3.14. Educación………………………………………………………………………………………………………..33 3.15. Ergonomía……………………………………………………………………………………………………….37 3.16. Estudios Ambientales………………………………………………………………………………………38 3.17. Estudios de Área………………………………………………………………………………………………40 3 3.18. Estudios de Familia…………………………………………………………………………………………..41 3.19. Estudios de la Mujer………………………………………………………………………………………..42 3.20. Estudios Étnicos……………………………………………………………………………………………….43 3.21. Estudios Urbanos…………………………………………………………………………………………..…43 3.22. Ética………………………………………………………………………………………………...................44 3.23. Geografía…………………………………………………………………………………………………………45 3.24. Gerontología……………………….…………………………………………………………………………..47 3.25. Historia……………………………..…………………………………………………………………………….47 3.26. Historia de las Ciencias Sociales………………………………………………………………………48 3.27. Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia……………………………………………………………….........49 3.28. Hospitalidad, Ocio, Deportes y Turismo…………………………………………………………..50 3.29. Leyes………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..50 3.30. Lingüística………………………………………………………………………………………………………..53 3.31. Negocios, Financiamiento………………………………………………………………………………..55 3.32. Negocios…………………………………………………………………………………………..................57 3.33. Planificación y Desarrollo………………………………………………………………………...........59 3.34. Políticas de Salud y Servicios……………………………………………………………………………60 3.35. Psicología…………………………………………………………………………………………………………61 3.35.1. Psicoanálisis……………………………………………………………………………………………..61 3.35.2. Psicobiología………………………………………………………………………………...............62 3.35.3. Psicología Aplicada…………………………………………………………………………………..62 3.35.4. Psicología Clínica…………………………………………………………………………..............64 3.35.5. Psicología Educacional……………………………………………………………………………..66 3.35.6. Psicología Evolutiva………………………………………………………………………............68 4 3.35.7. Psicología Experimental……………………………………………………………………………69 3.35.8. Psicología, General……………………………………………………………………………………71 3.35.9. Psicología Matemática……………………………………………………………………………..74 3.35.10. Psicología Social……………………………………………………………………………………..74 3.36. Psiquiatría………………………………………………………………………………………………………..75 3.37. Rehabilitación……………………………………………………………………………………...............78 3.38. Relaciones Industriales & Trabajo…………………………………………………………………….79 3.39. Relaciones Internacionales………………………………………………………………………………80 3.40. Salud Pública, Ambiental y Laboral…………………………………………………………………..81 3.41. Sociología…………………………………………………………………………………………………………84 3.42. Trabajo Social…………………………………………………………………………………………………..86 3.43. Transporte……………………………………………………………………………………………………….87 5 1. Introducción. ISI Web of Knowledge (WoK) es un servicio de información científica consistente en facilitar el acceso a un grupo de bases de datos bibliográficas. Ofrece a los profesionales de la investigación científica y académica una forma sencilla de adquirir y administrar información sobre investigaciones. Entre otros servicios, entrega información acerca de las revistas de corriente principal y entrega datos cuantitativos respecto del impacto que tienen tanto las revistas como los artículos publicados en ellas. Además, organiza los listados de revistas de acuerdo a áreas del conocimiento. Dado que hay revistas que abordan más de un tema de distintas áreas de estudio, algunas de ellas han sido incluidas en dos o más categorías. Para fines de este documento, se han considerado sólo las revistas que tienen relación con las disciplinas que se desarrollan en la Facultad de Educación y Humanidades (se excluyen, por ejemplo, las ciencias políticas). Dentro de cada área, el listado de revistas se encuentra ordenado alfabéticamente en una tabla. La tabla contiene: Nombre de la Revista. Se ha conservado el nombre original y no su traducción al español. Sitio web. En ellos, cada revista especifica sus temas de interés y los lineamientos para los autores, entre otros. El número ISSN para la versión impresa. El International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) o Número Internacional Normalizado de Publicaciones Seriadas es un número único asignado a una colección con el fin de evitar errores en la transcripción del título o por alcance de nombres de una publicación periódica, en este caso, las revistas científicas. El Factor de Impacto. Es un indicador de la importancia de una revista científica. Corresponde al número promedio de veces que los artículos de una revistas han sido citados en el Journal Citation Reports (JCR) del año. Es calculado dividiendo el número 6 de citaciones en el JCR del año por el total de artículos publicados en los 2 años anteriores1. Un Factor de Impacto de 1.0 significa que los artículos publicados uno o dos años atrás han sido citados, en promedio, una vez. El Factor de Impacto de los últimos 5 años. Corresponde al número de veces que los artículos de una revista publicados en los últimos 5 años han sido citados en el JCR del año en el que se realiza el cálculo. 2 2. Cuadro Resumen Área de Estudio Abuso de Sustancias Administración Administración Pública Antropología Asuntos Sociales Ciencias de la Información y Bibliotecología Ciencias Políticas Ciencias Sociales Biomédicas Ciencias Sociales, General Ciencias Sociales, Métodos Matemáticos Comunicación Criminología Cuidados (Nursing) Demografía Economía Educación Ergonomía Estudios Ambientales Estudios de Área Estudios de Familia Estudios de la Mujer 1 Factor de Impacto Medio 1.984 2.316 1.364 1.825 1.556 N° de revistas 22 112 32 68 35 2.109 65 1.658 1.885 1.493 112 33 68 1.815 38 1.498 1.623 1.382 1.583 1.909 1.686 1.578 1.645 1.279 1.676 1.312 55 35 70 24 245 169 14 66 44 33 31 Para este documento, el cálculo del factor de impacto corresponde al número de artículos publicados en el período 2007-2008 que han sido citados en el JCR durante el 2004 dividido por el número de artículos publicados por la revista en el período 2007-2008. 2 En este caso, el año en el que el JCR hace el cálculo es el 2009 y los años sobre los que se realiza el cálculo son desde el 2004 hasta el 2008. 7 Área de Estudio Estudios Étnicos Estudios Urbanos Ética Geografía Gerontología Historia Historia de las Ciencias Sociales Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia Hospitalidad, Ocio, Deportes y Turismo Leyes Lingüística Negocios, Financiamiento Negocios Planificación y Desarrollo Políticas de Salud y Servicios Psicoanálisis Psicobiología Psicología Aplicada Psicología Clínica Psicología Educacional Psicología Evolutiva Psicología Experimental Psicología, General Psicología Matemática Psicología Social Psiquiatría Rehabilitación Relaciones Industriales & Trabajo Relaciones Internacionales Salud Pública, Ambiental y Laboral Sociología Trabajo Social Transporte Factor de Impacto Medio 1.459 1.356 1.595 1.834 2.147 2.114 1.188 1.707 1.556 1.768 1.733 1.876 2.237 1.486 1.994 2.216 3.897 1.978 2.492 1.814 2.300 2.480 3.010 1.658 2.158 2.853 1.720 1.458 1.663 1.940 1.515 1.574 1.547 N° de revistas 10 34 34 62 25 32 22 33 20 115 93 53 87 44 49 12 14 63 93 44 59 71 111 11 50 94 53 19 59 95 115 32 18 8 3. Listado de Revistas Indexadas en ISI para Ciencias Sociales. 3.1. Abuso de Sustancias. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Título de la Revista Addictive Behaviors Addiction Research & Theory Addiction Alcohol Research & Health American Journal on Addictions American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Drug and Alcohol Review Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy European Addiction Research International Journal of Drug Policy Journal of Addictive Diseases Journal of Addictions Nursing Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse Journal of Drug Education Journal of Drug Issues Journal of Gamblign Studies Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy Substance Use & Misuse ISSN Factor de Impacto 0306-4603 1606-6359 0965-2140 1535-7414 1055-0496 0095-2990 0959-5236 0968-7637 1022-6877 0955-3959 1055-0887 1088-4602 1067-828X 0047-2379 0022-0426 1050-5350 0279-1072 1937-1888 0740-5472 0893-164X 1747-597X 1082-6084 2.248 0.626 3.842 0.960 1.534 1.335 1.646 0.697 1.233 2.541 1.234 0.171 0.512 0.792 0.469 1.284 0.811 2.065 2.902 2.679 1.246 0.725 ISSN Factor de Impacto 1537-260X 0001-4273 1558-9080 0363-7425 2.232 6.483 1.405 7.867 1012-8255 0.036 0001-8392 3.842 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 2.501 0.967 4.800 2.205 1.950 1.636 1.994 0.720 1.581 1.661 0.720 1.083 1.191 1.843 1.034 2.769 3.007 3.327 1.161 1.426 3.2. Administración. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 Título de la Revista Academy of Management Learning & Education Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Perspectives Academy of Management Review Academia-Revista Latinoamericana de Administración Administrative Science Quarterly Factor de Impact o (5 años) 9.263 1.694 9.531 6.216 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Advances in Strategic Management -A Research Annual African Journal of Business Management Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources Asian Business & Management Australian Journal of Management Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis British Journal of Management California Management Review Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly Corporate Governance: An International Review Decision Sciences EMJ: Engineering Management Journal European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology Gender, Work and Organization Group Decision and Negotiation Group & Organization Management Harvard Business Review Human Relations Human Resource Management IEEE - Transactions on Engineering Management Industrial and Corporate Change Industrial Marketing Management Information & Management Information Systems Research Information Technology & Management Innovation-Management, Policy & Practice International Journal of Forecasting International Journal of Human Resources Management International Journal of Management Reviews International Journal of Manpower International Journal of Operations & Production Management International Journal of Selection and Assessment International Journal of Service Industry Management International Journal of Technology Management International Small Bussines Journal Interfaces Journal for East European Management Studies Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 0742-3322 0.250 0.524 1993-8233 1038-4111 1472-4782 0312-8962 0340-5370 1045-3172 0008-1256 0825-0383 1938-9655 1.105 0.775 0.174 0.256 0.206 1.448 1.983 0.405 0.303 1.105 0010-8804 0.679 3.786 0964-8410 0011-7315 1042-9247 2.068 2.380 0.250 3.117 3.276 1359-432X 1.467 0968-6673 0926-2644 1059-6011 0017-8012 0018-7267 0090-4848 0018-9391 0960-6491 0019-8501 0378-7206 1047-7047 1385-951X 1447-9338 0169-2070 0.982 0.783 1.923 1.655 1.637 0.930 1.248 1.513 1.333 2.282 1.792 1.222 0.379 1.064 1.766 1.301 2.198 2.604 2.034 1.795 1.964 2.446 2.147 4.297 4.893 0958-5192 0.830 1.452 1460-8545 0143-7720 2.286 0.329 3.221 0.723 0144-3577 1.435 1.946 0965-075X 0.864 1.447 0956-4233 0.857 1.902 0267-5730 0266-2426 0092-2102 0949-6181 1058-6407 0.419 1.347 0.838 0.345 1.239 0.598 1.661 1.267 0.279 2.416 2.783 0.541 0.394 2.083 1.343 10 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Journal of Forecasting Journal of Information Technology Journal of International Bussiness Studies Journal of International Management Journal of Management Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of Management Inquiry Journal of Management & Organization Journal of Management Studies Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology Journal of Operations Management Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of Organizational Behavior Journal of Organizational Behavior Management Journal of Organizational Change Management Journal of Product Innovation Management Journal of Service Management Journal of Small Business Management Journal of Sport Management Journal of Technology Transfer Leadership Quarterly Long Range Planning M&SOM-Manufacturing & Service Operations Management Management Communication Quarterly Management Decisions Management Learning Management Science MIS Quarterly MIT Sloan Management Review Negotiation Journal New Technology Work and Employment Omega: International Journal of Management Science Operations Research Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Organizational Dynamics Organizational Research Methods Organization Science Organization Studies Organization Personnel Psychology Personnel Review 0923-4748 0277-6693 0268-3962 0047-2506 1075-4253 0149-2063 0742-1222 1056-4926 1833-3672 0022-2380 1.243 0.507 2.049 3.766 1.854 4.429 2.098 0.615 0.481 2.805 1.814 0.966 2.664 5.727 0963-1798 1.205 2.397 0272-6963 0160-5682 0894-3796 0160-8061 0953-4814 0737-6782 1757-5818 0047-2778 0888-4773 0892-9912 1048-9843 0024-6301 3.238 1.009 1.990 0.680 0.600 1.522 4.178 1.565 3.988 0.688 1.042 3.833 1.088 0.906 0.875 2.202 1.580 1.689 1.079 1523-4614 2.149 0893-3189 0025-1747 1350-5076 0025-1909 0276-7783 1532-9194 0748-4526 0268-1072 0.848 0.622 1.133 2.227 4.485 1.141 0.725 0.710 2.056 4.125 9.208 1.963 0.772 1.012 0305-0483 3.101 3.235 0030-364X 1.576 2.671 0749-5978 2.549 3.613 0090-2616 1094-4281 1047-7039 0170-8406 1350-5084 0031-5826 0048-3486 0.607 2.471 3.126 2.124 1.352 4.264 0.706 1.310 4.252 5.777 2.880 2.355 5.715 1.166 5.703 3.215 1.131 4.178 4.051 1.969 11 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Public Management Review R&D Management Research in Organizational Behavior Research Policy Research-Technology Management Review of Industrial Organization Revista Venezolana de Gerencia South African Journal of Business Management South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences Scandinavian Journal of Management Service Industries Journal Small Bussiness Economics Small Group Research Strategic Organization Strategic Management Journal Supply Chain Management: An International Journal System Dynamic Review Systemic Practice and Action Research Systems, Research and Behavioral Science Technology Analysis & Strategic Management Technovation Total Quality Management & Bussines Excellence Tourism Management Zeitschrift für Personalforschung 1471-9037 0033-6807 0191-3085 0048-7333 0895-6308 0889-938X 1315-9984 0378-9098 0.848 0.928 4.375 2.261 0.507 0.441 0.067 0.146 1015-8812 0.082 0956-5221 0264-2069 0921-898X 1046-4964 1476-1270 0143-2095 1359-8546 0883-7066 1094-429X 1092-7026 0953-7325 0166-4972 1478-3363 0261-5177 0179-6437 0.765 0.283 1.380 0.683 4.059 4.464 2.341 0.738 0.410 0.415 0.929 2.466 0.299 1.882 0.107 2.060 3.654 3.772 0.905 1.022 0.629 2.112 1.528 6.931 3.219 1.011 0.383 0.675 1.047 2.126 0.731 2.391 3.3. Administración Pública. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Título de la Revista Administration & Society Administration in Social Work American Review of Public Administration Amme Idaresi Dergisi Australian Journal of Public Administration Canadian Public Administration Canadian Public Policy - Analyse de Politiques Civil Szemle Climate Policy Contemporary Economic Policy Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy Gestión y Política Pública Governance: An International Journal of Policy Administration and Institutions ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0095-3997 0364-3107 0275-0740 1300-1795 0313-6647 0008-4840 0317-0861 1786-3341 1469-3062 1074-3529 0263-774X 1405-1079 1.053 0.512 0.822 0.075 0.646 0.132 0.269 0.091 1.402 0.659 1.044 0.300 1.268 0.962 1.483 0952-1895 1.646 2.240 0.676 0.289 0.481 1.497 0.835 1.230 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 International Review of Administrative Sciences Journal of European Policy Journal of European Social Policy Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory Journal of Social Policy Local Government Studies Philosophy & Public Affairs Policy and Politics Policy Sciences Policy Studies Journal Public Administration Public Administration and Development Public Administration Review Public Management Review Public Money & Management Public Personnel Management Social Policy & Administration 0020-8523 1350-1763 0958-9287 0.719 1.294 1.192 1547-7355 0.667 0276-8739 1053-1858 0047-2794 0300-3930 0048-3915 0305-5736 0032-2687 0190-292X 0033-3298 0271-2075 0033-3352 1471-9037 0954-0962 0091-0260 0144-5596 1.545 1.776 1.034 0.686 2.038 0.623 0.727 0.616 1.188 0.515 1.152 0.848 0.433 0.264 0.857 ISSN Factor de Impacto 0001-9720 0002-7294 0002-7316 0094-0496 1042-0533 0002-9483 0084-6570 1061-1959 0003-5548 0161-7761 0066-4677 0003-5491 0258-0144 0003-5521 0257-9774 0003-598X 0003-8121 0066-6939 0729-4352 0.592 1.539 1.500 1.393 2.121 2.756 1.929 0.000 0.242 0.723 0.567 0.591 0.222 0.310 0.105 1.065 0.647 0.500 0.243 0.718 1.981 1.710 1.819 3.738 1.419 0.619 3.162 0.866 1.286 1.157 1.810 0.715 2.455 0.746 0.423 1.148 3.4. Antropología. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Título de la Revista Africa American Anthropologist American Antiquity American Ethnologist American Journal of Human Biology American Journal of Physical Antropology Annual Review of Anthropology Anthropology and Archeology of Eurasia Anthropologischer Anzeigner Anthropology and Education Quarterly Anthropological Forum Anthropology Southern Africa Anthropological Quarterly Anthropologie Anthropos Antiquity Archaeology & physical anthropology in Oceania Arctic Anthropology Australian Aboriginal Studies Journal Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0.798 1.816 1.970 1.596 2.130 2.903 3.559 0.014 1.104 0.847 0.858 0.154 1.104 0.560 13 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 The Australian Journal of Anthropology Bijdragen Tot de Taal- Land En Volkenlkunde Chinese Sociology and Anthropology Chungará - Revista de Antropología Chilena Collegium Antropologicum Comparative Studies in Socoety and History Critique of Anthropology Cultural Anthropology Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Cultural Studies Current Anthropology Etnohistory Etnhnology Ethnos Ethos Evolutionary Anthropology Field Methods Global Networks - A journal of Transnationals Affairs Homo - Journal of Comparative Human Biology Human Ecology Human Nature - An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective Human Organization International Journtal of Osteoarcheology Inter-Asia Cultural Studies Journal of Arthropological Archealogy Journal of Anthropological Research Journal of Anthropological Sciences Journal of Archealogy Method and Theory Journal of Archeological Science Journal of Family History Journal of Human Evolution Journal of Material Culture Journal of Peasant Studies Journal of Polynesian Society Journal of Royal Anthropological Institute Magallania Mana-Estudos de Antropologia Social Mankind Quarterly Medical Anthropology Medical Anthropology Quarterly Oceania Plains Anthropologist Public Culture Race & Class Social Networks 1035-8811 0006-2294 0009-4625 0716-1182 0350-6134 0010-4175 0308-275X 0886-7356 0165-005X 0950-2386 0011-3204 0014-1801 0014-1828 0014-1844 0091-2131 1060-1538 1525-822X 1470-2266 0018-442X 0300-7839 0.500 0.167 0.081 0.417 0.503 0.562 0.439 3.350 0.755 0.684 2.232 0.255 0.086 0.976 0.900 3.382 1.093 1.380 0.958 1.402 1045-6767 1.600 2.571 0018-7259 1047-482X 1464-9373 0278-4165 0091-7710 1827-4765 1072-5369 0305-4403 0363-1990 0047-2484 1359-1835 0306-6150 0032-4000 1359-0987 0718-0209 0104-9313 0025-2344 0145-9740 0745-5194 0029-8077 0032-0447 0899-2363 0306-3968 0378-8733 0.474 0.663 0.215 1.667 0.629 1.185 1.097 1.847 0.239 2.987 0.700 0.267 0.400 1.000 0.489 0.250 0.378 0.962 0.949 0.486 0.227 0.850 0.750 2.349 0.753 0.862 0.188 0.104 0.519 0.515 0.598 3.097 1.245 0.965 3.113 0.341 0.274 1.098 0.845 3.864 2.018 0.981 1.712 1.857 0.659 1.926 2.163 0.259 4.077 1.539 0.429 0.492 1.101 0.337 1.442 0.523 0.300 1.435 0.814 3.328 14 65 66 67 68 Sociologus Studies on Ethno-Medicine Yearbook of Physical Anthropology Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 0038-0377 0973-5070 0096-848X 0044-2666 0.278 0.121 1.286 0.222 0.121 3.5. Asuntos Sociales. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Título de la Revista Addiction Research & Theory American Journal of Bioethics Australian Journal of Social Issues Bulletin of the Atomic Scientist Bioethics Columbia Journal of the Law and Social Problems Commentary Critical Social Policy Death Studies Dissent Drustvena Istrazivanja Dve Domovini-Two Homelands Futurist Human Rights Quarterly Issues in Science and Technology Journal of Bioethical Inquiry Journal of European Social Policy Journal of Gender Studies Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Journal of Medical Ethics Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation Journal of Social Issues Journal of Social Policy Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly Politics & Society Race & Class Revija za Socijalnu Politiku South European Society and Politics Science, Technology & Human Values Social Policy & Administration Social Politics Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics Youth & Society Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science ISSN 1606-6359 1526-5161 0157-6321 0096-3402 0269-9702 0010-1923 0010-2601 0261-0183 0748-1187 0012-3846 1330-0288 0353-6777 0016-3317 0275-0392 0748-5492 1176-7529 0958-9287 0958-9236 0361-6878 0306-6800 1053-0487 0022-4537 0047-2794 1054-6863 0899-7640 0032-3292 0306-3968 1330-2965 1360-8746 0162-2439 0144-5596 1072-4745 1386-7415 0044-118X 0591-2385 Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0.626 4.000 0.300 0.491 1.136 0.056 0.099 1.333 0.831 0.500 0.065 0.333 0.240 0.779 0.562 0.357 1.192 0.452 1.241 1.206 1.380 1.766 1.034 0.667 0.701 1.487 0.750 0.170 0.333 1.902 0.857 0.825 0.698 1.000 0.215 0.967 3.674 0.355 0.483 1.625 0.195 0.131 1.634 1.161 0.303 0.118 0.183 1.000 0.544 1.710 0.511 1.439 1.380 2.351 2.559 1.419 1.058 1.039 1.436 0.814 2.504 1.148 1.978 0.952 2.038 0.259 15 3.6. Ciencias de la Información y Bibliotecología. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Título de la Revista African Journal of Library Archives and Information Science Annual Review of Information Science and Technology Aslib Proceedings Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science / Revue canadienne des sciences de l’information et de bibliothéconomie College & Research Libraries Econtent Esectronic Library Government Information Quarterly Health Information and Libraries Journal Information & Management Information Processing & Management Information Research: An International Electronic Journal Information Society Information Systems Journal Information System Research Information Technology and Libraries Information Technology & Management International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning International Journal of Geographical Informational Science International Journal of Information Management Interlending & Document Supply Investigación Bibliotecológica Journal of Academic Librarianship Journal of the American Medical Informatics Associations Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology Journal of the Association for Information Systems Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Journal of Documentation Journal of Global Information Management Journal of Health Communication Journal of Information Science Journal of Information Technology Journal of Informetrics ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0795-4778 0.129 0066-4200 0001-253X 2.929 0.595 3.030 0.582 1195-096X 0.000 0.200 0010-0870 1525-2531 0264-0473 0740-624X 1471-1834 0378-7206 0306-4573 0.855 0.079 0.544 2.098 1.521 2.282 1.783 1.087 0.139 0.509 2.255 1368-1613 0.490 1.108 0197-2243 1350-1917 1047-7047 0730-9295 1385-951X 1.111 1.419 1.792 0.618 1.222 1.726 2.511 4.893 0.696 1556-1607 2.692 3.655 1365-8816 1.533 2.303 0268-4012 0264-1615 0187-358X 0099-1333 0.723 0.403 0.125 1.000 1.243 0.391 1067-5027 3.974 5.199 1532-2882 2.300 2.480 1536-9323 1083-6101 0022-0418 1062-7375 1081-0730 0165-5515 0268-3962 1751-1577 2.246 3.639 1.405 0.706 1.344 1.706 2.049 3.379 4.297 2.106 0.925 1.601 2.434 1.996 2.664 3.379 16 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Journal of Librarianship and Information Science Journal of Management Information Systems Journal of the Medical Library Association Journal of Scholary Publishing Knowledge Organization Law Journal Library Learned Publishing Library Collections Acquisitions & Technical Services Library Hi Tech Library and Information Science Library & Information Science Research Library Journal Library Quarterly Library Resources & Technical Services Library Trends Libri Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science MIS Quarterly Online Online Information Review Portal: Libraries and the Academy Profesional de la Información Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems Reference & User Services Quarterly Research Evaluation Scientist Scientometrics Serials Review Social Sciences Computer Review Social Sciences Information Telecommunications Policy Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie 0961-0006 0742-1222 1536-5050 1198-9742 0943-7444 0023-9283 0953-1513 1464-9055 0737-8831 0373-4447 0740-8188 0363-0277 0024-2519 0024-2527 0024-2594 0024-2667 1394-6234 0276-7783 0146-5422 1468-4527 1531-2542 1386-6710 0033-0337 1094-9054 0958-2029 0890-3670 0138-9130 0098-7913 0894-4393 0539-0184 0308-5961 0044-2380 0.581 2.098 0.889 0.237 0.552 0.385 0.722 0.429 0.272 0.125 1.236 0.343 0.857 0.444 0.393 0.160 0.533 4.485 0.300 1.423 0.896 0.478 0.385 0.533 0.963 0.310 2.167 0.952 0.635 0.604 0.969 0.040 0.617 3.215 1.369 0.181 0.614 0.442 0.497 0.496 0.129 1.418 0.322 0.854 0.613 0.566 0.376 9.208 0.355 1.111 1.086 0.349 0.507 1.160 0.272 2.793 1.068 0.783 1.418 0.051 3.7. Ciencias Políticas. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 Título de la Revista Acta Politica African Affairs American Journal of Political Science American Politics Research American Political Sciecnes Review Annals of the American Accademy of Political and Social Science ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0001-6810 0001-9909 0092-5853 1532-673X 0003-0554 0.921 1.660 2.554 0.676 3.207 1.779 3.793 1.060 4.194 0002-7162 1.014 1.719 17 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Annual Review of Political Science Armed Forces Society Australian Journal of Political Science British Journal of Political Science Canadian Journal of Political Science Chinese Law & Government Commentary Communist and Post-Communist Studies Comparative Politics Comparative Political Studies Cooperation and Conflict Current History Dissent East European Politics and Societies Electoral Studies Environmental Politics European History Quarterly European Journal of Political Research European Union Politics Europe-Asia Studies Forum:A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics Geopolitics Global Environmental Politics Government and Opposition Governance: An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory Human Rights Quality Independent Review International Journal of Press-Politics International Political Science Review Internatsjonal Politikk Internationale Politik International Studies Quarterly Issues & Studies Journal of Australian Political Economy Journal of Conflict Resolution Journal of Democracy Journal of International Relations and Development Journal of Peace Research Journal of Politics Journal of Political Philosophy Journal of Strategic Studies 1094-2939 0095-327X 1036-1146 0007-1234 0008-4239 0009-4609 0010-2601 0967-067X 0010-4159 0010-4140 0010-8367 0011-3530 0012-3846 0888-3254 0261-3794 0964-4016 0265-6914 0304-4130 1465-1165 0966-8136 2.619 0.762 0.402 1.472 0.500 0.094 0.099 0.456 0.646 1.455 0.500 0.226 0.500 0.678 1.133 1.145 0.158 1.518 1.979 0.634 3.206 1.021 0.433 1.815 0.468 0.051 0.131 0.551 1.059 1.908 1540-8884 0.286 1465-0045 1526-3800 0017-257X 0.803 1.302 0.714 1.167 0952-1895 1.646 2.240 1081-180X 1.167 1.627 1465-4466 0.464 0275-0392 1086-1653 1940-1612 0192-5121 0020-577X 1430-175X 0020-8833 1013-2511 0156-5826 0022-0027 1045-5736 1408-6980 0022-3433 0022-3816 0963-8016 0140-2390 0.779 0.239 0.833 0.592 0.111 0.033 1.625 0.167 0.548 1.507 1.317 0.733 2.468 1.805 1.000 0.422 0.368 0.303 0.822 1.551 1.448 0.261 2.689 2.250 0.770 1.000 0.833 0.936 0.065 0.031 2.459 0.321 3.015 1.299 2.677 2.269 1.397 0.460 18 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Journal of Theoretical Politics Journal of Women Politics & Policy JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies Japanese Journal of Political Science Latin American Perspectives Latin American Politics and Society Legislative Studies Quarterly Local Government Studies Mediterranean Politics Monthly Review: An Independent Socialist Magazine Nation New Left Review New Political Economy New Republic Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft Osteuropa Parlamentary Affairs Party Politics Pensee Philippine Political Science Journal Policy and Politics Policy Review Policy Studies Journal Political Analysis Political Behavior Political Communication Politicka Ekonomie Political Geography Política y Gobierno Political Psychology Political Quarterly Political Research Quarterly Political Science Political Science Quarterly Politics & Society Political Studies Political Theory Politische Vierteljahresschrift Politikon Post-Soviet Affairs Problems of Post-Communism PS: Political Science & Politics Public Choice Public Opinion Quarterly Publius: The Journal of Federalism Quarterly Journal of Political Science 0951-6298 1554-477X 0021-9886 1468-1099 0094-582X 1531-426X 0362-9805 0300-3930 1362-9395 0027-0520 0027-8378 0028-6060 1356-3467 0028-6583 1615-5548 0030-6428 0031-2290 1354-0688 0031-4773 0115-4451 0305-5736 0146-5945 0190-292X 1047-1987 0190-9320 1058-4609 0032-3233 0962-6298 1665-2037 0162-895X 0032-3179 1065-9129 0032-3187 0032-3195 0032-3292 0032-3217 0090-5917 0032-3470 0258-9346 1060-586X 1075-8216 1049-0965 0048-5829 0033-362X 0048-5950 1554-0626 0.829 0.056 1.316 0.441 0.361 0.887 0.750 0.686 0.677 0.467 0.463 1.400 0.796 0.417 0.140 0.151 0.565 0.769 0.030 0.222 0.623 0.228 0.616 3.756 0.867 1.282 0.500 2.267 0.429 1.369 0.483 0.915 0.080 0.524 1.487 0.855 0.586 0.820 0.216 0.400 0.368 0.605 0.750 1.588 0.852 1.171 1.010 0.085 1.646 0.341 0.898 0.983 0.619 0.391 0.431 1.516 1.087 0.146 0.151 0.490 1.019 0.022 0.866 0.263 1.157 4.083 1.447 2.018 0.310 2.729 0.565 2.392 0.417 1.219 0.183 0.833 1.436 1.028 0.817 0.798 0.736 0.486 0.660 0.904 3.301 0.865 1.780 19 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 Revista Brasileira de Politica Internacional Revista de Ciencia Politica Revue d'économie politique Review of International Political Economy Russian Politics and Law South European Society and Politics Scandinavian Political Studies Scottish Journal of Political Economy State Politics & Policy Quarterly Studies in American Political Development Studies in Comparative International Development Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Survival Swiss Political Science Review SWS-Rundschau Terrorism and Political Violence West European Politics 0034-7329 0716-1417 0373-2630 0969-2290 1061-1940 1360-8746 0080-6757 0036-9292 1532-4400 0898-588X 0039-3606 1057-610X 0039-6338 1424-7755 1013-1469 0954-6553 0140-2382 0.081 0.382 0.169 1.288 0.000 0.333 2.186 0.522 1.122 0.200 0.906 0.549 0.529 0.471 0.095 1.075 1.469 1.866 0.014 1.644 0.709 0.360 1.813 0.973 1.433 1.417 3.8. Ciencias Sociales. 3.8.1. Ciencias Sociales Biomédicas. Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) N° Título de la Revista ISSN 1 2 Acta Bioethica AIDS and Behavior AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-Medical aspectos of AIDS/HIV American Journal of Bioethics Bioethics Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Culture Health & Sexuality Culture Medicine & Psychiatry Death Studies Evolution and Human Behavior Hasting Center Report Health Health Risk & Society Human Nature: An Interdisciplinary Biosocial Perspective International Family Planning Perspectives International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 0717-5906 1090-7165 0.021 3.038 3.382 0954-0121 1.684 2.207 1526-5161 0269-9702 0963-1801 1369-1058 0165-005X 0748-1187 1090-5138 0093-0334 1363-4593 1369-8575 4.000 1.136 0.738 1.068 0.755 0.831 3.594 1.539 1.320 1.328 3.674 1.625 0.863 1.603 1.245 1.161 4.171 1.684 1.785 1.588 1045-6767 1.600 2.571 0190-3187 1.429 2.699 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1944-0391 1176-7529 0.357 20 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Journal of Biosocial Science Journal of Clincal Ethics Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Healthcare Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law Journal of Legal Medicine Journal of Medical Ethics Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Medical Anthropology Medical Anthropology Quarterly New Genetics and Society Omega: Journal of Death and Dying Psycho-Oncology Revista Romana de Bioetica Social Science & Medicine Sociology of Health & Illness Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 0021-9320 1046-7890 1.261 0.221 1.308 0.352 1471-1893 1.047 0.986 0361-6878 0194-7648 0306-6800 0360-5310 0145-9740 0745-5194 1463-6778 0030-2228 1057-9249 1583-5170 0277-9536 0141-9889 1386-7415 1.241 0.262 1.206 0.735 0.962 0.949 0.682 0.554 2.684 0.480 2.710 2.041 0.698 1.439 0.519 1.380 1.195 1.442 1.000 0.564 3.677 3.615 2.598 0.952 3.8.2. Ciencias Sociales, General. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Título de la Revista Accident Analysis and Prevention Actes de la Recherche en Sciences Sociales Adaptative Behavior American Behavioral Scientist American Journal of Evaluation Andamios Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science Archives of Sexual Behavior Child Indicators Research Childhood: A Global Journal of Child Research Continuity and Change Crime, Law and Social Change Critical Review Critical Social Policy Cross-Cultural Research Cultural Studies Dados: Revista de Ciencias Sociais Daedalus Disability & Society European Integration Online Papers(EIoP) Evaluation and Program Planning ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0001-4575 0335-5322 1059-7123 0002-7642 1098-2140 1870-0063 1.647 0.148 1.911 0.705 0.942 0.000 2.167 0002-7162 0004-0002 1874-897X 0907-5682 0268-4160 0925-4994 0891-3811 0261-0183 1069-3971 0950-2386 0011-5258 0011-5266 0968-7599 1027-5193 0149-7189 1.014 3.239 0.263 0.370 0.406 0.439 0.182 1.333 1.098 0.684 0.125 0.082 0.762 0.083 0.888 1.719 3.425 0.263 1.008 0.338 0.776 0.450 1.634 1.084 0.965 0.229 0.357 1.038 2.106 1.094 1.349 0.985 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Evaluation Review Field Methods Future of Children GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies Group Decision and Negotiation Human Organization Human Relations International Journal of Intercultural Relations Interdisciplinary Science Review Journal of Black Studies Journal of Consciousness Studies Journal of Eastern African Studies Journal of East Asian Studies Journal of Gender Studies Journal of Homosexuality Journal of Risk Research Journal of Safety Research Journal of Sex Research JASSS: The Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation Minerva Negotiation Journal New Left Review Patient Education and Counseling Policy Sciences Public Opinion Quarterly Qualitative Inquiry Quality & Quantity Race & Class Science & Society Sciences Sociales et Sante Social Indicators Research Social & Legal Studies Social Philosophy & Policy Social Science Computer Review Social Science Information Social Science Journal Social Science Japan Journal Social Science Quarterly Society Space Policy Systems Research and Behavioral Science Theory Culture & Society Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning Time & Society Trames: Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences 0193-841X 1525-822X 1054-8289 1064-2684 0926-2644 0018-7259 0018-7267 0147-1767 0308-0188 0021-9347 1355-8250 1753-1055 1598-2408 0958-9236 0091-8369 1366-9877 0022-4375 0022-4499 1.160 1.093 2.114 0.404 0.783 0.474 1.637 0.897 0.309 0.309 0.794 0.741 0.655 0.452 0.286 0.569 1.340 1.060 1.370 1460-7425 0026-4695 0748-4526 0028-6060 0738-3991 0032-2687 0033-362X 1077-8004 0033-5177 0306-3968 0036-8237 0294-0337 0303-8300 0964-6639 0265-0525 0894-4393 0539-0184 0362-3319 1369-1465 0038-4941 0147-2011 0265-9646 1092-7026 0263-2764 0040-716X 0961-463X 1406-0922 1.234 0.604 0.725 1.400 1.975 0.727 1.588 1.300 0.679 0.750 0.323 0.250 0.835 0.518 0.346 0.635 0.604 0.253 0.087 0.647 0.155 1.707 0.415 1.015 0.333 0.861 0.132 1.552 0.627 0.772 1.516 2.415 1.286 3.301 1.281 0.663 0.814 0.648 0.409 1.264 0.726 0.442 1.068 0.783 0.333 5.388 0.624 1.301 0.753 2.034 1.526 0.345 0.397 1.079 0.741 0.511 0.749 0.987 1.617 2.337 1.363 0.197 1.454 0.675 1.090 0.212 1.389 22 67 68 Travail Genre et Societes Youth & Society 1294-6303 0044-118X 0.346 1.000 2.038 3.8.3. Ciencias Sociales, Métodos Matemáticos. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Título de la Revista Applied Psychological Measurement Astin Bulletin Econometrics Journal Econometric Reviews Econometric Theory Econometrica Empirical Economics Finance and Stochastics Insurance Mathematics & Economics International Journal of Game Theory Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Journal of Econometrics Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal of Mathematical Psychology Journal of Mathematical Sociology Journal of Productivity Analysis Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society Jahrbucher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik Mathematical Finance Mathematical Population Studies Mathematical Social Sciences Multivariate Behavioral Research Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics Psychometrika QME: Quantitative Marketing and Economics Quantitative Finance Review of Economics and Statistics Risk Analysis Social Choice and Welfare Sociological Methods & Research Sociological Theory and Methods Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0146-6216 0515-0361 1368-4221 0747-4938 0266-4666 0012-9682 0377-7332 0949-2984 0167-6687 0020-7276 0883-7252 0735-0015 0304-4076 1076-9986 0304-4068 0022-2496 0022-250X 0895-562X 0.714 0.731 0.733 1.745 0.743 4.000 0.579 1.240 0.960 0.527 1.635 1.562 1.902 1.053 0.471 1.296 0.720 0.806 1.093 0964-1998 1.690 2.154 0021-4027 0960-1627 0889-8480 0165-4896 0027-3171 0305-9049 0033-3123 1570-7156 1469-7688 0034-6535 0272-4332 0176-1714 0049-1241 0913-1442 0.254 1.214 0.308 0.426 2.328 1.092 1.205 1.200 0.621 2.555 1.953 0.683 1.850 0.000 0.249 1.837 1070-5511 3.153 5.113 1081-1826 0.857 0.993 1.536 5.321 1.920 1.268 0.674 2.185 2.565 2.683 2.200 0.640 1.729 0.836 1.102 0.484 3.691 1.541 1.537 1.241 4.044 2.474 0.810 3.596 0.056 23 36 37 38 Survey Methodology System Dynamics Review Theory and Decision 0714-0045 0883-7066 0040-5833 0.302 0.738 0.641 1.011 0.639 3.9. Comunicación. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Título de la Revista Communication Monographs Communication Research Communication Theory Comunicar Critical Studies in Media Communication Cyberpsychology & Behavior Discourse & Communication Discourse & Society Discourse Studies Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture European Journal of Communication Harvard International Journal of Press-Politics Health Communication Humman Communication Research IEEE Transactions on Proffesional Communication International Journal of Advertising International Journal of Conflict Management International Journal of Press-Politics International Journal of Public Opinion Research Interaction Studies Journal of Advertising Journal of Advertising Research Journal of Applied Communication Research Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media Journal of Business and Technical Communication Journal of Communication Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication Journal of Health Communication Journal of Language and Social Psychology Journal of Mass Communication Quarterly Journal of Media Economics Journal of Social and Persolan Relationships Javnost - The Public Language & Communication Management Communication Quarterly ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0363-7751 0093-6502 1050-3293 1134-3478 1529-5036 1094-9313 1750-4813 0957-9265 1461-4456 1.180 1.354 1.208 0.022 0.333 1.591 0.688 1.300 1.016 1.966 2.324 2.376 1752-4032 0.185 0.222 0267-3231 1081-180X 1041-0236 0360-3989 0361-1434 0265-0487 1044-4068 1940-1612 0954-2892 1572-0373 0091-3367 0021-8499 0090-9882 0883-8151 1050-6519 0021-9916 1083-6101 1081-0730 0261-927X 1077-6990 0899-7764 0265-4075 1318-3222 0271-5309 0893-3189 0.700 1.167 1.277 2.200 0.804 1.091 0.389 0.833 0.846 0.776 1.165 0.800 0.933 0.449 0.545 2.415 3.639 1.344 0.519 0.362 0.429 0.969 0.180 0.791 0.848 1.356 1.627 1.601 2.482 1.125 0.712 2.472 0.813 1.623 1.575 0.975 0.833 1.136 2.154 1.050 1.147 1.167 0.573 2.765 2.434 0.920 1.157 0.769 1.438 0.262 1.112 24 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Media Culture & Society Media International Australia Media Psychology Narrative Inquiry New Media & Society Personal Relationships Political Communication Public Culture Public Opinion Quarterly Public Relations Review Public Understating of Science Quarterly Journal of Speech Research on Language and Social Interaction Science Communication Technical Communication Telecommunications Policy Text & Talk Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap Translator Written Communication 0163-4437 1329-878X 1521-3269 1387-6740 1461-4448 1350-4126 1058-4609 0899-2363 0033-362X 0363-8111 0963-6625 0033-5630 0835-1813 1075-5470 0049-3155 0308-5961 1860-7330 1384-6930 1355-6509 0741-0883 0.741 0.153 1.321 0.714 1.326 1.385 1.282 0.850 1.588 0.628 1.981 0.395 0.903 1.054 1.064 0.969 0.635 0.026 0.107 0.633 1.186 1.725 1.533 1.817 1.917 2.018 1.435 3.301 0.663 2.124 0.593 1.153 1.745 1.455 1.418 0.811 1.064 3.10. Criminología. N° Título de la Revista 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Aggresion and Violent Behavior Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology British Journal of Criminology Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice Criminal Justice Behavior Criminal Law Review Crime & Delinquency Crime and Justice: A Review of Research Crime Law and Social Change Criminololgy Deviance et Societe Homicide Studies International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Journal of Criminal Justice Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology 14 15 16 17 18 ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 1359-1789 0004-8658 0007-0955 1707-7753 0093-8548 0011-135X 0011-1287 0192-3234 0925-4994 0011-1384 0378-7931 1088-7679 1756-0616 1.655 0.543 1.068 0.205 1.690 0.477 1.542 1.387 0.439 2.603 0.333 1.231 0.278 2.415 0.560 1.511 0.411 1.877 0.374 1.927 2.031 0.776 4.233 0306-624X 1748-8885 0047-2352 0091-4169 1478-9949 1.092 0.750 0.796 0.717 0.676 1.228 0.333 1.048 1.151 1.000 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Journal of Interpersonal Violence Journal of Quantitative Criminology Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency Justice Quarterly Kriminalistik Legal and Criminological Psychology Policing Prison Journal Psychiatry, Psychology and Law Psychology, Crime and Law Punishment & Society Recht & Psychiatrie Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment Social & Legal Studies Theoretical Criminology Trauma Violence & Abuse 1522-8932 0886-2605 0748-4518 0022-4278 0741-8825 0023-4699 1355-3259 1363-951X 0032-8855 1321-8719 1068-316X 1462-4745 0724-2247 1079-0632 0964-6639 1362-4806 1524-8380 0.295 1.332 1.486 2.030 1.189 0.067 0.511 0.479 0.533 0.527 0.771 0.528 0.412 2.208 0.518 1.293 2.537 2.167 2.393 2.917 2.118 0.059 0.748 0.569 0.770 1.237 1.174 2.698 0.726 1.990 3.11. Cuidados (Nursing). N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Título de la Revista Advances in Nursing Science American Journal of Nursing Applied Nursing Research Archives of Psychiatric Nursing Assistenza Infermieristica e Ricerca Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing Australian Journal of Rural Health Bariatric Nursing and Surgical Patient Care Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care Cancer Nursing CIN: Computing, Informatics, Nursing Clinical Nurse Specialist Contemporary Nurse Critical Care Nurse European Journal of Oncology Nursing Gastroenterology Nursing Geriatric Nursing International Journal of Nursing Studies International Journal of Urological Nursing International Nursing Review Journal of Addictions Nursing Journal of Advanced Nursing ISSN 0161-9268 0002-936X 0897-1897 0883-9417 1592-5986 0813-0531 1038-5282 1557-1459 0730-7659 0162-220X 1538-2931 0887-6274 1037-6178 0279-5442 1462-3889 1042-895X 0197-4572 0020-7489 1749-7701 0020-8132 1088-4602 0309-2402 Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 1.414 0.685 0.871 0.897 0.205 0.593 0.786 0.911 1.919 1.878 0.953 0.737 0.497 1.031 1.126 0.465 0.789 1.910 0.424 0.693 0.171 1.518 1.628 0.880 1.327 1.054 2.602 2.097 1.275 2.080 0.556 2.153 0.424 2.296 26 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners JANAC: Journal of the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing Journal of Clinical Nursing Journal of Community Health Nursing Journal of Emergency Nursing Journal of Family Nursing Journal of Gerontological Nursing Journal of Midwifery & Women's Health Journal of Nursing Administration Journal of Nursing Care Quality Journal of Nursing Education Journal of Nursing Scholarship Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing Journal of Perinatal & Neonatal Nursing Journal of Professional Nursing Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services Journal for Specialists in Pediatric Nursing Journal of Transcultural Nursing Journal of Wound Ostomy and Continence Nursing JOGNN: Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologin and Neonatal Nursing Japan Journal of Nursing Science MCN:The American Journal of Maternal-Child Nursing Midwifery Nursing Clinics of North America Nursing Economics Nurse Educator Nurse Education Today Nursign Ethics Nursing & Health Sciences Nursing History Review Nursing Inquiry Nursing Outlook Nursing Research Nursing Science Quarterly Oncology Nursing Forum Orthopaedic Nursing Pain Management Nursing Perspectives in Psychiatric Care Public Health Nursing Rehabilitation Nursing 1041-2972 0.907 1055-3290 0.957 0889-4655 0962-1067 0737-0016 0099-1767 1074-8407 0098-9134 1526-9523 0002-0443 1057-3631 0148-4834 1527-6546 1043-4542 0893-2190 8755-7223 1351-0126 1.533 1.194 0.559 0.359 1.250 0.815 1.127 1.150 0.943 0.867 1.459 1.029 0.824 0.755 1.063 0279-3695 0.707 1539-0136 1043-6596 1071-5754 0.500 0.953 1.173 0884-2175 0.952 1742-7932 0361-929X 0266-6138 0029-6465 0746-1739 0363-3624 0260-6917 0969-7330 1441-0745 1062-8061 1320-7881 0029-6554 0029-6562 0894-3184 0190-535X 0744-6020 1524-9042 0031-5990 0737-1209 0278-4807 0.333 0.793 1.163 0.634 0.798 0.487 0.907 1.075 0.820 0.706 0.691 1.541 1.798 1.215 1.907 0.573 1.306 1.000 0.813 0.667 1.109 1.698 1.228 1.575 1.305 1.185 1.811 0.902 1.173 1.411 1.505 0.712 1.151 1.572 1.332 0.478 1.508 2.216 1.375 2.288 1.195 1.041 27 65 66 67 68 69 70 Research in Nursing Health Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP Revista Latino-Americana de Enfermagem Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences Western Journal of Nursing Research Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing 0160-6891 0080-6234 0104-1169 0283-9318 0193-9459 1545-102X 1.514 0.386 0.608 0.686 1.090 1.944 1.935 1.296 1.475 3.12. Demografía. N° Título de la Revista ISSN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Asian and Pacific Migration Journal Demographic Research Demography European Journal of Migration and Law European Journal of Population International Family Planning Perspectives International Migration International Migration Review International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Journal of Biosocial Science Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Journal of Population Economics Journal of Refugee Studies Mathematical Population Studies Papeles de la Población Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Population Studies: A Journal of Demography Pupulation Bulletin Pupulation and Development Review Population and Environment Population Research and Policy Review Population Space and Place Population Studies in Family Planning 0117-1968 1435-9871 0070-3370 1388-364X 0168-6577 0190-3187 0020-7985 0197-9183 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0.386 1.307 2.391 0.387 1.281 1.429 0.419 1.429 3.869 0.532 1.870 2.699 1.042 2.249 1944-0391 0021-9320 1369-183X 0933-1433 0951-6328 0889-8480 1405-7425 1538-6341 0032-4728 0032-468X 0098-7921 0199-0039 0167-5923 1544-8444 0032-4663 0039-3665 1.261 0.904 0.857 0.849 0.308 0.061 2.220 1.641 1.077 1.588 0.879 0.718 1.386 0.542 1.980 1.308 1.262 1.144 3.975 1.942 2.000 2.230 1.222 1.263 0.626 2.209 28 3.13. Economía. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Título de la Revista Acta Oeconomica Agricultural Economics Agricultural Economics-Zemedelska Ekonomika American Economic Review American Journal of Agricultural Economics American Journal of Econocmics and Sociology Annals of Economics and Finance Annual Review of Economics Annual Review of Resource Economics Applied Economics Applied Economics Letters Asian Economic Journal Asian Economic Policy Review Asian-Pacific Economic Literature Astin Bulletin Australian Economic History Review Australian Economic Papers Australian Economic Review Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies Baltic Journal of Economics B E Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy B E Journal of Macroeconomics B E Journal of Theoretical Economics Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Cambridge Journal of Economics Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics/Revue canadienne d'agroeconomie Canadian Journal of Economics/Revue canadienne d'économique Cepal Review CESifo Economic Studies China Economic Review China & World Economy Contemporary Economic Policy Defense and Peace Economics Developing Economies Eastern European Economics Ecological Economics Economía Chilena ISSN Factor Factor de de Impacto Impacto (5 años) 0001-6373 0169-5150 0139-570X 0002-8282 0002-9092 0002-9246 1529-7373 1941-1383 1941-1340 0003-6846 1350-4851 1351-3958 1832-8105 0818-9935 0515-0361 0004-8992 0004-900X 0004-9018 0.115 0.673 0.716 2.531 1.047 0.282 0.243 0.404 0.241 0.400 1.042 0.615 0.731 0.308 0.373 0.200 0.845 0.481 1364-985X 1.055 1.244 0007-4918 ****-**** 1935-1682 1935-1690 1935-1704 0007-2303 0309-166X 0.613 0.000 0.470 0.343 0.390 2.107 0.837 0.915 0008-3976 0.552 0.787 0008-4085 0.582 0.909 0251-2920 1610-241X 1043-951X 1671-2234 1074-3529 1024-2694 0012-1533 0012-8775 0921-8009 0717-3830 0.316 0.565 1.066 0.424 0.659 0.380 0.125 0.189 2.422 0.026 0.983 4.009 1.642 0.381 3.000 1.102 1.448 0.835 0.617 0.290 0.385 2.858 29 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Economic Development and Cultural Change Economic Development Quarterly Economics Education Review Economic Geography Economic History Review Economics & Human Biology Economic Inquiry Economic Journal Econ Journal Watch Economics Letters Economic Modeling Economics and Philosophy Economic Policy Economia Politica Economic Record Economy and Society Economic Theory Economics of Transition Econometrics Journal Econometric Reviews Econometric Theory Econometrica Economica Economist-Netherlands Ekonomický časopis Ekonomska Istrazivanja-Economic Research Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Empirical Economics Energy Economics Energy Journal Environmental and Resource Economics European Economic Review European Journal of Health Economics European Journal of the History of Economic Thought European Review of Agricultural Economics European Review of Economic History Europe Asia Studies Experimental Economics Explorations in Economic History Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review Feminist Economics FinanzArchiv Fiscal Studies Food Policy Futures Games and Economic Behavior 0013-0079 0891-2424 0272-7757 0013-0095 0013-0117 1570-677X 0095-2583 0013-0133 1933-527X 0165-1765 0264-9993 0266-2671 0266-4658 1120-2890 0013-0249 0308-5147 0938-2259 0967-0750 1368-4221 0747-4938 0266-4666 0012-9682 0013-0427 0013-063X 0013-3035 1331-677X 1540-496X 0377-7332 0140-9883 0195-6574 0924-6460 0014-2921 1618-7598 0967-2567 0165-1587 1361-4916 0966-8136 1386-4157 0014-4983 0014-9187 1354-5701 0015-2218 0143-5671 0306-9192 0016-3287 0899-8256 0.863 0.633 0.763 3.452 0.885 2.016 0.962 1.902 1.069 0.359 0.588 0.595 2.375 0.914 0.582 1.527 0.727 0.774 0.733 1.745 0.743 4.000 1.185 0.390 0.237 0.036 0.338 0.579 2.333 1.857 1.314 1.131 1.337 0.196 0.860 0.828 0.634 3.300 0.576 0.481 1.205 0.135 0.378 1.606 0.669 1.239 1.600 0.862 1.120 3.075 1.080 1.063 2.835 0.582 0.674 0.795 3.211 0.867 2.553 0.959 1.404 1.536 5.321 1.255 0.457 0.193 0.467 2.673 2.186 1.718 1.876 1.885 0.770 3.272 0.721 0.993 1.663 0.856 2.044 1.088 1.869 30 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 German Economic Review Hacienda Pública Española Health Economics History of Political Economy Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics IMF Staff Papers Industrial and Corporate Change Independent Review Information Economics and Policy Insurance: Mathematics and Economics International Economic Review International Finance International Journal of Forecasting International Journal of Game Theory International Journal of Industrial Organization International Journal of Transport Economics International Review of Law and Economics International Tax and Public Finance Investigación Económica Investigaciones Económicas Journal of Accounting and Economics Journal of African Economies Journal of Acricultural Economics Journal of Agricultural and Resources Economics Journal of Agrarian Change Journal of Applied Economics Journal of Applied Econometrics Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy Journal of Australian Political Economy Journal of Banking & Finance Journal of Business Economics and Management Journal of Business & Economic Statistics Journal of Comparative Economics Journal of Cultural Economics Journal of Develompent Economics Journal of Developmental Studies Journal of Economics Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control Journal of Economic Education Journal of Economic Geography Journal of Economic Growth Journal of Economic History Journal of Economic Issues Journal of Economic Literature Journal of Economic & Management Estrategy 1465-6485 0210-1173 1057-9230 0018-2702 0018-280X 1020-7635 0960-6491 1086-1653 0167-6245 0167-6687 0020-6598 1367-0271 0169-2070 0020-7276 0167-7187 0391-8440 0144-8188 0927-5940 0185-1667 0210-1521 0165-4101 0963-8024 0021-857X 1068-5502 1471-0358 1514-0326 0883-7252 1354-7860 0156-5826 0378-4266 1611-1699 0735-0015 0147-5967 0885-2545 0304-3878 0022-0388 0931-8658 0167-2681 0165-1889 0022-0485 1468-2702 1381-4338 0022-0507 0021-3624 0022-0515 1058-6407 0.681 0.375 2.011 0.293 0.080 0.510 1.513 0.239 0.745 0.960 1.030 0.556 1.064 0.527 0.924 0.146 0.556 0.735 0.091 0.370 2.605 0.698 1.155 0.474 2.000 0.200 0.125 0.204 0.548 1.908 2.015 1.562 1.360 0.906 1.791 0.899 0.592 1.081 1.097 0.145 3.937 3.083 0.691 0.700 6.919 1.239 2.796 0.145 1.118 2.446 1.037 1.268 1.804 2.083 0.674 1.411 0.698 0.994 3.931 0.886 1.493 0.827 0.297 2.200 2.565 1.880 2.254 1.245 0.753 1.561 1.289 0.285 4.705 4.967 1.058 0.686 8.922 1.343 31 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 Journal of Economic Perspectives Journal of Economic Policy Reform Journal of Economic Psychology Journal of Economic Surveys Journal of Economic Theory Journal of Econometrics Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Journal of the European Economic Association Journal of Evolutionary Economics Journal of Financial Economics Journal of Financial Econometrics Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Forest Economics Journal of Health Economics Journal of Housing Economics Journal of Human Resources Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics Journal of International Economics Journal of International Trade & Economic Development Journal of the Japanese and the International Economies Journal of Korea Trade Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Law and Economics Journal of Law, Economics and Organization Journal of Macroeconomics Journal of Mathematical Economics Journal of Media Economics Journal of Monetary Economics Journal of Meoney, Credit and Banking Journal of Policy Analysis and Management Journal of Policy Modeling Journal of Political Economy Journal of Population Economics Journal of Post Keynesian Economics Journal of Productive Analysis Journal of Public Economies Journal of Public Economic Theory Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Journal of Real Estate Research Journal of Regional Science Journal of Regulatory Economics Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 0895-3309 1748-7870 0167-4870 0950-0804 0022-0531 0304-4076 0095-0696 1542-4766 0936-9937 0304-405X 1479-8409 0022-1090 1104-6899 0167-6296 1051-1377 0022-166X 0022-1821 0932-4569 0022-1996 3.557 0.244 1.473 1.228 1.092 1.902 2.581 1.425 0.947 4.020 0.897 1.603 1.100 1.885 0.946 1.877 1.111 0.368 2.271 0963-8199 0.309 0889-1583 0.368 1229-828X 0734-306X 0022-2186 8756-6222 0164-0704 0304-4068 0899-7764 0304-3932 0022-2879 0276-8739 0161-8938 0022-3808 0933-1433 0160-3477 0895-562X 0047-2727 1097-3923 0895-5638 0896-5803 0022-4146 0922-680X 0022-4367 0895-5646 0.537 1.511 1.643 1.961 0.372 0.471 0.429 1.755 1.194 1.545 0.763 3.841 0.857 0.333 0.806 1.236 0.500 0.659 0.585 1.132 0.768 0.612 1.519 5.380 0.244 1.670 1.664 1.547 2.683 2.967 1.467 5.675 2.259 2.877 1.138 2.559 1.802 0.615 2.988 0.601 2.644 2.430 2.452 0.586 0.640 0.769 2.514 2.043 1.819 0.924 6.924 1.144 0.537 1.102 2.150 0.907 1.544 1.158 0.895 1.984 32 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 Journal of Sports Economics Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Journal of Urban Economics Jahrbucher für Nationalokonomie und Statistik JCMS - Journal of Common Market Studies Japanese Economic Review Japan and the World Economy Kyklos Labour Economics Land Economics Macroeconomic Dynamics Manchester School Marine Resource Economics Mathematical Finance Tational Tax Journal New Political Economy Open Economies Review Oxford Bulletin of Economic and Statistics Oxford Economic Papers Oxford Review of Economic Policy Pacific Economic Review Pharmacoeconomics Politicka Ekonomie Portuguese Economic Journal Post-Communist Economies Post-Soviet Affairs Public Choice Quarterly Journal of Economy QME - Quantitative Marketing and Economics Quantitative Finance RAND Journal of Economics Real State Economics Regional Science and Urban Economics Resource and Energy Economics Review of Agricultural Economics Revista de Ciencias Sociales Review of Development Economics Revista de Economía Aplicada Review of Economic Dynamics Revista de Economía Mundial Revue d'économie politique< Review of Economics and Statistics Review of Economic Studies Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Revue d'études comparatives Est-Ouest Review of Income and Weakth 1527-0025 0022-5258 0094-1190 0021-4027 0021-9886 1352-4739 0922-1425 0023-5962 0927-5371 0023-7639 1365-1005 1463-6786 0738-1360 0960-1627 0028-0283 1356-3467 0923-7992 0305-9049 0030-7653 0266-903X 1361-374X 1170-7690 0032-3233 1617-982X 1463-1377 1060-586X 0048-5829 0033-5533 1570-7156 1469-7688 0741-6261 1080-8620 0166-0462 0928-7655 1058-7195 1315-9518 1363-6669 1133-455X 1094-2025 1576-0162 0373-2630 0034-6535 0034-6527 1750-6816 0338-0599 0034-6586 0.628 0.795 1.914 0.254 1.316 0.179 0.333 0.983 0.992 1.558 0.517 0.218 0.492 1.214 0.465 0.796 0.284 1.092 0.761 0.809 0.244 2.612 0.500 0.526 0.196 0.400 0.750 5.647 1.200 0.621 1.306 0.647 0.910 1.333 0.523 0.066 0.459 0.125 0.975 0.032 0.169 2.555 2.904 3.645 0.045 0.770 1.049 1.941 0.249 1.646 0.500 0.489 1.416 1.312 1.883 0.671 0.392 1.837 0.655 1.087 0.394 1.541 1.982 1.580 2.948 0.310 0.370 0.736 0.904 8.171 1.241 2.280 1.236 1.707 1.963 0.975 1.424 4.044 3.926 3.645 0.060 0.917 33 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 Review of Industrial Organization Review of International Political Economy Review of World Economics Romanian Journal of Economic Forecasting Souht African Journal of Economics South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences Scandinavian Journal of Economics Scottish Journal of Political Economy Singapore Economic Review Small Business Economics Social Choise and Welfare Southern Economic Journal Spanish Economic Review Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics Theory and Decision Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie Transformations in Business & Economics Trimestre Económico Value in Health Work, Employment and Society World Bank Economic Review World Bank Research Observer World Development World Economy Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u RijeciProceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics 0889-938X 0969-2290 1610-2878 1582-6163 0038-2280 0.441 1.288 0.524 0.620 0.248 1015-8812 0.082 0347-0520 0036-9292 0217-5908 0921-898X 0176-1714 0038-4038 1435-5469 1081-1826 0040-5833 0040-747X 1648-4460 0041-3011 1098-3015 0950-0170 0258-6770 0257-3032 0305-750X 0378-5920 0.558 0.522 0.224 1.380 0.683 0.588 0.667 0.857 0.641 0.717 1.205 0.203 3.032 1.348 1.766 1.474 1.225 1.159 1331-8004 0.185 ISSN Factor de Impacto 1.022 1.866 0.802 0.369 1.254 0.709 2.112 0.810 0.770 0.993 0.639 0.991 0.179 3.500 1.977 2.340 2.980 2.397 1.244 3.14. Educación. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Título de la Revista Academy of Management, Learning & Education Academic Psychiatric Adult Education Quarterly Advances in Health Sciences Education AIDS Education and Prevention AJIDD-American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities American Annals of the Deaf American Educational Research Journal American Journal of Education American Journal on Mental Retardation Annals of Dyslexia Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1537-260X 1042-9670 0741-7136 1382-4996 0899-9546 2.232 0.977 0.588 1.412 1.506 1.150 0.793 1.871 1.973 1944-7515 0002-726X 0002-8312 0195-6744 0895-8017 0736-9387 0.324 2.242 0.857 2.507 1.389 0.687 3.354 1.061 2.905 2.688 34 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Anthropology & Education Quarterly Applied Measurement in Education Asia Pacific Education Review Asia Pacific Journal of Education Asia-Pacific Education Researcher Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education Australian Educational Researcher Australian Journal of Education Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling Australasian Journal of Educational Technology British Educational Research Journal British Journal of Developmental Disabilities British Journal of Educational Studies British Journal of Educational Technology British Journal of Sociology of Education Cadmo Chemistry Education Research and Practice Chinese Education and Society Comparative Education Comparative Education Review Computers & Education Curriculum Inquiry Didactica Slovenica-Pedagoska Obzorja Dyslexia Early Childhood Research Quarterly Economics of Education Review Educational Administration Quarterly Education as Change Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis Educational Gerontology Educational Lidership Educational Policy Educational Research Educational Review Educational Studies Educational Technology & Society Education and Training in Drevelopmental Disabilities Education and Urban Society Egitim Arastirmalari-Eurasian Journal of Educational Research Egitim ve Bilim-Education and Science Elementary School Journal English in Australia English Teaching-Practice and Critique ETR&D-Educational Technology Research and Development 0161-7761 0895-7347 1598-1037 0218-8791 0119-5646 1359-866X 0311-6999 0004-9441 1037-2911 1449-3098 0141-1926 0969-7950 0007-1005 0007-1013 0142-5692 1122-5165 1109-4028 1061-1932 0305-0068 0010-4086 0360-1315 0362-6784 0353-1392 1076-9242 0885-2006 0272-7757 0013-161X 1682-3206 0162-3737 0360-1277 0013-1784 0895-9048 0013-1881 0013-1911 0305-5698 1436-4522 1547-0350 0013-1245 0.723 0.639 0.250 0.277 0.333 0.652 0.214 0.231 0.167 1.278 1.035 0.348 0.690 1.255 0.720 0.227 0.742 0.131 0.830 0.900 2.059 0.273 0.063 1.176 1.925 0.763 1.270 0.170 1.655 0.545 0.271 0.443 0.569 0.528 0.527 1.067 0.537 0.368 1.104 0.895 1302-597X 1300-1337 0013-5984 0046-208X 1175-8708 0.400 0.070 0.868 0.231 0.188 1.895 1042-1629 1.183 1.727 0.398 1.332 0.462 1.151 1.305 1.022 0.184 1.315 1.183 2.461 0.573 1.674 2.412 1.120 1.809 2.273 0.676 0.406 1.152 0.938 0.824 0.873 1.312 1.060 0.545 35 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 European Early Childhood Education Research Journal European Physical Education Review Exceptional Children Focus on Exceptional Children Foreing Language Annals Gender and Education Gifted Child Quarterly Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi DergisiHacettepe University Journal of Education Harvard Educational Review Health Education Journal Health Education Research High Ability Studies Higher Education Infants and Young Children Innovations in Education and Teaching International Instructional Science International Journal of Art and Design Education International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning International Journal of Educational Development International Journal of Science Education International Review of Research in Mental Retardation Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Interactive Learning Environments Intervention in School and Clinic Irish Educational Studies Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy Journal of American College Health Journal of College Student Development Journal of Computer Assisted Learning Journal of Curriculum Studies Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Journal of Early Intervention Journal of Economic Education Journal of Educational & Behavioral Statistics Journal of Education Policy Journal of Educational Research Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Journal of Engineering Education Journal of Experimental Education Journla of Fluency Disorders Journal of Geography in Higher Education Journal of Higher Education 1350-293X 1356-336X 0014-4029 0015-511X 0015-718X 0954-0253 0016-9862 0.404 0.825 2.367 0.000 0.378 0.731 0.326 1300-5340 0017-8055 0017-8969 0268-1153 1359-8139 0018-1560 0896-3746 1470-3297 0020-4277 1476-8062 0.181 0.702 0.792 2.146 1.286 0.856 0.411 0.900 1.341 0.190 1556-1607 0738-0593 0950-0693 2.692 0.877 1.047 3.655 0.851 1.614 0074-7750 1934-9491 1049-4820 1053-4512 0332-3315 1081-3004 0744-8481 0897-5264 0266-4909 0022-0272 1081-4159 1053-8151 0022-0485 1076-9986 0268-0939 0022-0671 1063-4266 1069-4730 0022-0973 0094-730X 0309-8265 0022-1546 0.500 1.131 0.973 0.270 0.306 0.670 1.381 0.867 1.313 0.653 1.375 1.103 0.145 1.053 0.987 0.689 1.676 2.317 1.000 2.188 0.782 1.460 0.500 1.180 1.135 0.420 3.628 0.225 0.577 1.108 0.635 1.689 2.668 0.937 1.448 0.823 0.857 2.311 0.264 0.616 2.284 1.193 2.060 1.038 1.304 0.285 2.200 1.295 1.224 2.210 3.809 1.410 2.425 1.036 1.831 36 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Journal of Learning Disabilities Journla of the Learning Sciences Journal of Legal Education Journal of Literacy Research Journal of Moral Education Journal of Philosophy of Education Journal of Positive Behavior Intevention Journal of Research in Mathematics Education Journal of Research in Reading Journal of Research in Science Teaching Journal of School Health Journal of Social Work Education Journal of Special Education Journal of Teacher Education Journal of Teaching in Physical Education KEDI Journal of Educational Policy Kuram ve Uygulamada Egitim Bilimleri Language Learning Language Learning & Technology Language Teaching Research Learning Disabilities Quarterly Learning and Instruction Minerva New Educational Review Odgojne Znanosti-Educational Sciences Oxford Review of Education Pedagogica Historica Perspectives in Education Phi Delta Kappan Physical Review Special Topics-Physics Education Research QUEST Reading Research Quarterly Reading Teacher Reading and Writing Remedial and Special Education Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Research in Developmental Disabilities Research in Higher Education Research in Science Education Research in the Teahing of English Review of Educational Research 1473-8376 0964-2633 1366-8250 0022-2194 1050-8406 0022-2208 1086-296X 0305-7240 0309-8249 1098-3007 0021-8251 0141-0423 0022-4308 0022-4391 1043-7797 0022-4669 0022-4871 0273-5024 1739-4341 1303-0485 0023-8333 1094-3501 1362-1688 0731-9487 0959-4752 0026-4695 1732-6729 1846-1204 0305-4985 0030-9230 0258-2236 0031-7217 0.225 1.601 1.043 1.412 1.767 0.151 0.724 0.855 0.444 1.784 1.270 1.137 1.910 1.953 0.745 1.794 1.429 0.684 0.192 0.222 0.984 2.531 0.659 0.903 2.372 0.604 0.064 0.022 0.691 0.253 0.387 0.226 1554-9178 0033-6297 0034-0553 0034-0561 0922-4777 0741-9325 1750-9467 0891-4222 0361-0365 0157-244X 0034-527X 0034-6543 1.237 0.494 1.622 0.516 0.823 0.780 2.267 4.410 0.903 1.088 0.320 3.326 2.018 1.370 2.296 5.114 0.203 0.819 0.849 0.644 2.859 1.524 1.523 2.805 2.210 1.130 2.151 1.385 0.942 1.738 3.575 1.154 3.088 0.627 0.898 0.407 0.384 1.719 0.742 1.960 0.566 1.179 2.278 3.489 1.643 1.131 0.731 5.726 37 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 Revista Española de Pedagogía Review of Higher Education Revista Lusofona de Educacao Review of Research in Education Russian Education and Society South African Journal of Education Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research School Effectiveness and School Improvement Science Education Scientific Studies of Reading Second Language Research Sociology of Education Sport, Education and Society Studies in Higher Education Teachers College Record Teaching in Higher Education Teaching of Psychology Teaching Sociology Teaching and Teacher Education Teoría de la Educación TESOL Quarterly Theory Into Practice Topics in Early Childhood Special Education Urban Education Volta Review Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft Zeitschrift fur Padagogik Zeitschrift fur Soziologie der Erziehung und 169 Sozialisation 0034-9461 0162-5748 1645-7250 0091-732X 1060-9393 0256-0100 0031-3831 0924-3453 0036-8326 1088-8438 0267-6583 0038-0407 1357-3322 0307-5079 0161-4681 1356-2517 0098-6283 0092-055X 0742-051X 1130-3743 0039-8322 0040-5841 0271-1214 0042-0859 0042-8639 1434-663X 0044-3247 0.245 1.545 0.114 1.889 0.032 0.308 0.400 0.659 1.625 2.000 1.281 1.438 0.625 0.929 0.744 0.686 0.400 0.582 0.977 0.190 0.942 0.338 0.812 0.786 0.417 0.339 0.377 1436-1957 0.280 1.398 0.037 1.150 2.800 3.284 1.924 2.818 1.178 1.601 1.221 0.913 0.435 0.599 1.415 1.563 0.704 1.448 0.859 0.380 3.15. Ergonomía. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Título de la Revista Accident Analysis and Prevention Applied Ergonomics Behaviour & Information Technology Ergonomics Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing Human Factors International Journal of Human - Computer Interaction Internationa Journal of Human - Computer Studies International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0001-4575 0003-6870 0144-929X 0014-0139 1090-8471 0018-7208 1.647 1.105 0.767 1.416 0.426 1.458 2.167 1.497 1.589 1.799 0.634 1.818 1044-7318 0.587 1.185 1071-5819 0169-8141 2.380 0.956 2.902 1.260 38 10 11 12 13 14 International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Interacting with Computers Journal of Safety Research New Technology Work and Employment Travail Humain 1080-3548 0.407 0953-5438 0022-4375 0268-1072 0041-1868 1.698 1.340 0.710 0.567 1.911 1.617 1.012 0.513 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 3.16. Estudios Ambientales. N° Título de la Revista ISSN Factor de Impacto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Annals of Regional Science Annual Review of Environmental Resources Climate Policy Computers, Environment and Urban Studies Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly Cultural Geographies Ecological Economics Ecology Law Quarterly Energy Journal Energy Policy Environment and Behavior Environmental Communication-A Journal of Nature and Culture Environment and Development Economics Environment Ethics Environmental History Environmental Impact Assessment Review Environment and Planning A Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy Environment and Planning D: Society and Space Environmental Politics Environmental & Resource Economics Environment and Urbanization Environmental Values Environment European Planning Studies European Urban and Regional Studies GAIA-Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography Global Environment Change - Human and Policy Dimensions Global Environmental Politics 0570-1864 1543-5938 1469-3062 0198-9715 0010-8804 1474-4740 0921-8009 0046-1121 0195-6574 0301-4215 0013-9165 0.822 3.657 1.402 1.147 0.679 1.143 2.422 0.529 1.857 2.436 1.365 0.987 6.573 1.497 1752-4032 0.185 0.222 1355-770X 0163-4275 1084-5453 0195-9255 0308-518X 0265-8135 0263-774X 0263-7758 0964-4016 0924-6460 0956-2478 0963-2719 0013-9157 0965-4313 0969-7764 0940-5550 0016-7223 0.861 0.139 0.750 1.659 1.763 1.218 1.044 1.784 1.145 1.314 1.583 1.000 1.918 0.678 1.128 0.735 0.893 1.211 0.215 1.085 2.239 2.326 1.747 1.230 2.350 1.448 1.718 1.463 0.928 2.027 1.213 1.500 0959-3780 3.340 5.487 1526-3800 1.302 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3.786 1.317 2.858 0.480 2.186 2.590 1.789 39 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 Habitat International Harvard Environmental Law Review Housing Studies Human Ecology Human Ecology Review International Journal of Sustainable Transportation International Regional Science Review Journal of Architectural and Planning Research Journal of Environmental Economics and Mangement Journal of Environmental Planning and Management Journal of Environmental Psychology Journal of Regional Science Lando Economics Land Use Policy andscape Research Landscape and Urban Planning Marine Policy Marine Resource Economics Natural Resources Forum Natural Resources Journal Open House International Organization & Environment Papers in Regional Science Population and Environment Progress in Planning Regional Environmental Change Regional Science and Urban Economics Regional Studies Resource and Energy Economics Resources Policy Review of Environmental Economics and Policy Society and Natural Resources Tourism Management Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Urban Studies 0197-3975 0147-8257 0267-3037 0300-7839 1074-4827 1556-8318 0160-0176 0738-0895 0095-0696 0964-0568 0272-4944 0022-4146 0023-7639 0264-8377 0142-6397 0169-2046 0308-597X 0738-1360 0165-0203 0028-0739 0168-2601 1086-0266 1056-8190 0199-0039 0305-9006 1436-3798 0166-0462 0034-3404 0928-7655 0301-4207 1750-6816 0894-1920 0261-5177 0.855 1.440 1.012 1.402 0.757 0.750 0.939 0.737 2.581 1.143 1.650 1.132 1.558 2.355 0.714 2.170 1.396 0.492 0.688 0.488 0.061 1.070 1.397 0.879 0.875 1.290 0.910 1.462 1.333 0.902 3.645 1.016 1.882 1.216 1.141 1.268 1.712 1361-9209 1.214 1.867 0042-0980 1.301 2.138 0.750 1.829 0.491 2.967 2.658 1.544 1.883 2.536 2.868 1.463 1.279 0.467 1.032 1.767 1.222 2.041 1.707 2.610 1.963 1.101 3.645 1.626 2.391 40 3.17. Estudios por Área. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Título de la Revista African Affairs Afrika Spectrum African Studies Africa Asia Pacific Viewpoint Asian Survey Centro Journal China Journal China Quarterly China Review-An Interdisciplinary Journal on Greater China Contemporary Pacific Critical Asian Studies East European Quarterly Economic Development and Cultural Change Eurasian Geography and Economics Europe-Asia Studies German Studies Review IDS Bulletin: Institute of Development Studies International Journal of Middle East Studies Journal of Asian Studies Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies Journal of Baltic Studies Journal of Contemporary Asia Journal of Japanese Studies Journal of Latin American Studies Journal of Modern African Studies Journal of Palestine Studies Journal of Southern African Studies Journal of Southeast Asian Studies Korea Observer Latin American Perspectives Latin American Politics and Society Latin American Research Review Middle East Journal Middle East Policy Middle Eastern Studies Modern Asian Studies Modern China Pacific Affairs ISSN Factor de Impacto 0001-9909 0002-0397 0002-0184 0001-9720 1360-7456 0004-4687 1538-6279 1324-9347 0305-7410 1.660 0.217 0.135 0.592 0.729 0.437 0.000 1.095 0.957 1680-2012 1043-898X 1467-2715 0012-8449 0013-0079 1538-7216 0966-8136 0149-7952 0265-5012 0020-7438 0021-9118 1944-8953 0162-9778 0047-2336 0095-6848 0022-216X 0022-278X 0377-919X 0305-7070 0022-4634 0023-3919 0094-582X 1531-426X 0023-8791 0026-3141 1061-1924 0026-3206 0026-749X 0097-7004 0030-851X 0.188 0.533 0.396 0.158 0.863 1.710 0.634 0.122 0.192 0.357 0.424 0.596 1.188 0.429 1.024 1.060 0.049 0.478 0.140 0.156 0.361 0.887 0.442 0.465 0.408 0.208 0.506 0.273 0.583 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1.779 0.798 0.577 0.009 1.365 1.839 0.449 0.684 0.218 1.600 1.341 0.770 0.140 0.350 0.475 0.458 0.389 0.899 0.465 0.909 1.117 0.514 0.755 0.341 0.898 0.562 0.441 0.542 0.285 0.406 0.513 0.967 41 40 41 42 43 44 Pacific Focus Pacific Review Post Soviet Affairs Slavic Review Social Dynamics A Journal of African Studies 1225-4657 0951-2748 1060-586X 0037-6779 0253-3952 0.400 1.216 0.400 0.431 0.237 1.926 0.736 0.614 0.445 3.18. Estudios de Familia. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Título de la Revista American Journal of Family Therapy Child Abuse & Neglect Child & Family Behavior Therapy Child & Family Social Work Child Mantreatment Child Welfare Children and Youth Services Review Culture, Health & Sexuality Family & Community Health Family Law Quarterly Family Process Family Relations Families In Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services Future of Children International Family Planning Perspectives Journal of Comparative Family Studies Journal of Early Adolescence Journal of Family History Journal of Family Issues Journal of Family Nursing Journal of Family Planning and Reproductive Health Care Journal of Family Psychology Journal of Family Studies Journal of Family Therapy Journal of Family Violence Journal of Interpersonal Violence Journal of Marital and Family Therapy Journal of Marriage and Family Journal of Research on Adolescence Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy Parenting: Science and Practice Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Trauma, Violence & Abuse Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0192-6187 0145-2134 0731-7107 1356-7500 1077-5595 0009-4021 0190-7409 1369-1058 0160-6379 0014-729X 0014-7370 0197-6664 0.377 2.339 0.353 0.952 2.613 0.667 1.166 1.068 0.989 0.220 1.275 1.318 0.426 3.449 0.585 1044-3894 1054-8289 0190-3187 0047-2328 0272-4316 0363-1990 0192-513X 1074-8407 0.317 2.114 1.429 0.265 1.267 0.239 1.368 1.250 0.656 5.388 2.699 0.460 2.333 0.259 1.903 1471-1893 0893-3200 1322-9400 0163-4445 0885-7482 0886-2605 0194-472X 0022-2445 1050-8392 0092-623X 1529-5192 1538-6341 1524-8380 1.047 2.000 0.235 0.603 0.939 1.332 0.892 1.553 1.682 2.264 0.821 2.220 2.537 0.986 2.812 ISSN 3.007 0.990 1.749 1.603 1.162 0.248 1.739 1.595 0.816 1.154 2.167 1.029 2.957 2.775 2.936 3.975 42 3.19. Estudios de la Mujer. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Título de la Revista Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work Asian Journal of Women Studies Australian Feminist Studies Differences-A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies European Journal of Women Studies Feminist Economics Feminism & Psychology Feminist Review Feminist Studies Feministische Studien Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies Gender Place and Culture Gender & Society Gender Work & Organization Indian Journal of Gender Studies Journal of Gender Studies Journal of Women & Aging Journal of Women Politics & Policy Journal of Women's Health Nouvelles Questions Féministes Psychology of Women Quarterly Radical Philosophy Sex Roles Signs Social Politics Travail Genre et Societes Violence Against Women Women & Health Women's Healt Issues Women's Studies International Forum Women & Therapy ISSN Factor de Impacto 0886-1099 1225-9276 0816-4649 1040-7391 1350-5068 1354-5701 0959-3535 0141-7789 0046-3663 0723-5186 0160-9009 0966-369X 0891-2432 0968-6673 0971-5215 0958-9236 0895-2841 1554-477X 1540-9996 0248-4951 0361-6843 0300-211X 0360-0025 0097-9740 1072-4745 1294-6303 1077-8012 0363-0242 1049-3867 0277-5395 0270-3149 0.426 0.258 0.217 0.588 0.763 1.205 0.514 0.431 0.087 0.037 0.121 1.043 1.339 0.982 0.175 0.452 0.651 0.056 1.770 0.016 1.297 0.452 0.928 0.424 0.825 0.346 1.259 0.740 1.269 0.367 0.171 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0.586 0.319 0.328 1.009 1.663 0.840 0.443 0.307 0.224 2.405 1.766 0.511 0.804 0.085 2.190 0.036 2.139 0.415 1.345 0.899 1.978 2.013 1.293 1.770 0.673 0.339 43 3.20. Estudios Étnicos. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Título de la Revista Black Scholar Ethnicity & Health Ethnic and Racial Studies Ethnicities Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power Journal of Black Studies Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies Journal of Refugee Studies Patterns of Prejudice Race & Class ISSN 0006-4246 1355-7858 0141-9870 1468-7968 1070-289X 0021-9347 1369-183X 0951-6328 0031-322X 0306-3968 Factor de Impacto 0.075 1.673 1.245 0.898 0.245 0.309 0.904 0.849 0.575 0.750 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0.083 2.051 1.900 0.517 0.397 1.262 0.634 0.814 3.21. Estudios Urbanos. N° Título de la Revista 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Cities City & Community Economic Development Quarterly Education and Urban Society Environment and Urbanization European Planning Studies European Urban and Regional Studies EURE: Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Urbano Regionales Habitat International Housing Policy Debate Housing Studies International Journal of Urban and Regional Research International Regional Science Review Journal of the American Planning Association Journal of Architectural and Planning Research Journal of Contemporary Ethnography Journal of Housing Economics Journal of Planning Education and Research Journal of Planning Literature Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Journal of Urban Affairs Journal of Urban Economics 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0264-2751 1535-6841 0891-2424 0013-1245 0956-2478 0965-4313 0969-7764 1.246 1.000 0.633 0.368 1.583 0.678 1.128 1.548 0250-7161 0197-3975 1051-1482 0267-3037 0309-1317 0160-0176 0194-4363 0738-0895 0891-2416 1051-1377 0739-456X 0885-4122 0895-5638 0735-2166 0094-1190 0.615 0.855 0.500 1.012 1.430 0.939 1.525 0.737 0.630 0.946 0.698 1.143 0.659 0.755 1.914 0.559 1.216 1.369 1.268 2.139 1.829 2.617 0.491 1.038 1.138 1.441 2.324 0.907 1.402 1.941 0.862 0.545 1.463 1.213 1.500 44 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Journal of Hurban History Journal of Urban Planning and Development Journal of Urban Technology Landscape and Urban Planning Open House International Real Estate Economics Regional Science and Urban Economics Urban Affairs Review Urban Education Urban Geography Urban Lawyer Urban Studies 0096-1442 0733-9488 1063-0732 0169-2046 0168-2601 1080-8620 0166-0462 1078-0874 0042-0859 0272-3638 0042-0905 0042-0980 0.165 0.571 0.265 2.170 0.061 0.647 0.910 1.048 0.786 1.127 0.259 1.301 0.226 0.802 0.313 2.868 1.236 1.707 1.603 0.859 1.171 0.313 2.138 3.22. Ética. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Título de la Revista Acta Bioethica American Journal of Bioethics Bioethics Business Ethics Quarterly Developing World Bioethics Economics and Philosophy Environmental Ethics Ethics Ethics & Behavior Hasting Center Report Human Studies Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy Journal of Agricultural & Environmental Ethics Journal of Bioethical Inquiry Journal of Business Ethics Journal of Clinical Ethics Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics Journal of Medical Ethics Journal of Medicine and Philosophy Journal of the Philosophy of Sport Journal of Political Philosophy Journal of Value Inquiry Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal Law and Philosophy Philosophical Psychology ISSN Factor de Impacto 0717-5906 1526-5161 0269-9702 1052-150X 1471-8731 0266-2671 0163-4275 0014-1704 1050-8422 0093-0334 0163-8548 0020-174X 1187-7863 1176-7529 0167-4544 1046-7890 0.021 4.000 1.136 1.615 1.256 0.595 0.139 1.833 0.575 1.539 0.250 0.455 0.750 0.357 1.088 0.221 1556-2646 1073-1105 0306-6800 0360-5310 0094-8705 0963-8016 0022-5363 1054-6863 0167-5249 0951-5089 1.000 1.433 1.206 0.735 0.346 1.000 0.133 0.667 0.389 0.642 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 3.674 1.625 1.634 0.795 0.215 2.500 0.877 1.684 0.248 0.500 1.189 1.692 0.352 1.184 1.380 1.195 0.400 1.397 0.144 1.058 0.446 0.880 45 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Philosophy & Public Affairs Philosophy of the Social Sciences Radical Philosophy Revista Romana de Bioetica Science and Engineering Ethics Social Philosophy & Policy Studies in East European Thought Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 0048-3915 0048-3931 0300-211X 1583-5170 1353-3452 0265-0525 0925-9392 1386-7415 2.038 0.702 0.452 0.480 0.913 0.346 0.081 0.698 3.162 0.832 0.415 0.697 0.442 0.092 0.952 3.23. Geografía. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Título de la Revista Annals of the Association of American Geographers Annals of Regional Science Antipode Applied Geography Area Asia Pacific Viewpoint Australian Geographer Boletín de la Asociación de Geógrafos Españoles Canadian Geographer - Géographe Canadien Cartographic Journal Computer Environment and Urban Systems Cultural Geographies Economic Geography Environment and Planning A Environment and Planning D: Society and Space Erdkunde European Planning Studies Erurasian Geography and Economics Gender, Place and Culture Geodetski Vestnik Geoforum Geographical Analysis Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography Geographical Journal Geographical Research Geographical Review Geografisk Tidsskrift-Danish Journal of Geography Geographische Zeitschrift Geography Geopolitics ISSN Factor de Impacto 0004-5608 0570-1864 0066-4812 0143-6228 0004-0894 1360-7456 0004-9182 0212-9426 0008-3658 0008-7041 0198-9715 1474-4740 0013-0095 0308-518X 0263-7758 0014-0015 0965-4313 1538-7216 0966-369X 0351-0271 0016-7185 0016-7363 0435-3684 0016-7398 1745-5863 0016-7428 0016-7223 0016-7479 0016-7487 1465-0045 2.568 0.822 1.434 2.324 1.528 0.729 0.566 0.052 0.780 0.750 1.147 1.143 3.452 1.763 1.784 0.622 0.678 1.710 1.043 0.227 1.574 1.641 1.321 1.226 1.290 0.455 0.893 0.053 0.320 0.803 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 3.413 0.987 1.733 2.295 2.059 1.301 0.969 0.583 1.317 3.075 2.326 2.350 1.213 1.341 2.020 2.360 2.017 0.734 0.183 0.211 46 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Global Environmental Change: Human and Policy Dimensions Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs International Journal of Geographical Information Science International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Journal of Economic Geography Journal of Geography Journal of Geography in Higher Education Journal of Geographical Systems Journal of Historical Geography Journal of Maps Journal of Transport Geography Landscape Research Landscape and Urban Planning Mitteilungen der Österrichische Geographische Gesellchaft New Zealand Geographer Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift-Norwegian Journal of Geography Papers in Regional Science Political Geography Population Space and Place Proffesional Geographer Progress in Human Geography Regional Studies Revue de Géographie Alpine – Journal of Alpine Research South African Geographical Journal Scottish Geographical Journal Scripta Nova-Revista Electronica de Geografia y Ciencias Sociales Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Social & Cultural Geography Sud-Ouest Europeen Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie Urban Geography 0959-3780 3.340 5.487 1470-2266 1.380 2.018 1365-8816 1.533 2.303 0309-1317 1468-2702 0022-1341 0309-8265 1435-5930 0305-7488 1744-5647 0966-6923 0142-6397 0169-2046 1.430 3.937 0.364 0.782 1278 1119 0.935 1421 0.714 2.170 2.139 4.705 0.602 1036 0029-9138 0.379 0.737 0028-8144 0.750 0029-1951 0.705 1056-8190 0962-6298 1544-8444 0033-0124 0309-1325 0034-3404 1.397 2.267 1.386 1.712 3.590 1.462 0035-1121 0.000 0373-6245 1470-2541 0.207 0.261 1138-9788 0.813 0129-7619 1464-9365 1276-4930 0020-2754 0040-747X 0272-3638 0.578 1.440 0.029 3.413 0.717 1.127 0.800 0.987 2.868 1.767 2.729 1.747 5.158 2.610 0.471 1.155 1.600 4.768 0.991 1.171 47 3.24. Gerontología. N° Título de la Revista 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Ageing & Society Aging & Mental Health American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry Australasian Journal of Ageing Educational Gerontology European Journal of Ageing Geriatrics & Gerontology International Geriatric Nursing Gerontologist International Journal of Aging & Human Development International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry International Psychogeriatrics Journal of Aging and Health Journal of Aging and Physical Activity Journal of Aging Studies Journal of the American Geriatrics Society Journal of Applied Gerontology The Journals of Gerontology: Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences Journal of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences Journal of Gerontological Nursing Journal of Women & Aging Psychology and Aging Research on Aging Topics in Geriatrics Rehabilitation Zeitschrift für Gerontologie und Geriatrie 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0144-686X 1360-7863 1064-7481 1440-6381 0360-1277 1613-9372 1444-1586 0197-4572 0016-9013 0091-4150 0885-6230 1041-6102 0898-2643 1063-8652 0890-4065 0002-8614 0733-4648 1.032 1.127 3.353 0.671 0.545 0.608 0.717 0.789 1.880 0.582 1.981 2.506 1.448 1.548 0.914 3.656 0.847 1.770 1.720 3.842 1079-5006 3.083 3.815 1079-5014 0098-9134 0895-2841 0882-7974 0164-0275 0882-7524 0948-6704 2.094 0.815 0.651 2.733 1.474 0.734 0.804 2.825 0.676 0.556 2.783 1.058 2.425 2.629 1.964 2.007 1.344 4.460 0.993 0.804 4.151 1.816 0.585 0.739 3.25. Historia. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 Título de la Revista American History Review Anuario de Estudios Medievales Comparative Studies in Society and History English Historical Review Enviromental History Ethnohistory ISSN Factor de Impacto 0002-8762 0066-5061 0010-4175 0013-8266 1084-5453 0014-1801 2.114 0.075 0.562 0.281 0.750 0.255 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 2.188 0.515 0.308 1.085 0.341 48 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 European History Quarterly Historia Critica Historical Social Research-Historische Sozialforschung History Workshop Journal International Review of Social History Journal of African History Journal of American History Journal of Britush Studies Journal of Contemporary History Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient Journal of Family History Journal of the History of Sexuality Journal of Interdisciplinary History Journal of Israeli History Journal of Modern History Journal of Social History Labour History Mediterranean Historical Review Mouvement Social Praehistorische Zeitschrift Past & Present Scandia Social Science History Trabajos de Prehistoria War in History Zeitgeschichte 0265-6914 0121-1617 0172-6404 1363-3554 0020-8590 0021-8537 0021-8723 0021-9371 0022-0094 0.158 0.029 0.256 0.429 0.140 0.514 0.684 0.521 0.492 0022-4995 0.029 0363-1990 1043-4070 0022-1953 1353-1042 0022-2801 0022-4529 0023-6942 0951-8967 0027-2671 0079-4848 0031-2746 0036-5483 0145-5532 0082-5638 0968-3445 0256-5250 0.239 0.125 0.208 0.087 0.576 0.132 0.150 0.192 0.151 0.143 0.226 0.059 0.375 0.425 0.184 0.051 ISSN Factor de Impacto 0.261 0.500 0.374 0.644 1.047 0.636 0.478 0.259 0.412 0.271 0.670 0.472 0.186 0.464 0.796 0.236 0.043 3.26. Historia de las Ciencias Sociales. N° Título de la Revista 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Australian Economic History Review Business History Business History Review Economic History Review Enterprise & Society European Journal of the History of Economic Thought European Review of Economic History Explorations in Economic History History of the Human Sciences History of Political Economy History of Psychiatry History of Psychology 0004-8992 0007-6791 0007-6805 0013-0117 1467-2227 0967-2567 1361-4916 0014-4983 0952-6951 0018-2702 0957-154X 1093-4510 0.308 0.500 0.353 0.885 0.617 0.196 0.828 0.576 0.542 0.293 1.188 0.615 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0.561 0.640 1.080 0.583 0.721 0.523 0.682 49 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Journal of Economic History Journal of Family History Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences Journal of the History of Scociology Journal of Philosophy of Education Journal of Urban History Labor History Nursing History Review Pedagogica Historica Social Science History 0022-0507 0363-1990 0022-5061 0952-1909 0309-8249 0096-1442 0023-656X 1062-8061 0030-9230 0145-5532 0.691 0.239 0.645 0.319 0.444 0.165 0.219 0.706 0.253 0.375 1.058 0.259 0.654 0.459 0.644 0.226 0.489 0.478 0.796 3.27. Historia y Filosofía de la Ciencia. Factor de Impacto (5 años) N° Título de la Revista ISSN Factor de Impacto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Agricultural History Agriculture and Human Values American Journal of Bioethics Annals of Science Archive for History of Exact Sciences Bulletin of the History of Medicine Berichte zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte Biology & Philosophy British Journal for the History of Science British Journal for the Philosophy of Sciences Dynamis History of the Human Sciences Historia Mathematica History and Philosophy of the Life Sciecnes History of Science Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences Isis Journal of the History of Biology Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences Medical History Minerva Nuncius-Journal of the History of Science Osiris Philosophy of Science Physics in Perspective Public Understanding of Science Science in Context 0002-1482 0889-048X 1526-5161 0003-3790 0003-9519 0007-5140 0170-6233 0169-3867 0007-0874 0007-0882 0211-9536 0952-6951 0315-0860 0391-9714 0073-2753 1939-1811 0.375 1.123 4.000 0.459 0.667 1.152 0.171 1.211 0.526 1.109 0.207 0.542 0.367 0.387 0.194 0.529 0.275 1.288 3.674 0.495 0.654 1.019 0890-9997 0.214 0.553 0021-1753 0022-5010 0022-5045 0025-7273 0026-4695 0394-7394 0369-7827 0031-8248 1422-6944 0963-6625 0269-8897 0.754 0.833 0.742 0.364 0.604 0.136 0.350 0.562 0.500 1.981 0.236 1.035 1.000 0.973 0.688 0.627 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1.445 0.784 1.446 0.523 0.500 0.500 0.256 0.529 0.793 0.898 0.452 2.124 0.373 50 29 30 31 32 33 Social History of Medicine Social Studies of Science Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Synthese Technology and Culture 0951-631X 0306-3127 0039-3681 0039-7857 0040-165X 0.679 1.373 0.424 0.729 0.387 0.724 2.260 0.602 0.782 0.429 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 2.204 0.394 3.786 0.385 1.130 2.067 3.28. Hospitalidad, Ocio, Deportes y Turismo. N° Título de la Revista ISSN Factor de Impacto 1 2 3 4 5 6 Annals of Tourism Research Cornell Hospitality Quarterly Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly International Journal of Sport Finance International Journal of Sport Psychology Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Journal of Hospitality Leisure Sport & Tourism Education Journal of Leisure Research Journal of Sports Economics Journal of Sport and Excercise Psychology Journal of Sport Management Journal of Sport & Social Issues Leisure Sciences Psychology of Sport and Excercise Research Quarterly for Excercise and Sport Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Sociology of Sport Journal Sport Education Society Sport Psychologist Tourism Management 0160-7383 1938-9655 0010-8804 1558-6235 0047-0767 1041-3200 1.165 0.303 0.679 0.229 0.959 1.295 1473-8376 0.225 0022-2216 1527-0025 0895-2779 0888-4773 0193-7235 0149-0400 1469-0292 0270-1367 1502-2250 0741-1235 1357-3322 0888-4781 0261-5177 0.831 0.628 2.951 0.906 1.075 1.036 2.152 1.103 0.763 0.870 0.625 1.345 1.882 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0001-8368 0027-9048 0002-7766 0164-0364 0002-919X 1.093 1.303 0.875 1.450 0.896 0.823 0.822 1.136 1.021 0.671 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1.440 3.111 1.079 1.307 1.468 2.399 1.558 1.274 1.178 1.431 2.391 3.29. Leyes. N° 1 2 3 4 5 Título de la Revista Administrative Law Review American Bankruptcy Law Journal American Business Law Journal American Criminal Law Review American Journal of Comparative Law 51 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 American Journal of International Law American Journal of Law & Medicine Annual Review of Law and Social Science Antitrust Law Journal Asia Pacific Law Review Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy Behavioral Sciences & the Law Boston University Law Review Buffalo Law Review Business Lawyer California Law Review Catholic University Law Review Chinese Law and Government Columbia Journal of the Law and Social Problems Columbia Journal of Transnational Law Columbia Law Review Common Market Law Review Cornell International Law Journal Cornell Law Review Criminal Law Review Denver University Law Review Duke Law Journal Ecology Law Quarterly European Constitutional Law Review European Journal of International Law European Journal of Migration and Law European Law Journal Family Law Quarterly Food and Drug Law Journal Fordham Law Review George Washington Law Review Georgetown Law Journal Harvard Civil Rights: Civil Liberties Law Review Harvard Environmental Law Review Harvard International Law Journal Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy Harvard Journal of Legislation Harvard Law Review I-CON: International Journal of Cosntitutional Law IIC: International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law Indiana Law Journal International Journal of Law Crime and Justice International Journal of Law and Psychiatry International Journal of the Sociology of Law 0002-9300 0098-8588 1550-3585 0003-6056 1019-2557 1.056 1.231 1.583 1.412 0.091 1.251 1.000 1.648 1.333 1819-5164 0.162 0735-3936 0006-8047 0023-9356 0007-6899 0008-1221 1530-6119 0009-4609 0010-1923 0010-1931 0010-1958 0165-0750 0010-8812 0010-8847 0011-135X 0883-9409 0012-7086 0046-1121 1574-0196 0938-5428 1388-364X 1351-5993 0014-729X 1064-590X 0015-704X 0016-8076 0016-8092 0017-8039 0147-8257 0017-8063 0193-4872 0017-808X 0017-811X 1474-2640 1.126 2.033 0.344 1.239 1.467 0.227 0.094 0.056 0.786 3.610 0.919 0.561 1.985 0.477 0.571 1.592 0.529 0.708 0.831 0.387 0.923 0.220 0.526 1.161 1.341 2.948 0.830 1.440 1.731 1.029 1.000 4.044 1.085 1.798 1.518 0.424 0.691 2.045 0.290 0.051 0.195 0.854 3.112 1.019 0.344 1.581 0.374 0.489 1.402 0.480 0.440 0018-9855 0.444 0.444 0019-6665 1756-0616 0160-2527 0194-6595 1.000 0.278 1.099 0.308 0.896 0.333 1.217 0.310 0.532 0.248 0.517 0.998 1.178 2.272 0.831 1.141 1.618 0.819 0.625 3.936 0.805 52 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 International Review of Law and Economics Iowa Law Review Issues in Law & Medicine Journal of African Law Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology Journal of International Economic Law Journal of Law & Economics Journal of Law Economics & Organization Journal of Law Medicine & Ethics Journal of the Law and Society Journal of Legal Education Journal of Legal Medicine Journal of Legal Studies Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce Judicature Justice System Journal Juvenile and Family Court Journal Law and Human Behavior Law Library Journal Law and Philosophy Law and Society Review Law and Social Inquiry: Journal of the American Bar Foundation Legal and Criminological Psychology Medicine Science and the Law Melbourne University Law Review Muchigan Law Review Military Law Review Minnesota Law Review Natural Resources Journal Netherlands Quarterly of Human Rights New York University Law Review Northewestern University Law Review Notre Dame Law Review Ocean Development and International Law Psychiatry Psychology and Law Psychology, Crime & Law Psychology, Public Policy and Law Regulation & Governance Review of Central and East European Law Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional Rutgers Law Review 0144-8188 0021-0552 8756-8160 0021-8553 0.556 1.256 0.385 0.217 0.698 1.249 0.317 1093-6793 1.031 1.000 0886-3520 0091-4169 1369-3034 0022-2186 8756-6222 1073-1105 0263-323X 0022-2208 0194-7648 0047-2530 0022-2410 0022-5800 0098-261X 0161-7109 0147-7307 0023-9283 0167-5249 0023-9216 0.186 0.717 1.172 1.643 1.961 1.433 0.508 0.151 0.262 1.058 0.204 0.512 0.120 0.083 2.628 0.385 0.389 1.490 0.133 1.151 1.321 2.430 2.452 1.184 0.606 0.203 0.519 1.885 0.213 0.341 0.267 0.169 2.568 0.442 0.446 1.727 0897-6546 0.817 1.141 1355-3259 0025-8024 0025-8938 0026-2234 0026-4040 0026-5535 0028-0739 0169-3441 0028-7881 0029-3571 0745-3515 0090-8320 1321-8719 1068-316X 1076-8971 1748-5983 0925-9880 1138-4026 0211-5743 0036-0465 0.511 0.523 0.139 2.122 0.167 1.593 0.488 0.250 1.609 2.136 1.792 0.344 0.527 0.771 2.136 1.511 0.074 0.067 0.127 0.418 0.748 0.556 2.174 0.268 1.623 0.467 1.946 1.717 1.332 0.481 1.237 2.469 1.533 0.432 53 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 South African Journal on Human Rights Securities Regulation Law Journal Social & Legal Studies Souyhern California Law Review Stanford Law Review Supreme Court Review Texas Law Review University of Chicago Law Review University of Cincinnati Law Review University of Ilinois Law Review University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Economic Law University of Pennsylvania Journal of International Law University of Pennsylvania Law Review University of Pittsburgh Law Review UCLA Law Review Urban Lawyer Virginia Law Review Vanderbilt Law Review Washington Law Review Washington Quarterly Wisconsin Law Review Yale Law Journal 0258-7203 0097-9554 0964-6639 0038-3910 0038-9765 0081-9557 0040-4411 0041-9494 0009-6881 0276-9948 0.692 0.220 0.518 1.082 3.523 0.667 2.627 1.658 0.818 0.720 0.141 0.726 1.069 3.105 0.733 2.351 1.917 0.734 0.729 1086-7872 0.294 0.548 1086-7872 0.167 0041-9907 0041-9915 0041-5650 0042-0905 0042-6601 0042-2533 0043-0617 0163-660X 0043-650X 0044-0094 2.614 0.122 1.688 0.259 2.945 1.500 0.395 0.812 0.655 4.109 ISSN Factor de Impacto 1216-8076 0065-4124 1058-0360 0003-1283 0142-6001 0142-7164 1366-7289 0093-934X 0008-4506 0269-9206 0936-5907 0891-2017 0889-4906 1175-8708 0165-4004 0.212 0.091 1.879 0.800 1.469 1.238 1.636 2.973 0.429 0.529 0.814 2.212 0.795 0.188 0.476 2.321 0.227 1.888 0.313 2.683 1.629 0.689 1.124 3.476 3.30. Lingüística. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Título de la Revista Acta Linguistica Hungarica Africana Linguistica American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology American Speech Applied Linguistics Applied Psycholinguistics Bilingualism-Language and Cognition Brain and Language Canadian Modern Language Review Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics Cognitive Linguistics Computational Linguistics English for Specifics Purposes English Teaching-Practice and Critique Folia Linguistica Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1.829 0.480 1.991 1.887 3.105 0.708 0.790 2.560 3.722 1.102 0.453 54 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 Folia Lingüística Historica Foreing Language Annals Functions of Language Govor Hispania - A Journal Devoted to the Teaching of Spanish and Portuguese Indogermanische Forschungen International Journal of Bilingualism International Journal of Languge & Communication Disorders International Journal of Lexicography International Journal of Speech Language and the Law Interaction Studies Interpreter & Translator Trainer Journal of African Languages and Linguistics Journal of Child Language Journal of Chinese Linguistics Journal of Communication Disorders Journal of East Asian Linguistics Journal of Fluency Disorders Journal of Historical Pragmatics Journal of Language and Politics Journal of Languge and Social Psychology Journal of Linguistics Journal of Memory and Language Journal of Neurolinguistics Journal of Phonetics Journal of Pidging and Creole Languages Journal of Politeness Research-Language Behaviour Culture Journal of Pragmatics Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Journal of Quantitative Linguistics Journal of Second Language Writing Journal of Sociolinguistics Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research Jezikoslovlje Language and Cognitive Processes Language & Communication Language Learning Language Learning & Technology Language and Linguistics Language Matters Language Sciences Language in Society Language and Speech 0168-647X 0015-718X 0929-998X 0352-7565 0.143 0.378 0.389 0.000 0.268 0.577 0018-2133 0.075 0.103 0019-7262 1367-0069 0.067 0.880 0.207 1368-2822 1.330 1.859 0950-3846 1748-8885 1572-0373 1750-399X 0167-6164 0305-0009 0091-3723 0021-9924 0925-8558 0094-730X 1566-5852 1569-2159 0261-927X 0022-2267 0749-596X 0911-6044 0095-4470 0920-9034 0.594 0.750 0.776 0.190 0.429 1.040 0.182 1.639 0.310 2.188 0.636 0.229 0.519 0.886 3.221 1.660 1.525 0.318 0.523 1612-5681 1.857 0378-2166 0090-6905 0929-6174 1060-3743 1360-6441 1092-4388 1331-7202 0169-0965 0271-5309 0023-8333 1094-3501 1606-822X 1022-8195 0388-0001 0047-4045 0023-8309 0.798 0.857 0.400 1.250 1.174 2.347 0.067 2.000 0.791 0.984 2.531 0.041 0.059 0.615 1.341 0.730 0.190 1.511 0.164 2.276 0.678 2.425 0.920 1.012 3.814 1.504 1.902 0.569 0.952 0.952 1.521 1.464 2.714 2.233 1.112 1.738 3.575 0.667 1.500 1.124 55 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools Language Teaching Research Language Variation and Change Language Lexikos Lingua Linguistic Inquiry Linguistic and Philosophy Linguistic Review Linguistics Metaphor and Symbol Mind & Language Modern Language Journal Narrative Inquiry Natural Language & Linguistic Theory Nordic Journal of Linguistics Phonetica Probus Research on Language and Social Interaction Revista Espanola de Linguistica Aplicada Revue Francaise de Linguistique Appliquee Revista Signos Second Language Research Slavisticna Revija Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies Studies in Language Studies in Second Language Acquisitions Syntax and Semantics Terminology TESOL Quarterly Text & Talk Theoretical Linguistics Translator Zeitschrift für Dialektologie und Linguistik Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 0161-1461 1362-1688 0954-3945 0097-8507 1684-4904 0024-3841 0024-3892 0165-0157 0167-6318 0024-3949 1092-6488 0268-1064 0026-7902 1387-6740 0167-806X 0332-5865 0031-8388 0921-4771 0835-1813 0213-2028 1386-1204 0035-0451 0267-6583 0350-6894 1.273 0.659 0.966 1.886 0.667 0.547 1.450 0.780 0.968 0.561 1.217 2.091 1.914 0.714 1.302 0.182 0.591 0.444 0.903 0.000 0.062 0.260 1.281 0.118 1607-3614 0.066 0378-4177 0272-2631 0092-4563 0929-9971 0039-8322 1860-7330 0301-4428 1355-6509 0044-1449 0721-9067 0.535 1.323 0.000 0.474 0.942 0.635 0.829 0.107 0.125 0.316 ISSN Factor de Impacto 0001-3072 0.575 0001-4788 0.359 1.720 2.794 0.778 2.020 1.412 1.130 0.652 1.000 2.173 2.040 1.533 1.583 1.036 0.533 1.153 1.924 0.761 2.881 0.000 1.563 0.811 0.867 0.325 3.31. Negocios, Financiamiento. N° 1 2 Título de la Revista Abacus: A Journal for Accounting, Finance and Business Studies Accounting and Business Research Factor de Impacto (5 años) 56 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Accounting and Finance Accounting Organizations and Society Accounting Review Asia-Pacific Journal of Financial Studies Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory Contemporary Accounting Research European Accounting Review European Financial Management Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review Financial Analysis Journal Financial Management Finance and Stochastics Finance a Uver: Czech Journal of Economics and Finance FinanzArchiv Fiscal Studies Forbes Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice IMF Staff Papers International Finance International Journal of Finance & Economics Journal of Accounting & Economics Journal of Accounting Research Journal of Banking & Finance Journal of Business Finance & Accounting Journal of Corporate Finance Journal of Derivatives Journal of Finance Journal of Financial Economics Journal of Financial Econometrics Journal of Financial Intermediation Journal of Financial Markets Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Future Markets Journal of Industrial Economics Journal of International Money and Finance Journal of Monetary Economics Journal of Money, Credit and Banking Journal of Portfolio Management Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics Journal of Real Estate Research Journal of Risk and Insurance Journal of Risk and Uncertainty Mathematical Finance National Tax Journal 0810-5391 0361-3682 0001-4826 2041-9945 0278-0380 0823-9150 0963-8180 1354-7798 0014-9187 0015-198X 0046-3892 0949-2984 0.446 1.904 1.938 0.148 0.946 1.129 0.961 0.892 0.481 0.514 0.727 1.240 0015-1920 0.264 0.176 0015-2218 0143-5671 0015-6914 0.135 0.378 0.050 0.856 0.033 1018-5895 0.330 0.302 1020-7635 1367-0271 1076-9307 0165-4101 0021-8456 0378-4266 0306-686X 0929-1199 1074-1240 0022-1082 0304-405X 1479-8409 1042-9573 1386-4181 0022-1090 0270-7314 0022-1821 0261-5606 0304-3932 0022-2879 0095-4918 0895-5638 0896-5803 0022-4367 0895-5646 0960-1627 0028-0283 0.510 0.556 0.627 2.605 1.870 1.908 0.832 1.628 0.450 3.764 4.020 0.897 1.364 1.281 1.603 0.567 1.111 0.923 1.755 1.194 0.455 0.659 0.585 0.612 1.519 1.214 0.465 1.118 2.749 3.316 2.068 1.669 0.993 0.863 2.158 1.920 0.895 3.931 3.069 2.200 2.073 6.536 5.675 1.767 1.819 2.259 0.796 1.802 1.420 2.514 2.043 0.545 0.907 0.895 1.984 1.837 0.655 57 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Quantitative Finance Real Estate Economics Review of Accounting Studies Review of Financial Studies World Bank Economic Review World Economy Abacus: A Journal for Accounting, Finance and Business Studies 1469-7688 1080-8620 1380-6653 0893-9454 0258-6770 0378-5920 0.621 0.647 1.750 3.551 1.766 1.159 0001-3072 0.575 1.241 1.236 2.345 4.465 2.340 1.244 3.32. Negocios. N° Título de la Revista ISSN Factor de Impacto 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Academy of Management Journal Academy of Management Review Academia: Revista Latinoamericana de Administración Administrative Science Quarterly African Journal of Business Management American Business Law Journal Asian Business Management Asian Case Research Journal Betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung und Praxis British Journal of Management Business Ethics Quarterly Business History Business History Review California Management Review Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences Corporate Governance: An International Review Electronic Commerce Research and Applications Emerging Markets Finance and Trade Enterprise & Society Entrepreneurship & Regional Development Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice European Journal of Marketing Family Business Review Fortune Harvard Business Review IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management Industrial and Corporate Change Industrial Marketing Management International Business Review International Journal of Advertising International Journal of Electronic Commerce 0001-4273 0363-7425 1012-8255 0001-8392 1993-8233 0002-7766 1472-4782 0218-9275 0340-5370 1045-3172 1052-150X 0007-6791 0007-6805 0008-1256 0825-0383 0964-8410 1567-4223 1540-496X 1467-2227 0898-5626 1042-2587 0309-0566 0894-4865 0015-8259 0017-8012 0018-9391 0960-6491 0019-8501 0969-5931 0265-0487 1086-4415 6.483 7.867 0.036 3.842 1.105 0.875 0.174 0.077 0.206 1.448 1.615 0.500 0.353 1.983 0.405 2.068 1.042 0.338 0.617 1.020 1.704 0.756 1.881 0.158 1.655 1.248 1.513 1.333 1.062 1.091 1.600 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 9.263 9.531 6.216 1.105 1.136 0.279 2.416 1.634 0.561 0.640 2.783 0.541 3.117 0.467 0.583 1.904 3.230 0.178 2.604 1.964 2.446 2.147 2.736 58 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 International Journal of Management Reviews International Journal of Market Research International Journal of Research in Marketing International Marketing Review International Small Business Journal Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science Journal of Advertising Journal of Advertising Research Journal of Business Economics and Management Journal of Business Ethics Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing Journal of Business and Psychology Journal of Business Research Journal of Business and Technical Communication Journal of Business Venturing Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing Journal of Consumer Affairs Journal of Consumer Psychology Journal of Consumer Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Management Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Journal of International Business Studies Journal of International Marketing Journal of Interactive Marketing Journal of Management Journal of Management Studies Journal of Marketing Journal of Marketing Research Journal of Organizational Behavior Journal of Productivity Analysis Journal of Product Innovation Management Journal of Public Policy & Marketing Journal of Retailing Journal of Service Research Journal of World Business Long Range Planning Management Decision Marketing Letters Marketing Science MIT Sloan Management Review Organization Dynamics Psychology & Marketing Public Relations Review QME: Quantitative Marketing and Economics R&D Management Research-Technology Management 1460-8545 1470-7853 0167-8116 0265-1335 0266-2426 0092-0703 0091-3367 0021-8499 1611-1699 0167-4544 0885-8624 0889-3268 0148-2963 1050-6519 0883-9026 1051-712X 0022-0078 1057-7408 0093-5301 0923-4748 0095-0696 0047-2506 1069-031X 1094-9968 0149-2063 0022-2380 0022-2429 0022-2437 0894-3796 0895-562X 0737-6782 0743-9156 0022-4359 1094-6705 1090-9516 0024-6301 0025-1747 0923-0645 0732-2399 1532-9194 0090-2616 0742-6046 0363-8111 1570-7156 0033-6807 0895-6308 2.286 0.986 1.873 1.164 1.347 1.578 1.165 0.800 2.015 1.088 0.676 0.444 1.293 0.545 2.260 1.227 2.175 5.352 3.021 1.243 2.581 3.766 1.590 2.600 4.429 2.805 3.779 3.099 1.990 0.806 1.522 1.660 4.567 1.667 2.627 1.580 0.622 0.560 2.194 1.141 0.607 1.340 0.628 1.200 0.928 0.507 3.221 0.924 2.888 1.759 1.661 3.130 2.154 1.050 1.692 0.930 1.171 2.035 0.573 3.741 2.168 4.559 5.030 1.814 2.967 5.727 1.980 4.021 5.703 4.178 8.520 4.768 3.988 1.102 3.833 2.157 5.181 3.973 2.574 1.969 1.641 4.251 1.963 1.310 2.108 0.663 2.060 0.905 59 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 Review of Agricultural Economics Revista de Ciencias Sociales South African Journal of Business Management Small Business Economics Strategic Organization Strategic Managemet Journal Supply Chain Management: An International Journal Technological Forecasting and Social Change Transformations in Business & Economics Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakulteta u RijeciProceedings of Rijeka Faculty of Economics 1058-7195 1315-9518 0378-9098 0921-898X 1476-1270 0143-2095 1359-8546 0040-1625 1648-4460 0.523 0.066 0.146 1.380 4.059 4.464 2.341 1.776 1.205 1331-8004 0.185 ISSN Factor de Impacto 1017-6772 0225-5189 0012-155X 0012-1533 0950-6764 0361-3666 0013-0079 0891-2424 0898-5626 0965-4313 0016-3287 0017-4815 0197-3975 1051-1482 0265-5012 1474-6743 0309-1317 0160-0176 1471-0358 0194-4363 0022-0388 1748-7870 0277-6693 0306-6150 0739-456X 0885-4122 0022-4146 0743-0167 0.477 0.250 1.446 0.125 0.921 0.781 0.863 0.633 1.020 0.678 0.669 1.020 0.855 0.500 0.192 0.366 1.430 0.939 2.000 1.525 0.899 0.244 0.507 0.267 0.698 1.143 1.132 2.348 0.975 2.112 6.931 3.219 1.843 3.33. Planificación y Desarrollo. N° Título de la Revista 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 African Development Review Canadian Journal of Development Student Development and Change Developing Economies Development Policy Review Disasters Economic Development and Cultural Change Econocmic Development Quarterly Entrepreneurship and Regional Development European Planning Studies Futures Growth and Change Habitat International Housing Policy Debate IDS Bulletin - Institute of Development Studies International Development Planning Review International Jounral of Urban and Regional Research International Regional Science Review Journal of Agrarian Change Journal of the American Planning Asociation Journal of Development Studies Journal of Economy Policy Reform Journal of Forecasting Journal of Peasant Studies Journal of Planning Education And Research Journal of Planning Literature Journal of Regional Science Journal of Rural Studies Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0.405 0.252 1.902 0.290 1.158 1.600 0.862 1.904 1.213 1.088 1.467 1.216 1.369 0.350 0.398 2.139 1.829 2.617 1.245 0.244 0.966 0.429 1.441 2.324 1.544 2.916 60 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Local Government Studies Long Range Planning Policy Sciences Progress in Planning Public Administration and Development Research Policy Review of Development Economics Society & Natural Resources Social Policy Administration Studies in Comparative International Development Sustaintable Development Technological Forecasting and Social Change Third World Quarterly World Bank Economic Review World Bank Research Observer World Development 0300-3930 0024-6301 0032-2687 0305-9006 0271-2075 0048-7333 1363-6669 0894-1920 0144-5596 0039-3606 0968-0802 0040-1625 0143-6597 0258-6770 0257-3032 0305-750X 0.686 1.580 0.727 0.875 0.515 2.261 0.459 1.016 0.857 0.906 1.104 1.776 0.920 1.766 1.474 1.225 0.619 1.969 1.286 2.041 0.715 3.772 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0894-587X 1.780 1.661 0954-0121 1.684 2.207 1088-0224 2.737 2.692 1819-5164 0.162 1448-7527 0963-1801 0010-3853 1618-7598 0163-2787 1054-8289 0278-2715 1065-3058 0195-8631 0361-6274 1041-0236 1057-9230 1369-6513 1833-3583 0168-8510 0268-1080 0.289 0.738 1.232 1.337 1.140 2.114 3.582 0.636 0.645 1.875 1.277 2.011 1.803 0.619 1.348 2.477 1.626 1.148 1.813 1.679 1.843 0.974 2.340 2.980 2.397 3.34. Políticas de Salud y Servicios. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Título de la Revista Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research AIDS Care: Psychological and Sociomedical Aspectos of AIDS/HIV American Journal of Managed Care Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy Australian Journal of Primary Health Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics Community Mental Health Journal European Journal of Health Economics Evaluation & the Health Professions Future of Children Health Affairs Health Care Analysis Health Care Financing Review Health Care Management Review Health Communication Health Economics Health Expectations Health Information Management Journal Health Policy Health Policy and Planning 0.863 1.651 2.380 5.388 3.348 0.750 0.948 1.853 1.601 2.796 2.293 1.539 2.539 61 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Health Promotion International Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Health Services Research Health Sociology Review Implementation Science Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing International Journal of Health, Planning and Management International Journal of Health Services International Journal for Quality in Health Care Journal of Aging and Health Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research Journal of Community Health Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Unserved Journal of Health Economics Journal of Health Politics Policy and Law Journal of Healthcare Management Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics Journal of Paliative Care Journal of Public Health Policy Journal of Rural Health Medical Care Medical Care Research and Review Milbank Quarterly Pharmacoeconomics Psychiatric Services Psychology, Public, Society and Law Qualitative Health Research Sciences Sociales et Sante Value in Health 0957-4824 1477-7525 0017-9124 1446-1242 1748-5908 1.544 2.456 2.407 1.486 2.485 2.192 0046-9580 0.698 1.044 0749-6753 0.658 0.835 0020-7314 1353-4505 0898-2643 1094-3412 0094-5145 1049-2089 0167-6296 0361-6878 1096-9012 1091-4358 0825-8597 0197-5897 0890-765X 0025-7079 1077-5587 0887-378X 1170-7690 1075-2730 1076-8971 1049-7323 0294-0337 1098-3015 0.977 1.881 1.448 1.152 1.392 0.964 1.885 1.241 1.172 0.645 0.825 1.326 1.105 3.241 2.790 3.872 2.612 2.813 2.136 1.923 0.250 3.032 1.101 2.397 1.964 1.278 1.676 1.201 2.877 1.439 1.120 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0025-9284 0010-7530 0178-7667 0020-7578 0003-0651 0033-2623 0.621 0.410 0.163 1.239 1.108 0.307 0.976 0.536 0.264 1.031 1.125 0.298 3.171 3.168 1.145 1.558 1.453 4.143 3.028 6.489 2.948 2.998 2.469 2.405 0.409 3.500 3.35. Psicología. 3.35.1. Psicoanálisis. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 Título de la Revista Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Contemporany Psychoanalysis Forum der Psychoanalyse International Journal of Psychoanalysis Journal of the American Psychoanalytical Association Psyche - Zeitschrift für Psychoanalyse und ihre 62 7 8 9 10 11 12 Anwendungen Psychoanalytics Dialogues Psychoanalytic Inquiry Psychoanalytic Psychology Psychoanalytic Quarterly Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie 1048-1885 0735-1690 0736-9735 0033-2828 0033-3190 0.750 0.176 0.571 0.528 5.368 0.731 0.293 0.484 0.976 4.575 1438-3608 1.149 1.043 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0140-525X 0376-6357 0301-0511 1090-5138 1064-1297 0167-8760 1932-4502 0022-5002 19.045 1.527 4.363 3.594 2.713 3.045 1.114 1.585 23.548 1.781 4.337 4.171 2.661 3.314 1.095 1.688 0097-7403 2.451 2.609 0269-8803 1543-4494 0023-9690 0031-9384 0048-5772 2.488 1.517 0.864 3.295 3.926 2.922 1.938 1.432 3.339 4.436 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0962-1849 0269-994X 0735-3936 0306-9885 0889-4019 0011-0000 1094-9313 0014-0139 2.273 1.811 1.126 0.396 1.113 1.983 1.591 1.416 1.952 2.424 1.798 1.000 1.344 3.342 2.472 1.799 3.35.2. Psicobiología. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Título de la Revista Behavioral and Brain Sciences Behavioural Processes Biological Psychology Evolution and Human Behavior Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology International Journal of Psychophysiology Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science Journal of Experimental Analysis of Behavior Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes Journal of Psychophysiology Learning & Behavior Learning and Motivation Psysiology & Behavior Psychophysiology 3.35.3. Psicología Aplicada. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Título de la Revista Applied & Preventive Psychology Applied Psychology: An International Review Behavioral Sciences & the Law British Journal of Guidance & counseling Career Development Quarterly Counseling Psychologist Cyberpsychology & Behavior Ergonomics 63 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 European Journal of Psychological Assessment European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology European Review of Applied Psychology Group & Organization Management Human Factors Human Performance Human Resource Management International Journal of Aviation Psychology International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology International Journal of Selection and Assessment Journal of Applied Psychology Journal of Applied Sport Psychology Journal of Behavioral Decision Making Journal of Business and Psychology Journal of Career Assessment Journal of Career Development Journal of College Students Development Journal of Consumer Psychology Journal of Counseling and Development Journal of Counseling Psychology Journal of Educational Measurament Journal of Enployment Counseling Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied Journal of Interpersonal Violence Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psycology Journal of Organizational Behavior Journal of Organizational Behavior Management Journal of Sport & Excercise Psychology Journal of Vocational Behavior Leadership Quarterly Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development Media Psychology Organizational Behavior and Human Decesion Process Organizational Dynamics Organizational Research Methods Personnel Psychology Personnel Review Psychology & Marketing Psychology of Sport and Excercise Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations Research in Organizational Behavior 1015-5759 1.561 1.617 1359-432X 1.467 1162-9088 1059-6011 0018-7208 0895-9285 0090-4848 1050-8414 0.574 1.923 1.458 0.844 0.930 0.283 2.198 1.818 2.096 1.795 0.722 0306-624X 1.092 1.228 0965-075X 0021-9010 1041-3200 0894-3257 0889-3268 1069-0727 0894-8453 0897-5264 1057-7408 0748-9633 0022-0167 0022-0655 0022-0787 1076-898X 0886-2605 0883-8534 1076-8998 0963-1798 0894-3796 0160-8061 0895-2779 0001-8791 1048-9843 0.864 3.840 1.295 1.377 0.444 1.421 0.923 0.867 5.352 0.582 2.244 0.784 0.594 1.673 1.332 0.650 2.351 1.205 1.990 0.680 2.951 1.835 2.202 1.447 5.804 2.067 1.886 1.171 1.507 0.980 1.193 4.559 0.957 4.053 1.130 0.439 2.513 2.167 1.064 3.048 2.397 3.988 0.688 3.111 3.472 4.051 0748-1756 0.533 1.062 1521-3269 0749-5978 0090-2616 1094-4281 0031-5826 0048-3486 0742-6046 1469-0292 1420-2530 0191-3085 1.321 2.549 0.607 2.471 4.264 0.706 1.340 2.152 0.091 4.375 1.725 3.613 1.310 4.252 5.715 1.166 2.108 2.399 3.654 64 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 Research Quarterly for Excercise and Sport Revista de Psicologia del Deporte Small Group Research Sport Psychologist Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour Travail Humain Work and Stress Zeitschrift für Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie Zeitschrift für Evaluation Zeitschrift für Personalforschung Zeitschrift fur Personalpsychologie Zeitschrift fur Sportpsychologie 0270-1367 1132-239X 1046-4964 0888-4781 1.103 0.600 0.683 1.345 1.558 1369-8478 1.461 1.802 0041-1868 0267-8373 0932-4089 1619-5515 0179-6437 1617-6391 1612-5010 0.567 2.310 1.188 0.200 0.107 1.370 0.269 0.513 3.734 0.761 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0306-4603 0002-7642 2.248 0.705 2.501 1.094 0893-5394 0.389 0.620 0095-2990 0192-6187 1548-5943 0962-1849 1090-0586 0887-6177 0004-0002 0197-4556 1073-1911 0738-6729 0813-4839 1352-4658 1072-0847 0145-4455 1132-9483 0005-7967 0005-7894 0144-6657 1359-107X 0731-7107 1096-4037 1385-4046 1.335 0.377 9.613 2.273 1.765 2.497 3.239 0.417 1.974 0.538 0.600 0.612 1.119 2.230 0.226 2.995 2.845 1.753 1.485 0.353 2.600 1.766 1.636 0.426 11.250 1.952 1.688 2.957 3.425 0.391 2.838 0.924 0.790 0.878 1.182 1.947 1.528 1.431 3.35.4. Psicología Clínica. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Título de la Revista Addictive Behaviors American Behavioral Scientist American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse American Journal of Family Therapy Annual Review of Clinical Psychology Applied & Preventive Psychology Applied Psyhophysiology and Biofeedback Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology Archives of Sexual Behavior Arts in Psychotherapy Assessment Behavior Analyst Behaviour Change Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy Behavioral Interventions Behavior Modification Behavioral Psychology-Psicologia Conductual Behaviour Research and Therapy Behavior Therapy British Journal of Clinical Psychology British Journal of Health Psychology Child & Family Behavior Therapy Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review Clinical Neuropsychologist 3.958 3.636 3.183 2.230 0.585 4.000 2.319 65 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy Clinical Psychology Review Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice Cognitive and Behavioral Practice Cognitive Therapy and Research Criminal Justice and Behavior Depression and Anxiety Diagnostica European Eatign Dissorders Review Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology Family Process Gruppenpsychotherapie und Gruppendynamik Health Psychology International Journal of Behavioral Medicine International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology International Journal of Cognitive Therapy International Journal of Eating Disorders International Journal of Group Psychotherapy International Psychogeriatrics Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology Journal of Abnormal Psychology Journal of Anxiety Disorders Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis Journal of Behavioral Medicine Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psycology Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Journal of Clinical Psychology Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings Journal of Cognitive and Behavioral Psychotherapies Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology Journal of Family Psychology Journal of Family Therapy Journal of Family Violence Journal of Health Psychology Journal of Marital and Family Therapy Journal of Personality Assessment Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions Journal of Psychoactive Drugs Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology 1063-3995 0272-7358 0969-5893 1077-7229 0147-5916 0093-8548 1091-4269 0012-1924 1072-4133 1064-1297 0014-7370 0017-4947 0278-6133 1070-5503 1.188 4.901 3.000 0.910 1.465 1.690 2.926 0.912 1.283 2.713 1.275 0.625 3.462 0.903 1.532 6.809 3.293 1.241 2.281 1.877 3.064 1.154 1.329 2.661 1.739 0.457 4.416 1.861 0020-7144 1.246 1.083 1697-2600 1937-1209 0276-3478 0020-7284 1041-6102 0091-0627 0021-843X 0887-6185 0021-8855 0160-7715 1.792 0.833 2.797 0.522 2.506 2.966 4.515 2.682 1.496 3.084 0.833 2.955 0.570 2.629 3.928 6.305 2.910 1.588 3.103 0005-7916 2.483 2.791 1537-4416 1380-3395 0160-6689 0021-9762 1068-9583 1584-7101 0022-006X 0893-3200 0163-4445 0885-7482 1359-1053 0194-472X 0022-3891 1098-3007 0279-1072 2.910 1.885 5.218 1.525 0.683 0.156 4.461 2.000 0.603 0.939 1.683 0.892 1.459 1.784 0.811 4.092 2.432 5.494 1.904 0.815 0882-2689 0.906 1.769 0167-482X 1.197 1.645 6.336 2.812 0.816 1.154 2.068 1.029 1.890 2.859 1.034 66 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy Journal of Sex Research Journal of Social and Clinical Psycology Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment Journal of Traumatic Stress Neuropsychology Review Neuropsychology Psychoanalytic Psychology Psychological Assessment Psychological Medicine Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik, Medizinische Psychologie Psychotherapy Research Psychotherapeut Psychotherapy Rehabilitation Psychology Revista Argentina de Clinica Psicologica Revista Iberoamericana de Diagnostico y Evaluacion-e Avaliacao Psicologica Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment Suvremena Psihologija Verhaltenstherapie Zeitschrift für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie Zeitschrift für Psychiatrie Psychologie und Psychotherapie Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychotherapie Zeitschrift fur Sexualforschung 0092-623X 0022-4499 0736-7236 0740-5472 0894-9867 1040-7308 0894-4105 0736-9735 1040-3590 0033-2917 2.264 1.060 1.067 2.902 2.326 5.231 2.949 0.571 2.890 5.012 2.936 2.337 2.179 3.007 2.985 5.744 3.655 0.484 3.647 5.456 1476-0835 0.973 1.000 0937-2032 0.904 0.849 1050-3307 0935-6185 0033-3204 0090-5550 0327-6716 1.429 0.733 0.841 1.191 0.108 1.673 0.502 1.405 1.461 1135-3848 0.189 1079-0632 1331-9264 1016-6262 2.208 0.156 0.886 2.698 1616-3443 0.574 0.714 1661-4747 0.286 0.225 1438-3608 1.149 1.043 0932-8114 0.257 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0895-7347 0007-0998 0009-3920 0737-0008 0361-476X 1040-0419 0163-853X 1076-9242 0.639 1.651 3.631 1.208 1.057 0.516 0.955 1.176 0.895 2.270 5.522 3.391 2.209 1.060 1.405 1.674 0.746 3.35.5. Psicología Educacional. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Título de la Revista Applied Measurement in Education British Journal of Educational Psychology Child Development Cognition and Instruction Contemporany Educational Psychology Creativity Research Journal Discourse Processes Dyslexia 67 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Educational and Psychological Measurement Educational Psychology Review Educational Psychology Educational Psychologist European Journal of Psychology of Education Infancia y Aprendizaje Instructional Science Journal of Applied Rersearch in Intellectual Disabilities Journal of Counseling Psychology Journal of Creative Behavior Journal of Early Intervention Journal of Educational Measurement Journal of Educational Psychology Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Journal of Experimental Education Journal of the Learning Sciences Journal of Literacy Research Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment Journal of Research in Reading Journal of School Psychology Japanese Journal of Educational Psychology Learning and Individual Diferences Learning and Instruction Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht Psychology in the Schools Reading Research Quarterly Reading and Writing Revista de Psicodidactica School Psychology International School Psychology Quarterly School Psychology Review Voprosy Psikhologii Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie Zeitschrift für Padagogische Psychologie 0013-1644 1040-726X 0144-3410 0046-1520 0256-2928 0210-3702 0020-4277 1360-2322 0022-0167 0022-0175 1053-8151 0022-0655 0022-0663 1047-4412 1063-4266 0022-0973 1050-8406 1086-296X 0734-2829 0141-0423 0022-4405 0021-5015 1041-6080 0959-4752 0.633 3.477 0.714 2.906 0.600 0.441 1.341 1.034 2.244 0.357 1.103 0.784 2.730 0.773 1.676 1.000 1.767 0.724 0.660 1.137 2.311 0.170 1.612 2.372 1.534 5.156 0748-1756 0.533 1.062 0342-183X 0033-3085 0034-0553 0922-4777 1136-1034 0143-0343 1045-3830 0279-6015 0042-8841 0.553 0.965 1.622 0.823 0.414 0.446 1.000 1.844 0.141 0.509 1.319 1.960 0049-8637 0.632 0.700 1010-0652 0.891 1.000 5.169 0.813 2.311 1.652 4.053 0.507 1.304 1.130 4.585 1.100 2.210 1.410 5.114 0.819 0.888 1.523 2.683 0.220 2.147 3.088 0.839 1.223 2.415 0.107 68 3.35.6. Psicología Evolutiva. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 Título de la Revista Adolescence Advances in Child Development and Behavior Aging, Neurpsychology and Cognition Applied Developmental Science Attachtment & Human Development Autism Autism Research British Journal of Developmental Psychology Child Health Care and Development Child Development Child Development Perspectives Child Psychiatry & Human Development Cognitive Development Developmental Neuropsychology Developmental Psychology Development and Psychopathology Developmental Review Developmental Science Early Childhood Research Quarterly European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry European Journal of Developmental Psychology Human Development Infancia y Aprendizaje Infancy Infant Behavior & Development Infant and Child Development Infant Mental Health Journal Infants and Young Children International Journal of Aging and Human Development International Journal of Behavioral Development Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology Journal of Adolescence Journal of Adolescent Health Journal of Adolescent Research Journal of Adult Development Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders Journal of Child Languaje Factor de Impacto (5 años) ISSN Factor de Impacto 0001-8449 0065-2407 1382-5585 1088-8691 1461-6734 1362-3613 1939-3792 0261-510X 0305-1862 0009-3920 1750-8592 0009-398X 0885-2014 8756-5641 0012-1649 0954-5794 0273-2297 1363-755X 0885-2006 1018-8827 1740-5629 0018-716X 0210-3702 1525-0008 0163-6383 1522-7227 0163-9641 0896-3746 0.790 1.526 1.239 0.646 1.365 2.534 1.375 1.418 1.137 3.631 1.268 1.533 1.686 2.321 3.555 4.949 3.486 4.203 1.925 1.651 1.018 1.000 0.441 1.377 1.341 0.890 1.119 0.411 1.380 1.978 1.554 0091-4150 0.582 1.058 0165-0254 0091-0627 0140-1971 1054-139X 0743-5584 1068-0667 1.416 2.966 1.802 3.325 1.404 0.214 1.949 3.928 2.791 3.761 2.588 0.624 0890-8567 4.983 5.617 0193-3973 0162-3257 0305-0009 1.155 3.063 1.040 2.088 4.400 1.511 2.427 3.265 1.375 1.743 1.620 5.522 1.268 1.783 2.163 3.542 4.953 7.094 3.821 4.755 2.412 2.379 1.076 1.495 2.359 1.627 1.424 1.793 0.823 69 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology Journal of Cognition and Development Journal of Constructivist Psychology Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics Journal of Early Adolescence Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Journal of Genetic Psycology Journal of Pediatric Psychology Journal of Research on Adolescence Journal of Youth and Adolescence Kindheit und Entwicklung Merrill-Palmer Quarterly: Journal of Developmental Psychology Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development Parenting: Science and Practice Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie Psychology and Aging Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Sex Roles Social Development 0021-9630 1537-4416 1524-8372 1072-0537 0196-206X 0272-4316 0022-0965 0022-1325 0146-8693 1050-8392 0047-2891 0942-5403 4.983 2.910 1.667 0.188 2.265 1.267 2.242 0.727 3.050 1.682 1.383 4.519 6.504 4.092 0272-930X 1.255 2.109 0037-976X 6.333 8.545 1529-5192 0032-7034 0882-7974 1750-9467 0360-0025 0961-205X 0.821 0.659 2.733 2.267 0.928 1.723 0.563 4.151 2.278 1.345 2.144 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0001-6918 1059-7123 0065-2601 1382-5585 0888-4080 0142-7164 1943-3921 1554-351X 1366-7289 0301-0511 0278-2626 0093-934X 2.194 1.911 6.083 1.239 1.452 1.238 2.480 2.106 10.733 1.554 1.832 1.887 2.923 1.636 4.363 2.547 2.973 3.203 0007-1102 0.830 1.145 1196-1961 0264-3294 1389-0417 1.569 1.674 0.571 1.971 2.414 0.718 3.198 2.333 3.016 1.198 3.672 2.775 2.222 2.389 3.35.7. Psicología Experimental. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Título de la Revista Acta Psychologica Adaptative Behavior Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition Applied Cognitive Psychology Applied Psycholinguistics Attention Perception & Psychophysics Behavior Research Methods Bilingualism: Language and Cognition Biological Psychology Brain and Cognition Brain and Language British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology Cognitive Neuropsychology Cognitive Systems Research 4.337 3.413 3.105 70 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Cognition Cognition & Emotion Cognition and Instruction Cognitive Development Cognitive Psychology Cognitive Science Computer in Human Behavior Consciousness and Cognition Developmental Neuropsychology Developmental Science Discourse Processes Ecological Psychology Emotion European Journal of Cognitive Psychology Experimental Psychology Human Movement Science International Journal of Psychophysiology Journal of Child Language Journal of Cognition and Development Journal of Cognitive Neurosciences Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior Journal of Experimental Child Psychology Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes Journal of Experimental Psychology: General Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition Journal of Memory and Language Journal of Mind and Behavior Journal of Motor Behavior Journal of Neurolinguistics Journal of Neuropsychology Journal of Psycholinguistic Research Language and Cognitive Processes Language and Speech Laterality Learning & Behavior Learning and Motivation Memory & Cognition Memory Mind & Language Motivation and Emotion Multivariate Behavioral Research Music Perception 0010-0277 0269-9931 0737-0008 0885-2014 0010-0285 0364-0213 0747-5632 1053-8100 8756-5641 1363-755X 0163-853X 1040-7413 1528-3542 0954-1446 1618-3169 0167-9457 0167-8760 0305-0009 1524-8372 0898-929X 0022-5002 0022-0965 3.562 1.901 1.208 1.686 4.122 2.594 1.677 2.136 2.321 4.203 0.955 1.472 3.726 1.237 1.688 2.148 3.045 1.040 1.667 5.382 1.585 2.242 4.967 2.585 3.391 2.163 6.139 3.419 1.976 2.839 3.542 4.755 1.405 1.564 4.877 1.720 2.164 2.449 3.314 1.511 0097-7403 2.451 2.609 0096-3445 4.701 7.960 0096-1523 3.065 3.953 0278-7393 3.344 3.688 0749-596X 0271-0137 0022-2895 0911-6044 1748-6645 0090-6905 0169-0965 0023-8309 1357-650X 1543-4494 0023-9690 0090-502X 0965-8211 0268-1064 0146-7239 0027-3171 0730-7829 3.221 0.333 1.596 1.660 1.140 0.857 2.000 0.730 1.514 1.517 0.864 1.726 1.580 2.091 1.339 2.328 1.714 3.814 0.385 1.756 1.504 1.140 0.952 2.233 1.124 1.691 1.938 1.432 2.319 1.948 2.173 2.351 3.691 2.175 6.658 1.688 3.016 71 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 Musicae Scientiae Neuropsychologia New Ideas in Psychology Perceptual and Motor Skills Perception Psicologica Psychological Research - Psychologishe Forschung Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Psychophysiology Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Thinking & Reasoning Trends in Cognitive Sciences Visual Cognition 1029-8649 0028-3932 0732-118X 0031-5125 0301-0066 0211-2159 0340-0727 1069-9384 0048-5772 1747-0218 1354-6783 1364-6613 1350-6285 0.561 4.345 1.424 0.552 1.462 0.400 1.952 2.183 3.926 2.016 1.375 11.664 1.484 0.533 4.766 1.129 0.575 1.874 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 2.574 3.056 4.436 2.195 1.453 15.591 2.394 3.35.8. Psicología, General. N° Título de la Revista ISSN Factor de Impacto 1 2 Aggression and Violent Behavior Aggresive Behavior AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV American Journal of Community Psychology American Journal of Psychology American Psychologist Anales de Psicología Annals of Behavioral Medicine Année psychologique Annual Review of Psychology Anxiety, Stress & Coping Australian Journal of Psychology Australian Psychologist Behavior Genetics Body Image British Journal of Psychology Canadian Journal Of Behavioural Science-Revue Canadienne Des Sciences Du Comportement Canadian Psychology Ceskoslovenka Psychologie Computers in Human Behavior Creativity Research Journal Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Culture & Psychology 1359-1789 0096-140X 1.655 1.698 2.415 2.332 0954-0121 1.684 2.207 0091-0562 0002-9556 0003-066X 0212-9728 0883-6612 0003-5033 0066-4308 1061-5806 0004-9530 0005-0067 0001-8244 1740-1445 0007-1269 2.162 0.636 6.537 0.244 3.145 0.224 22.750 1.545 0.500 0.590 3.117 2.193 2.114 2.356 1.099 9.729 0008-400X 0.519 0.910 0708-5591 0009-062X 0747-5632 1040-0419 1.691 0.226 1.677 0.516 1.135 0.215 1.976 1.060 0227-5910 1.141 1354-067X 1.795 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 3.810 0.418 21.025 1.832 1.081 0.819 3.180 2.587 1.351 72 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Current Directions in Psychological Science Current Psychology Death Studies Discourse & Society Environment & Behavior Ethics & Behavior Ethos European Psychologist Feminism & Psychology Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences History of Psychology Humor: International Journal of Humor Research International Journal of Human-Computer Studies International Journal of Psychology International Journal of Sport Psychology Intelligence Journal of Abnormal Psychology Journal of Analytical Psychology Journal of Black Psychology Journal of Community Psychology Journal of Comparative Psychology Journal of Economic Psychology Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders Journal of Enviromental Psychology Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice Journal of Gamblign Studies Journal of General Psychology Journal of Genetic Psychology Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences Journal of Homosexuality Journal of Humanistic Psychology Journal of Mind & Behavior Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology Journal of Psychohistory Journal of Psychology Journal of Psychology & Theology Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology Japanese Psychological Research Judgment and Decision Making Laterality Legal and Criminological Psychology Military Psychology Neurobiology of Learning and Memory New Ideas in Psychology Nordic Psychology 0963-7214 1046-1310 0748-1187 0957-9265 0013-9165 1050-8422 0091-2131 1016-9040 0959-3535 0739-9863 1093-4510 0933-1719 1071-5819 0020-7594 0047-0767 0160-2896 0021-843X 0021-8774 0095-7984 0090-4392 0735-7036 0167-4870 1063-4266 0272-4944 1522-8932 1050-5350 0022-1309 0022-1325 3.954 0.341 0.831 1.300 1.365 0.575 0.900 1.481 0.514 0.759 0.615 0.771 2.380 1.338 0.959 3.120 4.515 0.797 1.548 1.048 1.959 1.473 1.676 1.650 0.295 1.284 0.528 0.727 4.605 0.689 1.161 1.623 1.789 0.877 0.845 1.691 0.840 1.427 1079-5014 2.094 2.825 0091-8369 0022-1678 0271-0137 1834-4909 0145-3378 0022-3980 0091-6471 0264-6838 0021-5368 1930-2975 1357-650X 1355-3259 0899-5605 1074-7427 0732-118X 1901-2276 0.286 0.245 0.333 0.174 0.118 0.649 0.311 0.848 0.388 1.468 1.514 0.511 0.391 3.479 1.424 0.297 0.749 0.420 0.385 0.174 0.239 1.105 0.525 1.042 0.559 1.589 1.691 0.748 0.778 3.674 1.129 0.203 0.864 2.902 1.257 1.130 4.119 6.305 0.626 1.506 2.649 1.670 2.210 2.658 1.843 1.172 1.198 73 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 Omega: The Journal of Death and Dying Perspectives on Psychological Science Phylosophical Psychology Professional Psychology: Research and Practice Psicologia-Reflexao e Critica Psicothema Psihologija Psikhologicheskii zhurnal Psychiatry Psychology and Law Psycho-Oncology Psychology of Addictive Behaviors Psychologica Belgica Psychological Bulletin Psychology, Crime and Law Psychology & Health Psycological Inquiry Psychological Methods Psychology, Public Policy, and Law Psychological Record Psychological Reports Psychological Review Psychologische Rundschau Psychological Science Psychology of Women Quarterly Psychologia Psychologist Psychosomatic Medicine Review of General Psychology Revista Latinoamericana de Psicología Revista Mexicana de Psicología South African Journal of Psychology Scandinavian Journal of Psychology Spanish Journal of Psychology Spatial Vision Studia Psychologica Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Swiss Journal of Psychology Teaching of Psychology Theory & Psychology Türk Psikologlar Derneği Women & Therapy Zeitschrift für Psychologie Zeitschrift für Psychosomatische Medizin und 111 Psychotherapie 0030-2228 1745-6916 0951-5089 0735-7028 0102-7972 0214-9915 0048-5705 0205-9592 1321-8719 1057-9249 0893-164X 0033-2879 0033-2909 1068-316X 0887-0446 1047-840X 1082-989X 1076-8971 0033-2933 0033-2941 0033-295X 0033-3042 0956-7976 0361-6843 0033-2852 0952-8229 0033-3174 1089-2680 0120-0534 0185-6073 0081-2463 0036-5564 1138-7416 0169-1015 0039-3320 0363-0234 1421-0185 0098-6283 0959-3543 1300-4433 0270-3149 0044-3409 0.554 7.508 0.642 1.419 0.150 0.910 0.082 0.124 0.527 2.684 2.679 0.304 12.854 0.771 1.692 4.050 4.364 2.136 0.652 0.346 9.082 1.800 5.090 1.297 0.464 0.341 4.236 1.898 0.388 0.420 0.347 1.148 0.835 0.794 0.175 1.454 1.024 0.400 0.532 0.263 0.171 0.807 1438-3608 1.149 0.564 9.103 0.880 1.426 0.874 0.153 3.677 3.327 0.692 19.160 1.237 2.297 8.152 5.468 2.469 1.036 0.425 11.582 1.104 6.648 2.139 0.457 0.431 5.155 3.540 0.365 0.264 0.631 1.276 1.055 0.260 2.125 0.872 0.435 0.825 0.339 0.339 0.577 1.043 74 3.35.9. Psicología Matemática. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Título de la Revista Applied Measurement in Education Applied Psychological Measurement Behavior Research Methods British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology Educational and Psychological Measurement Journal of Classification Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics Journal of Educational Measurement Journal of Mathematical Psychology Psychometrika Psychonomic Bulletin & Review Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0895-7347 0146-6216 1554-351X 0.639 0.714 2.923 0.895 1.093 3.203 0007-1102 0013-1644 0176-4268 1076-9986 0022-0655 0022-2496 0033-3123 1069-9384 0.830 0.633 1.286 1.053 0.784 1.296 1.205 2.183 1.145 1.534 1.382 2.200 1.130 1.729 1.537 3.056 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0065-2601 1367-2223 0197-3533 0144-6665 0145-2134 0163-9625 0890-2070 0046-2772 1046-3283 1089-2699 1368-4302 1618-7849 0147-1767 0021-9029 1052-9284 0022-0221 0022-1031 0022-1465 0261-927X 1532-5024 0191-5886 6.083 0.847 0.667 1.468 2.339 0.885 2.597 1.358 1.611 1.140 1.465 0.236 0.897 0.772 0.606 1.387 2.239 2.350 0.519 0.464 1.438 ISSN 3.35.10. Psicología Social. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Título de la Revista Advances in Experimental Social Psychology Asian Journal of Social Psychology Basic and Applied Social Psychology British Journal of Social Psychology Child Abuse & Neglect Deviant Behavior European Journal of Personality European Journal of Social Psychology European Review of Social Psychology Group Dynamics: Theory Research and Practice Group Processes & Intergroup Relations Gruppendynamik & Organisationsberatung International Journal of Intercultural Relations Journal of Applied Social Psychology Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology Journal of Experimental Social Psychology Journal of Health and Social Behavior Journal of Language and Social Psychology Journal of Loss & Trauma Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 10.733 1.429 1.380 2.413 3.449 1.053 2.722 1.973 1.496 1.955 0.133 1.526 1.184 1.418 2.569 3.022 3.980 0.920 0.664 2.071 75 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Journal of Personality Journal of Personality Assessment Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Journal of Research in Personality Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology Journal of Social and Personal Relationships Journal of Social Psychology Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Law and Human Behavior Motivation and Emotion Nebraska Symposium on Motivation Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes Personality and Individual Diferences Personal Relationships Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin Personality and Social Psychology Review Political Psychology Research on Language and Social Interaction International Review of Social Psychology Self and Identity Sex Roles Small Group Research Social Behavior and Personality Social Cognition Social Psychology Quarterly Social Psychology Zeitschrift fuer Sozialpsychologie 0022-3506 0022-3891 0022-3514 0734-7332 0092-6566 0736-7236 0265-4075 0022-4545 0021-8308 0023-2653 0147-7307 0146-7239 0146-7875 2.892 1.459 4.732 0.927 1.741 1.067 0.969 0.459 1.190 1.457 2.628 1.339 0.333 4.202 1.890 7.480 1.102 2.514 2.179 1.438 1.175 1.009 1.308 2.568 2.351 1.815 0749-5978 2.549 3.613 0191-8869 1350-4126 0862-8408 1088-8683 0162-895X 0835-1813 0992-986X 1529-8868 0360-0025 1046-4964 0301-2212 0278-016X 0190-2725 1864-9335 0044-3514 1.878 1.385 2.575 6.594 1.369 0.903 0.341 0.826 0.928 0.683 0.318 1.686 1.250 1.462 0.391 2.073 1.917 3.866 9.092 2.392 1.153 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1042-9670 0001-690X 0965-2140 1360-7863 1064-7481 0002-9432 0002-953X 1061-5806 0003-990X 0.977 3.733 3.842 1.127 3.353 2.211 12.522 1.545 12.257 1.150 4.388 4.800 1.720 3.842 2.959 11.395 1.832 16.433 1.345 1.528 0.517 2.331 2.372 1.462 0.415 3.36. Psiquiatría. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Título de la Revista Academic Psychiatry Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica Addiction Aging & Mental Health American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry American Journal of Orthopsychiatry American Journal of Psychiatry Anxiety, Stress and Coping Archives of General Psychiatry 76 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 Archives in Psychiatric Nursing Australian and New Zeland Journal of Psychiatry Australasian Psychiatry Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic Behavioral Medicine British Journal of Psychiatry Canadian Journal of Psychiatry Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Clinics of North America Child Psychiatry & Human Development Community Mental Health Journal Complrehensive Psychiatry Contemporary Psychoanalysis Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention Culture, Medicine and Psychiatry Current Opinion in Psychiatry Depression and Anxiety Early Intervention in Psychiatry Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale-An International Journal for Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry European Journal of Psychiatry European Psychiatry Evolution Psychiatrique General Hospital Psychiatry Harvard Review of Psychiatry History of Psychiatry International Journal of Clinica and Experimental Hypnosis International Journal of Cognitive Therapy International Journal of Eating Disorders International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry International Journal of Law and Psychiatry International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine International Journal of Social Pychiatry International Review of Psychiatry Israel Journal of Psychiatry and Related Sciences Journal of Affective Dissorders Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 0883-9417 0004-8674 1039-8562 0025-9284 0896-4289 0007-1250 0706-7437 0.897 2.253 0.657 0.621 1.370 5.777 2.293 1.054 2.761 1056-4993 2.882 2.548 0009-398X 0010-3853 0010-440X 0010-7530 1.533 1.232 2.082 0.410 1.783 1.651 2.404 0.536 0227-5910 1.141 0165-005X 0951-7367 1091-4269 1751-7885 0.755 3.574 2.926 1.250 1121-189X 1.860 1018-8827 0213-6163 0924-9338 0014-3855 0163-8343 1067-3229 0957-154X 1.651 0.462 3.080 0.125 2.669 1.344 1.188 2.379 0.455 2.512 0.102 2.826 2.178 0.682 0020-7144 1.246 1.083 1937-1209 0276-3478 0885-6230 0160-2527 0.833 2.797 1.981 1.099 0.833 2.955 2.425 1.217 1049-8931 3.030 5.214 0091-2174 0020-7640 0954-0261 0333-7308 0165-0327 0.909 0.966 2.172 0.738 3.763 1.262 1.279 1.989 0.808 4.060 0890-8567 4.983 5.617 1093-6793 1.031 1.000 0003-0651 1.108 1.125 0.976 1.824 6.364 2.971 1.245 3.007 3.064 1.263 77 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 Journal of Anxiety Dissorders Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry Journal of Clinical Psychiatry Journal of ECT Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology Journal of Mental Health Policy and Economics Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease Journal of Personality Disorders Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience Journal of Psychiatryic Research Journal of Psychosomatic Research Journal of Traumatic Stress Nordic Journal of Psychiatry Perspectives in Psychiatric Care Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie Psychiatric Annals Psychiatric Clinic of North America Psychiatria Danubina Psychiatrie de L'Enfant Psychiatrische Praxis Psychiatry Psychology and Law Psychiatric Quarterly Psychiatry Research Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes Psychological Medicine Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice Psychopathology Psychosomatic Medicine Psychosomatics Recht & Psychiatrie Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria Rivista di Psichiatria South African Journal of Psychiatry Salud Mental Schizophrenia Research Schizoprenia Bulletin Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology Stress & Health Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior Turk Psikiyatri Dergisi 0887-6185 2.682 2.910 0005-7916 2.483 2.791 0021-9630 0160-6689 1095-0680 1478-9949 1091-4358 0022-3018 0885-579X 1351-0126 1180-4882 0022-3956 0022-3999 0894-9867 0803-9488 0031-5990 0032-7034 0048-5713 0193-953X 0353-5053 0079-726X 0303-4259 1321-8719 0033-2720 0165-1781 1095-158X 0033-2747 0033-2917 4.983 5.218 1.193 0.676 0.645 1.771 3.079 1.063 3.579 3.723 2.908 2.326 0.992 1.000 0.659 0.388 1.866 0.702 0.070 1.174 0.527 0.909 2.373 1.707 3.780 5.012 6.504 5.494 1.451 1.000 1476-0835 0.973 1.000 0254-4962 0033-3174 0033-3182 0724-2247 1750-9467 1516-4446 0035-6484 1608-9685 0185-3325 0920-9964 0586-7614 0933-7954 1532-3005 0363-0234 1300-2163 1.637 4.236 1.713 0.412 2.267 1.391 0.061 0.409 0.296 4.458 7.467 2.052 0.714 1.454 0.576 1.752 5.155 2.321 2.237 3.736 4.412 4.041 3.243 2.985 1.163 1.195 0.563 0.437 2.448 0.823 0.962 2.766 1.624 3.561 5.456 2.278 0.400 4.945 7.253 2.515 1.128 2.125 78 93 94 World Psychiatry Zeitschrift fuer Kinder-und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 1723-8617 4.375 1422-4917 1.409 1.373 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 3.37. Rehabilitación. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Título de la Revista AJIDD: American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Ammerican Annals of the Deaf American Journal on Mental Retardation American Journal of Occupational Therapy American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology Annals of Dyslexia Arts in Psychotherapy Assistive Technology Augmentative and Alternative Communication British Journal of Developmental Disabilities Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics Bisability and Rehabilitation Disability & Society Dyslexia Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities Exceptional Children Focus on Exceptional Children Infants and Young Children International Journal of Language & Comunication Disorders International Journal of Rehabilitation Research International Review of Research in Mental Health Retardation Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities Journal of Communication Disorders Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education Journal of Developmental and Psysical Disabilities Journal of Early Intervention Journal of Fluency Disorders Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation Journal of Intellectual Disability Research Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability Journal of Learning Disabilities Journal of Music Therapy 1944-7515 0002-726X 0895-8017 0272-9490 1058-0360 0736-9387 0197-4556 1040-0435 0743-4618 0969-7950 0269-9206 0963-8288 0968-7599 1076-9242 1547-0350 0014-4029 0015-511X 0896-3746 0.324 2.507 1.419 1.879 1.389 0.417 0.659 0.943 0.348 0.529 1.555 0.762 1.176 0.537 2.367 0.000 0.411 0.687 2.905 1.408 1.829 2.688 0.391 1.299 1368-2822 1.330 1.859 0342-5282 0.358 0.827 0074-7750 0.500 0.500 1934-9491 1360-2322 0021-9924 1081-4159 1056-263X 1053-8151 0094-730X 0885-9701 0964-2633 1366-8250 0022-2194 0022-2917 1.131 1.034 1.639 1.375 0.844 1.103 2.188 2.391 1.601 1.043 1.412 0.632 1.180 1.652 2.276 0.462 0.790 2.056 1.038 1.674 1.060 3.628 0.225 0.823 0.832 1.304 2.425 3.639 2.018 1.370 2.296 0.978 79 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation Journal of Rehabilitation Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Journal of Speech, Language and Hearing Research Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness Language, Speech and Hearing Services in Schools Learning Disability Quarterly Neurorehabilitation Nordic Journal of Music Therapy OTJR: Occupation, Participation and Health Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin Rehabilitation Nursing Rehabilitation Psychology Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders Research in Developmental Disabilities Sexuality and Disability Topics in Geriatric Rehabilitation Topics in Language Disorders Volta Review 1053-0487 0022-4154 0748-7711 1092-4388 0145-482X 0161-1461 0731-9487 1053-8135 0803-9828 1539-4492 1095-158X 0034-3552 0278-4807 0090-5550 1750-9467 0891-4222 0146-1044 0882-7524 0271-8294 0042-8639 1.380 0.545 1.367 2.347 0.484 1.273 0.903 1.953 0.381 0.358 1.707 0.591 0.667 1.191 2.267 4.410 0.800 0.734 0.340 0.417 ISSN Factor de Impacto 1038-4111 0007-1080 0143-831X 0959-6801 0019-7939 0019-8676 0143-7720 0020-7780 0022-166X 0022-1856 0734-306X 0195-3613 0023-656X 0023-6942 0048-3486 0091-0260 0034-379X 0950-0170 0730-8884 0.775 1.377 0.744 1.000 0.849 2.049 0.329 1.176 1.877 0.647 1.511 0.492 0.219 0.150 0.706 0.264 0.216 1.348 1.323 2.351 0.623 1.849 2.714 0.556 1.720 1.154 2.137 0.535 1.624 0.784 1.461 2.278 3.489 0.823 0.585 0.627 3.38. Relaciones Industriales y Trabajo. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Título de la Revista Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources British Journal of Industrial Relations Economic and Industrial Democracy European Journal of Industrial Relations Industrial & Labor Relations Review Industrial Relations International Journal of Manpower International Labour Review Journal of Human Resources Journal of Industrial Relations Journal of Labor Economics Journal of Labor Research Labor History Labour History Personnel Review Public Personnel Management Relations Industrielles - Industrial Relations Work, Employment and Society Work and Occupations Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1.783 0.830 1.154 1.353 2.589 0.723 0.987 2.559 2.644 0.677 0.489 1.166 0.423 0.427 1.977 2.129 80 3.39. Relaciones Internacionales. N° Título de la Revista 1 2 Alternatives American Journal of International Law Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy Australian Journal of International Affairs Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense Strategy, Practice and Science Columbia Journal of Transanational Law Common Market Law Review Communist and Post-Communist Studies Conflict, Management and Peace Science Cooperation and Conflict Cornell International Law Journal Current History Emerging Markets, Finance and Trade European Journal of International Law European Journal of International Relations Foreing Affairs Global Gobernance International Affairs International Interactions International Organization Internasjonal Politikk Internationale Politik International Relations of the Asia-Pacific International Security Internationa Studies Quarterly Issues & Studies Journal of Conflict Resolution Journal of International Relations and Development Journal of the Japanese and International Economies Journal of Maritime Law and Comerce Journal of Peace Research Journal of Strategic Studies JCMS-Journal of Common Market Studies Korea Observer Korean Journal of Defense Analysis Latin American Politics and Society Marine Policy Middle East Policy 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0304-3754 0002-9300 0.275 1.056 0.962 1.251 1819-5164 0.162 1035-7718 0096-3402 0.733 0.491 0.790 0.483 1538-7135 1.644 1.519 0010-1931 0165-0750 0967-067X 0738-8942 0010-8367 0010-8812 0011-3530 1540-496X 0938-5428 1354-0661 0015-7120 1075-2846 0020-5850 0305-0629 0020-8183 0020-577X 1430-175X 1470-482X 0162-2889 0020-8833 1013-2511 0022-0027 1408-6980 0889-1583 0022-2410 0022-3433 0140-2390 0021-9886 0023-3919 1016-3271 1531-426X 0308-597X 1061-1924 0.786 0.919 0.456 0.902 0.500 0.561 0.226 0.338 0.831 1.432 3.155 0.429 1.222 0.314 2.000 0.111 0.033 0.824 3.243 1.625 0.167 1.507 0.733 0.368 0.204 2.468 0.422 1.316 0.156 0.255 0.887 1.396 0.408 0.854 1.019 0.551 1.170 0.344 0.368 0.467 2.258 2.869 0.839 1.751 0.762 4.400 0.065 0.031 5.303 2.459 0.321 3.015 0.601 0.213 2.677 0.460 1.646 0.197 0.898 1.463 0.542 81 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Millennium: Journal of International Studies Ocean Development and International Law Pacific Focus Pacific Review Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo Review of International Political Economy Review of International Studies Review of World Economics Security Dialogue Security Studies Space Policy Studies in Comparative International Development Studies in Conflict & Terrorism Survival Terrorism and Political Violence War in History Washington Quarterly World Economy World Policy Journal World Politics 0305-8298 0090-8320 1225-4657 0951-2748 1138-4026 0969-2290 0260-2105 1610-2878 0967-0106 0963-6412 0265-9646 0039-3606 1057-610X 0039-6338 0954-6553 0968-3445 0163-660X 0378-5920 0740-2775 0043-8871 0.463 0.344 0.400 1.216 0.067 1.288 1.145 0.524 1.490 0.870 1.707 0.906 0.549 0.529 1.075 0.184 0.812 1.159 0.125 2.114 0.914 0.481 Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1.926 1.866 1.391 0.802 1.807 1.020 1.454 1.813 0.973 1.433 0.236 1.124 1.244 0.188 2.815 3.40. Salud Pública, Ambiental y Laboral. N° Título de la Revista ISSN Factor de Impacto 1 Accident Analysis and Prevention Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research AIDS and Behavior AIDS Care: Psychological and Socio-Medical Aspects of AIDS/HIV AIDS Education and Prevention AIDS Patient Care and STDs AJAR: African Journal of AIDS Research American Journal of Community Psychology American Journal of Health Behavior American Journal of Health Promotion American Journal of Mens Health American Journal of Public Health Anales del Sistema Sanitario De Navarra Annual Review of Public Health Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health Australian Journal of Primary Health Australian Journal of Rural Health 0001-4575 1.647 2.167 0894-587X 1.780 1.661 1090-7165 3.038 3.382 0954-0121 1.684 2.207 0899-9546 1087-2914 1608-5906 0091-0562 1087-3244 0890-1171 1557-9883 0090-0036 1137-6627 0163-7525 1010-5395 1448-7527 1038-5282 1.506 2.683 0.569 2.162 1.472 1.547 0.530 4.371 0.307 7.915 0.763 0.289 0.786 1.973 2.597 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 2.356 1.693 2.459 0.530 4.992 9.974 82 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 Australian and New Zeland Journal of Public Health Biosecurity and Bioterrorism: Biodefense, Practice and Science Cadernos de Saude Publica Canadian Journal of Public Health Childrens Health Care Community Mental Health Journal Economics & Human Biology Environnement Risques & Sante Epidemiologia & Prevenzione European Journal of Public Health Fammily & Community Health Gaceta Sanitaria Gesundheitswesen Health Health Education & Behavior Health Education Journal Health Education Research Health Expectations Health & Place Health Promotion International Health Risk & Society Health & Sociala Care in the Community HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal Injury Prevention International Journal of Circumpolar Health International Journal of Health Geographics International Journal of Health Planning and Management International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics International Journal of Public Health International Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health Iranian Journal of Public Health Journal of Adolescent Health Journal of American College Health Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research Journal of Community Health Journal of Community Psychology Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Unserved Journal of Health and Social Behavior 1326-0200 1.349 1.673 1538-7135 1.644 1.519 0102-311X 0008-4263 0273-9615 0010-3853 1570-677X 1635-0421 1120-9763 1101-1262 0160-6379 0213-9111 0941-3790 1363-4593 1090-1981 0017-8969 0268-1153 1369-6513 1353-8292 0957-4824 1369-8575 0966-0410 0.829 1.349 0.773 1.232 2.016 0.688 0.705 2.313 0.989 1.172 0.450 1.320 2.194 0.792 2.146 1.803 2.993 1.544 1.328 1.101 1937-5867 1.158 1.158 1353-8047 1239-9736 1476-072X 1.453 1.048 2.450 2.108 0749-6753 0.658 0.835 1077-3525 1.120 1.303 1080-3548 0.407 1661-8556 1.333 1.333 0.244 3.325 1.381 1.152 1.392 1.048 3.043 0.964 2.350 3.761 2.284 1.278 1.676 1.506 3.910 1.201 3.980 1.616 1.057 1.651 2.800 1.162 0.693 1.785 2.818 2.668 2.293 3.158 2.192 1.588 1.480 1944-0391 0304-4556 1054-139X 0744-8481 1094-3412 0094-5145 0090-4392 0143-005X 1049-2089 0022-1465 83 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 Journal of Occupational Health Psychology Journal of Paliative Care Journal of Public Health Management and Practice Journal of Public Health Policy Journal of Public Health Journal of the Royal Society for the Promotion of Health Journal of Religion & Health Journal of Rural Health Journal of Safety Research Journal of School Health Journal of Women's Health Maternal and Child Health Journal Nicotine & Tobaco Research Perspectives in Public Health Prevention Science Psychiatric Services Psychology & Health Public Health Public Health Genomics Public Health Nursing Public Health Report Reproductive Health Matters Research in Social & Administrative Pharmacy Revista Española de Salud Pública Revista Panamericana de Salud Pública Revista de Saúde Pública Risk Analysis Salud Colectiva Salud Pública de México Scandinavian Journal of Public Health Scandinavian Journal of Work Environment & Health Sexual Health Social Science & Medicine Sociology of Health & Illness Studioes in Familly Planning Tobacco Control Women & Health Women's Health Issues 1076-8998 0825-8597 1078-4659 0197-5897 1741-3842 2.351 0.825 1.413 1.326 1.230 3.048 1.145 1466-4240 0.406 0.668 0022-4197 0890-765X 0022-4375 0022-4391 1540-9996 1092-7875 1462-2203 1757-9139 1389-4986 1075-2730 0887-0446 0033-3506 1662-4246 0737-1209 0033-3549 0968-8080 1551-7411 1135-5727 1020-4989 0034-8910 0272-4332 1669-2381 0036-3634 1403-4948 0355-3140 1448-5028 0277-9536 0141-9889 0039-3665 0964-4563 0363-0242 1049-3867 0.358 1.105 1.340 1.953 1.770 1.766 2.557 0.386 1.453 1.617 2.210 2.190 2.000 3.316 3.018 2.813 1.692 1.261 3.750 2.998 2.297 1.423 0.813 1.325 1.430 0.661 0.747 0.831 1.006 1.953 0.324 0.872 1.435 2.307 1.613 2.710 2.041 1.980 3.852 0.740 1.269 1.041 1.671 1.429 1.558 1.567 1.149 1.363 2.474 0.929 2.020 3.141 3.615 2.598 2.209 4.565 1.293 1.770 84 3.41. Sociología. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Título de la Revista Acta Sociologica Agriculture and Human Values American Journal of Economics and Sociology American Journal of Sociology American Sociological Review Annals of Tourism Research Annual Review of Law and Social Science Annual Review of Sociology Archives Européenes de Sociologie European Journal of Sociology Armed Forces & Society Berliner Journal für Soziologie Body & Society British Journal of Sociology British Journal of Sociology of Education Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie Chinese Sociology and Anthropology City & Community Comparative Studies in Society and History Contemporany Sociology: A Journal of Reviews Contributions to Indian Sociology Convergencia-Revista de Ciencias Sociales Cornell Hopitality Quarterly Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly Cultural Sociology Current Sociology Deviance et Societe Deviant Behavior Discourse & Society Drustvena istrazivanja Eastern European Countryside Economy and Society Ethnic and Racial Studies European Societies European Sociological Review Gender & Society Global Networks: A Journal of Transnational Affairs Health Sociology Review Human Ecology ISSN Factor de Impacto Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0001-6993 0889-048X 0002-9246 0002-9602 0003-1224 0160-7383 1550-3585 0360-0572 1.268 1.123 0.282 3.476 3.221 1.165 1.583 3.702 1.451 1.288 0.381 5.411 5.578 2.204 1.648 5.953 0003-9756 0.179 0.346 0095-327X 0863-1808 1357-034X 0007-1315 0142-5692 0.762 0.250 0.652 1.702 0.720 1.021 0.270 1755-6171 0.581 0.678 0009-4625 1535-6841 0010-4175 0094-3061 0069-9667 1405-1435 1938-9655 0.081 1.000 0.562 0.875 0.269 0.074 0.303 0.104 0010-8804 0.679 3.786 1749-9755 0011-3921 0378-7931 0163-9625 0957-9265 1330-0288 1232-8855 0308-5147 0141-9870 1461-6696 0266-7215 0891-2432 1470-2266 1446-1242 0300-7839 0.971 0.674 0.333 0.885 1.300 0.065 0.000 1.527 1.245 0.576 1.210 1.339 1.380 1.486 1.402 0.971 2.457 1.022 0.515 0.345 0.476 0.394 1.053 1.623 0.118 2.553 1.900 1.053 1.607 2.405 2.018 1.712 85 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 Human Ecology Review Human Studies Innovation-The European Journal of Social Science Research International Journal of Intercultural Relations International Journal of the Sociology of Law International Sociology Journal of Contemporany Ethnography Journal of the History of Sexuality Journal of Historical Sociology Journal of Law and Society Journal of Leisure Research Journal of Marriage and Family Journal of Mathematical Sociology Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Journal of Sociology Journal of Sport & Social Issues Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie Language in Society Law & Society Review Leisure Sciences Media Culture & Society Men and Masculinities Mobilization Poetics Polish Sociological Review Politics & Society Population and Development Review Race & Class Rationality and Society Revue Française de Sociologie Revista Internacional de Sociologia Review of Religious Research Rural Sociology Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Society & Animals Social Compass Social Forces Social Indicators Research Society & Natural Resources Social Networks Social Problems Social Science Research Society Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review Sociology of Education 1074-4827 0163-8548 0.757 0.250 1351-1610 0.298 0147-1767 0194-6595 0268-5809 0891-2416 1043-4070 0952-1909 0263-323X 0022-2216 0022-2445 0022-250X 0021-8294 1440-7833 0193-7235 0023-2653 0047-4045 0023-9216 0149-0400 0163-4437 1097-184X 1086-671X 0304-422X 1231-1413 0032-3292 0098-7921 0306-3968 1043-4631 0035-2969 0034-9712 0034-673X 0036-0112 1502-2250 1063-1119 0037-7686 0037-7732 0303-8300 0894-1920 0378-8733 0037-7791 0049-089X 0147-2011 0038-0288 0038-0407 0.897 0.308 0.920 0.630 0.125 0.319 0.508 0.831 1.553 0.720 0.929 0.698 1.075 1.457 1.341 1.490 1.036 0.741 0.526 0.911 1.227 0.080 1.487 1.588 0.750 1.000 0.263 0.154 0.210 0.694 0.763 0.487 0.254 1.379 0.835 1.016 2.349 1.698 1.278 0.155 0.562 1.438 0.248 1.526 0.310 1.107 1.038 0.412 0.459 0.606 1.440 2.957 0.836 1.532 0.963 1.307 1.308 1.500 1.727 1.468 1.186 1.602 1.436 2.230 0.814 1.038 0.474 0.513 1.352 0.744 0.404 2.492 1.264 1.626 3.328 2.586 1.927 0.197 0.409 2.818 86 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Sociologisk Forskning Sociological Forum Sociology of Health & Illness Sociological Inquiry Sociological Methods & Research Sociological Methodology Sociological Perspectives Sociologija i Prostor Sociological Quarterly Sociology of Religion Sociological Research Online Sociological Review Sociologia Ruralis Sociological Spectrum Sociology of Sport Journal Sociological Theory Sociological Theory and Methods Sociologie du Travail Sociologia Sociologus Sociology Sotsiologicheskie Issledovaniya Soziale Welt: Zeitschrift für sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung und Praxis Symbolic Interaction Teaching Sociology Tempo Social Theory and Society Work Employment and Society Work and Occupations Youth & Society Zeitschrift für Soziologie 0038-0342 0884-8971 0141-9889 0038-0245 0049-1241 0081-1750 0731-1214 1846-5226 0038-0253 1069-4404 1360-7804 0038-0261 0038-0199 0273-2173 0741-1235 0735-2751 0913-1442 0038-0296 0049-1225 0038-0377 0038-0385 0132-1625 0.086 0.879 2.041 0.604 1.850 1.000 0.629 0.188 0.864 0.561 0.667 1.019 1.442 0.328 0.870 1.710 0.000 0.340 0.140 0.278 1.455 0.145 0.069 1.022 2.598 1.207 3.596 2.203 1.090 0038-6073 0.195 0.320 0195-6086 0092-055X 0103-2070 0304-2421 0950-0170 0730-8884 0044-118X 0340-1804 0.702 0.582 0.022 1.304 1.348 1.323 1.000 1.140 1.048 0.599 ISSN Factor de Impacto 0364-3107 0886-1099 0091-0562 0218-5385 1037-2911 0045-3102 0145-2134 0.512 0.426 2.162 0.056 0.167 1.139 2.339 1.420 0.794 0.768 1.448 2.010 0.588 1.274 2.031 0.056 0.371 0.159 1.969 0.144 1.583 1.977 2.129 2.038 0.952 3.42. Trabajo Social. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Título de la Revista Administration in Social Work Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work American Journal of Community Psychology Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling British Journal of Social Work Child Abuse & Neglect Factor de Impacto (5 años) 0.962 0.586 2.356 0.067 1.330 3.449 87 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Child & Family Social Work Child Maltreatment Child Welfare Children and Youth Services Review Clinical Social Work Journal Family Relations Families In Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services Health & Social Care in the Community Health & Social Work Indian Journal of Social Work International Journal of Social Welfare International Social Work Journal of Community Psychology Journal of Social Policy Journal of Social Service Research Journal of Social Work Education Journal of Social Work Practice Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada Research on Social Work Practice Smith College Studies in Social Work Social Policy & Administration Social Service Review Social Work Social Work in Health Care Trauma Violence & Abuse 1356-7500 1077-5595 0009-4021 0190-7409 0091-1674 0197-6664 0.952 2.613 0.667 1.166 0.581 1.318 3.007 0.990 1.749 0.364 1.595 1044-3894 0.317 0.656 0966-0410 0360-7283 0019-5634 1369-6866 0020-8728 0090-4392 0047-2794 0148-8376 1043-7797 0265-0533 1846-5412 1049-7315 0037-7317 0144-5596 0037-7961 0037-8046 0098-1389 1524-8380 1.101 0.850 0.000 0.494 0.458 1.048 1.034 0.455 0.745 0.294 0.109 1.039 0.097 0.857 0.675 1.397 0.478 2.537 1.480 1.197 0.008 0.805 0.546 1.506 1.419 0.558 1.130 0.619 ISSN Factor de Impacto 0001-4575 1556-8318 0391-8440 0969-6997 0022-4375 0022-5258 0966-6923 1037-5783 0967-070X 0965-8564 0191-2615 1.647 0.750 0.146 0.828 1.340 0.795 1.421 0.163 1.024 1.715 2.268 2.167 0.750 1361-9209 1.214 1.867 1.483 0.200 1.148 1.259 1.579 0.682 3.43. Transporte. N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Título de la Revista Accident Analysis and Prevention International Journal of Sustainable Transportation International Journal of Transport Economics Journal of Air Transport Management Journal of Safety Research Journal of Transport Economics and Policy Journal of Transport Geography Road & Transport Research Transport Policy Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment Factor de Impacto (5 años) 1.086 1.617 1.049 2.385 3.187 88 13 14 15 16 17 18 Transport and Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behavior Transport Reviews Transportation Science Transportation Transportmetrica 1366-5545 1.958 2.303 1369-8478 1.461 1.802 0144-1647 0041-1655 0049-4488 1812-8602 1.030 1.479 1.512 2.038 1.523 3.596 2.187 1.569
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