HUMERUS Location: Proximal segment (11) BONE: HUMERUS (1) Types: A. Extra-articular, unifocal fracture (11-A) Groups: Humerus proximal segment, extra-articular unifocal (11-A) 1. Avulsion of 3. Non2. Impacted tuberosity impacted metaphysis (11-A1) metaphysis (11-A2) fracture (11-A3) B. Extra-articular, bifocal fracture (11-B) Humerus, proximal segment, extra-articular bifocal (11-B) 2. Without 1. With meta3. With metaphyseal physeal glenohumeral impaction impaction dislocation (11-B2) (11-B1) (11-B3) C. Articular fractures (11-C) Humerus, proximal segment, articular fractures (11-C) 1. Articular 3. Articular 2. Articular fracture with fracture with fracture imslight displace- pacted with glenoment impacted marked dishumeral disvalgus fracture location placement (11-C1) (11-C3) (11-C2) These fractures represent three part fractures, or fracture dislocations by the Neer classification. © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins S7 Humerus J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Subgroups and Qualifications: Humerus, proximal, extra-articular, unifocal tuberosity (11-A1) 2. Greater tuberosity displaced 1. Greater tuberosity not displaced (11-A1.2) (11-A1.1) (1) superior, (2) posterior 3. With glenohumeral dislocation (11-A1.3) (1) anterior and medial plus posterior cephalic notch (2) anterior and medial plus greater tuberosity (3) erecta and greater tuberosity (4) posterior and lesser tuberosity A1 Humerus, proximal, extra-articular, unifocal, impacted metaphyseal (11-A2) 1. Without frontal malalignment 2. With varus malalignment (11-A2.2) (11-A2.1) (1) pure medial impaction (1) without sagittal malalignment (2) posterior and medial impaction (2) posterior impaction (3) anterior and medial impaction (3) anterior impaction 3. With valgus malalignment (11-A2.3) (1) pure lateral impaction (2) posterior and lateral impaction (3) anterior and lateral impaction A2 Humerus, proximal, extra-articular, unifocal, non-impacted metaphyseal (11-A3) 2. Simple with translation (11-A3.2) 1. Simple with angulation (11-A3.1) (1) lateral (2) medial (3) with glenohumeral dislocation 3. Multifragmentary (11-A3.3) (1) wedge (2) complex (3) glenohumeral dislocation A3 S8 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Humerus, proximal, extra-articular, bifocal, with metaphyseal impaction (11-B1) 2. Medial plus lesser tuberosity 1. Lateral plus greater tuberosity (11-B1.2) (11-B1.1) (1) pure lateral impaction (1) pure lateral impaction (2) posterior and lateral impaction (2) posterior and lateral impaction (3) anterior and lateral impaction (3) anterior and lateral impaction Humerus 3. Posterior plus greater tuberosity (11-B1.3) B1 Humerus, proximal, extra-articular, bifocal, without metaphyseal impaction (11-B2) 1. Without rotatory displacement of 2. With rotatory displacement of the the epiphyseal fracture fragment epiphyseal fragment (11-B2.2) (11-B2.1) (1) greater tuberosity separated (2) lesser tuberosity separated 3. Multifragmentary metaphysis plus one of the tuberosities (11-B2.3) (1) lesser tuberosity (2) greater tuberosity B2 Humerus, proximal, extra-articular, bifocal 1. “Vertical” cervical line plus greater tuberosity intact plus anterior medial dislocation (11-B3.1) with glenohumeral dislocation (11-B3) 2. “Vertical” cervical line plus greater tuberosity fracture plus anterior medial dislocation (11-B3.2) 3. Lesser tuberosity fracture plus posterior dislocation (11-B3.3) (1) without anterior cephalic notch (2) with anterior cephalic notch B3 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins S9 Humerus J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Humerus, proximal, articular fracture with slight displacement (11-C1) 1. Cephalotubercular with valgus 2. Cephalotubercular with varus malalignment (11-C1.1) malalignment (11-C1.2) 3. Anatomical neck (11-C1.3) (1) nondisplaced (2) displaced C1 Humerus, proximal, articular fracture impacted with marked displacement (11-C2) 1. Cephalotubercular with valgus 2. Cephalotubercular with varus malalignment (11-C2.1) malalignment (11-C2.2) 3. Transcephalic (double profile image on x-ray) and tubercular, with varus malalignment (11-C2.3) C2 Humerus, proximal, articular fracture dislocated (11-C3) 2. Anatomical neck and tuberosities 1. Anatomical neck (11-C3.2) (11-C3.1) (1) head impacted (1) anterior (2) head not impacted (2) posterior 3. Cephalotubercular fragmentation (11-C3.3) (1) head intact (2) head fragmented C3 S10 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Location: Diaphyseal segment (12) BONE: HUMERUS (1) Types: A. Simple fracture (12-A) Groups: Humerus diaphyseal, simple (12-A) 1. Spiral 2. Oblique (12-A1) ⱖ30°) (12-A2) (ⱖ Humerus 3. Transverse ⬍30°) (12-A3) (⬍ © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins B. Wedge fracture (12-B) Humerus diaphyseal, wedge (12-B) 1. Spiral wedge 2. Bending (12-B1) wedge (12-B2) 3. Fragmented wedge (12-B3) C. Complex fracture (12-C) Humerus diaphyseal, complex (12-C) 3. Irregular 1. Spiral 2. Segmental (12-C3) (12-C1) (12-C2) S11 Humerus J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Subgroups and Qualifications: Humerus diaphyseal, simple, spiral (12-A1) 2. Middle zone (12-A1.2) 1. Proximal zone (12-A1.1) 3. Distal zone (12-A1.3) A1 ⱖ30°) (12-A2) Humerus diaphyseal, simple, oblique (ⱖ 1. Proximal zone (12-A2.1) 2. Middle zone (12-A2.2) 3. Distal zone (12-A2.3) A2 ⬍30°) (12-A3) Humerus diaphyseal, simple, transverse (⬍ 1. Proximal zone (12-A3.1) 2. Middle zone (12-A3.2) 3. Distal zone (12-A3.3) A3 S12 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Humerus diaphyseal, wedge, spiral (12-B1) 2. Middle zone (12-B1.2) 1. Proximal zone (12-B1.1) Humerus 3. Distal zone (12-B1.3) B1 Humerus diaphyseal, wedge, bending (12-B2) 1. Proximal zone (12-B2.1) 2. Middle zone (12-B2.2) 3. Distal zone (12-B2.3) B2 Humerus diaphyseal, wedge, fragmented (12-B3) 2. Middle zone (12-B3.2) 1. Proximal zone (12-B3.1) 3. Distal zone (12-B3.3) B3 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins S13 Humerus J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Humerus diaphyseal, complex, spiral (12-C1) (1) pure diaphyseal (2) proximal diaphysio-metaphyseal (3) distal diaphysio-metaphyseal 2. With 3 intermediate fragments 1. With 2 intermediate fragments (12-C1.2) (12-C1.1) 3. With more than 3 intermediate fragments (12-C1.3) C1 Humerus, diaphyseal, complex segmental 1. With 1 intermediate segmental fragment (12-C2.1) (1) pure diaphyseal (2) proximal diaphysio-metaphyseal (3) distal diaphysio-metaphyseal (4) oblique lines (5) transverse and oblique lines (12-C2) 2. With 1 intermediate segmental and additional wedge fragments (12-C2.2) (1) pure diaphyseal (2) proximal diaphysio-metaphyseal (3) distal diaphysio-metaphyseal (4) distal wedge (5) 2 wedges, proximal and distal 3. With 2 intermediate segmental fragments (12-C2.3) (1) pure diaphyseal (2) proximal diaphysio-metaphyseal (3) distal diaphysio-metaphyseal C2 Humerus, diaphyseal, complex irregular (12-C3) 1. With 2 or 3 intermediate ⬍4cm) 2. With limited shattering (⬍ fragments (12-C3.1) (12-C3.2) (1) 2 main intermediate fragments (1) proximal zone (2) 3 main intermediate fragments (2) middle zone (3) distal zone 3. With extensive shattering ⬎4cm)(12-C3.3) (⬎ (1) pure diaphyseal (2) proximal diaphysio-metaphyseal (3) distal diaphysio-metaphyseal C3 S14 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 BONE: HUMERUS (1) Types: A. Extra-articular fracture (13-A) Groups: Humerus distal segment, extra-articular (13-A) 1. Apophyseal 3. Meta2. Metaavulsion (13-A1) physeal physeal multisimple (13-A2) fragmentary (13-A3) © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Humerus Location: Distal segment (13) B. Partial articular fracture (13-B) Humerus distal segment, partial articular (13-B) 1. Lateral 3. Frontal (13-B3) 2. Medial sagittal (13-B1) sagittal (13-B2) C. Complete articular fracture (13-C) Humerus distal segment, complete 2. Articular 1. Articular simple, metasimple, physeal multimetaphyseal simple (13-C1) fragmentary (13-C2) articular (13-C) 3. Articular, metaphyseal multifragmentary (13-C3) S15 Humerus J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Subgroups and Qualifications: Humerus, distal, extra-articular apophyseal avulsion (13-A1) 2. Medial epicondyle, non-incarcerated 3. Medial epicondyle, incarcerated 1. Lateral epicondyle (13-A1.1) (13-A1.3) (13-A1.2) (1) non-displaced (2) displaced (3) fragmented A1 Humerus, distal, extra-articular metaphyseal simple (13-A2) 1. Oblique downwards 2. Oblique down3. Transverse (13-A2.3) and inwards (13-A2.1) wards and outwards (2) juxta-epiphyseal (1) transmetaphyseal (13-A2.2) with posterior displacement (Kocher I) (3) juxta-epiphyseal with anterior displacement (Kocher II) A2 Humerus, distal, extra-articular metaphyseal multifragmentary (13-A3) 1. With intact wedge (13-A3.1) 2. With fragmented wedge (13-A3.2) (1) lateral (1) lateral (2) medial (2) medial 3. Complex (13-A3.3) A3 S16 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Humerus, distal, partial articular lateral sagittal (13-B1) 1. Capitellum (13-B1.1) 2. Transtrochlear simple (13-B1.2) (1) through the capitellum (Milch I) (1) medial collateral ligament intact (2) between capitellum and trochlea (2) medial collateral ligament ruptured (3) metaphyseal simple (classic Milch II) lateral condyle (4) metaphyseal wedge (5) metaphysio-diaphyseal Humerus 3. Transtrochlear multifragmentary (13-B1.3) (1) epiphysio-metaphyseal (2) epiphysio-metaphyseal-diaphyseal B1 Humerus, distal, partial articular, medial sagittal (13-B2) 1. Transtrochlear simple, through 2. Transtrochlear simple, through the medial side (Milch I) (13-B2.1) groove (13-B2.2) 3. Transtrochlear multifragmentary (13-B2.3) (1) epiphysio-metaphyseal (2) epiphysio-metaphyseal-diaphyseal B2 Humerus, distal, partial articular, frontal (13-B3) 2. Trochlea (13-B3.2) 1. Capitellum (13-B3.1) (1) simple (1) incomplete (Kocher-Lorenz) (2) fragmented (2) complete (Hahn-Steinthal 1) (3) with trochlear component (Hahn-Steinthal 2) (4) fragmented 3. Capitellum and trochlea (13-B3.3) B3 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins S17 Humerus J Orthop Trauma • Volume 21, Number 10 Supplement, November/December 2007 Humerus, distal complete, articular simple, metaphyseal simple (13-C1) 1. With slight displacement (13-C1.1) 2. With marked displacement (1) Y-shaped (13-C1.2) (2) T-shaped (1) Y-shaped (3) V-shaped (2) T-shaped (3) V-shaped 3. T-shaped epiphyseal (13-C1.3) C1 Humerus, distal, complete articular simple metaphyseal multifragmentary (13-C2) 2. With a fragmented wedge (13-C2.2) 1. With intact wedge (13-C2.1) (1) metaphyseal lateral (1) metaphyseal lateral (2) metaphyseal medial (2) metaphyseal medial (3) metaphysio-diaphyseal-lateral (3) metaphysio-diaphyseal-lateral (4) metaphysio-diaphyseal-medial (4) metaphysio-diaphyseal-medial 3. Complex (13-C2.3) C2 Humerus, distal, complete multifragmentary (13-C3) 2. Metaphyseal wedge (13-C3.2) 1. Metaphyseal simple (13-C3.1) (1) intact (2) fragmented 3. Metaphyseal complex (13-C3.3) (1) localized (2) extending into diaphysis C3 S18 © 2007 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins