Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser
Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser
Levitor II AIR COOLED CONDENSER AND FLUID COOLER Technical Bulletin Products that provide lasting solutions. Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Table of Contents Benefits and Features 1 System Selection 2 Levitor Application 3 Model Key 4 LAVE/LEVE Condenser Performance Data, One and Two Fans Wide 5 LAVA/LEVA Condenser Performance Data, One and Two Fans Wide 7 LAVC/LEVC Condenser Performance Data, One and Two Fans Wide 9 LAVF/LEVF Condenser Performance Data, One and Two Fans Wide 11 Dimensional Drawings 13 LAVB Condenser Performance Data, One and Two Fans Wide 14 Dimensional and Electrical Data 15 Control Panel Nomenclature 16 Standard Fan Cycling/Control Arrangements 17 Low Ambient Controls 18 Fan Cycling Sequence 18 Mounted Receivers 19 Mounted Receiver Diagrams 20 Wiring Diagram 22 Replacement Parts 23 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Benefits and Features The LEVITOR system addresses refrigerant coil wear and leaks due to vibration and thermal stress. Rooftop condensers have to operate in some of the toughest conditions imaginable. Temperature extremes result in constant expansion and contraction of refrigerant tubes as fans cycle and loads vary. The consequences are costly: rapid tube wear results in leaks, system breakdown and loss of costly refrigerant. LEVITOR Coil Design Eliminates Refrigerant Tube Wear Environmental concerns and spiraling cost of refrigerants have led to the development of direct drive remote air-cooled condensers with the LEVITOR coil support system. This innovative design uses dedicated stainless steel tubes and a unique coil support system to isolate refrigerant tubes from the unit. Coil support is transferred from the fins to the stainless tubes and truncated tube plates which ride freely in “C” channels. Tubes expand and contract without interference. The result, contact and friction wear are eliminated. Quiet by Design LEVITOR coil design does more than just eliminate tube wear. Sound reduction is an added benefit. Unlike traditional air-cooled condensers, fan and coil vibration are isolated from the cabinet, so it is not transmitted to the unit frame and building supports. Low Sound Quietor Fan n The “swept-wing” blade design offers lower noise levels at the same fan speed. For example, the QUIETOR fan blade on a 575-rpm motor will be much quieter (8 dBA) than the old 575-rpm fan. n Lower noise condensers can translate into savings for your customer by minimizing the need of costly noise barriers. n Quietor fan not available on 18” models. Exclusive 3-year Limited Warranty n We’re so confident about our new suspended coil design that it is protected by a 3-year limited warranty on workmanship and material. It gives you extra protection from premature tube wear. See www.krack.ingersollrand.com for complete warranty. Computerized Circuiting Our computerized coil circuiting program is designed to minimize the condenser refrigerant charge and maximize subcooling. Every condenser will be custom circuited to precisely meet your application needs. n Modular Design Arranged for vertical or horizontal air discharge. Multi-fan sections compartmented to allow individual fan cycling while preventing off-fan “windmilling”. Large clean-out access doors standard. n Corrosion Resistant All models employ mill galvanized steel fan sections and coil side baffles. Legs are heavy gauge mill galvanized steel. n High Efficiency Coil Copper tubes are mechanically expanded into corrugated full collared aluminum fins spaced 8, 10 or 12 per inch. Coils are helium leak and pressure tested with 400 psig. dry air, shipped pressurized with dry nitrogen. n Optional fin materials are copper, heresite, electrofin or polyester coated aluminum. Multi-circuited coils are available. Liquid subcooling circuits are available. n Direct Driven Propeller Fans n Quiet multi-bladed propeller fans provide uniform air distribution through the coil. Venturi fan orifices optimize efficiency. Weather Resistant Fan Motors n Outdoor condenser motors designed with ball bearings inherent overheat protection in each phase; shaft slingers; enclosure, hardware, and lubrication for all weather conditions. Each motor lead is wired to terminals in an electrical enclosure. Versatile Fan Cycling Control Methods n Temperature fan cycling. n Pressure fan cycling. n Temperature and pressure fan cycling. n Electronic relay boards. n Variable speed header end fans. n Inverter ready motors. US LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 1 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser System Selection THR Total Heat of Rejection n Condenser total heat of rejection (BTU/h) is the sum of the evaporator refrigeration effect and the heat of compression which varies with compressor type and operating conditions. TABLE 1 THR Calculation Method n THR = Open Reciprocating Compressor Capacity (BTU/h) + (2545 x BHP) n THR = Suction Gas Cooled Hermetic Reciprocating Compressor Capacity (BTU/h) + (3413 x kW) EVAPORATOR TEMP (˚F) THR Estimated Method THR may be estimated by multiplying the rated compressor BTU/h capacity by the compressor operating condition factor shown in Table 1 or 2. Multiply result by altitude factor when applicable. n TABLE 2 EVAPORATOR TEMP (˚F) -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 OPEN COMPRESSOR CONDENSING TEMPERATURE (˚F) 90 100 110 120 130 140 1.37 1.33 1.28 1.24 1.21 1.17 1.14 1.12 1.09 1.42 1.37 1.32 1.28 1.24 1.20 1.17 1.15 1.12 1.47 1.42 1.37 1.32 1.28 1.24 1.20 1.17 1.14 * 1.47 1.42 1.37 1.32 1.28 1.24 1.20 1.17 * * 1.47 1.41 1.36 1.32 1.27 1.23 1.20 * * * 1.47 1.42 1.37 1.32 1.28 1.24 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 40 50 HERMETIC COMPRESSOR CONDENSING TEMPERATURE (˚F) 90 100 110 120 130 140 1.66 1.57 1.49 1.42 1.36 1.33 1.31 1.28 1.26 1.24 1.22 1.18 1.14 1.73 1.62 1.53 1.46 1.40 1.37 1.34 1.32 1.29 1.27 1.25 1.21 1.17 1.80 1.68 1.58 1.50 1.44 1.41 1.38 1.35 1.33 1.31 1.28 1.24 1.20 2.00 1.80 1.65 1.57 1.50 1.46 1.43 1.40 1.37 1.35 1.32 1.27 1.23 * * * 1.64 1.56 1.52 1.49 1.46 1.43 1.40 1.37 1.31 1.26 * * * * 1.62 1.59 1.55 1.52 1.49 1.45 1.42 1.35 1.29 *Beyond the normal limits for single stage compressor application. TABLE 3 FEET 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 ALTITUDE FACTOR FEET 1.02 1.05 1.07 1.10 5,000 6,000 7,000 8,000 FACTOR 1.12 1.15 1.17 1.24 *Beyond the normal limits for single stage compressor application. Multi-Circuit Selection n Condenser coils may be divided into several individual refrigeration circuits or systems; each sized for a specific refrigerant, THR capacity and TD. Systems are tagged for identification from left to right; facing the connection end. Avoid locating high TD sections next to low TD sections. Add excess circuits to low TD sections next to High TD sections. Add excess circuits to outboard sections. Thermal Fantrol fan cycling is recommended with multi-circuited condensers. SAMPLE CALCuLATIOn: 95°F AMBIEnT-SuCTIOn COOLED SEMI-HERMETIC RECIPROCATInG COMPRESSORS COMP NOM HP 6 9 10 12 DESIGN TD REF °F 134a 15 404A 10 404A 10 22 15 Selection BASED ON R-22 AT 15°FTD COMPRESSOR RATING SYSTEM ACTUAL CAP SAT SAT SELECT PER CIRCUIT # NUMBER TD TD REF TOTAL SUCT COND NET MOTOR THR CIRCUIT REQ’D CIR L TO R °F BTU/h kW BTU BTU/h FACTOR FACTOR °F °F 4.3 4 1 110 40090 4.3 14676 54,766 ÷ 0.95 x 1.0 = 57648 13503 +20 16.1 8.3 10 2 105 45900 8.1 27645 73,545 ÷ 0.98 x 1.5 = 112569 13503 -20 8.3 9.5 10 3 105 50640 9.6 32765 83,405 ÷ 0.98 x 1.5 = 127661 13503 -20 9.5 10 4 110 104000 9.7 33106 137,106 ÷ 1.00 x 1.0 = 137106 13503 10.1 +20 15.1 34 UNIT THR REQ’D 434984 n LAVA-15310 Rated at THR of 459.1 MBH with R-22 at 15°F TD. LAVA-15310 Unit lists 34 Circuits. n Sample Calculation: THR Req’d./Circuit = 434984 ÷ 34 = 12784. LAVA-15310 = 459100 ÷ 34 = 13503 (Available THR/Circuit). n Circuits Req’d. = Select THR ÷ THR/Circuit. Example: 57648 ÷ 13503 = 4.3 Circuits. n Assign Number of Circuits System and System Number Left to Right. Actual TD = (Circuits Req’d ÷ Assign Circuits) x Design TD. Example: 4.3 ÷ 4 x 15 = 16.1. REF FACTOR R-22- 1.00 * R-134a- 0.95 **R-404A- 0.98 *Usable for R-12 **Usable for R-502, R-507 TD FACTOR 10°F-1.50 15°F-1.00 20°F-0.75 25°F-0.60 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Levitor Application Locate Condensers no closer than their width from walls or other condensers. Avoid locations near exhaust fans, plumbing vents, flues or chimneys. Gravity Liquid Drain Lines should drop from each outlet as low as possible before headering or running horizontally. Pitch downhill to receiver. Parallel Condensers should be the same models resulting in the same refrigerant side pressure drops. Compressor discharge lines should have equal pressure drops to each condenser. Off-Line Coil Sections will have refrigerant pressures corresponding to the ambient. Check valves or isolating valves should be installed in the liquid line drains to prevent refrigerant migration and receiver pressure loss. Condenser Charge will approximate 30% of the maximum flooding charge listed under “Specifications” for summer design conditions. Low ambient head pressure controls require an additional charge, which is difficult to predict with fan cycling and is maximized with holdback. Liquid Subcooling may be accomplished with a section of circuits in the coil. Liquid outlet temperature will approach the entering air temperature by approximately 5°F. Benefit is not economical unless TD is 15°F or higher. Receiver Capacity should be sized to store condenser summer charge, plus the condenser low ambient allowance, plus the evaporator charge, plus an allowance for piping and heat reclaim coil charges. See Installation & Operating instructions for piping, holdback and fan cycling details. Compressor Discharge lines should be sized to minimize pressure drops and maintain oil return gas velocities. Each connection should be looped to the top of the condenser. REFRIGERAnT LInE CAPACITY DATA COPPER LINE SIZE O.D. 5/8 7/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 n n n LINE CAPACITY IN TONS CONDENSER TO RECEIVER COMPRESSOR DISCHARGE LINE LIQUID LINE 100' LBS. OF REFRIGERANT LIQUID PER 100' OF LENGTH R-22 R-404A R-134A R-22 R-404A R-134A R-22 R-404A R-134A 1.0 3.0 6.5 15.0 20.0 45.0 75.0 0.5 2.0 4.5 7.0 15.0 30.0 45.0 0.5 2.0 4.5 7.0 11.0 28.0 43.0 3.6 7.4 12.7 19.2 29.0 47.0 73.0 3.0 6.0 10.4 16.0 23.0 40.0 62.0 3.7 7.7 13.0 20.0 28.5 46.0 72.0 13.0 25.0 42.0 64.0 90.0 160.0 245.0 11.0 22.0 36.0 55.0 78.0 138.0 212.0 13.0 26.0 43.0 65.0 92.0 163.0 250.0 Capacity is compressor suction tons for application between -40°F and +40°F suction at condensing temperatures between 80°F and 120°F sat. For multiple or unloading compressor applications, the vertical discharge riser from the compressor may need to be one size smaller. This table data is only to be used as a guide. For exact values, please calculate to your specific job line lengths and design pressure/temp values using ASHRAE handbook or ARI refrigerant tables. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 3 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Model Key L A V A UNIT TYPE: L = Levitor Condenser F = Fluid Cooler TUBE DIAMETER: A = 3/8 O.D. E = 1/2 O.D. FAN DISCHARGE DIRECTIONS: H = Horizontal V = Vertical X = Hinged Vertical* E = Hinged Horizontal* FAN / MOTOR COMBINATION: A = 1 HP 850 RPM 30" B = 1/2 HP 1140 RPM 24" C = 1-1/2 HP 850 RPM 30" E = 1/2 HP 575 RPM 30" F = 1-1/2 HP 1140 RPM 30" FANS WIDE: 1, 2 NOTE: * Levitor only. ** B units only. 4 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 1 2 4 10 M VOLTAGE: A = 230/1/60** K = 208-230/3/60 M = 460/3/60 P = 575/3/60 U = 380/3/50 FIN SPACING: 08 = 8 FPI 10 = 10 FPI 12 = 12 FPI ROWS DEEP: 2 3 4 FANS IN LINE: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 = 24" Fan Only Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVE/LEVE Performance Data 1/2 H.P. 575 RPM - OnE FAn WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LEVE LEVE LEVE LEVE LEVE LEVE 112 08 112 10 112 12 113 08 113 10 113 12 114 08 114 10 114 12 122 08 122 10 122 12 123 08 123 10 123 12 124 08 124 10 124 12 132 10 132 12 133 08 133 10 133 12 134 08 134 10 134 12 143 08 143 10 143 12 144 08 144 10 144 12 153 08 153 10 153 12 154 08 154 10 154 12 163 08 163 10 163 12 164 08 164 10 164 12 10°F 33.2 37.2 40.4 43.8 47.9 50.6 53.1 55.9 58.1 66.5 74.4 80.9 87.5 95.8 101.2 106.3 111.7 116.3 111.5 121.3 138.1 143.6 152.0 159.6 167.6 174.7 174.8 191.5 202.4 212.5 223.4 233.1 231.9 254.0 270.3 270.9 289.8 300.3 278.4 304.9 324.5 325.1 347.8 360.4 15°F 49.8 55.8 60.6 65.7 71.8 75.9 79.6 83.8 87.1 99.7 111.6 121.3 131.2 143.7 151.8 159.4 167.5 174.4 167.2 181.9 207.1 215.4 228.0 239.4 251.4 262.0 262.2 287.2 303.6 318.7 335.1 349.6 347.8 381.0 405.4 406.3 434.7 450.4 417.6 457.3 486.7 487.6 521.7 540.6 20°F 66.4 74.4 80.8 87.6 95.8 101.2 106.2 111.8 116.2 133.0 148.8 161.8 175.0 191.6 202.4 212.6 223.4 232.6 223.0 242.6 276.2 287.2 304.0 319.2 335.2 349.4 349.6 383.0 404.8 425.0 446.8 466.2 463.8 508.0 540.6 541.8 579.6 600.6 556.8 609.8 649.0 650.2 695.6 720.8 25°F 83.0 93.0 101.0 109.5 119.7 126.5 132.7 139.7 145.2 166.2 186.0 202.2 218.7 239.5 253.0 265.7 279.2 290.7 278.7 303.5 345.2 359.0 380.0 399.0 419.0 436.7 437.0 478.7 506.0 531.2 558.5 582.7 579.7 635.0 675.7 677.2 724.5 750.7 696.0 762.2 811.2 812.7 869.5 901.0 10°F 32.3 36.2 39.3 42.6 46.6 47.2 51.7 54.4 56.6 64.7 72.3 78.7 85.1 93.2 98.4 103.4 108.7 113.2 108.5 118.0 134.3 139.8 147.9 155.3 163.0 170.0 170.0 186.3 197.0 206.8 217.4 226.8 225.6 247.1 263.0 263.6 282.0 292.2 270.8 296.6 315.7 316.3 338.4 350.6 15°F 48.4 54.3 58.9 63.9 69.9 70.8 77.5 81.6 84.9 97.0 108.4 118.0 127.6 139.8 147.6 155.1 163.0 169.8 162.7 177.0 201.4 209.7 221.8 232.9 244.5 255.0 255.0 279.4 295.5 310.2 326.1 340.2 338.4 370.6 394.5 395.4 423.0 438.3 406.2 444.9 473.5 474.4 507.6 525.9 20°F 64.6 72.4 78.6 85.2 93.2 94.4 103.4 108.8 113.2 129.4 144.6 157.4 170.2 186.4 196.8 206.8 217.4 226.4 217.0 236.0 268.6 279.6 295.8 310.6 326.0 340.0 340.0 372.6 394.0 413.6 434.8 453.6 451.2 494.2 526.0 527.2 564.0 584.4 541.6 593.2 631.4 632.6 676.8 701.2 25°F 80.7 90.5 98.2 106.5 116.5 118.0 129.2 136.0 141.5 161.7 180.7 196.7 212.7 233.0 246.0 258.5 271.7 283.0 271.2 295.0 335.7 349.5 369.7 388.2 407.5 425.0 425.0 465.7 492.5 517.0 543.5 567.0 564.0 617.7 657.5 659.0 705.0 730.5 677.0 741.5 789.2 790.7 846.0 876.5 AIR FLOW (CFM) 6480 6420 6360 6300 6200 6100 6105 5975 5835 12960 12840 12720 12600 12400 12200 12260 11950 11670 19260 19080 18900 18600 18300 18315 17925 17505 25200 24800 24400 24420 23900 23340 31500 31000 30500 30525 28875 29175 37800 37200 36600 36630 35850 35010 EST CONDENSER CHARGE R-404A SOUND SHIP WEIGHT AVAIL (LBS) 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS SUMMER WINTER (dBA) 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 12 12 12 15 15 15 14 14 18 18 18 23 23 23 23 23 23 29 29 29 27 27 27 35 35 35 58 58 58 75 75 75 17 17 17 24 24 24 31 31 31 31 31 31 45 45 45 58 58 58 46 46 67 67 67 87 87 87 87 87 87 114 114 114 107 107 107 141 141 141 235 235 235 310 310 310 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 52 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 437 439 444 466 469 478 495 499 508 718 721 729 773 779 792 830 838 855 1041 1060 1126 1135 1153 1210 1223 1247 1437 1449 1474 1550 1566 1599 2020 2035 2066 2160 2181 2222 2554 2573 2610 2784 2808 2858 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F-115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R-22. Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVE/LEVE Performance Data 1/2 H.P. 575 RPM - TWO FAnS WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LAVE LEVE LEVE LEVE LEVE LEVE LEVE 222 08 222 10 222 12 223 08 223 10 223 12 224 08 224 10 224 12 232 10 232 12 233 08 233 10 233 12 234 08 234 10 234 12 243 08 243 10 243 12 244 08 244 10 244 12 253 08 253 10 253 12 254 08 254 10 254 12 263 08 263 10 263 12 264 08 264 10 264 12 10°F 133.0 148.8 161.8 175.0 191.6 202.4 212.6 223.4 232.6 223.0 242.6 276.2 287.2 304.0 319.2 335.2 349.4 349.6 383.0 404.8 425.0 446.8 466.2 463.8 508.0 540.6 541.8 579.6 600.6 556.8 609.8 649.0 650.2 695.6 720.8 15°F 199.5 223.2 242.7 262.5 287.4 303.6 318.9 335.1 348.9 334.5 363.9 414.3 430.8 456.0 478.8 502.8 524.1 524.4 574.5 607.2 637.5 670.2 699.3 695.7 762.0 810.9 812.7 869.4 900.9 835.2 914.7 973.5 975.3 1043.4 1081.2 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F-115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R22.Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. 20°F 266.0 297.6 323.6 350.0 383.2 404.8 425.2 446.8 465.2 446.0 485.2 552.4 574.4 608.0 638.4 670.4 698.8 699.2 766.0 809.6 850.0 893.6 932.4 927.6 1016.0 1081.2 1083.6 1159.2 1201.2 1113.6 1219.6 1298.0 1300.4 1391.2 1441.6 25°F 332.5 372.0 404.5 437.5 479.0 506.0 531.5 558.5 581.5 557.5 606.5 690.5 718.0 760.0 798.0 838.0 873.5 874.0 957.5 1012.0 1062.5 1117.0 1165.5 1159.5 1270.0 1351.5 1354.5 1449.0 1501.5 1392.0 1524.5 1622.5 1625.5 1739.0 1802.0 10°F 129.4 144.6 157.4 170.2 186.4 196.8 206.8 217.4 226.4 217.0 236.0 268.6 279.6 295.8 310.6 326.0 340.0 340.0 372.6 394.0 413.6 434.8 453.6 451.2 494.2 526.0 527.2 564.0 584.4 541.6 593.2 631.4 632.6 676.8 701.2 15°F 194.1 216.9 236.1 255.3 279.6 295.2 310.2 326.1 339.6 325.5 354.0 402.9 419.4 443.7 465.9 489.0 510.0 510.0 558.9 591.0 620.4 652.2 680.4 676.8 741.3 789.0 790.8 846.0 876.6 812.4 889.8 947.1 948.9 1015.2 1051.8 20°F 258.8 289.2 314.8 340.4 372.8 393.6 413.6 434.8 452.8 434.0 472.0 537.2 559.2 591.6 621.2 652.0 680.0 680.0 745.2 788.0 827.2 869.6 907.2 902.4 988.4 1052.0 1054.4 1128.0 1168.8 1083.2 1186.4 1262.8 1265.2 1353.6 1402.4 25°F 323.5 361.5 393.5 425.5 466.0 492.0 517.0 543.5 566.0 542.5 590.0 671.5 699.0 739.5 776.5 815.0 850.0 850.0 931.5 985.0 1034.0 1087.0 1134.0 1128.0 1235.5 1315.0 1318.0 1410.0 1461.0 1354.0 1483.0 1578.5 1581.5 1692.0 1753.0 ELECTRICAL DATA - OnE FAn WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVE-11*** LAVE-12*** LAVE-13*** LAVE-14*** LAVE-15*** LEVE-16*** 3.4 6.8 10.2 13.6 17.0 20.4 1.7 3.4 5.1 6.8 8.5 10.2 1.2 2.4 3.6 4.8 6.0 7.2 ***Rows & FPI (1) Minimum Unit Circuit Amps = 1.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. (2) Maximum Unit Overload Protection = 2.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. AIR FLOW (CFM) 25920 25680 25440 25200 24800 24400 24420 23900 23340 38520 38160 37800 37200 36600 36630 35950 35010 50400 49600 48800 48840 47800 46680 63000 62000 61000 61050 59750 58350 75600 74400 73200 73260 71700 70020 EST SHIP SOUND WEIGHT AVAIL 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS SUMMER WINTER (dBA) 1311 58 18 62 68 1320 58 18 62 68 1336 58 18 62 68 1437 58 24 89 68 1425 58 24 89 68 1462 58 24 89 68 1539 58 30 117 68 1555 58 30 117 68 1588 58 30 117 68 1875 60 27 93 68 1912 60 27 93 68 2044 60 37 134 68 2063 60 37 134 68 2100 60 37 134 68 2214 60 46 174 68 2238 60 46 174 68 2287 60 46 174 68 2526 61 46 174 68 2651 61 46 174 68 2700 61 46 174 68 2851 61 58 228 68 2884 61 58 228 68 2950 61 58 228 68 3725 62 55 214 68 3755 62 55 214 68 3817 62 55 214 68 4005 62 70 281 68 4046 62 70 281 68 4129 62 70 281 68 4759 63 116 469 68 4796 63 116 469 68 4870 63 116 469 68 5218 63 150 620 68 5268 63 150 620 68 5366 63 150 620 68 CONDENSER CHARGE R-404A (LBS) ELECTRICAL DATA - TWO FAnS WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVE-22*** LAVE-23*** LAVE-24*** LAVE-25*** LEVE-26*** 13.6 20.4 27.2 34.0 40.8 6.8 10.2 13.6 17.0 20.4 4.8 7.2 9.6 12.0 14.4 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVA/LEVA Performance Data 1 H.P. 850 RPM - OnE FAn WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LEVA LEVA LEVA LEVA LEVA LEVA 112 08 112 10 112 12 113 08 113 10 113 12 114 08 114 10 114 12 122 08 122 10 122 12 123 08 123 10 123 12 124 08 124 10 124 12 132 10 132 12 133 08 133 10 133 12 134 08 134 10 134 12 143 08 143 10 143 12 144 08 144 10 144 12 153 08 153 10 153 12 154 08 154 10 154 12 163 08 163 10 163 12 164 08 164 10 164 12 10°F 42.4 47.5 51.7 56.0 61.2 65.3 65.3 69.7 72.3 85.0 95.1 103.4 111.8 122.4 130.3 130.5 139.4 144.6 142.6 155.1 176.6 183.6 195.4 195.8 209.1 217.0 223.6 244.9 260.6 261.1 278.8 289.2 279.5 306.1 325.7 326.4 348.5 361.5 335.3 367.3 390.9 391.6 418.2 433.8 15°F 63.7 71.3 77.6 83.8 91.8 97.7 97.9 104.8 108.5 127.3 142.6 155.1 183.7 183.6 195.4 195.8 209.1 216.9 213.9 232.7 251.5 275.5 293.1 293.7 313.7 325.4 335.3 367.3 390.3 391.6 418.2 433.8 419.2 459.1 488.6 489.6 522.8 542.5 509.2 550.9 586.3 587.4 627.3 650.7 20°F 84.9 95.1 103.4 111.8 122.4 130.3 130.5 139.4 144.6 169.8 190.2 206.8 223.6 244.9 260.6 261.1 278.8 289.2 285.3 310.3 335.3 367.3 390.9 391.6 418.2 433.8 447.1 489.7 521.1 522.2 557.7 578.4 588.9 612.2 651.4 652.7 697.1 723.0 670.7 734.6 781.7 783.3 836.5 867.6 25°F 106.1 118.9 129.3 139.7 153.0 162.9 163.2 174.3 180.8 212.2 237.7 258.6 279.5 306.1 325.7 326.4 348.5 361.5 356.6 387.8 419.2 459.1 488.6 489.6 522.8 542.3 588.9 612.2 651.4 652.7 697.1 723.0 698.6 765.2 814.3 815.9 871.3 903.8 838.4 918.2 977.1 979.1 1045.6 1084.5 10°F 41.6 48.6 50.7 54.9 60.0 64.0 64.0 68.3 70.9 83.3 93.2 101.3 109.6 120.0 127.7 127.9 136.6 141.7 139.7 152.0 173.1 179.9 191.5 191.9 204.9 212.7 219.1 240.0 255.4 255.9 273.2 283.4 273.0 300.0 319.2 319.9 341.5 354.3 328.6 360.0 383.1 383.8 409.8 425.1 15°F 62.4 69.9 76.0 82.1 90.0 95.7 95.9 102.7 106.3 124.8 139.7 152.0 180.0 179.9 191.5 191.9 204.9 212.6 209.6 228.0 246.5 270.0 287.2 287.8 307.4 318.9 328.6 360.0 382.5 383.8 409.8 425.1 410.8 449.9 478.8 479.8 512.3 531.5 492.9 539.9 574.6 575.8 614.9 637.7 20°F 83.2 93.2 101.3 109.6 120.0 127.7 127.9 136.6 141.7 166.4 186.4 202.7 219.1 240.0 255.4 255.9 273.2 283.4 279.6 304.1 328.6 360.0 383.1 383.8 409.8 425.1 438.2 479.9 510.7 511.8 546.5 566.8 547.7 600.0 638.4 639.6 683.2 708.5 657.3 719.9 766.1 767.6 819.8 850.2 25°F 104.0 116.5 126.7 136.9 149.9 159.6 159.9 170.8 177.2 208.0 232.9 253.4 273.9 300.0 319.2 319.9 341.5 354.3 349.5 380.0 410.8 449.9 478.8 479.8 512.3 531.5 547.7 600.0 638.4 639.6 683.2 708.5 684.6 749.9 798.0 799.6 853.9 885.7 821.6 899.8 957.6 959.5 1024.7 1062.8 AIR FLOW (CFM) 9260 9151 9040 8933 8760 8574 8582 8314 8025 18520 18302 18080 17866 17520 17148 17164 16628 16050 27453 27120 26799 26280 25722 25746 24942 24075 35732 35040 34296 34328 33256 32100 44665 43800 42870 42910 41570 40125 53598 52560 51444 51492 49884 48150 EST CONDENSER CHARGE R-404A SOUND SHIP WEIGHT AVAIL (LBS) 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS SUMMER WINTER (dBA) 5 5 5 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 12 12 12 15 15 15 14 14 18 18 18 23 23 23 23 23 23 29 29 29 27 27 27 35 35 35 58 58 58 75 75 75 17 17 17 24 24 24 31 31 31 31 31 31 45 45 45 58 58 58 46 46 67 67 67 87 87 87 87 87 87 114 114 114 107 107 107 141 141 141 235 235 235 310 310 310 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 437 439 444 466 469 478 495 499 508 718 721 729 773 779 792 830 838 855 1041 1060 1126 1135 1153 1210 1223 1247 1437 1449 1474 1550 1566 1599 2020 2035 2066 2160 2181 2222 2554 2573 2610 2784 2808 2858 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F 115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R-22. Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 7 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVA/LEVA Performance Data 1 H.P. 850 RPM - TWO FAnS WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LAVA LEVA LEVA LEVA LEVA LEVA LEVA 222 08 222 10 222 12 223 08 223 10 223 12 224 08 224 10 224 12 232 10 232 12 233 08 233 10 233 12 234 08 234 10 234 12 243 08 243 10 243 12 244 08 244 10 244 12 253 08 253 10 253 12 254 08 254 10 254 12 263 08 263 10 263 12 264 08 264 10 264 12 10°F 169.8 190.2 206.8 223.6 244.9 260.6 261.1 278.8 289.2 285.3 310.3 335.3 367.3 390.9 391.6 418.2 433.8 447.1 489.7 521.1 522.2 557.6 578.4 558.9 612.2 651.4 652.7 697.1 723.0 670.7 734.6 781.6 783.3 836.5 867.6 15°F 254.7 285.3 310.3 335.3 367.3 390.9 391.6 418.2 433.8 427.9 465.4 503.0 550.9 586.3 587.5 627.4 650.7 670.7 734.6 781.7 783.3 836.5 867.6 838.4 918.2 977.1 979.1 1045.6 1084.5 1006.0 1101.9 1172.6 1174.9 1254.7 1301.5 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F-115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R22.Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. 20°F 339.6 380.3 413.7 447.1 489.7 521.1 522.2 557.7 578.4 570.5 620.5 670.7 734.6 781.7 783.3 836.5 867.6 894.3 979.4 1042.3 1044.4 1115.3 1156.8 1117.8 1224.3 1302.8 1305.5 1394.1 1446.1 1341.4 1469.2 1563.4 1566.6 1673.0 1735.3 25°F 424.5 475.4 517.1 558.9 612.2 651.4 652.7 697.1 723.0 713.1 775.7 838.4 918.2 977.1 979.1 1045.6 1084.5 1117.8 1224.3 1302.8 1305.5 1394.1 1446.1 1397.3 1530.4 1628.6 1631.9 1742.7 1807.6 1676.7 1836.5 1954.3 1958.2 2091.2 2169.1 10°F 166.4 186.4 202.7 219.1 240.0 255.4 255.9 273.2 283.4 279.6 304.1 328.6 360.0 383.1 383.8 409.8 425.1 438.2 479.9 510.7 511.8 546.4 566.8 547.7 600.0 638.4 639.6 683.2 708.5 657.3 719.9 766.0 767.6 819.8 850.2 15°F 249.6 279.6 304.1 328.6 360.0 383.1 383.8 409.8 425.1 419.3 456.1 492.9 539.9 574.6 575.8 614.9 637.7 657.3 719.9 766.1 767.6 819.8 850.2 821.6 899.8 957.6 959.5 1024.7 1062.8 985.9 1079.9 1149.1 1151.4 1229.6 1275.5 20°F 322.8 372.7 405.4 438.2 479.9 510.7 511.8 546.5 566.8 559.1 608.1 657.3 719.9 766.1 767.6 819.8 850.2 876.4 959.8 1021.5 1023.5 1093.0 1133.7 1095.4 1199.8 1276.7 1279.4 1366.2 1417.2 1314.6 1439.8 1532.1 1535.3 1639.5 1700.6 25°F 416.0 465.9 506.8 547.7 600.0 638.4 639.6 683.2 708.5 698.8 760.2 821.6 899.8 957.6 959.5 1024.7 1062.8 1095.4 1199.8 1276.7 1279.4 1366.2 1417.2 1369.4 1499.8 1596.0 1599.3 1707.8 1771.4 1643.2 1799.8 1915.2 1919.0 2049.4 2125.7 ELECTRICAL DATA - OnE FAn WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVA-11*** LAVA-12*** LAVA-13*** LAVA-14*** LAVA-15*** LEVA-16*** 4.4 8.8 13.2 17.6 22.0 26.4 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 1.45 2.9 4.35 5.8 7.25 8.7 ***Rows & FPI (1) Minimum Unit Circuit Amps = 1.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. (2) Maximum Unit Overload Protection = 2.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. AIR FLOW (CFM) 37040 36604 36160 35732 35040 34296 34328 33256 32100 54906 54240 53598 52560 51444 51492 49884 48150 71464 70080 68592 68656 66512 64200 89300 87600 85740 85820 83140 80250 107196 105120 102888 102984 99768 96300 EST CONDENSER CHARGE R-404A SOUND SHIP WEIGHT AVAIL (LBS) 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS SUMMER WINTER (dBA) 18 18 18 24 24 24 30 30 30 27 27 37 37 37 46 46 46 46 46 46 58 58 58 55 55 55 70 70 70 116 116 116 150 150 150 62 62 62 89 89 89 117 117 117 93 93 134 134 134 174 174 174 174 174 174 228 228 228 214 214 214 281 281 281 469 469 469 620 620 620 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 1311 1320 1336 1437 1425 1462 1539 1555 1588 1875 1912 2044 2063 2100 2214 2238 2287 2526 2651 2700 2851 2884 2950 3725 3755 3817 4005 4046 4129 4759 4796 4870 5218 5268 5366 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 ELECTRICAL DATA - TWO FAnS WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVA-22*** LAVA-23*** LAVA-24*** LAVA-25*** LEVA-26*** 17.6 26.4 35.2 44.0 52.8 8.0 12.0 16.0 20.0 24.0 5.8 8.7 11.6 14.5 17.4 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVC/LEVC Performance Data 1-1/2 H.P. 850 RPM - OnE FAn WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVC 112 08 LAVC 112 10 LAVC 112 12 LAVC 113 08 LAVC 113 10 LAVC 113 12 LAVC 114 08 LAVC 114 10 LAVC 114 12 LAVC 122 08 LAVC 122 10 LAVC 122 12 LAVC 123 08 LAVC 123 10 LAVC 123 12 LAVC 124 08 LAVC 124 10 LAVC 124 12 LAVC 132 10 LAVC 132 12 LAVC 133 08 LAVC 133 10 LAVC 133 12 LAVC 134 08 LAVC 134 10 LAVC 134 12 LAVC 143 08 LAVC 143 10 LAVC 143 12 LAVC 144 08 LAVC 144 10 LAVC 144 12 LAVC 153 08 LAVC 153 10 LAVC 153 12 LAVC 154 08 LAVC 154 10 LAVC 154 12 LEVC 163 08 LEVC 163 10 LEVC 163 12 LEVC 164 08 LEVC 164 10 LEVC 164 12 10°F 46.2 51.5 55.6 60.1 65.3 69.1 69.4 73.7 76.3 92.3 102.9 111.3 120.3 130.7 138.2 138.8 147.3 152.5 154.3 166.9 180.4 196.0 207.3 208.1 221.0 238.7 240.5 261.3 276.3 277.5 294.6 305.0 300.6 326.7 345.5 346.9 368.3 381.3 360.7 392.1 414.5 416.3 441.9 457.5 15°F 69.3 77.2 83.4 90.2 98.0 103.6 104.1 110.5 114.4 138.5 154.3 166.9 180.4 196.0 207.3 208.2 221.0 228.8 231.5 250.3 270.6 294.0 310.9 312.2 331.5 343.1 360.8 392.0 414.5 416.3 441.9 457.5 430.9 490.1 518.2 520.4 552.4 571.9 541.1 588.1 621.8 624.5 662.9 686.3 20°F 92.4 102.9 111.3 120.3 130.7 138.2 138.8 147.3 152.5 184.7 205.7 222.5 240.5 261.4 276.4 277.6 294.6 305.0 308.6 333.8 360.8 392.0 414.5 416.2 441.9 457.5 481.0 522.7 552.7 555.1 589.2 610.0 601.3 653.4 690.9 693.9 736.6 762.5 721.5 784.1 829.1 832.7 883.9 915.0 25°F 115.4 128.6 139.1 150.3 163.4 172.7 173.5 184.1 190.6 230.9 257.2 278.1 300.6 326.7 345.5 346.9 368.3 381.3 385.8 417.2 450.9 490.1 518.2 520.4 552.4 571.9 601.3 653.4 690.9 693.9 736.6 762.5 751.6 816.8 863.6 867.4 920.7 953.2 901.9 980.1 1036.4 1040.8 1104.8 1143.8 10°F 45.3 50.4 54.5 58.9 64.0 67.7 68.0 72.2 74.7 90.5 100.8 108.0 117.9 128.1 135.4 136.0 144.4 149.5 151.2 163.5 176.8 192.1 203.1 204.0 216.6 224.2 235.7 256.1 270.8 272.0 288.7 298.9 294.6 320.2 338.6 340.0 360.9 373.6 353.5 384.2 406.2 408.0 433.1 448.4 15°F 67.9 75.7 81.7 88.4 96.0 101.5 102.0 103.8 112.3 135.7 151.2 163.6 176.8 192.1 203.2 204.0 216.6 224.2 226.9 245.3 265.2 288.1 304.7 306.0 324.9 336.2 353.6 384.2 406.2 408.0 433.1 448.4 441.9 480.3 507.8 510.0 541.4 560.5 530.3 576.3 609.4 612.0 649.6 672.6 20°F 90.6 100.8 109.1 117.9 128.1 135.4 136.0 144.4 149.5 181.0 201.6 218.1 235.7 256.2 270.9 272.0 288.7 298.9 302.4 327.1 353.6 384.2 406.2 408.0 433.1 448.4 471.4 512.2 541.6 544.0 577.4 597.8 589.3 640.3 677.1 680.0 721.9 747.3 707.1 768.4 812.5 816.0 866.2 896.7 25°F 113.1 126.0 136.3 147.3 160.1 169.2 170.0 180.4 186.8 226.3 252.1 272.5 294.6 320.2 338.6 340.0 360.9 373.7 378.1 408.9 441.9 480.3 507.8 510.0 541.4 560.5 589.3 640.3 677.1 680.0 721.9 747.3 736.6 800.5 846.3 850.1 902.3 934.1 883.9 960.5 1015.7 1020.0 1082.7 1120.9 AIR FLOW (CFM) 10967 10682 10409 10159 9785 9441 9449 9031 8660 21934 21364 20818 20318 19570 18882 18898 18062 17320 32046 31227 30477 29355 28323 28347 27093 25980 40636 39140 37764 37796 36124 34640 25998 28247 29861 30005 31850 32974 60954 57710 56646 56694 54186 51960 CONDENSER EST CHARGE R-404A SOUND SHIP WEIGHT AVAIL (LBS) 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS SUMMER WINTER (dBA) 34 5 17 437 65 34 5 17 439 65 34 5 17 444 65 34 7 24 466 65 34 7 24 469 65 34 7 24 478 65 34 8 31 495 65 34 8 31 499 65 34 8 31 508 65 34 9 31 718 68 34 9 31 721 68 34 9 31 729 68 34 12 45 773 68 34 12 45 779 68 34 12 45 792 68 34 15 58 830 68 34 15 58 838 68 34 15 58 855 68 34 14 46 1041 70 34 14 46 1060 70 34 18 67 1126 70 34 18 67 1135 70 34 18 67 1153 70 34 23 87 1210 70 34 23 87 1223 70 34 23 87 1247 70 34 23 87 1437 71 34 23 87 1449 71 34 23 87 1474 71 34 29 114 1550 71 34 29 114 1566 71 34 29 114 1599 71 34 27 107 2020 72 34 27 107 2035 72 34 27 107 2066 72 34 35 141 2160 72 34 35 141 2181 72 34 35 141 2222 72 34 58 235 2554 73 34 58 235 2573 73 34 58 235 2610 73 34 75 310 2784 73 34 75 310 2808 73 34 75 310 2858 73 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F 115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R-22. Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 9 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVC/LEVC Performance Data 1-1/2 H.P. 850 RPM - TWO FAnS WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVC 222 08 LAVC 222 10 LAVC 222 12 LAVC 223 08 LAVC 223 10 LAVC 223 12 LAVC 224 08 LAVC 224 10 LAVC 224 12 LAVC 232 10 LAVC 232 12 LAVC 233 08 LAVC 233 10 LAVC 233 12 LAVC 234 08 LAVC 234 10 LAVC 234 12 LAVC 243 08 LAVC 243 10 LAVC 243 12 LAVC 244 08 LAVC 244 10 LAVC 244 12 LAVC 253 08 LAVC 253 10 LAVC 253 12 LAVC 254 08 LAVC 254 10 LAVC 254 12 LEVC 263 08 LEVC 263 10 LEVC 263 12 LEVC 264 08 LEVC 264 10 LEVC 264 12 10°F 184.7 205.7 222.5 240.5 261.3 276.3 277.5 294.6 305.0 308.6 333.7 360.7 392.1 414.5 416.3 441.9 457.5 481.0 522.7 552.7 555.1 589.3 610.0 601.3 653.4 690.9 693.9 736.5 762.5 721.5 784.1 829.1 832.7 883.9 915.0 15°F 277.1 308.6 333.8 360.8 392.0 414.5 416.3 441.9 457.5 462.9 500.6 541.1 588.1 621.8 624.5 662.9 686.3 721.6 784.1 829.1 832.7 883.9 915.0 901.9 980.1 1036.4 1040.8 1104.8 1143.8 1082.3 1176.1 1243.6 1249.0 1325.8 1372.5 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F-115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R22.Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. CONDENSER CHARGE R-404A (LBS) 25°F 452.6 504.1 545.2 589.3 640.3 677.1 680.0 721.9 747.3 756.1 817.7 883.9 960.5 1015.7 1020.0 1082.7 1120.9 1178.6 1280.7 1354.2 1360.0 1443.6 1494.5 1473.1 1600.8 1692.8 1700.0 1804.6 1868.2 1767.7 1921.0 2031.2 2040.0 2165.5 2241.8 EST SHIP SOUND WEIGHT AVAIL 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS (dBA) SUMMER WINTER 43868 68 18 62 1311 71 42728 68 18 62 1320 71 41636 68 18 62 1336 71 40636 68 24 89 1437 71 39140 68 24 89 1425 71 37764 68 24 89 1462 71 37796 68 30 117 1539 71 36124 68 30 117 1555 71 34640 68 30 117 1588 71 64092 68 27 93 1875 73 62454 68 27 93 1912 73 60954 68 37 134 2044 73 58710 68 37 134 2063 73 56646 68 37 134 2100 73 56694 68 46 174 2214 73 54186 68 46 174 2238 73 51960 68 46 174 2287 73 81272 68 46 174 2526 74 78280 68 46 174 2651 74 75528 68 46 174 2700 74 75592 68 58 228 2851 74 72248 68 58 228 2884 74 69280 68 58 228 2950 74 101590 68 55 214 3725 75 97850 68 55 214 3755 75 94410 68 55 214 3817 75 94490 68 70 281 4005 75 90310 68 70 281 4046 75 86600 68 70 281 4129 75 121908 68 116 469 4759 76 117420 68 116 469 4796 76 113292 68 116 469 4870 76 113388 68 150 620 5218 76 108372 68 150 620 5268 76 103920 68 150 620 5366 76 ELECTRICAL DATA - OnE FAn WIDE ELECTRICAL DATA - TWO FAnS WIDE 20°F 369.4 411.5 445.0 481.0 522.7 552.7 555.1 589.2 610.0 617.2 667.5 721.5 784.1 829.1 832.7 883.9 915.0 962.0 1045.4 1105.5 1110.2 1178.5 1220.0 1202.5 1306.8 1381.8 1387.8 1473.1 1525.0 1443.0 1568.2 1658.2 1665.3 1767.7 1830.0 25°F 461.8 514.4 556.3 601.3 653.4 690.9 693.9 736.6 762.5 771.5 834.4 901.9 980.1 1036.4 1040.8 1104.8 1143.8 1202.6 1306.8 1381.8 1387.8 1473.1 1525.0 1503.2 1633.5 1727.3 1734.7 1841.4 1906.3 1803.8 1960.2 2072.7 2081.6 2209.7 2287.6 10°F 181.0 201.6 218.1 235.7 256.1 270.8 272.0 288.7 298.9 302.4 327.1 353.5 384.2 406.2 408.0 433.1 448.4 471.4 512.3 541.7 544.0 577.5 597.8 589.2 640.3 677.1 680.8 721.8 747.3 707.0 768.4 812.5 816.0 866.2 896.7 15°F 271.6 302.4 327.1 353.6 384.2 406.2 408.0 433.1 448.4 453.6 490.6 530.3 576.3 609.4 612.0 649.6 672.6 707.2 768.4 812.5 816.0 866.2 896.7 883.9 960.5 1015.7 1020.0 1082.7 1120.9 1060.7 1152.6 1218.7 1224.0 1299.3 1345.1 20°F 362.0 403.3 436.1 471.4 512.2 541.6 544.0 577.4 597.8 604.9 654.2 707.1 768.4 812.5 816.0 866.2 896.7 942.8 1024.5 1083.4 1088.0 1154.9 1195.6 1178.5 1280.7 1354.2 1360.0 1443.6 1494.5 1414.1 1536.8 1625.0 1632.0 1732.3 1793.4 FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVC-11*** LAVC-12*** LAVC-13*** LAVC-14*** LAVC-15*** LEVC-16*** 6.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 18.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 15.0 ***Rows & FPI (1) Minimum Unit Circuit Amps = 1.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. (2) Maximum Unit Overload Protection = 2.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. AIR FLOW (CFM) FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVC-22*** LAVC-23*** LAVC-24*** LAVC-25*** LEVC-26*** 24.0 36.0 48.0 60.0 72.0 12.0 18.0 24.0 30.0 36.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVF/LEVF Performance Data 1-1/2 H.P. 1140 RPM - OnE FAn WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LEVF LEVF LEVF LEVF LEVF LEVF 112 08 112 10 112 12 113 08 113 10 113 12 114 08 114 10 114 12 122 08 122 10 122 12 123 08 123 10 123 12 124 08 124 10 124 12 132 10 132 12 133 08 133 10 133 12 134 08 134 10 134 12 143 08 143 10 143 12 144 08 144 10 144 12 153 08 153 10 153 12 154 08 154 10 154 12 163 08 163 10 163 12 164 08 164 10 164 12 10°F 47.5 53.4 58.3 63.8 70.3 75.5 76.0 82.3 86.7 95.1 106.8 116.5 127.6 140.7 150.9 152.1 164.5 173.3 160.3 174.8 191.4 211.1 226.3 228.1 246.7 259.9 255.3 281.4 301.7 304.1 329.0 346.5 319.1 351.8 377.2 380.1 411.3 433.2 382.9 422.1 452.6 456.2 493.5 519.8 15°F 20°F 71.3 95.1 80.1 106.8 87.4 116.5 95.7 127.6 105.5 140.7 113.2 150.9 114.0 152.1 123.4 164.5 130.0 173.3 142.6 190.2 160.2 213.7 174.8 233.1 191.4 255.2 211.1 281.4 226.3 301.8 228.1 304.1 246.7 329.0 259.9 346.5 240.4 320.5 262.2 349.6 287.1 382.9 316.6 422.1 339.5 452.6 342.1 456.2 370.1 493.5 389.9 519.8 382.9 510.5 422.1 565.8 452.6 603.5 456.2 608.3 493.5 658.0 519.8 693.1 478.6 638.1 527.7 703.6 565.8 754.4 570.2 760.3 616.9 822.5 649.8 866.4 574.3 765.7 633.2 844.3 678.9 905.3 684.3 912.4 740.2 987.0 779.7 1039.6 25°F 118.9 135.5 145.7 159.5 175.9 188.8 190.1 205.6 216.6 237.7 267.1 291.3 319.1 351.8 377.2 380.2 411.2 433.2 400.6 437.0 478.6 527.7 565.8 570.2 616.9 649.8 638.1 703.6 754.4 760.3 822.5 866.4 797.6 879.5 943.0 950.4 1028.1 1083.0 957.2 1055.3 1131.6 1140.5 1233.7 1299.5 10°F 46.6 52.3 57.1 62.5 68.9 74.0 74.5 80.6 84.9 93.2 104.7 114.2 125.0 137.9 147.8 149.0 161.2 169.8 157.1 171.3 187.6 206.8 221.8 223.5 241.8 254.7 250.2 275.8 295.7 298.1 322.4 339.6 312.7 344.8 369.7 372.5 403.0 424.5 375.2 413.7 433.5 447.1 483.6 509.4 15°F 20°F 69.9 93.2 78.5 104.7 85.7 114.2 93.8 125.0 103.4 137.9 110.9 147.9 111.7 149.1 120.9 161.2 127.4 169.8 139.7 186.4 157.0 209.4 171.3 228.4 187.6 250.1 206.9 275.8 221.8 295.8 223.5 298.0 241.8 322.4 254.7 339.6 235.6 314.1 257.0 342.6 281.4 375.2 310.3 413.7 332.7 443.5 335.3 447.1 362.7 483.6 382.1 509.4 375.2 500.3 413.7 551.5 443.5 591.4 447.1 596.1 483.6 644.8 509.4 679.2 469.0 625.3 517.1 689.5 554.5 739.3 558.8 745.1 604.6 806.1 636.8 849.1 562.8 750.4 620.5 827.4 665.3 887.2 670.6 894.2 725.4 967.3 764.1 1018.8 25°F 116.5 130.8 142.8 156.3 172.4 184.8 186.3 201.5 212.3 232.9 261.8 285.5 312.7 344.8 369.7 372.6 403.0 424.5 392.6 428.3 469.0 517.1 554.5 558.8 604.6 636.8 625.3 689.5 739.3 745.1 806.1 849.1 781.6 861.9 924.1 931.4 1007.5 1061.3 938.1 1034.2 1109.0 1117.7 1209.0 1273.5 AIR FLOW (CFM) 11649 11541 11430 11323 11147 10969 10974 10730 10486 23298 23082 22860 22646 22294 21938 21948 21460 20972 34623 34290 33969 33441 32907 32922 32190 31458 45292 44588 43876 43896 42920 41944 56615 55735 54845 54870 53650 52430 67938 66882 65814 65844 64380 62916 CONDENSER EST CHARGE R-404A SOUND SHIP WEIGHT AVAIL (LBS) 10’ (LBS) CIRCUITS SUMMER WINTER (dBA) 437 34 5 17 72 439 34 5 17 72 444 34 5 17 72 466 34 7 24 72 469 34 7 24 72 478 34 7 24 72 495 34 8 31 72 499 34 8 31 72 508 34 8 31 72 718 34 9 31 75 721 34 9 31 75 729 34 9 31 75 773 34 12 45 75 779 34 12 45 75 792 34 12 45 75 830 34 15 58 75 838 34 15 58 75 855 34 15 58 75 1041 34 14 46 77 1060 34 14 46 77 1126 34 18 67 77 1135 34 18 67 77 1153 34 18 67 77 1210 34 23 87 77 1223 34 23 87 77 1247 34 23 87 77 1437 34 23 87 78 1449 34 23 87 78 1474 34 23 87 78 1550 34 29 114 78 1566 34 29 114 78 1599 34 29 114 78 2020 34 27 107 79 2035 34 27 107 79 2066 34 27 107 79 2160 34 35 141 79 2181 34 35 141 79 2222 34 35 141 79 2554 34 58 235 80 2573 34 58 235 80 2610 34 58 235 80 2784 34 75 310 80 2808 34 75 310 80 2858 34 75 310 80 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F 115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R-22. Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 11 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVF/LEVF Performance Data 1-1/2 H.P. 1140 RPM - TWO FAnS WIDE TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION (MBH) R-22 R-404A, R-507 TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE MODEL LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LAVF LEVF LEVF LEVF LEVF LEVF LEVF 222 08 222 10 222 12 223 08 223 10 223 12 224 08 224 10 224 12 232 10 232 12 233 08 233 10 233 12 234 08 234 10 234 12 243 08 243 10 243 12 244 08 244 10 244 12 253 08 253 10 253 12 254 08 254 10 254 12 263 08 263 10 263 12 264 08 264 10 264 12 10°F 190.2 213.7 233.1 255.3 281.4 301.7 304.1 329.0 346.5 320.5 349.6 382.9 442.1 452.6 456.2 493.5 519.8 510.5 562.9 603.5 608.3 658.0 693.1 638.1 703.5 754.4 760.3 822.5 866.3 765.7 884.3 905.3 912.4 986.9 1039.6 15°F 285.3 320.5 349.6 382.9 422.1 452.6 456.2 493.5 519.8 480.7 524.4 574.3 633.2 678.9 684.3 740.2 779.7 765.7 844.3 905.3 912.4 987.0 1039.6 957.2 1055.3 1131.6 1140.5 1233.7 1299.5 1148.6 1266.4 1357.9 1368.6 1480.4 1559.4 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F-115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Summer charge based on 25% of condenser volume with 86°F liquid. Multiply by 1.14 for R22.Winter charge based on 90% of condenser volume with -20°F liquid. Multiply by 1.10 for R-22. 20°F 380.3 427.3 466.1 510.5 562.8 603.5 608.3 658.0 693.1 641.0 699.2 765.7 844.3 905.3 912.4 987.0 1039.6 1021.0 1125.7 1207.0 1216.5 1316.0 1386.2 1276.2 1407.1 1508.8 1520.6 1644.9 1732.7 1531.5 1688.5 1810.5 1824.8 1973.9 2079.3 25°F 475.4 534.2 582.7 638.1 703.6 754.4 760.3 822.5 866.4 801.2 874.0 957.2 1055.3 1131.6 1140.5 1233.7 1299.5 1276.2 1407.1 1508.8 1520.6 1644.9 1732.7 1595.3 1758.9 1886.0 1900.8 2056.2 2165.9 1914.3 2110.7 2263.1 2281.0 2467.4 2599.1 10°F 186.4 209.4 228.4 250.2 275.8 295.7 298.1 322.4 339.6 314.1 342.6 375.2 413.7 443.5 447.1 483.6 509.4 500.3 551.6 591.5 596.1 644.8 679.2 625.4 689.5 739.3 745.1 806.0 849.0 750.4 827.4 887.2 894.2 967.2 1018.9 15°F 279.6 314.1 342.6 375.2 413.7 443.5 447.1 483.6 509.4 471.1 513.9 562.8 620.5 665.3 670.6 725.4 764.1 750.4 827.4 887.2 894.2 967.3 1018.8 938.1 1034.2 1109.0 1117.7 1209.0 1273.5 1125.6 1241.1 1330.7 1341.2 1450.8 1528.2 20°F 372.7 418.8 456.8 500.3 551.5 591.4 596.1 644.8 679.2 628.2 685.2 750.4 827.4 887.2 894.2 967.3 1018.8 1000.6 1103.2 1182.9 1192.2 1289.7 1358.5 1250.7 1379.0 1478.6 1490.2 1612.0 1698.0 1500.9 1654.7 1774.3 1788.3 1934.4 2037.7 25°F 465.9 523.5 571.0 625.3 689.5 739.3 745.1 806.1 849.1 785.2 856.5 938.1 1034.2 1109.0 1117.7 1209.0 1273.5 1250.7 1379.0 1478.6 1490.2 1612.0 1698.0 1563.4 1723.7 1848.3 1862.8 2015.1 2122.6 1876.0 2068.5 2217.8 2235.4 2418.1 2547.1 ELECTRICAL DATA - OnE FAn WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVF-11*** LAVF-12*** LAVF-13*** LAVF-14*** LAVF-15*** LEVF-16*** 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 35.0 42.0 3.5 7.0 10.5 14.0 17.5 21.0 2.4 4.8 7.2 9.6 12.0 14.4 ***Rows & FPI (1) Minimum Unit Circuit Amps = 1.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. (2) Maximum Unit Overload Protection = 2.25 x FLA of One Motor + FLA of All Remaining Motors. AIR FLOW (CFM) 46556 45824 45096 44412 43364 42344 42376 41056 39808 68736 67644 66618 65046 63516 63564 61584 59712 88824 86728 84688 84752 82112 79616 111030 108410 105860 105940 102640 99520 133236 130092 127032 127128 123168 119424 CONDENSER EST CHARGE R-404A SOUND SHIP WEIGHT AVAIL (LBS) 10’ CIRCUITS (dBA) (LBS) SUMMER WINTER 18 18 18 24 24 24 30 30 30 27 27 37 37 37 46 46 46 46 46 46 58 58 58 55 55 55 70 70 70 116 116 116 150 150 150 62 62 62 89 89 89 117 117 117 93 93 134 134 134 174 174 174 174 174 174 228 228 228 214 214 214 281 281 281 469 469 469 620 620 620 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 78 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 81 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 1311 1320 1336 1437 1425 1462 1539 1555 1588 1875 1912 2044 2063 2100 2214 2238 2287 2526 2651 2700 2851 2884 2950 3725 3755 3817 4005 4046 4129 4759 4796 4870 5218 5268 5366 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 ELECTRICAL DATA - TWO FAnS WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL FULL LOAD AMPS 208/230/3/60 460/3/60 575/3/60 LAVF-22*** LAVF-23*** LAVF-24*** LAVF-25*** LEVF-26*** 28.0 42.0 56.0 70.0 84.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 35.0 42.0 9.6 14.4 19.2 24.0 28.8 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Dimensional Drawings ELECTRICAL BOX ELECTRICAL BOX H AIR B L A L ELECTRICAL BOX C W ELECTRICAL BOX (2) B B L B A A L ELECTRICAL BOX H AIR B L A A C W ELECTRICAL BOX A L A A OnE FAn WIDE TWO FAn WIDE CONNECTIONS OD IN(1) W LAV*-11*** LAV*-12*** LAV*-13*** LAV*-14*** LAV*-15*** LEV*-16*** 58 112 166 220 274 328 W H A B C 45-1/4 54 - 54 41-1/4 45-1/4 54 108 - 41-1/4 45-1/4 54 108 54 41-1/4 45-1/4 54 108 - 41-1/4 45-1/4 58-1/2 108 54 41-1/4 45-1/4 58-1/2 108 - 41-1/4 2 columns of "W" need to change one to L and W CONNECTIONS OD IN(1) W INLET OUTLET 1-3/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 LAV*-22*** LAV*-23*** LAV*-24*** LAV*-25*** LEV*-26*** 112 166 220 274 328 W H A B C INLET OUTLET 90-1/2 54 108 - 86-1/2 (2)1-5/8 (2)1-5/8 90-1/2 54 108 54 86-1/2 (2)2-1/8 (2)2-1/8 90-1/2 54 108 - 86-1/2 (2)2-1/8 (2)2-1/8 90-1/2 58-1/2 108 54 86-1/2 (2)2-1/8 (2)2-1/8 90-1/2 58-1/2 108 - 86-1/2 (2)2-5/8 (2)2-5/8 *Indicates fan/motor combination. Includes standard 22" legs. (1) Connections are approximate. Exact size is determined by computerized circuiting program. (2) 1 X 3 has six legs; 2 x 3 has eight legs. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 13 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser LAVB Performance Data 1/2 H.P. 1140 RPM TOTAL HEAT OF REJECTION CAPACITY (MBH) ONE FAN MODEL LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB 112 113 114 122 123 124 133 134 143 144 153 154 163 164 173 174 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 RATING BASED ON 85°-115°F ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURE TD IS SATURATED CONDENSING TEMP. MINUS ENTERING AIR TEMP. R-22 TD R-404A, R-507A TD # OF ROWS FANS 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 DEEP 2 3 4 2 3 4 3 4 3 4 5 4 3 4 3 4 15°F 30.2 39.4 45.4 60.5 78.9 90.9 118.3 136.3 157.8 181.7 197.2 227.1 236.7 272.6 276.1 318.0 20°F 45.4 59.1 68.2 90.7 118.3 136.3 177.8 204.5 236.7 272.6 295.9 340.7 355.0 408.8 414.2 477.0 25°F 60.5 78.9 90.9 121.0 157.8 181.7 236.7 272.6 315.6 363.4 394.5 454.3 473.3 545.1 552.2 636.0 10°F 29.4 38.4 44.2 58.9 76.7 88.4 115.1 132.6 153.5 176.8 191.9 221.0 230.2 265.2 268.6 309.4 15°F 44.2 57.6 66.4 83.3 115.1 132.6 172.7 199.0 230.2 265.2 287.8 331.5 345.5 397.8 403.0 464.1 4 4 4 6 6 8 8 10 10 12 12 14 14 2 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 121.0 157.8 181.7 236.7 272.6 315.6 363.4 394.5 454.3 473.3 545.1 552.2 636.0 181.5 236.7 272.6 355.0 408.8 473.3 545.1 591.7 681.4 710.0 817.7 828.3 953.9 242.0 315.6 363.4 473.3 545.1 631.1 726.8 788.9 908.5 946.7 1090.2 1104.5 1271.9 117.8 153.5 176.8 230.2 265.2 307.1 353.6 383.8 441.9 460.6 530.4 537.3 618.8 176.5 235.4 230.2 307.1 265.2 353.6 345.5 460.6 397.8 530.4 460.6 614.1 530.4 707.1 575.7 767.6 663.0 884.0 690.8 921.2 795.6 1060.8 806.0 1074.7 928.2 1237.5 20°F 58.9 76.7 88.4 117.8 153.5 176.8 230.2 265.2 307.1 353.6 383.3 441.9 460.5 530.4 537.3 618.8 EST SOUND 10’ (dBA) 65 65 65 68 68 68 70 70 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 AIR FLOW CFM 6750 6400 6000 13500 12800 12000 19200 18000 25600 24000 32000 30000 38400 36000 44800 42000 71 71 71 73 73 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 27000 25600 24000 38400 36000 51200 48000 64000 60000 76800 72000 89600 84000 WINTER WGT INCL FLOOD FLOOD CHARGE CHARGE (LBS) (LBS) 181 10 185 14 200 19 352 19 372 29 400 39 559 43 600 58 840 64 900 86 861 62 950 97 1070 86 1150 116 1349 107 1450 144 AVAIL CIRCUITS 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 TWO FAN MODEL LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB LAVB 222 223 224 233 234 243 244 253 254 263 264 273 274 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 NOTE: Ratings are based on 85°F-115°F entering air temperature. The temperature difference is between the saturated condensing temp. and the entering air temp. to the condenser. Multiply R-22 rating by 0.95 for R-134a. Not available with Quietor fan blades. 14 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 38 64 86 86 116 126 172 124 194 172 232 214 288 654 865 925 1118 1225 1705 1825 1722 1925 2095 2225 2725 2925 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Dimensional and Electrical Data Header End View Side Views ELECTRICAL BOX H 49 B W A L H B W 11 12, 22 A L 13, 23 A L 14, 24 A 15, 25 A 16, 26 A 17, 27 A A L L A A L A A A DIMEnSIOnAL DATA A L A ELECTRICAL DATA ONE FAN WIDE ONE FAN WIDE FAN MOTOR TOTAL RATED FULL LOAD AMPS LAVB-11*** LAVB-12*** LAVB-13*** LAVB-14*** LAVB-15*** LAVB-16*** LAVB-17*** A L L W H A B 39 75 111 147 183 219 262 45-1/4 45-1/4 45-1/4 45-1/4 45-1/4 45-1/4 45-1/4 41-1/4 41-1/4 41-1/4 41-1/4 41-1/4 41-1/4 41-1/4 36 72 108 72/72 72/36/72 72/72/72 72/72/36/72 43-1/4 43-1/4 43-1/4 43-1/4 43-1/4 43-1/4 43-1/4 208/230/1 208/230/3 4.2 8.4 12.6 16.8 21.0 25.2 29.4 2.8 5.6 8.4 11.2 14.0 16.8 19.6 CONNECTIONS OD IN.(1) 460/3 575/3 INLET OUTLET 1.3 2.6 3.9 5.2 6.5 7.8 9.1 0.76 1.52 2.28 3.04 3.8 4.56 5.32 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 1-1/8 1-3/8 1-3/8 1-5/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 2-5/8 Includes standard 18" legs. (1) Connections are approximate. Exact size is determined by computerized circuiting program. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 15 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Control Panel Nomenclature PT A 2 6 RELAY BOARD CONTROLS: NC = No Controls PT = Pressure Controls TF = Temp. Controls TP = Temperature and Pressure Control PV = Pressure Control w/Variable Speed Head Fans TV = Temp. Control w/Variable Speed Header End Fans VN = No Controls w/Variable Speed Header End Fans FAN/MOTOR COMBINATION: A = 1 HP 850 RPM 30" B = 1/2 HP 1140 RPM 24" C = 1-1/2 HP 850 RPM 30" E = 1/2 HP 575 RPM 30" F = 1-1/2 HP 1140 RPM 30" FANS WIDE: 1 or 2 FANS IN LINE: 1 to 7 (7 Fans on “B” Units Only) M B 3 3 1 AMBIENT AIR SENSOR FOR SPLIT (50% Winter Reduction): T = Sensor Provided N = Sensor Not Required TYPE OF APPLICATION: 1 = Standard 2 = 50% Winter Reduction Relay (Split Condenser) 3 = 50/50 Split Dual Panel (for Two Indep. Slabs) 4 = No Control Operation (Terminal Blocks Only) FUSES AND BREAKERS: 1 = Individual Fuses and Contactors 2 = Individual Circuit Breakers and Contactors per each Fan 3 = Fuses and Contactors per Pair of Fans 4 = Terminal Blocks Only 5 = Circuit Breaker and Contactor per Pair of Fans 6 = Fuses per Motor CONTROL MANUFACTURER: 1 = Johnson Mechanical 3 = Johnson Electronic 4 = No Controls CONTROL VOLTAGE: A = 208/230V F = B = 115V G = C = No Control Voltage D = 24V H = E = 208/230V w/o Transformer POWER VOLTAGE: A = 208/230/1/60 K = 208/230/3/60 M = 460/3/60 P = 550/575/3/60 U = 380/3/50 16 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. N 115V w/o Transformer No Control Voltage w/o Transformer 24V w/o Transformer Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Standard Fan Cycling/Control Arrangements n n n n n Thermal Fantrol-Electronic temperature control cycles fans in response to entering air temperature. Set points and differential for each step are adjustable. Pressurtrol-Electronic pressure control with single point pressure transducer cycles fans in response to condenser pressure. Set points and differential for each step are adjustable. Thermal Pressure Fantrol-Electronic temperature control cycle fans in response to entering air temperature, except for header end fan(s). Header end fan(s) are controlled by pressure control. Variable Speed Control-Header end fan(s) are controlled with a speed controller in response to head pressure. Electronic pressure control cycles the balance of fans. Fan cycling Sequence-Fans are cycled off individually or side-by-side in pairs in sequence from the end opposite the header to the header end. Header end fans run continuously if compressors are operating. Control Panel Standard weather resistant enclosure is mounted on the opposite end of the unit when looking at the headers. n Control power is 24, 115 or 230 volts. A transformer is factory installed when required. n Fan contactor with branch circuit fuse protection. Each motor or bank of motors protected by fuses. n For horizontal airflow application, consult factory. n Disconnect not included, but may be required to meet local codes. n Optional Arrangements n Fan motor contactor and fuses only. n Fan motor contactor and fuses only which operate via a customer specified solid state board. Circuit board is factory mounted and wired. n 50/50 split with two fan wide models. Each side is controlled separately with individual control panels on each side. n 50% winter reduction with two fan wide models. The right side fans are isolated in winter. Fans are locked out via a relay or switch during shutdown. LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 17 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Low Ambient Controls (Head Pressure Control System) Piping Schematic For Winter Control n Head Pressure Control for systems with air-cooled condenser is accomplished with two pressure regulating valves designed specifically for this type of application. When low ambient conditions are encountered during winter operation on air-cooled systems with a resultant drop in condensing pressure, the Head Pressure control’s purpose is to hold back enough of the condenser liquid refrigerant so that some of the condenser surface is rendered inactive. This reduction of active condensing surface results in a rise in the condensing pressure and sufficient liquid line pressure for normal system operation. Eternal Equalizer Evaporator Distributor Condenser Solenoid Valve TEV HM Valve Gas Check Valve Compressor Fan Cycling Controls Factory installed and tested fan cycling control panels (optional, see below for details). Receiver n Fan Cycling Sequence TABLE A 1st Stage (Not Cycling) 2nd Stage 3rd Stage 4th Stage 5th Stage 6th Stage CAPACITY MULTIPLIER WITH HEADER FANS RUNNING 1.00 0.55 0.40 0.33 0.28 0.24 0.55 0.40 0.33 NOTE: Data given in table “A” is based on zero wind velocity. If condensers are subjected to wind effect, these multipliers will increase. 18 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 0.28 0.24 LL Drier Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Mounted Receivers Levitor is available with a mounted receiver for applications where a remote receiver is desired. Included in the option are a heavy-duty base, extended legs, receiver, a 3-way valve, relief valve(s), rotalocks, ball valves, and ORI/ORD valves. Optional heated and/or oversized receivers available. RECEIVER CAPACITIES @ 80% FuLL SIZE R-22 (LBS) R-404A (LBS) 10-3/4” x 48” 10-3/4” x 60” 12-3/4” x 72” 14-3/4” x 96” 128 162 275 444 114 144 245 395 Receiver models are 12” taller than standard models. Add the following to weights: ADDITIOnAL unIT WEIGHTS # OF RECEIVERS # OF FANS 1 2 1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 1x7 2x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 350 440 530 620 820 910 1000 520 620 720 910 1020 1120 550 640 730 820 1120 1210 1300 700 800 910 1210 1320 1420 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 19 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser ELECTRICAL BOX Mounted Receiver Diagram (One Receiver) 20 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Mounted Receiver Diagram (Two Receivers) LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 21 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Wiring Diagram (-311) Single Fans (-331) Pairs of Fans 22 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Replacement Parts L_VA unIT LAVB unIT DESCRIPTION PART # DESCRIPTION PART # MOTOR: 1 HP, 850 RPM, 208-230/460/3/60 4410138 MOTOR: 1/2 HP, 1140 RPM, 208-230/460/3/60 4410179 MOTOR: 1 HP, 850 RPM, 575/3/60 4410180 MOTOR: 1/2 HP, 1140 RPM, 575/3/60 FAN: 30” DIA. CW 5/8” BORE 4780320 FAN: 24” DIA. CW 5/8” BORE 4780141 GUARD: FOR 30” FAN 4910218 GUARD: FOR 24” FAN 4914792 L_VC unIT CALL L_VE unIT DESCRIPTION PART # DESCRIPTION PART # MOTOR: 1-1/2 HP, 850 RPM, 208-230/460/3/60 4410179 MOTOR: 1/2 HP, 575 RPM, 208-230/460/3/60 4410184 MOTOR: 1-1/2 HP, 850 RPM, 575/3/60 4410313 MOTOR: 1/2 HP, 575 RPM, 575/3/60 4410315 FAN: 30” DIA. CW 5/8” BORE 4780662 FAN: 30” DIA. CW 5/8” BORE 4780142 GUARD: FOR 30” FAN 4910218 GUARD: FOR 30” FAN 4910218 L_VF unIT OTHER COMMOn PARTS PART # DESCRIPTION PART # MOTOR: 1-1/2 HP, 1140 RPM, 208-230/460/3/60 4410139 1/2 HP, 208-230/1/60 FOR VARIABLE SPEED 4410176 MOTOR: 1-1/2 HP, 1140 RPM, 575/3/60 4410314 3/4 HP, 208-230/1/60 FOR VARIABLE SPEED CALL FAN: 30” DIA. CW 5/8” BORE 4780142 MOTOR CONTACTOR WITH 24 VOLT COIL 4480824 GUARD: FOR 30” FAN 4910218 MOTOR CONTACTOR WITH 110 VOLT COIL 4481721 MOTOR CONTACTOR WITH 230 VOLT COIL CALL DESCRIPTION P352AB-3C PRESSURE CONTROLLER 4481838 S352AA-2C ADDER MODULE (PRESSURE) 4481839 P399BAC-1C PRESSURE TRANSDUCER 4481840 A350AB-1 TEMPERATURE CONTROLLER 4481731 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. 23 Levitor II Air Cooled Condenser Notes 24 LEVITOR II AIR COOLED CONDENSER Specifications subject to change without notice. Krack Corporation 1300 North Arlington Heights Rd., Suite 130 Itasca, IL 60143 Ph: 630.629.7500 krack.com Printed in U.S.A. ©2012 Krack Corporation Levitor II_K_082012
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