1st announcement (English)
1st announcement (English)
Congreso Latinoamericano IUFRO de Ecología del Paisaje 2º Congreso Latinoamericano de IALE IUFRO Landscape Ecology Latin-American Second IALE Latin-American Congress Del 28 de Noviembre al 2 de Diciembre de 2016 1°flyer November 2015 www.iufrole2016.ufro.cl 01 Congress Call The group of landscape ecology belonging to IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) (IUFRO 8.01.02 Working Party on Forest Landscape Ecology) and IALE (International Association of Landscape Ecology), in conjunction with the University of La Frontera and the Catholic University of Temuco invited to participate at the Latin American Congress of IUFRO Landscape Ecology and the Second Latin American Congress of IALE to be held in the city of Temuco (Province of Cautín, Chile) from November 28 to December 2, 2016, under the theme: “Bringing our society to the nature: conservation, management and restoration of multi-functional landscapes”. The event aims to foster communication and exchange of experiences and knowledge in technical and scientific, methodological and practical aspects relating to conservation, management and restoration of natural landscapes throughout Latin America. The event will serve as a platform for institutions, professionals, researchers and students interested in landscape ecology to interact and share experiences on current research topics, practical experiences and policy implementation. 02 Thematic Areas Landscape ecology is a discipline that has gained importance in recent years, although it was proposed as a discipline over 70 years ago. But the need for studies on variations in the landscape at different levels, not just space also temporary, widespread application in the most diverse areas of knowledge and all the diverse ecosystems on the planet. It is a discipline that combines from biology to geography within a framework of social sciences, emphasizing the role of men within the ecosystem. The growing economic development of Latin American countries and increasing social inclusion policies implemented generates broader impacts on natural ecosystems. This creates new challenges for society, where proposals for management and conservation should be harmonized, and where political restoration of the affected landscapes should be prioritized in order to recover and maximize the ecosystem services that ecosystems provide to our present society and future. To achieve these goals have been proposed the following areas: 1. Land use, biodiversity loss and fragmentation 2. Ecosystem management: Integrating ecological and economic models 3. Mapping and assessment of ecosystems and their services 4. Adapting to climate change in managed and natural landscapes 5. Synergies and trade-off of plantations 6. Impact of invasive species on landscape and human well-being 7. Recovering biodiversity and ecosystem services through landscape restoration 8. Social-ecological approach for ecosystem services management 03 Organizing Committee Chairs Adison Altamirano Universidad de La Frontera Chile Fernando Peña Universidad Católica de Temuco Chile Members Fulgencio Lisón Alejandro Miranda René Montalba Gonzalo Rebolledo Cristian Vergara Lorena Vieli Universidad de La Frontera Chile Universidad Católica de Temuco Chile Universidad de La Frontera Chile Universidad Católica de Temuco Chile Universidad de La Frontera Chile Universidad de La Frontera Chile 04 Scientific Committee Chair Guillermo Martínez Pastur CONICET Argentina Members Dolors Armenteras Pascual Danilo Boscolo Universidad Nacional de Colombia Universidade de Sao Pablo Colombia Brasil Alejandro Brazeiro Universidad de la República, Uruguay Camille Dezécache Universite des Antilles et de la Guyane Guiana Alberto Gallardo Centro del Cambio Global y la Sustentabilidad en el Sureste México Manolo García Universidad de San Carlos, Guatemala Juan Gowda CONICET Argentina Jean Paul Metzger Universidade de Sao Pablo Brasil Priscilla Minotti Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Argentina Aníbal Pauchard Universidad de Concepción Chile Alvaro Promis Universidad de Chile Chile Nelly Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia 05 Congress Program Congress will be organized considering different activities, including short courses, workshops, conferences, symposia, oral expositions, posters and technical excursions. The congress will be organized according the following structure: Short courses Workshops Conferences Symposia Oral expositions Posters Technical excursions One-day short courses will be organized for undergraduate and post-graduate students in different topics related to landscape ecology, especially in the use of tools and software, that can be help them during their academic studies. A special call to receive proposals of different workshops will be opened, with different specific objectives. The congress will invite to worldwide researchers to present their main outputs related to the topics of the event. It will be received proposals to organize symposia related to the strategic themes, priorizing those proposals that integrate several Latin-American countries. Those abstracts that better fits with the symposia proposals will be priorized, however also some works will be chosen to fill the gaps that can be identify among the thematic areas of the congress. Those abstracts that not be selected as oral expositions will be invited to be presented as posters. One day field trips will be organized during the third day of the congress, in order to visit different localities and landscapes following the main thematic areas proposed for the congress. Day 28 November Short courses for students and special workshops proposals. Day 29 November Institutional presentations, conferences and oral presentations. Day 30 November Short field-trips. Day 1-2 December Conferences, symposia, posters and meetings (IALE and IUFRO). 06 Calendario 31 October to 31 December 2015 Open call for symposia and workshops 1° March 2016 Results of symposia and workshop selection 1° April to 1° July 2016 1° July 2016 1° September 2016 1° April to 1° July 2016 15 July 2016 07 Registration Open call for abstracts submission Early registration call until Abstract acceptance Congress scholars Acceptance of congress scholars The registration for the congress will be opened until 1° July 2016 for the early call with cheaper prices, and until the beginning of the congress with expensive fees, through the web page www.iufrole2016.ufro.cl 08 Open call for Symposia and Workshops Open call for symposia and workshops will be opened since: 31 October and 31 December 2015 Landscape Ecologist specialists and work-teams are invited to send proposals in the framework of the thematic areas of the congress. The workshop proposals for the day 28 November 2016 must be include: (i) workshop title, (ii) organizers, institutions, country and contact e-mail, (iii) objectives and rationale of the workshop (300 words), (iv) main activities, (v) infrastructure that you need, (vi) potential invited participants (institution, country and e-mail), and (vii) describe who can be the target of the event. The workshops that will propose for Governmental Institutions and private Companies will be priorized, being desirable those multi-countries events. Coordinators of each workshop must find their own funds for each event. After the workshops, the individual contributions received during the abstract call can be annexed by the responsible to any accepted workshop proposal. The symposia proposals for the days 1 and 2 December 2016 must be include: (i) title of the symposium, (ii) organizers, institutions, country and contact e-mail, (iii) objectives and rationale of the symposium (300 words), and potential invited participants (institution, country and e-mail). Coordinators of each symposium must find their own funds for each event. 09 Contact Organization Organization Committee Scientific Committee [email protected] Dr. Adison Altamirano [email protected] +56 45 325658 Dr. Guillermo Martínez Pastur E mail: [email protected] +54 2901 422310 int 165 Laboratorio de Ecología del Paisaje Forestal Departamento de Ciencias Forestales Universidad de La Frontera Temuco - Chile Laboratorio de Recursos Agroforestales CADIC CONICET Ushuaia - Argentina
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