Y. C. Tsui. - English Department


Y. C. Tsui. - English Department
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
BWC038 Teaching English through Language Arts at Secondary Level
Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media (ENG0231E)
Assessment detail:
Participants should produce a portfolio containing selected and significant pieces of work produced at
various stages during the module.
Portfolio content should include work related to each of the three key areas (poems, songs, media
and/ or electronic texts)
It must include a sample/ samples of the following:
their personal response to selected pieces;
their own individual creative writing of poems/ song lyrics;
one pedagogically appropriate classroom LA activity deriving from (a) selected text(s) of
each of the three key areas;
a statement of rationale justifying the inclusion of the selected pieces; and a discussion of
their relevance to the implementation of a language arts curriculum. (about 750 words).
Acrostic poem; Haiku; Death; Soccer by Vicky; Volleyball
Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne; Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg;
World at your feet by Embrace; For the Love of the Game by Pillar;
World Cup Theme Songs
Freaky Friday; I am Sam; Stuart Little; The Real David Beckham
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
GROUP PROJECTS........................................................................................................ 4
GROUP POEMS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Acrostic poem ........................................................................................................................ 4
Haiku ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Death ....................................................................................................................................... 5
GROUP LESSON PLAN FOR SELECTED POEMS ........................................................................................................................ 6
Please Mrs Butler - Allan Ahlberg .......................................................................................... 10
Welcome Back to School--Kenn Nesbitt ................................................................................ 11
Worksheets for Poems Reading .............................................................................................. 12
GROUP LESSON PLAN FOR SONGS........................................................................................................................................ 21
Worksheet 1 – Lead-in ...............................................................................................................25
Worksheet 2 - Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne (Meaning) .....................................................26
Worksheet 3- Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne (Music) ...........................................................28
Worksheet 4 - Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg (Meaning) .................................29
Worksheet 5 – Comparison between 2 songs .......................................................................32
Appendix 1 (Lyrics) .....................................................................................................................34
Appendix 2 Emotions Chart ......................................................................................................35
Appendix 3 (lyrics) ....................................................................................................................36
Appendix 4 (Role Cards) ............................................................................................................37
GROUP LESSON PLAN FOR FILM .......................................................................................................................................... 42
Worksheet 1 Facts about the films .......................................................................................44
Worksheet 2 While-viewing Task ...........................................................................................45
Worksheet 3 Cinematic techniques in I am Sam: ...............................................................46
Worksheet 4 Stuart Little .......................................................................................................46
Worksheet 5 Role Play...............................................................................................................50
Worksheet 6 Writing Task (Homework Assignment) .......................................................64
Worksheet 7 Taking the students further - Vocabulary Building ..................................66
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
INDIVIDUAL WORK ................................................................................................. 667
Progression ................................................................................................................................ 667
MY CREATIVE WORK IN POEM ............................................................................................................................................ 68
Soccer by Vicky ...........................................................................................................................69
INDIVIDUAL LESSON PLANS FOR SELECTED POEMS............................................................................................................. 71
Worksheet for the poem ‘Volleyball’ ......................................................................................73
Sample shape poems:..................................................................................................................77
Shapes for writing a shape poem ............................................................................................78
Writing Task ................................................................................................................................80
INDIVIDUAL LESSON PLANS FOR SELECTED SONGS ............................................................................................................. 81
"World at your feet" by Embrace...........................................................................................83
"For the Love of the Game" by Pillar .....................................................................................86
Worksheets (World Cup Theme Songs) ................................................................................87
INDIVIDUAL LESSON PLANS FOR SELECTED FILM ................................................................................................................ 90
Worksheets (The Real David Beckham) ................................................................................92
EXTENDED FILM REVIEW OF ‘THE REAL STORY OF DAVID BECKHAM’............................................................................... 98
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................... 99
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Group Projects
Group Poems
Acrostic poem
Every day in this 8-week
Fun and inspiring Language Arts course
Fascinating ideas come into our minds
English teaching is not a boring job anymore
Creativity is what we need
Teaching pedagogies are explored
Ideas and resources are everywhere
Vision and mission are identified
Effective teaching is our goal
Starfish and red crabs
rendezvous between the rocks
yearning for sunset
Brainstorming words:
Sand castle
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Is it the end of a life cycle?
An empty bowl and idle balls
Broken routine of feeding and cleaning
A loyal friend no longer answer my calls
Licking, barking and whining no longer annoying
A shattered sweater left on the floor
The torn shoelaces laying there
Silence and loneliness behind the door
Mingled with odour of shred hair
Flashes creep into my mind
Memories of your company linger on
Sweet moments are what I can find
That heal my aches as gently as chiffon.
Brainstorming ideas:
Hide away from death, but it
keeps coming to you.
Playing hide-and-seek
Sarcastic tone
Final stage of life
Disease, suicide, killed,
Cycle of life
Tear, sad, sorrow, , heartbroken
Another life
Jesus chris
End of journey
No more work, laughter,
suffering, torture
Body and soul
Evil and devil
Skull and bone
Flowers – daisy and lily
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Group Lesson Plan for Selected Poems
Theme of Lessons:
School life
Level of students:
Forty S2 students with mixed abilities
School context:
A band 2 co-ed CMI school in which students have little exposure to poems and are not motivated to
learn English.
Poems chosen:
Welcome Back to School – Kenn Nesbitt
Please Mrs Butler – Allan Ahlberg
Number of lessons and length of time:
Two lessons of 40 minutes each
Learning Objectives:
After the lessons, students will be able to
(1) identify the poetic features of poems: structures, types of stanzas and rhyming
(2) apply linguistic features of using imperative to give advice and future tense
(3) express their feelings and emotions towards the poems
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Lesson Plan:
Arouse Ss’ interest and
elicit their background
5 minutes
Read for enjoyment.
5 minutes
Procedures & Activities
T asks Ss: ‘What are the students in the picture doing?’ (T
shows picture)
(T shows poem Welcome Back to School)
1st Reading
Get a feeling for the
poem’s words.
T asks Ss: ‘Do you like the class described in the poem?
What is the title of this poem?’
‘Who is the writer of this poem?’
‘Why did he write this poem?’
Read for meaning.
5 minutes
Look for clues that help
Ss understand the poem.
2nd Reading (group work)
T elicits Ss to summarize each stanza.
T tells Ss that quotation marks indicate a
speech. T asks Ss: ‘Who said these?’
Study the structure and
language of the poem
5 minutes
3rd Reading
T asks Ss: ‘How many stanzas are in it?’
T draws Ss’ attention to tenses: present perfect, simple
future and simple present tense used; sound: rhyme scheme
(end rhyme, rhyming pairs) and structure: Quatrain
Read for feeling, mood
and tone of the poem.
5 minutes
4th Reading
T points out that the speaker in the poem addresses ‘you’ and
T asks Ss: ‘Who are they?’
T points out that short forms are used in a dialogue.
Respond to the poem in
written form.
15 minutes
T asks Ss to write one more stanza for this poem. (group
Arouse Ss’ interest and
introduce another poem
Please Mrs Butler
5 minutes
T asks Ss to give examples of conversations between
teachers and students in daily life.
Read for enjoyment.
5 minutes
1st Reading
Get a feeling for the
poem’s words.
(T shows the poem Please Mrs Butler)
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
T asks Ss: ‘What is the title of the poem?’
‘Who is the writer of the poem?’
‘How many speakers are there in the poem?’ ‘Who are they?
How do you know?’
Read for meaning.
5 minutes
T asks Ss: ‘What are the problems created by Derek? What
are the solutions suggested by the teacher?’ (T distributes
worksheet that states the problems and solutions)
Look for clues that help
Ss understand what the
poem is saying
Study the structure and
language of the poem
2nd Reading
5 minutes
3rd Reading
T asks Ss: ‘How many stanzas are there?’
T points out that questions repeatedly appear in the poem to
show he is seeking help from the
teacher. The teacher’s suggestions are given in the form of
imperatives. T teaches Ss the sounds: rhyme scheme (end
rhyme, rhyming pairs) and structure (Quatrain, dialogue).
Read for feeling, mood
and tone of the poem
5 minutes
4th Reading
Students read aloud the poem.
T draws students’ attention to ‘dear’, ‘my lamb’, ‘love’ and
‘my flower’. T asks Ss to look at the connotation and points
out the different points of view between the teacher and
Guiding questions:
If you were the student, what would you think about this
teacher? Will you ask her for help again?
If you were the teacher, what would you think about this
student? Will you talk with him again?
Respond to the poem
with creativity.
15 minutes
Ss are formed into 10 groups of 4. T asks Ss to make a dosand-don’ts list for the classroom rule. (group work)
5 minutes
T assigns homework.
Homework question: You are a student in the class. After
reading the classroom rules, write 10 sentences using ‘I
will…’ or ‘I will not…’ to the teacher, promising what you
will do to improve the learning environment.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Resources and teaching aids:
A picture of the class
Student worksheets
A sheet of A3 paper and markers for each group
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Please Mrs Butler - Allan Ahlberg
Please Mrs Butler
This boy Derek Drew
Keeps copying my work, Miss.
What shall I do?
Go and sit in the hall, dear.
Go and sit in the sink.
Take your books on the roof, my lamb.
Do whatever you think.
Please Mrs Butler
This boy Derek Drew
Keeps taking my rubber, Miss.
What shall I do?
Keep it in your hand, dear.
Hide it up your vest.
Swallow it if you like, love.
Do what you think best.
Please Mrs Butler
This boy Derek Drew
Keeps calling me rude names, Miss.
What shall I do?
Lock yourself in the cupboard, dear.
Run away to sea.
Do whatever you can, my flower.
But don't ask me!
Source: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/please-mrs-butler/
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Welcome Back to School--Kenn Nesbitt
"Dear students, the summer has ended.
The school year at last has begun.
But this year is totally different.
We're going to only have fun.
"We won't study any mathematics,
and recess will last all day long.
Instead of the pledge of allegiance,
we'll belt out a rock-and-roll song.
"We'll only play games in the classroom.
You're welcome to bring in your toys.
It's okay to run in the hallways.
It's great if you make lots of noise.
"For homework, you'll play your Nintendo.
You'll have to watch lots of T.V.
For field trips we'll go to the movies
and get lots of candy for free.
"The lunchroom will only serve chocolate
and triple fudge sundaes supreme."
Yes, that's what I heard from my teacher
before I woke up from my dream.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheets for Poems Reading
Welcome Back to School --Kenn Nesbitt
1. What do you think of the class in the picture? Put a tick against your opinion.
Wonderful Well-behaved Normal Rowdy Uncontrollable
2. Browse the poem and fill in the details.
Where are the
Title of the poem:
What really
Facts about the
Who speaks in the
Name of the poet:
Time of the school
3. Number of stanzas in the poem: __________
4. Make a list of the promises of the speaker:
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
5. What are the tenses used?
Stanza 1
Stanza 2
Stanza 3
Stanza 4
Stanza 5
Y. C. Tsui
6.Highlight the end rhymes in the poem and write them in the boxes below.
7. The stanzas in the poem are called _______________ because there
are _____ lines in each of them.
8. Why are contractions (short forms) used in the poem?
9. In the poem, ‘you’ refers to _______________ and ‘we’ refers to
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
10. What changes would you like to make regarding your own lessons?
Work in groups of 4 and make a list of your wishes.
11. Make use of the above ideas and write one more stanza for the poem.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Please Mrs Butler - Allan Ahlberg
1. Browse the poem and fill in the details.
Name of the
Title of the poem:
Facts about the
What really
Who speaks to whom?
What are the
speakers doing?
 Making
 Giving
2. Which of the following can best describe Derek? Tick the right boxes.
(You can tick more than one box.)
A trouble-maker 
A bully 
Mischievous 
A problem shooter 
A thief 
Hard working 
A victim 
Gentle 
Lazy 
3. State Derek’s bullying behaviour and write the teacher’s corresponding
advice in the table below.
Derek’s unruly behaviour
Solutions suggested by the teacher
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
* _____________________________
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
4. Which phrases are repeated several times in the poem? What effect
do they create?
5. If you were to seek help from other people, what can you say?
__________ __________ __________ __________
6. Take a look at the teacher’s advice again. What do the solutions begin
with, a noun, a preposition, a verb or a pronoun?
7. From the poem, which structure tells that one does something over and
over again?
__________ + ~_____
8. Highlight the end rhymes in the poem and write them in pairs below.
9. The stanzas in the poem are called _______________ because there
are _____ lines in each of them.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
10. The teacher calls the writer ‘my lamb’, ‘love’ and ‘my flower’. Think
about the nature or characteristics of lambs and flowers and write
them in the boxes below. You may use the following words and words
of your own choice:
11. Now, state why the teacher calls the writer ‘my lamb’, ‘love’ and ‘my
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
12. If you were the writer, what would you tell your mother about the
teacher when you go home? Fill in the bubbles below.
13. Your mother has filed a complaint to the Principal Mr Lau. Guess what
Mrs Butler would tell Mr Lau inside the principal’s office.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
14. After meeting with the Principal, Mrs Butler asks your class to
prepare a poster stating some classroom rules. In groups of four,
draw up the poster on an A3 sized sheet. Hang the posters on your
classroom notice board.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
15. Sentence writing (Homework assignment)
Y. C. Tsui
Use the rules in the poster, as a pledge, write 10 sentences and read
them aloud to your own class teacher.
1. I will __________________________________________.
2. I will __________________________________________.
3. I will __________________________________________.
4. I will __________________________________________.
5. I will __________________________________________.
1. I will not __________________________________________.
2. I will not __________________________________________.
3. I will not __________________________________________.
4. I will not __________________________________________.
5. I will not __________________________________________.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Group Lesson Plan for Songs
Theme of Lessons:
Relationship – romantic relationship
Level of Students:
40 S5 students with mixed abilities in English in a band 2 co-ed CMI school
School Context:
The students generally do not have much interest in English and have limited exposure to English
outside the classroom. During leisure time, most of them like listening to pop music and surfing the
Number of Lessons and Length of time:
Three lessons of 45 minutes each
Some Hong Kong students start dating when they are at junior levels. We believe quite a number of
students in S5 have the experience of dating or they have friends who are dating/have dated. The two
ballads are chosen so as to stimulate and enable the students to take a positive attitude towards
romantic relationship and gain insight in handling such affairs.
Learning Objectives:
After the lessons, the students will be able to
appreciate songs for their melody and lyrics
appreciate the visual images of the MTV
identify the theme(s) of the two songs
identify the poetic features of the song lyrics: rhymes and structures of stanzas
explore the mood of the songs, feelings of the characters and different points of view
use their creativity and imagination to respond to the two songs
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Lesson Plan
Arouse Ss’
interest in the
topic of dating
10 mins
Procedures & Activities
T asks, ‘Do you know anyone who is dating in the class?’
‘How did/would you choose a lover?’
‘What are the qualities that you look for in a lover?’ (show pictures
of different people)
T elicits answers from Ss and jots down the qualities on the
blackboard. Then T conducts an opinion poll asking Ss to rank the
Ss have to put down the answers on their worksheet.
Understand the
lyrics and
meaning of
Skater Boy
15 mins
T distributes the lyrics (Appendix 1) and worksheets of Skater Boy.
Ss read the title and the first stanza of the song. T asks Ss to guess
what the song is about.
1st reading: focus on scanning (individual work)
T asks Ss to identify the pronouns, characters and point of view in
the song. Then, T draws Ss’ attention to the tenses used in the lyrics:
the simple past, present & future tenses and explains the meanings
brought by the three tenses in this song.
Ss put down answers on their worksheets.
2nd reading: focus on skimming (group work)
Ss are given pictures showing scenes of the song. They have to
rearrange the pictures following the storyline of the song.
Ss complete the worksheets.
Appreciate the
melody of Skater
Boy and explore
the feelings
created by the
15 mins
1st listening (individual work)
T plays the song, not showing the video.
T asks, ‘What kind of music is it?’
‘Do you like the music? Why/ why not?’
‘What kind of musical instruments are used in this song?’
‘What kinds of feelings are created?’
Ss complete the worksheets.
2nd listening + watching the MTV (individual work)
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
T shows Ss the MTV and checks answers with Ss.
T asks Ss to identify the tone of the speaker(s).
Prepare Ss to
express feelings
5 mins
Understand the
lyrics and
meaning of Same
Old Lang Syne
10 mins
T elicits vocabulary of feelings from students. Emotions chart will be
provided. (Appendix 2)
While-reading (individual work)
T distributes the lyrics and worksheets of Same Old Lang Syne.
(Appendix 3)
Ss read Same Old Lang Syne.
Ss identify the characters in the song and complete the profiles for
Identify the
poetic features of
Same Old Lang
5 mins
Appreciate the
melody of Same
Old Lang Syne
10 mins
T plays the song.
T guides Ss to look for the rhyme pattern and the organization of
the text. Ss put down answers on their worksheets. (individual work)
T asks, ‘What kind of music is it?’
‘What kind of musical instruments are used in this song?’
‘Do you like the music? Why/ why not?’
Ss put down answers on their worksheets.
Explore the
mood of the song
and the feelings
of the characters
15 mins
T asks Ss to complete a table showing the interwoven feelings of the
two characters after they met again. (pair work)
e.g. Astounded
Visualize the
scenes through
creating freeze
frames of the
20 mins
spilled her purse
T asks Ss to paraphrase the lyrics by using not more than two
sentences per stanza. (pair work)
Ss put down answers on their worksheets.
T divides the class into 10 groups. Each group focuses on one stanza
assigned by T and works together to create a ‘freeze frame’ to
capture one of the most significant moments of the song. (group
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Identify the
theme(s) of the
two songs
5 mins
Respond to the
two texts orally
20 mins
Y. C. Tsui
T guides Ss to find out the common theme(s) of the two songs.
Ss put down answers on their worksheets.
Group discussion
Ss are formed into 10 groups of four. Each group is assigned one
role in Skater Boy (the ballerina, the punk and the punk’s girlfriend)
or Same Old Lang Syne (the singer and the ex-girlfriend).
Each group is given different guiding questions to reflect the feelings
and attitudes towards the relationship based on the assigned role (8
minutes). (Appendix 4).
After the discussion, a reporter from each group presents their views
to the whole class.
Respond to the
two texts in
written form
5 mins
T assigns Ss to do the written homework in which Ss are required to
write a blog entry from the point of view of one of the roles.
The MTV of Skater boy from:
The MTV of Same Old Lang Syne from:
Teaching / Student Materials:
Pictures showing people of different qualities
Lyrics of Skater Boy and Same Old Lang Syne.
Pictures showing the sequence of scenes in Skater Boy
Role cards
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 1 – Lead-in
Warming up: What are the qualities that you look for in a lover?
A beautiful face?
A good career?
A loving heart?
Choose five qualities that you think are the most important when choosing your
lover. Tick the appropriate boxes.
One who is:
from upper social class
with similar interests
having similar social status
financially stable
family oriented
Do you know your classmates’ choices? Conduct a class survey to see how
class ranks the qualities.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 2 - Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne (Meaning)
Pre-reading task
Read the title and the first stanza of the song. Find out what the song is about.
While-reading task
1st Reading
List all the subject pronouns that you can find in the song.
Who are the characters in the song?
From whose point of view is this song written?
What are the tenses used in the song? How does each tense help you understand
the sequence of the story in the song?
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
2nd Reading
Rearrange the following pictures to show the storyline of the song.
Y. C. Tsui
1. ______ > 2. ______ > 3. _______ > 4. _______ > 5. ______ > 6. ______
Picture A
Picture B
Picture C
Picture D
Picture E
Picture F
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 3- Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne (Music)
1st listening
Listen to Skater Boy and pay attention to the following questions:
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKzkrEy7arQ&feature=related
1. What kind of music is it?
2. Do you like the music? Why/ why not?
3. What kind of musical instruments are used in this song? Tick the correct boxes.
Bass guitar
4. What kinds of moods/feelings are created?
2nd listening
Now, listen to the song again and watch the music video. Check the answers of the
storyline while you are listening. (Go back to Worksheet 2)
Post listening
What is the tone of the singer/speaker?
Which lines help you identify the tone of the singer / speaker?
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Worksheet 4 - Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg (Meaning)
Pre-reading Task
How would you feel and what would you do if you meet your best friend whom you have
lost contact with for ten years on the street?
Things that you would probably do:
Reading & Listening Tasks
1. Read the lyrics and describe what the two lovers in the song have become after
breaking up. Complete the following profiles for them.
Marital Status:
The man
Upside of his work life:
Downside of his work life:
Life after marriage:
The lady
Present appearance:
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Listen to Same Old Lang Syne and answer the following questions.
Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NmdFgFyhnk&feature=related
Highlight the rhyming pairs of the stanzas on the lyric sheet.
What types of stanzas are they? _________________________
What are the musical instruments used? Make a list of them.
What kind(s) of mood is created by these musical instruments?
On the day that they met again, they experienced interwoven feelings.
of the feelings are not explicitly stated. List them and give
Example: Astounded
Spilled her purse
In groups of four, how do you interpret the meanings of the following expressions
from the lyrics?
Reach beyond the emptiness
That old familiar pain
The years had been a friend to her
Reliving in our eloquence
The snow turned into rain
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Post-reading task
1. Work in pairs and paraphrase two stanzas of the lyrics by using not more than two
sentences per stanza. Write your answers on a separate piece of lined paper.
2. Now get into groups of four. Each group focuses on one stanza assigned by the
teacher and creates the scene described in the stanza by posting as a freeze frame.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Worksheet 5 – Comparison between 2 songs
After understanding
1) the meaning,
2) the tone and
3) the points of view of Skater Boy and
Same Old Lang Syne,
can you find out the common theme(s) of the
two songs?
(Hint: think about what the two songs have in
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
You have expressed your points of view according to the
designated roles in the two songs:
(1) the skater boy
(2) the skater boy’s girlfriend/the singer in
Skater Boy
the ballerina
the singer in Same Old Lang Syne
the former girlfriend of the singer in Same Old Lang Syne.
You have also listened to the viewpoint of different roles.
Take up one of the five roles above. Then, express your feelings towards the
relationship and your life now in your blog. You may refer to the questions in the role
cards. Try to include pictures and graphics in the blog.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Appendix 1 (Lyrics)
Skater Boy by Avril Lavigne
He was a boy.
She was a girl
Can I make it anymore obvious?
He was a punk.
She did ballet.
What more can I say?
He wanted her.
She'd never tell.
Secretly she wanted him as well.
But all of her friends stuck up their nose.
They had a problem with his baggy clothes.
He was a skater boy.
She said see ya later boy.
He wasn't good enough for her.
She had a pretty face, but her head was up in
She needed to come back down to earth.
Five years from now.
She sits at home feeding her baby.
She's all alone.
She turns on TV
Guess who she sees
Skater boy rocking on MTV.
She calls up her friends.
They already know
and they've all got tickets to see his show.
She tags along and stands in the crowd
looks up at the man that she turned down.
He was a skater boy.
She said see ya later boy.
He wasn't good enough for her.
Now he's a superstar slamming on his guitar
to show pretty face what he’s worth.
Sorry girl but you missed out.
Well tough luck that boy’s mine now.
We are more than just good friends.
This is how the story ends.
Too bad that you couldn't see
See the man that boy could be.
There is more that meets the eye.
I see the soul that is inside.
He's just a boy, and I'm just a girl.
Can I make it anymore obvious?
We are in love.
Haven't you heard how we rock each others' world?
I met the skater boy.
I said see ya later boy.
I'll be backstage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote
about a girl he used to know.
I met the skater boy.
I said see ya later boy.
I'll be back stage after the show.
I'll be at the studio singing the song he wrote
about a girl he used to know.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Appendix 2 Emotions Chart
Source: http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen.de/~msrex/how-do-you-feel.html
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Appendix 3 (lyrics)
Same Old Lang Syne by Dan Fogelberg
Met my old lover in the grocery store
The snow was falling Christmas Eve
I stole behind her in the frozen foods
And I touched her on the sleeve
She didn't recognize the face at first
But then her eyes flew open wide
She went to hug me and she spilled her purse
And we laughed until we cried
We took her groceries to the checkout stand
The food was totaled up and bagged
We stood there lost in our embarrassment
As the conversation dragged
She would've liked to said she loved the man
But she didn't like to lie
I said the years had been a friend to her
And that her eyes were still as blue
But in those eyes I wasn't sure if I
Saw doubt or gratitude
She said she saw me in the record store
And that I must be doing well
I said the audience was heavenly
But the traveling was hell
We went to have ourselves a drink or two
But couldn't find an open bar
We bought a six pack at the liquor store
And we drank it in her car
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to time
Living in our eloquence
Another auld lang syne
We drank a toast to innocence
We drank a toast to now
We tried to reach beyond the emptiness
But neither one knew how
The beer was empty and our tongues were tired
And running out of things to say
She gave a kiss to me as I got out
And I watched her drive away
She said she'd married her an architect
Who kept her warm and safe and dry
Just for a moment I was back at school
And felt that old familiar pain
And as I turned to make my way back home
The snow turned into rain
Dan Fogelberg left us on 16th December 2007 at his home in Maine, with his wife by his side. He had
been fighting an ongoing battle with prostate cancer, which eventually took his life.
Source: www.youtube.com
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Appendix 4 (Role Cards)
Role Card A
The Ballerina in Skater Boy
Imagine you were the
ballerina. After meeting the
skater boy in the concert,
you want to express your
feelings towards him and
talk about your present life in
your blog. You may use the
following questions in your
1. Why didn’t I start a relationship with the skater boy when I was young?
2. What were the qualities of a lover I was looking for in the past?
3. If I could go back to the past, would I change my mind and start a
relationship with the skater boy?
4. Am I happy with my life now?
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Role Card B
The singer / The girlfriend of the skater boy in Skater
Imagine you were the girlfriend of the
skater boy. After meeting the
ballerina in the concert, you want to
express your feelings towards the
ballerina and talk about your
relationship with the skater boy in
your blog. You may use the following
questions in your reflection:
Why did I choose the skater boy as my boyfriend?
What potential(s) did I see in him?
How do I feel as his girlfriend?
If I had a chance to talk with the ‘ballerina’, what would I say to her?
Will I marry the skater boy in the future? Why / why not?
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Role Card C
The skater boy in Skater Boy
Imagine you were the skater boy. After meeting the ballerina in the
concert, you want to express your feelings towards her and talk about
your present life in your blog. You may use the following questions in
your reflection:
1. Why didn’t the ballerina and I start a relationship when we were
2. Will she love me as a punk singer now?
3. Do I still love her?
4. What do I like about my girlfriend? What are the qualities that she
5. Will I cheat on my girlfriend?
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Role Card D
The ex-girlfriend in Same Old Lang Syne
Imagine you were the ex-girlfriend of the
singer. After meeting your former
boyfriend in the store and chatting with
him in the car, you want to express your
feelings towards him and talk about your
present life in your blog. You may use
the following questions in your reflection:
1. How do I feel after meeting my ex-lover?
2. Recall the day when I chose to marry my
husband. What were the reasons I chose
3. Do I regret not choosing the singer?
Why/ Why not?
4. Will I stay with my husband forever?
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Role Card E
The singer in Same Old Lang Syne
Imagine you were the singer. After
meeting your former girlfriend in the store
and chatting with her in the car, you want
to express your feelings towards her and
talk about your present life in your blog.
You may use the following questions in
your reflection:
How do I feel after chatting with my
former girlfriend?
Why did we break up? Was I not good
enough for her?
What are some of my qualities that make me a good lover and a good
I sense that my ex-girlfriend seems dry living with his husband.
Should I initiate going out with her again?
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Group Lesson Plan for Film
Theme of Lessons:
Family Matters
Level of Students:
40 S4 students in a band 2 co-ed CMI school with mixed abilities in English
School Context:
The students generally do not have much interest in English and have limited exposure to English
outside the classroom. During leisure time, most of them like watching films and surfing the Internet.
Number of Lessons and Length of time:
2 lessons of 40 minutes each
Learning Objectives:
After the lessons, the students will be able to
1. identify different family problems and conflicts
2. explore feelings of the characters and different points of view
3. learn how to deal with conflicts in a family
4. reflect on their own family problems and reactions
5. explore the cinematic techniques used in a movie clip
6. use their creativity and imagination to respond to the three movie clips
Lesson Plan
Arouse Ss’ interest in the topic of
family problems.
5 mins
Understand the plot of the 2
movies Freaky Friday and I am
10 min
Explore different family conflicts
and the feelings of different
characters in the movies Freaky
Friday and I am Sam.
Share the experience of family
15 min
Procedures + Activities
T shows Ss newspaper clippings about family
problems and asks them what the news headlines
are about.
T elicits Ss’ own experience of family conflicts.
T asks Ss, ‘Do you think people living in other
countries share similar experiences with you?’
T distributes Worksheet 1.
T shows Ss the two movie trailers.
Ss finish Worksheet 1.
T goes through answers with Ss.
T distributes Worksheet 2.
T shows the two movie clips.
In pairs, Ss finish Worksheet 2 while viewing the
film clips.
T discusses answers with Ss.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Explore the cinematic techniques
used in the movie I am Sam.
10 min
Explore different beliefs held by
the family in Stuart Little and help
Ss think about their own beliefs
about a family.
15 min
Respond to the films orally.
18 min
Y. C. Tsui
T distributes Worksheet 3.
T shows the movie clip I am Sam again.
Ss finish Worksheet 3.
T discusses answers with Ss.
T distributes Worksheet 4.
T shows the movie clips of Stuart little and helps
Ss explore the beliefs held by the Littles.
T discusses with Ss their own beliefs about a
Ss finish Worksheet 4.
Ss are formed into 10 groups of four. Each group
is assigned one role in Freaky Friday (Dr
Coleman, the mother or Anna, the daughter), in I
am Sam (Sam, the mentally-retarded father or
Lucy, the daughter) or as Mr/Miss Family.
In each role play, Mr/Miss Family will interview a
parent and a child. He/she will ask them questions
about the problems and feelings they have and give
them advice on how to handle family problems.
Ss respond creatively to the three
movies in written form by using
the terms and expressions learnt
during the lessons.
Ss explore some more types of
family problems in order to widen
their vocabulary span and raise
their awareness of the issue
To give Ss advice after class if
5 min
Homework Writing Task
By drawing lots, Ss are to write either a letter of
agony or a letter of advice according to the given
roles (Lucy/ Anna/ Mr Know-It-All).
Ss consult their dictionary or surf online to explore
some more types of family problems.
2 min
Ss are prompt to reflect on their own family life.
Trailer of Freaky Friday:
Trailer of I am Sam:
Trailer of Stuart Little:
Teaching/Student Materials:
DVDs of Freaky Friday, I am Sam and Stuart Little
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 1 Facts about the films
Fill in the table while you are watching the trailers of these three movies.
Main Characters
Freaky Friday
I am Sam
Stuart Little
Drama/ Horror/ Documentary/
Jamie Lee Curtis
Lindsay Lohan
1. Tess Coleman
2. Anna Coleman
Drama/ Horror/ Documentary/
Sean Penn
Dakota Fanning
1. Sam Dawson
2. Lucy Diamond Dawson
3. Rita Harrison William
Drama/ Horror/Documentary/
Hugh Laurie
Geena Davis
1. Mr Little
2. Mrs Little
3. George Little
4. Stuart Little
A mentally retarded man fights
for custody of his 7-year-old
daughter, and in the process
teaches his cold-hearted
lawyer the value of love and
The Little family adopts a
charming young mouse named
Stuart, but the family cat
wants rid of him.
Trailers viewing
An overworked mother and her
daughter do not get along.
When they switch bodies, each
is forced to adapt to the
others life for one freaky
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 2 While-viewing Task
In pairs, watch the films Freaky Friday and I am Sam and fill in the table below.
Freaky Friday
(Time: 19.30-23.00)
I am Sam
(Time: 18.00-24.00)
Where does this scene
take place?
What is the conflict?
Why is there a conflict?
How does the daughter
How does the parent
Did the scene remind
you of any of your
experience with your
parent(s)? What was it
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 3 Cinematic techniques in I am Sam:
In the clip showing the conversation between Sam and the lawyer, what kinds of
techniques are used? Discuss with your group members.
Details (Tick the box below)
□ Long shot
□ Close-up
□ Medium shot
(Could you see the surroundings? What
effect does it have on the audience?)
□ High angle
□ Low angle
□ Eye angle
(Are characters on the same level or
different levels? How do you comment on
the status of the characters?)
‘A wall’ or ‘a tunnel’ can be seen.
What does the ‘wall’ or ‘tunnel’ symbolize?
Dark lighting: Sam/lawyer
Front lighting: Sam/lawyer
(Who is supposed to be more confident?
Who lacks confidence? Is it consistent with
their own feelings as portrayed to the
Is there any background music? When does
the background music begin? Why?
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 4 Stuart Little
You are going to watch some video clips of Stuart Little. First, study the
plot summary below.
Plot summary
Stuart is a mouse which is adopted by the Little family,
and his adventures in which he tries to become an
accepted member of the family. He fights to gain his
brother's affection, and to stay, which is against the
family cat's wishes.
Task 1
Stuart Little and Mrs Lilttle value family very much. They believe there
are many things every family member should do.
You are going to watch three video clips about the Little’s beliefs of family.
Some of the words are missing. Fill in the blanks.
Belief A: Mrs Little
We just want __________ __________
(42”30 -- 45”00)
__________ __________ __________.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Belief B: Stuart
Y. C. Tsui
(55”40 --56”50)
… because that’s what families do.
They __________ __________
__________ __________
__________ .
Belief C: Stuart (1’12”30—1’13”23)
You may even kill him, but Snowbell (the white cat)
__________ __________ __________ __________. And
that is what family is all about.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Task 2
Which belief do you think is the most important? Rank them (1 being the
most important and 3 the least) according to your decision.
1st: _____________ 2nd: _____________ 3rd: _____________
Then, what is your own belief of what families should do?
My Belief
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Worksheet 5 Role Play
Your class will do some role plays and will be divided into
10 groups, i.e. groups of four.
Each group will play the role of either:
a) Sam (the mentally-retarded father in I am Sam),
b) Lucy (the daughter of the mentally-retarded father in I am Sam),
c) Dr Coleman (the mother in Freaky Friday),
d) Anna (the daughter in Freaky Friday) or
e) a social worker, Mr/Miss Family.
In each role play, Mr/Miss Family will interview a parent and a child.
He/she will ask them questions about the problems they have, the feelings
they have and give them advice on how to handle family problems.
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Role Card A—Sam
You are Sam, father of Lucy. You will be interviewed by Mr/Miss Family, a
social worker who would like to help you handle the problems between you
and Lucy.
He/she may ask you questions about
the problems you have,
the feelings you have
and give advice to you on how to handle your family problems. Think of
some responses.
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I wanted…
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Role Card B—Lucy
You are Lucy, daughter of Sam. You will be interviewed by Mr/Miss Family,
a social worker who would like to help you handle the problems between you
and your father.
He/she may ask you questions about
the problems you have,
the feelings you have
and give advice to you on how to handle your family problems. Think of
some responses.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
I wanted…
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Role Card C—Dr Coleman
You are Dr Coleman, mother of Anna. You will be interviewed by Mr/Miss
Family, a social worker who would like to help you handle the problems
between you and your daughter.
He/she may ask you questions about
the problems you have,
the feelings you have
and give advice to you on how to handle your family problems. Think of
some responses.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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I wanted…
Dr Coleman
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
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Role Card D—Anna
You are Anna, daughter of Dr Coleman. You will be interviewed by Mr/Miss
Family, a social worker who would like to help you handle the problems
between you and your mother.
He/she may ask you questions about
the problems you have,
the feelings you have
and give advice to you on how to handle your
family problems. Think of some responses.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
I wanted…
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Role Card E—Mr/Miss Family
You will interview Sam and Lucy, and ask them questions about
 the conflicts they have (e.g. what they wanted, what actually happened)
 how they felt and how they feel,
and give them advice on how to handle family problems. Jot down
the questions you will ask and the advice you will give them (you may want to
refer to the Little’s family beliefs).
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Role Card F—Mr/Miss Family
You will interview Dr Coleman and Anna, and ask them questions about
 the conflicts they have (e.g. what they wanted, what actually happened)
 how they felt and how they feel,
and give them advice on how to handle family problems. Jot down
the questions you will ask and the advice you will give them (you may want to
refer to the Little’s family beliefs).
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
You may refer to the following questions for the interviews.
Freaky Friday
1. Do you think Anna should go for the audition during her mom’s rehearsal dinner?
Why / why not?
2. If you were Anna’s mother, how would you feel if your daughter would not attend
your rehearsal dinner?
What would be the possible reasons why Anna and her mom do not understand each
I Am Sam
1. What are the problems faced by Lucy?
2. If you were Lucy, would you feel embarrassed by your father?
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 6 Writing Task (Homework Assignment)
As a result of the drawing lots, you are now assigned one of the following roles:
1. Lucy in I Am Sam; 2.Anna in Freaky Friday; 3. Mr Know-It-All who gives advice to
Lucy and 4. Mr Know-It-All who gives advice to Anna. In NOT LESS THAN 200 words,
write on ONE of the following topics according to your role.
Imagine that you were Lucy in I Am Sam. Write a letter to Mr. Know-It-All of
the Teen Post. In the letter, mention your relationships with your father and
your foster family. State how you feel about them. Ask for advice.
Imagine that you were Anna in Freaky Friday. Write a letter to Mr. Know-It-All
of the Teen Post. In the letter, mention your problems with your mother and her
fiancé. Tell him your feelings. Ask for advice as to how you can reconcile with
your mother. (Don’t say that you can switch bodies!)
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
You are Mr. Know-It-All. You have just received a letter from Lucy. Give her
advice and tell her what actions can be taken in order to ease the tension
between her and her family member(s) to regain/achieve a state of harmony.
Write NOT LESS THAN 200 words.
You are Mr. Know-It-All. You have just received a letter from Anna. Give her
advice and tell her what actions can be taken in order to ease the tension
between her and her family member(s) to regain/achieve a state of harmony.
Write NOT LESS THAN 200 words.
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet 7 Taking the students further - Vocabulary Building
Make a list of possible family problems. Surf the Internet if necessary.
1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
6. ____________________________
7. ____________________________
8. ____________________________
Extended Task
Think about your own family problems or aspects of your family life that need improvement. Think of
at least two workable solutions and try them out. (There is no need to submit your answers. Do come
and talk to me if you want some advice.)
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Individual Work
This is a resource package covers the content of two electives: Learning English through Sports
Communication and Learning English through Poem and Songs. I have chosen the theme
‘sports’ because of three reasons. First, I am not familiar with this topic and I want to know
more about it. Second, my school is not going to offer these two electives. As teachers, however,
we always want to maximize students’ exposure to most of the electives. Third, I think my
students are interested in this topic, especially for boys. In my school, students can always be
found in the playground playing basketball and volleyball during recess and after school. They
also like to play football in the football pitch nearby during weekends. These three reasons
motivate me to find more information in this topic.
Shape Poem
Poetic Features/
Sound/ Structure
figurative language
Voice and tone metaphor
suffix ~ion
close reading (two
poem reading
per line and venn
related to a
sports game
Shape Poem
Song lyrics
cinematic effects
giving comment
Excitement in
a sports game
fame and wealth vs
sports development
(Attitude/ Value)
Short Stories
A song review
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are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
My Creative Work in Poem
I am not good at writing poem. When I was studying in university, I only experience a few
lessons in teaching poems. Therefore, my knowledge about analyzing a poem is learnt through
self-study. I think a shape poem is suitable for me as it is not that demanding in poetic features.
It emphasizes more on art work. I think my students are also able to do it.
I also regard it as a way to organize the vocabulary the students have learnt. Since there are
different jargons, equipments and rules in playing different sports, I think students can acquire it
through reading sports commentary and viewing a sports competition. By using a shape poem,
they can associate the jargon with the particular type of sports and it helps them memorize the
vocabulary they have learnt.
Soccer by Vicky
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are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Individual Lesson Plans for Selected Poems
Topic or Theme of Lessons
Level of Students
Junior Secondary 3 to Senior Secondary 4 with mixed abilities
School Context
A band 2 co-ed CMI school in which students have little exposure to poems and are not
motivated to learn English.
Number of Lessons and Length of Time
Shape Poems:
A single lesson (35 min)
A double lesson (70 min)
Learning Objectives
After the lessons, students will be able to:
1. Acquire the vocabulary items including jargons and languages in a sports commentary.
2. Use the vocabulary items to form a shape poem
3. identify the poetic features of poems: structures, types of stanzas and rhyming
4. apply linguistic features of using imperative to give advice and future tense
5. express their feelings and emotions towards the poems
Resources/ References:
Poems chosen:
Football (A shape poem written by me)
Volleyball – Randee Renee Friman, USA
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are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Lesson Plan (Shape Poem):
Read for enjoyment.
5 minutes
Appreciate the shape of
the poem.
Procedures & Activities
(T shows shape poems)
1st Reading
T shows the shape poem to the Ss and asks Ss: ‘What is
Read for meaning.
5 minutes
T asks Ss to read the words in the poem and asks ‘What
words can be found in this poem?’
Look for clues that help
Arouse Ss’ interest and
elicit their background
2nd Reading (group work)
‘Is there any relationship between the words and the
5 minutes
T asks Ss: ‘What kinds of sports do you like to do?’
(T shows pictures)
Students are divided into groups of fours. Each group
choose a picture of a kind of sports and brainstorm some
vocabulary about it.
Ss write their own
shape poems in groups.
10 minutes T distributes news articles to the Ss..
T asks Ss to highlight the jargons and words related to
the sports.
Ss write the words highlighted into the shape and form a
shape poem.
Sharing of Ss’ creative
10 minutes T shows the shape poems in front of the class. Asks Ss
to pick 5 interesting words they found in the shape poem
and explain why they find the words interesting and
explain the relationship of the words with the sports.
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are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Lesson Plan (Volleyball - poem):
Arouse Ss’ interest and
elicit their background
5 minutes
T asks Ss: ‘What are the students in the picture doing?’
(T shows picture)
Read for enjoyment.
Get a feeling for the
poem’s words.
5 minutes
(T shows poem Volleyball)
1st Reading
T reads through the poem.
T asks ‘What is the poem saying?’
‘What meaning do you find in the poem?’
Read for meaning.
Look for clues that help
Study the language in
the poem.
20 minutes 2nd Reading
T asks Ss: ‘What is the title of this poem?’
‘Who is the writer of this poem?’
‘Why did he write this poem?’
T draws Ss’ attention the pronouns of the poem.
Ss understand the
poem, notice the
images of the poem
Procedures & Activities
Students are divided into groups of four, draw a picture
for each stanza.
T elicits Ss to summarize each stanza.
3rd Reading
T asks Ss: ‘How many stanzas are in it?’
T asks Ss to underline the rhyming pairs at the end of
each line.
Study the structure, and
sound of the poem
5 minutes
Read for feeling, mood,
voice and tone of the
10 minutes 4th Reading
T draws Ss’ attention to the rhythm of the poem in the
1st stanza: 4 stressed-beats.
T draws Ss’ attention to the rhythm of the poem in the
2nd stanza: 3 stressed-beats in the 2nd and 3rd line.
T asks, ‘Can you hear the musical beats?’
‘Why did the poet create such a rhythm change?’
T asks Ss to read the poem again and think about how
the speaker feels about the volleyball game.
Respond to the poem in
written form.
25 minutes T asks Ss to write a story based on the poem.
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are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Randee Renee Friman, USA
My head is throbbing,
I can't see straight.
Our score is three,
Their score is eight.
We're down by five,
We're catching up.
My turn to serve,
Please don't mess up!
My serve is over,
To the right.
Out of bounds,
And out of sight.
"Oh no!" I yell,
The other team cheers.
Their turn to serve,
I'm close to tears.
It's still our serve,
She throws it up.
What a curve!
Another point for blue!
Their faces blank,
They don't know what to do.
We got it back and won the game.
We stole the ball,
Put them to shame.
As you may see,
Volleyball is an intense game.
But when you win,
No one's to blame.
Her back is straight,
Her arms are long.
Their score at eight,
But not for long.
The toss goes up,
The crowd looks down.
Her serve is short,
Her teammates frown.
Our turn again,
To serve once more.
It's in the air,
It hits the floor!
One point for blue,
Still down by five.
But not for long,
We're coming alive!!!
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We
are grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other
teachers. Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheet for the poem ‘Volleyball’
1. Fill in the table with the facts about the poem.
Facts about the poem
Name of the Poet:
Reason for
Number of
My thoughts
about Stanza
(Draw a picture
about this stanza.)
Who these pronouns and possessive adjectives are referring to?
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
3. Look at stanza 1 again; find the rhythm by counting the beats in each line.
My head is throbbing,
I can't see straight.
Our score is three,
Their score is eight.
We're down by five,
We're catching up.
My turn to serve,
Please don't mess up!
4. Why did the poet create such a rhythm change in the second stanza as shown
To the right.
Out of bounds,
Look at the poem again, who the speaker is in the poem? (Voice)
How the poet feels about playing volleyball game? (attitude) Support your answer
by quoting one or two lines in the poem.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Sample shape poems:
a very
shape I have
three points and
three lines straight.
Look through my words
and you will see, the shape
that I am meant to be. I'm just
not words caught in a tangle. Look
close to see a small triangle. My angles
add to one hundred and eighty degrees, you
learn this at school with your abc's. Practice your
maths and you will see, some other fine examples of me.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Shapes for writing a shape poem
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Writing Task
Last Friday, it was your school inter-class volleyball competition. Your English teacher has asked you
to write an article to express the excitement of the game for the school magazine. Write about 150
words about the game based on the poem ‘Volleyball’.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Individual Lesson Plans for Selected Songs
Topic or Theme of Lessons
Level of Students
Junior Secondary 3 to Senior Secondary 4 with mixed abilities
School Context
A band 2 co-ed CMI school in which students have little exposure to poems and are not motivated to
learn English.
Number of Lessons and Length of Time
A double lesson (70 min)
Learning Objectives
After the lessons, students will be able to:
1. Use reading strategy i.e. two per line and Venn diagram to help understand the lyrics.
2. identify the poetic features of lyrics: imagery, metaphor, simile and exaggeration
3. acquire linguistic features of using suffix ~ion to form a noun.
4. express their feelings and emotions towards the songs
Resources/ References:
Songs chosen:
World at Your Feet by Embrace
For the Love of the Game – Pillar
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Lesson Plan (World Cup theme songs):
Procedures & Activities
Arouse Ss’ interest and
elicit their background
5 minutes
Read for meaning.
Get a feeling for the
poem’s words.
Look for clues that help
Study the language in
the poem.
15 minutes Without listening to the song, T shows the chorus parts
of the lyrics of two songs. Ask Ss what they think about
it and do a Two Per Line.
Read for meaning.
Study the literary
elements of the two
5 minutes
Read for meaning.
Compare the two songs
10 minutes Form groups of four.
T distributes a large piece of paper to each group.
Draw a Venn Diagram. Compare and contrast the idea
of the two songs.
Read for enjoyment.
Appreciate the music of
the two songs.
5 minutes
Study the language in
the song lyric ‘For the
Love of the Game’
10 minutes T asks Ss to identify the nouns ending in suffix ~ion in
the text. Write the verb forms of these nouns in the
Read for feeling, mood,
voice and tone of the
10 minutes T asks Ss to express their preference of these two songs
and give supporting reasons.
T asks, ‘Do you like watching World Cup?’
‘When and where was the last World Cup?”
‘When and where will the next World Cup be?
Ss listen to the songs and compare their ideas with mood
of the songs.
T elicits the metaphor, simile and exaggeration in the
song ‘World at Your Feet.’
T asks, ‘What kind of music is it?’
‘What kind of musical instruments are used in this
‘Do you like the music? Why/ why not?’
Ss put down answers on their worksheets.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
"World at your feet" by Embrace
(England 2006 World Cup Song)
You're the first in my life to make me think
That we might just go all the way
And I want you to know we're all hanging on
They'll come and yes they'll try
To brake us down
But we know that we'll never lose
If we keep moving forward and don't look back
With the world at your feet
There's no one you can't beat
Yes it can be done
With the world at your feet
There's no heart you can't reach
This could be the one
Its calling, Its calling you now
You know its gonna be your time
'Cause the world is at your feet
Yeah, the world is at your feet
Like stars in the sky
Burning bright, seen by a billion eyes
Now, I want you to know we're all turned your way
Its calling, Its calling you now
You know its gonna be your time
'Cause the world is at your feet
Yeah, the world is at...
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
You're lifted up
With one proud kiss
There's nothing else
That feels like this
So lift your arms
And everyone sing
Its calling, Its calling you now
You know its gonna be your time
'Cause the world is at your feet
Yeah, the world is at your feet
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
"For the Love of the Game" by Pillar
World cup 2010 theme song
Consumed by reputation,
It's what they say that gets you down,
You find new motivation,
Inside this new love that you've found,
It's now your navigation,
To keep your head engaged, oh yeah,
Your final destination,
Keeps you focused on the win
Count me in, but don't count me out,
You can't shut me up, you can't shut me down,
Fight through the hurt,
Fight through the pain,
Without the ache there is no gain,
We live our lives for the love of the game
And we will rise,
This is our time,
Don't let the chances of our lifetime pass us by,
And we will rise,
This is our time,
We'll give this everything we've got,
For the love of the game
Reach for a new elevation,
And see just how high we can go,
Full blown determination,
Will take us further than we know,
My own anticipation,
Keeps the fire from burning out,
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
It's time for domination,
No one will ever take us down
[Pre-Chorus and Chorus]
'Cause I won't give up,
I won't give in
[Pre-Chorus and Chorus]
For the love of the game
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheets (World Cup Theme Songs)
To understand more about the two songs, do a Two Per Line. Mark the two most important
words in each line, and then write your ideas about the passage.
‘World at Your Feet’
With the world at your feet
There’s no one you can’t beat
Yes it can be done
With the world at your feet
There’s no heart you can’t reach
This could be the one
‘For the Love of the Game’
And we will rise,
This is our time,
Don’t let the chances of our lifetime pass
us by,
And we will rise,
This is our time,
We’ll give this everything we’ve got,
For the love of the game.
Read the 4th Stanza of the song ‘World at Your Feet’, identify the literary elements of the song.
Like stars in the sky
Burning bright, seen by a billion eyes
Now, I want you to know we’re all turned your way.
Exaggeration: ____________________________________________________________
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
After listening to the song, use a Venn Diagram to compare the meaning of these two songs.
Fill in the two-story map to compare and contrast the major elements of two works
For the Love of the Game
World at Your Feet
What kind of
music is it?
Do you like the
music? Why/ why
What kind of
instruments are
used in this song?
What kinds of
are created?
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
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Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Read the lyrics of ‘For the Love of the Game’, find out all the words ending in the suffix ~ion.
Write down the bare infinitive of these nouns.
Which song do you like? ‘For the Love of the Game’ or ‘World at Your Feet’? Why or why not?
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Individual Lesson Plans for Selected Film
Topic or Theme of Lessons
Level of Students
Junior Secondary 3 to Senior Secondary 4 with mixed abilities
School Context
A band 2 co-ed CMI school in which students have little exposure to poems and are not motivated to
learn English.
Number of Lessons and Length of Time
A double lesson (70 min)
Learning Objectives
After the lessons, students will be able to:
1. understand an autobiography by using synthesizing strategy
2. explore the characterization of an autobiography
3. explore the cinematic techniques used in a movie clip
4. use their creativity and imagination to respond to the video
Resources/ References:
DVD chosen:
The Real David Beckham
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Lesson Plan (The Real David Beckham):
Procedures & Activities
Arouse Ss’ interest and
elicit their background
5 minutes
T asks, ‘Do you like sports?’
‘Can you name some famous sportsmen?’
Introduce the facts of
10 minutes T elicits the title, genre and general content from the
the DVD and predict
cover of the DVD.
the content of the video.
T asks Ss to look at the picture and guess the roles of
David in his daily life
Understand the
autobiography through
15 minutes T plays the movie clip (00:04:19-00:09:01).
Ss are divided into groups and finish the synthesizing
Ss compare their answers.
Analysize literary
characterization in the
15 minutes T plays the movie clips
(00:11:37 - 00:12:03) Interview with Virginia
(00:23:22 – 00:24:17) Interview with David’s landlady
(00:24:10 – 00:24:54) Interview with Bryan Robson
(00:24:55 – 00:25:41) Interview with Gary Neville
(00:25:42 – 00:26:27) Interview with David’s landlady
(00:47:07 – 00:47:34) David’s attitude
Ss are divided into groups and finish the character map.
10 minutes T instructs Ss to finish the worksheet on cinematic
Ss share their findings and explain the possible reasons
of using these effects
Analysize the cinematic
effects used in the
Show the highlight of a
soccer game and make
judegement on the
20 minutes T asks Ss to watch a part of the soccer game.
(00:47:35 – 00:48:08)
T asks Ss what had happened and checks their
understanding of the situation.
T shows another clip about people’s opinion about this
(00:48:08 - 00:50:54)
T asks Ss to express their opinion towards this incident.
5 minutes
T asks Ss to express their opinion in written form about
whether a sportsman should focus on the sports
development or pursuing fame and wealth.
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Worksheets (The Real David Beckham)
Title of the DVD: _______________________________________________________________
Genre: ________________________________________________________________________
According to the Video, what roles does David play in his life?
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
One excellent strategy for reading an autobiography is to synthesize, or pull together, a number
of key topics. Synthesizing is like gathering up the pieces of a puzzle and figuring out how they
fit together. This strategy gives you a full picture of the writer because these topics are likely to
appear in almost every autobiography.
Key Topics
Notes from Viewing
Major achievements
Major problems
Character traits
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grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
After viewing, use a character map to help you understand and analyze David Beckham in the
video. This tool helps you see how you – and other characters – feel about the character.
What others think about
What character says and
David Beckham
How character looks and
How I feel about character
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
The teacher is going to show you some video clips in ‘The Real David Beckham’. What kinds
of techniques are used in the clip? What effect does it have on the audience? Discuss with your
group members.
Details (Tick the box below)
□ Long shot
□ Close-up
□ Medium shot
(Could you see the
surroundings? What effect
does it have on the audience?)
□ High angle
□ Low angle
□ Eye angle
(Where does it take place?
What effect does it have on
the audience?)
Why is diegetic sound used in
this clip? What atmosphere
does it create?
□ Long shot
□ Close-up
□ Medium shot
(Could you see the
surroundings? What effect
does it have on the audience?)
□ Dark lighting
□ Front lighting
(What kind of lighting was
used, and for what effect?)
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Watch the video clip. Do you think people (including the referee) have a fair judgment towards
David’s behaviour? Why or why not?
David Beckham receives his infamous red card
in the 1998 classic England vs Argentina.
English fans claim that this was the sole reason
for England's 2-1 defeat.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Football players should concentrate on their sports development rather than pursuing fame and
wealth. Do you agree? Why? Write about 150 words.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
Extended Film Review of ‘The Real Story of David Beckham’
I had never watched a game of sports as I am actually not a sportive person. Because of
doing this project, I explore a lot of texts, songs and videos related to sports in search of
suitable materials for my students. The Real Story of David Beckham’ is chosen as it is
shorts (It is about 75 minutes). Besides, he has established himself as British football’s
modern superstar and most students, especially boys, definitely know him.
He seems to be so successful in his career. He got his fame and wealth. He married a
pop star wife and he earns fabulous income by publishing books, filming advertisements
and coaching football skills. However, he had also experienced his ups and downs in his
life. His enthusiasm in football impressed everyone. However, the positive image was
ruined when he was sent off against Argentina for a moment of petulance. His absence
for much of the match was claimed to be the reason for English’s defeat in 1998.
Though he was issued a red card, he didn’t give up his ambition and his career. He then
was made an England captain. His hairstyles, fashions and his lifestyle become a
symbol of celebrities. In this DVD, it also unveiled his private world to see him as a
playful father and a devoted husband.
His experience is a legend but he is just like any ordinary person who does everything
anyone else usually does behind the cameras. He is a good role model for many
teenagers. Therefore, I would highly recommend this DVD to everyone.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.
Professional Development Course 2008-2009
ENG0231E Learning English through Poems, Songs and the Mass Media
Y. C. Tsui
There are many things to learn through a game of sports. The process of the game can bring you
excitement and enjoyment. Therefore, reading a narrative poem of sports games can bring the
excitement into the classroom. Although winning and losing increase the excitement of the game, there
are more to be explored except the result. Developing friendship and taking up challenges can be
another objective of the game. Through sports game, one can be stronger and tougher. Seeing the ups
and downs of David Beckham may give you insight in sportsmanship. During the interview, David
suggested we ‘enjoy the good stuff and take the bad stuff too’ in our life. Never give up as it is natural
to experience the ups and downs in our life.
Different text types and different genre of language arts can cater for students’ diverse learning needs.
In our class, there are forty individuals, they have different interests and have different English abilities.
As teachers, if we can bring into the classroom with a diversity of experience, the students may learn
better and concentrate better in the classroom. If we can motivate students to learn, they can extend
their learning process to their daily life.
During this 8-week, I’ve also enjoyed the process of learning.
Different genres are intensely
experienced in this course. I strongly believe my students will share the similar feeling with me if
various teaching materials and strategies can be adapted in the language classroom. Though we have
heavy workload, we have limited time, I will try to take a balance to pursue effective and interesting
teaching and learning in the coming academic year. Incorporating language arts into our teaching is
not only the requirement of the New Senior Secondary Curriculum, and also a new insight in making
our lesson more vivid, interesting and effective.
Thank you Dr Tim Taylor as I really appreciate the lessons I have experienced in this 8-week. I have
experienced a lot of impressive teaching ideas and materials in your lessons. From the song ‘Vincent’
to the film ‘Horizontal Line’, those choices of material are stunning and impressive.
The copyright of this material belongs to the original author. We are
grateful for them in granting us the right to share with other teachers.
Please fully acknowledge the sources and the teacher.