2015 June Falcon View - Florence-Carlton School District 15-6
2015 June Falcon View - Florence-Carlton School District 15-6
June 2015 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Florence, MT 59833 Permit No. 3 Florence-Carlton School District 15-6, 5602 Old Hwy 93, Florence, MT 59833 Home page: http://www.florence.k12.mt.us -a line of communication between school, parents & community membersDistrict office 273-6751 • HS Office 273-6301 • MS Office 273-0587 • Elementary Office 273-6741 Kendra Denali Hergett Valedictorian Kendra Denali Hergett has attended school in Florence for 13 years. Along with being valedictorian of her class, Kendra is an accomplished figure skater having competed and tested as a member of US Figure Skating since she was 5 years old. Kendra has always dreamed of following her dream of figure skating as a show skater and choreographer but upon receiving an academic full ride through the Montana University System scholarship program she is choosing to defer skating and instead pursue a degree in Biomedical Engineering at Montana State University in Bozeman, Montana. While attending Montana State University she will be able to continue her clarinet studies under the guidance of Dr. Young where she has received an invitation to study as a non-major in his studio performing in woodwind ensembles with other musicians. She will continue to skate and coach with her fellow competitors in the Bozeman Figure skating Club and will keep the doors open to allow for show skating in the future. Kendra wishes to thank all of the teachers and the network of people throughout the figure skating and music worlds who have supported her and helped her to achieve this honor. Jayce Blomquist Salutatorian Jayce Blomquist has attended Florence-Carlton School since third grade. He was involved in many sports while in elementary and middle school. Throughout high school Jayce has been involved in football for four years, rugby for three years, basketball for two years, track and baseball. He enjoyed football and gained a lot from his coaches and the players. Jayce was given the team MVP and offensive MVP awards in football. He also had the privilege of receiving Academic All-State and All Conference offense and defense. In rugby his team was able to make it to the championship game this year and place second, took third place in 2014, and were the state champions in 2013. Also as a high school student, Jayce has been a member of the National Honors Society throughout high school, and band and drum line for one year. He was also Elks Student of the month. He also participated in the Falcon Pageant. Holly Marie Hale Valedictorian Holly Marie Hale is the daughter of Jeff and Janine Hale. She has attended Florence for seven years. She is planning on attending Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon to play college softball and major in biology. She has been involved in varsity softball for four years, National Honor Society for three years, Key Club for three years, choir for two years, Student Council for one year, Science Olympiad for one year, drama for one year, volleyball for one year, 4-H for ten years, Sparks softball for eight years, and Little League softball for one year. She would like to thank her family, teachers, and friends for getting her through high school. He has had many great experiences while attending Florence-Carlton, including going to Costa Rica, that have prepared him for his future. Before he attends college, Jayce will be serving a mission for his church in Tampa, Florida, speaking in the Spanish language after spending two months in Mexico. Jayce has always had a strong love for math and science. It is because of this that he plans on attaining his pre-med degree at Brigham Young University and with the plans of continuing on to medical school. Jayce would like to thank his family, coaches, teachers and friends for giving him encouragement and support throughout his high school years. The Florence-Carlton parents, school and community will provide a safe, respectful environment that strives to prepare all students to become responsible, lifelong learners by empowering them with the integrity, knowledge and skills to contribute to a changing world. Florence-Carlton High School Graduating Seniors 2015 Ian Charles Appleby Lauren Nicole Baeten Jaycen Walter Blomquist Sarah Katherine Bowman Brooke Ann Burnham Megan Aileen Byrne Calen Dean Caddell Nichelle Miriam Carpenter Micayla Amy Cole Tyler George Crisp Kristyne Elizabeth Drozdz Cody Everett Edens Margaret Elizabeth Finlay Tanner Shaye Fisk Caitlin Nicole Gillespie Page 2 Jesiah Carl Grabowska Tyler Deshane Mitchell Holly Marie Hale Emily Ruth Morrison Kevin Michael Griggs LaRena Rose Molzhon Chloe Renee Hall Kristian Todd Neidhardt Kendra Denali Hergett Mickie Nicole O'Brien Torrey Paul Hoff Cody Thomas Randles Brandon Robert Johnson Travern Guy Alton Smith Connor Everett Kowalski Shane Miller Thorson Brittnie Marie Heffner Kyla Ann Hill Hattie Adair Huseby Joshua William Jones Torren Zachary Lawson Trey Hunter Lohman Josephine Olive McCann Keilah Azarel Noah Josephine Jule Pascua Nathan Ryan Ruana Cheyenne Elisa Tavares Brett Orrin Volkmann Kyle Daniel Weisenburger Cody Lee Wright Letter to the 2015 Graduating Class Dear Graduates of the Class of 2015, Congratulations! You have made it to the future, your future. It is amazing how fast time goes by. It was almost 40 years ago that I too sat in cap and gown with anxious anticipation for the rest of my life to start. Yes, this is the beginning of the rest of your life! Before I talk about your future let me talk about your past. My how you have grown and matured. Remember how you would run around the playground after lunch and at recess, hanging out against the walls during dances. Then came 8th grade and you grew a little taller and started dancing with each other. Some of you found love and some got their hearts broken. Most of you have been here since kindergarten and those who are new you welcomed as friends for life. You have won State Championships. You have had a wide variety of teachers, some you loved, some you didn’t but you learned from all of them. You have been to other countries and shared your homes with students from other countries. You made new friends and lost some good ones along the way. Through all of your successes and failures you have grown stronger, wiser, gentler and more caring. As much as I would like to tell you what your future will be, I can’t. I can tell you that your life will be full of choices and you should choose wisely. Do what is right even when no one is watching and you will be rewarded in the end. Good things happen to good people and you are good people! Thirty years from now I hope that you will be able to look back and remember the life lessons that you have learned and the good times that you have had. Remember all of the people that have made a difference in your life and you in turn have made a difference in their lives. Go out and continue to make a difference in someone’s life! Sincerely, Bud Scully Superintendent High School News Mr. Bob Edgar Wins Montana Council Scouting Award By Kristin Page-Nei What often makes our great teaching staff shine is how they give back to our community outside of the classroom. This rings true when talking about Mr. Bob Edgar, our high school history/social studies teacher who received a top Scouting award in April. According to the Montana Council Boy Scouts of America’s Scout Executive, Gordon Rubard, “The Silver Beaver is the top national Scouting award a council may present to a registered Scouter for exceptional service to Scouting.” As one of the eight award recipients from across Montana, Bob was honored for over a decade of service to youth through Scouting. In addition, he demonstrates community service outside of Scouting. Scouting runs deep in the Edgar family. Both Mr. Edgar’s dad and his son earned their Eagle rank through Boy Scouts of America. Bob and his wife Cammie became heavily involved with Scouting when their son Mitch became a Cub Scout in first grade. This is where Bob started the journey from Tiger Den Leader, to Den Leader, Assistant Cubmaster, Cubmaster, Scout leader, and Scoutmaster. Along the way he picked up odd jobs in the District; leading the Cub Scout Klondike, starting and leading an annual Boy Scout Klondike, initiating the District Spring Camporee, holding Activity and Outdoor Program chairs, and reviving the Khona Chapter of the Order of the Arrow. At the Council level, he staffed National Youth Leadership Training and helped lead one of the Montana troops at Jamboree. When asked why he is a Scouter and what Scouting means to him, Bob concludes, “I‘m a Scouter because I wanted for Mitch what Scouting offers, and figured “one hour a week” would be a reasonable amount of time to contribute. I’ve stayed active because it’s fun, since I’ve been quite fortunate to have Scouters around me who do the not-so-fun stuff (Thank you Cammie Edgar, Mary Beth Edens, Shon Ostler, Billy Andrews, Mike Zielinski and Brian Miller.) Most importantly, Scouting gives me endless chances to do good in the world.” Some of the Scouting activities that he reminisces about include fireblackening every pot the family owns, learning to cook Dutch oven desserts, discovering the most important word in the Scout Law, seeing his son Mitch earn his Eagle, rappelling off of what were otherwise perfectly safe rocks and teaching the one-leg-fly-by-dog-legshake to hundreds of Cubbies. His commitment to Scouting and to our children has not gone unnoticed. It is a privilege to join with the Florence Community in congratulating him for this great achievement. Mr. Edgar hopes that he has helped young men and women bring honor to themselves and the Scouting program. Please join me in thanking Mr. Edgar the next time you see him for the difference he has made and continues to make in so many of our children’s lives. Page 3 Fine Arts Collaborate! April 9th was a grand evening of performances by both the HS choirs and bands. This was their chance to perform for their home crowd before heading to the District II Music Festival in Missoula. The HS Concert Band performed a piece based on the art work of Georgia O’Keefe entitled “Blue and Green Music.” In the early 1900’s, O’Keefe painted a picture with the goal to produce a vision of music. Recently, Samuel Hazo, composer, wrote a piece to turn her vision into music. It was an incredibly beautiful piece of music that moved both performers and audience alike. The performance was wonderfully enhanced by Mrs. York’s art students who produced a piece of their own artwork using the principals of the beautiful music and O’Keefe’s painting. District II & State Music Festival Once Again a Huge Success! Congratulations to all high school music students who competed in the District II and State Music Festivals this past spring! Once again we took more students to these 2 festivals than ever before. Florence was definitely well represented! The FCHS Music Department took 38 events to the District Music Festival!! Of those 38, 18 got ratings of either “good” or “excellent:” Natalia and Ethan’s trumpet duet. Josie and Katie’s oboe duet; Derek and Jacob’s brass duet; Jethro’s trumpet solo; Angela, Destini, Max and Brooklyn’s clarinet quartet; Nathan L and Bryce’s snare duet; Kendra and Torrey’s duet; Makayla and Katlin’s clarinet duet; Alli’s flute solo; Caroline’s alto sax solo; Jackson’s alto sax solo; and vocal solos by Azarel Noah, Kinzie Crue-Fowler, Justin Jones, Josh Jones, Emaly Strickland, Sarah Juden, and Courtney Grapp. The FCHS Concert Band received a “superior” rating. The next batch of students received a “Superior” rating at District (qualifying them for state) followed by an “Excellent” rating at State: Dimetri and Kristin’s brass duet; Emily, Nichelle and Josie’s woodwind trio; Gabe’s trombone solo; Tyler, Josh, Kayla, Natalia and Ashley’s brass quintet; Gavin, Justin and Mitch’s brass trio; Jacob and Sean’s duet; Steven and Torrey’s brass duet; Nathan R and Sean’s sax duet; Mitch’s trombone solo; both of Michael and Kristian’s sax duets; Connor and Josh’s tuba duet; Kendra, Michael, Daniel and Kristian’s sax quartet; Sean’s alto sax solo; and vocal solos by Kinzie Crue-Fowler, Courtney Grapp, Justin Jones, and Azarel Noah. The last batch of students received “Superior” ratings at both District and State Music Festival 2015 – quite an honor!: Gordon’s piano solo; Kendra’s clarinet solo; the FCHS Jazz Band and Josh Jones’s vocal solo. What’s wonderful about this batch of kids is that not only are they musically talented, but over 90% of them are on the academic honor roll every quarter! Once again, congratulations to all! Mrs. Kirby and Ms. Jones 2015-2016 Classroom Supply List Page 4 First Grade-Warner Second Grade –Gillespie You will need to bring the following supplies next fall. *These items will be shared by the class and passed out as needed. *36 sharpened yellow #2 pencils with erasers *1 set of crayons *1 set of colored pencils *1 set of colored markers *3 folders with inside pockets *1 small bottle of white glue *10 glue sticks *1 small, flat, soft-covered, zippered pouch for pencils *Scissors *1 spiral notebook with wide-ruled pages *3 boxes of tissue *5 pink pearl erasers *1 pack of pencil top erasers *P.E. shoes *a backpack that will hold large papers and books 20 (or more if possible) #2 pencils 6 large pink pearl erasers 1 box of water soluble markers 1 box of Kleenex Glue sticks (10 or more) *Bring the following items with your name on them Plastic pencil box P.E. shoes Covered water bottle 1 box of 24 crayons 2 plastic two pocket folders Have a great summer and we’ll see you in the fall! Third Grade -Mrs. Hettick Some of these items will be collected, shared, and handed out as needed. 2 Pink Pearl erasers 3 or more (Ticonderoga or similar) pencils and/or a quality Mechanical pencil with extra refills (to be replaced throughout the school year) 1 glue stick 1 box of 24 or less crayons 1 box of 8 markers 1 pair scissors 1 supply box for pencils, erasers, and etc. (approx. 8x4x3) 2 pkgs. of 150 or more sheets of wide ruled notebook paper (shared) 1 box of tissues Gym shoes Watch for the August/September issue for more classroom supply list. Classroom list will also be posted in all local stores. Middle School Supply List 6th Grade # 2 pencils 1 bottle glue 1 box colored pencils 1 highlighter 1 box of markers 2 poster board (reading) 1- 11x8.5 spiral bound sketch book – art 2 boxes facial tissue-to be give to 5th period teacher 3 composition notebooks (English, reading, math) 7 pocket folders Loose leaf paper P.E. Clothes (t-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirt) Pens-blue, black, red protractor Scissors 7th Grade 11x8.5 spiral bound sketch book for art 1 box colored pencils 1 box markers 1 highlighter 1 reading notebook & folder 2 boxes facial tissue to be give to 5th period teacher 3 glue sticks 2 spiral notebooks solely for math notes 3 packages loose leaf paper 5 composition notebooks (2 for English, 1 for math) Band only—Measures of Success Book II folder or space in binder for returned papers (Science) P.E. Clothes (t-shirts, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirt) Pencils/red pen or pencil (2) scissors spiral notebook SS 200 pages 8th Grade 1 - 11x8.5 sprial bound sketch book – art 1 Folder 1” 3-ring binder—(academic extension only) 2 boxes of facial tissue-to be give to 5th period teacher 4 composition notebooks (reading, English & math) colored pencils (recommend) Flash drive—computer class glue sticks loose leaf paper markers P.E. Clothes (t-shirt, tennis shoes, shorts, sweatshirt) Pencils pens - blue/black & red scientific calculator (mandatory) scissors spiral notebook SS 200 pages Mrs. Miller's 6-8 1 package pencils 2 boxes facial tissue-to be given to Mrs. Miller 2 packages college ruled paper calculator If you have extra rulers, colored pencils or markers please send them in for use in the classroom, thank you. 6-8 grade Choir students 1 composition notebook (bound edge, college-ruled) 1 pocket folder Black dress pants Black dress shoes Choir pencils (stay in the choir room) Do not buy a lock, the school will provide a lock to any student who wishes to use one on their locker What’s Happening in the Middle School Page 5 Eighth Grade Promoting Class of 2015 Brenden Isaiah Bailey Gavin Sheldon Beeton Gabriel Dalzell Bennett Zachary Alan Blomquist Garrison Dean Bradt Madison Love Bridges Samantha Dawn Buffington Shannon Elizabeth Byrne Zachary Scott Cather Karla Maribel Dallapiazza Bailey Ann DeWitt Natalie Willis Dulac Aaron Charles Edens Trinity Lynn Fellows Taylor Angelina Goodpasture Alyx Joyana Grabowska Danara Jolee Greer Mark Sawyer Haas Phoebe Dyan Hall Taylor Dillon Harris Zachary James Henderson Garrett Todd Henry Justin Taylor Hergett Brendon Tyler Hill Parker Allen Hotsinpiller Madelaine Sera Hurlbert Haleigh Marie Irwin-Green Joey June Janetski Teylah Eve Lawson Zoe Ada Lewis Makenna Jayne Liles Macee Faye Lindquist Johnathon Brookes Lineback Shaela Maureen Mamuzich Rilee Tanae Mangun Duane Joseph McKethen Emily Grace McLean Colby James Meeds What to Wear to 8th Grade Promotion? Boys - Nice shirts are preferred-with or without a collar, paired with nice jeans, khakis, or dress pants. No hats or athletic wear. No t-shirts with graphics. Kyler James Pancake Joshua Michael Paniagua Ethan Nicholas Post Riley Richard Rust Isabel Anna Sage Tyler Larent Schulte Jacob Alton Ken Scully Brianna Lynne Shorten Ellie Ana Smith Walker Charles Snell Trevin Philip Chayce Sprinkle Hattie Holton Stevens Anna Helen Stiegler Rocky Myles Verrue Madilynn Jeris Wessel Samuel Joseph Wicker Trevyn John Wood Danielle Diana Zahn Gavin Andrew Zaluski 2015 Citizenship Award Recipients Girls - Appropriate length dresses or skirts (follow the fingertip rule). Dresses that do not have straps are to be worn with a wrap or sweater during the promotion ceremony. Girls may also choose to wear dress pants and blouses. No hats or athletic wear. Formal attire, such as prom or “red carpet” attire is not appropriate. Remember--th 8 Grade Promotion is a special event. Parents and relatives will be taking pictures. Be thoughtful in the selection of attire. Promotion dress is to follow the school dress code. The last school days of 8th grade are scheduled as follows: Week of June 2nd Checkout process begins (classes, June 4th June 8th library, cafeteria, lockers, and extra-curricular activities) Trip to Silverwood - Load buses at 7:30 – We leave at 7:45. Return time: 9:15-9:30 – Bring money or sack dinner. Lunch is provided. Consider bringing a sealable sandwich bag for cell phones (water). Promotion Practice in the morning. Office checkout. Regular classes in the afternoon. Note: If you are leaving before 3:18, your parents/guardians must check you out through the office. Promotion Evening 1. Photos – Individual 5:00-6:30, group 6:30 – Everyone is expected to be ready for the class photo promptly at 6:30. Meet in the gym. Photos packets will be handed out a few days prior to promotion. 2. Meet in the New Gym foyer at 6:45 to line up for promotion ceremony. 3. Promotion – 7:00 (New Gym) 4. Reception (Cake and Punch) – Old Gym following ceremony 5. 8th Grade Dance – approximately 8:30-10:30 Natalie Dulac Zach Henderson Elementary Outlook Supersingers sing for the SOAR Assembly Page 6 “2015 Bike for Shelter” T-shirt Contest Winners Six talented Florence-Carlton Elementary Third & Fifth Grade students were winners in the annual Watson Children’s Shelter ‘Bike for Shelter’ T-shirt artwork contest. Numerous extraordinary drawings from young artists in the surrounding areas of a pig riding a bicycle for this year’s 2015 contest were submitted. The six Honorable Mentioned winning students are Kacee French & Riley Allen in Mrs. Crawford’s and Blake Lohman in Mrs. Hettick’s Third Grade classes, and Jaycee Bauer in Mr. Tucker’s, Anna Schroeder in Mrs. Anderson’s, and Jaidyn Larson in Ms. Motl’s Fifth Grade classes. These six winners received a certificate and two tickets to attend the annual ‘Bike for Shelter’ event on May 30th. The Elementary Supersingers performing at the final SOAR assembly. To all the talented and awesome elementary talent show artists and their amazing parents who encouraged their participation, we thank you and applaud you for all your hard work! Mrs. Sayler, Mrs. Hartman and Mrs. Hettick Congratulations, Kacee, Riley, Blake, Jaycee, Anna, and Jaidyn . YOU ROCK! Students visit the Missoula Insectarium Mrs. Verlanic’s and Mrs. Gillespie’s classes took a field trip to the Missoula Insectarium. We were fortunate to be the first group of students to tour the new classroom, which will be named after Byron Weber. We learned a lot and had a great time! In the photo, students are waiting to watch a tarantula eat lunch. Barb, the Building Captain from Home Depot, provided building kits for Mrs. Crawford’s Third Grade classroom, and with Mr. Jones and his woodworking class assistance, the students built wooden hotplate pallets for their special Moms. Everyone had an enjoyable time! Thank you Home Depot for the FUN project and a big THANK YOU to Mr. Jones and his awesome students, Tiger McCarthy, Cody Edens, and Ian Appleby. YOU ROCK! Congratulations Harris Shepp!! Harrison Shepp, 3rd grader in Mrs. Miller’s class entered the NorthWestern Energy Arbor Day Coloring Contest and won! As a winner Harrison received a large basket of art supplies, his teacher received a $50 Amazon gift card for the classroom, and the school was awarded $5,000 for the purchase of trees. At the recent SOAR assembly, Harrison was announced as the winner of the contest and Steve Clawson from NorthWestern Energy awarded the prize. This week Harrison and his class helped representatives from NorthWestern Energy plant two trees in front of the school. We are lucky to have such a creative and talented student! Way To Go Harrison!!! Girls on the playground-making a duck pond Community News Page 7 FIGHTING FALCONS BASKETBALL June 15th-17th FCS Gymnasium 4th Annual FCHS Drama Spring Play: ANTIGONE by Emily Morrison The Fighting Falcon Basketball Camp is open to both boys and girls enter- Critics are raving about the Florence High School Drama production ing grades 3rd-8th of the 2015-16 school year . The camp is designed to Antigone, saying that it’s, “ a dramaturgy unparalleled by any other theatrical work, past or present.” Through an exclusive interview with help build the foundation for basic basketball skills and fundamentals. the original author, Sophocles, we discover that he regards this perforThe cost of the camp is $40 per camper and includes a Fighting Falcon mance as, “exactly what I had in mind.” Camp T-Shirt. The camp counselors are current coaches, and current/ former players. Ok, you caught us. Gym Shoes—-please no street shoes Loose, comfortable sport shorts T-Shirts Water Bottle or Sports Drinks Basketballs Will Be Provided Session 1-9:00 am to 11:30 am Session 2- 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm 3rd-5th Grade Girls & Boys 6th— 8th Grade Girls & Boys Play Hard...Have Fun...Go Falcons!!! Learn from Falcon Players and Coaches Fundamental Drills Team Building Skill Development Form Shooting Hot Shot Competition Free Throws 3 on 3 Games 1 on 1 Championship for older divisions 3 point shooting completion **Access to water fountains will be made readily available throughout basketball camp. However, campers are encourage to bring their own water bottles to camp. Please be sure to LABEL your child’s water bottle. For additional information please contact: Boone Nelson Head Boys Basketball Coach 273-6751 ext. 224 [email protected] Student Unfortunately, Sophocles was unavailable for the aforementioned interview, and critics haven’t been given the opportunity to preview this soon-to-be hit because the doors open for the debut performance on Friday, May 29th, followed by just two more performances on the 30th and 31st. This year, our drama program has far surpassed any theatrical feat previously seen by the Florence public by going bigger and better in every aspect of our production. A ntigone features a thrilling, original, heavymetal score composed and performed by Mr. Schmidt and company, an expanded stage, enthralling choreography spectacles, a closer actorto-audience experience, and many more elements that make this play a must-see theatrical revolution for our program. This spin on Sophocles’ classic tragedy brings A ntigone into a postapocalyptic, chaotic, new atmosphere. The story begins with Antigone (Emily Morrison) burying her brother, who had died in battle, against the law and being condemned to death for it. As a result of this rebellious action, King Creon (Conner Copeland) and the people of Thebes must decide where honor truly lies. If you enjoy action, drama, tragedy, romance, and comedy, come support your local thespians and become immersed in a story so captivating that it is still being performed since it’s opening night in 441 BC. We’ll see you there in the Old Gym! Showtimes are Friday, May 29 and Saturday, May 30 at 7:00 pm, and a Sunday matinee on May 31 at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $4 for adults, $2 for FCS students. Director’s note: This is a TRAGEDY. And it will be LOUD. Viewer discretion is advised. Second Grade Students Learn about Peter Rabbit Council News The school year is winding down, and the Florence Student Council is still in action! Summer’s almost here, but we’re hard at work improving Florence High up until the very end. Though our main focus is improving the lives of students, this month we concentrated on expressing the student body’s gratitude towards our amazing educators in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week. We put together plates of goodies and distributed them among the High School staff. Also, on the 19th of May, we hosted a brunch in our teachers’ honor, featuring delicious homemade breakfast burritos. Both teachers and students alike had a wonderful time celebrating a year’s worth of efforts toward excellence in education. We’ve held elections for upcoming Student Council officers and representatives, and our new members will start their terms next school year. Congratulations to our president Danika Greer, vice president Natalie Drozdz, secretary Aimee Blackwell, and Treasurer Abbey Ostheimer. Thank you so much for your community support in making this school a better place! We’ve been able to do a lot of good this year, and we hope to benefit Florence even more in the 2015-2016 term. Have a fantastic summer, everyone! See you in the fall. Florence Student Council Mrs. Gillespie’s class did a unit on Peter Rabbit. We celebrated with a tea and scone party. June 2015 Sun 7 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1A Turkey sub, French fries, applesauce, 2B Cheese pizza, garden salad, oranges, 3A Nachos, fresh broccoli/ cauliflower, fresh pears, 4B 8B Mini corn dog, smilie French fries, fruit cups, 9A Waffles n’ cheese sticks, baby carrots, orange juice, 10 Grab n’ Go breakfast only No lunch served 11 12 13 17 18 19 20 24 25 26 27 Breakfast Menu Mon.—French Toast Tues.—Cooks Choice Wed.—Scrambled Eggs Thurs.—Waffles Fri.—Cinnamon rolls MS/HS Line 2 Peanut butter & jelly sandwich Bagel w/cream cheese will be served while supplies last Chicken dino bites, hot veggie medley, mixed apples, 5A Sat Track n’ Field Day— Ham & cheese sandwich, chips, bagged veggies, apple, choc chip cookie, 6 High School Graduation 2:00 pm 8th Grade Promotion 7:00 pm FCMS mtg 6:00 Board mtg 7:00 14 15 16 School dismissed @ 11:05 Basketball Camp 21 22 23 28 29 30 Elementary Line 2 *Cold Cereal, fruit, or milk are available daily while supplies last *PB & J sandwiches will be served while supplies last. No Salad Cart in the month of June * Menu subject to change without notice Equal Education, Nondiscrimination and Sex Equity The District will make equal educational opportunities available for all students without regard to race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, ethnicity, language barrier, religious belief, physical or mental handicap or disability, economic or social conditions, or actual or potential marital or parental status. No student, on the basis of sex, will be denied equal access to programs, activities, services, or benefits or be limited in the exercise of any right, privilege, or advantage, or denied equal access to educational and extracurricular programs and activities. Summer Counseling Offered Tamarack Grief Center offers “A Camp to Remember” every year for youth ages 8-14 who are grieving the death of a loved one. For more information please contact [email protected] or 406-541-8472. Florence Hair Club Attention to the current 113 The Florence Hair Club members and future perspective members: There will be a hair donation assembly this fall next after we return to school. The Bitterroot Star newspaper and KPAX TV plan to attend, along with Mrs. Kirby’s drum line. This will be fun and we hope you can plan to donate at that assembly. Anyone interested in donating should check in with Mr. Stiegler so we can plan ahead. www.facebook.com/FlorenceHairClub Lost and Found There are numerous clothing items in the lost and found shelves located on wall between the 6th and 5th grade hallways. All items not claimed by June 10th 2015 will be donated to Goodwill. Last Chance to Purchase 2015 HS Yearbook High School yearbooks will arrive the last week of May. Only 20 books are left to purchase. $70.00, first come first served. Mrs. Briney would like to thank her yearbook staff this year for creating a wonderful book. Please note, this year the students were brave enough to list their own names on the spreads they completed. If you see any of these students after viewing the book, please take a minute to comment on a job well done. Teacher Appreciation Week was May 4-8th. The FCPT would like to recognize Florence Coffee Company, Nature's Enhancement (Monk family), and Gary and Leo's IGA for helping make the week extra special for our The elementary teachers would wonderful faculty! Please stop in to support and thank these businesses for their generous like to thank F.C.P.T., the F.C.S. administration, Gary and contributions. Leo’s, Nature’s Enhancement, Call any office direct and Florence Coffee Company for all of the gifts and food for Teacher Appreciation Elementary—273-6741 Week. We loved everything High School—273-6301 and are touched by your Middle School—273-0587 thoughtfulness. District Office—273-6751