FROM the Principal - Noosaville State School


FROM the Principal - Noosaville State School
Dates to Remember
Day /Date
Week 3
FROM the Principal
A very smooth start to the term as well as increased enrolments. A very
warm welcome to all of our new families!
The opening of our new Prep Playground created much excitement for our youngsters,
who have been the epitome of patience while construction was underway. As you can see
from the photos, some happy faces! Also great to welcome everyone back to the start of a
new term with a whole-school Assembly, where we were entertained by a wonderful percussion item from 3CS and Mr Luhrs introducing Aus Kick and showing his powerpoint Term
2 highlights. The achievements of our Mathletics students were acknowledged. Our Positive Behaviour work this term,
focused on Empathy and the
importance of having a Growth
Mindset for learning were also
Congratulations to the P&C on a
successful Tuckshop relaunch.
I’ve been trying out the menu
and can definitely recommend
the chicken burger, cheese and
lettuce sandwiches and fresh
After 2 postponements, the weather was glorious for our Senior Athletics Carnival! What a
great day of competition between our 4 teams, with Cooloola the winning house! Great to
catch-up with and see the many parents out enjoying the day. Thanks to everyone who
assisted with setting up, packing up and on the day. Students thoroughly enjoyed the day
and behaviour was excellent! Finally, congratulations to our awesome PE teacher, Shane
Luhrs on yet another excellent event.
28 July
Prep 2017 Information and
School Tour 9am
29 July
Whole School Assembly
*School Opinion Survey
*2017 Prep Enrolment
forms due
Week 4
1 August
ICAS English Test
Cluster Maths Project PD
2 August
SBSHS “Experience High
School” Day 2 10:30am—
4 August
Junior Summit Program
5 August
Assembly 8:35am
Jeans for Genes Day
Week 5
Travelsmart Challenge Week
Week 6
Science Week
Week 7
Book Week
Year 6 Canberra Trip
Staff News
Notable Achievements
Congratulations to:
Sam Keane and Sam Grehan on attaining their Mathletics Certification Level 1 for
students regularly using Mathletics as part of their learning process to improve results and for using the Mathletics teacher console resources to enrich the learning
process and assessment. Additionally, Sam Keane has also completed his Mathletics
Certification Level 2 for using Mathletics to develop students as learners to ensure
maximum individual results.
Tina Parnell and Jenny Graham on being nominated for the 2016 QCT Excellence in
Noosaville State School Newsletter
Teaching Awards. Finalists will be announced during October.
Cluster Maths Project - Keen teachers, Jenny Graham, Sam Grehan,
Michelle Ridge as well as Leadership Team members, John Graham,
Eleanor Burns and Michaela Reina joined cluster staff from Eumundi, Yandina, Cooroy, Peregian Beach State Schools last Thursday, for the first of 6 Professional Development Days over the next
semester. As well as expanding their own expertise, knowledge and
skills, they will play an important part in building the capacity of our
teaching staff. Future workshops will be held on each of the different sites and a Cluster Workshop, to which all staff from the various schools will be invited, will be held in our Hall next Tuesday.
Positive Behaviour for Learning
Empathy is feeling or understanding what someone else is feeling.
When we are able to understand how someone is feeling we are
able to show that person compassion – show that we care about
Identifying Feelings.
Everyone feels lots of different feelings. We feel these feelings in
our bodies. Some feelings are comfortable, and others are uncomfortable, but all of them are okay! This week notice what feelings
you have. Pay attention to the clues in your body and in the situation to help you understand how you feel, and what those feelings
Which feelings are comfortable, and which ones are uncomfortable?
Can you name your feelings?
Do you have lots of different names for your feelings or just a few?
Terri Anne Harris
Acting Deputy Principal
Assistant Regional Director, Janelle Reid visited the school last Monday, spending time with the Leadership Team and myself in discussing our explicit improvement agenda, as well as our future action.
She also took the opportunity to visit Jenny Graham’s Year 5 classroom to see our improvement agenda in action in Maths! Janelle
commended the work being done in our school.
In closing, I wish to inform the school community that I will be taking leave for the remainder of the term. My eldest daughter and
her husband have just had baby number 2 and grandma is needed!
I feel extremely torn, as I also don’t want to miss anything here but
leave the school in the very capable hands of Sharyn Rieger, who
will act as Principal.
Yours in education
Mary McMahon
School Opinion Surveys: Parents/Caregivers, school staff
and a random sample of students are encouraged to have
their say in this year’s School Opinion Survey by providing
their opinions about what this school does well and how this
school can improve. Each of the online surveys are currently
open and will remain so until 29 July 2016.
You might like to read our recently published School Annual
Report, which gives information about what’s happened and
the results achieved in 2015. The report has been posted on
the web-site or is available in
hard copy from the office.
Vehicle Access and Parking: In the last newsletter, a summary of our Vehicle Access and Parking Policy, that outlines
who can and cannot use each of our carparks was given.
Your adherence to this policy will keep our students safe
and your co-operation appreciated. Please note: You are
reminded that should there be continued breaches, an en-
Noosaville State School Newsletter
forcement program will be put into place.
Have you enrolled for Prep in 2017? We are taking enrolments for Prep. Parents of children born between July 1
2011 to June 30 2012 who are starting Prep in 2017 will require a birth certificate to enrol them in the Prep Year. It’s a
good idea not to leave it till the last minute! To apply for a
birth certificate you can download an application form from or visit the registry at 110
George Street, Brisbane or your nearest Courthouse. Enrolment forms are available from the school website under the ‘Enrolment’ tab. Or
call into the office for an enrolment pack.
Please note: Enrolment forms along with a copy of your
child’s birth certificate need to be returned by Friday 29 July
Prep Parent Information and School Tours
Thursday 28 July, 2016 (9-10:30am)
Wednesday 31 August, 2016 (9-10:30am)
Prep Orientation Session
Pupil Free Day 17 October, 2016 (9-10:30am)
If you are interested in attending any of these sessions
please contact the office on 5440 3222 to register.
Academic Talent Development
Firstly I would like to say a big well done to
Mr. Jones for starting this off and working
so hard in the first semester. I will be taking
over from Mr. Jones while he is on holidays.
In week 11 of last term we were very good end to the term for
Mathletics at Noosaville. We had 6 students receive a Gold
Certificates while 128 other students received either Silver or
Bronze. Gold Certificates are very hard to get and result from
an extended period of effort in Mathletics activities. It takes
more than 15 weeks of continues effort to earn this reward.
Last week Samantha B, Eddie W, Skye L, Tiana B, Raqual T and
Ryan D were the outstanding recipients.
Our Top Ten
The following students were our top 10 participants for Week
11 of term 3. Seth F, Thomas VZ, Baylee F, Marley R, Eddie W,
Samantha B, Lenny K, D-Jae SW, Ebony L and Raquel S.
Top Classes and Certificates
Nara L, Jemma G, Niamh H, Teegan R, Jayda M, Thaddeus O,
Charlotte S, Zac S, Graham K, Bonnie G, Kobi B, Matthew H,
Lilly V, Thomas V, Marley R, Amelia G, Travis B, Bodan D,
Alexander M, Cleo S, Jahman B, Ashwin T, Isabella F, Ryley H,
Bailee H, Joshua K, Reece M, Thomas F, Emily H, Tyler H,
Ryan N, Amy S, Jayden A
Olivia F, Thomas M, Cruiz S, Lyric T, Elle C, Teegan W, Alaska
B, Elena C, James C, Brendan D, Ryleigh F, Harry I, Hannah S,
Matilda S, Emily T, Jayda S, Liam R, Soraya K, Amaya F, Arely
D, Jacob A, Shelby H, Hilary R, Harrison W, Baden D, Lenny K,
Jaymie R, Meeka W, Cooper S, Lily A, Baylee F, Sienna H, Ella
S, Dylan W, Zuriya K
Well done to 5P and 2C for ending the term on top. They both
did very well for that term with 5P being on top for 7 weeks
and 2C being on top for 10. For the class certificate the top
classes were 2K with 24, 5P with 19, 6CF with 17, 2C with 14
and 3BW with 12.
Oscar B, Briahna M, Matthew P, Kara L, Montanah W, Jamie
L, Tyson A, Amelia D, Brock L, Stella A, Nikola F, Chelsea H
Noosaville State School Newsletter
Mathlete of the Month Results for June
Fynn S (Prep B)
Angus A (Prep S)
Year 1
Nathaniel M (1H)
Jack C (1H)
Year 2
Seth F (2C)
Marley R (2C)
Year 3
Montanah W (3BW)
Harrison H (3BW)
Year 4
Noah B (4G)
Alex M (4G)
Year 5
Ben B (5G)
Leilani (5P)
Year 6
Ryan D (6CF)
D-Jae SW (6CF)
Sam Keane
ICT News
This semester Noosaville State School has begun a vigorous Digital
Technology class. From Prep - Year 3 our students are learning
what ICT (internet communication technologies) means and
the different ways software programs can be used. From avatars to
word processing, Digital Technologies will teach our learners the
skills that they need to create, inform and communicate in a technology driven world. We are very excited to have the digital resources at this school, to allow our students to learn current and
interesting technology skills.
Samone Anderson
Drumming Performance
On August 10 Noosaville will
be hosting an African Drumming performance in the hall
called “Salaka": Sharing the
Spirit of Africa
African Beat will presents a
well-structured, informative
and highly interactive drumming performance by one of
West Africa's top cultural
troupes The Salaka Ensemble.
"Salaka" means "Sharing" in
the Ga language of Ghana.
The performance by visiting
artists from Ghana immerses
students in the rich culture
and rhythms of Africa, in an entertaining and educational way. Best
of all - it's hands on!
The show introduces students to an array of traditional African instruments of all shapes and sounds, including the 'talking drum',
djembe drum, kpanlogo drum, box drum, bells and shakers.
Salaka interrelates with core aspects of the syllabus including music, drama, physical education, dance, geography and history. A
letter will be going home soon with more information and cost of
the performance.
Year 3CS Percussion Performance
3CS having a great time on the new Marimbas!
Noosaville State School Newsletter
Book Week 2016
‘The Stars in the Sky’, is the title for our Wakakirri story dance item
this year. We have been busy rehearsing and attending lunchtime
practices to finesse the production. We had a successful Sunday
practice and ironed out our props and sets as well as what would be
needed for costumes. There are still a couple of performers who
haven’t returned all their forms, can you do so this next week?
Book Week 2016 has the theme of “Australia! Story Country”.
We are celebrating Book Week 2016 by inviting students (and
teachers!) to dress up as their favourite book character. This special
event will be held during parade on
Friday 26 August. The children must
bring along the book from which
their character comes in order to win
prizes and are encouraged not to
choose superheroes and movie characters. The children in 3BW are already searching for ideas. Abby believes that she would make a
wonderful ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and Harry can’t decide between the little boy from ‘Harry and the Dinosaurs’ or ‘Harry
Potter.’ Or will he be a character from ‘Tom Gates?’ Mr Clarke
is dusting off his Mr Darcy wig as we speak. (Or was it his Sherlock Holmes outfit?) Put your thinking caps on!
Besides the parade all classes and the library will be celebrating
literature with fun activities during the week. Looking forward
to an exciting week of books!
Sandi Brechbuhl
We now have our fantastic shirts which look great and are useful as
we have used these for some of our costumes too. A big thank you
goes to Virginia Luhrs for the wonderful artwork that went on the
shirts. Only four weeks until the big event on Thursday 11 August.
Payment for dinner, bus, shirts and registration needs to be paid by
Thursday 4 August, please make sure this happens. Also some still
have not paid for tickets, this needs to be done immediately as we
have distributed the tickets which children should have given to
you. Any queries, please contact Tina Parnell.
Wakakirri Team
Science Week 15—19 August
Travelsmart Week
The week of 8 - 12 of August (week 5) is Travelsmart Week, if you
can, try to travel smartly to school by walking, riding, carpooling,
bus. Class teachers will collect data on students using travelsmart
methods am and/or pm to try and win the class challenge trophy.
The class with the most people using Travelsmart methods will win
the Travelsmart trophy, lets try and beat Mr Keane’s and Mrs Parnell’s classes!
Look out for our Travelsmart leaders at the gates welcoming students on that Wednesday and Friday morning.
John Graham
The theme for this year is Movement. Activities are as follows:
Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 : Balloon Powered Cars
Children will design a balloon car and have a year level race.
The week previous to Science Week the children’s homework
will be to construct a balloon car. This balloon car has to be
made from recycled products. During Science Week the year
levels will arrange a show and tell and a speed competition
with winners showing their cars on parade.
On youtube there is a video “How to Make an Air Powered Balloon Car”. That is a perfect motivational introduction.
There are many others also for the children to explore.
Years Prep, One and Two:
The lower year levels will make paper aeroplanes. Once again
these will be constructed at home the week previous to Science Week with a flying competition conducted during Science
Year level winners will be awarded a prize on parade.
David Attenborough shows will also be shown in the library
during the week.
Enjoy and have fun!!!
Ruth Whittaker
Noosaville State School Newsletter
Maroochydore on Friday September 9, Week 9 of this term.
An expression of interest note will be emailed to all students in Year
4, 5 and 6 soon. Please fill this out if your child is keen to represent
our school at this carnival and return as soon as possible.
Senior Athletics Carnival
King of the Mountain
We were finally able to hold our annual Senior Athletics Carnival in
dry and warm conditions last Friday. There were many close finishes between competitors and once again this year, we had a number
of tied positions in the final top three place results.
Those war cries are getting better and better with each carnival…
I’m sure there would have been some sore throats on Saturday
Thanks so much to the wonderful family members who were able
to assist throughout the day with the running of the various events
– your help was much appreciated by staff and students. My thanks
also to our brilliant staff who once again worked tirelessly during
the day to make sure all activities finished on time and ensured all
students enjoyed themselves. Congratulations and thanks to our
students whose behaviour on the day was outstanding – possibly
the best yet.
Congratulations to all our age champions and of course Cooloola
Sports House who took out the shield again this year.
2016 Age Champions:
9 Year Girls: Elise Toohey 9 Year Boys: Aiden Doyle–Duffy
10 Year Girls: Lilly Baker 10 Year Boys: Joshua Palmer
11 Year Girls: Gwen Hughes 11 Year Boys: Jude Youens
12 Year Girls: Ella-Ruby Hastedt 12 Year Boys: Jayden Ambichi
What a great morning at the Pomona King of the Mountain Relay
Challenge last Sunday. 31 boys teams and 38 girls team contested a
700m race around Stan Topper Park. I am very proud of the effort
our teams displayed and the willingness to really try hard for each
other. Thank you to the many families who were able to come out
and show their support for our runners and thanks also for all the
photography. Thanks also to Mrs Herron for coming out to assist as
Congratulations to the following students: Skye Liddell, Zara Riddell,
Lilly Baker, Ally Murfin, Sofie Gao, Claudia Toohey, Emily Hall, Zahra Susskind, Joel Hammer, Zac Champion, Hayden Martin, Marcus
Holness, Jayden Ambichi , Jude Youens, Andre Ambichi, Cody Caylor.
Special mention to the boys team of Jayden Ambichi , Andre Ambichi, Cody Caylor and Jude Youens. The boys ran an amazing race
and for the first time ever for our school at this event, we had a
team finish on the podium. The boys placed third, behind Sunshine
Coast Grammar School who were first and St Andrews Anglican College who placed second. What a team…….well done boys and well
done again to all our competitors.
Junior Athletics Carnival
Now that we have finally been able to complete our Senior carnival,
a date for the Juniors in Prep, Year 1, 2 and 3 will be set very soon.
We would love to see many of our parents attend and join in the
More information will be emailed to you soon.
Noosa District Athletics Carnival
Students selected in our school team to participate at this carnival
will have received or will be about to receive invitations. The carnival is being held at Giraween at Sunshine Beach on Tuesday August
9. All Noosa District Schools are able to nominate 2 students per
event in each age group. Please return any paperwork by the due
It’s still not too late to sign up for Auskick. If you missed the first session it is still possible to register. See info below.
Start date: Tuesday 26th July for 7 weeks.
Time: 2:40pm – 3:40pm
Cost: $75
Sign up here: Go to and
register your child. Please enter Noosaville State School or 4566 as
the centre location.
What to wear: School Uniform
Thank you to the many students who have signed up for the program. The first lesson is this Thursday July 28 starting at 2:45pm. The
lesson concludes at 3:30pm.
I am looking forward to seeing our students moving and having fun
to some great music.
Primary Schools Oztag Challenge
Some great news for our Year 6 cohort. Oztag QLD has moved the
date of the Primary Schools Oztag Challenge to be held at
Noosaville State School Newsletter
News from the Business Services
Welcome back to everyone and hope you had a wonderful holiday.
Also, a warm welcome to new staff and families to Noosaville State
No-Pay No-Go Policy
Our “No-Pay No-Go” policy requires either full payment or a
genuine payment plan to be in place prior to participation or
acceptance towards any activities such as camps, trips and excursions, or sporting activities. You may notice on your statement, activities (current or past) that your child has not participated in. Please note that these will be removed from your
statement once the activity has been finalised.
Refund Policy
Our much awaited Prep playground and sandpit have been completed. All the students have enjoyed playing on them this week.
Parents are asked to complete a refund form within 30 days of
the activity if they are seeking the return of funds. Eligible refunds will be processed within 28 days.
How to make a payment
You have a number of options when making a payment:
BPoint – Uses credit and debit cards (Visa or Mastercard) and is a
secured payment method
Using your debit card allows you to utilise the funds in the card’s
linked account.
If you are paying a single invoice, this is the preferred option as
your payment will be directly applied to that invoice.
BPoint can be accessed via any computer or smart phone
Parents need to log into
Once logged in, you will need the information from the school invoice to complete the BPoint payment page
For information, please refer to the attached instructions
Directly into our school account
BSB: 064-439
Account No: 1003 6283
Account Name: Noosaville State School
Reference: (Please use students name eg M McMahon)
Eftpos cards, cheque or cash – you can make a payment at the
Centrepay – our school has introduced Centrepay. Payments via
Centrepay allow for credits on your student’s account in anticipation of future invoices.
Centrepay is a free direct bill paying service available to customers
who receive an Australian Government Department of Human Services Centrelink payment, family assistance payment or Parental
Leave Pay.
To arrange your deduction you can fill out an Application form from
the office or go online
All information regarding this service is confidential
Financial Hardship
Parents/carers experiencing financial hardship are encouraged
to contact Janet Harrison, Business Services Manager or email
[email protected] to discuss how their financial obligations
can be met throughout the school year, or to negotiate alternative arrangements that may be available to accommodate their
individual circumstances. All discussions will be held in the
strictest confidence.
Parents/Carers Contact Details
From time to time personal contact details may change. Parents/carers are asked to please update details when this occurs. We need to ensure that all parent/carers contact details
are correct. Up to date and current school records enable us to
send you messages, contact you when your student is ill or if
there is an issue that needs resolving.
If you are moving house, changed jobs, emails or mobile phone
numbers, please inform the school office via:
Email to [email protected]
A note
Office Hours
School office hours are Monday to Friday, 8:00am to 3:30pm.
We look forward to working with all families.
For more information or further clarification please contact me
on 54403222 or email [email protected]
Janet Harrison
Business Services Manager
Excursion Policy
Parents are reminded that full payment and permission forms must
be received by the nominated closing date, which is seven (7) full
days prior to the event, to avoid disappointment of nonparticipation. The closing date is clearly identified on each permission form. Please remember our “No-Pay No-Go” policy exists if you
have any outstanding accounts.
Noosaville State School Newsletter
SRC News
During Term 2, the SRC held two fundraising days which were supported very well by the families at Noosaville State School. Thank
you to all the children and families that wore beanies or dressed up
to raise money for good causes.
The ‘Beanie Day’ held on Friday, June 10, raised $401.80 through
the generosity of our school community. This money was sent to
the ‘Cure Brain Cancer Foundation’. $400 is enough to pay for a
researcher for one day. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but maybe it will
be the day when they make a breakthrough or find a cure.
A ‘Free Dress Day’ was held on Friday, June 17. Classes were required to choose a letter from the alphabet and come dressed as
something or someone starting with that letter. Many children had
lots of fun dressing up. The day raised $446.35 which will be used
to purchase school resources.
This term we are raising money for the Jeans for Genes Day. Each
year, Australians unite by wearing their favourite jeans and out doing each other with crazy denim outfits and donating money or purchasing merchandise, to support genetic research. This year, Jeans
for Genes Day will be held on Friday August 5. Every dollar raised
on the day helps scientists at Children’s Medical Research Institute
discover treatments and cures, to give every child the opportunity
to live a long and healthy life.
So on Friday, August 5, all children are asked to wear their jeans or
appropriate denim shorts, and donate a gold coin to show their
support. Students must still wear closed in shoes and normal
school shirt.
We are also planning some minor fundraisers for term 3 and 4, so
watch this space. We will keep you informed about when and what
is happening in the coming months. Thanks again for supporting
our fundraisers.
Julie Friend
Thank you to all the wonderful parents/caregiver that have donated
items for our breakfast club. We had such a fantastic response that I
think we will have enough to keep going until the end of the year.
Term 3 Activities
Games in the hall will be on every Friday at big lunch for students
from year 3-6 and I am planning on expanding our organised games
to 3 breaks per week including soccer games and other various outdoor group activities. My room will still be open several times a
week however there is a new referral process being implemented to
help maintain the level of support needed by students accessing my
room during breaks.
The Breaky Club located in the school hall will continue to operate
every school day this term and is available for any students needing
breakfast before school .
I will be continuing with Circle of Friends social skills in the year one
classes again this term, which have been lots of fun working with
students around to topic of friend ship.
As a part of the chaplaincy service here at school I offer one on one
support to students going through particularly tough times. If you
child is in need of emotional support here at school, please come
and have a chat with me so we can discuss how I can best support
your child.
I will be away in week 4 for my annual SU conference and also in
week 7 when I am away with the year 6 students on our trip to Canberra.
I am at school during term 3 every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
and Friday.
Michelle Gameiro
School Chaplain
The tuckshop relaunch has been a great success with the fresh new
menu being very popular. The sign up rate to our online ordering
system at School24 ( has also been great and
we would love to see even more people using this system. A huge
thanks to all the enthusiastic volunteers who have got involved in
the tuckshop during its relaunch; Leanne, Casey, Bianca, Nadia, Tori
and Chris. If you can spare some time, even just an hour or two in a
week or month, please speak to Mel at the tuckshop and get involved. It really helps during peak times and means we can offer
better service and variety of homemade food to the kids. Don’t forget to Like our Facebook page, Noosaville State School P&C Association, as Mel has posted lots of photos of the new menu items so you
can see what the kids are eating.
Noosaville State School Newsletter
Specials, meal deals and daily mini-extras are also advertised
through this page on a regular basis.
Banking Services
The P&C is offering student banking services (deposit only) with
Bendigo Bank through the tuckshop every Friday. Opening an
account with Bendigo Bank is a simple process. Pick up an application form from the Tuckshop and take it into the Tewantin
branch with your child’s birth certificate and Medicare card.
You’ll be up and running very quickly. The kids receive a great
little welcome pack of goodies and the account earns 1.5% on all
funds. The Tewantin Community Bank Branch of the Bendigo
Bank provides sponsorship and financial support to our school
and many other organisations in our local community. At our
school, this sponsorship has been used annually to fund enrichment and extension programs such as Reading Eggs, Readers
Cup, Mathletics, debating and chess club activities. Please see
attached letter for more information.
Pie Drive
The P&C was planning a winter Pie Drive for August but we
can’t run this activity without volunteers. We are looking for a
few co-ordinators but if you can help in anyway, please email us
at [email protected] Volunteers are sought/
required in the next week.
Tyron de Boer
PO Box 1079, Noosaville DC 4566
Key Contacts:
General - 07 5440 3222
Absentee - 07 5440 3266
Fax - 07 5440 3200
[email protected]
Mary McMahon (Principal P-2)
Wayne Carty (Deputy Principal 3-7)
Terri Anne Harris (Special Education)
John Graham (Head of Curriculum)
Janet Harrison (BSM and Admin)
Tyron De Boer (P and C President)
P and C meetings held on second Monday of each month at 2:45pm in our Prep Area.