AVFD M - Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department


AVFD M - Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department
J une 2 0 1 4
15 September 1992
2 .1
4 .9
6 .1
8 .0
2 .6
1 .1
Second Edition
2 3 M ar ch 1 9 9 5
Third Edition
16 April 1996
24 November 1996
9 M ar ch 1 9 9 7
6 July 1997
22 December 1999
3 .0 & 3 .6
3.11.4.C, H
4 . 1 D, G, K. N, O, S
4.3C, I, M
25 November 2001
4 .8 G
4 .1 2
5 .0
6 .2
7.2F, G
1 .3
1 .4
4 .3
4 .4
4 .5
4 .6
4 .1 1
4 .1 2
5 .0
First Edition
18 August 1993
9 .0
4 .4
4 .5
4 .7 B , E , F
15 August 2003
6 .0
Replace FFI mid-term Requirement
Update Fueling procedures
Update Cardiac Monitor
16-18 year old member policy
Reduce number of EMS calls required to be cleared.
Update clearing process to include IMS.
History of the Department
4.3.10 Emergency response from station
Update E352 inventory sheet
Complete update of all sections
Deleted Apparatus Inventory sheets
Addition of Disciplinary Action Policy
Added detailed statistics & list of apparatus
Updated turnout gear description for Observers
Added Firefighter II requirement for Engine Drivers,
Clarification of drivers on Squad 354
SCBA minimum psi, title change, Chain of Command, Use of
Apparatus, Non-AVFD riders, Portable radio use
Clarification of First Responder responses, Squad crews, and
use of cellular phone by drivers
Personal Protection Equipment
Procedure for granting EMS affiliation for MIEMSS
Definition of duty crew times and clarification of sleep-in
Board of Directors parking policy
Fair Practices Policy
Additional Disciplinary descriptions
Updated LOSAP point values
Guidelines for sleeping in & Smoking prohibition (under 18
Updated Apparatus list
Updated statistics
Updated EMS requirements
Minor updates to clearance guidelines
Updated all sections dealing with “Cleared Emergency with
another driver”
Update to facial hair policy
EMS officer helmet type
Inserted Uniform Policy
Updated Medical Director reference & CDS wording
Transfer reporting requirements
Update to policy when Squad 354 goes OOS
Added Emergency Operations Officers Roles and
Changed section number & added disciplinary action for
sleeping through calls
1 .3
1 .4
3 .1 1
4 .1 A
4 .1 D
4 .8
4 .1 0
5 .1
5 .2
5 .3
6 .0
7 .0
7 .3
9 .0
1 .3
1 .4
3 .2 , 3 , 6
3 .1 0 .E
3 .1 1
4 .9
4 .1 5
Title Page
1 .3
2 .0
3 .2 – 3 .6
3 .1 0
3 .1 0 D
3 .1 1
2 M ay 2 0 0 5
22 December 2006
4 .1
4 .3
4 .9
4 .1 5
4 .1 6
4 .1 7
5 .2
5 .3 B
7 November 2008
5 .3 C
5 .3 D
5 .3 E
5 .3 F
6 .0
1 .2
4 .1 5
4 .1 7
7 .0
30 August 2011
Clarified section changes throughout
Updated Apparatus List
Updated Statistics
Section 3.5 changed to 3.11 Emergency Operations Officer
Updated Alcohol policy
Vehicle washing in apparatus bays
Updated duty crew times to 0700-1700 & 1700-0700
Updated fueling location for gasoline
Driver training clearance given to DT Officer
Administrative Officer Roles and Responsibilities
Committee Descriptions w/ Roles and Responsibilities
Disciplinary action for not storing PPE properly & restriction
whenever departmental charges are filed.
Updated LOSAP information
Added Tax Incentive program information
Added Auxiliary section to include Roles & Responsibilities
Deleted Utility 353
Added 2004 & 2005 Statistics
Added requirement for FEMA IMS training IMS 100/200/700
Removed requirement for Firefighter II for drivers on Eng/Sq
Updates to several Officer requirements. (approved 12/4/06)
Live-in Policy & Updated other section numbers
Inserted Budget & Purchasing Policy (approved 11/1/2006)
Changed Handbook title to include Auxiliary
Updated Apparatus list for 356, 359, boats (1957 OOS)
Added NIMS Compliance for riding members
Added stationary cascade requirement and NIMS compliance
Increased maximum number of points to two
Driver training policy from July 2005 ref non-EMT drivers.
Reduced requirement for 2nd Lt to Fire Officer I class vice
Updated crew responsibilities, utility usage, no smoking
policy, supervisor of paid drivers
Instituted mandatory seatbelt usage on all apparatus
Updated Live-In Program requirements
Added Alcohol Policy
Updated overall Purchase Policy
Added Awards and Recognition Program
Added Assistant Chaplain position to Administrative Officers
Added Advertising/Marketing Committee & BRAC
Changed Computer Committee to Information Technology
Added Grounds Maintenance & Environmental Committees
Added Fill the Boot, Fire/EMS Donations, & Tailgating
Changed Hall Rental to Facilities Rental Committee
Added Juniors, Membership, and Social Committees
Added Birthday Party Committee
Updated Operational area descriptions
Updated History
Merged Drug and Alcohol Policy (Drug policy added 12/2/07
Added Conflict of Interest Policy and moved Awards to 4.18
Hall chair to sign all contracts for parking lot <31 days
Added additional details on LOSAP benefits
4 .1 6
October 1, 2012
4 .1 7
4 .1 4
November 19, 2012
3 .1 1
December 3, 2012
4 .1 .O
January 30, 2013
4 .1 6 .H
April 15, 2013
4 .1 0 , 4 .1 4 , 4 .1 5 , 4 .1 7
April 21, 2014
4 .1 1
June 1, 2014
Next Edition
Update to Budget & Purchasing Policy to include new limits,
POs required for all purchases, committee requirements,
& Electronic banking options.
Added definition of conflict & family. Clarified membership
voting rights.
Both amendments were approved by the Board of Directors
Policy update to include reporting procedures as approved by
Board of Directors
Officer Standards Updated to remove grandfathering and
clarify leadership training and activity requirements
Update to smoking policy to ban all tobacco products from
building and apparatus
Added provision for recording capital purchases and
providing adequate coverage for grant related projects.
Initially at the Board of Directors meeting and 2 weeks later
at the membership meeting the following policies were
combined into a single Ethics Policy:
• Smoking Policy (elaboration)
• Drug & Alcohol Policy (condensed)
• Fair Practices Policy (minor additions)
• Conflicts of Interest Policy (condensed)
• Added new topics: respect, duty,
confidentiality/social media
Update fueling procedures
Auxiliary Awards
Define Disciplinary Committee policies
Duty Crew Program
Define new roles per NIMS
Medic Attend/Non-attend policy
Statistics for calls and membership
Investment risk statement
Policy for disposing eq. Individual items over X or total of
similar items over Y.
Policy ref animals in the firehouse
Validate updated TOC links
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................................. 1
1 .1
1 .2
1 .3
1 .4
MISSION STATEMENT .............................................................................................................................................. 1
HISTORY ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
APPARATUS ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
STATISTICS ................................................................................................................................................................. 4
2.0 TRAINING PREREQUISITES ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2 .1
2 .2
2 .3
2 .4
2 .5
2 .6
2 .7
FIREFIGHTER .............................................................................................................................................................. 5
RESCUE TECHNICIAN ............................................................................................................................................... 5
SWIFT WATER RESCUE TECHNICIAN ................................................................................................................... 5
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN B (EMT-B) ............................................................................................... 5
INTRAVENOUS TECHNICIAN (IVT) ........................................................................................................................ 5
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN INTERMIATE (EMT-I) ........................................................................... 5
EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN PARAMEDIC (EMT-P) ........................................................................... 6
3.0 CLEARING PERSONNEL FOR OPERATION OF AVFD EQUIPMENT ................................................................. 7
3.1 OBSERVERS ON ENGINES AND SQUAD (FIREFIGHTER) ..................................................................................... 7
3.2 FIREFIGHTERS ON ENGINES AND SQUAD ............................................................................................................. 9
3.3 RESCUE TECH ON SQUAD ...................................................................................................................................... 10
3.4 SWIFT WATER RESCUE TECHNICIAN ................................................................................................................. 10
3.5 OBSERVER ON AMBULANCES .............................................................................................................................. 11
3.6 AID PERSON ON AMBULANCES ............................................................................................................................ 12
3 . 7 I VT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2
3.8 EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIAN INTERMEDIATE (EMT-I) .................................................................... 13
3.9 EMT-PARAMEDIC .................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.10 DRIVERS ON EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................... 14
A.) General Guidelines for all drivers ........................................................................................................................ 14
B.) Utility & EMS Supervisor vehicle non-emergency ............................................................................................... 14
C.) Ambulance ............................................................................................................................................................ 15
D.) Utility, Ambulances, or Special Unit with the boat in tow ................................................................................... 16
E.) Engine 351/352 and Squad 354............................................................................................................................ 17
3.11 OFFICERS ................................................................................................................................................................. 17
A.) Minimum Qualifications for Team Leader and Acting Officer ............................................................................. 19
B.) Minimum Qualifications for 2nd Lieutenants ........................................................................................................ 19
C.) Minimum Qualifications for 1st Lieutenants ......................................................................................................... 21
D.) Minimum Qualifications for Chief Officers .......................................................................................................... 21
4.0 GENERAL AVFD POLICIES AND GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................... 23
4 .1
4 .2
4 .3
4 .4
4 .5
4 .6
GENERAL OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES .............................................................................................................. 23
RADIO ROOM OPERATIONS................................................................................................................................... 25
EQUIPMENT RESPONSE ON CALLS ...................................................................................................................... 27
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT GUIDELINES........................................................................................ 29
UNIFORMS ................................................................................................................................................................. 31
EMS GUIDELINES ..................................................................................................................................................... 33
A.) Affiliation for MIEMSS ......................................................................................................................................... 33
B.) Cardiac Monitor ................................................................................................................................................... 33
C.) Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) Recordkeeping ................................................................................... 33
D.) Attending the Second Medic Unit ......................................................................................................................... 34
E.) Crew Responsibilities ........................................................................................................................................... 34
4.7 DUTY HOUR PROGRAM .......................................................................................................................................... 34
4.8 DUTY CREWS ............................................................................................................................................................ 34
4.9 LIVE-IN PROGRAM .................................................................................................................................................. 35
4.10 ETHICS POLICY ...................................................................................................................................................... 42
4.11 FUELING PROCEDURE .......................................................................................................................................... 47
4.12 TRANSFER POLICY ................................................................................................................................................ 47
4.13 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS, MAINTENANCE & LOAN ............................................................................................. 48
4.14 BUDGET AND PURCHASING POLICY............................................................................................................................. 49
4.15 AWARDS AND RECOGNITION PROGRAM ...................................................................................................................... 55
5.0 LEADERSHIP ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES..................................................................................................... 58
5.1 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS OFFICERS ................................................................................................................ 58
A.) Meetings ................................................................................................................................................................ 58
B.) Apparatus Ownership ........................................................................................................................................... 58
C.) Captain ................................................................................................................................................................. 58
D.) Senior First Lieutenant ......................................................................................................................................... 59
E.) Maintenance Lieutenant ....................................................................................................................................... 59
F.) Paid Drivers .......................................................................................................................................................... 60
G.) Suppression Division ............................................................................................................................................ 60
H.) Rescue Division .................................................................................................................................................... 61
I.) EMS Division ......................................................................................................................................................... 62
J.) Swift Water Rescue Division .................................................................................................................................. 63
K.) Training Division .................................................................................................................................................. 63
L.) Collateral Duty Assignments ................................................................................................................................. 65
5.2 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS ................................................................................................................................ 67
A.) President/Vice-President ...................................................................................................................................... 67
B.) Recording Secretary/Assistant-Recording Secretary ............................................................................................ 67
C.) Financial Secretary/Assistant-Financial Secretary .............................................................................................. 67
D.) Treasurer/Assistant-Treasurer ............................................................................................................................. 68
E.) Chaplain ............................................................................................................................................................... 68
F.) Delegates .............................................................................................................................................................. 68
G.) Sergeant of Arms .................................................................................................................................................. 68
H.) Board of Directors................................................................................................................................................ 68
5.3 COMMITTEES............................................................................................................................................................ 70
A.) Committee Chairman ............................................................................................................................................ 70
B.) Administrative Division ........................................................................................................................................ 70
i. Advertising and Marketing ................................................................................................................................................. 70
ii. Audit .................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
iii. Awards.............................................................................................................................................................................. 70
iv. BRAC ................................................................................................................................................................................ 70
v. Budget ................................................................................................................................................................................. 70
vi. By-Laws ............................................................................................................................................................................. 71
vii. Computer .......................................................................................................................................................................... 71
viii. Planning........................................................................................................................................................................... 71
C.) Facilities & Capital Programs Division ............................................................................................................... 71
i. Apparatus Replacement ....................................................................................................................................................... 71
ii. Building Capitol Program................................................................................................................................................... 71
iii. Building Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................... 72
iv. Grounds Maintenance ........................................................................................................................................................ 72
v. Environmental..................................................................................................................................................................... 72
D.) Fundraising Division ............................................................................................................................................ 72
i. Bingo ................................................................................................................................................................................... 72
ii. Carnival .............................................................................................................................................................................. 72
iii. EMS & Fire Donations ...................................................................................................................................................... 73
iv. Fill the Boot ....................................................................................................................................................................... 73
v. Grants.................................................................................................................................................................................. 73
vi. Kitchen .............................................................................................................................................................................. 73
vii. Mail Fund Drive ............................................................................................................................................................... 73
viii. Pancake Breakfast............................................................................................................................................................ 73
ix. Photo Fund Drive .............................................................................................................................................................. 73
x. Recycling ............................................................................................................................................................................ 74
xi. Rental Facilities ................................................................................................................................................................. 74
xii. Tailgating .......................................................................................................................................................................... 74
xiii. 2500 Club ........................................................................................................................................................................ 74
E.) Member Services Division .................................................................................................................................... 74
i. Candy Machine .................................................................................................................................................................... 74
ii. Juniors................................................................................................................................................................................. 75
iii. LOSAP .............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
iv. Membership ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75
v. Newsletter ........................................................................................................................................................................... 75
vi. Recruitment and Retention................................................................................................................................................. 75
vii. Sick and Distressed ........................................................................................................................................................... 76
viii. Social ............................................................................................................................................................................... 76
ix. Soda Machine .................................................................................................................................................................... 76
x. Tags ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 76
xi. Uniforms ............................................................................................................................................................................ 76
F.) Special Events Division ........................................................................................................................................ 76
i. Birthday .............................................................................................................................................................................. 76
ii. Historical ........................................................................................................................................................................... 76
iii. Installation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 77
iv. Train Garden ...................................................................................................................................................................... 77
6.0 DISCIPLINARY ACTION .............................................................................................................................................. 78
7.0 LENGTH OF SERVICE AWARDS PROGRAM........................................................................................................... 82
7.1 LOSAP DESCRIPTION .............................................................................................................................................. 82
7.2 LOSAP POINT SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................................ 82
7.3 MARYLAND TAX INCENTIVE PROGRAM ........................................................................................................................ 83
8.0 GUIDELINES FOR MEMBERS BETWEEN THE AGES 16 TO 18 YEARS ........................................................... 85
8.1 APPLICANTS .............................................................................................................................................................. 85
8.2 MEMBERS .................................................................................................................................................................. 85
9.0 AUXILIARY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 87
9.1 OFFICER ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES ......................................................................................................................... 87
A.) President/Vice President ...................................................................................................................................... 87
B.) Recording Secretary/Assistant-Recording Secretary ............................................................................................ 87
C.) Financial Secretary/Assistant Financial Secretary .............................................................................................. 87
D.) Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer............................................................................................................................... 88
E.) Chaplain ................................................................................................................................................................ 88
F.) Sergeant of Arms .................................................................................................................................................. 88
G.) Delegates .............................................................................................................................................................. 88
9.2 COMMITTEES ................................................................................................................................................................. 89
A.) Committee Chairman ............................................................................................................................................ 89
B.) Fundraising Division ............................................................................................................................................ 89
C.) Member Services Division .................................................................................................................................... 89
D.) Special Events Division ........................................................................................................................................ 90
This handbook is a reference for all members to provide a single document that covers various
issues relating to the Administrative and Emergency Operations side of the Arbutus Volunteer Fire
Department, Incorporated (AVFD). The by-laws of the AVFD cover additional administrative functions
not outlined in this handbook. Although this handbook may not cover all situations that occur everyday
it covers many of the major aspects of our daily operation. Personnel who feel that these policies are not
being followed should raise their concerns to the appropriate Administrative or Emergency Operations
Officer. The chain of command shall be used whenever a problem arises for which you have not been
given a satisfactory answer.
This handbook will be updated as new policies are instituted and old ones are revised. The policies
we have set in place are only as good as the officers of this department who insure they are followed
without prejudice.
Any questions, concerns, or suggestions relating to this document may be discussed with a
Administrative or Emergency Operations Officer of this department.
The mission of the Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department Incorporated is to provide
superior fire, rescue, and emergency medical services to the Arbutus and surrounding
communities. We strive to protect life, property and the environment through
intervention, prevention, education, training, and community involvement.
In November of 1937, a bitter dispute at the Violetville Volunteer Fire Department
(VVFD) resulted in the splitting of the company. Seventeen men seized a fire engine,
ambulance, and other property and formed the Community Volunteer Fire Department of
Violetville. After a year of litigation the court awarded control of all assets to VVFD. With
the suggestion of the Chief Engineer of the Baltimore County Fire Department (BCoFD), the
defeated men relocated in the growing town of Arbutus.
The Arbutus Community Association leased a portion of their property to the firemen and
donated lumber to help them with the construction of their firehouse. A small, two story,
wood frame building was erected to house a 1927 American La France fire engine & 1932
Kissel ambulance downstairs and provided living quarters upstairs. A Ladies Auxiliary was
formed and in 1939 was among the charter organizations of the Ladies Auxiliary to the
Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman’s Association.
In 1940, AVFD bought the community hall building when Arbutus Community
Association moved across the street to present day Town Hall. Five years later an addition
was built onto the old community hall building to house additional apparatus.
A new 1942 Ford/Ward LaFrance engine was purchased and was later replaced by a
1947 Seagrave engine. A 1947 International Harvester panel truck was purchased for use as
the first rescue squad and that was later replaced by a 1954 Dodge. In 1951 a 1947 Willy’s
Jeep was purchased and replaced by a 1967 Jeep CJ-5 and in 1958 a 1957 SeaKing aluminum
boat replaced an older aluminum boat. Many different ambulances passed through AVFD in
the early years including a 1948 Buick Road master, 1952 & ’56 Cadillacs, Pontiacs, an
Oldsmobile, Fords, and Chevy’s in the ‘60’s, ‘70’s, and ‘80’s.
The 1960’s brought about the lowering of the age limit for members from 21 to 18. In
1963 the Ladies Auxiliary was reorganized after a hiatus. In 1965 member Ed Kelly
developed a reliable device for the suctioning of fluids from patients mouths. Although his
design was the standard used for many years on ambulances everywhere, he was never truly
credited for his work because he was denied a patent.
On May 4, 1964 ground was broken for a modern fire station and on October 20, 1964,
AVFD moved to its new quarters at 5200 Southwestern Blvd. The new station provided
necessary room for the apparatus and men with offices, recreation & bunk rooms, and a
banquet hall. The two old buildings were then razed for parking.
The sixties and seventies brought more modern fire apparatus. A 1966 Mack engine
replaced the ’47 Seagrave, and a 1969 Brockway replaced the ’54 Dodge in 1971. A 1973
Boston Whaler power boat and ’73 Chevy pick-up truck were purchased after Tropical Storm
Agnes wreaked havoc on the east coast in 1972. After about a year the boat was sold when it
was realized that it was not needed. In 1978, an additional engine (‘78 Seagrave) was
purchased with a new lime green/yellow color scheme and the ambulances became modern
Paramedic (medic) units.
By 1980, women were finally accepted as regular members of AVFD although it was not
without a fight. Many believed strongly that women had no place in the firehouse but the
ladies have competently filled nearly every position at AVFD since then and to this day the
Department still boasts a higher than average percentage of female members.
The 1966 Mack engine was replaced with a ’87 Hahn and that was replaced with a 1999
Pierce. A ‘97 Pierce replaced the 1978 Seagrave, which was nearly identical to the ’99
Pierce. The 1969 Brockway Rescue Squad was replaced by a ’93 Spartan and the medic
units were now state of the art Advanced Life Support units on heavy duty Ford and GMC
chassis. With the new ’93 Spartan squad came the return of a red over white paint scheme
which would again become the standard.
Once again in 1995, the age limit was lowered from 18 to 16 with parental consent. The
following year AVFD became a specialized company in Swift Water Rescue. The 1988 Ford
medic that had been replaced was redesignated as a Swift Water Rescue Response Unit.
In 1990 the Ladies Auxiliary had again disbanded but a group of ladies revived the
Auxiliary in 1997 and opened it up to male and female members. In 1998 they made a
presentation of new Holmatro rescue tools (jaws of life) to replace the 1970’s era Hurst
system. They would continue to work hand in hand with the AVFD raising funds to purchase
needed equipment for AVFD.
An ambitious plan to add much needed space to the station commenced on January 17,
2004 when Arbutus native, Gov. Robert Ehrlich and Comptroller/Former Gov. William
Donald Shaeffer were amongst the dignitaries who helped break ground on a building
addition. Phase I of the project added a three story addition to the south side of the existing
building with three additional bays, large dormitory areas, meeting rooms, and a working
brass slide pole from the closed station of Baltimore City FD E-24. The Department moved
in on October 7, 2005 and an official dedication was held on April 30, 2006.
The 1998 Ford/Horton Medic-356 was transitioned into a more reliable Swiftwater
Rescue Unit (SU-359) when a new 2007 GMC Topkick/Horton was ordered as a replacement
for M-356.
The Department is proud to work with a diverse membership of over 240 members. The
largest of any volunteer department in Baltimore County. In part, this can be attributed to a
partnership with neighboring University of Maryland Baltimore County that allows us to
welcome students from across the U.S. as well as international students.
AVFD is approaching its 75th anniversary of commitment to the community. Through
the efforts of the membership, the Department has reached an enviable position among the
volunteer fire companies of Baltimore County.
Engine 351: 1999 Pierce 1250 GPM Pumper
Engine 352: 1997 Pierce 1250 GPM Pumper
Utility 353: N/A
Squad 354: 1993 American Fire & Rescue w/Spartan Chassis
Medic 355 2001 Horton/Ford Type I Ambulance
Medic 356: 2007 Horton/GMC Type I Ambulance
Utility 357: 2009 Chevrolet 3500 Pickup with Utility Body
Utility 358: 2010 Chevrolet Suburban
Special Unit 359: 1999 Horton/Ford Type I Ambo, (Swift Water Rescue Vehicle)
Boat 350: 1992 Zodiac (15’-4” inflatable)
1996 Seaworthy (11’-9” inflatable)
1997 Zodiac (15’-5” inflatable)
Ca t eg o ry
Ca t eg o ry
Total Calls
Response Ratio
1504 1357 1465 1434 1676 2119 1975 2121 2279 2335 2137
1773 1727 1645 1768 1989 2170 2004 2174 2345 2607 2596
8 4 .8 % 7 8 .6 % 8 9 .1 % 8 1 .1 % 8 4 .3 % 9 7 .6 % 9 8 .6 % 9 7 .6 % 9 7 .2 % 8 9 .6 % 8 2 .3 %
Total Calls
Response Ratio
1077 1223 1156 1121
1086 1131
1152 1037 1022 1124 1282 1244 1250
8 5 .1 % 8 4 .6 % 9 0 .7 % 8 6 .7 % 8 8 .5 % 9 4 .4 % 9 7 .3 % 9 5 .8 % 9 5 .4 % 9 2 .9 % 8 9 .7 %
Station Totals
Response Ratio
2428 2314 2369 2292 2695 3098 2969 3198 3627 3491 3258
2859 2858 2642 2758 3141 3207 3026 3298 3502 3951 3846
8 4 .9 % 8 1 .0 % 8 9 .7 % 8 3 .1 % 8 5 .8 % 9 6 .6 % 9 8 .1 % 9 7 .0 % 9 6 .6 % 8 8 .4 % 8 4 .7 %
The AVFD encourages all of its members to cross-train in Firefighting, Rescue, EMS, and Swift
Water Rescue. We recognize that some members will desire to become proficient in all disciplines.
Although we encourage this we also realize this is not always practical for everyone for various reasons.
At the minimum we require everyone who rides to have basic knowledge and training in both EMS and
Firefighting. The reason for this is that in today's emergency situations EMS personnel may find
themselves in a hazardous situation requiring basic Firefighting skills and vice versa for the firefighter.
There are several classes which are required to be taken each year to continue to function on the
apparatus. Everyone who wishes to ride the apparatus must recertify every year in the following areas:
A. SARA III Hazardous Material Operations Level training
B. Blood Borne Pathogens
C. CPR (Bi-annual)
D. National Incident Management System (NIMS) Compliant
Listed below are the various training levels and the associated pre-requisites:
Must be a member.
Must have completed Firefighter I
Refer to AVFD Swift Water Rescue SOPs
Must be a member.
Must be at least 18 years old.
Must have been a cleared EMS Provider for at least six (6) months.
Must have been a member for one (1) year or have taken at least 150 calls.
Must be at least 18 years old.
Must have been a cleared EMS Provider for at least one (1) year or have taken 150
Must be approved by First Lieutenant EMS.
Must be at least 18 years old
Must have been a cleared EMS Provider for at least one (1) year or have taken 150
Must be approved by First Lieutenant EMS.
The following information has been provided to assist personnel in getting cleared to ride and
operate AVFD equipment. The First Lieutenant Suppression shall be the final approving authority for
personnel who desire to operate on Engine 351 and 352. The First Lieutenant Rescue shall be the final
approving authority for personnel who desire to operate on Squad 354. In the absence of a First
Lieutenant Rescue the First Lieutenant Suppression shall assume the duties. The Swift Water Rescue
Team Administrator shall be the final approving authority for personnel who desire to operate on the
Swift Water Rescue Team. The First Lieutenant EMS shall be the final approving authority for
personnel who desire to operate on Ambulance 355/6. The Captain or his appointed Driver Training
officer shall be the final approving authority for personnel who desire to drive AVFD apparatus.
These requirements have been developed and approved by the officers of the AVFD. Personnel
who have questions on any of the criteria listed may ask any officer for an explanation.
Upon completion of the requirements stated below the Observers helmet will indicate
Observer status through a orange shield.
Must have completed inventories on 351, 352, and 354 and insure that they are in
their personnel file.
Must be enrolled in a Firefighter I class or have Firefighter I or equivalent from
another company.
Must demonstrate knowledge of operations of Humat valve and wrapping the
Must have a basic understanding of the Incident Management System (IMS).
Must demonstrate knowledge of donning and using SCBA.
Must understand their role on the fire scene:
1. Primarily stay with the Pump operator.
2. The officer is the one in charge.
3. Not allowed to perform interior Firefighting.
Must locate and demonstrate operation of the following equipment on both engines
and squad including but not limited to:
1. Lights: Handlights, Floodlights
2. Electric Generator
3. Hand tools i.e. shovels, brooms
4 . To o l b o x
5. Foam and foam applicator (engines only)
6. Smoke ejectors i.e, negative/positive pressure fans
Turnout gear must consist of approved Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) as
outlined in Section 4.4.
Must be capable of performing daily maintenance checks on engines and squad
(excluding Driver functions).
Shall be capable of answering the House Set properly & efficiently.
Must have initiated current Hazardous Material Operations training.
Must have current CPR certification.
Must have current Blood Borne Pathogens training.
Must have started Hepatitis B series inoculation or have release form signed and on
record in personnel folder.
Must complete a Proficiency Checkoff sheet and have it signed off by an officer.
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by a Lieutenant the
Firefighter Observer shall be approved to perform exterior Firefighting activities
only. After completion of Firefighter I or above the Observer Firefighter may
perform interior Firefighting activities under the direct supervision of the
Engine/Squad Lieutenant.
Must have ridden as a observer for at least 10 calls.
Must have completed FFI or equivalent.
Must understand the Incident Management System.
Must understand electrical setup on generators (15 amp and 20 amp circuits, 120 and
240 volt systems)
Must demonstrate the proper procedure for filling SCBA bottles off of both the inhouse stationary and Squad Cascade system.
Must have completed Hazardous Material Operations training.
Must have current CPR certification.
Must have current Blood Borne Pathogens training.
Must have completed NIMS requirements per Baltimore County Fire Department.
Must have completed Hepatitis B series inoculation or have release form signed and
on record in personnel folder.
Must complete a Proficiency Check-off sheet and have it signed off by an officer.
Must have been issued approved Personal Accountability Tags.
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by a Lieutenant the
Firefighter shall be approved to perform all aspects of Firefighting on the Engine and
Squad. NOTE: A separate check-off sheet must be completed for the Engine and
Must be an EMT or above and cleared at least as an observer on the ambulance.
Must already be cleared as a Firefighter on Engines and Squad.
Must have completed a Basic Rescue class of at least 50 hours which is equivalent to
MFRI Rescue Technician.
Must demonstrate use of tools carried on Squad including but not limited to the
Hydraulic system to include: Cutters, Spreaders, Rams, & PPU
Saws (electric & gas)
Air Bag system (Med. & High)
Fuels (types)
Portable generators (electric and hydraulic)
Multi-Gas Monitor
Must understand and be capable of explaining the various electrical configurations
on the Squad to include main electric reels, junction boxes, electrical appliances, etc.
Must demonstrate knowledge of equipment carried on the boat and how to launch it.
Must have current Hazardous Material Operations training.
Must have current CPR certification.
Must have current Blood Borne Pathogens training.
Must have completed NIMS requirements per Baltimore County Fire Department.
Must have completed Hepatitis B series inoculation or have release form signed and
on record in personnel folder.
Must complete a Proficiency Checkoff sheet and have it signed off by an officer.
Must have been issued approved Personal Accountability Tags.
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by a Lieutenant the Rescue
Technician shall be approved to perform all aspects of rescue operations on the
Engine and Squad. For those who are not an EMT they may be cleared as a Reserve
Rescue Technician.
Refer to Swift Water Rescue SOPs
Must have completed inventories on 355 and 356 and insure that they are in their
personnel file.
Must be an EMT-B or enrolled in an EMT-B class.
Must locate the following equipment on both ambulances including but not limited
t o:
Immobilization Kit
Cardiac Monitor
ET Kit
Pediatric Bag
Medical bags
MAST (Adult and Peds)
Suction (Portable and Stationary)
Oxygen (Portable and Stationary) & Spare Bottles
Must be capable of obtaining vitals i.e., BP, Pulse, Respiration, Pulse Oximetry.
Gear must consist of approved Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) as outlined in
Section 4.4.
Must demonstrate proper performance of daily equipment checks on Ambulances
(excluding Driver functions).
Must demonstrate the proper procedures for using Oxygen Cascade system.
Must demonstrate proper use of SCBA.
Shall be capable of answering the House Set properly & efficiently.
Must have initiated Hazardous Material Operations training.
Must have current CPR certification.
Must have current Blood Borne Pathogens training.
Must have started Hepatitis B series inoculation or have release form signed and on
record in personnel folder.
Must complete a Proficiency Check-off sheet and have it signed off by an EMS
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by an EMS Lieutenant the
Ambulance Observer shall be approved to perform supervised EMS care.
Must have completed EMT-B or higher.
Must have taken at least 10 calls and have been the primary care provider on at least
5 calls or be a Aid-person from another Baltimore County Fire Company.
Must demonstrate knowledge of setting up IV line, nebulizers, etc.
Must demonstrate knowledge of 800 MHz radio operations and procedures.
Must demonstrate knowledge of KDT operations.
Must be capable of reading map books.
Must understand Baltimore County IMS policy i.e.; Strike Teams, Task Forces, and
Medical Sectors on large incidents.
Must understand all Medical forms associated with the Medic units i.e.; Refusals,
Must have current Hazardous Material Operations training.
Must have current CPR certification.
Must have current Blood Borne Pathogens training.
Must have completed NIMS requirements per Baltimore County Fire Department.
Must be progressing through getting Hepatitis B series inoculation or have release
form signed and on record in personnel folder.
Must complete a Proficiency Check-off sheet and have it signed off by an officer.
Must have been issued approved Personal Accountability Tags.
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by an EMS Lt. the Aid
Provider shall be approved to perform all aspects of EMT-B skills on all apparatus.
3.7 IVT
Must be cleared by the Baltimore County Fire Rescue Academy. Letter stating same
must be in personnel folder.
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by an EMS Lieutenant the
Aid Provider shall be approved to perform all aspects of IVT skills on all apparatus.
Must be a Maryland certified EMT-I
Must arrange “ride-a-longs” with EMS-2 and provide a copy of the letter from EMS2 recommending clearance to function independently.
Must be cleared by Baltimore County Fire Academy
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by the First Lieutenant EMS
the Aid Provider shall be approved to perform all aspects of EMT-I skills on all
Must be a Nationally registered EMT-P
Must be a Maryland certified EMT-P
Must be cleared by Baltimore County Fire Academy
Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by the First Lieutenant EMS
the Aid Provider shall be approved to perform all aspects of Paramedic skills on all
A.) General Guidelines for all drivers:
1. Must be at least 19 years of age with three years driving experience and then only
after being approved by the Captain or his designee.
2. A current copy of United States Driver’s record (less than 1 year old prior to
starting driver training) must be on file indicating two points or less and no
convictions within the previous twelve months.
3. Photocopy of Drivers license must be in AVFD records.
4. The following order will be used when clearing drivers:
a. Utilities & EMS Supervisor vehicle non-emergency
b. Emergency driver on Ambulances, Special Unit, and Utilities
c. Emergency driver on Ambulances, Special Unit and Utility with the Boat.
d. Engine 351 and/or 352
e. Squad 354
f. The order of driving 351/2/4 may be revised as determined by the Driver
Training officer.
5. Criteria for driving each piece of equipment is as follows:
B.) Utility & EMS Supervisor vehicle non-emergency:
1. Must have working knowledge of 800 MHz radio.
2. Must have working knowledge of lights and siren.
3. Must complete approved AVFD Driver training program including but not limited
t o:
a. 4x4 Operations
b. Parallel parking on both sides
c. Backing up using only the mirrors
d. Manipulation through a serpentine
e. Road course
4. Must demonstrate familiarity of first due area (35 Box area)
5. Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by any Lieutenant the
driver shall be approved to drive in non-emergency situations.
C.) Ambulances:
1. Must be a cleared Aid person. The Captain retains the authority to waive this
requirement for members who are First Responders where clearing these members
is in the best interest of the department using the following guidelines:
a. Any member who is at least twenty-five (25) years of age and has at least
five active years in the AVFD may request an exemption to the EMT
requirement to drive the medics as long as the following conditions are
- Member must have been active for at least the previous two years
- Member must be knowledgeable on the type and location of equipment
carried on the medic unit. The existing EMS Observer clearance
process shall be used.
- Member must be cleared as at least a Firefighter and Reserve Rescue
- Member must request, to the Captain in writing, an exemption to the
existing policy, along with a justification under one or more of the
following conditions:
Member attempted to take EMT at least twice.
Member’s work schedule will not support taking EMT
Member’s personal/family situation will not support them taking
Any other extenuating circumstances.
b. When responding on a call they must be accompanied by at least one cleared
EMT and a First Responder per MIEMSS. The driver may fulfill the First
Responder requirement. The unit may respond as a first responder as long
as there is at least one cleared EMT onboard i.e. the attendant is a cleared
EMT although the Driver is not a First Responder.
2. Must demonstrate knowledge of how to locate the following hospitals from
locations within the second battalion:
St Agnes
Bon Secours
Northwest Medical Center
Shock Trauma
Key Burn Center
Union Memorial/Curtis Hand
John Hopkins/Peds Trauma/Eye Trauma
3. Must demonstrate knowledge of streets within the 35 box areas.
4. Must demonstrate knowledge to perform daily Drivers maintenance checks.
5. Must complete approved AVFD Driver training program including but not limited to:
a. In-station course-work
b. Parallel parking on both sides
c. Backing up using only the mirrors
d. Manipulation through a serpentine
e. Road Course
6. Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by the designated EMS
Driver Training Officer the prospective driver shall progress through the final
stages of driver training as outlined below:
a. Cleared Non-emergency with another driver. This shall be understood
that the prospective driver may only drive in a non-emergency situation
and then only with another cleared driver for that piece of apparatus.
b. Cleared Emergency with another driver. This shall be understood to mean
that the prospective driver may drive in an emergency situation if and
only if another cleared driver for that piece of apparatus is sitting in the
right front seat and available to fulfill the role of driver if the situation
dictates. For the purpose of calling out on the radio the cleared driver
may be counted towards the complement needed to make a full crew as
long as the level is not any higher then if the cleared driver was driving.
Driver may function independently for “out of service” details.
Example: If the cleared driver is an ALS provider and the driver trainee
is an EMT-B they shall call out as an IV. If the cleared driver is an
EMT-B and the driver trainee is an ALS provider then they may call out
as a Medic if the call warrants a medic response.
c. Cleared Emergency Driver: This shall be understood to mean that the
prospective driver may drive in any emergency situation without
requiring another driver to be onboard. Once a member is cleared to
drive the medic units they may also be cleared to drive the Utilities and
Swift Water Rescue vehicle as long as they are cleared to function as
part of the Swift Water Rescue Team.
D.) Utility, Ambulances, or Special Unit with the boat in tow:
1. Must be a team member trained to at least the Awareness level
2. Must demonstrate knowledge of streets within the 35 box areas.
3. Must demonstrate knowledge to perform daily Drivers maintenance checks.
4. Must demonstrate proficiency in operating vehicle with boat in tow.
5. Must complete approved AVFD Driver training program including but not
limited to:
a. Backing up using only the mirrors
b. Manipulation through a serpentine
c. Road Course
6. Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by the Driver Training
Officer the prospective driver shall progress through the final stages of driver
training as outlined below:
a. Cleared Non-emergency with another driver. This shall be understood to
mean that the prospective driver may only drive in a non-emergency
situation and then only with another cleared driver for that piece of
b. Cleared Emergency with another driver. This shall be understood to mean
that the prospective driver may drive in an emergency situation if and
only if another cleared driver for that piece of apparatus is sitting in the
front right seat and available to fulfill the role of driver if the situation
dictates. The cleared driver does not need to stay with the unit once on
the scene. For the purpose of calling out on the radio the cleared driver
shall be counted towards the complement needed to make a full crew.
Driver may function independently for “out of service” details.
c. Cleared Emergency Driver: This shall be understood to mean that the
prospective driver may drive in any emergency situation without
requiring another cleared driver to be onboard.
E .) E n g i n e 3 5 1 / 3 5 2 a n d S q u a d 3 5 4 :
1. Must be at least 21 years of age.
2. Must have completed Firefighter I (Engine and Squad) and be a cleared Rescue
Technician (Squad only).
3. Must have completed an approved pumps course. (Engine Only)
4. Must have a Class B Non-commercial Drivers license or better. May begin driver
training on a Class B Non-commercial Learners permit.
5. Must demonstrate knowledge to perform daily Drivers maintenance checks.
6. Must demonstrate knowledge of performing DOT pre-inspection/checks.
7. Must complete approved AVFD Driver training program including but not limited
t o:
a. Parallel parking on both sides
b. Backing up using only the mirrors
c. Manipulation through a serpentine
d. Road Course
8. Upon completion of the above criteria and as approved by the Driver Training
Officer the prospective driver shall progress through the final stages of driver
training as outlined below:
a. Cleared Non-emergency with another driver. This shall be understood to
mean that the prospective driver may only drive in a non-emergency
situation and then only with another cleared driver for that piece of
b. Cleared Emergency with another driver on the Engines. This shall be
understood to mean that the prospective driver may drive in an
emergency situation if and only if another cleared driver for that piece of
apparatus is sitting in the front right seat and available to fulfill the role
of driver if the situation dictates. The cleared driver shall stay with the
driver trainee to ensure the trainee’s skills are performed without
incident. For the purpose of calling out on the radio the cleared driver
shall not be counted towards the complement needed to make a full
crew. Driver may function independently for “out of service” details
without requiring another driver to be onboard.
c. Cleared Emergency with another driver on the Squad. This shall be
understood to mean that the prospective driver may drive in an
emergency situation if and only if another cleared driver for that piece of
apparatus is sitting in the front right seat and available to fulfill the role
of driver if the situation dictates. The cleared driver does not need to
stay with the driver trainee during the incident. For the purpose of
calling out on the radio the cleared driver shall be counted towards the
complement needed to make a full crew. Driver may function
independently for “out of service” details without requiring another
driver to be onboard.
d. Cleared Emergency Driver: This shall be understood to mean that the
prospective driver may drive in any emergency situation without
requiring another cleared driver to be onboard.
3.11 OFFICERS: The goal of these standards for officers of the AVFD is, ultimately, to help
ensure a quality cadre of officers. The function of these officers is not solely, nor even
primarily, to provide leadership on emergency incidents. This is definitely an important
function, but the larger responsibility being entrusted to these officers is the day to day
running and management of the department, to include leadership, training, discipline,
motivation and guidance of its current and future members. To this end, the purpose of these
standards is to provide a guideline to the Board of Directors in choosing good candidates.
To that end, the Board retains the right to grant exception or exemption from one or more
particular requirements, on a case by case basis, at its sole discretion. All officers should
possess the following knowledge, abilities and skills:
The candidate should have considerable knowledge of Fire / Rescue / EMS
principles, practices, methods, techniques and equipment;
Basic knowledge of the principles and practices of leadership, training, and
Basic knowledge of relevant laws, rules, and regulations;
Basic knowledge of Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman’s Association and the
Baltimore County Fire Department Organizational structure as it relates to the
officer position;
Ability to assign, train, supervise and evaluate the work of members within the
Ability to apply principles, practices, methods and techniques to their assigned
di vi s i on;
Ability to analyze situations, problems, and data of average difficulty and use
good judgment in decision making;
Ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with superiors,
subordinates and the public.
Operations: The day to day running of the department, in fulfillment of our
m i s s i on.
Operations Officers: Line Officers and Adjunct Officers appointed by the Board
of Directors to handle Operations.
Line Officers: The ranks of Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Senior First
Lieutenant, and Capitan shall constitute the ranks of Line Officers of the AVFD,
and form the linear backbone of the Chain of Command. These officers shall
have demonstrated an ability to function as part of the BCoFD system, and to
work as part of that team on emergency incidents. They shall identify
themselves by their rank as appropriate on emergency incidents, and wear the
appropriately colored helmet.
Adjunct Officers: These are positions of responsibility and/or authority within
the department that are NOT directly in the chain of command. These positions
include Maintenance, Training, Safety, and Driver Training among others.
These positions may be combined, added to or eliminated by the Board at its
discretion. Qualifications for these positions may be in place of or addition to
other officer position standards. An adjunct officer shall wear a yellow helmet,
and shall only act as an officer on emergency scenes if qualified to do so under
the existing AVFD Acting Officer standards.
Acting Officers: Persons who have met the training and experience standards of
the command staff of the AVFD, and have been cleared to function as the
officer in charge on an emergency incident. They shall refer to themselves as
Acting Lieutenant on emergency scenes and wear yellow helmets.
Team Leaders: Individuals who have shown a motivation and willingness to do
more for the AVFD and are given responsibility for a particular task or area. A
Team Leader is appointed (or removed) at the discretion of the Captain or his
designee. A team leader is not in the chain of command, and their authority is
limited to their particular task or area of responsibility.
LOSAP: The LOSAP point system is used by the Board to help evaluate some
of the past performances of potential officers. The past excuses of “I never
remember to fill my LOSAP sheet out” will no longer be acceptable. If a
candidate cannot be relied upon to adequately document their own performance
and maintain their own paperwork, they cannot be reasonably expect to be
entrusted with completing, handling, and maintaining the appropriate
documentation and paperwork of the AVFD.
Grandfathering: The practice of grandfathering persons into previously held
positions is now strongly discouraged, as there has been ample time for affected
parties to obtain the appropriate training or certification. Members who last
held an officer’s position more than 5 years ago are now ineligible for
A.) Minimum Qualifications for Acting Officer:
1. Active service (50 LOSAP Points) with AVFD during the previous year.
2. Must be a Regular or have been a Member of another company for a minimum of
one (1) year
3. Current CPR certification
4. Current Blood Bourne Pathogens
5. Current Hazmat Ops
6. Any other requirement as outlined in the AVFD Bylaws, or the BCVFA Bylaws
7. Cleared EMT-B
8. Cleared FF II with Professional Qualifications
9. Cleared Rescue Technician with Professional Qualifications
10. Completion of the AVFD IMS / Acting Officer program or completion of Fire
Officer I with Professional Qualifications and successfully pass the Acting
Officer’s test/evaluation
B.) Minimum Qualifications for 2nd Lieutenants:
1. 50 LOSAP Points within the previous 12 months.
2. At Least 50 emergency calls (not standbys) within the previous 24 months.
Exceptions will be considered for career experience on a case by case basis.
3. Cleared emergency driver on the Utilities and Medics.
4. Two (2) hours of Diversity/Harassment training within the past five (5) years or
completion of the Advanced Leadership Development Course (ALD) or its
5. Completion of 10 hours of Company Level training in the past 12 months, either
attended or taught.
6. Any other requirement as outlined in the AVFD Bylaws or the BCVFA Bylaws
7. Additional Qualifications for EMS:
Minimum age of 19 years
Must be a Regular Member
Cleared Aid Provider, with a minimum of 25 calls as such within the
previous 12 months.
Cleared IVT (preferred)
EMS Officer I/ Fire Officer I Preferred
8. Additional Qualifications for Suppression:
Minimum age of 21 years
Must be a Regular Member
Cleared Acting Officer or above for at least six (6) months
Fire Officer I with Professional Qualifications
Cleared Rescue Technician
Cleared Driver with the boat in tow
Cleared Driver on Engines (preferred)
At least 25 responses on E351/352 in the previous 12 months.
9. Additional Qualifications for Rescue:
Minimum age of 21 years
Must be a Regular Member
Cleared Acting Officer or above for at least one (1) year
Cleared Rescue Technician
Fire Officer I with Professional Qualifications
At least 15 responses on S354 in the previous 12 months.
Successful completion of the Fire Officer I course
Cleared Driver with the boat in tow
Cleared Driver on Squad (preferred)
10. Qualifications for Maintenance:
The Maintenance officer only needs to meet the minimum riding
qualifications of 2nd Lieutenants if he/she is a riding member.
Cleared driver on all apparatus
Knowledgeable on equipment Maintenance
Knowledgeable on DOT Inspection and Maintenance procedures
11. Qualifications for Training:
Must meet minimum qualifications for 2nd Lt. Suppression or 2nd Lt. Rescue
Instructor I
Incident Safety Officer Class
12. Qualifications for Safety
Must meet minimum qualifications for 2nd Lt. Suppression or 2nd Lt. Rescue
Incident Safety Officer Class
One year experience as a Fire / Rescue Officer
Cleared Driver of all AVFD apparatus (preferred)
Health and Safety Officer (preferred)
13. Qualifications for Driver Training:
Must meet minimum qualifications for 2nd Lt. Suppression or 2nd Lt. Rescue
Cleared Driver of all AVFD apparatus
Three years experience as a Driver on all apparatus
Emergency Vehicles Operators Course (EVOC)
Instructor I (preferred)
C.) Minimum Qualifications for 1st Lieutenants:
1. Must have seventy-five (75) LOSAP Points with AVFD during the previous year.
2. Must have completed 50 emergency calls in the previous 12 months.
3. Two (2) hours of Diversity/Harassment training completed in the last five (5)
years or completion of the Advanced Leadership Development Course (ALD)
or its equivalent.
4. Four (4) hours of leadership training completed in the last five (5) years or
completion of the Advanced Leadership Development Course (ALD) or its
5. Incident Safety Officer certification (preferred)
6. Completion of 20 hours of Company level training in the previous 12 months,
either attended or taught.
7. Additional Qualifications for EMS:
Need to meet minimum standards for 2nd Lt. EMS
Completed one full year as a 2nd Lt. or above in the last five (5) years
Cleared ALS Provider (Preferred)
Fire Officer I with Professional Qualifications or EMS Officer I
8. Additional Qualifications for Suppression:
Need to meet minimum standards for 2nd Lt. Suppression/Rescue
Completed one full year as a 2nd Lt. or above in the last five (5) years
Certified Fire Officer I with Professional Qualifications.
Cleared Driver on all heavy equipment (preferred)
9. Additional Qualifications for Rescue:
Need to meet minimum standards for 2nd Lt. Suppression/Rescue
Completed one full year as a 2nd Lt. or above in the last five (5) years
Certified Fire Officer I with Professional Qualifications.
Cleared Driver on all heavy equipment (preferred)
10. Additional Qualifications for SRT Administrator:
Completed one full year as a Team Leader or above in the last five (5) years
Cleared SRT-A
Cleared operator on all SRT equipment
D.) Minimum Qualifications for Chief Officers:
1. Fire Officer I with Professional Qualifications required.
2. Fire Officer II (preferred)
3. Must have completed 20 hours of Company level training in the last 12 months,
either attended or taught.
4. Qualifications for Senior 1st Lieutenant:
Must have seventy-five (75) LOSAP Points during the previous year.
Completed one full year as a 1st Lt. or above in the last five (5) years.
Must meet minimum standard for 1st Lt. Suppression and/or Rescue.
Cleared Driver on all Apparatus.
Two (2) hours of Diversity/Harassment training in the last two (2) years or
completion of an Advanced Leadership Development Course (ALD) or its
Four (4) hours of leadership training completed in the last two years
5. Qualifications for Captain:
Must have seventy-five (75) LOSAP Points during the previous year.
Completed one (1) full year as 1st Lt or above in the last five (5) years.
Must meet minimum standard for 1st Lt. Suppression and/or Rescue.
Two (2) hours of Diversity/Harassment training in the last two (2) years or
completion of a Advanced Leadership Development Course (ALD).
Eight (8) hours of leadership training completed in the last two (2) years.
Fire Officer II (recommended)
The policies of the Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department Incorporated are set forth in its by-laws.
Additional polices can be developed independently by the Captain relating to the Operations side of the
AVFD. The operations side relates to anything having to do with the Radio room, Apparatus room,
Bunkroom, front ramp, and its contents. Additionally the Board of Directors may development policies
relating to the rest of the AVFD property.
The following guidelines are for the efficient operation of the AVFD. Any suggestions for
improvement or questions relating to these guidelines shall be brought up to the Captain.
A.) The duty crews will handle maintenance check sheets.
B.) Upon returning from a call the apparatus shall be "Made Ready" for the next call, which
shall include refueling, cleaning equipment, and tagging all equipment needing repairs.
The apparatus shall be washed after each run if dirty and weather permitting. SCBA
bottles shall not be allowed to drop below 3800 psi.
C.) Upon return from a call, the call information shall be entered into the log book and all
reports (paper work and computer entry) shall be completed in a timely fashion.
D.) MINOR private vehicle maintenance and washing will be permitted in the engine room,
after permission is obtained from an officer or the senior member present. No tools
belonging to the AVFD will be used on private vehicles.
E.) A Fireline officer will be notified of 2nd alarm (or greater) fires, when the AVFD
apparatus is assigned to the incident, if they are not already on the call.
F.) The Captain, and Senior 1st Lieutenant shall be notified about any injury, to any
member, either on the fireground or in the station. The Captain will review all first
report of injury forms, before submission to BCVFA. Injuries, which require the
services of a hospital or doctor, will require a note from the Baltimore County Medical
Facility prior to riding privileges being re-instated.
G.) Whenever the driver of any of our apparatus is backing up there shall be someone to the
rear of the vehicle directing the driver. Drivers are also responsible to see that water
tanks are full, fuel is full, masks are cleaned, hose and tools are back on and the vehicle
is ready for the next response.
H.) The members riding the front seat are responsible for the security of the fire station when
leaving on a call. The bay doors, especially, will be closed before the vehicle leaves the
AVFD ramp. Additionally the bay doors shall remain closed when there are no
personnel in the area.
I.) Horseplay or discrimination of any form in the station or on a call will not be tolerated.
J.) All AVFD members are expected to follow the CHAIN OF COMMAND for any
emergency operations issue. The chain of command is as follows:
Sr. 1st Lieutenant
1 Lieutenant Suppression
1st Lieutenant Rescue
1st Lieutenant EMS
2nd Lieutenants by seniority
Acting Officers by seniority
Paid Drivers
Riding Membership by seniority
Membership by seniority
K.) Members shall not "Free-lance" at the scene of an emergency. They will act on direction
of an Officer. Accountability must be maintained.
L.) Members responding to the scene of an emergency to relieve personnel, upgrade
apparatus, or supply additional personnel, must report their presence to a Company
Officer immediately.
M.) Apparatus Use in Non-Emergency Situations: Apparatus shall only be used for official
Fire Department business which shall include: Training, Committee details, Community
events, Equipment retrieval, Calls, Parades, Public Service, Public Relations, or other
Calamity. The Captain or Senior First Lieutenant shall approve all other uses of
apparatus in advance. Additionally:
1. AVFD apparatus may not be used for "JOY RIDES" or personal convenience.
2. Permission to take apparatus “in the district” shall be approved by the Officer or
senior member present.
3. When using the Utilities the mileage shall be recorded in the logbook provided.
4. When returning the apparatus to the station it shall be parked in the appropriate
5. No apparatus shall be taken out in the community between the hours of 23000600 unless for official fire department business.
6. Utilities 353/7 shall be used for all non-emergency activities. Utility 358 shall
remain at the station for emergency calls. All other uses of the Utilities shall be
cleared through the Duty Officer.
N.) Non-AVFD Members who want to ride apparatus:
1. Baltimore County Fire Department members may function as a firefighter, Rescue
Technician, and/or EMS provider only if the OIC or senior member present is
familiar with their skills.
2. All other personnel must complete the same clearance process as all other
members if they wish to function on the apparatus.
3. Any non-member wishing to function as an observer may sign waivers. The First
Lieutenants and the Captain are the only ones authorized to approve waiver
O.) NO-TOBACCO Policy: The use of any tobacco products in the Arbutus Volunteer Fire
Department or any vehicles titled to the Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department is
P.) Pagers shall only be issued to those members in “Active” status as defined in the Duty
Hour Program section. Pagers shall only be issued by the First Lieutenants or Captain.
Q.) The Paid Drivers shall fall under the direct supervision of the Captain or his/her
designee. All issued related to the Paid driver shall be immediately directed to the
Captain or his/her designee. The Captain shall administer all Paid Driver assignments.
R.) Portable radios shall not be taken off of the apparatus and used for casual monitoring of
calls. Scanners are available in the station and shall be used for monitoring calls.
Portable radios may however be used for training purposes such as listening to consults
with hospitals and brief initial reports.
The Radio Room shall not be used as a social area and shall be kept clear at all times except
for conducting official department business.
A.) The house siren is to be manually activated at the station, ONLY when insufficient
personnel exist, for fire or rescue calls. The medical siren shall no longer be used for
ambulance calls.
B.) The "hook" is to be pulled only ONCE for any FIRE or RESCUE call. It is not to be
pulled during the hours of 2300-0700, for any reason. Telephone or pager contact of
members is to be utilized for additional personnel.
C.) Upon receipt of an assignment from fire dispatch, all personnel are to report quickly and
quietly to the radio room for assignments. The Officer or Senior member present will
assign crews and ensure the radio is answered as quickly as possible.
D.) The only acceptable responses over the house radio are as follows:
1. "Arbutus direct KGC673": When sufficient personnel are available to handle
the call.
2. "Arbutus received CREW KGC673":.If more than one person is needed to
handle the call. This response shall also be used if the Ambulance is due and
there is not at least an ambulance crew available in the station.
3. "Arbutus received *** KGC673": If only one additional person is needed for
the Engine or Squad then for *** indicate Firefighter, Rescue Tech, Driver, or
Officer. If a call is received for a IV or Medic and there is at least a Ambulance
crew available then for *** indicate IVT or ALS Provider.
E.) Teletypes that list hydrants that are out of service in the second battalion shall be placed
on the clipboards in Engine 351 & 352. All other teletypes shall be reviewed by a Line
Officer for distribution or disposal.
A.) Effective May 1, 2008, seatbelt usage is mandatory for all riding positions while any unit
i s i n m ot i on.
B.) Generally speaking the Ambulance/IV/Medic unit will be the first responding unit on
any multi-unit response when it is due on the call.
C.) For Rescue calls the following response order will be used dependent on what
equipment is due on the call:
Ambulance (IV)
D.) The Ambulance shall be taken on all EMS related calls (i.e., First responder, Nonemergency Patient assists) if a minimum crew is available (Driver and cleared Aid
provider). If only a driver is available the Utility shall be used to respond as a First
Responder unit.
E.) For Fire calls where the Engine and Squad are due the engine will respond first then the
Squad. The Squad may be taken first if there is only a Squad crew in the station or at the
discretion of the Officer or Senior member present.
F.) For Fire Rescue boxes it shall be at the discretion of the Officer or Senior member
present. The following factors shall be used to determine the order of equipment
response: time of day, location, day of week, box area, other equipment responding,
personnel available, and type of call.
G.) The Utility shall be used for all Medical Boxes (except highway boxes) in lieu of the
Engine when practical.
H.) The Engine and Squad shall not respond on an emergency incident unless the person in
the front right seat is cleared at the Acting Officer level or above as outlined in Section
3 .1 1 .
I.)The normal crew on an ambulance shall be three. A minimum of two (2) EMTs will
respond on all EMS calls. Additional personnel may be taken based on the discretion of
the officer in charge or Senior member present.
J.) The normal crew on the Squad shall be four qualified personnel (per section 3.3) for any
fire/rescue call. When responding on a rescue call, to include fire-rescue boxes, with
less than four personnel (three of which must be qualified as outline in section 3.3) the
OIC shall call out “Short Crew”. All other calls may be handled with three personnel
without calling out “Short crew”.
K.) A minimum of four qualified personnel (per section 3.4) will respond on any water
rescue call.
L.) All personnel responding on AVFD Apparatus shall wear some form of AVFD
identifying apparel. Jumpsuits are provided in the station for personnel responding on
M.) All drivers operating a piece of AVFD apparatus responding to or returning from an
emergency call, will activate the traffic light device to stop traffic on Southwestern
N.) All drivers operating a piece of AVFD apparatus responding to or returning from an
emergency call or other activity shall be prohibited from using a cellular phone while the
apparatus is in motion.
O.) Personnel with beards, goatees, or excessive facial hair (2 days growth) that impedes the
operation of Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), for safety reasons, are not to
ride or operate any AVFD apparatus. (effective 2220 hrs on 11/15/1989). Further
clarification on this policy may be found in the Baltimore County Fire Department SOPs.
P.) Personnel with long hair (over their collar) will be required to have their hair pinned up
on their head if they want to ride the apparatus. (effective 11/13/1991).
Personal protective equipment (PPE) shall be taken on all calls to include the Ambulances,
Squad, Engines, Utility, and Special Unit. The minimum PPE shall be dependent on the
type of call and shall consist of the following:
Structural Firefighting
Turnout Coat
Bunker Pants
Eye Protection
SCBA Face piece
Eye Protection
Swift Water Rescue
Dry/Wet Suit
Structural Firefighting PPE may be used in place of EMS/Rescue PPE. All incidents
involving damaged, lost, or stolen gear shall be directed to the PPE Officer.
Additionally any questions and/or assignment of gear shall be directed to the PPE
Officer. Below is a detailed description of acceptable PPE:
A.) Helmets:
1. Types:
• An NFPA approved Cairns 1010 shall be the issued helmet to firefighters
• An NFPA approved Cairns 660 shall be the issued helmet to EMS personnel
• Any personal NFPA approved helmet may be worn by AVFD personnel after
approval of the PPE officer for Fire, Rescue, or EMS operations
2. Colors:
• Chief Officers – White
• Captains – Red
• Lieutenants – Blue
o EMS Lieutenants who are cleared to ride the engine/squad although are
not cleared as acting officers shall retain a firefighter’s helmet for use
when riding the engine/squad.
• Firefighters – Yellow or Natural Leather
• EMS – Yellow
• Swift Water Technicians – Yellow
3. Front Shields:
• Front shields are not to be removed from the issued helmet for any reason
• Front shields for firefighter observers shall be orange.
• Front shields for personal helmets shall be approved by the PPE officer
4. Markings and Decals:
• Helmets may be marked with issued and non-issued stickers as long as they
are not of an offensive nature and have been approved by the PPE officer
• All Cairns 660 helmets shall be marked with the member’s rank
B.) Gloves:
1. NFPA approved gloves shall be the issued gloves to firefighters.
2. Rescue Gloves shall be the issued gloves to EMS personnel.
3. Any personal NFPA gloves (firefighting) or Rescue gloves (EMS/Rescue) may
be worn by AVFD personnel after approval of the PPE officer.
C.) Coats and Pants:
1. An NFPA approved Nomex or PBI turnout coat and pants shall be the issued
turnout coat to firefighters.
2. An BCoFD approved “Alternate Response Gear” shall be the issued coat and
pants to EMS personnel
3. Any personal NFPA approved turnout coat and pants may be worn by AVFD
personnel after approval of the PPE officer.
4. Colors:
• Nomex – Yellow
• PBI – Natural
• Alternate Response Gear – Blue
D.) Boots:
1. NFPA approved Black Diamond rubber and leather boots shall be the issued
boots to firefighters.
2. Steel-toed safety shoes shall be issued shoes to EMS personnel.
3. Any personal NFPA approved boots (firefighting) or safety shoe (EMS/Rescue)
may be worn by AVFD personnel after approval of the PPE officer.
E.) Hoods:
1. An NFPA approved Nomex or PBI hood shall be the issued hood of the AVFD.
2. AVFD personnel may wear any personal NFPA approved hood after approval of
the PPE officer.
F.) Eye Protection:
1. ANSI approved safety glasses shall be the issued glasses to all firefighters, EMS
and Rescue personnel.
2. AVFD personnel may wear any personal ANSI goggles/glasses after approval of
the PPE officer.
G.) SCBA Face piece:
1. Scott O-Vista face piece shall be the issued face piece to firefighters who have
been fit tested in accordance BCoFD policies.
2. Personal face pieces shall not be used
3. No alterations, markings, or changes of any kind shall be made to the face piece.
H.) Personal Accountability Tags (PAT):
1. All riding members shall be issued two PATs.
2. Colors:
• Firefighters – White
• EMS only – Blue
• Probationary firefighters – Pink
• Auxiliary - Brown
There are three classes of uniforms namely A, B & C. This policy shall be adhered to, to
ensure uniformity in appearance when representing the AVFD at official fire department
activities. Uniforms shall be worn per the policies outlined below and may be acquired
as defined in the individual sections:
A.) Class A
May only be worn during funerals, parades or other company details as designated
by the Uniform Committee.
Shall consist of coat, trousers, shirt, belt, tie, hat, name plate, hat badge, breast
badge, collar pins, Years of Service Pin, and dress shoes as supplied by the
approved department vendor. Non-permanent accessories shall be attached to the
uniform as follows:
• Name Plate – displayed on right side of shirt
• Breast Badge – displayed on left side of coat, black bands shall only be
worn for line of duty deaths and shall be removed after funeral.
• Collar pins – displayed on shirt collars
• Years of Service Pin – displayed on left sleeve 2-inches above stripe inline with the top of the hand.
Senior officers (Captain, President, First Lieutenants, and Chaplain) shall have
gold buttons, name plate, hat badge, breast badge, and collar pins. All other
officers and members shall have silver. The senior most officer (Captain) shall
have a white hat with gold trim.
All Fireline officers shall wear a white shirt. The only administrative officers to
wear white shirts are the President, Vice-President, and Chaplain, all other
officers and members shall wear blue shirts.
Honor Guard and Life members shall be issued shoulder citation cords.
Permanent members shall be required to pay 50% of the initial cost of the uniform
and the department shall cover the other 50% of the initial cost as permitted in
the annual budget.
Alterations, Care and Maintenance
• Members are responsible for the care and maintenance of their uniforms
and all associated costs.
• When a member is elected or appointed to an office whose uniform
requires gold trim, the company shall bear the cost of hardware
• If an officer is not re-appointed for a subsequent term, the company shall
bear the cost of hardware alterations.
• If an officer is demoted for disciplinary reasons and/or leaves his/her
office prior to the end of their term, the member shall be responsible for
the cost of hardware alterations.
Members shall not wear uniforms for offices, which they are not officially elected
or appointed.
Members shall not wear uniforms that appear to be in an unsatisfactory condition
or are not complete.
B.) Class B:
May be worn during regular duty hours or support activities as designated by the
officer in charge.
Shall consist of pants, shirt, belt, nameplate, breast badge, collar pins, and dress
Senior officers (Captain & First Lieutenants) shall have gold name plate, breast
badge, and collar pins. All other officers and members shall have silver.
All emergency operations officers shall wear white shirts. All other members
shall wear blue shirts. The officer in charge of the activity shall designate short
or long sleeve shirts.
All costs for the purchase, care, and maintenance are the responsibility of the
C.) Class C:
May be worn during regular duty hours or support activities as designated by the
officer in charge. These garments may be worn for social or personal activities,
however, members shall be cautious of their representation of the AVFD.
Consists of any garment bearing the AVFD name and/or logo.
All costs for the purchase, care, and maintenance are the responsibility of the
A.) Affiliation for MIEMSS: The Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services
System (MIEMSS) requires that all persons who wish to gain licensure as a pre-hospital
care provider be affiliated with a company or department that offers Medical Direction.
The AVFD, as part of the Baltimore County Fire Department, does this under the
auspices of the BCoFD Medical Director. The following guidelines shall be followed
prior to any officer granting any new member affiliation:
• BLS affiliation requirements:
The member must be in good standing with the department
Complete the process to be an “Observer” on the ambulance as outlined in
section 3.5
Final approval of an EMS Lieutenant and/or Station Captain
• ALS affiliation requirements:
The member must be in good standing with the department
Complete or be enrolled in an appropriate EMS coursework (EMT-I, CRT,
EMT-P) or seeking reciprocity for Maryland ALS licensure
Complete the process to be an “Aid Provider” on the ambulance as outlined in
section 3.6. This requirement can be waived if member is cleared to function
as an observer and is seeking reciprocity
Meet minimum BCoFD standards for affiliation
Final approval of an EMS Lieutenant and/or Station Captain
These guidelines have been implemented to minimize members from joining the
department and being granted affiliation without demonstrating any commitment to
the department. Members, who become inactive after gaining affiliation, will not
become un-affiliated, unless the First Lieutenant and/or the Captain determine that the
member has no plans to become active again. These guidelines shall only apply to
those members seeking primary affiliation with the AVFD.
B.) Cardiac Monitor:
• The spare Physio Control monitor battery will be kept with the unit.
• The battery shall be rotated as needed.
C.) Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS) Record keeping: The following policy was put
in effect as of 16 December 1991 regarding the proper recording for the CDS stored on
the Medic units.
• The paid employee working, Sunday through Saturday will check the CDS
• All duty crewmembers that check the ambulance on their duty night, are to double
check to see if the logbook is signed and that the CDS is on the ambulances. If
the book is signed off for that day, nothing needs to be added to the book,
however if the logbook is not checked for that day, look to see if the CDS is in the
ambulance and mark off for that day following the same format that is in the
• If there is not a paid employee working any day during the week it is the duty
crew’s responsibility to ensure that it gets checked and logged in the logbook.
• You must be at least an Observer (with a valid EMT card) on the Ambulance to
check the CDS.
The Officer or senior member of the Duty crew is responsible for ensuring that the
CDS check has been performed and that it has been marked off on the ambulance
check sheets.
D.) Attending the Second Medic Unit: Whenever the first ambulance responds on a call, the
second ambulance shall be placed in service with a crew if enough qualified members
are present. A MAIS report will be filled out only if the station is alerted for a standby
crew by dispatch, otherwise a 2nd Medic Standby form will be filed out.
• Call received/dispatch time is the time you called attended. The Back in Station
time is the time the first ambulance calls in service at the station or the time you
get another call.
• Ensure that the correct incident number is entered on the report. This will give
credit to standby members. If more than three (3) members are in the station, list
their names in the Standby section.
• Make a note in the comment section (if a MAIS form is filled out) that this is a
standby at the station.
• The standby personnel must remain at the station for the full standby period.
E.) Crew Responsibilities:
• The Ambulance crew shall be responsible for insuring that upon returning from a
call that the unit is clean inside and out.
• The Medical bag supplies that were used on the call shall be restocked. Portable
oxygen bag shall be refilled if it is below 1000 psi. On board oxygen bottles shall
be refilled if it is below 500 psi.
To Be Inserted
A.) Members who sign up for observer on the ambulance will be required to ride the
ambulance on all responses, unless directed otherwise by an officer or senior member.
B.) Members who sign up for a duty crew are requested to show up at a respectable time and
assist with duty crew responsibilities. Daytime Duty crew’s times are nominally 07001700 hrs and nighttime duty crew times are nominally 1700-0700 hrs. If you are going
to be late, call in and speak with the duty crew officer or senior member.
C.) Uniforms are HIGHLY urged for duty crews. No sweat pants, shorts, ripped or torn
pants. Some type of AVFD apparel is requested, i.e., uniform, tee shirt, sweatshirt, job
D.) Duty crew responsibilities include: apparatus checks, housework details, training, and
uniforms when on duty. Beds are to be stripped in the AM and left in a clean and orderly
manner. Members of the duty crew will have preference in riding the apparatus on their
duty day/night.
E.) Duty crews shall sign up for beds in advance. Members who have signed up in advance
shall have preference for beds and riding assignments. The duty crew officer shall have
the authority to reassign bunks based on the needs of the department. Seniority and
riding status shall be factored into any decision requiring members to be “bumped” from
their bunks. Members are required to use appropriate linen when sleeping in.
F.) Members are encouraged to sleep in the bunkroom whenever possible. Whenever an
event is scheduled on the second floor, those who choose to sleep on the couches shall be
awakened at least one hour prior to the event. Members shall only be awakened under
special circumstances i.e. emergency calls, special functions, etc. otherwise they shall be
permitted to sleep uninterrupted. Consideration shall be given to duty crew activities the
night before including calls.
The Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department (AVFD) has developed a Live-in Program (LIP)
as another means to provide duty crew coverage for emergency calls. The initial proposal
was reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors and the AVFD membership the first
week in December 2005. An integral part of this program is having at least four live-ins who
are available to respond on calls, perform designated house duties, and participate in
fundraising activities in exchange for no-cost rental. There are five parts which govern all
aspects of the programs: General overview; Eligibility and Application process; Program
requirements; Program polices/procedures; and Organization structure. This policy will be
reviewed periodically and changes will be made as the program evolves into an integrated
program within the AVFD.
A.) General Overview:
- The Captain shall oversee the day-to-day activities of the LIP. All participants in the
program shall adhere to the polices and guidelines as promulgated in the AVFD
Membership Handbook, By-Laws, Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman’s
Association, Baltimore County Fire Department, AVFD Membership, or AVFD
Board of Directors.
- The Captain and President shall establish, at the beginning of his/her term, a LIP
Advisory Group which shall consist of two members appointed by the Captain, two
members appointed by the President, and one member appointed by the live-ins.
- A live-in is defined as anyone who resides, or plans to reside, at the station for at least
15 days or nights over the course of the past/next 30 days.
- Any changes to this policy shall be agreed to by the Captain and President before
being implemented.
B.) Eligibility, Applications and Selection Process:
- Minimum eligibility:
o Must be at least 18 years of age.
o Must be a member of the AVFD for at least six months.
o Must be a cleared EMT or Firefighter.
o Must be a cleared Utility driver, or eligible to be cleared once turning 19 years
of age.
o Must be employed at least part-time and/or a full-time student (Breaks in
employment or school will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
Application process:
o Shall submit an application and all appropriate documentation to the LIP
Advisory Group as published on the application.
o Shall be accepted from any member who meets the minimum eligibility
o Shall appear before LIP Advisory group as part of the selection process.
The Live-In Advisory Group will establish a selection schedule based on the needs of
the department. Typically the group will review prospective applicants in February
and August of each year.
The selection process shall use an evaluation criteria which equates to one hundred
points distributed as follows:
o Fire department experience: 10 points maximum (1 point for each year of
AVFD service)
o Activity level: 20 points maximum
Involvement in Fundraisers: 5 points maximum(.5 point for each
fundraiser in the past year)
Training Participation: 5 points maximum (.1 point for each training
hour in the past year)
Involvement in Duty Crews: 10 points maximum (points assigned at
the recommendation of the duty crew officer or Captain)
o Clearance certifications i.e. cleared to function as: 70 points maximum
Firefighter: 5 points
EMS: chose only one certification
• EM T: 1 0 p o i n t s
• IVT: 15 points
• ALS: 25 points
Swift water Rescue Technician: 2 points
Rescue Technician: 4 points
Medic Driver: 10 points
Fire Apparatus Driver/Operator: maximum 14 points
• Engine: 7 points
• Squad: 7 points
Acting Officer: 10 points
All applicants must be able to demonstrate activities for at least the previous six
months. The LOSAP report will be used to verify activity level.
C.) Requirements once accepted into the program:
- Shall commit to duty time at least one month in advance and consist of the following:
o Shall commit to at least twenty (20) duty hours per week. Duty hours are
defined as:
Hours spent attending the ambulance, during which the ambulance
must be in an “attended” status, or;
Hours spent on a regular pre-defined duty crew. Only a single and
repeating duty crew assignment may be used to fulfill this
o Other accommodations may be considered based on the live-ins schedule
although the total number of hours per month shall not be less than 80 hours
(based on 20 hours per week, 52 weeks per year, and 12 months per year
Live in duty hours will be assigned by the live-in committee or the
captain prior to the start of each month.
• Notification of availability for the next month must be
submitted to the captain by the 15th of each month.
• Typically, live-ins will be notified of the schedule on the 20th of
the month prior.
While on the grounds the live-in shall be available to ride or help with other activities
unless other status is posted in the watch room on the live-in status board.
The following house duties shall be divided among the live-ins and shall be
performed as specified below during duty hours:
o Laundry: All AVFD provided bed linen and towels shall be washed, dried,
folded, and stored appropriately.
o Locker room bathrooms and showers shall be cleaned.
o Carpeted areas on the second floor shall be vacuumed.
o Place request for bathroom and other cleaning supplies as necessary to the
House Officer.
o Other duties which the live-ins are expected to assist with during their duty
time include daily duty crew checks (equipment and housework), snow
removal, general cleanups, grass cutting, etc.
o Duties shall be completed by the end of the shift or before 2100hrs, whichever
is first.
o Each Live-in shall coordinate at least one (1) training class every quarter, a
total of four classes per year. These classes may be in Suppression, Rescue,
EMS, or any other fire department related material.
o The Live-in must coordinate all logistics associated with the class to include
scheduling, class props, audio/visual equipment, sign-in roster, etc.
o The date, time, and topic of the training session shall be coordinated with the
department training officer.
Minimum qualifications as specified under eligibility requirements must be
Within one (1) year of acceptance into the program the member shall obtain and be
certified and cleared to function at least as a:
o EM T
o Firefighter
o Utility Driver and Medic Driver (when allowed by age requirements) (Driver
requirements are required within 18 months of acceptance)
D.) Polices and Procedures:
- Fees, Expenses, Services:
o A one-time non-refundable fee of $100 will be required, once accepted into
the program.
o A reoccurring fee of $50 will be assessed to the live-in every year. This fee
will be due within 15 days of the anniversary of the member’s move-in day.
o Live-ins are responsible for physical damage to individual rooms and will be
charged with repairs of same. All Live-ins shall complete and sign a Room
Acceptance Form upon moving into the room. This form will permit the Livein to note any deficiencies to the room or furniture and not be held liable for
these damages upon moving out of the room.
o All Live-ins shall be required to carry insurance to cover personal property
(minimum of $15,000) and liability (minimum of $300,000).
o Fees associated with lost keys and/or services required to re-key a room door
or replacement of a lost/stolen key will be the responsibility of the Live-in.
o The AVFD is not responsible for personal mail. Post Officer Boxes may be
obtained at the Halethorpe Post Office for a fee.
The use of the facilities and equipment is restricted to members; non-members are
prohibited from storing their property or vehicles in or on the fire department
For the purpose of record keeping quarters will be defined as the period from January
1st thru March 31st, April 1st thru June 30th, July 1st thru September 30th, and October
1st thru December 31st.
o Are subject to the same rules as other members in the department.
o Must be escorted while in the building.
o Are only permitted in the building from 0700-2300 unless they functioning as
a ride-along or participating in an official department activity i.e. carnival,
disaster relief, etc and have the permission of the duty officer.
o Only one person may sleep in a room at one time.
Specific rules and regulations:
o Smoking is only permitted in designated smoking areas and is not permitted in
the rooms.
o Excessive noise which disturbs others in the building shall not be permitted.
o Any modifications to the room must be approved by the LIP Advisory Group,
or Captain / President in consultation with the LIP Advisory Group.
o Banners, flags, signs, etc shall not be displayed in the windows in such a
manner as to be viewable from the outside of the building. Any questionable
items shall be reviewed by the LIP Advisory Group.
o Weapons and/or ammunitions shall not be stored within the station.
o No open flames in the rooms
o Pets are not permitted in the rooms. Any exception to this policy must be
requested through the LIP Advisory Group.
o While fulfilling their required duty time they are ineligible for the EMS
incentive funding however they are eligible for the EMS incentive funding
benefit if they are active outside their normal LIP duty time and as approved
by the duty crew officer.
Food and Drinks:
o Food shall be stored in the first floor kitchen area. This is required to
minimize the potential for mice and other bugs in the live-in area.
o A small refrigerator, for storage of personal items (medicines, specialty
foods), may be permitted in the room after approval from the LIP Advisory
Group. If approved the live-in will be responsible for providing the
o Alcohol is not permitted in the rooms.
o Cooking is not permitted in the rooms to include hotplates, microwaves,
toaster ovens, coffee pots, etc.
AVFD apparatus shall not be used as a means of personal transportation.
o Leave in excess of one week shall be coordinated with the House Officer who
shall also advise other members on the LIP Advisory Group.
o Trades may be negotiated to ensure duty crew requirement is met.
o Whenever a member is not available for their set duty time they will be
responsible for securing a fill-in.
o Absences in excess of 1 month in duration shall require the approval of the
LIP Advisory Group and may subject the room being vacated and allocated to
another live-in.
o Extended absences due to injury/illness shall be reviewed by the LIP Advisory
Group. Additional duties must be maintained if live-in in unable to ride
apparatus and may include data entry, errands, housecleaning, additional
fundraising, etc.
Duty Time:
o Each Live-in must meet the minimum number of hours as required for the
normal monthly duty schedule. Under certain conditions the live-in may
petition the LIP Advisory Group to change to an average hourly requirement
per quarter. This approval shall only be approved for a maximum of two
quarters in a calendar year.
o Activities required as part of the LIP are ineligible for LOSAP credit however
any activities above and beyond what is required as part of the LIP are eligible
for LOSAP credit.
o The LOSAP record sheet shall be used to validate activity levels.
o The House Officer shall collect theses sheets at the end of each month and
highlight the activities which were part of the LIP requirements. All other
activities will be eligible for LOSAP credit.
The member shall provide the House Officer with semi-annual updates to their work
and/or school schedule. During other times of the year if there is a major change in
the member’s schedule they shall notify the House Officer.
Rooms Entry and Keys:
o One key will be issued to each live-in and shall not be duplicated.
o Rooms are subject to entry and inspection by the Captain, President, or their
designee with a 24 hour notice. Notice shall be given in written format and left
under the door of the applicable dorm. Additionally at least one attempt will
be made to contact the resident by phone (number listed for emergency
contact). If a room is entered without the Live-in present a notice shall be left
with the date/time entered and purpose. The person entering the room shall
have at least one other member from the LIP Advisory Group or House
Officer present with them unless conditions are extreme enough to prohibit
this. All inspections and non-consented entries will be reported to the Captain,
President, and LIP Advisory Group. Abuse of the inspection policy is a serious
violation of the resident’s right to privacy and right to live peaceably and will
result in disciplinary action as recommended by the Captain, President, or LIP
Advisory Group.
o With the previous statement in mind, an exception will be made if entry into
the room is required in the event of live safety or other extreme emergency.
The live-in shall be notified of entry as soon as practical.
Disciplinary Action:
o All Live-ins shall fall under the same disciplinary polices out outlined in the
AVFD Membership Handbook and Bylaws.
o A progressive disciplinary policy shall be enforced which include written
warning, additional work details, expulsion from the LIP, and official
departmental charges.
o All cases of potential expulsion from the LIP shall be referred to the LIP
Advisory Group for investigation. Once the investigation is complete the
findings shall be reported to the Captain. Situations which could be
considered as grounds for expulsion include but not limited to:
Repeat disciplinary actions
Failure to maintain duty hour requirements
Failure to maintain clearance certifications
Failure to complete duty crew responsibilities
Failure to maintain a clean/sanitary dormitory
Use of alcohol, tobacco products, or any illegal activity in the room
Intentional damage to the room or facilities.
Failure to comply with established Live in Program policies and
Being charged with a felony or misdemeanor.
o If expelled from the LIP the Live-in shall vacate the room within seven days
of official notification in writing.
o Appeals to any expulsion from the LIP shall be submitted to the Board of
Directors in writing within thirty days of the official notification of expulsion.
o If a Live-in is expelled from the LIP any fees paid to the AVFD shall not be
refunded and they shall be prohibited from re-applying in the program for at
least one year from the date of expulsion.
E.) Organizational Structure and Chain Of Command:
- The Captain shall:
o Be responsible for the daily operations and oversight of the LIP.
o Consult with the President on any issues involving disciplinary actions
forwarded by the LIP Advisory Group.
o Review and approve, in conjunction with the President, any policies changes
presented by the LIP Advisory Group.
o Present to the Board of Directors any issues which remain unresolved with the
o Instruct the House Officer to implement any approved changes in the LIP
- The function of the LIP Advisory Group shall be as follows:
o Establish all dates for the selection process
o Receive all applications for the LIP.
o Conduct interviews for potential Live-ins.
o Review at least on a bi-annual basis any new applicants for the program. If
vacancies become available additional reviews may be conducted.
o Recommend those members who have met the minimum qualifications and
are eligible to become live-ins.
o Maintain records of required activities of all Live-ins.
o Recommend to the Captain and/or President any changes to the LIP policies.
o Investigate all matters dealing with potential expulsion of a live-in from the
o The LIP Advisory Group shall designate a Chairman at the beginning of each
new year which shall coincide with the official appointment of new officers as
outlined in the AVFD Bylaws. The Chairman shall present a quarterly report
to the President and Captain on the status of training, duty time, certifications,
fundraising, clearance status, and disciplinary actions of all Live-ins.
o Any member may bring issues/concerns of the Live-in Program to the
attention of the LIP Advisory Group.
o All disciplinary cases involving Live-ins shall be investigated by the LIP
Advisory Group and a report shall be provided to the President and Captain
within 30 days from initial notification to the LIP Advisory Group.
o Perform and provide an inspection report prior to a live-in moving in and upon
a live-in vacating the room.
The function of the House Officer shall be:
o To oversee the daily operations of the LIP as directed by the Captain and
ensure all Live-In responsibilities are completed according to the established
o Present a monthly report on the status of training, duty time, certifications, and
clearance status to the LIP Advisory Group.
o Address any immediate concerns of the Live-Ins.
o Refer all matters involving potential violations of the program policies to the
LIP Advisory Group for investigation.
o Participate in room inspections as required.
o Ensure adequate supplies are available for housekeeping.
Board of Directors
Live-In Program Advisory Group
House Officer
Live-In Program Organizational Structure
The ethics policy of a company describes the conduct permissible and impermissible by
members or governing bodies within the organization, based consistency with the social
contract or basic rules of society that lie outside of government control. AVFD may
discipline or restrict from membership, any member for criminal or civil wrongs, separately
from those of local, state, federal, and international legal bodies. The company may issue
departmental charges upon receipt of formal grievance by any member, for any of the
A.) Respect: AVFD is entitled to discipline or restrict personnel from membership for
wrongs of respect to the AVFD or its members.
1. Members of the Arbutus Volunteer Fire Department Incorporated shall at all times,
regardless of whether the member is off duty and not identifying themselves as a
member, present themselves in a manner that upholds the reputation of the AVFD,
including but not limited to:
a. Convey respect for the public and for all fellow members who have pledged
commitment to AVFD and its honorable mission;
b. Not use profane or obscene language in the firehouse or otherwise operating as an
official representative of the department
c. Be mindful of personal presentation and use a well groomed, neat appearance;
d. Uphold the law and policies of the AVFD, report violations of AVFD policy by
members, and encourage others to do the same.
2. Members shall never commit any federal, state, local criminal offenses which may
compromise the reputation of the company or its members. Members must report any
criminal charges, excluding minor vehicle violations, to the president or president’s
designee. Being found guilty of any of these criminal acts can result in company
3. Members shall not lie or use of deception of any kind, particularly in the
documentation of duties or when serving as witness in an investigation.
4. No member shall make false written or spoken statement that are potential defamatory
or damaging to the character or wellbeing of any individual member or could
compromise the reputation of the company.
B.) Duty: As a public service oriented organization with certified and licensed professionals,
the AVFD is accountable to ensuring members adhere to required safety and procedural
guidelines and mandates of governing bodies and the accrediting institutions of those
1. Members shall take no action (misfeasance) or inaction (nonfeasance), or otherwise
behave in a manner that is inconsistent with an approved procedure or practice of a
similarly trained professional under the same circumstances. This includes negligent
or abusive handling of company funds or equipment.
2. Members shall remain mindful to safety of self, fellow members, and the public, at all
times, avoiding and reporting activity or conditions that might contribute
unnecessarily to injury or illness. There is to be no horseplay of any kind in the
C.) Confidentiality: AVFD requires all members to understand and promote confidentiality,
of patients and of fellow members, consistent with the expectation of positions of public
1. Members, who in the performance of duties, become privileged to individually
identifiable health information, employment information, or other departmental
information regarding an incident, investigation, litigation, or other business practice;
shall uphold the federal, state, and local laws that govern protection of that
information. Individually identifiable health information, including demographic
information, is any data created or received by a health care provider, health plan,
employer, or health care clearinghouse, that is collected from an individual, and
a. relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an
individual; the provision of health care to an individual; or the past, present, or
future payment for the provision of health care to an individual; and
b. that identifies the individual; or with respect to which there is a reasonable basis
to believe the information can be used to identify the individual, as defined by the
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA).
2. Members shall never share, except to authorized individuals, any confidential
information as defined above, acquired on duty or off duty, that is communicated 1)
verbally, 2) via letter, email, or other recordable targeted communication method,
except to authorized individuals; or 3) via any social media, whereby social media is
defined as any internet-based networks that integrate user-generated content and user
participation, including, but not limited to social networking sites (Facebook,
LinkedIn), photo sharing sites (Flickr, Instagram), video sharing sites (Youtube),
microblogging sites (Twitter), blogs, message boards, and news sites (Digg, Reddit).
3. Members shall use prudence to ensure prior to sharing confidential information, that
the targeted recipient is actually the person authorized to such information, whereby
authorized individuals are defined as follows:
a. for medical information, only the patient, a patient’s designated health care
decision maker, a medical professional who is responsible for the medical care of
the patient, or other individual designated by the patient; and
b. for employment information, only the employee, the employee’s legal counsel, a
professional assigned to investigate the case, or any other individual as designated
by the employee.
4. Members shall not use personal recording devices such as cameras, video recorders,
helmet cameras, audio recorders, cell phones, or any device with audio or video
recorder capabilities, while at any incident scene without prior approval of the AVFD
captain or captain’s designee, and only for use in company training or in
recordkeeping of company history. Any content acquired through these means must
be reviewed for confidential information or any other violation of this ethics policy.
Such content must be removed and disposed, except in cases whereby the owner of
said personal information so authorizes, in which case a disclaimer must be added to
the content, indicating so.
5. Members are prohibited from posting, publishing, transmitting, or otherwise
disseminating any information, documents, or images which bring disrepute to the
department or interfere with the ability of the department to execute its public safety
duties and mission, including but not limited to information, images, cartoons,
comments, statements, or other speech that
i. might reasonably be interpreted as discriminatory, harassing, defamatory,
racially or ethnically derogatory, or sexually explicit;
ii. display threatening, harassing, offensive, discriminatory, or defamatory
messages, epithets, or slurs based on race, ethnicity, national origin, gender,
religious affiliation, disability, or sexual orientation;
iii. disclose information acquired during personnel action duties, to include but
not limited to determining employment, evaluating personnel performance, or
handling of grievances, or any other session during which it can be reasonably
assumed that information shared during the course of that session, would be
limited to persons with a right to know and be used only for the purpose for
which the information was provided; or
iv. could reasonably be interpreted to represent or undermine the views or
positions of the department or of officials acting on behalf of the department,
unless the member obtained express permission to post or publish such
material from the AVFD captain or designee.
6. Members shall not identify themselves as members of the department when
commenting of information or images in the public domain related to the department,
nor reveal information about matters relating to the department that could only be
known through membership of the department.
7. Members shall never store any confidential information, whether acquired on duty or
off duty, on any phones, flash drives, hard drives, servers, or other electronic filing
systems, except those approved to secure such information, as this information is
susceptible to breach. Information on such unapproved devices can also be made
publicly available through court subpoena and used in criminal or civil trials.
8. Members shall never wrongfully obtain confidential personal or departmental
information via unauthorized access of systems of record, or by impersonating an
individual entitled to access.
9. Members shall never sell or use for commercial advantage, personal gain, or
malicious harm, any confidential information acquired either on duty or off duty.
10. Members shall not otherwise acquire, store, or share confidential information,
regardless of whether the patient or party is identifiable or not, according to federal,
state, and local laws and AVFD policy.
D.) Drugs: AVFD is dedicated to a drug free and safe operating environment for its members
by placing restrictions on the use of alcohol on departmental property and vehicles.
Although all members are responsible for ensuring the department is free from drugs, the
AVFD president has the ultimate accountability for promoting a safe and drug free
environment and responding appropriately for any action suspected to involve drugs
and/or alcohol.
1. The smoking or crewing of any tobacco products and electronic smoking agents is
prohibited in AVFD facilities or vehicles, effective July 1, 2014. Designated smoking
areas shall be at least twenty-five feet away from building entrances. Members shall
properly dispose cigarette butts and other tobacco product refuse into receptacles.
2. All new applicants are required to have a standard drug test at a medical facility
approved by the AVFD and the BCVFA. The testing process shall be initiated when
the membership application has been received by the AVFD Membership Committee,
and the results must accompany the application prior to being voted on by the
membership for probationary membership. If any results are shown to be positive the
prospective member shall be provided the opportunity to further explain their case to
said committee.
3. Members who are using prescribed or non-prescribed controlled substances, or who
have consumed alcoholic beverages, or who have an odor of any ethanol or other
drug, are not permitted to ride or operate AVFD equipment or otherwise interact with
the public in any official capacity. A member cannot ride again until at least eight
hours has elapsed since the last alcoholic beverage, except after receiving Eucharist
(if wine is used) or a token toast at an affair, in which case the time shall be one hour.
Members are not permitted to consume alcohol or other drugs while wearing an
AVFD class A or class B uniform, on and off the property, and must drink
responsibly when wearing any AVFD apparel.
4. The committee chairperson in consultation with the AVFD president decides on
whether alcohol is served during any event and whether members and guests of a
member are permitted to consume alcoholic beverages during the operational hours of
an event. The following restrictions apply to any such event:
a. If alcohol is permitted during an event, the bar is not to open until all housework
is completed to include cleanup of all stands, trash removal, and material securely
stored. The event chairperson makes the determination when the required
housework has been completed. The timeframe for the open bar shall not exceed 2
hours after the event has ended and housework is completed or 2 AM, whichever
is later. Extension of this timeframe may requested by the event chairperson to the
AVFD president;
b. Alcohol shall not be permitted in any operational area of the building which
includes: apparatus bays and any single room who’s only entrance/exit is via the
bays, front ramp, radio room, hose tower, loft area, 2nd floor (above apparatus
bays), and any other area that may be deemed operational based on a local
emergency as determined by the captain or designee. Further area restrictions may
be applied as deemed necessary by the AVFD president and/or event chairperson;
c. If a member is bartending a non-fire department function, they shall not consume
alcoholic beverage while working the function and shall act professionally as to
not reflect negatively on themselves or the department by becoming inebriated.
d. Alcoholic beverages shall not be served to any member, guest of a member, or
other event volunteer under the acceptable legal age.
e. The AVFD president, bartender, event chairperson, or senior-most member
present, shall have the authority to “cut off” any member, guest of a member, or
other event participant from drinking, if in their opinion that person has become
inebriated or is acting inappropriately.
f. Any member consuming alcoholic beverages on the premise of the AVFD and/or
at an AVFD sponsored event shall do so at their own discretion and risk.
5. Any member who becomes involved in a motor vehicle collision while operating any
AVFD, BCoFD, or BCVFA vehicle, shall be immediately restricted from driving any
apparatus until a thorough investigation is completed and shall submit to a drug and
alcohol test at an approved AVFD location as soon as practical if 1) any person
involved in the collision is transported by ambulance to a medical facility, or 2) the
condition of any vehicle involved in the collision requires that it be towed or
otherwise assisted from the scene of the accident.
6. The AVFD president investigates all issues involving alcohol and other drugs, and
may utilize assistance from the BCVFA. All test results from investigation shall be
treated within the guidelines of applicable laws with regard to confidentiality and due
process, and are reported to the BCVFA Medical Director who in-turn shall provide
the test results to the AVFD president. The fees associated with this testing shall be
covered by the AVFD, although if the results are positive and found to contribute to
the cause of the accident then re-imbursement and additional disciplinary actions may
E.) Conflicts of Interest: As a non-profit organization providing public service, AVFD
members may at times experience situations in which the interests of the company
coincide with the personal or professional interests of an individual member, thereby
creating bias or the perception of bias, in the decision making process. Such conflicts can
be financial conflicts, which occur when an individual involved in purchasing of a
particular product or service has an association that might influence consideration of
potential vendors. Conflicts can also occur by company votes, investigations, and other
decisions in which a member has a personal or professional association that could
influence decision making. Prolonged member adherence of the AVFD conflict of
interest policy, and appropriate disciplinary action creates a culture of personal integrity
and responsibility that enables the public to have confidence in the reliability of company
members for the charge for which our organization is trusted.
1. All members and paid personnel participating in a decision, upon or before any item
is brought to the membership and/or Board of Directors for decision, shall make a
full, written disclosure of interests, relationships, and holdings that could potentially
result in a conflict of interest. This written disclosure shall be kept on file and updated
as appropriate.
2. In the course of any meetings or activities, all members and paid personnel shall
disclose any interests in a transaction or decision where they (including their business
or other nonprofit affiliations), their family (to include parents, spouse, siblings, and
children), and/or their employer, or employer’s close associates might receive a
benefit or gain. After disclosure, the member is not permitted to vote on the question.
3. Members of the department are prohibited from participating in Bingo games
operated by or on behalf of the AVFD and AVFDA. Members may however
participate in other fundraising activities such as raffles or other games of chance as
long as they are not directly involved in selection of the potential winners.
F.) Fair Practices: AVFD is dedicated to ensuring a work environment that promotes
tolerance, fairness, respect, and dignity; and upholds that individual differences
contribute to productivity and teamwork. Although all members are responsible for
ensuring the department is free from discrimination, the AVFD president has the
ultimate accountability to ensure discrimination based on race, sex, color, disability,
national origin, religion, marital status, political affiliation, age or sexual orientation is
deterred and discouraged.
1. Members shall not exclude or dissuade from membership, any individual, nor incite
the resignation of another member, on the basis of race, sex, color, disability, national
origin, religion, marital status, political affiliation, age or sexual orientation.
2. Members shall never harass or haze a member of the department or a citizen of the
community, whereby harassment is unwelcome and unwanted behavior, which causes
offense or harm, and whereby hazing is any act provoking a member or aspiring
member, regardless of implied or expressed consent to hazing, to perform an action
for the purpose of initiation into the department, which
a. Involves, causes, or results in the physical or psychological mistreatment or injury
of any member;
b. Endangers or threatens to endanger the life or health of any member;
c. Involves, causes, or results in the abuse or theft of the personal property or effects
of any member.
The AVFD recognizes the traditional approaches to recruitment and initiation most
often allow new members to gain a sense of belonging, an understanding of life in the
AVFD and an appreciation of the advantages of cooperative effort; however the
enthusiasm with which these traditions are conducted present occasions for abuse,
which are detrimental to the individual, the department, and the fire service.
G.) Grievances: AVFD demonstrates commitment to this and other policies by maintaining a
grievance process and accountability toward proper handling of grievances.
1. Members who are witness to a violation of AVFD policy shall bring the incident to
the attention of the AVFD captain, president, or chairman, either informally or
formally, who will ensure all reasonable measures to ensure confidentiality, while
investigating and determining the proper address according to bylaws.
2. Members shall never harass the originator of a grievance, nor threaten or apply
retaliation or reprisal before, during, or after the investigation, based on their decision
to file the grievance.
Whenever any AVFD vehicle is below 3/4 tank of fuel it shall be refueled. Gasoline and
Diesel are obtained from the pumps at the Baltimore County Fuel Depot. The driver shall
ensure the proper mileage is recorded when fueling.
Diesel fuel may also be obtained from any career station that has a diesel pump
(primarily Station 5). The driver shall obtain a receipt using the debit card in the vehicle and
place the receipt in the report box upon returning to the station. Ensure that the unit number
is indicated on the receipt before placing in the report box.
The officer or senior member in charge shall ensure sufficient personnel are available at
the station to staff the second medic unit or fire engine based on which piece of apparatus is
being transferred. If transferring to another fire company and sufficient personnel are
available at the transfer station to staff the apparatus then a driver only may transfer with the
apparatus. A Fire/EMS report shall be generated for the transfer and the transferring crew
shall be logged on the report. All other members at the station shall be logged as standbys.
A.) Equipment repairs shall not be made to any AVFD equipment unless the Maintenance
Lieutenant has been contacted and authorizes the repair. Furthermore no member shall
call or stop by to check on the status of any apparatus maintenance when it is sent out for
maintenance/repairs unless authorized by the Maintenance Lieutenant in advance.
B.) If a piece of apparatus is placed OUT OF SERVICE, for any reason, the Captain, 1st
Lieutenant for the respective division, and Maintenance Lieutenant will be notified.
C.) Tools and equipment that are found to be defective shall be taken Out of Service
(OOS) and tagged. Items tagged OOS will not be used by any personnel until the
proper repairs have been made. A repair order shall be written up and placed in the
maintenance officer’s envelope.
D.) Equipment shall not be removed from the station without the permission of an Officer.
All equipment that is removed from the station shall be logged in the Equipment Loan
E.) When SQUAD 354 goes out of service for repairs or for other purposes for an extended
period of time the Utility or Engine shall be used to carry select rescue tools. The
following is a list of equipment to be placed on the Utility or Engine for it to operate in a
replacement status. This shall not be confused with a Reserve Squad.
Hydraulic Rescue Tool with the following:
a. Spreaders/Combi Tool
b. Cutters
c. Hydraulic Ram (30" or 60")
d. Proper set of chains & hooks for Hydraulic Tool
e. Portable Power Unit for Hydraulic Tool
Adequate spare fluids and hardware
One (1) Com-A-Long
Crash axe
Tool Box
Air Chisel with tips, hose, regulator, & Air bottle
Haligan Tool
Four (4) Step Chocks
One (1) Ten (10) ton Porto-Power with Attachments
Two (2) High-Pressure air bags with regulator, hose, and two (2) air bottles.
First Aid Kit
CO2 Extinguisher
Extrication Bag
Rope (Utility and at least one 150’ and one 300’ lifeline)
Tactical Bag (Carabineers, figure 8’s, harnesses)
4.14 Budget and Purchasing Policy
A.) A budget is an itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures and income for
the calendar year. It shall be created each year as indicated below and analyzed at least
quarterly to assess how the estimates are doing compared to the actuals.
B.) Budget Process:
1. The President, Captain, and Auxiliary President shall present their proposed
budgets by October 1st of each year to their respective Budget Committee. These
proposed budgets shall include all projected income and expenses for the
following calendar year. Separate budgets containing capital programs for at least
the next five years shall also be submitted at this time. The capital budgets should
include potential income sources to meet projected programs.
2. Proposed changes to any budget line item by more than +/- 10% from the previous
year shall be accompanied by a detailed explanation/justification.
3. The Budget Committee shall review these submissions and prepare a combined
balanced budget package, for presentation to the Board of Directors by November
1st of each year. The submission date may be extended with the approval of the
Board of Directors. The committee shall refer questions to the President, Captain,
and Auxiliary President for any items submitted as part of their budget although
they may also contact other entities to get a complete understanding of the
proposed budget items. Refer to the AVFD Handbook for additional information
on Committee responsibilities.
4. The Budget Committee shall coordinate any adjustments, for any budget line,
above +/- 5% with the President, Captain, and/or Auxiliary President before being
submitted to the Board of Directors.
5. The Board of Directors shall review the budgets and direct any questions they
have through the Budget committee with a goal of approving a budget for
submission to their respective members by the last meeting in November of each
year. The Board may request a meeting to review details of the budget at which
time representatives from the Budget Committee, President, Captain, and
Auxiliary President will be invited to attend.
6. The respective memberships shall review their budgets with a goal of approving
them by the first meeting in December of each year.
7. If the Budgets are not approved by January 1st by the respective memberships and
Board of Directors, then any expenditure of funds must be approve on a per
item/service basis based on limitations established in the Bylaws.
C.) Approval of the respective budgets, by the membership and Board, includes approval of
the expenditure of funds (subject to bid requirements outlined below), herein referred as
purchases, per the specific lines/account codes. Each account code outlined in the
budget, will include a definition of purpose and types of expenses (including some
examples) with the budget submitted for approval to the respective memberships and
Board. Changes to the account code definitions must be approved by the respective
membership and the Board prior to implementation.
D.) Requests for funds not funded or approved in a budget line must be submitted and
approved by the respective memberships and Board prior to expenditure of funds or
commitment to order. If the cost exceeds $500.00 ($250.00 for the Auxiliary) approval
from the Board of Directors is also required before purchase or commitment of funds
regardless of inclusion in the budget, except those in section D specifically exempted.
Any changes, increase/decrease or transfer of funds, to the overall budgeted amount for
any particular account code must be approved by the respective membership and the
Board of Directors, prior to expenditure or commitment of funds.
E. )
Payment and Purchase Order (PO) Procedures:
1. The department will use a PO system for all bills. The PO will be used to
purchase all materials and services. The following reoccurring bills, and transfer
of funds will require a PO although no additional signature by the Board of
a. Accountant Services
b. Fuel (Gasoline & Diesel)
c. Insurance
d. Maintenance Contracts: i.e., HVAC, Fire Alarm, Elevator, Generator,
Janitorial Services
e. Metropolitan charges: Taxes & surcharges
f. Utilities: Water, Gas, Electric, Phone
g. Trash removal
h. Snow removal
i. Transfer of Payroll funds
j. Loan Payments
k. Taxes related to Bingo and Payroll
l. Payroll (Payroll form required)
m. Carnival Rides and Services
n. Items designated as sole source and approved by the board to be ordered
without board approval up to budgeted amount, or other limit set by the
2. The President (in his/her absence the Vice President), Hall Chairperson (in his/her
absence the vice Chair), Captain (in his/her absence the Sr. 1st Lt), Auxiliary
President (in his/her absence the Auxiliary Vice President), and the Carnival and
2500 Club committee chairpersons will issue all POs. The President can also
designate additional committee chairs to issue PO’s with the approval of the
Board of Directors. The Chairman of the Board (in his/her absence the ViceChair) shall be authorized to co-sign, and in emergency situations issue, POs as
required. The PO must contain the spending account number, the date of
membership approval, date of Board of Director approval and signature (if
required), date of payment and check number (filled in by Treasurer). The PO,
shall also contain a full description of materials and/or services ordered (a detailed
invoice may be attached to satisfy this requirement), an area for validation of
receipt, approval for payment, and invoice number. If an invoice is unavailable a
written justification, outlining the reason, must be provided and must be
forwarded to the Board of Directors for review. If such receipts are equal to or less
than $50 dollars the treasurer can pay the bill and report to the board. Any receipt
greater than $50 needs board review and approval before being paid.
3. Account code designees will be outlined in the Budget as to who has authorization
to issue PO’s against which sub codes.
4. Checks or withdrawal slips shall not be signed without first being filled out
5. Distribution of PO shall be as follows:
Originator (copy)
Treasurer (original)
All contracts/agreements and associated billing schedules require membership and
Board of Directors approval, even if the purchase has prior approval. Once the
appropriate authorized department signatures have been obtained copies shall be placed
on file within the department by the Recording Secretary, Treasurer, and the Board of
Directors Secretary.
G.) Charge Accounts and Credit Cards:
1. All charge/credit accounts must be approved by the Membership and the Board of
Directors. Those authorized to charge shall be approved by the President and the
Board of Directors.
2. The use of any Charge accounts or credit cards shall only be authorized for the
purchase of approved expenses as outlined in this document.
3. Credit cards are issued to individuals in the department and the individual to
whom the card is issued is responsible for all charges made to that card and for
keeping such card secure.
4. The Treasurer shall ensure that the statement is backed up with receipts for all
charges otherwise it shall be returned to the account holder.
5. Credit card limits shall be established by the Board of Directors at the same time
as the Budget is approved.
H.) Expenditures and cost estimates:
1. Any single item and/or total purchase of $1,000 up to $5,000 require that at least
two suppliers be contacted for pricing information. Vendor prices may be
obtained via phone, email, webpage, catalog, etc. Bids and recommendation need
to be presented to Board for review and approval prior to commitment of funds.
2. All capital purchases or improvement (over $5,000.00) must have the intent and
subsequent purchase approved by the membership and Board of Directors, per
Membership and Board of Director’s motions, before commitment of the
department funds. The motions shall be recorded in the meeting minutes and
include the name of all bidders, brief description of the project, cost, and reason
for the final approval i.e. lowest cost bid, quality of work, knowledge of project,
3. Any capital purchases over $1,000 that are acquired with local, state, or federal
grant funds shall be appropriately protected through the departmental insurance
carrier. Copies of the insurance rider shall be maintained on file along with any
receipts for this equipment for at least five (5) years. Capital equipment
purchases with funds from Foundations or other direct donations may carry
additional documentation requirements that shall be adhered to according to the
donors’ requirements.
4. Above $5,000 up to $10,000 require at least two written bids.
5. Above $10,000 requires at least three written bids from reputable vendors. In
certain cases a reputable vendor may decide not to bid at which time the attempt
to solicit a bid may be credited as a one of the three written bids, this will be
decided on a case by case basis. At least one week notice shall be made to the
membership prior to being presented for vote. This notice shall be in the form of
a notice at the station and shall include a description of the purchase and member
point of contact. Email and webpage notice may also be used in addition to the
station notice.
6. Exception to this policy will only be authorized under the following
• Sole source items shall require a justification and list of vendors
considered as well as approval by the Membership and Board of Directors.
Once approved sole source may be used for the remainder of the fiscal
year or longer as determined by the Membership and Board of Directors
for items which have a recurring purchase i.e. Personal Protection Gear.
• Certain normal operational costs i.e. utilities (gas, electric, water),
Insurance, Legal cost, Apparatus and Building Maintenance.
• The Board of Directors and Membership may waive the requirement for
more than one bid on a case by case basis.
Electronic/Internet Banking and Bank/Investment Statement
1. All Bank/Investment statements shall be reviewed by the President and Treasurer
prior to being provided to the Accountant for reconciliation. The Treasurer shall
provide a monthly bank statement showing all electronic payments to the
President and Accountant.
2. The Treasurer is authorized to utilize electronic bill paying services to pay all
valid POs as approved by the Board of Directors. Additionally, as required by the
local, state, or federal government the Treasurer shall establish electronic transfer
capability for the payment of all taxes. Direct deposit may also be established for
all paid employees.
3. Online purchase and donation capability shall be controlled by the Financial
Secretary to include establishment of direct deposit into the appropriate
designated AVFD account(s) and associated accounting from all purchases and
4. The Treasurer will follow the same bill paying process as for other bills. After
receipt of a valid Purchase order he will write the check utilizing the approved
checking account checks. Once the check is signed, as required in the Bylaws, he
will start the electronic process. The check is then voided and filed with the
Purchase Order and bank statement showing money transfer/payment.
J .)
1. Committee chairpersons and officers are authorized to spend up to $50.00 in an
emergency without first obtaining the permission of the membership or the Board
of Directors. Any funds expended in this manner must however be approved by
the President and/or Captain and must be in the approved budget. Committees
may request an advanced operating fund, as approved in the budget, which
requires a PO from the President. At the conclusion of the event all advanced
funds, or receipts indicting how the funds were spent, shall be turned into the
Treasurer for reconciliation.
2. Committee chairperson when requesting funds for their project must obtain
approval for those funds. A report must be submitted for all affairs detailing,
advances, funds collected, expenses, and funds turned into the department. The
report shall be submitted to the President and Financial Secretary within two
weeks after the event or by the 15th of January for all annual activities.
3. Whenever possible all funds shall be turned into the Financial Secretary or placed
in the safe. At least two members must be present whenever funds are being
turned into the department. Upon transfer of funds the member shall obtain a
receipt with the following information: Reason for funds, date, amount, person(s)
validating amount. The same information shall be included on the envelope if
deposited in the safe.
K.) Treasurer:
1. The Treasurer will maintain a file of any outstanding/unpaid invoices after being
given notice of same by the President and/or Captain. Notification shall be given
to the Board of Directors on any of these invoices that are not paid within 30 days
of receipt.
2. All purchases and subsequent POs over $500.00, other than the ones listed in
section C above, shall be submitted to the Board of Directors, by the originator of
the PO, for approval before being submitted to the Treasurer.
3. All purchases that have been approved by the membership and Board of Directors,
to include the normal monthly expenses as outlined in the PO Procedures above,
shall be paid by the Treasurer within 10 days after submission of a valid PO, if
funds are available. The person issuing the PO shall be notified if any of their
POs are not paid within 10 days after receipt by the Treasurer.
4. A report of all expenses shall be made to the membership and the Board of
Directors at their respective meetings.
1. The Captain’s working expense fund is currently set at five hundred ($500) and is
only authorized for approved purchases.
2. The Captain shall advise the Treasurer of any outstanding/unpaid invoices that
they have that are over 10 days past due.
3. The Captain shall advise and seek appropriate approval from the membership and
Board of Directors for any unplanned/unexpected repairs that are outside the
approved budget.
4. In the case of emergency the Captain may authorize expenditures up to the sum of
$250.00 without first obtaining permission of the Membership or the Board of
Directors. Any emergency expenditure above this must be approved by the Board
of Directors.
M.) President:
1. The President’s working expense fund is currently set at two hundred and fifty
dollars ($250) and is only authorized for approved purchases.
2. The President will advise the Treasurer of any outstanding/unpaid invoices that
they have that are over 10 days past due.
3. The President shall advise and seek appropriate approval from the membership
and Board of Directors for any unplanned/unexpected repairs that are outside the
approved budget.
4. In the case of emergency the President may authorize expenditures up to the sum
of $250.00 without first obtaining permission of the Membership or the Board of
Directors. Any emergency expenditure above this must be approved by the Board
of Directors.
N.) Board of Directors:
1. All purchases $500 or over must be approved by the membership, and the Board
of Directors, for approval prior to making purchase.
2. Per the Bylaws (Article IV, Section 1, Part 3) The Board of Directors shall have
the authority to expend money for immediate necessary repairs to the Fire House,
other buildings or equipment without the matter being referred to the
4.15 Awards and Recognition Program
A.) Guidelines:
1. Nominee must be a member in good standing.
2. Nominations must be received by November 30th.
3. All nominations are subject to review by the Awards Committee unless otherwise
4. Nomination must include complete detailed information on the contributions the
individual has made during the previous twelve months. Supporting exhibits and
documents are encouraged (i.e., photos, descriptions, etc.)
5. The following information is requested for all nominations: Name, date of entry,
brief description, name of submitting party, support from other members (in the
form of a printed and signed list).
6. The Committee will review all nominations and consider submission to the
BCVFA/MSFA Awards Committees as appropriate.
7. The Committee may add awards as they deem appropriate.
B.) General Criteria:
1. DEDICATION: The candidate has demonstrated the highest degree of dedication
and participation within the AVFD, and/or the BCVFA/MSFA, including training,
emergency responses, public education and other emergency service operations.
2. LOYALTY: The candidate has demonstrated an allegiance to the AVFD, and/or
the BCVFA/MSFA, and to its members. Is a team player who supports others’
efforts to achieve the goals of the emergency services, supports the fire service by
embracing its policy and procedures, engaging only in constructive criticism that
will lead to improvements in the service.
3. PRODUCTIVITY: Has gone well beyond the duties in a manner that exemplifies
the competency that all members should strive to achieve and which reflect the
highest standards of the emergency service. Regularly demonstrates the ability to
reduce fire losses, improve EMS care, and/or to better serve his/her community
and/or the state.
4. PROFESSIONALISM: Perform his/her emergency service duties in a manner
that exemplifies the competency that all members should strive to achieve and
which reflect the highest standards of the emergency services. Regularly
demonstrate the ability to lead and to follow, depending upon the circumstances.
Consistently maintains a positive attitude.
C.) Specific Awards & Criteria
1. Rookie of the Year: Candidate possesses a positive attitude, enthusiasm,
dependability, a willingness to learn, and an ability to adapt to various situations.
Has shown interest in the department and has taken an active role in many areas
(operational and/or administrative). Must be a member of the department for at
least 6 months but not more than 24 months, prior to the current installation date.
2. Stephen J. Brown EMS Provider of the Year Award: This award was so
named in honor of the 15 years of service to the AVFD in the field of EMS by
PM/FF Brown. Not necessarily the Top Responder or an EMS Lieutenant. In
recognition of the member who, over the course of the year shows the highest
level of professionalism and commitment to both the department and the
community. Candidate possesses enthusiasm towards EMS, has gone above and
beyond what is expected of a provider; i.e. candidate has actively initiated or
participated in training exercises, takes part in welcoming new members and
assisting them with any EMS-related issues (examples: inventories, observer
requirements, actively seeking members for duty crews). Candidate also takes
initiative when faced with EMS-related issues. Must be a cleared, functioning
EMT (any level) for at least one year prior to installation date.
3. Firefighter of the Year: Not necessarily the Top Responder or a fireline/acting
officer. In recognition of the member who, over the course of the year shows the
highest level of professionalism and commitment to both the department and the
community. Candidate has shown competence on the fireground. May not be the
most experienced firefighter, although the candidate shows enthusiasm,
dependability, and a willingness to learn. Candidate has actively
initiated/participated in training exercises, takes part in welcoming new members
and assisting them with any fire-related issues (examples: inventories, observer
requirements actively seeking members for duty crews). Must be cleared
firefighter for at least one year prior to installation date.
4. Top Responders:
a. Run Clubs(includes calls and standbys) starting at 100 and increasing in
blocks of 100. Awardees receive a certificate with the number of calls
b. Top 10 EMS/Top 10 Fire(out-the-door calls);
c. Top Responder EMS (out the door). Awardee receives a pin that is solid
blue (additional years will be indicated with a star for each additional
year), a plaque/trophy, and their name is placed on a plaque displayed in
the station.
d. Top Responder Fire/Rescue (out the door). Awardee receives a pin that is
solid red (additional years will be indicated with a star for each additional
year), a plaque/trophy, and their name is placed on a plaque displayed in
the station.
5. President's Award: Any member that has put countless time and energy into
various administrative duties, fundraisers, or other departmental activities.
Candidate possesses a positive attitude, shows enthusiasm, and a willingness to
help with any task. Must have been a member for a least a year prior to current
installation date. Determined by the President. Awardee receives a pin that is
black and white with an eagle in the center, a plaque/trophy, and their name is
placed on a plaque displayed in the station.
6. Captain's Award: Any member that has provided a great deal of assistance with
various operational issues. Candidate possesses a positive attitude, shows
enthusiasm, and a willingness to help with any task. Must have been a member
for a least one year prior to current installation date. Determined by the Captain.
Awardee receives a pin that is gold and white with an eagle in the center, a
plaque/trophy, and their name is placed on a plaque displayed in the station.
7. Specific Incident Awards/Commendations: Please include date, time, location,
names of crews and a description of the incident for the following awards:
a. Stork Award – Awarded to the crew that assists in a field childbirth.
Awardee receives a certificate and a Stork pin.
b. Outstanding/Difficult/Most Technical Fire/Rescue Incident – Nominees
actively participated in a fire or rescue incident that required an
unconventional application of learned techniques. Awardee receives a red
pin with four blocks, additional incidents will be indicated with a star for
each additional incident.
c. Longest Incident Duration – Nominees actively participated in or supported
operations in an incident of extended duration; defined as lasting 12 hours
or more. Nominee must have been actively participating for at least 50%
of the duration of the incident, or a minimum of 12 hours. Awardee
receives a pin designated this the specific event.
d. Outstanding/Difficult/Most Technical EMS Incident - Nominees actively
participated in an EMS incident which required an unconventional
application of learned techniques. Awardee receives a blue pin with four
blocks, additional incidents will be indicated with a star for each
additional incident.
e. Duty Crew Award – Determined by the Captain, this award is presented to
the duty crew with the most active participation, attendance hours, and/or
best response ratio, day or night. A plaque will be kept in station
signifying the winning crew.
f. Fire Safety & Prevention/Community Outreach - Nominee displays
enforcement of outstanding fire prevention, fire protection or education
programs in the community. (e.g. setting up station tours, running demos,
fire safety week participation, etc.)
g. Length of Service – A pin is provided for every 5 years of service. After 25
years of service, life members receive a gold membership card.
D.) Auxiliary Awards: TBD
This section will serve as an initial guideline for all officers to become aware of not only their
own responsibilities but the responsibilities of the other officers as well. All Officers should become
intimately familiar with the Membership Handbook prior to taking office.
Team Leaders may be designated to assist divisional officers. The purpose of these team leaders
is to assist the officers in clearing members to ride the apparatus. Although the team leaders may fill out
the clearance forms the respective division officer shall be the final approval authority.
A.) Meetings: All officers shall attend meetings, which are consistent with there area of
responsibility. Below is a list of regularly scheduled meetings:
i. Board of Directors (1-2 times per month): Captain (all others are welcome to attend)
ii. Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman's Association (3rd Thursday)
iii. Officers Meetings (Quarterly or as necessary): All officers
iv. Regular AVFD Meetings (every Wednesday): All officers
v. BCVFA Rescue Committee (4th Thursday of every month): Rescue officer
vi. EMS Committee (1st Thursday of every month): EMS officer
vii. Sr. Officers Committee (1st Thursday of every month): Captain and/or Sr. 1st Lt.
viii. Combination meeting @ Public Safety Building 1st Thursday of every month @ 1900
hrs: Captain and/or Sr. 1st Lt. and an EMS officer.
ix. Southwest Liaison @ AVFD (1st Monday of every month): As designated by the
x. BCVFA Training Committee meetings: Training Officer
xi. BCVFA Safety Committee meetings: Safety Officer
xii. BCVFA Fire Prevention Committee meetings: Fire Prevention Officer
xiii. The officer attending the meetings shall take notes and relay the information and
other pertinent information to the appropriate divisional officers.
B.) Apparatus Ownership: Each piece of apparatus shall have an officer assigned to it who is
responsible for the general care and upkeep of the unit to include:
i. Equipment inventory
ii. Ensure all equipment has proper AVFD markings
iii. Supplies (ensure adequate supplies are carried onboard)
iv. Ensure cleanliness (inside and outside)
v. Review apparatus check sheets to ensure they are current. Once the first lieutenant
has made a final review, then updates shall be made and incorporated into the
daily/weekly checks.
vi. Complete weekly inspection.
vii. Complete regular inspections as required i.e. electrical, pump, hose, MIEMSS. DOT
inspections shall be the responsibility of the maintenance officer.
viii. Maintain mileage log sheets on Utilities.
ix. Ensure adequate storage of equipment, maps, etc.
C .) C a p t a i n :
i. On scene commander for AVFD and oversee complete Emergency Operations
ii. Manage all AVFD emergency operations assets.
iii. Actively participate in Planning Committee
iv. Ensure all applicable BCVFA & BCoFD rules and regulations are followed.
v. Final review of all First Reports of Injury reports prior to sending to Headquarters.
vi. Review all cases of official Disciplinary Action.
vii. Oversee Paid employees and manage payroll.
viii. Oversee Maintenance Officer.
ix. Maintain Membership Riding Roster.
x. Liaison for insurance/legal issues related to operations. Also provides insurance
company an updated list of drivers and apparatus each year.
xi. Liaison between UMBC and AVFD for activities other than routine details.
xii. Public Information officer, along with President.
xiii. File for all subsidy requests (Apparatus Maintenance, EMS, Fuel, Small Tool,
Turnout gear, etc). Copies of receipts, purchase orders, and canceled checks are
xiv. Ensure paperwork is filed for Fuel tax exemption. (May of each year)
xv. Distribute Fire Department pagers and maintain inventory.
xvi. Approve all operations expenditures.
xvii. Payment of Bills: All Purchase Orders shall be filled out and given to Treasurer as
outlined in the Purchasing Policy. Recurring bills include:
Diesel fuel which is delivered every Friday (need copies of receipt/invoice and
proof of payment for subsidy requests)
Gasoline which is acquired from local station (need copies of receipt/invoice
and proof of payment for subsidy requests)
D.) Senior First Lieutenant: The Senior First Lieutenant shall be second in command and
shall assume all responsibilities of the Captain in his absence. Additionally he shall be
responsible for the following:
i. Oversee daily emergency operations.
ii. Oversee all Divisional 1st Lts., Swift Water Team Admin, and Training officer.
iii. Ensure Officers maintain duty crew shifts.
iv. Coordinate use of Community Service personnel.
v. Coordinate activities associated with major community events i.e. Quadmania at
vi. Coordinate cleanup detail for Installation dinner.
vii. Distribute fire department pagers in conjunction with the Captain.
viii. Establish riding crews during major AVFD events i.e. carnival.
ix. Identify and encourage members to advance to leadership positions by participating
in leadership courses.
x. In conjunction with the Training Officer conduct an Acting Officers class for those
members wishing to become Acting Officers.
xi. Clear members to function as Acting Officers using established clearance process.
xii. Coordinate and present to the Captain the fiscal year budget for Suppression, EMS,
Rescue, Swift Water Rescue, and Training by October 1st of each year.
E.) Maintenance Lieutenant: The maintenance officer must approve all repairs to apparatus.
If the situation dictates that the apparatus must be taken out of service immediately then
do so, and notify the maintenance officer and 1st Lt. of the appropriate division, who in
turn shall notify the Senior First Lieutenant and the Captain. Minor repairs shall be
documented on a repair request and noted on the daily check sheet.
i. In charge of all apparatus and equipment maintenance.
i v.
vi .
vi i .
Maintain Maintenance log on all apparatus. These logs will be transferred over to
the station management program once setup on the station computer.
Facilitate the repair of items reported via Repair Request forms.
Ensure apparatus meets all applicable DOT regulations.
Maintain regular preventive maintenance program.
Maintain working relationship with paid employees on all maintenance issues.
Provide Apparatus Maintenance budget to the Captain by September of each year.
F.) Paid Drivers: The “paid driver” plays an important role in the operations of the
department. Originally hired to augment daytime EMS crews and ensure a heavy
apparatus driver was available this role has changed over the years. Although most of the
paid drivers are certified as ALS providers and drive all of the apparatus they also ensure
the apparatus is ready for service by conducting daily preventative Maintenance checks
and performing minor maintenance under the direction of the Maintenance Lieutenant.
The requirements imposed on the fire service in the area of increasing calls, diversity of
service, response ratio, OSHA regulations, etc has placed a severe strain on our officers
and members. Below is a partial list of the duties of the paid employee:
i. Performs regular Preventative Maintenance on all apparatus, which ensures
apparatus is in top-notch condition and ultimately saves on costly repairs.
ii. Perform apparatus repairs as directed by the Maintenance Lt.
iii. Perform limited house duties as directed by the Captain.
iv. Ensures all applicable DOT in-service inspections are performed and within
applicable guidelines.
v. Assist with mentoring new members by familiarizing them with the apparatus.
vi. Pickup and drop off medic unit laundry on a regular basis.
vii. Orders oxygen as required.
G.) Suppression Division: The suppression officers shall oversee the Suppression equipment
condition, operation, replacement and/or upgrade. Each officer shall have ownership of a
piece of apparatus and perform the functions as outlined previously. Additional duties
shall include:
i. First Lieutenant:
Oversee daily Suppression Operations.
Oversee Second Lieutenants Suppression.
Ensure E351/E352 are setup the same and have the same equipment.
Provide Suppression budget to the Sr. 1st Lt. by September 1st of each year.
Attend Southwest Liaison meetings (1st Monday of every month).
Identify and encourage members to advance their suppression skills through
training i.e. Firefighter II, etc.
Ensure E351/E352 are ready for annual pump test.
Ensure hose testing is performed on E351/E352 and on all hose in Hose tower.
Ensure all approved equipment purchases are made by November 1st.
Review all cases of disciplinary action administered by the 2nd Lts.
ii. Second Lieutenants:
Work in conjunction with the Training officer and provide additional
Suppression training as appropriate.
Clear members, in conjunction with the Rescue lieutenants, to ride the Engine
as Observer/Firefighter using established clearance process.
Inventory engines quarterly and ensure all equipment is ready for service i.e.
painting, sharpening, labeling, and sanding tools as appropriate.
Recommend equipment purchases and upgrades to First Lieutenant
Orient new members to Suppression Operations including current standards,
procedures, and practices.
Document all cases of disciplinary action on appropriate forms.
H.) Rescue Division: The Rescue officers shall oversee the rescue equipment condition,
operation, replacement and/or upgrade. Each officer shall have ownership of a piece of
apparatus and perform the functions as outlined previously. Additional duties shall
i. First Lieutenant:
Oversee daily Rescue Operations.
Oversee Second Lieutenants Rescue.
Participate in BCVFA Rescue Committee meetings (4th Thursday of month).
Coordinate the donations of vehicles and generate donation letters for them.
Provide Rescue budget to the Sr. 1st Lt. by September 1st of each year.
Identify and encourage members to advance their rescue skills through training
i.e. Rescue Specialist, Trench, Rope, etc.
Ensure all approved equipment purchases are made by November 1st.
Review all cases of disciplinary action administered by the 2nd Lts. Rescue.
Second Lieutenant:
Work in conjunction with the Training officer and provide additional Rescue
training as appropriate.
Clear members, in conjunction with the suppression lieutenants, to ride the
Squad as Observer/Firefighter/Rescue Technician using established clearance
Ensure batteries are changed/discharged at appropriate cycles for Multi-gas
Verify that the chains, ropes, and winch are properly inspected on S354.
Inventory Squad quarterly and ensure all equipment is ready for service i.e.
painting, sharpening, labeling, and sanding tools as appropriate.
Recommend equipment purchases and upgrades to First Lieutenant Rescue.
Orient new members to Rescue Operations including current standards,
procedures, and practices.
Document all cases of disciplinary action on appropriate forms.
I.) EMS Division: The EMS officers shall oversee the EMS equipment condition, operation,
replacement and/or upgrade. Each officer shall have ownership of a piece of apparatus
and perform the functions as outlined previously. Additional duties shall include:
i. First Lieutenant:
Oversee daily EMS Operations.
Oversee Second Lieutenants EMS.
Perform Quality Assurance checks on Maryland Accident Information
Summary (MAIS) reports and insure submission to EMS office each Monday.
Ensure M355/M356 are setup the same and have the same equipment.
Participate in BCVFA EMS Committee meetings (1st Thursday @ PSB).
Clear members to ride the Medic as ALS providers using establish clearance
Work in conjunction with the Driver Training Officer to clear new drivers.
Safety and Infectious Control: Investigate in conjunction with Safety Officer
any reports of Infectious disease exposure, needle sticks, etc.
Maintain EMS statistical database.
Monitor member EMS certification expiration dates and ensure certifications
are maintained.
Coordinate driver training practices with Driver Training Officer.
Oversee the completion and timely submission of IV tracking forms, which are
typically due June 1st of each year.
Provide EMS budget to the Sr. 1st Lt. by September 1st of each year.
Ensure all approved equipment purchases are made by November 1st.
Mitigate the resolution of EMS issues that may arise in the field.
Second Lieutenants:
Work in conjunction with the Training officer and provide additional EMS
training as appropriate.
Ensure all EMS supplies are adequately stocked in the station and on the units.
Clear members to ride the Medic as Observer/EMT/IVT using established
clearance process. Also conduct proficiency evaluations on those members
who have been in active for a period greater than six months or who have
demonstrated poor decision making in the field.
Generate monthly and yearly EMS run statistics.
Ensure batteries are changed and discharged at appropriate cycles for cardiac
Ensure Controlled Dangerous Substances are signed off daily.
Inventory medic units bi-weekly and ensure all equipment is ready for service.
Recommend equipment purchases and upgrades to First Lieutenant EMS.
Orient new members to EMS Operations including current standards,
procedures, and practices.
Document all cases of disciplinary action on appropriate forms.
Ensure timely retrieval of equipment left at hospitals.
Develop, maintain, and enforce EMS signup sheet for Attend/Non-Attend
Maintain adequate supplies in the BLS/ALS cabinet.
Perform monthly inventories to remove expired drugs from inventory in supply
cabinets and on the medics.
Coordinate all UMBC EMS activities/standbys and liaison with Community
Activities Officer to minimize conflicts with other department activities.
Identify and encourage members to advance training towards IVT and ALS
J.) Swift Water Rescue Division: The Swift Water Rescue division will be operated under the
auspices of a Team Administrator. The Team Administrator shall be recommended by
the Captain and confirmed by the Board of Directors. The recommendation shall be
based on the experience, dedication, and knowledge of those interested in leading the
team. The Administrator shall report directly to the second in command and shall be in
complete control of all operations of the team. Team leaders report to the Team
Administrator and are identified via their level of training and participation in team
activities. Team leaders are assigned duties and responsibilities as outline in the Swift
Water Rescue SOPs. The Team Administrator shall act as a liaison with county & other
jurisdiction’s Swift Water Rescue Teams.
Details of team leader roles and
responsibilities are outline in the Swift Water Rescue SOP.
K.) Training and Safety Division:
i. Training Officer: Responsibilities of the training officer shall include:
Ensure training notices are placed on training board and maintained as
appropriate. Provide central repository for all training notices and keep current.
Working with divisional officers coordinate all station training activities to
ensure a balance of training across all divisions.
Maintain station library.
Approve and submit ALL training requests.
Publish monthly and year-end report of training activity.
Attend County Training Committee meetings.
Maintain schedule for all in station training dates.
Provide the opportunity for every officer to attend courses on diversity and
Liaison with BCoFD FRA to identify abandon buildings, which may be
available for training.
Liaison with departments in second battalion and coordinate quarterly join
training sessions.
Identify and encourage Officers and Acting Officers to participate in various
opportunities in terrorist training.
Coordinate the identification of educational resources and training
opportunities through use of multimedia tools. Investigate the acquisition of
Fire/Rescue/EMS simulation programs for use on computer system.
Enter individual member training information into computer. This should be
based on Training Reports and certificates.
Identify and encourage members to advance their instructional skills by taking
Instructor I, II, and III and by actively conducting in station training drills.
Mitigate issues, which may arise between members and the Fire Rescue
Academy or MIEMSS for issues related to training.
Provide Training budget to the Sr. 1st Lt. by September of each year.
Ensure all approved equipment purchases are made by November 1st.
Safety Officer: Safety is of utmost importance and is the responsibility of every
officer whether in the station or on an emergency scene. The Safety Officer will be
responsible for coordinating all activities related to safety and for developing plans
and polices which will reduce injuries and promote a safe and healthy work
environment. These goals shall be realized by taking responsibility for the following
Ensure appropriate accident forms are on all apparatus.
Periodically post in-house safety reminders.
Coordinate quarterly house cleaning details to include dusting, washing
curtains & sheets etc.
Verify, in conjunction with the appropriate divisional officers, the proper
operation and inspection of electrical equipment on all apparatus.
Verify, in conjunction with the PPE Officer, the acceptability of all turnout
gear for use in emergencies.
Verify inspection dates on all SCBA and Fire Extinguishers and ensure
overdue inspections are completed.
Maintain list of all equipment requiring batteries and ensure they are changed
as required (SCBA-PALs, Smoke detectors, heat detectors, etc). Evaluate use
of rechargeable batteries vice disposable.
Participate in monthly BCVFA Safety committee meetings
Review all accident reports and first reports of injury.
As appropriate assume the role of Safety Officer on any training or emergency
Advise membership of the availability of any immunizations i.e., Hepatitis B,
Influenza, Small Pox, etc
iii. Medical Liaison: The Medical Liaison officer will handle all activities related to
clearing members for fit testing. If issues arise between BCoFD medical office and a
member the Liaison office will attempt to resolve the issues.
L.) Collateral Duty Assignments:
i. Documentation Support: Each year the demand for documentation increases whether
it is documentation of a call, complaints, disciplinary, training/certification, statistics,
etc. Most of this documentation is done manually and is maintained in paper format.
The need utilize computer support is growing each year and to help with this demand
a computer scanner and station management software will be acquired which will
make efficient use of officer time and facilitate the retention of department
information for years to come. In addition to acquiring the necessary tools to
complete this task the following activities must continue until replace by a more
automated system:
Formulate monthly run reports (EMS & Suppression).
Review fire reports and post monthly/YTD statistics.
Respond to BCVFA & MSFA request for statistics
Coordinate report generation from NFIRS computer system.
Develop and maintain a station calendar, which includes all scheduled
activities both internal and external i.e., training, meetings, standbys/details,
parades, Auxiliary events etc.
Once acquired, scan documents i.e. training documents, membership
personnel folders (past & present), old record books, driver training manuals,
LOSAP sheets, etc into the computer. By scanning these documents into the
computer the amount of paper records, which need to be stored in the station,
will be significantly reduced. This effort will take several months and
possible a year to completely realize although it’s benefits will be seen for
years to come.
ii. Driver Training Officer: The Captain will approve drivers to start driver training on
the Utilities. After that it will be up to the Driver training officer to follow existing
polices for driving additional pieces of apparatus. In all cases the designated drivertraining officer(s) shall be the initial approving authority, except for the Utilities, with
the final approval authority for clearing drivers designated as follows:
Engines: Driver Training Officer
Medics: 1st Lieutenant EMS
Squad: Driver Training Officer
Special Unit: Swift Water Rescue Team Administrator
Utilities: Any Officer
Utilities and Medic w/boat: Swift Water Rescue Team Administrator
iii. Fire Prevention Officer:
Develop a Fire Prevention Day/Expo in conjunction with the Auxiliary.
Coordinate all Fire Prevention activities to include school fire drills and
station tours.
Liaison with Birthday committee for all in-house events.
Maintain records (memos, training reports, pictures, etc) of all activities
Participate in monthly BCVFA fire prevention meetings
Liaison with BCVFA fire prevention committee to coordinate smoke detector
installations for the hearing impaired.
Handle all requests for assistance from the community for fire prevention
talks, assistance with smoke detector installation, material distribution, etc.
iv. Community Relations Officer: The department’s interaction with the community is a
necessity given the plan to modernize our current facility. Community support is
needed to maintain our current mode of operations and to realize our goals. A central
point of contact is required to coordinate many of the request for community service
we receive and to minimize confusion and to balance the demands on our
membership this officer shall be the focal point for all external activities to include:
Coordinate all Public Relations activities involving emergency operations.
Coordinate all requests for parades, expos, conventions, block parties and
other community events.
Liaison with UMBC coordinator, Training officer, and Fire Prevention Officer
to minimize conflicts with planned department activities.
Advise duty officers of activities which are scheduled during their duty time.
Personal Protection Officer: Ensuring members have the appropriate Personal
Protection Equipment (PPE) is required to minimize injuries and exposure to
hazardous environments. Periodic inspections, cleaning, and repairs of this
equipment requires a great deal of coordination and patience. Additionally most of
this equipment must be inventoried to insure the proper care and maintenance is being
performed. Responsibilities and activities associated with this position shall include:
Assignment of turnout/EMS gear to qualified riders.
Maintain an inventory of available and assigned PPE to include Helmet,
Coats, Pants, Boots, Gloves, Goggles, PATs, and SCBA masks.
Inspect and remove unsafe gear from service.
Specify, order, mark, and distribute new PPE.
Provide for cleaning and maintenance of all PPE as required.
Evaluate turnout gear distribution and remove turnout gear from inactive
members. “Pulling” of PPE shall only be conducted after communicating with
the member involved.
A.) President/Vice-President:
i. Overall supervision of all administrative issues and matters. (President)
ii. Primary delegate to BCVFA convention and to the MSFA convention. (President)
iii. Sign all checks and contracts (President)
iv. Coordinate all legal and accountant activities in conjunction with Board of Directors
v. Shall be notified of all suspension or restrictions of members by Fire-Line officers.
vi. Process all Administrative Purchase orders (PO’s)
vii. Review and monitor the Administrative budget and financial issues
viii. Oversee all license and contract renewals
ix. Maintain original copies of all contracts and provide copies to the Chairman of the
Board of Directors
x. Update signature cards for
Safety Deposit Box
Savings Account
Checking Accounts
Post Office Box
xi. Oversee all professional services to AVFD
xii. Oversee all committees and appoint chairpersons
xiii. Act as Chairman of the Membership and Nominating committees
xiv. Attend monthly B.C. V.F.A. meetings for the company
xv. Actively participate in the Planning Committee
B.) Recording Secretary/Assistant-Recording Secretary:
i. Record minutes of all meetings of the company to include special meetings
ii. Maintain files of correspondence (Secretary)
iii. Maintain updated membership list with current address, phone numbers, and email
address (Secretary)
iv. Post notices as directed by Association Officers
v. Coordinate old business issues for future discussion
vi. Maintain list of motions made and outcome
vii. Post updated and current minutes of meeting in public area of AVFD
viii. Retrieve mail from Post Office box
ix. Draft correspondences of President and Vice President
x. Provide list of membership attending meetings for L.O.S.A.P.
xi. Custodian of A.V.F.D. seal
xii. Other duties may be assigned to this office by the President
C.) Financial Secretary/Assistant-Financial Secretary:
i. Deposit all funds into appropriate accounts and provide Treasurer copies of same
(Financial Secretary)
ii. Sign all checks and contracts (Financial Secretary)
iii. Maintain record of all income (Financial Secretary)
iv. Receive all funds coming into the Department and maintain records of same
v. Maintain Bingo spread sheet
vi. Generate monthly income reports
vii. Process new member’s applications after approval by membership
viii. Maintain file of Income Receipts of all committees
ix. Sends letter of confirmation for all donations in accordance IRS requirements.
x. Maintains new Membership file during probationary period
xi. Notifies member upon acceptance and departure from Department
xii. Maintain distribution of membership keys
xiii. Maintains status of Membership dues
xiv. Issues official department badges except Class A Membership badges.
D.) Treasurer/Assistant-Treasurer:
i. Sign all checks (Treasurer)
ii. Maintains all signatures for Savings and Checking accounts (Treasurer)
iii. Maintains all Savings and Checking account books (Treasurer)
iv. Coordinate with Accountant on all Tax issues (Treasurer)
v. Pay all bills
vi. Prepare all financial reports as required
vii. Assist budget committee with budget requests
viii. Provide report of bills to Board of Director
ix. Maintains file of all paid invoices
x. Assist Budget Committee with budget build
xi. Keep files up to date for seven years
xii. Interact with Accountant
xiii. Prepare monthly financial statement
E. ) C h a p l a i n / As s i s t a n t C h a p l a i n :
i. Provide invocation at all company sponsored events (Department meetings,
Installation, County/State Meetings)
ii. Liaison with sick committee regarding ill or deceased members
iii. Preside over activities in event of death of member
iv. Represent Department at all Memorials
F.) Delegates: Participate as delegates to the Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman’s Association
and the Maryland State Firemen’s Association
i. Attend all Association Meetings
ii. Report important issues back to Department at next meeting
iii. Cast all votes as directed by membership
iv. Attend all Convention sessions
v. Insure representation at all sessions/meetings
G.) Sergeant of Arms:
i. Keep order at all meetings
ii. Hear complaints of membership and bring to attention of President
iii. Maintains signature book
iv. Distribute materials at meetings
v. Oversee voting procedures
H.) Board of Directors: The responsibilities of the Chairman and the Secretary are outlined
below and general responsibilities of all Board members are as follows:
Monitor the monthly financial activity of the department
Interview and appoint Emergency Operations Officers
Approve all contracts
Approve all bills and purchase orders over $500 in accordance with establish
Purchasing Policy.
Distribute Master Keys to appropriate members
Investigate all official charges against members
Approve all bylaw changes for Auxiliary
i. Chairman of the Board:
Preside over all meetings
Maintain order at such meetings
Coordinate all legal, accounting and insurance matters
Assign duties to Board of Director members
Monitor overall Administrative and Operational activities of Department
Signs checks and Purchase Orders
Institutes any additional rules or regulations of Department not covered by
Actively participate on the Planning Committee
ii. Secretary:
Record all minutes of meeting
Post notices as directed by Chairman
Maintain list of all motions and decisions made by Board
Draft correspondence at direction of Chairman
Maintain all Board of Directors files and records
Provide list of members attending to LOSAP Committee
Record names of Board members and the history of their vote in all votes that are
not unanimous
5.3 COMMITTEES: This section will outline specific responsibilities for each committee.
Committees have been grouped into logical divisions to help the administrative officers
oversee the daily administrative operations of the department. Division Leaders and
Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the President
A.) Committee Chairman: All chairman shall be expected to operate under the following
Preside over all committee meetings for specific committee
Post meeting notices
Record minutes of all committee meetings and post on web page as appropriate
Prepare and submit committee report at least quarterly to President
Notify President of any issues important to Association
Forward financial report to Financial Secretary after fundraising event
Monitor Spending versus Budget
Identify goals at start of New Year or beginning of Committee
Provide and record names of members to LOSAP and/or Auxiliary members to
Tax Incentive Chairperson
Submit budget requests by October 1st of each year to the President
Obtain membership approval of spending over $50.00
Report any issues or concerns to President
B.) Administrative Division:
i. Advertising and Marketing:
Develop contacts and plans for posting events and other AVFD activities to the
ii. Audit Committee
Conduct Audit as required by By-laws of the department
Report audit errors immediately to President
Audit AVFDA books yearly
Ensure that budget items remain within authorized limits
Insure that receipts and expense line items are charged to the correct account
iii. Awards Committee:
Develop and maintain guide for department awards as outlined in section 4.17
Awards and Recognition Program.
Reviews nomination forms for Departmental Awards
Draft nomination letters and submit names for nomination to Captain and
Reviews criteria and solicits for candidates (Internal, County, State, and National)
iv. BRAC
Monitor activities surrounding the Base Re-alignment and Closure Act and
identify potential opportunities for recruitment and funding
v. Budget
Prepare budget for the year
Coordinate with Captain and President for financial budget issues
Facilitate changes to approved budget items
Conduct monthly reviews of variance to budget
Propose suggested changes to budget items
Review committee expenses to control expenses
Coordinate expense code usage
Work with Audit Committee to oversee funds of department are spent in proper
vi. By-laws
Review by-laws quarterly for needed change if necessary
Review B.C.V.F.A and M.S.F.A. bylaws to identify any potential changes to
AVFD bylaws
Prepare review of by-law change requests to present at special meeting
Submit by-law changes at special meetings as needed
Maintain accurate sets of the by-laws
Maintain official set of company by-laws
vii. Information Technology
Maintain information technology system in proper working order
Assign access as necessary
Apply and retain documentation for AVFD system
Maintain AVFD Webpage
Monitor usage to insure compliance with established policies
viii. Strategic Planning Committee
Develop Strategic plan for future of department (Short Term 0-12 months and
Long Term 1-5 years)
Asses and evaluate tactical and strategic plan
Forecast and plan for future economic issues
Review and evaluate policies
C.) Facilities & Capital Programs Division
i. Apparatus Replacement
Develop apparatus specifications
Evaluate potential bidders
Solicit for proposals
Review proposals and recommend selection to the membership
Coordinate with fundraising division on source of income
ii. Building Capitol Program
Facilitate building needs assessment
Interview firms for building replacement
Collect input from members as to needs
Coordinate all building meetings
Make application for all building related permit issues through the President
Monitor building progress
Coordinate building fundraising
iii. Building Maintenance
Make repairs as needed to building
Forward capital issues to Building Capitol Program committee for review
Report serious repair needs to President
Consult with President prior to hiring vendor for repairs
Prepare list of members with skills who are willing to replace/fix problems
Coordinate with Hall Chairman on maintenance issues
Maintain grounds in proper order
Oversee parking lot complaints
Report parking lot issues to President immediately upon notice
Coordinate the maintenance of all motorized grounds equipment with
Maintenance Lieutenant
Report any facilities equipment problems to President
Report any damage to facilities to President
Assist President in disposing of any unattended vehicle/property on grounds
Assist and Coordinate any special uses of grounds with President
iv. Grounds Maintenance
Maintain all ground cover area with grass/plants.
Trim all trees and shrubs as appropriate.
Maintain area around billboards.
Oversee the snow removal contract.
v. Environmental
Investigate potential application of environmentally friendly building upgrades.
Investigate and apply for grants to support the committee goals.
Develop and maintain plan for improving energy efficiency of the building.
D.) Fundraising Division
i. Bingo
Coordinate all Bingo related activities
Prepare applications for all Bingo permits pending Presidents signature
Report to President issues relating to Bingo operation
Negotiate Bingo contracts for President’s approval and signature
Facilitate schedule changes with Bingo operators
ii. Carnival
Coordinate and develop Carnival plan
Negotiate contract with Carnival Vendors
Provide President with a copy of all Contracts and Proposals
Oversee the Carnival Operations, Raffle and Parade
Sub committees only at discretion of Carnival Committee Chairman
Carnival Raffle subcommittee
o Coordinate all activities regarding raffle with Carnival Chairperson
o Secure item to raffle
o Obtain tickets for raffle
o Coordinate the sale of raffle tickets
o Provide Financial Secretary with all proceeds from ticket sales
Carnival Parade subcommittee
Coordinate all activities regarding parade with Carnival Chairperson
Send letters to all parade participants
Schedule activities for parade
Coordinate for Parade Permit through Baltimore County
Liaison with the police regarding parade
Serve as contact at beginning point of parade
iii. EMS & Fire Donation Letters:
Ensure complete and accurate solicitation of EMS donation letters throughout the
year on a continuous basis.
Periodically review the EMS letter for potential updates.
Compile monthly statistics for presentation at meetings. These should include
number of letters mailed, number returned, average amount received, and
evaluation score.
Summarize comments received and present to the membership.
Direct significant positive or negative comments to the EMS division.
iv. Fill the Boot
Coordinate proper approval and hold at least three “fill the boot” events during the
Apply for all appropriate permits.
v. Grants
Coordinate all grant activity
Apply for grants as necessary
Maintain all records of grant submission
Follow-up on all grant submissions
Attend training as available to learn of new grants ideas
vi. Kitchen
Oversee all Kitchen activities
Coordinate activities and needs with Rental Facilities Chairman
Report maintenance issues to Building Maintenance Committee Chairman
vii. Mail Fund Drive
Work with President to develop fund drive letter to be mailed in April each year.
Review mailing for potential upgrades to message being sent and format.
Maintain database of local addresses
Coordinate printing and mailing options
Monitor returns and make necessary deposits
Report results to AVFD president
vi i i .
Pancake Breakfast
Coordinate pancake breakfast date with Hall Chairman and Kitchen Chairman
Coordinate all issues of pancake breakfast
Publish flyers with input from Newsletter Chairperson
Coordinate activities and schedule personnel as needed
ix. Photo Fund Drive
Coordinate with vendor in fall for campaign
Develop schedule of activities
Set up photo shoots
Coordinate photo displays
Report to President all costs and expenses
Review progress for future considerations and contract issues
x. Recycling Committee
Coordinate the collection and disposal of aluminum cans in trailer
Schedule the transportation of the trailer to the recycle depot as needed
Provide Financial Secretary with income from recycled materials
Coordinate all repairs with Maintenance Lieutenant Fire-Line
Maintain the registration plate for trailer and ensure that it is valid in coordination
with the Captain
Explore other avenues of recycling income
Expand recycling to other materials as appropriate
xi. Rental Facilities
Coordinate all hall rentals, classroom, pavilion, and other facility rentals
Oversee, approve, and sign all facility rental contracts. Rental contracts for the
parking lot that are longer than 30 days shall be approved by the Board of
Oversee janitorial employees
Coordinate supplies for rental activities
Report issues of concern to President
Coordinate maintenance of rental facilities with the Building Maintenance
Committee Chairman
xii. Tailgating
Coordinate and develop Tailgating plan
Oversee the Tailgating Operations.
x iii.
2500 C l ub
Obtain tickets for raffle
Coordinate the sale of raffle tickets
Provide Financial Secretary with all proceeds from ticket sale
Insure winners are sent prize check
E.) Member Services Division
i. Candy Machine
Maintain and coordinate candy machine operations
Provide Financial Secretary with funds obtained from candy machine
Verify invoices of delivery to ensure accurate billing with President
Ensure machine is stocked regularly
ii. Juniors
Develop and maintain a plan for a Junior’s program.
iii. LOSAP
Maintain records on LOSAP
Submit LOSAP paperwork as required
Provide President with LOSAP reports for submission to County and State
Maintain all LOSAP records
iv. Membership
Committee shall consist of a chairperson and member appointed by the President,
one representative designated by the Captain, and one representative designated
by the Board of Directors.
Maintain applications online and in hardcopy
Prepare application packets and distribute to applicants
Maintain list of potential applicants
Facilitate interview with Committee.
Administer applicant drug testing and background checks.
Make report at next company meeting on recommendations of applicant for
Inform Recruitment and Retention Committee Chair of all new members.
v. Newsletter
Collect articles of interest to AVFD
Collect policy changes at AVFD
Work with Historical Committee regarding articles of interest
Prepare newsletter
Copy and mail newsletter as necessary
vi. Recruitment and Retention
Develop a program to recruit new members with committee
Coordinate recruitment activities in community
Coordinate and act as a liaison for all new members
Assign mentor best suited for success of new member
Resolve any issues of conflict during training period
Report back to President/Captain any concerns/conflicts with new member
Meet with all new members following the regular meeting where the new member
is voted in on probationary status. Not more then two weeks after being voted in
as a probationary member.
Provide all new members with; Handbook, Fit Test, By-laws, Officer’s List,
History of AVFD.
Assign a mentor best suited to new member
Provide new member with mentor contact information
Notify mentor of new member and their contact information.
Monitor membership dues status and personally notify any members who dues are
not paid for following year by December of each year.
vii. Sick and Distressed
Send cards and flowers/basket to members in distress or injured
Notify President and Auxiliary President of all members sick, distressed, or
Arrange any special assistance that a member may need while sick, distressed or
injured with President/Captain/Auxiliary President
Coordinate activities with chaplain
viii. Social Committee d
Coordinate and arrange for a social meal the first meeting of each month
Coordinate, with the Auxiliary, 2-3 department social events each year, this may
include a picnic, outing at a sports event, holiday celebrations, etc.
ix. Soda Machine
Maintain and Coordinate soda machine operation
Provide Financial Secretary with funds obtained from Soda Machine
Verify invoices of delivery to ensure accurate billing with President
Ensure machine is stocked regularly
x. Tags
Process applications for FD registration on personal vehicles
Coordinate the collection of FD Tags when possession is not authorized
Provide all necessary paperwork to MVA and MSFA as required
Inform President of any improper issues regarding FD tags
xi. Uniform Committee
Define Class A, B, and C uniforms and associated policies
Coordinate sale of uniforms to the membership
F.) Special Events Division
i. Birthday Party
Review current polices and updates as necessary.
Ensure all information is maintained on department computer system
Coordinate with Train committee on the possibility of conducting personal train
garden showing for parties
Develop a suggested fee structure for parties to include what is provided as part of
standard package i.e. safety video, tour of station, tables, chairs, clean-up etc.
Also include extras such as train garden, pizza, table clothes. Etc.
ii. Historical
Collect historical information for Arbutus and AVFD
Prepare articles and stories as needed
Collect articles and memorabilia for AVFD archives
Take photographs of AVFD activities
iii. Installation: Coordinate with the Auxiliary Committee of the same name to:
Secure Date
Poll membership in regards to type of event they would like (i.e. formal, Semiformal, casual, Ho Down, Bull Roast)
Secure caterer
Secure D.J. or band
Mail formal invitations to dignitaries
Notify membership of date and time either with written invitation or on web page
or bot h
Collect R.S.V.P.’s
Secure a master of ceremonies
Purchase plaques, pins, and award bars for recipients
Tastefully decorate hall
Develop and print program and certificates
iv. Train Garden
Coordinate the construction of the Train Garden
Coordinate all operational issues with train garden
Oversee and coordinate the storage of all train garden supplies
These guidelines are provided to ensure consistency of Operations and guidance when
administering Disciplinary Action. A progressive disciplinary program shall used when evaluating a
response to an incident. Several factors may affect the level of action including, past occurrences,
attitude and overall seriousness of the event. The next officer in the Chain of Command shall review all
disciplinary actions i.e. action taken by a 2nd Lt shall be reviewed by the respective 1st Lt. before
becoming final. The Captain will have the final approval of all disciplinary action. The Captain shall
make a report of all disciplinary actions to the Board of Directors.
Activities not listed below will be handled on a case-by-case basis and will be handled as deemed
necessary by the officer(s) involved. When an incident occurs, the restricting Officer will advise all
involved parties of disciplinary action personally. All cases of disciplinary action shall be documented
and signed by the officer and member involved on the appropriate form (Form 22 Verbal Counseling and
Form 259 Disciplinary Action). All cases of disciplinary action involving officers shall be immediately
referred to the Captain. In addition, a Restriction Notice will be posted in the Radio Room.
Work details, when required, will be assigned by an officer. The member shall have 24 hours to
complete the work detail. After 24 hours if the detail is not completed the said member shall be
restricted from riding until the detail is completed. Each detail listed below will constitute a single work
• Wash, Wax, and Clean inside of Utility
• Wash & Wax a piece of apparatus (Medic, Engine, Squad, Special Unit)
• Clean all compartments on a piece of apparatus
• Perform housekeeping duties (each items is considered a single detail)
Completely vacuum under all furniture to include beds
Completely scrub bathroom walls, shower, and floor
Wash all windows on first floor (Rec. room, Bunkroom, Apparatus Bay)
Wash and mop engine room floor
• Police the outside grounds
• Cleanup in and around recycling trailer
• Other duties as determined by the Officers.
Restrictions by an Emergency Operations Officer, unless otherwise noted, shall include
revocation of riding privileges and the following areas shall be off limits:
• Apparatus Bays and any single room who’s only entrance/exit is via the bays
• Front Ramp (unless going to/from their car)
• Radio Room
• Hose Tower
• Shop area
• Loft area
• 2nd Floor (above apparatus bays)
• Any other area that may be deemed operational based on a local emergency as
determined by the Captain.
Activity Description
First Offense
Second Offense
Horseplay/physical rowdiness is not permitted. These types of
occurrence often result in personal injuries or property damage.
The station will be kept in a neat and orderly fashion. Duty
crews will perform housekeeping functions as designated on
the Duty Crew Check sheets.
Personal telephone calls (incoming or outgoing) will be kept to
3 minutes on department phones unless conducting official
Portable Radios shall not be removed from the apparatus unless
needed for official departmental business.
Personnel smoking eating or drinking in the engine room will
be responsible for properly disposing of the trash.
Members present in the station but not able to respond due to
personal reasons, must post a note in the radio room stating so
or advise the Officer present.
Members who have difficulty waking up for calls i.e. “sleep
through calls” shall make alternate arrangements to ensure they
are awakened.
The House Radio shall be answered quickly and appropriately
for each call. The “Hook” will only be pulled between 0700
and 2300 hrs.
An Officer or the Senior member present shall assign personnel
their duties. Personnel shall not scramble to the engine room
without being assigned unless prior arrangements have been
made i.e. duty crews, standby crews.
Damage to department property will be reported promptly to an
Officer or Senior member.
Officers will conduct themselves in a professional manner at all
times. You are responsible for your crews’ actions!
Insubordination: Personnel will follow the instruction of the
Officer, Acting Officer, Senior member or Career Officer in
charge at all times. Discrepancies will be handled at the
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Written Reprimand
Verbal Warning
Written Reprimand
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Three day
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Written Reprimand
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Work detail
Verbal Warning
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Work detail
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Work detail – 7
Day restriction
Work detail
Work detail
Two Work detail
7-14 Day
14 – 30 Day
Third & Subsequent
Work detail
Work detail
Work detail
Seven day restriction
Activity Description
appropriate time.
Appropriate personal protective equipment shall be taken and
worn on the scene of all emergency calls and training drills.
This includes Medical Calls. Additionally PPE shall be stored
appropriately after returning to the station.
Smoking is not permitted in any Fire Department vehicle.
Members acting in an inappropriate manner towards another
member. This includes verbal, gestures, notes etc.
Failure to prepare apparatus for next call after returning from a
Unofficial notes in the logbook or on the bulletin board
Responding on a call without the minimum required personnel
Driving apparatus in an unsafe manner or not following
established AVFD policies. Not involving an accident.
Driving privileges shall be revoked until investigation is
First Offense
Second Offense
Third & Subsequent
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Work detail
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Work detail
Verbal Warning
and counseling
Work Detail
Two Work details
Work detail
3-7 day restriction
Work details
Two Work details
Work Detail
3-7 day restriction
3 day restriction
Driving restriction
until they receive
written reprimand
and counseling
7-14 day restriction
Driving restriction
until they repeat the
driver training
course, receive
written reprimand,
and receive verbal
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
until they repeat the
driver training course
Driver involved in an accident causing minor damage (vehicle
remains in service without any degradation of service) in which
the driver was at fault. Driving privileges shall be revoked
until investigation is completed.
Driver involved in an accident causing major damage (vehicle
is required to the taken out of service) in which the driver was
at fault. Driving privileges shall be revoked until investigation
is completed.
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
until they repeat
remedial driver
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
until they repeat
remedial driver
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
until they repeat
the driver training
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
for 6-12 months.
Driving restriction
until they repeat the
Activity Description
First Offense
Second Offense
Driver involved in an accident where personal injuries occurred
to either civilians or fire department personnel in which the
driver was at fault. Driving privileges shall be revoked until
investigation is completed. Further actions could be taken
depending on the severity of the injuries and circumstances
surrounding the accident.
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
until they repeat
the driver training
Driver involved in an accident, which was due to not following
established AVFD policies. Driving privileges shall be
revoked until investigation is completed.
Reprimand and
Verbal counseling
Members found leaving the department property in an eradicate
manner i.e. spinning their tires
Performing unauthorized modifications or repairs to any
apparatus or interaction with any maintenance repair shop
performing maintenance on AVFD equipment without the
approval of the Maintenance Officer or the Captain.
Violation of Fair Practices Policy
Verbal Warning
and counseling
7 day restriction
Written reprimand
Driving restriction
for 6-12 months.
Driving restriction
until they repeat
the driver-training
Driving restriction
until they receive
remedial driver
training and
receive verbal
Work Detail
Filing of Departmental Charges against a member per the
AVFD ByLaws.
Restriction from
all Operational
activities until
trial is completed
per departmental
Third & Subsequent
Permanent driving
Driving restriction
until they repeat the
driver training course
and receive verbal
3-7 day restriction
7 - 14 day
14 - 30 day
And training on
Fair Practices
Restriction from
all Operational
activities until
trial is completed
per departmental
Filing of Official
Department Charges
Restriction from all
Operational activities
until trial is
completed per
departmental policy
7 .1
LOSAP is a program set up to award volunteer firefighters for their years of service to
the county. To be eligible a person must be sixty years of age and have served as a volunteer
firefighter for at least twenty-five years during which they should have earned 50 points
Each month a member should fill out the top portion of the LOSAP form. Under
meetings list all meetings you attended including the weekly meeting. Fire calls and
ambulance calls will be provided by the Officer doing those reports and will be filled in by
the LOSAP Committee. Training pertains to all classes conducted by Maryland Institute for
Emergency Medical Service System (MIEMSS) and Maryland Fire and Rescue Institute
(MFRI). You must also fill out a training report for these classes. Drills are any in-house
training. List each class and make sure the person in charge of the training fills out a training
report and that your name is on the report. Sleep-ins are each full night that you spend such
as a duty crew night. Standbys are for each four (4) hour duty that you spend manning the
station. Duty hours consist of all other activities that occur around the firehouse such as
dances, fund drive, fire prevention, carnival, etc. Remember to list starting and ending hours.
There are several benefits of the program that members are eligible for once they meet
the basic requirements:
- Maryland Tax Incentive program, see section 7.3 below
- Burial benefit which provides $5,000 towards funeral related expenses.
- Monthly payment to the qualifying member of $265 for the rest of their life.
Any questions may be directed to the LOSAP Committee Chairman.
7 .2
LOSAP Point System
A.) One fourth (1/4) of a point shall be credited for each hour of a training course completed
during the year. Training courses, which qualify for credit, shall include only those
recognized by the Fire Chief of Baltimore County for this purpose. Not more than
twenty-five (25) points may be credited for all training courses completed in a year.
B.) One half (1/2) point shall be credited for each hour of Company drill, but no more than
twenty-five (25) points shall be credited for all such company drills.
C.) One (1) point shall be credited for each full night of sleep-in duty, or for four hours or
more of station duty. Station duty is defined as an on-duty activity of the Fire,
Ambulance, or Rescue Company lasting at least four (4) hours, but not falling under one
of the other categories in this subsection. This shall not include unscheduled time spent
casually at the station, but shall include manning the station in the event of a major
incident or of an unexpected incident, such as extreme weather. Not more than twenty
(20) points may be credited for station duty or sleep-in.
D.) Twenty-five (25) points shall be credited for completion of a one (1) year term in an
elective or appointed office in a Company. Such offices shall include executive officers,
emergency operations officers, executive Board members, and Chairpersons of all
committees. Not more than one such office shall be counted in a calendar year. Five (5)
points shall be credited for completion of one (1) year term on a Committee. No more
than twenty-five (25) points may be credited in this category.
E.) Twenty-five (25) points shall be credited for completion of a one (1) year term as
President of either the Baltimore County Volunteer Fireman's Association or the
Maryland State Fireman's Association. Twenty (20) points shall be credited for
completion of a one (1) year term as an elected or appointed officer of the Baltimore
County Volunteer Fireman's Association and ten (15) points shall be credited for
completion of a year term as an elected or appointed officer of the Maryland State
Fireman's Association. No more than twenty-five (25) points shall be so credited in a
calendar year.
F.) One (1) point shall be credited for attendance at any official meeting of the Baltimore
County Volunteer Fireman's Association or the Maryland State Fireman's Association, or
any of the committees thereof. Not more than thirty (30) points shall be credited for
attendance during a calendar year.
G.) One-half (1/2) point shall be credited for each call to which a member responds,
provided that not more than twenty-five (25) points shall be credited for all such calls
during a calendar year.
H.) One-third (1/3) point shall be credited for each hour of acceptable collateral duty, such
as, but not limited to, apparatus maintenance, building maintenance, fire prevention, and
fundraising. Not more than thirty-five (35) points shall be credited for such collateral
duties in a calendar year.
I.) A member of an Active Member Company who serves, or has served, full-time in the
military service of the United States of America, provided that such member was a
member in good standing of the Company at the time such military service began, shall
receive credit of five (5) points for each full month so served. Not more than fifty (50)
such points shall be credited in a calendar year. A maximum of four (4) years of
creditable service may be acquired in this manner.
7 .3
Maryland Tax Incentive Program
The Maryland Tax Law permits members of Volunteer Fire, Rescue, or EMS companies
to be eligible for a $3,500 deduction on there Maryland Taxes as long as they meet the
minimum requirements listed below:
A.) A member must earn fifty (50) or more points in any three (3) of the previous ten years.
One of the years must be the tax year they are claiming the exemption. Members with
25 or more LOSAP years are exempt from the current year requirement although they
must have at least three years of creditable service in the past 10 years to be eligible.
B.) A member must have a minimum of 36 months of service. A new member’s first year of
service is not eligible to be counted towards the tax exemption.
C.) Military service is not counted towards this program.
D.) All members shall receive a Maryland State Income Tax incentive form (MSFA-P2.2)
after January 1st, if they qualify for the exemption.
A.) The Applicant must provide the Membership Committee with a copy of their most
recent issued report card from the school they are currently enrolled in. The Applicant
must have a 'C' average or better in all subjects to be eligible for probationary
membership. Should an Applicant not be presently enrolled in a daily school program,
they must be enrolled in a certified GED program, and the instructor of the GED
program must provide a letter advising that the student is maintaining a satisfactory
progress level.
B.) The Membership Committee shall meet with all Applicants under the age of 18 and their
parents at the Applicants home prior to the Applicant's interview with the Board of
C.) The parents or Guardian(s) of all Applicants under the age of eighteen should
accompany the Applicant during their interview with the Board of Directors.
A.) All probationary members, who are in school, must present a copy of each quarterly
report card they receive to the Captain or President within five days after they receive it
from the school. Students who are enrolled in GED programs must present either a
report card or a letter from the instructor each quarter indicating satisfactory
performance. Failure to maintain a 'C' average or satisfactory performance level in a
GED program shall cause immediate suspension from all activity related to the Fire
Department and the Probationary member shall not be authorized to enter the Fire
Department property without the expressed permission of the Captain or President.
B.) All Probationary members under the age of eighteen shall leave the Fire Department
premises before 2200 hrs. any evening on which school is scheduled on the next day. In
general this means Sunday through Thursday Night.
C.) When school is not in session any Probationary member shall be authorized to remain in
the building until 2300 hrs.
D.) Probationary members, who are in school, shall only be allowed to spend a duty night on
Friday or Saturday night and only with the prior specific approval of the Captain and the
Parents or Guardians, and the Probationary members shall not be eligible to stay a duty
night unless they are cleared to ride either on an Ambulance, Engine, or Rescue Squad.
E.) When school is not in session a Probationary member may spend up to two duty nights
per week, defined as Sunday night through Saturday night, but only after the
Probationary member meets the requirements in Section D above.
F.) Probationary members under the age of eighteen must receive approval from the Duty
Officer (Officer or Acting Officer) in charge before spending the night. The Duty
Officer must also be spending the night. If there is no Duty Officer sleeping in then the
Probationary member will not be allowed to stay past the times as outlined above unless
accompanied by their guardian.
G.) All members under the age of eighteen are prohibited from smoking tobacco products on
the property of the AVFD. This shall also be extended to any official activity they may
be involved in with the department i.e. training, emergency incidents, community events,
H.) Any Probationary member who is attending Summer school must meet the requirements
in Section A above.
9.0 AUXILIARY: All activities referenced below shall be understood to refer to the business of the
AVFD Auxiliary unless specifically referenced as a teaming effort or other relationship with the
9.1 Officer Roles and Responsibilities
A.) President/Vice President
i. Overall supervision of all administrative issues and matters. (President)
ii. Primary delegate to BCVFA convention and to the MSFA convention.
iii. Sign all checks and contracts (President)
iv. Coordinate all legal and accountant activities in conjunction with Board of Directors
v. Shall be notified of all suspension or restrictions of members by Fire-Line officers.
vi. Process all Administrative Purchase orders (PO’s)
vii. Review and monitor the Administrative budget and financial issues
viii. Oversee all license and contract renewals
ix. Maintain original copies of all contracts and provide copies to the Chairman of the
Board of Directors
x. Update signature cards for
Safety Deposit Box
Savings Account
Checking Accounts
Post Office Box
x i.
Oversee all professional services to AVFDA
x ii.
Oversee all committees and appoint chairpersons
xiii. Act as Chairman of the Membership and Nominating committees
xiv. Actively participate in the Planning Committee
B.) Recording Secretary/Assistant-Recording Secretary
i. Record minutes of all meetings of the company to include special meetings
ii. Maintain files of correspondence (Secretary)
iii. Maintain updated membership list with current address, phone numbers, and email
address (Secretary)
iv. Post notices as directed by Association Officers
v. Coordinate old business issues for future discussion
vi. Maintain list of motions made and outcome
vii. Draft correspondences of President and Vice President
viii. Provide list of membership attending meetings for tax credit incentive
ix. (Other duties may be assigned to this office by the President)
C.) Financial Secretary/Assistant Financial Secretary
i. Deposit all funds into appropriate accounts and provide Treasurer copies of same
(Financial Secretary)
ii. Maintain record of all income (Financial Secretary)
iii. Receive all funds coming into the Auxiliary and maintain records of same
iv. Maintain Bingo spread sheet
v. Generate monthly income reports
vi. Process new member’s applications after approval by membership
vii. Maintain file of Income Receipts of all committees
viii. Sends letter of confirmation for all donations over $250
ix. Maintains new Membership file during probationary period
x. Notifies member upon acceptance and departure from Auxiliary
xi. Maintain distribution of membership keys
xii. Maintains status of Membership dues
xiii. Issues official Auxiliary badges including Class A
D.) Treasurer/Assistant Treasurer
i. Sign all checks (Treasurer)
ii. Maintains all signatures for Savings and Checking accounts (Treasurer)
iii. Maintains all Savings (saving’s CD’s etc) and Checking account books (Treasurer)
iv. Coordinate with Accountant on all Tax issues (Treasurer)
v. Pay all bills
vi. Prepare all financial reports monthly
vii. Assist budget committee with budget requests
viii. Maintains file of all paid invoices
ix. Assist Budget Committee with budget build
x. Keep files up to date for seven years
xi. Interact with Accountant
xii. Prepare monthly financial statement
E. ) C h a p l a i n
i. Provide invocation at all Auxiliary sponsored events (Auxiliary meetings, Installation,
County/State Meetings)
ii. Liaison with sick regarding ill or deceased members
iii. Preside over activities in event of death of member
iv. Represent Auxiliary at all Memorials
F.) Sergeant of Arms
i. Keep order at all meetings
ii. Hear complaints of membership and bring to attention of President
iii. Maintains signature book
iv. Distribute materials at meetings
v. Oversee voting procedures
G.) Delegates
i. Participate as delegates to B.C.V.F.A and MSFA
ii. Attend Association Meetings
iii. Report important issues back to Auxiliary at next meeting
iv. Cast all votes as directed by membership
v. Attend all Convention sessions
vi. Insure representation at all sessions/meetings
9.2 Committees This section will outline specific responsibilities for each committee.
Committees have been grouped into logical divisions to help the officers oversee the daily
administrative operations of the Auxiliary. Division Leaders and Committee Chairman
shall be appointed by the Auxiliary President.
A.) Committee Chairman: All chairman shall be expected to operate under the following
i. Preside over all committee meetings for specific committee
ii. Post meeting notices
iii. Record minutes of all committee meetings
iv. Prepare and submit committee report at least quarterly to President
v. Notify President of any issues important to Association
vi. Forward financial report to Financial Secretary after fundraising event
vii. Monitor Spending versus Budget
viii. Identify goals at start of New Year or beginning of Committee
ix. Provide and record names of members to LOSAP and/or Auxiliary members to Tax
Incentive Chairperson
x. Submit budget requests by October 1st of each year to the President
xi. Obtain membership approval of spending over $50.00
xii. Report any issues or concerns to President
B.) Fundraising Division: The Fundraising Division shall team with the President to develop
fundraising projects and provide status reports to the President.
i. Kitchen
Oversee all Kitchen activities
Coordinate activities and needs with Hall Chairman
Report maintenance issues to Building Maintenance Committee Chairman
C.) Member Services Division
i. Tax Incentive
Maintain records on tax incentive
Submit tax incentive paperwork as required
Provide President with tax incentive reports for submission to County and State
Maintain all tax incentive records
ii. Newsletter
Collect articles of interest to AVFD & A
Work with Historical Committee regarding articles of interest
Prepare newsletter submissions and get to chair in time for publication
iii. Recruitment and Retention (Membership Committee)
Develop a program to recruit new members with committee
Coordinate recruitment activities in community
Coordinate and act as a liaison for all new members
Resolve any issues of conflict during probationary period
o Prepare application packets and distribute to applicants
o Interview all applicants (Board of Directors only interview applicants with
issues or concerns)
o Make report at next company meeting on recommendations of applicant or
o Maintain list of potential applicants
o Meet with all new members following the regular meeting where the new
member is voted in on probationary status. Not more then two weeks after
being voted in as a probationary member.
o Provide all new members with;, By-laws.
Provide new member with contact information
Report back to President any concerns/conflicts with new member
iv. Sick and Distressed: Team with the AVFD committee of the same name to:
Send cards and flowers/basket to members in distress or injured
Notify President of all members sick, distressed, or injured
Arrange any special assistance that a member may need while sick, distressed or
injured with President/Captain/Auxiliary President
Coordinate activities with chaplain
v. Uniform Committee
Define Class of uniforms and associated policies
Coordinate sale of uniforms to the membership
D.) Special Events Division
i. Historical: Team with the AVFD committee of the same name to:
Collect historical information for Arbutus and AVFD
Prepare articles and stories as needed
Collect articles and memorabilia for AVFDA archives
Take photographs of AVFDA activities
ii. Installation: Team with the AVFD committee of the same name to:
Secure Date
Poll membership in regards to type of event they would like i.e. formal, semiformal, casual, Ho Down, Bull Roast)
Secure caterer
Secure D.J. or band
Mail formal invitations to dignitaries
Notify membership of date and time either with written invitation or on web page
or bot h
Collect RSVP.’s
Secure a master of ceremonies
Purchase plaques, pins, and award bars for recipients
Tastefully decorate hall
Develop and print program and certificates