Nantes - TMS Events
Nantes - TMS Events
Veterinary Oncology & Clinical Pathology Nantes CITÉ DES CONGRÈS, FRANCE October 20-22 2016 18th ESVCP PRE-PROGRAM ANNUAL CONGRESS European Society of Veterinary Clinical Pathology ESVONC ANNUAL CONGRESS © Crédit photos : Fotolia European Society of Veterinary ONCology Editorial Dear colleagues and friends, It is a great pleasure to welcome the first co-organized ESVCP and ESVONC congress in France, and for the first time in Nantes. Nantes is a beautiful port city, really easy to reach and very pleasant to live in. It is a city of culture and imagination with many architectural and art treasures. France is the country of gastronomy and good wines and Nantes is no exception. ESVCP and ESVONC scientific committees worked intensively to have a real co-organization with mixed sessions, in part focusing on oncology biomarkers and spontaneous animal models in clinical pathology and oncology. We hope that there will be a real interaction between clinical pathologists and oncologists as it really happens in practice. The meeting will be held between the 20 and the 22th of October 2016 at La Cité Nantes events center. The congress center is ideally located in the heart of the city and really easy to reach by public transport. A pre-congress day (19th of October) will also be organized as a continuing education program for veterinary clinical pathologists and oncologists. Apart from high quality invited speakers, free communications, clinical cases presentation and poster sessions will also be present. For the third year, a mystery slide session will also be organized. We really hope that you will enjoy this congress as much as we enjoyed organize it in a real spirit of cooperation. We are looking forward to seeing you in Nantes, Sincerely, Laetitia Jaillardon and Brigitte Siliart Scientific Committee ESVCP Executive Committee Peter Graham, President Stefano Comazzi, Past President Stefan Neumann, Vice-President Kate English, Secretary Tim Williams, Treasurer Nazaré Pinto Da Cunha, Councillor Laetitia Jaillardon, Councillor ESVONC Executive Committee ORGANISATION : Frédérique Ponce, President Ana Lara Garcia, Vice-President Joachim Henriques, Secretary Tom Hendrickx, Treasurer Jérome Benoit Member at large TMS Events Pôle d’activités de la Bretonnière CS 60025 85602 Montaigu, Cedex Local Organizing Committee Tél. : 00 33 (0)2 51 46 48 48 Fax : 00 33 (0)2 51 43 04 41 Laetitia JAILLARDON Brigitte SILIART ©TMS Events - 29032016 Available on PRE-CONGRESS DAY - Nantes City Center WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 19th ROOM 100 G-H MORNING: “ENDOCRINOLOGY SESSION” (09h00-12h30) 09h00 09h45 10h30 11h00 11h45 Can we trust our endocrine results ? Peter GRAHAM Interpretation of endocrinology results: do not stop at the tip of the iceberg. Brigitte SILIART, Laetitia JAILLARDON Coffee Break Is hyperthyroidism damaging to the feline kidney ? Tim WILLIAMS Endocrinology of the horse: from theory to practice. Brigitte SILIART, Laetitia JAILLARDON AFTERNOON : “DIAGNOSTIC SESSION” (14h00-17h30) 14h00 15h30 16h00 16h45 17h30 Molecular techniques: How? Where? And why? Hugo MURUA ESCOBAR Coffee Break What’s new in flow cytometry for canine hematopoietic tumors? A clinical case approach. Stephano COMAZZI Immunocytochemistry: a case-based approach. Nazare PINTO DA CUNHA End of the Pre-Congress CONGRESS DAY - Nantes City Center AUDITORIUM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20th ROOM 200 REGISTRATION 07h30 08h50 Opening ceremony 09h00 Plenary lecture (Auditorium): Clinical research in veterinary oncology: the win-win challenge between clinical pathologists and oncologists Butty VILLIERS, Dick White Referrals, Cambridge UK David BERLATO, Animal Health Trust, Newmarket UK 09h45 Plenary lecture (Auditorium): Delivering the future: personalized and molecularly derived-medicine Chand KHANNA, Animal Clinical Investigation, Washington, US 10h30 11h00 11h45 COFFEE BREAK - EXHIBITION Uncovering stress adaptation pathways as critical determines of the metastatic phenotype of osteosarcoma. Chand KHANNA, Animal Clinical Investigation, Washington, US Canine tumors: a spontaneous animal model of human carcinogenesis Salomé PINHO, Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto (IPATIMUP) & i3S, Portugal ESVCP free communications ESVCP free communications 12h30 12h30-14h00 LUNCH BREAK - EXHIBITION 12h45 12h45-14h00 ECVCP committee meetings 14h00 OBESITY SESSION 14h00 - Obesity, metabolic syndrome and reproduction Michel PUGEAT, Hospices Civiles de Lyon, Université Claude Bernard, Lyon, France ESVONC free communications AUDITORIUM ROOM 200 14h45 14h45 - Translational value of animal model of obesity- Thomas LUTZ, Institute of Veterinary Physiology Vetsuisse Faculty-Centre of Integrative Human Physiology University of Zurich, Switzerland ESVONC free communications COFFEE BREAK - EXHIBITION 15h30 16h15 16h15 - Canine mammary carcinoma as a spontaneous model for obesity-associated breast cancer Laetitia JAILLARDON, Oniris, Nantes-Atlantic National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering, Nantes, France 17h00 ESVONC AGM 18h00 19h30 Welcome reception and poster reception ESVCP free communications ESVCP AGM CONGRESS DAY - Nantes City Center ROOM 200 AUDITORIUM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21st REGISTRATION 08h00 09h00 CANCER CIRCULATING BIOMARKERS SESSION 09h00 Minimal residual disease in human malignancies Jean-Yves PIERGA, Institut Curie, Paris, France Cytology of nervous system in Dogs and Cats David DE LORENZI, «I Portoni Rossi», Zola Predosa, Bologna, Italy 09h45 Circulating mRNAs as tumor biomarkers in dogs and cats Robert KLOPFLEISH, Institute of Veterinary Pathology, Berlin University, Berlin, Germany What is hiding there in the middle? Diagnostic approach of mediastinal masses in dogs and cats Francesco CIAN, BattLab (Laboklin), Coventry, UK Roberta RASOTTO, Dick White Referrals, Cambridge UK (09h00-11h45) 10h30 11h00 11h45 COFFEE BREAK - EXHIBITION Lymphopenia and blood ratio use in human malignancies as potential biomarkers Christine Menetrier-Caux, Centre Léon Bérard et Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon, UMR INSERM-1052/CNRS-5286, France ESVCP free communications Warburg effect in cancer. Hubert LINCET, UCBL1 - ISPB, Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon UMR INSERM 1052-CNRS 5286, France ESVCP free communications 12h30 14h00 LUNCH BREAK - EXHIBITION ECVCP AGM AUDITORIUM 14h00 Plenary lecture (Auditorium): Onco-hematology - Chairman: Stefano Comazzi Critical evaluation of the reliability of cytology for the diagnosis of canine lymphoma: the European Canine Lymphoma Network results Eric TESKE, Department Clinical Sciences of Companion Animals, Veterinary Faculty, University of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands 14h45 TOX PATH SESSION - Chairman: David LEDIEU ROOM 200 Role of preclinical safety assessment in cancer drug development Kuno WUERSCH, Novartis, Basel, Switzerland. Defining the value of comparative approach to cancer drug development Chand KHANNA, Animal Clinical Investigation, Washington, US 15h30 18h00 SOCIAL EVENT Evening GALA DINNER CONGRESS DAY - Nantes City Center AUDITORIUM 10h00 10h45 ESVONC free communications ROOM 200 08h00 09h15 10h00 ESVONC free communications Cytology of laboratory animals in biomedical research Florence POITOU, Charles River, Senneville, Canada 16h15 ESVONC free communications ROOM 100 (G-H) 08h00 - 09h15 - REGISTRATION Genetic characterization of canine cancers and interest for targeted therapies : focus on lymphomas Benoit Hédan and Ronan Ulvé, Institut de Génétique et Développement de Rennes. UMR6290-CNRS, Université de Rennes 1, France Mystery slides session (08h30-10h00) Carlo MASSERDOTTI, Idexx Laboratory, Brescia, Italy Viral involvement in canine and human lymphoma Ruth Jarrett, MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research, Glasgow, Scotland 10h45 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22nd COFFEE BREAK - EXHIBITION ESVCP free communications (10h00-10h45) AUDITORIUM 11h15 12h00 ROOM 200 Diagnosing kidney disease, a better approach for earlier detection Jennifer Ogeer, Guelph University, Canada Sponsored by Idexx ESVONC free communications ESVCP free communications The complete urinalysis and an introduction to automated microscopy in veterinary medicine Jennifer Ogeer, Guelph University, Canada Sponsored by Idexx ESVONC free communications Biomarkers in saliva: general concepts Jose Joaquin CERON, University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain 12h45 LUNCH BREAK - EXHIBITION QUALITY SESSION 14h00 14h15 Strengths and pitfalls with hematology analyzers in evaluation of cancer patients (14h15-15h00) Inger LILLIEHÖÖK, University Animal Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden inger. 15h00 15h15 15h45 ROOM 100 (G-H) Monitoring side effects of Anti-tyrosine kinase in veterinary oncology. (15h00-15h45) Johan de Vos, Terneuzen, The Netherlands What should appear on a pathology report of canine and feline mammary carcinomas: an overview of histopathologic data with prognostic and/or predictive impact. (15h45-16h30) Frédérique Nguyen, Oniris, Nantes-Atlantic, National College of Veterinary Medicine, Food Science and Engineering, Nantes, France 16h30 (14h00-14h30) The automation of guaranteed quality in human laboratory medicine. Henk GOLDSCHMIDT, Diagnostic Dutch Home Practitioners Service, Waalwijk, The Netherlands ESVCP/ESVONC (14h15-15h00) case presentation Banking of biospecimens for high quality biomarkers studies (14h30-15h15) Fay BETSOU, Integrated Biobank of Luxembourg, Luxemburg ESVCP/ESVONC (15h00-15h45) From quality management towards proper medical decisions in human laboratory medicine case presentation (15h15-15h45) Henk GOLDSCHMIDT, Diagnostic Dutch Home, Practitioners Service, Waalwijk, The Netherlands END OF THE CONGRESS ESVCP/ESVONC (15h45-16h30) case presentation
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nantes - TMS Events
Scientific Committee
ESVCP Executive Committee
Peter Graham, President
Stefano Comazzi, Past President
Stefan Neumann, Vice-President
Kate English, Secretary
Tim Williams, Treasurer
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