CUCNB Annual Report `09 - Atlantic Credit Unions
CUCNB Annual Report `09 - Atlantic Credit Unions
2009 Organization Chart 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2009 Committee Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Joint Report of the Board and Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 The 2010 Distinguished Credit Union Owner/Employee Award ...........8 ANNUAL REPORT TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S Auditors’ Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Financial Statements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Notes to the Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Statistical Summary for New Brunswick Credit Unions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Harry M. Daley Memorial Bursary Financial Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Sponsor Appreciation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 3 CREDIT UNION OF NEW BRUNSWICK O R G A N I Z AT I O N C H A R T 2 0 0 9 Board of Directors Gerard Adams President & CEO Linda Perry Executive Assistant to the President & CEO Kim Walker Paul Paruch Dave D’Amours Chief Financial Officer Vice President Operations & Development Manager Credit Services Valerie Douthwright Alexandra Chamberlain Manager Operational Risk Co-ordinator Credit Union Services Note: Nancy Lutes is replacing Alexandra Chamberlain while she is on maternity leave. Tabitha Duffy Senior Accountant Carole Aubé Account Officer Gerard Adams Linda Perry Kim Walker Paul Paruch Dave D’Amours Alexandra Chamberlain Valerie Douthwright Tabitha Duffy Carola Aubé Mary Alice Brown Theresa Folkins Nancy Lutes Mary Alice Brown Account Officer Theresa Folkins Receptionist 4 2009 Executive Executive Committee Committee New New Brunswick Brunswick Young Young Leaders Leaders Committee Committee Alberta (Bobbie) McNutt – Board Chair Pat Duffield – CUCNB Board, Committee Chair Frank Carroll – 1st Vice Chair Mark Gorman – NBTA Credit Union, Committee Vice Chair Charles Parker – 2nd Vice Chair Corey Bowes – OMISTA Credit Union Shawnalynn Swain – NBTA Credit Union Jennifer Marr – Advance Savings Credit Union Finance & & Audit Audit Committee Committee Finance Margo MacKenzie Albright – Carleton Pioneer Credit Union Tina Myles – McAdam Credit Union Kevin Murphy – Chair Kurt Peacock – Bayview Credit Union Vance Craig Karen Curtis – Blackville Credit Union Monica White Trevor MacDougall – ACYL Governance Committee Committee Governance Legislative Affairs Affairs Committee Committee Legislative Charles Parker – Chair Don Morton – CUCNB Board Shirlee Coleman Shirlee Coleman – CUCNB Board Baz McGean ANNUAL REPORT COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2010 Don Roper – Advance Savings Credit Union George Greenwood – Beaubear Credit Union Director Training Training Advisor Advisor Committee Committee Director Frank Carroll – CUCNB Board, Committee Chair Pat Duffield – CUCNB Board Judy Breau – Beaubear Credit Union Mary MacLeod – Bayview Credit Union Sean Liptay – OMISTA Credit Union Gary Steeves – RMA Janet Toner – CUSOURCE Resource 5 B R U N S W I C K C R E D I T U N I O N F E D E R AT I O N L I M I T E D J O I N T R E P O RT O F T H E B OA R D & M A N AG E M E N T Ye a r E n d e d D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 2 0 0 9 It is with great pleasure that we present the report of the Brunswick Credit Union 1 Credit Union’s acquisition of The CUMIS Group Limited was completed on Federation Limited, operating as Credit Union Central of New Brunswick (“your December 31, 2009. Upon execution of final agreements between Co-operators Central”), for the year ended December 31, 2009. and Central 1, The Co-operators group will own approximately 73 per cent and Central 1 will own approximately 27 per cent of CUMIS. 2009 was another very interesting year for both the Credit Union system in New Brunswick and for your Central. As was the case in 2008, extensive resources were Operating expenses at your Central reflected an increase of 18.2% over the 2008 devoted to the plans for moving forward with the new Atlantic Central. After figure. However, this was largely due to two factors – the assumption of an additional receiving your approval of the business plan at the Annual General Meeting in employee when the lending function was transferred from Risk Management April 2009, the work began in earnest. A project management firm was engaged Agency, and the costs associated with the Atlantic Central project. These two and working groups were formed from among the functional management areas. factors combined accounted for a 12.6% increase in operating costs. The balance The Steering Committee, made up of the Executive Committees of the three sheet of your Central as of December 31, 2009 reflects assets of $113.3 million, Centrals and a member from Newfoundland and Labrador, was very active in virtually unchanged from the $113.6 million of the previous year. 2009 overseeing the various aspects of the transaction. Some delays were encountered, however, and as a result the closing of the transaction is now scheduled From a system perspective, total assets grew to $804 million by the end of 2009, for December 31, 2010. We were also pleased that a transaction review revealed representing growth of 4.7% over the 2008 figure of $768 million. Our total that New Brunswick Credit Unions will be able to make up any equity shortfall in number of Owners in the Province remains in excess of 78,000. The number of the new entity by way of investing in Class B preferred shares, as opposed to the Credit Unions and locations at year end was 16 and 35 respectively; however, the direct equity contribution we had originally envisioned. number of Credit Unions reduced to 13 on January 1, 2010 due to the The financial report for 2009, which is included in this booklet, reflects the results Credit Union and York Credit Union; and Capital and Carleton-Pioneer Credit amalgamations of Advance Savings Credit Union and PSE Credit Union; OMISTA for your Central in the year. The report shows that our net income (including other Unions. We congratulate the newly combined entities on these initiatives. During comprehensive income) after tax was over $370,000 for the year. This compares the year decisions were made to close locations in Campobello Island, Black’s with a figure of over $1.25 million in 2008. It must be noted, however, that in Harbour and Gagetown, and as well the amalgamation of Prosper Credit Union 2009 CUCNB recorded the write-off of a $1.4 million investment in a Credit Union’s with Bayview Credit Union resulted in the former Prosper location being closed. preferred shares. This extraordinary event, although necessary, prevented our net We can also report that system equity at December 31 was 6.88%, as compared income from being very close to $2 million. This is a credit to the outstanding to 6.9% a year ago. Only two Credit Unions were under the supervision of the work of our Chief Financial Officer and our investment portfolio manager, CIBC Risk Management Agency, unchanged from the end of 2008. Wood Gundy. They were able to crystallize capital gains in our portfolio without damaging cash flow and return. These gains served to offset the write-off, and we Several initiatives made progress during the year. Among these were the rolling also had the good fortune at the end of the year to realize a significant gain on out of a property and casualty insurance offering made by CUCNB through CUMIS the sale of our CUMIS shares. Co-operators Life Insurance Company and Central on behalf of Credit Unions, the continuation of the national project to prepare Credit Unions for the introduction of International Financial Reporting Standards, 6 Your Central continued to be actively represented on the national front in 2009. Our President and CEO, Gerard Adams, is completing the final year of a three year term on the Board of Directors of Credit Union Central of Canada. He is also the Chair of the Board of Directors of CUSOURCE. Our Chief Financial Officer, and the continuing branding work of the Atlantic Marketing Group (including the first ever Brand Forum). As well, lobbying efforts with the Provincial Government made great strides toward the approval of a loan guarantee program for small businesses. We are hopeful that government will be in a position to announce such a program in 2010. Central’s Board Committees were active during the year as well. The Executive Committee of Alberta (Bobbie) McNutt, Frank Carroll and Charles Parker, made up the New Brunswick contingent on the Steering Committee which guided the Atlantic Central discussions both before and after the vote in April. As well, they provided oversight to the activities of the Board, meeting frequently between Kim Walker, is representing New Brunswick, along with Tammy Christopher of OMISTA Credit Union, on the national working group for the conversion to IFRS. We are also actively involved in both the National Legislative Committee and the National Risk Management Committee. Finally, as always, we need to acknowledge the efforts of our small but dedicated staff who serve Credit Unions at your Central. Despite the added element of the 2009 ANNUAL REPORT SEATED: (LEFT TO RIGHT) Charles Parker, Alberta (Bobbie) McNutt, Frank Carroll BACK ROW: (LEFT TO RIGHT) Patricia Duffield, Kevin Murphy, Baz McGean, Don Morton, Shirlee Coleman, Vance Craig, Monica White impending creation of the Atlantic Central, they remain focused on the needs of New Brunswick Credit Unions on both a day to day and a strategic level. It is a privilege to work with these individuals and to share their enthusiasm for our movement. Board meetings. Ms. McNutt and Kurt Peacock were elected as New Brunswick’s representatives on the interim Board of Atlantic Central, which will take office once the definitive agreement outlining the transaction is signed. The Audit and Respectfully submitted by: Finance Committee, chaired by Kevin Murphy, also met quarterly to review the financial statements, budgets and investment policies of the Central. The Governance Committee also assisted in helping to address the requirements for the new Atlantic Central. Alberta (Bobbie) McNutt, Chair of the Board The Director Training Advisory Committee, chaired by Mr. Carroll, continued its work in ensuring that Credit Union directors in the Province had access to the necessary training to fulfill their responsibilities. Our system-owned national learning organization, CUSOURCE, continues to be the service provider of choice Gerard M. Adams, C.A, President and Chief Executive Officer in this area. The New Brunswick Young Leaders Committee continued to put forward innovative suggestions for attracting and retaining youth as employees, volunteers and owners. 7 THE 2010 DISTINGUISHED C R E D I T U N I O N O W N E R / E M P LOY E E AWA R D Dennis Williams 2010 Distinguished Credit Union Owner/Employee Award Recipient Nominated jointly by OMISTA and NBTA Credit Unions. Dennis is retiring from the Credit Union system following a career of 32 years. He began with OMISTA Credit Union in 1973 and moved to an Ontario-based Credit Union insurance company until he was approached to manage both the Chatham base and Saint Margaret’s branches of CFB Chatham Credit Union. Dennis started work at York in 1982 when they had 225 owners, $160,000 on deposit and only 1.5 employees. The financial history of York has been a statement of success. Prior to the January 2010 merger with OMISTA Credit Union, York’s managed assets had grown to approximately $50,000,000 with two branches, over 3,700 owners and 26 employees, a record to be proud of. Dennis is the original coordinator of the Annual NB Credit Union Bowling Tournament and is currently the organizer for the 2010 Atlantic Golf Tournament being held in Fredericton on September 10th and 11th. He recently celebrated his 37th wedding anniversary with his wife Brenda, two daughters and four grandchildren. Congratulations Dennis Williams! 8 9 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 10 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 11 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 12 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 13 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 14 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 15 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 16 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 17 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 18 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 19 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 20 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 21 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 22 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 23 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 24 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 25 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 AS OF TOTAL ASSETS DEC. 31, 2009 (MILLIONS) 2009 OWNERS FULL TIME EMPLOYEES PART TIME EMPLOYEES Advance Savings $99.87 7 8,787 45 6 Bayview $274.5 7 26,774 88 8 Beaubear $45.07 2 4,206 19 7 Blackville $9.19 1 2,500 5 2 Capital $46.67 2 5,310 16 6 Carleton Pioneer $27.96 2 3,033 14 3 Charlotte County $18.11 2 3,695 10 5 $0.32 1 163 0 2 Citizens $13.94 1 1,574 5 1 Dalhousie $11.87 1 1,800 6 3 Church River Deer Island $3.80 1 1,001 1 2 McAdam $6.66 1 1,114 4 2 NBTA $36.79 1 3,913 13 0 $140.06 3 7,021 51 3 PSE $27.36 1 2,772 9 0 York $41.72 2 3,617 17 9 $803.89 35 77,280 303 59 OMISTA SUB TOTAL 26 BRANCHES ANNUAL REPORT NEW BRUNSWICK CREDIT UNIONS 27 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 28 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 29 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 30 ANNUAL REPORT 2009 S P O N S O R A P P R E C I AT I O N
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