7/24/16 - Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Norco, Louisiana
7/24/16 - Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church Norco, Louisiana
Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish 401 Spruce St. * Norco, Louisiana 70079 July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Established June 28, 1959 MISSION STATEMENT Following the ‘call’ of Jesus the Christ, we the Catholic Community of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church, dedicate ourselves to the mission of collaboratively providing and promoting a healthy Christian environment for Worship, Education, and Service to the People of God. STAFF Pastor: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .…….Rev. Edmund Akordor Email………………………………[email protected] Deacon: . . . . . . . . . . . W. Gerard Gautrau “Deacon G.” Deacon G. email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Secretary: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. Carole Bravo Principal…………………………...Mrs.LauraDeLaneuville Coordinator of Religious Education. Mrs. Nina LaRosa Email……………………………[email protected] Youth Ministers: . . . . . . . . Artie & Laura DeLaneuville PARISH COUNCIL Fr. Edmund Akordor, President Laura DeLaneuville CYO, Principal Nina LaRosa, CCD Margaret Laurent, RCIA Leigh-Ann Brouillette Sal Digirolamo Ronald Lambert Joe Lucia Dwayne Mayeux Sean Moore FINANCE COUNCIL \ Fr. Edmund Akordor, Pastor Todd Guidry, Chairman Dianne Mayeux Gary Smith, Sr. Ronald St. Pierre Carole Bravo, Bookkeeper Altar Servers..Penny [email protected] Extra Min of Holy Communion.Bonnie Kern. [email protected] Lectors... Margaret Laurent... [email protected] Parish Office Hours are from 9:00am to 4:30pm Telephone Numbers Rectory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985-764-6503 Fax. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985-725-0512 Deacon G.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504-201-2767 Rectory E-mail: . . . . . . . . . . [email protected] Web Site . . . . . . . . www.sacredheartchurchnorco.org Principal…[email protected] School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985-764-9958 Fax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985-764-0041 E-mail . . . . . . . . [email protected] Web Site . . . . . . . . www.sacredheartschoolnorco.org Welcome, New Parishioners If you have joined our parish community we wish to extend a heartfelt “Welcome”. A Registration Book has been placed on the information table in the back of Church. Please complete a registration form and return to Father. Also, please consider joining one of our parish ministries and share your time and talent with our parish family. Hospital / Shut-Ins Please call the rectory/parish office to notify the Pastor if a parishioner is in the hospital or is homebound and needs Communion at home. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4:30 P.M. Sunday . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:00 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 6:00 P.M. WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 8:00 A.M. . . Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Mass-1st Fridays, Communion Service 2nd & 4th Friday 8:00 A.M. 8:45A.M. . . . Thursday (8am Monday-Thurs, June, July, Aug) CONFESSIONS 3:45 - 4:15 P.M. on Saturdays, 20 minutes Before Daily Masses except Thursday and Friday or by Appointment. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Mondays, 8:30 A.M. - 12:00P.M. Noon In the Chapel Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena - Tue 8:30am BAPTISMS: Attendance at a Seminar is required. Registration required. Please call the rectory after the baby is born. Deacon G will arrange preparation and baptism date at that time. The guidelines for Baptism are a link on our website under sacraments. Please refer to the website. MATRIMONY : Call the rectory at least 6 months prior to the anticipated date of marriage. FUNERALS: After consultation with the Funeral Director, please contact the priest to prepare the funeral liturgy. Please contact Father Ed if you or someone you know are homebound and would like to receive a visit and communion. Please call Fr. Ed at the rectory 985-764-6503. July 24, 2016 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 30 & 31 Readers Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Altar Servers 4:30pm Margaret Laurent Brenda Galliano, Cheryl Miller, Josie Mire Skylar & Madison DeFrisco 8:00am Juanita Guedry Sandra Collins, Mike Guillot, Jill Morales Carlo & Caroline Barrera 10:00am Melissa Guidry Karen Madere, Marian Oleksik, Emily Smith, Ronald St. Pierre Calie Frangella Emily Madere 6:00pm Sandra Collins Laura DeLaneuville Angie Lastrapes Emma & Caroline Rome Year C 1) Genesis 18:20-32 2) Colossians 2:12-14 3) Luke 11:1-13 FOCUS: Our heavenly Father lovingly watches over us and provides for what we most truly need. MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK… Saturday, July 23 4:30 P.M. Betty, Lillian, Paul, Roy Trepagnier, Flossie Barfield; Edna Guidry, James Galliano; Barbara Robicheaux & Noelie Roussel; Jeff Andry; Clara Barreca Perret, Angele & Lionel Perret, Sr., Emmett & James Barreca, Lionel Perret, Jr.; Marlvain C. Weber; Lester Torres; Grace Giroir; Herman Deslatte, Sr., Randy Deslatte, Sr.; George Landeche; Alice Mae & Norman Hymel; Leon Heurtin; Dumas V. Hymel; Sidney “Pete” Trosclair; Florence “Bea” Keller; Cora Lee Smith in celebration of her 100th birthday; Philip & Lena Morroy, Harold & Mabel Donaldson, Pearl & S.E. Roan, *Bobby & *Linda Donaldson; Richard Oxner; Lester Montz; Dan & Bonnie Montz, Richard Landry & Leo Bourg Sunday, July 24 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 A.M. Parishioners (Elma Champagne & Tommy) (Jay LaBranche) 10:00 A.M Al Smith, Jr., M/M George Williamson & Ree Alario, M/M Allen Smith, Sr.; Rose & Dick Lowry; Paul & Loretta Rome; Alma Dasch; Bruce & Ethel Rodrigue; Philip “PJ” Cheramie; Percy & David Brignac; John “Totsy” Migliore; Lawrence Boucvalt; *Lisa Clement; Barry Bleakley, Sr. 6:00 P. M. Parishioners Monday, July 25 8:00 A.M. Buddy & *Loretta Simon Tuesday, July 26 8:00 A.M. P.J. Cheramie Wednesday, July 27 8:00A.M. For Father Akordor for the anniversary of his ordination Thursday, July 28 8:00A.M. For all who have died in the line of duty protecting citizens Friday, July 29 No Mass (David & Percy Brignac) Saturday, July 30 4:30 P.M. Betty, Lillian, Paul, Roy Trepagnier, Flossie Barfield; Edna Guidry; Milton Landeche; James Galliano; Barbara Robicheaux & Noelie Roussel; Jeff Andry; Larry & Doris Babin, Mary Robicheaux; Thelma Louque, Terri L. Baudier, M/M J.M. Roux, M/M Clarence Louque & deceased children; Lester Torres; Grace Giroir; Hubert “Poochie” Roussel & Randy Roussel; George Landeche; Alice Mae & Norman Hymel; Leon Heurtin; Dumas V. Hymel; Florence “Bea” Keller; Philip & Lena Marroy, Harold & Mabel Donaldson, Pearl & S.E. Roan, *Bobby & *Linda Donaldson; Richard Oxner; Lester Montz; *Warren & *Mary Jane Donaldson; Dan & Bonnie Montz, Richard Landry & Leo Bourg Sunday, July 31 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00 A.M. Parishioners (Elma Champagne & Tommy) (Jay LaBranche) 10:00 A.M April Kimble, Gladys & Fred Robert, Sr., Harvey Kimble, Sr., Cora K. McDonald; Al Smith, Jr., M/M George Williamson & Ree Alario, M/M Allen Smith, Sr.; Rose & Dick Lowry; Paul & Loretta Rome; Clara Barreca Perret, Thomas, Frances, Sal, Emile, Emmett, James, Salvador, Sadie & Josephine Barreca; Neal Ayme, Sr., Neal Ayme, Jr., Inez & Brenda Schexnayder, J.A. & Eda Schexnayder, Ethel & Sondra DeMars, Rhonda Ayme; Philip “PJ” Cheramie; Percy & David Brignac; John “Totsy” Migliore; Barry Bleakley, Sr. 6:00 P. M. Parishioners *Denotes the living~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Memorials . . . † The Altar Candles burn in loving memory of Edna Guidry. † The Sanctuary Candle burns in loving memory of Milton Landeche. Stewardship of Treasure Report of July 23/24, 2016 Envelopes $4,779.00 Loose 304.00 Envelopes by EFT (Weekly) 349.62 Total $5,432.62 Black & Indian Mission $753.00 Thank you for your generosity. July 24 Church payables July 31, St. James Mission Appeal & Clarion Herald Collection August 7, Church Development fund Baptism Seminar Tuesday, July 26, at 6:00pm in the Rectory. Call to register 764-6503 Please see our website www.sacredheartchurchnorco.org for the Archdiocese of New Orleans Policy on Baptism (effective January 2014) Thank you for your response to the Church’s plea to prayerfully consider increasing your Church contribution. Many people have responded with generous increases. The Church has many expenses. We need to come together as a Church Family and Church Community to meet these expenses. Thank you for your generosity. The 2nd collection this weekend is for our Church Payables. "As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace" Please remember in your prayers our sick relatives and friends and the needs and concerns of our Parish Family written in our Petitions Book, also for all who serve in the military. Calendar For The Week SATURDAY, July 23 3:45-4:15pm Confessions… 4:30pm Mass… 2nd collection for Church Payables... SUNDAY, July 24 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am, 10:00am & 6:00pm Masses… 2nd Collection for Church Payables... MONDAY, July 25 7:30am Scriptural Rosary in Church 7:40am Confessions 8:00am...Mass 8:30am-12:00Noon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament with Benediction at Noon... TUESDAY, July 26 7:40am Confessions... 8:00am Mass followed by Our Lady Of Perpetual help Novena... 8:00am Men of Sacred Heart… 6:00pm Baptism Seminar in the rectory... WEDNESDAY, July 27 7:40am Confessions... 8:00am Mass … 7:00pm Peace and Prayer walk in front of Church... 7:30pm Bingo in the K. C. Home… Thursday, July 28 8:00am Mass… 7:00pm Festival meeting in the faculty room... FRIDAY, July 29 No Mass... SATURDAY, July 30 Fr. O’Brien visits to speak about The Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle at all Masses… 2nd collection for St. James the Apostle Mission Appeal... Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor-meet in the parking lot at 9:00am... 3:45-4:15pm Confessions… 4:30pm Mass… SUNDAY, July 31 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am, 10:00am & 6:00pm Masses… Fr. O’Brien visits to speak about The Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle at all Masses... 2nd collection for St. James the Apostle Mission Appeal... CYO meeting in the Youth Center following 6:00pm Mass... July 30-31 Father O’Brien from The Missionary Society of St. James the Apostle will be here to speak about an appeal for the South American missions. Founded by Cardinal Cushing in 1958, members of the Society are diocesan priests, from English speaking countries, who work with the exceptionally poor in Peru and Ecuador. Please be as generous. For more information on the Society of St. James visit their website: www.socstjames.com Sacred Heart Of Jesus Holy Name Society Rosary Broadcast Monday, August 1, 2016 6:00pm In the Rectory. If you cannot attend the Rosary listen live on WVOG Radio 600AM HAPPY 36TH ANNIVERSARY OF YOUR ORDINATION, FATHER ED! “As people of faith we pray for peace and recommit ourselves to do our part to foster peace in our families and in our community”Most Reverend Gregory M. Aymond Wednesday evening, July 27, Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish will have a Peace and Prayer Walk for our community to come together to pray for peace and for all who risk their lives to protect us and those whose lives have been taken and for their families. We will gather outside of Church to begin the walk in our neighborhood. The walk will begin at 7:00pm. Please come out and show your support for our community and take a stand against violence. WEAR BLUE! Saturday, July 30 Meet in Church parking lot at 9:00am www.shrineofourladyofpromptsuccor.com Sacred Heart of Jesus Church is planning a pilgrimage to the National Votive Shrine of Our Lady of Prompt Succor on July 30. We will meet at the Church parking lot at 9:00am and our tour will begin at 10:00am with a tour of the museum as well. Mass will be held at 11:00am. The Shrine is located on the Ursuline Campus. The address to the Shrine is 2701 State Street in New Orleans, if you would like to meet us there. A suggested donation is $5.00 for adults and $2.00 for students. If you would like transportation, please call the rectory, and we will arrange a ride. We will be attending Mass, so please dress appropriately. Jubilee Year of Mercy Sacred Heart of Jesus Parish Fall Festival November 11, 12 & 13 We are asking anyone that can help with the festival to plan to attend the Fall Festival planning meeting on Thursday, July 28, at 7:00pm in the faculty room at Sacred Heart of Jesus School. It takes a lot of time and talent to make the festival a success, so please consider being a part of the success. CYO NEWS Sacred Heart of Jesus Youth Group will meet Sunday evening, July 31, following 6:00pm Mass. In order to be a member you must be 13 years of age and up. The CYO meets on the 2nd and last Sunday of the month following 6:00pm Mass in the Youth Center. Please email or call Laura DeLaneuville if you would like more information. [email protected] 985-212-9898 The group has lots of activities planned and would love to have lots of new members! Traci Woodard Salon ASHLEY BRAVO, STYLIST 1970 Ormond Blvd. Suite E Destrehan, LA 985-307-1130 IN LOVING MEMORY OF Norman & Alice Mae Hymel 573 Good Hope St., Norco FULL PLUMBING SERVICE 985-764-2220 LMP 4619 Gregory A. Miller IN LOVING MEMORY Louisiana State Representative, District 56 Attorney at Law 9 Apple St. 985-764-9991 [email protected] Betty W. Trepagnier Tony Senator Gary L. Smith, Jr. 764-7324 For an Ad or Memorial in this space, please call 764-6503. District 19 P.O. Box 189, Norco, LA 70079 985-764-9122 phone 985-764-6710 fax [email protected] IN LOVING MEMORY To Join Henry “Buster”, Donyce, & Danny Sacred Heart of Jesus † For an Ad or Memorial in this space, please call 764-6503. Altar Society Smith Call 764-6503 Compliments of MAGNOLIA HOLDINGS INC. The Smith Family ZERINGUE’S PLG. & MECH. New Sarpy, LA LA cont#25750 LMP 476 ·Full Sales & Services ·Plumbing Fixtures ·Garbage Disposers ·Water Heaters Commercial & Residential 985-764-9293 For an Ad or Memorial in this space, please call 764-6503. Riverlands Terminix State Farm® In Loving Memory Providing Insurance & Financial Services Visit us Online at www.rwkrebs.com 3445 North Causeway Blvd., Suite 201 Metairie, LA 70002 Office Ph. 504.889.9616 Fax 504.889.0916 | Toll Free 855.888.9616 Email: [email protected] A Family Tradition since 1921 Nicholas & Michele Krebs Parishioners In Loving Memory Ellis & Bernice Boudreaux Offering Annual Maintenance Programs Dustin Gaar Call Today for Details Agent 110 Ormond Center Ct. Suite V Destrehan 985-764-8414 Fax 985-764-8489 www.dustingaar.com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service® Compliments of Lance Marino & Family Clerk of Court St. Charles Parish 985-783-6632 For an Ad or Memorial in this space, please call 764-6503. 985-764-2426 For an Ad or Memorial in this space, please call 764-6503. ELAINE THERESA BERGERON In Loving Memory In Loving Memory Rev. Msgr. Marcel Fourcade Rev. Robert K. Cooper Rev. Desmond G. Crotty Fr. John Hegarty Sacred Heart of Jesus School Excellence… For the Greater Glory of God 985-764-9958
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