Weekly Magazine
Vol. 17, No. 9 The Official Newsletter of the Staten Island Region of the Antique Automobile Club of America Ragtops & Rumbleseats Sept 2010 • Last Meeting Before Car Show - 9/7 Vintage Advertising I’m betting that this ad for the 1939 Chrysler wouldn’t go over too well in today’s world. It portrays women as incapable of understanding car-speak terms like “horsepower” and “steering-wheel gear shift”. It does give them credit for having the common sense and intuition to understand what these words mean to them in terms of their driving experience with a Chrysler. It’s a clever ad for sure, actually bridging the gap between the engineering features of the car and the benefits the owner receives from them. People today care very little for clever at someone’s expense, leaving today’s ads fairly dull. In This Issue Show time! What’s required? Don’t miss the September meeting! Members needed for Richmond County Fair, September 4-6. American Graffiti Tour stops next door. Destination: the Nicola Bulgari Collection. One of many Thunderbirds to recently enter the SIRAACA Garage. Trivi a Qu e s t i o n : Ok l a h o m a n a t i ve Carl Magee invented this item in 1932, and many were f i r s t i n s t a l l e d i n Ok l a h o m a City. They remain in use in cities and towns the world over, s l ow l y g i v i n g w a y t o n e we r, electronic versions. What is it? Answer: The parking meter. RAGTOPS & RUMBLESEATS September, 2010 Volume 17, Number 9 SIRAACA Who’s Who EDITOR Paul Arena, Jr. - [email protected] PRESIDENT Paul Arena, Jr. - [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Mike Signorile - [email protected] SECRETARY Tony DiAngelo TREASURER Phil Boffa MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY Fred DiGiovanni SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Jeff Tucker WEBMASTER - [email protected] Frank Nathanson www.aaca.org/siraaca Minutes of the 424th Meeting August 3, 2010 1. The 424th meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM by President Paul Jr. Following the Pledge of Allegiance and a moment of silence, the minutes of the 423rd meeting were accepted as read by Secretary Tony DiAngelo 2. Debbie Parsons and Jack Semich from Staten Island Project Homefront joined us to discuss our upcoming car show and review volunteers, donations and press coverage. 3. Bob Johnson addressed the members regarding our participation at the upcoming Bikers for Babies event on August 29 at the Mall. 4. Car show posters have been printed and are ready to distribute. Dash plaques have been ordered, featuring John Bruno’s 1966 Impala SS and Tony Provato’s 1966 Olds 442 convertibles. Steve Trotto continues to work on the soap box derby participants’ attendance. The show field at CSI is being slightly reconfigured by the school, which will give us a dozen or so additional spots. 5. The club was offered a large donation of used trophies, some which may need updated years or faceplates. Our trophy supplier will donate whatever cosmetic upgrades we need. Arrangements to pick them up and store them were made with the help of Jeff Tucker. 6. It was suggested that we clarify our insurance coverage with the AACA now that we are a 501(c)(3). Paul Jr. will verify all’s well . 7. Please have all raffle monies, tickets, and donations in for the September meeting. 8. Paul Jr. reviewed a plan to allow our club to apply for financial grants in support of our mission. A long term plan must be devised towards several goals, such as a building of our own. A motion to form a committee to prepare for this was put on the floor. The motion was voted on and approved unanimously by those in attendance. The committee consists of Steve Trotto, Kevin Keenan, Charlier Auer, Bob Stephens, Jon Schulman and Paul Jr. 9. The club will purchase a raffle car banner to help promote each year ’s car. 10. Phil Boffa gave a Treasury Report. All’s in order. 11. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 pm. The 50/50 collected $39.00 and Ken Haase won $20.00. Respectfully submitted, Tony DiAngelo, Secretary, SIRAACA c lub happe n i n g s FE A T U R E Richmon d C o u n t y F a i r A m e r i c a n G r a ff i ti Redux This year ’s Richmond County Fair returns for three days over Labor Day weekend, from Saturday, September 4 through Monday, September 6. Each day, the club will display several vehicles and sell tickets on the raffle car. At this point, we have a very small list of attendees, and need more volunteers. Please contact Paul Jr. with your availability. Ideally, a minimum of six cars each day makes a decent display and gives us enough people to manage the raffle table. Members without cars are still needed to help out, too. Richmond Town is also looking for some volunteers to help them with their gates. If any family members want to help out, they’re welcome, too. The weekly cruise nite at TGI Friday’s in Woodbridge was one of the stops of an American Graffiti tour, featuring actors Paul LeMat (“Milner”) and Cindy Williams (“Laurie”) on hand signing autographs, and plenty of Graffiti-inspired rides. Henry Ford’s Model A was well represented, along with several bowtie Bel Air ’s. A handful of members joined in the fun, and the raffle car did well while promoting our upcoming show. Fred DiGiovanni won an award for his customized 1949 Cadillac, while Joe Brande showed his 1971 Olds Cutlass and Paul Arena brought along his 1948 Dodge. Friday’s hosts a weekly cruise nite each Tuesday, located off of Route 1 South across from the Woodbridge Mall. Upcomi n g R o a d Tr i p The club is planning a trip to visit part of the car collection of Nicola Bulgari, world renowned Italian jewelry master, at his 10,000 square foot hangar in Allentown, PA. His stateside collection numbers around 50 cars, many from 1941 (the year he was born). His favorite make is Buick, but his collection ranges far and wide. Andrew Napoli will sort out the details, and the trip most likely will be on a weeknight in September. We have the option of driving ourselves, or if the turnout is strong, perhaps rent a bus for the evening. ELIQUAT SIR AC A AEUGUER Cover : A 19 4 7 D o d g e Cu s to m 6 - Pa s s e n g e r Co u p e. Ad s pro claimed it the “smo othest car a float ”. (photo by Paul Jr.) From the P r e s i d e n t The September meeting is by far our most important of the year as we finalize our plans for the upcoming car show and flea market on September 19. All members are asked to attend so that we can organize work assignments and collect all outstanding monies. Please bring in all of your sold raffle tickets, and trophy donations. The raffle car has a few key appearances coming up, including the March of Dimes event on August 29 at the Staten Island Mall and the Richmond County Fair over the Labor Day weekend. Members are encouraged to attend these events as well to pitch in with raffle sales. Both events take place before our meeting in September, so please contact me if you need information on either event. - NEXT MEETING - September 7 Our next scheduled meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 7th at 7:00 PM at The Manor House at 917 Manor Road. Each meeting is held on the first Tuesday of the month. Remember that $5.00 is collected from each member to offset the cost of the meeting. M o d e l A a n d D e l a h a y e a t Monterey Just as Hershey becomes the center of the collector car universe each October, so does the Monterey Peninsula each August. Home to the Pebble Beach Concours, it also features numerous other gatherings such as The Quail, and plenty of auctions with serious money changing hands. One such auction is held by RM Auctions, who this year saw fourteen cars top the $1,000,000 mark, including a “no sale” at $10.7 million for a 1958 Ferrari 250 TR. Eight others were Ferrari’s, and only two were American cars - a 1933 Duesenberg SJ Phaeton fetched $1.43 million, while a 1933 Packard V-12 Coupe took in $1.62 million. A 1949 Delahaye 175 S Roadster by Saoutchik, seen below, sold for $3.3 million. The fruits of our efforts are soon to ripen and be enjoyed by all. Thanks! - Paul Jr. The Eleg a n c e A new event has been announced, to be known as The Elegance at Hershey, scheduled for June 1112, 2011. Limited to just 75 cars, it’s a true “best of the best” exhibition on the lovely grounds of the Hotel Hershey. It will also include vintage racers attacking the fabled Hershey Hilltop course. Beneficiaries of this exclusive event are the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the AACA Museum, and the AACA Library & Research Center. Stay tuned for more details. (photo cour tesy of sup ercars.net) Another notable “no sale” was a 1903 Ford Model A Tonneau, recognized as the oldest car ever sold by Ford Motor Company to still exist. It is one of three Model A’s ordered on July 13, 1903, and the only survivor. The money received by Ford for these three cars kept the company from going into receivership and provided a safe foundation for the Ford Motor Company to build upon and become the empire that revolutionized the fledgling auto industry. The car has had only four owners in its lifetime, but couldn’t find a fifth with a rejected high bid of $325,000. SIR AAC A LOREM IPSUM Inside the SIRAACA Garage Tom Lavin has three 1965 Thunderbirds in the SIRAACA Garage, and this one is Special, literally. It’s a Special Landau, an unofficial 10th Anniversary limited production model, with just 4500 built. All had a parchment-colored vinyl roof and matching interior, and most were painted in exclusive Ember-Glo Metallic. Ember-Glo accents appear on the dash, bucket seat backs, carpeting, and deluxe wheel covers, too. About 5% of all Special Landaus were painted Wimbledon White, and there are reports that one or two may have been ordered in Navajo Beige. ( p h o tos by Paul Jr.) Additional features unique to this model include simulated burled walnut interior trim, and Special Landau nameplates on the roof rear quarter mouldings and front door interior trim. Under the hood is a 390 V-8 topped with a four-barrel carburetor, mated to a three-speed Cruise-O-Matic transmission. It exhales through factory dual exhausts. Base price for the Special Landau was $4,368. Upcoming Events Hop into your car and gather your friends for a ride to one of these upcoming events: Do you have a car (or had a car) that should be featured in the SIRAACA Garage? Let me know at the meetings, or via [email protected]. Last month’s mystery car from 1914 was a Marmon. • • • • • • • End of Summer Doo Wop Concert, South Beach - August 27 March of Dimes Bikers for Babies & Car Show, S.I. Mall - August 29 Richmond Town County Fair - September 4-6 Monsignor Farrell H.S. Car Show - September 12 Motori d’Italia, Casa Belvedere (Howard Avenue) - September 18 SIRAACA 34th Annual Car Show & Flea Market, CSI - September 19 Fall Englishtown, Raceway Park - September 24-26 SIR AAC A LOREM IPSUM
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[email protected]