MYC 2016 Cruise Guide - Marblehead Yacht Club
MYC 2016 Cruise Guide - Marblehead Yacht Club
MYCCRUISE2016 Aug5,6and7 PORTSMOUTH,NH MYC2016Cruise WelcomeandGeneralInformation The2016MYCcruisetoPortsmouth,NHisscheduledforAugust5,6&7.ThecityofPortsmouth hasampledockspaceforusattheirPrescottPark.Thedocksareashortwalkingdistanceto downtownanditsmanyrestaurants&shops.Theparkisbeautifullylandscapedandhasa pavilionwhichfeaturesentertainment.Informationabouttheparkandupcomingeventsis availableontheirwebsite, Dockspacehasbeenreservedat$60pernightforboats21’to30’,$70forboats31’to40’and $100forboats41’to50’.Electricalpowerisavailablefora$10hookupcharge.Theondutydockmasterwillassistyouinsecuringyourvesselandacceptingpayment.ContacttheDock-masteron VHFChannel09asyouapproachthedocks(neartheRTE1bridge).Landline603-436-2848 THEDISTANCETOPORTSMOUTHIS33/38MILESdependingonwhetheryoutransitthe BlynmancanalorgoaroundCapeAnn.Itislefttoindividualcaptainstoscheduletheirdeparture. Routedistancesandtidetablesareprovidedforseveraloptions.ToarriveinPortsmouthata reasonablehour,slowervesselsmaychoosetoleaveadayearlierandmakeastopoveratoneof4 options:SmithCove,Gloucester,AnnisquamYachtClub,RockportHarbor,orIpswichYachtClub*. Wehaveincludedinthisbookapproximatedistancestoeachoftheseharborsandthetimesof tide.Tidalinformationisfrom: Annisquamcanalinformationisfrom: MYCmemberswishingtoarrivebyautoarewelcometojoinus. *IpswichYachtClubislocatedinPlumIslandSound(PIS).Thereisampledockageandmooring spacewithadequatedepthavailableattheIpswichYachtClub.PleaseNote:NavigationintoPlum IslandSoundrequirespassageoverthesandbaroffCastleNeck.Wemustpointoutthatbefore makingyourdecisiontoproceedintoPISyouconsideryourdraft,thetimeofhightideandthe weather.TheearlyafternoonHightidemakesitpossibleforaneasyharborentranceandexit 2 MYC2016Cruise SCHEDULEOFEVENTS FridayAugust5th 15:00to16:00RendevousatPrescottPark 1630–1730CocktailsatDockedVessels EveningDinnerashoreinPortsmouth th SaturdayAugust6 Shore-sideactivitiesandsightseeingatCrew’sdiscretion 1800Lobsterfeast AboardInternationalHarvesterandadjacentvessels Lobsters/chickenandcornprovided$6.00perperson BYOB&sidedish Alistofneededsidedisheswillbecirculated [email protected] SundayAugust7th Departure RULESOFDOCKARENOALCOHOLONTHEPUBLICDOCKS. Pleaseusediscretionbetweenboats. 3 MYC2016Cruise 4 MYC2016Cruise 5 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofsuggestedcoursestoPortsmouth,NH 6 MYC2016Cruise 7 MYC2016Cruise A. Gloucester Smith Cove Anchorages & Dockage Marine and most other supplies are obtainable in town. Rocky Neck has several restaurants. The harbormaster can be reached on Channel 16/72 or by calling 978-282-3012. A speed limit of 5 miles per hour is enforced in the Inner Harbor. B. Annisquam Anchorages & Dockage The Annisquam Yacht Club maintains five transient moorings which accommodate yachts up to 45' LOA. Members wishing to moor their own yacht for a limited period of time may do so at no charge for no more than seven days per season. Guests of members and visiting yachtsmen with vessels will be assessed $75 per night for launch service and use of Club facilities (excluding the tennis courts, which are not available to visiting yachtsman). Telephone 978-283-450, VHF Channel 68. More information is available at C*. Plum Island Sound, Ipswich Anchorage & Dockage The facilities consist of the clubhouse with a dining area and waterfront area with a large floating dock. There are guest moorings for cruisers desiring to visit the area. Launch service is available every day between Memorial Day and Labor Day. Fuel, both gas and diesel are available to the public. Jim Rataj, Mobil: 781-249-4932, email; [email protected], *see note page 2, 2016 cruise D. Rockport Anchorages & Dockage Moorings and berths in the harbor are under control of the harbormaster, who can be reached on VHF Channels 9 and 16 or by calling 978-546-9589. A speed limit of 4 miles per hour is enforced within the harbor limits. Moorings and tie-ups can be arranged through the harbormaster. Portsmouth, NH Anchorages & Dockage The city of Portsmouth provides slips at Prescott Park just east of the Memorial Bridge (Rte 1) on the South Side of the river. The approach is between nun “2” and “3”. Currents can run high and there is wash from passing traffic. Use care in approaching. Slips are adjacent to the city park, its outdoor pavilion and the downtown area is only steps away. A dockmaster will help place you at the wharf upon arrival.More information is available at Park supervisor 603-431-8748 VHF Channel 09 We have reserved a slip for you if you are on our list of MYC Cruisers. Contact Chuck Nyren to be placed on this list. The Above information was obtained from It is for general planning and should not be your final authority in route decisions nor itinerary. Captains are urged to add this link to their planning library. 8 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofstopoverspotsonCapeAnnandIpswichBay 9 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofGloucesterHarbormooringarea 10 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofpassagethroughAnnisquamRivertoAnnisquamYC 11 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofIpswichRiverandapproachtoIpswichBayYachtClub 12 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofRockportHarborentranceandmooringarea 13 MYC2016Cruise IllustrationofentrancetoPortsmouthHarborandcourseto PrescottPark. 14