annual report 2015
annual report 2015
annual report 2015 annual report 2015 annual report 2015 letter from the President 6 letter from the Governing Board 8 highlights 2015 10 “with you” commercial model 18 consumers24 workers34 stores42 value chain 54 social transformation 66 letter from the President Letter from the President Agustín Markaide In general, the 2015 financial year showed a more favourable economic environment and, in particular, a stable distribution sector, with little growth in consumption and an increase in competition. Consumer confidence has experienced some improvement, which is reflected in the normalisation of durable goods consumption but which has not led to greater food consumption. The keys to the sector are a large market overall stability and little elasticity in terms of income compared to other chapters in family expenditure. At EROSKI, in this 2015 financial year we deem the restructuring phase we launched in 2009 to be concluded. Today we are where we wanted to be. The ordinary results for our distribution activity display a positive evolution during these years, although the final results are still witness to the cost of the conversion we embarked on. We now open up a new stage, one that is more focused on competitiveness. Store refurbishments are making progress, together with the opening of new establishments. 27% of the food distribution network is now new-generation stores. The increase in client footfall and sales is undoubtedly the best endorsement of the competitiveness of the new commercial model that has resulted from the progress made throughout the value chain. At the EROSKI consumer cooperative we seek to 6 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI promote healthy eating. In pursuing this goal we give greater relevance to the fresh produce section and to the presence of local products while incorporating more products with improved nutritional composition, among other things. Part of this same line are the numerous training actions aimed at consumers, prominent among which, this year, were those undertaken with more than 72,000 boys and girls through the Nutrition School devoted to promoting a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. In this endeavour we relied on the contributions of the Scientific Committee of EROSKI Foundation and other specialists participating in the 5th Nutrition School encounter. This kind of contribution helps us to refine diagnoses and set priorities. Today the EROSKI Group boasts more than 7 million Client Partners, holders of the EROSKI, CAPRABO, IF and FORUM SPORT cards. We place them at the epicentre of our strategy and, thanks to the possibilities of technology and the new communication channels, we are moving forward towards a more integral and more segmented management based on client profiles, always in a quest for their satisfaction and for greater efficiency. There is no doubt that today’s technology is opening up new avenues for advancing towards a more individualised relationship. Alliances to reinforce the procurement function to offer consumers better prices. Alliances with local suppliers to promote a more sustainable and highly diversified agri-foods sector to enrich our gastronomic culture and favour more varied and healthy nutrition. Alliances for “Zero Waste” that have led to no food suitable for consumption being discarded in our stores. They are instead channelled towards needy collectives through the Food Banks and more than a hundred local social organisations In 2016 we will set out on a new train of thought, looking towards 2020 on the basis of a sound commercial network, more focused on the markets where we are widely recognised and with an ambitious expansion plan through the franchise network, to which we will steadily add new converted stores and new own stores. Agustín Markaide PRESIDENT 2015 was also a year in which we strengthened our alliances, a constant feature of EROSKI’s trajectory. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 7 letter from the Governing Board Letter from the Governing Board Promoting healthy eating forms part of EROSKI’s mission. This is not a cosmetic undertaking or a marketing campaign; rather, it stems from our mission as a consumer cooperative and is a demonstration of the significant advances made in this year 2015 that has ended. Today one of the most important problems we face as consumers is the drastic change in our eating habits, which is leading to a public health problem associated with the rates of cardiovascular risk, diabetes, high blood pressure and excess weight or obesity. Balanced eating and a healthy lifestyle plays a fundamental role today in the individual and collective wellbeing of our society. FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: JAVIER CORTAJERENA, M.JOSE MOLINA, CRISTINA GAINZA, ENRIQUE MARTÍNEZ, LEIRE MUGERZA, EDORTA JUARISTI, LUIS IGNACIO RUIZ DE ALEGRÍA, NEREA ESTURO, JAIONE URIARTE, LOURDES RODRÍGUEZ, LANDER BELOKI, GEMMA OTADUY 8 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Through the Scientific Committee of the EROSKI Foundation we know that the trivialisation of what we eat is a critical aspect that to a large extent explains the situation. Social groups who give value to food, practice eating as a social function and have a broader gastronomic culture eat better, their health is significantly better and they display greater vitality and optimism in their attitude to life. Is that not wellbeing? Diversity plays a crucial role here, because a varied diet is a healthier diet. Diversity is inherent to the cooperative movement. EROSKI promotes a sustainable agri-foods sector based on a highly diversified productive fabric. We are committed to local products and work with more than 4,000 agri-foods suppliers, of which more than 50% are small SMEs and cooperatives. The new “with you” stores are escalating their specialisation in fresh produce, offering a broader range for the consumer’s greater freedom of choice; they are stores open to selling food produced in the local environment and place people at the epicentre of their activity. To workers, through self-managed teams which set targets for themselves and work on action plans to adapt each store to the specific expectations of their clients and to the competitive context. To consumers, because they form part of the cooperative management. We invest in their education and information for practising healthier and more sustainable consumption, and because they set the expectations to which we must respond as an organisation. EROSKI is the sum of both collectives, the Consumer Partners and the Worker Partners, who on a parity basis undertake the corporate governance and the management and representation of the parent cooperative of the EROSKI Group. It is a collective project, a model of cooperative organisation that to start with does things differently and has demonstrated a great deal of maturity and stability throughout our history. A history based on the primacy of the collective over individuality, combining the reality of a market economy with cooperative values and principles in a project devoted to the consumer and to society. The high level of commitment of the Worker Partners to this collective project is also born of and fed by this unique conception, because they own the company in which they work. Social transformation through business activity is one of the corporate goals. EROSKI is today more prepared than ever to better contribute to a fairer, more supportive, more sustainable society, one with higher levels of health and wellbeing. Leire Mugerza Garate PRESIDENT OF THE EROSKI GOVERNING BOARD EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 9 highlights 2015 highlights 2015 10 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 11 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 sales 6,058 million € turnover 5,279 million € net sales (before VAT) 306 million till checkouts consumers 212 million € transferred to consumers through offers and promotions >7 million Client Partners, holders of the EROSKI, CAPRABO, IF and FORUM SPORT cards and accounting for 76% of our sales Best Customer Service, recognised for the fourth consecutive year 31,000 Client Partners participated with their ideas to improve their “with you” store workers of which 11,858 are partners 33,509 workers 2,864 franchised jobs in the network of franchised stores 12 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI 67% of women in positions of responsibility 7,935 partners of EROSKI S. Coop. 3,444 partners of Hipermercados S. Coop. 479 partners through Gespa FORUM +30% increase in training hours, up to 178,000 for a more “with you” service EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 13 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 stores 95 supermarkets 4 FORUM SPORT stores 1,896 establishments 99 new stores 27% of food establishments are new-generation stores 1,286 Supermarkets 90 Hypermarkets* 19 Cash & Carry 61 Service Stations* 23 Opticians 162 Travel agencies 46 FORUM SPORT sports material stores 200 IF Cosmetics shops 9 Online stores 431 EROSKI/city 327 CAPRABO 188 EROSKI/center 166 ALIPROX 86 ONDA 80 FAMILIA 8 EROSKI/merca *The sale of a lot of 36 hypermarkets in early 2016 should be taken into account suppliers 10,335 suppliers, of which 4,676 are commercial vendors >50% of retail suppliers are small local producers 21,064 local products, 2,610 agreements 680 of them new with SMEs and cooperatives to develop local agri-food products social transformation >6 72,087 million visitors participants per month to 14 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI in initiatives for balanced eating and a healthy lifestyle 19 years collaborating with the Food Bank 13,595 equivalent annual meals donateds, nearly 9,000 tonnes of food donated by EROSKI and its clients We renew the SA8000 Certification and adherence to the Global Compact EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 15 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 HIGHLIGHTS 2015 recognitions MAY Innovation in Automation: The automation of the Elorrio Logistics Platform (Bizkaia) is recognised as one of the “Year’s 100 Best Ideas”. APR MAR Shepherds’ School: A tribute for the years of collaborating with the Gomiztegi Shepherds’ School of Gipuzkoa. Best packaging: The design of EROSKI products wins first prize in the American “Vertex Awards”, which recognise creativity, sales competency and innovation in distributor packaging. 16 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Citizens’ Award: EROSKI Foundation is honoured in the 16th Edition of the Citizens’ Awards in the category of Health and Quality of Life in recognition of its social commitment in regard to a healthy lifestyle and solidarity. Idiazabal Cheese: The annual Ordizia Fair (Gipuzkoa) pays tribute to EROSKI for its contribution in the distribution and dissemination of Idiazabal D.O. cheese inside and outside the Basque Country. Healthy habits: EROSKI’s female team won the 8th Donosti Companies Race in record time. Small producers: AECOC, the Spanish Mass Consumption Association, recognises the joint work undertaken by EROSKI and Artzai Gazta in the promotion of Idiazabal D.O. shepherd’s cheese. Own brand: EROSKI won with its Asian Sensations by belle makeup remover oil at the “Salute to Excellence Awards”, which recognise the quality and innovation of distributor-brand products. OCT Employment: A prize to the EROSKI franchises for being the franchising company that creates the most jobs. JUN Zero Waste: The Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment distinguishes EROSKI’s innovative and sustainable work in reducing food waste through its “Zero Waste” programme. JUL Educating in Healthy Eating: The “Nutrition School” of EROSKI Foundation received the GOSASUN seal promoted by Innobasque for encouraging healthy practices among schoolchildren. Social commitment: The EROSKI team emerged victorious in the female category of the 1st Solidarity Race between Cooperatives organised by Mundukide SEP Quality: The “Golden Gold Awards” which recognise the most exacting greengrocers in Spain chose EROSKI Zarauz as the best Mass Distribution greengrocer’s in 2015. We listen to you: EROSKI won the prize to “the year’s best customer service” in the Mass Distribution category for the fourth consecutive year. Food Bank: CAPRABO won the “Tango prize to best solidarity project” for its programme of micro-donations to Food Banks NOV Social Responsibility: EROSKI’s recognition at the 1st Edition of the Vodafone Deia Innovations Sariak brings to light the cooperative’s contribution for a more cohesive society and one with greater levels of health and wellbeing. Equal opportunity: “laCaixa” Incorpora Award for EROSKI’ active commitment to integrating people at risk of social exclusion into the working world. Social employment: The 4th edition of the GUREAK Prizes honours EROSKI with the “Aurrera” Prize for the jobs generated for disabled people. DEC Family tourism: The Spanish Large Families Federation (FEFN) has awarded Viajes EROSKI the Family Tourism Seal in recognition of this specialised service. Healthy habits: EROSKI Foundation wins the 6th CCNIEC Prize awarded by the Catalan Nutrition Centre and Institute of Catalan Studies for the best initiative in the food industry to encourage healthy habits. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 17 “with you” commercial model The “with you” commercial model through which we are remodelling our store network is escalating our specialisation in fresh produce, is opening stores to local products and is establishing a more personalised relationship with Client Partners, from the service given in stores to brand loyalty through EROSKI Club. 18 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 19 WITH YOU WITH YOU Consolidation of the “with you” commercial model To innovate is to reinvent oneself, and if there is one thing that sums up EROSKI’s activity in recent times it is transformation. Integral innovation committed to optimising the value chain, the development of new store models and a new way of relating to clients, steeped in the “with you” spirit that inspires our day to day. The stores converted to the “with you” model show 7% sales growth. There is no doubt that clients’ positive response to the new-generation stores is the best validation of the new commercial model. An increase in sales that we are seeing both in the higher client footfall and in the higher profile of the fresh produce sections, the growth of which is in double-digit figures. 31,000 Client Partners have participated in the programmes to evaluate the conversion of EROSKI stores into the “with you” model We are different, we are a cooperative You can tell we’re from here This is your store, we listen to you We are concerned with your health and wellbeing Here you make savings We offer you a positive experience 20 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI “With you” stores offer consumers greater freedom of choice because a varied diet is the basis for healthier eating. The new “with you” commercial model is escalating our specialisation in fresh produce, opening the stores to local products produced in the closest vicinity to each store, driving forward the diversity of the productive fabric of the agri-foods sector and establishing a more personalised relationship with the client, from in-store customer service to customer loyalty through the EROSKI Club card. “With you” supermarkets are built through the contributions, ideas, opinions and needs of the Client Partners, who are placed at the epicentre of the organisation in keeping with our identity as a consumer cooperative. 31,000 Client Partners have participated in the programmes to evaluate the conversion of EROSKI stores to the “with you” model, most of them through face-to-face surveys and group dynamics in which they took part together with the worker teams of their regular store. The “with you” store is not just a physical transformation; above all it is a major cultural change in our organisation that entails placing the Client Partners at the centre of gravity, directing the entire organisation towards the stores as the prime relationship spaces and driving forward the self-management of each store’s team. They, as owners of the company in which they work, give their all to adapting their store’s commercial proposal to the competitive context and to the specific expectations of their clients. We are concerned with your health and wellbeing EROSKI’s commitment to healthy eating is one of its major hallmarks and is present in its own-brand products, in the breadth of its range, in the promotion of a balanced diet, in its specialisation in fresh produce and in the work of its Foundation. • 2,075 own-brand products with Traffic-Light Nutrition Labels, the most transparent labelling on the nutritional quality of foodstuffs. • We removed partially-hydrogenated vegetable fats from own-brand products. • We removed parabens and triclosan from ownbrand products in cosmetics and personal care. • We eliminated 287 tonnes of salt, fats and sugars from our own-brand products. •In our own brand we offer 460 gluten-free products, 27 lactose-free products, 61 low-salt and 49 low-fat products, 29 low-sugar and 40 fibre-rich products. Here you make savings EROSKI Club enables new ways of saving that were hitherto unthinkable, all without reducing in the slightest the quality of the fresh produce, the commitment to local products and the wide assortment for greater freedom of choice. • 212 million euros transferred to the consumer through increasingly personalised offers and promotions. • More than 7 million Client Partners, holders of the EROSKI, CAPRABO, IF and FORUM SPORT cards. • 76% of sales are made to Client Partners. • 18 incredible savings campaigns such as “We are giving VAT away”, “We refund the amount of your shopping” or 25% discount on meats or deli products. •We simultaneously manage more than 30,000 different offers with each customer’s profile in mind. • More than 3 billion Travel Club points redeemed for more than 1,200,000 gifts and trips. •Innovation: New EROSKI Sannia Bread, which helps to reduce cholesterol, made from oat beta-glucan. •Innovation: New range of freshly-baked breads and buns, free of preservatives and artificial colorants. • 72,087 participants in the initiatives promoted by the EROSKI Nutrition School for balanced eating and a healthy lifestyle, 44% more than the previous year. •EROSKI Foundation has published a new Study on the Eating Habits and Nutritional Status of the Spanish Population. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 21 WITH YOU You can tell we’re from here EROSKI contributes to articulating a sustainable agrifoods sector based on the diversity of its productive fabric as a key element in its contribution to the economy, culture, healthy eating and environmental quality of our surroundings. •We sell 21,064 local products produced in the vicinity of each one of our stores, with 680 new ones having been incorporated in 2015 • 2,610 agreements with SMEs and Cooperatives for the development of local agri-foods, bringing small producers to consumers, implementing a flexible commercial management adapted to micro-enterprises and collaborating in plans for their professionalization and their business growth. •We developed new ranges of EROSKI-branded local milk in Galicia, Catalonia and the Balearics with “Sustainable Dairy Assurance Scheme” (SDAS) certification, offering consumers new options that support the economy and employment in their localities. • Development of collaboration agreements with sectoral organisations to promote local foods, Designations of Origin (D.O.) and Protected Geographical Indications (P.G.I.). WITH YOU This is your store, we listen to you We are on a drive for more personalised customer care and all their opinions help us to improve. Thanks to our cooperative culture we see diversity as enriching. We apply extreme sensitivity to our clients’ linguistic identity, we make an effort to attend to them in their own language and take this policy to our own-brand packaging. • “The year’s best customer service” for the fourth consecutive year. • 423,000 queries answered by Customer Service. • 48 h is the time limit to answer our clients. • 31,000 Client Partners have participated through their assessments, opinions and suggestions in the conversion of EROSKI stores to the “with you” model. • 221,000 followers and fans on social media, 47% more on Twitter and 7% more on Facebook. • 21 Consumerist Committees comprising Client Partners who debate, take up positions and define guidelines for the cooperative. We are different, we are a cooperative Our cooperative culture means that things are different at EROSKI. Our socio-business model is a pioneering one and makes us unique. Since its incorporation, it is the Consumer and Worker Partners who have formed the cooperatives’ decision-making body. • “One store, one self-managed unit” is the vision that guides us for the greater satisfaction of the Client Partners and for quality employment, through participation and responsibility. We offer you a positive experience We seek inspiration to surprise our clients through values such as closeness, empathy and participation, which are inherent to the cooperative culture. We know that innovation is the route we must take to never cease to surprise them. • 178,000 training hours for the professional coaching of the working teams, 30% more than last year. •We launched 436 new products with our own label, to offer an assortment of 4,510 own-brand items. • 11,858 Worker Partners, who own the company in which they work. • 60 corporate management sessions with Consumer and Worker Partners. • Governing Board comprising 6 Consumer Partners and 6 Worker Partners, chosen by the AGM for a four-year period. In the cooperative, these positions are unpaid. • AGM comprising 250 Consumer Partners and 250 Worker Partners, unpaid positions in the cooperative. The governance of the parent cooperative is undertaken on a parity basis by the two communities, Consumers and Workers, which form EROSKI. • 42 local campaigns undertaken to promote food produced in the vicinity of our stores. Have you already had the experience of a “with you” store? More personalised customer service, a strong commitment to local products, greater prominence of fresh foods and the promotion of healthy eating are the major hallmarks of the new-generation stores. 22 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 23 consumers consumers WE TAKE CENTRE STAGE Closer ties with Client Partners makes us more efficient, allowing us to achieve new levels of transferred savings and to learn to anticipate in helping them to practice healthy eating. 24 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 25 CONSUMERS CONSUMERS More than 7 million Client Partners • More than 7 million Client Partners form part of EROSKI, holding the EROSKI, CAPRABO, IF and FORUM SPORT cards. In 2015 900,000 new holders joined. • 76% of sales are made to Client Partners. • More than 212 million euros in savings transferred to the consumer, mostly through personalised offers. • •More than 287 tonnes of salt, fats and sugars removed in 2015 to nutritionally improve EROSKI-brand products. • More than 13,700 interventions to guarantee food quality and safety, between audits, microbiological and physicochemical analyses and checks of technical product sheets. • For the fourth consecutive year, recognised as the mass-distribution company with the best client service. In 2015 we answered almost 423,000 queries through our Customer Service. • 221,000 followers, 47% more on Twitter and 7% more on Facebook. In 2015 we had more than 1,643 interactions per day on social media. • 21 Consumerist Committees comprising Client Partners who debate, take up positions and define guidelines for the cooperative, which boasts 1,002,778 Consumer Partners. Establishing closer ties with Client Partners is one of the pillars of the new “with you” commercial model, one that also reinvents EROSKI’s identity as a consumer cooperative. We have more than 7 million Client Partners, holders of the EROSKI, CAPRABO, IF and FORUM SPORT cards. Client Partners are at the heart of the new strategy which, thanks to the possibilities of technology and the new communication channels, are giving way to a more integral kind of commercial management under the banners of the EROSKI Group, a more segmented one according to client profiles and one that is gradually moving forward to adapt to its areas of interest. Consumers today shop in a more rational way, impose greater expenditure control and demand a better price-value equation, yet they have not changed the deepest tendencies that mobilise their consumption towards quality of life and caring for their health. The weakening of disposable income in the Spanish middle class has given primacy to price as a variable of success in recent years. But at the same time a consumer is emerging who is committed to the economic and social development of their surroundings and to environmental sustainability. A consumer who advances towards more sensitive consumption, also as an exercise in the collective identity of belonging, one who sees food and daily habits as the keys to proactively managing their health and quality of life, their own and that of their familial and social setting. Client Partners are consolidating their position as one of the fundamental linchpins of EROSKI as a consumer cooperative. First year of life of EROSKI Club The EROSKI Club programme launched barely a year ago with the aim of reinvigorating the figure of the cooperative’s Consumer Partners ended 2015 with more than three million Client Partners. 76% of sales made by EROSKI take place within its perimeter. The Client Partners of EROSKI Club today enjoy clear and direct benefits such as special prices in more than 3,000 products, exclusive offers, discounts that build up as credit available for future purchases, all the benefits of the Travel Club programme and direct access to the different participation channels in the cooperative. The profile of our Client Partners is mainly families with children living in the home, who represent around 40% of the community. They are also the ones who most intensively use the card in all the Group’s businesses, including the online supermarket, and also in other establishments attached to the Travel Club programme. They are followed by customers over the age of 65, who constitute the second most numerous group, accounting for 25% of the total. They are characterised by using neighbourhood supermarkets in preference and have a significantly lower buying volume, but in contrast give a great deal of importance to local products and to the nutritional quality of the products, giving priority in their shopping to foods with lower salt, sugar or fat content. In addition, within EROSKI Club we find a wide disparity of small population segments (very young and recently emancipated clients, single-person households, etc.), who will play an increasingly prominent role. Client Partners account for 76% of the Group’s sales. 26 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 27 CONSUMERS CONSUMERS We are making advances in more personalised and efficient proposals Participatory management to improve our commercial proposal EROSKI red: bespoke benefits EROSKI Club is something more than a card, it is the key giving access to new concepts that facilitate shopping and savings, providing each Client Partner with exclusive offers, discounts and promotions adapted to their needs and interests. EROSKI Club is a core element of the new “with you” commercial model driving the cooperative in the transformation of its commercial activity. The participation of the Client Partners through different channels placed at their disposal is a fundamental element in the processes of active listening and ongoing improvement. This is directly associated with the self-management of each store’s teams to adapt their commercial proposal to the expectations of their clients and their own competitive environment. The EROSKI Red Visa card has expanded its benefits in 2015. The card, which was launched with the pledge to be free of charge, allows clients to finance their purchases without commission, without interest or costs, while also benefiting from other advantages in clinics, hotels, workshops, sports shops, hair removal centres and others. Our systems manage the information and draw up promotional proposals specific to each client Partner, always in a quest for their satisfaction, the relevance of the generated savings and greater efficiency derived from better adapting to their expectations. This permits considerably increasing the savings transferred to consumers, up to 212 million euros. We are able to simultaneously manage more than 30,000 commercial proposals, differentiated by client profile. We look for greater efficiency derived from a better adjustment to client expectations through simultaneously implementing more than 30,000 different commercial proposals. It can also be used for obtaining cashback in EROSKI stores. An increasingly valued service that has boosted its use by 2.6% this year. We have almost 214,000 Client Partners, regularly interacting with EROSKI through a specifically designed webspace ( where they can find out the credit available on the card, obtain more personalised discounts and discover the savings they have made to date. Furthermore, through this webpage the Client Partners can participate in programmes to evaluate ownbrand products and propose improvements, and through the “Grade your Store” programme they can assess the new stores converted to the new “with you” commercial model while also suggesting new innovations. Best customer service of the year For the fourth consecutive time, EROSKI was recognised as the mass-distribution company with the best customer service. This award is conferred by the Sotto Tempo Advertising consultancy, which measures the degree of satisfaction of clients in different sectors and which recognises the differential values of the “with you” service that EROSKI has been implementing in its strategic plan. In 2015 we attended to 345,000 client queries, 15% more than in the previous financial year. For the fourth consecutive year EROSKI was recognised as the mass-distribution company with the best customer service. Open to conversation The social networks offer new possibilities for conversing, sharing information, answering queries and taking good note of suggestions. We ended the year with a community of 186,663 fans on Facebook (7% more) and exceeded 600,000 interactions with users on content relating to our brand. On Twitter, we ended the year with 34,461 followers, 47% more than at the end of 2014. EROSKI’s “Géminis” Data Processing Centre in Elorrio (Bizkaia) 28 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 29 CONSUMERS CONSUMERS We promote healthy eating Promoting a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle is today the principal function of EROSKI as a consumer cooperative. EROSKI’s commitment to health is present in its own brand, in its specialisation in fresh foods, in the breadth of its range for a more varied diet, in the promotion of more balanced eating and in the work being done by the EROSKI Foundation. EROSKI is constantly working on improving the nutritional composition of its own-brand foodstuffs and in 2015 eliminated more than 287 tonnes of salt, sugars and fats. In fact, it has completely eradicated partially hydrogenated vegetable fats from all its own-brand products. Furthermore, EROSKI applies to its own-brand products the “Nutritional Traffic Light”, the most transparent nutritional labelling and the one that is easiest to understand by consumers. This commitment to health also extends to its cosmetic products, where it has eliminated chemical additives such as parabens and triclosan, which have been questioned by the scientific community. In addition, the new stores converted to the new “with you” commercial model feature a comprehensive section of diet and organic foods. They sell a broad range of products that respond to the growing diversity of nutritional profiles of consumers and which include an own-brand range with more than 450 gluten-free products, 27 lactose-free products, 29 low-sugar and 40 fibre-rich products that we offer in our stores today. EROSKI Sannia, the healthiest option The EROSKI Sannia range offers a healthier alternative in a great many food categories and is an outstanding option for its lower content in salt, sugars or fats or its higher source of fibre. 146 products already comprise the EROSKI Sannia range and, as with all EROSKI own-brand products, they contain no artificial colorants or transgenic ingredients (GM), nor trans fats made from partially hydrogenated vegetable oils. They always feature the Nutritional Traffic Light on their packaging. 2015 CCNIEC Prize EROSKI won the CCNIEC Prize to innovation in the food industry for its contribution to improving eating habits and collaboration in food education. The recognition is awarded by the Catalan Nutrition Centre and Catalan Studies Institute and the Generalitat de Cataluña, the Catalan Government. Specialists in fresh produce The “with you” store also prioritises the breadth of range in the fundamental categories that underpin the Mediterranean diet, because broader consumer choice is crucial in facilitating a more varied diet. New EROSKI Sannia Bread In 2015 we eliminated more than 287 tonnes of salt, sugars and fats from our own-brand products. 30 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Innovation for healthier eating is developed in collaboration with suppliers and technology centres. This is the case with the development of a new EROSKI Sannia Bread launched in 2015, which helps to reduce cholesterol thanks to a new recipe which includes oat beta-glucan. The stores converted to the “with you” commercial model intensify their specialisation in fresh produce, increasing up to 20,000 items on sale, many of them seasonal food, especially fruit, vegetables and fish. The fresh produce proposals of the “with you” store changes in the course of the year in alignment with local production seasons. These sections account for more than 25% of sales in hypermarkets and more than 40% in supermarkets, with notable two-digit growth in sales thanks to the implementation of the “with you” model. The commercial proposal of the “with you” store is very much in alignment with seasonal local fresh-produce production. Golden Gold Award The “with you” greengrocer’s of EROSKI Zarauz, the first store to be converted and the one which served to define the model to be extended to the remodelling of the commercial network, was recognised as the best Spanish greengrocer’s in 2015 in the category of Mass-Market Food Retailers, a recognition awarded by the Valle Venosta Association of Horticultural Producers in Italy. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 31 CONSUMERS CONSUMERS Gastronomic culture Foods of the Mediterranean diet New foods Consumption of organic foods is growing According to the Nutrition Survey of the Spanish Population conducted by EROSKI Foundation, practising healthy eating is greatly associated with, among other factors, the level of gastronomic culture of the population. The less value is given to nutrition, the more food is trivialised and disengaged from the social act of eating as a family or with friends, the worse we eat and, over time, cases of deteriorating health and obesity start to emerge. Furthermore, variety in our diet is another driving factor of good health. The “with you” store prioritises the breadth of range in the fundamental categories underpinning the Mediterranean diet to give consumers greater choice and thus facilitate more varied eating. We are living in extraordinarily stimulating times. New foods are gaining in popularity in our diet and have come to enrich the variety of our nutrition. The “with you” stores are giving greater prominence to organically produced foods as a healthier and more environmentally friendly option. In 2015 we already included a total of 16 sushi corners in our “with you” stores, a new, easy and enjoyable way of practising healthy eating. In 2015 we marketed more than 1,000 organic products, from fruit and vegetables to dairy products, oils, wines, etc. In order to encourage a broad gastronomic culture today that will help us to practice healthier eating, we have built “Classrooms” in the stores where we undertake numerous activities through the Nutrition School of EROSKI Foundation. CONSUMER.ES also offers more than 4,500 recipes on its website and app, each one of them with its nutritional value. For example, in the new-generation stores the space given over to special oils has been increased by 40% and new varieties have been incorporated to offer up to twenty select oils with a wide range of nuances that also include all the Designations of Origin of Spanish olive oil. The new “with you” commercial model also expands variety in other fundamental categories of the Mediterranean diet, such as pulses (100 items on sale, which include the 9 Spanish D.O.s), rice (60 items that also include the 4 D.O.s) or pasta (with more than 300 items available). Furthermore, foods found in the diet of other latitudes with excellent nutritional properties are playing a more prominent role in our stores: products such as yucca, yam, ginger, avocado, mango… or the now very familiar pineapple. New foods such as seeds and pulses to be discovered, pancakes and cereal bars, vegetable smoothies… they are also enriching and improving our diet. In 2015, the new diet and organic food section of the “with you” store doubled the previous year’s sales. Do you want to view EROSKI’s initiatives to promote healthy eating? The EROSKI brand is committed to the health of its clients. This is why it helps you to stay in good health by offering a comprehensive catalogue of healthy foods. 32 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 33 workers workers WE ARE OWNERS OF THE COMPANY We are making progress in configuring high-performance teams and are committed to the development of our people. In 2015 we increased the hours devoted to training by 30%. 34 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 35 WORKERS WORKERS Letter from the Social Managing Director We workers are the owners of the company • We are 33,509 workers, of which 11,858 are partners of the company in which they work. • In 2015 166 new Worker Partners joined the cooperative. • We devoted more than 178,000 hours to the professional training of the working teams, 30% more than last year. • 67% of positions of responsibility are held by women. • Our internal rules governing working conditions facilitates work-life balance, with significant benefits for all the workers. 2015 was a year in which we gave a strong boost to the development of the management model in the points of sale, particularly in the supermarket business. A model that builds teams with a high degree of participation in the management of its centre (self-management) and with excellent professional qualifications to offer the client the best service and attention. In this model, the self-managed teams set themselves targets and draft action plans to adapt each store to the specific expectations of their clients and to the competitive context. The 18 KREA Prizes awarded this year recognise the contribution of these teams in the areas of Customer Service, Business Efficiency and Involvement in the Surroundings. The training of people and the professional coaching of the teams constitute the fundamental lines in making advances in the configuration of high-performance teams with a cooperative self-management culture. In 2015 we increased the hours devoted to training by 30% and redefined the programmes of the “Fresh Produce School” to develop talent in our teams. An ambitious project that is still in the early stages and which will take us to new advances in the “with you” store model, maximising our specialisation in fresh produce. In a cooperative, as in any other type of enterprise, the key is to properly manage commitments and relinquishments. In an organisation where the workers are also owners of the company in which they work, it is not possible to set a distance between decisions and their consequences. With cooperative values, decisions can only be taken with complete transparency. Once again we have realised that, at EROSKI, today we have a solid internal cooperative culture that is ready to take easy and not-so-easy decisions with a high degree of consensus, prioritising the common socio-business project. We allocate a considerable amount of resources and time to strengthening EROSKI’s internal culture because all the efforts dedicated to this, on every level, constitute the best guarantee for the future of a collective project. Social transformation also forms part of cooperative targets and we will remember 2015 for having opened, together with GUREAK, the first supermarket managed entirely by disabled people, a pioneering initiative in social innovation. The expansion of franchises opens up new avenues for collaboration and alliances for generating jobs. • In 2015 718 workers joined our network of franchised stores. • The Spanish Franchisers’ Association (AIF) recognised EROSKI as the franchise that generates the most jobs. EROSKI is a cooperative in which Consumer and Worker Partners are the two major communities that configure the organisation. The high level of internal commitment to the collective project is one of the major hallmarks of our corporate culture. We have our own differentiating company model based on being the owners of the company in which we work according to a participative management model. The parent cooperative EROSKI S. Coop. incorporated 166 new Worker Partners. 84% are women with an average age of 36 years. The majority occupies jobs created in the remodelled fresh produce sections of the stores converted to the “with you” model, which are committed to a more personalised customer service. At EROSKI, following the cooperative principles of MONDRAGON CORPORACION, we apply a fairer wage scale, with a range that shortens the differences between the more operative positions and the top management ones with greater responsibilities. EROSKI’s corporate governance is based on parity between Worker Partners and Consumer Partners. This means that both the AGM, with 250 representatives from each community, and the Governing Board, comprising 12 members also established on a parity basis, are elected and occupy unpaid positions, as do the members of the rest of the corporate governance bodies such as the Consumerist Council, the Social Council, the Resources Committee and the Surveillance Committee. At EROSKI the most far-reaching decisions are debated and taken in the cooperative representation forums, in some cases after also having conducted a comprehensive referendum in which all the Worker Partners have the right to participate. We are a model of cooperative organisation that has demonstrated a great deal of maturity and stability throughout its history. A history based on the primacy of the collective over individuality, combining the reality of a market economy with cooperative values and principles. Emilio Cebrián SOCIAL MANAGING DIRECTOR 36 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 37 WORKERS WORKERS Franchised entrepreneurs We are committed to the development of people Our cooperative self-management culture fits perfectly with the philosophy of the entrepreneurs who are committed to creating their own company and seek the backing of distribution professionals and a trustworthy brand such as EROSKI. The training of people and the professional coaching of the working teams constituted the fundamental lines of 2015 in moving forward in the configuration of high-performance teams and the cooperative selfmanagement culture. We devoted more than 178,000 hours to training in order to professionally qualify the working teams, 30% more than the previous year. 2,864 professionals work in the EROSKI franchised store network after 718 people joined in 2015. The Spanish Franchisers’ Association (AEF) recognised EROSKI as the franchise that creates the most jobs. KREA Prizes The year’s best initiatives undertaken in the sphere of self-managed working teams in the EROSKI stores were recognised with the KREA Prizes. In 2015, 208 good practices were entered and a total of 18 recognitions were awarded in the categories of Customer Service, Business Efficiency and Involvement in the Surroundings. The successive editions of the KREA Prizes are turning into an important tool to drive the “with you” conversion of the stores towards a model that looks after every detail to further a better shopping experience for the client. Internal communication At EROSKI, internal communication acquires special significance because in many cases the figure of the workers and the owner is one and the same. Specifically, EROSKI ownership is shared between 11,858 Worker Partners. Internal communication is essential in the decisiontaking of a cooperative and in driving forward changes and continuous improvement. In this task we have numerous tools and different publications available, which provide information for all levels of the organisation, as well as our own corporate intranet, through which any Worker Partner can access content that is professionally useful and is of interest to the company. 60 internal information sessions were held in 2015, bringing together a collective of more than 5,500 Worker Partners to share the company’s situation and the plans for the future of the cooperative in a direct, close and participative way. We practice internal communications transparency, which is crucial in the decisiontaking of a cooperative and in driving forward changes and continuous improvement. 38 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Several programmes have been launched for developing talent and providing professional coaching: We invested more than 178,000 training hours for providing professional qualification and driving forward the development of self-managed highperformance teams. Fresh Produce School Permanent professional training is one of the pillars of intensifying our differentiation as specialists in fresh produce. In 2015 we embarked on a new training programme that lays the foundations for new advances in the “with you” store model, with particular emphasis on specialising in fresh produce. The new programme started out in incipient form in 2015 with 60 professionals in the Butcher’s and Fishmonger’s sections, and the corresponding training modules have already been designed for the Greengrocer’s, Deli and Bakery sections, with the aim of having more than 500 professionals attend these classrooms each year. New edition of the “with you” Customer Service Programme One of the conversions of the “with you” commercial model that won the widest recognition and appreciation from clients is the way the EROSKI stores listen and provide personalised customer care. In the 2015 edition, more than 3,000 workers attended this programme, which trains them in key skills for improving the attention and service given to clients in the stores. ENFORMA e-learning platform We support the training of workers throughout their working lives. Through the ENFORMA platform, in which 45% more people participated, we manage different training and learning programmes in order to make them accessible in an autonomous and decentralised manner given the geographical disparity of our establishments, offering each worker the most appropriate training module for their progress in their competencies. SUMMA management development programme Implemented in collaboration with MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA, its goal is to develop executive and organisational management skills. This is a renewed commitment to training as the driver of transformation and of the construction of sustainable competitive advantages over time. The first intake, around twenty Worker Partners, will complete their training course in 2017. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 39 WORKERS WORKERS A standard in equal opportunities Equality observatory Social innovation EROSKI has had an Equality Observatory in place for more than a decade to ensure that this principle is present throughout the organisation, because we believe in the strength of people, in the transforming ability of their work and in their personal and professional development. In 2015 EROSKI and GUREAK Group opened the first supermarket entirely managed by disabled persons. This is a pioneering initiative in social innovation that opens up a new avenue for generating social employment offering new opportunities for the job inclusion of disabled people while giving visibility in society to the diversity of skills and capabilities in people. In 2015 we implemented 58 specific measures to further equality and established a protocol to prevent possible cases of harassment in the workplace, with a confidential advisory service to channel any incident. Gender equality Gender equality is clearly reflected in our founding charter as a cooperative. 80% of EROSKI is comprised of women and we practice this principle in all of the company’s policies in all the processes and on all levels of the organisation to ensure express, tacit and manifest equal opportunities, both in professional relations and in personal dealings. We are the Spanish distribution company with the highest number of women in positions of responsibility, 67%. We have a confidential advisory service in place to prevent possible cases of workplace harassment and to channel any incident. Health and safety at work Job integration EROSKI’s commitment to health is one of the brand’s hallmarks and is extended to the worker collective. At EROSKI we have pledged to integrate people in disadvantaged situations and at risk of social exclusion. Through Occupational Training Agreements signed with different organisations such as the Red Cross, we establish training programmes and non-labour practices aimed at improving the employability of young people and unskilled workers as well as immigrants and victims of gender-based violence. In order to ensure occupational health and safety, EROSKI has its own Occupational Risk Prevention Service, established under the legal modality of Joint Prevention Service, which covers the specialities of Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene and applied Ergonomics and Psychosociology. In 2015 more than 95,000 hours were devoted to training courses on workplace risks and emergencies. In addition, prevention plans were audited in the Travel and Hypermarket businesses, introducing new preventive improvements, and internal audits and scheduled inspections were conducted in all the businesses that form part of the EROSKI Group to guarantee the effectiveness of the preventive policy. In the past two years, more than 1,000 people participated in this EROSKI programme, which was followed by hirings amounting to 35%. This project required a specific study of the activities, timescales and complexity of tasks as a prior step for adapting the working processes and functions required by the management of a supermarket to the profiles and skills of the disabled people who form the team of professionals. This adapted job analysis and definition was jointly undertaken by GUREAK and EROSKI and represented the starting point for the specific training plan that the entire team of professionals followed in different EROSKI stores in the months that preceded the opening. We have pledged to integrate people in disadvantaged situations and at risk of social exclusion. EROSKI, beyond complying with the regulations in force, places at the disposal of its workers a series of medical services aimed at detecting illnesses with high prevalence in the population. Do you want to view the first supermarket entirely managed by disabled people? This social innovation project opens up new opportunities for job inclusion and the visibility of the diversity of skills in people. Incorpora Award In 2015 EROSKI won the Incorpora Award conferred by the Social Project of “la Caixa” for its support to the job integration of people at risk of social exclusion. 40 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 41 stores stores WE ARE SPEEDING UP THEIR CONVERSION TO NEW-GENERATION COMMERCIAL MODELS We are strengthening our own commercial network on the Cantabrian Coast and the northeast of the peninsula, from Galicia to Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, while driving forward the expansion of the franchised network in the peninsula’s eastern, central and southern areas. In order to offer a more updated image, the data for the commercial network included in this section take into account the sale operation of a lot of 36 hypermarkets, although the signing took place in early 2016. 42 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 43 STORES STORES Letter from the Commercial Network Managing Director In 2015 we fully completed the restructuring operations of the commercial food network undertaken in the Strategic Plan defined in 2012. We are where we wanted to be. We have strengthened our own commercial network in the areas where we have the most relevant market share and have multiplied our capabilities: throughout the Cantabrian Coast and the northwest of the peninsula, from Galicia to Catalonia and in the Balearic Islands. We should emphasise the good performance demonstrated by the food distribution activity in these areas, with steady surface growth 1% above that of the market. In the rest of the territories we consolidated our network of hypermarkets and drove forward a strong expansion plan for franchised stores. In 2015 we opened 94, with an overall investment of 15 million euros, which have generated 664 new jobs, with Andalusia being the region with the most openings. The expansion of the new store models is also progressing at a good rate, with strong acceleration in refurbishments in 2015. 27% of our food distribution stores are now new-generation. The new “with you” commercial model offers consumers greater freedom of choice, intensifies our specialisation in fresh produce, opens the stores to local products produced in the closest vicinity to each store and establishes a more personalised relationship with clients. The “with 44 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI We are speeding up the extension of the “with you” commercial model you” commercial model is, above all, a strategy that places Client Partners at the centre of gravity of our organisation and focuses the entire organisation on the stores. During this financial year we also defined and structured a plan for new own-store openings, to be executed in upcoming years, and we have now signed specific projects that will be inaugurated in early 2017. 2015 was also a year of strong progress in our multichannel proposal. We ended the year having opened six “Click&Drive” points for collecting the online shopping without having to leave the car, and three “Click&Collect” points for collecting readybagged shopping in urban supermarkets. ON-OFF convergence is today already an interesting territory to be explored. And, in conclusion, I would like to recognise the work of our teams in deploying our new commercial model. They are veritable experts on their store, their setting and their clients and the true drivers of EROSKI’s transformation. • EROSKI has a commercial network of 1,829 establishments, 1,361 in the foodstuffs business and 468 in diversification businesses. We continue to step up the conversion process of the commercial network to the new “with you” commercial model. In 2015 we achieved 387 new-generation stores, 27% of our commercial food network. • The remodelling of the store network already covers 27% of the EROSKI Group food establishments. The refurbishments focused on the geographical areas where we enjoy the most relevant market share and where we multiply our capabilities with important synergies. Here is where the greater part of our ownstore commercial network is concentrated: the entire Cantabrian Coast and the northeast of the peninsula, from Galicia to Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. • We have a total of 387 new-generation stores: 16 hypermarkets converted to the new “with you” commercial model and a total of 371 supermarkets, 166 under the EROSKI banner, 159 under the CAPRABO banner in Catalonia and 46 under the FAMILIA banner in Galicia. • The stores converted to the new “with you” commercial model show 7% growth in sales. In the rest of the territories we are instigating the development of the franchised store network, with priority given to expanding in the regions of Andalusia, Madrid, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura and the East Coast. Specifically, Andalusia was the region with the highest number of openings in 2015, 21 new franchised supermarkets. • In 2015 we opened 99 stores, most of them franchised supermarkets, together with a new FAMILIA store in Galicia and 4 new FORUM SPORT stores. • In Tarragona we opened the first franchised supermarket. • Sales in the franchised network grew by 20% during the year, spurred on by the new openings and the good performance of the new “with you” commercial model. • Electronic commerce is making progress, with 12% growth in sales and driven by the new “Click&Drive” and “Click&Collect” services. Rosa Carabel COMMERCIAL NETWORK MANAGING DIRECTOR EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 45 STORES STORES Consolidation of the commercial network The “with you” commercial model is based on our cooperative identity and defines the framework for developing EROSKI’s commercial policies in order to move forward towards a radically differentiated proposal. A differentiation characterised by promoting balanced, more varied eating based on giving a renewed central role to fresh produce and a better gastronomic culture, strengthening local products and enhancing a more personalised customer service, both in-store and in the relationship with the brand. Basque Country EROSKI has its origins in the Basque Country, where it was founded in 1969. Today, its commercial network covers the 456 establishments in this region: 256 supermarkets, 21 hypermarkets, 78 travel offices, 13 service stations, 10 opticians, 17 FORUM SPORT sports material stores and 61 IF cosmetics shops. In addition, it offers the online shopping homedelivery service in 100% of the territory. A collective of 680,000 Client Partners forms part of EROSKI and, through EROSKI Club, accounts for more than 85% of the sales made in the region. In the Basque Country the cooperative has more than 10,000 workers, of whom more than 70% are Cooperativist Partners. EROSKI also has 6 logistics platforms in the region. Prominent among them is the Automated Food Platform in Elorrio (Bizkaia). Going back more than 40 years, today it is one of the most cutting-edge logistics facilities in Europe and has succeeded in automating 70% of the conveyed weight. EROSKI collaborates with more than 2,000 suppliers in the Basque Country. It markets more than 9,000 products and purchases made from Basque suppliers exceed 600 million euros per year. In 2015 EROSKI and its clients, through its “Zero Waste” programme and the food collection campaigns, donated 2,150 tonnes of food, the equivalent of the annual food consumption of 3,247 people. As for the activities of the EROSKI Nutrition School, more than 8,000 schoolchildren participated in the Educational Healthy Food and Habits Programme. 46 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Navarre In Navarre, EROSKI has a total of 130 establishments: 83 supermarkets, 2 hypermarkets, 17 travel offices, 4 service stations, 1 optician’s, 2 FORUM SPORT stores and 21 IF cosmetics shops as well as the online supermarket, with a home-delivery service covering 100% of the territory. Aragón 148,000 Client Partners form part of the cooperative. EROSKI in Navarre has 1,922 workers, of whom 1,077 are partners, giving Navarre a very important weight within the cooperative structure, with one in every eight partners of the parent cooperative being from this region. The EROSKI Club programme has 150,000 Client Partners and 1,229 workers. There are 2 logistics platforms in the region, one of them the Automated Fresh Produce Platform in Zaragoza, with traffic of up to 14,000 boxes daily. EROSKI maintains collaboration agreements with 431 Navarre suppliers, of which 50 are own-brand manufacturers. In the past 5 years, the cooperative exceeded the 1-billion-euro figure in purchases from Navarre suppliers, which makes EROSKI a key partner for the sustainability of the agri-foods sector in Navarre. EROSKI collaborates with the Navarre Agri-Foods Technologies and Infrastructures Institute (INTIA) in the promotion of regional products from Navarre under the Reyno Gourmet brand. In 2015, EROSKI and its clients donated 663 tons of food through its “Zero Waste” programme and the food collection campaigns, equivalent to the annual food consumption of 1,000 people. 1,641 boys and girls from this region participated in the Educational Healthy Eating and Habits Programme of the EROSKI Nutrition School in the 2014-2015 school year. In Aragón, EROSKI has 98 establishments: 61 supermarkets, 1 service station, 5 travel offices, 2 FORUM SPORT stores, 28 IF cosmetics shops and a delivery service for the online supermarket in Zaragoza city and environs. Thanks to our collaboration with 430 local suppliers, EROSKI stores are stocked with up to 4,000 regional product items, accounting for annual purchases of 113 million euros. Cantabria La Rioja EROSKI has 31 establishments in Cantabria, of which 15 are supermarkets. It also has a hypermarket in Castro Urdiales, 7 travel offices, 3 FORUM SPORT sports stores and 4 IF cosmetics shops as well as the online supermarket service. The presence of EROSKI in La Rioja extends to 34 establishments: 14 supermarkets, 1 hypermarket, 2 service stations, 1 FORUM SPORT store, 8 IF cosmetics shops and 7 travel agencies as well as the online supermarket. It has a base of 67,000 Client Partners, who are members of EROSKI Club. In Cantabria EROSKI has 463 workers, of whom 54% are partners of the parent cooperative. The region has 62,000 Client Partners and 395 workers, of whom 63% are partners of the parent cooperative. Our commitment to local suppliers translates into the commercialisation of more than 1,200 Cantabrian products and collaboration with 217 companies, with annual purchases of 55 million euros. EROSKI markets more than 1,300 products from La Rioja and collaborates with 208 suppliers, from which it makes annual purchases amounting to 70 million euros. It also maintains an agreement for the development of the ‘La Rioja Foodstuffs. Guaranteed Quality’ brand. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 47 STORES STORES Galicia VEGALSA-EROSKI, which forms part of the EROSKI Group since 1998, is the leading commercial distribution company in Galicia. Currently it also carries out its activities in the adjoining regions of Asturias and Castile and León. Asturias In Asturias EROSKI Group has 523 workers, of whom 129 are Cooperativist Partners. EROSKI Group has 31 establishments in this region: 11 supermarkets; 1 cash&carry, 1 service station, 4 travel offices, 4 FORUM SPORT stores and 10 IF cosmetics shops. The EROSKI Club programme has 45,000 Client Partners in the region. Purchases by EROSKI Group from its 205 Asturias suppliers amount to 61 million euros per year. VEGALSA has its origins in Galicia, where it opened the first store in 1944. Its founder, Ventura González Prieto, was awarded the Gold Medal for Merit at Work by the Spanish Government, among numerous other recognitions. VEGALSA and EROSKI signed an alliance in 1998 and incorporated a company on a 50/50 basis. Today the commercial network of EROSKI Group in Galicia covers 320 establishments: 289 supermarkets, 4 hypermarkets, 6 travel offices and 3 service stations as well as the online supermarket. CAPRABO was the first supermarket in Spain, founded in 1959 in Barcelona, and operates today under the EROSKI Group banner in Catalonia, where it has 298 supermarkets, 2 travel agencies, 1 FORUM SPORT sports store and 8 IF cosmetics shops as well as the online supermarket. Today, more than 1.2 million people regularly use their CAPRABO Client card. In Catalonia EROSKI Group has 6,840 workers and operates from 4 logistics platforms located in Barcelona and Abrera, both with cold storage facilities. More than 5,451 workers form part of EROSKI Group in Galicia. In this region it has 345,000 Client Partners of EROSKI Club. EROSKI Group also has 3 logistics platforms in the region: in A Coruña, Vigo and Sigüeiro, with the first two equipped with cold-storage facilities. We collaborate with 603 Galician suppliers, of which 74% are in the agri-foods sector. We market more than 3,000 products and purchase from Galician suppliers to an amount of around 400 million euros annually. Balearic Islands The Balearics have reinforced their position as a strategic region for the EROSKI Group. The opening of the new Automated Fresh Produce Platform inaugurated by the cooperative in 2014 in MercaPalma, with more than 40,000m2, reaffirmed EROSKI’s commitment to the region. In 2015, EROSKI opened 15 franchised supermarkets in the Balearics. These inaugurations, involving an investment of more than 2.2 million euros, generated 90 jobs. EROSKI Group collaborates with more than 1,400 Catalonia-based suppliers. Of these, 234 are small agri-foods SMEs, from which EROSKI markets more than 2,500 products in a clear commitment to diversity and a varied diet. CAPRABO has a micro-donations programme in place to ensure “zero waste” in its stores and in 2015 donated an amount equivalent to the annual food consumption of 1.611 people, which was managed between 250 local social institutions. More than 8,000 schoolchildren participated in its “Choose Well, Choose Healthy” programme to train in the practice of healthy eating. 2,733 people work in EROSKI in the Balearics. EROSKI’s presence consists of 192 establishments in the Balearic Islands, as well as the home-delivery service of the online supermarket in the islands of Mallorca, Menorca and Ibiza. Castile and León In Castile and León EROSKI Group has 768 workers, of whom 157 are Cooperativist Partners. EROSKI has 85 establishments: 42 supermarkets, 4 hypermarkets, 3 service stations, 11 travel agencies, 8 FORUM SPORT stores and 17 IF cosmetics shops. The EROSKI Club programme has 135,000 Client Partners. EROSKI Group collaborates with 588 local suppliers. EROSKI stores stock up to 453 product items from the region, with annual purchases of 143 million euros. 48 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI The cooperative’s commitment is also expressed in the local producers, from which it markets more than 2,200 foodstuffs produced on the islands. We maintain collaboration agreements with 622 local suppliers, from which we buy products worth 96 million euros annually. In 2015, EROSKI and its clients donated more than 67 tons of food through its “Zero Waste” programme and food collection campaigns, equivalent to the annual food consumption of 100 people. In 2015 EROSKI opened in Tarragona its first franchised hypermarket. This is a prominent milestone in the expansion plan for the franchised network, as it transfers to the hypermarket channel the knowhow built up as a supermarket franchiser. 370 Balearic boys and girls participated in the Educational Programme on Healthy Eating and Habits (PEAHS) of the EROSKI Nutrition School. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 49 STORES STORES Castile-La Mancha Madrid EROSKI opened 4 franchised supermarkets in Madrid in 2015 and is expected to end 2016 with a further 10 new openings. It also offers the home delivery service of the online supermarket and has a base of 90,000 client Partners of EROSKI Club. In Castile-La Mancha EROSKI opened 6 new franchised supermarkets in 2015, which generated 36 jobs. The region is one of the priority areas for expanding its network of franchised stores. It has a commercial network of 20 establishments: 7 supermarkets, 4 hypermarkets, 3 service stations, 3 travel offices, 2 IF cosmetics shops and the online supermarket for Guadalajara and Toledo. Here the EROSKI Group programme has 110,000 Client Partners. EROSKI collaborates with more than 375 local suppliers, from which it markets 4,990 products, with annual purchases of 65 million euros. Expansion of the franchised network In 2015 we continued to accelerate the rate of expansion of the franchised store network, succeeding in opening 94 of them with an overall investment of 15 million euros, which generated 664 new jobs. Sales in the franchised network increased by 20%, driven by the new joins and the good performance of the new “with you” commercial model. EROSKI expects to maintain this rate of expansion at around 100 annual openings of franchises, focusing this drive mainly on Andalusia, Madrid, Castile-La Mancha, Extremadura and the East Coast. Extremadura Extremadura is a priority region for opening franchises in the coming years. We are planning to open the first 7 franchised supermarkets here in 2016. A prize for the franchise that creates the most jobs For the second consecutive year, and as part of the staging of the Frankinorte Franchise Trade Show, EROSKI was awarded the prize for the franchise company that creates the most jobs. An important recognition of the strong expansion of its franchised supermarkets, undertaken within the framework of its 20132016 Strategic Plan. EROSKI Group currently has: 1 hypermarket, 1 travel office and 1 IF cosmetics shop. It has 109 workers, 70% of them partners of its cooperative. EROSKI Club has 35,000 Client Partners in Extremadura. EROSKI works with 130 suppliers in this region, from which it markets around 600 local foodstuffs, with annual turnover of 18 million euros. A close relationship, the most highly appreciated value by franchisees Andalusia EROSKI opened in Andalusia 21 franchised supermarkets in 2015, the region where it has opened the most establishments, with an investment in excess of 3.1 million euros, which generated 166 jobs. A high rate of openings which will be maintained in 2016. EROSKI has a total of 101 establishments in the region: 60 supermarkets, 9 hypermarkets, 5 service stations, 2 travel offices, 24 IF cosmetics shops and the online supermarket. In the region, the EROSKI Club programme has 228,000 Client Partners. EROSKI collaborates with more than 900 suppliers in Andalusia, marketing more than 5,000 products and making purchases from Andalusian suppliers worth in excess of 234 million euros annually. 50 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Valencian Region and Murcia In 2015 EROSKI opened the first franchised supermarket in the East Coast area and is planning to open a further 10 in 2016, which will join the commercial network comprising 7 hypermarkets. In the region the EROSKI Group also has 4 service stations, 5 travel offices, 3 FORUM SPORT sports stores and 13 IF cosmetics shops. In total it has 651 workers, 60% of whom are partners of its cooperative. EROSKI Club has 150,000 Client Partners in the region. EROSKI works with 865 suppliers in the Valencian Region and Murcia, from which it markets around 9,550 products, with annual turnover of 400 million euros. The “with you en franquicia” (with you in a franchise) programme is now one year old and has created a community of 465 franchised entrepreneurs. A pioneering initiative that provides customised business training, services and benefits, detailed information on products as well as tools for optimising the management of their stores. The programme’s goal is to strengthen and improve the cooperative’s relations with its franchisees, a key aspect in the success of the expansion of the franchised store network and which, together with the profitability of the business, has become the most highly appreciated value by the franchisees and entrepreneurs who are now operating with franchised EROSKI stores.. In 2015 we accelerated the growth of the franchised store network to reach the figure of 94 openings. Innovation Two projects stood out for their innovative capacity in 2015, the opening of the first franchised EROSKI hypermarket, an important step within the expansion strategy of the franchised network and entailing the transfer to the hypermarket channel of the knowhow built up by EROSKI in its supermarket franchise, and the start-up at the end of the year, jointly with GUREAK Group, of the first franchised supermarket to be entirely managed by disabled persons. Likewise, In 2015 EROSKI repeated for the second time the pioneering initiative of opening a temporary franchised supermarket during the BBK Live Music festival staged in Bilbao (Bizkaia), a successful development that was also extended to the Al rumbo Music Festival in Chiclana (Cádiz). These are emblematic projects in which we defined new responses for meeting the needs of today’s consumers. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 51 STORES STORES Diversification businesses Progress in the multichannel proposal Online sales grew by more than 12% in 2015, essentially owing to the development of the EROSKI Club Client Partner base, the increase in offer, which now exceeds 10,000 items available for the consumer’s greater freedom of choice and the experience accumulated over an online sales trajectory that is already 17 years old. 75% of our online customers buy fresh produce on the internet, a highly remarkable figure in the sector. Again this year, the most highly valued aspects in the online store, with more than 6 million users, are the Customer Service and the quality of delivery within the agreed timeframe. 75% of our online customers bought fresh produce on the internet. “Click&Drive” Service EROSKI Travel IF Cosmetics Shops Forum Sport In 2014 EROSKI opened its first service for collecting online shopping easily and without leaving the car, in rapid-delivery posts installed in the parking areas of stores in close vicinity to major roadways. In this first year of operation, online sales in this pioneering centre have doubled. Viajes EROSKI has a network of 166 offices as well as its website. It also has a 28-office division specialising in business travel and in organising congresses, TRAVEL AIR. Perfumerías IF has a network of 200 establishments. It is currently undergoing a process of change in its business model, with 54 shops already remodelled. They offer a specialist range of perfumes, cosmetics and beauty and personal care products, supported by a specialised advisory service. FORUM SPORT has a commercial network comprising 45 establishments, which are present in 10 autonomous regions, as well as its online store, which serves the whole of Spain. In 2015 we advanced in our multichannel proposal by extending this service to a total of six points, four in Bizkaia, one in Galicia and a CAPRABO point in Barcelona. EROSKI’s online sales in 2015 grew by more than 12%, driven by a renewed multichannel proposal. “Click&Collect” Service In 2015, Viajes EROSKI won the Prize awarded by the Spanish Large Families Federation in recognition of its specialisation in family tourism, which accounts for 40% of its turnover. EROSKI Viajes is integrated into the GEBTA network (Guild of European Travel Agents), an exclusive consortium with more than 850 points of sale in Europe. Perfumerías IF has more than 1,700,000 client members in its loyalty programme, who account for more than 70% of sales. In 2015 FORUM SPORT opened 4 new establishments in the provinces of Gipuzkoa, Soria and Valladolid. It has a solid loyalty programme that exceeds a million members and accounts for 90% of its sales. In 2015 we launched a new online shopping delivery service aimed squarely at urban clients, whom we offer the possibility of coming to collect their online shopping ready-bagged by a centrally located store two hours after having made the purchase on the internet, without queues or waiting because a specific space for collection has been fitted out for this purpose. In addition to the collection point opened by EROSKI in Bilbao, we have a further two CAPRABO points in Barcelona. 52 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Service Stations EROSKI service stations maintain a policy of permanent price reduction, quickly transferring to consumers the drops in the price of fuel and always maintaining a significant differential with its principal competitors. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 53 value chain value chain We are seeking to build the most efficient value chain based on our clients’ highest satisfaction. 54 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 55 VALUE CHAIN VALUE CHAIN Letter from the Resources Managing Director VALUE CHAIN We are advancing towards a more efficient organisation • We collaborate with 4,676 retail suppliers, committed to the sustainability of a diversified agri-foods sector. • We virtually reached the figure of 115,000 items marketed in 2015. • We introduced 680 new local products to reach the figure of 21,064 foodstuffs marketed, all of them produced in the nearest vicinity of our stores. In 2015 we steadily consolidated a good number of projects on which we had been working in recent years. The challenges of improving business competitiveness identified in the Strategic Plan are being developed and extended and, thanks to this, we are starting to perceive a new EROSKI that expresses the strengths of the strategy we decided on, EROSKI with you. EROSKI’s value chain is geared towards bringing more value, more variety and better prices to each consumer. Conquering new heights of efficiency is an ongoing exercise, and in 2015 we made highly significant advances that will also have their reflection in the near future. Reconsidering the buying and supply model for our fresh produce, the new capabilities in pricing management and continuous improvements in operative processes are some examples of the numerous initiatives that are achieving important efficiencies and cost savings in our value chain. In 2015, extending the ALIDIS alliance to six European operators also reinforces an important part of the value chain with the aim of offering consumers a broader range of products for greater freedom of choice and better prices, while expanding business opportunities for our suppliers. In parallel, within the perimeter of the Spanish market, we have also 56 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI reached a collaboration agreement that has the goal of seeking out new efficiencies that will be transferred to consumers through better prices. 2015 was also a year of notable advances in our commitment to local producers. With 114 new incorporations, we reached 2,610 agreements with SMEs and cooperatives. We introduced 680 new local products, up to 21,064 foods marketed which are produced in the closest vicinity to our stores, promoting a highly diversified agri-foods productive fabric as a crucial aspect for its sustainability. I would lastly like to highlight the renewal, again this year, of the SA8000 certificate in our Head Office and Purchasing Centre, compliance with which extends to all our suppliers. We are the only distribution company in Spain with this certification, which promotes the rights of workers on a worldwide scale. And that, too, makes us different. Javier Amezaga RESOURCES MANAGING DIRECTOR • We incorporated 114 new producers into the “SME-EROSKI Pledges” to reach a total of 2,610 local suppliers. • We launched 436 new products under our own brand, to offer an assortment of 4,510 own-brand items. • We have a total of 23 logistics platforms, which cover a total of 360,000 m2 and which convey more than 1 million boxes every day. • Our logistics efficiency allows us to reduce in-store stock, increase the assortment and reduce operative costs to reinvest in a promotional policy and closer ties with our clients. EROSKI is innovating throughout its value chain as part of the 2013 - 2016 Strategic Plan, with projects that range from collaboration with suppliers to a more personalised relationship with our Client Partners to all our business and logistical processes. The “with you” commercial model is committed to greater freedom of choice for the consumer, because variety and a broad gastronomic culture are crucial aspects in practicing healthy eating, thus defining a value chain open to manufacturers’ brand, to local products and to our own brand. Consumers’ freedom of choice is embodied at EROSKI in an own-brand range offering a competitive price position without foregoing nutritional quality and its contribution to health and a balanced diet. Furthermore, our brand offers new responses to the growing diversity of consumers’ nutritional profiles, with low-salt, lowfat, low-sugar, gluten-free or lactose-free ranges of products. Local producers are playing a renewed central role at EROSKI, conceptualised in the “with you” store model as a platform for the open marketing of locally-produced foods. In 2015 we made 680 new incorporations to offer a total of 21,064 foodstuffs produced in the nearest vicinity of our stores. In this regard, our value chain defines a business model, shared with the agri-food sector, which promotes the diversity of the productive fabric. In 2015 we added 114 new local suppliers, up to a total of 2,610, to the “SMEEROSKI Pledges”. The EROSKI value chain also widely incorporates manufacturers’ brands for the value they are able to provide for the consumer and for constituting a permanent driver of innovation. We collaborate closely with all those that share our pledge to promote healthy eating and we strongly support innovation in nutritional improvements and the development of new and healthier foods. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 57 VALUE CHAIN VALUE CHAIN We are committed to creating shared value Efficiency Projects During this Strategic Plan we are making important achievements in the efficiency of the EROSKI Value Chain, from the supplier to the client. Our Value Chain is geared towards providing each client with more value, greater freedom of choice and greater savings in their shopping, in collaboration with our manufacturer’s brand suppliers, local producers and own-brand producers. We are seeking to build the most efficient value chain based on our clients’ highest satisfaction. They are firm steps towards an EROSKI that is more profitable and more focused on its strengths. In 2015, EROSKI Group continues to make strides in its operative transformation plan overseen by the Transformation Office, which ensures compliance with the targets identified for the different projects of the Strategic Plan, the last year for which is 2016. In 2015 we achieved important improvements in the project relating to expenditure items, which exceed the savings target, and we have also materialised a reduction in the cost of structures. We also made progress in implementing a “lean” methodology in several business processes, achieving a relevant reduction in timescales and a recurrent improvement of the key indicators in the Range, Price and Promotion processes. In the supermarket sphere, the “lean” programme is based on previous experiences and this year’s developments concentrated on planning aspects at store and region level, precision in the indictors and daily meetings of the self-managed teams. In hypermarkets, this was the year the “lean” project took off, localised in achieving greater efficiency in the processes, with fewer errors and reducing the required timescales, working on the basis of indicators for ongoing improvement in the selfmanaged teams. The implementation of the “lean” methodology makes us move forward towards the configuration of high-performance teams by standardising and improving efficiency in the processes, by implementing continuous improvement and by empowering people through their active participation in the improvement of results. Projects relating to costs exceeded their savings target and we also reduced the cost of structures. The EROSKI value chain EROSKI HOME DELIVERY ONLINE WEBSITE APP RESTOCKING OF SHELVES DIRECT SUPPLY TO STORE SUPPLIER PARTNER MANAGEMENT BY CATEGORIES, SOLUTIONS FOR CLIENTS BUSINESS NEGOTIATION ALLIANCES ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT CLICK & DRIVE CONTINUOUS ADAPTATION OF COMMERCIAL FORMATS TRADE-MARKETING COLLABORATION AECOC STANDARDS CLICK & COLLECT CLIENTS SEGMENTED MARKETING RESHIPPING WITHOUT STOCK R&D PROJECTS FOR NEW PRODUCTS STORE ER RESHIPPING WITHOUT STOCK PRODUCTION RD IC O MAT NT AUTO AGEME MAN TION RIBU DIST ORE T TO S RT TO SPO TRAN IBUTOR R DIST AGE STOR RT SPO TRAN AUTOMATED LOGISTICS CLIENT PARTNERS SUPPLIER PURCHASING CENTRE SELF-MANAGEMENT OF STORE TEAM ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY MANUFACTURER’S BRAND SUPPLIER 58 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI LOCAL SUPPLIER OWNBRAND SUPPLIER EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 59 VALUE CHAIN VALUE CHAIN Alianzas Projects with Commercial Appeal Growth Projects 2015 was the first full year of the EROSKI Club programme, which has allowed us to evolve the principal levers of the commercial mix with a renewed proposal. We ended the year with 7 million Client Partners, loyalty sales of 76% and transferred savings of 212 million euros through offers and promotions. EROSKI Club and the rest of the loyalty programmes in CAPRABO, IF and FORUM SPORT have allowed clients to obtain direct savings in their shopping, directly improving our competitive price position in the market. In 2015 we opened 99 stores, most of them franchised supermarkets, together with a FAMILIA store in Galicia and 4 new FORUM SPORT sports material stores. In 2015 we opened 94 franchised supermarkets in accordance with the growth plan forecasted for upcoming financial years, with the ambition of opening 100 new stores per year. Additionally, in 2015 we made very important strides in remodelling the commercial network by extending the new-generation commercial models defined for Hypermarkets and Supermarkets. In the sphere of foodstuffs, we ended the year with 27% of new-generation stores, a total of 387 stores, 16 hypermarkets converted to the “with you” model and a total of 371 supermarkets, 166 under the EROSKI banner, 159 under the CAPRABO banner in Catalonia and 46 under the FAMILIA banner in Galicia. All of them show notable results in improving trading activity and appeal. As we progressed in the remodelling of stores, we extended the improvements of the “different assortment” plan tested in 2014, obtaining good results both in contribution to sales and in profitability, especially in the food sections. For their part, local products continue to increase their prominence in our stores and, in the own brands, we continue to advance in the health and nutritional quality programmes. EROSKI Club has allowed clients to obtain direct savings in their shopping, improving our competitive price position in the market. Additionally, in 2015 we defined and structured a plan for new own-store openings, to be executed in the next few years, and we have signed specific projects that will be inaugurated in early 2017. Innovation Projects In 2015 we approved a new commercial model for the convenience format we call RAPID and we defined an expansion plan to be implemented through franchises. In the progress made in the multichannel proposal, we ended the year with six “Click&Drive” points and three “Click&Collect” points, new successful formats for delivering online orders that combine ON and OFF aspects. We defined and structured a plan for new own-store openings, to be executed in the next few years, which will start to be opened in early 2017. ALIDIS strengthens Its strategic alliance In 2015, extending the ALIDIS alliance to six European operators is also reinforcing an important part of the value chain with the aim of offering consumers a broader range of products for greater freedom of choice and better prices while expanding business opportunities for our suppliers. CGS non-foods alliance EROSKI and COOP ITALIA form part of the COOP GLOBAL SOURCING (CGS) alliance for the importation of non-food products into Europe. The alliance maintains trade relations with more than 300 suppliers and imports 5,000 items per year, all of them complying with the social responsibility standards of the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative). In 2015 COLRUYT (Belgium), CONAD (Italy) and COOP (Switzerland) joined ALIDIS, the International Distributors’ Alliance originally comprised of LE GROUPEMENT DES MOUSQUETAIRES (France), EROSKI (Spain) and EDEKA (Germany). With this enlargement, ALIDIS becomes the principal alliance in European distribution through the values of establishing independent companies with a shared long-term strategic vision. Through this alliance we share synergies in different points of the value chain (quality, packaging, logistics, etc.) through joint ranges and common brands. The members of the alliance carry out their trading activity in 8 European countries (Germany, Belgium, Spain, France, Italy, Switzerland, Poland and Portugal), with overall turnover of 140 billion euros. Cooperation agreement with DIA Group The alliance is also constituted as a meeting point for the members in a quest for synergies through the exchange of knowledge in fields such as sustainable consumption, management of quality, store formats and collaboration programmes with small local producers. Within the perimeter of the Spanish market, the cooperation agreement with DIA Group, also signed during this year, has the goal of seeking out new efficiencies that can be transferred to consumers through better prices. SA8000 Certification We are the only Spanish company to have its Registered Office and Purchasing Centre certified in Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000), which promotes respect for the rights of workers on a worldwide scale. We undergo a rigorous quarterly monitoring audit that takes into account ethical working conditions, labour rights, corporate social responsibility and social dialogue. prevent any kind of corrupt activity. EROSKI is the only Spanish distribution company with SA8000 certification, which promotes respect for the rights of workers on a worldwide scale and prevents any kind of corrupt activity. Gaining accreditation in EROSKI’s compliance of these measures involves implementing them in all our suppliers, including those operating in other countries. Furthermore, the regulation, in the “Control of suppliers and subcontractors” section, includes measures to 60 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 61 VALUE CHAIN VALUE CHAIN Efficient logistics Map of the logistics platforms EROSKI has 23 logistics platforms covering 360,000 m2 distributed over 12 fresh-produce platforms, 9 food platforms and 1 non-foods platform, together with a further 5 conveyor shuttles. Up to 1 million boxes per day flow through this logistics network. Automation in Elorrio is continuing In 2015 we completed the fine-tuning of the Automated Food Platform in Elorrio (Bizkaia), achieving a 60% improvement in productivity and a 15% reduction in energy consumption. EROSKI currently boasts highly automated processes in its logistics platforms in Madrid, Elorrio (Bizkaia), Mallorca and Zaragoza. The progress made in recent years in the automation of the supply chain processes has brought about an overall improvement of 27% in logistical efficiency in these past few financial years. Additionally, the automation of the fresh-produce logistics plants are allowing EROSKI to achieve greater specialisation in fresh produce, with shorter timescales between harvesting and the consumer, plus a broader range of seasonal foods that offer consumers greater freedom of choice for practicing more varied and healthier eating. A more efficient supply chain, one that diversifies the service model according to rotation, is one of the keys to the new “with you” commercial model. The reduction in operational expenditure in a tenser logistical flow that reduces stock throughout the supply chain is fed back to the qualification of the “with you” commercial model, which offers greater breadth of range, becomes more specialised in fresh produce, gives renewed prominence to local products and strengthens ties with Client Partners through a more personalised relationship. The flexibility and empowerment of the working teams is a crucial aspect in the optimal adaptation of the logistics operations to the commercial strategy and the actual evolution of the commercial network. In 2015 we also started up a project for the vertical dispatching of shipments in this platform, which will succeed in automating the processes from a silo with orders prepared up to the point of shipping pallets for loading them on the transport, improving the overall efficiency of the platform and the transport that has its starting point here. New transportation model In 2015 we implemented a new transportation model, both for the routes from the suppliers to the platforms and for the local-level distribution from the platforms to the stores. A TMS (Transport Manager system) optimises the planning and monitoring of routes, improving the filling of goods, saving on journeys, driving times, kilometres driven and fuel. In the local-level distribution to stores, we are making progress in our quest for agreements to implement night-time unloading, utilise multiuse lanes, dynamic reservation of unloading places… for more efficient urban logistics with a lower impact on the surroundings. The greater efficiency in transportation achieved since the start-up of the Strategic Plan has allowed us to reduce CO2 emissions by 5,000 tonnes, the equivalent of planting a forest with 500,000 trees. Learn more about how logistics at EROSKI allow us to reduce operational costs EROSKI’s logistics platforms improve efficiency: more efficient assortments and lower prices thanks to greater agility, flexibility and reduction in operational costs. A Coruña Kortederra Elorrio Gasteiz Agurain Imarcoain Zubieta Sigüeiro Vigo Zaragoza The greater logistics efficiency achieved in the Strategic Plan has led to a reduction in CO2 emissions equivalent to planting a forest with 500,000 trees. Abrera Ciencies M50 Ciempozulelos Menorca Mallorca Picasent Ibiza Bailén FRESH PRODUCE Murcia FOODSTUFFS NON-FOODS CONVEYOR SHUTTLES Málaga 62 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 63 VALUE CHAIN VALUE CHAIN We promote a highly diversified agri-foods sector Environmental and social safeguards EROSKI has 10,335 suppliers, of which 4,676 are retail suppliers. Of these, more than 50% are small local producers with which we establish a buying and procurement policy adapted to their size and the specificities of their product. EROSKI incorporates environmental safeguards in its offer and collaborates with responsible suppliers committed to the sustainability of natural resources. WWF collaborates with EROSKI on different projects relating to the sustainable exploitation of fishing grounds, improvements in energy efficiency and the promotion of more responsible consumption. EROSKI drives forward an agri-foods sector that bases its sustainability on the diversity of its productive fabric as a key element in contributing to the economy, to culture and to the environment. It is our cooperative conviction which makes us commit to this diversity, create collaborative environments and work with a large number of suppliers. This is the case with fish from sustainable fishing grounds bearing the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) seal. In 2015 EROSKI marketed more than 495 tonnes of sustainable fish certified with the blue MSC label, thus consolidating its commitment to sustainable fishing. We market up to 21,064 local products, 680 of them incorporated in 2015. Each one of them has a story to tell on exceptional raw materials, unique places or particular ways of doing things. In 2015 we launched up to 42 local campaigns to strengthen appreciation of food through becoming acquainted with locally-produced products, presenting them in a renewed way as another option in the daily shopping because they are foods that support the local economy and are more sustainable because they are produced nearer to where they are consumed. More than 50% of our 4,676 retail suppliers are small local producers. BCC-EROSKI Saria Award In 2015 we staged the 4th edition of the “BCCEROSKI Saria Award” organised by EROSKI and the Basque Culinary Center, which seeks to recognise professional chefs whose culinary creations bring to light and enhance a local product, giving it a new gastronomic dimension on their seasonal menus. In accordance with its slogan, “Cooking Our Flavours”, only two requirements are needed for competing: to be a chef currently working in any restaurant in Spain and to present recipes regularly used in their menus and showcase local products with a strong tradition in their region. EROSKI also markets products made from wood logged in sustainably managed forests and bearing the FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) seal. The entire range of home cellulose, a collection of garden furniture and an own-brand stationery range all bear this seal. At EROSKI we collaborate with the FAIRTRADE certification, an international system that certifies products in the supply chain, from the producer to the end consumer, guaranteeing compliance with the social, economic and environmental Fair Trade criteria. EROSKI was the first distribution company to market Fairtrade products in Spain and today retails a range comprised of coffee, cocoa, tea and sugar as well as various own-brand textile products and balls. The winner of the 2015 edition was the chef Luis Salcedo from Remigio restaurant in Tudela (Navarre) for his highly personal preparation of the traditional Ajoarriero dish. In second place were the chef Federico Guajardo of the Los Ángeles Hotel restaurant in Denia (Alicante) and the chef Pablo Valdearcos of the Olajauregui Hotel restaurant in Durango (Bizkaia). 64 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 65 social transformation social transformation Contributing to a fairer, more supportive and more sustainable society, one with higher levels of health and wellbeing, forms part of EROSKI’s mission as a consumer cooperative. 66 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 67 SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION We are a collective project, open to society • The CONSUMER.ES consumer information portal receives 90,000 visits per day and has become one of the principal online communication mediums in Spain. • 7 million readers per month of our publications on topics associated with consumption. • More than 72,087 participants in the activities of the Nutrition School of EROSKI Foundation. • We have been collaborating with the Food Bank for 19 years. We donate more than 9,000 tonnes of food, equivalent to the annual food consumption of 13,595 people, thanks to our “Zero Waste” pledge and the food collection campaigns. • In 2015 the “Eroski Circular Economy” programme succeeded in recycling 14,827 tonnes of cardboard, plastics, electrical and electronic devices, batteries and storage batteries, lamps and fluorescents. • Together with our clients, we succeeded in raising 512,000 euros in the solidarity campaigns in favour of the victims of the Nepal earthquake and of war refugees. 68 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Social transformation through business activity is one of the cooperative aims. EROSKI, as a consumer cooperative, is a collective project dedicated to the consumer and to society. This is why we carry out our activity in four domains that define our social commitment: informing the consumer, promoting healthy eating, environmental sustainability and solidarity actions for those who are most in need. Today one of the most important problems we face as consumers is the drastic change in our eating habits. This is leading to a public health problem associated with rates of cardiovascular risk, diabetes, high blood pressure and excess weight or obesity. Balanced eating and a healthy lifestyle play a crucial role today in our society’s individual and collective wellbeing. For this reason, and guided by the priority established by the Consumer Partners through their participation in the cooperative, the Nutrition School of EROSKI Foundation seeks to provide consumers and the young generations a set of clear and simple guidelines to put into practice a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. The transformation undertaken by EROSKI in recent years also extends to its ability to contribute to society. EROSKI today is readier than ever to make a greater contribution to a fairer, more supportive, more sustainable society, one with greater levels of health and wellbeing. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 69 SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION Promoting information for the consumer This is also due to the importance and power of consumers, who through their daily shopping decisions are capable of conditioning the practices of the productive sectors and their distribution channels. In carrying out our training and information function as a consumer cooperative, we are helped by several publications that reach 7 million readers each month. Our publications reach 7 million readers each month. alimentación salud Nuevo etiquetado Claves dietéticas para la salud cardiovascular Vasculitis en niños Enfrentarse al dolor la revista del socio consumidor la revista del socio consumidor Año XL - Época IV - Nº 194 FEBRERO 2015 • Año XL - Época IV - Nº 196 ABRIL 2015 • Las ventajas de EROSKI club Guía de frutas actualizada Influencia de la salud en nuestra dieta alimentación salud bienestar Menos sal, más vida Balanza energética de las calorías Ictus Meditar: salud para el cuerpo y la mente Seguridad en los desastres naturales Huertos urbanos ¿Qué alimentos incluimos en nuestra dieta? CONSUMER.ES EROSKI CONSUMER Magazine EROSKI Club Magazine In 2015 the CONSUMER.ES consumer information portal reached the figure of 6 million visits per month and consolidated its position as one of the principal online communication mediums in Spain. The EROSKI CONSUMER printed magazine has been informing consumers for more than four decades and maintains a circulation of 180,000 copies per month. Its studies and consumer surveys, the practical nature of its reports and the advice given on healthier eating and lifestyle are its major attractions. The EROSKI Club magazine is a new publication exclusively for Client Partners. It comes out monthly and features all the information and cookery recipes for practicing healthy eating based on seasonal foods. It also contains exclusive offers and promotions for the Client Partners. The topics on CONSUMER.ES most often consulted by consumers relate to balanced eating, a healthy lifestyle, living with pets and baby care. It also offers more than 4,500 cookery recipes with photos of the dishes, a search by ingredients or nutritional characteristics and cookery videos and includes a dietary rating for each one of them. The EROSKI CONSUMER recipe apps have broken the barrier of 700,000 downloads. It has its own internal editorial team at EROSKI Foundation that ensures the impartiality of the medium and the value of its contribution to consumer training and information. This extends to a broad external network of expert contributors in topics such as economy, health, psychology or sociology. The principal reports published in 2015 were: la revista del socio consumidor la revista del socio consumidor Año XL - Época IV - Nº 203 DICIEMBRE 2015 • alimentación salud ??? bienestar Betaglucanos Grasa o azúcar: ¿qué es peor en exceso? Fiebre: la importancia de los grados El cuidador también necesita un respiro Cómo explotar el perfil de LinkedIn Niñeras 2.0 alimentación salud Carnes rojas y procesadas Otra Navidad es posible Maquillaje infantil Constante sensación de frío bienestar ??? Extraescolares en el divorcio Nacimientos sin trámites Natalidad en el precipicio ahorra con eroski ahorra con eroski Un menú rico y económico Grandes recetas a precios mini lo local cordero •APR’15: “Diet: a diary of the most commonly eaten foods” Origen y sabor Protagonistas Queso EROSKI SeleQtia DO Idiazabal: el doble de bueno Sugerencias deliciosas con Ternasco de Aragón Eroski NATUR. ¡Descúbrelas! Nuevos yogures EROSKI basic: todo sabor y cremosidad fresas Incluye vales de descuento directo Búscalos en página 49 1 •MAY’15: “Childhood obesity: a retrospective of a weighty problem” ¡A todas horas! Disfruta de las fresas Eroski NATUR, perfectas para platos dulces y salados Incluye vales de descuento directo Búscalos en página 49 #03 mayo’15 1 euro •JUN’15: “More than one in four consumers suffers one or several chronic illnesses” ahorra con eroski Mucho gusto, poco presupuesto Protagonistas Descubre nuestra gama de cervezas Aurum •SEP’15: “Family expenditure grows timidly for the first time in six years” La mar de buena anchoa Propuestas exquisitas y muy saludables con la anchoa del Cantábrico de EROSKI •OCT’15: “Birth rate in freefall” •NOV’15: “One in every nine people on our planet goes hungry” •JAN’16: “Food labelling: novelties that go unnoticed” 70 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI 1 euro 1 euro •MAR’15: “Financial, technological and mobility abilities determine the consumption of the elderly” •DEC’15: “Consumers make more than 3,000 claims every day” Consumidores de derecho abril’15 marzo’15 •JUL/AUG’15: “96% of consumers recognises the importance of pictograms on packaging, but 58% believes they are not easy to interpret” Año XL - Época IV - Nº 201 OCTUBRE 2015 • #02 #01 •FEB’15: “Almost a third of the Spanish population suffers chronic health problems but only 12% changes its diet as part of the treatment” 2200177101878 At EROSKI we are convinced of the value of informing consumers as an essential element in the defence and protection of their interests. Incluye vales de descuento directo Búscalos en página 47 1 Open to conversation As well as EROSKI’s corporate profile on social media, at the editorial department of EROSKI CONSUMER we are also open to conversing with our followers, 34,239 on Twitter and 40,695 on Facebook. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 71 SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION Promoting a healthier diet The Nutrition School of EROSKI Foundation has now been in place for four years and is the inheritor of EROSKI’s trajectory in educating to promote a healthy diet since its beginnings. Over these four years it has become a standard in the educational sphere. With the Educational Programme on Healthy Eating and Habits (PEAHS), in collaboration with the teaching community, it has taken to the classrooms an awareness of the need for a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle and is educating attendees on the criteria required for practicing them in our everyday lives. In carrying out its function according to objective criteria, the EROSKI Nutrition School has a Scientific Committee as its advisory body. The Nutrition School of EROSKI Foundation also conducts research activities and in 2015 presented the conclusions of the Nutritional Survey of the Spanish Population, the most comprehensive assessment study on the eating habits and nutritional status of the Spanish population. Eat and look after your heart One of the novelties promoted by the EROSKI Nutrition School was the collaboration with the Spanish Heart Foundation in developing the “Eat and look after your heart” programme. Study on the Eating Habits and Nutritional Status of the Spanish Population (ENPE) Promoted by the EROSKI Nutrition School, the ENPE Study, in which more than 6,800 people from all Autonomous Regions participated, shows an updated diagnosis of the eating habits and state of health of the Spanish population. Educational Programme on Healthy Eating and Habits (PEAHS)) Particularly noteworthy is the increase in the prevalence of obesity in all ages, with child and youth obesity having increased by 9% in the past 15 years. The Scientific Committee of EROSKI Foundation comprises professors of Spanish universities, members of different associations relating to health, to food sciences and nutrition and experts in gastronomy and the culinary arts. It constitutes an advisory body for defining the medium- and long-term strategy of the commitment to healthy eating acquired by EROSKI and EROSKI Foundation. The PEAHS programme promoted by the EROSKI Nutrition School seeks to raise awareness among 9- to 12-year-old children and their family environment of the importance of eating a balanced diet and leading a healthy lifestyle through Teaching Units offered free of charge to all educational centres in Spain. All educational content and graphic or audiovisual tools contained in these Teaching Units were drafted by a technical team of experts in nutrition, educational psychologists and serving primary school teachers, following the guidelines of the Ministry of Education. Decisions such as the introduction of the nutritional traffic light, the elimination of partially hydrogenated vegetable fats or the programme to reduce fats, sugars and salts from own-brand products are decisions taken by EROSKI after having taken scientific advice from the Committee. This programme won the “Gosasun” recognition promoted by the Basque Innovation Agency, a distinction that joins others received previously, such as the NAOS Award presented by the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs and the “El Chupete” (The Dummy) Prize for the creative quality of the programme and the values it transmits to a child audience. 5th Encounter of the Nutrition School In 2015 the 5th Encounter of the EROSKI Nutrition School took place to analyse, in the course of a full day, the challenges, opportunities and perspectives in the nutrition of tomorrow through the view of experts in the fields of health, nutrition, gastronomy and the environment. The products from my homeland Local products also play a central role at the EROSKI Nutrition School. This workshop offers schoolchildren the possibility of learning firsthand about the facilities of agri-foods producers in their immediate environment. More than 72,000 participants In the past 2014-2015 academic year, 72,087 schoolchildren from 930 schools took part in the PEAHS programme. They attended 1,200 educational workshops in 180 EROSKI and CAPRABO stores. Scientific Committee The obesity rate in Spain has increased by 9% in boys and girls. Learn about the causes. According to the ENPE ‘Study on Eating Habits and Nutritional Status of the Spanish Population’ (ENPE) of the EROSKI Foundation’s Nutrition School, the obesity rate in Spain has increased by 9% in children and young people and by 4% in adults in the past 15 years. The overall satisfaction of the educators participating in the PEAHS programme was 91% and nine out of ten educators who have participated in the PEAHS Programme recommend it. 72 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 73 SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION Promoting a more cohesive society International Solidarity “Zero Waste” pledge We have been collaborating with the Food Bank for 19 years and have been recognised with the “Golden Wheat Ear”, the highest award conferred by the Spanish Food Bank Federation (FESBAL). In 2015 EROSKI donated 8,957 tonnes of food, the equivalent of 13,595 annual personal meals, thanks to its “Zero Waste” pledge and collaboration with its clients in the different food collection campaigns. The “Zero Waste” programme, which ensures that no food suitable for consumption is discarded in EROSKI stores, was a pioneering endeavour in 2011 and was presented at the EXPO MILAN 2015 as an initiative remarked on by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA). Through this programme, in 2015 EROSKI donated up to 5,830 tonnes of food, which were channelled through the Food Bank and more than a hundred small local social organisations. Operation Kilo Reusable Solidarity Bag In its three years of life, the Reusable Solidarity Bag has raised 630,000 euros, which have been allocated to the different projects of organisations such as Red Cross, Action Against Hunger or Unicef. Social integration EROSKI has been collaborating for more than a decade with organisations working for a more inclusive society such as ONCE, DOWN ESPAÑA and COCEMFE.A In favour of refugees Aid for Nepal Corporate volunteering At Christmas 2015, EROSKI and the Spanish Committee of the UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, launched a joint campaign in which 142,000 euros were raised and which went to providing humanitarian aid kits for 71,000 refugees and people displaced by war. In coordination with UNICEF, EROSKI organised an emergency campaign to help the victims of the Nepal earthquake which left more than 7,000 casualties behind. EROSKI and its clients succeeded in raising 370,000 euros, which were allocated to supporting the work of UNICEF in the area. Since 2011 EROSKI collaborates with the MUNDUKIDE NGO in the sphere of international collaboration. We make an annual call to Worker Partners to take up internal corporate volunteering in order to collaborate in inter-cooperation projects. During these years, 4 volunteers have participated in the projects MUNDUKIDE undertakes in the centralwestern region of Brazil. In addition, during the “Kilo Operation” campaigns and in collaboration with the Food Bank, EROSKI and its clients donated 3,128 tonnes, increasing last year’s donation by 45% in a campaign that combines the efforts of workers, volunteers and clients. We have been collaborating with the Food Bank for 19 years and reached the figure of 8,957 tonnes of donated food, the equivalent of 13,595 annual personal meals. 74 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI Citizen’s Award The EROSKI Foundation won the Ciudadano (Citizen’s) 2015 Award in the category of Health and Quality of Life for its contribution to creating a better society for everyone and in recognition of the activity of EROSKI Foundation in research, development and innovation in consumption, nutrition and healthy habits, solidarity and welfare promotion. EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 75 SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION Environmental sustainability Circular economy EcoDesign Several actions stand out from among the projects embarked on in 2015 in the sphere of design: 4th-generation Eco-Store: moving towards self-sufficiency In 2015 we completed the design of a 4th-generation Eco-Store, a pioneer in Europe. After having succeeded in reducing by 60% the energy consumption of the previous “Zero Emissions” Eco-Store compared to a conventional supermarket, the challenge now is to move towards self-sufficiency. The goal is to supply the cooling, heating and electricity needs required by a supermarket through an innovative system based on a biomass boiler to drastically reduce consumption of energy taken from the electricity grid. The project’s definition began in 2013, and it was in 2015 when we initiated the execution works. It will bring about direct savings of 494 electrical MWh annually and a reduction of 178 tonnes of CO2 emissions per year. The project’s transformative potential will not affect the construction of new supermarkets only; above all, it will impact the eco-reforms of existing supermarkets in the same way that, in each reform we undertake, we are now including the innovations tested in 2012 in the previous Eco-Store, which focused on four essential aspects: sustainable construction, intelligent use of energy, appropriate waste management and use of renewable energy sources. EROSKI collaborates in this project with the National Renewable Energy Centre – CENER – as the technology centre in charge of technical coordination. •We redesigned the packaging of 18 ownbrand cosmetics formats in order to use one sole material, thus facilitating recycling. The project will prevent the emission of 111 tons of CO2 over three years. •We redesigned the display boxes of several personal care products from the belle® brand, preventing more than a ton of CO2 over three years. •We redesigned two own-brand fabric conditioners, making them more concentrated and with much lighter packaging. This will prevent the emission of 11 tonnes of CO2 over three years. At EROSKI we work according to the logic of the Circular Economy, which has the goal of recycling and reusing, closing the economic flows and the flows of resources and reducing waste and the intake of raw materials. In doing this we develop inverse-logistics processes, from the stores to our platforms and suppliers, aiming to ensure their appropriate reuse and recycling to minimise waste. In 2015, through EROSKI’s Circular Economy Programme, we recycled 20,211 tonnes of raw materials and 2.042 tonnes of organic waste. In addition, the EROSKI supply chain encompasses the use, reclassification and reuse of 39.4 million items of logistics packing in a circular system. Furthermore, EROSKI stores are also collection points for disused goods for recycling, such as electrical and electronic devices, batteries and storage batteries and lamps and fluorescents. RAW MATERIALS ORGANIC WASTE LOGISTICS PACKING 27,361 2,069 39,374,110 CARDBOARD MEAT PRODUCTS PALLETS tonnes tonnes units tonnes recycled 25,180 tonnes recycled 489 packages reused 2,435,846 PLASTIC SEAFOOD PLASTIC BOXES tonnes tonnes units 1,917 1,580 36,938,264 POREX 264 tonnes ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC DEVICES* BATTERIES & STORAGE BATTERIES LAMPS & FLUORESCENTS tonnes recycled tonnes recycled tonnes recycled 1,543 108 29 COLLABORATING BODY COLLABORATING BODY Life cycle of products COLLABORATING BODY Through the Programme for Calculating a Product’s Life Cycle, we analysed a hundred own-brand products to reduce their CO2 emissions by 2,000 tonnes, with a 7% reduction from the previous year. In total, the EcoDesign and Product Life Cycle initiatives will bring about savings of 2,123 tonnes of CO2 over 3 years, equivalent to a forest of 212,300 trees. *AIR CONDITIONING, ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES, TELEVISIONS, SMALL APPLIANCES, ETC. Earth Hour EROSKI joined the “Earth Hour” campaign promoted by WWF and endorsed by United Nations to raise awareness of the need to fight against climate change. 76 | 2015 Annual Report | EROSKI EROSKI | 2015 Annual Report | 77 Ethical Management and Transparency Ethics code Our ethics code is the linchpin of our daily operations, which in practice corresponds to the following lines of action: 1 2 3 4 5 INCLUDE ethical management in the Leadership’s principal goals. 6 INFORM suppliers and subcontractors appropriately on the ethics code adopted, creating mechanisms for the transfer of knowledge on Social Responsibility. 7 ATTEND to external stakeholders (consumers, neighbourhood communities, Administration, clients, suppliers, etc.) insofar as they take an interest in our social behaviour. 8 COMMUNICATE to society in an open and effective manner its code, its regulations and the fulfilment of its goals. ASSUME and CONTRIBUTE to the ongoing improvement of the levels of Social Responsibility stipulated by legislation. VERIFY, through indicators, the ethical conduct of the organisation to define the areas of activity requiring improvement. SET TARGETS for improving Ethical Management and draft and adopt plans to achieve them. TRAIN AND INFORM appropriately all the persons involved in applying the management system and promote the adoption of good Social Responsibility practices. A member of the Global Compact SA 8000 Certification The only Spanish distribution company to have its Registered Office and Purchasing Centre certified in Social Accountability SA8000, which promotes labour rights, corporate social responsibility and social dialogue as well as measures to prevent any kind of corrupt activity in dealings involving suppliers and contractors. This year we again reaffirmed our membership of the Global Compact, an international initiative proposed by United Nations. Its goal is to obtain a voluntary pledge in social responsibility from organisations through the implementation of their principles based on human, labour and environmental rights. EROSKI is a signatory of the compact since its establishment in 2002.
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