Mandalong Mine Community Consultative
Mandalong Mine Community Consultative
Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee Draft Minutes of Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee Meeting Held Tuesday 28th February 2012 – 4.10pm At Centennial Coal Office – Mandalong Mine PRESENT ALSO IN ATTENDANCE APOLOGIES Name Organisation Milton MORRIS Chairman Phil ENRIGHT Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd Alan BLAKENEY Centennial Mandalong Pty Ltd Marton MAROSSZEKY Mandalong Community Association Rob KOTHE Mandalong Community Association John SHOEBRIDGE Dora Creek Lyndon ROGERS Mandalong South Mandy ALLEN Mandalong Community Association Leonie SWEENEY Mandalong Community Association Anne FERRIS Mandalong Wendy HARRISON Lake Macquarie City Council Anna WALSH Centennial Mandalong South James WEARNE Centennial Mandalong South Paul DUNCAN Centennial Fassifern Paul WILLIAMS Centennial Fassifern Colin DRISCOLL Hunter Eco Col BURZACOTT Mandalong Community Association Barry HARRIS Mandalong Mine Representative Mick ASTLES Mandalong Community Association Lee-Ann SNOWDEN Minute Secretary (Acting) Rae BLACK Minute Secretary Peter COOK Centennial Mandalong South WELCOME Chairman welcomed everyone to meeting. PREVIOUS MINUTES Minutes of 28 September 2011 were adopted. th Page 1 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee BUSINESS ARISING Item Action – Questions for Prof Galvin Action MCA had a two hour meeting with Professor Galvin. Meeting was recorded and MCA are currently transcribing Q& A. Approximately 2/3 completed. Action – Chairman’s Annual Report Chairman advised that Report is complete. A copy will be circulated to Committee members when Rae Black returns to work. Action – Plan for proposed sell off of Centennial Properties by Andy Myors Paul Duncan said company looking at a strategy for disposal of properties. Centennial property on Taylor’s Road given approval by Board to sell. Need to decide if it’s to be done internally or by a Real Estate Agent but most probably by Real Estate Agent. Strategy for the sale of properties is to be developed - many things to be considered. No specifics are available at present. Action – Auditing of Mine Documents by DoP – Chairman to respond Chairman advised that David Kitto has been on four months leave and will return to work next month. Chairman spoke to Howard Reed – refer to copy of email. Email read at the meeting. MCA concerned and would like a Q & A Audit, Audit against Consent conditions, Licence Conditions – need proof. Need to look at all monitoring data – Management Plans. Phil Enright explained that an Independent Audit took place in 2010 of the mine’s development consent, mining leases and management plans. Alan Blakeney explained the auditors were approved by the DoP and the audit results submitted to the department. Action – 3D Virtual Tour of an Operating Coal Mine This has been done. Community members found it very interesting and helpful - Action complete. Action – Request to inspect Mine’s Water Discharge Point – Tour to be arranged This inspection was carried out on the same day as the virtual tour in October 2011 – Action complete. Action – Mine Presentation Document – to be attached to Minutes Action completed. Action – Land Management Plan – Paul Duncan to report. An Update Report on major land management activities since late 2011 was circulated prior to the meeting. Paul Duncan advised that Update Report was subject to Questions and Comment. Major points included: . The tenants were encouraged to control weeds under the licence agreement however due mainly to the small size of most properties tenants did not have the required machinery to control Page 2 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee BUSINESS ARISING Item Action weeds. Therefore the Property managers have now taken over weed control. . Currently there is an ongoing campaign over the next 12 months to spray and control blackberries and some giant Parramatta grass. . Riparian Zone fencing on 619 Mandalong Road and 226 Brown Road. . Wetlands Management meeting has been organised for late March – the tenants will be invited to discuss how to look after wetlands. . The tenant on 555 Mandalong Road has been given access to more land should the wetlands need to be fenced out of his current property. . Demolition of Lodge is about ½ complete – taken longer than anticipated due to the wet weather. It should be completed in approximately 3 weeks time. . Anne Ferris commented that some land owners near her turf farm aren’t happy with weeds blowing everywhere (unsure of type) from one of Centennial’s properties. Requested if they could be sprayed when spraying blackberries and Parramatta grass. Anne happy to point out where weed is. . Marton Marosszeky said it’s unsatisfactory - not happy with Land Management Plan - priority, strategies and report against plan. All have adhoc reporting. How it manages the property portfolio rather than tell community after the event. Paul Duncan replied that the Land Management Plan has a portfolio of 42 properties. It doesn’t have a timeline – each property has its own report page that highlights matters that should be addressed. The work is done on an as needs basis. The Plan was sent out in mid 2011 after the inclusion of some suggestions from previous Consultative Committee meetings. The Plan is due for review in mid 2012. Changes to the report would be made to make it easier to read and highlight the major land management issues to be addressed in the coming 12 months. At this stage the report will not include a timeline of the proposed works. Leonie replied that 420 pages doesn’t give you what needs to be done, eg Wetlands and weed control. Need a plan and tick it off as it’s done. Page 3 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee BUSINESS ARISING Item Action – Mandalong Communication & Consultation Plan – analysis of odours Action James Wearne advised that SLR has engaged to conduct an Odour Survey for both Mandalong Mine and Mandalong South from ventilation fan. Initial audit of mine indicated that the ventilation fan was the only potential source of odour. A Community Odour Diary Form was distributed to all at meeting and it was explained to all present what the descriptors were and how to fill in the form which can be handed in at any time. The survey will determine the source of the odour within the area. Action – Centennial’s Website – update of weekly mining progress Phil Enright advised that there would be no change until June/July so until then no additional information could be added - Action complete. Action – Remediation work on Ponding – Presentation A Blakeney this meeting Refer to presentation notes – Drainage Works – Property 56. Tenants say it takes approximately 7 days to drain. Community concerned with changes in hydrology. Predicted changes to hydrology contained in flood model and is a separate issue. Action C/Fwd. Action – Crown Roads – Upgrade possibilities Marton Marosszeky to send tabulation of council roads and non council roads to Cr Wendy Harrison. A letter is to be sent to Centennial Coal requesting to upgrade roads to a suitable standard. A submission is then to be sent to council requesting them to maintain the roads. Paul Duncan did explain that generally the contribution Centennial Coal make to property owners when drilling on properties would include a contribution to the road as well. COMMUNITY AGENDA Action – Inspection of Historical Sites – Possibility of Visit Aboriginal groups won’t allow an inspection of artefacts – Action completed. Item Comment MCA requested copy of Landowner Communication & Consultation Plan prior to this meeting – request this document be finalised and placed on Centennial’s website. Al Blakeney agreed to finalise following a final check of the document with the MCA and put on Centennial Website. MCA requests proof (visual photos) that drainage is no worse now than pre mining. Phil Enright presented Flood Report LW1 - LW17 which looks at potential remnant ponding. Flood Model based on approved DoP Model. It incorporates latest airborne laser scanning to provide final landform from LW1 – LW10. Potential remnant ponding areas are Page 4 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee COMMUNITY AGENDA Item Comment monitored. Community would like to see the process. Al Blakeney to provide presentation at the next meeting. MCA requests protocol for action regarding compression bumps eg Sauls Road. Wetlands Grant – what is the progress with this. Protocol was presented in the pre-meeting report. Colin Burzacott requested that bumps be marked with paint so they are more visible. Al Blakeney advised that they are awaiting grant as previously discussed. Commitment given to undertake fencing of wetland area. Community concerned at the slow progress of this process. Methane Emissions – when will there be action. James Marshall Interviews – there have been nil to date Alan Blakeney gave an update on the VAMRAB Methane project. There would be 15 months of testing involved. No assessment as yet for a number of these structures at Mandalong Mine. Refer to presentation. James Wearne advised that all Mandalong South interviews were completed. Mandalong Mine Community was not part of this process. Centennial’s Privacy Policy – Community would like to see this on the company website. Legal Department have advised that a copy of the Privacy Policy can be supplied on request. It won’t be placed on Website at this stage. Non Council Roads – MCA to table a letter to Councillor Harrison. Discussed previously. Please see Action – Crown Roads. Colin Driscol gave an informative presentation on Mapping Vegetation. This included SMP requirements, legislation requirements, ecology and subsidence. Presentation attached. Phil Enright explained the process for mining approval. Colin Driscol to clarify the data source regarding the currency of Mandalong’s ecological mapping in PSMP’s. Some Landholders unhappy with the timeliness and quality of mine’s communications Colin Burzacott requested a follow-up process for progression after the approval. Page 5 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee CENTENNIAL COAL Presentation Comment MANDALONG SOUTHERN EXTENSION PROJECT UPDATE Anna Walsh presented an update covering : Copy of this presentation is attached to the minutes. LOGISTICS PROJECT James Wearne gave a presentation on: MANDALONG MINE UPDATE Project Progress – 2 ½ month delay due to seam split location, mine layout modelling continuing. Community Consultation Environment Archaeology Forward Timeline Rob Kothe enquired about surface facilities for Mandalong South regarding whether the community would be consulted on the location of the structures. Anna Walsh explained that the location of the surface infrastructure would be dependant on the final mine layout and would consider environment and community impacts. Community would then be consulted. Copy of this presentation is attached to the minutes. Coal Logistics Project which includes Mandalong Mine, Newstan Colliery and Northern Mining Services. Mandalong Mine Modification for Coal Haulage. Phil Enright presented the mine update. CCC members had received a pre-meeting report. Copy of this presentation is attached to the minutes. The update consisted of: ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING UPDATE Production Update SMP – LW15 – 17 application Subsidence Management Alan Blakeney presented the mine Environment and Planning Update consisting of: Ground Water Water Quality Community Complaints Community Contacts Sponsorship Greenhouse Gas Ponding & Drainage Copy of this presentation is attached to the minutes. Ann Ferris believed that her complaint had been ‘watered down’ as she had made several requests for information. Alan Blakeney believes mine responded to complaint in appropriate time frame as required by the complaints handling procedure. Rob Kothe asked if metals information was provided in the presentation? Alan Blakeney advised the metals data would be provided in the Annual Environmental Management Plan Report. Discussion on water sampling. Page 6 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee GENERAL BUSINESS Presentation Nil due to the meeting finishing late. Comment Action No: Topic Action Who When MCA request a copy which Paul Duncan will need to supply. Upgrade possibilities Phil Enright Master Plan on Land Management Crown Roads Prior to next CCC Feb 2012 Process of Flood Model Compression bumps on Sauls Road Slow progress of Wetlands Grant VAMRAB Methane Project Presentation to be given at next meeting. Bumps to be marked with paint so they are visible. Awaiting grant but commitment given to undertake fencing of wetland area. Updated on testing involved and assessments to be done on structures. Follow up process for progression after mining approval. Landholders unhappy with timeliness and quality of mines communications MEETING CLOSED 7.50 PM NEXT MEETINGS Tuesday 26 June 2012 rd Tuesday 23 October 2012 th Peter Cook Wendy Harrison Alan Blakeney Phil Enright Date Completed Uncompleted C/F Date June 2012 June 2012 Alan Blakeney Alan Blakeney June 2012 Phil Enright June 2012 June 2012 Mandalong Mine Page 7 of 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee Pre-meeting Report for 28 February 2012 Meeting Page i Table of Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 CURRENT MINING STATUS .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1 LONGWALL ................................................................................................................................. 1 1.2 DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................................ 1 GEOLOGY ........................................................................................................................................... 2 EXPLORATION ..................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 MANDALONG .............................................................................................................................. 2 3.2 MANDALONG SOUTH ................................................................................................................... 2 SUBSIDENCE MANAGEMENT PLAN ......................................................................................................... 2 SUBSIDENCE ....................................................................................................................................... 2 5.1 GENERAL .................................................................................................................................... 2 5.2 PROPERTY................................................................................................................................... 2 5.3 INFRASTRUCTURE ......................................................................................................................... 2 ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING ............................................................................................................ 3 PLANNING APPROVALS ......................................................................................................................... 3 COMMUNITY CONTACTS....................................................................................................................... 4 8.1 MANDALONG .............................................................................................................................. 4 8.1.1 MINING NOTIFICATIONS........................................................................................................ 4 8.1.2 CONSULTATION ................................................................................................................... 4 8.2 MANDALONG SOUTH ................................................................................................................... 4 8.2.1 ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION SESSIONS ............................................................................... 4 8.2.2 CONSULTATION ................................................................................................................... 4 8.3 COMPLAINTS ............................................................................................................................... 4 8.3.1 MANDALONG / MANDALONG SOUTH ..................................................................................... 4 8.4 SPONSORSHIP.............................................................................................................................. 5 8.4.1 MANDALONG ...................................................................................................................... 5 8.5 PROPERTY ................................................................................................................................... 5 8.6 LAND MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................... 5 List of Figures FIGURE 1 - MINE PLAN UP TO LW17............................................................................................................................... 1 Page i 1 Current Mining Status 1.1 Longwall Longwall 12 commenced extraction on 3 November 2011 and has extracted about 2000m of its 3000m length. The longwall is scheduled to complete extraction during May 2012. The relocation to Longwall 13 is expected to be completed in June. 1.2 Development Maingate 13 is nearing completion, while the three heading Maingate 14 has developed to 8 cutthrough or a quarter of its length. The Main Headings are developing 77 cut-through, near the commencement of Maingate 15 (Figure 1). Figure 1 - Mine Plan up to LW17 Page 1 2 Geology Inseam drilling from Maingate 13 continued to further define the dyke characteristics in Longwall 15. The dyke is of dolerite material, similar to other dykes running in the north-south direction and is relatively soft, but still as hard as or harder than surrounding strata. Maingate 13 intersected a dyke running in a NE/SW direction. This is opposed to the hard NW/SE dykes recently encountered. The dyke is similarly hard and has been pre-mined in sections where it is greater than 0.3m thick. Due to the hard nature of dyke material, there are no adverse subsidence impacts predicted. 3 Exploration 3.1 Mandalong No drilling since the last meeting in September 2011. Mandalong Mine received approval from Forests NSW to drill six sites within the Only State Forest to define the extent of the seam and geological features. The Department of Resources and Energy is still processing the drilling approval. 3.2 Mandalong South A total of 42 exploration drill holes have been completed of the 53 exploration drill hole programme. One hole has been used to gather horizontal stress measurements and then re-used for groundwater monitoring with piezometers. 4 Subsidence Management Plan The subsidence management plan for Longwalls 15 to 17 is nearing completion, with all assessments and reports completed. Property Subsidence Management Plans (PSMP) were issued to all affected landowners during December 2011 and January 2012 for review. The SMP application is expected to be submitted to the Department of Resources and Energy at the end of February. 5 Subsidence 5.1 General Subsidence monitoring over Longwall 12 has shown that vertical subsidence has been around 0.3m to 0.4m and well within the predicted maximums. Tilts and strains have been low, with the exception of an area along Sauls Rd, near Tallowood Lodge. This area has experienced high levels of ground swell prior to mining due to wet weather. Settlement of Longwall 11 has also been as expected with the extraction of the adjacent Longwall 12. 5.2 Property Since the last meeting, one private and three Centennial dwellings were affected by subsidence during the extraction of Longwall 12 and settlement of Longwall 11. There were no reports of damage to the private or Centennial dwellings. 5.3 Infrastructure During the extraction of Longwall 12 beneath Sauls Road, a compression hump developed near the centre of the longwall panel. Management actions were undertaken in accordance with the Public Roads Management Plan. The actions included: Page 2 Notification to LMCC and MSB one month prior to mining Daily visual inspections by Mandalong Mine commenced 100m prior to mining under road Scheduled subsidence surveys as per approved subsidence monitoring program (approximately at weekly intervals) Cracking found during visual inspections LMCC, MSB, Telstra and DRE notified of cracking to road. Subsidence warning signs erected Inspection by LMCC and MSB Newsletter provided to all Sauls Rd residence and MCA executive. Subsidence warning signs stolen, then replaced by LMCC. Ongoing inspections and subsidence monitoring Repairs scheduled – LMCC Telstra testing of fibre optic cable – no damage detected. Repairs undertaken by LMCC Continue with daily visual inspections and monitoring until longwall 500m past road Regular visual inspections Consult with LMCC and MSB on monitoring results and cracking. 6 Environmental Monitoring Environmental monitoring as required by licences and consents was undertaken for the report period. There were five non-compliances with the DECCW licence conditions. A summary and review of the results will be presented at the meeting. 7 Planning Approvals A briefing paper submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure (NSW DP&I) provides an overview of a proposal to increase the Mine’s coal haulage on the Mandalong private haul road from 2 Mt per annum (p.a) to 4 Mt p.a. Transport for 4.5 Mt p.a. from Newstan Colliery using the private haul road to Mandalong Mine is also proposed. The plans to increase the transport of coal to Eraring Power station by overland conveyor from 2 Mt p.a. to 4 Mt p.a. The Mine proposes to construct and operate crushing facilities previously approved but are as yet to be constructed. The NSW DP&I uses the information presented in the Briefing Paper to determine what information must be included in the Environmental Impact Statement. The briefing paper titled Northern Coal Services (NCS) Coal Logistics Project's Briefing is can be found in the centennial coal website. (website The briefing paper for the Mandalong Southern Extension Project has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Infrastructure. Page 3 8 Community Contacts 8.1 Mandalong 8.1.1 Mining Notifications One month mining notifications to landowners, tenants and infrastructure owners for Longwall 12 has been ongoing. 8.1.2 Consultation Consultation with landowners affected by SMP LW15-17 application was undertaken during the report period. SMP and PSMP assessments were conducted and PSMPs review meetings occurred during the report period. Meetings with landowners affected by current mining and the next panel, Longwall 13. The Mandalong Mailbox (December 2011 edition) was distributed to landowners in December 2011. 8.2 Mandalong South 8.2.1 Environmental information sessions A landholder information session was held in October 2011 at the Project Office. The project team reported on the findings of the environmental baseline studies that had been completed earlier in the year. 8.2.2 Consultation James Marshall has completed the survey of the Mandalong South landholders to gauge the effectiveness of the consultation the project team have undertaken to date. The fifth newsletter has been delayed due to delays to the mine planning process. A letter has been sent (22 Feb 2012) to notify landholders of the delay. It is expected that the newsletter will be sent out in April 2012 with an information session following shortly thereafter. Aboriginal groups were taken to look at various heritage sites on the Centennial owned land south of Chapman Road. It was discovered that there had been a potential damage to an artefact scatter. Mitigation measures were put into place and the incident reported to the Office of Environment and Heritage. They sent a site officer to undertake an investigation and we are awaiting a response from 8.3 Complaints 8.3.1 Mandalong / Mandalong South There were two community complaints received since the September 2011 meeting. a) Privacy A landowner registered a Complaint on 30/11/11 with the Office of Australian Information Commissioner against Centennial Coal in regard to access to personal information and other alleged breaches of privacy that the landowner has witnessed. Centennial has written to the landowner to advise that Centennial is prepared to provide access to their information that falls within the definition of “personal information” under the Privacy Act 1988. Centennial is also currently responding to the preliminary inquiries by the Privacy Page 4 Commissioner’s Office as to whether the Office will conduct a formal investigation into the complaint. b) Contact On Friday 10/2/12 a landowner contacted the Mine and left a message requesting information from a staff member. The landowner was unable to contact the staff member and lodged a complaint. Staff members were unavailable due to work commitments. A response was provided within 3 hours to the landowner and the information provided later that day. The Mine complied with the complaints handling procedure to respond within 24 hours following an investigation. 8.4 Sponsorship 8.4.1 Mandalong 1. Morisset Agricultural Show (January 2012) 2. Morisset Community Festival (April 2012) 8.5 Property There was one enquiry by a local resident for Centennial to purchase their property. Numerous enquiries were made from people interested in renting Centennial properties. Three private properties within the current SMP LW15-17 application area were sold. Contact has been made with the new owners and PSMP supplied. 8.6 Land Management Mandalong Properties Update on Land Management Initiatives – February 2012 Weed Control Last year It was decided that the control of Blackberries and Giant Parramatta grass would be managed by the Centennial Land Manager and rather than the individual tenants. A targeted spraying campaign for blackberries was commenced late last year and will continue over the next couple of months. To date the following properties has been sprayed: 350 Deaves Road, Mandalong 38 Browns Road, Mandalong 803 Mandalong Road, Mandalong 12 Sauls Road, Mandalong 91 Sauls Road, Mandalong Page 5 343 Mandalong Road, Mandalong 619 Mandalong Road, Mandalong 555 Mandalong Road, Mandalong 291 Mandalong Road, Mandalong - not completed 28 Timber Road, Mandalong Part of this overall campaign is to review the results of the spraying and ensure the chemicals being use are effective for the Mandalong area. Some spraying for Giant Parramatta Grass has been undertaken along the road verge at 112 Browns Road, Mandalong. Some regrowth control has been undertaken on some of the properties listed above. Riparian Fencing 619 Mandalong Road, Mandalong Lodge In order to improve flood access and allow the riparian area to be managed for the back paddock repairs to the Right of Way have commenced along the northern boundary. The wet weather has stopped this being completed. The riparian zone on the main creek line has been fenced. The fencing of this riparian zone is complementary with the proposed wetland management plan on 555 Mandalong Road. 226 Browns Road, Mandalong The fencing has protected the riparian habitat (and corridor that runs between Browns and Sauls Roads) and allowed the northern part of this property to be used by horses. The tenants on this property have participated for a second time in the CMA workshops run by Jane Myers. Wetlands Management A meeting with the tenants of properties that have wetlands on them has been organised for late March 2012. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the ongoing management of these wetlands. Property Sale Board Approval has been granted for the sale of 1A Taylors Road, Cooranbong. An overall property strategy for Centennial owned properties in the Mandalong Valley is being developed. Demolition of Tallowood Lodge Work has commenced on the demolition of the Tallowood lodge buildings however progress has been much slower than expected due to the wet weather. Page 6 Mapping Vegetation Communities Primary Aim of Vegetation Mapping for SMP’s To provide habitat information for assessing the impact of subsidence on threatened communities and species. Community vs Species Threatened species (Acacia bynoeana) Endangered Threatened community (Swamp Sclerophyll Forest on Coastal Floodplains EEC) Classification - Floristic Survey 20m • • 20m • • 20 x 20m plot marked out Systematic traverse of whole plot, recording all species present Each species attributed a cover abundance code (1 to 6) Other environmental variables also recorded, such as soil type, aspect, structure etc Braun-Blanquet Cover-Abundance Scale Cover range <5% few individuals <5% many individuals 5% - <25% 25% - <50% 50% - <75% 75% - 100% Score 1 2 3 4 5 6 Similarity Analysis Input Matrix 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Acacia elongata 1 1 Acacia falcata 1 1 Acacia longifolia 1 1 Acacia maidenii 2 Acacia myrtifolia 1 1 Acacia parvipinnula 1 Acacia ulicifolia 1 1 Acianthus fornicatus 1 1 2 1 1 Acrotriche divaricata 1 Adiantum aethiopicum 2 2 Allocasuarina littoralis 2 3 Allocasuarina torulosa 1 1 1 Alternanthera denticulata 1 1 1 1 1 Angophora bakeri 1 Angophora costata 4 1 3 Angophora floribunda 1 Aristida vagans 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 Austrodanthonia tenuior 1 Billardiera scandens 1 1 1 Breynia oblongifolia 1 Bursaria spinosa 1 1 1 1 1 1 Caesia parviflora 1 1 1 1 Callistemon linearis 1 Callistemon salignus 2 3 Carex gaudichaudiana 1 2 Casuarina glauca 1 Cayratia clematidea 1 Centella asiatica 1 1 Cheilanthes sieberi 1 Corymbia gummifera 4 1 3 Corymbia maculata 4 3 4 4 4 1 1 Cymbopogon refractus 1 3 Davallia solida var. pyxidata 1 Daviesia ulicifolia 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 4 Classification - Cluster Analysis Rainforest # 1 Rainforest # 2 Rainforest # 3 Moist forest # 1 Moist forest # 2 Moist forest # 3 Dry forest # 1 Dry forest # 2 Dry forest # 3 Dry forest # 4 Dry open woodland # 1 Dry open woodland # 2 Heath # 1 Heath # 2 A Reference Regional Classification NPWS (2000) Vegetation Survey, Classification and Mapping Lower Hunter and Central Coast Region. Version1.2. A project undertaken for The Lower Hunter and Central Coast Regional Environment Management Strategy CRA Unit Sydney Zone National Parks and Wildlife Service. • Commonly referred to as the REMS classification • Referenced in the NSW Scientific Committee determinations for Endangered Ecological Communities REMS Community Profiles MU12. Hunter Valley Moist Forest Diagnostic plant species Stratum Tallest Species Corymbia maculata Eucalyptus punctata Eucalyptus siderophloia Angophora floribunda Eucalyptus crebra Syncarpia glomulifera Eucalyptus acmenoides Eucalyptus tereticornis Eucalyptus globoidea Eucalyptus sparsifolia Angophora costata Eucalyptus deanei Eucalyptus fibrosa Within Community Other Communities Frequency 44% 40% 23% 23% 22% 22% 17% 13% 13% 10% 8% 5% 5% Frequency 13% 25% 3% 14% 13% 17% 2% 3% 2% 14% 22% 4% 12% c/a 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 c/a 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 Fidelity Class positive positive uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative uninformative Vegetation Community Modeling All vegetation data Geology sandstone Geology basalt Elevation >200m ASL Rainfall (wettest month) >100mm Elevation >200m ASL Rainfall (wettest month) <100mm Solar radiation index >100 (exposed) Solar radiation index <100 (sheltered) Distance to stream 0-30m VEGETATION COMMUNITY 1 Riparian forest Distance to stream >30m Geology alluvium Ground-truthed Mapping • At point locations, record the species present • Referred to as Rapid Data Points (RDP) • Match the species combination at each point to a community classification • Convert the point data into a vegetation community map Regional RDP data coverage ~50,000 data points API - Aerial Photo Interpretation Modelled vs Ground-truthed Vegetation Maps Model Ground-truthed Four communities Fourteen communities A Distinct Change Between Communities Community Boundaries are Rarely Distinct Mandalong Southern Extension Project Mandalong Community Consultative Committee Project Update 28 February 2012 File Name: Man Project Progress • 42 boreholes have been drilled out of a 53 hole programme. • Mine planning process has been delayed but is underway. – Preliminary meetings held with Mine Subsidence Board and Dept Resources and Energy. • Briefing paper has been submitted to the Dept of Planning. 2 Community Consultation • #5 newsletter has been postponed due to mine layout delay. Landholders advised by letter. • Landholder information session on baseline environmental studies held October 2011. Resulted in a complaint to the privacy commissioner against P.Cook. • Feedback reports to landholders who allowed access for baseline environmental surveys. • In the process of engaging Bahtabah LALC to undertake some land mgt works on Centennial properties. • James Marshall has completed feedback survey for MLS landholders. 3 Environment • Consultant engaged to undertake odour monitoring. 4 Archaeology • Site visit onto Centennial owned land undertaken with: – Darkinjung LALC; – ATOAC; and – ADTOAC. • Potential impact to artefact scatter south of Chapman Road. – Reported to Office of Environment and Heritage. – OEH made inspection and awaiting response. – Mitigation measures put in place to prevent a recurrence and supported by the Aboriginal groups. 5 Forward Timeline • Finalise mine planning options – March 2011. • Detailed subsidence assessment on final mine design – April 2012. • Detailed environmental impact assessment process – through to July/August 2012. • Environmental Impact Statement to go on public display – October 2012. 6 Mandalong Mine Mandalong CCC 28 February 2012 File Name: Coal Logistics Project • Briefing Papers for three State Significant Development Projects have been submitted to the NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure: – Mandalong Mine – Mandalong Southern Extension Project – Newstan Colliery – Extension of Mining Project – Northern Coal Services – Coal Logistics Project 2 Coal Logistics Project Application Area 3 Coal Logistics Project • Transport up to 4 Mtpa of coal from the Cooranbong Entry Site to the Eraring Power Station via overland conveyor; • Transport up to 4 Mtpa of coal from the Cooranbong Entry Site to the Newstan Colliery Surface Site by truck using the existing Mandalong Mine and Newstan-Eraring private haul roads; • Upgrade the surface infrastructure of the Newstan Colliery to enable the handling and processing of up to 8 Mtpa of coal consisting of up to 4.5 Mtpa from the Newstan Colliery and up to 4 Mtpa from the Mandalong Mine through the CPP and coal handling infrastructure; • Increase the coal stockpile capacity at the Newstan Colliery Surface Site; 4 Coal Logistics Project • Transport up to 8 Mtpa of coal from the Newstan CPP or coal handling infrastructure through the Newstan Colliery rail loading facilities by train to the Port of Newcastle or Port Kembla; • Operate coal handling facilities at Cooranbong; • Transport reject material to the Newstan NREA, SREA or the LMCC owned HMQ via private haul roads; • Construct and operate a coal crushing facility at the Mandalong Mine Cooranbong Entry Site that has previously been approved but not yet constructed; 5 Coal Logistics Project • Manage surface water at the Newstan Colliery Surface Site, the Mandalong Mine – Cooranbong Entry Site, the Mandalong Mine private haul and the LMCC owned Hawkmount Quarry; • Transfer water between the Newstan Colliery, the Awaba Colliery, the Hawkmount Quarry and the Mandalong Mine water management system; • Undertake locomotive refuelling and servicing on site; • Continue the construction of the Newstan Colliery SREA to RL60; • Provide employment for up to 100 personnel 6 Mandalong Mine Modification • Eraring has deferred coal deliveries as they have excess coal and the Cooranbong Site does not have enough coal stockpile capacity to stockpile the required volumes of coal. As such Centennial Mandalong are seeking approval to transport additional coal up to Newstan. • The decision to increase coal volume deliveries to Newstan as part of a modification is market driven and is the reason why that this is being done now and not part of the proposed coal logistics project. Current Approved Proposed Mandalong Mine to Cooranbong Entry Site 4 Mtpa 4 Mtpa Cooranbong – Eraring Power Station 2 Mtpa 4 Mtpa Cooranbong – Newstan Colliery 2 Mtpa 4 Mtpa 7 Mandalong Mine Community Consultative Committee 28 February 2012 File Name: Man15816_CCC Meeting 28 February 2012 Production Update LW12 – to finish in May LW13 – to start in June Maingate 13 nearing completion in preparation for LW13 Maingate 14 developed about one third of its design length Main Headings – developed to 77CT and developing belt road for Maingate 15. 2 SMP LW15-17 Application • Total of 35 properties – 20 private properties, 3 NSW Forests • SMP assessments completed – Include subsidence, groundwater, flood, cultural heritage and flora & fauna • • • • PSMP developed and issued for review SMP application complete Submit application at the end of February Advertise submission in State and Local newspapers 3 Subsidence Management • Saul Rd developed compression hump near the centre of LW12 • Cracking developed with 70mm of vertical subsidence and strains 1mm/m • Unusual to have pavement damage at these low levels • 120mm of groundswell pre-mining • Caused decoupling of road base from ground • Impact to road managed in accordance with the Public Roads Management Plan (developed with LMCC & MSB) 4 Subsidence Management 120mm pre-mining Groundswell LW12 LW10 Goaf MG11 Goaf MG10 MG9 Mandalong Mine - Longwall 5 Crossline 9 Subsidence - Chart 2 LW11 Goaf LW12 Goaf TEST 1 12/05/08 TEST 2 22/07/08 0.100 TEST 3 29/07/08 TEST 4 01/08/08 TEST 5 08/08/08 TEST 6 11/08/08 0.000 TEST 7 18/08/08 TEST 8 29/08/08 TEST 9 07/10/08 TEST 10 09/01/09 -0.100 TEST 11 24/02/09 TEST 12 12/03/09 Pavement damage at 70mm subsidence TEST 13 27/03/09 TEST 14 16/04/09 -0.200 TEST 15 25/05/09 TEST 16 26/08/09 TEST 17 22/09/09 TEST 18 07/10/09 -0.300 TEST 19 12/10/09 TEST 20 20/10/09 TEST 22 02/12/09 TEST 23 22/01/10 TEST 24 21/04/10 TEST 25 11/05/10 TEST 26 14/05/10 -0.500 TEST 27 18/05/10 TEST 28 21/05/10 TEST 29 28/05/10 TEST 30 15/06/10 -0.600 TEST 31 04/08/10 TEST 32 19/11/10 TEST 33 26/11/10 TEST 34 09/12/10 -0.700 TEST 35 23/12/10 TEST 36 11/01/11 TEST 37 21/03/11 TEST 38 28/04/11 -0.800 TEST 39 14/06/11 TEST 40 23/06/11 TEST 41 11/07/11 TEST 42 25/07/11 -0.900 TEST 43 15/08/11 TEST 44 06/10/11 TEST 45 11/10/11 TEST 46 13/12/11 5CS9_2220 5CS9_2200 5CS9_2180 5CS9_2160 5CS9_2140 5CS9_2120 5CS9_2100 5CS9_2080 5CS9_2060 5CS9_2040 5CS9_2020 5CS9_2000 5CS9_1980 5CS9_1960 5CS9_1940 5CS9_1920 5CS9_1900 5CS9_1880 5CS9_1860 5CS9_1840 5CS9_1820 5CS9_1800 5CS9_1780 5CS9_1760 5CS9_1740 5CS9_1720 5CS9_1700 5CS9_1680 5CS9_1660 5CS9_1640 5CS9_1620 5CS9_1600 5CS9_1580 5CS9_1560 5CS9_1540 5CS9_1520 5CS9_1500 5CS9_1480 5CS9_1460 5CS9_1440 SR_1350 5CS9_1420 5CS9_1400 5CS9_1360 5CS9_1340 5CS9_1320 5CS9_1300 5CS9_1280 5CS9_1260 5CS9_1240 5CS9_1220 5CS9_1200 5CS9_1180 5CS9_1160 5CS9_1140 5CS9_1120 5CS9_1100 5CS9_1080 -1.000 3CS3EX_1440 SUBS (m) TEST 21 30/10/09 -0.400 TEST 47 21/12/11 TEST 48 04/01/12 TEST 49 10/01/12 TEST 50 20/01/12 TEST 51 13/02/12 PEG No. 5 LW11 Tensile Strains vs SSR criteria 6 LW11 Compressive Strains vs SSR Criteria 7 LW11 Tensile Strains vs SSR Criteria 8 LW6 to LW11 Summary Longwall Panel Frequency Histogram Summary for Longwalls 6 to 11 Compared Against SSR Criteria Tilt Tensile Strain Less that 7mm/m Less than 5mm/m Compressive Strain Less than 5mm/m LW6 97.7% 99.8% 97.4% LW7 97.6% 100% 97.8% LW8 100% 100% 99.4% LW9 100% 100% 100% LW10 98.8% 100% 98.5% LW11 96.5% 100% 100% Average 99.4% 99.9% 98.9% 9 Environment and Planning 10 Environment – Groundwater 2011 11 ENVIRONMENT – GROUNDWATER 2011 • AGE Consulting (2012) review of water levels in the alluvium and shallow overburden indicate they not impacted by mining, the exception being a temporary decline of 1.2m at site BH22 followed by a period of fluctuating water levels. • The data indicates that there is no continuous flow path established from the alluvium at BH22A to the workings and that the decline and fluctuations appear to reflect minor surface compression of the strata due to the longwall advance. • This decline appears to have stabilized quickly and a recovery in December 2011. Similar minor temporary effects were identified in BH7, the closest bore to BH22. • “It is therefore concluded, based on the analysis of the groundwater monitoring data, that there has been no adverse impact on the alluvial aquifers or shallow overburden from longwall mining of panels LW1 to LW12. “ (AGE 2012). 12 ENVIRONMENT – WATER QUALITY 2011 Average Water Quality Monitoring Required by EPA Licence 365 AEMR Period pH TSS (mg/L) Oil & Grease (mg/L) LDP001 7.98 12.2 0 Average Water Quality Monitoring Required by EPA Licence 365 AEMR Period pH TSS (mg/L) Oil & Grease (mg/L) LDP002 7.16 16.4 0.28 13 ENVIRONMENT – WATER MONITORING SEPT 2011 to FEB 2012 • Water quality from LDP001 & LDP002 was generally below EPA license limits pH (6.5-8.5), Total Suspended Solids (50 mg/L), Oil & Grease (10 mg/L). • LDP001 and LDP002 exceeded on one occasion each, the TSS limit (182 & 52mg/L) following 64 mm rainfall in 16 hrs in December. • High intensity rainfall event contributed to upstream background samples recording TSS levels of 179 mg/L. • Three non compliances with licence conditions, two oil and grease samples not collected because glass bottles broken in transport. No sample for metals on LDP002 by AECOM. • AECOM sampling procedures updated to prevent non compliances. • Non compliances reported to EPA. • Upgrades to surface water management system are being progressed in 2012. 14 ENVIRONMENT – WATER MONITORING 2011 Average Water Quality Monitoring Required by EPA Licence 365 Daily discharge Min Discharge (ML/day) Average Discharge (ML/day) Maximum Discharge (ML/day) LDP001 0 1.9 10.6 • Average daily discharged 1.9 ML per day. No exceedance of discharge volume limit. (note: LDP001 volume limited can exceed 5 ML per day when rainfall is greater than 10 mm in prior 24 hrs). • Higher discharge volumes a result of surface run-off from rainfall and volume increase due to stream backing up. 15 Community Complaints - Sept 2011 to Feb 2012 • Two community complaints were received: Privacy • A landowner registered a Complaint on 30/11/11 with the Office of Australian Information Commissioner against Centennial Coal in regard to access to personal information and other alleged breaches of privacy that the landowner has witnessed. • Centennial has written to the landowner to advise that Centennial is prepared to provide access to their information that falls within the definition of “personal information” under the Privacy Act 1988. Centennial has responded to the preliminary inquiries by the Privacy Commissioner’s Office as to whether the Office will conduct a formal investigation into the complaint. 16 Community Complaints Contact • On Friday 10/2/12 a landowner contacted the Mine and left a message requesting information from a staff member. The landowner was unable to contact the staff member and lodged a complaint. • Staff members were unavailable due to work commitments. A response was provided within 3 hours to the landowner and the information provided later that day. The Mine complied with the complaints handling procedure to respond within 24 hours following an investigation. 17 Community Contacts – Sept 2011 to Feb 2012 • Mandalong Mailbox (Dec 2011). • Facts sheet subsidence Saul’s Road (Jan 2012) Summary Community and Mine Communication Sept 2011 to Feb 2012 Land Property Exploration Enquiry Type Management Subsidence Access Monitoring Sponsorship Management Acquisition Drilling & Wetlands Plans Landowner Initiated Communication 0 5 0 0 1 3 4 2 Mine Initiated Contact 1 50 2 5 0 9 0 0 18 Community Sponsorship – Sept 2011 to Feb 2012 • Three sponsorship requests : – Major sponsor Morisset Agricultural Show Feb 2012. – Major sponsor Morisset Pro Am Golf Day showcasing local and national pro golfers in Dec 2011. – In process of sponsoring the Yul-Punual Education and Healing Aboriginal Corporation (regeneration two billabongs, remodelling and planting the native arboretum and bush tucker garden and the oilextraction from native fauna project.) 19 GREENHOUSE GAS UPDATE - VAMRAB • Construction works on the surface pad and VAMRAB completed Feb 2012. • VAMRAB installation planned H1 2012, commissioning H2 2012. • $2.4 M project funded by Centennial and co-funded by the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services (DTIRIS) via the NSW Clean Coal Fund (NSW CCF) 20 PONDING DRAINAGE WORKS – CENTENNIAL PROPERTY 56 • • • • • • Ponding evident in non mined areas following high annual rainfall (1400mm) during 2011. Area had ponding prior to mining as it is lower than road drains. Subsurface drainage installed on property to alleviate ponding following consultation with tenant and their requests. Area takes up to 7 days for water to drain Dependent on the level of Stockton Creek Horses able to use paddocks and are rotated out in wet conditions similar to other areas ponded areas of floodplain . 21