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Culture Pont Council for Culture 978-81-7176-384-7 22.00 978-81-7176-115-X 60.00 NEW 10 NEW Make a Difference in People’s Lives You Tube: PaulinesIndia COMMUNICATIONS CDs QTY TITLE LYRICIST/DIRECTOR PRICE GENERAL AND RELIGIOUS CDs Break into Song Dr Rohan D’souza 110.00 Christ Yesterday, Today, Forever Caroline FSP 110.00 Come Holy Spirit Caroline FSP 110.00 He Forgives Various 110.00 His Love Endures Brian Colaco 110.00 Into Your Presence Caroline FSP 110.00 Jesus Christ Traditional 110.00 Let’s Celebrate [Songs for Various Occasions] Brian & Ursula FSP 110.00 Miracles Caroline FSP 110.00 Mother Mary Ursula FSP 110.00 O Bless the Lord Dr Rohan D’souza 110.00 Our Father Who Art in Heaven Caroline FSP 110.00 Praying the Rosary [ 2 Discs] Daughters of St Paul 150.00 Sing His Praise [Liturgical Hymns] Caroline FSP 140.00 Spread Out Your Wings [Songs on social concerns] Caroline FSP 110.00 Vessels of Clay Caroline FSP 110.00 With Jesus on the Way to Calvary Suesan Lobo 110.00 Wonderful Saviour Edith Machado 110.00 CHILDREN’S SONGS CDs Boom Diddy Boom [Fun-Action Songs] Various 110.00 Famous Bible Stories and Songs Jacinta Rodricks 110.00 I Love to Sing [Rhymes & Action Songs] Suesan Lobo 110.00 Jesus Here We Come Brian Calaco 110.00 Pichi Pom Pem Pom [Rhymes & Action Songs] Brian Calaco 110.00 Something Beautiful for Jesus Various 110.00 Thank You Father Popular hymns 110.00 We Can Achieve [Inspirational] Joey Mendoza 110.00 We Stand United Brian Calaco 110.00 INSTRUMENTALS CDs Bhakti Sangeet [Indian Music] Joe Francis & Group Gift of Peace Renato Giorgi 110.00 Harmony of Angels Alez Wu 110.00 Web: www.paulineindia.org Make a Difference in People’s Lives 100.00 11 QTY TITLE Harmony of Everyday LYRICIST/DIRECTOR Alessandro Allscioni PRICE 110.00 Life a Blessing HEO Suhyeon 110.00 Life in the Spirit Caroline Duia FSP 110.00 Miracles Caroline Duia FSP 110.00 CHRISTMAS CDs Best of Christmas Carols, The [Collection] Paulines 110.00 Chalo Bethlehem [Christmas Carols in Hindi] Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Christmas Carols Popular 110.00 Christmas for Children Popular 110.00 Christmas Stories & Songs for Children Heather D’souza 110.00 Christmas Time Traditional Carols 110.00 Famous Christmas Melodies Shanghai Symphony 110.00 Happy Birthday Jesus Trevor Braganza 110.00 Janma Pyara Masiha [Christmas Carols in Hindi] Asmi Francis 100.00 Wonderful Christmas Paulines 110.00 Merry Christmas Paulines 110.00 Janme Taranhar [Christmas Carols in Hindi] Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Dhanya Ishwara Jagataraka [Christmsas Carols in Marathi] Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 VERNACULAR CDs HINDI CDs Arpan Magdalene Lazarus FSP 100.00 Aao Pavitra Atma Fr Hilary Fernandes & Ranjit Shail 100.00 Divya Uphaar Asmi Francis & Group 100.00 Eeshwar Mei Aanand Manao Fr Brycie Coutinho 100.00 Eeshwar Pyar Hai Magdalene Lazarus FSP & Ravi Julius 100.00 Janma Taran Har Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Man Mandir Mein Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Mere Prabhu Mere Ishwar Titus Crastra 110.00 Muktipradata [Now in CD] Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Fr Brycie Coutinho 100.00 Prabhu Smaran [Now in CD] Dr Ranjit V Shail 100.00 Prem Sarita [Now in CD] Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Pyari Maa Sr Priti SMMI & Group 100.00 Sumiran [Bhajanmala] Asmi Francis & Col. V P Singh 100.00 Sun Mere Yesu [Hindi] Ursula FSP 100.00 Swargalok ke pita [Now in CD] Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Yesu Mera Sahara Ursula FSP 100.00 Yesu Sparsh Magdalene FSP 100.00 Naman “Faith is about believing in something and knowing in your heart is true even when your mind can’t find the answer”. Author Unknown 12 Make a Difference in People’s Lives FB: Pauline India QTY TITLE Yesu Tu Sabse Mahan LYRICIST/DIRECTOR Fr Ramesh D’ Souza PRICE 100.00 MARATHI CDs Bhave Bhaktiche Geet Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Ga Harshane Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Sadasahaini Matechi Navdin Bhakti [Perpetual Succour Novena] Paulines 100.00 Tuch mala Asara Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Tujhe Geet Mi Gaave Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Ye Pavitra Atma Fr Hilary Fernandes & Dr Ranjit V Shail 100.00 Jezu Krist [Mangalore Konkani] Helen Albuquerque FSP 100.00 Novo Dis [Goa Konkani] Helen Albuquerque FSP 100.00 Povitr Atmea ie Devon [Goan Konkani] Helen Albuquerque FSP 100.00 Somi Jezu Krist [Goan Konkani] Helen Albuquerque FSP 100.00 Sorginchea Bapa [Goa Konkani] Francis Miranda 100.00 Sorvesporak Vakhanu-iam [Goa Konkani] Helen Albuquerque FSP 100.00 TALKS Eucharistic Life Errol Fernandes SJ 75.00 Fear is Not The Key Errol Fernandes SJ 75.00 Let’s Talk About Mary Errol Fernandes SJ 75.00 Prayer and Discipleship Errol Fernandes SJ 75.00 Repentance and Healing Errol Fernandes SJ 75.00 MP3s ENGLISH MP3s Exalt the Lord Caroline Duia FSP & Ursula FSP Give Thanks Caroline Duia FSP & Rohan D’Souza 110.00 Joy of Christmas Maureena Anza D’Souza & Trevor Bosco Braganza 110.00 My Salvation Rohan D’ Souza & Edith Machado 110.00 Prayer and Healing Errol Fernandes SJ 110.00 Praying the Rosary [Earlier in 2 CDs now in MP3] Caroline Duia FSP 100.00 You are the Power Caroline Duia FSP & Brian Colaco 110.00 110.00 INSTRUMENTAL MP3s Another Day SONG Junsuk & Cello Kim Yuri 110.00 Soothing Melodies Joey Mendoza 110.00 HINDI MP3s Dhanyavad Prabhu Fr Brycie Coutinho, Asmi Francis & Group 100.00 Karen Vandana Fr Hilary Fernandes & Ranjit Shail 100.00 Sharanam Yesu Sharanam Fr Brycie, Fr Hilary 100.00 Shree Charan Titus Crasta 100.00 Tere Charanom Mei Paulines 100.00 Teri Jaya Ho Fr Brycie Coutinho, Magdalene FSP & Ursula FSP 100.00 You Tube: PaulinesIndia Make a Difference in People’s Lives 13 QTY TITLE Yesu Janma LYRICIST/DIRECTOR DURATION/MINS Asmi Francis, Reggie David & Fr Hilary Fernandes Asmi Francis & Co Yesu Teri Mahima PRICE 100.00 100.00 MARATHI MP3 Krist Zanmala Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 Rajya Prabhucha Shodha Fr Hilary Fernandes 100.00 VCDs Beyond Words.... [Songs of Worship] Paulines 50 Mins 175.00 Boom Diddy Boom [Fun Action Songs for Kids] Joey Mendoza & Darryl Baptista 30 Mins 199.00 Clare & Francis [4 discs] Mary Petruolo 200 Mins 399.00 Damien of Molokai [2 discs] Fabrizio Costa, Joaquin 120 Mins 199.00 Fatima [2 discs] Fabrizio Costa, Joaquin 105 Mins 199.00 Have No Fear [Life of John Paul II] [2 discs] Jeff Bleckner 100 Mins 199.00 Lourdes - Pilgrimage & Healing & Our Lady of Guadalupe Bruce Baker 75 Mins 195.00 Marcelino Bread & Wine [2 discs] Ladislao Vajda 87 Mins 199.00 Maria Goretti [2 discs] Carmine Elia 95 Mins 299.00 Mary Of Nazareth [2 discs] Jean Delannoy 150 Mins 250.00 Mother Teresa & Her World [Documentary] Shigeki Chiba 55 Mins 199.00 Paul - from Tarsus to the World [4 discs] Alberto Castellani 210 Mins 350.00 John Duigan 101 Mins 199.00 Romero [2 discs] St. Peter [4 discs] John Kent Harrison 200 Mins 399.00 St. Rita [4 discs] Giorgio Capitani 200 Mins 399.00 Teri Sharan [Prayer Dance Videos - Hindi] Paulines 30 Mins 175.00 Wages of Tears [Documentary on Child Labour] Anant M. Joshi 35 Mins 99.00 Yesu Naam [Prayer Dance Videos - Hindi] Paulines 32 mins 175.00 60 Mins 150.00 ANIMATED CARTOONS FOR KIDS [VCDs] 5 Minutes Saints Series Vol 1 RAI 5 Minutes Saints Series Vol 2 RAI 40 Mins 150.00 A Friend Named Jesus Riccardo Pisani 30 Mins 150.00 Kiriku Michel Ocelot 150.00 Parables for Kids RAI, FSP USA 44 Mins 150.00 Paul. The Adventure of Faith CFRT, Paris 56 Mins 175.00 St. Francis and His Friends RAI Ten Commandments Story of Christmas, The True Story of Pinocchio, The Wise Kings Journey, The CFRT, Paris 56 Mins 150.00 Veleveteen Rabbit, The GT Media 27 Mins 150.00 Michael the Visitor GT Media 27 Mins 150.00 20 Mins 150.00 Audiovisivi San Paolo e Gruppo Alcuni 75 Mins 150.00 Mediatoon 47 Mins 150.00 Mediatoon 44 Mins 150.00 “Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark”. R Tagore 14 Make a Difference in People’s Lives Web: www.paulineindia.org QTY TITLE LYRICIST/DIRECTOR DVDs DURATION/MINS PRICE Carry Your Light 40 Mins 175.00 Clare & Francis [2 discs] Fabrizio Costa 200 Mins 399.00 Damien of Molokai Paul Cox 120 Mins 220.00 Fatima Fabrizio Costa 105 Mins 220.00 Have No Fear [Life of John Paul II] Jeff Bleckner 100 Mins 220.00 In the Footsteps of Christ [2 discs] 5 Hrs 299.00 Marcelino Bread & Wine 87 Mins 220.00 Maria Goretti [2 Discs] 95 Mins 220.00 Mary of Nazareth Jean Delannoy 150 Mins 250.00 Paul - From Tarsus to the World [2 discs] Alberto Castellani 210 Mins 350.00 John Duigan 101 Mins 220.00 Ladisalo Vajda Romero Carmine Elia St. Peter [2 discs] John Kent Harrison 200 Mins 399.00 St. Rita Griogio Capitani 200 Mins 399.00 Teri Sharan [Prayer Dance Videos - Hindi] Paulines 30 Mins 175.00 Wages of Tears [Documentary on Child Labour] Anant M.Joshi 35 Mins 120.00 Way of the Cross, The Paulines 26 Mins 75.00 Wise Kings Journey, The CFRT, Paris 56 Mins 175.00 Yesu Naam [Prayer Dance Videos - Hindi] Paulines 32 Mins 175.00 ANIMATED CARTOONS FOR KIDS [DVDs] A Friend Named Jesus Riccardo Pisani 30 Mins 150.00 Story of Christmas, The Mediatoon 47 Mins 150.00 True Story of Pinocchio, The Mediatoon 44 Mins 150.00 Wise Kings Journey, The CFRT, Paris 56 Mins 150.00 Veleveteen Rabbit, The GT Media 27 Mins 150.00 Michael, the Visitor GT Media 27 Mins 150.00 NEW FB: Pauline India Make a Difference in People’s Lives 15