

On The Ground!
Showing the positive impact your
gifts make in the lives of adults
with developmental disabilities.
A New Camp Experience!
her accomplishment, and rightfully so.
Laura’s new-found confidence has stayed
with her in the months since camp. She is
already awaiting notice of the next Camp
Blue Skies session in Georgia.
According to Laura’s mother, “It was very
well organized and detailed. Laura thoroughly enjoyed the experience!”
So for Laura as well as her family, Camp
Blue Skies was a welcome and exciting time
that they hope to repeat frequently in the
years to come.
e zipline!
Laura conquering th
New friends!
“When can I go again?” was one of the first questions Laura
Harp asked her mother as they drove away from camp.
Like many first-time campers, Laura was
excited to attend Camp Blue Skies—GA and
experience the variety of activities offered,
but wondered, “Will I like it?” and “Who’s
going to be there?” Once at camp, those
fears vanished. Laura began a week of meeting new friends and trying new things —
one of which was the zip line. And with
support and encouragement from her activity group, she did it! She is very proud of
Volunteers Make the Difference!
Message from Dick Sesler, Founder
I am so fortunate to have my wonderful
sister, Becky, who travels from Minnesota to
volunteer at every single one of our camps
(that's seven and counting)! Returning campers
count the days until they
see her each year.
Her husband, Mike, and
daughter, Kelsey, have
also brought their talents
and energy to our
camps. Becky, Mike and I
are looking forward to CBS Ohio (where
we grew up) in September 2014. I suspect
more family will join us as we grow.
I also want to recognize two other
fabulous volunteers - Paul Ingle and Darren
Monsanto - who have also volunteered at
all of our camps. At the beginning of each
session when I first see their smiling,
confident faces, I know camp will again be
a great success.
W Clockwise from top left: Our wonderful volunteers Dick with his
sister Becky; Peter James and Darren Monsanto; and Paul Ingle.
Georgia Southern Students Rule!
The Farm to Camp
Movement Has Begun!
Camp Blue Skies offers a huge thank you to
Farmer Nathan for helping us take our outdoor camp programming to another level.
Campers were wowed by Nathan’s
knowledge and enthusiasm for the beautiful
farm he runs at Camp Twin Lakes. Under Nathan’s guidance, our campers collected and
weighed fresh farm eggs, visited a working
greenhouse, learned about bees and created
potato towers which will grow into a huge
amount of food that will be used later in the
season in the Camp Twin Lakes’ kitchen.
We can’t wait to see what this program
“grows” into over the years!
For student volunteers, camp can be an
incredible opportunity to experience
their field of study in real life. At the last
session, more than 30 enthusiastic Georgia Southern University students applied
their knowledge from areas of study
including Therapeutic Recreation, Exercise Science, and Child and Family Development. Their professors are proud of
their efforts and boast about the student’s end of semester presentations
highlighting their time spent at camp.
In fact, Caroline Green, a three-session
volunteer, was selected to present her
Student Poster Session titled “Partying
versus serving: The effects of an alternative spring break trip on attitudes of
college students toward adults with developmental disabilities.” Way to Go,
Read more about Caroline and others in the
Spring 2013 Honors College Magazine:
Camp Blue Skies was recently awarded a grant from the
Reemprise Fund to support a yearlong venture focused on
maximizing Camp Blue Skies’ communication through social
media, the website, email and print media.
The funding has allowed Camp Blue
Skies to partner with professional consultant Crystal Dempsey, owner of
From the Hip Communications, who has
expertise in digital marketing and social
media. To date, project highlights include increased traffic to the website,
and more strategic utilization of Facebook and Twitter.
Robert E. (Bob) Elberson created the
Reemprise Fund, managed by the Foundation for the Carolinas, to invest in
ideas that will produce significant human
returns. This “venture philanthropy”
fund is uniquely focused on initiatives
that create and grow individual ingenuity
and ability, under the aegis of the organizations they aid.
Camp Blue Skies values every camp constituent, and communication is at the
heart of keeping everyone informed and
involved. So come on! Get yourself
On the Web:
Facebook: Camp Blue Skies
Twitter: Camp Blue Skies
Thank You to Our Recent Donors
Thank you to all organizations and individuals who provide financial and in kind
support for the work of Camp Blue Skies.
Blue Skies ($5,000+)
The Merancas Foundation
Reemprise Fund
Zipliners ($1,000 - $4,999)
Atlanta Commercial Board of
Ken Bartels and Jane Condon
CB Richard Ellis, Inc.
Doug Faris Charitable Fund
Nick Gaede
Majestic Realty Foundation
Cristy Nine
Scott Horowitz Philanthropic
Allan and Bonnie Sweet
Peter and Jessica Walter
Bill and Barbra Wood
Dude Ranchers
($500 - $999)
John and Judy Alexander
Tom and Millie Cox
DCT Property Management
Jan and Bob McGrath
Occupied Renovations
Cabin Mates ($250 - $499)
Susan and Robert Aulebach
John and Megan Barlow
Michael and Nancy Barnett
Pam and Ernest Barry
Mason and Leigh Cardwell
Anne Murphy Gallagher
Ryan Hoyt
Intercontinental Exchange, Inc
William Kizer
Ken and Stacy Malcolmson
PWC Charitable Fund
Michael Reich
Kelly Roller
Michael Strawn
K Courtland Thomas
Helping Hands
(up to $249)
Debra Adam
Jason Addlesperger
David Alexander
Holly Alexander
Anna Allen
Emily Allen
Wills Allen
Frances Anderson
Anne Andrews
Anonymous Donor
Adria and Woody Appleby
Forrest Appleby
Jack Arnold
Rand Ayer
David Babey
John Badertscher
Jonathan Barden
Alison Barry
Elizabeth Coley Barry
Melissa and Trey Barry
William Bartels
Kathy Jo Bartlett
Todd Barton
Jonathan Beall
Klaus Becker
Mark Bernhard
Robin Biegel
Melissa Biggs
Ryan Blackburn
Beth Blalock
Michael Blanski
James Blecke
Jason Blevins
Linda Blevins
Jane Blount
Krista Bolo
Jill Bomar
Gina Bonfiglio
Robert Boyette
Terri Brady
Kim Brattain
Karen Breth
Christy Brock
Christopher Brown
Richard Brown
Kelly Brunk
Jim Buchanan
Cason Bufe
Walter Burke
Karen McKeel Calby
Edward Calhoun
Chris Campolieta
Janet Caponi
John and Gay Cass
David R. Castagna
Edith Caughman
Robert Chabot
Mark Chain
Ed Cherry
Brad Christian
Marguerite Clarkson
Ivan and Tricia Clayton
Martha and Steve Clifford
Brian Close
Jim and Robin Cochran
Arthur Cohen
From the Hip Communications
Wes Connor
Meredith Conrad
Keith Cooke
Aaron Copeland
Chris Copeland
Lauren Copeland
Matthew Copeland
Valerie Copeland
Dalton Cox
Greg Cox
Liza Cox
Miles Cox
Chip Craighill
Dan Crane
Mike Crawford
John Crehore
Mark Crittenden
Clint Crocker
Ray Dankberg
Alan and Pam Davis
Ward Davis
Thomas Day
Daniel Delaigle
Crystal Dempsey
Paul Dent
Richard and Suzanne Deriso
John Detwiler
Cari Dickson
Carly Dickson
Daniel Diluzio
Mike Domjny
Jason Downey
Daniel and Erin Doyle
Paul Drobnitch
Duke Energy
David Durham
Derek Edens
Emmy Ellison
Michael Ensminger
Ela Eskinazi
Janice & Steve Ezzo
Faison Enterprises
Roberta Borsella Farnum
Sarah Finlayson
“Could things get any better?
Only one way to know…see
you next year!” -NC CAMPER
“You run such a wonderful program.
I watched so many campers grow in
such a short period of time. It’s truly
life changing on both ends of the camp
experience.” -2013 VOLUNTEER
Susan Fisher
Brian Fitzpatrick
Catherine Fitzpatrick
Jeffrey Floyd
Sarah Follmer
Charley Frazier
Gerald Frucht
Christopher Fulks
Chris Gargani
Steve Gass
Brett Gatens
Connor Gavigan
Ryan Gavigan
Cindy Gay
Carole Gerber
James Glaser
GMC Enterprises and
Robert Golden
Karen M Golembeski
Thomas and Kathy Golembeski
Lori Gougeon
Richard and Pam Green
Britney Greenwood
Melanie Greig
Rex Gribble Jr.
Brent Gribble
Brian Gribble
Ellen Grisette
Fern Guimond
James Keith Guimond
Alison Hackney
Karen Hager
Addie Hall
Chas Hamill
Jamie Hargather
Anna Hargrove
Becky and Mike Harris
Clark Harris
Kristy Harris
Lloyd Harrison
Mark Hawks
Jeff Heck
Helen Heekin
Britain Henderson
Matt Hendey
Brent Henry
Gene Herrell
Hunter Hicklin
Laurie Hicks
Ben Hilinski
Rebecca Hilinski
Alex Hill
Russell Hofstetter
Pat Hogan
Katherine Hohnbaum
Josh Holby
Ashley Holcomb
Jon and Brenda Holcomb
Matthew Holcomb
Bradley Holden
John and Patricia Holland
Louise Hooff
Mick Houck
Ellen Houpt
Craig Howell
Elizbeth Hudson
Matthew Hull
“Everything was great! You won’t get
the experience of just enjoying yourself
anywhere else!” -2013 CAMPER
Mark Hummer
Karen Hutchinson Ridout
John Hyatt
Gaynelle H Ihms
Tyler Immell
Sarah Jados
Peter James
Patricia Jones
Robert Jones
Charles Anderson Kane
Mitchell Katz
William Kehoe
Brian Kennedy
Tom Kirby
Steven Klein
Nancy and Michael Kota
Gregg Kowalski
James Kratz
Gus Krimm
Philip Krone
Jerri Kropp
David Krull
Jeannie Lampo
Michael Latham
Joan Ledbetter
Nancy Lee
Martha and Scott Lefevre
Michael Levin
Michael Ligas
Greg Lipscomb
Bruce Logue
Tyler Logue
Bob Long
Greg Lovely
Norma Lynch
Joseph Mahoney
Ros Mallory
Richard A Maloy
Brent Martin
Gloria Martin
Hynson Marvel
Anna Matthews
Brian Matthews
Courtney Matthews
Jane Matthews
Patra May
Sloane Mayberry
Marc McAfee
Jerry McAuliffe
Kristie McBee
Kaci McCamy
Merrill McCarty
Mary Beth McCormick
Laurie McCoy
Patrick McCoy
Claude and Donna McMullan
Bill McNitt
Jim McNitt
Alex McQuarrie
Dean McQuarrie
Dwight McRae
Marcia Merrill
Kathleen Miheim
Bill and Amy Millikan
Joel and Bonnie Millikan
Joy Millikan
Laura Miralia
Catherine Mitchell
Chase Monroe
Bo Moore
Christy Moran
John Morrill
John Moses
Camille Moss
Julie Motsinger
Thomas & Carol Murphy
Colby and Bobby Murphy
Debby Murphy
Meghan Murphy
Vickie Murphy
Pat Murphy
Shay Bacak Myers
Firooz Nahai
Melissa Nawotniak
Danielle Nelson
Stephanie Nelson
Garrett Nichols
Megan Niles
Cristy Nine
Meredith Nodland
Phil and Marianne Norwood
John Nurkin
Jane O'Mara
Patrick O'Meara
Kyle Obrien
Beatriz Olivera
Tom & Leslie Oyler
H. N. Padget
John Peteet
Jessica Peterson
George Petters
Scott Philbeck
Chad Phillips
Andrea Phillips
Andy Piazza
Tom Platford
Paige Polhill
John Poulos
Lelia Pratt
Nathan Price
Stephen C. Proudman
Frank Quatro
Susan Quigley
Rosalind Rainge
Gary Randall
Kyle Randall
Mary Rantala
Bryan Ray
JT Rea
Scott Recknor
John Reese
Seth and Susan Reicher
Juan Restrepo
Pete Richards
Kent Rinker
Forrest Robinson
Neal Robinson
Bette and Wolfgang Roth
Kathy Rowan
Adam Roy
Lisa Rubenson
Liz Rumbaugh
Rita Rumbaugh
Jeff Sasser
Tobie and Steve Sasser
Madhu Satyanarayana
Ryan Sawyer
Bill Schell
Ellen Schiller
Dee Schwab
Brian Seaman
Dick Sesler
Pam Sessions
Eric Severson
Zachary Sexton
Doug Sheffield
Sherry Showalter
Keri Shull
Alan and Libby Simonini
Randy Simpson
Sarah Skaff
Donald Skiba
Phil Skinner
Kit Sluder
Gray Smith
Sherese Smith
Van Smith
William Smith
Doug Smith
Giovanni Smyth
Billy Snowden
Deborah Spigner
Rick Spiller
Eric Spires
Brandl Stanley
Cathy Sterling
Todd Stewart
C.J. Szlag
John Szlag
Joe Taylor
John Taylor
Scott Taylor
Frances Thompson
Peter Thompson
J J Thrall
Arthur Tillem
Jamie Tindle
Mary and John Tinkey
Todor Todorovski
Catherine Toomey
Glen Tracy
Wit Truitt
Carol R Unger
Tom Vandiver
Mark VonDuyke
Barry Wabler
Karen Wabler
Christy Wade
Russell Wagner
Regina Waldthausen
Lisa Walker
Jennifer Wallin
Margot Wallis
Edie Waterer
Kellee Watson
Kate Weber
Katie Weeks
Kathleen Whitson
Mike & Chris Wiggins
Brian H Wildes
Janet Wiles
Dan Williams
Madison Williams
Wayne Wilson
Clint Winslow
Robert Wise
Eric Wisotzky
Larry Woerner
Lawrence Woerner
Sandra and Jim Woolsey
Terry and Nancy Young
Marilyn Zilka
Jean Zoutewelle
Circle of Love—Our Volunteers
Our Circle of Love comprises the dedicated persons who have recently given
their time, love and support—all priceless gifts.
Kaitlyn Arthur
Brandon Bailey
Trey Barry
Amanda Bastien
David Boardman
Michelle Borg
Greg Bradford
Samantha Bradford
Kalon Carpenter
Adrian Carson
Jennifer Clark
Ashley Cleary
John Conner
Michael Conner
Richard Crumpton
Katie Dammeyer
Jessica Davis
Crystal Dempsey
Anuj Dhir
Carly Dickson
Matthew Donato
Amanda Elmore
David Floyd
Chancey Garrett
Gene Godbold
Claire Goodwin
Caroline Greene
Becky Harris
Cleve Hill
Neysa Hobbs
Sarah Holmes
Ally Howard
Wesley Imundo
Paul Ingle
Amber Irvin
Peter James
Alicia Jodrey
Ronald Johnson
Sheryl Jordan
Justin Kemple
Brian Kennedy
Jerri Kropp
Michaela Lariscy
John Lenhart
Sydney Lewis
Kaci McCamy
Darren Monsanto
Steve Morgan
Alexandra Murphy
Brian Murphy
Pat Murphy
Angela Nunez
Lelia Pratt
Cam Reynolds
Keeli Rigdon
Emily Rogers
April Rooker
Timothy Sexton
Mikaela Shupp
Madeline Smith
Jack St. Jean
Leah Stapleton
Jenny Taubel
Rebecca Taunton
Caroline Vann
Whitney Venzant
Trina Von Waldner
Jacqueline Wabler
Sandy Weaver
Kate Weber
Kori Williams
Jordan Wilson
Brent Wolfe
A day in a camper’s life…
Highlights from Camp Blue Skies—GA at Camp Twin Lakes
Camp Blue Skies remains committed
to helping adults with developmental
disabilities, a population that is often
underserved and underappreciated.
Facility rental, programming and
medical support are among the
costs that average approximately
$1,000 per camper. Camper registration fees cover only one third of
the true cost.
Please consider a gift to Camp Blue
Skies Foundation. Your taxdeductible donation will give a deserving adult camper the experience
of a lifetime. Visit our website to learn
more and make an online gift.
drumming with new friends
challenge course
learning about po
conga line!
Thank you to all who participated in the second annual
“Hoops for Camp” NCAA Bracket Challenge! Here’s the breakdown:
Slam Dunk!
383 donors contributed $19,445 — an increase over last
year's success of nearly 200 percent!
Dream Team! 34 Team Captains helped spread the word and recruited
friends to support Camp Blue Skies.
Final Score!
Kellee Watson is the official 2013 “Hoops for Camp”
Champion. Congratulations!
“We are so appreciative
of Camp Blue Skies. Our
son looks forward to
camp for months ahead
of time...Camp Blue
Skies is a bright light in
our lives and in the lives
of all campers and their
families and caregivers.
Thank you from the
bottom of our hearts for
everything you do!”
-2013 PARENT
Camp Blue Skies 1101 Queens Road West
Charlotte, NC 28207
Save the date!
Upcoming Camp Blue Skies Events
Camp Blue Skies Fishing Tournament
Lake Broyhill at YMCA Camp Harrison
September 12-13, 2013
North Carolina
YMCA Camp Harrison
Session 1: October 5-9, 2013
Session 2: October 12-16, 2013
Camp Twin Lakes
2014 Dates To Be Announced
[email protected]
Greetings from Camp Blue Skies!