Support the 2016 Annual Campaign TODAY!
Support the 2016 Annual Campaign TODAY!
Thank You to our 2016 Annual Campaign Supporters! There is still time to add your name! Please help our list grow with a gift today! Donor lists will be featured throughout the 2016 Campaign. The 2016 Annual Campaign is up and running! We made incredible progress and reached so many donors in a short amount of time, all thanks to our generous donors and our amazing volunteers. We reached many people through our new Campaign initiatives, like our Champion call sessions and personalized letters, and of course through all contacts made on Super Sunday. So many stories have been shared. We have delighted in so many accomplishments of our community and we pull together in times of need. So much can be accomplished when we work together! Sincere thanks, Ricci and Mike Doctrow, Campaign Co-Chairs Steven and Lisa Aaron Franklin and Dorothy Abel* Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Abraham Marilynn Abrams Dr. Alan and Carol Adelman Margie and Alfred Adelmann Barbara Adler Theodore and Shelley Adler** Dr. Paul and Julie Allen Tracy Alsedek Dr. Lawrence and Sheila Altaker Irvin and Corrine Ansel William and Rhoda Apple Elissa and Kenneth Arch Thomas and Debra Armstrong Dorothea Aronson* Bruce and Dorothy Bagley Isaac Baharlias Marlene Barasch Marcia Baron Dr. Todd and Sara Barron Lt. Col. Harvey and Helena Bartash Karen and Isadore Baseman Sherry Baskin Gertrude and Edward Baumgardner Nancy and Bruce Bayuk Bruce and Barbara Bazelon Harvey Bear Dr. Avi and Anat Beck Dr. Edward and Esther Beck Jacqueline Becker Dr. Ira Beckerman and Linda Ries Shirley Behar Evelyn Ben-Ami Ariel Ben-Canaan Elie and Tatyana Benoudiz Maurice and Viviane Benoudiz Arthur and Sarah Berger Marc and Sue Berger Arnold Berman Charles and Brenda Berman* Judith Berney Myrna Bernstein Beth El Minyan Fund Haim and Vivian Blanc Drs. Paul and Carol Blank Beatrice Blecker Allen and Myerlin Bloom Ira and Barbara Bloom Phillip Bloom Leah Blumenfeld Judy Olian Blust Deborah and Daniel Boarman Kevin and Amy Bobb Harry and Roslyn Borger Robin and Risa Borr Greg Bowman and Robyn Katzman Bowman Jonathan Brandow and Susan Brodkin Theo and Dr. Selma Brandow Bernard Brenner* Herbert and Sylvia Brenner Janis Brenner* Dr. Louis and Flora Brenner Marcy Brenner and Alan Cahall Roy and Jennifer Brenner Jean Brill Martin and Deborah Brill Mark Brodsky Lawrence and Verna Brody Dr. Simon and Sally Jo Bronner George and Madelyn Brown Melvin Brownold** Thomas Bryant and Ulysses Jimenez Gail Burcat Steven and Erica Burg Heskel Burnstein Mrs. Joseph H. Caplan Michael Caplan Robert and Marianne Caplan Richard and Fran Casher Jeffrey and Daphne Champagne David Charleston Michael and Marina Cherepinsky David and Jean Chernicoff Charles Chiplowitz Rabbi Carl Choper Dr. Bennett Chotiner Drs. Erik and Robyn Chotiner Danielle Chubb Daniel and Roberta Clearfield Sam Clearfield Rochelle Cleaver Susan Clionsky Carol Cohen Charles and Frances Cohen Ethel Cohen Howard Cohen Sanford and Marcia Cohen* Walter and Susan Cohen Abba and Irene Cohle Audrey Colledge Rebecca Cook Scott Cooper Teresa Covey Harriet Cramer Michael and Joy Crimmel Rabbi Eric and Amy Cytryn Mike and Emme Daley Brendalynne Danowitz Paige Danowitz John and Rebecca Darhower Paula Davenport Marsha Davis Dr. Brian and Glenda Dechowitz Irving Deitch Lorissa Delaney Denise Demerson Gwendolyn Devlin Bonnie and Steve Diak Faye Doctrow Michael and Ricci Doctrow Rebecca Doctrow Dorothy Dorbian Shari and Aaron Dym Douglas and Nancy Edlin EldersChoice Inc. Elisabeth Ellenbogen Dr. Barbara Eller in memory of Dr. Robert Morrison Sharron Ellyce Jennifer Enders Harvey Engelman Dr. Moshe Bell and Dr. Holly Engelman Eric Epstein Morton Epstein Steven and Kristen Etter Steven and Shira Ettinger David and Debra Feinberg Lawrence Feinberg Leon and Francine Feinerman Joshua Feldman David and Stacy Feldman Bruce Fields Regina Fields Ed Finkelstein* Jane and Steve Fisher Janice Fitzgerald and Dovid Davis Justin and Lisa Fleming Alla Fligelman and Ilya Shvartsman Lisa and CJ Foer Mayer and Janet Foner Louise Foreman Bradley Forman and Family Steven Eileen Forman Gregg and Emily Freeburn Aaron and Micki Freedman Gilbert and Laura Freedman Jill Freedman Lanie Freedman Jonathan and Andrea Freeman Estelle Fried* Selwyn and Joan Friedlander* Dr. Mark and Marsha Friedman Dr. Peter and Nancy Friedman Richard and Eleanor Friedman Rob and Jami Friedman Sandra Hafer Friedman Helen Fukson Fulton Bank Kara Garcia Marc Gaynes Dr. Michael and Ellen Geduldig Rabbi Joseph and Varda Gewirtz Robert Gitman Warren and Allene Gittlen Holly Glauser David and Robin Golberg Kevin Gold and Family Drs. John N. and Margaret B. Goldman Sandra Goldring Philip and Abbey Goldstein Rita and Barry Gordon Deborah Gordon Dr. Robert and Mary Jo Gordon Susan B. Gordon Lillian Gottlieb Daniel and Gloria Grabenstein Damien and Cynthia Graeff Norman and Cheryl Gras Joyce Green Sharon and Alan Greenberg Michael and Barbara Greenberg A. Deanna Greene Michael Greenwald Gary and Linda Grobman Lillian and David Gross Rhea and Bill Gross Dr. Allan and Annette Grossman Dr. Mark Glick and Dr. Margaret Grotzinger Support the 2016 Annual Campaign TODAY! Peggy Grove* Ashley Hackett Emily and Alex Halper Prof. Irving Hand Susan Hartman Katherine Hathaway Michael and Paula Heiman Michael and Nancy Heit Michael and Cathy Hess Family Deborah Heverling Jonathan Hjelm The Hodara Family Arthur and Carol Hoffman* Betty Hungerford Beth Hursh Stein Barbara Hursh Aaron and Alice Hurwitz Harold and Ileane Hurwitz* Charlotte M. Hyams Gilbert and Barbara Isaacman Karen Isaacman Mervin and Beverly Isaacman Ronald and Joan Isaacman Stuart and Esther Itzkovitz Thelma F. Itzoe Scott and Renee Jacobson Javitch Supporting Foundation Fund* Gloria Kaplan MarkJoseph Kasian Drs. Lawrence and Rena Kass Dr. Dennis and Joelle Katz Alan Katzman Dr. Michael Katzman and Dr. Margery Wasko Debra Kaunitz and Alan Adler Paulette Keifer* John and Mary Kensek Rabbi Peter Kessler and David Herman Keystone K9 Harrisburg Arkady and Inga Khodorkovsky Jackie and Woody Kimmel Edward and Sharon Klawansky Dr. Gary and Alyssa Klein Sally Klein Anatoly and Mary Klevitsky Michael H. Kline. Esq. and Rabbi Hava Pell Dr. Ross Kline Ruth and S. Chuck Kline Lawrence and Dara Kluger Arnold Kogan Michael and Marina Kogan Harriet Kopp Jennifer Kornfeld Paul and Traci Kornfeld Sally Kravets Deborah Kravitz Joan Krell Nancy Krevsky Sanford and Sandra Krevsky and Family Solomon and Katy Krevsky Howard and Ruth Krug Kirsten Lambert Marty Lamonoff Paul and Jane Landersman David Lariff Hy Lariff Paul and Mimi Latchford Kim and Gail Ledger Moises and Seena Leiferman Ronald Lench Dr. Ruth Leventhal Benjamin and Shaun Levi Alan and Barbara Levin Samuel Levine and Dr. Irene Berman-Levine* Robert and Paula Levitas Franklyn and Sally Levy Dr. Stanley and Ruth Lewin Gary and Patti Lightman Alexander and Larissa Litvak Barbara Lock Hattie Lock Steven and Helene Loux Martin and Amelia Lowy M & T Bank Michele Magaro Jay Maisel Mark and Neysa Maisel Matthew and Cristina Maisel Steven Maisel Robert and Emma Maksumov Rabbi Akiva and Layala Males Jill Marchick Dr. Robert Marcus Arline Markovitz Steven and Dena Markowitz Dr. Keith Marks Andrea and Jeff Martin Stella and Edward Maser Dr. Craig and Janna Match Maurice and Harriet Raffel Memorial Endowment Fund*** Michael and Karen Mausner Mikhail and Galina Mayants Joyce McKeever Margery and Michael McNulty Jim and Neely Meals Cynthia Melamed Bob and Lindy Mendelsohn Jane and Mark Mendlow Dr. Edward P. Merwin and Dr. Andrea Lieber Shirley Meyers Richard and Beth Michlovitz Dee Miller Elliott Miller and Jenine Cohen James and Erin Miller F. Joshua Millman and Deborah Abel-Millman Nevin Mindlin Herman and Marlene (z"l) Minkoff Albert Mitrani and Donna Orbach Victoria Moist Dr. Steven and Phylanne Morganstein Rebecca and Eric Morrison Lea and George Morrone Jonathan Morrow Kurt and Doris Moses Sanford and Sylvia Naiditch Dr. Seth and Luisa Narins Steven Neiman Mr. and Mrs. Ian Norton Bob and Barbara Nuccel Stephen and Gina Nudel Herbert Nurick Barry and Sandy Nussbaum Harvey Ogun Jack and Penny Ogun Morris and Davida Ogun Sofia Olevich Mr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Orbach Faith Parker Dr. David and Bonnie Peisner Mendy Pewzner Ms. Jean Plawsky Hanna and Sidney Pollack Neil and Myra Pompian Eunyce Press Nat Putterman Harold and Ellen Rabin Sandra Rabin Martin and Janice Radiss The Harriet J. Raffel Memorial Donor Advised Fund* Jodie Raffensperger Dr. John and Lisa Ramirez Stanley Rapp Ira and Lillian Rappaport Jenna Rappaport Theodore and Lori Reese Dr. Bryan and Tamara Reid David Remmel and Shelly Winer Remmel Joel and Carol Ressler Aviad Reuvenny Menashe and Debra Reuvenny Frederick Richmond Brian Riddle Janet and Larry Robertson LeRoy and Beverly Robinson, Jr. Rebecca Robinson Dena Rockoff Jonathan and Alison Rogalski Paul and Robin Rokoff Beth Romano David and Nancy Rose Jimmy and Betsy Rosen Larry and Hallie Rosen Ralph and Coral Rosen David and Susan Rosenberg Reuben Rosenberg Ellen and Marty Rosenbloom Yolanda Rosenschein Gary and Cheryl Rosenstrauch Arlene Rosenthal Dr. George and Miriam Rosenwasser Arlene and Elliott Ross Jennifer and Michael Ross Alvin Rostolsky and Elaine Blecker Jeffrey Roth Rosette and Steven Roth Edward and Harriet Rothman Dr. Alan and Betsy Roumm Deverah Routman Support the 2016 Annual Campaign TODAY! Bert and Myrna Rubin and Family Scott and Jaclyn Rubin Stephen and Jennifer Rubin* Natalie Russ Andrea Russell Robert and Michele Ruth Robert and Lois Samet Dr. Deborah Samkoff Michael and Diane Sand Fred Sandow Ronald and Sonia Saxon Gary and Susan Sayers Marc Schaefer and Stacey Shubitz David and Niema Schertz Lee Schiller Hannah R. Schleisner Trust Fund** Ira Schneider Ivy Schneider Karen and Mark Schreiber Gary and Marci Schwartz Jason Schwartz Nathan Segal Sandy and Mary K. Segal Berta Serebrennikova Margeaux Katz-Sgrignoli and Richard Sgrignoli Michael Shapiro Milton Shapiro Dr. Allen and Michelle Levy Fannie Sherman (z"l) Esther Sherman Julie Sherman and Marty Rogoff Marjorie M. Sherman* Eugene and Roberta Shore Varsha Shukla Lift Laura Shuman William Shunk Charlotte Siegel Conrad and Gail Siegel** Lee and Eva Siegel Michael Siegel Dr. Lawrence Silver Betty Silverman Carla and Ira Silverman Dr. Sanford and Elaine Silverstein Dr. Zachary and Nancy Simmons Diane F. Singer Renee Singer and Neil Bernstein Alan and Linda Skulsky Matthew Skulsky Benjamin Slotznick Ronald and Elaine Smeltz Vicki Smeltz* LeRoy and Jane Smigel William Smith Richard and Pamela Snyder Audrey Soffer Carol R. Soller Joseph and Maria Solomon Michael and Sheri Solomon Mindy Solomon Philip and Gaye Solomon Charlotte Spector Alyce and Morton Spector* Larry and Sue Spitler Charlotte Spitz Nicole Spitz David and Phyllis Stahler Cindy Stanley Kasper Barry and Susan Stein Harriet and Herb Stein Pamela Stein Ruth Stein Dr. Clifford Steinig Adrianne and Elliot Sternthal Linda and Kenneth Stewart Ronald Still Col. (Ret) Alan and Dianne Stolberg Elliot and Elaine Strokoff James and Carol Sudhalter Olivia Susskind Cynthia Sussman* Alan and Rhea Swidler Robert and Heidi Sykes Stanley and Marlene Sykes Randall and Susan Tenor Dr. Alan Teplis and Dr. L. Lynne Britton Bonni Teplitz Roseman The Patriot News Company Dr. Michael Tickner and Betty Simmonds Chana and Clyde Tillman Pansy Todd Stanley Toll Marlin and Roxanne Toser Terri Travers Betty Jeanne Turgeon Drs. Joel and Barbara Turk Dr. Eric and Sue Unger Brenda Urie Daniel Urie Libby Urie Dr. Elliot Vesell Leslie and John Vogel Benjamin Wachstein The Ward Family The Wassner Family* David and Ramona Watts Dr. Daniel and Nina Weber Judith Weber Nancy Weber Arlynn and Neil Weber Andrea and Steven Weikert Alan Weinberg Prof. Stephen and Bette Weinberger Ira and Sheila Weinstock Jason and Madelaine Weinstock Michael and Miriam Weinstock Nathaniel and Rachel Weinstock Brenda Weintrob Joel Weisberg Ann Weiss Rosalind Weiss Lori Weitzman Keith Welks and S. Teri Berman* Fern Zlotoff Michele Wickwire Steven and Sonja Zucker Cheryl Wieder Dr. Robert and Stacey Zuckerman Adam and Erin Wiener Anonymous (46) Dr. Ronald and Dr. Caryn Williams Anonymous* Sylvia Williamson Charles Wilson Dr. Stephen and Anita Winer Bradley Winnick List confirmed as of 2/12/16 Frederick Wisor Prof. Melvin and Joan Wolf Herbert and Beatrice Wolfe Robert and Lisa Wolff M. Jeffrey Wolfson and Sandra Westerman Judith Wolnek Jacqueline and Seth Wolpert Donors noted above represent gifts to the 2016 Annual Linda Wolpert Campaign as of 2/12/16. Every effort was made to Michael and Cheryl Woren correctly recognize all of our generous donors and honor Cheryl and Leonard Yablon their listings requests. For general questions about the Dr. Charles and Janice Yanofsky Annual Campaign, please contact Ivy Schneider at (717)236-9555 x3299 or Dr. Yury and Raisa Yaroslavsky [email protected]. For questions about your Sam and Gail Yespy listing/account, please contact Beth Romano at Deborah Yoffe (717)236-9555 x3204 or [email protected]. Toby Yoffe Melissa Yohn The noted individuals made recommendations through: Ian and Eileen Zagon *Jewish Community Foundation of Central Pennsylvania ** Foundation for Enhancing Communities Bobbi Zarin *** Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Kansas City Bernard and Paula Zielinski Rachel and Assaf Zilbering z”l: of blessed memory Michael and Carly Zimmerman Support the 2016 Annual Campaign TODAY!
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certain this list is both complete and accurate. If, however, you note an error or omission, please contact Karen Cullings at 234-4961 ext. 104