October 2014 Newsflash - Round Table International


October 2014 Newsflash - Round Table International
Dear Friends, fellow Tablers ....
Õs monthly quote:
Ò When you find yourself in the
position to help someone, be
happy and feel blessed because God is answering
that personÕs prayer through you.
Remember: Our purpose on earth is not to get
lost in the dark but to be a light to others, so that
they may find way through usÓ.
Main RTI Events:
IRO World Meeting, Germany: 12-16 Feb 2015
Round Table Day, World wide: 14 March 2015
Africa Meeting, Dubai: 14-17 May 2015
ASPA Meeting, Thailand: 4-7 June 2015
RTI World Meeting, Sweden: 13-16th August 2015
So time is flying already and on the second newsflash.
The Board and I have had our second meeting by Skype
and working on the forward direction and the milestones
that have been set for this RTI table year of which I have
shown below... as mentioned in the last newsflash we
are looking at membership and I know that Vice President
Altaf is already concentrating on future strategy of which
we will be bringing to the Associations through your IROÕs.
2014-2015 RTI Board Milestones:
1. Closely Support Associations implement/start using the RTI Vision Document:
2012-2015 and encourage members to Adopt, Adapt and Improve the use
of the OGSM Format for their national strategy documents.
2. To expand the work of the World Membership Committee (WMC) by
increasing on Focus Associations and to actively encourage mother Associations to support Associations that need it and support the creation/charter
of new Associations worldwide.
3. To further establish the Side By Side arrangement with 41 International,
Ladies Circle International, Rotary and the new Tangent International so we
To view the full list of submitted events, visit the
RTI Website www.rtinternational.org
To have your event published on the website,
submit the information to [email protected]
can gain the full benefits of this Side by Side, especially in the area of
membership capacity growth and extension.
4. To enhance the RTI BoardÕs visibility and communication to floor members
through channels such as the News Flash and Social Media (Twitter,
Face Book & YouTube*) and looking at what technologies are available
to us.
5. To implement a new RTI Shop supplier and develop the products and
branding for the floor members.
6. To actively encourage members to recognize and embrace the RTI Code
of Conduct. Remember that the outside world sees and develops
perceptions about Round Table through what they see in us Tablers,
our conduct is key. It can encourage or discourage both new members
to join us or not to, and old members to continue Tabling effectively or
to resign from Round Table.
7. To implement the financial e-system in order to build on the goal of
giving a transparent financial view of the RTI accounts.
8. Last but by no means the least, at every opportunity to encourage all
individual members, all Tables/Clubs and all National Associations through
their national boards to Table and to promote Tabling in our communities.
We must all be committed about making a difference and that we as
ambassadors of this movement what we leave in both local and
international communities in which we exist.
My recent travels took me to the Southern Tablers Meeting hosted in Cannes
which was a excellent weekend with a very productive meeting and the
new workshops that is proving to be the right way forward and I would like
to thank the tablers who hosted the weekend, as well as Mikael and Arnaud
that made the meeting/workshops effective in Ômaking a differenceÕ for the
future and the tablers of there associations in attendance. I was then taken
by RT Monaco for the day before my flight home with great tabling hospitality,
thank you guys!
Deadline for submission of articles is the 10th
of each month. Please send articles in the
format of a News release (in MS word) together
with relevant pictures separately (max. 4 per
article) to publish.
My next trip was to have the privilege of representing RTI at the Agora Club
International AGM in South Africa and Thank you President Sandy for your
time and best wishes to incoming President Kelly for your year ahead. It was
The October Update will cover 3 main areas:
1. WMC/Membership
2. Singapore Visit
3. Sri Lanka Visit
1. WMC / Membership
According to the RTI Vision document we must:
- Grow membership by 1000 tablers for the Yr 2014/15
- Start 20 tables in 2014-15
- Start 40 tables in 2015-16
- Reduce the average age from 38 to 37 in 2014/15
This year we attempt to achieve this strategy in the following manner:
1. WMC support of existing struggling organisations
2. Extension efforts in new countries
3. Extension in existing countries
good to meet and have the experience of
another part of the RT International family
whoÕs goals are just the same as ours in
ÔMaking a DifferenceÕ. I also had the pleasure
of being looked after by LC and RT over the
days with some truly amazing experiences in
there country, and able to have a good catch
up with LCI President Chantess and VP Ruth
with an idea coming out for the future of side
by side development.to move us all forward.
To understand how we are going to go about this, we should quantify where
the tables will be started and provide targets to the associations. We are
developing a process to achieve this, which will be finalised and implemented
this month at the WMC and Membership meeting.
The success of this process depends on each association taking on the
responsibility, which will be quantified and measured. This was one of my
pledges during my presentation and I look forward to your support to try out
this method. I am confident it will help .
Please also get your orders in for the new RTI
directory through RT Malta as they will be
going to print very shortly... something every
traveling tabler should have in there case!
We would also like to investigate how the following 2 initiatives will benefit
Round Table:
1. RT / Rotary Road Map
2. Improved target audience selection using Social Media Platforms
Some of my future travel arrangements are:
Nordic Tablers Meeting: 20 - 24 Nov, RT USA
Israel Holy AGM : 4 - 7 Dec, RT Israel
India NAGM: 26 - 28 Dec, RT India
Enjoy your tabling, enjoy International tabling!
This process to is under discussion.
WMC Ð The Following Countries will make up the WMC
1. EMA Region
2. Africa Region
3. ASPA Region
a. USA
a. Central Africa
a. New Zealand
b. Monaco
b. East Africa
b. Philippines
We are under discussion to add one other country to WMC as a need has
been identified. This will be updated once we have a decision together with
the countries involved.
Jason Thomson - JT
RTI President 2014/15
Singapore Visit
I met up with both Tables 1 and Table 2 in Singapore. Tabling is vibrant in the
country, with a great bunch of tablers. I would like to thanks Kamal Sing Ð
Immediate Past Chairman and Founder Chairman of RT Singapore 1 and all
my fellow tablers for the warm hospitality.
Lots of correspondence has
been coming in for the new
board, with most of it been
handled promptly. Unfortunately there have been
a few delays as we have found our feet.
Please keep sending through your AGM and special
events dates, and we will load these up onto the
RTI website.
RT Sri Lanka
Well done to the Associations that have updated
the Round Table International Admin platform,
for those that have not please log in and get your
members details put in.
I have visited several club events at home, invited as RTI VP. This included the
RT Sri Lanka board meeting and our newest table Ð Table 6 organizing a great
Paint balling event.
Tabling in Sri Lanka is very structured and growing. This year targets have
been set to charter 1 new table, to restart Ladies Circle and also to look at
international Extension. RT Sri Lanka also remains very focused on Charity
Projects with all clubs actively involved in fund raising and implementation
of charity projects. Of course it goes without saying this all happens with a lot
of partying and fun.
I had the pleasure of joining in with the 103
Numbers Tour on its way through my Area earlier
this month. The tour was put together by
Stutterheim 103 and participantsÕ came from
Denmark and Germany 103 Tables. It was a well
run tour and the feedback was very positive.
I encourage Tables around the world to seek out
their fellow numbers and get number exchanges
set up; the rewards of friendship are immense.
In particular I would like to mention my table Ð Colombo Taprobane Round
Table 3 for the support not only to me personally but to RTSL and to RT
International. CTRT3 will be the driving force for RTSL in chartering a new
table Internationally Ð in Melbourne Australia.
Altaf Jeevunjee: RTI Vice President 2014/15
In November I plan to travel too two Area midyear
meetings in Round Table Central Africa; Area
Zimbabwe on the 14-16 November in Harare and
then to Area Botswana on the weekend of the 2830 November in Gaborone.
I will engage the Tablers in discussion on the future
of their Association.
Yours in Table
Brett Tungay: Africa Region Chairman & RTI
Dear Tablers.
I am writing these words from the comfort of my home.
Here in the southern tip of Sweden, leaves are still green,
but we can certainly feel the winter coming. Winter here
is not as much fun as in the north. No snow, just long
dark days, cold rain and traffic jams. On the upside itÕs a
good excuse to light a fire or go Tabling in a warmer
country, like the Holy AGM in Israel the first weekend of
December. This is also the time when tabling really kicks off. Tonight is the
semi-annual meeting of my home area and I look forward to meeting my nearby
Tablers and talk about International Tabling and service projects. I will try to get
a few of them to join me in visiting your events all over the EMA region.
Unfortunately the effort of reviving RT Turkey has shown small progress; hence
I decided to cancel the kick-off weekend planned there, until we see more signs
of activity.
In the meantime, IÕve visited the STM sub regional meeting in Cannes, France.
It was a well arranged event with a perfect mix of work and fun. Having a
productive workshop on a sunny beach was a new experience but I think we
moved a good step further to the goal of implementing a vision strategy in all
participating Associations. Thanks to the conveners, the French National Board
and all participants for contributing to a great meeting. Special thanks for
generous support to the Because IÕm a Girl campaign which raised Û570 in
bracelet sales. LetÕs see if NTM in New York City, 20-23 November, can beat
Among other service projects, one that is well worth mentioning is the flood
relief in northern India which Round Table India and Mauritius are co-operating
on. Seeing the pictures of less fortunate people struck by bad weather really
adds perspective to my complaints about the Swedish winter. I also give a big
round of applause to Round Table Suomi-Finland for launching the MoBro
campaign against prostate cancer as the first Round Table National Service
Project in Finland EVER!! and to all big and small efforts in clubs and Associations
worldwide. Once you experience the joy of doing something for other people
and how easy and fun it is to make a difference when working together you
just want to do more. Please share your service story by writing a piece for the
Look out for our new
shop, coming soon!
Yours in International Tabling
Mikael Schvili
EMA Chairman & Community service officer
Hello brothers around the world and around
the table!
It is a wonderful occasion to invite you all to RT
Estonia 25th Charter anniversary weekend which
we celebrate from 16 to 18 January 2015 in
Tallinn. I am proud to say that RT Estonia has
survived and grown over these wonderful 25
years. Beginning was hard as we were the first
country from soviet countries to form RT
movement, but it succeeded and now we
celebrate 25 years birthday!
You are invited to join us in this memorable
weekend. You can come alone to discover Tallinn
and it's nightlife secrets or to bring your
wife/girlfriend to our wonderful capital. We
have put together weekend (16-18.jan 2015)
program where on Friday evening we go to a
sauna village and try Russian sauna. After that
back to the city where lounges and nightclubs
are waiting for us! Some sneak peek:
On Saturday we start slowly and after banner
lunch it is time to wear a tuxedo and participate
our Gala Dinner with a la cart dinner and live
dance bands. Location is one of the most unique
places Seaplane Harbour - so we have dinner
under a real submarine!
Please join us on this wonderful weekend for
lifetime memories and emotions! Price for full
weekend including accommodation in 4* hotel
sharing a twin/double room is 285 EUR per
Send all registrations and questions to my email
[email protected] or [email protected]
Hannes Salmiakki Rosenberg: RT Estonia IRO
GSM +372 5167208
Autism is a childhood neural development disorder where the affected child
has difficulties in social and emotional abilities, communication and language,
cognitive (thinking) and intellectual and physical skills. The body and mind of
an autistic person work differently to most people leading to implications on
how they experience and live in the world. Although autism maybe complex
with no known cure at present, individuals with Autism demonstrate that
they can overcome, compensate for and otherwise manage many of autismÕs
most challenging characteristics. Therefore, equipping affected children and
those around them with a simple understanding of autismÕs basic elements
have a tremendous impact on their ability to journey towards a productive,
independent adulthood.
Recognising this need, Colombo Cinnamon Round Table 4 (CCRT 4) has stepped
forward to support children with Autism. Titled the HEROES Project, the
initiative aims to support children with autism acquire necessary care to
habilitate and lead an independent life, and aid parents cope and obtain the
necessary training to raise their autistic child. In addition, the HEROES Project
plans to create a single resource for autism to support children across the
island with the CCRT 4 Autism Centre.
As the first Phase of the project, CCRT 4 recently handed over equipment
worth Rs. 250,000 to the Sumaga Special Needs School in Kelaniya. The school,
founded in 1992 specifically to assist children with autism and other
development disabilities, currently has nearly 80 students.
ÒWe identified that most children at our school can be developed through
computer educational programmes, sound activities and therapy games to
improve their attention, behaviour, eye-contact, as well as listening, language
and reading skills. However, we had limited resources to carry out these
activities. Now thanks to the support of the Colombo Cinnamon Round Table
4 this task is possible. We are truly grateful to them for their help and their
efforts to support this worthy cause,Ó says Swarna Jayawardena, Founder
Principal at the Sumaga Special Needs School.
Through the second and third phases of the HEROES Project, ÔColombo
Cinnamon Round Table 4Õ plans to further support the Sumaga Special Needs
Left: Azlie Irshad (Vice Chairman CCRT4), Nayomi Jayawardene
(speech & language therapist), Swarna Jayawardene (Founder Ð
Principal), Shezad Hameed (Chairman CCRT4), Farzan Najmudeen
(Community Service Convenor CCRT4)
School through conducting train-the-trainer programs and providing better
services to its children, commencing operations of the CCRT4 Autism Centre
and promoting island-wide training programmes.
If you wish to support this worthy cause, which hopes to create an environment
for Autistic children overcome difficulties and pave the way for an independentlife, please contact [email protected]
No... OUR home! The home of Round Table
Colombo Heritage Roundtable 6 would like to thank everyone: all the
participants and our generous sponsors- Lion Brewery and DIMO, for making
our first event as a table- the 1st Annual Round Table Paintball Tournamenta huge success!
RTBIÕs amazing event the National Sporting
Weekend is in Norwich in 2015.
It is in Norwich in March 1927 that Round
Table started.
The event started early in the morning at the bus pick up point at
Independence Square, however some of the tablers and guests clearly hadn't
stopped partying from the night before. (cough cough... Yasendra). (The
party was quickly raided by Tabler Shezad, who had the bright idea to see
how early the beer stores open in Colombo.
attend RTIÕs premier sporting weekend but to
enjoy a visit to the town that it all started AND
the actual place it all started!
After sufficiently fuelling our liquid courage, rain, mud, and an army of hungry
leeches were no match for our champions. Everyone fought hard, and the
ladies amongst us taught a couple lessons in guerilla warfare as well! Shane
did a great job coordinating bouts, organizing lunch, and keeping everyone
safe (especially from themselves). A big shout out goes to Shane and the
Hustlers Paintball team for facilitating everything and for being so
accommodating of our group.
NSW is an inter Area sports based competition.
Last year we had archery, axe throwing,
football, swimming, fat boy sports and about
20 others.
With 500 Tablers attending, do join us on 4th6th September 2015 and be welcomed as a
part of the International Team!
We all soothed our wounds with ice cold draft Lion beers generously provided
by Lion Brewery, and returned home in the comfort of the super luxury a/c
bus provided by DIMO. Again, all of us at CHRT6 would like to thank everyone
for helping making the day a success- we raised a significant amount of
money that we look forward to activating in aid of our table's mission to
bridge the education gaps in rural areas, and across Sri Lanka, through
technology and ICT classrooms.
Full details of NSW (and our AGM) can be
found at www.rtbievents.co.uk
We look forward to keeping you all up to date with our progress, and abreast
of all the events we have planned (debaucherous or otherwise) in the near
sustainable manner!
out of time, so lets get cracking on this project!
Speaking of Numbers and Revivals, RTSA has broken through the 1200
members mark and I give you all a sincere Òwell done". This is the first time
in a while and what is even more encouraging is the QUALITY of the young
men being inducted! Keep it UP!!!!!
Well Done and a HUGE congratulations to WP Area
and RTSA as a whole. Roy Adam, Christo de Jager,
Werner Van Lill and the men from WP Area ran the
TAT (Tablers Assisting Tablers) nomination platform
in a professional manner as was promised and over
R210 000 has been handed over to the North Cape
Area in the name of Anthony Robinson! Gentlemen,
your compassion for one another is what sets us apart
form any other service club! Well Done and thank you
all for your generosity! Western Province Area, thank
you for starting the project, Long may it Last!
Spartans, you may ask? I would like to wish Gauteng area all the very best
for this project, gents, Rob Clare-Talbot has been working hard to get Round
Table involved with an event called the Spartan Race! This will se us as Round
Table being associated with the likes of REEBOK and will expose Round Table
to their competitors who are just what we are looking for as members! For
more information visit https://www.facebook.com/events/
533262390137060/ ref=2&ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming.
The //!Nartsa 2014 Website is live! Register now on: www.artsa2015.co.za
Do it before it is too late!!!
Dear Esteemed Members of this most wonderful Association,
SoÉÉ.What has been happening?
The last few months have truly been an amazement to me and the speed
at which our year together is passing, feels like a Lamborghini Aventador
at full ÒsongÓ!!!
Travels, fellowship, membership and General Updates
In the last few weeks I have attended the BMG Tri Area, have had the
brilliant opportunity to fellowship with the finest that Bushveld, Mpumalanga
and Gauteng have to offer, and yes speaking of Fine Fellowship, I would like
to mention the great weekend we had at the Border area Conference. Well
done to the Conveners of these two great events! I would like to welcome
Andrew Lea on board as Area Chairman of Mpumalanga, taking over the
reins from Tiaan van Heerden. I was very encouraged by attending the
Mpuma meeting as there are a huge number of Pipeliners and of course,
congrats to Pat Kunze for putting his hand up and re-instating Powerlines
Round Table! Well Done! Speaking of re-instatement and revivals, well done
to Gauteng area who had a VERY positive ÒSprings RT Revival MeetingÓ Yes
Gents, That is TWO tables coming back on line in a most positive and
Sees the focus on Bandana day and many of you have and are already busy
with this. the Branding with Sunflower fund has been great and the orders
have been encouraging well done to all of you and good luck to those still
Your Esteemed Vice President has launched his campaign for the year and
it is aimed at the Tablers that are being AXED this year and it is called the
ÒReplace Yourself CampaignÓ! It is self explanatory and we are appealing to
those feting Tablers to replace themselves in the year that they are being
Axed! We aim to honour those Tablers that do replace themselves at
//!NARTSA 2015 during the Presidents Banquet! gents we are fast running
Gents, short and sweet, your Association Council will
be meeting in the next two weeks and have all been
working very hard to achieve the goals we set for
ourselves as an Association. I thank you all for your
hard work, it is now starting to pay dividends, we have
changed how we conduct business and ourselves and
are fast strengthening the four pillars!
I thank you all for your efforts and wish you well for
upcoming events, fundraisers, fellowships etc. Above
all else, I thank you all for the encouragement and
positive words and sentiments you have shared with
me on my travels and email since we started this
journey together! Your enthusiasm is limitless and
your dedication unquestionable, it is these two factors
that HUGELY contribute to us being as successful as
we are!
Well done again and until our next meeting or
Keep Tabling,
Leon Garbade
One Hell of a Proud RTSA President!
Rescue ended and gave birth to relief funding. 13/9/14 I Suddenly got calls
for urgent requirement of medicines in Sirinagar. Immediately I left for
Jammu army camp and handed over it to Defence personnel and they air
lifted it the same day and medicines were given to the needy. So, being
highly satisfied moved back to Amritsar. Hardly, I was half way. I got a call
from Mr. Bunty Gupta, Round Table India member from Kolkata insisting
me to join them in rescue program. As it was a noble cause could not say
no. I joined them to facilitate relief fund material to a village near Pakistan
border. Next day we left in morning for relief at village Mahore. After
facilitating the villagers we halted for night stay at the army camp. IT was
an adventure in its own way.
Next day due to unavoidable circumstances I had to leave the group and
move back to Amritsar. Since I came back this all relief thing started haunting
me and I felt that there was a lot more to be done.
Few things happen by chance but are ought to happen:Around 1st September 2014, I started getting calls from various Round Table
India (NGO) members about their members being stuck in Sirinagar floods.
The calls increased on daily basis. Just to make it more easy to operate I
created a group on whatÕs app under the name of ÒMission KashmirÓ. WE
together managed to rescue all families (around 10 families and a group of
40 plus people stuck in Pahelgam. So, we concluded and saidÓall is well that
ends well.Ó
But destiny has its own way, who knew it was not the end but the beginning?
So, I started collecting funds from individuals and in a week collected around
3.5 Lakhs. Small amount but every penny counts. As Eid was on 6/10/14, I
planned to facilitate cash to families. Idea was they could buy what they
wished and even celebrate Eid which they had canceled.
So, the final day came 4/10/14 We facilitated 5000 for family who lost some
member, 3000 for who lost their homes, 1000 to kids who answered me
what they will be when they grow and how will they serve their country .(As
this is our NGOÕs motive ÔCharity Through Education.Õ) We also distributed
eatables in bulk provided by Angels Paradise School, Basant Avenue, Asr.
Thanks Vikrant and the generous kids. The J&K people accepted it as Eid.
Finally, I can say that the show will go on and now they require rice, tent
sheets and warm cheap mink blankets all to be
provided by 21st October.
I conclude as follows: ÒMoney can make a big difference
to the needy; got more than 21 calls saying that they
will now be able to celebrate Eid.Ó Eid mubhark to you
all too and give life a new start.Ó I thank all friends
who helped in rescue and relief in J&K and I am looking
forward to my next mission. Miles to go before I sleep...
Jai hind
Sidaarth Rawlley
fair of food, drinks, artifacts and games by our local vendors and companies
by the renown Beau Vallon beach, rendered even more popular by the event"
said Mr Lee Kim Koon. As President of ROUND TABLE Seychelles, Mr Vincent
Lee Kim Koon went on to say that the REGATTA unites all the people of
Seychelles as it brings together people from all walks of life and from every
corner of Seychelles not only in celebration of the island's Lois de vivre but
essentially for the fundraising of a community project. "Accordingly, this year
the REGATTA is uniting us towards a cause of concern for all of us, which is
no other than cancer" said the President of ROUND TABLE Seychelles.
for having had to tenacity with which to stage 41
REGATTA weekends. "You had understood on the need
to join the world of events for Seychelles to consolidate
its tourism industry. You worked hard and have mastered
the art of fundraising as you give to the people an event
they like and an event they want. On behalf of the
Government of Seychelles we salute you Mr Vincent
Lee Kim Koon and your committee for a job well done."
Minister St.Ange said.
"Cancer is a disease which is the leading cause of death globally and the second
cause of death nationally after cardio vascular diseases, and in view that these
disease strongly relates to our lifestyle, this REGATTA seek to sustain the call
for healthy living under the motto of Healthy living against cancer" Mr Lee
Kim Koon said.
REGATTA 2014 proved to set a new record in lottery
tickets sold. The Seychelles ROUND TABLE also this year
relaunched their Miss Regatta and Mr Regatta Contest.
The ROUND TABLE of the Seychelles organised this October their 41st Edition
of their annual REGATTA and again this year their event was declared a
resounding success. When he addressed the opening ceremony of REGATTA
2014 Vincent Lee Kim Koon, the President of ROUND TABLE Seychelles said
that the REGATTA remains the long standing tradition of ROUND TABLE
Seychelles and the main and biggest fundraising activity for both the Association
and nationally.
Minister Mitcy Larue, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Health was next
to address the opening ceremony of the 2014 REGATTA and she thanked
ROUND TABLE Seychelles for dedicating their fundraising activities of this event
for cancer related activities. "We are indeed grateful that the ROUND TABLE
had heard our plea for everyone to work together to help provide the best
of health care possible for all Seychellois" said Minister Larue. The Minister
responsible for Health spoke at length about the need for healthy living for a
better life.
"REGATTA is the time of the year for the celebration of the vitality, culture
and entrepreneurship of our people as through its eventful programme it
provides for a bled of sporting activities, entertainment by local artists and a
Minister Alain St.Ange, the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism and
Culture was also given the honour to address the official opening ceremony
of REGATTA 2014. Minister St.Ange congratulated ROUND TABLE Seychelles