Our history has been guided by two important principles: You build
Our history has been guided by two important principles: You build
"Our history has been guided by two important principles: You build on the strengths ofwhat people have done before you, and pay tribute to people along the way. " H. Mebane Turner President, 1970-2002 University of Baltimore THE ST RY BEHIND THE UNIVERSITY SEAL Baltimore is a ciry filled with monumenrs, one of which is the BattLe Monument depicted in the Universiry seal. It was erected in commemotation of the Battle of North Point and ehe Bombardment of Fort McHenry during the War of 1812. This battle inspired Francis SCOtt Key to compose "Scar Spangled Banner." The monument is a heart fele and fitting symbol for the National Anthem and serves as a memorial to the men who defended the city of Baltimore. The University of Baltimore is proud to embrace the image of the monument on its seal because of our commitment to the city and its communities. TO TI-!E MEMBE~5 OF THE CRADLI -\TJ NC CLASS For more than 30 years, I have been privileged to lead the Universiry of Baltimore. This institution has been shaped by the men and women who graduated before you, some 48,000 . Today you continue the legacy that has become the Universiry of Baltimore, a legacy of career-oriented alumni who continue to take an interest in their alma mater and who want it to be enhanced and growing. I am pleased we are awarding diplomas to such an involved, dedicated and hard-working class. As you end your time as studentS and enter the realm of alumni, we hope that you will also be part of UB's future. You have achieved a worthy goal, and today we publicly recognize before your family and friends the commitment you have made to advancing your education and furthering your career goals. I hope you will also stand, give yourself a cheer, think of the faculry and staff and fellow students who have helped you earn this degree, and celebrate your new role as alumni. Congratulations to all. H. Mehant' Turner Presidc!lt ay 24, 2002 OMMENCEMENT SPEAKER.S Dr. Jolm S. Toll is currenrly serving as rhe 25rh presidenr of Washingron College, Dr. Toll is pasr presidenr of rhe University of Maryland. He oversaw rhe merger of Maryland's rwo public mulri-campus sysrems and served as chancellor. Though he lefr rhe posr in 1989, Dr. Toll srill serves as Chancellor Emerirus of rhe University Sysrem of Maryland. Governor Parris N. Glnuknillg has made educarion his rop priority during his rwo rerms as Maryland's governor. He has increased funding ro primary and second ary educarion, helped modernize classrooms, and invesred in improved rechnology in Maryland schools. His orher major conrributions ro the srate include prorecring and resroring Maryland's environmenr for years ro come, creating jobs, improving public safety and providing improved access ro health care for Maryland residenrs. Ni"a Rodal Houghton represents Queene Anne's County as a member of the University Sysrem of Maryland Board of Regenrs. A graduate of Goucher College, she is currenrJy chair of the Wye Institute and trustee of the Aspen Insrirute. Robert Greette serves as rhe 22nd presidenr of the University of Baltimote Alumni Associarion. A 1974 graduare of the Merrick School of Business, Green is chairman and CEO of Nerwork Recruiters-Snelling Personnel Services. Omar A. SZII/(lk is chancellor of the Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zomora. Szulak is one of a group of over 35 faculty and adminisrrarors from UNLZ who are receiving their M.B.A. degree from rhe University this spring. Stephanie A. Moss was chosen by the dean from several qualified nominees presenred by rhe faculty of rhe Merrick School of Business. Moss is a senior business major concenrraring in human resources. Amanda}. Gingery , a graduare srudenr in Publicarions Design, Gingery was presenred by her deparrmenr for selection by the dean of rhe Yale Gordon College of Liberal Arrs. • y y y ,, y PROC /\M Prelude ~ Selections from the Riverside Brass Quintet 1925 Processional Pomp and Circumstance # 1 and #4 by Edward Elgar The University of Greetings Baltimore was President H. Mebane Turner incorporated by Maynard A. Clemens, Presentation of Keynote Speaker P Lewis Keyes, Dr. Ronald Legon, Provost William H. Wilhelm, Addr~s R. Loran Langsdale, Dr. John Toll, President, Washington College Victor R. Jones, Greetings from the State of Maryland Howell A. King, The Honorable Parris N Glendening Alton R. Hodgkins, Greetings from the Board of Regent.. of the University SY5tcm of M3I)'Jand Stewart Lewis, and Clarence W Miles. Ms. Nina Rodale Houghton Greetings from thc Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora Chancellor Omar A. Szulak Greetings from the Unh'er~ity of Baltimore Alumni Association Mr. Robert Greene, President Remark.. Senior Class Representative, Ms. Stephanie A. Moss Graduate School Representative, Ms. Amanda j. Gingery Maynard A. Clemens Presentation of Candidate MARSHAl Yale Gortlon College ofLiberal Arts Dean, Dr. Carl Stenberg Merrick School ofBusiness Interim Dean, Daniel Gerlowski Vincent Luchsinger Conferring of Degrees and Certificates Senior Marshal President H. Mebane Turner Irvin Brown Rece sional Trumpet Voluntary (Henry Purcell) Danielle Fowler Perer Lynagh Thomas Mitchell A reception honoring graduates and guests follows in the lobby ofThe Lyric. I J/au( "t,md rluTing rhr /,ff){'r»iol1 ilnrl u( t< 'S ion oj J..'1t.uluoul'J :lUtl rONz"'"1I IMnrljll~ (rlllriUJlroz Im l Ii .d'p tlr!iti/,(ITft J'IU '( ('.\ i led 11Jt" ,l/uiJ tu,.iUI1I If t111 Jeffrey Ian Ross Thomas Vermeer y y y y y y y '( y y y YALE CO[\DON COLLEGE OF L1BE[\AL [\T5 y y y y y y y y y y y n 111 I If Chrisropher J. Ryan Glenn George Dellon o I\I~tl'NI( ..\(IIl ,'~ I )r\lCN Darlene Richardson Dani G. Dennis Kevin M. Arricks Thomas M. Steed Kelly Annerre Farmer DOl William Shewbridge '( y y /1.1/\ 1'1-11 y i\J.1MI~.I\ rnA 110~ y y ~ 1928 First graduating class of the University of Baltimore. and first yearbook. Reporter. published. I L (If I'lIlIlJl: Ibrahim Al-Suwayed Kurt Stevenson Sud brink Lisa Kelley Farrar John T. Vance, IV SCOtt E. Fisher Alvin Vincent, Jr. Deborah Jean Fleischmann Craig William Weir Michael T. Gardner Caroline Geem. Maria Armesro Roger Blacklow 1\ I\STl R or :'un ~ Amanda Joy Gingery Elizabeth Branca Patricia A. Aduna-Boatin Jared Adam Glasser John Byron Brown, III James F. Amrhein Allison G. Gold Audrey Buggs Tracy Lynn Anadale Patricia A. Granata Bridgid M. Burke Ingrid Ankerson Rachael Lindsay Hamm Lydia G. Clemons Kojo Asafo-Agyei Laurie M. Hare Justine Conway Joseph D. Augustyniak M. Juanita Haulsee Stephanie Ann Ferguson Brian C. Barth Karen Elizabeth Meg Heisse John Martin Irvine Monique Bell Hilary Anne Henderson-Board Milton S. Kendall Zamalia Sharese Bennett Jessica Keri Hensley Nirrayanee Khawtepawan Jessica Lynn Boehl Sharon Ann Hodgson Todd K. Kuglin Mikisha C. Bond Marlene M. Jackson Gary Lee Lucy, Sr. Tonia J. Bruno Latasha M. Jones-Tayree Greg Malone Jennifer Alisa Jeneho Buchanan Sommer K. Jones Tiffinie L. Macklin Dianne T. Burch Janet Eve Kratfel Gregory E. Malone Jennifer Anne Burns Lonnie R. Lanham Marguerite Murray Anthony Allen Butler Staci Nicole Lanham John Henry Lee Nash, Jr. Kristen Amy Campbell Gregory A. Leatham James A. Petrides Drake Cunningham Hanju Lee Benjamin E. Ramsey Robert Bruce Dawson Nakina Lee 1innakorn Rarrakhajon Leah Ann DeFreitas Alexander C. Leffers I· y y , y y y y ALE COR DON COLLECE OF LIBERAL A TS , , ,, y y Suzanne Louise Lindsay Timothy Andrew Wiley Larasha M. Jones-Tayree Edward Quincy Liu Terri D. Wilson Nicole Emma Laicato Kathleen L. Long Liidia Ann Woonen Dawn Tanya Landon CoUeen Masny Fiona B. Wright Ivy Law Marco K. Merrick Rafal Michael Ziak Brian D. Lyons Christopher S. Mihave12 Cary Allen Myers Melissa Lea Mackiewicz ~L\' I LR OF ')( If"( r Lonny J. Matesky y y y , , , , y y y y y ~ Alice Haralson Nworah Emily Anzalone Ventura McLee Shelley Pi trer Allene V Archer Michele Lynn Moore Kathryn T. Prause Cathy Deborah Ayers Sam D. Nelson UB lacrosse team Ralph Reckley Faith Bozdogan Cosmas Ezemonye Nwagbara formed . Trustees Patricia Yolanda Reyes Baca Linda A. Bothe Adiaha Onyemaechie Courtney Racquel Rhodes Krisry Busija Pamela Ann Patey Jean M. Rose Jasmina Navin Chitalia Traci F. Peragi ne Christopher Ryan Kevin James Davis, Jr. Matthew Pietrowski Yossakrai Saithong Heather E. Defibaugh Andrew MacNamara Pons Londa Scon-Forte Jeremy Ryan Downs Teresa Mary Recla Powell Pritesh Shah Danielle MicheUe Eure Sherrell Devon Queen Karen A. Spencer Barbara J. Fisher Susan Ramsundar William Srifler Jonathan Wesley FuUer Elinor Grace Robinson Karen J. Srroud Priscilla C. Giles Joseph Banks Sembly, 11 Michael K. Swaby-Rowe Grant A. Guyer Melissa Gauthier Sidebotron Kelly Taylor Cathy Linda Harville Nikki Michelle Snook Sherira Amani Thomas Kendra Hagen Hawk Christine E. Thornton Denise A. Vansant Brenda E. Holley SCOIt L. West Susan Augsburger Velli Tamika Ann Hutchings Barbara Anne Waybright Kelly M. Jehnerr Nikira Shonnete White Niasha Shereese John Sophia R. Jones . ~ IPurr C~RTIIH HI' Lynn Seah 1929 purchased 840 N. Howard St.the former Baltimore School of Denti str{. y ,., '( 'f 'f Y Y 'f , Y YALe C ROON COLLECE OF LIBERAL ARTS 'f '( '( y y y y y y y ,. y y , y ~ 1938 Ihuill Ill( Of AI( I ~ Gilda Jadell Graham-Jones Kimberly Nichols' Tori Nicole Ballanrine Pamela Lee Harris Daniel Njinimbor Parricia D. Bond William L. Harris Murar Cern Nuri Daprena Boyd Helen M. Harcherr Carla Marie Oriuwa Gayle A. Boyle Brian Parrick Hayden, Jr.' Madonna Helen Parenrt Kennerh Brayboy Jernira Romaine Hines Terence Michael Phillips Krisry M. Brooks Michelle A. Hoffmann Arland Presron Shannon Diane Brown Laverne Johnson Vernee Larvelle Ragin Luke Burgess Sandra Vanessa Jones Chase Chariry Reid Edward K. Burnerret Paula D. Johnson Carl Aaron Rowenst The University of Brian Cimaglia Sage Corissa Johnson Maheshwara Sinnappu Baltimore selected as Rebecca Marie Collier' Joyce Elizaberh Jones James Andre Smirh one of the first colleges .Alexis Bakrim Coray, JII Judirh Marie Keppent Jeffrey S. Smirh to oHer Civilian Pilot Training Kirsren Nicole Corhern' Monica Lynn Koski Michael J. Srelmack Andrew Crisp' Mason Gilmore Lee Janine M. Swkoly* Jocelyn M. Crockerr Elyse Hope Levy Kelli D. Washington Roberr Norman Danielst Lisa Linron Louis Warers, Jr. Brandon N . Edwards' Donna M. Lynas' Michele S. Wells Dionne Monique Ferrell Srephen C. Mandes, III Anronina Crockerr Whirrle John Paul Fix' William Allen Marcello Carherine Aileen Wilkerson Diane C. F1inr ' Jason M. McClain' Clarerre A. Williams Thomas Frey Julie Mercedes Molina Suzanne Danerre Woodring Bobeck Van Galoubandi Darren Moore Pernice Pearl Gerer Emily Morris' BAt HUUI( ()!. SUfNCl James Page Givanst Richard J. Mulderick Robert Anthony Beneden:o, Sr.t Jason M. Goldsrein Keirh Murphy"" Michael Benham Sheryl A. Graham Rukshinda Nagariat Deana Marie Bernardelli , Cum Lawk t Magna Cum Laude t Summa Cum Lawk y y y y ., y YALE COI\DON CC LLECE OF LIBERAL AI\TS Nedra Nicolle Beulah Vincent Fullard DaVina Dawn Morgan' Kathryn Bishopt William A. Fulrz' Colleen Marie O'Connell Karen BlackslOne Nancy Lee Fisher Gerickt Stephen Tokunbo Oyinloye Paul John Blaskowskit Christie Gilmore AJicia Peak' David Lee Bowingst Maresa L. Gold' Jennifer Perry Andrea LaTonya Brown Eric Joseph Gonzalez Darlene L. Price' Lee Bryant' Michael Brandon Green Stella Prodilaylo Nellie E. Buder-Grinage Linda L. Gregory Michelle Pyecha Benjamin Paul Chaillou' Adam Daniel Greivellt Jennifer C. Radert Matthew Stevens Chand.ler Brian P. Hanlont Matthew W. Rager Sandra B. Clay Lisa Marie Herold' Charles Ronald Rutter, Jr. Melissa Cohen Ernestine Holley Kimberly Sannert Ian Cole Deborah Jackson Denise L. Smith David J. Cookson Lloyd B. Jameson Melissa R. Smith Lisa Ann Crider Wanda Jones-Hall Folami Olumuyiwa Sofowora Mina Marie Davis' Shweta Karnik' Lawrence R. Suthert Felicia DeWatson Cathy M. Kreitzer Jennifer Lynn Taylor Shirley DiPasqualet Diane Lawder Paul A. Taylor Verlene D. Dixon' Charrise M. Lomax Arthea M. Thompson Herbert Timothy Dolinka' Christine Loseman Calvin Lurenzia Tribbit Yvette Michelle Dudok Kevin Ludwig' Tammy Lynn Tyson Dina Durandetro Anita J. Martin Rivka M. Volosovt Swan Egerton, III Susan Fernella Maynard Patrick Ryan Wagner Joseph Facchina Tanisha Diane McCullough Dionne M. Wainwright-Powell KaTen]. Finnegant Susan M. McDonald' Greogry T. Walc7..a kt Angela Catalina Florea Denice Michelle Mclean Natalie Wall Katherine Fogler-Payert Carolyn McNamara Jason Lanlonr Walsh' Amber L. French' Michael Joseph Milan Samuel Williams' • Cum Laude t Magna Cum Laude t Summa Cum Laude y y y y y y y y y ,., y .,y y y y y y ., ~ 1947 Baltimore Athletic Club at 1420 N. Charles St. was added to the campus. y y y y y • 1 Y Y [\08EI\.T I . ME[\RICK SCHOOL OF BUS!NESS T Y '( Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y .,Y .,Y Y Y ,.. , Y '1965 . h~ J I R Of B lISI~1 ~\ A[l M1NI~ 11l\ I I<IN Melissa Lynn Fannin Nicholas Ernesr Kosmas Karen Joy Ferguson Crysral C. Lassirer Adiodun Ademola Dave B. Ferraro Tamyka Lawrence Nutifafa Yaa Agundu Carolyn Beatrice Gales Phyllis L. Love Shirley Anderson-AJexis Amy M. George Megan K. Lusby Traci Archibald Susanne L. Gigliotti Timothy M. Macek Marina Azariah Arthur D. Glass, II William Thomas Mars Thomas N. Biddison, III Melkia Lynita Green Mary Massey Marthew ]. Blake Keith Greenaway Rodney Kent McKinney Kwaku Boampong Andre Marrin Gregorian James W. Miller Traci-Anne Boyle Patrick Kevin Guerin Pedro Molreni Richard A. Braam Andrew Phillip Hess Timothy I. Moorehead, Jr. Cory Dale Brewsrer Wendy Hildebrand Linda J. Moshkelgosha Cynthia V. Brown Siroj Hudsadinpaisan Anupa Mukhopadhyay First graduating class David Wayne Byrd Lori Beth Hyder Deborah A. Myers of the School of Ashley D. Cannon Dean Iacovetti Elizabeth Muthoni Ndiriru Mark James Capriani Can Jderman Michelle L. Niemczyk Winawar ChanthachaJOonpong Michael Richard Jablonover Karen Obekci AJlison Leigh Chrest Liberal Arts , Michael B. Jackson Ephraim Ohana Michael Lee Cohee Jacquena Lavon Jacobs Nestor Pan Robin R. Collins Minho Jo Josh ua H. Parish Douglas N. Craig Michael Patrick Keane Amir Parel Valerie Amelia Day Sarah M. Khaki Gillian B. Pommerehn Pamela S. Deem-Hergan Ehsan Ullah Khan John RafaJides Krysral A. Donald Jaimie K. Kornreich Pallav Raval Melissa A. Eakle Riaz R. Kosi AJafia C. Rawlins Marc T. Ehrhardr Philip Koski Kenneth J. Robell Dona Faber y y 'f 'f Y Y Y ROBERT C . MER.RICK SLHOOL OF BLlS!NE:S 'f Y Y Y Y SCO([ M. Rooney ;\j{,,[ :-'T1NIA. lIya Rovinskiy \L\'\TEI\\ tll HU\INLSS Ch risty L. Russ Con nie Leslie Sal tsman Althea Elaine Saunders-Ranniar Yaakov M. Schnur David Schuur Shirlene Shears Karen Patrice Simmons Rhonda j. Smith-Simmons Calistraros Stafiiaros Nedra Stewarr Brian Joseph Sturm Chantal B. Suter John C. Taylor, III Cern Timurkan Kevin Traynor Tanya R. Turner Stacy Anne Volovar Brian C. Wallace Jamon Brandon Wiggs L. Russell WiUiams Levonia Y. Williams Tara Amanda Williams Ronald L. Wilson, Jr. Stacey Lynn Winkelspechr All.\IINI\' RAlillN Marcelo Gabriel Alvarez Saez Claudio Anibal Bavio AlbertO Big/ieri Jorge Parricio Fernando Calvo Horacio David Casabe Leonardo Gustavo Clemente Al beno Lu is Desseigner Silvia Graciela Escudero Omar Gabriel Franchignoni Albeno Roque Morrongiello y Nesror Raul Pan or Oscar Manuel Pascal y 'f Ana Maria Peluso Omar Quiroga Adrian Pablo Manuel Riva ., y ,... Y Y Y 1970 Fernando Jose Luis Rumiano President H. Mebane Diego Hugo Saiovici Turner presides over Omar Alfredo SzuJa!< his first commencement. Pedro Bautista Toma Marfa Fernanda Vazquez Alberro Veiras Javier Esteban Vicuna Maria Fernanda Guatri Jorge Delfor Zuviria Marcelo Yasky ,\( "\ I R' If SCI ~CL Luis Mario Helfenstein Gregory R. And erson Alejandro Daniel Kuruc Robert Nii-AIdey Ankrah Justina D. Apaw Francisco Lavolpe Jerry Eugene Beard Farth Bozdogan Daniel Hugo L6pez Jong Cheol Byun Ahmer YaVllZ Marfa Vicroria Lorences Roberr SI. John Campbell Pimwadee Chaovalir Romana Zdenek Diego Alejandro Moiea Sansanee Ch iraph ira!< Javier Esreban Vicuna '1 Y Maria Cristina Ruiz Marcela Bearriz Lepore Chad Wollenweber y or or Ricardo Jose Maria PahJen Horacio Alberto Gegunde Camilo Gabriel Guerrero or or or UB students protest Vietnam War. y y y y y y y f Y Y f f ROBERT C . MERRI ~K S~HOOL OF BUSINESS T Y Y Faith Dereli f Y Y Theodore K Dzodwmenyo Katherine Jolliff Abraham * Ann DiFana Kimberly Jane Everhart Evelina Finkler Mofoluwasho Adewale Adeleye Jared Bradley Draper Bader t{. AJ-Fahad Nathan Kyle Dunahoo Donald Robert Gertz Kenneth Appel Jennifer A. Duncan" Faith Michelle Aoonson Cecilia Emmanuel* Dee Babb* Daniel Farfan l l Y ~ 1983 The Poe statue is moved from Wyman Park and installed on the Gordon Plaza. 13A"IEIOR 01 Chad Komke Tina M. Le Esther W. Maina Srephanie Anne Myers Tonmoy Navare Sirma Nurku Holly Anne Peron 51 II ~("F Felicia DeQatson Ursula C. Baksh Diana L. Fenex Rachel S. Banks John Gary Fillmore' Ronald Lee Barrier. Jr. Debora Flores-Narvaez Ronald Baumgen. Jr. James D. Fox Priscilla S. Premanand Barbara A. Beck Michael J. Freund Pichan Tanranaseekun Michael AJlan Beckner Adam K. Gardner* Sireenuch Tengamnuay Ch risri ne A. Ti ncher Jennifer Bendermeyer Serpil Genc Rivka Biert Linda M. Gibbons Kimberly Torres Kevin Brinson Brian K. Gibson" John Kiziro Tyaba Kelvin A. Butler Neelam Goel Jonathan W. Walls Chrisropher Brenr Wiley Roberr M. Williams M. AJper Yildirim Nellie E. Buder-Grinage Kevin Joseph Goecrt Marcus T. Carson Selene M. Gorrell Beijing Yu C~RIIH'\H lsTH H~Ul'lI . \ "M~lfRI L~I ,/.All' IN Raymond F. Frederick. Jr. , Cum Laude Konsrantin Chudnovskiy Lisa S. Gray Handy* Nicholas Cirri Robert James Hannon" Jayda Theresa Clark Gregory t{are AJejandro B. Cummings Dionne Harris Chianti Matues Davist William t{artley Sandra M. Davis Kendra Hagem Hawk Richard M. Deming Sereniry Jean Henderson* Felicia DeWarson Jennifer J. Henning* Bridget Ann DeVoe Andrew Hoffmant t Magna Cum Laude *Summa Cum Laude y ,, y V ,Y '( y R.OBER.T C . MER.RICK SCHOOL OF BLiSINESS Sherri L. Horton' David A. Morton Makadi Senga Zunaira Iqbal' Stephanie Ann Mosst Srefanie Robin Shaffert Toni Anene Jackson ' Anita E. Narutowiczt Melissa S. ShiAett Lysua Hearher James* Aimee Neyman-Spagnolot Tiruwork L. Shurte Brian Matthew Kelly Aimee Melissa Neyman Amy Lynn Sikorski Nico las C. Kief' Sophie Wanjiru Njoroge Charles William Smith, IV' Lucas Kimani Charlene Michelle O 'Connell Kieu-Nhan Hoang Smith Agnes W. Kiragu Lydell S. Owens Sevilay Soylu V Y Y , Y Y '{ Lisa J. Kolb Shannon Lee Patterson Nancy Suchowki' Silvia Kusa* Monika Pawlak Elizabeth Anne Teipe* Analiza C. Labador' Oluwayemisi Pecku Amy Lynne Thackston' Marir Alm Laksaa AJejand ro Perez Andrew L. H. Thompson Rebecca E. Lapointet Sheila M. Perron et Evander Toney, Jr. Jacquelyn]. Laster Mary Carherine Pinto Mirella Valer Kimberly Ann LePoret Michael Allen Poremski William David Reese Ka th leen An ne Levett' Yvonda S. Price Brandon K. Lindner Anthon)' R. Raley, If Amy Lynn Wallace Vandenberge Ch risti ne Loseman Carlita Kim Redd Lisa Ann Watson' Leola Chaunce Marsh Paul William Richardson Rai Anne Watts' Avon Martin Aimee Yvette Ringgold Douglas M. Weber' Kristin Noelle Masters Ann Patrice C. Rinkert Jessica Robin Weisman Kathleen Patricia McAllorum' Jamie M. Roberta Jennifer B. White Trakisha S. McNeil Johnny A. Rolf, Jr. Daniel L. Wilderson , IIIt James M. McNicholas, Jr.t Michael J. Rossi Elizabeth Anne-Marie Wildt" Susan Millert Ann Marie Rowlq i' Daren L. WiUiams Maria Luisa Mirarchi Stephanie Lenee Scheper Laura J. Willi ams Rawle Mohip Andrew T. Schneider' Michelle Wirrig t Juana Montford-Chapman Shawn Michael Schoenet Tina Marie Wynegar' Alvin E. Moore Mellisa M. Schryer' Arooj Zafar • Cum Laude t Magna Cum Laude . t Summa Cum Laude Y Y '( Y ~ 1996 The Thumel Business Center was named after William H. Thumel. the fa ther of a UB graduate. y y y y y y y y y y . ~ The Universiey is affiliated with national honor societies in the followi ng fields: HONOR SOCIETIES Jennifer J. Henning 1'1 SI( ~H Al PI L\ Rober! A, Benedetto Andrew Hoffman Jonarnan Wesley Fuller Paul John Blaskowski Mary Catherine Pinto Mason Gilmore Lee Keirn Murphy .\11'11 \ t .HI Roben Daniels Paul William Richardson Valerie Amelia Day Bl' \ Shirley A. DiPasquale Valerie Amelia Day 1"1 CHI Karen J. Finnegan Raymond F. Frederick, J r. Emily Anzalone L \\11'\ Graduate business, liberal artS and law William A. Fulrz HI I I -\II 'H I p" Accounting \J "'1~ , :111 Any discipline -\1 Pil. t'1'~11 \) . R I (,,01.\1\\ SIC"t~ Business disciplines K ,1" 1 I' Marketing \1, 1'1 .\lP!I\Th,r His!Ory PI ,\[1': 1\;\1 rH,\ Public administration PI ~I'""I \ AII'H,\ Government and public policy John T. Vance, IV Toni Anette Jackson Krisey Busija Stephanie Ann Moss Cathy Linda Harville Linda M. Gibbons Ann Patrice C. Rinker Brian Patrick Hayden, Jr. Kevin Joseph Goerz Nancy Suchowski Paula D, Johnson Brian P. Hanlon Michelle Wittig Jennifer J. Henning j 1l K~I'Pi\ TAl r Rukshinda Nagaria Traci F. Peragine Matthew Pietrowski Kelly M. Jehnen John Gary Fillmore Judirn M. Keppen Brian C. Wallace Teresa Mary Recla Powell Tara Amanda Williams Susan Ramsundar Kimberly Ann lePore Stephanie A. Moss Susan Miller Anita Evelyn Narurowicz PHI Au'IiA TH~ IA SIC;~IA Denise A. Vansant Richard A. Braam PHI AI.I'HA THI:.IA Susan Ramsundar Ursula C. Baksh ~I('\l\ 101\ Ep~lJ\l , Sharon L Wardrope Management Daniel L Wilderson, III 51(,," I \I Michelle Wittig Gregory T. Walczalk Liidia A, Wooten David J. Cookson William A, Fultz Sereniey Jean Henderson Jernita Romaine Hines Lystra Heather James Hanju Lee Richard J. Mulderick I:IL L AUII.\ P~I Terence Michael Philips Mofoluwasho Adewale Adeleye Ann Patrice C. Rinker Felicia DeWatson Kevin Joseph Goerz Clarette A. Williams Richard J. Mulderick Madonna Helen Parent Sheila M, Perrone Ann Patrice C. Rinker English SIC ,\1'; Nancy L Gerick hi (III Psychology 01' . ' l,'\\I~L\ II lIA EI"" or- David Wayne Bird Valerie Ameila Day Melissa Lynn Fannin Keith Greenaway Michael R, Jablonover Rodney K. Mckinney Jaimie K. Kornreich Megan K. Lusby Linda J. Moshkelgosha Alafla C. Rawlins Ann Patrice C. Rinker Michael J. Stelmack Cern Timorkan Michelle Wittig PI AI J'I-I.... A.IPHA Romana Zdenek Bridged M. Burke y y y y y y y y y y ~ 2002 Commencement is the special occasion that HONOR.:, DESIGNATION provides public recognition of academic Undergraduate swdents are awarded degrees summa summa cum laude, magna cum laude or cum laude based on their cumulative grade pOIn t average. achievement of swdents. The diploma is an official document certifying the completion of curricula required for an academic degree. CANDIDATIS FO~ OECKEES At mis commencement, degrees are conferred on persons who completed requirements during me Spring 2002 term. This listing of graduates and honors recipients is tentative, however, because it is not possible to determine, at me time me program is printed, whemer each person listed actually has completed me degree The official transcript of the University of Baltimore, issued directly from me Registrar's Office, is testimony to the possession of a degree. Pre sident Turner"s robe bear s the color s of th e Uni ver si ty wh ich Summa Cum Laude- with greatest praise, he has presi de d signifies graduation with highest honors, i.e., 3.90 grade point average. over for 32 ye ars. The traditi onal maroon is trim me d Magna Cum Laude-with great praise, with gold . and the signifies graduation with high honors, i.e. , 3.75 grade point average. black velvet trim signifies hi s te rminal Cum Laude-with praise, signifies graduation with honors, i.e., 3.50 grade point average. THE PR OMI 'E 'L E (IF TI iE MACE The mace, carried by me senior marshal to lead me ceremonial procession, is a symbol of aumority. The University of Baltimore mace is 42 inches tall, crafted ofsilver and wood, and bears me seal of the University. degree.
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