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Technical University of Kosice Faculty of Metallurgy Department of Non - Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment Organize on the Occasion of 60. Anniversary of the Technical University of Kosice 6. International Conference Kammel´s Quo Vadis Hydrometallurgy 6 1st Circular and Call for Papers v ov a s p ra co M o Z Co n Al AuMg Ag Cu IC E KO S ko ch UN IV O F Katedra ne žel e 60 ý zn ERSIT Y HF TU v Košiciach dpadov ie o A NIC TECH L F META LL n va FAC U O TY GY UR L 04. - 07. June 2012 Herlany, Kosice Slovak Republic Introduction T h e 6 t h i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o n f e r e n c e K a m m e l ’s Q U O VA D I S HYDROMETALLURGY (QVH6) is organized on 04. – 07. June 2012 on the occasion of 60. anniversary of Technical University of Košice. The main objective of the conference will be the exchange of scientific and technical information in the field of applied hydrometallurgic methods for extraction of metals and in the application of new technologies in primary and secondary raw materials treatment. Information concerning accommodation and conference program will follow in the second circular. Venue Kosice (European Capital of Culture 2013) is the second largest city in the Slovak Republic with a high concentration of industrial activities and human potential. It is located in the eastern part of Slovakia, near the borders with Hungary (20 km), Ukraine (80 km) and Poland (90 km). It is a short distance from the High Tatras (110 km), Slovakia's highest mountains, and the Spis Castle (70 km), the largest medieval castle in Europe. Other historical and natural monuments in Kosice's proximity include the Krasna Horka Castle (70 km), the Betliar Chateau (80 km), and the Jasov Cave (40 km). Nearby there are two historic towns Bardejov (77 km) a Levoča (90 km), which are UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kosice's convenient location made it an important stop along the trade routes in the past and even in the present day Kosice is a key economic and travel hub, with the Kosice International Airport and railroad connecting the city with the rest of the world. The conference will take place in Herlany, 28 km from Kosice, famous for its cold water geyser, one out of 4 in the world, which shoots water to a height of some 20 meters. Conference Scope Conference will focus on theoretical and practical aspects of hydrometallurgical processes of primary and secondary raw materials treatment as well as solution purifying, electrolysis etc. A special focus will be placed on environmental aspects and innovative trends in metallurgical processes. Topics will include l Fundamental aspects: theory of hydrometallurgical processes, thermodynamics and kinetics aspects of leaching, precipitations of metals from solutions, sorption and desorption processes, biohydrometallurgy, cementation, electrolysis, etc. l Technology: energy production and energy saving, new processes, intensification processes, pilot plant technology and process technologies, process equipment, etc. l Waste treatment using hydrometallurgical methods: reducing the amount of industrial production wastes and their transformation into non-hazardous form, efficient waste re-use, environmental aspects, legal aspects, etc. l Modeling and simulation: process control, databases, process identification Conference Program Along with the scientific session and oral presentation also panel, poster and commercial presentations will be included. Program will include visits to interesting sights and places in Slovakia. Contributions and Proceedings The contributions to the conference will be presented as short oral presentations, poster presentations or exhibits. Please, submit a hard copy of your presentation along with illustrations and tables. Contributions should not exceed 8 pages A4 (210 x 297 mm) for regular paper and max. 2 pages for poster presentation. The final text should be supplied electronically or on CD/DVD/USB media. All contributions will be edited in a unified format and upon review they will be published in conference proccedings. For Slovak/English paper guidelines, please refer to Commercial presentations by companies in the field and companies supplying apparatuses and research equipment will be part of the program. There will also be an offer of technical literature. Registration Applicants can register electronically, using the application form available at For additional information, please contact one of the contact persons listed below. Milestone Dates Preliminary registration: 2nd Circular: Paper submission due: Conference dates: 29. 02. 2012 16. 03. 2012 20. 04. 2012 (early registration) 04. – 07.06. 2012 (late registration) Fees Conference fees will be published in 2nd circular. Contact Tomas Havlik, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic tel.: ++421 55 602 2428, fax.: ++421 55 602 2428 e-mail: [email protected] Andrea Miskufova, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic tel.: ++421 55 602 2400, fax.: ++421 55 602 2428 e-mail: [email protected] Dusan Orac, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic tel.: ++421 55 602 2412, fax.: ++421 55 602 2428 e-mail: [email protected] František Kukurugya, Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Metallurgy, Department of Non-Ferrous Metals and Waste Treatment Letna 9, 042 00 Kosice, Slovak Republic tel.: ++421 55 602 2412, fax.: ++421 55 602 2428 e-mail: [email protected] PLEASE, PASS THIS INFORMATION ON TO ANYONE WHO MIGHT BE INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN Kammel's QVH6 CONFERENCE.
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