Great places to see Thousands of Birds


Great places to see Thousands of Birds
Great places to see
of Birds
A guide to some of the UK’s great reserves for bird flocks
Protecting Wildlife for the Future
Cover: Mixed duck flock (c) Zsuzsanna Bird
Great places to see...
of Birds
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Before you go
Flocking birds are highly mobile and don’t always turn up
when you hope. To see what’s about, contact the reserve
manager via the relevant Wildlife Trust website.
• Disabled access and local public transport: check
with the local Wildlife Trust via
• Wider public transport: Google maps and
• National cycle routes:
South Walney (c) Cumbria WT
South Walney
Cumbria Wildlife Trust
Brownsea Island
Dorset Wildlife Trust
Open via boat from Sandbanks and Poole Apr-Oct. You could see up to
10,000 wading birds close-up. The largest single avocet flock in Britain was
recorded here, and in autumn there are regularly up to 2,500 black-tailed
godwits, plus curlew, grey plover, dunlin and oystercatcher. National Trust
landing charges may apply - see for details.
Where is it? Poole harbour 1/2 mile SE of town centre. Grid ref: SZ 032 878.
Golden plover (c) Herts & Middlesex WT
View from Thurrock hide (c) Northumberland WT
Southern tip of a shingle island at the end of the Furness Peninsula. Gull
colonies in spring, plus breeding oystercatcher, shelduck, eider. Big
numbers of migrant wheatear, redstart, willow warbler and goldcrest. In
winter, huge numbers of waders and wildfowl.
Where is it? Signed from Barrow; follow road past Biggar to South End
Caravan Site. Buses from Barrow to Biggar. Grid ref: SD 225 620.
Thurrock Thameside Nature Park
Essex Wildlife Trust
Opened in 2012, this huge, state-of-the-art park has a spectacular hide
looking down onto Mucking Flats, used by thousands of dunlin and knot in
autumn and winter. Also present in large numbers are other waders, ducks
and gulls including bar-tailed godwit, teal, gadwall, pintail and avocet.
Where is it? Trains from London and Southend to Stanford-le-Hope (a mile’s
walk). Buses from Southend and Grays. Grid ref: TQ 687 810.
8 16 18
21 15
Avocets (c) Monique Vanstone
Autumn and winter are the best times of year to witness
one of the UK’s most breath-taking wildilfe spectacles the gathering of thousands of birds into winter flocks.
Waterfowl and wader species in particular form huge
gatherings at favoured sites, often around the coast.
Estuaries, mudflats and some inland wetlands provide the
perfect over-wintering habitat, and many species migrate
to our shores to seek out productive sediment in which to
probe for invertebrate prey.
Here we recommend just a handful of Wildlife Trust
nature reserves which host large numbers of flocking
birds. For more information about the reserves listed here,
Tring Reservoirs
Herts and Middlesex Wildlife Trust
These four spring-fed reservoirs have some of the best birdwatching in
southern England: flocks of lapwing, golden plover, goldeneye, wigeon,
shoveler, tufted duck, goosander, gadwall and pintail in autumn and winter.
Where is it? Near Tring, off B489 Lower Icknield Way. Parking at Wilstone
Reservoir (grid ref: SP 904 134) and Startop’s End Reservoir (grid ref: SP 918
140). Postcode HP23 4PA.
Starlings (c) Andrew Mason
Wader flock (c) Lincs WT
Gibraltar Point
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust
Northumberland Wildlife Trust
One of four Druridge Bay reserves (including Cresswell Foreshore and Pond,
Druridge Pools, and Hauxley – all great for birds). Wigeon, teal, greylag and
pink-footed geese over-winter in large numbers, as can 6000-8000 starlings.
A great place to watch them gathering in their winter flocks.
Where is it? Red Row, Druridge Bay. Take lane by Red Row turning. Grid ref:
NZ 270 990.
Smew (c) Stefan Johansson
Starling murmuration (c) Phil Selby
The wader flocks here are one of the wonders of the natural world. Pushed
off their feeding and roosting grounds during the highest tides of the year up
to 100,000 knot, dunlin, oystercatcher and sanderling congregate in vast
whirling patterns. There are thousands of migrants and winter seabirds too.
Where is it? 3 miles south of Skegness (follow brown tourist signs). Grid ref:
TF 556 581.
East Chevington
Rye Harbour
Sussex Wildlife Trust
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Wetland wonderland linked by ancient hedges, woods and meadows.
Fantastic aerial displays of starlings around 4pm Dec-Mar as they gather to
roost. Watch near the Heronry Hide. Large redwing and fieldfare flocks, plus
teal, goosander, red crested pochard and gadwall.
Where is it? From Cricklade A419, L on B4696 to Somerford Keynes.
Entrance on left after crossroads. Grid ref: SU 008 938.
Lackford Lakes (c) Suffolk WT
Pink-footed goose (c) Dave Appleton
Shingle, saltmarsh, sand dunes, rivers, pits, grazing marsh, reedbeds and
farmland make this one of the most important conservation sites on the
Sussex coast. Always good for birds - 279 species have been recorded here.
Large winter flocks of ducks gather here, including smew, and waders.
Where is it? A mile SE of Rye, off A259. Hourly trains to Rye, 312 bus to Rye
Harbour. Postcode TN31 7TU. Grid ref: TQ 942 189.
Lower Moor Farm
Montrose Basin
Scottish Wildlife Trust
Tidal basin with mud, fresh and salt water, saltmarsh, reedbed and
grassland. Pink-footed geese peak in November at 20,000-40,000. There are
also about 2000 overwintering redshank and eider, 3000 wigeon, 4000
oystercatcher and perhaps even more knot.
Where is it? 30 miles N of Dundee on the A92. Regular trains from
Edinburgh and Glasgow, bus from Aberdeen. Grid ref: NO 669 591.
Lackford Lakes
Suffolk Wildlife Trust
A former gravel pit complex by the river Lark with meadows, woodland,
reedbeds and streams. Superb for wildfowl in both winter and summer,
Lackford attracts tufted duck, teal, pochard, gadwall, shoveler and
goosander. The large winter gull roost can number 28,000.
Where is it? Off A1101 at Lackford, 5 miles NW of Bury St Edmunds.
Postcode IP28 6HX. Grid ref: TL 800 706.
Wheldrake Ings (c) Carol Warren
Teal (c) Amy Lewis
Radnorshire Wildlife Trust
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
Winter floods attract tens of thousands of wigeon, teal, pintail and mallard,
plus Icelandic whooper swans. Large flocks of greylag geese often hold
pink-footed and white-fronted geese and the occasional bean goose. Hordes
of golden plover and lapwing make an awe-inspiring spectacle when they
are buzzed by a hunting peregrine.
Where is it? 8 miles south-east of York. Grid ref: SE 694 444.
Dawlish Warren (c) Simon Williams
Blashford Lakes (c) Hants & IOW WT
A bird hide overlooking an old ox-bow of the River Wye which floods in
winter. It is home to the largest wigeon roost in Powys and also a good
place for teal. Species also likely to seen are common sandpiper, redshank,
oystercatcher, little egret, tufted duck and mallard.
Where is it? Approx 4 miles E of Llyswen off the B4350. Reserve entrance is
below the road on the right, towards the river. Grid ref: SO 165 391.
Wheldrake Ings
Dawlish Warren
Devon Wildlife Trust
Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust
A series of former gravel pits surrounded by grassland and woodland. The
lakes attract large numbers of wildfowl during the winter: gadwall can
number over 900 and there is a roost of up to 65 goosander each evening.
Herons, including little egret and in recent years great white egret are
regular with bittern in some winters, kingfishers are present year round.
Where is it? 2 miles N of Ringwood on the A338. Grid ref: SU 151 083.
Shoveler (c) Amy Lewis
Pochard (c) Tom Marshall
A long spit of sand which curves like a huge question mark across the mouth
of the River Exe towards Exmouth on the opposite bank. An arrival and
departure point for countless migrant birds including dunlin, ringed plover,
curlew and black-tailed godwit amongst many others. As the sea rises the
birds edge closer to the hide giving the visitor good close views.
Where is it? East of Dawlish (postcode EX8 1ER). Grid ref: SX 981 787.
Blashford Lakes
Langford Lakes
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
Birds visiting on migration include waders, terns, and osprey which can
occasionally be seen in early autumn. Winter is the best time to experience
the wildfowl spectacle - many ducks, including tufted duck, pochard,
gadwall and great crested grebe use the lakes as wintering grounds. As
winter advances shoveler and wigeon add to the growing ranks of species.
Where is it? Off the A36 Salisbury to Warminster road. Grid ref: SU 037 370.
Stocker’s Lake
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
A large lake in the Colne Valley which attracts huge numbers of wintering
wildfowl including spectacular mandarin ducks as well as shoveler, smew,
gadwall, pochard, wigeon and gadwall.
Where is it? Off A412 in Rickmansworth, turn right at Mill End into
Springwell Lane, over bridge, car park on left. Tube: Rickmansworth
Metropolitan Line 10 minute walk. Postcode: WD3 1NB. Grid ref: TQ 049 939.
Lapwings (c) Tim Hill
Coot (c) David Longshaw
Radnorshire Wildlife Trust
Herts & Middlesex Wildlife Trust
This reserve is internationally important on account of the numbers of water
birds that visit. In winter there are huge numbers of gadwall and shoveler
and also tufted duck, pochard, teal and little grebe. Look out for flocks of
Where is it? Off B181 towards St Margaret’s and Stanstead Abbotts. Turn
left up Amwell Lane on entering St Margaret’s. Grid ref: TL 376 127.
Spurn (c) David Nichols
Wigan Flashes (c) Lancs WT
From the thatched roof bird hide large flocks of coot can be viewed in winter.
There have been occasional sightings of great northern diver and bittern,
but more likely sightings are large numbers of tufted duck and goosander as
well as rarer birds like gadwall and goldeneye.
Where is it? The gate to the reserve is situated N of the B4594 Erwood to
Painscastle road. Grid ref: SO 116 466.
Wigan Flashes
The Wildlife Trust for Lancs, Manchester & N Merseyside
Yorkshire Wildlife Trust
A curving spit of land which stretches for three-and-a-half miles across the
mouth of the River Humber. Large numbers of wintering and passage
waders and wildfowl, plus the likelihood of rarities. Great for autumn and
spring migration spectacles - in one day 22,000 swallows were recorded and
the following day recorders logged 7000 house martins!
Where is it? 25 miles south-east of Hull. Grid ref: TA 410 159.
Pintail (c) Dave Appleton
Whimbrel (c) Stefan Johansson
The Flashes (lakes) are a legacy of Wigan’s industrial past and were formed
as a result of mining subsidence. Over 200 species of bird have been
recorded here. Visit for overwintering grey heron, tufted duck, coot,
pochard, goldeneye, gadwall and great crested grebe.
Where is it? Just south of Wigan off Poolstock Lane (B5238). Grid ref: SD 585
Catcott Complex
Somerset Wildlife Trust
A great reserve for watching wintering waterfowl and waders. Directly in
front of the main hide, internationally important numbers of ducks ­including
wigeon, pintail, shoveler and teal ­rub up against each other on the flooded
fields while waders such as lapwing and snipe pick their way around the
drier land. Also watch for Bewick’s swans, golden plover and whimbrel.
Where is it? 1 mile N of the village of Catcott. Grid ref: ST 400 424.
Oare Marshes
Kent Wildlife Trust
Grazing marsh with freshwater dykes, open water ‘scrapes’, seawall and
saltmarsh. An important site for migratory, over-wintering and breeding
wetland birds. Amongst the breeding species found here are avocet,
redshank, snipe and common tern. Migratory species seen here include
sandpiper and whimbrel.
Where is it? NW of Faversham on the N coast. Grid ref: TR 013 647.
Golden plover at Cley marshes (c) Anna Guthrie
Les Etacs and Ortac (c) Alderney WT
Les Etacs and Ortac
Alderney Wildlife Trust
Norfolk Wildlife Trust
Cley Marshes was purchased in 1926, making it the first Wildlife Trust
reserve in the country. It is one of the best in Europe for birdwatching with
many rare visitors. The shingle beach, saline lagoons, grazing marsh and
reed bed support large numbers of wintering and migrating wildfowl and
waders, as well as bittern, marsh harrier and bearded tit.
Where is it? North Norfolk coast on the A149. Grid ref: TG 054 440.
Isle of Muck (c) Ulster WT
Marsh harrier (c) Mali Halls
Alderney is a haven for seabirds as well as a hotspot for migrating birds in
spring and autumn. The spectacular Les Etacs and Ortac rocks support
more than 2% of the world’s northern gannet population. These colonies
are some of the most southerly found within the gannet’s range, with over
7,000 breeding pairs recorded.
Where is it? 250 metres from Alderney’s western tip. Grid ref: WA 540 060.
Cley Marshes
Isle of Muck
Ulster Wildlife Trust
This impressive island nature reserve, off Islandmagee in Co. Antrim,
contains the third largest colony of cliff-nesting seabirds in Northern Ireland.
Kittiwake, guillemot, fulmar and razorbill all breed here in large numbers and
there’s a chance of spotting puffin, peregrine, otter and cetaceans on a visit.
Where is it? Just off the coast from Portmuck (boat required). Open at all
times but access by permission only, contact Ulster WT. Grid ref: D 464 024.
Hickling Broad
Norfolk Wildlife Trust
From October to March the raptor roost at Hickling Broad provides excellent
views of raptors as they fly in to roost. You can see hundreds of marsh
harriers – a birds which remains rarer than golden eagles as a British
breeding species - hen harriers, merlin and barn owl. It is also possibly the
best place in Britain to view wild common cranes.
Where is it? 4km south of Stalham off the A149. Grid ref: TG 428 222.