Why an Annual Fund? - Saints Peter and Paul School


Why an Annual Fund? - Saints Peter and Paul School
No, this is not a reference to any Biblical passage or a departure time from
O’Hare. Rather, it is the time our school day would end if the only way we
could pay our bills was with what we collected in tuition. No afternoon
classes! No sports program! No extra-curricular offerings!
The actual per pupil cost this year is $6,533 although tuition for one child
is set at $4,400. This provides only 59% of the revenue in our $3.5 million
budget. How can we afford to keep our doors open?
For over 160 years the parish has viewed the school as an important
ministry and this year will provide $545,221 in subsidy. The parents’
fundraising efforts, such as the Auction, generates an additional $130,000
in revenue. Finally, earnings on our endowments, as well as Advancement Board fundraising such as the Annual Fund Appeal, help us to
further close the gap by accounting for an additional $551,349.
Won’t you support our Annual Fund Drive and help fund the quality,
Catholic education our children are receiving?
For more information, please contact Frank Glowaty Advancement Director
5 No. Brainard St. • Naperville, IL 60540 • (630) 718-2134
The actual cost to educate one student
is $6,533, but through generous parish
support, earnings from our
endowments, and fundraising efforts,
the tuition charged for one student is
Tuition – 59% or $3,854
Parish Subsidy – 15% or $980
Endowment Earnings – 11% or $720
$4,400. Tuition is further reduced for
families that need assistance to give
their children a Catholic Education
Advancement Fundraising – 4% or $261
Home & School Fundraising – 4% or $261
through the Tuition Assistance
Fees and Other – 7% or $457
Through the endowments and fundraising, the Advancement Board contributes approximately 15% to the school’s $3.5 million annual budget. These
endowments allow Saints Peter and Paul School to pay our teachers a little more, make our tuition a little less, and replace our infrastructure a little faster than
other catholic schools.
How our Endowments Continue to Grow
The Annual Fund
The first $65,000 from school
families is applied to the operational
budget. Contributions from
non-school families go to the Frank
Glowaty Teachers’ Endowment.
Golf Outing
Net proceeds from this event, as well as endowed
scholarships, provide financial aid with surplus golf
funds added to the Tuition Assistance Endowment.
The Frank
Glowaty Teacher’s
The Tuition
Capital Gains from a strong Stock Market
Helps our endowments grow which allows for market gains
and earnings to be re-invested in all of our endowments.
The Capital
The Annual Fund
Proceeds are contributed to the corpus of
our Capital Improvement Endowment.
In addition to supporting either the Teachers' or Tuition Assistance Endowments, donors
have the option of having their tax-deductible donations be applied to our Capital
Improvement Endowment which addresses the needs of our aging facilities.
201 E. Franklin Ave. • Naperville, Illinois 60540 • 630.355.0113 • Fax 630.355.9803 • www.sspeterandpaulschool.com
❏ I will make our pledge by check in the amount of $ _____________. (Payable to Saints Peter & Paul School)
❏ Please record my pledge of $ _____________________ (Total)
Please choose the gift level that works
best for you. Every dollar helps.
Lay Apostles ($10,000 or above)
Key and Sword Sponsor ($7,500-$9,999)
Pastor’s Partners ($5,000-$7,499)
Fr. Zuker Guild ($3,000-$4,999)
Founder’s Circle ($1,853-$2,999)
Msgr. Stenger Society ($1,000-$1,852)
Peter and Paul Club ($500-$999)
Steeple Patron ($250-$499)
Blue & Gold Giver ($25-$249)
Payable as follows: _____ Monthly _____ Over Six Months _____ 3 Equal Payments (Every Other Month For Six Months)
I will make our investment by automatic withdrawal. I authorize Saints Peter & Paul School to withdraw
the amount indicated from the bank account or charge the credit card account indicated below:
1. Bank Account (Please attach a voided check to this form.)
Your gift is
tax deductible
to the extent
provided by law.
2. Credit/Debit Card ❏ Visa ❏ MasterCard ❏ Discover ❏ American Express
Card Number: ______________________________________________ Exp. Date: _________________ CVV#: ____________
Signature: _________________________________________________ Date:
(Pledge offerings will be withdrawn on the date indicated. Notify the parish office if you need to make a change.)
❏ My employer and/or spouse’s employer has a matching gift program. Company Name ___________________________________
❏ I (we) would like this gift to go to: _____ Teachers’ Endowment _____ Tuition Assistance Endowment _____ Annual Fund Goals
_____ Capital Improvement Endowment _____ Other
Maiden Name (if alumna) __________________________________________ E-mail Address ______________________________
Saints Peter and Paul Advancement Office
5 N. Brainard
Naperville, IL 60540