CrossStitch 2016 Special Co ® HALLOWE ® 2017 MEDIA KIT M AGA ZI N E PROF I L E Just CrossStitch delivers an eclectic mix of designs for serious needle-art hobbyists, whether they are longtime, advanced stitchers or newcomers attracted by popular embroidery social media. Don’t be fooled by the title, as our designs intermingle traditional cross stitch with popular embroidery genres like Hardanger and blackwork . Just CrossStitch is a unique resource for stitchers of all experience levels who want artistically crafted patterns from world-class designers, whether the projects are historic reproduction samplers or whimsical Halloween ornaments. In continuous production since 1983, Just CrossStitch has a loyal following who look no further than Just CrossStitch for their cross-stitch inspiration. Each issue includes Where to Find It information, providing a list of retailers who carry products used in each issue. Favorite Finds product reviews feature new items as well as “diamonds in the rough” that might be long-existing but new and interesting to our readers. Circulation: 75,000 ® R E A D E R P RO F I L E AC T I V E 68% have been cross stitching for over 30 years 80% spend 20 hours or more cross stitching weekly PA S S I O N AT E 76% will spend as much as or more than they did last year on supplies 70% spent over $100 last year on supplies E N G AG E D RESPONSIVE Skill level is equally distributed between Intermediate, Advanced and Experienced 68% have visited a website as a result of advertisements 70% hang on to their copies of Just CrossStitch for 10 or more years 54% have made a purchase as a result of seeing an advertisement ® EDI T OR I A L CA L EN DA R * J A N UA R Y / F E B R UA R Y 2017 I S S U E M AY / J U N E 2017 Submissions deadline: May 2, 2016 Submissions deadline: October 25, 2016 Projects due: July 13, 2016 Projects due: November 21, 2016 “Cold days, warm hearts” sums up the theme of the January/February issue of Just CrossStitch. We have children playing in the snow, a snowy farm scene, a delightful winter fairy, plus hearts and flowers for Valentine’s Day. “Health and happiness” is the theme for the May/June issue of Just CrossStitch. Vegetable and flower gardens, butterflies and birds, plus mermaids floating on cool blue waters will be some of the design ideas. We will include a modern sampler with words from yoga and meditation. With celebrations such as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, graduations and June weddings, readers will need plenty of gifts to stitch. Our dominant color is white with gold, pink, red and blue. Project materials include DMC floss, Weeks Dye Works floss, Appleton Crewel Wool, Mill Hill beads, DMC light effects floss, Kreinik threads, coasters, jewelry hardware and sequins. Projects include a reproduction of a historic sampler, framed pieces, a pillow, a friendship bracelet and pendant. All issues include The Christmas Stitch, an ornament to keep stitchers’ Christmas spirit up all year. This issue introduces a series of seasonal blocks, home decor items that are customized for each month. Our dominant color is yellow with blue, orange and other bright colors. Product materials include DMC and Weeks Dye Works floss, Appleton Crewel Wool, premade bookmarks, breadcloths/napkins and fingertip towels. Projects include a reproduction of a historic sampler, a modern sampler, framed pieces, coasters, trays and magnets. This issue continues the series of seasonal blocks, home decor items that are customized for each month, plus the Christmas Stitch ornament. We are looking for coloring book–inspired designs. M A R C H / A P R I L 201 7 J U LY / AU G U S T 2017 Submissions deadline: July 1, 2016 Submission deadline: October 24, 2016 Projects due: September 16, 2016 Projects due: January 17, 2017 “Youth and rebirth” is the focus of the March/April issue of Just CrossStitch. Cross stitchers love to stitch for holidays, and in this issue we have St. Patrick’s Day and Easter covered. Although we love rabbits and hares, we don’t shy away from a more reserved, spiritual focus on Easter. Rainbows, unicorns, birds and flowers are among the designs for this issue. “Animal friends” is the theme of the July/August issue of Just CrossStitch, which includes the much-anticipated Christmas Ornament Preview. Paw prints and other animal motifs will be present in projects with “pet parents” in mind. Summer vacation and the Fourth of July will be represented in crossstitch projects. We will also have a sampler with emojis to coincide with the movie Emoji being released in August. Our dominant color is bright green, complemented by yellow, pink and other pastels. Project materials will include DMC six-strand floss and pearl cotton, Weeks Dye Works floss, Appleton Crewel Wool, Classic Colorworks floss and scallop bordered premade bookmarks from Wichelt Imports. Our dominant color will be blue, with red and white not far behind. Other colors will be Christmas green and gold. Project materials will include varieties of floss, shimmery threads, beads, buttons, bells and bows. Premade items such as tote bags, bookmarks and towels will be included. Projects include a reproduction of a historic sampler, framed pieces, bookmarks, a serving tray, a towel border and our Christmas Stitch ornament. This issue continues the series of seasonal blocks, home decor items that are customized for each month. In addition to Christmas ornaments, projects will include the first installment of a new reproduction sampler, framed wall art and home decor designs. This issue continues the series of seasonal blocks, home decor items that are customized for each month and the Christmas Stitch ornament. ® EDI T OR I A L CA L EN DA R * S E P T E M B E R / O C TO B E R 2017 N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2017 Submission deadline: January 4, 2017 Submissions deadline: March 20, 2017 Projects due: March 20, 2017 Projects due: May 22, 2017 “A frightful and fun forest” is the theme for the September/ October issue of Just CrossStitch. Halloween witches and ghosts will fill the pages, and woodland creatures such as squirrels, foxes and chipmunks will join the spooky owls and black cats. We will include a Harry Potter–inspired castle (not infringing on copyrights). “Happy, healthy holidays” is the theme for the November/ December 2017 issue of Just CrossStitch. Apples, snowmen in jogging suits, mistletoe, Christmas trees and Santas will fill the pages. Purple beets, white cauliflower and green lettuce will spill from a modern cornucopia. Our dominant color is black, and we will have jewel tones of burgundy, gold and green, plus metallic. Product materials will include varieties of floss, metallic embellishments, beads and buttons. Premade items such as bookmarks will be included. Projects will include Halloween decorations, ornaments, framed wall art, pillows and jewelry. We will continue our reproduction sampler series, the seasonal blocks series and the Christmas Stitch ornament. Our dominant color for this issue is red. Subordinate colors are purple, gold, green and metallics. Project materials will include DMC floss, shimmery threads, sequins, bells, buttons, bows and other embellishments. Projects will include ornaments, framed pieces, samplers and small gifts such as jewelry and towels. This issue concludes the sampler reproduction series. We will also have the final installment of the seasonal blocks home decor series. Designer Contact: [email protected] PRINT SCHEDULE Issue Ad Close Date Materials Due Date Mail Date Newsstand Date February 2017 10/18/16 10/25/16 12/06/16 12/27/16 April 2017 12/20/16 12/27/16 02/07/17 02/28/17 June 2017 02/21/17 02/28/17 04/11/17 05/02/17 August 2017 04/18/17 04/25/17 06/06/17 06/27/17 Halloween 2017 05/16/17 05/23/17 07/04/17 07/25/17 October 2017 06/20/17 06/27/17 08/08/17 08/29/17 Ornament 2017 07/11/17 07/18/17 08/29/17 09/19/17 December 2017 08/22/17 08/29/17 10/10/17 10/31/17 February 2018 10/17/17 10/24/17 12/05/17 12/26/17 *Editorial calendar is subject to change without notice. ® DIGITAL PRESENCE J U S T - C R O S S S T I TC H . CO M J U S T C R O S S S T I TC H U P D AT E • 105,000 monthly page views • 85,000 subscribers • Offers a Stitch Guide, Featured Patterns and Favorite Finds • Delivered every three weeks • Home to our online community where cross stitchers find inspiration and ideas! • Reach cross stitchers with a skyscraper, leaderboard or content block ad units D E D I C AT E D E M A I L B L A S T S • Get response by sending your marketing message to our 85,000+ subscribers. SOCIAL MEDIA • Facebook: 12,000 fans and growing! • Pinterest: 42,000+ followers ® SPECI F ICAT IONS 1/6 Page Vert. 1/3 Page Horizontal 1/3 Page Vertical Full Page 1/12 Page 1/2 Page Vert. 1/4 Page Vert. ONLINE 1/4 Page Horizontal 1/6 Page Horizontal Unit Leaderboards Wide Skyscraper Medium Rectangle Newsletter Content Block 1/3 Page Vertical 2/3 Page Horizontal Size (Pixels) 728 x 90 160 x 600 300 x 250 500 x 400 Submitting Materials Materials can be submitted via Mediabank. For login information, contact: Alexia Fox Advertising Coordinator (260) 849-4860 [email protected] 1/2 Page Horizontal 1/3 Page Square Full Page Trim 8" x 10¾" Bleed 8¼" x 11" Live 7" x 9¾" One-Third Page Vertical 2¼" x 9½" Horizontal 7" x 31⁄8" Square 45⁄8" x 45⁄8" Two-Thirds Page Vertical 45⁄8" x 9½" Horizontal 7" x 6¼" One-Half Page Vertical 3½" x 9½" Horizontal 7" x 45⁄8" One-Fourth Page Vertical 3½" x 45⁄8" Horizontal 45⁄8" x 3½" One-Sixth Page Vertical 2¼" x 45⁄8" Horizontal 45⁄8" x 2¼" One-Twelfth Page Square 2¼" x 2¼" Shop.Web Listings Single 21/8" x 3/4" Double 21/8" x 15/8" Electronic Media Annie’s operates on a Mac platform. Files must include ALL original files, images (linked, placed or supporting EPS files) and fonts. Fonts All fonts used are to be supplied or converted to outlines. Images Supply high-resolution images (300 dpi or better). Photoshop files, PDFs, .TIFF, JPEG or EPS files are accepted. (Annie’s does not accept responsibility for the quality of low resolution files.) Colors All colors must be CMYK. Spot or Pantone colors will be converted to CMYK. Black needs to be 100% black. Questions? contact: Alexia Fox Advertising Coordinator (260) 849-4860 [email protected] ® 23 DESIGNS + NORA CORBETT FEATURE! 20 COLOR-POPPING PATTERNS TO STITCH! 28 PROJECTS FOR RELAXING & RECHARGING CrossStitch CrossStitch CrossStitch ® America’s Premier Cross-Stitch Magazine APRIL 2016 Fanciful, Fresh & Elegant! Spark Your Spring Imagination! ® America’s Premier Cross-Stitch Magazine JUNE 2016 ® America’s Premier Cross-Stitch Magazine Travel With Your Needle Floral FRENZY AUGUST 2016 Annual Christmas Ornament Preview Historical Feature Victorian Paper Celebrate! • Wedding Sampler • Gift Box for Mom • Coasters for Dad Poppy Hummingbird page 12 page 20 Flamingo page 20 page 20 Flamingo page 20 page 12 Hummingbird Poppy • Coasters for Dad • Gift Box for Mom • Wedding Sampler Celebrate! CONTACTFloral INFORMATION Your Needle Victorian Paper Feature Historical Spring Imagination! Spark Your FRENZY Travel With E X E C U T I V E E D I TO R & Elegant! Fanciful, Fresh Preview Ornament Christmas Annual CrossStitch CrossStitch CrossStitch A D V E R T I S I N G D I R E C TO R America’s Premier Cross-Stitch Magazine APRIL 2016 America’s Premier Cross-Stitch Magazine JUNE 2016 America’s Premier Cross-Stitch Magazine AUGUST 2016 Michelle Thorpe Tanya Fox (260) 849-4508 (260) 849-4230 23 DESIGNS + NORA CORBETT FEATURE! 20 COLOR-POPPING PATTERNS TO STITCH! 28 PROJECTS FOR RELAXING & RECHARGING [email protected] [email protected] ® ® A D V E R T I S I N G ACCO U N T M A N AG E R E D I TO R Molly Beals (260) 849-4509 [email protected] Lillian Anderson (260) 849-4894 [email protected] A D V E R T I S I N G CO O R D I N ATO R M A N AG I N G E D I TO R Alexia Fox (260) 849-4860 [email protected] Brooke Smith (260) 849-4900 [email protected] ® ®