The Cle-Tracks [1957]
The Cle-Tracks [1957]
5^. g /j MM- '^"'^ YfCL^J^ ^ >d,3^t^~>^ CLE-TRACKS OF 1957 Published by THE SENIOR CLASS of CLEVELAND HIGH SCHOOL CLAYTON, NORTH CAROLINA Assistant Editor Glenn Walton Business Manager Glenwood Stephenson CLE-TRACKS STAFF TO OUR PARENTS Because of the faith, understanding, and sincerity that you us; because you have sacrificed so much to keep us have given in school for twelve years so that and most of all for your love, Hundred and Fifty Cle-Tracks, to you. we we might better ourselves; the Senior Class of Nineteen Seven proudly dedicate our annual, The FACULTY Reams Commercial Mrs. Frances Mr. Gattis Horton Mrs. Lois Fisher Agriculture English Mrs. Helen Gulley Mr. Thomas Benton Mrs. Merdyth Lane French Science Home Economics Barbara Ann Barbour Glee Club Douglas 3; F. H. A. Club Senior Play 3; 4. Ellis Braswell F.F.A. 1,2,3,4; Baseball 2.3. Peggy Joyce Braswell 4-H Club 1,2; F.H.A. 3,4; Librarian Play 2; Senior 3. Joseph Wade Buffkin Four Oaks 1,2; Coats 1.2; Football 3; 3; F.F.A. 1,2; Glee Club Bus Driver 4; Senior Play 4. Glenda Faye Byrd 4-H Club 1,2,3,4; F.H.A. Club 3,4. Librarian 1; Glee Club 3. 4; Eugene Neil Coats F.F.A. 1,2,3,4. Sarah LaVette Cooke Basketball; Junior Play 3; Glee Club 2. 3, 4; Monogram Club ident 3; Librarian 1.2, Editor of Cle-Tracks 3; F.H.A. Club 3,4; F.H.A. Club President Marshal 4; 4; Monogram Club Vice-Pres4-H Club 1.2.3; 4-H Club President 3; 3, 4; 3; Junior Class Treasurer Monogram Club Reporter 4; 3; 3. 4; Superlative Senior Play 4. Jackie Faye Dawson Zeb Vance Glee Club 4; 1,2; 1, 2; Basketball 1; Cheerleader Needham Broughton Senior Play 4. 3; 2; Superlative Robert Earl Dupree F.F. A. 1.2,3,4; Junior Play 3; Bus Driver 3; Superlative 4; Senior Play 4. Cora Alene Francis 4-H Club 4-H Club Secretary & Treasurer; 1,2, 4; Glee Club Driver 4; Cheerleader 2, 3; Monogram Club 3; Librarian 3; Bus 3, 4; Glenn Forrest Johnson F. F. A. 1. 2, 3, 4; (J. V. ) Basketball 3; Basketball 4; Bus Driver 4. Sarah Evone Johnson 4-H Club 1. Shirley Marie Johnson 4-H Club 1; F. H. A. 3; Marshal 3; Junior Play 3; Class Vice-President 3; Librarian 4; Historian 4; History Medal 3; Mathematics Medal 3. Lois Jean Johnson 4-H Club F. 1. 2; Basketball 1, 3; Monogram Club 3; H. A. Club 3; Class Secretary 3; Class Treas- urer 4; Superlative 4; Echoes Staff 3; Chief Mar- shal 3. Frankey Roberts Jones F.F, A. 1,2,3,4; Superlative 4. Alice Jean Jones 4-H Club 3; F. H. A, Club 3. Senior Play 4. Dorsey Vann King Substitute Bus Driver; Senior Play 4. Ann King 4-H Club 1,2; F.H. A. Club Patricia Superlative Secretary 4; 3; F. F. A. 3; Bus Driver 3, 4; Sweetheart 3.4; Office Editor of Echoes 4. Norman Franklin Lane Fuquay High School 1,2.3; F.F. A. 1,2,3.4; Bus Driver 3; Baseball 3; Basketball 4; Superlative 4. Betty Gail Langdon Librarian 4-H Club F. H, 3; A. 3, Monogram Club 4-H Health Queen 3; Glee Club Basketball 1,2,3; 1.3; 4; 3; 4; Bus Driver 4, Judy Ann Langdon 4-H Club Reporter 4; 4-H Club 1,2,4; F.H. A. Cheerleader 2.3,4; Glee Club 1, 3; Office Secretary 3. Club 3; Rosa Lou Lee Glee Club Officer 2.3,4; Basketball 4; 4-H Club 1. 2; Glee Club 1, Monogram Club 3,4; 2.3,4; Monogram Club Secretary 3, 4; F.H. A. Club 3, 4; F.H. A. Club Secretary 3,4; Marshal 3; Junior Play Play 3; 4; Librarian 2; Class Officer 3,4; Halloween Queen Senior 4. Ada Joan McElveen Cheerleader 3,4; 4-H Club 1,2; Monogram Club 3, 4; Glee Club Marshal 3; Chief Cheerleader Zula Faye Junior Play 3; Superlative 4; Librarian 2,3; Office Secretary 3, 3; 4; 4. McGee Glee Club 1,3,4; Assistant 4; 4-H Club 1,3,4; Glee Club 4-H Club Song Leader 3; 4-H Club County Council Officer; Junior Play Club 3. 3; F. H. A. Doris Marie 4-H Club Mims FHA Club 1, 2; 3 Margie Lee Parker Lorna Louise Peedin Smithfield 1,2; Science Club FHA Club 2; Junior 1; Class Play Secretary 2; 3. Clennis Josephine Smith 4-H Club 1; FHA 3. 4; FHA Treasurer 3, 4; Librarian 2; Senior Play 4. John Harold Stephenson Monogram Treasurer 4; Baseball Basketball 3; 4-H Club 1.2; J. Score Keeper 2, 3; Monogram Club 3,4; Bus Basketball 4; 1,2, 3, 4; V. Drive 3,4; Superlative 4; Senior Play Doris Mae Coat 1, 2; 4. Stephenson FHA Club 2; Librarian 1, 2. Glenwood Stephenson FFA 1,2, 3,4; Baseball 2, 3,4; Basketball 3,4; f^alph Class President 3; Junior Play 3; Monogram Club 3; Superlative 4; Manager of Cle -Tracks; Echos Staff 3,4. Carlie Judd Stephenson 4-H Club 1; President 4; FFA 1.2,3,4; Superlative FFA Reporter. 4; Class Hilda Ruth Walton Basketball 1,2,3,4; Superlative Bus Driver 3,4; Club Reporter Co-Captain Glen Ellis 4; Monogram Club 4; Glee Club 3,4; 4-H Club 1,2,4; Librarian 2,3; 4-H Officer 4; Senior Play 4. 3; Walton Baseball 1,2,3,4; Basketball 2,3,4; Junior Play 4; 3; Monogram Club May Glee Club Wiggins 3. 4; F. Junior Play H. A. Club 3, 4; Superlative 4; 3. Larry Neil Williams Bus Driver 3,4; 4-H Club 1,2. Carolyn Marie Williams Glee Club 2,3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3,4; Co -Captain 3,4; 4-H Club 1,2,3; Librarian 1, 2, 3; F.H.A. Club 3, 4; F, H. A. Vice-President 3, 4; Monogram Club 3,4; Monogram Club Treasurer 3; Superlative 4; Monogram Program Chairman 4; Senior Play 4; Assistant Editor of Echoes 4. Marvin Yates Williams FFA 1,2.3,4. FFA 1.2,3; 3,4; Superlative Assistant Editor of Cle -Tracks; Echoes Staff 3; Senior Play 4. Judith 3; Monogram Junior Play. MASCOTS: Winfred Craig Ennis Rhonda Christine Ennis CLASS HISTORY We the Senior Class of 1957. began making when history in the fall of 1945, a large number of excited Cleveland. Our elementary school days were and somewhat confused first graders began their education here at As the years sped by, we eagerly awaited highlighted by picnics, parties, and a few short educational trips. the day we would enter high school. out our anticipated day arrived. Sixty-seven of us awkwardly searched routine, school high to ourselves adjust homerooms and attempted to figure out our schedule. It took time to Woodlief, we freshmen soon felt a part of but under the guidance of all the teachers and our principal, Mr. Glee Club, and F. F. A. activihigh school. Several members of our class began to participate in 4-H Club. In the fall of 1953. much that Jean Johnson. Betty Gayle Langdon, and Carolyn Williams baseball team also. were placed on the basketball team. Johnny Stephenson and Glen Walton made the that we became sophomores. By the fall of 1954, we felt that we were really advancing, for it was then Mother and Daughter Tea. That year the Home Economics girls gave a fashion show which was followed by a We were especially proud of the members of our class who won recognition in this event. Glenwood basketball teams included Lou Lee and Glen Walton. Douglas Braswell and ties. Hilda Walton. That year. New La Vette Cooke. additions to the Judy Langdon was the only Stephenson were placed on the baseball team. member become of our class to a cheerleader that year. reentered school the nfext fall as Juniors, When we not returned. the But in his place, we welcomed advancement of our school. The Monogram Club and the F. H. a new we were disappointed principal. Mr. to learn that Walker, who, we felt, A. Club were organized during our Junior year. Mr. Woodlief had would do much A large for number of became members of these two clubs. That year Glenwood Stephenson was placed on the basketball additions team and Norman Lane was placed on the baseball team. Alene Francis and Joan McElveen were new our class to the cheerleading team. which was excited and thrilled over the presentation of our Junior play, "A Poor Married Man", Braswell, Walton, Peggy Glen McElveen, Joan composed of was our play cast of directed by Mrs. Gulley. The Williams. Marvin and Johnson, Peedin, Shirley Lorna Dupree, Robert Glenwood Stephenson, We were Thenightof our Junior-Senior Banquet will be long remembered. It was held March 16, 1956 in the high results of school cafeteria and was followed by a prom in our new gymnasium. We were very pleased with the the banquet and prom. Mrs. Boyette was sponsor for this memorable occasion. by presenting an arch of baseball bats for the seniors "Play Ball". The marshals were Jean Johnson, entitled night play their class with to march under in keeping We were happy to take part in class night exercises chief marshal, Shirley Johnson. La Vette Cooke, Joan McElveen, and Lou Lee. That year three juniors distinguished themselves in the following ways: Patricia King was chosen F. F. A. Sweetheart of the Cleveland Chapter; Lou Lee won honorable mention as an outstanding guard in basketball; and Shirley Johnson was awarded a history medal and a mathematics medal. On September 6. 1956. the day we had been awaiting for eleven years had arrived. At last we were Seniors! Added to we had the thrill of being seniors, were very lucky indeed. Along the way, we had lost as Mrs. Fisher as our homeroom teacher. We we now down felt that well as gained a few students. Our class was to thirty -seven. Wewillnotreadily forget the thrill of receiving our class rings, of choosing our superlatives and mascots, We are eagerly looking forward to many more important staff. and of electing our class officers and annual events to follow. After graduation, grateful to everyone We the Senior Class of 1957. who has helped in any way to as a group, make shall try to prove ourselves worthy of the sacrifices that citizens of our community and will stop making history. We shall always be our education here at Cleveland High School possible. have been made for us by striving to our country. Shirley Johnson Historian become good AND TESTAMENT LAST WILL We, the graduating class of 1957, realizing that the close of our school days is near at hand, think wise to bequeath some of our choice characteristics to those who in the future, will undertake to it our fill places. We men, have acquired knowledge and experience that will help would be handicapped especially the Juniors, them dispose of us through our lives. Since the underclass- took all our valuable assets with us, we wish to as follows; SECTION Article we if I I To our teachers and we principal, express our appreciation for then: understanding and long-suffering during our four years of high school. Article II To the Article Juniors, we leaveour senior homeroom, thesenior dignity and To the Sophomores, we bequeath our places and beside the radiators. in the halls IV Article To the freshman girls, the Senior girls leave four years of untiring effort to get passing grades and have time still for socializing. SECTION Article the thrillof being "a Senior" III II I Their personal gifts and assets the Seniors dispose of as follows: 1. Clennis Smith leaves her sparkling brown eyes 2. Doris Stephenson to anyone who can use them as effectively as she. black and white saddle oxfords to Katie Bowling leaves her beloved to use when Katie wears out her loafers. becoming engaged Judith Wiggins leaves the thrill of 3. Stacy Byrd and Gayle Bailey, who need only a to little push. 4. Joseph Buffkin leaves his brass and ever ready 5. Alene Francis leaves her long fingernails 6. Doris 7. Larry Williams leaves Mims comments Mitchell Price. to Shirley Ogburn. to leaves her politeness and friendliness to Hilda Langdon. some of his shortness to Harold Clifton so Harold won't be easily spotted by Mr. Walker next year. Marvin Williams and Dorsey King leave 8. if he needs 9. their ability to sleep in class to Atlee Roberts who always looks as it. Hilda Walton leaves her extra pounds Edith Gray Byrd, so Edith won't be whisked to away when March winds blow. Norman Lane leaves 10. his attractive Glenwood Stephenson leaves James can solve them. 11. 12. see masculine voice LaVette Cooke leaves her position it as Jacob Parrish. to problems with all his his girl friends to Editor of Cle -Tracks to James Coats, with the hope that anyone who has the ability and nerves to through. 13. Pat King leaves her superlative 14. Lou Lee leaves her boundless energy 15. Alice Jones leaves her quietness "Most Beautiful" Myra Langley. to A. Johnson. to B. class to Larry Barbour in order to assure in some measure of peace for the teachers. 16. Jackie Dawson leaves her pony-tail hairdo to Barbara Sherill. 17. Franky Jones leaves his babyish voice to Kirby Coats. 18. Glenda Byrd leaves her headaches in 19. Evone Johnson leaves her dimples to General Business to all who take the course. Sue Beasley. 20. Jean McElveen leaves her efficiency as office assistant 21. Jean Johnson leaves her height to Judy Stephenson so Judy won't have to look up to H. 22. Judy Langdon leaves her prompt answers in Economics to Marshall Dupree. 23. Betty Gayle Langdon leaves her ability to keep her boy friend to Lois Jane Messer. 24. Glen Walton leaves 25. Douglas Braswell leaves Glen Johnson leaves 27. Johnny Stephenson leaves his L. may need them. smile and pleasantness to Weldon Byrd. nickname "Goose" to Glen his bookkeeping knowledge 26. William Love. Millard Barbour who his driver's license to his to Clifton. to Ronald and Donald Johnson to help them through theu- senior year. McGee leaves her precise manner to Neta Stephenson. 28. Faye 29. Gene Coats leaves 30. Shirley Johnson leaves her studiousness to Chester Honeycutt so he can remain on the ball team. 31. Peggy Braswell leaves her 32. Barbara Barbour leaves her dark eyebrows to John Yelvington and 33. Robert Dupree leaves his acting ability 34. Carolyn Williams leaves her position his blushes to Jo Ann fair Eakes to add to JoAnn's already lovely ones. complexion to as to Genevieve Langdon. anyone who can take Leamon Canady. his place in the future plays. co -captain of the basketball team to anyone who can take her place. "Most Handsome" to Stanley Whitley. Wee" appearance to Ann King. 35. Judd Stephenson leaves his superlative 36. Lorna Peedin leaves her In "Pee wimess whereof we do set our seal on this the 28th day of May 1957. Alene Francis Hilda Walton Testators MOST ATTRACTIVE Pat King Judd Stephenson CUTEST Jackie Dawson Frankey Jones MOST ATHLETIC Carolyn Williams MOST POPULAR Joan McElveen Glenwood Stephenson Johnny Stephenson I Margie Adams Earl Adams Gail Bailey Millard Barbour Larry Barbour Marie Beasley Sue Beasley Katie Bowling Cronin Byrd Stacy Byrd Weldon Byrd Edith Byrd Leamon Canady Harold Clifton Glen Clifton James Coats Kirby Coats Marshall Dupree Jo Ann Eakes Leamon Holland Ervin Allen Delores Clifton Susie Hawks Janice Austin Peggy Coats Janice Honeycutt \/'' ' Glenn Blalock Betty Cooke Barbara Johnson Tommy Boone John Cooke Amos Johnson Charles Buffkin Janice Dupree Rachel Johnson Geraldine King Sue Marcom Carolyn Stephenson Jean Langdon Elizabeth Lamm Mavis McGee Jean Stephenson Billy McGee Roscoe Langdon Faye Matthews Jean Matthews JoAnn Ogburn Sandra Ogburn Rexford Phillips Linda Stephenson Lloyd Stephenson Thomas Utley Kay Baker Donald Beasley Gladys Bowling Patricia Braswell Hilda Byrd Reece Byrd Shepard Byrd, Audrey Coats Johnny Coats Gerald Coats Janies Coats Ruby Canady May Dawson Wilbur Eubanks Glenn Gardner Ronnie Hargis Brenda Hunt Betty Sue Johnson Sue Johnson Mary Lou Johnson Sherrill Johnson Nelson Jones Melba Joyce Jones Margaret King Larry Lane Joan Langdon Clara Faye Langdon Lottie Bell Jr. Langdon Phil King Carol Sue Langdon Faye Le Neave Alfred Carolyn Messer Donald Mims Jo Carolyn Parrlsh Betty Faye Peedln Bobbie Pleasant Mack Shirley Price McGee Pollard Anne Ogburn Lynwood Stancil Barilla Sue Roberts Bennie Roberts Dewey Sanders Paul Sandy Jimmie Stephenson Douglas Stephenson Lanny Stephenson Emily Faye Stephenson Shelvia Stephenson Alfred Taylor, Carol Thigpen Sherrill Jr. Williams Mary Alice Windham SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS CUSTODIAN • L. J. Wilson Creech's King, Jr. Feeds Groceries SHELL OIL AND GAS Full Meals Diner 6 GENERAL GROCERIES Located Miles East of Angler Angler OIL North Carolina COMPANY HOMEMADE SYRUP Old Drug Store You Will Receive QUICK AND COURTEOUS SERVICE Shoes, Hats, Dry Goods Hardware & Groceries Four Oaks Route North Carolina Garner A. Johnson B enson, Diamonds Jewelry North Carolina Engraving Repairing E. 1 N. C B & S Masonry Co. . Watches Silverware You Get The Best Here Gulleys Store WE CLOTHE AND SHOE ALL KINDS OF MASONRY WORK BRICK, STONE, BLOCKS AND TILES CONTACT CARLTON STEPHENSON AND GEARLD BENSON ROUTE 1 THE FAMILY Phone 251-1 Clayton North Carolina ANGIER NORTH CAROLINA s Medlin Tractor S Implement Co. Minneapolis -Moline Tractors & Equipment Tractors Moldboard Plows Disc Plows Uni»Farmer Harvesters Husker Mounted Huskers Forager Sheller s Windrower s Bale-O-Matic "R*!L J. PYlVil p ^ LU L <^ iTii ^L 1 r* G \^ O ri T* \J ^ G O Harrows Planters Cultivators Fertilizer Attachments 3-Point Hitch Tools Spreaders • B enson Phone 2516 Farmers Hardware Smithfield, North Carolina Hood Bros. Drug Store W. D. Hood--H. C. Hood Prescription Service With The Priceless Ingredient. Congratulations And Best Wishes To All The High School. J. E. Wilson Willow Springs Insurance Agency Fire, Automobile, Casualty and Hail Insurance Surety Bonds Night Phone 5203 Phone Varina 5202 Willow Springs, North Carolina COMPLIMENTS S Sons Fancy Groceries Leco Feeds Jewel Box V.C. and Royster Fertilizer Farm Machinery Telephone 238-1 Benson, North Carolina Smithfield, North Carolina DRESS Farmer Friends Thort on PRICES Flat Top R egular ilHAIRCUTg . . Hot Dogs 75 65 Barbecue Barbershop Prices Hamburgers Four Oaks, North Carolina Clayton Supply Company, Farm Supplies : : Inc Groceries Armour's Fertilizers Wayne Feed's Westinghouse Appliances Sherwin-Williams Paints Phone 241-1 Clayton, North Carolina Food Center Lassiter's Tommy's Grill Fine Meats Truck Lane and Smithfield, North Carolina Short Orders Groceries Sandwiches Ice Cream Soft Drinks Milk Shakes Clayton, North Carolina Curb Service Fuquay Always the Finest Furniture Company Fuquay, North Carolina The Home of Fine Furniture Dandee Bread and Cakes ALWAYS FRESHEST Smithfield N. C p. Johnson S Sons B. Faye's Building Materials General Farm Sandwich Co. Supplies Eat Faye's Sandwiches Telephone 224-1 Phone 2693 Benson North Carolina Sell Your Hogs Smithfield North Carolina Acme Cleaners at Dry Cleaning and Drying Hog Market Smithfield *Smithfield North Carolina Phone 234-1 Benson North Carolina D AAA BN Battery 130th (AW) (SP) NC P. O. NG Box 3077 Compliments of Forest's Grill Benson, North Carolina Stand By Your Guard It Stands By You Smithfield North Carolina Stephenson A. King's Drive In Groceries HOT DOGS-HAMBURGERS HARDWARE, GAS AND OIL FINE FOODS AUTO SUPPLIES CURB SERVICE FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Highway 15 -A WILLOW SPRINGS South of North Carolina Raleigh North Carolina 417-Wl Phone COMPLIMENTS OF dif Cumberland Dairy North Carolina Smithfield COMPLIMENTS OF Fuquay Motor Company, Ford Inc, Mercury / THE NEW STANDARD OF THE AMERICAN ROAD Phone 28 Fuquay Springs North Carolina Compliments Of 1 Wade Smith - 1 See me H. Stanley Douglas Fertilizers for your fertilizer requirements ^"^^^Oaks North Carolina Compliments Of 1 Compliments Of j Mack's Rite -Way Puquay Royal Clothing North Carolina Maneums Smithfield North Carolina Service Station SOME Jj^^g Laundry on f^m^. and Dry Cleaning Auto Services 1 Varina North Carolina Smithfield North Carolina Compliments 1 of Mack's 5 § 10, 25(t Store 1 Your Friendly Self Service Store F uquay Fuquay ^^^^^ j A Good Home For Member North Carolina F. D. Your Savings I. 1 C. j Fuquay North Carolina | Neta's Children's Gregory's Wear S<t, m, 25<t Store Ladies' R eady-To-Wear North Carolina Benson COMPLIMENTS gf^SSSk North Carolina Smithfield In Woodward J» Grantham's Boys' & General Merchandise Young Men's Hardware Groceries Esso Products Shop North Carolina Smithfield Account With Willow Springs, North Carolina Follow The Crowd To Foreist Drive For The Best In Smithfield We, the below listed members Foods In North Carolina Johnston County Oil Men's Association, work together to better serve you. Bond Oil Company Selma, North Carolina Busy Bee Oil Company Pine Level, North Carolina Clayton Oil Company Clayton, North Carolina Julian V. Dean Oil Company Selma, North Carolina Gardner-Creech Oil Company Smithfield, North Carolina Home Oil Company Smithfield, North Carolina Hooks & Layne Oil Company Smithfield, North Carolina Ideal Oil Company Smithfield, North Carolina Kenly, North Carolina A. G, Lee Oil Company Smithfield, North Carolina A. F. Pope, Gulf Di St. Smithfield, North Carolina Rogmon Oil Company Kenly, North Carolina Etheridge Coal & Oil Company Purol Company, R.A. Smith Smithfield, North Carolina Stancil Oil & Tire Company Selma, North Carolina Taylor Coal & Oil Company Smithfield, North Carolina Watson Hdwe. Co. & Oil Co. Kenly, North Carolina of the s Bank of Four Oaks K S H Texaco Service 24 Hour Wrecker Service Bank Accounts Gas -Oil -Washing -Greasing Minor Auto Repairs Tlfp Rpppnninof Phone 9126 Four Oaks, N. C. Allen Johnson Auto Loans At Low Cost Company Oil Armour's Fertilizer Bank By Mail Florence Mayo With Us Jet Deposits Insured F. D. I. C, A.W. Johnson Benson C. H. Parrish's Grocery Store and Electric Welding Shop F. J. Curers Z. V.Stephenson North Carolina Woodall Benson, North Carolina Shoes and Clothing Route One Benson Parrish Highway 50 North Carolina Service Garage Painting Serving you for 50 years Gw en' Colon Benson's Brick Mason D. L, Gregory's Barber Shop Body Work Creech and Tart Grill ^^^^^^ Benson North Carolina C. R. Langdon's Store COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF Clay Theater T. O. Noles Groceries Air Conditioned The Year Around 385-1 Telephone North Carolina Clayton MEATS GROCERIES INDEPENDENT COMPLIMENTS OF Gas Pittman's Jewelers FEEDS n^rcHES Located at Junction Highway 210 Diamonds -* . Gifts North Carolina Angier North Carolina Clayton COMPLIMENTS OF Mitchell Barber Shop Johnson General Mdse. Robinette Beauty Shop GOOD LUCK Charm Beauty Shop To Each of You Seniors Eakes Grocery Clayton Clayton Sea Food North Carolina COMPLIMENTS OF ^^^^^^^ X^^^^^^^^^^^^ Barbour S Whitley Co. Inc, ^^^^ "Shoes For Hot and Cold Weather" Clayton North Carolina Smithfield Automobile Dealers Smithfield, N. C. Ashworth's Clothing For 1 Wilson Chevrolet Co. A.M. Baggett Chevrolet Cars and Trucks Buie Motors, Inc. W.O. Buie Lincoln-Mercury Gardner Motor Co. Arthur Gardner Dodg e -Plymouth B and R Wilson, Inc. M.B. Wilson Ford Cars and Trucks Pippin Motors, Inc. Men and Boys SHOES FOR THE FAMILY Phone 293 1 Fuquay Springs, North Carolina COMPLIMENTS 1 OF 1 THE FOOD CENTER ^^rina C.C. Pippin Cadillac -Oldsmobile North Carolina 1 Williams Motor Co. N. P. Williams COMPLIMENTS 1 Little's Pontiac, Inc. C.D. Little OF PAYNES DINER ^^^^"^ Pontiac Whitley Auto Sales James Whitley North Carolina Wholesale & Retail Phone 3297 1 Johnson's Drug Store Carolina Sta-Dri Distributors THE STORE OF PERSONAL SERVICE WEDISTRIBUTE STA-DRI PRODUCTS, GLIDDEN PAINTS. & HANNA PAINTS, IpAINT SUPPLIES&BUSATTE PLASTER TRUCK LANE SMITHFIELD. N. C . Fuquay Springs, North CaroUna^^^ ^^^^^5^ Phone i 09 -"''^^ Jordan and Holt, Inc ^ HARDWARE PLUMBING AND HEATING CONTRACTORS Smithfield, North Carolina 1 Congratulations to the graduating class of 1956-1957 from member stores: Barnes Furniture CompanyDenning Furniture Company Home Furniture & Appliance Co. Jones Bros. Furniture Co. Jones Bros. Furniture Co. Miller Furniture Co, Rose & Company Selma Furniture Company Talton, Inc. G. S. Tucker & Company Economy Furniture Company Four Oaks, N. C. Smithfield, N. C. Smithfield, N. C. Pine Level, N. C, Kenly, N, C. Benson, N. C. Benson, N. C. Selma, N.C, Smithfield, N. C. Smithfield, N. C. Selma, N. C. (Honest Dealings In Furniture) Johnston County Furniture Association Mrs. W. O. Rackley Ladies-Betty Smart Shoes Sun Dial Shoes Dealer In Dry Goods, Shoes, and Clothing Benson, N. C. Ideal Oil Company, Inc. Elbert Stephenson, Consignee Talton Drug Store Prescriptions a Speciality Shell Products Highway 210 Route Phone 3371 1 Angier Phone 3886 Hugh Angier, N. C. Benson, N. C. Austin's Whitley Speciality Company For Good Clothes C andies--Drugs--Notions Cigars And Shoes 'A Trial Is All We Ask'' Smithfield, N. C. Smithfield, North Carolina Gums School Supplies Phone 3647 Henry Whitley, Owner \ Medlin S Dorman, Hardware — Groceries \nc. — Feeds — Fertilizers --Cotton Electrical Appliances--Wagons Benson North Carolina Compliments Compliments Of of V Bingham S Parrish Insurance Agency /LOOKINSX Department Store^^ I Auto-Fire-Casualty Benson, North Carolina \ / iUCIIDAMPi: V ? North Carolina Smithfield Shop With Confidence Compliments at Of Leder Brothers Bonner And Wear With Pride Oil The Newest and Most Complete Company Dept. Store Smithfield Benson, North Carolina North Carolina Austin's Feed Store Men and Boy's Work Clothes and Shoes Seeds, Feeds, Insecticides, Hardware, Phone 3341 Four Oaks / Farm Implements, Coal North Carolina -Mi (^^t-^vae. ^^^^ ><S«**^. ,4^ JOHNSTON OOUm HERITAGE CENTER SMITHFIELD, HO