red sunrise
red sunrise
RED SUNRISE Sabino Red Sunrise (AB 86) Herdbook number : NL 371483325 A.I.-code : 36577 Colour : red & white Date of birth : 08-01-2004 Breed : 100% HF Straw colour : mint green aAa code : 156324 Kappa casein : AB C.V.M. : Free BLAD : Free Maternal line : Sabina STADEL 27-01-1994 Stollberg rf DE 15240086 05-06-1987 DE 5543976 Doublette 01-01-1989 ALTA SABINA 1 Lightning RF 28-08-2001 NL 295347495 2.03 343d 10200 kg 4.00% 3.54% Ext.: 87 88 86 VG 87 06-12-1995 DE 15106572 NL 170475222 Sabina 17 15-11-1997 NL 216406560 1.11 305d 9899 kg 4.72% 3.48% 481d 14108 kg 4.91% 3.69% Ext.: 89 89 87 VG 89 • From the well known Sabine line • High productions • Persistent cows • High rear udders • High longevity Sabina 17 (VG 89) (granddam of Red Sunrise) T +31 (0)77 35 86 789 [email protected] RED SUNRISE Elly 186 (s. Red Sunrise) Owner: Mr. M. & Th. Kraaijvanger (NL) Ineke 453 (s. Red Sunrise) Owner: Mr. M. & Th. Kraaijvanger, Lathum (NL) BREEDING VALUES TIP %Rel 56 94 NVI 7 INET 123 Vererving Lgv. Base %Rel 409 R 93 Dtrs 136 Hrd 86 Base Src R NLD Production index %Rel Dtrs 99 371 Hrd Base Src 220 R NLD Frame 88 Kg milk % fat % prot Kg fat Kg prot Inet Type 94 1241 -0.53 -0.26 8 21 123 Udder 100 Feet & Legs 96 Total Score 93 Stature 96 Chest width 92 Functional traits Sire %Rel Calving ease 96 87 Vitality 98 77 Beef index 94 96 Body depth 99 Angularity 101 91 Condition 95 94 Daughters Fertility 93 NR 104 86 Rump Angle Calving interval 91 93 Rump Width 94 98 Mat. Calving process 100 82 Rear legs Rear view Mat. Vitality 94 88 Rear leg Set 103 102 Persistency 106 97 Foot Angle Maturity rate 103 95 Locomotion 95 98 Udder Health 100 92 For udder attachment Somatic cell count 99 97 Front teat placement 103 Milking speed 103 90 Teat length 98 98 Robot efficiency 101 70 Udder depth Robot interval 106 78 Rear udder height 105 101 102 Robot habituation 99 37 Central ligament Claw health 92 77 Rear teat placement Temperament 102 83 Body weight 93 78 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 T +31 (0)77 35 86 789 [email protected] 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110